an interesting and insightful approach of our world Translated from Greek by AKAKIA Publications
Copyright © Aggil Loupescou 2014 Published in England by AKAKIA Publications, 2014
Aggil Loupescou
an interesting and insightful approach of our world Translated from Greek by AKAKIA Publications ISBN: 978-1-909884-55-7 Copyright © Aggil Loupescou 2014 ID: 162178 Cover Image: Source: / Contributor: Nienora / File No: 107457302 Mixed and Designed by AKAKIA Publications Famous Personalities Illustrated by Stella Karagiorgi
PUBLICATIONS St Peters Vicarage, Wightman Road, London N8 0LY, UK T. 0044 203 28 66 550 T. 0044 203 28 96 550 F. 0044 203 43 25 030 M. 0044 7411 40 6562 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission in writing of the Author and the AKAKIA Publications, at the address above. 2014, London, UK
Dedicated to the famous neurosurgeon G. Panayiotopoulos and to my mentor Alexios Gioutsos. They were the persons who discovered my telepathy, loved me truly and entrusted me with the covenant of their knowledge. Thanks to them I can help people.
Prologue by Dr N. Tsilimigakis, MD Prologue by the Author PART A Introduction Chapter A: The immortality of the soul and Karma 1. The immortality of the soul and reincarnation 2. The ‘law’ of Karma a. The meaning of compensatory justice b. Karma and fate c. The purpose of karma d. Karma and time e. Positive thinking and karma f. The correct self-evaluation g. Karma as a law of love h. The realization of karma i. The educational and curative value of the knowledge of karma j. Karma and faith k. Salvation from karma l. A technique of meditation to transcend karma Chapter B: Karmic relations 1. Love and karma a. the unfortunate repetition of a love story b. The happy end of an old love story 2. Karma and career 3. Karma, health and vices 4. Karma and death 5. Karma and family
PART B Past lives and the Karma of famous personalities A different approach to our world Prince William and Kate His Majesty Prince George of Cambridge Queen Elizabeth II of England Prince Charles Lady Diana Queen Noor of Jordan Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier III of Monaco Gianna Aggelopoulou Nikos Kourkoulos and Marianna Latsis Ludwig van Beethoven Pablo Picasso Aggelos Sikelianos Nikos Kazantzakis Sophia Loren Marilyn Monroe Angelina Jolie Jennifer Aniston Nicole Kidman Bill Gates Steve Jobs Albert Einstein Alfred Nobel Nelson Mandela Mahatma Gandhi Indira Gandhi Eva and Domingo Per贸n Benazir Bhutto Bill Clinton Hilary Clinton George Walker Bush Barack and Michelle Obama Vladimir Putin Angela Merkel
Wolfgang Schäuble Christine Lagarde Nicola Sarkozy Francois Hollande Ariel Sharon Shimon Peres Benjamin Netanyahu Ioannis Kapodistrias Harilaos Trikoupis Eleftherios Venizelos Konstantinos Tsatsos Konstantinos Karamanlis Kostas Simitis Georgios A. Papandreou Andreas G. Papandreou Konstantinos and Marika Mitsotakis Dora Bakogianni Antonis Samaras Evangelos Venizelos Makarios III Archbishop of Cyprus Glavkos Klerides Spyros Kyprianou Georgios Vasileiou Vassos Lyssarides Giannakis Omirou Tasos Papadopoulos Dimitris Christophias Nikos Anastasiades Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Rauf Denktaş Athena Onassis Aristotelis Onassis Epilogue The Author
Every life is sacred and karma exists to help it achieve its spiritual fulfilment
Prologue by Dr N. Tsilimigakis, MD 1
have known Ms Aggil Loupescou for many years. She is a unique person, who, due to her amazing capacities becomes a capable aid of medical science and a significant researcher as regards prevention, diagnosis and correct treatment. We collaborate on research regarding diseases which have no clinical symptoms and conduct experiments together. Her capacities are impressive, or better still, wondrous. When she told me that she was about to write a book on reincarnation and the past lives of famous personalities, I wanted to know all sorts of information she would offer in her ‘record-book’ of the past millennium and I asked her to be the first to read it. The first pages of the book, as you will also come to see, are full of information about the wonderful world that concerns both sides of human existence, speaks all languages of the soul and through its journey, brings to life every single one of its reincarnations innumerable times. My experiences drawn from our cooperation are numerous and this type of research is yet another link to the chain of life, which in itself requires further research. Hypnosis helped us many times to enter through the ‘windows of thought’ into the ‘rooms of being’, i.e., to follow a path from the conscious being to the subconscious one, and see the causes that triggered diseases long before any symptoms surface, and which even the latest technology equipment was unable to diagnose. There were cases where predispositions for serious chronic diseases, such as obesity, neuroses, even dysfunctions of important organs, were
due to some previous state of existence of the persons we were examining. These predispositions could be diagnosed only by Ms Aggil Loupescou on first sight. Particularly when under hypnosis, she could analyse everything about them contrary to the readings by machines which showed no indication whatsoever. I therefore know beforehand and with certainty that this book will send you messages of optimism regarding knowledge of your existence and will liberate you once and for all, from the unbearable burden of the fear of death.
