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jezd do ócz nie do zobaczynio”. Książę Szaranek czyli o przekładzie Małego Księcia przez Juliusza Kubla na gwarę poznańską Summary
Włodzimierz Kaczocha, The young and Wielkopolska work ethos The paper discusses the crisis of work ethos among working and studying youth in Wielkopolska in the 90s of the last century. Then managers, entrepreneurs, and students followed the assumptions of neoliberalism, among others aiming at profit growth or instrumental approach towards employees. The second part of the paper presents organic work ethos developed at the beginning of the 19th century in Wielkopolska region in the course of economic activities. In the third part, the author puts forward a hypothesis that along with the beginning of the 21st century it is possible to notice positive work ethos emerging among the Wielkopolska youth that corresponds to professional and ethical ethos of Poznań organic work activists.
Maciej Kokociński, Life plans of youth The article is devoted to the life plans of adolescents, taking into account the results of the conducted research. It refers to plans, aspirations and values that have a direct impact on the life development of every human being, especially contemporary youth. The second part presents the results of the research conducted among teenagers from Greater Poland. These studies were conducted in the form of repeated survey studies. The empirical material collected from three waves of research carried out in the years 2010 to 2020 was selected for the analysis. The study also contains interesting generalizations and conclusions from the research, as well as an attempt to implement the results for the method of interpreting attitudes and behaviors of this social category now and in the future.
Katarzyna Zagłoba A few words about the cooperation of dialectologists with school-age youth Thearticlepresentstheroleofschool-agestudentsinthepreparationofpublicationsonthelanguage of rural residents. The tasks that young people performed as part of the Wielkopolska’s Regional Dictionaries project (especially obtaining material) were discussed. The article also lists the advantages of cooperation between dialectologists and school-age students, and the advantage of young people in obtaining research material over experienced researchers.