KinesioGeek Magazine - All About EMFs, Summer 2019 Issue

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine

Emotional Processing in the Triune Brain

Enhancing Your Energy

On the Dot: An Uncontrolled Experiment?

Where to Start?

Eating Against EMFs

Magnitudes of Destruction

All About EMFs KinesioGeek Magazine, 1

Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

Editor/Publisher/Writer Proudly brought to you by and flawed dictator: Alexis contributing KinesioGeeks: Costello Alexis Costello (Editor/ Publisher / Flawed DictaContributors: tor) Alison Kingston Denise Cambiotti Anne Jensen Michelle Greenwell Lloyd Burrell Natasha Polomski Lucy Blyth Reenie Rose Robert Frost Michelle Greenwell Sylvia Marina Nicole Howell Cover image is a stock Robert Frost photo Sylvia Marina Opinions expressed by contributors and advertisers are their own.

Adam Lehman: On the Dot: inside the holoAn Uncontrolled gram Experiment with Lucy Blyth

page 68 page

Minimizing Negative Effects

page 20

Contents: p. 4 Letter from the Editor p.5 Your turn: letters, questions and social media p. 8 On the Dot: An Uncontrolled Experiment P. 15 Enhancing your Energy is a Boost from EMF Influence P. 18 Magnitudes of Destruction p. 20 Minimizing the Negative Effects of Electromagnetic Frequencies—EMFs p. 24 Emotional Processing in the Triune Brain

P. 28 Where is the Place you Absolutely Must Start? p. 34 Eating Against EMFs P. 39 Symbol - Balancing Electronics P. 40 Classifieds p. 41 Because Health should be Fun!

Cover art is a stock photo

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

The Frequency of Balance

My client was on the table in front of me in my rainforest-work-space in Costa Rica. With a table out on a patio overlooking the lush green, I use my cellphone as a clock to keep my time in check during my appointments. She saw me look at it and almost hyperventilated at it’s proximity to her, explaining that she is ultra-sensitive to EMFs. When I suggested that we balance her to them rather than simply have me remove the phone from her presence, there was a lot of fear, resistance and push-back. While there is some potentially-scary research on these fields, they are also a part of the environment that we now need to navigate on a daily basis. Rather than spend our time trying to avoid them or buying devices to mitigate them, wouldn’t it be more useful to balance yourself to them so they don’t effect you so much? To my way of thinking, it’s the same as looking at the immune system—you can avoid any people or places that might harbor bacteria, or we can strengthen our immune system so we can deal with whatever bugs we encounter. In this issue, we see information about the damage done by EMFs, devices that can protect against them, and how to make ourselves stronger. I hope you find something useful here. We’re all in this together!

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

Alexis Costello: While there are many devices that can work to help a person ‘shield’ against EMFs, my personal inclination is always to balance the person—figuring out where the stress is in the individual that would make them susceptible and removing that first. Michelle Greenwell: Tai Chi and making sure that my energy is strong so that I can emanate out rather than be challenged with what comes in. Balance throughout the day, and have my QiFi on at all times. Linda Easthouse: Working on creating an orgonite that will neutralize the 5 G. It includes stones, piezio electric fields, combinations of metals, A radionics square wave sweep blasted into the resin as it dries and more. Pouring the next prototype over the next day or so. Pleased with the results so far. More on the next page!

There is a new Kinesiology podcast that was just launched in June! Debbie Rossi in Australia is hosting and inviting others to share their kinesiology stories and wisdom in an effort to connect us all better. Click here to listen or download this week's episode.

From Debbie’s website: A very big welcome to the As1Kinesiology Podcast. This podcast is designed for you, my fellow Kinesiologist! It is a place where we as Kinesiologists can come together as one to share, grow and learn from one another. Here we celebrate all our unique talents and enter the new paradigm in Kinesiology together as a united force. In this space we will also delve into the importance of meditation and self-devotion as a Kinesiologist, to enable us to stay clear and aligned vessels for ourselves and our clients.

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Your Turn: sharing who you are

How do you balance yourself and your clients against EMFs?

Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

How do you balance against EMFs? Denise Cambiotti: “I live in an area that received Smart Meters several years ago. Thankfully I learned about the implementation of the program early enough to request to be one of the last homes in the region to have the installation, and when the installation was to take place we were able to participate in a program finally offered by Hydro to pay an extra monthly fee to have a manual meter reading performed rather than have a smart meter installed. This was important to me for two reasons. One was that our power meter is located on the wall just outside my clinic and that we had a bedroom located above it. I became quite a fan of lowering EMFs after taking the Charles Krebs’ LEAP Environmental Factors workshop. He has a great protocol for helping reduce EMF sensitivity and I find a significant portion of my clientele have some level of EMF sensitivity. I used this protocol on a young man who was referred to me by a psychologist for LEAP Brain Integration sessions. He was a hot mess of anxiety, the worse I had ever observed. The first priority in his first session was EMF sensitivity. His family ran wireless in his home, and the router was in the room next to his bedroom... literally inches from his pillow. It was hugely helpful to him to unplug the router before bedtime along with the EMF Balance mentioned above. Several years ago I had been introduced to the EMF Frequency Chip produced by AkuRy in Germany. They had asked Charles Krebs to do blind testing of their chip against other products in the market. This one came out quite favorably. The AkuRy Duett Phone Chip (EMF Chip) was studied at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany in 2015. It was also positively tested by the International Institute for Research Electromagnetic Compatibility in 2014. These are now called “e-Protect”. I now frequently utilize this chip during the balancing component of Charles’ protocol (I do a detailed ‘set-up’ but the correction is very brief by briefly activating this specific Frequency Chip during the balancing portion). Alternately I utilize some of Jane Thurnell-Read’s EMF testing vials ( to identify the specific type of EMF challenge a client may have, and if possible, provide this specific challenge within the session to briefly activate the problem, and often utilize the DUETT EMF (last generation) chip from AkuRy to defuse the stress within a session. I have one of these chips on each of my wired devices and usually keep one on my person. I have one other interesting experience to cement my belief in EMF issues. I have identical twins. One complained of feeling unwell when people used cell phones nearby to him soon after I had learned the LEAP Environmental Factors balance for EMFs. Of course, he was one of the first people for whom I performed this balance. Several years later, the person who brought the first AkuRy EMF chips from Germany was at my home to evaluate it for Geopathic and EMF stresses. He had various meters for detecting imbalances and also utilized manual muscle testing. He couldn’t believe the one twin’s muscle test wouldn’t unlock with an active cell phone on his thymus, whereas the other twin reacted when it was at arm’s length. Guess which one had received the balance?

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs


The IASK conference in Moscow

Первый Конгресс по кинезиологии в России

KinesioGeek Magazine,

Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

On the Dot: An Uncontrolled Experiment

An interview with Lucy Blyth Note: Lucy is one of the owners of EMF Solutions Limited. While she does mention her products in this interview, this is not meant to be an advertisement, but rather is here to help readers better understand what is involved in EMF pollution and what options are available to help.


e are conducting an “uncontrolled and unplanned field experiment on humans”. Professor Franz Adlkofer, Research Scientist, Verum Founda-

tion Germany

A: Why is it important for people to understand more about EMFs and how they can affect health? L: Our world has changed. The wireless world has exploded. Mobiles, laptops, tablets, babymonitors, cordless DECT phones and the ever present Wi-Fi are part of our life. However, all these

devices emit electro-magnetic frequencies which surround us. We can’t see, touch or smell these frequencies but they are potentially harmful. This ‘electro-pollution’ is affecting every one of us, every day. EMFs are not like food. With food you choose what you eat but with energy or in this case EMF you don’t have any choice. Even if you personally chose not to use any type of technology you are immersed in EMF from other people’s devices. Some people are so affected by the frequencies we are surrounded by 24/7 that they have moved out of cities and into remote rural areas. They live off grid and minimise their exposure but even that will be impossible as 5G satellites are launched in space.

