www.sportendurance-evo.com N. 28 SUMMER AUTUMN 2019
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N. 28 SUMMER AUTUMN 2019 Quarterly Endurance Riding Lifestyle Magazine Printed on the 15th of October 2019 Next issue end of January 2020
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Publishing Company Cultural Association Sport Endurance EVO Via Alba Fucens, 22 - L’Aquila Italy - VAT IT01628140665 Publisher/Manager Luca Giannangeli (lucag@sportendurance-evo.com) Marketing and Business Developer Elena Vanni (elenav@sportendurance-evo.com) Artwork Vincenzo Brancadoro Supervisor Giovanni Graziani
Printed by Dedalo Litostampa S.r.l.
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Photographers Barbara Miller, Oreste Testa, Gianluca Sasso Fotografie, Sam Simpson, Bahrain Media Office, Sophie Ekism, Harriet Jones, Eustonpark.co.uk managed by H POWER Group, Anastasiya Vetkovskaya, Alexia Khruscheva, Padise Equestrian Centre Collaborators: x-bionic® sphere, Natalia Goncharova, Natalia Zhuk, Padise Equestrian Centre, SistemaEventi.it, Giulia Capri, Liliana Genova, Elena Vanni, Sophie Delavaud
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for the development of endurance riding
by Luca Giannangeli
issue n. 28
The World Young Horse Championship, what we like the most A Bird in the hand is worth two in the bush?” That is the question.
Il Mondiale Giovani Cavalli, quello che più ci piace
Photos SistemaEventi.it – Oreste Testa
Il dilemma è sempre quello: “meglio un uovo oggi o una gallina domani?”
Gold and silver medals Kalia Des Cygnes and Lepanto de Guadarranque with Suhail Alghailani and Gil Berenguer Carrera
Bronze medal C’Pieraz Du Vialaret with Melody Theolissat
Top ten Filodendro with Caterina De Marchis
a sempre il CH-M-YH-E-7YO 120 km, più semplicemente Mondiale dedicato ai cavalli di 7 anni, è stato l’evento che più ci ha affascinato. Seppure continuiamo a tifare per l’alzamento agli 8 anni, per via della spesso lenta maturazione dei cavalli soprattutto dei Purebred Arabian horses, è comunque una categoria che ci ha interessato e stimolato. Difficile avere cavalli pronti a 7 anni per esordire su parterre importanti, come è stato di recente quello di Pisa o Samorin lo scorso anno. Il destino di tanti cavalli si decide in questa gara e, all’ippodromo di San Rossore, esso ha deciso per loro. Gli acquirenti, in cerca di buoni cavalli per il futuro, pescano bene in questo mare mentre la parte venditrice centra il proprio obiettivo, quello di aver forgiato un possibile campione. Molti allevatori, spesso anche proprietari, si trovano davanti al bivio: vendere o no? Se un cavallo è richiesto anche a cifre importanti, vuol dire che vale, che ha chanches di fare bene in futuro. Il dilemma è: “meglio un uovo oggi o una gallina domani?”. Ovviamente la risposta la conosce bene la parte cedente che deve fare i conti anche con le spese sostenute negli anni per portare un cavallo di 7 anni al debutto. Belli, ancora puledroni, ingenui se vogliamo, galoppano al massimo, fieri di rendere felici i propri fantini! Grazie giovani cavalli!
e’ve always been fascinated by the 120 km CH-M-YH-E7YO, simply known as “Seven year old Horse Championship”. This is a category we’ve always been interested in, although as far as age is concerned, it would be desirable to increase it up to 8 because of horses’ slow aging process, especially in Purebred Arabians. It is hard to get seven-year-old horses ready to make their debut on important parterres, as was recently that of Pisa or Samorin last year. The fate of many horses is decided in this race and at the San Rossore racecourse, many of these have been divided. Buyers, looking for good horses for the future, have a really good selection of horses they can choose from, while sellers can pursue their selling goal, forging a possible champion. Many breeders, and often owners too, are at a fork in the road: to sell them or not to sell them? If a horse is required for a certain amount, that must mean it’s worth it, moreover it has a chance of racing well in the future. The question is: “Is a bird in the hand worth two in the bush?”. Obviously buyers know the answer well. They need to deal with the costs incurred over the years to have a seven-year horse to debut. Beautiful, still foals, naive, gallopping as fast as they can, these horses are proud of making their jockeys happy! The photos depict the podium and Filodendro and Caterina de Marchis. Thank you, young horses!
Malattie dell’apparato respiratorio? Per gli equidi puoi scegliere
orse respiratory diseases are very common. They are due to inflammation of the respiratory tract that occurs in winter or mid season, the time of year when weather is unstable. Horses do not easily adapt to these sudden frequent and drastic temperature changes. Respiratory tract diseases are usually part of the so called “season illnesses” but, as far as horses are concerned, besides weather, stabling plays a very important role. 60% of stabled horses suffer from respiratory diseases while only 2-3% of wild horses have these problems. To improve the microclimate in horse stalls, it is advisable to ventilate the structures and, where possible, to leave the doors completely open, putting a thick rope as the only obstacle to the horse. Although chip beddings do have some limits and side effects, they bring down ammonia and, in some cases, they are preferable to traditional beddings. You should also consider the size of the stall and height of the structures. Once all these aspects have been taken care of, you will be able to
e patologie respiratorie del cavallo sono molto frequenti. Vengono generate da infiammazioni delle vie respiratorie che colpiscono più frequentemente durante i mesi invernali e le mezze stagioni, quando le condizioni atmosferiche sono instabili e gli sbalzi di temperatura, sempre più frequenti e drastici, non permettendo al cavallo di adattarvisi. I disturbi delle vie respiratorie fanno solitamente parte dei così detti “mali di stagione” ma nel cavallo, oltre agli agenti atmosferici, un’enorme importanza sulla comparsa di malattie è dovuta alla scuderizzazione. L’incidenza di tali disturbi sale infatti fino al 60% della popolazione equina scuderizzata contro un 2-3% degli animali allo stato brado. Accorgimenti comuni che vengono adottati per migliorare il microclima del box, sono una corretta ventilazione delle strutture e, dove possibile, l’apertura completa delle porte lasciando come unico ostacolo all’uscita del cavallo una fune spessa.
guarantee a healthy environment to your horse and air exchange. It is also very important to immunize the horse in order to protect him from the flue and herpesvirus (which has side effects on the respiratory tract and could lead to miscarriage). Horse athletes must have total vaccination coverage because they often travel and can pick up virus from different European and extra European countries. During competition, a lot of horses gather in small environments fostering the spread of germs and pathogenic agents. Sick horses that have no evident disease symptom but simply seem tired and appetiteless get close to healthy horses that are not properly protected from viruses. The stress of travel and competition depresses the immune system making the horse athlete weaker and more attackable by infection and disease. In other words, one can conclude that both physical and atmospheric causes can affect the respiratory tract, followed by biological agents like viruses, bacteria and also fungal spores.
