Graduate Degree Viewbook 2023

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Graduate Degrees VIEWBOOK




We know that choosing a school can be a difficult decision.

We're here to answer your questions and show you what it's like to be a part of the Southeastern family.

The very last thing that the Lord Jesus said before he ascended back into heaven is, “Go and make disciples of all the nations.” If that was on the heart of our Lord, we believe it should be on our hearts here at Southeastern.

Thank you for expressing interest in Southeastern. I think it’s the greatest place in the world to receive training to serve the Lord wherever it is that he wants to send you and however he is calling you.

Southeastern is known as a Great Commission seminary. We’re very fond of saying around here that every classroom is a Great Commission classroom Why the emphasis on the Great Commission? We believe last words are meant to be lasting words. The very last thing that the Lord Jesus said before he ascended back into heaven is, "Go and make disciples of all the nations." If that was on the heart of our Lord, we believe that should be on our hearts here at Southeastern. That’s why you’ll find that we’re passionate about preparing men and women to serve our Lord all around the world.

As you’re seeking the Lord’s direction in your own life and trying to discern if Southeastern is the right place for you to prepare for ministry, let me give you two verses in Romans that have encouraged me and I hope will encourage you as well.

Romans 12:1-2 says:

“Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.”

Throughout many centuries, men and women living in the center of God’s will suffered greatly. Some suffered the loss of their own life. A few years ago, the president of the International Mission Board was on our campus. I remember him saying something that clarified all of this for me when he said, “Being in the center of God’s will is not always easy. Being in the center of God’s will is not always safe. But being in the center of God’s will is always best.”

My prayer for you is that you would be in the center of God’s “good, pleasing, and perfect will.” If that involves you coming to study here at our seminary, then know that’s what we want you to do. I promise you this: We will love you well, we will serve you well, and we will prepare you well for whatever God’s will is for your life.

Why Southeastern? 6 Who Will Teach Me? 10 What Can I Study? 14 What Course Formats Can I Choose From? 26 What Are the Benefits of Studying on Campus? 34 What Else Does Southeastern Offer? 44 How Will I Pay For School? 58 What Next? 60 CONTENTS

Why Southeastern?

Love God

The first of the great commandments is that we love the Lord our God with our heart, soul, and mind (Matt. 22:37). We are committed to seeing Southeastern students grow in their love and knowledge of God, so they will worship, trust, hope, and delight in him more. Our love for God and others, the Bible tells us, is based first on God’s love for us (1 John 4:19). We believe when we are captivated by the love of God (2 Cor. 5:14-15), we are compelled and directed to live lives for his glory and for the salvation of all peoples.

Love the Truth

Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Because God is truth, we believe his inspired word is true. By God’s word, he makes himself known to us, sustains our faith in him, provides a light for our lives, and transforms us. We train students to understand and to trust the sufficient word of God. We cherish his enduring and unfailing word because it is the message of salvation for all those who believe (Rom. 1:16). We are committed to seeing Southeastern students love and know the truth, so they may faithfully teach and share it.

Four Marks of a Great Commission Seminary

1. It is characterized by spiritual vibrancy.

Our hope is that the classes you take at Southeastern will spur you on to love God deeply and pursue his mission passionately around the world.

2. It is certain in its doctrinal conviction.

Our leadership and faculty affirm the Abstract of Principles, The Baptist Faith & Message 2000, the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, and the Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.


Love the Church

The Scriptures call us “to care for the Church of God, which he obtained with his own blood” (Acts 20:28). We love the Church because God loves the Church and identifies with the Church as his body (Eph. 1:23). The Church is central to God’s work in the world — a redeemed people called to be devoted disciples of Christ and ambassadors of the gospel. We equip students to serve the Church and fulfill its mission.

Love the World

The Scriptures say, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). We are committed to seeing Southeastern students love what God loves and to participate in his redeeming work in the world. Southeastern is a Great Commission seminary. We are consumed with a global focus because we are called and commissioned by Jesus “to make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19).

3. It is committed to ministry preparation.

We seek to partner with local churches to train students at every level to be faithful teachers of the word who are committed to the Great Commission.

4. It is consumed with a global focus.

We train missionaries, pastors, church planters, and more from every tribe, tongue, and nation to GO so that the Church on earth can look like the Church in heaven.

