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EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT! You Had Me at Goodbye by Gaby Perez
CONTENTS How to stop being an Empath
Free will vs God's Will
How to maintain your vehicle.
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Sherri Hill Cheif Editor Get to know eight twenty-something writers who will capture our literary hearts
HOW TO KICK THE "SEEKING ADDICTION" In Divine Openings, we consider everything to be just a vibrational habit that can be changed. We don't put big diagnoses on things that sets them in cement and labels you with a life-long malady. Whether it's a psychological diagnosis, a disease, or a personality trait, it's just a vibration to us. by Lola Jones
There is no dark energy. There is nothing to clear or get rid of. There is only vibration to raise and it's simple, requiring no props or processing.
Whether it's alcoholism, drugs, smoking, gambling, shopping, or sex/love addiction, or even that toughest addiction in the spiritual community: seeking addiction, it's all just a way of vibrating that isn't working out so happily for you. The "Seeking Addiction" title probably got your attention, so from here on, we'll just consider it a vibrational habit, and it can be changed if you so desire. Any habit is persistent. It's designed to be so you don't have to think about it. . Many habits are very productive, and you're fortunate you don't have to think about it much. Like brushing your teeth, making your bed, eating healthy, exercising, or meditating. You feel better when you do it and you feel worse if you don't. The habit serves and enriches you.It's a form of autopilot that's useful... until it gets set on something that isn't so good for you or that causes you suffering. Unproductive habits either hurt you or hold you back.
The relief is usually either short-lived, or after a while of doing it there is no relief at all, but the habit persists anyway. Like drugs or cigarettes; at first the person gets "high", but after doing it for awhile, the high loses its contrast and doesn't feel as high as it used to, but the craving for the drug is even stronger. It isn't rational. You may even need more of it to get the high, so it escalates, but so do the negative side effects. How many years have some sought relief from emotional, mental, and spiritual sources outside themselves, and found the relief short-lived, temporary only, limited to one issue, or even got no relief at all. Yet once the habit is established, its pull is immense. We do it just because we did it. We do it because everyone else is doing it.
Divine Openings is not a drip drip of one issue at a time getting fixed. It's like the drenching rain of Grace. Things resolve "en masse" once you claim your power and stop seeking. No more drip, drip, drip. Thank God, no more working at issues piecemeal forever. Oh, yes, unfolding and evolution still occurs, actually more rapidly, but the relief is now, it's constant, it's global, and it's increasing. It is joyful and freeing to go cold turkey on the seeking habit. Give it over the The Presence if it's too big for you, or like the woman below, get a little coaching from a Divine Openings Giver. We don't want you to become some kind of devotee to us, we want you to get free and devoted to your own wellbeing. We want you to discover your own inner guidance.
YOU'RE ALWAYS MANIFESTING People often say to me, "I want to learn to manifest." That always gets a mischievous smile from me, along with the comment, "But you already do that, every second." You are the essence of creativity to your core, made in the image of the Great Creator. If you're often mystified by what you create, you must not be aware of how you're creating it - like the very young Harry Potter waving his new wand around and creating havoc as well as magic. You manifest every bit of your experience. You couldn't stop creating if you wanted to. What I think you're telling me you want is to do it on purpose, and have more mastery of it. Most people just create the same thing over and over, by their attention to it and emotional charge on it, which gives it renewed reality every day.
Duke | 102
It's a new year, fresh as ioncharged air after a thunderstorm. Life offers up millions of opportunities to create your life as new as we'll allow it to be. Divine Openings helps you create what you want. Just do it and stick with it.