ettiere in trucioli, pur avendo anch’esse qualche limite e controindicazione, sono adatte a trattenere meglio l’ammoniaca e in certi casi sono preferibili alle lettiere tradizionali. Tutto questo, assieme al corretto dimensionamento dei box e altezza delle strutture, permette un maggiore ricambio d’aria e assicura ambienti più salubri dove mantenere il cavallo. Una buona copertura vaccinale dal virus dell’influenza come anche dell’herpes (cha ha manifestazioni respiratorie molto frequenti e non solo abortive), è necessaria per immunizzare il cavallo e per diminuire la sua esposizione a questo tipo di patologie. In questo senso è fortemente consigliabile avere la massima copertura vaccinale per i cavalli sportivi che, spostandosi frequentemente, possono venire a contatto con virus provenienti da varie regioni europee ed extra europee. Le competizioni sportive riuniscono infatti grandi quantità di cavalli in spazi relativamente ristretti che aumentano la possibilità della trasmissione degli agenti patogeni. Questa situazione mette a contato individui infetti che magari manifesta sintomi poco visibili (stanchezza e un po’ di inappetenza) con individui sani ma non sufficientemente protetti. Lo stress da viaggio o da competizione abbassano le difese immunitarie di tutti i cavalli sportivi rendendoli così più sensibili all’infezione e alla conseguente malattia. Cause fisiche o atmosferiche possono quindi irritare le mucose respiratorie e a queste si aggiungono successivamente agenti biologici come, più comunemente, virus e batteri ma anche spore fungine. Caratteristica dei disturbi respiratori, di qualsiasi origine siano, è l’iperproduzione di muco. Il muco è una sostanza fluida normalmente presente nell’albero respiratorio dove esercita una funzione protettiva catturando il pulviscolo atmosferico e agenti biologici quali pollini, spore, funghi, batteri e virus, provvedendo poi alla loro espulsione attraverso il movimento ondeggiante di ciglia vibratili che, durante l’espirazione, accompagnano il tutto verso l’esterno. Essendo normalmente molto fluido, il muco ha anche una funzione lubrificante e umidificante dell’aria inalata. In condizioni patologiche il muco aumenta in quantità e a volte nell’aspetto assumendo il nome di catarro. Aseconda della gravità e della situazione infiammatoria, il catarro, più solido e appiccicoso del muco, viene prodotto copiosamente e può assumere colori e caratteristiche diverse. Nelle patologie più gravi possono diventare croniche. Per liberarsi dal muco, la terapia d’elezione è ancora oggi l’N Acetil-Cisteina (NAC), un mucolitico in grado di sciogliere velocemente le intricate molecole che lo compongono. Rispetto ad altri principi attivi, i farmaci per cavalli a base di NAC
sono acquistabili a banco, senza ricetta medica, inoltre non sono considerati dopanti, il che li rende utilizzabili in qualsiasi momento. Vi sono altri principi attivi normalmente diffusi nella terapia delle patologie respiratorie quali clenbuterolo e dembrexina che però, intervenendo a livello del sistema nervoso centrale, provocano anche una dilatazione delle vie aeree e un maggiore apporto di sangue ai muscoli alterando così, in positivo, le prestazioni atletiche del cavallo. Per questo motivo tali molecole sono considerate dopanti e devono essere somministrate dai dieci ai trenta giorni prima delle competizioni qualora il regolamento antidoping lo consentano. Stessa cosa vale per la teofillina che ha effetti broncodilatatori importanti ed è quindi molto usata nei cavalli che manifestano bolsaggine pur essendo considerata dopante e rilevabile nel sangue e nelle urine per molto tempo dopo la terapia. Dipendentemente dalla gravità, dai sintomi e dalle caratteristiche della patologia respiratoria, una volta consultato il proprio veterinario di fiducia, ogni terapia è adeguata ad affrontare al meglio la patologia sottostante andando anche a sconfiggere infezioni secondarie da batteri con l’utilizzo dei corretti sulfamidici (come sulfametossazolo e trimetropim per il cavallo) o antibiotici (come penicilline e cefalosporine), il cui uso deve essere comunque sapientemente consigliato e prescritto dal medico ippiatra. Nei casi meno gravi o al fine di prolungare l’effetto delle terapie farmacologiche, l’utilizzo di prodotti a base di erbe sta diventando sempre più comune. ACME in questo caso propone RESPIMIN, un supplemento nutrizionale erboristico di provata efficacia.
he main characteristic of a respiratory disease, regardless of its origin, is the overproduction of mucus. Mucus is generally present in the bronchial tree, its role is to protect the system by catching atmospheric dust and other biological agents like spores, viruses, bacteria, pollen and fungus, then it expels them with a waving movement of vibrant cilia that through expiration, push everything outside. Considering that the mucus is also always very fluid, it lubricates and humidifies inhaled air. When something is wrong, the mucus increases and changes aspect becoming phlegm. According to the type of inflammation or pathology, phlegm, which is thicker and stickier than mucus, is greatly produced and can be of different colours, showing different characteristics. When a serious pathology is present, it can become chronic. Today, in order to remove mucus, the best therapy on the market is N Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) which is a mucolytic capable of breaking down
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the chemical bonds between molecules in the mucus. N Acetylcisteine based drugs can be purchased at the drugstore without the doctor’s prescription and it is not a doping substance so it can be administered any time. Respiratory diseases are also treated with other active ingredients like clembuterol and dembrexine that by acting on the central nervous system cause an expansion of the respiratory tracts and increase the amount of blood in the muscles, positively improving the horse’s athletic performance. For this reason, these molecules are considered doping substances and must be administered 10 to 30 days before the competition if allowed by the competition regulations. The same can be said of theophylline which has bronchodilator effects and is mainly used with horses that suffer of heaves. It is considered a doping substance and can be found in urine even long after the therapy. Depending on the seriousness and characteristics of the respiratory disease, once you have spoken to the vet, each therapy should properly cure the pathology and defeat secondary bacterial infections with appropriate sulphonamide (for example sulphamethoxazole and trimetropim for horses) or antibiotics (penicillin and cephalosporin). The use of these medicines should always be wisely advised and prescribed by doctors. For those diseases which are less serious, it is advisable to use herbal products to prolong the effect of pharmacological therapies. In this case, ACME advises RESPIMIN, a herbal dietary supplement of proved effectiveness.
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Tell us sometyhing about yourself y name is Jelena Sbitneva, I’m a rider, trainer, owner and breeder, chief of the International Endurance team, and organizer of the Padise Endurance Festival
in Estonia. Love for horses flows through my veins as far as I can remember myself.
Jelena Sbitneva Owner of the Padise Equestrian Centre
’ v e always deamt of having many horses and a big team as a family – dreams come true. The first time I learned about Endurance was seven years ago. And since then I realized that if you fall in love with Endurance once, you’ll never stop loving it. Horses and Endurance are the passion of all my life. Why did you prefer Endurance riding over the classic disciplines? I do not like easy ways.
Endurance is a very difficult discipline where physical stamina is needed and, most importantly, the ability to think. Endurance gives a complete sense of freedom and reunion with nature, which gives true happiness. And even when tired after a long ride, thinking that it was your last competition, you get up the next morning and want to ride again with your four-legged friend. What prompted you to become an organizer of your own competitions?
Having visited many competitions, I saw both the pros and cons of the organization of the events. And I wanted to create the perfect venue for Endurance competitions so that horses, riders, officials, spectators feel complete comfort and safety. I was impressed by the competitions I saw in the Dubai. I wanted to create something similar to Dubai Endurance City because there I did not find a single drawback. Since there is not a single permanent Endurance venue in Europe, I decided to create such a permanent venue and constantly im-
prove it, listening to comments and criticisms because perfection is born in criticism. My motto is to do only the best or not do it at all. What is the most important thing in the organization of endurance competitions? One of the most important conditions in the organization of competitions is a well-coordinated work and strong team spirit which means being ready to work all day and night for the sake of a general idea.
nd of course, let’s be honest – any big sport is impossible without money. Therefore, organizing a competition at a decent level requires enough funding. Very few organizers have the opportunity to hold a competition without sponsors. I believe that we should value the sponsors and be grateful for their support because without them the sport would not be able to develop so quickly and be at such a high level.
How do you feel about sponsorship from the UAE? The UAE, especially Dubai, is only one country that gives huge sponsorship to the organizers and the big support to the riders around the world. It was a great honor for me to have such a sponsor as Meydan Group from Dubai in Padise events. Most Endurance Championships are sponsored by Meydan as well as the most prestigious Endurance events such as Sheikh Mohammed Endurance Cup and Dubai Crown Prince Endurance Cup which give the opportunity for the athletes to bring horses for participating with all the support by Ruler of Dubai. His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is a great man who makes a history, and I can only admire him.
oping discipline and sometimes the rules become outdated, but not in this case. The proposed radical changes are excessively rigid and do not serve the interests of ordinary athletes. If new changes take effect, the Endurance discipline will become more expensive for riders, for owners of the horses and for organizers. As an example, the qualification process will be so complicated that it makes no sense to participate in this sport for many countries. The rise in the price of the sport means the violation of the Olympic Charter because many athletes who can compete today won’t afford it after changing the rules. The Fundamental Principles of Olympism, Article 4: “The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mu-
Padise is bidding to host the World Endurance Championship 2022. How do you assess your chances of winning? Besides Padise, there are also biddings from Italy, Saudi Arabia, and Dubai. And we sincerely support the bid of Dubai, because we believe that this is a perfect place for Endurance competitions and for conducting the World Championships. Also, as young organizers, we understand that we have a low chance of winning, but anyway the impossible is possible. What is your plan for Padise season 2020? There is no limit to perfection, so we try to hold as many competitions as possible every season. And Padise season 2020 will be very “hot”, we added six competitions to the FEI calendar to be held on 20-23 May, on 3-6 June, on 17-20 June, on 29 June-2 July, on 15-18 July, and on 19-23 August. We welcome everybody to Estonia. Big changes in the Endurance rules are expected to be effective from 2020, what do you think about this? Of course, Endurance is a dynamically devel-
Jelena Sbitneva
tual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity, and fair play.� This could lead to stagnation of the Endurance discipline. In the end, I hope that the proposed rules will not be approved at the General Assembly.
