The snake special seven dances e book preview

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VOL. 34, 1st EDITION, ILO ILO, 2014


ANATOLIKOS BOOKS Published By Anatolikos Books

First published 2015


COPYRIGHT © ANGELO ROBERT NICHOLAS MOLSON (2014) All rights reserved The moral right of the author has been asserted


This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent publisher. Anatolikos Books 23-25, Lekka Str, Athens T.: (+30) 210.3827910 ISBN: 978-618-5136-07-9


Introduction Preface 1. Summer And Winds Are Not My Flavor © 2. Cannot Forget You Baby Even If You Have Been In Love With The Stars © 3. The Fire Runs Faster In The Southern Territories © Chapter One 1. Something Old And New Happened To Me © 2. Sarah & My Rhythm Lay On The Beach © 3. Blanco Day Is Not Today © 4. My Unknown Girl! © 5. New Rich Sounds Of Love © 6. Honey Until Eight O΄ Clock © 7. Honey Of Love Your Kisses © 8. Love And High Blood Pressure © 9. As The General Winter Takes Command © 10.Night Away From Wild Sea Banks © 11.As The General Winter Tales Of Adventure © 12.Keep Distance Of Filipino Lady © 13.My Lovely Filipino Verbs © 14.Memories of Cheryl! Is From New York City? © 15.As We Are Listening Her Loved Song © 16.As She Walks North And South © 17.Lady Me Lower And Lower The Tunes, In 18th Century ©

18. Memories of Cheryl! Is From New York City?, 3rd Version © 19. One Day Of My Life, We Played Love At City’s Gates © 20. The Mandolin Plectrum Likes Sexy Ladies © 21. And If You Smile Again © 22. As We Walk Down To The River, 2nd Version © 23. The Crusades © 24. It Was The Crisis Of October © 25. V.I.P. Club And Welsh Band In Chopin’s City © 26. The Best Place For Holidays Are For Lover, 2nd Version © 27. It Is Internet The Power For © 28. MSC Is The Message © 29. Summer And Crisis Are Not My Flavor © 30. As James Cook’s Walk © 31. What Is Easily Happening With Us?, 2nd Version © 32. The Flowers Of Radio FM, 2nd Version ©

Chapter Two 1. Super Model Snake’s Story, 2nd Version © 2. Liberty For Laughing Snakes, 2nd Version © 3. Let’s Move By Sydney’s Subway, 2nd Version © 4. Dirty Rock Is In My Soul, 2nd Version © 5. From Hammersmith Sometime Ago, 2nd Version © 6. Somewhere You And Me!, 2nd Version © 7. She Dares Years To Change, 2nd Version © 8. My Soul Without You!, 2nd Version © 9. Girls As Dolphins Of Archipelagos Culture, 2nd Version © 10. She Saw Her Love Again 7th Of July, 2nd Version © 11. What A Sunny Day Is Today Raining Complains © 12. The Yellow Days © 13. Six Bells Six Girls New Years Day © 14. Novelino Txt © 15. It Is Time To Happen © 16. Today Was A Special Holiday © 17. As We Are Listing Down Her Loved Song © 18. Lady Mio Please Lower The Tunes, In 19th Century © 19. Dress And Reel © 20. I Love You Englishman Of Venice © 21. The Voyage In The Northern © 22. As She Walks Down To The Longest Rivers, 3rd Version © 23. The Best Places For Rock Bands Are For Lovers, 3rd Version © 24. Her Memories Time © 25. Far From Ljubljana’s Amazing Song © 26. I Love You Spanish Sunshine ©

27.Art Card Postal © 28.Legs Are Wood Wind Instruments © 29.Friends Came Home For Few Days © 30.The Tragedy II In Cyprus © 31.With Elvis Saturday Morning © 32.Today Was A Special Day © 33.Today Testing Your Faith © 34.Bring Me Back With The Free Wi-Fi Code © 35.Hundred Of Miles, You And I Are Dreaming Skies © 36.Last Night One Thousand Words © 37.Deaths In The Southern City, 2nd Edition © 38.The Fruits And Lady_ring, 2nd Edition © Author / Editor’s News 39.Irish And Scottish Favourites © 40.Her Violin Neck © 41.If You Lose A Lamp ©

The End…

INΤRODUCTION In contrast with the "Great artists", the “Young artists” could contribute to the Artistic, Comics and Scenario creations with colours, comics, shapes, pictures, digital collages, matrix photos, artistic photos, stories, novels, songs, poems, lyrics and simple words to fight on anxiety, depression and melancholy. Mr.








Hammersmith (London of Hammersmith and Fulham, England); He has written more than two hundred (200) e-poems and e-songs with more than one hundred fifty (150) articles, e-books, novels, papers and reports for International Conferences, Journals, Periodicals, Newspapers, Seminars, Magazines, e-blogs and e-bookstores (namely, the digital books), as an independent author and scientific researcher. He has participated as an artist – writer – author – editor – scientific expert – reviewer – advisor – chairman & visitor for many Publications, Exhibitions, Conferences and International Events as shown below: Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Thailand, U.K., U.S.A., Philippines, Other. His most recent e-publications were: ‘As The General Winter Tales Of Adventure’ & ‘As the General Winter Translates A. R. N. Molson’s songs’, which were written in both English and Tagalog languages (see e-bookstore, As a modern author, Mr. Angelo Robert Nicholas (J) MOLSON has published many e-books following a new wave for ‘Re-starting theory’ of his ‘e-Modern Theoretical Expressionism’. The initial idea for the subject e-book with theme: ‘Snakes Seven Special Dances’, was the

