governor monthly letter january

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Rotary International District 3350

(Left to right) Silvester Schiele, Montague "Monty" Bear, Paul Harris, Bernard E. "Barney" Arntzen, Rufus F. "Rough-house" Chapin, Harry L. Ruggles, and Robert Fletcher at a reunion of some of the first Rotary club's earliest members. Comely Bank, December 1942.Appeared in the February 1943 and March 1947 issues of "The Rotarian.

ÊÒÃ Governor’s monthly news letter : January 2012

What is Rotary

Rotary is a worldwide organization of more than 1.2 million business, professional, and community leaders. Members of Rotary clubs, known as Rotarians, provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. There are 33,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Clubs are nonpolitical, nonreligious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds.

โรตารี คือ อะไร

โรตารี คือ องคกรที่ไมแสวงหาผลกำไร และ ชวยบำเพ็ญประโยชน ชวย เหลือผูคนที่ดอยโอกาส ประกอบดวย ผูคนจากหลากหลายอาชีพ และ ผูนำชุมชน กวา 1.2 ลานคน ทั่วโลกจากกวา 33,000 สโมสร ในกวา 200 ประเทศทั่วโลก สมาชิกของสโมสรโรตารี เรียกวา โรแทเรียน อาสาชวยเหลือบำเพ็ญประโยชน และ สงเสริมยกระดับ ทุกวิชาชีพใหมี มาตรฐานที่ดีงาม เพื่อความอยูรวมกันอยางสันติสุขทั่วโลก โดยไมคำนึง ถึงความแตกตางในเชื้อชาติ ศาสนา และ การเมือง

วัตถุประสงคของโรตารี ขอ 1. เสริมสรางมิตรภาพระหวางสมาชิกเพื่อทำการบำเพ็ญประโยชน รวมกัน ขอ 2. การยกระดับคุณคาการยอมรับ และจรรยาบรรณที่ดีในการ ประกอบธุรกิจ และวิชาชีพและการใหโรทาเรียนทุกคนภูมิใจ ในอาชีพของตน เพื่อการรวมกันบำเพ็ญประโยชนตอสังคม ขอ 3. ใหโรเทเรียนทุกคนนำเอาอุดมการณแหงการบำเพ็ญประโยชน ไปปรับใชใหเกิดประโยชนทั้งในชีวิต ธุรกิจสวนตัว และตอชุมชน ขอ 4. การเพิ่มพูนความเขาใจ ใหมีไมตรีจิต และสันติสุข ระหวาง ชาติ ดวยมิตรสัมพันธของบุคคลในธุรกิจ และวิชาชีพทั​ั่วโลก ที่มี อุดมการณในการบำเพ็ญประโยชนอยางเดียวกัน

Others Re ping l e al H H appiness is

Governor Fellow Rotarians, Happy New Year 2012 to you and your family! May you all be blessed with Happiness, Prosperity, and Every Success throughout the New Year. Time flies. We have now passed the half year milestone of service activities. It is truly a span of abnormal and challenging time brought by the severe flooding in the central region of Thailand, in particular Bangkok and her outskirts. Amendments, cancellations, or postponements were forced on most of our district plans. The flooding has drawn out the very best from the volunteerism spirit of our Rotarians under the theme of ‘Service Above Self’. Although many Rotarians themselves became flood victims, they continued to focus on emergency aid for the helpless and working out plans for post flood recovery. Flooded schools and their students need our urgent assistance to get them back to normal classes quickly. This is indeed an exemplary selfless service deserving my sincere appreciation and recognition. My urgent task now is to complete official visits to the remaining 30+ clubs by February 2012. The 3rd DG Meets Club Presidents is rescheduled on Sun 29 January 2012 in Lopburi and the District Conference on Sat 17 March 2012 (reduced to one full day) at Chulabhorn Convention Centre, Laksi. Thereafter we shall concentrate on supporting our Host Organizing Committee (HOC) of the RI Convention in Bangkok on 6-9 May 2012. Although the early bird registrations from the four districts in Thailand fell below the set target, we manage to reach the criteria to earn us 25% host rebates. Lastly I sincerely congratulate PP Surachat Chuenchoksan of RC Dhonburi on being selected as our governor-nominee for 2014-15. He will be declared to be the nominee where no challenging nomination is received by 9 January 2012. I shall then certify PP Surachat’s name to the general secretary by 19 January.