Photos by: Sam Simpson, Bahrain Media Office, Sophie Ekism, Harriet Jones
T 18
he Prestige Cup, a 120 km CEI2* endurance ride, took place last 7th of July 2019 at the Chantilly Polo Club in France. This year, the Prestige Cup blew
out its 2 candles proving to be an event of high quality and organizing standards. Just like last year, Nicolas Wahlen, expert organizer and founder of the world popular Compiègne ride, led the event.
Saeed Salem Atiq Khamis Almuhairi
he lucky format that puts important values like absolute respect for the horse and the environment, before anything else, has attracted binomials from all over the world. This event has become one of the greatest endurance events in Europe. The Bahrain Royal Equestrian Federation, is the event’s official sponsor together with His Excellency Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa, son of the King of Bahrain, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, President of the Bahrain Olympic Committee and the head of the government’s Supreme Council for Youth and Sports.
KEY FACTS AND FIGURES - 71 riders and horses on the start line - 40 riders and horses finishing - 10 riders on the podium - 18 nations - 126km ride divided in 4 loops - 3 Forest : Ermenonville, Halatte and Chantilly - 20 officials of which 10 vets - 17 institutional partners - 16 sponsors and official partners - 8 exhibitors - 8 animations, free for the public - 2 equestrian shows of the French Garde RĂŠpublicaine - more than 100 people from the organizing committee working on site and on the tracks - almost 1000 nights booked in the local hotels
ess than 5 weeks before the European Championship in Euston Park (Great Britain), the Prestige Cup Endurance Chantilly turned out to be a good opportunity to train riders and horses. The organizing committee renewed its willingness to ensure a financial return to the endurance riders; 300 â‚Ź entry fees have been refunded to all finishers.
aeed Salem Atiq Khamis Almuhairi from the UAE astride Ras Gin running for M7 Stable, was the first one to cross the finish line. The first European flag flatters on fourth place thanks to the rider from Belgium Elizabeth Hardy riding KRACK LC. The first Italian rider, Adrien Benedetti on Uzim d’Altare, conquers 10th position.
Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa
HH Sh. Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa with the winner Saeed Salem Almuhairi with Ras Gin
22 edizioni per entrare nella storia 22 editions to became part of the history Text by Luca Giannangeli Photos by Gianluca Sasso
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n paio di mesi prima della gara di Torgnon che come di consueto si è disputata il primo weekend di Luglio, ci si chiedeva se in Italia vi fossero ancora appassionati di endurance, quello di un tempo, quello che fece innamorare e avvicinare alla disciplina tante amazzoni e cavalieri. Ebbene si, gli oltre 100 iscritti hanno ridato speranza ad un settore che si muove solamente in base alla possibilità di guadagnare, correndo o vendendo il proprio cavallo.
Il Comitato Organizzatore di Torgnon Endurance è riuscito a conquistare ancora una volta il cuore degli appassionati, regalando loro forse l’esperienza più bella dell’endurance italiano. Cavalcare per ore in montagna, spesso nel silenzio più assordante, è davvero sensazionale. Un momento intimo, magico in cui ognuno può ritrovarsi da solo con se stesso, con le proprie gioie e spesso fare i conti col le proprie paure. L’endurance romantico, quello vero, questo è Torgnon.
couple of months before the race in Torgnon, which, as usual, took place on the first weekend of July, one would have wondered if Italy still owned endurance enthusiasts, just like in the past. Enthusiasts that made people fall in love with this discipline and attract many riders. The answer is Yes...Italy had more than 100 competitors who gave hope to a sector which acts only if there is the possibility of earning, running or selling one’s horse.
The Organizing Committee of Torgnon Endurance has managed to conquer the hearts of fans once again, probably giving them the most beautiful experience of Italian endurance. Riding for hours in the mountains, often in the most deafening silence, is truly sensational. An intimate, magical moment in which everyone finds himself alone with his own joys and fears. The romantic side of endurance, the real one, this is Torgnon.
Pietro Moneta
anni di storia che non si cancellano a suon di montepremi. Le classifiche finali sono si importanti, l’endurance è una disciplina equestre agonistica ma a Torgnon, essere Finisher è l’obiettivo.
Vediamo chi lo è stato nel 2019 Pietro Maria Moneta è stato il vincitore della CEI3* 182 km. in 2 giorni in Valle d’Aosta. Il cavaliere piemontese con all’attivo circa 30 anni di gare nell’endurance, ha vinto, in compagnia di Rahdja es Baraques, la difficile categoria corsa in totale solitudine dall’inizio alla fine, immerso nello scenario da favola che offre questo angolo di Paradiso Valdostano. Pietro, che può vantare in carriera la partecipazione alla mitica TEVIS Cup alla quale corse nel 1997, ha dichiarato che è stata una prova davvero dura (12,74 av. speed) ma che ne è valsa ancora una volta la pena; “Torgnon è sempre una soddisfazione unica, da provare almeno una volta nella vita” - dichiara lo stesso. Soltanto in 3 erano gli iscritti alla CEI3* in 2 giorni, soltanto in 3 hanno avuto questo coraggio, la follia dell’endurista... Doveroso il saluto per Chiara Bellini e Riccardo Rusconi che hanno abbandonato anzitempo la prova. L’altra due giorni, la non meno difficile 77 km. X2, è andata a Ramon Donina Rubagotti con Combo che ha chiuso brillantemente a 13.36 km. orari.
Winner CEI3* 2 days Pietro Moneta with Rahdja es Baraques
Pietro Moneta with Rahdja es Baraques
years of history which could not fade before the jackpots. The final rankings are important, endurance is a professional equestrian discipline but, in Torgnon, to be Finisher is the ultimate goal.
Let’s see who made it in 2019 Pietro Maria Monet was the winner of the 2 day 182 km CEI3* in Valle d’Aosta. The Piedmontese rider with a 30 year experience in endurance riding achieved victory with Rahdja es Baraques. Winner CEI2* 2 days Ramon Donina Rubagotti with Combo
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Winner CEI2* Angela Origgi with best condition Estremadura Bosana
a CEI2* è andata alla ex Chef d’Equipe della Nazionale Italiana Angela Origgi con Estremadura Bosana (15,52 km/h) mentre la stessa categoria ma riservata alle sole donne, è andata a Giulia Maraghini con Alican-
te (13.78 av.speed). Tra gli Young Rider nella 120 km. è Linda Iosa e CG Twic Nimroz a firmare il libro della gara di Torgnon. La CEI1* è stata vinta da Marco Frassi con Azur (14,02 km/h).
he difficult solo ran from the beginning to the end, surrounded by the fabulous scenery which only this corner of Paradise in the Aosta Valley, offers. Pietro, who ran the legendary Tevis Cup back in 1997, declared it was a really tough competition (12.74 av. speed) but, once again, it was worth the effort; “Torgnon always represents a unique satisfaction, to feel at least once in a lifetime” - he declares. Only 3 riders had the courage to run the CEI3*, that’s how far an endurance rider can go! Congratulations to Chiara Bellini and Riccardo
Rusconi who left the competition before time. The other two day race, the no less difficult 77 km. X2, went to Donina Rubagotti Ramon with Combo who brilliantly finished at 13.36 km/h. The CEI2 * went to the former Italian National Chef d’Equipe Angela Origgi with Extremadura Bosana (15.52 km/h) while the same category, reserved to women only, went to Giulia Maraghini with Alicante (13.78 av.speed) . Among the Young Riders of the 120 km ride, it is Linda Iosa and cg Twic Nimroz who left their signature in the special book of this ride in Torgnon. The CEI1 * was won by Marco Frassi with Azur (14.02 km/h).
