Youth Theme Design Contest
a Mail entries to:
What is it? Each year, SPJST sponsors a theme design contest for youth members to create an artistic design for the SPJST Youth Club Handbook Cover and summer camp tee-shirts.
SPJST State Fraternal Director Frank Horak c/o SPJST Home Office PO Box 100 • Temple, Texas 76503-0100 Judging Designs will be judged by in-house art specialists. Judging is based on the design’s overall appearance and appeal; creativity and originality; and ability to reproduce.
Who can enter? SPJST members from grades kindergarten through 12th grade, based on the member’s grade level in the current school year.
Awards All participants will receive a participation certificate, and youth club members will also receive two merit points in the Merit Point System. The following prizes will be awarded:
Contest Dates May 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022.
Grand Prize Winner $100 gift card and youth member’s design on the 2022-2023 SPJST Youth Club Handbook Cover and Summer Camp Tee-Shirt. (Youth winning grand prize will not receive entrant category prize.) Entrant Category Prizes Kindergarten through 2nd Grade $75 Gift Card 3rd Grade through 5th Grade $75 Gift Card 6th Grade through 8th Grade $75 Gift Card 9th Grade through 12th Grade $75 Gift Card
The Rules a To enter, the youth must currently be an active youth club member. a Create a design relating to the 2022-2023 theme: 2022-2023 theme to be announced. a Submit entry, using a black pen, black marker, or any coloring instrument on an official entry form (available from SPJST youth leaders or the State Fraternal Director). a Entry must be freehand originals created by the youth member. a Entry should be simple in design and easy to reproduce on a tee-shirt. a Entry will not display any alcohol, tobacco, or drug-related items. a Entry becomes the property of SPJST and will not be returned. a Grand prize winner may not enter the contest for one year following winning. a Entry must be postmarked by June 30, 2022.