S&AD CSP Q4 2016

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C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017

what’s inside... Letter from the Publisher...................................................................8

AROUND TOWN..................... 9 – 14 CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS DIRECTORY........................................12

EVENTS................................. 15 – 22 C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017

NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY EVENTS DIRECTORY .............. 16 – 18 BIRTHDAY PARTIES & SPECIAL EVENTS ....................................... 20 – 21


DIRECTORY............................ 21 – 44 SPORTS DIRECTORY ........................................................... 23 – 29 ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY ....................................................... 29 – 34 East Coast Greenway Biking Trail . ........................................ 38 – 39 THANKS COACH .....................................................................42 Cheer Florida Reaches the Summit .................................................44

FAMILY HEALTH...................... 45 – 54 Childhood Sleep Problems ...........................................................46 Dr. David Yudell & Eric Rayman, Esq.: A Healthier Divorce – Part I .......47 Do you know what to do if your son or daughter receives a Concussion?.....48 HEALTH PROVIDER DIRECTORY ............................................. 50 –51 Lice Lifters Eliminates “Super” Lice...................................................52 The Friendship Initiative & the City of Parkland – The Nation’s First Inclusive Community Park ................................54

SCHOOLS............................. 55 – 72 School Calendar . ...................................................................................56 Stoneman Douglas DECA is Proud to Present DECA in the Middle .................58 BCPS’s Career, Technical, Adult, & Community Education Department: Engineering a Bright Future .................58 Happy Fall from Park Trails Elementary! ......................................................60 Good Things are Happening this Fall at Ramblewood Elementary .................60 Open Minds = Endless Possibilities at Westchester Elementary ......................61 Making Safety a Priority at Country Hills Elementary .....................................62 Hunt Elementary Owls Soar! .....................................................................62 Let it Snow Craft Recipe ...........................................................................63 Jumping Info Fall with Excitement at Coral Springs K–8th ...............................63 Imagine School at Broward Has a Great Start to the New School Year ..........64 Marjory Stoneman Douglas Students Build Foundation of New School Garden .....64 Atlantis Academy: New Location, New Programs! ......................................65 Fall Activities at Parkside Elementary School ................................................65 Riverglades Elementary School Fall Update .................................................66 Innovative Programs at Forest Glen Middle School .......................................66 Sawgrass Springs Middle Debate Team, TOPS in the district! ........................67 Fantastic Fall at Park Springs Elementary .....................................................67 Vote…Then Get Involved! . .......................................................................68 Fall Happenings at Heron Heights Elementary .............................................68 Great Things Happening at Forest Hills Elementary........................................69 ACADEMIC DIRECTORY .................................................................70 – 71

Our Team

C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017

KIM KADEL Coral Springs Parkland Publisher 954-803-2140 cspdirectory1@gmail.com


ALLISON COHEN Territory Representative 917-509-6449 allisoncohen13@gmail.com LINDA LOMBARDI Territory Representative 305-989-9380 LindaSports1@aol.com MELISSA HARLESS Managing Director of Publishing 423-304-8051 MelissaSports1@aol.com NIKKI READING Davie/Cooper City/SW Ranches Publisher 954-296-3285 NikkiSports1@aol.com MARGOT LYONS PULERI President/Licensor Top Spin Publishing, Inc. 954-806-9714 MargotPuleri@gmail.com JENNIFER GOWENS Creative Director raskugroup@aol.com SPECIAL THANKS TO: Contributing Writers: • Dr. David A. Yudell/Psychologist

Contributing Photographer/ Photo Editor: • The City of Coral Springs


TOP SPIN PUBLISHING, INC. Corporate Licensor

Dear Readers, Welcome to the winter issue of the Coral Springs and Parkland Sports & Activities Directory. This is always such an exciting time of year here in South Florida; the weather is beautiful and we have so many events, sports, and activities in which to participate – we are so lucky! To learn about all the awesome things our community has to offer, check out our extensive events directory featuring Movies in the Park, Downtown in December & holiday parade, Christmas Tree Lighting , Boat Parades and much more. In January we will celebrate Martin Luther Jr. Day. On January 16th, our Middle and High School students are invited to take part in Diversity and Leadership Day. This amazing program is billed as a “day on, not a day off” and offers students the opportunity to learn what Dr. King and the civil rights movement stood for by participating in interactive activities and listening to motivational speakers. Please check out all of the amazing things that our schools are doing. The PTA & PTO organizations are working hard on behalf of our kids. They continue to put on unique and amazing events. Teachers and principals are planning innovative programming throughout all of our schools. Don’t forget to register your kids for upcoming sports such as baseball, lacrosse, flag football and more. Be sure to find a good balance between your children’s academic and extracurricular activities. Very special congratulations to our very own Anthony Rizzo and the Chicago Cubs for making it to the World Series! Anthony grew up in Parkland playing little league on our fields and attended Stoneman Douglas High School. As a cancer survivor, Anthony is an inspiration to many. Mark your calendars and be sure to join us for 5th Annual Anthony Rizzo Walk Off for Cancer on Sunday, December 11th. As the Sports & Activities Directory team is out and about in the community, we are so impressed with the achievements our children continue to make. We love to publish your photos so be sure to send them to cspdirectory1@gmail.com. In closing, our entire team wishes you and your family the very best this holiday season!

2114 N. FLAMINGO ROAD, #1269 Pembroke Pines, FL 33028 (954) 806-9714 www.SportsAndActivities.com Download our Free Smartphone App

Until next time,

Kim Kadel

NOTE: All information supplied by organizations. Please contact the organization directly for additional information. The Sports & Activities Directory does not endorse the organizations directly. No material published herein may be reproduced in any manner, be it for print or online Web site use, whatsoever without specific prior written authorization from Sports and Activities Directory and Top Spin Publishing, Inc. © Copyright by Top Spin Publishing, Inc. All content is protected under copyright. All Rights Reserved.


Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017





C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017

Help children reach their full potential through professionally supported, one-to-one relationships with measurable impact. 4101 Ravenswood Road, Suite 226, Fort Lauderdale 33312. To learn more about becoming a mentor, enrolling your child into our programs or making a donation, please visit bbbsbroward.org or email info@bbbsbroward.org. (954) 584-9990.

BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Ages 7 and up. Have Fun, Make Friends, See New Things. Boy Scouts prove themselves in an environment that challenges their courage and tests their nerve. After they’ve been given the proper guidance from those with experience and know-how, they take their own lead, going places they’ve never gone, seeing things they’ve never seen, and diving into the rugged world of outdoor adventure, relying on teamwork and character to accomplish what everyone else thinks is impossible. Learn more about Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers & Sea Scouts at beascout.scouting.org.

CLUB AWESOME TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Join us Fridays! 7:00AM – 8:30AM. Attend free as a guest. Every Friday morning before work, the members of Toastmasters Club Awesome practice public speaking and leadership. Some members come seeking to overcome a fear of public speaking. Others have jobs that require them to teach, lead, present, convince, or sell, and they want to do those things better. New location: Coral Springs Financial Plaza, 3300 North University Drive, 2nd floor, Coral Springs. Membership and information: www.clubawesome.org.

COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM The Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.) program helps train people to be better prepared to respond to emergency situations in their communities. When emergencies happen, C.E.R.T. members can give critical support to first responders, provide immediate assistance to victims, and organize spontaneous volunteers at a disaster site. C.E.R.T. members can also help with non-emergency projects that help improve the safety of the community. Contact Assistant Fire Marshal Larry Archacki at (954) 346-1394. www.coralsprings.org/cert.

CORAL SPRINGS ARTIST GUILD As a community dedicated artists and volunteers, we come together to create, inspire, and learn from each other. Representing a broad spectrum of techniques, mediums, and talents, the Coral Springs Artist Guild’s presents with exceptional professionalism twice a year at the Coral Springs Museum of Art. Our shows and receptions are a wonderful place to meet artists, be inspired by the expanse of talent, and learn the importance of incorporating art in your everyday lifestyle. www.coralspringsartistguild.org. For membership please contact Ezi@comcast.net.


Business owners interested in becoming a chamber member can join one of the largest professional networks by calling (954) 752-4242. The Coral Springs Chamber can be your link to powerful business connections and assistance. Join hundreds of other committed ‘corporate citizens’ by investing in the Chamber and your community. www.cschamber.com.

CORAL SPRINGS CRAFT GUILD The Coral Springs Craft Guild strives to improve and uphold the quality of handcrafted items sold in the area, teach crafts at the meetings and workshops, stimulate creativity in design and use of materials, provide an outlet for the exhibition and sale of our members’ unique crafts, enhance fellowship within the local crafting community, and interact with the community through scholarships and service projects. The Guild meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM at Cypress Hall, Cypress Hammock Park, 1300 Coral Springs Drive, Coral Springs. The programs are free to the public. www.coralspringscraftguild.com. (954) 752-8821.


“We Serve” is the Lions’ motto, and we were indeed very active in meeting the needs of our community. The club meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00PM at Wings Plus on Sample Road, Coral Springs. Call (954) 336-8048 or email: coralspringsdowntownlions@gmail.com.


A Fire Department sponsored program for high school youths, age 14–18, who have an interest in a career in the fire or emergency medical field. Explorers meet every other Sunday to participate in fire training. Once off probation, Explorers ride on actual fire apparatus to real life emergency calls. Must have at least a 2.0 GPA, completed the 8th grade and have no criminal record. Email Mike Moser for information at FireExplorers@coralsprings.org. (954) 344-5934.


CSMOMs is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to supporting parents of multiples in Coral Springs & its surrounding areas. Our purpose is to provide support, education, guidance, and understanding for our members in matters unique to raising multiple birth children. We also strive to better our club and our community by participating in worthwhile fundraising events that directly benefit children, families and parents. To learn more about our organization, please visit our website: www.csmoms.org or email: membership@csmoms.org. (561) 908-4516.



The Rotary Club focuses on giving back to the community. The club meets Tuesdays 7:30AM at the Heron Bay Marriott. Contact (954) 753-5598 for membership information. Visit www.coralspringsparklandrotary.org.


The Woman’s Club meets at Cypress Hall in Cypress Hammock Park in Coral Springs. The club organizes outreach programs for the Special Olympics, Canine Companions, Sawgrass Nature Center and many more. To join please email rcalberti@aol.com, or sncjbrealestate@bellsouth.net.


Come Sing With Us! Boys from 3rd Grade to High School and from all over Broward County share an all-around musical experience. The boys engage in music theory, vocal production and stage performance. Annually, the senior choirs tour nationally or internationally. For upcoming concerts, check us out on Facebook and at www.singingson.org. Interested in auditioning? Contact us at (954) 563-2697. 1229 NE 37th Street, Oakland Park, 33334.


We bring year round advice, ideas and inspiration. Our members encompass all levels of experience in gardening, from Master Gardeners and Nursery owners to the novice gardener. Our monthly meetings feature knowledgeable speakers on divers subjects such as orchids, roses, palms, lawn care, butterfly gardens, proper pruning, grafting and wildlife habitats. When you join our club, you will gain a wealth of gardening knowledge, become addicted to your garden, enjoy new friendships and feel good about your community. (954) 253-9189.


Provides informal educational programs for girls between ages 5–18. A safe and fun place for girls to discover, connect and take action. Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place. (954) 739-7660. www.gssef.org. 4701 NW 33rd Avenue, Oakland Park 33309.


