March & April edition of Soar Valley Life - The Biggest Little Magazine in Charnwood

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Frozen Shoulder (adhesive capsuli s) Frozen shoulder refers to a condi on where a capsule of connec ve ssue around the shoulder joint shrinks causing a lack of movement in the shoulder. It can occur suddenly and o en with no previous history of shoulder problems, commonly in people aged 45 and over and o en in diabe c pa ents. Frozen shoulder will usually improve but healing is slow (up to 2 years). Osteopathic treatment is very helpful in the management of this condi on as pa ents will o en stop moving their shoulder due to fear of pain and the neck and ribcage is o en painful because of compensatory movement pa erns. Treatment involves restoring maximal range of movement to the shoulder and exercise advice. Contact Kirsty at Angel Yard Osteopaths for more informa on 01509 812119 h ps://­is­a­ frozen­shoulder/

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