You’ll gain a solid foundation for ministry preparation in any context.

Thank you for your interest in Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary! I am so thankful for the students God continues to draw to our school as they prepare to leverage their gifts and pursue their calling. As you familiarize yourself with our school, I invite you to consider the mission statement that defines who we are and determines everything we do.

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission.

When each component is considered, it helps to reveal the heartbeat of our school.

Our ultimate desire is “to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ.” We’re not here as an institution or as individuals to build a name for ourselves. There’s only “one name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved” and that name is Jesus (Acts 4:12)! And there’s only one name that will be exalted for all eternity around the throne: It’s the Lamb of God “who takes away the sin of the world,” and his name is Jesus (Jn 1:29)! We exist for his glory, and his glory alone.

As a learning institution, we glorify Jesus “by equipping students.” We desire to provide the best theological education and ministry preparation that is available as you are trained by a world-class faculty that has the highest credentials of both academic expertise and practical experience. We want you to graduate with the knowledge and skills you need to fulfill your calling in whatever context the Lord places you.

Our goal as a seminary involves equipping you “to serve the Church.” In God’s kingdom, Southeastern plays a support role. God’s redemptive plan will be accomplished through the Bride of Christ, his Church, and it will happen as his people function as the body of Christ. We are here to help build up the body by training men and women like you to advance the global Church by serving the local church.

Ultimately, these efforts all culminate in a singular purpose, to “fulfill the Great Commission.” You’ll hear it said often: We are a Great Commission seminary. As our president likes to say, the final marching orders of King Jesus are, “Go and make disciples,” and we believe that last words should be lasting words. Our Lord’s mandate charges us to make disciples of all peoples by carrying the gospel around the world, from our neighbors to the nations, until our Savior returns. And everything we do – every degree we offer, every course we teach, every paper we assign, every student we train – is all devoted to this end: to fulfill the Great Commission.

Our prayer is that you’ll consider joining the Southeastern family with a desire to do the same!


Daniel Akin

Amanda Aucoin

Brent Aucoin

David Beck

Seth Bible

Who Will Teach Me?

David Black

Todd Borger

Nate Brooks

William Branch

John Burkett

Harrison Carter

Tate Cockrell

Ken Coley Keelan Cook

Anna Daub

Stephen Eccher

Miguel Echevarria

John Ewart

Jason Fowler

For the Christian who’s willing to serve God in whatever vocation or location he chooses, Southeastern is the right place to prepare.

Ant Greenham

Brad Hambrick

John Hammett

Bryce Hantla

Chip Hardy

Keith Harper

Charles Harvey

Daniel Heimbach

Julia Higgins

Scott Hildreth

Ben Holloway

Ross Inman

Al James

David Jones

Ken Keathley

Senior Professor of Theology, Jesse Hendley Endowed Chair of Biblical Theology, Director of the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture

Southeastern’s culture of truth and love will help equip you to make disciples of all peoples in all places. Come and see why our Lord is worth living and dying for.

Ken Keathley

Kristin Kellen

Scott Kellum

Steve Ladd

Chuck Lawless

Greg Lawson

Mark Liederbach

Bruce Little

Ronjour Locke

Chip McDaniel

Tracy McKenzie

Steve McKinion

Ben Merkle

Adrianne Miles

Dwayne Milioni

Allan Moseley

Matt Mullins

Scott Pace

Jake Pratt

Charles Quarles

Benjamin Quinn

George Robinson

Matthew Rogers

Mark Rooker

Jim Shaddix

Ivan Spencer

Walter Strickland

Jeff Struecker

Christy Thornton

Steven Wade

Jonathan Welch

Greg Welty

Keith Whitfield

Sam Williams

Southeastern offers seminary training that is biblically grounded, theologically robust, and culturally relevant and does so in a friendly, happy, and communityoriented environment!

Learn from over 50 professors who know what it’s like to be in ministry.
Our world-class faculty will teach you how to think critically about the Bible so you can minister faithfully throughout the world.

The best part about my experience at Southeastern has been meeting like-minded brothers and sisters from different cultures that also love God and want to serve him. Likewise, the professors at Southeastern have impacted me by displaying their love for Jesus Christ through their character and their care for the students.

