spjst youth program addresses social needs and civic responsibilities SPJST Youth Program is an ongoing part of local youth club activities. State and local programs address a range of areas, including human relations, nature, parAccording to A History of the SPJST compiled by liamentary procedure, juvenile decency, arts and crafts, late Supreme Lodge President Nick A. Morris, the the fine arts, music, dramatics, and ethnic tradition. SPJST youth program began as early as 1937 when a Youth club members range from grades kindergarten youth group on the lodge level was formed at Lodge through high school senior. 25, Ennis. The second such youth group was formed at The patriotic program consists of ceremonial rituals Lodge 88, Houston in 1948. The third youth group was and an annual essay contest. The objective is to teach formed at Lodge 4, the operation of a free demoHallettsville in 1953. The cratic society and majority fourth and fifth youth groups The purpose of the rule. were organized at Lodge 66, SPJST Youth Department The social program includes Waco and Lodge 84, Dallas. socials, dances, picnics, pagcontinues to be twofold: Both were formed in 1954. eants, hayrides, family A driving force behind first, to build character among group activities and geared to SPJST’s Youth Movement in the younger members foster family unity. the early 1950s was Birdie In addition, SPJST makes and secondly, to involve Hilsher Pech. In a Veštník summer camping available to column that Sister Pech our young people in activities young members. Districts wrote in 1953, she says, “If that will prepare them for combine camp sessions, and you think that the grass is just SPJST youth camp at Camp leadership positions at all a little greener on the other Kubena in Ledbetter, Texas. side of the fence, better think levels of our Society Camp Kubena is owned by twice. Our SPJST has all of and in their adult lives. SPJST. the green grass. It is up to us to keep it watered now and Generally stated, SPJST camp is provided on the basis keep it growing bigger and better all the time. Keep our of participation in SPJST activities. To qualify for camp, youth and keep them entertained for a greater future of active youth club members must attend seven out of 12 our SPJST, for without them, we would perish as grass youth meetings in the months preceding camp. Any youth would die without water.” (previous member or new certificate) who initially joins Sixty-nine years later, these words still ring true. The the youth club must attend the majority of meetings to be purpose of the SPJST Youth Department continues to be eligible for camp. Another way to qualify for camp is to twofold: first, to build character among the younger attend seven out of 12 adult meetings in lodges where members and secondly, to involve our young people in there are no youth clubs. Non-active youth members may activities that will prepare them for leadership positions attend camp for a fee that is determined by SPJST. Youth at all levels of our Society and in their adult lives. camp funds come from an allocation by the SPJST Board of Directors. A number of professional assistants are hired for instruction in archery, aquatics, and as camp nurse. Much of the chaperoning and programming is done by On an annual basis, SPJST Youth Clubs sponsor a parents and SPJST trained leaders. wide range of social activities, community service projAdult leaders are trained at an annual workshop ects, and charity projects. The SPJST youth club is held in March or April. District Youth Counselors and about having fun, but it’s also about contributing to the trained specialists instruct youth leaders in various welfare of the people of Texas. aspects of the SPJST youth program, including campThe SPJST Youth Program has three parts: educaing, first aid, and team-building. tional, patriotic, and social. The educational part of the
The Early Years
A Three-Part Program