HOW TO STOP OVEREMPATHING OR TAKING ON NEGATIVITY FROM OTHERS BY LOLA JONES How Overempathing Happens It usually begins with being naturally very sensitive or empathic. Being empathic is a blessing--and a curse if you don't know how to manage it. Sensitivity is a gift, but any gift taken to the extreme becomes negative. Any strength taken to the extreme becomes a weakness. Empathing what other people are feeling is meant to be a temporary reading of their Instrument Panel Vibrations you pick up from others are useful information you're meant to receive and then let go of. Take the Instrument Panel reading, use that information to help them, then let go of the feeling vibration. Why would someone try to carry low vibrations for another person or a client? 1. Often it's a feeling of unworthiness, such as, "Why should I be doing well when so many are suffering?" But if you take on their low vibration, now there are two of you down there. If you jump in the pit with them, who's going to get the rope to get you out? Better if you stay up so you can help them .2. Over-empathizers have an exaggerated sense of responsibility for other people, or they want to feel needed or important. They don't let others take responsibility for their own vibration and life. It's actually a form of trying to controlling others, fix them, or change them inappropriately. We empower others by helping, but not carrying them. 3. Some over empathers do it to "be a good person." But anyone who sponges up low vibration ends up unhappy, and that doesn't make you a good person--it makes you a victim. 4. Some people need to be a healer or helper to feel "important" or special. If this is you, address this immediately, as it is the worst reason there is to be a healer. You need to feel worthy, valued, and completely independent of what you do. If you need people to make you important or say you're powerful, you're on a slippery slope. It never leads to fulfillment. I perceive someone who needs my help as temporarily having forgotten who they are, and my wish is for them to remember ASAP, and as soon as possible, not need me. If you need to be needed, there is a void within you, and you will find your fullness by going within to The Presence. 5. Some say, "Well, it's my compassion, love, and care for people." Is it? Holding a vision of someone as broken, powerless, weak, and needing your help on an ongoing basis makes you a contributor to the problem. Again, it is often your terror and lack of allowing the flow and the goodness of life that has you want to carry others and manage the Universe that is already perfectly orchestrated. Learn how it works and you'll love it! Jesus simply did not see people as sick or crazy, so they could not be sick or crazy for long in his Presence. Being human, his vibration did falter a few times, thus his crucifixion. He recovered his equanimity on the cross, in extreme circumstances! He is not meant to be an example of martyrdom being a good thing, as Christian theology has proposed. His message was love and Grace--redemption without paying any price for it.
DO I NEED SPIRITUAL PROTECTION? By lola Jones First the good news: You do not need any spiritual protection ever. There is nothing to fear in the entire Universe other than yourself - something you created from your own imagination, or from a lower vibration that you are broadcasting on that subject. And if you have created such a problem, calling in "protection from it" isn't going to help, it's just going to give it more reality and power over you.When you call in "spiritual protection", you are essentially saying, "There is something to protect FROM," and you are essentially creating it in that moment.If you chant a mantra for protection, it's like repeating an affirmation that you are powerless and the universe is not a safe place. It's a fear-creating mantra. It would be more productive to make up a chant about how wonderful and safe your world is because you're in tune with the great flow of life that carries you effortlessly.
The very idea of protection is focusing on a negative, which we never recommend you do. It's pushing against something, and what you resist persists. Instead, focus on and develop your knowing that the universe is a safe place. Focus on what you do want.You are not now and have never been at the mercy of evil spirits, entities, random or out-ofyour-control events, stars, earth changes, or mysterious forces, unless you firmly believe you are. If you believe you're a victim of anything - then you will materialize evidence of it and experience it as "reality". A reality you created.The very belief in the need for protection creates something to protect from, where there wasn't anything to protect from before. I feel safe walking down streets, driving, sleeping in my bed, and doing spiritual work, and always have. I might intend safety in a tight situation, but I never invoke protection. If I have a moment of fear, I own it as my own creation asap to get my power back, even though it seems to be a shadowy lurking person out there, or some other material threat.
YOU ARE NATURALLY PROTECTED No ceremony, invocation, or "bubble of light" is going to protect you from yourself. You're in there with you! Such rituals decimate your power and responsibility. Intend clarity about this now and you will feel it. I've instinctively known this for decades, and have never, ever felt the need to call upon angels or light or anything for protection, never prayed for "protection", and have never had any need for it. I haven't felt "protected". I've felt safe. I noticed that everyone I saw calling in protection was constantly beset by whatever they were calling in protection from, whether it was problems, thefts, legal situations, conflicts, bad health, fears, or physical attacks. They seemed to have more to protect from than anyone I encountered. Those calling in spiritual protection were often always talking about their troublesome encounters with "entities", "dark spirits", "ghosts", "alien implants", "toxic people", or "evil". Instead of claiming responsibility for their troubles and looking at how they created it with their own vibration or thinking, the power and causes were assigned to these outside influences, to whom they gave their power.
