4. Youth Club-Sponsored Community Service Projects
How to Earn Merit Points Participation in the activities listed below will enable youth club members to earn merit points.
Participating in youth club-sponsored community service projects. Youth earn points for a maximum of 1 community service project each quarter.
1. SPJST Youth Club Meetings and Activities
dd 2 Points Each dd Maximum of 4 per youth year.
Attending youth club meetings, district meetings and activities, and District/State YAD.
Community Service Project Examples aVisiting rest homes and singing or reading to residents. aMaking tray favors for rest homes. aDoing yard work for the elderly. aCollecting toys, clothing, canned goods, etc. for an organization and then delivering the items to the organizations as a group. aPreparing food baskets for less fortunate families. aCleaning the community park. aA youth may only receive points once per year for each ongoing collection (ex. aluminum cans, newspaper/magazine recycling, etc.) or ongoing project (watering trees at the lodge hall, etc.)
ddddd 5 Points Each ddddd • Regular youth club meetings. Maximum of 12 per youth year. • District meetings. Maximum of 2 per youth year. • District youth activities. Maximum of 4 per youth year. • Attend/participate in District YAD. Maximum of 1 per youth year. • Attend/participate in State YAD. Maximum of 1 per youth year.
Community Service Project Guidelines • As many youth as possible should be involved in the project. (Youth leader and youth members will decide on community projects.) • Projects should serve a definite community purpose and require some advance planning. • The youth must be involved in the total project. Donating money out of the youth club treasury to a cause is not sufficient. Youth must be involved in earning the money that is donated.
2. District and State Youth Achievement Day (YAD) dd 2 Points Each dd District YAD • • • • •
Craft entries. Maximum of 5 entries. Individual talent. Maximum of 1 entry. Group talent. Maximum of 1 entry. Royalty. Maximum of 1 entry. Beseda. Maximum of 1 entry.
5. Youth Club-Sponsored Join Hands Day and National Make a Difference Day dd 2 Points Each dd
3. District Camp and Leader-In-Training (LIT) Workshop/Teen Camp
Maximum of 2 per youth year. Participating in a youth club- or lodge-sponsored Join Hands Day or National Make a Difference Day activity. Join Hands Day is held the first Saturday in May. National Make a Difference Day is held the fourth Saturday in October. For more information, please refer to http://www.usaweekend.com/diffday/.
Participating in camp or Leader-In-Training (LIT) workshop. Youth must attend all scheduled days to receive credit. Activity absence must be excused by the DYC for district camp and by the State Fraternal Director for the LIT workshop. Then, points are awarded accordingly.
ddddd 5 Points Each ddddd • Camp. Maximum of 1 per youth year. • Leader-In-Training Workshop. Maximum of 1 per youth year.