Soul Culture

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Kuinton Elliott


Soul Culture

TRAVEL Editor's Note Mystic Beauutie Rising Star Brandi Little Yoga Benefits

From The Back Seat of my Car

Entrepreneur of the Month Business Highlight The Benefits of Reiki

Dating Meditation


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Editor's Note From disruptive culture to out-of-this-world inventions, this issue celebrates the innovators and their relentless need to question the way things work.

Greetings, Kindred Souls I am your Editor Sherri Hill. Welcome to our first edition of Soul Culture. It our mission to use this resource to keep you up to date with the latest and greatest developments in Mind, Body and Soul care. We will feature unique individuals from around the world, who's mission is to bring Love and Light to our 3D experience. Those of us who have chosen the spiritual world as part of our life's purpose, have dedicated our time and effort to heal and save others. In my eyes, love is the answer, no matter the problem. I truly believe that love is all that we are missing, more important that love starts with self. We encourage you to pay close attention to your spirit life, as it is truly the source to everything we desire. It is my hope that you find something here to help you take that first step to recovery, here we believe that it starts and ends with you. When you change, the world around you seems to fall into place and mirror that love right back to you. We hope you enjoy our magazine and will help us spread the word, as the world is in need of healing. Along with my colleagues we will do all we can to help heal the world.

SHERRI HILL Editor-in-Chief Sherri HIll






 Some people have energy that lights up the sky.

The Twin Flame Journey is quite interesting If

That is Mystic Beauutie, a thriving Youtuber who

you haven't heard about it, or experienced it then

warms the heart of over 100,000 broken hearted

I almost wanna say consider yourself blessed. No

twin flamers. Her spirit is contagious. As I

matter how beautiful it is, it offers its own

interviewed her, her energy was heart warming.

challenges. It triggers you and causes you to take

Her story moved me more than her kind heart.Â

a serious look at the man in the mirror, In my conversation with Mystic I asked her, how do you

1 year ago, Mystic took a leap of faith to end her old

forgive some of things that you experience on the

life and step into her spiritual journey. Although

twin flame journey Her answer was simple yet

she has known for years that she had spiritual gifts,

complex at the same time. Unconditional love was

she didn't quite understand them. She started her

her answer, "You have to exercise unconditional

YouTube channel and began reading cards for the

love to win on the journey" her words softly

collective in the Twin Flame Journey. Having had

spoken but deeply felt,

her own experience in the Twin Flame Journey, she knew it was her calling.

Keep your eye on Mystic, so much more is in store, she owns a thriving etsy shop

Since then she has had over 7 million views on her

( has created two of her very

channel and believe me the "Gang, Gang" which she

own Twin Flame Journey, tarot card decks. All

calls her following, is very loyal. I mean cut you

her products can be found on her esty shop. She

loyal. They long for her caring spirit and her

is starting her own podcast and planning a Divine

cunning sense of human. She entertains and

Feminine Retreat. Stay tuned because God is not

educates her audience at the same time

done with this loving Spirit Yet!



A RISING STAR: BRANDI LITTLE by Sherri Hill Photos by Brandi Little

This month's rising star is truly an inspiration. Every since I laid eyes on this mysterious being I have been captivated by her wit, her charm, and her contagious energy that just makes you wanna be around Brandi Little. Who is Brandi Little? A southern girl with charm and grace. After spending several months in prison, this girl came out with a plan. Sometimes the universe puts us in positions that will either make or break us. Well not even prison could stop this star from rising! An actress, talented singer/songwriter, a model and a motivational speaker. Her voice reminds you of the sultry singer Nina Simone and

Amy Whinehouse, in fact you can listen to her cover of "You Know I am No Good" ( Her voice has also been casted as Jasmine on the Amazon Prime Show "Something Like Love" A series addressing relationships & all its glory. I don't know everything, but I do know nothing will stop this star from rising. Check her out on instagram @brandilittlemusic We love to see these types of transformations and to our "Rising Star Brandi Little" We Salute you.