Winner CEI1 Sunday and best Condition Elena Commod with Zawad La Loze
3°place Alessia Lustrissi with Deporto
Winner CEI1 Saturday Marco Frassi with Azur
Winner CEI2* Ladies Giulia Maraghini with Alicante
Winner CEI2*YR Linda Iosa with CG Twice Nimroz and 2nd place with Best Condition Valentina Galli with Mazikapandemonium SPORT ENDURANCE EVO
Tutte le classifiche, comprese le regionali, sono pubblicate sul sito
www.t-trackgps.com 40
View general and regional rankings on
www.t-trackgps.com SPORT ENDURANCE EVO
uesta volta abbiamo voluto fare qualcosa di particolare per Torgnon, un articolo diverso. Tante parole sono state spese su questa classica italiana di montagna che ha spento lo scorso luglio, ben 22 candeline. Abbiamo voluto dare voce a chi, con sensibilità, ha raccontato la propria gara. Tre amazzoni hanno inviato il loro resoconto e la propria intima esperienza. E’ stato difficile sceglierne uno in particolare e alla fine abbiamo deciso su quello che segue, premiando la purezza e la semplicità di Caterina. L’amazzone young rider tesserata in Emilia Romagna, ha corso la CEI1* 84 km. in sella a Filodendro (Ziel della Bosana x Vervia della Bosana) chiudendo in 2° posizione. Nella sua giovane carriera ha affrontato 428 km. senza mai essere eliminata. (dato 30 Agosto 2019).
his time we wanted to do something special for Torgnon, a different article. So many words have already been spent on this classic Italian mountain ride that, last July, blew out no less than 22 candles. We wanted to give a voice to those who sensitively spoke about their competition. 3 Lady riders sent their report and their intimate experience. It was difficult to choose one in particular and in the end we decided on what follows, rewarding the purity and simplicity of Catherine. The young rider registered in Emilia Romagna, ran the 84 km. CEI1* riding Filodendro (Ziel della Bosana x Vervia della Bosana) closing in 2nd position. In his young career he faced 428 km. without ever being eliminated. (as of August 30, 2019).
... Mi sono sentita viva quando sono scesa dal cavallo per correre non sopra di lui, ma accanto a lui, sapendo che questo lo avrebbe aiutato. ... I felt alive when I got off the horse to run not above him, but next to him, knowing that this would help him.
“It takes two flints to make a fire”
(Louisa May Alcott)
Photos by Gianluca Sasso
a gara di Torgnon mi ha insegnato molto, mi ha fatto realizzare ancora una volta che il gioco di squadra è fondamentale in questo sport. Mi sono resa conto di quanto sia importante il rapporto con il tuo compagno in gara; con il mio cavallo ho sentito la sua voglia di mettersi in gioco durante il primo giro, la sua grinta nel continuare nel secondo mentre nel terzo ne ho sentito la fatica, la stessa che avevo io. Ma è qui che il gioco di squadra esce fuori, nel momento in cui mollava lui io gli davo sostegno, lo aiutavo sia con la voce che con l’assetto in sella. So perfettamente che i cavalli non capiscono la nostra lingua, ma in un modo o nell’altro sono convinta che riescono a comprendere cosa vogliamo trasmettergli. A volte, quando le mie gambe sembravano cedere, avevo la sensazione che lui lo capisse e accelerando mi volesse dire: “sveglia, non mollare, io ci sono”. Un ruolo fondamentale lo hanno avuto le persone intorno a me, che mi hanno aiutato, quelli che sono stati disposti ad aspettare sotto il sole senza sapere esattamente per quanto tempo; coloro che magari hanno fatto lo stesso percorso in macchina per cinque volte senza lamentarsi, per poi aspettare mezz’ora, aiutarti per due minuti e poi correre di nuovo in macchina e ricominciare!!. Questo è l’endurance visto da fuori! Loro sono parte di quella squadra. Mio padre mi faceva assistenza, lui è una persona forte a cui piace scherzare, eppure l’ho visto commuoversi quando ha saputo che il cavallo con cui correvo aveva passato la visita. Aveva parlato di nascosto al cavallo, come se volesse rassicurarlo prima della gara. Era stanco ma stava bene. Proprio lui gli aveva dato da mangiare e coccolato. Anche mia madre ha contribuito nelle operazioni di assistenza, anche se teme i cavalli. Nei momenti in cui ero nella pausa tra un cancello e l’altro e mi allontanavo per qualche minuto, lei era lì che lo passeggiava e puliva, entusiasmandosi come una bambina. Ho sentito forte il legame con la squadra, soprattutto quando compagni e amici, di loro iniziativa, hanno cominciato a sostenermi, a bagnare il cavallo circondandolo di attenzioni e cure. Nonostante ci abbia scambiato pochissime parole, ho sentito accanto a me la presen-
za del mio compagno di squadra, con il quale ho avuto il piacere di tagliare il traguardo insieme. Mi ha reso felice sapere che le persone con cui ho corso erano persone affabili e non “nemici” come li dipingono gli altri sport. Mi sono sentita viva quando sono scesa dal cavallo per correre non sopra di lui, ma accanto a lui, sapendo che questo lo avrebbe aiutato. La mia allenatrice mi è rimasta accanto, come è rimasta vicino a tutti quelli che gareggiavano. Nei momenti di poca lucidità lei, senza volerlo, era lì a farmi chiarezza. Il momento che però più mi ha dato forza è stato nel terzo giro. Quando sono partita mi aspettavo che nessuno mi prestasse attenzione, eppure nel momento stesso in cui è finito il conto alla rovescia ho sentito i miei compagni di squadra incitarmi, per quanto sembri superfluo mi sono resa conto che loro erano con me ed erano lì a sostenermi. Durante il percorso ho conosciuto persone diverse, con cui ho parlato e riso. Ho visto cose meravigliose a Torgnon e ho avuto l’opportunità di rinsaldare ancora di più il legame con il mio cavallo. Riconosco che non ero abbastanza allenata fisicamente perchè ho faticato più del solito, ma non esiterei a rifare tutto di nuovo! Torgnon, avrà sempre un posto intimo nel mio cuore…
he Torgnon race taught me a lot, it made me realize once again that teamwork is fundamental in this sport. I realized how important the relationship with your partner is in the race; with my horse I felt his desire to get involved during the first lap, his determination to continue in the second while in the third I felt the fatigue, the same I had. But this is where the team play comes out, the moment he gave up I gave him support, I helped him both with the voice and with the attitude in the saddle. I know perfectly well that horses do not understand our language, but in one way or the other I am convinced that they can understand what we want to convey to them. Sometimes, when my legs seemed to give
way, I had the feeling that he understood it and, by accelerating, he wanted to say to me: “wake up, don’t give up, I’m there”. A fundamental role was played by the people around me, who helped me, those who were willing to wait in the sun without knowing exactly how long; those who may have done the same route in the car five times without complaining, then waiting for half an hour, helping you for two minutes and then running again in the car and starting again !!. This is the endurance seen from the outside! They are part of that team. My father assisted me, he is a strong person who likes to joke, yet I saw him moved when he learned that the horse I was running with had passed the visit. He had talked to the horse secretly, as if he wanted to reassure him before the race. He was tired but he was fine. He had given him food and pampered. My mother also contributed in the assistance operations, even if she fears horses. In the moments when I was in the break between one gate and another and I walked away for a few minutes, she was there walking and cleaning him, getting excited like a child. I felt a strong bond with the team, especially when companions and friends, on their own initiative, began to support me, to wet the horse, surrounding it with attention and care. Despite having exchanged very few words, I felt next to me the presence of my teammate, with whom I had the pleasure of crossing the finish line together. It made me happy to know that the people I raced with were friendly people and not “enemies” like other sports depicted. I felt alive when I got off the horse to run not above him, but next to him, knowing that this would help him. My coach stayed by my side, as she remained close to everyone who competed. In moments of little lucidity she, unwittingly, was there to make me clear. But the moment that gave me the most strength was in the third lap. When I left I was expecting no one to pay attention to me, yet the moment the countdown ended, I heard my teammates cheering me on, as far as it seemed superfluous, I realized that they were with me and they were there to support me. During the journey I met different people, with whom I spoke and laughed. I saw wonderful things in Torgnon and I had the opportunity to strengthen the bond with my horse.