Join the Kiwanis Club by contacting Membership chair Vickie Walter at (954) 420-5030. The club meets the 1st and 3rd Friday at 7:45AM. Kiwanians are volunteers changing the world through service to children and communities. Look at our website: www.kiwaniscoralsprings.com.


Come out and meet the members of an active group in Coral Springs helping members in the community. The Knights are a fraternal service organization dedicated to providing charitable services. Meetings vary with time and location within the city. Contact the membership chair Lou Cimaglia at (954) 752-4690.


The Newcomers Club, Inc. welcomes people from Coral Springs, Parkland and the surrounding areas to join us in our activities. We provide both charitable and social activities for our membership. We are a nonprofit organization that has been in existence since 1967. Email for more information: belindacoyner@yahoo.com.


The Parkland Chamber of Commerce is an independent non-profit organization that serves the needs of Parkland businesses, its members and The City of Parkland. The Chamber’s mission is to promote businesses in the City of Parkland, while ensuring that the city’s residential integrity and quality of life are maintained, along with promoting the civic and social interests of the community. Come join Parkland’s most effective business and community advocacy group. We offer networking opportunities including monthly events such as; breakfasts, round table discussions, guest speaker presentations, holiday parties, happy hours and educational outreach opportunities. Parkland Chamber members have many opportunities to be seen, heard and to make contacts within the Parkland business community thru a full calendar of activities and functions. Please visit www.parklandchamber.org for more information.


Join the City of Parkland’s Teen Advisory Group (TAG) and be an integral part of the community. Become a leader in your community. Create the programs and experiences that you would like to see offered in Parkland for teens. Receive community service hours for volunteering for city-sponsored special events and programs. Participants must be between the ages of 13–18 and a Parkland Resident. This program is free of charge. (954) 757-4105.


The Parkland Woman’s Club was founded in 1986 and was incorporated in 1987 as a 501(c)(3) Organization. We raise funds for various charities as well as volunteer and work together to identify solutions when there is a need and put our ideas into action. Our club lives the volunteer spirit with dedication and the willingness to serve. We meet the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Cypress-Head Clubhouse, Parkland. We welcome new members and you can email Vicki Tucker at Vicki_Tucker@yahoo.com for more information or contact her at (954) 861-9068.


Helping build businesses through a powerful alliance while unconditionally serving the community with enthusiasm. The primary goals are to develop networks of professionals in order for members to succeed in business and be recognized as community leaders. PNA supports numerous charities through service involvement and community outreach. PNA members are committed to doing business with other PNA members, while building the local community. Our members’ commitment to each other is truly what makes our networking organization so successful. Make money, Make a difference. www.pnanetwork.com. Entrepreneurs Breakfast group 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month @ 8:15AM. Whole Foods Market: 810 N. University Dr., Coral Springs. New Lunch group forming 2nd Tuesday of every month. For more information call (954) 757-5551.


The Task Force holds community conversations led by former Mayor Scott Brook, exploring what solutions exist and what we can implement to prevent further suicides and save precious lives. Meetings are once a month and locations vary within the city. Please contact Arlene Longo at (954) 757-5551 for more information.


C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017


EVENTS C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017






1:00PM. Home game at Hard Rock Stadium, Miami. www.miamidolphins.com.

9:00AM – 1:00PM. The Coral Springs Farmers’ Market is back! Featuring 50+ vendors selling fresh and organic produce, herbs, flowers, delicious breads, baked goods, as well as a variety of gourmet foods, including olive oil, fresh mozzarella, jams, honey and more. The Farmers’ Market will run the second and fourth Sunday at the ArtWalk. For exact dates, visit www.CoralSpringsFarmersMarket.com.


POLLS OPEN 7:00AM – 7:00PM.

10:00AM – 1:00PM. Grab a mimosa and enjoy live jazz at the ArtWalk. “Savor the Notes” Jazz Brunch at the ArtWalk will be in conjunction with the Farmers’ Market. The event is free but food and refreshments will be available for purchase, including brunch specialties near the main stage and a Market to Table area featuring Farmers’ Market vendors. Visitors will also be able to enjoy wonderful jazz. Limited seating will be available, but blankets and chairs are encouraged. Please refrain from bringing any outside food and alcohol to the event. Parking will be available near the ArtWalk at Bank of America, Financial Plaza and MedArts in the Springs. The ArtWalk is located at 9405 NW 31stCourt, just west of University Drive.



9:00AM. Remembering all those who we have lost and honoring all those who are still fighting. This ceremony will take place at Parkland’s Veterans Park.

7:00PM. Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com.



7:00PM – 11:00PM. A “Salute to Our Heroes” Benefit Gala & Auctions Veteran’s Day. Located at Hampton Inn & Suites – 5740 N. State Rd. 7, Coconut Creek, FL 33073 $75pp (Until 10/31 incl. $10 in special raffle tkts) $100 Nov. 1-11 . Benefiting : Peace And Life for Veterans, a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit, state and federally accredited* organization which serves our American Veterans & their families suffering from PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) For tickets or to donate a prize for the auctions: call 954-554-9058, email: catseleven@hotmail.com Online: www.jotform.com/62636372009152



10:00AM. The Emmy Award-winning 1970s pop culture cartoon phenomenon comes to the musical stage. Through a series of catchy, clever songs like “Just a Bill” and “Conjunction Junction,” this lively performance shows a whole new generation of young people that learning can be as fun as you choose to make it. A young school teacher gets a lesson from the School House Rock bunch as they help him prepare for instructing his new students on a variety of subjects including math, science, history, politics and grammar. Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com.



8:00PM. Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com.


6:00PM – 7:00PM. This group meets monthly to share all forms of writing and give and get feedback from peers, who are guided by a qualified adult facilitator. Bring your poetry, stories, writing homework or whatever writing you’d like to discuss with the group. Each meeting starts with a fun creative writing warm-up. Refreshments will be served. Registration required. To register visit www.cityofparkland.org/library or call 954-757-4207.



8:00PM. New York Times best selling cookbook author and Food Network star, Ina Garten, will share stories that bring you behind the scenes of life in the Hamptons, filming her TV show, writing bestselling cookbooks and enjoying food with friends and family. An audience Q&A will directly follow the interview. Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com.


7:00PM. BB&T Center in Sunrise. Tickets: ticketmaster.com.


8:00AM – 1:00PM. Join us for a great cause on Saturday November 5th at Colony West Country Club, 6800 NW 88th Avenue. This event will benefit the Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Fund for needy Coral Springs high school students regardless of ethnicity. In past years through the Committee’s efforts, more than 120 high school seniors have received scholarships in varying amounts based primarily on financial need. The students will apply the scholarship money towards their tuition costs at a university or other educational institution of their choice.


SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 7:00PM. Perfect Vodka Amphitheatre in West Palm Beach. Tickets: ticketmaster.com.





9:00AM – 11:15AM. The City is seeking volunteers to help beautify the City as part of “Keep Coral Springs Beautiful,” an Adopt-A-Street program in partnership with Community Foundation of Broward. Volunteers will meet at their assigned locations and work with team captains cleaning up different areas throughout Coral Springs. Lunch will be provided to volunteers after the clean up. S ervice hours will be provided and there will be raffles for participants. To sign up, fill out the volunteer forms available at www.CoralSprings.org/volunteer. To sign up as a volunteer, contact Volunteer Services at (954) 346-4434 or email volunteer@coralsprings.org.


8:00PM. Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com.



9:00AM – 1:00PM. Get ready to shop till you drop at The City of Parkland’s ninth annual Farmers Market. Join us for opening day on November 6 at the Equestrian Center, 8350 Ranch Road, Parkland, FL 33067. With over 100 vendors it’s a onestop shop for all your “fresh” needs. For more information contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (954) 757-4105 or e-mail farmersmarket@cityofparkland.org. Hope to see YOU there!

5:30PM – 9:30PM. Join us as we kick off The City of Parkland’s annul can food drive! Feeding South Florida will be onsite collecting can foods for the upcoming holiday season. Now is the time to clean out those pantries, enjoy some amazing music and eat from your favorite food truck!! For more information, contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (954) 757-4105.





SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13 10:00AM. Held at Markham Park in Sunrise. Details at broward.org/parks.


5:00PM –7:30PM. The Shark Tank challenge is the Marjory Stoneman Douglas DECA project with the goal of promoting financial literacy and entrepreneurship. Students will pitch their product ideas to a panel of judges who provide feedback to improve their entrepreneurial skills. For more information, visit www.msddeca.org.




5:00PM – 9:00PM. Coral Glades High School DECA and Parkland Buddy Sports team up to raise money for special needs kids. Come out for a night filled with food, sports, and fun; Join us at Wings Plus 9880 W. Sample Rd. Coral Springs, FL 33065. Please contact Susana Lopez at Susana. Lopez@Browardschools.com for more information.


7:00PM. BB&T Center in Sunrise. Tickets: ticketmaster.com.


8:00PM SHOWTIMES. American Airlines Arena in Miami. Tickets: ticketmaster.com.


8:00AM. The parent community involvement task force and office of family and community engagement presents the 411 on parent engagement conference. The conference will be held at Fort Lauderdale High School 1600 N. E. 4th Ave. Ft. Lauderdale FL 33305.


9:00AM – 3:00PM. Even the most experienced drivers can benefit from brushing up on their driving skills. You can now sign up for an AARP Driver Safety Class, which is open to all ages. The class will be held at the Public Safety Building. This driver safety course reviews the current rules of the road, defensive driving techniques, and how to operate a vehicle more safely. Participants will learn how to manage and accommodate common age-related changes in vision, hearing and reaction time. Course $15 for AARP members and $20 for nonmembers. For more information and other dates available, visit www.CoralSprings.org/aarp.



9:00AM – 1:00PM. The holidays are quickly approaching and the City of Parkland is going to help you get your shopping done! The Farmers Market will be filled with all your favorite vendors with special guest appearances from a variety of craft and gift vendors. For more information contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (954) 757-4105.





7:00PM. American Airlines Arena in Miami. Tickets: ticketmaster.com.


SHOWTIMES VARY. A holiday mash-up for the whole family, The Hip Hop Nutcracker reimagines Tchaikovsky’s classic score through explosive hip-hop choreography. A dozen all-star dancers, an on-stage DJ and an electric violinist bring the traditional Nutcracker story to life in contemporary New York City. This exciting dance show celebrates love, community and the magic of the holiday season in the coolest of ways. Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com.



9:00AM – 1:00PM. “At Peace” a DECA Public relations project is a Woodstock themed coffee house event. It will take place in the Coral Glades high school cafeteria and include a poetry slam, food, coffee, art projects and more. This chapter project was created to promote peace due to the recent violence throughout the nation. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @ atpeacecghs. This event is open to the public.

4:15PM. Ages 7 & up. Children and teens can unleash their creativity and escape to one of the most beloved series of all time. Enjoy coloring scenes, magical creatures and items from the world of Harry Potter. Parkland Library card required to register. To register visit www.cityofparkland.org/library or call (954) 757-4207.



7:00PM. Grab your pillows and blankets and snuggle under the stars as we present “Goosebumps.” Join us on at Pine Trails Amphitheater for this FREE showing on our 18-foot movie screen! Remember to bring your snacks and drinks, we will be sure to have popcorn ready to go. For more information, contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (954) 757-4105.


8:00PM. Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com.


5:00PM – 9:00 PM. Join the city of North Lauderdale for Winterfest 2016! Entrance fee is $5 or five cans of food per person. Located @ field 4 of the Jack Brady Sports Complex.


1:00PM. Home game at Hard Rock Stadium, Miami. www.miamidolphins.com.



