Governor : March 2016

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RI District 3350

สาร ผ ู ว า ก า ร ภ า ค Governor’s Monthly Newsletter

ฉบับที่ 9 : มีนาคม 2559 • Issue 9 : March 2016

Water & Sanitation Month

RI Pre sid e n t ’s Me ssa ge

ผู ว าการภาค 3350 โรตาร�สากล ป 2558-59

ประธานโรตาร�สากล ป 2558-59 Some years ago, I was asked to speak at an Interact club in my home city of Colombo, Sri Lanka. I have always taken my interactions with Rotary youth very seriously, so I prepared my remarks carefully and put the same effort into my presentation that I would for any other event. After the meeting, I stayed to chat with a few of the Interactors, answering their questions and wishing them well.

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I came out of the classroom where we had met into the autumn afternoon. The bright sun was shining directly into my eyes, so I found a bit of shade behind a pillar where I could wait for my ride. As I stood there, hidden from view, I overheard a group of the very Interactors who had just listened to my speech. Naturally I was curious: What would they be saying? What had they taken away from my presentation? I quickly realized that what they had taken away was not at all what I had intended.

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They were not talking about what I had said, the stories I had told, or the lessons I had come to their school to impart. To my astonishment, the major topic of conversation was my tie! I listened with amusement as they chattered about my Western clothes, my background, my business; every aspect of my appearance and behavior was dissected and discussed. Just as they began to speculate about what car I drove, my ride arrived and I stepped out into view. They ÊÔ觷Õè¾Ç¡à¢ÒàÃÕ¹ÃÙŒ¨Ò¡¼ÁÇѹ¹Ñé¹à·‹Òã´ ¼Á¡ÅѺàÃÕ¹Ãٌ䴌ÁÒ¡¡Ç‹ÒÍÕ¡ ¼Áä´Œ were perhaps a bit embarrassed, but I just smiled, got into the car, àÃÕ Â ¹ÃÙ Œ Ç ‹ Ò áººÍ‹ҧ¢Í§àÃÒ¹Ñé¹ÁÕ¾ÅѧÁÒ¡¡Ç‹Ò¤Ó¾Ù´·ÕèàÃÒ¾ÃèÓÊ͹ 㹰ҹзÕè໚¹¼ÙŒ¹Ó and drove off with a wave. âõÒÃÕáÅÐ໚¹ºØ¤¤ÅµÑÇÍ‹ҧã¹Êѧ¤Á ¼Á¡ÅÒÂ໚¹áººÍ‹ҧ¢Í§à´ç¡æàËÅ‹Ò¹Ñé¹ã¹ Whatever they learned from me that day, I learned far more. I learned ÊÒµҢͧà¢Ò·ÕèãËŒ¡Òá‹ͧ¼ÁÍ‹ҧ·Õè¼ÁäÁ‹à¤Âä´ŒÃѺÁÒ¡‹Í¹ ¾Ç¡à´ç¡æ ÍÒ¨àÅÕ¹ that the lessons we teach with our examples are far more powerful ẺÍ‹ҧ¢Í§¼Á¨Ò¡ÊÔ觷Õèà¢ÒàËç¹ áµ‹ÁÔ㪋¨Ò¡ÊÔ觷Õè¼Á¾ÂÒÂÒÁºÍ¡ than those we teach with words. I realized that as a Rotary leader, and a prominent person in the community, I had, for better or worse, ¾Ç¡àÃÒ·Ø¡¤¹ã¹âõÒÃÕ ÅŒÇ¹à»š¹¼ÙŒ¹Ó㹪ØÁª¹ äÁ‹·Ò§ã´¡ç·Ò§Ë¹Öè§ àÃÒ·Ø¡¤¹ become a role model for these young people. Their eyes were on ¨Ö§µŒÍ§ÁÕ˹ŒÒ·Õ赌ͧáÊ´§¤Ø³¤‹ÒáÅÐÍØ´Á¡Òó ¢Í§âõÒÃÕãËŒ»ÃÐ¨Ñ¡É á¡‹ÊÒ¸Òóª¹ me in a way that I had never before appreciated. If they chose to emulate me, they would model themselves on what they saw, not ÁÔ㪋¨Ó¡Ñ´ÍÂًᵋã¹ÊâÁÊà áÅÐàÃÒµŒÍ§¹ÓµÔ´µÑÇä»´ŒÇ·ءæÇѹ ·Ø¡Ë¹·Ø¡áË‹§ ¡Ñº¼ÙŒã´ ¼ÙŒË¹Ö觷ÕèàÃÒÍÂÙ‹´ŒÇ äÁ‹Ç‹Ò¨Ðà¡ÕèÂÇ¢ŒÍ§¡Ñº§Ò¹âõÒÃÕËÃ×ÍäÁ‹¡çµÒÁ àÃÒ¤×ͼٌ᷹¢Í§ what I told them. âõÒÃÕàÊÁÍ àÃÒµŒÍ§»ÃоĵÔãËŒ¶Ù¡µŒÍ§ ã¹·Ø¡ÊÔ觷Õè¤Ô´ ·Ø¡ÊÔ觷Õè¾Ù´ ·Ø¡ÊÔ觷Õè·ÓáÅÐ¨Ð·Ó All of us in Rotary are leaders, in one way or another, in our communi- Í‹ҧäôŒÇ à¾×èÍãËŒªØÁª¹¢Í§àÃÒáÅÐÅÙ¡ËÅÒ¹¢Í§àÃÒä´ŒÃѺÊÔ觷Õè໚¹µŒ¹áºº·Õè´Õ ties. All of us bear the responsibility that comes with that. Our Rotary values, our Rotary ideals, cannot be left within the confines of our µ‹Íä» Rotary clubs. They must be carried with us every day. Wherever we are, whoever we are with, whether we are involved in Rotary work – we are always representing Rotary. We must conduct ourselves (¾ÔàªÉ° ÃبÔÃѵ¹ á»Å) accordingly: in what we think, what we say, what we do, and how we do it. Our communities, and our children, deserve no less.

