governor september

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ÊÒà à´×͹áË‹§ª¹ÃØ‹¹ãËÁ‹ ¡Ñ¹ÂÒ¹ 2554 ÊÒüٌNjҡÒÃÀÒ¤

Rotary International District 3350

Governor’s monthly news letter : September 2011

What is Rotary

Governor Message September

Rotary is a worldwide organization of more than 1.2 million business, professional, and community leaders. Members of Rotary clubs, known as Rotarians, provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. There are 33,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries Dear Rotarians fellow District 3350, and geographical areas. Clubs are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds. This September, Rotary International has designated to be New

โรตารี คือ อะไร

โรตารี คือ องคกรที่ไมแสวงหาผลกำไร และ ชวยบำเพ็ญประโยชน ชวย เหลือผูคนที่ดอยโอกาส ประกอบดวย ผูคนจากหลากหลายอาชีพ และ ผูนำชุมชน กวา 1.2 ลานคน ทั่วโลกจากกวา 33,000 สโมสร ในกวา 200 ประเทศทั่วโลก สมาชิกของสโมสรโรตารี เรียกวา โรแทเรียน อาสาชวยเหลือบำเพ็ญประโยชน และ สงเสริมยกระดับ ทุกวิชาชีพใหมี มาตรฐานที่ดีงาม เพื่อความอยูรวมกันอยางสันติสุขทั่วโลก โดยไมคำนึง ถึงความแตกตางในเชื้อชาติ ศาสนา และ การเมือง

วัตถุประสงคของโรตารี ขอ 1. เสริมสรางมิตรภาพระหวางสมาชิกเพื่อทำการบำเพ็ญประโยชน รวมกัน ขอ 2. การยกระดับคุณคาการยอมรับ และจรรยาบรรณที่ดีในการ ประกอบธุรกิจ และวิชาชีพและการใหโรทาเรียนทุกคนภูมิใจ ในอาชีพของตน เพื่อการรวมกันบำเพ็ญประโยชนตอสังคม ขอ 3. ใหโรเทเรียนทุกคนนำเอาอุดมการณแหงการบำเพ็ญประโยชน ไปปรับใชใหเกิดประโยชนทั้งในชีวิต ธุรกิจสวนตัว และตอชุมชน ขอ 4. การเพิ่มพูนความเขาใจ ใหมีไมตรีจิต และสันติสุข ระหวาง ชาติ ดวยมิตรสัมพันธของบุคคลในธุรกิจ และวิชาชีพทั​ั่วโลก ที่มี อุดมการณในการบำเพ็ญประโยชนอยางเดียวกัน

Others Re ping l e al H H appiness is

Generations Month. And we may have noticed that later on Rotary International has pay attention to the New Generations because they are a hope of the Rotary International’s future and last April Rotary International Assembly has decided to modify “4 Avenues of Service” which have been used for long time, to “5 Avenues of Service” by increase a New Generation’s service to 4 former services, Club Service, Occupation Service, Community Service and International Service. It emphasizes the importance of the new generations clearly. Besides, there is emphasizing the importance of the “New Generation” in policies and plans. For example, in a latest issue of Rotary strategy, The bestowal of Presidential Citation and Change Maker Award and so on. So I would like to invite Rotary club in district 3350 to operate and focus on the importance of "new generation". In fact, in our district 3350 has pay attention to the “New Generation”. We have established “New Generation” to be the 6th department of Sector and the club's management structure to Support services to a new generation specifically. We organized the RYLA every year. We have activity of Youth exchange (YE) Outbound and Inbound with other countries extensively. Other than supporting the establish of Rotaract and Interact to encourage new generations have the opportunity to carry out the activities of Rotary successively. And recently, we have sponsored the establish of club Earlyact at many clubs, and many other clubs. In addition, we also support the Local Rotaract together to host a meeting of Rotaract's Asia-Pacific region which will be held in early May 2555 in Bangkok we can say that our "new generation" activity is reasonably good.

Last month, there is flood in Northern and Central regions, especially in the Chao Phraya river basin area. So quarter 3350 establish the project “Stream of the 3350 Rotary International” to Gather donation, to supply the survival bags to distribute to people who were affected by the disaster. This time PDG.Suchada Itthijarukul Rotary’s Motto คติพจนของโรตารี has pleased honor to be the president of this project, now has distributed the survival bags to various regions rather well but there is more in require. So I would like to invite the donation บริการเหนือตน หรือการใหโดยไมหวังสิ่งตอบแทน เปนความสุขใจ for charity by transfer to the account “â¤Ã§¡ÒÃÊÒøÒÃáË‹§¹éÓã¨âõÒÃÕ ทำในสิ่งที่ เราสามารถใหได เชน ความรู ความชำนาญในการ ÀÒ¤ 3350 âõÒÃÕÊÒ¡Å” Kasikorn Bank, Hua Mark Branch, Savings ประกอบวิชาชีพ คำแนะนำหรือ ทักษะแกผูที่ตองการ รวมถึงการให account, No. 018-2-45900-9, to help flood victims thoroughly.


