KinesioGeek Magazine - The Heart of the Matter, Spring 2020

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Issue 15, Spring, 2020

Issue 15, Spring 2020

The Heart of the Matter

Specialized Kinesiology Magazine

Therapeutic Touch; the Heart of the Matter

Corona Virus—Some Ideas The Heart of Love

Neurocardiology—the Heart Brain, with Marco Rado

Earth Balancathon

In Times of Anguish:

A Nutritionist’s Approach

A Report from Puerto Rico en Español and English

The Heart of the Matter KinesioGeek Magazine, 1

Issue 15, Spring 2020

The Heart of the Matter

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Issue 15, Spring 2020

The Heart of the Matter

Editor/Publisher/Writer Proudly brought to you by and flawed dictator: Alexis contributing KinesioGeeks: Costello Alexis Costello (Editor/ Publisher / Flawed DictaContributors: tor) Alison Kingston Gladys Figueroa de Díaz Anne Jensen Michelle Greenwell Kate Young Natasha Polomski Marco Rado Reenie Rose Robert Frost Michelle Greenwell Sylvia Marina Sylvia Marina Cover image is a stock photo

Adam Lehman: Neurocardiology inside the holowith Marco Rado gram page 6

page 6 Touch for Health Kinesiology in Times of Anguish (en Español and English)

Opinions expressed by contributors and advertisers are their own.

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Contents: p. 4 Letter from the Editor p.5 Your turn: letters, questions and social media p. 6 Neurocardiology; the heart-brain P. 13 Therapeutic Touch, Getting to the Heart of the Matter p. 16 The Heart of Love P. 18 Kinesiologia Toque Para Salud la en tiempos de angustia

P. 22 Touch for Health Kinesiology in Times of Anguish p. 26 Corona Virus—Some Ideas P. 29 Healthy Hearts— A Nutritionist’s Approach P. 34 Classifieds p. 35 Because Health should be Fun!

Cover art: photo of Tanah Lot in Bali, taken by me (Alexis) while there for the IKC conference October 2019

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Issue 15, Spring 2020

The Heart of the Matter

Healthy at Heart


Photo by Alexis Costello taken in Bali

The Sound of Science The Frequency of Balance

he Heart: Emperor of the meridian system, creator of electromagnetic fields, sign of life. Is there any other part of the body that gets so much metaphorical attention? Taking care of the heart on all levels is obviously important—the physical, emotional, energetic—the whole package.

When I was creating the last issue about Healthy Travel, it never for a moment crossed my mind that a couple of months later we might all be at home avoiding contact with each other. This time of doubt and uncertainty is hard on the heart, in all of it’s aspects and functions. And yet, there is also joy. A moment to step back and reflect; to consider our expectations of the world around us in a new light. While the world around us in in chaos, we also have an opportunity to reinvent ourselves and the parameters of our lives. We can utilize the huge energetic pattern and potential of the heart to reach our loved ones when we can’t be with them in person. In these pages, I hope you find some ideas and inspiration for keeping your heart full and your immune system balanced over the coming weeks. Thanks for reading, we’re all in this together!

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Issue 15, Spring 2020

The Heart of the Matter

Helga Petersen: One in class workshop was scheduled, and I had been looking forward to do a group balance. Due to the Covid – 19 situation, I needed to cancel my workshop. So I balanced myself with the intention of a healthy and happy earth.

Emma Acquarone: we did a Heart meridian balancing with my family! Photo right

Rochelle McFarlene With everything shifting and changing in the world my in person event transitioned to being online and served an intimate group of 13 parents online in a group gathering It felt wonderful to lean into technology to create community space for others to feel the power of Touch for Health using the colour balance Everyone was excited at how simple yet effect the ESR points were to growing a inner sense of calm. I love being able to share and participate in the international events like this as it helps to connect our global energy to raise the Love Frequency for all of humanity. Photos below.

Click here for our Facebook Live event from Costa Rica!

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Your Turn: sharing who you are

Earth Balancathon! March 23, 2020

Issue 15, Spring 2020

The Heart of the Matter

Healthy Travel Advice from the Pros

Neurocardiology—the Heart Brain with Marco Rado By Alexis Costello


arco Rado is an internationally renowned speaker and instructor for applied physiology as well as the creator of many of his own workshops. Having looked into his work regarding neurocardiology in the past, I knew that he was the perfect person to talk to about a new and different way of approaching heart health. Here we are considering it in the context of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as well as emotionally and electrically.

A: I wanted to take a little time to talk with you about the neurocardiology workshop and a new way for looking at the heart. It says in the description for the class that the heart is a ‘complete brain’. What do you mean by that?

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The Heart of the Matter M: Since the mid-90’s there are a couple of American researchers who have been studying the heart intrinsic nervous system. They found that the heart has a population of neurons that stay in the heart. They are not just connecting to the autonomic nervous system but they stay as a local circuit that can work to memorize and process information – to make functional decisions that are completely independent from the brain. It’s not by chance that the very first organ that was transplanted back in the sixties was the heart; it’s because it’s an organ that can work perfectly and completely without interference from the brain. If you think about a transplant, it can take months for the neurological connections to reconnect – if the brain was necessary for heart function, than it would not be possible to transplant the heart. Photo teaching in Russia with Interpreter Nadia

A: So when you’re saying that it’s a complete circuit and that is makes decisions – in your experience then, does the heart have memory and is it holding a certain amount of information to compare new information with? M: Yes, exactly. I think the main evidence for understanding the heart as a brain are the anomalies that happen after heart transplants. I think it was in 1999 or 2000 at Tucson at the Applied Physiology annual meeting; one of the speakers was Gary Schwartz who was a professor at the University of Arizona and a world expert on these anomalies. With the heart, these anomalies are much more frequent than with other organs; one person out of every three transplants. With these transplants, the receiver is not just receiving an organ but may begin to develop the tastes and preferences of the giver.

