Doctor | Dentist | Health Physical Therapyworks
Have you ever noticed how Santa Monicans seem to just effortlessly glow? We’ll let you in on their dirty little secret: a world class team of local doctors, dentists and health care professionals.
Most Loved 2020
Dr. John Dravillas, the founder and owner of Physical Therapyworks on Santa Monica Blvd describes his business as “a clinic with a strong emphasis on ongoing and organized learning, so that means our actions are not only during the time we’re with you, but also while we’re reading journals to stay current, discussing patient cases with each other, or discussing clinical reasoning or practicing techniques
with each other.” He says that everyone at Physical Therapyworks is passionate about dedicating themselves to understanding who customers are and what they need and arriving at a comprehensive and accurate diagnosis to help achieve a great outcome. John says that having the winning this category “means a ton” and that “while we’ve always received a steady stream of thank you’s, hugs, patient referrals from former patients, gifts and cards, it’s also nice to receive such a large and official thank you/ validation.”
The business has for 20 years been dedicated to helping others, and recently they have learned to ask for help too. The business started a GoFundMe and was able to get a loan. John says that everyone at the business has continued to work as they always have: “both as hard as we can and as smart as we can, as individuals and as a team. By virtue of all of the above, and a little luck, it seems like we’re going to be fortunate enough to make it.” He says that there has been an outpouring of people asking how they can help and has really cemented the idea that the community is really all in this together.
John says that his business has a number of strengths that have kept them going and will continue to help them in the coming months: he names the “incredibly strong culture with an emphasis on ongoing and organized learning that leads to exceptional patient outcomes and satisfaction; incredible team members that are talented and highly motivated; a community that knows who we are and values what we do.” Physical Therapyworks starts its 25th year in September and hopes that with the support of the community they will be here for another 25!