สิ่งของ ทรัพยสินเงินทอง โดยที่เราไมเดือดรอน เปนตน


ÊÒüٌNjҡÒÃÀÒ¤ »ÃШÓà´×͹ ¡Ã¡¯Ò¤Á 2554

ÊÒèҡ¼ÙŒÇ‹Ò¡ÒÃÀÒ¤ à´×͹¡Ñ¹ÂÒ¹ 2554 By the way, Rotary quarter 2770 of Saitama City, Japan has initiate "The eastern part of Japan's reconstruction assistance to tsunami victims" project and invite us to participate. After consultations in the Committee quarter 3350 has established “Restoration of the flooded eastern part of Japan's assistance project in conjunction with quarter 2770 Saitama, Japan" by PP.Wichai Manophimoke, Chairman of the project has pleased honor to be the president of this project, So I’d like to invite you to donate for charity to help the reconstruction of Eastern part of Japan with quarter 2770. Supong Shuitasahakit

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One Profits Most Who Serves Best “ ยิ่งทำยิ่งได ยิ่งใหยิ่งมี ”

คติพจนของโรตารีอีกอันหนึ่งที่มีมานานแลวและเพิ่งไดรับการแกไข ซึ่งมีความหมายชี้ใหเห็นวาบุคคลผูซึ่งเปนผูใหโดยไมหวังผลตอบแทน มากเทาใดก็มักจะเปนผูไดรับสิ่งดีๆ เกิดขึ้นกับตนเองเปนทวีคูณ

The Object of Rotary The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterpriseand, in particular, to encourage and foster FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, good will, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

บททดสอบ 4 แนวทางกอนที่จะพูด คิด ทำ 1. จริงหรือสิ่งที่เสนอมา ? 2. ทั้งเที่ยงธรรมถวนหนาหรือหาไม ? 3. สรางไมตรีจิตเสริมมิตรแนหรือไม ? 4. เปนผลดีจริงไหมแกทุกคน ?

THE 4 Way test

1. Is it the TRUTH ? 2. Is it FAIR to ALL Concerned ? 3. Will it Build GOODWILL and Better Friendship ? 4. Will it Be BENEFICAL to ALL Concerned ?


ÊÒüٌNjҡÒÃÀÒ¤ »ÃШÓà´×͹ ¡Ñ¹ÂÒ¹ 2554

My dear brothers and sisters in Rotary

¾Õ蹌ͧªÒÇâõÒÃÕ·Ñé§ËÅÒ We have a color for the 2011-12 Rotary year, and that color is green. Why green? Because green is the color of spring, of new life, of bright leaves bursting forth from spreading branches. And there is no doubt that it is time to “green” Rotary – to lift our deepening pallor of gray and replace it with brighter shades of green. Overall, in Rotary, only 11 percent of our members are under the age of 40, while 68 percent are over 50 and 39 percent are over 60. It’s not too hard to see where this will lead us in 10, 20, and 30 years down the line, if we don’t do something about it now. It is not enough to simply bring in new members. We need to bring in younger members, who will breathe new life and new vigor into our organization. How can we be more attractive to younger members, who are so different in so many ways from the young professionals of a generation or two ago? We have to come to them where they are – and for most young people, where they are is on the Internet, on Facebook, on Twitter and e-mail, and on their smartphones. A club that doesn’t have a presence on the Internet simply doesn’t exist as far as they are concerned. A club’s website is its public face – and it has to be a good one. More than anything, I believe we need to bring back the idea of the family of Rotary. We need to look at all of Rotary as one family: Rotarians, their families, and also Rotaractors, Interactors, Youth Exchange students and alumni, Foundation alumni, and so on. And we need to consider retention as an idea that applies not just to Rotarians, but to the entire family of Rotary.