“What did I come here to do? I, as an artist, am here to live out loud.” SOUL CULTURE



The COVID-19 pandemic has made the world far more uncertain. It has impacted our work and finances, our relationships, and of course, our physical and mental health. Finding the sense of surety we all crave is almost impossible, which leads to stress, anxiety and powerlessness that drains us emotionally. These feelings of helplessness can be traumatic, putting our body and mind in a constant "flight or fight" state. Staying in this tense state for too long not only hurts our quality of life but makes our immune systems more vulnerable. It is important to recognize that this stress is a natural response to what's happening in the world. After being gentle with ourselves, we also need to find a self-care routine that treats both the body and the mind, helping us to break the cycle of endless what-if; about tomorrows challenges. There are plenty of ways to cope with anxiety from uncertainty. Exercise, meditation and breathing techniques have all been proven to mitigate stress. Recently, however, health care professionals, researchers and practitioners are finding consensus around an activity that combines these three techniques into a powerful tool for regulating emotions and managing stress Kundalini Yoga. How Kundalini Yoga can help. Kundalini Yoga is an ancient practice that incorporates movement, dynamic breathing techniques, meditation and mantras to channel your body's energy. While most forms of exercise produce the endorphins that make you feel better, Kundalini Yoga also releases the tension and anxiety that builds up over time in your body's glands and nerves. It resets your stress response so that you can achieve an internal biochemistry of calm, balance and depth of self. This is supported by a growing body of evidence indicating that contemplative practices such as yoga and meditation are effective at treating anxiety. In one recent study, researchers from Harvard Medical School, Boston University and the Sundari Satnam Kundalini Yoga Center compared Kundalini Yoga with common cognitive treatments in reducing symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. Those who were treated with yoga had lower relative levels of anxiety and had a decrease in physical symptoms compared to traditional treatments

Practice Yoga and Meditation for a more balanced life. It's the missing piece to having Peace in your world.



BYÂ CHEF LISA Dessert is a course that concludes a main meal. And no-one does it better than Eventurous Cakes, located in Atlanta, Ga call 404-998-2025 instagram @leeleecakes


Move Over Meat – Vegetables are taking center stage on your plate Eating more vegetables and less meat can have a positive effect on the environment.

THE CONCLUSION Some easy-to-grow options for your veggie main course include hearty tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and zucchini. Some easy additions to everyday meals include cucumbers, onions, garlic, and spinach.

Historically, American dinner plates have featured meat as its mainstay/star, with vegetables as tepid, secondary supporting players. Now, the balance of power on the plate is shifting as fresh, homegrown vegetables take center stage.Recent "food trend" studies show that more people are making vegetables the main course of their meals. Although the interest in healthy eating extends to all age groups, millennials seem to be driving this healthful food trend. Data from the NPD Group suggests that people younger than 40 are eating 52 percent more fresh vegetables compared with young adults 10 years ago, and that preference is likely to continue as they age. In support of this trend, professional chefs, bloggers, restaurants and home cooks are embracing the flavors of a vast variety of vegetables, from common to exotic. Episodes of the popular "Iron Chef" television show feature vegetable-centric meals and a recent article in New York magazine noted,

PLANTS OR MEAT For a new take on burgers, try substituting squash. Veggie burgers, like their meat-based counterparts, can be made in advance, frozen in patties, and pulled out for easy reheating as a healthy burger choice on a busy night. Try putting a new spin on salad, substituting Swiss chard for a fresh, peppy taste in lieu of such standbys as lettuce, spinach, and for more information on varieties along with planting tips, tending, troubleshooting, harvesting, and a plethora of delicious recipes to try! SOUL CULTURE MAG |

FROM THE BACK SEAT OF MY CAR Have you ever felt like giving up? Well let me tell you about a time when I almost gave up. Just 5 short months ago, I was living out of the back seat of my car! Yes you heard me I was homeless. You might be asking yourself how did I get here? Well, lets talk about that. I have worked in the entertainment business most of my life and had many great experiences that left me broke and famous. I had one major disappointment after the next. Until finally I found myself broke and homeless. Just weeks before the covid pandemic I was working for Uber but things were going down hill. I was so depressed looking back on all the time I had wasted in the entertainment arena. I was just merely existing. Not happy at all. I suffered a major breakup in my life, 3 days before Covid shut the world down. I was broken and lost and I knew something had to change. I took a leap of faith and got an apartment. I felt very lucky to have beat the clock by 1 day. Upon moving in I remember laying in the arms of God, literally. I was so hurt and so broken and depressed, that all I could do was lay and cry. Out of nowhere, I remember waking up one day and just feeling the need to heal. www. Instagram @mentalpainhealer Facebook - mentalpainhealer