2 สารผู ว าการภาค

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Dear Fellow Rotarians The United Nations has proclaimed 22nd March as World Water Day. This is in the same vein as Rotary International dedicating March as the month of Water and Sanitation. Rotary has set a special place for clean water by putting it as one of the 6 Areas of Focus where global grants with matching funds can be applied. A survey of communities in Thailand found that clean drinking water is among the top of their immediate needs. Thus many clubs in D. 3350 have global grant projects to enable communities in Bangkok and upcountry to have clean drinking water benefiting close to 100,000 persons a year. I thank all of you who see the importance of this issue and provided clean drinking water as a gift to the communities. This month is also important as the month for holding annual conference which is a requirement by Rotary International that every district must have an annual conference to report on the activities of each district committee, key club activities and provide Rotarians with a summary of activities in the district. This is also the time to commemorate the success of working together as a team. This year’s district conference was organized in a grand way by the chairman of the organizing committee PP Pornchai Srichaiyongpanich and his committee. I thank them for their tireless efforts. This year we were all happy to welcome IPDG Shioji Fujii from our sister district D. 2820 in Japan. Altogether more than 80 Rotarians from Japan and S. Korea came to attend our district conference. I am certain this has created happiness and good memories among my fellow Rotarians. I will tell you more about this happiness in the next governor’s newsletter. There is another important issue that I wish all clubs to take action on – inputting your club goals and activities in Rotary Club Central to receive RI President’s citation. The deadline is 1 April. I am fully aware that Rotarians and clubs do not expect any return for their services, but I want every club to record their service activities for the benefit of your club members and in honor of your ‘service above self’ in your club in the year of ‘Be a Gift to the World’.


Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


D ist rict Se cre t a ry


เลขานุการภาค 3350 ป 2558-59 9 months of the year "Be a gift to the world". Time passes quickly. This month we have an important agenda for all Rotarians. That is 2016 District Conference as a symbol that represents the journey of every club is nearing an end, in this Rotary year. The conference brings happiness to all Rotarians friendly. The opportunity to meet fellow Rotarians and listen to the success of happen activities of clubs and our district. As a District Secretary, I wish to congratulate all the clubs in your mission successfully completed well. However, there is one thing that our district governor worries a lot. It is the report for your activity through Rotary Club Central, in order to receive RI presidential citation. I realize that setting the goals and reporting through a new system, is very difficult for several people. But I strongly believe that if the club has tried to do. That is not beyond the abilities of club president and fellow Rotarians. Because of next year as well, the condition for the citation have to do the same this year. It is a good chance that you can try for this year. I hope that you will make a history of your club. Finally, I have one more important thing, is the payment of RI dues for the period January 1 and District dues which lacks only a few clubs. I would like to thank all fellow Rotarians and clubs that have successfully implemented.

4 สารผู ว าการภาค

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Dear Fellow Rotarians, I would like to congratulate all clubs for the humanitarian work that they have done so diligently this year. I would also like to thank all clubs for their continued contributions to the TRF. The latest data at the TRF as of February 11, 2016 shows: 1. The total Annual Fund of US$ 459,282 is made up of 254 PHFs, 14 Major Donors, 15 Major Gifts and 542 EREYs, which makes the average donation Per Capita to stand at US$ 170.23. 2. 5 donors made a donation totaling US$ 47,000 into the Endowment Fund. 3. Donation into the Polio Plus fund stands at US$ 3,357. 4. The number of Paul Harris Society Members, or those who are committed to annually contribute to PHF, has increased by 5 persons. Although this year’s contribution into the Annual Fund has been the highest in recent years, donation into the Endowment Fund and Polio Plus is still lower than the previous years. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to encourage fellow Rotarians to make additional donation and help raise this year’s figure to record high. Contribution to the Rotary Foundation is an act of good deed as the donation will be used to help those in need regardless of race and religion without expecting anything in return. Moreover, all clubs that make a donation will be entitled to a DDF from the DRFC to use in a Global Grant 3 years later. Be a gift to the world PP Prasart Kiatpaibulkit DRFC: D.3350