¤ÑÅÂѹ ºÒà¹Íà ¨Õ »ÃиҹâõÒÃÕÊÒ¡Å »‚ 2554-55

¾Õ蹌ͧªÒÂËÞÔ§áË‹§âõÒÃÕ·ÕèÃÑ¡ My dear brothers and sistersin Rotary, »‚âõÒÃÕ 2554-55 ¹Õé àÃÒ㪌ÊÕà¢ÕÂÇ໚¹ÊÕ»ÃШӻ‚ ·ÓäÁ¨Ö§µŒÍ§à»š¹ ÊÕà¢ÕÂÇ? à˵ØÇ‹Ò ÊÕà¢ÕÂÇ໚¹ÊբͧĴÙãºäÁŒ¼ÅÔ à»š¹ÊբͧªÕÇÔµãËÁ‹ ÊբͧãºäÁŒ·Õè¼ÅÔÊоÃÑ觨ҡ¡Ô觡ŒÒ¹ÊÒ¢Ò ¤§äÁ‹µŒÍ§Ê§ÊÑ´ŒÇÂÇ‹Ò¹Õè¤×Í àÇÅÒ·Õè âõÒÃÕ¤ÇèеŒÍ§à»š¹ÊÕ ”à¢ÕÂÇ” ´ŒÇ -à¾×èÍà»ÅÕ蹨ҡÊÕà·Ò ·Õè«Õ´à«ÕÂÇ ãˌ໚¹ÊÕà¢ÕÂÇ·ÕèÊÇ‹Ò§äÊÇ¢Öé¹ â´ÂÃÇÁáÅŒÇ ã¹âõÒÃÕÁÕ ÊÁÒªÔ¡·ÕèÍÒÂصèÓ¡Ç‹Ò 40 »‚ à¾Õ§ 11% ¢³Ð·Õè¼ÙŒÍÒÂØà¡Ô¹¡Ç‹Ò 50 »‚ Áըӹǹ 68% áÅÐÍÕ¡ 21% ÁÕÍÒÂØ à¡Ô¹¡Ç‹Ò 60 »‚ «Öè§à»š¹àÃ×èͧäÁ‹ÂÒ¡·Õè¨ÐàËç¹ä´ŒÇ‹Ò ÍÕ¡ 10-20 áÅÐ 30 »‚ µ‹Í仢ŒÒ§Ë¹ŒÒ ÊÁÒªÔ¡¢Í§àÃÒ¨ÐÅ´¨Ó¹Ç¹Å§µÒÁÅӴѺ ËÒ¡àÃÒäÁ‹ÃÕº ´Óà¹Ô¹¡ÒÃÍ‹ҧã´Í‹ҧ˹Öè§ã¹¢³Ð¹Õé ¡ÒùÓÊÁÒªÔ¡ãËÁ‹ ࢌÒÁÒã¹ ÊâÁÊÃà·‹Ò¹Ñé¹ÂѧäÁ‹à¾Õ§¾Í àÃÒ¨Ó໚¹µŒÍ§ËÒÊÁÒªÔ¡ÇÑÂ˹؋ÁÊÒÇ ·Õè໚¹¤¹ÃØ‹¹ãËÁ‹ ໚¹¾ÅѧãËÁ‹ ࢌÒÁÒã¹Í§¤ ¡Ã¢Í§àÃÒ´ŒÇÂ

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We owe it to our Rotary family – past, present, and future – to make sure that our generation of Rotarians is not the last. We must, in a very real sense, reach within – to embrace our Rotary family, so that we can better embrace all of humanity. Kalyan Banerjee President, Rotary International

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ÊÒüٌNjҡÒÃÀÒ¤ »ÃШÓà´×͹ ¡Ñ¹ÂÒ¹ 2554


will be your legacy?

Message from the chair Trustee September 2011

Years ago, during a visit to New York City , I saw a T-shirt that said, “He who dies with the most wins.” It seemed funny at the time, but we all read the stories of people who judge their success by their wealth. The problem is that material possessions often do not bring happiness, for there is always someone who has more. Most of us, however, want our life to be measured by what we have done. Many Rotarians have expressed their appreciation of fellow Rotarians’ service by promising a contribution to our Rotary Foundation that will live on after them. The earnings from their gifts go to our Annual Programs Fund year after year. What better legacy to the world? By earlier this year, we had almost 8,000 commitments to the Bequest Society. These represented an expected value of about US$338 million, a significant share of the almost $700 million in assets and expectancies in our Permanent Fund. The first Australian RI president, Angus S. Mitchell (1948-49), foretold the creation of the Permanent Fund in 1992, in a speech that ended with this story from the Talmud: Choni Hama’agel saw an old man planting a carob tree and asked when he thought the tree would bear fruit. “After 70 years” was the reply. “What!” said Choni. “Do you expect to live 70 years and eat the fruit of your labor?” “I did not find the world desolate when I entered it,” said the old man. “And as my fathers planted for me before I was born, so I plant for those who will come after me.”

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to our Rotary Foundation.

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Bill Boyd Foundation Trustee Chair

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ÊÒüٌNjҡÒÃÀÒ¤ »ÃШÓà´×͹ ¡Ñ¹ÂÒ¹ 2554


ROTARY INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 3350 District Secretariat 2011-12

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News from District Secretary Statistics of district 3350 as of 1st August 2011 - Clubs in District 3350 88 clubs - Members in District 3350 2,414 members - Rotary Clubs with Male Presidents 55 clubs - Rotary Clubs with Female Presidents 33 clubs - Clubs with members greater than 25 42 clubs - Clubs with members less than 25 46 clubs - Terminated Rotary Clubs 2 clubs Thank you for all the clubs that have paid annual fee to both Rotary International and the district. As for the clubs that have not paid the abovementioned fees please take action as soon as possible since the due date of 1st of July has long passed. Thank you for all the clubs’ Presidents and secretaries, in the year of “Reach within to Embrace Humanity,” who realized the importance of submitting the report on the club meeting scorecard of almost 100% in the first month, thanks to the close co-operation of PP.Ateeb, PP.Trong and PP.Praphan Important issues on calculation of the Club meeting scorecard There are 2 cases that a member can take leave and does not include in the calculation of the scorecard 1) The age of a member plus the number of years being a member of the club is greater than 85 years and the member who can exercise this right must be at least 65 years old and the exception for the absence from the meeting must not exceed 12 months. 2) A member is appointed as RI officer such as District Governor, RI Executive Committee, RI Finance Representative, RI coordinator etc. Makeup point will be calculated for Rotarians who do not attend the weekly meeting at their home club only. The makeup point will be calculated when Rotarians attend the meeting at other clubs 14 days before or after the absent date. As for Rotarians who attend their weekly meeting, the makeup point cannot be given to other Rotarians Change of club’s information Any changes of club’s information (such as time, date and venue of the meeting, new president or new secretary elected or change of address of president or secretary) should be reported to District Governor through District Secretary immediately and report to Rotary International via Member Access.