A: Can you explain the effects a little? L: EMFs affect health in two ways. 1) The thermal effect 2) Non-thermal biological effects

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs Living with a class 2B Carcinogen In 2011, 31 scientists from 14 countries were consulted by the World Health Organisation about the health effects. They concluded that the emissions from these devices are a Class 2B carcinogen. Lead, DTT, diesel fumes and chloroform are also on this list. However not many of us are exposing ourselves or our children 24 hours a day to these toxins. Historically items on this list do not move down or get taken off. They tend to move up i.e. to the 2A category which means they are carcinogenic. Cause of harm - Thermal effects The health effects from this non-ionising radiation are as thermal effects and non-thermal effects. Lets look at the thermal effect first. We know mobile phones and DECT phones heat tissue. The question is does this heating cause cancer or any other disease. In the case of brain tumours, people who have used a mobile phone for 10 years or longer have a 20% increase in risk (when the cell phone is used on both sides of the head). For people who have used a cell phone for 10 years or longer predominantly on one side of the head, there is a 200% increased risk of a brain tumour. This information relies on the combined results of many brain tumour/cell phone studies taken together (a meta-analysis of studies). Safety Standards We do have safety standards to address this. The Standard Absorption Rate (SAR) limits the heating that is allowable. However, to test for this SAR a mobile of the human head is used, which many feel is a flawed assessment. The model head is one density unlike the human head and brain. Plus, it is created using the head of a US military recruit on the 90th percentile. The average man weighs approximately 70kg. A military recruit’s weight is approximately 100kg. Women and children are lighter and have smaller heads. Children have thinner skulls and more water within their brain. Basically, the thermal effect will penetrate further into their brain.

Consequently, many do not feel that this assessment method gives us an adequate safety standard. Indeed, many scientists consider that there is no safe level of exposure. Many other parts of the body can be exposed to the thermal heating effect. Breasts and testicles have no bone shielding and they are made of fatty watery tissue, so they absorb very well. This potentially makes them more vulnerable to thermal heating. Keep phones away from your head This is the recommendation of the mobile phone industry. If you read the small print in any phone user manual it will say that you should hold the device away from your body. Non-thermal biological effects Many experts consider the thermal heating effect could be the tip of the iceberg. Of second and perhaps even greater concern is what is known as non-thermal biological effects. Louise Gittleman author of Zapped: Why Your Cell phone shouldn’t be your Alarm Clock summarises this as; ‘You may not be able to see electropollution, but your body responds to it as though it were a cloud of toxic chemicals’. In the BioInitiative Report which was written by 14 scientists, public health and public policy experts it states: It appears it is the information conveyed by electromagnetic radiation (rather than the heat) that causes biological changes - some of these biological changes may lead to loss of wellbeing, disease and even death. Over 80% of studies carried out with public funding conclude there is an effect on our organisms.

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

We know that we are ‘electro-magnetic’ beings. For example, an electro-cardiogram checks your heart's rhythm and electrical activity. Natural low-level electromagnetic frequencies regulate bodily functions and numerous well documented peer-reviewed studies show that exposure to EMFs interfere with those functions. Studies have shown: • • • • • •

biological dis-regulation impaired cognitive function reduced fertility damaged DNA affects on our immune system increased incidence of acute and chronic conditions, including cancers, heart irregularities, difficulty sleeping, joint pain, dizziness, tinnitus and stress

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs EMFs create damage We are all fighting cancer every day on a molecular level. There is DNA breakage and little problems all the time. But our body is good at fixing these problems and we have lots of fail-safe mechanisms and ways of correcting that damage and fixing it as it occurs. The problem is that EMF creates more damage and reduces our ability to correct damage. It saturates repair mechanisms and we slip into disease process.

They exposed DNA to gamma irradiation (1600 chest X-rays). This is ionising radiation and is known to be harmful and the mechanism for damage is well understood. They also exposed DNA to 24-hour mobile phone radiation at allowable guidelines.

The damage in both instances was very similar.

Cellular level

Red Blood Cells

At a cellular level exposure to EMFs increases calcium movement through the wall of the cell the cell membrane. That can set up a nitric oxide cycle with produces reactive oxygen species. This is a process called oxidative stress and it damages tissue. It contributes to the ageing process and this can lead to cancer.

Healthy red blood cells are mutually repellant. They bounce off each other. Research has shown that when exposed to EMFs they lose their negative charge which is what makes them mutually repellant and they stack up like coins. This is a pathological process which stops them doing their function and carrying oxygen correctly.

EMF exposure can set up this very negative cycle. But this is one of many mechanisms for damage. Too much calcium in the cell can lead to other damage. For example: mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, can be affected as can the DNA inside it. Calcium flooding into the cell can damage gap functions in the cell membrane. It can affect cell death i.e programmed apoptosis. It can increase the rate of apoptosis causing degeneration of tissue. Equally it can stop cell death or apoptosis and allow cells to replicate even when they are defective. DNA damage In a study funded by the telecommunications industry researchers examined the effect of exposure on our DNA. The method of examination was what is known as a comet assay test. Researches took DNA and put it in an alkaline solution. Any damaged parts of DNA move away from the ball of DNA so you end up with what looks like a comet.

Immune System An autoimmune disorder occurs when the body's immune system attacks and destroys healthy body tissue by mistake. There are more than 80 types of autoimmune disorders. One environmental stress that is being correlated with immune system disorders is the stress of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on the body. So, what happens in your body when it encounters the EMFs flooding into it? EMFs are perceived by your immune system as outside invaders, and therefore it creates stress hormones that flood your body and stress your nervous system. This increase can lead to sleep disorders, depressed immunity, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, premature ageing, neurological problems, and more.

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs Chronic Inflammation EMFs cause chronic inflammation in the body. Inflammation has been linked with cellular/tissue/ organ damage, cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, neurological diseases, and Alzheimer’s. EMFs trigger the immune system to release inflammatory substances such as histamines and cytokines as a protective mechanism. These markers of inflammation have been shown to highly correlate with asthma and other allergic reactions. Fertility The effects of EMF exposure on male fertility are well documented. The number of sperm, their motility - the way they swim and their morphology - the way they look are all affected. There are fewer studies on female eggs but there is more cause for concern in that you have all of them at birth. There is no repair mechanism and damage could be passed on to the next generation. For example, rodents exposed to mobile radiation at allowable limits were completely infertile after five generations. “We are jeopardising our genetic material and the lives of future generations,” Camilla Rees, electro-magnetic Minimise, shield or harmonise If you are concerned about EMF exposure there are three ways you can improve matters. Firstly, and crucially limit your exposure levels. Put your mobile on airplane mode at night, turn off the wiFi, turn any device you are not using off. Secondly, there are shielding materials, such as paint or fabric which can be used to create EMF free zones. The third option is to use harmonising devices which you stick to your devices.

A: In your opinion, is it possible for people to deal with EMFs on their own, without outside help? L: There are ways to deal with EMF. Minimise your exposure as much as you can. Turn devices off as much as possible especially at night. Use corded headphones when you talk on your phone or speaker mode. Keep your phone away from your body as much as possible. Grounding helps, as does good diet, hydration and of course exercise. Meditation and sound healing is also very helpful to keep your energy field as clear and strong as possible. You can use binaural beats, solfeggio frequencies and specific healing frequencies to support your energetic well-being. However, self-care has its limitations in that as I said earlier you have little control over your exposure because of masts, almost blanket WiFi, and our collective use of devices. Ideally you would invest in some harmonising device to support you. A: What are some misconceptions about this subject that you would like to clear up for people? L: I think the main misconception is that it is just the heating effect from the phone that affects us. Many people have said to me ‘oh I don't put it to my head’. The difficulty is that there are non-thermal effects I.e. if you phone is on you or you sit by a computer or wi-Fi router or cordless home phone you are being exposed to EMF that effects your biological make-up. It scrambles the system. With regard to energydots the main misconception is ‘how can a sticker help?’. You're already using a form of this technology.

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs Energydots are programmed magnets like the hard drive on your computer or the bank card in your pocket. They are programmed with a mix of vibrations. Each energydot radiates these vibrations and the power lies in the change they bring. The negative discordant energies align with the positive vibrations from the DOT.

A: How do they change negative energy? L: The change that occurs is explained by the law of physics known as Entrainment. Entrainment is ‘the synchronisation of two or more rhythmic cycles’ i.e. energy works in cooperation rather than in opposition. When the vibrations function independently they have different periods but when together they assume a common period. This law further states that it is the most natural coherent vibration that will predominate. Examples of entrainment can be found biologically (women living in the same environment will menstruate at the same time), mechanically (pendulums from clocks will swing in time) and emotionally (walk into a room where there is happiness and raised mood and your mood will be lifted). Energydots entrain discordant negative energy fields.