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The Heart of the Matter And this is absolutely against what we can understand from the neuroscience point of view because there should be no reason for these effects but there are huge effects and huge changes as if in the heart there is something that influences the nervous system, the memory, tastes and habits of people.

A: I’ve read some of that before in his book ‘The Living Energy Universe’; there are some quotes from that we use in SIPS 4 in talking about the heart, the heart chakra and the associated layer of the auric field because it does seem like there’s a lot of information processed by the heart. And yes, that affects the rest of the body, but also how that affects the energetic field that I’m creating as I walk into a room – the field that people are picking up and what that interference pattern looks like. It’s interesting stuff! M: Oh definitely. From my point of view, I think that we have at least three brains and they must work together to accomplish the higher

cognitive functions. I would describe the cranial brain as the consciousness, the heartbrain is the subconscious and the gut-brain is the unconscious. All three layers have to work together to work properly. I speak often with Charles Krebs and I have mentioned to him that if we want to work with learning disabilities or higher cognitive function, we need to focus not only on the cranial brain, but also on these other two brains. Because they work in parallel and disfunction or symptoms can be the result of any of these brains. A: Allopathic medicine has really begun to pay more attention to the gut-brain in the past few years – suddenly the idea that we need a healthy microbiome to have a healthy immune system or that a lot of depression and anxiety is a result of gut malfunction doesn’t seem so strange. What do you think? Are they going to start paying attention to the heart-brain too? Is that already happening?

Debbie Rossi is offering her Meditation for Kinesiology by donation so that as many people as possible can attend the next series!

To register: http:// www.centreforintuitivekinesiolog

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The Heart of the Matter M: I’m an expert in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and when I teach, I always refer to Chinese medicine. If we look at this from the perspective of TCM then we associate the microbiome or the gutbrain with the entire intestine – not only the large intestine, but also the small intestine. TCM tells us that the organ paired with the small intestine is the heart. TCM is telling us that there is a tight functional relationship between the heart and small intestine. The heart is a small neurological center while the small intestine is a huge one. The guts contain the second highest number of neurons in the body, they have even more than the spinal cord. So the neurological aspect of the small intestine is huge, because if you think about it, the entire small intestine is surrounded by two layers of neurons and it’s seven or eight meters long. This creates a huge neurological circuit, and it’s connected to the heart, at least from the perspective of TCM. So I think that this should be taken into account, and that in the future there will be a very different way of thinking about and understanding human physiology. Even if that is already happening, I think that one of the best ways to scientifically prove a person’s overall health is through heart rate variability. It’s used to define whether a person is in a healthy state and it’s not some future thing, it’s something we have now. A: The 5 Spirits are something that I have been researching for my own Elementals class recently. In your opinion, how do these relate to the heart? M: Kinesiology has a very different understanding of the emotional aspects than TCM. In kinesiology we have lists of emotions that connect to each organ individually. TCM shows us that each organ houses a different spirit and each spirit looks different and has a different function. There is a metaphor in TCM which explains that just as water has three forms, solid (ice), dynamic (liquid), and subtle (steam), so too can the body’s energy

“Each organ has its own (energy), but they are all under the control of the Heart.”

manifest. The body has the denser Jing energy, the dynamic chi which flows through the 12 meridians, and then the more supple, shen. The 5 Spirits are all manifestations of the shen energy, which is called the “shen of the heart” and one of the heart’s functions is to coordinate and regulate the shen and the 5 Spirits. Nothing in TCM is linear, nothing is simple. Shen is at the same time, the shen of all other organs and the shen of the heart – each organ has its own, but they are all under the control of the heart. A: Let’s talk about the role of the heart in emotional wellbeing – there are certain emotions that are attributed to the heart, that’s pretty traditional, but how do you feel emotions affect the physiology and nervous system of the heart? M: In TCM all the different senses of the body are under the control of the heart. Usually when we teach the 5-elements, we say that each organ controls a different sense organ; the Water element controls hearing, the Wood element controls sight; but at a deeper level all the senses are controlled by the heart, because to understand what you are hearing or looking at you need the sheng of the heart. There is a very tight relationship between emotions and feelings and we are only able to

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The Heart of the Matter describe an emotion if we involve the body. We are not able to perceive an emotion mentally; we are only able to perceive it physically and the physical perception of the body is under the control of the heart. The brain is only the final conscious perception or expression of that emotion, all the subconscious feelings related to the emotions are absolutely related to the heart. This is why in my workshop we work a lot balancing the senses, because if we balance the senses then we can balance the emotions. There is a sentence that I use a lot in my classes: ‘Do you want to change the world? Change your eyes.’ Each time you change your perception you change reality – our reality is only the result of our perception. So the heart is the process and structure that is able to finalize into an emotion, so this is why it is so important. A: I like that: ‘To change your perception, change your eyes!’ Are there any big misconceptions about the heart that you would love the opportunity to clear up for people?