ÊÒüٌNjҡÒÃÀÒ¤ »ÃШÓà´×͹ ¡Ñ¹ÂÒ¹ 2554

RI set minimum standard for the club - Meeting regularly - Community Service Projects at the local or international level - Co-operation with the district and welcoming District Governor’s, AG’s and other RI officers’ visit. - Paying per capita dues to RI - Submission of members’ information in a timely manner to the office of the secretariat. - Subscription of the Rotarian magazine - Standard insurance coverage (applicable to clubs in USA only) - Do according to the Statues and Regulations of RI and summary of code of policies of Rotary - Paying RI membership and district dues without outside assistance - Providing accurate membership lists on a timely basis to the general secretary - Resolving club disputes amicably - Maintaining cooperative relations with the district - Cooperating with RI by not initiating or maintaining litigation against Rotary International, The Rotary Foundation, the associate foundations, and the international offices of the Secretariat Activities in August of the district Train the Trainers PDG.Chow Nararith, Chairman of the district training programme has organized a training seminar “Train the trainers” on 7th August with 56 trainers participating. Those who joined has gained lots of knowledge. Any trainers who missed the seminar can download information at The training seminar for the executive committee of the Rotaract clubs in district 3350 Under the leadership of the chairman of the District’s subcommittee for Rotaract clubs, PP.Jaturong Kerdratana from RC Bangkhen, the policy of RI and the district in year 2011-12 is “Change”. So there will be changes for all 22 Rotaract clubs with a new formation of presentation that will create a new spectacular dimension and vision for the new generation. Project “Rotary Thai : Reach within to Embrace Humanity of District 3350” PDG.Suchada Ittijarukul, chairwoman of the Project “Rotary’s Act of hospitality of District 3350” together with the committees and club’s presidents year 107 had helped the flood victims by packing the life-saving bags on Sunday 21st August 2011 at Makro-Changwattana and partially delivered them to clubs in Nakornsawan Angthong and Ayuttaya province to give to the flood victims.

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PP.Duangta Attayadmavittaya

Sukumwit 49 Wattana Bangkok 10110 E-mail:

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New Generation refers to the youngest generation in the family of Rotary. It includes all youth and young adult programs, namely Interact, Rotaract, RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards), and RYE (Rotary Youth Exchange) with the additional EarlyAct to be confirmed by Rotary International soon. Rotarians have long been committed to serving youth in their communities. Establishing strong relationships with young participants is a long-term investment in New Generations while enriching your club activities today. Let’s take a look at all the 5 youth programs in the Fifth Avenue of Service: EarlyAct (PP. Jongkoldee Pongsri RC Bungkum – Director) EarlyAct is a school-wide service club in which all students at elementary school level are members. The EarlyAct Club meets twice monthly for thirty minutes with EarlyAct officers conducting the meetings. Two rotating representatives from each class attend the meetings which are conducted by using the parliamentary procedure, under the guidance of attending faculty and Rotarian advisors. The mission of EarlyAct is to promote goodwill, understanding and peace through the active participation of its student members. With commitment and effectiveness of their leadership, it is hopeful that the student may improve the quality of life of their school, local and global communities. Interact (PP. Boonlert Kirdsomkiat RC Bangkok Rattanakosin - Director) Interact is Rotary’s service club for youth ages 12-18 or from middle-school to high-school levels. It can be community-based or school-based. Rotary clubs can sponsor Interact clubs and provide them with support and guidance. The goals of Interact include developing leadership skills and personal integrity, demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others, understanding the value of individual responsibility and hard work, and advancing international understanding and goodwill. Rotaract (PP. Jaturong Kerdrat RC Bangkhen - Director) Rotaract is Rotary’s service club for young adults ages 18-30. It can be university-based or community-based. All Rotaract clubs are sponsored by a local Rotary club and conduct community and international service projects. Rotaract clubs focus on leadership and professional development activities.