7:30PM. BB&T Center in Sunrise. Tickets: ticketmaster.com.



5:30PM – 7:00PM. The Parkland Chamber of Commerce and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School DECA Club are proud to present a networking seminar! This one-of-a-kind event will connect business owners to the next generation of leaders in Parkland and surrounding communities, allow business owners to promote their businesses to a diverse audience of students and their parents and foster relationships within the business community to place student interns.


treats, hot cocoa and other fun winter surprises. The event is free but there will be food and refreshments available for purchase. Be prepared for a chance of snow! The ArtWalk is located at 9405 NW 31st Ct., just west of University Drive. There will be free parking in the Downtown area.


5:30PM – 9:30PM. Bring your appetite to Pine Trails Park for an evening of relaxing music presented by Sugar Ray and the Bluetones. Be sure to follow us on Facebook for up to date information on which food trucks will be onsite that night! For more information, contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (954) 757-4105.


4:00PM – 8:00PM. Winterfest Boat Parade is a unique and amazing annual event that takes place on the New River in Fort Lauderdale every December. Ranked by The International Festival and Events Association as one of the top 20 Parades in the World! More than 1,000,000 cheering spectators line the 12-mile parade route and it is the largest, one-day, live audience event in Florida, and the seventh largest one-day spectator event in the country! Riverside Hotel Party (620 E. Las Olas Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale) tickets start at $30 per person for stadium seating and go up to $125 per person for VIP Patio Party on the New River. Visit riversideboatparadeparties.ezevent.com for more information and to purchase tickets.




4:00PM. Please join us for the 36th annual parade and tree lighting ceremony. The parade starts at 4:15 PM. The tree lighting will take place on the front lawn of City Hall immediately after the holiday parade. For more information please call the parks and rec department at (954) 724-7061.


ALL DAY. Top tier colleges tip off against each other in the invitational men’s basketball tournament. Details at aaarena.com. Tickets: ticketmaster.com.



9:00AM – 1:00PM. The holidays are quickly approaching and the City of Parkland is going to help you get your shopping done! The Farmers Market will be filled with all your favorite vendors with special guest appearances from a variety of craft and gift vendors. For more information contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (954) 757-4105.



SHOWTIMES VARY. Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com.


5:00PM. Bring your entire family to the City’s Downtown in December. The fun begins at 5PM and will include holiday




1:00PM. Home game at Hard Rock Stadium, Miami. www.miamidolphins.com.



7:30AM. Please join us for the 5th Annual Walk Off for Cancer benefiting the Anthony Rizzo family foundation at Pine Trails Park. Registration begins at 7:30AM. 5K walk begins at 9AM benefiting Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital and UM Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. To register or donate please visit Rizzo44.com.



SHOWTIMES VARY. A Tony Award®- winning Broadway musical that’s delighting audiences with its contemporary take on the classic tale. This lush production features an incredible orchestra, jaw-dropping transformations and all the moments you love—the pumpkin, the glass slipper, the masked ball and more—plus some surprising new twists! Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017



EVENTS C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017



7:00 PM. The City’s annual Holiday Parade will feature marching bands, decorated floats and other entries along Sample Road from Coral Springs Drive to City Hall. Before the holiday parade, individuals and families will participate in the Coral Springs Holiday Mile along Sample Road near Coral Springs Drive at 6:15PM. This will be a timed one-mile event, with awards for the top three male and female participants in each age category. To register, visit active.com. Please note that Sample Road west of University Drive and east of NW 110th Avenue, and Coral Springs Drive north of NW 29th Street and south of NW 37th Street, will be closed on the night of the parade from 5PM until approximately 10PM. Handicap parking available behind City Hall, 9551 West Sample Road. Access from Wiles Road, south on Coral Hills Drive. Handicap parking decal required. Handicap seating available at the intersection of Sample Road and Coral Hills Drive. Please notify the City 24 hours in advanced if ADA accommodations are needed. In case of inclement weather, the parade will be held on Thursday, December 15. For more information on participating in the Holiday Parade, call (954) 345-2112 or visit www.CoralSprings.org/holidayparade.





4:00PM. Ages 6 & up. Children’s author and Broward County teacher Susie Ruder will present The Train Ride, her first book in a series of three about two young girls who meet on a train during the Jim Crowe years. These children are not permitted to play together but find a way. This book of historical fiction, set in the Civil Rights Era, is both heartwarming and educational as it tells their story. This presentation is timed to coincide with Martin Luther King Day. Books will be available for purchase. Parkland Library card required to register. To register visit www.cityofparkland.org/library or call (954) 757-4207.



7:30PM. Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com.


3:30PM & 8:00PM SHOWTIMES. BB&T Center in Sunrise. Tickets: ticketmaster.com.

SHOWTIMES VARY. A Tony-winning musical about following your heart while the world loses its way. Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com.




6:00PM – 9:00PM at T.Y Park in Hollywood. Details at broward.org/parks.


SHOWTIMES VARY. Capture the spirit of the season with this holiday favorite, presented in radio-play tradition that tells the timeless story of Kris Kringle who is hired as the Macy’s department store Santa and claims to be the real Santa Claus. Perfect for the entire family. Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com.



9:00AM – 1:00PM. The holidays are quickly approaching and the City of Parkland is going to help you get your shopping done! The Farmers Market will be filled with all your favorite vendors with special guest appearances from a variety of craft and gift vendors. For more information contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (954) 757-4105.


7:00PM. Join us for “I have a Dream” a musical theatrical production by Theater South Atlanta, Inc. Don’t miss this special performance reflecting on the life and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tickets start at $10 for adults and $5 for children (12 & over). The evening celebration will be held at the Coral Springs Center for the Arts, 2855 Coral Springs Drive. Tickets are available for purchase at Community Relations at City Hall or at City Hall in the Mall.


5:30PM – 9:30PM. Grab your lawn chairs and blankets for an evening of music, food, and great company! Kristen Spencer and the Boss Project will be rocking the Parkland stage…remember to bring your appetite because there will be plenty of food options to choose from. For more information, contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (954) 757-4105.



8:30AM – 1:00PM. The King Holiday – the Committee hosts a Diversity & Leadership Day for high school and middle school students will be held at the Northwest Regional Library. This is a “Day On, Not a Day Off” and offers students to learn what Dr. King stood for by participating in interactive activities and listening to a motivational speaker. Students interested in attending should sign up at their respective schools. A Scholarship Program has also been established for the past 18 years, which awards funding to financially needy high school students wishing to attend a higher institution of learning. The Scholarship is offered regardless of ethnicity. Visit our website to download the application and submit it by March 13, 2017. Anyone with questions can contact Joyce Campos at jcampos@coralsprings.org. For more information, visit CoralSprings.org/mlk.

7:00PM – 9:30PM. Located at Tradewinds Park in Coconut Creek. Details at broward.org/parks.




1:00PM. Home game at Hard Rock Stadium, Miami. www.miamidolphins.com.




9:00AM – 1:00PM. Another Sunday, another Farmers Market. Join us as the Equestrian Center, 8350 Ranch Road, Parkland, FL 33067 and shop your favorite market vendors. With over 100 vendors Parkland is known as the largest farmers market in Broward County. For more information contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (954) 757-4105.


SHOWTIMES VARY. Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com.



6:00PM – 9:00PM at T.Y. Park in Hollywood. 7:00pm – 9:30pm at Quiet Waters Park in Deerfield Beach. Details at broward.org/parks.


9:00AM – 1:00PM. Another Sunday, another Farmers Market. Join us as the Equestrian Center, 8350 Ranch Road, Parkland, FL 33067 and shop your favorite market vendors. With over 100 vendors Parkland is known as the largest farmers market in Broward County. For more information contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (954) 757-4105.




SHOWTIMES VARY. Set sail with James and his insect pals as they take an amazing journey across the sea on a tremendous floating peach. This adventurous musical about courage and self-discovery is destined to be a classic, exploring themes of creative and critical thinking as well as collaboration. Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. Tickets: www.ticketmaster.com.


7:00PM. Lights, Camera…ACTION! We are going big in the City of Parkland. Join us as we turn the Equestrian Center (8350 Ranch Road) into the most amazing drive in theater experience. Equipped with a movie screen that sits 3-stories high and sound that is transmitted through your FM radio, this is going to be a movie night you won’t want to miss! For more information, contact the Parks and Recreation Department at (954) 757-4105.



8:00AM – 6:00PM. This annual event satisfies everyone’s appetite for top-notch country music. C.B. Smith Park in Pembroke Pines. Call (954) 357-5170 for details.



10:00AM. “Radio Play” Students explore creating sound effects and characters using only their voices to make a story come to life. Grade Level: 5–9. Teaching Artists: Ron Hoffman and Stephen Kaiser. Held at the Broward Center in Ft. Lauderdale. INFO: browardcenter.org.



ALL DAY. CTACE and Broward Schools will be holding the annual Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. In addition to the activities being hosted across the school district, parents are encouraged to allow their children to see the value of their education in the workplace while giving children the opportunity to create tangible future goals. For more information on the event, contact Christie Cerbone, CTACE Curriculum Supervisor, at Christie.cerbone@browardschools.com.

EVENTS C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017




Competitive Cheer and Dance Facility. Come build a Pyramid for your next Birthday Party! A Human Pyramid, that is. Enjoy a 2-hour private party on a Sunday with all your friends. Ages 4 and up. You can tumble on the spring floor and tumble trak, and bounce on the trampoline. Only $15.00 per child. (954) 514-7250, www.Fla3threat.com.


Cheer Florida, located at 4900 Lyons Technology Parkway, Suite #8, Coconut Creek, is your premier location for all things Cheerleading. We offer everything from Competitive All-Star teams, to cheer and tumbling classes, private lessons, stretch, flexibility and strength training, to summer camps and birthday parties. Our 9,000 sq.ft. facility is fully air-conditioned. We offer flexible camp days and times. Be sure to visit at www.cheerfloridaallstars.com or call (954) 428-1155.


Celebrate your birthday party at the coolest place in town! We offer party packages during our Saturday & Sunday afternoon public skate sessions as well as Friday & Saturday nights for kids 13 and over. Our parties can accommodate 10–30 kids, or for parties of more than 30 guests, rent one of our sheets of ice for a private party of up to 100 guests! Let us do all the work for you while you sit back and enjoy the special day with friends and family members! For more information visit PanthersIceDen.com or call (954) 341-9956 TODAY! 3299 Sportsplex Drive, Coral Springs.


18 holes of indoor, monster themed, Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf and more! Feel the excitement and adventure of playing mini golf amidst cool monster décor that includes custom artwork and animated props. Our courses are challenging enough for adults to navigate, yet very playable for children. Experience our Weird Radio interactive DJ, who plays music and hosts contests for prizes. Monster Mini Golf is frightfully fun for all ages! 14435 Miramar Parkway, Miramar 33027 - ½ mile east of I-75 (954) 589-1878. 9533 Westview Drive, Coral Springs 33076 in Regal Cinemas Shopping Center (954) 526-5115.


Build Team Spirit! Let us be your “GO TO” place for a great breakfast before or after your games. Kid friendly and great food for everyone. Call ahead for special offers on large parties. Open 7 Days. Try us for Dinner or Catering, too. (954) 755-7590. 9100 Wiles Rd., Coral Springs.