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Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


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World Rotaract Week : Monday 7 – Sunday 13 March 2016 13 March 2016 Celebrates Rotaract’s 48th Anniversary What is Rotaract? Rotaract clubs are part of a global effort to bring peace and international understanding to the world. This effort starts at the community level but knows no limits in its outreach. Rotaractors have access to the many resources of Rotary International (RI) and The Rotary Foundation (TRF). Rotary International provides the administrative support that helps Rotaract clubs thrive. History Rotaract has evolved quickly in its short but dynamic history. In the early 1960s, Rotary clubs around the world began to sponsor university youth groups as community service projects. The 1967-68 RI President, Luther H. Hodges, and the RI Board of Directors considered this club activity to have international relevance, and Rotaract was approved in 1968 as an official program for Rotary clubs. The first club chartered was the Rotaract Club of North Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, on 13 March 1968. Several decades later, the Rotaract program has grown into a strong, international network of 7,300 clubs in more than 150 countries and geographical areas. Rotaract’s 145,000 members are young men and women (ages 18 to 30) who serve the needs of their communities, widen their personal and professional contacts, and increase their understanding of the world. Goals Rotaract has the following goals: • To develop professional and leadership skills • To emphasize respect for the rights of others, based on recognition of the worth of each individual • To recognize the dignity and value of all useful occupations as opportunities to serve • To recognize, practice, and promote ethical standards as leadership qualities and vocational responsibilities • To develop knowledge and understanding of the needs, problems, and opportunities in the community and worldwide • To provide opportunities for personal and group activities to serve the community and promote international understanding and goodwill toward all people What does a Rotaract club do? Rotaract clubs organize a variety of projects and activities, depending primarily on the interests of the club members. However, within the Rotaract program, all clubs undertake three types of activities in varying degrees: professional development, leadership development, and service projects. Together, these three areas ensure a balanced club program and provide important experience and opportunities for the personal development of each Rotaractor. Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


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Water Filtration Project

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Part of the Thai children who live in a rural, drink the water which is polluted by toxin and bacteria somewhere in Thailand today. Isn’t it able to helped ? Have you ever thought that how water sanitation influent our healthy lives? Especially children’s life. There is a fact, 80 percent of all fatal childhood diseases can be attributed to a lack of clean drinking water and sanitation. That is to say, these children who will make the future of Thailand are exposed to risk of diseases. Then you know an importance of daily drinking water now. Probably most of rotarians in D.3350 usually buy drinking water at nearest convenience store. However, if you were born in countryside in Thailand, it is easy for you to imagine classic rain water tanks and old wells in your village. Some of those are might be polluted, and keep it as it is. Then, people use it as daily drinking water. We, Rotary club of Bangkok Suriwongse (and Japanese clubs), have been trying to get rid of those situations since 2005 by donating water filtration machines. What we do is, to determine the place we set water filtration machine, to look for clubs which give donation to us, to make handover ceremony by cooperation with local rotary club. In other words, to get rid of risks of bright future in Thailand, we (all Rotarians) have been making an effort. RC. Bangkok Suriwongse was founded as Thailand first Japanese Speaking club in 2001. Today 3 main projects (include water filtration project) are running now with 17 members. As our members are mostly Japanese who live in and love Thailand, over 60 clubs in japan give us continuously support. As for Water Filtration machine, 329 machines have been donated with Japanese clubs in this 12 years. All Japanese clubs serve for cleanliness of Thailand drinking water with pure heart. To using this valuable opportunity, please allow me to make an announcement for every rotarian. If you know the community which strongly is needed to have water filtration machine in Thailand. Please feel free to let us know about it. We set over 300 machines in Thailand, but we know that it is not enough. So, I beg your cooperation, thank you very much all rotarians.

โครงการน้ำดื่มสะอาดโรตารี มูลคาโครงการ 750,000 บาท ของสโมสรโรตารีกรุงเทพสุรวงศ รวมกับสโมสรโรตารีจากประเทศญี่ปุน เพื่อเด็กนักเรียนในโรงเรียน 15 แหง ใน จ. เพชรบูรณ, จ. บุรีรัมย และ จ. ขอนแกน เมื่อวันศุกรที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ 2559

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8 สารผู ว าการภาค

Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


Summary on 2015-16 Clean Drinking Water Projects

There are 4 host clubs doing the water projects :



พูŕ¸—ŕ¸˜ŕ¸™ูนทÂ? วูฒนาŕ¸ˆารุพงศÂ?