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The Fifth Avenue of Rotary Service

Generations Service โดย อน. ดร. สลักจิต นพคุณ ประธานคณะอนุกรรมการเยาวชนแลกเปลี่ยน

Rotary Youth Exchange (PP. Boonchai Vatanakuljaras RC Charoen Nakorn - Director) RYE is a program that allows students ages 15-19 to spend up to one year living in a different country and learning new culture. The short-term and long-term exchange programs aim to promote good will and understanding among nations. Rotary clubs and districts sponsor exchange participants who serve as young ambassadors for their countries. RYLA (PP. Patsri Suwimol RC Satorn - Director) Rotary Youth Leadership Awards is a training program for youth ages 14-30, but most clubs and districts choose to focus on a specific age group, such as 14-18, 19-24, or 25-30. The program emphasizes leadership, citizenship, and personal growth. Rotary clubs can support RYLA by sponsoring local participants to attend the district RYLA event annually. Youth Protection Policy Rotary International recognizes the importance of creating and maintaining a safe environment for all youth who participate in Rotary activities. A district Youth Protection Officer is appointed by the district governor to ensure that the children and young people are protected against any physical, emotional and sexual abuse. In the next issue, we will meet the director who is responsible for each program. ÁÇÅÁÔµÃâÃá·àÃÕ¹áË‹§ÀÒ¤ 3350 ·ÕèÃÑ¡·Ø¡·‹Ò¹ ºÃÔ¡Òê¹ÃØ‹¹ãËÁ‹ ËÁÒ¶֧ ¡ÅØ‹ÁºÃÔ¡ÒÃÊÓËÃѺÊÁÒªÔ¡·ÕèÍÒÂعŒÍ·ÕèÊØ´ã¹ ¤Ãͺ¤ÃÑÇâõÒÃÕ ºÃÔ¡ÒÃ㹡ÅØ‹Á¹ÕéÃÇÁ¶Ö§ÍÔ¹àµÍà áä· âõÒáä· äÃÅ‹Ò àÂÒǪ¹áÅ¡à»ÅÕè¹ áÅÐàÍÍà ÅÕèáͤ· ·ÕèÂѧÃÍ¡ÒÃÃѺÃͧãËŒà¢ŒÒ à»š¹Íա˹Ö觡ÅØ‹Á 㹺ÃÔ¡Ò÷ÕèˌҹÕé¢Í§âõÒÃÕÊÒ¡Å âÃá·àÃÕ¹ãËŒ¤ÇÒÁÊÓ¤ÑޡѺàÂÒǪ¹àÊÁÍÁÒ àÃÒÃÙŒ´ÕÇ‹Ò¡ÒÃÊÌҧ¤ÇÒÁÊÑÁ¾Ñ¹¸ Íѹ´Õ¡Ñº¤¹ÃØ‹¹ãËÁ‹¹Í¡¨Ò¡¨Ð໚¹¡ÒÃÊÌҧ͹ҤµãËŒâõÒÃÕ·ÕèÂÑè§Â×¹áÅŒÇ Âѧ·Ó ãËŒÊâÁÊÃâõÒÃբͧàÃÒÁÕ¤ÇÒÁÊ´ãÊáÅÐà¾ÔèÁ¤ÇÒÁ¤Ö¡¤Ñ¡á¡‹¡Ô¨¡ÃÃÁ¢Í§ÊâÁÊà ÍÕ¡´ŒÇ ÅͧÁÒ·Ó¤ÇÒÁÃÙŒ¨Ñ¡¡Ñº¡ÅØ‹Áª¹ÃØ‹¹ãËÁ‹àËÅ‹Ò¹Õé¡Ñ¹Ë¹‹Í àÍÍà ÅÕáͤ· (͹. ¨§¡Å´Õ ¾§É ÈÃÕ ÊÃ. ºÖ§¡Ø‹Á– »Ãиҹ) ÊâÁÊÃàÍÍà ÅÕáͤ· ÁÕÊÁҪԡ໚¹¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹ã¹ÃдѺ»ÃжÁÈÖ¡ÉÒ ¨Ñ´¡ÒûÃЪØÁ

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â¹ µ ¶Ö§ ¾Õèá͹ First time ever in 103 years an RI Convention is delivered to your door in Thailand by Kasemchai Nitiwanakun Bangkok Convention Promotion Chair, D-3350

a boy and a TIGER Saturday May 05, 2012 at 19:00 Venue: IMPACT Arena, Muang Thong Thani transportation: Shuttle Bus Provided

Please keep the opera title to show: a boy and a TIGER The first “a” remains a lower case (not an upper case). Thanks, µÑÇÍÑ¡ a ໚¹µÑÇàÅç¡à·‹Ò¹Ñé¹ His father teaches Pi a cruel lesson about the dangers of animals. He starves four lions for four days and then releases them to devour a goat. Pi is shocked at the horror of the scene. Even with this training in understanding animals, Pi is completely unprepared for what will happen when his family, animals and all, make a sea journey across the Pacific Ocean to start a new life in Canada.