Congratulations! Birthday parties are a great and memorable occasion for anyone, so why not make them unique! Our Robotics Birthday Parties are sensational, fun, and educational experiences that will engage your child, and all in attendance. This perfect party activity will bring together your child’s creativity, imagination, and satisfaction as they learn how to creating a marvelous machine with their hands. All will be thrilled as their imagination is brought to life and their creation is a true, unique, success. We offer 90 minute, in-home robotics birthday parties supplying all of the material and equipment needed so each child is able to take a hands-on role in building a birthday robot! Get in contact: (954) 816-3346, Info@BrightAndSmart.com Visit our website: www.BrightAndSmart.com Stay connected: www.facebook.com/BrightAndSmart, www.twitter.com/Bright_n_Smart, www.instagram.com/brightandsmart


Are you looking for the perfect place to host your little artist’s party? If the answer is YES, you definitely need to check out Art Paper Scissors! Every party we host is as unique as your child. Before planning the special day we will have a consultation with your child to see how he/ she envisions their party and design Art projects and a party just for him/her. Book a party with us, it is sure to be a blast! Please check our website for additional information www.myartpaperscissors.com and call now to book your party, (754) 444-9936.


Looking for something new? Want to be the coolest parents on earth? Have a super party at CB Smith Park. Ride the Chariot war bird, flying saucer and banana boat. New this year is wake surfing behind our new boat that makes an endless surf wake. Peg the fun meter and hear “that was the best day of my life!” Covered pavilion and large play area for yard games. Water mat and music box included. Ages 3 to 84. Reserve today at (954) 292-3953, for pictures and details go to www.browardski.com


The City of Coral Springs offers water fun for all ages at the Cypress Water Park, 1300 Coral Springs Drive. Pay for everyone in the party to attend, rent a Funbrella, or rent the entire water park after hours! Book now: (954) 345-2109.





Designed by Michael. Let your next special event shine with customized apparel. Perfect for Birthdays, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Bridal Showers, Weddings, Cheer/Dance Groups, Gymnastic Teams, Schools, Sports Teams and even Business Logos. This unique way to express yourself is elegant and affordable. Want to create your own design or need a little help? Michael offers FREE artwork and a FREE sample. We also carry a full line of tops and bottoms ready to embellish with your unique design. www.DesignedbyMichael.com. If Bling is your Thing, contact Michael at (954) 270-7474.

Ready for a party filled with action and fun? Serving the tri-county area since 2002, Ultimate Sports Parties, Inc. always delivers...we bring the games to you! Choose from a variety of sports and games such as flag football, dodge ball, field day events, soccer, field hockey and many more! Our coaches will set up, provide all equipment, and supervise the games! Visit our website at www.ultimatesportsparties.com or call (954) 579-4799 to book your next birthday party or corporate event!

Monkey Joe’s is full of bouncing, sliding, and jumping fun for kids 12 years old and younger. With wall-to-wall inflatables, a variety of arcade games, full concession options and a dedicated party room, you can sit back, relax and enjoy the party while we do all the set-up and cleanup. Our facilities offer a variety of party packages for birthdays, sports team outings and family reunions and can accommodate small and large groups. Call or stop by for more information about our current specials. 10301-B Royal Palm Blvd, Coral Springs (954) 796-6500. Monkeyjoes.com/CoralSprings. At The Wow Factory we have 4 awesome party rooms for fun on your child’s special day! We offer a variety of all-inclusive party packages to meet your party needs. Your party guests will have a blast in Laser Tag, Ballocity Indoor Playground, Rock Walls, Arcade and so much more. Double your fun and book your birthday party or special event today! You may also contact our Party Planner at (954) 380-8600, ext. 200, to book your party. 5891 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek (954) 380-8600. www.wowfactoryfun.com.

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017





C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017

Registration is in January 2017 and the season runs from March 1 – June 15. Coral Springs residents are given first priority. Games are non-competitive, everyone bats and plays, co-ed. All games are held at Mullins Park, 10000 NW 29 Street. Ages: 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 years old. Players must be 5 years old by May 1 of current year. (954) 345-2255.



Organizing the promotion of the sport of Badminton including running a yearly international level Tournament. 4613 University Dr., Coral Springs. www.flabadminton.org, play@sbabadminton.org.

Ages 5 to 16. New players always welcome. For more information visit www.parklandlittleleague.com or call the hotline (954) 604-2442. Regular season runs from the beginning of February to the end of May.






If your child attends any of these schools, OR, you live South of Wiles Rd, CSALL is YOUR Little League: Riverside Elementary, Ramblewood Elementary, Westchester Elementary, Coral Springs Elementary, Forest Hills Elementary, James Hunt Elementary, Maplewood Elementary, Parkside Elementary, Coral Springs Charter, Saint Andrews, Coral Springs Christian, Coral Springs Middle, Ramblewood Middle, Forest Glen Middle, Sawgrass Middle, JP Taravella High, Coral Springs High, Coral Glades High. Registration dates are November 12, December 10, & January 7 from 10:00am – 2:00pm at Mullins Park at the Bill Collins Clubhouse. Please bring a copy of birth certificate and 3 proofs of residency. For more information and on line registration please log on to WWW.CSALL.COM or email us at CORALSPRINGSAMERICAN@GMAIL.COM. Like us on Facebook!


Come play Little League Baseball in one of the top programs in the state. We are celebrating 22 years of providing a great environment for kids ranging from 7 to 18 years old. You are eligible to play if you live between Wiles Road and the Sawgrass Expy. in the city of Coral Springs, or attend Coral Park Elementary, Country Hills Elementary, Eagle Ridge Elementary, Park Springs Elementary or Imagine Charter. Offering skills clinics, full game and practice schedules, and teams for all skill levels, beginners to advanced. For more information, visit our website at www.NorthSpringsLL.com. Online registration is open NOW for our Spring Season. On Site Registration dates are 11/5, 11/19 and 12/10.

Our mission is to teach and cultivate a love for America’s Pastime. The Parkland Pokers 15U/14U Baseball Team has earned 6 Division Championships. The Parkland Pokers Philosophy: Play Hard… Play Right… and Love the Game. For more information, or to be a part of the 15U/14U Parkland Pokers, contact: Marc@ParklandPokersBaseball.com, www.ParklandPokerBaseball.com.


www.csbchoops.com. All games played at Mullins Park and/or Coral Springs Gymnasium. • FALL BASKETBALL: Youth and Adult programs. Registration is July/ August. Coral Springs residents are given first priority. Girls and boys are welcome ages 6 and up, women/men over 18, season runs from September to October. • SPRING BASKETBALL CLUB: Registration is January/February. Coral Springs residents are given first priority. Boys and girls ages 6 and up. Season is March to May. • HIGH SCHOOL SPRING BASKETBALL: Registration is December/ January. Coral Springs residents are given first priority. Boys and girls ages 6 and up. Women & men over 18. Season February – March. • WINTER BASKETBALL: Registration is September/October. Coral Springs residents are given first priority. Boys and girls are welcome ages 6 to 17. Season is November to January. • SUMMER BASKETBALL: Registration is April/May. Girls and boys ages 6 and up; High School girls/boys; and women/men 18 and over. Season runs from June to August.

TRIPLE THREAT BASKETBALL SKILLS ACADEMY At the after school basketball academy, boys and girls ages 7–16 will learn the fundamentals of basketball. Through drills, games and team activities, your child will take their game to the next level. Contact Coach Orlando “O” McCorvey at: Triplethreatb_ball@yahoo.com or the Coral Springs Gymnasium.


Cheer Florida, located at 4900 Lyons Technology Parkway, Suite #8, is your premier location for all things cheerleading. We offer everything from Competitive All-Star teams, to cheer and tumbling classes, private lessons, stretch, flexibility and strength training, to summer camps and birthday parties. Our 9,000 sq. ft. facility is fully air-conditioned. We offer flexible camp days and times. Be sure to visit us at www.cheerfloridaallstars.com or call (954) 428-1155.


Come be a part of the back-to-back National Champions in competitive all star cheerleading! Fully air conditioned building featuring two spring floors, tumble trak, rod floor and trampoline. All Ages, All Skill Levels! Everyone makes a team! Tumbling Classes (all levels): Everyday at 5pm. Special Needs Team: Saturdays 10am. Parkour: Fridays 7pm – 9pm. Tumbling & Stunting Classes for School Teams! ALL STAR TEAMS still available...Call Now! 2290 SW 71st Terrace, Davie 33317. (954) 514-7250. www.Fla3threat.com.

CORAL SPRINGS CHARGERS CHEERLEADING SQUADS Registration will be in May at www.cschargers.com. Ages 5–15. *NEW Mighty Mite Division for ages 4 & 5. Season runs July – Mid November. Full Practices start in early July. Games on Saturdays starting Mid-August. Please see our website for information or call: Kim Valldeperas (954) 294-6747.


Cheerleading: $250 includes cheer uniform and pom poms (to be returned at end of season) except white cheer shoes, which are the responsibility of the participant. Season runs same as football and can continue into December with a chance of competing nationally at the Pop Warner Cheer Championships at Disney World. Times and days for practices vary at our new practice fields at Pine Trails Park. For more cheerleading information, call (954) 520-2515 or visit Cheer@ParklandRangers.com.


Joy Deco, Inc. teaches the latest cheers and chants, jumps and stunts along with pom pom musical routines. $40 every 4 weeks, at the Coral Springs Gymnasium, 2501 Coral Springs Drive. Pre-registration is required. Call for dates and times. www.joydecoenterprises.com, (954) 345-2200.

5678 DANCE INC.CHEERLEADING Ages 4–16. Learn the fundamentals of cheerleading! Cheers, motions, dance, jumps and voice projections. Be sure to bring your energy and smile for this super fun class! Parkland Recreation and Enrichment Center, 10559 Trails End, Parkland, FL 33076. (954) 757-4107, www.cityofparkland.org


(954) 345-2121. www.aquaticcomplex.com. 12441 Royal Palm Boulevard, Coral Springs. CORAL SPRINGS DIVE TEAM & LESSONS: The Dive Club is a year-round competitive program for children and young adults. Registration is held at the front desk from 6:00am – 8:30pm. Please check our website at www.coralspringsdiveclub.us for more information or call us at (954) 345-2121.


The Center is located at 8350 Ranch Road, across from the Ranches in Parkland. All riders must be 18 or older and wear a helmet. Features 2 equestrian rings for riding. (954) 753-5040.


Your Miami Dolphins are a member of the American Football Conference (AFC) East division in the NFL. They play their home games at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens. The stadium is underwent a major renovation last season to include a state-of-the-art open-air canopy to offer dramatically increased shade and protection from the elements, four HD video boards and improved audio, all new seats and new seating experiences, improved food and enhanced concourses in the 100/300 levels, 300 level patio bars with field views beneath all four video boards. Season tickets on sale now. Individual game tickets available. Reserve your spot to be a part of the action! www.miamidolphins.com.


Join the Nation’s #1 Flag Football Program for Boys & Girls Ages 4–14! The safer alternative to tackle football! Six Broward County locations with one near you! Practices held one hour before games on weekends only. Teams formed by school and grade. No tryouts or drafts. Eightweek session. Coaches screened and trained. Registration fee starting at $125* includes NFL Team Jersey & Flag Belts for all players to keep (*+3.5% processing fee). WINTER SEASON begins in January. REGISTRATION DEADLINE – DECEMBER 30th, 2016. (954) 248-2090. Register online at www.NationalFlagFootball.com.