Rotary’s Motto คติพจนของโรตารี


บริการเหนือตน หรือการใหโดยไมหวังสิ่งตอบแทน เปนความสุขใจ ทำในสิ่งที่ เราสามารถใหได เชน ความรู ความชำนาญในการ ประกอบวิชาชีพ คำแนะนำหรือ ทักษะแกผูที่ตองการ รวมถึงการให สิ่งของ ทรัพยสินเงินทอง โดยที่เราไมเดือดรอน เปนตน


ÊÒüٌNjҡÒÃÀÒ¤ »ÃШÓà´×͹ Á¡ÃÒ¤Á 2555

Reach Within to Embrace Humanity, Supong Chayutsahakij

Message January 2012 ÁÇÅÁÔµÃâÃá·àÃÕ¹ÀÒ¤ 3350 ·ÕèÃÑ¡áÅйѺ¶×Í·Ø¡·‹Ò¹ ÊÇÑÊ´Õ »‚ãËÁ‹ 2555 ¤ÃѺ ¼Á¢Í¶×ÍâÍ¡ÒʹÕéÊÇÑÊ´Õ»‚ãËÁ‹¡ÑºÁÇÅÁÔµÃâÃá·àÃÕ¹ÀÒ¤ 3350 ·Ø¡·‹Ò¹ áÅТÍÍÒÃÒ¸¹Ò¤Ø³¾ÃÐÈÃÕÃѵ¹µÃÑ áÅÐÊÔè§ÈÑ¡´ÔìÊÔ·¸Ôì·Ñé§ËÅÒ ´ÅºÃôÒÅãËŒ·Ø¡·‹Ò¹ »ÃÐʺᵋ¤ÇÒÁÊØ¢ ÊÔÃÔÊÇÑÊ´Ôì ¾Ô¾Ñ²¹Á§¤Å ÊÁºÙó ¾Ù¹¼Å´ŒÇ¨µØþԸ¾ÃªÑ µÅÍ´»‚ãËÁ‹¹Õé àÇÅÒ¼‹Ò¹ä»Í‹ҧÃÇ´àÃçÇ ºÑ´¹ÕéàÃÒ䴌ËÇÁ¡Ñ¹´Óà¹Ô¹¡Ô¨¡ÃÃÁã¹»‚âõÒÃÕ¹Õé ÁÒ¡Ç‹Ò¤ÃÖ觻‚áÅŒÇ ¹Ñºà»š¹¤ÃÖ觻‚·ÕèÁÕà˵ءÒó äÁ‹»¡µÔÁÒ¡ÁÒ Ê׺à¹×èͧ ¨Ò¡ÁËÒÍØ·¡ÀѹéÓ·‹ÇÁã¹¾×é¹·ÕèÀÒ¤¡ÅÒ§ â´Â੾ÒСÃØ§à·¾Ï áÅÐ »ÃÔÁ³±Å á¼¹§Ò¹µ‹Ò§æ ·ÕèÇҧἹäÇŒ ¨ÓµŒÍ§»ÃѺà»ÅÕè¹ §´ ËÃ×Í àÅ×è͹¡Ó˹´ÍÍ¡ä»á·º·Ñé§ËÁ´ «Öè§ÍÒ¨ÁÕ¼ÅãËŒ§Ò¹ºÒ§´ŒÒ¹äÁ‹ºÃÃÅØ à»‡ÒËÁÒ ᵋ¹éÓ·‹ÇÁãËÞ‹¤ÃÑ駹Õéä´Œ¾ÔÊÙ¨¹ ¶Ö§¤ÇÒÁࢌÁ¢Œ¹¢Í§¨ÔµÍÒÊÒ µÒÁÍØ´Á¡Òó "ºÃÔ¡ÒÃà˹×͵¹" ¢Í§âÃá·àÃÕ¹ÀÒ¤ 3350 ¢Í§àÃÒ ·Õ誋Ç¡ѹºÓà¾çÞ»ÃÐ⪹ ª‹ÇÂàËÅ×ͼٌ»ÃÐʺÀѹéÓ·‹ÇÁÍ‹ҧá¢ç§¢Ñ¹ ·Ñé§æ ·ÕèâÃá·àÃÕ¹ËÅÒÂæ ·‹Ò¹µ¡à»š¹àËÂ×èÍÀѹéÓ·‹ÇÁàͧ´ŒÇ áÅй͡à˹×Í ¨Ò¡¡Òê‹ÇºÃÃà·Ò·Ø¡¢ ã¹ÂÒÁ©Ø¡à©Ô¹àº×éͧµŒ¹áÅŒÇ àÁ×è͹éÓÅ´ÂѧµÔ´µÒÁ ª‹ÇÂÍ‹ҧµ‹Íà¹×èͧ 㹡Òÿ„œ¹¿ÙâçàÃÕ¹㹪ØÁª¹ à¾×èͪ‹ÇÂãËŒ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹ ¡ÅѺÊÙ‹¡ÒÃàÃÕ¹¡ÒÃÊ͹µÒÁ»¡µÔâ´ÂàÃçÇ ¹Ñºà»š¹¡Ã³ÕµÑÇÍ‹ҧ¢Í§ ¡ÒúÃÔ¡ÒÃà˹×͵¹·ÕèªÑ´à¨¹ÂÔè§à»š¹¡Ô¨¡ÃÃÁ·ÕèºÃÃÅؼÅà¡Ô¹à»‡ÒËÁÒÂÂÔè§ ¡Ç‹Òá¼¹§Ò¹Í×è¹ã´ ¼Á¢ÍáÊ´§¤ÇÒÁª×蹪ÁáÅФÒÃÇÐÁÒ ³ âÍ¡ÒʹÕé ¡Ô¨¡ÃÃÁ¢Í§ÀҤ㹪‹Ç§¹Õé ¤§à»š¹¡ÒÃà˧ÃÑ´¡ÒÃàÂÕèÂÁÊâÁÊÃâõÒÃÕ ÍÕ¡ÊÒÁÊÔº¡Ç‹ÒáË‹§ Í‹ҧ໚¹·Ò§¡Òâͧ¼ÙŒÇ‹Ò¡ÒÃÀÒ¤ ãËŒàÊÃç¨ÊÔé¹ ã¹à´×͹Á¡ÃÒ¤ÁáÅСØÁÀҾѹ¸ ¹Õé ¡ÒûÃЪØÁ¼ÙŒÇ‹Ò¡ÒÃÀÒ¤¾º¹Ò¡ ÊâÁÊà ¤ÃÑ駷Õè 3 «Öè§àÅ×è͹仨Ѵã¹ÇѹÍҷԵ ·Õè 29 Á¡ÃÒ¤Á ·Õ螺ØÃÕ áÅСÒûÃЪØÁãËÞ‹ÀÒ¤ (District Conference) «Öè§àÅ×è͹仨Ѵ ã¹ÇѹàÊÒà ·Õè 17 ÁÕ¹Ò¤Á (ÃǺÃÑ´ãËŒ¨ºÀÒÂã¹Çѹà´ÕÂÇ) ·ÕèÈٹ »ÃЪØÁ ʶҺѹÇԨѨØÌÒÀó ËÅѧ¨Ò¡¹Ñé¹ àÃÒ¤§µŒÍ§ÃǺÃÇÁÊÃþ¡ÓÅѧ