What Can I Study?



15 Master of Divinity MDiv Concentrations Master of Arts MA Vocational MA Research Going with the IMB or NAMB 16 18 20 22 23 24
We offer a variety of degree options to help you prepare for ministry. No matter what you’re called to, we’re here to help you take your next step in getting equipped.

Master of Divinity

Our Flagship Degree

Our MDiv gives you the tools you need for life and ministry. Whether you're planning to pursue theological education beyond your master's or you're looking for the best preparation to serve the Church, our MDiv is for you!


What Can I Study? 16


Advanced Biblical Studies

Advanced MDiv

Biblical Counseling

Christian Apologetics

Christian Ethics

Christian Ministry

Christian Ministry & MBA

Partnership with Cedarville University

Church Revitalization

International Church Planting

Ministry Leadership

Ministry to Women


Student Ministry

North American Church Planting

Pastoral Ministry with Biblical Counseling

Preaching and Pastoral Ministry

Worship Leadership


Someone looking for a full-time ministry position. It gives a theological and practical framework to prepare someone for everything they may encounter in a life of ministry.


Serve in a church or non-profit setting, fulfilling God’s mission through face-to-face or organizational ministry.

*Advanced MDiv (46-hour core) and International Church Planting (64-hour core)
CORE* 70

MDiv Program Specializations

Advanced Biblical Studies

Developing a Christian leader with expertise in biblical languages and exegesis

Advanced MDiv

Allowing those who pursued Christian or religious studies work at the undergraduate level to be placed into advanced electives

Biblical Counseling

Preparing students to give biblical guidance through counseling, pastoral care, and family outreach

Christian Apologetics

Training for the defense of the Christian faith, emphasizing theology, philosophy, logic, and communication skills

Christian Ethics

Training to impact, influence, and engage culture for Christ

Christian Ministry

Developing students to serve and witness in a variety of ministry settings

Christian Ministry & MBA

Partnership with Cedarville University Preparing students to serve in a ministry leadership position in the local church, on the mission field, or in a parachurch organization who desire business management training in addition to theological education.

Church Revitalization

Equipping students to help established churches move from flatlining to flourishing

International Church Planting

Learning how to plant churches overseas in partnership with the International Mission Board


Ken Keathley

Senior Professor of Theology, Jesse Hendley Endowed Chair of Biblical Theology, Director of the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture

What Can I Study? 18

Ministry Leadership

Equipping students to lead in the local church, church-related ministries, and in denominational positions

Ministry to Women

Preparing women for effective ministry in teaching, discipleship, and evangelism to women


Developing students to lead churches, denominational entities, and missions agencies in North America and around the world

North American Church Planting

Preparing students to plant churches in North America through the North American Mission Board

Pastoral Ministry

with Biblical Counseling

Preparing students for pastoral ministry in the local church with a special emphasis on counseling, pastoral care, and family ministries.

Preaching and Pastoral Ministry

Training Great Commission pastors to serve as leaders in local church ministry

Student Ministry

Training students to lead the next generation to love and follow Christ

Worship Leadership

Building a biblical and theological framework for leading Christian worship in the local church


Master of Arts

Our MA degrees provide the practical tools and rigorous training you need for ministry, whether in the Church or in the academy.


What Can I Study?

Research Studies Vocational Studies DEGREES SPECIALIZATIONS

Biblical Counseling

Christian Education

Christian Education with Biblical Counseling

Christian Marital, Family, and Individual Counseling

Christian Ministry (Mentored)

Church Planting

Church Revitalization

Cross-Cultural Counseling

Ministry Leadership

Ministry to Women

Ministry to Women with Biblical Counseling

Intercultural Studies

Student Ministry

Worship Ministry


Someone called to vocational ministry in the local church or another capacity.


Christian counseling, church leadership, Christian education, and more.

Biblical and Theological Studies

Biblical Studies

Specializations in New Testament or Old Testament

Christian Studies

Estudios Cristianos

Ethics, Theology, and Culture

Philosophy of Religion


Someone looking to continue into a ThM or doctoral program.


Theology or Bible teacher, Bible translator, church staff, and more.


Master of Arts Vocational Studies

Our vocational Master of Arts degrees are designed to prepare students for a variety of specific ministries within the body of Christ.