ท฾ŕšˆŕ¸—ำŕšƒŕ¸™ŕ¸›Â‚ŕ¸šร�ญาร 2558-2559

ประŕ¸˜านคณะอนุภรรลภารŕ¸™ŕš‰ำ๠ละสุขอนาลูย ĂŠâà ĂŠĂƒà ¨Ĺ’Ă’Ă€Ă’žĂ‹Ă…Ă‘ÂĄ 4 ĂŠâà ĂŠĂƒ

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Rotary Club of Bangkok Bangna • Drilling 5 artesian wells with ďŹ ltrations in cooperation with following clubs - Rotary Club of MuangChainat - 3 wells with ďŹ ltrations - Rotary Club of Wat Singh - 2 wells with ďŹ ltrations • Installing 85 sets of water puriďŹ ers in District 3350 and 76 sets in other districts 76 sets and the total is 161 sets • Total estimated value is 6,118,000.- Baht (161 x 38,000) • The total beneďŹ ciaries are 48,000 people. 2. Rotary Club of Silom installed 100 sets of water ďŹ ltration • Total value is 4,500,000 Baht (100 x 45,000) • The total beneďŹ ciaries are 100,000 people 3. Rotary Club of Bangkok Suriwong installed 23 sets of water ďŹ ltration • Total value is 1,150,000 Baht (23 x 50,000) • The total beneďŹ ciaries are 11,500 people 4. Rotary Club of Sathorn • Supplying 4 sets of water ďŹ ltration and water cooler under the WCS project with international partners and E-Club • Total value 180,000 Baht • Total beneďŹ ciaries 12,000 people From the above, it can be classiďŹ ed as • Global Grant Project - District 3350 208 sets Grand total number of device 288 sets - Other Districts project 76 sets Grand total value 11,948,000 Baht - Total number 284 sets Grand total beneďŹ ciaries 171,500 people • WCS Project 4 sets

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â¤Ăƒ§¥Ă’Ăƒ WCS

10 สารŕ¸œบÂŒว‹าภารภาค


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กิจกรรมบร�การอาชีพ โดยความร วมมือกับเคร�อข ายนักธุรกิจ จ�ตอาสาเชิงสร างสรรค สุวรรณา วงศ สุรไกร


Some of vocational services that we networked with non-Rotarians (Rotary Network - RoNet) professionals to use their vocational skills to serve a community at Thai Rotary Day “CREATIVE ENTREPRENEURS”


ศูนย การเร�ยนรู - พัฒนาเด็กพ�เศษ ภายใต โครงการ Rotary Signature Project ที่สถาบันราชานุกูล โดยมี พลเอกวันชัย เร�องตระกูล เป นผู รับมอบในนามสถาบัน เมื่อวันพ�ธที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ 2559

และ ระหว าง RC. of Geo Je Chil Baek ภาค 3590 กับ สโมสรโรตาร�กรุงเทพบางข�นเทียน

สนเทศโรตาร� โรตาร� ในอนาคตจะเติบโตได อย างไร

Clu b Se rvi ce

การเซ็นสัญญาคู มิตรระหว างภาค 3590 ประเทศเกาหลี กับภาค 3350 โรตาร�สากล

จันทนี ไทยเจร�ญ

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How will Rotary grow in the future? Many senior Rotarians, as well as other members, are wondering how Rotary will grow. Before thinking about the growth of Rotary, we should acknowledge our neighbors and nearby communities the meaning of Rotary. The meaning of Rotary depends solely by the act of Rotarians through how we show them and how they perceive our actions. For instances, they see us relieve people’s sufferings from disasters such as volunteering to help flood victims. Our Rotarians helped with building a dike out of sand sacks, repairing drained houses, offering food to stop hunger and many more things. Those we served look at Rotary as helpers, relievers, and servers. On the other hand, if we just sit in weekly meetings and do not accomplish anything, then they look at us as a group of people, most mentioned as hi-society people, that meet weekly in a meeting. Therefore, whatever we want to convey the meaning of Rotary is how we shape it. We should act or make known to people that we are servers and relievers who hope to see happiness and smiles from people as the only reward. Rotary is like a tree with Rotarians are branches, flowers, leaves, and fruits. Fertilizer and water are friendship and actions that put us-servers together. The rules are like how often water and fertilizer should be provided, not too little and not too much, to nourish the tree. When the tree is full grown, even if the leaves, flowers, and fruits are dying out, there will consistently be new leaves, flowers and fruits. We ask for the friendship, actions, and rules our Rotarians share and understand. Rotary will certainly grow, prevail, and flourish stunningly in the future. Yours in Rotary JantaneeThaicharoen The Rotary Club of PranaraiLopburi

Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


กิจกรรม Rotary One Day ครั้งที่ 5

เมื่อวันพฤหัสที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ 2559 ณ เทศบาลหินกอง อ.หินกอง จ.สระบุรี

นย.อัยมัญช ไอยรากุลวัฒน สโมสรโรตารีอางทอง ไดนำคณะโรแทเรียน 9 คน ไปประเทศศรีลังกา เมื่อวันที่ 11-15 มกราคม 2559 ในโครงการ Friendship Exchange กับ สโมสรโรตารีโคลัมโบ มิดทาวน ภาค 3220 ประเทศศรีลังกา