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ÊÒüٌNjҡÒÃÀÒ¤ »ÃШÓà´×͹ Á¡ÃÒ¤Á 2555


At Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington, D.C., stands a memorial to the Seabees, formally known as the U.S hearts and skillful hands, the difficult we do at once; the impossible takes a bit longer.” In Rotary, we already have our own mottoes. If we didn’t, I might be given to nominate those two lines. The power of com we work together, the impossible becomes possible. I thought of this when I read, a few months ago, an article in the New England Journal of Medicine, the premier medical journ a strategy for a post-polio era, including managing post-eradication risks. Thirty years ago, such an article could never have been published. Today, it is a testament to the power of dedication, of p become possible. A post-polio world, once the stuff of dreams, will soon be here. My friends, the day that polio will be eradicated is close at hand. We have to be ready for it with a powerful Rotary – a R ambitions. It is time for us to prepare by taking an honest look at our clubs. Are our projects meaningful, sustainable, and clubs welcoming to new members, and are our schedules and events friendly to young families? And once people join us, do them a part of the family of Rotary quickly enough? The figures tell us that while enough new individuals join Rotary every year and everywhere, too many exit Rotary, on an ongoing b are we not meeting? Can we do more and better? Now is the time to focus our energies on our clubs, and on the way people see them. It is time to show our communities tha Rotary is a way to connect, to do more, to be more – it is a way to take our idealism and our vision, and turn them into

ทานสามารถ บอกรับสารผูวาการภาคไดโดยแจงที่ นายกสโมสรของทาน หรือ เขา ชมทาง Ebook-online ไดที่