Prologue by the Author
he first edition of the present book titled The previous lives of famous personalities with the subtitle methods and experiences in two worlds took place in 2000 and sold out very fast.
Its second edition had to wait enough because I unceasingly continue to research all about our past lives and in the meantime, new data came forth and new thoughts prevailed, which I thought had first to be evaluated and presented in the second edition. Thus, I thought that a reorganization of the Introduction of the first edition was in order, as well as dropping information which was included in my other books 2, make more extensive reference to Karma and show techniques of its realisation and transcendence. In the second part of the book, I decided to present a number of lives with more information than others. This distinction does not devalue the meaning of Karma for any life but permitted me to gain some space and concern myself with the past lives of more people, so that the reader will be able to survey more cases and draw her/her conclusions more effortlessly. The complete book is a record of my systematic effort to approach truth and the results of the research that I conducted, searching by means of hypnosis to find traces of past existences of important personalities of our everyday lives. Whatever is written about those people is just as true as the story that they wrote in the past and are still writing in their present. The successful completion of this cumbersome and arduous effort is primarily due to my faith to God and the immortality of the soul. Indeed, this faith is the necessary and sufficient condition for the study of supernatural or metaphysical phenomena. Faithlessness readily
annuls every effort to enter and understand the spiritual – psychic world, every effort to communicate with the existing immaterial entities. My teachers were devotees of the western thought and had studied metaphysical philosophy in India. They all shared a deep faith in God and absence of all evil. Every one of them constantly repeated to me that the main goal of psychic research is to help our fellow beings. This is precisely the goal of the present book: to send the light of truth to its readers, to reduce the darkness of ignorance, to unbind them from fear and prejudice. It carries my belief in life after death, my belief in reembodiment (reincarnation) and my belief that researching the past lives of every person can reveal causes founded in the depths of our psychic world and trigger various problems. Their diagnosis may help people who suffer from torturing obsessions or other problems, improve on their social demeanour, understand what causes their inner conflicts, and cure themselves from the pain that the classical treatment methods cannot alleviate. On this paper, with the pencil piercing its fibres, I surrender to the reader not just a statement of my soul but the imprint of knowledge that will offer him or her actual help in his or her life. Aggil Loupescou Kifissia 2014
Metaphysics, the science of life after life he sum total of the issues under examination in this book belongs to the discipline of Metaphysics, which is a branch of Philosophy.
The subject matter of Metaphysics is everything that exists and aims at determining the initial causal principles of living beings and of all that occur, the occurrences.
Naming this branch of philosophy as metaphysics is probably due to a coincidence. During the middle of the first century BC, the dean of the Peripatetic School, Andronicus of Rhodes, in his attempt to categorise the works of Aristotle, he categorised those works dealing with ontological issues along with the treatises on nature, assigning the name ‘meta ta physics’ or ‘metaphysics’. Aristotle himself named his work Philosophy, with the Primary philosophy being the theological one. Later, the word Metaphysics, acquired a different context, along with the change of the prefix ‘meta’, which no longer meant a series or sequence and came to mean the beyond or the neighbouring area. The varied issues that consist the subject matter of Metaphysics cause it to overlap with many other disciplines, such as philosophy of knowledge, Logic, Ethics, Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Science. My personal motive to develop an interest in Metaphysics was my belief that in human life, there is no beginning or end and that death resembles sleep and dreams. Its true meaning is: I shall be reborn. We come, we sleep, we wake up and sleep again. Death does not really exist, nor can it ever exist. It is a game of appearances beyond any truth.