First, God and the angels are already here, all the time. They never go anywhere so it's silly to call upon them. We humans might wander off into dark or powerless thoughts, though. You'd be better off to call YOU in (sly grin) .Second, Grace and good are always raining upon you, so asking for goodness and light to be with you affirms you don't recognize that it's already happening, in effect denying and negating what's already given. Third, I am light (and so are you). Remind yourself. Fourth, there is no such thing as evil or evil spirits. Those are very primitive beliefs that nevertheless can appear to you as real if you are out of alignment with your Large Self (in a lower vibration). Man created the devil and gives the devil responsibility for man's own lower vibrations and creations, then attempts to protect from the devil - a huge projection that veils your own power and responsibility. So next time you contemplate calling on "protection", remind yourself that your powerful laser of attention is in that moment actually focused on and therefore creating fear and something to protect from. There isn't anything to protect from, but by saying there is, you've created it. Suggestions to increase your power: Don't give your power away by believing there's anything "out there" that can get you. Claim your safety and security in the Universe now and forget about it. If you're about to drive in the rain, get in the vibration of safety, and intend a safe, fun drive. If someone is physically threatening you, get your vibration up above fear, and you won't attract that anymore. Only victim vibrations attract villain vibrations. If you're fearing something non-physical, remember it's "you reflecting some dark pocket of vibration back to you", so you know it's there. Own anything as your own creation that "seems" to threaten you. That gives you your power back. It doesn't give you the luxury of being a victim of anything. If you have difficulty doing all this and experience persistent feelings of fear or powerlessness (or just want a better life),.
Let me begin my story with an unimportant fact—I love butterflies. You are probably wondering what butterflies have to do with faith, but to explain that I will have to start at the beginning. . .This is a true story, a simple event that restored my faith and strengthened my belief that there is a greater or higher power out there.Many years ago my brother gifted me a book called ‘The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success’ by Deepak Chopra. At the time I was a complete novice to the concept of spirituality. Meditation, mindfulness, positive thinking . . . never thought about any of it. No one I knew practiced meditation. I had never heard of the law of attraction, never considered the possibility that you can influence your life through thought. Life had always simply happened to me; I had no control over it. So you can imagine my surprise . . . but I am also a very rational person, so of course a small seed of doubt was always there.Nonetheless I was intrigued enough to begin my spiritual journey. Although I have to admit that at the time much of my intrigue was based on the thought, ‘Anything to improve my life. To make me feel better.’ Little did I know that embarking on your spiritual journey has little to do with having a perfect life, and everything to do with personal and spiritual growth. I learned that one painful lesson at a time. I worked hard with the knowledge I had gained to improve my life. At first, I was incredibly enthusiastic, nothing could stop my fervor and I took any set-backs easily in my stride. Months went by and then one day I was hit with the realization that nothing had changed. My life hadn’t suddenly improved. In fact, my situation hadn’t changed at all. Where was my dream job, my dream house, my dream relationship? All I seemed to be attracting were more uncomfortable emotional challenges. With each challenge and disappointment, my little seed of doubt grew. It sounded so easy in the books that I devoured, so why was it so hard for me? When I attended my meditation and law of attraction courses people would talk about their amazing meditation experiences, about having visions, seeing light, receiving guidance from spirit guides, and all sorts of wonderful things that I really wanted to experience, but never did. So my seed of doubt found fertile ground in someone like me. I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong. Then one day, I was at work grumbling my way through some task that I didn’t want to perform when an emotional tidal wave hit me right upside the head. Within seconds I was out the door seeking refuge in my lunch break. I didn’t want to share my obvious spiritual failure with anyone else, so I slumped on a bench in the small, mostly concrete park that was located opposite my work, and I hid from the world so to speak. At first, I cried, I was so miserable. Then I got angry and gave God, or higher power whichever you prefer, a real piece of my mind, and I was by no means polite about it. While it felt good to fling all my grievances, my doubt, and anger directed at the source, it did not improve my overall negative emotional state. But beneath all the anger and disappointment there was still the proverbial glimmer of hope. Reluctant to be alone again, I gave God one last chance. I asked for a sign, anything to make his or her presence known, anything to show me that a higher power existed.