ÊÒüٌNjҡÒÃÀÒ¤ »ÃШÓà´×͹ Á¡ÃÒ¤Á 2555

My dear brothers

One Profits Most Who Serves Best “ ยิ่งทำยิ่งได ยิ่งใหยิ่งมี ”

คติพจนของโรตารีอีกอันหนึ่งที่มีมานานแลวและเพิ่งไดรับการแกไข ซึ่งมีความหมายชี้ใหเห็นวาบุคคลผูซึ่งเปนผูใหโดยไมหวังผลตอบแทน มากเทาใดก็มักจะเปนผูไดรับสิ่งดีๆ เกิดขึ้นกับตนเองเปนทวีคูณ

and sisters in Rotary

¾Õ蹌ͧªÒÇâõÒÃÕ·Ñé§ËÅÒ The Object of Rotary The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterpriseand, in particular, to encourage and foster FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service . Naval Construction Force. An inscription reads, “With willing

mbined effort, as Paul Harris once wrote, knows no limitation. When

nal in the United States. Titled “The Polio Endgame,” it outlined

persistence, and of combined effort. The impossible has, indeed,

Rotary of enthusiasm and confidence, of bold vision and clear relevant? Are our meetings productive and enjoyable? Are our we welcome them properly, involve them enough? Do we make

basis. What unfulfilled hope do they leave with? What expectations

at the Rotary of today is not the Rotary of their preconceptions. reality.

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SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, good will, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

บททดสอบ 4 แนวทางกอนที่จะพูด คิด ทำ 1. จริงหรือสิ่งที่เสนอมา ? 2. ทั้งเที่ยงธรรมถวนหนาหรือหาไม ? 3. สรางไมตรีจิตเสริมมิตรแนหรือไม ? 4. เปนผลดีจริงไหมแกทุกคน ?

THE 4 Way test

1. Is it the TRUTH ? 2. Is it FAIR to ALL Concerned ? 3. Will it Build GOODWILL and Better Friendship ? 4. Will it Be BENEFICAL to ALL Concerned ? ÊÒüٌNjҡÒÃÀÒ¤ »ÃШÓà´×͹ Á¡ÃÒ¤Á 2555


Foundation Trustees Areas of focus are the causes that drive Rotary Areas of focus are the causes that drive Rotary We are now halfway through the pilot of our Future Vision Plan, and as I look to the future I think the most significant change will be the adoption of the six areas of focus – and not just for our Foundation. I recently heard RI Director Stuart Heal, the chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, say that our areas of focus fit very comfortably into our RI Strategic Plan. Today’s generation supports causes rather than organizations, and so we in Rotary should be able to clearly identify the causes that drive us. When somebody asks you what Rotary is, you do not have to fumble for words. Tell the person that we are an organization of service-minded individuals around the world who are working to make the world a better place with our efforts in water and sanitation, basic education and literacy, maternal and child health, disease prevention and treatment, economic and community development, and peace and conflict resolution. You can say that in 20 seconds! You can see how this may bring new members to Rotary and increase the giving to our Foundation. If you approach corporations for a contribution, they are much more likely to respond if they know how their money will be spent, and that we will spend it wisely. We are building on a strong record of performance over a long period of time. Bill Gates has said as much on a number of occasions. He has shown his faith in us through his significant gifts for polio eradication. While I am writing this from a Foundation perspective, the membership factor should not be overlooked. Plenty of organizations talk about issues, but Rotary is about action, not words.

Bill Boyd Foundation Trustee Chair


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͹.´Ç§µÒ ÍѸÂÒµÁÇÔ·ÂÒ PP.Duangta Attayadmavittaya


from District Secretary

Exchange rate Rotary International has set the exchange rate for the month of January 2012 at USD 1.00 = THB 31.00 RI Dues period 1 January 2012 Semiannual reports for the period 1 January to 30 Jun 2012 will be calculated as per the above exchange rate until further notice from RI. Semiannual dues USD 25.50xTHB 31.00 = THB790.50 per member. Subscription toTHE ROTARIAN magazine is USD 12 x THB 31 = THB 372 for the six month period/per member. For Semiannual Dues please make checks payable to “Rotary International” For contributions to the Rotary Foundation, please make checks payable to “The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.” For upcountry Clubs payments to be made by Cashier’s check. Pay through Member Access on RI website by using credit card to which the club has to register with the system beforehand. Any clubs that pay via Member Access have to submit the payment receipt including the list of members to RI Fiscal agent in Thailand as evidence and also for future reference. For those Clubs that have not received the Semiannual Reports by 31 January 2012, please notify Khun Kamonchanok (Kob) by phone at 02 6616720-21 or e-mail: 2012 Bangkok Convention Registered Data as of 1st December 2011, Members of Rotary Clubs in all 4 districts in Thailand that have registered for the 2012 Bangkok Convention as followed: District 3330 District 3350