The faith that life does not end with physical death is rooted in deep antiquity and has never been seriously challenged to date. In modern times, the great thinker Victor Hugo asserted that the grave does mark the end. It is the beginning. It is not an impasse, but an avenue that leads from the darkness to the light. The dead are alive and take part in our own struggle. Also the French thinker K. Arnie believed that death under no circumstances denotes loss of consciousness and personality. The survival of the soul, which today is based on Metaphysics, shall be an issue for biology in a short while. The internationally renowned Professor Hodgson, at Cambridge University, honestly admitted to having carried out research based on his materialistic convictions, not believing to anything about life after death. But today, he admits, I firmly believe in the existence of life after death, Truth was given to me in a way that could not be doubted. Sir Barrett, Professor of Physics at the University of Dublin, writes: I am fully convinced, that all those who have ever lived on this earth, may communicate and do communicate with us. I thank God because He allowed a corner or the canopy to be lifted. Further, the well-known physiologist for his studies on operant conditioning, the Russian Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, had thoroughly immersed himself in spiritualism and occultism and asserted already from the nineteenth century that every one of us who studied metaphysical phenomena cannot deny their existence or reject them. We have been corrupted by science and believe only in natural phenomena, we do not believe in the secret of life, in the mystery which is unfolding before our very eyes, because its acceptance would mean our radical transformation in dealing with life, death, philosophy and science in general. It is also particularly difficult for any one to ignore the thoughts and opinions of the great scientist Robert Oppenheimer, who rightfully was given the title ‘the conscience of science’. He accepted that after natural death, we continue to exist in an eternal form and did not deny the
presence of psychological phenomena, that have not been researched by the natural sciences and cannot yet be explained, nor did he deny the possibility of spiritualist or clairvoyant communication. Cannot there be, he asked communications amongst people without any words spoken or other optical means of communication? The great inventors Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison also believed in metaphysical phenomena, while current warm supporters of metaphysics are the ex-President of the United States, G. Bush, who funds a pertinent research centre, as well as the wife of another ex-US President, Hilary Clinton. Since the last century, Metaphysics developed separate departments from Philosophy across universities in many countries, and the efforts to approach the transcendental Being and through spiritualism decode the signals coming from the area of the absolute, the Beyond, have been intensified. The belief that soul pre-exists, survives bodily decomposition and is subjected to continuous consecutive reincarnations due to the law of evolution and development has remained unshakable throughout the centuries. Earth is the great refinery, from which all souls will exit clean. Whichever souls do not exit clean, they will be subjected to re-entering and keep on doing so that until they also become purified. Let me stress that we do not as yet have all the answers to the rising questions on our life after death. But the posing of problems should not deter or disappoint us. Plato had said that if we knew the answer to a problem, there would be no problem. But if we could not fathom its solution, we would not know what we were looking for, and ended up finding nothing. It is therefore permissible to aim at scientific discoveries, without knowing precisely what we are looking for, because deeper knowledge of scientific conditions guides the onset of research. Positive questioning has always lead to the pursuit of knowledge and the only evil that hinders its approach, as Socrates said, is ignorance.