M: The heart can be influenced by any trauma so everyone can have a misperception because of what happened in the past. If we look from a strict neurological point of view, all the senses pass through one area, the thalamus, and it is this center that decides what will reach the cortex and what will not. Only a tiny percentage of all our feelings and perceptions will become conscious. So what makes the thalamus decide ‘this will become conscious and this not?’ It’s the experiences of the past. Often we are not perceiving today’s reality, we are perceiving the past. This is why it is so important to clear the traumas and experiences, because then we can react to our current reality, not just reacting to past experiences. A: So you’re saying the heart is influencing the thalamus and the reticular activating system to determine what becomes conscious? M: Yes, so the primary pathway between the heart and the brain is the vagus nerve and almost 85% of the communication goes from the heart to the brain – it’s the heart that speaks much more to the brain than the brain speaks to the heart. A: Are there any resources (other than your class of course!) that you would suggest for those who are interested in learning more about this? M: I began to be interested in these alternative aspects of the heat reading the book from James Oschman, ‘Energy Medicine, The Scientific Basis’. There’s also a huge amount of information from the HeartMath Institute in California because they are the ones that have performed

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The Heart of the Matter all the main experiments and have made these concepts popular. They have produced two books, ‘The Coherent Heart’ and the other is ‘The Energetic Heart – Biomagnetic reactions in and between people’. They are both ebooks and you can find them on the HeartMath website. A: Anything else you want to tell us about the neurocardiology workshop coming up? M: I’m coming to Canada for the first time to teach this workshop – its one of my favourite classes. And if we are able to make it to Canada and not be stopped by this virus, it will be the fifth continent where I have taught! It’s an interesting class because it gives a completely different point of view of how the body works, but it also gives a different perspective of how we should work as kinesiologists. One of the things that fascinated me when I was reading James Oschman’s book was the huge electromagnetic field the heart produces. These fields interact between people and I think this is one of the most important components of what we do in kinesiology sessions; it’s not just what we are performing physically, but it is the attitude of the therapist that can highly influence the result of what we do. It’s not only being precise in testing or stimulating the reflexes, it’s all the information that is stored in the energy field of the kinesiologist and the client that interact together. The shape of the heart’s magnetic field is exactly the same shape as the earth’s. In physics we know that structures that have the same shape are resonant, so we are not only resonant with our clients but with the entire energy field of the earth.

It’s the primary antennae of communication that we have with other people. When we talk about chakras we often refer to the seventh chakra as the main antennae to connect with higher sources, while the heart chakra is the primary antennae to connect with the same level, to interact with others. It’s an interesting topic and TCM has described it perfectly and given us the tools to work on this heart energy field and it’s not by chance that the heart is the Emperor of the meridians and the heart organ is the only organ that has two meridians – the heart and the pericardium. The class is a blend of Western modern information and a lot of physics, with TCM and energetics. I think that people like it. Marco Rado began his kinesiology journey 28 years ago, utilizing many modalities, Applied Physiology in particular. With a passion for Traditional Chinese Medicine, in 2003, he began writing his own courses, integrating western science and traditional eastern medicine. Marco is a respected international course author and trainer and teaches in different countries in 5 continents. While he still teaches Applied Physiology, he also has created 12 workshops and 2 webinars, that goes under the name of Integrative Physiology. He’s also co-author of Knowlative-Cooperative Knowledge, the website with the biggest database about kinesiology.

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Issue 15, Spring 2020

The Heart of the Matter

Discover more about the Heart Meridian! Acupoints, muscle tests and meridian information

INTEGRATIVE NEUROCARDIOLOGY with Marco Rado - 4 days This class is about the so called Third Brain. The Heart has an intrinsic nervous system, sufficently complex, to be qualified as a complete Brain, it produces the strongest Electromagnetic Field in the body and it secrets hormones and neurotransmitters. According to TCM all the functions that we assign to the Brain are associated to an energy called Shen, that sits in the Heart. The Heart rules the Brain! A lot of time will be dedicated to the THIRD BRAIN as the Emotional Brain; the student will learn how the body handles the emotional aspects through the TCM's meaning of Organ's Spirits (Shen, Yi, Po, Zhi, Hun), and analyzing which are the emotions that imbalances the THIRD BRAIN and which one improves its functions. The goal is to repair all the old wounds of genetical and genealogical emotional memories stored in the heart that impede the development of the own qualities. The goal of this class is to find and improve our qualities. Cost: $850

Venue - 102 - 20621 Logan Avenue Langley BC Dates - June 18-21st To register: Or

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Issue 15, Spring 2020

The Heart of the Matter

Compassionate offering, Therapeutic Touch® gets to the Heart of the Matter.

By Michelle Greenwell


hen I first discovered the tools in Therapeutic Touch® I was hooked. The simplicity of the activities and the depth of the opportunity for health and wellness were apparent. How could they not be? TT, as it affectionately is referred to, is the result of scientific discoveries in the 1960’s that hands could heal and that intention to heal could be directed. These realizations created a special bond between a nursing instructor, Dr. Delores Krieger, and her instructor for healing, a clairvoyant renowned for her skills, Dora Kunz. Together they brought the research to life so that nurses could be engaged with their patients and create the potential for innate healing to happen. Richard Gerber describes the background that led up to Therapeutic Touch in his book “Vibrational Medicine”. Research goes back as far as the late 1700’s when Franz Mesmer theorized that there was an exchange between a healer and a patient with the use of hands and he postulated that it was a magnetic exchange of subtle life energy force. These thoughts went back thousands of years for the hands healing opportunities that were passed from generation to generation.