CORAL SPRINGS CHARGERS TACKLE FOOTBALL CLUB The Coral Springs Chargers are a privately sponsored traveling competitive tackle football club, fielding teams in seven weight divisions. We are one of 14 local cities that comprise the American Youth Football League (AYFL) in South Florida. Registration online at www.cschargers. com. Football Ages 7–14. *NEW Mighty Mite Division for ages 5 & 6. Season runs July – Mid November. Full Practices start in early July. Games on Saturdays starting in Mid-August. Parents must supply cleats. For more information, call Donn Grushka (954) 882-4107.


Registration is held in March and April. Games begin in August. Age ranges: Pee Wee 5–6 years, Freshmen 7–9 years, Junior 10–11 years, Senior 12–14 years. Early registration discounts and sibling discounts. Cheerleaders learn not only cheerleading skills: chants, cheers, dances and jumps; but also the value of being part of a sports team: cooperation, teamwork, making new friends, learning a new sport and having fun doing it! www.CSffc.org.


The Parkland Rangers Tackle Football and Cheerleading program is part of the Greater Miami South Florida Pop Warner Organization. Registration for the 2016 season will take place from February – June. Season begins August 1st, with games beginning August 29th and running through December, depending on playoffs, with an opportunity to compete in the Pop Warner Super Bowl Championships at Disney World. Tackle Football: $300, includes practice jersey, practice pants, game pants, game jersey, helmet, chin strap, shoulder pads, 7 piece hip/thigh/knee pad set and mouth piece. All equipment except either home or away jersey, mouthpiece and practice jersey are to be returned at season’s end. We encourage all to wear their game and practice jerseys in the off-season to help promote the program. Games are held on Saturdays and our new home field for the 2016 season is at Pine Trails Park in Parkland. NOTE: You will be responsible for purchasing your own football cleats, color should be black. For more tackle football information call (954) 892-4244 or email info@parklandrangers.com. Visit the Rangers website at www.ParklandRangers.com.


Registration takes place March & April 2017. Tryouts are held at Mullins Park. Age ranges: Freshmen: 7–9 years, Junior 10–11 years, and Senior 12–14 years. Games held at Mullins Park, 10000 NW 29 Street, Coral Springs. Games played Aug. – Oct. The season concludes with an All-Star game, Coaches Game, Super Bowl, Cheer off, and trophy presentation. Check our website for information: www.CSffc.org.

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017





Registration for the 2017 season begins online in December. In person registration will be announced on the website. The season runs from March – June. It includes a double-elimination playoff and super bowl for each of our three divisions (Freshman, Junior, Senior). Players age 6–15 may participate. All games and practices are held at Mullins Park. For more information, please email ultimateflag@att.net or visit www.ultimateflagfootball.org/.

GOLF C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017


Cheer Florida located at 4900 Lyons Technology Parkway, Suite #8, is your premier location for all things Cheerleading. Amazing 9,000 sq.ft. facility. We offer everything from Competitive All-Star teams to cheer and tumbling classes, private lessons, stretch, flexibility and strength training, to summer camps and birthday parties, and Zumba too! Be sure to visit us at www.cheerfloridaallstars.com. (954) 428-1155.


Registration will be in May for the 2017 season! Parkland and Coral Springs residents welcome. Evaluations and draft are held in August. Games are held at Pine Trails in Parkland Aug. – Oct. Co-ed and girls teams from 5–14 years old. For up to date information log on to: www.ParklandFlag.com.




18 Holes Of Indoor, Monster Themed, Glow-In-The-Dark Mini Golf And More! Feel The Excitement And Adventure Of Playing Mini Golf Amidst Cool Monster Décor That Includes Custom Artwork And Animated Props. Our Courses Are Challenging Enough For Adults To Navigate, Yet Very Playable For Children. Experience Our Weird Radio Interactive DJ, Who Plays Music And Hosts Contests For Prizes. Monster Mini Golf Is Frightfully Fun For All Ages! 14435 Miramar Parkway, Miramar 33027. ½ Mile East of I-75. (954) 589-1878. 9533 Westview Drive, Coral Springs 33076, in Regal Cinemas Shopping Center (954) 526-5115.


GGS offers a nurturing and safe environment for juniors to learn the game of golf on a 2-acre practice facility at the beautiful Heron Bay Golf Club. Students will learn the mechanics of the golf swing as well as values that will make them confident and proud to be golfers. After school and weekend programs available for individual juniors and families. Call/text (813) 494-4889 for availability and to sign up or visit glasbygolfschools.com.


Playing in the National Hockey League’s (NHL) Eastern Conference, the Florida Panthers are a part of the Atlantic Division. With a roster of promising young players and championship-level veterans, a growing excitement surrounds the Panthers heading into next season. Don’t miss all of the action at the BB&T Center this season. For tickets call (954) 835-7825 or visit www.floridapanthers.com/ticketcentral


3299 Sportsplex Drive, Coral Springs, Florida 33065. (954) 341-9956 • Panthers IceDen is Florida’s premier facility for learning to play hockey, recreational and competitive hockey leagues and clinics! The official practice facility for the NHL’s Florida Panthers, & practices are open to public during the season. Top visiting teams from around the NHL have also practiced here while in town. • One of the most competitive and successful travel hockey programs in the state. The Florida JR Panthers regularly travel to tournaments in Florida and around the country. Let our team of top instructors help you raise your game to the next level!


Experience a Panthers game or concert in style in one of our suites. BB&T Center suites offer space for 15–20 people, in-suite food and beverage options, parking passes, your very own suite attendant and more. For more information and a tour of a suite, go to floridapanthers. com/premium or call (954) 835-7828.


Experience the game together! Host your next group outing or party at a Florida Panthers hockey game. Whether you are hosting a birthday party, celebrating a business milestone or another special event, the BB&T Center is the place to be! Groups start at just 10 people. Visit FloridaPanthers.com/Groups or call (954) 935-7825 (PUCK) for more information.

KICKBOXING AMERICAN TOP TEAM American Top Team Coconut Creek is considered the mecca of Martial Arts academies. This 40,000 sq.ft. academy (largest in Florida!), offers expert instruction from our certified Black Belt and professional instructors. We specialize in helping novice and beginning students offering classes in: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (“BJJ”), Mixed Martial Arts (“MMA”), Submission Grappling, Kickboxing / Muay Thai, Boxing, Wrestling and Fitness. Our award-winning kids program, starts at 3 years old! If you’re looking for an academy that will help you achieve your goals, give us a call at (954) 425-0705 to schedule a free tour, or stop by and visit us at our state of the art facility 5750 N. State Rd. 7, Coconut Creek. Men, women, kids and teens all welcome!


Registration is OPEN for Coral Springs residents and non-residents. Age groups: U7 Boys, U9 Boys, U11 Boys, U13 Boys, U15 Boys, U7 Girls, U9 Girls, U11 Girls, U13 Girls, U15 Girls. Home games held at Coral Springs Sportsplex and Mullins Park. Practice begins in January, and games are played February to May. New players are welcome! Complete details including prices and payment options are online: www.CoralSpringsLacrosse.com.



Box lacrosse is a scaled down version of field lacrosse played in a hockey rink with smaller goals. There are 5 players on the rink plus a goalie. Only short sticks are used and all 5 players are on offense and defense. It’s an exciting, fast paced game promoting great stick skills and movement without the ball! Games are played 2 nights a week (Tue/Thu) and the league is open to boy’s grades 3rd–11th & girls’ grades 6th–8th. The cost is $149 registration fee and the fee includes a game jersey and a t-shirt. For more information, visit www.sofloboxlax. com, Email: soflolaxllc@gmail.com. Contacts: Tom Neclerio, Joe Chiarella and Anthony LoFurno. www.facebook.com/soflolax/?fref=ts


Registration is now OPEN! Boys & Girls K–8th grade. Registration is on a first come basis. Preseason begins in January and the season runs from February – May. Visit our website at www.parklandlacrosse.com for more information or call (954) 324-1444. Madskillz Lax is the best girls travel lacrosse program in Florida. If you are a beginner or an advanced player, contact us and see if you have what it takes to be a part of one of the top Middle School Girl’s Lacrosse programs in the country! We are looking for girl’s 4th–7th grade that would like to learn from the best coaches in the game! We have 12 coaches on staff. We will have practices in Weston, Coconut Creek and Delray Beach to provide convenient locations for families. Do not miss the opportunity, as this is a boutique travel program that limits the amount of teams within the program to make sure the focus is on the player development. This program leads into the college recruiting showcase teams called Florida Select. Florida Select Teams are the top ten travel teams in the country and have been getting heavily recruited by top colleges throughout the country. You can contact John McClain, the Director of the program, at (561) 702-6009 or coachmac@madskillzlax.com. Please visit our website at www.madskillzlax.com and register. All participants must register.


Ages 7 to 17. Fastest growing sport in USA, non-contact and super fun!! Get your kids outside and increase their fitness doing a sport they will LOVE!! Ages 7 to 17! STORM Lacrosse is entering our 9th year. We have FREE clinics to try Lacrosse. Our staff consists of experienced high school US Lacrosse certified coaches. CALL (954) 625-0120 or visit www.storm.lacrossenite.com.


American Top Team Coconut Creek is considered the mecca of Martial Arts academies. This 40,000 sq.ft. academy (largest in Florida!), offers expert instruction from our certified Black Belt and professional instructors. We specialize in helping novice and beginning students offering classes in: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (“BJJ”), Mixed Martial Arts (“MMA”), Submission Grappling, Kickboxing / Muay Thai, Boxing, Wrestling and Fitness. Our award-winning kids program, starts at 3 years old! If you’re looking for an academy that will help you achieve your goals, then give us a call at (954) 425-0705 to schedule a free tour, or stop by and visit us at our state of the art facility 5750 N. State Rd. 7, Coconut Creek. Men, women, kids and teens all welcome!

MULTI-SPORT MARTIAL ARTS TRAINING AMERICAN TOP TEAM CLUBS American Top Team Coconut Creek is considered the mecca of Martial Arts academies. This 40,000 sq.ft. academy (largest in Florida!), offers expert instruction from our certified Black Belt and professional instructors. We specialize in helping novice and beginning students offering classes in: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (“BJJ”), Mixed Martial Arts (“MMA”), Submission Grappling, Kickboxing / Muay Thai, Boxing, Wrestling and Fitness. Our award-winning kids program, starts at 3 years old! If you’re looking for an academy that will help you achieve your goals, then give us a call at (954) 425-0705 to schedule a free tour, or stop by and visit us at our state of the art facility 5750 N. State Rd. 7, Coconut Creek. Men, women, kids and teens all welcome!


(954) 345-2200. Coral Springs Gymnasium, 2501 Coral Springs Drive. • OKINAWAN KARATE: Scott Ashley will help children develop discipline, respect and self-confidence, while learning self-defense. Ages 5 to 18, classes offered Mondays and Thursdays. Beginners 7:00pm to 7:50pm, Advanced 7:30pm to 8:30pm, $49. • AIKIDO: Aikido is a non-aggressive Japanese Martial Art. It’s self defense oriented for men, women and teenagers. Mondays 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Ages 13 and up.



Ages 6–Adult. Mizu-Ryu Ju-jitsu provides a family friendly environment for adults and children to learn a comprehensive self-defense system from experienced teachers that incorporates traditional martial arts concepts with police and military proven techniques. Men, women, and children will gain a greater sense of security as well as a well-rounded exercise program. For more information visit us at www.cityofparkland.org/prec or call (954) 757-4105.