สโมสรโรตารี เขารวมลงนามบันทึกความรวมมือระหวางองคกรชุมชน หนวยงานภาครัฐ และภาคเอกชน ในโครงการเพิ่มความเขมแข็งของเศรษฐกิจฐานราก ที่เมืองทองธานี เมื่อวันที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ 2559

โครงการมอบจักรยานยืมเรียน ใหกับเด็กนักเรียนบานไกล ของสโมสรโรตารีกรุงเทพสุรวงศ, สโมสรโรตารีธนบุรี, สโมสรโรตารีเมืองเพชรบูรณ, สโมสรโรตารีหลมสัก และจากสโมสรโรตารีในประเทศญี่ปุน จำนวน 300 คัน สงมอบที่หนาศาลากลางจังหวัดเพชรบูรณ เมื่อวันศุกรที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ 2559

สโมสรโรตารีกรุงเทพสุวรรณภูมิ จัดกิจกรรมฉีดวัคซีนปองกันมะเร็งปากมดลูก เข็มที่ 2 พรอมใหความรูในเรื่องนี้อีกครั้ง กับเด็กนักเรียนชั้น ป.5 - ป.6 โรงเรียนบานหนองบอน (นัยนานนทอนุสรณ) โรงเรียนกฤตศิลปวิทยา และ โรงเรียนศุภกรณวิทยา ในเขตประเวศ เมื่อปลายเดือนกุมภาพันธที่ผานมา

The Importance of Club Past Presidents

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On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 @ CP All Academy

From 2016 District Leadership Seminar on 23 January 2016 at Conference Hall, CP All Academy in Pak Kret, Nonthaburi Province, I was invited as one of the speakers in the morning session on the topic of “The Importance of Club Past Presidents” to fellow Rotarians who are current Club Presidents and Club Committee leaders. Not long after that, I was asked by fellow Rotary friends to write and tell this useful story in the District Governor’s Monthly Letter so that those who did not attend the seminar can also be acknowledged of this useful guide and adopt for their own clubs, which I happily agreed. Many of you who worried about taking up the position of Club President at the beginning of the Rotary year, today you might agree with me that the duty and responsibility are not as hard as you originally understood. 8 months as Club President has passed very quickly. Some of you may not even realize it. Now the time as Club President is almost over. Now many of you are concerned whether or not the planned projects and activities will be completed within their presidential term. Club Presidents who have completed their club plans are probably looking forward to handing over their tasks and celebrating their success. They are being admired by fellow club members as a leader who planned their tasks well and being able to complete them on time as well as having good working strategy though its transparency and integrity. All club members worked as a team, and more importantly, the communities that were helped by their club have positive changes and the people living there have better lives truly and sustainably. After 30 June, there will be a new leader who will be taken your place according to the Rotary way that leader must be changed every year. You may not take the “ownership” of your position as Club President and you must pass on the duties and responsibilities to the new leader to take charge of the club instead of you. You should have a nice method in working with the new Club President in order to continue the unfinished projects if there are any. If you offer yourself to guide the new Club President, you would kindly given cooperation to complete the unfinished tasks from your presidential term. You must not interfere with the decisions of the new Club President if you need to provide suggestions and recommendations on any of the club’s tasks. In giving the honor to the new club leader to fully take charge and making decisions, you shall also continuously receive the honor to be asked for advices on various issues as the club’s Immediate Past President. Throughout your presidential year, if you lead the club well and create fellowship among members as well as that you have assumed your tasks with ethics and integrity, accepted the diversity of opinions from different people, and worked with a full service mind without any hidden expected returns, allowing all members to take part in activities to succeed, then you shall be remembered as a great past club leader and will always be looking for helps from future club leaders, because you are considered having the following characteristics: 1. You have experience in leading the club. You know and understand well in managing the club, especially on how to cooperate with fellow club members. 2. You have built good connection with your fellow class of Club Presidents who completed the presidential year together at both Club and District levels. 3. If the achievements during your presidential year are outstanding and admired, then you and your club will be known and talked about both inside and outside the club. 4. While you are Club President, if you had a lot of tasks in your club and did not have much time to join activities outside your club, you will now have time to join other clubs’ activities with your fellow class of Club Presidents especially to create fellowship. 5. You have enough time to visit other clubs, with are over 100 clubs both inside and outside the District to create fellowship and making your club to be known by sharing your expertise or being guest speaker at other club. 6. You can share your time to work at the District level to enhance your leadership skill, and making your club to be an effective and vibrant club. These are the duties and important of Past President or Immediate Past President to your club. I hope that these details will be useful for you who are about to be a Past President or an Immediate Past President to a certain extent. (¹Â.ÀÒ³Ø ÂÈàÁ¸Ò ¼ÙŒá»Å)

Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


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Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


Rotary Club Constitution in a Nutshell On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 @ CP All Academy

3. 4. 5. 6.