Ascension is a gradual process of becoming enlightened while walking around as a human being. It is a process of changing from a disconnected human being, to a connected human being, connected to one’s higher self and the realm of spirit.During ascension spirit begins to merge with matter over a period of time, parts of our soul/higher self begin to merge with our body/mind/spirit.While there are some similarities of ascension with everyone, it is also a very unique and personal experience. After all, we are all so unique and special in our own way. Some people that have a stronger mental energy will probably not experience as many of the emotional symptoms of ascension. People that have a stronger emotional energy, (the empaths and sensitive’s), will experience ascension from a more emotional perspective.Generally the population is only at the beginning of the ascension process, and caught up in the limitation of the 3rd dimension. We live in a world currently that in many ways does not support ascension.
What is Ascension?
Over time you begin to feel more at peace and content as your vibrations change, but often you have to face your fears to get there. Ascension isn’t an easy journey, and in most cases other people cannot relate to your experiences that are not on a spiritual path. Ascension is an inward journey and you may find yourself wanting to spend more time alone and in nature.Entertainment that is violent or competitive can become less appealing. Loud and disharmonious music can also become less appealing. At the moment Mother Earth is ascending and healing from many years of negativity and abuse. In most cases the earth will ascend first and then humanity will follow. The more people that begin to awaken and raise their vibrations, the more gently the earth changes will be. When the earth triggers a natural disaster, in part it is to release energy, but it also has the effect of triggering humanity into a state of compassion and emotional release. It makes people all around the world want to help those affected by the disaster, whether that be donating money or sending healing energy to the area affected.Ascension can be a challenging journey, but we are doing a great service to the future of humanity and life on this planet. We all have our unique missions and roles to play; each one of us is so precious and important.
Trusting Your Intuition Learn the differnce between intuition and fear!
When beginning your spiritual journey and awakening, it can be a bit of a spiritual minefield at times. There can be many pitfalls and obstacles that you may come across that can create confusion and veer you off course. This is why developing your intuition and connection with your higher self is very important. Otherwise, you can be a bit like a flag flapping in the wind, being pulled in all directions, without a solid foundation.So, you might be thinking, with all the information out there, how do I know what is accurate and how do I trust my intuition? For most people, this is a skill that takes time to develop. It doesn't normally happen overnight. The following are some pointers you may like to employ next time you're uncertain about some new age or channeled information. With the example of a book or article, ask yourself, 'Does this information resonate or sit well with me?' If it does, then continue reading.
If it doesn't, it's best to stop reading and maybe revisit it at another time.• You may like to ask yourself, 'How does this information make me feel?', 'Do I feel uplifted or inspired?' or do you begin to feel fearful or uncertain about the future? Not all channeled sources of information are coming from the light, even though they may claim to be. The dark sometimes masquerades as coming from the light, or light beings, to confuse lightworkers and truth seekers.• Learning to exercise discernment is really important. This simply means developing a 'truth filter.' Instead of absorbing everything like a sponge, only take in what feels right or resonates.• Because we all have different upbringings and live in different cultures, what may resonate with one may not resonate with another, and this is completely fine. As human beings we also have a unique akash, which is the collection of all our past life experiences and wisdom.• Learning to connect with your higher-self and guides can be very helpful. Your higher self is an aspect of yourself in higher vibration that you can make a permanent connection with
Your higher self is an aspect of yourself in higher vibration that you can make a permanent connection with. Those on a spiritual, or ascension, path gradually download higher aspects of their soul and higher self, allowing a greater connection to take place. We all have guides, as well, that work through our intuition in order for us to make higher choices in our life. Because we are gifted with free will, it is always our choice whether we take their advice or wisdom on board.• Meditation can be a great way to silence one's mind and connect to our inner voice or intuition. Guided meditation is also a great way to learn how to connect with one's higher self and guides. For those that like a little guidance and direction in their meditation, listening to a guide taking them through a journey can be very beneficial.• If you feel unsure about something you read, hear or see online, asking the opinion of someone you trust can be helpful. You may like to ask a spiritual teacher, or meditation teacher, for their opinion or perspective on the information. They may be able to give you a different perspective, or shed some light on it that you may not have considered.
