VESTNIK 2021.07.12

Page 19


Monday, July 12, 2021 Slovanská Podporující Jednota Státu Texas

Fill in the missing blocks with numbers between 0-10. The numbers in each row add up to the totals on the right. The numbers in each column add up to the totals on the bottom.

N! B! U! I! ! C! M! P! D! L! T Happy 7th Birthday, Nay-Eli!





Podpora ★ Lidskost ★ Bratrstvi´ BENEVOLENCE



Uředni orgán SPJST ★ Založené roku 1897

Učme se česky Let Us Study Czech Lekce osmá Lesson 8

Lodge 185 New Braunfels youth achieves eighth grade class valedictorian

Read the following out loud. Get family or friends help with the pronunciation; do them together. Clip and save each lesson, and compile them into notebook. Čtení - Reading: Naše Škola - Our school To je naše škola. A toto je naše třída. Tam je učitel. Zde jsou studenti. Jan je student. On má pero a knihu. Co je na stole? To je moje tužka. Učitel ma křídu a píše na tabuli tuto pohádku. S S S

Hello, SPJST members and friends. I would like to wish my sister a happy seventh birthday! I hope you enjoyed your time at Splashway. Love, Your Big Brother Noah Garcia, age 9 —SPJST—


Congratulations to Megan Ohnheiser on her eighth grade graduation from St. James Catholic School in Seguin. Megan graduated with honors and was valedictorian of her class with a 4.0 GPA. Megan will be attending St. John Paul II Catholic High School in the fall. Megan is a member of Lodge 185, New Braunfels Youth Club.

Byl jeden domeček. V tom domečku stoleček, na stolečku mistička, na mističce vodička, v té vodičce rybička. “Kde je ta ryba?” Kočka ji snědla. “Kde je ta kočka?” V lese zaběhla. “Kde jsou ty lesy?” Na prach shořely. “Kde je ten prach?” Voda ho vzala. “Kde je ta voda?” Voli ji vypili. “Kde jsou ti voli?

Páni je snědli. “Kde jsou ti páni?” Na hřbitově pochováni. S S S naše - our, ours třída - class, or classroom maso - meat máslo - butter student - student tabule (F) - blackboard pole (N) - field košile (F) - shirt moje - my stůl - table učitel - teacher kniha - book ryba - fish Jan - John voda - water nový, á, é - new starý, á, é - old malý, á, é - little velký, á, é - big křída - chalk zde, tu - here na stole - on the table na tabuli - on the blackboard pohádka - fairy tale dobrý, á, é - good zlý, á, é - bad, wicked černý, á, é - black bilý, á, é - white S S S Mluvnice - Grammar 1. In Czech, the adjective must agree in gender form with the noun that it modifies. Example: malý stůl - small table; malá kniha - small book; malé okno - small window. In

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