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The Heart of the Matter In the 1960’s Dr. Bernard Grad could show how plant growth could be accelerated by the use of subtle energy stimulation with healing energy from the hands, and how this same action on animals and humans could speed up healing. Dr. Justa Smith was able to show how healing hands could speed up the action of enzymes to create greater cellular health, and that the enzymes that were damaged could be repaired. Negative entropy was a term coined to describe how the use of healing hands within the biofield of a person could create a flow of energy to bring order to the systems and balance the body. This is where the fun of TT comes into play. Therapeutic Touch has several assumptions that coordinate the innate healing potential that is possible when order is restored to a system. When the opportunity for a free open flow of energy is engaged, and the body is balanced energetically, there is an innate action by the body to bring disharmony into harmony. It is merely the activation of the biofield by the “healer” that creates the opportunity, and it is the innate action of the “healee” to create order and balance. But, how does the “healer” create this potential? Tools that support the “healer” before he/she engages with another are to center. That is the person takes the time to bring attention into themselves to find their “inner self” and to calm the mind. This is accomplished with a pause in space and time, and the accompaniment of deep breathing to bring the body into a focused state as well. Once centered, there is an awareness of the ground and the ability to bring energy through the body from the top of the head to the base of the feet and into the ground. When the “healer” is feeling centered and connected to the ground they are able to then focus into a heart centered state where they can engage

compassion to provide an experience of energy exchange for another. This call to compassion shifts the focus of the “healer” from themselves as the center of the universe, to the opportunity to engage with others as if they are one with the universe. It is at this time of opening the heart to engage that the “healer” is able to then activate the healing hands to begin an energy exchange with the “healee”. The approach of TT is not like other modalities in the way they approach the “healee”. There is a conscious decision to become centered and connected inside, and there is a shift in consciousness to act for the betterment of others without concern for “what is in it for themselves”. And, one fundamental addition to this conversation is how TT requires the “healer” to detach from outcome. The “healer” can provide the opportunity through the healing exchange to create order and balance within the systems of the “healee,” but it is not up to the “healer” to solve all the problems. By trusting in the innate healing ability that we all possess, we step out of the way with our “ego” to “get’er done”, and we step back to see what the body needs and then allow it to do what it knows is best. An exercise that is explored in Level 1 Foundations is to feel what “giving” a session feels like, and then “offering” a session. The exchange of energy is very different. As Lynne McTaggart says in her blogpost “The Urge to Kill”. We are not waging a war on the cells of the body to do what we tell them. But rather, we are creating the space and opportunity for chaos to shift to order. This is a gentle exchange that does not involve the “ego” or the necessity of action by the “healer”. In fact, Dr. John Kmetz discovered that the negative emotions could create a fight with the cells as they felt threatened by the approach of energy brought to them, and further research with Dr. Leonard Laskow and Dr. Glen

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Rein supported this. In the end they realized that all that was required was to offer energy to create the innate potential for the cells to return to their natural state. The success of TT can be experienced on the oncology wards where patients can receive TT before a chemo/radiation session and after to observe less angst before the treatment and fewer side effects afterwards. The body has received the compassionate offering and does not feel threatened. Hospice and Mental Health clinics also use the techniques with great success. The work that Dora and Delores shared with Aids patients in the 1970’s allowed the patients to transform and transcend their illness and impending death, and many died in a calm and peaceful way because of the ability of the sessions to balance the body and find order for it. Practice groups provide free sessions to the community to allow for this compassionate component to be expanded even more. How does Therapeutic Touch assist those who use other healing modalities? Learning more about the basic assumptions begins to bring a new awareness into focus about the innate healing potential of the person and the role that we play as facilitators. As well, the act of centering, grounding and then engaging compassion without ego allows us to only provide assistance where it is needed, and then to get out of the way of the body so that it can do what it is designed to do…heal! For more information about Therapeutic Touch please take a look at, or a local network. AtlanticTTN has a facebook page with special meditations and technical tips each month, and they are now a partner organization with the Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness. Together the healing disciplines are learning how to complement and assist each other. Michelle Greenwell is a Therapeutic Touch Instructor for the Foundations course, she is also a co-author of the new program “TT for Families”. Presently working on her doctoral dissertation in Integrative Medicine, TT and BioEnergetic Wellness tools will be a part of the exploration. Michelle can be found at with an extensive blog. Or, on Youtube with many information videos about movement and healing. You can join her as a Patron at where she shares her latest tips and tools in special posts.

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Issue 15, Spring 2020

The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of Love By

Sylvia Marina


ove is a gift we give our self. It is a myth thinking that love is a gift another gives to us. People can spend their entire life directing love to another person, another cause or a community project, thinking that their love will be valued.

The, “I will be happy when…” has long gone. Happiness is now! No matter what the circumstance, happiness is not later, it is now. Emotionally people connect to circumstance, ideology, sexual appeal. Driven by need, want, greed, and seeking to satisfy the hungry, lonely passion for insatiable desire. It is human to only see duality as the answer to the yearning.

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The Heart of the Matter Duality always has her place. Yin and Yang are essential partners. Human beings to evolve, the feminine requires the masculine and the masculine requires the feminine. Duality we are familiar for our existence – male female, two of hands feet eyes ears…

One heart many expressions. Nature has blessed us with our own wisdom, our own spirit guide. If we would but learn. Nature as our teacher reveals no forest is continually in blissful harmony. Nature evolves at the border of chaos and order. We go to the forest for solitude, connectedness, tranquillity, strength. It’s there our heart feels the breath of nature, the energy of mother earth as she pulses through the veins of nature. In nature we endeavour to identify what truly matters we open our soul to connect our authentic heart, we seek love from a purity perspective. Letting go of other’s expectations and our own limiting beliefs. In solitude it is possible to connect to our own inner wisdom preserved in the cells and chambers of our spiritual heart and revealed to us through our true values within our entelechy. Entelechy is potential into purpose, capability into actualisation. Many of us have worked together on our values. Our true values dwell in our ‘heart of love’ – those truths that we will never compromise, for to do so would be to deny our authentic self, obstructing access to our pure Heart of Love. The reason many feel their purpose is undefined and their love misguided, is that their pure intent is confused or polluted.

The Heart of Love provides : •

certainty through uncertain times.

grace through adversity

faith through fear

belief in your truth

trust in the future

Love in the English language has many meanings. Through the understanding of entelechy, love is beyond the human duality dimension. Entelechy is about purpose, purpose beyond human realm, beyond the human dimension the ultimate purpose is love. This ultimate call and the human experience of emotion is life purpose, the calling to give and share a unique gift. To know your purpose is to know certainty. Purpose is the voice of humanity - love is our ultimate purpose.