In our human experience, we have chosen and been gifted with free will. We have the choice to do what we please in life. Often our choices are determined by our beliefs and our state of mind and emotions. Spirit wishes to teach humanity that we have two choices, a higher choice guided by spirit, or a lower choice guided by the ego. Spirit does not judge us by the quality of choices we make in life but on a higher level, we essentially do. When you walk the spiritual path, gradually your will becomes aligned with the will of spirit, god, or whatever you perceive it to be. Often this is a gradual process over many years, we still have an ego, but it becomes less of a driving force in our lives. You have probably heard the parable of a good angel and an evil angel perched on each shoulder. This refers to both the ego and soul, whilst living in duality on this planet. Duality is the opposite expression on both sides of the spectrum. Over time walking the spiritual path, you gradually become light infused with more of your soul and higher self. This can be referred to as enlightenment, which is more a journey than a destination. Negative aspects of our ego gradually become balanced with more positive aspects of our ego. The swings of duality become less. Eventually, you reach a level where you ascend both matter and spirit together. The positive aspects of your ego remain, but your main driving force becomes that of god or spirit.
It is important to realize that things don’t just happen to us; we are not just victims in life. Often we need to look at our situation from a higher perspective, and that is what walking the spiritual path gives you. Things always happen for a reason, and you have agreed to experience this from a soul level. Often there are other factors at play, such as karma and cause and effect. Humanity and the planet itself are re-birthing into a new state of being. Like any transition, it is not always a smooth ride. However, if you trust your intuition or the promptings of the spirit, things become easier. Your vibration begins to change; you begin to feel greater levels of peace and wellbeing in your life. You begin to realize that you are a powerful spirit, choosing to experience being a human being for a period of time. Angels operate from divine will, the will of God. They do not have free will like humans; their will is completely aligned with spirit. You could say that your higher self is like an angel, and an aspect of your soul is here pretending to be human. Humans learn from their choices and actions in life through free will. If ever you are faced with a difficult decision, ask God or your higher self, what would you do in this situation? Silence your mind and go within for the answers. Often the best way to receive guidance from the spirit is to ask a question just before drifting off to sleep at night. As the saying goes “the night brings counsel” you will often awake with renewed clarity about your situation, or even receive an answer in a dream. Remember that free will is a gift, and like any gift, it needs to be nurtured and respected. Treat others with respect and may spirit enlighten your path in life.
Free Will Versus Divine Will We talk about the new-age way to share the goodness of life, through the means that we know best.
The Ganges (Ganga) River is a sacred body of water to Hindus that begins high in the Himalaya Mountains and empties out into the Bay of Bengal. The surrounding river basin has a population of more than four hundred million people. The Ganges (Ganga) River and its surrounding watershed supports one of the most fertile and densely populated regions on the planet, and its intricate web of waterways offered a stunning view to the crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia on mission STS-87. When it comes to natural healing, few places are more renowned than India’s Ganges River. Hindus throughout the country make the journey to Varanasi, on the banks of the Ganges, to spread the ashes of their deceased relatives, believing the river will transport their souls to heaven and help them escape the endless cycle of rebirth.