1. Club Constitution is similar to regulations and statutes for Rotarians and Rotary clubs to observe. Only the Rotary Council on Registration, which convenes every three years, is empowered to make any amendment to the Club Constitution. Misunderstandings sometimes arise when Rotarians do not follow any changes in the content of the Club Constitution that may have been updated. 2. Club Constitution provides that the Board of Directors is elected, not appointed nor selected. Ways and means of electing the Board of Directors must be provided in the Club Bylaws, which could be initiated internally so long as the provisions do not contradict with the Club Constitution or the Bylaws of the Rotary International. Club Bylaws must specify dates, time and venue for club meeting. The Board may cancel or postpone meetings not more than 4 times a year, and that cannot be more than 3 times consecutively. Annual General Meeting must be held before December 31 each year for the business of electing the President Nominee and the incoming Board. Election of the President Nominee must be held at least 18 months, but not longer than 24 months, before the commencement of the presidency. There are two types of membership in a Rotary club, i.e., Ordinary and Extraordinary members. An ordinary member shall be a reputable person with an occupation well accepted in the society and an executive in her/his affiliation/organization. Accepting a Club Member 6.1 A transferred member or a former Rotarian: The former club of the proposed person must be inquired in writing whether he/she has any pending financial obligation. If there is no response in writing within 30 days it is assumed that the person has a clean bill! 6.2 A new member: The Constitution does not specify how many times a prospective member should attend club meetings, but leaves it to the disposal of each club Board or according to its Bylaws. The proposer must present the name of a prospective member to the consideration of Board. Upon being approved by the Board, the name and personal information of the nominee shall be circulated among members for their information, along with a proposed career classification. If there is any disapproval from one member, the Board shall bring the nomination back to the Board. Only when a nominee is accepted then the club can induct the nominee as a member whose membership shall not be valid until entry fee and annual membership dues, Rotary District and Rotary International contributions are fullypaid. 6.3 Honorary Member: Term of an honorary member lasts as long as the Board that appointed her/him. There is no fee for membership and meeting attendance does not apply. A person may be honorary member of more than one Rotary club. 6.4 Classifications: There should be no more than 5 members in any classification within a Rotary club, excluding members who are retired from an active career in such classification. Nevertheless, clubs with more than 50 Rotarians may have 10% of its members in each classification. Government employees in general are not eligible for membership, except for teachers, lecturers, judicial personnel, and political appointees with specific tenures. Attendance. A member shall be present in for no less than 60% of a Rotary meeting. Make-up meetings are allowed within 14 days before or after missing a meeting at the home club. Make-ups are eligible in meetings of the Rotaracts, the Interacts, RCC, club events, Rotary International meetings, or working with the RI. Rotarians whose age and membership period exceed 85 years are exempt from attendance. Absence for 4 consecutive club meetings without reasonable causes could constitute a basis for dismissal from membership. Regular attendance, including make-ups, must be no less than 50% of the annual meeting. Attending Rotary activities for longer than 12 hours in half a Rotary year is considered as make-ups for the 50% attendance in the 6-month period. Board of Directors must come to the office only from election. Club officers that form the Board comprise the President, Immediate Past President, President-Elect, Vice President (maybe more than one VP), Club Secretary. Whether club Treasurer and Sergeant-at-Arms are included in the Board depends on each club’s bylaws. This also applies to other club officers each club sees fit to include and so specifies the number in its bylaws.

22 สารผู ว าการภาค

9. After installing the Club Officers, the Board shall appoint Club committee chairpersons to run club activities, e.g., Club Administration Chair, Club Membership Chair, Club Service Project Chair, Club PR and PI Chair, Club Youth Service Chair, Club Foundation Chair. These committee chairpersons are not Club Officers, hence not members of the Board and shall not be eligible to vote in the Board meetings. 10. The Board is authorized to consider revoking any Board position. In such case, the Board may appoint any club member as acting Club Officer for the vacant position. 11. In case where a club cannot nominate a President-Elect, the incumbent President shall be acting president until a President-Elect is elected. A President-Elect must go through the President-Elect Training Seminar (PETS) and District Training Assembly, unless exemption is granted by the District-Governor-Elect to send a representative or go to PETS Make-up Session later. 12. All Board resolutions are final; nevertheless, affected members can appeal the concerned Board decisions. Once the Board receives an appeal, it must provide an opportunity for the affected member(s) to give testimony on the case. If the appeal has no validity, the Board shall hand down a resolution to a membership dismissal. The Club Secretary shall inform Board decisions within 7 days and allow an appeal in 14 days. The Board, with a quorum, must bring the appeal to its consideration within 21 days and notify the affected members at least 5 days in advance. Overturning a Board resolution requires a two-third of Board members in attendance. The Board resolution in final. 13. When there is dispute in a club, concerned parties shall request the Board to have a mediation session. If the parties are not satisfied with the mediated outcome, they could request the Board to bring the case to the arbitration process which allows each party an arbitrator and the appointed arbitrators elect the Umpire. The decision of the Umpire is final, binding all parties concerned and cannot be further appealed. 14. Resignation as Club Officers or members must be submitted in writing to the President or Club Secretary. The resignation is effective when the Board does not hinder the motion. Once resigned and a former member wishes to be reconsidered as a Rotarian, the whole process of accepting a new member is applied as stated in 6 above. 15. As new members accept to pay Entry Fee (if any) and others applicable ones, it is therefore understood that they accept all the content of the Rotary Objectives and Constitution. Hence, there would be no argument later on that they have not been acknowledged. 16. This is a summary translation only. It is recommended that all Rotarians / readers read the original English version as well. (͹.¨Ó¹§¤ ÇѲ¹à¡Ê ¼ÙŒá»Å)