So, for example, with smartDOT the body experiences the EMF from our devices as incoherent and smartDOT retunes these to a coherent frequency. The human body recognises the re-tuned emissions as being in harmony with its natural healthy state. This makes it more enjoyable to use our wireless devices. A clear example of particular frequencies creating change was the clearing of polluted waters in 2010. A selection of “music” helped purify poisoned water. Concerned about the BP oil gusher disaster, John Hutchison an electromagnetic energy expert from Vancouver, B.C. and his research partner, Nancy Lazaryan used a combination of audio and radio frequencies that were shown scientifically to reduce the oil and grease in polluted waters in the Gulf of Mexico from 7 ppm to less than 1 ppm, restoring the water’s vitality as manifest by the return of fish, dolphins and even barnacles to a region of Perdido Bay in Lillian, Alabama, USA. The frequencies included the “sound of Jupiter,” recently recorded by NASA, vibrating close to 528Hz frequency. The results were certified by the Analytical Chemical Testing Laboratory, Inc. of Mobile, Alabama, and are consistent with studies and predictions based on the most advanced discoveries in mathematics, physics, and biophysics.

Saturday, September 28 from 11-1 (Heart Time!) in your Timezone!

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

A: What books or resources would you suggest for anyone who would like to learn more? L: In terms of books to read, I would recommend: “Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn't Be Your Alarm Clock” and “1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution” by Ann Louise Gittleman, “EMF Freedom: Solutions for the 21st Century Pollution - 3rd Edition: Volume 3” by Elizabeth Plourde, and “The Wireless Elephant in the Room: An overview of the rapidly emerging public health issue from cell phones, wireless devices and wireless ... driver of poor health outcomes and costs” by Camilla G Rees. To find out more about EMFs and energydots, you can visit

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Click here to learn more and order your copy! Watch a short interview

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

Enhancing your Energy is a Boost

from EMF Influence

By Michelle Greenwell Are you an Energy Enhancer or an Energy Depleter?



Is your cup half full or half empty?

Half Full

Half Empty

Do you eat foods for energy enhancement or follow a specific diet?



Do you exercise for relaxation or for an exhaustive workout



Do you breathe deeply all day long or do your breathe deeply only when you exercise?

All Day


Are you tired after exercise or do you have energy to take on a big task?


Rest or Nap

Does exercise cause you to have tight muscles or relaxed muscles?



Do you enjoy your daily activities or do you wait until your day is over to do something you love?

All Day


Do you begin your day with Gratitude or do you dive into the task list?


Task oriented

Are you hydrating throughout the day or when you remember?


Occasiona l

Are you worried about EMF’s in your field or do you forget about them?



Have you balanced for EMF’s?



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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs The first question is a little challenging because most people do not think of themselves as energy enhancers or depleters, but it is integral to how your body and wellbeing needs to prepare for active and healthy living. If you “intend” to be strong and supported in all that you are doing for your body and its wellbeing, then you have prepared yourself to be the best you can be. There are so many ways to worry about the health and vitality of our lives. Electromagnetic Frequency is one of the topics that can weigh heavily on our mind. How much time are you at the computer? Have you left the computer early enough in the evening to not affect the Pineal Gland and your sleep patterns? How is the smart meter affecting your body? When does the cell phone being in your field begin to change your energy? How is the watch that counts your steps and records your exercise affecting your body? How close do you live to the power lines? Are there ley lines underneath your house and bed that are affecting your sleep? These are big questions. How you react to them is your guide to wellness and vitality. The first way you can look at the harms from EMF is how you are emotionally reacting to them. Do you react with tension and worry? Do you think about their effects often throughout the day? Do you talk about their negative impact to others? Are they in your conscious thought? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then they are having a negative effect on you in a much bigger way than just their presence. Intention is everything. Have you taken precautions in your day to minimize the effects of EMF? Do you have a shield around your devices? Is it one you created energetically or is it one you purchased? Do you work or live in an area that has minimal effects of

EMF or are you surrounded by them at all times? Have you muscle tested to know the effects they are having on you? Have you done a balance around the effects of EMF’s on your body? Do you regularly check in with your body to see if there is an area that has a challenge because of EMF’s? With your skills in Energy Medicine techniques, you have the ability to do many protective actions around the ideas of EMF and their effects. I have several approaches that I have adopted to minimize effects. First, I have moved to the country and I love it. We have minimal power lines around us – just the one coming into the house. I keep my cell phone in my purse at the front door and use it minimally. This does drive other family and friends crazy, but I don’t have the phone near me most times. I do keep it in my purse while travelling, so it is not in a pocket on my person. I do watch TV in the evening or work late on my computer. I do have special glasses I can use if I find that I need to guard myself for late night blue screen effects. I keep my fluids topped up so that my cells are hydrated the best that they can be. And, I have a QiFi that I sell from Quantum Wave Lasers. This machine clears a 2kilometer radius around my house and over the neighborhood. I can set its protection to several settings that best suit my needs. And lastly, I do energy enhancing activities all day long that support my body the best that I can. What are energy enhancing activities? They are activities that expand and contract the central core of the body to create an expansion of energy in the area known as “Lower Dan Tien” or “Sacral Chakra” or the “Golden Pill”. When this area has the expansion/contraction effect happening, the energy can be stored for later use. I do this through Tai Chi and it is something that I do daily. If I feel that my energy is being depleted, I can attend class, I can do it on my own, and I can stop what I am doing and participate for a few minutes

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

and go back to what I was doing. I have also begun to do the Meridian Sweep and the Meridian Dance as a regular activity to keep the electrical system in the body tuned up. This electrical check-in can help to open any blocks that may be developing and keep all the systems in flow with each other. How can you participate in these activities too and make a difference on how you feel and are supported? You can find a 21 Day Tai Chi Challenge on Facebook: Qi YINtegration (pronounced chee YIN tegration), or you can find it on my website blog under March postings at This challenge has tips and tools to support your energy enhancing needs and to keep things topped up for you. There are seated and standing examples, so they can be shared with family and friends to assist them as well. I also have a full energy enhancer that I use for my dancers, but anyone can use it…you can find this video for International Dance Day on my Facebook page: Dance Debut, or on my website for April 29 th. The point is, you can make the difference for your wellbeing. The last and most important detail is that how you intend to live can affect how much the EMF’s will affect you. Specifically, if you are worrying about, dreading, panic about, get angry by the presence of them in your life, then you will lower your frequency to invite lower frequency health. The lower the frequency, the more that things can go wrong in the system. So, it is imperative that you consider the Levels of Consciousness that have been identified by David Hawkins in “Power and Force” (2014) and you “trust” that you have all that you need, and then find “gratitude” for all things strong and protective in your life, as well as “joy” and “love” to build a shield of positive energy for your biofield. Michelle Greenwell, (BA Psych, MSc CAM), is a regular contributor to KinesioGeek Magazine. She specializes in motivating people to move themselves into Health and Wellness. Her “Little Black of Qi: Qi YINtegration Set 1” won the Bronze Medal at the Living Now Book Awards in 2018. Her book includes 11 videos to help people build energy in their own bodies and live with full intention for health and wellness and can be purchased on her website You can also become a Patron at Patreon and be a part of her latest developments in techniques and articles on living with Vitality. You can find this at thekeytohealthwithenergymedicine.

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

Magnitudes of Destruction

By Sylvia Marina


here are times when our world is full of mayhem and madness, the seen, the felt and the heard – then the excitement of being with the vibrancy of our families, the connectedness with our tribe, the remembrances of togetherness – and it happens....we are alone again, plunged into the energy -changing world of ‘hush’.

If that world of ‘hush’ is peaceful prayerful tranquillity we are transported in love to realms of uncomplicatedness, direction and clarity. Basking in the knowledge that friends are only a cooee away, family is possible, and you know how to find a kinesiologist. ‘Hush’ is then a doable place. I’ve painted this word picture because; too many of my students and clients suffer adrenal exhaustion, unexplained migraine headaches, blood conditions, memory disorders, fertility problems, anxiety – some of these disorders hold hereditary factors, but what is the trigger? Genetically inherited trauma emotions and / or new magnitudes of destruction. Attempting to live in the world of ‘hush’ means electronic connection but no eye contact, no intimacy in the human voice.