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Anica 2019 Italian Championship Città della Pieve (PG)
o scorso 27 luglio 2019, tra Fabro e Città della Pieve (Pg), presso l’Agriturismo il Felcino, si è disputato il Campionato Italiano ANICA FEI CEI2*. I riflettori erano puntati sulla categoria 120 km. aperta ai cavalli ANICA Purebred Arabians nati ed allevati in Italia. La scelta è ricaduta su Città della Pieve sia per la strategica posizione centrale in Italia, sia per garantire la giusta alternanza ai Comitati Organizzatori.
he Cei2* Anica FEI Italian Championship, was held last 27th of July between Fabro and Città della Pieve at the Felcino Agriturismo. The focus was on the 120 km category, open to ANICA Purebred Arabian horses born and bred in Italy. Città della Pieve was the preferred choice both for its strategic central position in Italy, and in order to ensure the right Organizing Committee succession.
photo by Oreste Testa
er la prima volta l’Associazione che detiene in Italia il libro genealogico dei cavalli Purebred Arabians nati ed allevati in Italia, ha deciso di puntare sulla categoria 120 km. e di premiare i migliori con un importante montepremi.
or the first time the Association which in Italy holds the genealogical book of Purebred Arabian horses born and bred in Italy, has decided to focus on the 120 km category and to reward the best ones with an important prize money.
Italian ANICA Champion CEI2 Emanuele Fondi with Socrate del Ma
l difficile compito di organizzare l’evento era nelle mani del Centro Ippico Wild Horse della famiglia Fratini che, nonostante le difficoltà climatiche del bollente fine luglio, è riuscita nella sua impresa. ANICA ha predisposto per l’appuntamento italiano, il pesante montepremi di € 30.000,00, bottino che ha richiamato cavalieri da tutta l’Italia. Per rispondere al pubblico delle grandi occasioni e per fare sentire la propria vicinanza a cavalieri, allevatori e proprietari dei cavalli, presenti sul campo tre esponenti di ANICA a cominciare dal Segretario generale Domenico Ciceroni e dai due consiglieri Annalisa Landucci e Valter Murino, quest’ultimo referente settore endurance. Importante quest’anno è stato l’impegno dimostrato da ANICA nei confronti della disciplina equestre più difficile, segnale che l’attenzione nei suoi confronti è in costante ascesa.
he difficult task of organizing the event was in the hands of the Wild Horse Equestrian Centre, owned by the Fratini family which, despite the hard climate conditions of the end of July, succeeded in its challenge. For the Italian event, ANICA has prepared a wealthy prize money of € 30,000.00, a loot that attracted horsemen from all over Italy. To meet the public of special occasions and to demonstrate its affinity with the horsemen, breeders and horse owners, three ANICA representatives were on the field, starting with the General Secretary Domenico Ciceroni and the two council members Annalisa Landucci and Valter Murino, the latter as the endurance sector contact person.
on era facile trovare tanti cavalli ANICA pronti per competere in un Campionato così importante ma il risultato finale è stato più che soddisfacente: 15 Purebred Arabians horses, si sono presentati al via tirati a lucido, come richiesto dalle grandi occasioni. Ottime genealogie presenti in campo, cavalli preparati a dovere, come richiedeva l’appuntamento. A vincere il titolo di Campione d’Italia è stato Emanuele Fondi, due volte campione d’Italia nel 2012 e nel 2014 con Felicidad, che ha dichiarato: “non partecipavo ad una gara FEI da più di anno e rientrare con una vittoria del genere è
davvero incredibile. Socrate del Ma’ (Dorwan du Cayrou x Jodie du Paon), cavallo difficile uscito brillantemente da un problema fisico, è stato superlativo. Il tempo per montare ed allenare è sempre meno; la famiglia si allarga e con essa gli impegni di lavoro. Non dimentichiamoci che anche il cavaliere deve essere allenato per centrare un risultato e con poche ore di sella vi assicuro che non è facile. Grazie ad ANICA per il supporto che offre all’endurance italiano”.
his year the commitment shown by ANICA towards the more difficult equestrian discipline was substantial; that is the result of an increasing attention towards this sport. It was not easy to find so many ANICA horses ready to compete in such an important Championship but the final result was more than satisfying: there were 15 Purebred Arabian horses at the start line, all spruced up just like all big occasions require. Excellent
genealogies were on the field together with well trained horses, as the event required. The winner of the Italian Champion title was Emanuele Fondi, twice Italian champion in 2012 and in 2014 with Felicidad; he declared: “I had not attended a FEI race for more than a year and returning with a victory is really an amazing result. Socrate del Ma’ (Dorwan du Cayrou x Jodie du Paon), a challenging horse who brilliantly recovered from a physical problem, proved to be excellent. There’s less and less time for straddling and training and as the family grows, work does too. Do not forget that even the horseman must be trained to achieve a result and, I assure you, that just a few hours on the saddle are not enough..., it’s not easy. Thanks to ANICA for its support to Italian endurance “.
Winner CEI2 Carolina Tavassoli Asli with bc Niki Lotois
2nd Place and bc CEI2 Vito Grippo with Cayam Rdr
Anica prizes
lle sue spalle l’argento di Turriga (Coreano x Estasiata) agli ordini di Camilla Curcio e il bronzo di Amira Ruella (Bilal x Big Sky Fyrre) con Matteo Bravi che vinto il premio best condition.
ehind him the silver medal went to Turriga (Korean x Estasiata) under the lead of Camilla Curcio. Bronze medal was conquered by Amira Ruella (Bilal x Big Sky Fyrre) and Matteo Bravi who won best condition award.
3rd place CEI2 Nicola Erculei with Nikita Vic
Costanza Laliscia and Luca Mariotti, 1st and 2nd place CEI2 YR
3rd place CEI2YR Giulia Mencobello with Schizzo
CEN A Italian ANICA Champion Giuseppe Ducci with Marrazzu
CEN BR ANICA Champion Nicolo Tallone with Milordka de Helios
DEBUTTANTI 22 km ANICA CHAMPION Livia Rosellini with Tronu
WIEW RANKING ON: https://www.enduranceonline.it/db/pdf/2019/20190727_Citta_della_Pieve_PG.pdf
A European Championship you didn’t expect!
Un Europeo che non ti aspetti
l Campionato d’Europa senior è stato un susseguirsi di emozioni. Momenti di panico e momenti di gioia si sono alternati di continuo. L’apice si è toccato quando Costanza Laliscia e Sacha El Kandha hanno vinto l’oro individuale mentre Carolina Tavassoli Asli e Sequinte si vedono sfilare da sotto al naso un bronzo storico per colpa di una manciata di grammi.
e could define the Senior European Championship as a sequence of emotions. Moments of panic alternated to moments of
joy. The emotional peak was reached when Costanza Laliscia and Sacha El Kandha won individual gold while Carolina Tavassoli Asli and Sequinte lost bronze in the blink of an eye.
Daniele Massobrio and Borneo della Bosana
opo aver superato l’ispezione dell’ultimo cancello veterinario all’arrivo, è stata squalificata per il peso. Il Team Italia a Euston Park ha presentato ricorso che poi sembrerebbe non aver fatto presa sulla Commissione giudicante. Difficile descrivere l’emozione nel vedere le bandierine italiane sempre in alto in una gara così importante. La squadra italiana si era presentata al via pronta alla difficile prova. Il tecnico e Chef d’Equipe della nazionale Fausto Fiorucci, coadiuvato dalla dott.ssa Mara Marangoni, dal Team Vet dott. Enrico Becuzzi ed al sempre presente referente nazionale FISE Giorgio Presenti, erano certi di poter fare bene e comunque sicuri di aver dato il massimo.
nfortunately, although she successfully passed the last vet check, she was eliminated for weight. The Italian Team at Euston Park filed an appeal but the judjing committee didn’t consider it. It is difficult to describe what it feels like to look at the Italian flags flattering so high in this very important ride. The Italian Team showed up at the start line ready to face the tough challenge. The Chef d’Equipe and technical steward of the National Team, Fausto Fiorucci, assisted by doctor Mara Marangoni and the Team Vet Enrico Becuzzi, were sure to have done their best.
lauso e ringraziamenti vanno a tutti i componenti della squadra italiana che ha potuto salutare solamente due binomi al traguardo, Costanza e Corrado Tiberi che correva con il suo cavallo Massud DC. Il cavaliere toscano ha terminato la sua prova in 28ma posizione a oltre 15.00 km/h di media che ha cercato di mantener per via di una possibile medaglia.
The European Champioship Costanza Laliscia
round of applause goes to all the members of the Italian Team who greeted only two of its binomials at the finish line: Costanza and Corrado Tiberi who ran with his horse Massud DC. The rider from Tuscany finished its performance in 28th position with an average speed of 15.00 km/h that he tried to keep throughout the ride in order to aim at one of the medals.