How Ice Cream Is Madid you place a container of milk or cream in the freezer, you'll end up with a stiff block of frozen liquid, not the soft, creamy ice cream that we're used to. Special techniques are employed to make ice cream that creates smaller ice crystals and incorporates air, which produces a soft texture. Constantly churning ice cream, whether by hand or mechanically, ensures that large, stiff ice crystals do not form
Ice cream is a mixture of milk, cream,
within the mixture. The churning
sugar, and sometimes other
process also serves to introduce
ingredients that has been frozen into
air and create a foam-like texture,
a soft, creamy delight using special
further softening the mixture.
techniques. Ice cream has been a
However, there are no-churn
popular treat for hundreds of years
options to make ice cream. Salt,
but has only become commonplace
which lowers the melting point of
since the widespread use of
ice, is often used in the ice-cream
refrigeration. The exploding
making process. When the melting
popularity of ice cream has led to a
point of ice is lowered, it draws
number of ice-cream variations
heat out from the ice-cream
including frozen custard, frozen
mixture faster, causing it to freeze
yogurt, and even non-dairy versions
at a quicker rate. Freezing the
made with ingredients like coconut
mixture quickly produces smaller
ice crystals and a softer final product. The salt that is mixed
Ice Cream Composition IN the United
with the ice never comes in
States, ice cream must contain 10 to
contact with the ice cream and
16 percent milk fat. Higher milk fat
therefore does not affect the
ice creams generally have a smoother
sodium content. The salt-filled ice
texture because they contain a lower
is packed around an inner ice-
amount of water and, therefore,
cream chamber that keeps the ice
fewer ice crystals. Ice creams that
cream in and salt out .Liquid
contain less than 10% milkfat are
nitrogen and dry ice can also be
referred to as "ice milk" or more
used to make ice cream as they
popularly, "low fat" ice cream. In
also produce a quick freezing
addition to milk or cream, ice cream
action. The popular mall treat
often contains stabilizers, like gluten,
Dippin Dots consists of small balls
to help keep the mixture a consistent
of ice cream created using liquid
texture. Sugar or sugar substitutes
nitrogen to freeze small droplets
are usually added to provide the
of cream.
sweet flavor that most people expect. No-sugar-added varieties of ice cream have become popular and rely on the addition of fruit and milk's natural sugars for their subtle sweetness. The variety of flavors and additives in ice cream has kept its popularity strong with consumers. From tropical fruits like mango or less common ones like pomegranate to unconventional flavors like coffee or basil, thousands of ice-cream flavors, both savory and sweet, have
Today, jobs specialize in the selling of ice cream. The title of a person who works in this speciality is often
called an 'ice cream man', however women also specialize in the selling of ice cream. People in this line of work often sell ice cream on beaches. On beaches, ice cream is either sold by a person who carries a box full of ice cream and is called over by people who want the purchase ice cream, or by a person who drives up to the top of the beach and rings a bell. In the second method,
people go up to the top of the beach and purchase ice cream straight from the ice cream seller, who is often in an ice cream van. Some ice cream distributors sell ice cream products
from traveling refrigerated vans or carts (commonly referred to in the US as "ice cream trucks"), sometimes equipped with speakers playing children's music or folk melodies (such as "Turkey in the Straw"). The driver of an ice cream van drives throughout neighborhoods and stops every so often, usually every block. The seller on the ice cream van sells the ice cream through a large window; this window is also where the customer asks for ice cream and pays. Ice cream vans in the United Kingdom make a music box noise rather than actual music.
1. Mix together cream, sugar and vanilla. 2. Pour Orange juice in maker up to fill line. 3. Place stick in position. 4. Wait 3 1/2 minutes. 5. Use suction tool to remove unfrozen juice from center of maker or carefully pour off unfrozen juice. 6. Fill this now empty space with cream mixture. 7. Wait 5 minutes or until cream in set (frozen). 8. Use tool to remove pop and place in freezer.
Generally regarded as the most pleasant taste, sweetness is almost always caused by a type of simple sugar such as glucose or fructose, or disaccharides such as sucrose, a molecule combining glucose and fructose. Complex carbohydrates are long chains and thus do not have the sweet taste. Artificial sweeteners such as sucralose are used to mimic the sugar molecule, creating the sensation of sweet, without the calories. Other types of sugar include raw sugar, which is known for its amber color, as it is unprocessed. As sugar is vital for energy and survival, the taste of sugar is pleasant. The stevia plant contains a compound known as steviol which, when extracted, has 300 times the sweetness of sugar while having minimal impact on blood sugar. Sourness is caused by the taste of acids, such as vinegar in alcoholic beverages. Sour foods include citrus, specifically lemons, limes, and to a lesser degree oranges. Sour is evolutionarily significant as it is a sign for a food that may have gone rancid.
