9 minute read
Frozen Shoulder
Frozen Shoulder (adhesive capsulis) Frozen shoulder refers to a condion where a capsule of connecve ssue around the shoulder joint shrinks causing a lack of movement in the shoulder. It can occur suddenly and oen with no previous history of shoulder problems, commonly in people aged 45 and over and oen in diabec paents. Frozen shoulder will usually improve but healing is slow (up to 2 years). Osteopathic treatment is very helpful in the management of this condion as paents will oen stop moving their shoulder due to fear of pain and the neck and ribcage is oen painful because of compensatory movement paerns. Treatment involves restoring maximal range of movement to the shoulder and exercise advice. Contact Kirsty at Angel Yard Osteopaths for more informaon 01509 812119 kirsty@angelyardosteopaths.com hps://waldegraveclinic.co.uk/whatisafrozenshoulder/
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On launching FIT Friends owners Di & Nic combined their professions of exercise physiologist and counsellor to provide a total wellbeing package for their members. What they offer is vastly different from the usual commercial gym and is ideally suited to the older adult market. There are never more than 12 people in the gym, assuring each member receives personal aenon and guidance meaning that a FIT Friends programme appeals to those who may never have set foot in a gym, or those who feel nervous or lack confidence when giving exercise a try.
FIT Friends is designed to be inclusive and friendly, so as a member you not only get fit you can also find new friends. There are now 50 small group classes to choose from at the Studio (Acve Aims on the Rushes in Loughborough) 15 of which are specifically designed for older adults and with never more than 4 people and 1 Personal Trainer per class, FIT Friends really does feel like your own personal gym! So, whether you are over a certain age, had joint replacement surgery, suffered a stroke or heart aack, struggle with long term illness or have just never tried exercise, FIT Friends has something to suit you. Janet, a current Fit Friends member explains: “At the age of 72, never having set foot in a gym in my life before, my sister and I joined FIT Friends. We aend the O.pmise sessions, designed to help us remain acve and independent. In our small group, we work on strengthening the muscles that support our ageing joints, core strength and balance, helping in the prevenon of falls and joint surgery. I suffer from osteoarthris and my sister has fibromyalgia (a debilitang condion which can severely affect mobility) but as we work in such a small group the qualified, friendly personal trainers are able to make small adjustments to the exercises to suit our individual ailments and abilies. Working in a small group with people of a similar age and ability is so much beer than aending a large, impersonal gym with lile or no guidance and the embarrassment of working out alongside young, fit, bodybuilders! Being pensioners, we did not think having a personal trainer would be affordable, but with FIT Friends we use the ‘Off Peak Credits” and pay only £40 a month, giving us 5 sessions every month. Aending with a
Acve Aims on The Rushes, Loughborough – Home of Fit Friends

friend gives us the incenve to keep up the good work, although some of the members come on their own, but all are made welcome. We feel that we are taking posive steps and taking control of our own health and wellbeing and we really feel a lot fier and healthier!” Di & Nic’s top fitness and emoonal wellbeing ps for older adults: 1) Move regularly, try not to sit for more than 1 hour without moving 2) Pracse standing up from a chair without using your hands 3) Try a 10 min walk to blow the cobwebs away most days 4) Talk, chat, share, you don’t have to have deep & meaningful conversaons a simple chit chat will li your mood. 5) Squeeze a tennis ball 10 mes in each hand twice a day Prices start from £8 per session with discounted membership to older adults (65+) and discounts for friends joining together. What are you waing for? Call now to book your free taster session on 01509 437765. Follow us on; Facebook: Fit Friends / Instagram: @firiends.training / Email: info@firiends.training 28/29 The Rushes, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 5BG
Is the gym for you? At Fit Friends our members are different ... Ask yourself?
Would you like to stay active for longer? Keep independent & stay in your own home? Easily put on your socks or tights? Keep up with the grandkids? Enjoy a fulfilling social life? Feel confident and capable? Fit Friends can help you achieve all of these & so much more... it's never too late to start! Small group personal training with never more than 4 people to 1 PT in each group FREE FIRST TASTER SESSION Sessions for all abilities No age limits!