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Servant Leadership

On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 @ CP All Academy

Who are our district leaders?

• District governor • Past district governors • Governor-elect • Governor-nominee • Assistant governors • District committee chairs • District secretary What are their key functions? They are appointed by the governor to perform ongoing administrative functions, such as: • District programs (RCC, Vocational Service, District Community Service, International Service, New Generations) • Membership development & District extension • Public image & relations • Rotary Foundation • District finance • District conference • Training & training events (PETS, DTA, DTTS, TTTS, Membership Development, Rotary Foundation, Public Image, District Leadership) • RI Convention Promotion • Governor nominating • Additional committees as needed What are their roles & responsibilities? • Work closely with DG, DGE, DGN, and DGND to plan strategies for achieving district/club goals • Promote & attend district training events & DC • Provide support & guidance • Relay information between RI, the district and club members • Share materials from the Secretariat, RI committees and regional coordinators • Help members Connect, Communicate and Take Action to create positive change Governor’s Monthly Newsletter


Available resources

• website • Rotary Club Central: an online tool to set goals and track accomplishments. An access to a district view is made available to district leaders to help clubs set goals and communicate those goals with other district leaders • Rotary Showcase • Club/District Support representatives (e-mail: • Regional coordinators • Manual of Procedure & Official Directory

ผวภ.ไชยไว พูนลาภมงคล เขารวมงาน District Conference ภาค3340 เมื่อวันที่ 4 - 6 กุมภาพันธ 2559 ที่ จ.นครราชสีมา

Servant Leadership

As a district leader, we cannot afford to overlook certain way of effective behaving that we adopt over the longer term to win the heart of your stakeholders, leading to more trust, higher engagement,and stronger relationships. Servant leadership is an approach that people have used for centuries. As a servant leader, we’re a “servant first” – focusing on the needs of team members, before we consider our own. Servant leadership does not fit in well with hierarchical, autocratic cultures where leaders make all the decisions.

How to become a servant leader

Simply put, we put our team first, and ourselves second. Servant leaders see themselves as a servant first. They share power. They want to serve, to serve first. Servant leader is very different from self-serving leader. Servant leaders acknowledge other people's points of view, give them the support they need to meet their goals, involve them in decisions where appropriate, and build a sense of community within our team. There are some important characteristics of servant leaders: 1. Listening & empathy 2. Growing people 3. Walking the talk 4. Adding value to others 5. Persuasion (Robert K. Greenleaf first coined the phrase "Servant leadership" in his 1970 essay, "The Servant as a Leader.")

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ñĎšîĈÿēöÿøìčÖìŠćî Dear Fellow Rotarians, On behalf of 3350 District Finance Committee, I’d like to thank all clubs for your cooperation 0f paying District Levy before the time of our District Conference being held and also appreciate all AGs’s responsibility to take good care of the clubs to do their financial obligations perfectly well. For one more importance financial task is getting January 2016 Club Invoice paid within this April by checking information in and you can pay on-line with your credit card or pay to RI Fiscal Agent in Thailand at Rotary Center (Tel : 02-661-6720-1). Rotary yours, 3350 District Finance Chair

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ตรอง ๠สงสว‹างวูฒนะ บรรณาŕ¸˜ิภารสารŕ¸œบÂŒว‹าภารภาค

Dear Fellow Rotarians,

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The Annual District 3350 Conference 2015-2016 has just passed. This year is another remarkable year that our district has welcome almost hundred of fellow Rotarians from abroad both from other districts such as Japan and South Korea, and also from countries within our own district like Cambodia and Myanmar. I am so admired DG.Chaivai Poonlapmongkol, who made this miracle event happened. This event took place in 3 days and 2 nights because of the DC. Committee Chair - PP.Pornchai Srichaiyongpanich’s purpose to give the attendees some relaxing time to enjoy the scenery in the hotel and some free time to visit tourist attractions in the province. Fellow Rotarians who attended the conference must have already realized about this themselves by now.