Saltiness is the taste of alkali metal ions such as sodium and potassium. It is found in almost every food in low to moderate proportions to enhance flavor, although to eat pure salt is regarded as highly unpleasant. There are many different types of salt, with each having a different degree of saltiness, including sea salt, fleur de sel, kosher salt, mined salt, and grey salt. Other than enhancing flavor, its significance is that the body needs and maintains a delicate electrolyte balance, which is the kidney's function. Salt may be iodized, meaning iodine has been added to it, a necessary nutrient that promotes thyroid function.
Vegan Animals are used as food either directly or
Most food has always been obtained
indirectly by the products they produce.
through agriculture. With increasing
Meat is an example of a direct product taken
concern over both the methods and
from an animal, which comes from muscle
products of modern industrial agriculture,
systems or from organs.
there has been a growing trend toward sustainable agricultural practices.
Food products produced by animals include milk produced by mammary glands, which
This approach, partly fueled by consumer
in many cultures is drunk or processed into
demand, encourages biodiversity, local self-
dairy products (cheese, butter, etc.). In
reliance and organic farming methods.[10]
addition, birds and other animals lay eggs,
Major influences on food production include
which are often eaten, and bees produce
international organizations (e.g. the World
honey, a reduced nectar from flowers, which
Trade Organization and Common
is a popular sweetener in many cultures.
Agricultural Policy), national government policy (or law), and war.
Some cultures consume blood, sometimes in the form of blood sausage, as a thickener for sauces, or in a cured, salted form for times of food scarcity, and others use blood in stews such as jugged hare.
Adrian Mc Craig
marriage success "For many married couples, falling in love and saying "I do" was the easy part. Living happily ever after is the part that takes a whole lot of work."
One possibility is the Roman belief in the Vena Amoris, which was believed to be a blood vessel that ran from the fourth finger (ring finger) directly to the heart, Thus when a couple wore rings on this finger, their hearts were connected. Historian Vicki Howard points out that the belief in the "ancient" quality of the practice is most likely a modern invention. Double ring ceremonies are also a modern practice, a groom's wedding band not appearing in the United States until the early 20th century and the late 20th century.
A wedding is a ceremony where two people are united in marriage. Wedding traditions and customs vary greatly between cultures, ethnic groups, religions, countries, and social classes. Most wedding ceremonies involve an exchange of marriage vows by the couple, presentation of a gift offering, rings, symbolic item, flowers, money, and a public proclamation of marriage by an authority figure. Special wedding garments are often worn, and the ceremony is sometimes followed.
MILE FEATURE Olivia Jones' country driving experience and her tips ULTIMATE CAR CARE Toby from Toby's Garage talks about his top 5 tricks TOP CARS OF THIS MONTH We give a rundown on the top picks of the editor
The secret is that there is no real secret to getting a vehicle to last a long time. The difference is maintenance.
If everything on TV were true, then keeping a vehicle running great, looking good, and lasting a long time would be the easiest thing ever. Advertising will tell us over and over that all we really need to do to keep that car or truck running forever and looking brand new for years is to pour some bottles of miracle liquid into the crankcase, sprinkle magic dust on the paint, or spray some sort of ionized wonder water on the interior. Unfortunately this is not the case. Following the old adage that "if it sounds too good to be true it probably is" comes the news that regular, proper care and maintenance are what really keep vehicles going into the high sixfigure mileage ranges. Miracle
cures, magic fairy dust, mystery polymers and the like are all fine and good for infomercials, but most likely won't do much good for your vehicle. Regularly scheduled maintenance and lubrication using the manufacturers recommended type and formulation of oil, grease and liquids is what will do the trick. Replacing normal wear-and-tear parts such as timing belts before they break is also a good path to follow on the road to long vehicle life. Taking good care of your vehicle can make the difference between being the proud owner of a good looking, long lasting, reliable machine, and saying goodbye to a rusty, faded-paint jalopy that fell apart or broke down long before it was designed to.