I felt like something had to be wrong with me. Why had my life failed so badly. God began walking me through my childhood reminding me of the things that had shaped my emotions. What a painful experience, but yet very necessary. I walked back through all the painful memories of my childhood, right into my calling. After going thru the healing process, it was like ideas started to flood my mind. I got six certifications in 2 months, wrote a book , ( A Self Love Journey) started a thriving youtube channel an a spiritual practice in Atlanta, GA. Now tell me there is no God! Now we have Soul Culture Magazine another birthing from my depressed state. I look back now to those short 5 months and realize that this could only be the work of God! I encourage you to never give up, keep the faith no matter how dark it gets. I am so honored to be walking in my passion, living my best life ever. I learned that you cannot solve a problem from the same state of mind that it was created. Change comes with a change of thinking. Your memory is your only component and to win you must clear the past. The only way out is in, PERIOD>




Why Yoga Relieves Stress, Improves Health and Balances Your Life Life is stressful. Between a down economy, long commutes to a job you may not even like, and overbearing bosses, not to mention trying to eke out a few minutes of "me" time in between diaper changes and dinner dates with your significant other, life can be challenging.Equally apparent is that for decades we’ve been told that yoga can combat all of these stressors — and yet, it seems as if it is one of the last things people try to take the edge off.For Leslie Crespi, a social worker in Atlanta, it was the changes she saw in a colleague that got her to consider attending an Inner Engineering program of Isha yoga. A key component to the practice is the "kriya," which Crespi describes to the Atlanta JournalConstitution in an interview as a "process to energize and balance the human system using breathing.""The kriya gives me a sense of balance and the ability to deal with life as it is," she tells the paper. "It’s not about what I do anymore. It’s about how I am, and that’s a beautiful way to live."If the thought of having more balance and energy in your life sounds intriguing, the Isha Institute of Inner

Sciences may just be for you.Nestled in Tennessee’s spectacular Upper Cumberland (45 minutes outside of Chattanooga), the retreat center offers daily campus tours that include light hikes, rejuvenating time spent in Adiyogi: Abode of Yoga (an energized meditation space), and a visit to the largest yoga and meditation hall in the western hemisphere. ..For daytrippers, visitors learn yoga for free, if they arrive in the scheduled time for the session each day.Looking to stay awhile? An overnight includes the option of private studio accommodations, delicious vegetarian buffet meals, and an introductory yoga session of the visitor’s choice, such as the yoga of sound, yoga for strengthening the joints, and yoga for purifying life energies.The center also offers a myriad of opportunities for hiking and mountain biking on forested trails winding throughout nearly 1,400 acres. The center’s five miles of mountain biking trails feature waterfalls, a spring-fed creek, and bluff overlooks.And for those strictly interested in getting centered, there are beginning level yoga and meditation weekends, classical Hatha yoga programs, and individual wellness retreats.For more information, please visit

HOW DO YOUR JUDGMENTS ABOUT MONEY AFFECT YOU? If money is an issue for you, this article can be at least one piece of the puzzle that helps you change your vibration about money.This article assumes you have the basics of the book, Things Are Going Great In My Absence: How To Let Go And Let The Divine Do The Heavy Lifting, which has changed many people's vibration about money, and allowed them to begin living abundantly without working hard on their spiritual and personal development, and without processing. You must commit if you want big transformations in your life.This article probably won't do the whole job for you, but it's a start, and it might just make a difference.There is such a strong belief in the collective consciousness that money is not spiritual, that I often see people who were materially secure before they got on the spiritual path suddenly go broke once they get on the spiritual path. Odd, isn't it? Think about this, and take an honest look at what baggage you might have picked up when you got "spiritual". The spiritual paradigm is steeped in money judgments, and when you pick them up, Law of Attraction causes you to attract less of the "bad substance, money.