What we certainly can no longer have any doubts about is that without the soul, the body does not live nor can it feel. The human being is the embodiment of soul. The soul is invested in the body and becomes human. By means of death, matter decays or, according to Einstein’s theory on the preservation of matter, matter becomes energy, but the soul continues its developmental course and lives eternally. It does not seem logical for it to be subjected to suffering due to whatever is happening in the perceivable world, since its escape from the body is at the same time its salvation from worldly suffering. It does not however remain a passive bystander of whatever is going on here. On the contrary, there is much experimental proof that it struggles to create better conditions for the inhabitants of this planet. A human being should not be afraid in his or her life, either of death or anything else, and the only thing worth aiming at in his or her life is to achieve spirituality of the highest calibre. To achieve this, he or she must reject his or her negative feelings, engage only in good deeds and harbour feelings of love, compassion and respect for every living being. It is necessary that this should be the goal of life for a human being, if he or she wants to ‘awaken’ after this life into a superior incarnation. Only in this way, to remember Andre Marie de Chenier, our soul, when parting from the body, will take with it the best of impressions from this earthly life to accompany it for ever. Only in this way, as the poet wrote, blood becomes Light and runs through our translucent veins. But this is not at all easy, because our thought is possessed by selfish desires which misguide us into actions that cause pain both to us and to others. La Rochefoucauld had characteristically said: No one is that smart to perceive the evil that he commits. Although the evolutionary course of the soul, after it departs from the body, is not as yet completely known to us, it is generally accepted that after the physical death, it is in a transitory state waiting for its next incarnation and returns to life only as a human being. It continues to
exist in an immaterial form, and as a living soul, shall endow life into matter again. Reincarnation and the Karma it carries or may dissociate itself from through every incarnation, is developed in part A of this book. In part B, selective reference to the past lives of some well-known personalities is made to serve as examples only in combination with their personal or family karma.
Chapter A The Immortality of the soul and Karma
1. The immortality of the soul and reincarnation ver since the prehistoric times and with very few exceptions, the belief was rooted in various civilisations that human existence comprises a part that does not die with the body.
For this part the term psyche was coined in Greece and the belief in its immortality has been the central point in the teachings of great intellectuals. But in parallel to the belief in the immortality of the soul, many of the most important representatives of the Greek intellectualism accepted and actually taught about the reincarnation or re-embodiment , the return, in other words, to the earthly world in a new body, probably of a different sex and under a new name. Among the oldest supporters of this belief in Greece are Orpheus and his followers, the Orphists. According to the available historical data, the Orphists believed that the soul pre-dates birth, survives bodily death, and at a certain point, acquires another body, of a human form or that of other mammal. It may redeem itself and escape the cycle of birth and death and return to its initial state. Obviously influenced by the Orphists, Pythagoras taught that the soul exists before bodily birth and survives after the death of the body. He also believed in the reincarnation whose purpose was to cleanse the soul and claimed that he knew more than the others, because he could remember his past lives.
Man, he said, could by means of an ecstatic state, come to know his godly providence and nature of his soul, and by means of music and daily concerns with the world order, achieve better reincarnations and eventually succeed at uniting his soul with the holy world. Similarly, Plato accepted that the immortal and eternal soul is connected to different bodies and is subjected to recurring incarnations at different times. In his tenth book of Laws and addressing himself to an imaginary young learner, whom he first exhorts not to ever commit an act of insolence to the gods (888d), Plato claims and provides proof arguing that the soul was born before all bodies (892a), has a common descent with the universe, that it unceasingly (903c-d) inhabits various bodies and that is subjected to all kinds of transformation, either by itself or by another soul. It has the capacity to become better, but if it becomes worse, it will pay the price it deserves (904e-905a) both in life and in its consecutive deaths. During his dialogues, as recorded in Phaedon (70c ff), Socrates argues he could furnish proof that the old belief according to which the souls who depart from earth and head to Hades, return to earth and hence, that the living come from the dead, was actually correct. In general, similar ideas were also expressed by Plotinus, the founder of Neoplatonism. He also accepted that the soul pre-existed before birth, that it is immortal and may return to the earthly world in another body. Dying, he said, is changing bodies, just as actors change masks. The soul can also temporarily depart from the body in a state of ‘ecstasy’. The belief in reincarnation or re-embodiment was so firm in the Greek world, that during the first century A.D. Apollonius of Tyana believed that he was the reincarnation of Pythagoras. According to testimonials by the Evanangelists, reincarnation was the common belief shared by all members of the social strata in the cradle of Christianity. Thus, according to Matthew (IA: 14), Jesus Christ, during his talk about John the Baptist, declared that he is the prophet Elias, whose return every one waited for, without facing any objections on the