ÂĄĂ’ĂƒÂťĂƒĂ?ÂŞĂ˜ à ãËÞ‚ Âť ĂƒĂ?¨Ă“‚ 2015 – 2016 ¢Ă?§Ă€Ă’¤ 3350 à žĂ” è § Ÿ‚ Ă’ šžĹ’ šä ‚šĂ•ĂŠÂśĂ—Ă?à ťšĂƒĂ?Ă‡Ă‘ÂľĂ”ÂĄĂ’ĂƒÂłÂ?¡Ă•èÀÒ¤¢Ă?§à ĂƒĂ’ä´Ĺ’¾ŒĂ?šĂƒĂ‘ºà Ă”ÂľĂƒâĂƒå¡à ĂƒĂ•Ă‚š¾â€šĂ’§ªĂ’ÂľĂ”à ťš¨Ă“šĂ‡š Ă ÂĄĂ—Ă?ÂşĂƒĹ’Ă?Ă‚¡â€šĂ’š ¡Ă‘椬Ă’ÂĄÂťĂƒĂ?à ¡ĂˆĂžĂ•èĂ˜â€ š Ă ÂĄĂ’Ă‹Ă…Ă• ĂƒĂ‡à ¡Ă‘椈 Ă”ÂľĂƒĂƒâ€šĂ‡Ă Ă€Ă’¤¨Ă’ÂĄÂťĂƒĂ?à ¡ĂˆÂĄĂ‘à žĂ™ÂŞĂ’ ĂĄĂ…Ă? žà ‚Ò ´Ă”ŠĂ‘š¢Ă?ÂŞĂ—èšªà ¡â€šĂ’šŸĂ™Ĺ’Ă‡â€šĂ’ÂĄĂ’ĂƒĂ€Ă’¤äªĂ‚äÇ žĂ™šĂ…Ă’Ă€à §¤Ă… ¡Ă•èĂŠĂ’Ă Ă’ĂƒÂśĂŠĂƒĹ’Ă’§ ÂťĂƒĂ’ÂĄÂŻÂĄĂ’ĂƒÂłÂ?šĂ•Ê¢Ă–ʚä´Ĺ’ Ă?Ă•¥¡Ă‘椤Ă’š¤ĂƒĂ‘ʧšĂ•Ê¥ç¨Ă‘´œĂ–§ 3 ÇÑš 2 ¤Ă—š ÂľĂ’à ¤Ă‡Ă’Ă ÂťĂƒĂ?ĂŠ§¤Â?¢Ă?§ ¡â€šĂ’šĂƒĂ?¸Ă’š¨Ă‘´§Ă’š Ă?š.žĂƒÂŞĂ‘Ă‚ ĂˆĂƒĂ•ÂŞĂ‘Ă‚Ă‚§žĂ’šĂ”ÂŞ ¡Ă•è¾Ĺ’Ă?§¥Ă’Ăƒ¨Ă?ĂŁĂ‹Ĺ’ÂźĂ™Ĺ’à ¢Ĺ’Ă’Ăƒâ€šĂ‡à §Ă’šä´Ĺ’Ă Ă• ª‚ǧà ÇÅÒžĂ‘¥Ÿ‚Ă?š ä´Ĺ’ÂŞĂ ÂşĂƒĂƒĂ‚Ă’ÂĄĂ’Ăˆ¢Ă?§âĂƒ§åĂƒĂ ĂĄĂ…Ă?ʜÒš¡Ă•èà ¡Ă•èÂÇ㚨Ă‘§Ă‹Ă‡Ă‘´šĂ‘ʚ ĂŚ ºŒÒ§ Ă Ă”ÂľĂƒâĂƒå¡à ĂƒĂ•Ă‚š¡Ă•èä´Ĺ’à ¢Ĺ’Ă’Ăƒâ€šĂ‡à §Ă’š¤§¾ĂƒĂ?Ă‹šĂ‘¥œÖ§à ĂƒĂ—èĂ?§´Ă‘§¥Ă…‚ÒÇ´Ĺ’Ç¾šà Ă?§à ÒåÅŒÇ

Congratulations to the success of this DC 2016. I look up to the good works in each area of every club. May I congratulate to the Rotary Clubs that received award(s) and may I encourage any club that hasn’t received any award to keep doing your good works. From the Leadership Seminar during the end of January, I think the content during the morning session about “Rotary� is very interesting and deserve to be put together in printing article. Therefore, I’ve put all three topics presented by three PDGs into this DG’s newsletter issue. Once again, let me remind to those who will attend the 2016 R.I. Convention at Seoul, South Korea on May 28, 2016, have you registered yet? From April 1 onward, the registration fee will be increased from 375 USD to 440 USD. Currently, we almost reach the District goal on number of attendants. We only need a few more. Any Rotarian who can attend the event, please help.

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Yours in Rotary. Trong Sangswangwatana RC. of Bangkok Suwanabhum

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Governor’s Monthly Newsletter





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