Another big hurdle is "either/or" thinking. I can either be good and spiritual, or prosperous and not spiritual. I can either do what I love, or make money. I can either be a good person and be poor, or a greedy person and be rich. Either/or thinking is always limiting. There are never only two choices. This is an unlimited universe.Beliefs are invisible, but they affect your reality anyway. Ask yourself: Do I believe that money is the root of all evil or some such religious judgment? Do I think money has any power at all other than what I give it? Do I believe I have to work really hard to earn money? Do I judge people who don't sweat for it, or inherit it, or receive it free? Lola Jones as author and linking to SOUL CULTURE



soul culture


Soul Culture Magazine follow us instagram @soulculturemagazine

HOW TO MOURN YOUR OLD NORMAL AND ADAPT TO THE NEW (NewsUSA) – Deaths from the novel coronavirus COVID-19 have surpassed 110,000 in the United States and mourning the losses of these lives is important. In addition, we are also mourning lost habits and ways of life that are casualties of the coronavirus.Going out with friends, hugging a grandparent, even opening a door in a public place are on hold. Some of these changes were temporary. However, even as states begin to open up, changes in how we interact with each other and the world will likely continue for far longer."We need to grieve the ways of life we have lost," according to William Glover, Ph.D., president of the American Psychoanalytic Association (APsaA)."Mourning is hard work," Sigmund Freud once wrote in his essay, "Mourning and Melancholia." What makes mourning so hard is having to give up attachments – whether to people or to a way of life – that can’t be replaced. Letting go of what we have lost helps us move on with our lives, although we will always miss the people, places, and things we have lost; in that sense mourning can never be complete. Mourning and grief are an important part of coping with loss and essential in managing changes and accepting new realities. Recognizing that our pre-COVID lives may never return is a loss to be mourned, and the work involved in this mourning can help us move on and into the new reality. However, some people struggle with the process more than others, and resist by responding with illusions of control, refusing to take precautions, and showing contempt for politicians and public health officials who try to explain the changing realities of daily life.In an article post on APsaA’s Psychology

.Recognizing that our pre-COVID lives may never return is a loss to be mourned, and the work involved in this mourning can help us move on and into the new reality. However, some people struggle with the process more than others, and resist by responding with illusions of control, refusing to take precautions, and showing contempt for politicians and public health officials who try to explain the changing realities of daily life.In an article post on APsaA’s Psychology Today blogsite, psychotherapist Shelley Galasso Bonanno, MA, LLP, writes, "Each person processes and expresses grief in their own individual ways, yet there is comfort and power in understanding that one is not alone during this pandemic." One way to cope with grief is by finding meaning in the present situation, although how one does so may be different for everyone. Yet finding meaning is different for everyone. For some, it may mean providing food or assistance to a homebound neighbor, making masks for members of their community, or even donating money to help beloved organizations and venues stay afloat. Others may find meaning by expressing their emotions and reflecting on them with a therapist.Undoubtedly, there will be new ways to maintain relationships, enjoy life, and participate in activities with family and friends. Meanwhile, being able to tolerate the pain of grief and find meaning helps sustain us in difficult times.The American Psychoanalytic Association has created a resource page for the public and mental health providers with resources to help cope with anxiety and grief during this global pandemic.Visit for articles and videos and information on how to find a psychotherapist near you.

editors choice Shop online at www.

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OUR COVER MODEL KUINTON ELLIOTT It's 2020, Its about time we started teaching ourselves about our truth. Our hidden potential that lies dormant within each one of our separately beating hearts. Our unique beat, forms a vibration that carries us through our lives, and for most, its completely unconscious to our every day awareness. We hold within us the potential of the universe, the same energy that flows to us from the sun is the "God/Force/Energy/Source" that keeps our eyes open, our hearts beating, our minds busy and our souls in search for truth, love, purpose, pleasure, connection, peace and happiness in this lifetime. It's a universal truth, we are all small parts of something so great our eyes don't allow us to see, it's so big our senses can't comprehend and our minds can hardly perceive accurately. For generations humanity has fought itself in fear of life not able to provide for us all equally, so we defend our egos and fight anything that seems different. Trapped living in fear for most our lives, we treat the unknown neighbour as an enemy, fighting and killing our competition so that we can continue to survive, creating a world where only few of us can thrive. Most of us subconsciously function like animals but look down upon the animal kingdom because we feel we're the nucleus of life itself. Its time we finally wake up from the illusion of separateness, unite as a species, and thrive as the universe has intended. Weather this rock we call home was hand crafted or the effect of a spontaneous explosion, we have all of the power of the universe sitting all around us and within. We are it! We must unite as a species and as a planet to begin to thrive, we must unite, so that in the future we feel like the point of life, is not just to Survive. Time to wake up! Time for us to consciously be Alive. The colour of our skin, the sound of our voice, what we hold between our legs makes no difference to the stars who are eternally present. We are no different. We are stardust, we are the universe in motion, our bodies that make us feel separate are only a temporary illusion, the truth that is within and all around us is eternal. Connecting us to all who have ever lived so far, and those who will take our place amongst the stars next. Being human is not a curse, or an excuse for our behaviour, being human is a temporary privilege. Do we use our human experience to hold us back from our potential or plunge us into it?How you choose to conduct yourself everyday as an individual will tell.United we stand and grow together infinitely. Divided we fall and continue to suffer together infinitely. History only repeats itself if the lesson wasn't learned, if the change hasn't been made. Its 2020, its time for us to use what we have learned collectively over generations and change. The end of human suffering is the beginning of us using our potential and intelligence living the truth, being the truth, embodying the truth. The truth is we are the universe observing and reflecting itself as a consciousness within a body momentarily. Look within to find your own truth for yourself and TRULY SEE. Namaskar.