Carolina Tavassoli Asli with Sequinte
ulla da fare per Priscilla dei Mori e Giuseppe Ducci che avevano fatto ben sperare anche per via dei rientri di cuore davvero ottimi; per loro è arrivato lo stop al cancello 5, lo stesso ostacolo che non ha superato il ligure Daniele Massobrio con Borneo Bosana nonostante la tenacia ed esperienza da vendere. Un forte abbraccio a chi ce l’ha fatta e a chi è tornato a casa con l’amaro in bocca; quello che è certo che indossare la maglia della propria nazione, nel tempio d’Europa dell’endurance, non è roba per tutti! Questo era il Team Italia Giuseppe Ducci - Priscilla Dei Mori Costanza Laliscia - Sacha El Isndhaar Daniele Massobrio - Borneo Bosan; Carolina Tavassoli Asli - Assim Du Barthas Corado Tiberi - Massud Dc. Riserva Vladimiro Marani - Aigoual Dimnah. Alle spalle della neo-campionessa d’Europa Costanza Laliscia, è arrivata Paula Muntala Sanchez with T’Aime de Coeur e il plurimedagliato, marito della eliminata Maria Alvarez Ponton, Jaume Punti Dachs.
riscilla dei Mori and Giuseppe Ducci made everyone hope for something important due to their amazing heart rates but, unfortunately, they were stopped at the fifth gate. Despite Daniele Massobrio and Borneo Bosana’s perseverance and experience they met the same obstacle at gate n. 5. A big hug goes to those who made it but also to those athletes that went back home with a bitter taste in their mouth. In the big temple of European Endurance, to wear the t-shirt of one’s own nation is definitely something not everybody can afford! The athletes of the Italian National Team: Giuseppe Ducci - Priscilla Dei Mori Costanza Laliscia - Sacha El Isndhaar Daniele Massobrio - Borneo Bosan; Carolina Tavassoli Asli - Assim Du Barthas Corado Tiberi - Massud Dc. Reserve: Vladimiro Marani - Aigoual Dimnah. The new European champion Costanza Laliscia was followed by Paula Muntala Sanchez with T’Aime de Coeur and Jaume Punti Dachs, husband of Maria Lavarez Ponton who was eliminated, and winner of many medals.
Giuseppe Ducci
On the left the Jaume Punti Dachs with Echo Falls
Team Italia
ostanza Laliscia, amazzone young riders di Perugia, Italy, ha messo la firma su un album importante e riservato ai Senior, prima ancora di diventarlo!! La figlia d’arte di papà Gianluca, ha vinto il Campionato d’Europa corso in Agosto a Euston Park, UK, tempio dell’endurance in Europa. Sulla sua strada ha lasciato nomi importanti con quella irriverenza sportiva che la caratura di tale evento richiedeva. La giovane atleta ha montato un cavallo mai visto prima e questo suscita sempre un po’ di rumore, ma non ha scelto lei la regola ELITE perchè dettata dalla FEI. Proprio riguardo a questa vicenda, a prescindere dal fatto che uno sia d’accordo o meno con questa regola, nessuno riflette mai abbastanza su una cosa fondamentale: non è così facile e scontato montare un cavallo mai visto prima e portarlo a vincere un Campionato d’Europa in mezzo ai top player del mondo!!! Forse se sei Elite si! Curiosità: Sacha El Kandhaar (Kanda’Haar x Movoska) cavallo appartenente alla scuderia reale M7 di Dubai con cui ha chiuso e vinto alla media di 22.47 km/h ad esempio, arrivò nel 2015 seconda alla 2 giorni di Santa Susanna montato da Maria Alvarez Ponton, la pluricampionessa sconfitta a Euston park da Costanza. Il grigio del 2006 è stato montato nella sua carriera da ben 9 diversi cavalieri.
COSTANZA LALISCIA PALMARES: GOLD MEDAL European Championships 17/08/2019 Euston Park (GBR) with SACHA EL KANDHAAR SILVER MEDAL Italian Championships 18/05/2019 Arborea (ITA) with ROK SILVER MEDAL YR Italian Championships 13/04/2019 Vittorito (AQ) with ASSIM DU BARTHAS SILVER MEDAL Italian Championships 25/05/2018 Rocca di Papa (Roma) with AL SARFAH DU BARTHAS GOLD MEDAL YR Italian Championships 05/05/2018 Provaglio d’Iseo (ITA) with ROK SILVER MEDAL European Championships (Team Medal) 17/08/2017 Bruxelles (BEL) with ROK GOLD MEDAL Italian Championships 02/06/2017 San Vito al Tagliamento (PN) with ROK GOLD MEDAL Young Riders World Endurance Ranking 2016 31/12/2016 FEI SILVER MEDAL YR European Championships (Team Medal) 03/09/2016 Rio Frio (POR) with ROK GOLD MEDAL Italian Championships 24/07/2016 San Rossore - Pisa with ZA’AMAH GOLD MEDAL YR Italian Championships 10/05/2015 Castiglione del Lago (PG) with PRAALIFIC GOLD MEDAL YR Italian Championships 13/09/2014 Arborea (OR) with PRAALIFIC BRONZE MEDAL YR European Championships (Team Medal) 12/07/2014 San Martino Buon Albergo (VR) with MEDUSA DEL MA
ostanza Laliscia, a member of the Perugia Young Riders, Italy, has put her signature on an important award book reserved to Seniors, even before becoming one of them! Daughter of the champion Gianluca Laliscia, she won the European Championship held in August at Euston Park, Uk, the temple of European endurance. On her way, with her sporting irriverence that such an important event requires, she left behind many important and famous contestants. The young athlete was riding a horse that she had never seen before, which always raises amazement and a few malicious comments. She didn’t choose the ELITE rule by herself. It was decided by the FEI. As far as the rule is concerned, regardless of the fact that one may agree or not, an important issue must be considered: it’s not so easy and obvious to ride a horse that you see for the first time and win the European Championship among the top riders in the world! Or maybe it is, if you are an Elite? Trivia: Sacha El Kandhaar (Kanda’Haar x Movoska), the horse on which she closed the race at the average of 22.47 km/h, placed second in the 2015 Santa Susana competition, ridden by Maria Alvarez Ponton, the multi-champion defeated by Costanza. The gray horse of 2006 was ridden by more than 9 different riders during its career.
THE BEST IN EUROPE IS A YOUNG RIDER: COSTANZA LALISCIA Text by Luca Giannangeli Photos Eustonpark.co.uk managed by H POWER Group SPORT ENDURANCE EVO
CORRADO TIBERI un endurista nello sport e nella vita an endurance rider in sports and in life
Dopo l’Europeo 500 km. a piedi con sua moglie! After the European 500 km on foot with his wife!
Interview 72
olte la Campionessa d’Europa 2019 Costanza Laliscia e la bizzarra e sfortunata uscita di scena di Carolina Tavassoli Asli per i noti fatti di peso, l’unico binomio in grado di terminare la prova a Euston Park è stato Corrado Tiberi con il suo Massud DC (Authentic Shamani x Haisha bint Hadidi. Il piccolo Purosangue Arabo grigio ha accompagnato il gentile Corrado fino in fondo in 28ma posizione. Abbiamo atteso Corrado per intervistarlo ma non è stato subito possibile perché il cavaliere toscano, dopo la sua prova, forse ancora non sazio di endurance, ha intrapreso il “Cammino di Francesco” in Italia. A piedi da La Verna a Roma per circa 500 km. in compagnia di sua moglie, colei che sopporta e supporta l’endurista tra gare ed allenamenti. I due si sono fermati un po’ prima di Roma, a Poggiobustone sicuramente con cuore e mente rigenerate. Lo abbiamo potuto intercettare e finalmente ascoltare; Corrado è una persona gentile, pacata, umile ma con la competizione nel sangue! Diamo la parola all’unico italiano superstite dell’Europeo che ha corso con un cavallo preparato personalmente e di sua proprietà. Corrado, come è iniziato il tuo percorso verso l’Europeo? Come è nato l’interesse verso Massud? Ho acquistato questo cavallo 3 anni fa da Vincenzo Abbruzzese. Un arabo mai eliminato in carriera tranne su una 30 km. al debutto. Massud era troppo piccolo per la corporatura di Vincenzo, dunque decisi di prenderlo e provarlo. Non è stato facile perché Vincenzo non è solito vendere cavalli ma sapeva che sarebbe andato a finire in buone mani, a casa di uno che rispetta il proprio animale. Non è un soggetto velocissimo, ma dopo averlo provato in 120 km, aumentando un po’ il carico di lavoro e tarata l’alimentazione, ha acquisito quel km. in più che bastava per diventare di interesse nazionale. Quello che ho notato è che si è stabilito con lui un ottimo feeling, ci siamo capiti sin da subito. Non è la prima volta che Massud veniva all’attenzione dei selezionatori della Nazionali; lo scorso anno vollero vederlo ma ebbe un problema dunque fu scartato. Abbiamo risolto rapidamente con un semplice intervento ed eccoci pronti.