When a storm sinks their cargo ship, Pi is left on a lonely lifeboat with an injured zebra, an orangutan, a hungry hyena and a huge The Host Organizing Committee chaired by Noraseth Pathmanand 450-pound Bengal tiger. Pi survived 227 days on the small lifeboat, presents a stage performance entitled “a boy and a TIGER”, a making up the intriguing part of the novel plot. musical opera by children for adults, at the Bangkok Convention Adaptation on Saturday 5 May 2012. In an adapted opera version, the young boy makes an interesting It is composed by Bruce Gaston, the great musician, composer, discovery: he is balanced precariously between chaos and order. and performer, who has been honored with the distinguished Harmony and beauty take on completely new meanings when Pi Silpathorn Award for his contribution to music and skills which must learn to co-exist with a tiger on a small boat bobbing about blend Western tunes with Thai classical music. One of Thailand’s on a vast sea with no shore in sight. leading innovative artists, Gaston was inspired by ideas found in the Man Booker Prize-winning Life of Pi, a fantasy adventure Gaston ingeniously combined the Orff Schulwerk system of music education with the rich tradition of Thai classical singing and novel byYann Martel’. xylophone playing to create the music for this performing art. Gaston moved far from the novel’s premise into a discourse about modern children living with HIV, in which the Tiger becomes a metaphor for the virus the children must learn to live with. The composer worked with HIV orphans from Baan Gerda in Lopburi in order to develop all the singers for this production. The child musicians, using Orff instruments, are joined by the Siam Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Somtow Sucharitkul. Originally conceived as a music drama performed entirely by the HIV-infected children of Baan Gerda in Lopburi, Gaston has expanded this work so that children from all segments can perform together and learn that the infected may participate completely and fully in a professional production alongside the most talented “normal” kids. Synopsis of the original novel, Life of Pi Pi, a young Indian Hindu boy, lives in what he feels to be “the best of all possible worlds.” His father runs a zoo, so Pi’s home is filled with animals in tranquil surroundings. His keen adolescent religious sense further inspires him to see the harmony and beauty in all living things.


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Host Events & Tickets

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How to buy your tickets: Bangkok Bank, Talingchan Branch Account No. 211-0-83274-4 Account Name: 2012 Bangkok RI Convention Fax your pay-in slip to 0 2661 6719

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àÊ×Íâ¤Ã‹§àº§¡ÍÅ A Bengal Tiger

a boy and a TIGER : An opera ÇѹàÊÒà ·Õè 5 ¾.¤. 2555 àÇÅÒ 19.00 ¹. Sat 05 May 2012 at 19.00 p.m. @ IMPACT Arena Muang Thong Thani ³ ÍÔÁá¾ç¤ ÍÒÃÕ¹Ò àÁ×ͧ·Í§¸Ò¹Õ Ticket : USD 25 (750 THB) ¤‹ÒºÑµÃ 750 ºÒ·

¹Ñ¡»Ãоѹ¸ ªÒÇá¤¹Ò´Ò Yann Martel ä´ŒÃѺÃÒ§ÇÑÅ Man Booker ÊÓËÃѺº·»Ãоѹ¸ ¹Ç¹ÔÂÒÂàÃ×èͧ ªÕÇÔµ¢Í§ä¾ Yann Martel is a Canadian author best known for the Man Booker Prize-winning novel Life of Pi

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ดร.สุพงศ ์ ชยุตสาหกิ จ ผวู้าการภาค ่ 3350 ปี 2554-55

เรื อง ขอเชิญร วมสมทบทุนโครงการสายธารแหงนําใจโรตารี ภาค 3350 เรี ยน มิตรโรแทเรี ยน ภาค 3350 ทุกทาน

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Terminated Rotary Clubs

1. Bangkok BKK South Bangkapi 2. ¸¹ºØÃÕ à¨ÃÔÞ¹¤Ã ÊÒ·Ã 3. »·ØÁÇѹ ºÒ§ÃÑ¡ ¾Ãй¤Ã 4. ´ØÊÔµ ¾Ãл ›¹à¡ÅŒÒ¸¹ºØÃÕ ÊÃл·ØÁ 5. BKK Suriwong ÅÒ´¾ÃŒÒÇ ¡·.ÃÒÁ¤Óá˧ 6. ÇѲ¹ÒÏ ¡·.à¾ÅÔ¹¨Ôµ ÅØÁ¾Ô¹Õ 7. ¡Ãا෾䪋¹‹Ò·Òǹ ÊÑÁ¾Ñ¹¸Ç§È àÂÒÇÃÒª 8. ¡Ãا෾àºÞ¨ÊÔÃÔ ·‹ÒàÃ×Í¡Ãا෾ ¡Ãا෾¤ÅͧàµÂ 9. ÊÕÅÁ ºÒ§¤ÍáËÅÁ ¡·.Ãѵ¹â¡ÊÔ¹·Ã 10. ¾ÃÐ⢹§ ÊØ¢ØÁÇÔ· ¡Ãا෾¡ÅŒÇ¹éÓä· 11. ¡Ãا෾ºÒ§ÅÓ¾Ù ¸¹ºØÃÕµÐÇѹµ¡ ¾Ãл¡à¡ÅŒÒ¸¹ºØÃÕ 12. ÂÒ¹¹ÒÇÒ ¹¹·ºØÃÕ




+1 -1

+2 -2




+2/-2 +1/-5 +1 -1


49.58 66.14 74.11 55.33 62.88 57.98 59.90 44.65 51.79 66.67 82.50 67.86 83.82 58.78 63.89 65.85 59.48 55.85 74.32 59.17 74.25 60.00 43.75 58.33 65.56 55.88 54.55 57.14 44.74 34.61 48.72 76.67 67.86 64.10 49.02

% 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 3


1. RC.Bangkok Ngamwongwan 12

96 107 31 96 33 47 48 78 28 27 30 21 17 31 13 41 29 47 32 30 30 30 16 24 31 34 22 37 19 13 39 15 14 39 17