ñ,ôñð persons ñ,ôòñ persons õ persons

District 3340 District 3360 ÃÇÁ

ñ,ñøð persons ÷ô÷ persons ô,÷öó persons

When the number of Rotarians in the host country registered for RI convention is greater than 50% of all Rotarians in the country, there will be a rebate of 40 US$ per person. Calendar of District 3350 from January-June 2012 Januray 2012 18th 29th February 2012 11st 15st 19th March 2012

3rd- 4thth 17 31st

April 2012

Nation Immunization Day (NID) I District Governor and District Committees meet the Clubs’ President # 3 District leaders Seminar Nation Immunization Day (NID) II Pre-PETS 2012-13

Multidistricts PETS 2012-13 2011-12 District Conference 2012-13 District Assembly

6th- 8th Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

May 2012 1st-3rd

4th -5th

June 2012 24th

9th Asia-Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference 2012 Bangkok Convention R.I.Presidential Citation & Governor’s Salute

Timetable for DG’s Official Club visit

February 2012 January 2012 th 1st RC.Bangkok Rama 3 4th RC.Bangkok-Banglumphu 7 RC.Utaithani, RC.Nongchang, 2nd RC.Bangkok East RC.Larnsak, RC.Banrai 8th RC.Bangkok st RC. Wangthonglang 11 Bangkhunthian 12nd RC.Nakorn Sawan, RC.Siquare, 9th RC.Bangkok Port RC.Chaopraya Nakorn Sawan 16th RC.Lomsak RC.Nongbua, RC.Tatago 13rd 22nd RC.Nakornnayok 16thth RC.Phayathai 24th RC.Battambang (tentative) 19th RC.Rangsit 25th RC. Angkor, RC.Pursat 25th RC.Bangkok70 (tentative) 26th RC.Buengkum th 28 RC.Lopburi, RC.Pranarai Lopburi, 26 RC.Phnom Penh, RC.Phnom Penh Metro RC.Banmi, RC.Praramesuan Lopburi, (tentative) RC.Prayachaibadan. 30thst RC.Singburi RC.Singburiverachon 31 RC.Tharua (Ayutthaya) March 2012 1st RC.Lomsak

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Rotary names attorney John Hewko as its new top executive Dear fellow Rotarian: I am pleased to share the 2010-11 Rotary International and Rotary Foundation Annual Report. Rotary’s annual report offers a firsthand look at how Rotarians are responding to a range of needs, with support from RI and its Foundation. The report also highlights the generosity of Rotarians to The Rotary Foundation and to Rotary’s top priority of global polio eradication. For those who would like a more detailed look at Rotary finances, the audited financial statements are available for download. I am also pleased to announce that we have developed a website for the report that incorporates video and other resources not available in the print edition. This new website debuts in all Rotary languages on 13 January, before the start of the 2012 International Assembly. As a result, we are able to eliminate an expensive international mailing of the report and replace it with an email message to all Rotary club presidents and district governors that directs them to the site. As a Rotary senior leader, coordinator, or committee member, please share our annual report with other Rotarians, as well as anyone who may be interested in joining, partnering with, or donating to Rotary. Encourage people to visit after 13 January, or order additional print copies at to distribute at your Rotary club. Having just completed six months as your new general secretary, I appreciate all that Rotary accomplished last year. Our organization is poised to strategically meet the challenges of the future with strength, boldness, and vision. I encourage you to review this report carefully, and I welcome your comments. Sincerely, John Hewko General Secretary Twitter: @johnhewko John Hewko Rotary International on FacebookRotary International has named John Hewko, an attorney with extensive international experience in both the private and public sectors, to be the global humanitarian service organization’s new top executive, serving as its general secretary.