SYLVIA MARINA Speaker, Author, Educator, Mentor International Epigenetic Trauma Memory Pioneer Igniting Leadership, Transforming The World For The Better Accredited IKC courses Transforming DNA Memories Return To Love Author: workshops presented by Sylvia Marina via internet/ zoom Mastery In Theta & Delta – trusting the intuitive Getting The Love You Want – includes DNA love code Breaking The Grip Of Past Loves Cutting Cords, Codes and Connections

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Kinesiología Toque Para Salud la en tiempos de angustia

Por Gladys Figueroa de Díaz


gradeceré por siempre las herramientas adquiridas mediante la tecnología simple pero poderosa que es Kinesiología Toque Para la Salud. Me maravillo con el trabajo realizado por Dr. John F. Thie cada vez que utilizo la síntesis. Lo considero un gran visionario y agente catalizador mediante un sistema vanguardista dirigido al equilibrio holístico de la salud. Gracias a John por simplificar lo que de otra forma sería complicado a la mayoría de las personas que están relacionadas con otros modelos. Hago este preámbulo para poder relatar algo de la experiencia vivida en mi país de origen, Puerto Rico, después del sismo ocurrido el 7 de enero de 2020. Dicho sismo cambió la historia del país que me vió nacer. Más de 3 millones de habitantes en una isla, de 100 x 35, mantenía una alarma generalizada desde diciembre 28 de 2019 cuando empezaron constantes movimientos sísmicos. Algo a lo que no estábamos acostumbrado; hacía más de 100 años que no sucedía algo así. . El 7 de enero ocurrió uno de 6.0 que estremeció mayormente el sur/oeste de la isla. Hubo grandes pérdidas materiales y niveles de estrés pocas veces vivido. La isla apenas se empezaba a recuperar de la experiencia traumática y destrozo que dejó a su paso el huracán María, categoría 5, ocurrido en septiembre 9 de 2017. Actualmente, la población se encuentra en estado de alerta y estrés sin igual porque los movimientos sísmicos continúan, aunque en menos escala y a eso se ha añadido el COVID 19.

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The Heart of the Matter A raíz de todo lo que estaba sucediendo mi esposo y yo decidimos tomar una acción proactiva para ser parte de la solución a la situación existente. Situación que en realidad era y es actualmente extremadamente difícil. Así que iniciamos un proyecto mediante Foundation People Helping People para ofrecer algunas de las herramientas practicas que habíamos aprendido con Touch for Health®. Consulté a Matthew Thie, presidente de Touch for Health Education, quien ha sido nuestro mentor para ser Trainers y solidariamente nos apoyó. El me dió permiso para usar algo básico del material introductorio de TFH para dictarlo en un taller a profesionales de la salud que estuvieran dispuestos a trabajar voluntariamente con la población afectada. Así iniciamos nuestra jornada en PR con el apoyo de Enid Cartagena, decana de EDP University, con la aprobación de la Dra. Marilyn Pastrana, Pres. de EDP y Elizabeth Ríos, presidente de la junta de naturópatas licenciados y de la junta de masajistas en PR. Ochenta y dos personas asistieron al taller libre de costo. El 80% de los asistentes son profesionales de la salud y los resultados fueron espectaculares. Ofrecí una breve introducción de Kinesiología Toque Para la Salud. Luego hice una demostración de lo que es la retroalimentación bioenergética utilizando pruebas musculares según TFH®; además utilicé el conocimiento del

modo de comunicación de las emociones de PKP. Esto se hizo necesario ya que en la isla existen programas que enseñan kinesiología del ejercicio, kinesiología para fisioterapistas (enfoque Kendall y Kendall) y kinesiología de la estructura. Así logré captar la atención de un auditorio del cual el 60% era la primera vez que tenían acceso a esta información. Desarrollamos un protocolo básico basado en TFH®, algo practico y simple para poder atender la mayor cantidad de personas posible que estuviera a nuestro alcance. Las siete horas de adiestramiento incluyó una breve historia de TFHK, teoría, demostraciones y practica. Se mostro: •

los puntos de activación (switching points)

la importancia de hacer musculares precisas (MFI)

tres músculos para monitorear (Supraespinoso, PMC y Deltoides anterior)

comprobación del circuito físico (Huso muscular concéntrico y excéntrico

la importancia de la hidratación y la respiración relajada

energía del meridiano central

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visualización creativa

estimulo a los Neurolinfáticos

NV 11 para la liberación de tensión emocional y escuchar activo

Modo de comunicación del dedo anular (EMOTIONAL FINGER MODE, PKP)

Fue una experiencia gratificante. Cada comentario final comprobó que valió la pena llevar a cabo el proyecto. Cada participante expresó su agradecimiento por el conocimiento ofrecido y que se beneficiaría de aplicarlo para sí mismo, así como lo utilizaría para aportar a la vida de otros.

Días después del taller, fuimos en dos ocasiones con grupos de apoyo a realizar trabajo voluntario para las personas afectadas en el área de los sismos. Las personas aún no salen de su mode de estrés sostenido provocado por la experiencia del diario vivir y las terribles pérdidas que han tenido.