Biblical Counseling

Preparing students to give biblical guidance through counseling, pastoral care, and family outreach

Christian Education

Preparing students to serve in Christian education in the local church or other churchrelated organizations

Christian Education with Biblical Counseling

Giving students the tools for serving the local church through educational and biblical counseling ministries

Christian Marital, Family, and Individual Counseling

Preparing students to bring the wisdom of God’s word and the hope of the gospel in counseling individuals and families

This degree meets the requirements for Marriage and Family Therapy licensure in North Carolina

Christian Ministry


Equipping students to serve on the staff of a local church or other ministry organization in non-senior pastor roles

Church Planting

Preparing students for missionary service focusing on church planting

Church Revitalization

Equipping students to help established churches move from flatlining to flourishing

Cross-Cultural Counseling

Preparing students for counseling ministry focusing on international contexts and crosscultural settings

Ministry Leadership

Equipping students to lead in the local church, churchrelated ministries, and denominational positions

Ministry to Women

Preparing women for effective ministry in teaching, discipleship, and evangelism to women

Ministry to Women with Biblical Counseling

Equipping students with the essential tools for service in the local church in both women’s and biblical counseling ministries

Intercultural Studies

Preparing students for cross-cultural service, especially those with previous experience in cross-cultural settings

Due to the sensitivity of international missions, the MAIS is offered through The College at Southeastern

Student Ministry

Training students to lead the next generation to love and follow Christ

Worship Ministry

Building a biblical and theological framework for leading Christian worship in the local church


Master of Arts Research Studies

Our research-based Master of Arts degree provides students with in-depth knowledge of a specific field so they can continue their academic preparation through a Master of Theology or doctoral program. The research-based specializations require varying amounts of prerequisite work and specialization-specific admission requirements.

Biblical and Theological Studies

Equipping students to study biblical languages and apply theology using biblical, systematic, historical, and philosophical means

Biblical Studies

Preparing students for further academic study of the biblical languages and faithful interpretation of the original text of the Scriptures. Students may specialize in New Testament or Old Testament.

Christian Studies

Training students for theological disciplines in academic study or education

Estudios Cristianos

Capacitación en las disciplinas teológicas en Español para estudios académicos o educación teológica

Ethics, Theology, and Culture

Equipping students to impact the culture for Christ through a powerful moral witness and service in a variety of settings

Philosophy of Religion

Preparing students for the PhD program and to have an effective voice in the public square through teaching in academic and ministry settings



Going with the IMB or NAMB?

Check out our specialized degree programs to equip you before you go.

Master of Arts in Church Planting

Preparing students for missionary service focusing on church planting

Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies

Preparing students for cross-cultural service, especially those with previous experience in cross-cultural settings

Due to the sensitivity of international missions, the MAIS is offered through The College at Southeastern

Master of Divinity in North American Church Planting

Preparing students to plant churches in North America through the North American Mission Board

Master of Divinity in International Church Planting

Also known as the 2+ program Learning how to plant churches overseas in partnership with the International Mission Board

Master of Divinity in Missiology

Developing students to lead churches, denominational entities, and missions agencies

Master of Theological Studies

Exclusively for those who are serving with the IMB through the Macedonia Project

Graduate Certificate in Christian Ministry

Tailor-made for students looking for seminary training in a flexible and easily accessible format.


For more information about these scholarships, contact the Financial Aid office (see page 59)

What Can I Study?

We love Southeastern and how they equip the body of Christ to live out the Great Commission in their everyday lives. We chose Southeastern because of their emphasis on the missionary task.

Grant Waller and Family MDiv in International Church Planting, Former IMB Missionary to Madagascar, Current NAMB Chaplain in the U.S. Army

What Course Formats

Can I Choose From?

In Person

These courses allow you to learn alongside fellow students and receive face-to-face instruction.


Typical 3 credit-hour courses pushed into 1-2 weeks of meeting time. These classes are typically only offered during fall break, spring break, and January.


Weekend courses meet in person over the course of two weekends.


These courses are designed to meet you in your context as all lectures, assignments, and engagements are fully online.


These are online courses that require an on-campus weekend. They meet one FridaySaturday during the semester.