2. RC.Lomkao 15

13. ¡·.ÃѪ´ÒÀÔàÉ¡ Çѧ·Í§ËÅÒ§ ¨µØ¨Ñ¡Ã 14. ÊǹËÅǧ ¡·.ÊØÇÃóÀÙÁÔ ¡Ãا෾¾ÃÐÃÒÁ 3 15. Bangkok Bangna ˹ͧá¢Á ºÒ§á¤ ¸¹ºØÃÕ 50 16. ¡·.ºÒ§¢Ø¹à·Õ¹ µÒ¡ÊÔ¹¸¹ºØÃÕ ¡·.¾Ñ²¹Ò¡Òà 17. ºÖ§¡Ø‹Á ¾ÞÒä· 18. ºÒ§à¢¹ ¡Ãا෾ 70 ´Í¹àÁ×ͧ 19. ¡Ãا෾ÇÔÀÒÇ´Õ ¡Ãا෾µÐÇѹÍÍ¡ ÃѧÊÔµ 20. ·‹ÒàÃ×Í ¾Ãй¤ÃÈÃÕÍÂظÂÒ ¾ÃÐÈÃÕÊØÃÔâ·Ñ Í. 21. ÊÃкØÃÕ Ë¹Í§á¤ à©ÅÔÁ¾ÃÐà¡ÕÂÃµÔ ¹¤Ã¹Ò¡ 22. žºØÃÕ ºŒÒ¹ËÁÕè ¾ÃйÒÃÒ³ žºØÃÕ 23. ¾ÃÐÃÒàÁÈÇÞºØÃÕ ¾ÃÐÂҪѺҴÒÅ 24. ÊÔ§Ë ºØÃÕ ÊÔ§Ë ºØÃÕÇÕê¹ Í‹Ò§·Í§

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-1 -5 -1




+3 +1

-4 -3



+1/-1 +9/-2 +4

+/51.00 93.33 40.41 62.04 76.92 58.33 67.92 70.24 56.00 67.50 70.31 60.87 77.94 40.00 64.65 80.77 42.50 62.50 66.67 83.82 75.00 58.33 70.71 68.48 75.00 48.00 33.55 52.42 77.50 75.57 77.63 70.00 82.35 83.33 71.43

% 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 4




+3 +8

+4 -3


2,414 +52/-49

22 20 30 21 24 11 27 16 31 21 30 12 25 23 5 25 20 13

ÊÁÒªÔ¡ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 4

56.00 75.29 61.54


70.91 87.50 79.99 40.47 56.36 60.00 69.23 59.38 78.23 53.00 58.00 66.66 71.00 54.78


Club attendance is an indicator to discover trends of member satisfaction. We request your club submit weekly club attendance report to DG on a monthly basis including addition or reduction of the membership database so that DG is informed of the state of the club and can give advice and support.

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July Attendance Report

August 2011


Members: Clubs: D3330 2,328 83 D3340 1,259 57 D3350 2,368 90 D3360 1,373 64 Source: RI Fiscal Agent (July 2011)

Dear Fellow Rotarians, Previous message from Rotary Center I had mentioned about Sergeant- at- arms at the International Convention. Allow me to share with you information when I had been appointed a member of the Brisbane Convention committee by PRIP Bhichai Rattakul about their role and responsibilities. Chief Sergeant-at-arms The chief sergeant-at-arms must be a past officer of RI and had served in the sergeant-t-arms leadership at least two previous RI events, including the International Assembly, International Convention and Council on Legislation, has demonstrated excellent management and organizational skills. There will be one chief sergeant-at-arms; ten assistant chief sergeants-at-arms; ten deputy sergeants-at-arms. Their duties are to look after speakers and other invited guests to and from event sites as needed, supervising the checking of badges at admission points in coordination with hired security and venue staff. Subject to the approval of the president, the chief sergeant-at-arms recommends to the president and the convention chair. Rotary International president for the year in which the convention will be held shall appoint the chief sergeant-at-arms to serve as an officer of the convention. One chief sergeant-at-arms; ten assistant chief sergeant-at-arms; ten deputy sergeant-at-arms total 21 Rotarians including their spouses should be paid by Rotary International in accordance with the RI Travel Policy. Expenses shall include transportation to and from the convention, accommodations, meals, registration fees and their spouses while serving as sergeant-at-arms. The chief sergeant-at-arms shall be appointed concurrently with the Convention Committee and shall attend all official meetings of the Convention Committee. Reports directly to the president on all matters related to the sergeants-at-arms. The president, at his discretion, may delegate this responsibility to the convention chair. The chief sergeant-at-arms will also work with the convention chair on all issues, as the chair is responsible for all aspects of the convention, including the budget.