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs Whilst our world grows smaller our person-toperson messages instant - it’s not a happy place. It’s a busy hectic place of white noise, messages in the world around us, stripping us of our need to have intimate connection to people, nature and all that’s meaningful to us. On this sunny afternoon as I write or more accurately tap the keys of my electronic miracle – in a moment I will hit a key and this message will fly across the world to KinesioGeek Magazine editor Alexis who will receive the word doc silently into her home office in the jungle. The world of speed, instant, right now but at what cost? The practice of ‘hush’ has invaded our quiet place, our sanity. The lyrics of the Herman Hermits keep humming through my mind as I write “There's a kind of hush All over the world tonight All over the world you can hear the sound....” The truth is “the sounds of silence” are bustling through the walls of our homes, our community. Let’s take a stand to minimise our exposure to EMF’s.

I wish, the hush, the social impoliteness of mobile cell phones being used in public places were the only inconvenience of the present world we live in, BUT hidden is the scary truth – EMF’s, electro magnetic fields pervade our world, our blood and health, our brain cells, our family, tribe and friendship structures. EMFs are now so common and widespread that they’ve become environmental pollution – cherish the health of our precious ovum and sperm the health and vibrancy of future generations.

Sylvia Marina – Human Behaviour Trauma Specialist, Kinesiologist. E:

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

Minimizing the Negative Effects of Electromagnetic Fields - EMFs By Robert Frost, PhD


MFs can and do have negative effects upon all living beings. But unfortunately, we can’t seem to live without them. The fields we are exposed to at, for example, 105 gigahertz daily today are a billion billion times greater than they were 100 years ago! Electromagnetic fields can be beneficial. Certain pulsed electromagnetic field devices can even improve health and functioning. But too much is too much!

Logically, there are only three things we can do. We can reduce our exposure. We can have therapy and consume nutrients that counteract the negative effects. And we can reduce our imbalanced reactions to them.

1. Reduce exposure - socially and personally - through avoidance and shielding

2. Provide therapy and nutrients to counteract the negative

These fields are especially disastrous to the bacteria, fungi and viruses living in our guts. Your microbiome inhabitants communicate through EMFs signals. The powerful EMFs we are all exposed to disrupt and impair their intracellular communication.


EMFs are especially dangerous because you can’t sense them with any of your senses. Like x-rays, most of us don’t feel anything when exposed to them. 5-10% of people are hypersensitive to them and can have very noticeable symptoms. The rest of us don’t feel anything but are still negatively affected and damaged by them.

It would be best if we stop increasing the amount of electromagnetic radiation to which we are exposed. But that is not likely to occur on a social level in the foreseeable future. The latest threat is 5G. No tests have been made on the effect of 5G upon us. The push is on to put it into place as fast as possible. The government has made it illegal to ban 5G from moving into our cities. We are not allowed to be against it.


Reduce negative reactions that EMFs produce in the body

Reducing Exposure to EMFs

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs The monied interests have succeeded in subverting our legal system. This madness will make certain groups very rich and very likely make many of us very ill. Banning or eliminating it will require a social revolution. If we can’t significantly reduce the amount of EMFs on a social level, how can we reduce them on a personal level? First of all, get a good electromagnetic field measuring meter. There are even apps that work on certain cell phones for this purpose. Measure the fields around your home and around the devices you use or are near to. Learn through actual testing the sources of the strongest EMFs that you are exposed to. Then take action to remove them or at least reduce your exposure to them. When considering electromagnetic fields and their effects, most people think only of cell phones, cell towers and home routers. These are certainly of import, especially because of the wavelength of their signals. But electromagnetic fields of any wavelength can have negative effects upon our health. Amazingly, the greatest source of electromagnetic fields is not from cell towers, cell phones and routers. About 95% of the electromagnetic fields to which we are subjected come from the electrical wiring within our homes. This can be reduced by putting all wires into grounded metal conduits - something nearly impossible to do after the house is already built. Here’s what you can do: Unplug all devices at night. Better still, put in an electrical breaker for the whole bedroom and turn everything off at night. An oft overlooked source of household EMFs is from solar power! The solar inverters that change the DC electricity from your solar panels into AC electricity for your house can produce voltage spikes of “dirty” electricity. If you have such a system, have a good high frequency capacitive

filter installed inside the inverter by a good electrical engineer. You can shield yourself from electromagnetic fields. Scientists do so with a Faraday cage - a grounded metal screen. There are also metal based paints. Painting your bedroom with a metal-based paint and then grounding it (plus grounding the screens on the windows) can give you a night of rest, free from electromagnetic fields. Your smart meter sends out powerful microwave blasts every several seconds. Best not to have one at all if possible. You can also block most of this “noise” with a grounded smart meter cover. The strength of electromagnetic fields falls off as the inverse of the distance squared. That means that a cell phone held one foot away from your head has 1/122 (1/144) of the energy than one that is 1” from your head. Moving yourself away from the source of electromagnetic fields makes a big difference! Don’t hold your cell phone up to your head. If you have to use one, put it far away from you and turn on the speaker phone. Don’t live in a home near a cell phone tower either. Most people who use laptop computers hunch down over them with terrible posture. Laptops have very powerful electromagnetic fields. Placing them on your lap is not a good idea! Placing your hands upon them isn’t either. What to do? Here is a solution that corrects both the posture and the energetic problems. Put your laptop on your desk away from you - ideally with the top of the screen at eye level. Then use a wired external keyboard and mouse placed where it is comfortable for you to type and manipulate the mouse.

Do you have ideas for what we should be calling our work internationally? How do you describe muscle testing work to your clients? These questions are important to the future of our work and your peers want to hear from you! Email with your thoughts to be included in an upcoming issue. KinesioGeek Magazine, 21

Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs Turn off your Wi-Fi at night. Better still, use a wired router. Get rid of Wi-Fi routers or at least stay as far away from them as possible. Nutrients and Therapies that Reduce the Negative Effects of EMFs EMFs affect the voltage-gated calcium channels that are in all cell membranes and most concentrated in the brain and the nervous tissue of the heart. This can be a cause of arrhythmias of the heart. EMFs cause excess calcium to go into cells. This appears to be how they do much of their damage. Calcium in the cells is a potent biological signal. When present in high levels, it causes excess nitric oxide which reacts to form hydroxyl free radicals - one of the most damaging free radical oxidizers of all. Calcium blockers, often prescribed for various heart problems, can help. But they are toxic and have negative side effects. Magnesium is a natural calcium blocker. The best kinds of magnesium for oral ingestion include magnesiummalate, citrate and threonate. For the greatest best effect in reducing the amount of calcium going into cells, eat magnesium in quantities just short of the amount that will cause diarrhea. Magnesium oil is well absorbed through the skin - often even better than oral magnesium. Magnesium oil is a concentrated solution of magnesium chloride in water. It is used topically to relax muscles and relieve pain. You can also use Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate). To do so, make a supersaturated solution by heating 8 ounces of water with 8 tablespoons of Epson salt. Apply this to your skin with a little aloe vera. Topical magnesium won’t cause loose stool, so it is a good choice. The other main negative health effect of EMFs is the oxidative damage to mitochondria and to cells in general. Including more natural antioxidants in the diet is important for counteracting oxidative damage. Sources include vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, polyphenols, pomegranate, lycopene (tomatoes) and coenzyme Q10. Mitochondria are the energy-producing organelles within most of our cells. Like other energy generating stations, they put out a lot of exhaust - in the form of free radicals that oxidize and age our cells. The main antioxidant that our body produces to neutralize the free radicals including those produced by the mitochondria is glutathione. But our limited supply of glutathione often gets used up while neutralizing free radicals from the junk in our food, our water, our air, our cosmetics, etc. So, getting more glutathione is very important to counteract the damage caused to our mitochondria by EMFs. You can’t eat glutathione because it would be destroyed by the process of digestion.

But you can eat and absorb the precursor that your body uses to make glutathione: N-acetyl-L-cysteine. It has a halflife in the body of about 6 hours, so take some a few times a day for best effect. EMFs worsen inflammatory conditions, too. Natural antiinflammatories include berries, fatty fish, broccoli, avocados, green tea, peppers, mushrooms, red grapes, turmeric, olive oil, dark chocolate, and my favorite: frankincense (boswellia). Blue light from artificial sources can interfere with and damage mitochondria, and may even cause cataracts and macular degeneration. Exposure to blue light in the evening delays the release of melatonin, increases wakefulness and resets the body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm) to a later schedule, and reduces the vital REM sleep cycles. Exposure to the blue light of the morning sky is very healthy. It is blue light at night that is problematic. Before the advent of home lighting, most people went to sleep soon after sunset. Turning off your devices, TVs, fluorescent and LED lights, at least one hour before bedtime can help mitigate the negative effects of staying up later. Better still, wear yellow or yellow-orange glasses after sunset to block blue light from reaching your eyes, especially if you are looking at a TV, cell phone or computer monitor. You can check if the glasses work by wearing them and looking at something blue. It should appear dark grey or black. The company IrisTech makes software apps for phones and computer monitors that reduces the blue light they emit.