xcluding the 2019 European Champion Costanza Laliscia and the bizarre and unlucky Carolina Tavassoli Asli’s exit due to the well-known weight matters, the only binomial who was able to finish the competition at Euston Park was Corrado Tiberi with his Massud DC (Authentic Shamani x Haisha bint Hadidi). The small gray Arabian Thoroughbred brought the kind Corrado straight till the end, in 28th position. We were waiting to have an interview with Corrado but it was impossible for us in the short term because, after his competition, the rider from Tuscany, probably not fully satisfied with his endurance ride, undertook the “Cammino di Francesco” in Italy. Corrado and his wife, who supports him in training and competition, covered a distance of 500 km on foot, from La Verna to Rome. The two of them stopped a bit before Rome, in Poggiobustone surely with regenerated heart and mind. This is when we had a little chat with Corrado, a kind, calm and humble person with competition running through his veins! Let’s give the floor to the only Italian survivor of the European Championship who ran with the horse he owns and and that he personally trained. Corrado, how did your journey to the European Championship begin? How was the interest in Massud born? I bought this horse 3 years ago from Vincenzo Abbruzzese. An Arabian that has never been eliminated in his career, except for a 30 km. at
uest’anno i tecnici azzurri cercavano cavalli veloci ed affidabili dunque, siccome di veloci non ce ne sono, ad eccezione di un paio che però avevano già dato tutto in carriera dunque al limite, è arrivata la chiamata. Sei stato soddisfatto del tuo risultato o ti aspettavi di più? Sono soddisfattissimo del mio risultato. Il mio
M his debut.
assud was too small for Vincenzo’s build, so I decided to take him and try it. It was not easy because Vincenzo is not usually used to selling horses, but he knew that he would end up in good hands... in someone’s home, someone who would have respected his animal. It is not a very fast example, but after having tested him over a distance of 120 km, I increased the workload and calibrated the feeding, it had gained that extra km that was enough to become a nationally interesting athlete. What I noticed is that we had established a great feeling, we understood each other from the outset. It is not the first time that Massud came to the attention of national selectors; last year they wanted to see him but he had a problem so he was discarded. We quickly solved the problem with an easy operation and now we are ready. This year the Italian technicians were looking for fast and reliable horses so, since there are no fast ones - with the exception of a pair that had already given all they could along their career and for this reason they have reached the limit - the call has arrived. Were you satisfied with your result or did you expect more? I am very satisfied with my result. My goal was to end my racing career wearing the team shirt of the Italian national team. I succeeded in completing my trial, so I feel totally satisfied. Why do you want to end your career? You are not so old !!! The first reason is that in order to achieve the result I have attained, you have to make several sacrifices. The dedication must be complete, nothing can be left to chance when you have to represent your nation in such an important championship. The second reason is that I neglected my family to follow the horse. After work there was the stable, the training, the weekends always spent out for competitions or for internships, in short, we must think about other values, not doing endurance for work! Secondly, I no longer have so many competitive incentives, for various reasons. I don’t see a great future for our discipline and I stop here. My horse is 16 years old, he could still give
obiettivo era concludere la mia carriera agonistica vestendo la maglia della nazionale italiana. Ci sono riuscito portando anche a termine la mia prova, dunque mi sento totalmente appagato. Perché vuoi concludere la tua carriera? Non sei poi così vecchio!!! Il primo motivo è che per ottenere il risultato che ho centrato devi fare parecchi sacrifici. La dedizione deve essere completa, nulla può essere lasciato al caso quando devi rappresentare la tua nazione in un campionato così importante. Il secondo motivo è che ho trascurato la mia famiglia per seguire il cavallo. Dopo il lavoro c’era la scuderia, gli allenamenti, i week-end sempre fuori o per gare o per stage, insomma, bisogna pensare ad altri valori, non facendo endurance per lavoro! In secondo luogo non ho più tanti stimoli agonistici, per vari motivi. Non vedo un ottimo futuro per la nostra disciplina e mi fermo qui. Il mio cavallo ha 16 anni, potrebbe dare ancora qualcosa ma credo sia giusto per entrambi andare in pensione e goderci altro, lui il prato io a fare assistenza agli amici e a trasmettere quello che ho imparato in decenni di endurance. Finire un Europeo e potersi permettere di lasciare il cavallo in ottime condizioni a riposo, non è facile e scontato. Corrado, vai a ruota libera... raccontaci qualcosa di te... Questa maglia la dedico a mia figlia… Io ho smesso per due anni di gareggiare nella mia vita e ho ripreso con rinnovato entusiasmo. Iniziai questo sport nel 1990 con Ferdinando Rosi, il mio maestro. Ho iniziato quando l’endurance era goliardico, quando era una festa. Iniziai andare in selezione nel 2000 con il mio primo cavallo e da lì non mi sono mai fermato. Questo sport mi ha sempre preso il cuore e contagiato nonostante abbia digerito tante cose storte e di poca chiarezza. Sogno di essere da esempio per tanti giovani che si avvicinano all’endurance. Se un operaio come me è riuscito a finire la 160 km. del Campionato d’Europa, con sacrificio, fortuna e dedizione, tutti possono riuscirci, ovviamente avendo un cavallo adatto sotto il sedere! Ringrazio voi per lo spazio dedicatomi e tutti gli amici che mi hanno sostenuto.
something but I think both of us should retire and enjoy each other, he the grassland and me my supporting friends, hoping to pass down my decades long experience in endurance. Finishing a European Championship and being able to leave the horse in excellent conditions at rest is neither easy nor predictable. Corrado, speak freely... tell us something about you .. I dedicate this shirt to my daughter ...
In my life I stopped racing for two years and I resumed with renewed enthusiasm. I started this sport in 1990 with Ferdinando Rosi, my master. I started endurance with a student’s spirit, when it was a party. I started going on selection in 2000 with my first horse and from there I never stopped. This sport has always caught my heart and infected me, despite having digested many wrong and unclear things. My dream is to become an example for many young people who are approaching endurance. If a worker like me succeeded in finishing the 160 km ride of the European Championship, with sacrifice, luck and dedication, everyone can succeed... obviously you must have a fitting horse under the seat! I thank you for the space you have dedicated me and all the friends who have supported me. SPORT ENDURANCE EVO
photo by Barbara Miller
The Royal Cavalry of the Sultanate of Oman and Sport EVO
n the 25th of August 2019 Tersk Stud celebrated the 130th Anniversary of its foundation. A bright equestrian festival coincided with this milestone date. The main idea of the event was to tell visitors about the history of the Stud. Everybody had an opportunity to travel to the glorious past of Tersk and see its promising future. In 1889 the Count Sergey Stroganov brought the first Arabian horses from the Arabian Peninsula to Russia. In 1923 the Marshall Semy-
Text by Natalia Goncharova translation by Natalia Zhuk
on Budyonny signed a decree to found Tersk military stud, thus rescuing it from destruction after the Great October Revolution. The stud was named after the Tersk Cossack force located nearby. The Open House 2019 was packed with the activity. 19 young show-jumpers competed on the small arena. Each of them was eager to excel the others not only in show-jumping but also in a fancy-dress. The winners were Egor Ivanov, Uliana Naugolnaya and Valentina Sedyakina.
