2022 Changes 8Youth Program SPJST life insurance certificate-holding members who are in kindergarten through 12th grade. 8Youth Year The SPJST youth year begins September 1 and ends August 31. Youth club eligibility ends when the youth graduates from high school. Note: The current youth year is January 1, 2022, to August 31, 2022.
8Active Youth Member The grade of the youth on September 1 of the current school year will be the recognized entrant category in the SPJST Youth Program (camp, YAD, contests, etc.). 8 Youth Divisions Merit Points/Contests Juniors - Kindergarten through 5th Grade Seniors - 6th Grade through 12th Grade YAD Group Talent Juniors - Kindergarten through 5th Grade Seniors - 6th Grade through 11th Grade Camp Sessions Juniors - Kindergarten through 7th Grade LITs - 8th Grade through 11th Grade
As an example of the appropriate entrant category, students who have completed 11th grade and submit an entry during the summer before 12th grade will be considered entrants for 11th grade.
8Dessert - Cookies • Complete recipe (listing all ingredients and method of preparation) must be submitted as a .jpg or .pdf or inputted with the entry.
8Annual Meeting in May The youth club’s annual meeting is held in May. Officers and committee chairs are elected. Installations of officers should be held following the elections or no later than the September meeting. New officers and committee chairs take office September 1.
8Hobby Kits • Photo (.jpg or .pdf) of the kit packaging must be attached with the online YAD entry submission.
8Term of Office The term of office is one year from September 1 to August 31. 8Youth Achievement Day YAD entry forms must be completed online at spjst.org. 8YAD Entrant Categories YAD is open to members from grades kindergarten through 11th grade, based on the member’s grade level in the current school year. Kindergarten through 2nd Grade 3rd Grade through 5th Grade 6th Grade through 8th Grade 9th Grade through 11th Grade 8Constructed Items 2022 Theme: Repurposed Item • For the 2022 contest, the subject matter must be a repurposed item. • Must take out of original form and purpose.
State Fraternal Director
8Photography - Theme: Street Impressions • Photographs must be black and white. • Photo’s image must be in a 4:5 ratio (8x10) with no border. • Only the following minor digital manipulation is allowed: Converting from color to black and white, cropping, and straightening the image. Any other manipulation will be disqualified. 8Talent Entry Forms • If music or any type of recorded accompaniment will be used for competition, the .mp3 file must be submitted with talent entry. 8Royalty Speech Topic for 2022 “My SPJST Family - What It Means To Me” 8Contest Entrant Categories (Christmas Ornament, Decorated Rock, Flag Day, Youth Theme) Kindergarten through 2nd Grade 3rd Grade through 5th Grade 6th Grade through 8th Grade 9th Grade through 12th Grade 8Flag Day Contest Theme “What Red, White, and Blue Means to Me!”
District Three - Mary Steinman 1136 Westgrove Dr Saginaw, TX 76179-3463 Phone: 817-731-2580 Email: appamary@sbcglobal.net
Frank Horak SPJST Home Office PO Box 100; Temple, TX 76503-0100 Office: 254-773-1575, ext. 177 Mobile: 254-534-0681 • Fax: 254-774-7447 Email: frankh@spjst.com
District Four - Ryan Jansa 10377 Penny Ln San Angelo, TX 76905-7616 Phone: 325-234-5876 Email: rjansa1@gmail.com
Fraternal Services Specialist Tammy Martinez Office: 254-773-1575, ext. 164 Email: tammy@spjst.com
District Five - Melissa Victorick-Brown 2324 Lakeway Dr Friendswood, TX 77546-6196 Phone: 832-274-7369 Email: district5dyc@gmail.com
District Youth Counselors District One - Hannah Kovar PO Box 28 Snook, TX 77878-0028 Phone: 979-220-7904 Email: ladyjays@tamu.edu
District Six - Lisa Bubela 1405 Divide St El Campo, TX 77437-6152 Phone: 979-541-7450 Email: lisa_bubela@yahoo.com
District Two - Patsy Koslovsky 764 S St Joseph Rd Burlington, TX 76519-3109 Phone: 254-718-1606 Email: patsyk2011@yahoo.com
District Seven - April Howard 814 Madison Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130-3918 Phone: 830-624-9242 Email: aprhoward@gmail.com