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs Exercise can help protect us from the negative effects of EMFs. Perhaps the most effective form of exercise for this purpose is high intensity interval training. This involves warming up and then running or doing some activity as fast and intensely as possible for thirty seconds and then resting (or walking) for about ninety seconds. This cycle is repeated 4-8 times. The whole cycle of exercise only takes about twenty minutes, so you do have time for this! Studies done in the U.S. and in England show that doing this type of exercise 1-2 times per week for six months will increase your natural production of human growth hormone by 500%! Breathing pure or concentrated oxygen with exercise can increase the positive benefit. Water fasting (with some minerals and salt to avoid cramping) is perhaps the most effective way to regenerate yourself. Fasting upregulates autophagy (self-feeding). That means that when you don’t eat, your body eats itself. But what does it eat? It eats problem cells, pre-cancerous cells, old senescent (senile) cells - ones that don’t reproduce and do put out inflammatory chemicals. It stimulates the release of your own stem cells which then produce brand new cells to replace the old worn out ones that you fed on while fasting. Presto! The average age of the cells in your body is reduced. This is actual age reversal. And it is a lot cheaper than stem cell treatment! But don’t take amino acids or anything besides water and some minerals or you will activate the mTor pathways and as a result you won’t clear out those senescent cells as effectively.

Reducing the Negative Reactions that EMFs Produce in the Body There are many devices on the market that claim to “block” EMFs. This is not true. Blocking EMFs can only be produced by Faraday shielding. A tiny device that attaches to your phone clearly does not shield you from anything. But do such devices have a positive effect? We who do muscle testing have an excellent means to test the viability of such devices. Find a normotonic indicator muscle - one that tests strong but can easily be weakened by spindle-cell pinching or sedation point tapping. Place a cell phone that is turned on upon the subject and retest. This will probably have no effect. However, some people are so sensitive to EMFs that they will test weak when holding a turned on but inactive cell phone. Now, have the phone make an actual call. When making calls, cell phones produce strong microwave radiation. Repeat the test. Most people will test weak when exposed to a cell phone while it is making a call. Next place your “blocking” device on the subject and repeat the test with contact and the phone making a call. If the indicator muscle doesn’t weaken and remains normotonic, the device is at least reducing the negative effect of the cell phone upon the body’s energy system. It is not suggested that using such a device will prevent all the negative effects of EMF exposure. But it will help prevent your body from having “hysterical” reaction and will keep you in balance. Remaining in energetic balance will help reduce at least some of the disturbing effects of EMFs. Thirty years ago in my personal research, I found an exotic type of wood that, when touched, keeps the body in energetic balance when exposed to cell phones and other EMF sources. Recently, I have found specific gemstones and an element of the periodic scale that also have this useful effect. I teach courses on how to test for such imbalances and how to use the substances that prevent the imbalances from occurring. I make a pendant of the wood that you can wear. Since exposure to electromagnetic fields from cell phones, cell towers, power lines, wifi, etc., is nearly unavoidable, I wear one most all of the time.

Cell Phone Dialing Weakens

Cell Phone Dialing with Wood Tests

These courses and the energybalancing substances are available on my website, http://

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

Emotional Processing in the Triune Brain; Taming the Lizard when Life gets Crazy

By Alexis Costello Conference journal article for the Kinesiology Federation conference April 2019


ou’ve heard of the Reptilian, Limbic and Neo-cortical sections of the brain. Each of these process emotions, but they do it differently with wildly different results. In order to thrive in our modern jungle, we need to utilize the survival strategies of the lizard brain without allowing it to dominate our physiology. Specialized Kinesiology can give us the skills to bring balance to these processing centres and facilitate vertical integration so we can keep cool when life gets too hot. We understand now more than ever about brain ‘plasticity’ and the fact that areas can take over

functions in order to compensate, for example if there has been an injury or trauma that has kept one area from fulfilling its’ usual role. We are going to be discussing the 3 sections of the brain, but we are looking at these in a more general function sense, not getting into the precise anatomy, but looking at the ability to process emotion and make sense of the human experience. Each section of the brain processes emotional information and each section is also supposed to exert a modulating influence on the one that came before. We can review the triune brain quickly and then spend some more time considering what we can do to bring it into balance, so we can meet the challenges of today’s world in the best possible way.

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs Reptilian: Your inner toddler.

Neocortex: Your inner Vulcan.

You want it, and you want it now. The reptilian part of your brain is only concerned with survival. Sensory data is scanned for threats and we react accordingly. This kind of immediate reaction keeps us alive.

You want it but can reflect on it as a concept. This is where we process thoughts and feelings about feelings. It’s where we can employ higher reasoning to mitigate our emotions. Or we can also use our logic skills to justify our emotions and behaviour, masking the fact that these are not coming from a place of reason at all but a place of fear.

When you are ‘triggered’ and are experiencing mood swings, or nervousness; when your adrenals are feeling tanked or when you are distracted, these are times when your Reptilian brain is more likely to be the one calling the shots. It is the reptilian brain via the nervous system that has control over how you experience your emotions in the physical body. Limbic: Your inner teenager. You want it, BUT… This is the part of our brain that is found in mammals. Basically, it allows us to live in groups without eating each other. It is the place where the subcortical structures meet the cerebral cortex and is described as ‘lower order emotional processing’. The limbic brain is the place where we truly assign emotional response to incoming stimuli. It is where we process our ‘everyday emotions’. The limbic system is a perfect example of what I was saying before about the anatomical structures being less clearly defined than we thought at one point in time, there is some debate about which parts of the brain make up the limbic system and exactly what the function of each of these parts is. The boundaries of what is considered to be the limbic system have been redefined several times. This is the site of the oft-vilified amygdala. The amygdala is involved in what is called episodic autobiographical memory (EAM Networks). The amygdala helps us to define stimuli. So yes, it does have to do with fear and with our response to things that scare us, and it does help us to lock these things into our memories, but it helps us to define and remember good things too – in truth, this is where we experience the inner biography, the story of our lives.

The amygdala is heavily wired to the cortex and this can explain why people respond to ‘emotional triggers’ differently. Remember that the amygdala helps us to define stimulus and plays a role in memory. When we encounter a situation in our lives, the amygdala looks to see ‘what does this remind us of?’ and it matches whatever is happening now to what happened before and this to a large degree colours how we are going to feel about it. The cortex however is largely blind to what is going on behind it. It knows that you are feeling angry or fearful but it doesn’t always understand why, so sometimes at this point it will create a narrative for you to justify the feeling. Or, if you are well-balanced, at this point you might be able to step back and realize 1) that you are feeling something uncomfortable, 2) that it’s ok for you to be feeling that way but that you now have to consciously decide how you are going to act on that feeling. Sometimes that is all it takes to get the brain and chemistry out of panic-mode. Now, it is easy to begin thinking of some of these centres as intrinsically ‘good’ and some as ‘bad’, but the point is for there to be balance between the three aspects. They need to be integrated. For example, you want the neocortex to modulate your emotional response so that you don’t react to stimuli with blind rage, but you don’t want to become an emotionless robot, or your relationships are going to suffer, and you will miss out on much of the joy and colour of life.

KinesioGeek Magazine, 25

Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs But how do we go about actually working with this so that we can be responding appropriately with the ‘right’ section of our brains? In SIPS we do this with specific acupoints that pinpoint the frequency of the stress, but it is important for people who aren’t working with that as a modality to be comfortable checking such things as well, so how do we go about that? It seems to me that there are two parts to this, the first is determining what the stuck or blocked emotion is and the second is determining which part of the brain is being blocked or experiencing the stress. If you happen to already be working with LEAP or SIPS or Brain Formatting then you already have a specific combination of modes and points that allow you to access the exact area of the brain that you want to talk to, but if you don’t you still have options. It is common knowledge that organ mode to CV 24 is an indicator for the brain as a unit. If you were to combine brain as an organ with the mode for emotional stress and put that into circuit as a format while using an indicator muscle that relates specifically to either CV or GV, that should give you an indication if this is a priority. Here is a protocol for you to try out. It combines hand modes with indicator muscles for CV and GV; then has you figuring out the stuck emotion, the place where it is stuck and the level of stress being experienced. That is much more powerful than simply noticing that an IM changes when we tell the client to think of something stressful! This gives us something tangible to work with!