Además, gracias a la aportación de Wing over Waxa (Flying Club) e instructores internacionales de TFH® como Alexis Costello y Arlene Green pudimos llevar alguna ayuda humanitaria para cubrir necesidades que tienen las familias del área. La primera vez que fuimos apoyamos una de las comunidades mas afectadas en Guayanilla. Participamos en esa ocasión Naturópata licenciados en la isla, Instructores de Kinesiología, Reiki Másteres, masajistas, un consejero y una maestra que trabaja con los niños utilizando Kinesiología para niños y adolescentes. Los resultados fueron espectaculares y la comunidad quedó muy satisfecha y agradecida. Aún mantenemos comunicación con algunos de ellos. La segunda vez fuimos a Yauco con Naturopatía sin fronteras, una institución sin fines de lucro que se dedica a dar servicio voluntario para educar en un estilo de vida sano y los conceptos de la naturopatía tradicional en PR. La mayoría del grupo conoce TFH y lo utiliza con excelentes resultados. De veras un trabajo arduo pero muy satisfactorio. Es de mucha alegría saber que de alguna forma aportamos con TFH® a los que están viviendo momentos de angustia. Comprendimos como nunca que no se toca sólo con las manos. ¡Se toca con la intención, con la palabra y hasta con un

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The Heart of the Matter gesto de solidaridad! Gracias Alexis por haber apoyado nuestro proyecto. Gladys Figueroa de DĂ­az, NL 0019PR Consultora & Instructora de KTPS y MetĂĄforas Para la Salud y la vida 321-287-9950

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Touch for Health Kinesiology in Times of Anguish

By Gladys Figueroa de Diaz


will always appreciate the tools acquired through the simple but powerful technology that is Touch for Health Kinesiology. I marvel at the work done by Dr. John F. Thie every time I use the synthesis. I consider him a great visionary and catalyst agent through an avant-garde system aimed at the holistic balance of health. Thank you to John for simplifying what would be otherwise complicated to most people who are related to other models. I make this introduction so that I can recount some of the experience lived in my country of origin, Puerto Rico, after the earthquake that occurred on January 7, 2020. That earthquake changed the history of the country that saw me come to this world. More than 3 million inhabitants on a 100 x 35 island, maintained widespread alarm since December 28, 2019 when constant seismic movements began. Something we weren't used to; more than 100 years that something like this had happened. On January 7, 2020 a 6.0 occurred, which shook mostly the south/west of the island. There were large material losses and levels of stress rarely experienced. The island was just beginning to recover from the traumatic and shattered experience left in its wake by Hurricane Maria, a category 5 hurricane, which occurred on September 9, 2017. Currently, the population is in a state of alert and stresses unmatched because the seismic movements continue, although on less scale and to that has been added the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The Heart of the Matter As a result of everything that is happening my husband and I decided to take a proactive action to be part of the solution to the existing situation. Situation is a reality and is currently extremely difficult. So, we started a project using Foundation People Helping People to offer some of the practical tools we'd learned with Touch for Health. I consulted Matthew Thie, president of Touch for Health Education, who has been our mentor to be trainers and support us. He gave me permission to use some basic material from TFH's to deliver it in a workshop to health professionals who were willing to work voluntarily with the affected population. Thus, we started our journey in PR with the support of Enid Cartagena, dean of EDP University, with the approval of Dr. Marilyn Pastrana, President of EDP and Elizabeth Rios, president of the board of licensed naturopaths and the massage therapist board in PR. Eighty-two people attended the workshop free of charge. 80% of attendees were health professionals and the results were spectacular. I offered a brief introduction to Touch for Health Kinesiology. Then I did a demonstration of what bioenergetic feedback is using muscle tests

according to TFH, in addition I used knowledge of the concept of emotional finger mode of PKP. This became necessary since on the island there are programs that teach kinesiology exercise, kinesiology for physiotherapists (Kendall and Kendall approach) and kinesiology of the structure. Using this I was able to capture the attention of the auditorium which for 60% it was the first time they had access to this information. We developed a basic protocol based on TFH, something practical and simple to be able to attend as many people as possible that were within our reach. The seven hours of training included a brief history of TFHK, theory, demonstrations and practice. It showed: •

Switching points

the importance of doing accurate muscle tests

three muscles to monitor (Supraspinatus, PMC and Anterior Deltoid)

physical circuit check (Concentric and eccentric muscle use)

the importance of hydration and relaxed breathing

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energy of the central meridian

creative visualization

neurolymphatic stimulation

NV 11 for the emotional stress release and active listen active

mode of communication of the annular finger (Emotional Finger Mode, PKP)

It was a rewarding experience. Every final comment assures me that it was worth carrying out the project. Each participant expressed appreciation for the knowledge offered and that they would benefit from applying it to themselves, as well as use it to contribute to the lives of others.

Days after the workshop, we went twice with support groups to do volunteer work for those affected in the area of the earthquake. People were in sustained stress mode caused by the daily living experience and the terrible losses they've had. In addition, thanks to the contribution of Wing over Waxhaw (Flying Club) and TFH international instructors such as Alexis Costello and Arlene Green we were able to bring some humanitarian aid to meet the needs of families in the area. The first time we were supporting one of the most affected communities in the town of Guayanilla. We participate in this occasion with licensed naturopaths on the island, kinesiology instructors, reiki masters, massage therapists, a counselor and a teacher who works with the children using kinesiology for kids and teenagers. The results were spectacular and the community was very satisfied and grateful. We still have communication with some of them. The second time we went to the town of Yauco with Naturopatia Sin Fronteras, a non-profit institution that is dedicated to providing voluntary service to educate in a healthy lifestyle and the concepts of traditional naturopathy in PR. Most of the group knows TFH and uses it with excellent results. Really hard work but very satisfying. It is very joyful to know that somehow, we contribute with TFH to those who are experiencing moments of distress. We understood more than ever that you don't touch just with your hands. You touch with the intention, with the words and even with a gesture of solidarity! Thank you, Alexis, for supporting our project.