Conference Classes

Classes in conjunction with certain conferences throughout the year. SEBTS.EDU/CLASSFORMATS


Whether you’re on campus or far away, we offer 12 different formats that offer flexibility for your busy schedule.


Live sections meet synchronously online with the on-campus section of the class.

Interactive Online

These are online classes with a weekly virtual meeting to discuss and work through content.

Extension Centers

In-person classes at Southeastern's official extension centers.

GO Certificates

Certificates provide affordable and quality theological education that is self-paced and completed fully online in as little as 6 weeks.


Las materias de Español se ofrecen como parte de uno de los programas de las cohortes hispanas de Southeastern.

Mentored Internships

The Equip Network provides opportunities for students to gain ministry experience while in seminary. Through Equip, churches can partner with Southeastern by offering accredited and accessible courses to students at the highest level of theological training.

Don’t let distance or time keep you from your theological training.

Distance Learning

You can study at Southeastern from anywhere in the world. We desire to make theological education accessible by meeting you in your context. From individual courses to fully online degrees, we offer most classes in a variety of formats.

▶ Fully Online

▶ Interactive Online

▶ Hybrid

▶ Live

▶ Conference

▶ Extension Centers


What Course Formats Can I Choose From? 28


50 44 &

Fully Online Degrees

Many other degrees are offered through our various distance learning formats

▶ Master of Divinity –Tracks in Christian Ministry, Missiology, Preaching and Pastoral Ministry, Advanced MDiv, North American Church Planting, and International Church Planting

▶ Master of Arts in Christian Ministry –Mentored portion to be completed through a certified EQUIP center

▶ Master of Arts in Christian Studies

▶ Master of Arts in Church Planting

▶ Master of Arts in Church Revitalization

▶ Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies


Graduate Certificates

Our graduate certificates are tailor-made for students looking for seminary training in a flexible and easily accessible format.

▶ Continue serving the Church while getting the preparation for effective ministry around the world

▶ Get equipped for further graduate studies

▶ Receive specialized training in addition to a current degree track

▶ Take courses that continue to equip you in ministry after you graduate


What Course Formats Can I Choose From? 30

The Equip Network provides opportunities for students to gain ministry experience while in seminary. Through Equip, churches can partner with Southeastern by offering students class credit through ministry in the local church.

▶ Gain personal and practical mentorship and discipleship experience

▶ Take courses that are offered every spring, summer, and fall semester for both undergraduate and graduate students

▶ Receive hands-on training for any degree program


Brittany Hall

MDiv in Christian Studies and MA in Intercultural Studies, Distance Learning Alumna

Studying online has enabled me to continue in the ministry God has called me to here in NYC rather than feeling the need to put it on pause. Between the obvious heart for missions and the clear commitment to diversity, Southeastern was the obvious first choice for me!

What Are the Benefits of Studying on Campus?

Adams Hall

Two stories of classrooms for a variety of courses.

Denny Library

Find books and resources for all of your research needs.

Binkley Chapel

Here you'll take classes, attend weekly chapel services, and enjoy conferences and concerts throughout the year.

Stealey Hall

The main administration building, housing the offices of the President and Provost.

Student Life Churches, Housing, Library Town of Wake Forest City of Raleigh 36 38 39 40 IN THIS SECTION
Ledford Student Center Enjoy a meal at Magnolia Kitchen, play a game of basketball at the gym, or work out in our fitness center. Campus Housing Campus housing options are just minutes down the road from the main campus. Appleby Hall Where the majority of undergraduate academic life happens.
Build relationships that last a lifetime. Come join a rich and vibrant community where you can learn and grow together as you get equipped for your calling.

Student Life

Your time at Southeastern is more than your studies. It’s about cultivating community. Throughout the year, we offer a number of ways for you to get connected, including on-campus events, intramural sports, campus-wide cookouts, and more.


Our Student Groups are another way for you to connect with others through the activities you love. We offer the Society for Women in Scholarship, Biblical Languages for Everyone, and more.

Stay up to date on campus events and announcements by following Around Southeastern on social media.

What Are the Benefits of Studying on Campus?

Women Around Southeastern exists to cultivate teachable, theological, and missional women. We offer a variety of discipleship opportunities that empower women to seek God’s calling on their lives, to faithfully make disciples, and to fulfill the Great Commission.