FORT LAUDERDALE TRIATHLETES (FLT) Ready to join a club, but not sure where to begin? Florida, with its ideal weather, is a mecca for triathletes and FLT is one of the newly formed training clubs to meet growing demand. FLT was formed to perpetuate a healthy lifestyle, through the collaboration of Multi-Sport athletes. It is based on a culture of inclusion, support, and fellowship, through training, racing, and social interaction. In only one season, it has grown to 75 athletes strong thanks to support of the membership and its generous sponsors. Fort Lauderdale Triathletes is an official USAT (USA Triathlon) and IRONMANTM TriClub team. Members enjoy regular clinics/socials and “voluncheering” for each other and the tri-community at large. All members receive discounts from the sponsors and on select endurance races. Find out more at www.fltri.com or on Facebook (Fort Lauderdale Triathletes).


We have the most experienced staff and safest program and we were the FIRST in Broward County! Beginner to advanced Parkour, Free Running, Tricking now available at Florida Triple Threat. Ages 8 and up. Friday nights 7:00pm – 9:00pm there is a structured class teaching the skills and the art of Parkour. Newly added obstacles to simulate the outdoors. Fully air conditioned building featuring two spring floors, tumble trak, rod floor and trampoline. All Ages, All Skill Levels! (954) 514-7250. 2290 SW 71st Terrace, Davie 33317. www.fla3threat.com.

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017



DIRECTORY C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017


RUNNING & TRACK CORAL SPRINGS BLAZERS TRACK CLUB The club offers amateur athletics in track and field for all boys and girls ages 6–18 years old. Sign-ups are November – March for areas of Coral Springs, Parkland, Margate, Coconut Creek and Tamarac. We offer the opportunity to participate and compete in AAU and USATF Track and Field Events. Our regular season begins in February 2016 and ends with the league championship in late May or early June. This is the end of competition for most athletes. The championship season begins in June and ends with the AAU Junior Olympic Games, which is held during the first week of August every year. Meets at Coral Glades High School Track. Call for more information: (954) 344-9973. Email to: info@csblazers.org. Website: www.csblazers.org.


Rollerbladers and skateboarders use the park to practice their skills on the various ramps, dips and bowls. Contests and professional demonstrations take place on occasion. Typical hours for the school year are Mon. – Fri. from 4pm to 9pm, Sat. from 4pm to 10pm. Additional hours during the summer. The daily fee is $5 per session. 10301 Wiles Rd., Coral Springs, (954) 340-4845 or (954) 345-2200.


At Coral Springs United F.C., our goal is to develop players to their maximum potential both individually and as a member of the larger team unit. Call (954) 821-1356 or visit coralspringsunited.com. Email: coralspringsunited@bellsouth.net.


We are so excited to take the field and get the season started! Come watch the games at Mullins Park and or Cypress Park all weekend long. If you missed this season’s registration watch for notices of our August 2017 registration just after the 2017 school year begins. Approximately 3000 girls and boys ages 4-18 of every skill level are eligible to participate in our program. Affordable multi-level Team Sponsorships are available. New referees are always welcome. For more information visit our website at www.CSYS.org or call (954) 341-6391.


The season begins with pre-season practice in late-October and continues through the end of February. Divisions begin at age 4, and go up to Under 16 as of August 31 of each year. We are always in need of coaches, assistant coaches, team sponsors and referees. Registration is online at www.parklandsoccer.net or for more information call (954) 410-5172.


Boys and girls ages 8–14. The season begins in September. For more information, visit www.Parklandtravelsoccer.com or call (965) 501-4779


CS Futsal aims to improve the quality of aspiring soccer players using a unique environment and technique pioneered in Brazil. Our coaching method develops player agility, balance, coordination and speed. We make repetitive, technical practices fun. The program accelerates player development; preparing them for all encounters during their team’s season. It is our goal to motivate players and stimulate creativity in these sessions. Secondly, we insure a low-pressure environment where players can develop, without fear of failure due to competitive expectations. The Professional Futsal League Exhibition Season starts in November 2016 with the inaugural season kicking off in 2017 and will include Premier and Championship Divisions–providing a high level of competition and heated rivalries between traditional regional city rivals. Charter PFL teams will be announced soon. For more information, go to www.CSFUTSAL.org.

SOFTBALL YOUTH SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION OF CORAL SPRINGS • FALL SEASON: Season runs September – November. Coral Springs residents are given first priority. Girls ages 5 to 16. Games will be played at Betty Stradling Park 10301 Wiles Rd., Coral Springs. YSACS Hotline (954) 344-0171. • SPRING TRAVEL: Coral Springs Panthers travel team tryouts are held several times throughout the year for girls ages 8 to 18. One U8, two U10, two U12, one U14 and two U18 travel teams. Please visit our website for more information www.eteamz.com/ysacs.

CORAL SPRINGS WOMEN’S SOFTBALL Registration is in January. The season runs February – June. Women 18 and older and out of high school. Non-residents are eligible. Games will be played at Forest Hills Park, 2500 Forest Hills Blvd., Coral Springs (954) 344-4449.


Studio 4 Fitness & Wellness Center has been operating since 1997. They offer something for everyone. Personal training, boot camps, group workouts, MMA classes, kettle bells, Pilates and team training. Each trainer is certified as a trainer, have a minimum of 6 years experience, have a college degree and have CPR/AED certifications. S4F is welcoming regardless of whether you are a beginning or seasoned professionals. Team training allows our trainers to come to you or train in our facility to work with your entire team. We work with all sports and all ages to improve each athlete’s unique skill set. We focus on speed, agility, power, balance & focus to achieve maximum results. 9625 West Sample Rd., Coral Springs 33065. Call for details (954) 755-2900, www.studio4fitness.net



(954) 345-2121, www.aquaticcomplex.com. 12441 Royal Palm Boulevard, Coral Springs. One of Broward County’s hidden jewels is the Coral Springs Aquatic Complex in the SportsPlex. This worldrenowned facility is home to national and international swimming, water polo, synchronized swimming and diving competitions. Olympic divers and swimmers from all over the world come to train at this facility, including Olympic gold medalist, Dara Torres. • SUMMER SWIMMING LESSON REGISTRATION: Register for swim lessons available at three pools. Call for locations. • SWIM CLUB: A year-round competitive swim program for children and young adults, consistently ranked in the top three swim clubs in the nation for teaching stroke excellence. Tryouts held Mon. – Thurs. Call for locations. • SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING: This sport combines the skills of gymnastics, dance and swimming with the strength and endurance of weight lifting. Call to register and come out and try a practice.


(954) 344-1840. Located at: 2575 Sportsplex Drive, Coral Springs. The Tennis Center offers a variety of tennis activities including group and private lessons, round robin tournaments, tennis ladders, mixed doubles, social events, league play & much more! Private & Group Instruction by USPTA Certified Professionals. We also offer Summer Tennis Camps. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK!


Session 1: November 14 – December 10. Session 2 : January 9 -February 4. Each session consists of four classes. USPTA Little (4–6 years), JUNIOR BEGINNERS (7–14 years), JUNIOR BEGINNERS II, JR. ADV. BEGINNERS, *JR. INTERMEDIATES *Last ½ hour of intermediate class will consist of match play. For more information call (954) 345-2100. Located at 1300 Coral Springs Drive.


The USTF’s program at Terramar Park is not simply for juniors. It has also been structured to offer a complete program that includes beginners as well as advanced. There are men and women’s adult leagues and clinics are offered for all ages and levels of play. Private lessons offered, choose an annual membership or just pay court fees, ball machine rentals and pro shop. 6575 NW 75 Drive, Parkland. (954) 757-1910.

SAND TURTLES VOLLEYBALL ADULT LEAGUE 4v4, Adult league. Casual but competitive. Friday nights 7:00pm – 9:00pm at Riverside Park in Coral Springs. See website for session dates. Cost: 6 Fridays – $50. www.sandturtlesvolleyball.com or (954) 345-0500.

WATER POLO CORAL SPRINGS AGE GROUP AND YOUTH GROUP This year-round water polo program is open to ALL participants. This program is designed to enhance and improve basic water polo skills. Youth group ages 9–11: $25 per month, Sundays 9:00am – 10:00am. Age group 12 and older: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 7:30pm – 9:15pm, $45 per month. A swim test is required. (954) 345-2121, www.aquaticcomplex.com. 12441 Royal Palm Blvd., Coral Springs.


Come train with some of the best players in South Florida at Eric Kantor Tennis Academy. Private and group lessons available for all levels with personalized attention to each player. Beginners encouraged with discounts on programs. To register, visit www.EKTATENNIS.com or call (954) 975-5460.


Coach Kim Kovasala, USPTA (United States Professional Tennis Association) certified tennis professional, will be offering an afterschool tennis club for children with special needs at Atlantis Academy Coral Springs. The club will be held on Tuesdays from 3:15pm – 4:15pm from 4/5 – 5/24. Instruction will cover basic tennis skills (forehand, backhand, volley, serve) and match play. All equipment will be provided. Cost is $100. For more information or to register please call Atlantis Academy Coral Springs, 11411 NW 56th Drive, Coral Springs, FL 33076, Office Phone: (954) 752-7571.

WATERSKIING, WAKEBOARDING & WAKE­SURF WATER­SKIING & WAKEBOARDING LESSONS Waterski & Wakeboard lessons and now Surfing at CB Smith Park. Beautiful, private, fresh water lake, New Surf boat to make endless surfing possible. Slalom, Kneeboard, tube rides, birthday parties, camp field trips, surfing, etc. All equipment supplied. Open year round. Call Mike for appt. & information at (954) 292-3953, www.browardski.com.





Beginner and Intermediate Volleyball training in Coral Springs, Coconut Creek and Boca Raton. Training runs all year long. Several sessions a year. Beginner Session: Monday & Wednesday Nights: 6:45pm – 8:00pm at Riverside Park. Intermediate Session: Tuesday & Thursday Nights: 6:45pm – 8:00pm at Betti Stradling Park. (You must be approved by Coach in order to attend intermediate class.) Cost: $100. Includes 12 classes and a t-shirt. Go online for information and fill out registration form to sign up now! www.sandturtlesvolleyball.com. Classes fill up quickly so reserve your spot. Call Mark Lewkowicz at (954) 345-0500 for more information.

US Olympian Steve Mocco is the Head Coach of the American Top Team youth and high school wrestling programs in Coconut Creek. Our staff is committed to teaching proper, effective wrestling techniques while helping each athlete develop focus, discipline and a great work ethic. Wrestling is a base sport, meaning it helps performance in all other sports, with its focus on agility, strength and flexibility. This program is appropriate for beginning and advanced athletes, ages 5–18. For more information, please call (954) 425-0705, email ATTwrestling@gmail.com or stop by our 40,000 sqft. training facility at 5750 State Rd. 7, Coconut Creek.

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017




ACTIVITIES ACTING & DRAMA CORAL SPRINGS INSTITUTE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS The after-school program aimed at children and teens allows them to feel the excitement of being on stage! Attendants are coached as they rehearse for a full-scale production or recital. 2855 Coral Springs Drive, Coral Springs. Register today (954) 344-5991.

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Ages 5–14. Children will learn to sing, dance and act: a real triple threat! Students will do numbers from shows and build a musical repertoire to last a lifetime. Parkland Recreation and Enrichment Center, 10559 Trails End, Parkland, FL 33076. (954) 757-4107, www.cityofparkland.org

ACTIVE OLDER ADULTS PARKLAND RECREATION AND ENRICHMENT CENTER ADULT SOCIAL PROGRAMS (AGES 55+) SOCRATES CAFÉ Participate in friendly discussions of current events and other interesting topics. We welcome anyone who would like to join us! Every Tuesday of the Month 10:00am – 11:30am. • WALKING CLUB: Tired of walking alone? Join us as we journey through Pine Trails Park and put steps on our feet! This is the perfect opportunity to meet a walking buddy for our off days. Every Friday 8:00am – 9:00am.