WHAT KIND OF OIL, BRAKE FLUID, AND GREASE USED IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS WHEN IT IS CHANGED. We all know somebody with an older, high-mileage vehicle that just keeps on running year after year--that crazy uncle in the high-mileage ride that keeps on going strong. "What's Uncle Fred's secret?" you may wonder, scratching your head with one hand while holding a repair bill in the other? At its core, Uncle Fred's 500,000-mile 1972 Datsun 610 is no different a vehicle than a two-year-old hulk that barely cleared 65,000 miles before it got hooked up to the wrecker truck, never to be seen again. While the short-lived heap has since been crushed, melted down, and built into another car, Uncle Fred keeps on trucking.
The best oil in the world will do your engine no good if you never change it. Cleaning and protecting the finishes of the vehicle inside and out will keep things looking good. Paint, plastic, leather, and fabric need help to survive the constant assault of sun and elements. Utilize both of these plans together and you, like Uncle Fred, will enjoy happy motoring for a good, long time. Follow the accompanying 10 handy tips for keeping your vehicle in top shape. Regularly scheduled maintenance and lubrication using the manufacturers recommended type and formulation of oil, grease and liquids is what will do the trick. Replacing normal wear-and-tear parts such as timing belts before they break is also a good path to follow on the road to long vehicle life. Taking good care of your vehicle can make the difference between being the proud owner of a good looking, long lasting, reliable machine.
Brake fluid is hygroscopic. This means it is adept at attracting moisture. Moisture causes components to corrode and fail. Replace fluid and bleed system once a year. Brake fluid is cheap. Calipers, hoses, and sensors are expensive.
Inspect, clean, and repack wheel bearings with wheel bearing grease according to service intervals. Wheel bearings and grease are inexpensive compared to spindle and hub replacement, or liberated wheels rolling down the road ahead of you.
Protect the interior plastic by parking the vehicle in the shade, using a window deflector screen, and applying a UV protectant to prevent the plastic and vinyl from drying out. Driveline components such as u-joints also require regular lubrication. The driveline may have to be removed to access the zerk grease fitting.
Nothing keeps paint looking good and protected like a coat of quality wax. Apply wax at least every six months. Everything with moving parts needs grease to survive. This ball joint went into early retirement due to poor lubrication.
REWARDS PROGRAM ADDS PERKS TO HOME BUYING NEWS USA The COVID-19 pandemic and historically low mortgage interest rates have caused a flurry of home buying across the United States. Families are searching for more flexible work or learning spaces, larger homes and spacious yards for cooped up kids.For those just getting started, an Arizona-based real estate rewards and referral network company, RBN (Real Buyer Network), offers homebuyers added value to their purchase through its relationship with American Express.Here’s how it works: Homebuyers use an RBN participating agent for their home purchase and they can earn American Express Membership Rewards® points up to the purchase price of the home.Larry and Myra of North Carolina recently earned more than 500,000 reward points with RBN. "We enrolled with RBN and were put in touch with Thomas Wohl, Broker, Realtor and it’s probably the best decision we ever made. Thomas was not just interested in us buying a house, but rather we bought the RIGHT house for us.
" The home purchase itself follows the traditional real estate process of cash or mortgage financing.Founder Kipp Lassetter says, before prospective homebuyers get started, before touring any homes, before interviewing any other agents or doing anything in the home buying process, they need to visit RBN’s site."Choose from the most qualified participating agents, buy their home through the traditional real estate process and earn rewards. Using an RBN participating agent is a no-brainer."Lassetter was inspired to found RBN after his own home buying experience, in which he struggled to find a real estate agent with expertise in local neighborhoods and a willingness to go the extra mile on service and support.RBN fills this niche by partnering with the best local agents and rewarding homebuyers for selecting these agents."Each participating agent endures a rigorous vetting process that includes a oneon-one interview and review of sales performance," Lassetter says.Home purchasers have already earned millions of rewards points using RBN participating real estate agents. If you don’t have an existing American Express account, don’t worry.