Kuinton's Instagram


FAE ANAYA Entrepreneur of the Month


| Soul Culture

Our Entrepreneur of the month Fae Anaya,

Our goal at YOU Expanded is to help our

a blessing to the universe. In her words

clients heal and awaken to Spirit and that

'I spent most of my life in despair and

fact that they are already whole. We do this

depression. That didn't change until I

by clearing away all the masks, all the

began Hypnosis to get to the root of the

trauma, the programming, and the

pain and heal the childhood trauma that

socialization that is keeping a person from

was causing dis-ease inside my body and

being who they truly are and living a life in

mind. Hypnotherapy changed my life and

joyous alignment. I often use a combination

now I was to help others turn their lives

of Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming,

around! I believe the Universe puts

Holographic Memory Resolution, Energy

hardships on the path of us healers so we

Healing, Ritual, and Spirit Guide Messages to

will grow and then we can help others

create a plan that will get you on the fast

work through their hardships :)"

track to where you want to be

Get Away


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We Reopen on 01 August, 2020! It's time to rejuvenate at Ananda again. Enjoy our holistic wellbeing services safely, across 100 acres of nurturing Sal forests, away from the stressors of the past few months. Renew your wellness journey, building on your inner strength, with the power of ancient Indian sciences of Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation & Vedanta.

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During the Corona crisis this powerful women found her calling to become a Spiritual Healer.

Queen Of Wands Spiritual Healer & Tarot Card Reader

Meet Patricia Cooper. During the virus, this thriving

Queen of Wands Tarot/Life Coaching Services

Youtuber took a leap of faith to start her spiritual

Patricia A. Cooper, Certified Life Coach

practice full time. She is a Life Coach and spiritual

Email me :

teacher. She has a tell like it is spirit, that keeps her

Join the Queen of Wands Facebook Page & GroupLike,

audience entertained. Passionately known as the Queen

Share & Subscribe on YouTube

of Wands, she too specializes in the Twin Flame Journey.

Call me Directly : 678-833-6954

It seems as though the twin flame journey has called many spiritual leaders to its path. Just after a few short months, she has gained over 6 thousand subscribers. Her audience is loyal and tunes in just to hear her talk about the crazy Karmics and the Divine Masculine behaviours.

Thank for your interest in my Life-Coaching Program I Offer Weekly or Bi-Weekly Sessions (to include TarotOptional) Your Cost :$55.55 for your initial Reading/Consent for 1hr. Your Follow-up Appointments are $45.00 for 45 mins. These can be scheduled weekly or bi-weekly I offer SELF-LOVE, Finding your WORTH, Understanding Relationships & What you need to CHANGE, noticing the RED-FLAGS, when it's TIME to go, Fulfillment in

Discovering her spiritual gifts came naturally, and now this southern bell, is rising to the top, it want be long before she reaches millions with her cunning spirit.