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An Experiment Project of the Membership Committee àÃÕ¹à¾×è͹âÃá·àÃÕè¹ã¹ÀÒ¤ óóõð Within our District 3350, Nong Chang is one among the small clubs that we have. Although the club’s community service is quite strong as evident from the recent donation of a fire truck receiving from Japan to the local municipality. But we have recently found that its membership has continuously been declining at the alarming rate. An action must be taken to strengthen as well as boosting the club’s morale. Accordingly, we have requested Nong Chang to organize a social gathering event inviting some prominent community members to attend, with the cooperation of our other clubs nearby. The event, so called Cowboys’ Night, is scheduled on the evening of Saturday 7 January 2012 at the town’s commercial district with no admission fee. Outcome will be evaluated and reported accordingly. Since at this time of my writing is Christmas, and pretty close to new year, may I extend our best wishes : a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to each of you and your family members.

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History of Rot

The first four Rotarians: (from left) Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schie

The world's first service club, the Rotary Club of Chicago, was formed on 23 February 1905 by Paul felt in the small towns of his youth. The Rotary name derived from the early practice of rotating meet Rotary's popularity spread, and within a decade, clubs were chartered from San Francisco to New Yo adopted the Rotary International name a year later. As Rotary grew, its mission expanded beyond serving club members’ professional and social interests. need. The organization's dedication to this ideal is best expressed in its motto: Service Above Self. By July 1925, Rotary had grown to more than 2,000 clubs and an estimated 108,000 members. The luminaries to its ranks — among them author Thomas Mann, diplomat Carlos P. Romulo, humanitarian

Dawn of a new century

As it approached the 21st century, Rotary worked to meet society’s changing needs, expanding its serv children at risk. In 1989, the organization voted to admit women into clubs worldwide. Today, women ar the Soviet Union, Rotary clubs were formed or re-established throughout Central and Eastern Europe. Th the next several years. More than a century after Paul Harris and his colleagues chartered the club that eventually led to Rotary preserved its original meeting place, Room 711 in Chicago’s Unity Building, by re-creating the office as it Rotarians. In 1989, when the building was scheduled to be demolished, the club carefully dismantled the o a permanent home for the restored Room 711 on the 16th floor of RI World Headquarters in nearby Ev geographical areas.


ÊÒüٌNjҡÒÃÀÒ¤ »ÃШÓà´×͹ Á¡ÃÒ¤Á 2555

tary International »ÃÐÇѵÔáÅФÇÒÁ໚¹ÁÒ ¢Í§ âõÒÃÕ

ele, Hiram Shorey, and Paul P. Harris Courtesy of Rotary Images

P. Harris, an attorney who wished to capture in a professional club the same friendly spirit he had tings among members' offices. ork to Winnipeg, Canada. By 1921, Rotary clubs had been formed on six continents. The organization

s. Rotarians began pooling their resources and contributing their talents to help serve communities in

e organization's distinguished reputation attracted presidents, prime ministers, and a host of other n Albert Schweitzer, and composer Jean Sibelius.

vice efforts to address such pressing issues as environmental degradation, illiteracy, world hunger, and re an integral part of Rotary's membership. After the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of he first Russian Rotary club was chartered in 1990, and the organization underwent a growth spurt for

y International, Rotarians continue to take pride in their history. In honor of that first club, Rotarians have t existed in 1905. For several years, the Paul Harris 711 Club maintained the room as a shrine for visiting office and salvaged the interior, including doors and radiators. In 1993, the RI Board of Directors set aside vanston. Today, 1.2 million Rotarians belong to over 32,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries and

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Terminated Rotary Clubs

1. Bangkok BKK South Bangkapi 2. ¸¹ºØÃÕ à¨ÃÔÞ¹¤Ã ÊÒ·Ã 3. »·ØÁÇѹ ºÒ§ÃÑ¡ ¾Ãй¤Ã 4. ´ØÊÔµ ¾Ãл ›¹à¡ÅŒÒ¸¹ºØÃÕ ÊÃл·ØÁ 5. BKK Suriwong ÅÒ´¾ÃŒÒÇ ¡·.ÃÒÁ¤Óá˧ 6. ÇѲ¹ÒÏ ¡·.à¾ÅÔ¹¨Ôµ ÅØÁ¾Ô¹Õ 7. ¡Ãا෾䪋¹‹Ò·Òǹ ÊÑÁ¾Ñ¹¸Ç§È àÂÒÇÃÒª 8. ¡Ãا෾àºÞ¨ÊÔÃÔ ·‹ÒàÃ×Í¡Ãا෾ ¡Ãا෾¤ÅͧàµÂ 9. ÊÕÅÁ ºÒ§¤ÍáËÅÁ ¡·.Ãѵ¹â¡ÊÔ¹·Ã 10. ¾ÃÐ⢹§ ÊØ¢ØÁÇÔ· ¡Ãا෾¡ÅŒÇ¹éÓä· 11. ¡Ãا෾ºÒ§ÅÓ¾ÙÏ ¸¹ºØÃÕµÐÇѹµ¡ ¾Ãл¡à¡ÅŒÒ¸¹ºØÃÕ 12. ÂÒ¹¹ÒÇÒ ¹¹·ºØÃÕ