Photos by Anastasiya Vetkovskaya and Alexia Khruscheva
Tersk Stud celebrated 130th Anniversary of its foundation
t the same time the main arena was the center of attention. The stunt-riders from Moscow “Karo” presented a one-hour show, which told the spectators about the history of Tersk stud. Breath-taking Cossak stunt-riding left nobody untouched. The show was followed by C National Arabian horseshow “Zvezda Pyatigoria”. The show has been organized and hosted by Tersk stud since 2011. This year the judges and DCs came from Germany, Poland, the USA, Belgium and Russia. The Best in show title went to a stunning mare Borodina (Piligim-Molvina) who in 2016 was awarded by WAHO trophy as the best Arabian mare in Russia. Even at the end of the day the grandstand was
full because everybody was looking forward to the famous Tersk lottery, the Grand Prix of which was the purebred Arabian colt Imperator Tersk (BJ Ibno Alkamar – Randevu Tersk). The luckiest person of the day was an elderly man Vasiliy Zadorozhniy from a nearby village. Open House at the end of August has already become a good tradition that helps to promote Arabian horse breeding in the South of Russia. For everybody who wishes to visit the events, Tersk stud organizes one-week tours in May and in August, that include not only visiting Tersk but also sightseeing, trips to the Caucasian mountains, visiting Pyatigorsk racetrack and some private Arabian horse breeders around the area. You will be amazed by the beauty of the region and hospitality of the locals.
Tersk Stud th 130 Anniversary
o scorso luglio a Città della Pieve (Pg) Italy, si è disputata un’interessante gara internazionale di Endurance dove tra gli iscritti nel Campionato italiano ANICA CEI2* 120 km. era presente una bandiera degli Emirati Arabi. Il nome al fianco ad essa era di quelli importanti; direttamente dalla famiglia reale Al Nahyan, è partito Sceikh TAHNOON BIN KHALIFA AL NAHYAN invitato dal Team Sofilyne di Prezza (Aq) capitananto da Antonio Forgione.
very interesting international endurance ride took place last July in Città della Pieve (Pg) Italy. Among the riders who ran the 120 km CEI2* ANICA Italian Championship was an athlete from the UAE. His name is an important one that comes from the Al Nahyan royal family... Sheikh TAHNOON BIN KHALIFA AL NAHYAN from the Team Sofilyne of Prezza (Aq) led by Antonio Forgione.
Text by Luca Giannangeli Photos by Oreste Testa
fargli compagnia per tutta la gara, Farouche dei Laghi, cavallo messo a disposizione da Pietro Moneta, nonchè l’amazzone Stefania Marchiano; l’atleta valdostana, oltre a correre insieme a lui, ha fatto un po’ da Cicerone lungo il percorso, mostrandogli trattti di bella Italia. Il cavaliere arabo che con grande rispetto verso il cavallo ha chiuso a oltre 15 km/h av. speed, ha colpito per la sua umiltà e per un atteggiamento diverso da quello che siamo abituati a vedere dai suoi conterranei sui campi di endurance. Nonostante la sua giovane età, nel colloquio che ha avuto con il direttore di Sport Endurance EVO, ha dimostrato un grande equilibrio portando una ventata di aria nuova al movimento dell’endurance. Lo stesso ha dichiarato: “Sono stato molto colpito dalla bellezza del percorso e dall’atmosfera rilassata e amichevole respirata
is loyal companion throughout the ride was, Farouche dei Laghi, a horse that was borrowed from Pietro Moneta. Stefania Marchiano, an athlete from Valle D’Aosta, who ran by his side showing him the beautiful surrounding landscapes. The rider from the UAE who has finished the ride at an average speed of 15 km/h left a positive impression, a very humble athlete whose behaviour is different from the ones we are often used to in the endurance world. Despite his young age, the journalist of Sport Endurance Evo, declared that he is a very balanced man, a rider who was able to bring fresh air and excitement to this equestrian discipline. He himself declared: “I was positively struck by the beauty of the landscapes, the track and the ride’s relaxed and friendly atmosphere. My intention was to simply run the race like a normal rider... and I did indeed, thanks to the kindness and experience of Antonio Forgione and his family who never deprived me of anything. Despite my involuntary slip at the finish line, I was happy to finish the race and to experience some true endurance”. The last four issues of Sport Endurance Evo were given to the Sheikh as a gift and once again we were impressed by his comment: “ I love paper, I prefer holding a printed magazine rather than a smartphone or surfing social networks”. We were of course very happy to hear that, we struggle everyday in order to keep the printed version alive because people should not forget what it’s really like to read something made of paper.
in gara. La mia intenzione era quella di correre come un normalissimo cavaliere. Questo è stato possibile grazie alla gentilezza e alle capacità di Antonio Forgione e della sua famiglia che non mi hanno mai fatto mancare nulla. Nonostante la mia scivolata all’arrivo finale, sono stato felicissimo di aver concluso la gara e di aver assaporato un po’ di vero endurance”. Lo stesso Sceicco è stato omaggiato delle ultime quattro copie della rivista cartacea Sport EVO e ancora una volta ha colpito il suo commento: “adoro la carta, preferisco leggere ed avere tra le mani una rivista piuttosto che leggere sullo smartphone o sui social”. Inutile sottolineare il nostro piacere nel sentire le sue parole, noi che da anni investiamo affinchè la carta non venga dimenticata.
Summer the Šamorín Way A look back at the toast of the season at the X-BIONIC® SUMMER TOUR. by Nina Fedrizzi
It’s often debated whether or not horses have a sixth sense, but Tiffany Foster’s 13-year-old KWPN Brighton certainly makes a strong case. On a bright, August afternoon in Šamorín, Slovakia, the bay gelding quite literally stole the show in the €93.300 CSI4* Energochemica Grand Prix at the X-BIONIC® Summer Tour, galloping away with a commanding win in the jump-off, and bringing elated onlookers to their feet.
Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Mario Hoffmann
“He loves the crowd!” a beaming Foster said of her partner of six years during the prize giving ceremony, just moments before the Artisan Farms-owned gelding took an enthusiastic victory lap around the Grand Prix field. Foster had picked a good day for a win: among the spectators watching from the VIP that afternoon were not only X-BIONIC® Founder Mario Hoffmann, but Hollywood actors Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones.
“It feels great to win, and especially here —this facility is amazing and you really feel like it’s a big deal. There was a big crowd here today, which was really nice, to have all these people come out. I think this is a great start to my European tour!” Tiffany Foster
Tiffany Foster, CSI4* Energochemica Grand Prix winner
It’s really on the Olympic standard here, and the accommodations are excellent, the stables are amazing, and it’s very well organized Ömer Karaevli
<< Pierre Marie Friant, CSI4* Grand Prix winner
The Canadian rider made her first 2019 appearance at the X-BIONIC® Summer Tour count, following on the heels of two dramatic wins that had already taken place during the three-week event. On Sunday, July 21, France’s Pierre Marie Friant became the first CSI4* Grand Prix victor of the season riding Urdy d’Astree. One week later, Turkey’s Ömer Karaevli led the field from start to finish as the fastest of only three, double-clear rounds of the day aboard the 14-year-old Roso Au Crosnier.
Ömer Karaevli’s decoration
Like Foster, Karaevli—a regular at the X-BIONIC® Summer Tour for the last few years—had carefully selected the event as a key training stop on his annual show calendar. “I have some green horses that need some time and experience, so I’m hoping to do the last week here in Šamorín as well,” Karaevli explained. “It’s really on the Olympic standard here, and the accommodations are excellent, the stables are amazing, and it’s very well organized,” the Turkish rider continued, noting that he was traveling on from Šamorín to the 2019 FEI European Championships in Rotterdam. In fact, Karaevli said, he had chosen the beautiful and oversized training facilities at X-BIONIC® SPHERE with that particular championship in mind. “I actually came to build up my horses,” he said. “It’s been an amazing opportunity to be here.”
The X-BIONIC® Summer Tour will return to Šamorín next year for three, exciting weeks of competition: JULY 14-19, JULY 21-26, and JULY 28 – AUGUST 2, 2020.
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l.com www.arabianhorsefestiva
Arabian Horse Festival 2020 For Arabian horses breeders, owners and riders we prepared already a second year of the Arabian Horse Festival. This unique event concept provides a great platform for endurance sport enthusiants to choose future stars of the races. The combination of fitness tests and strict veterinary examinations will test the future of each young horse, with special prizes for Best Condition and Best Recovery Time will be awarded. Such rules guarantee that horse welfare will be a priority and, at the same time they will allow the horses with real potential to truly demonstrate their abilities.
x-bionic® sphere I Dubová 33/A, 931 01 Šamorín, Slovakia I www.x-bionicsphere.com