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Club Builder Award The Club Builder Award recognizes Rotarians who have made a significant impact in supporting and 1. ¾Ù´¤Ø¡Ѻ¹Ò¡ »ÅÐ àÅ¢ÒÏ à¾×èÍÃѺ·ÃÒº»˜ÞËÒ ËÃ×Í ¢ŒÍ¢ŒÍ§ã¨·ÕèÍÂÒ¡¨Ð strengthening their Rotary clubs. »ÃÖ¡ÉҡѺ¼ÙŒÇ‹ÒÏ áÅÐ ¼ÙŒÇ‹ÒÏ àͧ¡çÍÂÒ¡¨Ð·ÃÒº´ŒÇ 2. ãËŒ»Ãиҹ½†Òµ‹Ò§æ ÁÒ¡Å‹ÒÇáÊ´§¤ÇÒÁ¤×ºË¹ŒÒ¢Í§á¼¹§Ò¹·Õèä´Œ·ÓÁÒáÅŒÇ Candidates must be active Rotarians in good standing, with áÅÐ ·Õè¨Ð·Óã¹Í¹Ò¤µ áÅÐ ËÒ¡ÁÕ»˜ÞËÒã´æ¡çÊÒÁÒö·Õè¨ÐÁÒáÅ¡à»ÅÕè¹ at least 10 years of membership; have served as club president; ¤ÇÒÁ¤Ô´¡Ñº¼ÙŒÇ‹Ò¡ÒÃÀҤ䴌㹪‹Ç§¹Õé and be members of a Rotary club with a minimum of 30 members 3. ¼ÙŒÇ‹Ò¡ÒÃÀÒ¤ ã¹°Ò¹Ð໚¹¼ÙŒºÃÃÂÒ¾ÔàÈÉ ä´ŒÊÃØ»àÃ×èͧÃÒÇ·Õèä´Œ¤Ø¡ѹ áÅÐ in the three years before the nomination. Current, past, and 䴌ᨌ§á¹Ç·Ò§ áÅР໇ÒËÁÒ¢ͧÀÒ¤ ãËŒ¡ÑºÊÁÒªÔ¡ã¹ÊâÁÊÃä´Œ·ÃÒº incoming RI officers are ineligible for this award. Each year, district governors may nominate one candidate for this award ¡ÒÃŧÍÒªÕ¾¢Í§ÊâÁÊÃãËŒ»ÃÐ⪹ Í‹ҧäà from the district who has 㹡ÒûÃЪØÁÊâÁÊà àÃÒ¤ÇèÐÁÕ¡ÒõԴºÑµÃ»ÃШӵÑÇ «Ö觨ÐÁÕª×èÍ áÅлÃÐàÀ· • Personally recruited at least five members who are still ÍÒªÕ¾¢Í§ÊÁÒªÔ¡ÍÂÙ‹ à¾×èÍãËŒÊÁÒªÔ¡´ŒÇ¡ѹ ËÃ×Íᢡ·ÕèÁÒàÂÕèÂÁÊâÁÊÃä´ŒàË繪Ѵਹ active Rotarians at the time of nomination ÊÁÒªÔ¡ÊâÁÊà ·Ø¡¤ÃÑ駤ÇÃÁÕÃÒª×èÍ áÅлÃÐàÀ·ÍÒªÕ¾ ¡ÓªÑº´ŒÇÂÍ‹ҧªÑ´à¨¹ • Participated in Rotary training in his or her club ãºÅ§ª×èÍ ¡ÒÃÁҢͧÊÁÒªÔ¡ áÅÐᢡ·ÕèÁÒàÂÕèÂÁÊâÁÊà »¡µÔàÃÒ¨ÐÁÕª‹Í§ãˌŧª×èÍ • Participated in at least one meaningful club-level vocational áÅлÃÐàÀ·ÍÒªÕ¾´ŒÇ Ëҡᢡ·‹Ò¹ã´äÁ‹ä´ŒÅ§ª×èÍ áÅÐÍÒªÕ¾ ¡ÃسÒÊͺ¶ÒÁ service project áÅÐŧãËŒ´ŒÇÂà¾ÃÒÐÇ‹Ò “ÍÒªÕ¾” ËÒ¡àÃÒ·ÃҺNjÒÊÁÒªÔ¡·‹Ò¹ã´ ËÃ×Í á¢¡·ÕèÁÒ • Attended at least two district meetings in the three years ÁÕÍÒªÕ¾ÍÐäà àÃÒ¨Ðä´Œ¨Ñ´ÊÁÒªÔ¡·ÕèÁÕÍÒªÕ¾·Õèã¡ÅŒà¤Õ§¡Ñ¹ ä´Œ¤Ø¡ѹ䴌Í‹ҧ໚¹ before the nomination àÃ×èͧ໚¹ÃÒÇ à¾ÃÒÐàÃÒ·ÃÒºÍÒªÕ¾¢Í§à¢Ò´ŒÇÂà˵عÕé ÍÒªÕ¾ ¨Ö§à»š¹ÊÔè§ÊÓ¤ÑÞ ·Õè¤ÇèÐŧäÇŒ´ŒÇ District governors should form a selection committee of three past governors to select the district nominee. The district governor ´ŒÇÂäÁµÃÕ¨ÔµáË‹§âõÒÃÕ may endorse one candidate and must submit the name of the ͹.ÊÁ¾Å ÈÔÃÔÍØ´ÁàÈÃÉ° recipient to RI by 1 November. (RCP 43.100.)

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