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The Heart of the Matter Gladys Figueroa de Diaz, NL 0019PR Consultant & KTPS Instructor and Metaphors for Health and Life 321-287-9950

All photos courtesy of Gladys

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Issue 15, Spring 2020

The Heart of the Matter

Corona Virus—Some Ideas

By Alexis Costello (originally published March 5 on


o, I don’t have a protocol for Cororna Virus. But I do have some ideas…

(Note: please don’t take this article as a sign that I’m not taking the virus seriously or that I am advocating for ignoring quarantine or safety precautions. I’m not, and neither should you. It’s just some extra information to consider while we move through the unknown). While we are able to see what a virus looks like and the general affects that it has on people, the truth of the matter is that everyone is different. Many cases of Covid-19 are asymptomatic, meaning that they result in no symptoms at all or such light symptoms that people may not realize that they are infected. About 80% are considered mild to moderate. This is a big problem when it comes to containing the virus but should give us hope about the actual danger of the virus to the average person. If that many people can walk around with it without knowing, then maybe we can choose to not be afraid.

According to a report by the World Health Organization; “Symptoms of COVID-19 are nonspecific and the disease presentation can range from no symptoms (asymptomatic) to severe pneumonia and death. As of 20 February 2020 and based on 55924 laboratory confirmed cases, typical signs and symptoms include: fever (87.9%), dry cough (67.7%), fatigue (38.1%), sputum production (33.4%), shortness of breath (18.6%), sore throat (13.9%), headache (13.6%), myalgiaor arthralgia (14.8%), chills(11.4%), nausea or vomiting (5.0%), nasal congestion (4.8%), diarrhea (3.7%), and hemoptysis (0.9%), and conjunctival congestion (0.8%).” (You can download the full report here.) Covid-19 has cleavage sites which contain viral proteins that need to be cut to be activated. The virus tricks the body into cutting these proteins by targeting an enzyme called furin, which then allows it to attach to human cells. (source: This means that the virus does not affect you unless your body can be tricked into activating it. I believe, through my work in Specialized Kinesiology, that every one is unique and the cause of disease is internal rather than external. If my body is balanced and healthy, then I can move

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through areas of infection without them affecting me too much. While the trigger for the disease is external – in this case a virus – the actual cause of disease is within. If we can find the areas within ourselves that are stressed, out of balance, and resistant to healing, then we can support ourselves to become well and prevent illness in the first place. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) we have a substance called wei chi or defensive chi. This is the energetic immune system and it is said that people with strong wei chi begin fighting against bacteria and pollutants before they can even touch the skin. Interestingly, the lungs are considered to be the home for wei chi, and this is the same area that Covid-19 seems to target. The Lungs and Large Intestine in TCM form our Metal Element which is the Protector – our sword and shield against invaders.

In light of these two things then, it seems like a way of dealing with the threat of virus would be to first, clear any stress in the body that allows for a virus to take root and second, to increase defensive chi so that you are protected. All modalities of Specialized Kinesiology have ways of removing stress and bringing the individual into balance. In SIPS, we would do this by finding the points that show the cells that are stressed and blocking inflow of healing energy and allow them to recalibrate. In Touch for Health, we would do this by putting a goal online and then balancing the 14 major energy meridians to this goal. In GEMS, we would put the goal online, stacking up the stresses and finding the best correction. Part of the trick here is going to be coming up with positive goals to align the body to rather than operating from a place of fear.

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Some ideas: My immune system is healthy and strong. My immune system is focused and precise. My thymus functions perfectly. My lungs are clear. My microbiomes are balanced. I am full of love. You could scan from a list like this or use this as a jumping off point to figure out the best goals for you at this time. If you use a modality like EFT, these could also be affirmations that you tap in. In creating the new GEMS Elemental class, I have been playing with a format to define wei chi. What has been working for me is electrical mode (little finger to thumb) to LV 1. Wei chi format: electrical mode x LV 1 If this format gives you an IC, then you add it to your circuit. You can then use the ‘deeper’ function from GEMS (or ‘More’ modes) to see what is stressing the wei chi specifically. You can scan through your basic finger modes so that you know whether the stress is structural, chemical, emotional, or electrical and once you have all of the stress in your circuit, you can balance it.

This is not a one-size-fits-all approach. I don’t think that we can deal with this by simply saying that we understand the virus and can therefore target it with muscle testing. This is an individual approach where we are using the sensitive tool that is muscle monitoring to figure out exactly what is going on for each individual and help them find balance. One last word: many people might find the goal above about love to be a little odd. It doesn’t seem like it fits. But many systems of energetic healing equate the thymus with the heart and show that love brings strength to thymic function. Throughout history there have been examples of doctors, nurses and volunteers who made their way through infectious groups of people without seeming to ever have any ill affects from it. The common denominator here is love and compassion. Bruce Lipton shows in his research that, on a cellular level, we cannot be acting out of love and fear at the same time. Love is the antidote to fear. So when we are working on ourselves and others through this crisis, we can do it from a place of love and compassion, understanding that this energy is going to support us and carry us through. We’re all in this together. Much love to you all.

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Issue 15, Spring 2020

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Healthy Hearts: A Nutritionist’s Approach

By Kate Young, RHN


he heart is a wonderful muscle that is indispensable to life. It’s most obviously something we want to keep in tip top shape! The heart pumps blood around our body to nourish our cells and tissues with oxygen and nutrients, and carry away metabolic debris, toxins and waste products. There are a lot of different ways to keep a heart healthy! As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist I focus on whole foods and the whole person. Here are 5 fundamental tips for Healthy Hearts! Sugar! No…sorry, not eating more. Refined, processed sugar (specifically fructose) is the enemy of overall wellbeing but most certainly it will put undo stress on the heart. By way of confusing the message of insulin to the liver, fructose raises blood pressure and can cause chronic hypertension. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, strains the heart by making it hard for blood to be pumped through your veins and arteries. Sugar is also extremely inflammatory. But guess what? So is excess insulin! So with too much processed sugar intake we have a double hit of inflammation creators which inflames artery walls and causes them to grow thicker and stiffer. This, again, makes much harder work for you heart and also increases the risk of tears to arteries and veins, as well as blockages.