Find out more today! Call 01509 437765 Prices start from £40 per month with no contract Private friendly studio in the centre of Loughborough www.fitfriends.training

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1. In the 1997 film Titanic, Jack wins a game of what to get him and his friend ckets to travel on the Titanic?

2. How is Mildred Hubble beer known in a series of
children's books wrien and illustrated by Jill Murphy? 3. Who was shot dead by Jack Ruby live on television?
4. In which 1996 video game could you take control of Jill Valenne to fight against zombies? 5. How many people are depicted on arst Jack Veriano's painng The Singing Butler, reproducons of which made it the bestselling art print in the UK? 6. The 2011 film Jack And Jill won a record 10 awards at the Golden Raspberry Awards,
including both Worst Actor and Worst Actress for which actor, who played both tle roles? 7. In which film does the character of Jill Masterson die from skin asphyxiaon?

8. In which US state is Jack Daniel's whisky produced? 9. Which Oscarwinning actress played Rachel's younger sister, Jill, in the TV show "Friends"?

10. Which three actors have played Jack Ryan in the four films based on books by Tom Clancy?
Answers on page 62

The Cloud Trail Walk instrucons 4½ Miles 2 Hours Postcode DE73 8JT

Use the car park next to the church at the top of the hill at Breedon on the Hill, south west of Castle Donington. No facilies. The church can be seen from some distance away, access is off the minor road west of the hill between Breedon and Wilson. 1 Take the narrow road right, passing le of the churchyard, through the gate and the church car park to the yellow top marker post. Go past the barrier and down the path between hedges to a crossroads of paths and turn le. Join the road le/straight on to the Tjuncon. Turn right and immediate le into Worthington Lane, up to the signpost. 2 Turn le to the yellow top post and take the path le of the gate, carry on with the trees to the right, to the road and turn le to the marker post at the corner. 3 Cross the footbridge and the field ahead in the arrowed direcon, passing le of the telegraph pole; the field may be under culvaon but a path should be well marked within any crop. 4 Go through the metal gate at the hedge, down to the Cloud Trail. Turn le along the hard surface, connue under the bridges at Tonge and two bridges further on at Wilson. Priory church of St. Mary & St. Hardulph. The car park here is where you will park your car to begin this walk
5Turn sharp le up the ramp signposted to Wilson village and the farm track at the top; turn right, to the road. Take the road le and follow it right. 6 As the road swings le keep straight on for a third of a mile to the signpost on the le. 7 Turn le and keep direcon across the golf course, connue slight right and up the narrow path between trees. Go through the kissing gate and over the narrow tarmac road. 8 Turn right, parallel to the road. Bear le upslope with the railings to the le and join the road straight on to the parking area and your vehicle.

© Clive Brown All our walks are compiled by Clive Brown You can order any of his walking close to guides from www.walkingcloseto.com See his new book from Bradwell Books Walking for all Ages in Leicestershire & Rutland hp://bradwellbooks.co.uk/walksforallagesleicestershirerutland581p.asp

PAIN In your feet, heels, knees, back or leg muscles? There could be many causes most common is a shorter leg! – and somemes misaligned bone structure in the feet. Surprisingly, it could have been present for years and is only just becoming painful especially as more people are now exercising or running. Check the soles of your shoes, can you see uneven wear to the sides? And from behind – do they ‘lean’ over? This can be easily fixed within 30 minutes. Consult a Podiatrist specialising in Biomechanics and a simple correcve insole can be made in minutes transforming your posture and reducing pain. Self help – don’t blindly buy an offtheshelf insole and as most correcons are made to the forefoot – don’t buy a ¾ length insole. Alan Postlethwaite

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ANTIQUES, VINTAGE & COLLECTORS FAIR Sun 22nd March • 9am‐3.30pm Hodson Hall (Endowed Campus) Off A6, Loughborough LE11 2AQ
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