Local Churches

Out of the top 10 churches to send the most missionaries with the IMB, five are within just a few minutes of Southeastern. When you come here, you come to a community of churches committed to the Great Commission.


Southeastern’s campus housing experience features everything from traditional dorm-style living to vibrant apartment communities. Many options are within walking distance of campus and are family-friendly. We have a home that is right for you throughout your entire seminary experience.

919.761.2400 |

The Library at Southeastern

We offer a wide variety of resources through our library. Our library hosts the Francis A. Schaeffer Collection, John H. Sailhamer’s personal library, and the George Braswell Missions and World Religions Library. Whether you’re on campus or studying from a distance, our library staff can help assist you in your research and find the resources you need for your assignments.

The Writing Center

Need help writing and planning your research papers? Our Writing Center exists to help you fine-tune your thesis statements, develop your arguments, and create wellrounded paper presentations fit for graduate-level studies.

SEBTS.EDU/HOUSING SEBTS.EDU/LIBRARY What Are the Benefits of Studying on Campus?

Small Town Charm, Big City Amenities

The Town of Wake Forest offers small-town living near a bustling capital. Living in Wake Forest means you'll have everything you need within just a few miles. Just 30 minutes from Raleigh, you can enjoy a wide variety of restaurants, entertainment, parks, and more.

Green Spaces

Our parks and greenways allow you to get outdoors and enjoy miles of beautiful trails year-round. They are perfect for a long run, a leisurely walk, or a picnic with family and friends.

Historic Downtown

Wake Forest’s quaint downtown offers easily accessible restaurants, coffee shops, and stores for you to enjoy at your convenience. The Historic District of Wake Forest is also home to the Wake Forest Historical Museum, where you can learn more about the town’s vibrant history.


Wake Forest provides the charm of a small, quiet town while also providing nearby amenities for your everyday needs. Chain restaurants, grocery stores, and strip malls are all within a short distance of Southeastern.

Community Fun

You’ll find a variety of ways to get involved in community life in Wake Forest, including the local farmer’s market, pop-up markets with local vendors, downtown concerts, and more!


Raleigh: City of Oaks

Raleigh is quickly becoming one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. When you come to Southeastern, you’re just 30 minutes away from North Carolina’s vibrant capital.

Best Place to Live

U.S. News and World Report voted Raleigh as one of the top 20 places to live in the country. With growing job opportunities, housing affordability, and entertainment, there are many reasons to move to the City of Oaks.

Food & Drink

In a diverse city like Raleigh, you’ll find restaurants that offer up mouthwatering dishes from all over the world. Raleigh is also a hub for rich and delicious coffee from some of the world’s leading baristas.

Green Spaces

Raleigh has endless opportunities to enjoy the outdoors with over 30 beautiful parks and over 100 miles of greenways.

K-12 Schools

When you move to Wake County, you’ll find some of the highest numbers of top-ranked public, private, and Christian schools in the state.

What Are the Benefits of Studying on Campus?

The nearby Research Triangle Park is home to North America’s largest high technology research and science hub. Raleigh also offers a wide array of arts, entertainment, and educational opportunities for all ages.

Close to Everything

While there’s plenty to do around Raleigh, it’s also conveniently close to a variety of fun places to travel for a day or weekend getaway. From beaches to mountains to cities like D.C. and Charleston, you’ve got plenty of options for a weekend away.

Arts & Culture

Raleigh is home to the state’s art, history, and science museums making a great educational resource for you and your family right in your own backyard. The city is also host to performing arts centers and concert venues that host top local and national musicians and bands.

Job Market

Voted as one of the country’s top ten job markets by the Wall Street Journal, Raleigh has ever-expanding job opportunities in healthcare, technology, and education.

International City

Over 10 percent of the Raleigh population is foreign born, creating a diverse community in the city. Opportunities abound for ministry to refugees resettling in the area and students moving to the city for higher education.


Every class, no matter if it’s in person or online, no matter the subject at hand, is one that prepares you as a missionary and leader first and an academic second.