“Every stress leaves an indelible scar, and the organism pays for its survival after a stressful situation by becoming a little older.” Hans Selye (1907-1982) Now that we understand the precise flavour of the stress, we can ask the body for it’s preferred balancing technique to change the dynamic. Here I am suggesting a correction technique using light based out of Applied Kinesiology and 3in1 Concepts.

Have a message , a class, or a product to share with the world? Advertise here. KinesioGeek Magazine, 26

Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs 1) Put your goal into circuit 2) Enter Organ Mode x CV 24 and Emotion Mode into circuit – PL

3) Check indicator muscles for CV and GV* (CV: Supraspinatus, anterior deltoid, pectoralis major sternal tendon / GV: Teres major, upper trapezius) – PL IC 4) Find the indicated emotion and scan for intensity – PL IC 5) Check for which aspect of the triune brain is stuck, either by making contact with the base, side and front of the skull or by verbally challenging - add into circuit 6) GAS verbal challenge: Alarm? Resistance? Exhaustion? – PL IC 7) Correction: hold light against pineal point while the client thinks about the stuck emotion – continue until you get an IC. Hold light against the pineal point while they infuse the positive emotion or affirmation – continue until you get an IC 8) Recheck muscles and emotions 9) Permission to close circuit *Note: the muscles being used as indicators for CV and GV here are some of those taught in Wellness Kinesiology. While there are other muscles that can be indicators for these meridians, I have selected these ones for their ease of testing when standing and their familiarity for TFH students. Tame the lizard, balance the brain, conquer the world. Repeat as needed.

KinesioGeek Magazine, 27

Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

Where Is The Place You Absolutely Must Start If You Want To Protect Yourself From Electromagnetic Fields?

Kinesiology: The Tool, the Definition and the chance for cooperation

By Lloyd Burrell, reprinted with permission from his website


’m sure you’ve already read a ton of articles and books about how important sleep is for your general health and well-being. I’d guess that most of what you read was true.

But did these articles and books talk about creating a low EMF bedroom? I’d guess that most, if not all, did not. And yet if you are in any way concerned about your health and well-being dealing with nighttime exposures to EMFs is the absolute foundation on which you can build a healthy life. If your bedroom isn’t totally conducive to optimum recuperation you need to make changes – the sooner the better.

Your immune system does its major repair work while you sleep. This is when your body’s cells regenerate, rejuvenate and detoxify. What does this mean on a cellular level? It means that if at night your cells and organs are not able to performs these processes and our cell membranes are subjected to constant stress, then healthy cells can be damaged while unhealthy cells, that’s to say infections, mutations and neural disorders, can proliferate. Nighttime is also the time that your pineal gland produces melatonin, a hormone that helps to regulate sleep and contributes to many vital bodily processes. Studies show that exposure to power frequency EMFs and radio frequency radiation impede the production of melatonin.

KinesioGeek Magazine, 28

Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs If your sleeping space is not conducive to the deep sleep phase eventually your immune system will become overburdened and you’ll be opening the door to illness. Studies show EMFs exposures can interrupt sleep cycles and they are linked to a host of ailments and symptoms like: irritation of allergies, tiredness upon awakening, heart palpitations, muscle pain and weakness, and daytime irritability as well as generally weakening your immune system. 10 Tips For Creating A Low EMF Bedroom 1. Cellular Phones In Your Bedroom Cell phones in the bedroom, even switched off, are a definite no-no. Why? Because you might forget to switch it off. In which case it will be emitting and receiving while you sleep.

Your cell phone can play havoc with your sleep pattern and immune system. Don’t bring your cell phone anywhere near your bedroom. 2. Cordless Phones In Your Bedroom Cordless phones are a no-no. A cordless phone is like a mini cell phone tower in your home. You don’t want this next to your head when you’re sleeping. Remove cordless telephones from your bedroom and use a regular, wired phone if you need to stay in touch with the outside world during sleeping hours. Same goes for wireless baby monitors and wireless speakers, get rid of them. 3. Lighting In Your Bedroom Let’s not forget the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) has classified light at night as a class 2A carcinogen – placing it on the same level of severity as the effects of cigarette smoke on lung cancer.

If you use CFLs (compact fluorescent light-bulbs) get rid of them. CFLs emit electromagnetic radiation as a byproduct of the energy saving mechanism used to reduce voltage. Just hold an AM radio close to a lit CFL bulb and listen to the radiation. Instead of CFLs use incandescent bulbs.

4. Electrical Devices In Your Bedroom Unplug all electronics during sleeping hours. Use a battery-powered alarm clock and never sleep under an electric blanket. One of the most important but overlooked elements in sleep disturbance is the placement of wired, electrical devices or AC (transformers used to charge or power devices) sources in your bedroom. These devices emit surprisingly strong electrical fields, even if the appliance is turned off – above 1 mG is considered dangerous. There are countless sources within your home that can contribute to the constant radiation of erratic electrical fields, so for sure you don’t want any of these devices in your bedroom. Keep things like TVs, stereos, air con units, refrigerators, at least 6 feet away, that means 6 feet in the vertical sense too. Make sure your fuse box is not within this distance. Also recommended: go to your electrical panel and cut the power supply on the circuit breaker for your bedroom before you retire for the night. 5. Dirty Electricity In Your Home You might have everything switched off and unplugged but if you’ve got dirty electricity running through your household wiring, your bedroom and your home will be electrically polluted and your health is going to take a toll. Dirty electricity is a term used to describe a form of EMF pollution found on house wiring which studies show can cause adverse biological effects. You can buy or hire testers (a Graham Stetzer meter) to take readings and then filter out the dirty power by using GS filters. 6. Wi-Fi In Your Home If you use a wireless router in your home you are transmitting a radio frequency signal (see wifi radiation article) that adds to the toxic load that your body has to deal with, further interfering with your ability to sleep. Careful because some routers have the WiFi setting on auto reset.

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs 7. Neighbor Generated Electrical Pollution Don’t ignore neighbor generated electrical pollution. You might have everything switched off in your home, your own electrical supply may be clean and your internal electrical pollution may be negligible. But if your neighbor has a flat screen TV which every time they turn it on is making their electric supply dirty, and by the same token yours, then something needs to be done. If they have a WiFi router pumping out radiation 24/7 and you are only the thickness of the wall away you need to take action. Go and see them, explain to them the problem. 8. Blackout Your Bedroom The more you can achieve total blackout conditions to sleep in the more chance you have of going into a deep, restful, restorative sleep. You could take tablets to help you sleep, personally I stay away from them. Sleeping tablets will inevitably be chemical based, they will thus contain toxins and long term they may aggravate your condition. 9. High Levels Of EMFs from Nearby Cell Phone Towers If in doubt about this, hire or buy an EMF meter to check the levels of EM pollution in your home generally and your bedroom particularly. If this is a problem then your best solution, assuming moving house is not an alternative (I joke not) is special protective paints and protective netting. If the electromagnetic pollution in your bedroom is high you could just hang an EMF Faraday canopy net above the bed, like mosquito netting this is a canopy made from RF reflective material. A more complete solution is to paint an undercoat on the walls and ceiling with EMF paint and hang EMF netting over the windows. See my article on how to shield from cell tower radiation for a full explanation. 10. Static Magnetic Fields In Your Mattress There are 2 issues here; metal bed-springs can have residual magnetism and also spring mattresses can actually act as a giant antenna! KinesioGeek Magazine, 30

Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs The magazine Scientific American states “In the U.S. bed frames and box springs are made of metal, and the length of a bed is exactly half the wavelength of FM and TV transmissions that have been broadcasting since the late 1940s. Radiation envelops our bodies so that the maximum strength of the field develops 75 centimeters above the mattress in the middle of our bodies. When sleeping on the right side, the body’s left side will thereby be exposed to field strength about twice as strong as what the right side absorbs.” Solution: buy a chemical-free organic mattress that does not contain metal coils and prefer wood over metal for the frames and headboards.