part of his audience. Also, after his transfiguration, he declares (Matt, 16:11-13) that Elias has already come to set everything in order and men did not recognise him and his disciples thought that he was referring to John the Baptist. In another citation (Matt 16:13-14) Christ asks his disciples to tell him who they think he is, and they, without any surprise, responded by saying that some believe he is John the Baptist, some that he is Elias, some that he is the prophet Jeremy or some other prophet. According to the testimonial by John the Evangelist (John, A: 19-23), John the Baptist answers negatively to the question of the priests and Levites if he is the prophet Elias, but he does not seem perturbed by their question. As a result, neither him, nor them, considered reincarnation as something inconceivable. It is worth noting that associating John the Baptist with the prophet Elias must not be a random one and denotes a karmic relationship, since the prophet is responsible for the slaughter of 450 priests of Vaal (Old Test. Kings, C: 18:40), and John the Baptist redeemed himself from this karma by his decapitation. During the first Christian era, the thinker and father of the Eastern Church Origen, as well as many of his top students, accepted, like Plato, that souls pre-exist eternally, before they find their way into a body. Being encapsulated in a body is the punishment exacted by God for some transgression or moral wrong committed. Initially, the souls that lose their wings enter human bodies. The term of residence in these bodies is pre-ordained, and it is not impossible that if they fall victim to vice, they enter through new births into bodies of animals, or even become plants. However, they are also capable by means of consecutive deaths, of returning to their initial state. It is not possible to pinpoint the precise time and place that this belief in reincarnation was born. It is possible that man was lead to it by observing nature, which, according to the season, dies and is reborn. However the most ancient of testimonials can be found in the Vedes, the collections of Indian Holy Scriptures which were written in the
ancient Sanskrit language about 1500 – 1200 BC. According to these books, just like the soul in this life passes through the same body from its infancy to young adulthood to senility, in the same manner, the soul at the moment of death passes on to another body. This belief is taught, more or less differently, by the most important Asian religious or philosophical systems, like Hinduism, Zaism, Sikhism and Buddhism. All of them accept the cycle of continuous births and deaths, up until one redeems himself or herself from it, as taught by the system he or she believes. The place of the new body through which one is reborn determines Karma , i.e., the accumulated consequences of his actions over time. Although many individual thinkers as well as organised religious systems accept and teach that it is possible for humans to be reborn either as humans or plants, the research that I have conducted have convinced me that people are reborn only as people, without necessarily preserving the same sex they used to have in the past, because karma transcends distinctions based on sex affiliation. I note here that there are many people who live for the first time, while others have lived in the past. It is not certain that they will all come back to life because this depends on the way of life of each one person and the evolutionary stage at which his or her soul is.
The Author
Aggil Loupescou has a Hellenic-Romanian background. She has studied Literature and Psychology. At the young age of 9 years it was clear to her family that she had special telepathic powers, intuition and clairvoyance. She was initiated in para-psychology by the famous Greek researcher A. Tanagras. She devoted her life to the research of the meta-physics and practiced with great success hypnotherapy for therapeutic reasons with persons having psychosomatic problems. She became known to the International Community with 2 new methods of hypnotherapy: Intuitive Hypnosis by which she can detect a future illness, and PLR. She proved that a person's present circumstances and problems may be a result of a past life. In 1985, in Athens, she founded the Scientific Psychic Research Company nd in 1990, in Cyprus, the Loupescou Consultants Parapsychological Company. She has worked with the medical team of the University Clinic of Leipzig, head of which was the famous Greek neurosurgeon G. Panagiotopoulos. She has taken part in very many International Conferences and is a member of many research centers, such as the Company of Psychic Research in London and the National Guild of Hypnosis (USA).
Dr N. Tsilimigakis, MD had written this Prologue for the first edition of this book in 2000. It is reprinted here in respect of his memory. 2
Note: such as for example, my getting to know, be taught by and work with Alexios Gioutsos and G. Panagiotopoulos, and which are listed in detail in my book Intuitive Vision and Dreams. 3
According to British lore, the crown of British monarchy is the crown of Biblical King David, from whose family Christ also descended. Further, Joseph of Arimathea brought the Holy Grail, the grail of Christ’s Last Supper, to England. Thus, The British monarchy legitimises itself as the defender of Christian faith.
She is the mother of six children. Three she had with her partner, Brad Pitt, and three were adopted. 5
Famous American tennis player, world champion on 1979, 1981, 1983 and 1984
G.P.Savvides, A tack on the heart
See, Aggil Loupescou, Hypnotherapy and Intuitive Hypnosis