• MAHJONGG MANIA: Join other players as they spend the afternoon playing this exciting tile game. Mahjongg is a game of skill, strategy, intelligence, calculation and luck. Players will need a game card to participate. Every Monday 1:00pm – 3:00pm. • BOCCE: Bocce is the oldest known sport in world history. It can be traced back to Ancient Rome. Get outside and get ready to have fun playing Bocce with new and old friends! Every Wednesday 10:00am – 11:30am. For more information on Adult Social at the Parkland Recreation and Community Center, call (954) 757-4105 or visit us at www.cityofparkland.org/prec

PARKLAND RECREATION AND ENRICHMENT CENTER – SILVER SNEAKER CLASSES (AGES 62+) 10559 Trails End Parkland 33076, (954) 757-4107, www.cityofparkland.org • CHAIR YOGA: Practice the art of yoga in a seated position. Using chairs participants in this class will strengthen their spine and core. Leave feeling relaxed and balanced. • CARDIO TRAINING: Get up and go with an aerobics class that’s safe, heart-healthy and gentle on the joints. The workout includes easy-to-follow low-impact movement and upper-body strength, abdominal conditioning, stretching and relaxation exercises designed to energize your active lifestyle. • CIRCUIT TRAINING: Combine fun with fitness to increase your cardiovascular and muscular endurance power with a standing circuit workout. Upper-body strength work with hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a Silver Sneakers ball is alternated with lowimpact aerobic choreography. A chair is used for standing support, stretching and relaxation exercises. • SENIOR FITNESS: This is sure to be one of the most popular Senior classes! This is a complete and effective workout designed to complement your workout needs. Improve your cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility with all your friends. For more information on Silver Sneaker Classes call (954) 757-4105 or visit us at www.cityofparkland.org/prec

AFTER SCHOOL & DAY OFF PROGRAMS AMERICAN TOP TEAM American Top Team of Coconut Creek offers an awesome experience for our after-school and summer camp kids. The after-school and camps are geared towards the ages of 5–12. Here they will get a taste of martial arts training, character education talks, martial arts games, activities and plenty of FUN! We also offer winter break and spring break camps. The camps fill up quickly so call early to reserve your spot today: (954) 425-0705. You can also visit us on the web for more info: www.AmericanTopTeam.com or stop by and visit us at our state of the art facility 5750 N. State Rd. 7, Coconut Creek.

ART PAPER SCISSORS School is out but we are OPEN! We will be providing a variety of projects and fun! For children ages 4–12. Spaces are limited. $65 (snacks and lunch will be provided for kids saying all day) or $20 per hour. Sibling Discount. Extended hours available. Upcoming dates: 11/8, 11/11, and 11/23. For pricing, and registration info, please visit our website. Art Paper Scissors, 6654 Parkside Dr. Parkland, 33067, www.myartpaperscissors.com, (754) 444-9936.

IMACS – MATH, COMPUTER PROGRAMMING & LOGICAL REASONING ENRICHMENT Take your child’s logical reasoning skills to the next level! IMACS gives students a competitive edge by teaching them how to think critically in a fun environment. Call (954) 791-2333 or visit www.imacs.org to schedule a FREE Placement Class. Weekly After-School/Saturday classes. Grades 1–12. Weston, Plantation, Boca, Fort Lauderdale, and Delray.


P-REC AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM NEW FOR 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR K–5th Grade. Transportation provided from Heron Heights Elementary, Park Trails Elementary, Riverglades Elementary. Daily Activities include Homework Help & Study Time, Arts & Crafts, Sports, Indoor/Outdoor Games and Themed Activities. Enrichment programs available at additional cost. Kids Day off available on Teacher Planning Days for additional fee. Sibling discount available. For more information contact the P-REC at (954) 757-4105 or visit us at www.cityofparkland.org/prec

AMUSEMENT PARKS & ATTRACTIONS 18 holes of indoor, monster themed, Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf and more! Feel the excitement and adventure of playing mini golf amidst cool monster décor that includes custom artwork and animated props. Our courses are challenging enough for adults to navigate, yet very playable for children. Experience our Weird Radio interactive DJ, who plays music and hosts contests for prizes. Monster Mini Golf is frightfully fun for all ages! 14435 Miramar Parkway, Miramar 33027 - ½ mile east of I-75 (954) 589-1878. 9533 Westview Drive, Coral Springs 33076 in Regal Cinemas Shopping Center (954) 526-5115.

OFF THE WALL Need to burn off some energy? Feeling the need to jump? Have an extra hour or two? Our trampolines offer the perfect opportunity! With more than 5000 square feet of OTW jump space you can play dodgeball on trampoline court, get a SLAM DUNK in OTW Basketball or take volleyball to the next level! Come enjoy our OPEN JUMP anytime, join in a trampoline FITNESS class or enjoy our two level Laser Tag arena. Call for information on the best birthday celebrations in town! 4939 Coconut Creek Pkwy, Coconut Creek 33063. (954) 973-3031. Offthewall.com.

PALM BEACH ZOO 1301 Summit Boulevard, West Palm Beach. Looking for a fantastic group field trip destination or group overnight adventure? Visit the Palm Beach Zoo, just off I-95 in West Palm Beach (exit 66 or 68). Over 800 amazing animals among 23 acres of shady tropical foliage, interactive play fountain, carousel and train rides, and more. Or, have our ZooMobile come to you. Visit www.palmbeachzoo.org or call (561) 533-0887 ext. 229.

THE WOW FACTORY The Wow Factory is South Florida’s Ultimate Destination for Family Fun and Entertainment! From our fabulous Birthday Party Packages, to our Laser Tag, Ballocity Indoor Playground, Rock Walls, Arcade and so much more. We are your #1 destination for a family fun and entertainment center! 5891 Lyons Road, Coconut Creek. (954) 380-8600, www.wowfactoryfun.com.

SAWGRASS NATURE CENTER & WILDLIFE HOSPITAL Sawgrass Nature Center & Wildlife Hospital Is Open For Visitors Tuesday – Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm; Sat. & Sun. 10:00am – 3:00p. Admission Donation is $5/Adult, $3/ Child (Ages 5–17), Free For Toddlers And SNC Members.

ART PAPER SCISSORS, THE PREMIER ART VENUE Let your creative juices run free at Parkland’s premier art studio! Our studio’s focus is on programs for all ages, including art classes, camps, workshops, and parties. Your creative spirit will be encouraged and nurtured by professional artists. We love to dream and create. Art Paper Scissors, 6654 Parkside Dr. Parkland, FL, 33067, www.myartpaperscissors.com, (754) 444-9936.

CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS STICKY FINGERS Sticky Fingers classes begin with a short story and continue with participants completing three special projects with instructor and parental assistance. Children will explore through hands-on activities, at various stations using paint, dough, textures, etc. Projects are not repeated – they are always new. (Bring dad or mom’s old shirt or smock). Held at Sartory Hall in Mullins Park, 10000 NW 29 St., Coral Springs. Limited enrollment. (954) 682-1580.

ART PAPER SCISSORS KIDS ARTS & CRAFTS This class is designed specifically for elementary age children will give introduce a wide range of mediums and art techniques. Participants will be able to indulge, explore, and expand their love for arts and crafts. Parkland Recreation and Enrichment Center, 10559 Trails End, Parkland, FL 33076, (954) 757-4107, www.cityofparkland.org

CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT ART PAPER SCISSORS – MOMMY & ME ART ADVENTURES Ages 18 months & Older. A selection of sensory rich, art themed projects and activities. We will focus on the basic art principles and introduce students to a variety of art materials, mediums and techniques. Parkland Recreation and Enrichment Center, 10559 Trails End, Parkland, FL 33076 (954) 757-4107 www.cityofparkland.org


ART ART IN THE STUDIO AT THE CORAL SPRINGS MUSEUM OF ART Bursting with creativity and culture, the Coral Springs Museum of Art has classes for every young artist ages 6 to 16. Students will learn a variety of techniques and mediums shared by professional artists from drawing and painting to Papier Mache and sculpture to digital photography and 3D animation! Inspiration begins with fun museum tours showcasing the remarkable artworks of national and international artists. Students are encouraged to explore and experiment as they create incredible works of art. Adults will find art classes, too! Call (954) 340-5000 or visit www.CoralSpringsMuseum.org.

Abi’s Place is a private, nonprofit school offering services to children with Autism and varying disabilities, ages 3–17. We have low student to teacher ratios that incorporate individualized goal-driven programs utilizing ABA techniques and specialize in behavior modification. Pediatric occupational, speech and physical therapies are available to our students as well to the community. We serve children from birth to 22 years. Our T.A.S.K.S. (Therapeutic After School Kids Specials) Program is open to the community for children with special needs and operates daily from 3:00pm – 5:00pm and includes art and music therapy, sensory integration, yoga and sports. Contact Juli Zeno at (954) 753-4441 or julizeno@abisplace.com to schedule a tour or appointment today! 1710 N. University Dr., Coral Springs 33071. www.abisplace.org,

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017




(CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CONT.) CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS (954) 345-2200, 2501 Coral Springs Drive. • KIDOKINETICS: Your child will learn a new sport each week. They will be introduced to the basics of each sport in a fun and non-competitive atmosphere. We focus on individual achievement to improve the child’s self-confidence. Visit www.kidokinetics.com. • LIL SLUGGERS: Ages 2–4. Only 6 children per class. Attend only one class per week. Visit www.lilsluggersbroward.com.

C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017



10559 Trails End, Parkland, FL 33076. (954) 757-4107, www.cityofparkland.org • KIDOKINETICS JR.: Ages 1.5–3. For the younger kids engage them in fun hands on classes that introduce a variety of sports, games, and fitness. This class is sure to keep kids healthy and strong! Parent participation is required. • KIDOKINETICS: Ages 3–5. These fun classes are designed to introduce a variety of sports, games, and fitness activities into your child’s day. Designed to enhance agility, balance, and coordination. Classes will provide an opportunity for social interaction and encourages active play! • COOKING WITH ENID: Ages 6–12. Start learning the basics of cooking. Kids will discover healthy foods and experience local and international dishes. This is a must for anyone who loves food. • LIL STARS SPORTS – SOCCERTOTS: (Ages 1.5 -3) is a child development program that uses a variety of creative games and activities that delight and engage kids in physical activity. • LIL STARS SPORTS – SLUGGERS: (Ages 2 – 4) classes develop important baseball skills such as throwing, fielding, hitting, and base running. Developmentally appropriate equipment and games are used to teach the game of baseball in a fun, exciting, and positive environment. • BROWARD ENGINEERING FOR KIDS: Ages 4–12. Engineering 201 showcases some of our best lessons from selected disciplines. Students will get the opportunity to use Engineering Design Process to design, build and test some highly engaging projects. Most of these programs will yield a take home project where students can share what they have learned with their parents.


Come out and learn the latest in Hip Hop dance. Dancers will learn choreographed routines and can also be a part of the Beat Street Hip Hop Dance Team. Ages 3 and up. Rehearsals at the Coral Springs Gymnasium. Contact Instructor Melissa Floiro (754) 245-2674.