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The Heart of the Matter Cut your processed sugar intake, preferable to zero, but definitely down as low as you can. Be mindful of the choices you make in the grocery store by becoming a label reader and looking out for sugar in ingredients lists as well as in the Nutritional Facts chart. Use natural sweeteners with purposes like raw local honey (great for allergies & the immune system), maple syrup (full of minerals), blackstrap molasses (iron, B vitamins, magnesium)) or dates (fibre, mineral). Be wary of drinking your sugar content as well… pop, sugary coffee drinks and yes, even fruit juice, have incredibly high fructose contents with little to no other nutrition. Drink lots of water instead! Which brings me ever so nicely to tip number 2…..water water water!! Every cell, tissue and organ in your body needs water to work properly so water is also critical for your heart health. Your heart pumps about 2000 gallons of blood every day! That’s a lot of work. You’d be thirsty too! Dehydration negatively affects your heart and whole cardiovascular system by decreasing blood volume. To compensate, your heart rate increases and raises blood pressure. Sodium is also increased in the blood when you are dehydrated making blood thicker and harder to pump. Constantly forcing the heart to beat faster than normal and pump thick sluggish blood around the body puts undo strain on this hard working muscle. Keeping hydrated keeps the whole body happy, healthy and working efficiently! Tip 3 for a healthy heart is getting loads of fibre! How does fibre help you heart?? In a few ways actually! Fibre helps lower blood pressure and also

keeps cholesterol in check by absorbing what we don’t need and pulling it out of the body. Proper cholesterol levels are essential to heart health as plaque filled arteries only serve to raise our blood pressure and again cause difficulties in pumping all that blood around. Research is also suggesting that eating plenty of fibre leads to thinner carotid artery walls. Your carotid arteries deliver blood to your brain and when they are in peak shape the risk of stroke is greatly reduced!

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The Heart of the Matter With its ability to help balance blood sugar levels, reduce toxin and waste build up, help balance hormones and keep your digestion moving efficiently, fibre also helps you maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight from fat on the body puts a lot of strain on the heart and increases risk for heart disease, heart attack, hypertension, and heart attack. Whole food that are packed full of natural fibre are whole grains, avocado, berries, apples and bananas, all vegetables, and nuts & seeds especially seeds like chia and hemp. Be sure to include lots of these foods daily and if you need to up your game even more there are plenty of whole food fibre supplements as well. Tip 4 can seem scary…but it shouldn’t be…diet. The simplest strategy is whole foods and lots of plants. Eat less from packages and more from the earth. Choose organic and local when you can for the least amount of contaminants and most amount of nutrients. Plants contain so many of the heart nourishing nutrients we need…fibre, minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals and antioxidants to combat

oxidative stress. Plant foods get you some of your healthiest fats like Omega 3 and monounsaturates that are known for supporting healthy cholesterol levels and blood pressure balance. Diet doesn’t have to be stressful. As Michael Pollan said, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly Plants." Tip 5 is not as ‘nutritional’ but still ever so important. De-stress!! Stress is literally a killer and has been a wellknown risk factor for cardiovascular issues for a very long time, but, there’s a still a lot of unknowns. We can, however, definitely factor in how stress affects our behaviours and how, in turn, those behaviours affect our overall wellbeing and specifically heart health. When you’re stressed do you eat to calm down or eat very fast? drink alcohol or smoke? rush around trying to do too many things at once? Maybe you work too much, sleep too little or forgo self care activities like exercise and meditation… All of these behaviours are risk factors for poor heart health as they can create a state of !

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The Heart of the Matter inflammation and adrenal imbalance which can leave adrenalin and cortisol out of control. The key here is find something you love to do to relax and be in a peaceful state of being. Find what works for your life and schedule. If you’re a super busy mama, you might not choose meditation as you don’t have time, but you could fit in regular exercise with your kiddos at the park. If you’re working on your feet rigorously all day long you may choose the meditation route as it is the opposite of what is creating some stress for you. De-stressing should not cause stress, so find what resonates and works. It may take a couple tries but you’ll get there! Some suggestions to start are meditation, journaling, a gratitude list, walking and exercise, yoga or stretching, hot tubs or baths, reading a book or listening to an audio, being in nature, talking with a friend, float experiences, massages, breath work…the options can be endless! Enjoy, have fun and cheers to your happy, healthy heart! Kate is a Specialized Kinesiologist and Registered Holistic Nutritionist living in Kelowna, BC. Check out her new business venture combining the beauty of gemstones and aromatherapy, Aqua + Opal. And her new online Wellness Community.

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Class listings online for each National Association, Conferences, Products and More Class listings for individual countries

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There are classes coming up in Canada, the US and Europe – visit the website to find courses near you.


“Stress and the Immune System” online conference, powered by Knowlative and IASK. May 1-4 via Zoom. to register

TFHKA Conference May 29 & 30 online

This section is a work in progress! If you are a kinesiology association and would like to have your events (conferences, demo days, etc) mentioned, please email us. There are far too many classes internationally for us to list them all, but please send a link to the page on your website that shows upcoming classes and we will add it here. If you would like to advertise your conference, presentation or post-conference workshop, please contact us for details.

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Because health should be fun!

“Young at Heart, slightly older in other places…”

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