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1 2 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 4




52.17 43.01 50.00 40.91 40.00 53.33



58.52 59.52 66.90 60.16 50.00 40.67 43.00 48.72


1. RC.Bangkok Ngamwongwan 12

96 106 31 95 33 50 50 78 28 23 30 20 22 34 13 42 28 48 32 31 28 34 16 23 31 34 22 37 15 13 42 15 14 39 17



2. RC.Lomkao 15

3. ¡·.ÃѪ´ÒÀÔàÉ¡ Çѧ·Í§ËÅÒ§ ¨µØ¨Ñ¡Ã 14. ÊǹËÅǧ ¡·.ÊØÇÃóÀÙÁÔ ¡Ãا෾¾ÃÐÃÒÁ 3 15. Bangkok Bangna ˹ͧá¢Á ºÒ§á¤ ¸¹ºØÃÕ 50 16. ¡·.ºÒ§¢Ø¹à·Õ¹ µÒ¡ÊÔ¹¸¹ºØÃÕ ¡·.¾Ñ²¹Ò¡Òà 17. ºÖ§¡Ø‹Á ¾ÞÒä· 18. ºÒ§à¢¹ ¡Ãا෾ 70 ´Í¹àÁ×ͧ 19. ¡Ãا෾ÇÔÀÒÇ´Õ ¡Ãا෾µÐÇѹÍÍ¡ ÃѧÊÔµ 20. ·‹ÒàÃ×Í ¾Ãй¤ÃÈÃÕÍÂظÂÒ ¾ÃÐÈÃÕÊØÃÔâ·Ñ Í. 21. ÊÃкØÃÕ Ë¹Í§á¤ à©ÅÔÁ¾ÃÐà¡ÕÂÃµÔ ¹¤Ã¹Ò¡ 22. žºØÃÕ ºŒÒ¹ËÁÕè ¾ÃйÒÃÒ³ žºØÃÕ 23. ¾ÃÐÃÒàÁÈÇÞºØÃÕ ¾ÃÐÂҪѺҴÒÅ 24. ÊÔ§Ë ºØÃÕ ÊÔ§Ë ºØÃÕÇÕê¹ Í‹Ò§·Í§

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3 1

50.67 61.54

91.43 75.00 66.07 65.22 75.00 45.00 27.00 56.44 67.50 67.27 73.68 50.00 61.76 76.39 68.00

3 1



2,445 -3

22 20 30 24 24 11 27 16 31 21 30 12 27 27 5 22 20 16




60.00 51.47 65.55 48.81 64.77 40.00 60.00 81.00 73.00 52.00 53.00 70.00 59.38 35.19



4 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4


Cancellation.The board may cancel a regular meeting if it falls on a legal holiday, including a commonly recognized holiday, or in case of the death of a club member, or of an epidemic or of a disaster affecting the whole community, or of an armed conflict in the community which endangers the lives of the club members. The board may cancel not more than four regular meetings in a year for causes not otherwise specified Here in provided that this club does not fail to meet for more than three consecutive meetings.



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November Attendance Report

»ÃСÒÈÃÒª×èÍ ¼ÙŒÇ‹Ò¡ÒÃÀÒ¤¹ÍÁÔ¹Õ 2557-58 Notification of Nomination


I am very pleased to announce that your Nominating ¤³Ð¡ÃÃÁ¡ÒÃàʹͪ×èͼٌNjҡÒÃÀҤ䴌àÅ×Í¡ÊÃüٌÊÁѤõ‹Í仹Õé Committee for Governor has selected the following ໚¹¼ÙŒ¶Ù¡àʹͪ×èÍ໚¹¼ÙÇŒ ‹Ò¡ÒÃÀÒ¤ÊÓËÃѺ»‚ ¾.È. 2557-58 candidate to serve as our nominee for 2014-15 governor:

Past President Surachat Chuenchoksan Rotary Club of Dhonburi Any club in our district which has been in existence for at least one year as of the beginning of 2011-12 may also propose a challenging candidate for governornominee, provided this club has previously suggested such candidate to the Nominating Committee. The name of the challenging candidate shall be submitted pursuant to a resolution by the club adopted at a regular meeting. The club must file the resolution with the governor by 9 January 2012.