Relationships & in your Life, HEALING after Deception, HEARTBREAK, what are you ALLOWING, knowing when it's a TOXIC relationship, Dealing with you CHILDHOOD WOUNDS - (this could be effecting your life as adult), NEGATIVE & OBSSESIVE THINKING patterns, Homework & Self Discovery Assignments

r e m sum k o o b e l y st

Spirituality VS Religion Spirituality doesn't block God from your life, it elevates his existence in your life. Many people view being spiritual as a dark thing. A lot of times associated with satanic beliefs. But Spirituality is just the opposite. Being Spiritual is merely a way of life. A way in which we live. Religion has a tendency to impart fear in us by creating this image around God like he is punisher. In both situations we have free will, but in the realm of spirituality, we have freedom to choose which ways best suit us without the guilt. God had no preference on how or what you choose to do, as long as you choose love. Spirituality teaches you to love unconditionally, where the bible also points toward that same principal, but somehow religion seems to use it as a form of control. Spirituality is freedom. I have personally been on both sides of the fence and I love being spiritual. There is so much more to life than what the images of religion choose to share with us. Explore life and all its possibilities. As a spiritual person I find more balanced and loving people. Religious people seem to be very judgmental and have a tendency of thinking if you're not on their team you're not going to heaven when spirituality teaches you to experience heaven right here on earth. You choose, you wanna be right or you wanna be happy. I Choose Happiness all day.

"which one are you? "



Top 10 Reasons to love your Yoni Egg!

“Yoni” is a Sanskrit word for the female genitalia that means “sacred space.” Its symbol has been worshiped in Eastern cultures since ancient times for bestowing life, creativity and love. We will be using the term “yoni” to bring appreciation and acknowledgment – so often lacking in Western culture – to the creative power this magical part of the female body holds. Using a Yoni egg has the following benefits: Increase libido and awaken your sensuality. Increase natural lubrication at any age! Develop an intimate and loving relationship with your yoni, your entire body, and ultimately yourself.Increase sensitivity during intercourse. Become much more orgasmic. Some moms use yoni eggs to assist in after birth recovery. Gain control over the vaginal muscles and rock your lover’s world. Enhance your Tantra, Qigong, and yoga practice. Some women that use yoni eggs report a reduction of PMS symptoms, menstrual cramps and the duration of the menses.Improve overall health and well-being.

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Dr. Cecilia Lopez

Dr. Cecilia Lopez has been practicing therapy for eight years in California’s South San Francisco Bay Area, and is passionate about helping others take their life to the next level. She has a doctorate and master’s degree in counseling psychology and is a licensed marriage and family therapist (#104025). For those struggling with unhelpful thinking, uncomfortable emotions (such as anxiety, sadness, or anger), or achieving their dreams, working with Dr. Lopez allows opportunity to learn tools and gain insight that promote the achievement of goals and an overall life of well-being and flow.

Dr. Lopez helps individuals restructure habits and thinking, as well as work through emotions, trauma or blocks using cognitive behavioral, schema, and person centered therapy frameworks, as well as depth and transpersonal psychology, expressive arts, mindfulness practice and meditation techniques. She enjoys utilizing her client's unique cultural backgrounds throughout the therapy process (including spiritual practices). She is currently accepting California residents for online therapy and offers a free 30 minute consultation for those interested.

.Website: Instagram and Facebook: @drcecilialopez Podcast (on Apple Podcasts and Spotify): Mindful Living with Dr. Cecilia Lopez Meetup Group: Restructuring thoughts, emotions and behaviors with Dr. Lopez

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A mid-engined, two-seat supercar, the H.S. 21 looks remarkably like VW's Bugatti Veyron and Chiron concepts. It was designed by 33-year-old Francisco Villafanez, and the prototype is beautifully done, with a glass roof extending from the windshield to the engine cover, and doors that swing forward and outward like the wings of the stork that was the classic Hispano-Suiza emblem.

So if Bugatti can make a comeback, why not Hispano-Suiza, one of the grandest marques of the pre-World War II era? The company has a complicated history in cars and aircraft, involving, as its name suggests, Spain and Switzerland. So the 2000 Geneva auto show was an appropriate place for Spanish engineering consultant and prototype manufacturer Mazel to present a proposal for the marque's revival.

The H.S. 21 is designed for a 5.0-liter turbocharged V-10 engine and a sequential six-speed gearbox, but the show car had no drivetrain. Mazel hopes to interest investors in reestablishing Hispano-Suiza as a car manufacturer. What would it cost? Cars such as this typically crowd the quarter-million-dollar frontier. But ask us again when the car has (a) a real powertrain and (b) stronger prospects for production.