Safe Radiation Levels For Your Bedroom The international guidelines are extremely confusing about what can be considered a “safe” level of radiation. The Building Biology Evaluation Guidelines, widely recognized as being among the most prudent, have the following four categories of risk for sleeping areas; nil, slight, severe and extreme anomaly. These guidelines don’t pretend to tell us what constitutes a safe level of EMF exposure but they do give us an indication of risk for each of the categories; electric field, magnetic field and RF radiation. Its important to test your environment for at least these three categories of EMFs.

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs These guidelines are stringent but attaining even the lowest EMF exposure levels recommended by Building Biology means you are still exposing yourself to higher levels of EMFs than those which are naturally occurring in nature. Michael Bevington in his book “Electromagnetic sensitivity and Hypersensitivity” notes that the EMF exposure levels in nature are: • Magnetic Field: 0.000002mG (or 0.0002 nT) • Electric Field: 0.0001 V/M • Radiofrequency Radiation:<0.00002 V/M When we compare even the lowest, strictest levels of Building Biology magnetic field Guidelines (<0.2mG) to those found in nature (0.000002mG) there is a difference of many orders of magnitude. The same goes for radio frequency radiation as for electric fields. A beneficial EMF environment for sleep is where the man-made EMFs and the natural direct current EMFs of the earth are as close as possible to those found in nature. Reducing exposure to man -made EMFs can be achieved by following the steps outlined above and increasing exposure to the natural EMFs of the earth can be achieved by grounding (there are some caveats).

This might not be easy to attain but if you are suffering from electrosensitivity, sleeping in such an environment is the fastest route to regain your health and vitality. Lastly, there is another important point to understand, your circadian rhythm. Light At Night Carcinogenic Your circadian rhythm can be thought of as a 24hour internal clock that runs in the background of your brain and cycles the body between sleepiness and alertness at regular intervals primarily in response to light and darkness.

When your eyes are exposed to blue light, your brain perceives that it is daytime and time to be awake. So when you expose yourself to artificial blue light through watching TV or using your computer or cell phone at night, you are sending a message to your body that it is daytime and you should be awake. Because this information doesn’t match up with the usual pattern of your circadian rhythm, the result can be sleeping difficulties as your body tries to decipher confusing signals about whether it is time to wake up or sleep. Studies show that exposure to light at night affects the body’s circadian rhythm. Light at night is considered so dangerous by the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) that it has classified light at night as a class 2A carcinogen. This places it on the same level of severity as the effects of tobacco smoke on lung cancer. Your Bedroom – Healing Sanctuary Or Mission Control? What I’ve found time and time again is that exposures from indoor sources of EMFs are much higher than the external EMF sources. So you might think that the cell phone tower which you can see from your window is the cause of all your woes but 99 times out of 100 this is NOT the case. The problem is EMFs from sources/ devices WITHIN your home. Some careful analysis of your use of electronics will help you eliminate electrical and electromagnetic-frequency-energy sleepdisturbing irritants, making your dreams peaceful and your rest healing and restorative. EMF dangers are real—use these tips to create a low EMF bedroom. Create a bedroom that is a healing sanctuary and not a place that robs you of the rest your body requires for optimum health.

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

Resources: Kinesiology and Spirituality One of our readers in the United States, Nicole Howell, was looking for resources that spoke about both Kinesiology and Spirituality—specifically the fact that there doesn’t have to be a conflict between the two or resources that showed clearly how muscle testing works without a mystical element. I am reprinting her list here with her permission, in the hopes that others might find this a useful jumping off point for their own research. ~AC



The Holy Bible Energetic Kinesiology—Practices and Principles (Charles Krebs) Living Energy Universe Quantum Touch Vibrational Medicine The Physics of God (Joseph Selbie—highly recommend this one!)

*This material has not been verified or checked by KinesioGeek Magazine.

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs

Eating Against EMFs

Recommended foods and supplements to help protect your health and Counter the Effects of Radiation.

Information for this report was excerpted from Fighting Radiation and Chemical Pollutants with Foods, Herbs and Vitamins, by Steven Schecter, N.D., and Radiation Protection Manual, Lita Lee, Ph.D. A balanced body can heal itself … but it needs your help. It’s important to pay close attention to the foods and dietary supplements you consume. Here’s why. Diet and your body’s susceptibility to radiation are closely entwined. Radiation and pollutants destroy vitamins A, C, E, K, several N vitamins, essential fatty acids, calcium and neuro-hormones. If your body lacks calcium, potassium and other nutrients, it will more readily absorb the radioactive elements that are similar in structure to these nutrients. Your best bet is to eat natural, fresh, organic (as much as possible) unprocessed foods, avoiding white sugar, red meat, refined wheat, caffeine and homogenized milk. Here is a list of widely recommended foods and food supplements that can help to balance your body chemistry. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it will give you a good starting place.

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Issue 12, Summer 2019

All About EMFs Protective Supplements

Calcium/magnesium The New England Journal of Medicine reported that calcium may prevent precancerous cells from becoming cancerous. It also protects against strontium 90 (similar structure to calcium) and other radioisotopes. •

Vitamin A or beta carotene This vitamin manufactures antibodies, maintains and protects mucus membranes and protects the thymus gland, the master gland of the immune system. It helps guard against tumor formation and cancer, as well as reverse the aging process of the skin caused by ultraviolet light.

Protective Foods •

Chlorophyll-containing foods: barley grass and chlorella. Chlorophyll closely resembles human blood and is used to cleanse, detoxify, purify and heal many conditions. It retards bacterial growth, detoxifies heavy metals from the body, increases wound healing, detoxifies the liver and other organs, deodorizes the body, removes putrefactive bacteria from the colon, aids healing of 11 types of skin diseases, relieves ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis and other inflammatory conditions, helps heal gum diseases and inhibits radiation and the metabolic activation of many carcinogens. Many studies have reported the protective effects of chlorophyll on irradiated animals.There are pure chlorophyll supplements available if you don’t like to eat grass or algae. Better yet, try one of the following whole foods, all which are excellent sources of chlorophyll and other essential nutrients.

Barley (wheat) grass is a totally balanced food. It contains all of the nutrients required for life: vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other proteins (amino acids), essential fatty acids and chlorophyll. Barley grass has thousands of living enzymes (a special protein). Enzymes are nature’s biological catalysts that initiate all the chemical transformations in the body. Over 3,000 enzymes have been identified. They are required for every transformation in the body - digestion, cell respiration, bodily

Vitamin C + bioflavinoids & rutin A protective dose of between 500mg and 2,000 mg can counteract toxins and radiation. •

Coenzyme Q10 This substance protects against many chemicals and radiation, offering immense benefits to the immune system and retarding the aging process. Sufferers of heart problems, high blood pressure, angina and obesity often find this substance to be helpful in managing symptoms. Natural levels decline with age; therefore, supplementation is needed. •

Vitamin E Vitamin E neutralizes harmful free radicals and protects delicate membranes. •

Zinc Zinc helps strengthen the T-cell-producing thymus gland. Aim for 50 to 100 mg daily, available from grains, nuts, seeds and legumes. •

Selenium Selenium fights cancer and protects against carcinogens by helping to produce a free radical scavenger called glutathione peroxidase. •Proanthocyanadins

(Grape seed extract/ Pycnogenol Considered to be one of the most powerful antioxidants or free radical scavengers, grape seed extract helps counteract stress, pollution and radiation •DHEA

The most dominant hormone in the body, DHEA is considered the “Fountain of Youth” hormone because it can help extend life span.

Melatonin This valuable cancer-inhibiting hormone is often used to replenish the levels of melatonin, a hormone secreted by the pineal gland that affects the sleep cycle, fertility and the immune system. It’s often used to prevent and counteract jet lag and can rebalance the pineal gland after electric field exposure.