outcome of a pure discussion with the unique e-publisher; It was finally edited by Mr. Angelo Robert Nicholas MOLSON in 2014 at ILO ILO City in Philippines, comprising only e-songs proposals and epoems as MS Word document. The covering page of the subject e-book ‘Snake Special Seven Dances’ is entitled ‘Voyage In Aegean Sea’; It is a based on the handmade painting picture, which was made by ‘Mr. Dimitris Sidiropoulos’, a young artist from Piraeus District (Greece) in 2014. The book ‘Snake Special Seven Dances’ represents the seven (7) lost generations in the Hellenic Modern Society [H.M.S.]. The chronological period as a pattern has started in the year 2007, with seven (7) interval steps and it has ended in the year 2014 (see 1st Edition, Volume 34, ILO ILO, 2014). The historical period covers a bitter period of Southern Snails with Anxiety as Queen and Fear as King to rule their heads; and it has also expressed the seven (7) periods of ‘Snakes Dances’ as ‘Powerful Hammers’. As the ‘Summer’ was very cold for the slowly moving snails, which were walking on to their financial death and as the ‘Winter’ was very warm for the ‘Snakes’, which were dancing seven seasons in huge profits, the subject e-book represents: ‘What is really happened today in the Southern cities’ and for example, the heavy metal music could break down the ‘Snakes’ Ego’. As the ‘Snakes Dances’ cover all seasons, a special period was called for the Snakes in the Southern Territories as a period of wealth and prosperity eating hungry snails. Thus, there is a link with the e-book ‘The Anthology of Snakes Are Eating Snails’, which was edited by Mr. Angelo R. N. Molson, Vol. 30, London, 2014. ©

The author as a personality has e-visited the historical city of ILO ILO in Philippines; ILO ILO City is a tourist hub with the best places for testing food as real attraction, festivals, museums, heritage sites, Ilo Ilo river esplanade, shopping markets and centres and for exploring peaceful gray and sandy beaches in Miagao, Oton etc. He gradually realised that subject location is a place of happiness and joy of respect for Humanity, Solidarity, Christianity and Ethics. The proposal e-book contains seventy three (73) published and unpublished songs proposals, which were written and edited by Mr. Angelo R. N. MOLSON with soft rock ballads & heavy rhythms sounds and for metallic or classical string instruments. The ‘Indie Heavy Sounds’ may be strongest as music. Thus, there is a lot of literature material to be blown up by readers music talents and this newly book expands the heavily metal e-songs proposals productions; It also contains new songs proposals and the updated versions of published e-poems and e-songs proposals and author’s writing style follows many music performances with his music band. © The new e-book ‘Snakes Seven Special Dances’ comprises of the preface section with three (3) new songs and two main (2) chapters with seventy (70) songs proposals and poems, which are written in English Language. It could be classified as amazing hard copy ‘Anthology’ of Mr. Angelo Robert Nicholas MOLSON’s e-poems and e-songs written, edited and e-published proposals. The first chapter comprises only thirty two (32) songs proposals and the second chapter comprises additional thirty eight (38) songs proposals. In total, seventy three (73) poems and songs proposals were edited by the author. It is a sweet book creation, which could be also

characterised only as positive action, putting a milestone in the electronic publication process (as e-book version) for the future studies as it is agreed about a slowly development trend of electronic e-book market in Greece. This proposal as a classical approach printed book or as e-book version is an engine of lyrics of songs proposals as text for the modern music bands and talents; It does not incorporate paintings as pictures, but the seventy three (73) chosen English songs proposals as the modern poems versions. Thus, as this 34th volume incorporates poems and songs proposals with lyrics and it is a unique book volume for collectors. Š

Thank you for your reading and support, Angelo Robert Nicholas MOLSON

PREFACE Mr. Angelo Robert Nicholas (J) MOLSON is not discussing the poetry’s values on his own 34th volume, ILO ILO, 2014, but the author promotes his innovative idea to publish his e-poems and e-songs proposals as a book. This is an excellent idea to incorporate as text only seventy three (73) poems and songs proposals. As a chronological discussion, the ‘Anthology’ is a way to represent the themes and events of his poetic expressionism with e-poems and e-songs proposals: ‘Snake Special Seven Dances’,

As book contains seventy (70) e-poems and songs proposals for readers and modern music bands and the author has added three (3) more poems and songs proposals at ‘Preface Section’ as a gift to the readers, as shown below: 

Summer And Winds Are Not My Flavor. ©

Cannot Forget You Baby Even If You Have Been In Love With The Stars. ©

The Fire Runs Faster In The Southern Territories. ©

In addition, the talent musicians or the modern music bands could generate seven (7) or more e-albums as there is a lot of literature material as poems and songs proposals.

Summer And Winds Are Not My Flavor ©

Summer and winds are not my flavors The rains and thunderbolts are not my dreams

As this weather is crap and it’s like to be a nasty crab As the skies have not changed yet, I cannot wait a while

If she wants to come… for sure The sea is still cold... she likes the cold war (era)

Summer and winds are not my flavors The rains and thunderbolts... are not my dreams

As weather has a fatten skin Nobody dares to talk about his performance

As this weather is engaged with Saxon lass The Atlantic voyage has not been finished yet

As we wish, a good summer hit Thirty five and forty degrees I think… we are so far… in June (as distance) Let’s stay in the bed until... we get more lucky or unlucky!

As the people vote for something else This summer never close up, as it has to work for us

Summer and winds are not my flavors The rains and thunderbolts... are not my dreams

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