In my time at Southeastern, I have loved having the privilege of learning theology and how to serve the Lord alongside those with similar desires for ministry. The atmosphere of kindness and service has always been my favorite aspect when on campus, and through Southeastern, I know I am being equipped and encouraged daily to serve where God has called me.


Jeff Kennedy MDiv in Christian Ministry Student Lauren Kennedy MA in Ministry to Women Student Bailey Kennedy Good Girl

What Else Does Southeastern Offer?

Centers Kingdom Diversity Chapel GO Certificates Events Alumni Association 46 48 49 50 52 56 IN THIS SECTION

A variety of ways to grow O ur GO Certificates provide quality, affordable online education. Our podcasts, blogs, conferences, and more let you engage with students and professors on a range of ministry-related topics.


The Lewis A. Drummond Center for Great Commission Studies mobilizes and equips students, faculty, staff, and others to fulfill the Great Commission. The CGCS offers many resources, including:

▶ The Sent Life Podcast & the CGCS blog

▶ Mission trips for students, faculty, and staff

▶ Connections with IMB and NAMB personnel


The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture seeks to engage culture as salt and light, presenting the Christian faith and demonstrating its implications for all areas of human existence. The CFC offers many resources, including:

▶ The Christ and Culture Podcast

▶ The CFC blog

▶ Oxford Study Tour

▶ Events throughout the year


What Else Does Southeastern Offer?


The Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership exists to equip and encourage pastors to lead healthy, disciple-making churches for the glory of God around the world. The Pastor's Center offers many resources, including:

▶ The Pastor Matters Podcast

▶ The Pastor's Center blog

▶ Free books

▶ Events throughout the year


The Caskey Center for Biblical Text and Translation exists to improve the quality of editions of the Christian Scriptures in the original languages and to ensure the accuracy and clarity of Bible translations worldwide. The Center serves the broader evangelical community by providing resources and counsel for those translating the Bible for the church.



Kingdom Diversity

At Southeastern, we desire our campus to look more and more like heaven with students from various nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues (Revelation 7:9) being equipped together for Great Commission ministry. We believe that this campus culture will better equip students to engage the challenges of this fallen world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This commitment to biblically celebrating diversity includes a commitment to pursuing more representation for women and ethnic minorities among the faculty and staff at Southeastern. Moreover, through the Kingdom Diversity scholarship, Southeastern is able to offer theological education to many non-majority students at little to no cost. In partnership with global churches and leaders, Southeastern’s Global Theological Initiative works to provide this same biblical and theological training to church leaders around the world. SEBTS.EDU/KD

What Else Does Southeastern Offer?


Experience the heart of Southeastern as staff, faculty, and students gather to worship through singing and the preaching of the word.

Joyful sacri ce is giving up something you love for something you love even more.



Never put con dence in anything for your salvation other than Jesus Christ and his work on our behalf.

If we are going to be a Great Commission seminary we must also be a praying seminary.

At Southeastern, we don’t want you to feel like ministry and theological education have to be in competition with one another. Our GO Certificates will offer you:

▶ Affordable theological education

▶ Self-paced, fully online courses

▶ Choose from 5 certificates in Biblical Studies & Theology, Christian Ministry, Church-Based Counseling, New Testament Studies, and Christian Apologetics

▶ 21 total courses for you to choose from


What Else Does Southeastern Offer?
Ross D. Inman Associate Professor of Philosophy


The Southeastern Events team works hard to bring fun, engaging, and impactful events each semester. Students will have a myriad of opportunities to attend conferences, concerts, workshops, and more!


What Else Does Southeastern Offer?


The Sent Life is an ongoing conversation about living in partnership with our missionary God. In this podcast, listeners will learn about living as missionaries in their current contexts and guiding others into an authentic relationship with Christ. The Sent Life is produced by the Lewis A. Drummond Center for Great Commission Studies.

Pastor Matters seeks to equip and encourage pastors in whatever context of ministry they find themselves in. The Pastor Matters Podcast is produced by the Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership.

Christ and Culture seeks to connect faith with every aspect of your life. In each episode, the podcast helps listeners discover how they can be faithful followers of Christ within today’s ever-changing culture. The Christ and Culture podcast is produced by the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture.


Be a part of the Southeastern Family for Life.