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All About EMFs movements, thinking processes, detoxification, cancer control, fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, etc.The normal daily amount of barley grass is 1-3 teaspoons (1 tsp = 2 grams). If you choose wheat grass (juice), start with one ounce daily and gradually increase to four or six ounces. •

Chlorella is a green freshwater microalgae which has even more chlorophyll than barley (wheat) grass plus 55-65% protein with 19 amino acids, including all the essential ones. It’s an excellent source of beta-carotene, vitamins B-l, B-2, B-3, B-6, B-12, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, PABA, inositol and vitamin C. Vitamin B-12 is especially important for vegetarians who may be deficient in this vitamin. Chlorella has more B-12 than liver. It also contains important minerals - iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc, potassium, sulphur, iodine and trace amounts of manganese, sodium and chlorine. Chlorella comes in a small pill form which may be more palatable to some people. •

Miso Made from naturally fermented soybeans, rice or barley, miso is a superior source of usable whole protein, aids digestion and assimilation, is low in fats, has a wonderful salty flavor, promotes health and helps neutralize environmental pollution including radiation. The reason for Miso’s protectiveness is not really known. It was observed that the Japanese who ate miso everyday did not die from radiation-induced cancer after the bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The observed effect of miso as a cancerostatic agent was further confirmed in a recent study in Japan.

Fermented (Lactic acid) vegetables and juices Lactic acid fermented foods possess medicinal properties and can help in the biological treatment of many conditions, including cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, kidney and liver diseases, and digestive disorders. Sources include sauerkraut, beets, carrots, green and red pepper, beet tops, Swiss chard and celery. •

Cultured (fermented) milk products: yogurt, kefir, buttermilk, unprocessed cheese. Longevity studies indicate that groups of people who use cultured milk products in their diet live longer. Real yogurt is made from fresh whole (unhomogenized) milk with billions of living friendly bacteria, a minimum of honey or fructose and perhaps some real fruit. Yogurt, kefir and other fermented milks contain an unidentified substance that lowers cholesterol. Yogurt is an excellent substitute for ice cream in milk shakes and smoothies. Use it on potatoes instead of sour cream. Make your own salad dressings with yogurt, honey, vinegar and spices. These products also contain friendly bacteria, such as lactobacillus acidophilus and other strains that perform valuable duties in your colon. These bacteria colonize the colon and evict unfriendly, dangerous bacteria and other organisms from your colon. These bacteria also synthesize germdestroying antibodies in your colon. •

Cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, turnips, cabbage, spinach, cauliflower and greens such as kale) This family of vegetables contain substances that inhibit breast and colon cancer cell growth. Cabbage

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and other cruciferous vegetables also contain dithiolthiones, a non-toxic group of compounds that have antioxidant, anticancer and antiradiation properties.Sources include dark, leafy vegetables (broccoli, spinach, kale, Swiss chard, romaine, endive, chicory, escarole, watercress, collard, mustard and dandelion greens), dark yellow and orange vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, yams, pumpkins, winter squash) and fruits (cantaloupe, apricots, peaches, papayas and watermelon). •

High-fiber foods: whole grains, fruits and vegetables Epidemiological data suggests that a high-fiber diet protects against large bowel cancer perhaps for several reasons. It dilutes bowel carcinogens, decreases colon transit time and changes the composition and metabolic activity of the fecal flora and certain carcinogenic substances in the colon. That’s why it’s healthier to eat whole grains containing the bran and the fiber, as well as whole fruits and vegetables instead of their processed, partitioned counterparts. •

Foods containing a natural vitamin A such as lima beans, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, asparagus, tomatoes, onions and spinach, fruits (mango, grapes, avocado, pears, oranges, plus the white under the peel and pulps, apples plus seeds and skin, strawberries), all unsprouted seeds (especially sunflower, sesame and pumpkin), all nuts (especially almonds and cashews), leafy green vegetables, carob and teas from fruit blossoms and leaves (peach flowers, strawberry leaves, cherry flowers, apple blossoms), and all grasses, such as wheat and barley. The vitamin A analog, abscisic acid, is found in large amounts in the grasses, seeds, nuts, legumes, mature leaves and fruits listed above and in the apricot pit. The body makes abscisic acid in vivo (inside) from raw carrot juice and raw liver.

Sesame seeds – raw, ground (tahini) or in capsules Sesame seed oil contains a substance called Complex T, the primary effect of which is to increase blood platelets - a must for fighting infection. If you don’t like pills, just eat raw sesame seeds or tahini. In addition to Complex T, sesame seeds contain valuable essential fatty acids (EFAs) that are important workers in the immune system. •

Sea vegetables and their products Sodium alginate, a nonnutritious extract from Pacific kelp used to bind and detoxify heavy metals from the body (such as lead, mercury, cadmium, etc.) and agar, used as a thickening agent instead of gelatin or corn starch, will protect the human body from radiation effects. They also reduce absorption of strontium 90 by 50-80%. Kelp and dulse, excellent natural sources of iodine, help protect against radioactive iodine, found mostly in milk. When the diet is adequately supplied with organic iodine (as in kelp), radioiodine is not as readily absorbed by the thyroid or the ovaries. Kelp contains 150,000 mcg of iodine per 100 grams (32 ounces). The RDA of iodine is 150-200 mcg. A reasonable daily dose of kelp would be 12 teaspoons of granules or 5-10 tablets. Other high iodine foods include: seafood, beef liver, pineapple, eggs and whole wheat. Note: Taking kelp as a source of iodine is much safer than drinking iodine or eating potassium iodide, which can be especially dangerous for pregnant women and can cause allergic reactions. Iodine (inorganic) is toxic because of its tendency to combine with protein. That’s how it destroys bacteria (a protein). When you put iodine into your mouth, it combines with the protein there and in your stomach or wherever it goes. This causes irritation or worse. Also, sudden large doses of iodine in humans with a normal thyroid may reduce the synthesis of thyroid hormone. •

Bee and flower pollen Pollen is an excellent food containing all essential amino acids,

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vitamins A, D, E, K, C, bioflavanoids, B-complex (especially pantothenic acid and B-3) and 27 minerals. Research has proven pollen to be beneficial in treating several diseases. Dr. Emil Chauvin (French Academy of Science) discovered bee pollen was beneficial in treating anemia (increases red blood cells and hemoglobin), chronic prostatis, constipation, flatulence and colon infections, especially diarrhea. Dr. Peter Hernuss at the University of Vienna’s Women’s Clinic conducted a study involving 25 women with inoperative uterine cancer. All received radiotherapy. The 15 who took 20 grams of bee pollen three times a day tolerated the radiation much better than the ten who took no bee pollen. •

Essential fatty acids, GLA and EPA EFAs are essential for proper functioning of the immune system and protect against cancer. Food sources include flax seed oil, evening primrose oil and certain fish, particularly salmon.

Special Teas •

Pau d’arco (also called ipe roxo, la pacho, taheebo and bowstick tea) is an herbal tea from the inner bark of two trees that grow in the warmer part of South America (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, etc.). Many South American doctors use a therapeutic tea from this herb to relieve pain and treat many conditions including leukemia and other forms of cancer, infections including yeast and other fungal conditions, skin rashes and many other ailments. Dr. Theodoro Meyer of the Universidad Nacional of Tucuman, a province of the Argentine Andes, studied taheebo’s chemical composition and

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found a substance called xyloidin, an antibiotic capable of killing viruses. Dr. Prats Ruiz, M.D., of Concepcion, a city in Tucuman province, reported blood profiles of patients with leukemia before and after treatment with taheebo to document the efficacy of taheebo in treatment of certain cancers. Clinical details are provided by Professor Carlos Hugo Burgstaller in his book on the medicinal flora of Paraguay and Argentina, La Vuelta a los Vegetables (Buenos Aires, 1968). This tea was widely available in many health food stores until news of its anticancer claims became widespread. There is now an FDA effort to prohibit its sale in the United States. It has already been taken off the Canadian market to be “reclassified as an over-the-counter drug” because of the healing claims made for it. FDA approval of a drug for a specific use takes 8-12 years and costs about $56 million (1982 estimate). •

Saffron tea. Contains colchicine, a substance that has been used in the treatment of leukemia. It also lowers uric acid (high in those who have a tendency towards gout and/or cardiovascular disease). •

Thyme tea. Often used as a remedy after x-rays. Just steep one tablespoon of thyme per pint of hot water for 20 minutes, then cool and strain. •

Black tea (containing tannin) and honey. Used for radiation protection in China.

At the IASK conference, Hans Pollin presented about symbols and the way they can be used to balance the body. This is a symbol that can be put on an electronic device to balance the frequencies.

Check this out!

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IKC Balancathon: September 28, 11am-1pm in your timezone IKC Conference: October 19-21, Bali, Indonesia

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Because health should be fun!

“I wish I wasn’t so healthy.” - Said noone ever...

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