Dating is never easy. Never mind first impressions and the getting-to-knowyou awkwardness, the Internet has created a world where every foible, every flaw, every little thing (both literally and figuratively) is on display for the all the world, including potential dating partners, to see. “Surviving any worst-case scenario comes down to not panicking, having a plan, and ultimately being prepared,” David Borgenicht, author of The Complete Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Dating & Sex, told the Chicago Tribune in an interview. “And this applies to the realm of dating. .This is why it’s important to be prepared for any dating scene so you aren’t wondering whether leaving-bythe-bathroom-window might actually be an option.

The following tips will help you avoid the minefield of dating.• You spill wine all over the table, yourself or your date. The best-case scenario is that you and your date laugh it off. Bonus? If you like one another, it’s an easy way to ask them out for a second date — to a dry cleaners where you’ll foot the bill. At worst? If the sparks aren’t there, it’s a built-in excuse to end the evening early. • You’re running late. There are a million ways things can go wrong— unexpected traffic, the boss asks you to stay later than you planned, mistiming on how long it takes to get ready — and all of a sudden you’ve kept your date waiting. In this instance, take a few minutes to send a quick text message or phone call to let them know you’ve run into a snag, but will be there as soon as possible. Better yet, give them a timeframe. One caveat: try to keep it light. If you sound stressed about being late, they’ll be stressed while they’re waiting.

You’re a smokeless tobacco user. For smokeless tobacco users, the mere thought of taking a spit cup or bottle on a date is horrific, and of course, an absolute no-no. So, what to do? You might think about investing in a portable spittoon made by FLASR, an Atlanta-based company that specializes in creating smokeless tobacco accessories.To avoid the messiness that sometimes goes hand-inhand with using smokeless tobacco, the FLASR flask has an advanced closing mechanism, ensuring that it stays securely closed when not in use, thus eliminating the risk of spills and leaks often found with cups and bottles. In addition, the small size of the FLSR flask allows users to enjoy smokeless tobacco unobtrusively while in public.

soul culture| August 2020

Got Water? 4 Reasons to Drink More H2O We all know water is good for us and that we should probably drink more of it. So why, then, do Americans find it so difficult to sip from what is arguably the fountain of youth?Answers vary, but the fact is, one in 10 Americans drinks zero cups of water per day, according to a study by Dr. Alyson Goodman, a medical epidemiologist for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Zero. She suspects that those who don’t drink any water (or very little) are getting it from other sources such as food and coffee, but warns this may not be enough.“Many health risks decrease when you drink plain water,” says Goodman.Which is why, she says, the results are “mindboggling.”Robert Eakle, CEO of Alkame Water, agrees. “Without water, no living thing can survive,” he says. “It affects every area of our life and is an essential part to maintaining proper health.”However, not all waters are created equal. Enhanced waters, like Alkame Water, provide the body with more health benefits than regular water. Just take a look at how it can help:• It balances body fluids. Your body is composed of about 60 percent water and performs vital functions such as protecting your organs and tissues, regulating your body temperature and carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells—essentially it keeps your body running like a well-oiled machine.• It keeps skin looking healthy. Water moisturizes your skin and functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss (think free anti-aging cream). In addition, it can keep your skin fresh and smooth.• It boosts the immune system. Those who guzzle water are at a lower risk of getting sick. This crystal-clear concoction helps fight against flu, cancer and other ailments—especially if your water has mild alkaline properties, such as those found in Alkame Water. Including ionized water in your daily intake can give your immune system a boost through added antioxidants, improve aerobic capacity, enhance energy levels and through a patented technology that alters the molecular structure of water, hydrate your body more fully.• It can help control calories. While drinking water may not be a weight-loss strategy, per se, substituting it for higher-calorie or sugar-filled beverages can help by removing by products of fat, filling you up so you’re not noshing, acts as a natural appetite suppressant and raises your metabolism.Alkame Water, Inc., is a wholly owned subsidiary of Alkame Holdings, Inc. (OTCQB: ALKM). For more information about Alkame Water and its health benefits, visit

Kuinton Elliott

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