Southeastern for life means we value the time and relationships formed while you're here. You have the opportunity to encourage and engage your fellow alumni as they seek to serve God in the contexts in which they have been placed. Southeastern provides a number of benefits for graduates, including ministry job opportunities and the ability for alumni to post open positions in their churches and organizations.

The Southeastern Alumni Association provides a way for graduates to give back to Southeastern while also receiving benefits and resources designed to help the Southeastern family serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission. The Alumni Association directly impacts current students by offsetting tuition costs, continuing a legacy of equipping Great Commission students for ministry.

Your membership dues, $50 per year or $600 lifetime, help us equip students to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission while keeping tuition a ordable for students.


You’ll receive these great benefits:

• Audit courses for free

• Retain access to the ATLA Religion Database

• Retain access to the Share Shop

• Join an intramural sports team

• 50% o transcripts

• 40% o on conference registrations at SEBTS

• 10% o items at the Locker

• Use of Ledford Center Fitness Room

What Else Does Southeastern Offer?
Stay Connected! M AKE AN IM PAC T You’ll Help Future Alumni Go For more info or to join the ALUMNI ASSOCIATION , connect with us @ 919.761.2822 57

How Will I Pay For School?


Southeastern is committed to keeping seminary affordable so that our graduates are equipped to go without being weighed down with financial burden.


Due to the generosity of commissioning churches in the Southern Baptist Convention, Southeastern is able to provide a substantial amount of aid to students who are members of SBC-affiliated churches. This is equivalent to 50% of what a student would normally pay for tuition and fees and is one of Southeastern's most significant sources of financial aid.

On-Campus Jobs

There are some great reasons to work on campus while you attend Southeastern! The open jobs are posted in the on-campus employment portal on our website, and the application process is fully online. All of our student positions offer flexibility with your class schedule and tuition discounts for full-time and part-time work.

Full-time staff have their tuition costs completely covered and are eligible for medical, dental, vision, and life insurance benefits.

Part-time staff receive a tuition discount at the end of each semester.


We don’t want money to get in the way of you getting the training you need. That's why we offer dozens of scholarships to help you pay for school.

Financial Aid

We are eager to partner with students to make attending seminary as affordable as possible. Generous and faithful donors provide students with substantial financial support through scholarships and awards.

Financial Aid Applications

Academic Year

Submit between December 1 and April 1

▶ Missions-Related Scholarships

▶ General & Designated Scholarships

▶ State Scholarships

▶ Specialized Institutional Scholarships

▶ Ethnicity-Specific Scholarships

▶ And More!


Submit between September 1 and September 30

Military Affairs

In an effort to show our appreciation, we offer a military rate and process many Veteran benefits pertaining to active-duty members and Veterans.

The Charles B. Keesee Educational Fund

You may be eligible to apply for a scholarship that will help cover a significant portion of the costs of your theological education. The Charles B. Keesee Educational Fund serves Baptist students who are residents of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, or West Virginia and who meet certain enrollment requirements.


We know paying for school can be stressful. That’s why we want to help.

What Next?


1 2 Complete an online application & submit supplemental materials:

Apply early!

Waive your application fee with the code SEBTSGO

▶ Reference forms

▶ Official transcripts

▶ Immunization history

▶ Background check
The majority of financial aid is awarded to students who are accepted before March 1st.

Start preparing for your future ministry today.


Communicate with an admissions counselor to ensure all of your application materials have been received and meet the requirements for the application process.


We encourage you to reach out if you have any questions or if we can assist you in any way.

See the back of this page for ways to connect.

Application Checklist

Personal Photo Personal Statement Undergraduate Transcripts Immunization
Background Check
History 2 Character References 1
Reference 1
We're here to help.
SEBTS.EDU/ADMISSIONS ADMISSIONS@SEBTS.EDU 919-761-2324 CONTACT US /SEBTS 120 S. WINGATE ST. WAKE FOREST, NC 27587 Our friendly admissions staff will be happy to help you!


Engage with gospel-centered teaching with exceptional faculty

Tour Southeastern’s historic campus

Experience a classroom driven by world-class curriculum

Learn what it means to be a Great Commission student

In beautiful Wake Forest, North Carolina SEBTS.EDU /SEBTS 120 S. WINGATE ST. WAKE FOREST, NC 27587

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