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Please inform your club members of the name and club of the nominee. . .

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¡ÒÃãËŒºÃÔ¡ÒâŒÍÁÙÅ Greetings from Rotary International! It is now time to update your Rotary club officers for the incoming 2012-13 year. According to your Rotary Club Bylaws, elections of club officers are to be held each year by 31 December and reported to Rotary International as soon as results are known. This reminder is being sent to ALL Rotary clubs presidents, secretaries, executive secretaries and district governor-elects. If you have already entered your club president, secretary, treasurer, and foundation chair in Member Access for the incoming Rotary year, you may disregard this notice. Please verify online for completeness. The current Rotary club president, secretary, and executive secretary/director has access to report their incoming officers online using Member Access on the Rotary website. Information submitted through Member Access is automatically added to Rotary International database, and no additional follow up by postal mail or e-mail to Rotary Headquarters is necessary. Having this information on file at Rotary International is important to all Rotary clubs because data is used to update the upcoming Official Directory, and also for Semi-Annual Reports, invoices, and all other Rotary club mailings. With Member Access reporting you will be able to enter and maintain: Current and incoming club officers (name and contact details) Club permanent mailing address (where club should receive mail every year) Club phone, fax, e-mail, and website Club meeting details Select format that you want to receive the Official Directory Please note that if you use a district or country maintains a separate data base with club officer information, the same data may not be automatically transferred to the Rotary International’s data base. Please check with your club software vendor to see if they are participating with direct integration of club officers. - Ready to get started? Log into Member Access - Need to create and account for Member Access? Sign up here - Need more information? Read the FAQ - Need assistance with online reporting? Click here for assistance

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Celebrate Rotary Awareness Month by training members on Rotary history, programs, or how to raise awareness of your club’s projects among your community. Or, ask members to share a personal story or experience that they have had because of Rotary. Every Rotarian has a Rotary story that can be educatonal and inspiring. The beginning of a new year is a good opportunity to renew inspiraton for the rest of the Rotary year. There are so many things happened during the first half of this year, flood that our district and our Rotarians had suffered. As a result of the inundation in the past 3 months, the actvities of RI district 3350 were affected by cancellation or delay. Many Rotary Clubs in the flooded areas cancelled their regular meetng. Even though there has been hardship for many Rotarians, their spirit of service above self is intact; many Rotarians contnue their services of relief efforts for flood victms led by the chairperson PDG.Suchada Ithijarukul. RI District 3350 in cooperation with the government, private sectors, the army, the navy, businessmen and the support from district 3330, 3340 and 3360 jointly delivered life-saving bags, rice, dried food, clean drinking water, water-purifiers, mobile toilets, mosquito nets, tents and ready-made food to urgently alleviate the grievance of people affected.


Furthermore, The Rotary Foundation has established the Rotary Thailand Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund, which will support relief and recovery projects in the affected areas. Rotary Clubs around the world have shown their concern by contributing money in support of the Fund. All Rotary Clubs in the affected areas should survey the needs of those communities and propose projects to District for urgent consideration. The reparation works such as for schools, toilets, canteens, libraries, painting of school, seats, desks, school equipment and Rotary water purifiers are recommended. We had Rotary Institute at Bali, Indonesia and we had been well sharing of Rotary knowledge and learning from various speakers and work shop and next year The Institute from our Zone will be held in Selangor, Malaysia.

Members: Clubs: D3330 2,254 83 D3340 1,274 56 D3350 2,319 88 D3360 1,347 62 Source: RI Fiscal Agent (Dec. 2011)

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August 2011

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Dear Rotarian Fellow,

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Happy New Year !!! and welcome to 2012. We are now entering the second half of the rotary year. The activities of the rotary clubs have run halfway. The clubs that would like to publicize their activities to be well matched with the month of Rotary Awareness are invited to send information or stories to the edition committee. The Governor’s Newsletter is distributed all over the country and internationally by post and e-book. The newsletter emphasizes on messages from District Governor, District Secretary and District Leaders to clubs and so you can use this channel in the same way to promote your club activities. If you visit E-Book, it will get easier and will probably get a faster edition as it takes time for printing and delivery to you. If any club did not receive it, please notify the edition committee by email :

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Yours in Rotary, Sompol


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