For more information on 5678 Dance Inc. classes at the Parkland Recreation and Enrichment Center, call (954) 757-4105 or visit us at www.cityofparkland.org. • HIP-HOP: Ages 5–14. You’ll be inspired to learn and perform choreography in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. No previous dance experience is required. Tennis shoes and relaxed clothing are recommended. • HIP-HOP/ACROBATICS: Ages 5–8. You’ll be inspired to learn and perform choreography with some tumbling in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. No previous dance experience is required. Tennis shoes and relaxed clothing are recommended. • BALLET/TAP: Ages 2.5–4. This class is for the little ones just entering the world of dance. Students will learn basic moves while twisting, turning, and tapping! • BALLET/TAP: Ages 5–8. This class will introduce students to the basic ballet and tap techniques. It consists of floor warm ups, ballet combinations and stretching.


For more information on 5678 Dance Inc classes at the Parkland Recreation and Enrichment Center call (954) 579-8820 or email cara@5678danceinc.com. To register visit us at www.cityofparkland.org/prec • DANCE CARDIO FUNK : Dance cardio is one of the hottest workouts on the fitness scene right now. It marries dance choreography with muscle-toning moves. Dance to today’s best hits and yesterday’s classics while breaking a sweat! • ADULT TAP : Tap Classes focus on technique and musicality and are supplemented by a wide variety of musical genres. Students will also be exposed to both musical theater or “Broadway” tap and “hoofing” or rhythm tap. Each class includes a warm up, steps across the floor, guided improvisation exercises and a final combination • ADULT SALSA : Salsa is usually a partnered dance with a lead and follow, dancing using improvisation of various movement combinations. The beat of Salsa music is 4/4, but there are three weight changes in each measure. What happens during that extra beat is part of what differentiates the styles of the dance. While the body changes weight, the upper torso remains almost immobile. This means that most of the motion ends up in the hips, which is how the phrase “Cuban Motion” got applied to this Latin dance form.


Ages newborn – 5 years with adults. This is the essential Music Together class, one that a child can attend from birth through Kindergarten; through all nine-song collections. This basic class follows the recommendations of child development researchers-grouping children of a variety of ages in one class. This approach fosters natural, family-style learning where younger children enjoy watching and imitating older ones. Each child participates at his or her own developmental level in singing, moving or exploring musical instruments. The whole family is welcome to join including parents, grandparents or nanny. Parkland Recreation and Enrichment Center (P-REC), www.cityofparkland.org/prec


Located between Royal Palm Blvd. and Sample Rd. on Sportsplex Blvd. in Coral Springs. 180.8 acres includes the world-class Aquatic Complex, Tennis Center, Panthers Den skating arena, Dr. Paul’s Pet Care Center Dog Park as well as 16 tennis courts, 3 swimming pools (including 1 diving pool), playground, jog/walk trail, tables, 2 meeting rooms, 1 maintenance building, 2 storage facilities, 3 restrooms.



2501 Coral Springs Drive, Coral Springs. Open court times at the gym are $2 per athlete and open to all ages. Open daily from 8am to 9pm, but follow the gym’s Twitter and Instagram accounts @CoralSpringsGym for the latest Open Court dates and times. Call (954) 345-2200.


10000 N.W. 29th Street, Coral Springs. A second home to many local families involved in City sports, Mullins is the largest park in Coral Springs, facilities include basketball courts, tennis courts, swimming pool, volleyball courts, picnic pavilions, as well as soccer, baseball, softball, and artificial turf football fields.


10301 Wiles Road, Coral Springs. Rollerbladers and skateboarders use the park to practice their skills on the various ramps, dips and bowls. Open Monday–Friday 4:00pm – 9:00pm. $5 per person for all day. (954) 340-4845. 1301 Coral Springs Drive, Coral Springs. Best known for the 5 baseball fields and 4 soccer fields (2 of which are artificial grass). The basketball courts, sand volleyball court, playground, and fitness track are popular for residents of all ages.


5601 Coral Springs Drive, Coral Springs. 38.06 acres, includes baseball and soccer fields, tennis courts, sand volleyball courts, 2 halfbasketball courts, playground, picnic pavilion, and a walking/jogging path.


Over 60 neighborhood parks throughout Coral Springs, please visit www.coralsprings.org/Publications/ParksBrochure for locations, features and amenities offered.


6575 NW 75 Drive, Parkland. 7:00am – 10:00pm. (954) 753-5040. This 50.1-acre park is the largest in the City of Parkland. Home of the Terramar Park Tennis Center. Park features three playgrounds, pavilion rentals, grills, restrooms, and plenty of sports fields.


10555 Trails End, Parkland. 7:00am – 10:00pm. The most popular park in Parkland. This park has a fishing pier and walking trails, with multi-purpose fields for sports. It also houses the Amphitheater for monthly concert series and special events.


8350 Ranch Rd., Parkland. Open sunrise to sunset. (954) 753-5040. The Equestrian Center is the only park that allows owners to bring their pets. This is also the location for the famous ‘Parkland Farmers’ Market’ held from November – April.


Many parks are available throughout Parkland for residents and nonresidents to utilize. For a complete list visit: www.cityofparkland.org. Look for Park Profiles.


Therapies 4 Kids (T4K) & Bright Steps Forward provides PT/OT/SLP/ ABA to children with developmental disabilities. Services include direct treatment, patient education, and specialized programs to meet the growing health needs of the community. Therapies 4 Kids has become the leader in Pediatric and Adult programs for neurological disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism, & Stroke. Diagnostic testing for Autism & ADHD. Medicaid & Most Insurances accepted. OPEN SATURDAYS. 4 Locations; 10261 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines 33025, (954) 651-9285. 2233 N. Commerce Parkway #1, Weston 33326, (954) 651-9302. 1750 N. University Drive, Suite 105, Coral Springs 33071, (954) 703-4223 & 218 Almeria Avenue, Coral Gables 33134, (954) 356-2878. www.therapies4kids.com. Private Learning Center K-12 now taking applications: www.brightstepsforward.org. - NO WAITING LIST.


For mentally and physically challenged youth. Registration is December and January. Ages 6–18 years old. Practice in February, games March to May at Mullins Park, tournaments July to June. (954) 345-9329.


Atlantis Academy was established in 1976 for students who have learning difficulties and are struggling in their current school environment. Atlantis Academy emphasizes the importance of close parent/teacher/student relationships for the benefit of each child. Our low student-to-teacher ratio and experienced, caring and nurturing staff help foster students’ self-confidence and self-esteem. Atlantis Academy is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI), an accrediting division of AdvancED. 11411 NW 56th Drive, Coral Springs, FL 33076, (954) 752-7571, www.AtlantisAcadamy.com.


Abi’s Place is a private, nonprofit school offering services to children with Autism and varying disabilities, ages 3–17. We have low student to teacher ratios that incorporate individualized goal-driven programs utilizing ABA techniques and specialize in behavior modification. Pediatric occupational, speech and physical therapies are available to our students as well to the community. We serve children from birth to 22 years. Our T.A.S.K.S. (Therapeutic After School Kids Specials) Program is open to the community for children with special needs and operates daily from 3:00pm – 5:00pm and includes art and music therapy, sensory integration, yoga and sports. Contact Juli Zeno at (954) 753-4441 or send email to julizeno@abisplace.com to schedule a tour or appointment today! 1710 N. University Dr. Coral Springs 33071 www.abisplace.org.


For more information call (954) 345-2200 or visit www.coralsprings. org. Registration for programs in January – May begins December 15th at 8:00am. • BOWLING: Join the fun at Sawgrass Lanes, 8501 North University Drive. Wednesdays 4:00pm – 5:30pm and 5:30pm – 7:00pm January–May. Ages 10 and up. Register at Coral Springs Gymnasium or www.coralsprings.org/recreation • FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER CLUB: Meets the 3rd Friday of the month. We go to different restaurants while under the supervision of Parks and Recreation staff members. Fee is $10 per person plus cost of food, tax and gratuity. Register at Coral Springs Gymnasium or www.coralsprings.org/recreation • SATURDAY SOCIAL CLUB: We offer on-site as well as off-site activities under the supervision of Parks and Recreation staff members. Please call or visit our website for the list of current activities offered as well as costs. Register at Coral Springs Gymnasium or www. coralsprings.org/recreation • BOOGIE DOWN DANCES: Dances monthly throughout the school year for Special Populations children. Each month is a different theme. Fee is $5 per person at the door. Includes entertainment & refreshments. Direct supervision of participants is not provided.

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017



DIRECTORY C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017



This program was created to eliminate the cultural, social and emotional barriers that children and young adults with special needs face when participating in recreational activities. Through shared partnership both players and volunteers (“Buddies”) learn patience, and tolerance and the ability of one person to change the life of another. While simultaneously both players and volunteers enjoy participating in a program where there are “No Limits.” Phone No: (954) 445-0502, Email: info@parklandbuddysports.com, Website: www.parklandbuddysports.com • Football: Dates: September through November, Games: Saturday 3:30pm – 4:30 pm, Location: Pine Trails Park, Parkland, Florida • Running: Dates: October through November, Games: Sunday 3:30pm – 4:30 pm, Location: Terramar Park, Parkland, Florida • Soccer: Dates: November through February, Games: Saturday 3:30pm – 4:30 pm, Location: Pine Trails Park, Parkland, Florida • Basketball: Dates: January through March, Games: Sunday 11:45 am – 12:45 pm, Location: Terramar Park, Parkland, Florida • Golf: Dates: March through April, Clinic: Saturday 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm, Location: Parkland Golf & Country Club • Tennis: Dates: April through May, Games: Sunday 10:30 am – 11:30 am, Location: Terramar Park, Parkland, Florida • Kickball: Dates: TBD (throughout the year), Games: Saturday 11:00 am – Noon, Location: Pine Trails Park, Parkland, Florida.


Coach Kim Kovasala, USPTA (United States Professional Tennis Association) certified tennis professional, will be offering an afterschool tennis club for children with special needs at Atlantis Academy Coral Springs. The club will be held on Tuesdays from 3:15pm – 4:15pm from 4/5 – 5/24. Instruction will cover basic tennis skills (forehand, backhand, volley, serve) and match play. All equipment will be provided. Cost is $100. For more information or to register please call Atlantis Academy Coral Springs, 11411 NW 56th Drive, Coral Springs, FL 33076, Office Phone: (954) 752-7571.


JOIN THE PACK! Boy Scout Troop 250–Our BSA Troop is inclusive to those with special needs. We are welcoming boys ages 11–18 who want to: Learn To Create New Things, Participate In Outdoor Activities, Attend Exciting Field Trips, Make New Friends and Much More! Meetings are held at Atlantis Academy Coral Springs, Call for meeting schedule. 11411 NW 56th Drive, Coral Springs, FL 33076. For more information, contact Jessica Spicer at (954) 646-9579 or jessimaca@aol.com. You may also contact Carla Nichols, Director at Atlantis Academy Coral Springs, (954) 752-7571.


Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) is a federal-state agency that helps people with disabilities prepare for, get, or keep a job. VR offers Transition Youth Services, which help students with disabilities train for a job, continue their education, or find a job after high school. Each student will have the opportunity to participate in career counseling, work readiness training, and work experiences in the community. Students will also learn about self-advocacy and achieving independence through employment. For more information, call the Coral Springs VR office at (954) 346-2828 or visit our website at www.rehabworks.org.


Started in 2011, the mission of The Friendship Initiative (TFI) is to develop and grow programs, which enable children with special needs and typical children to learn from each other and connect as friends and to build the nation’s first, totally inclusive community park. TFI is committed to raising the funds necessary to support this mission. We are currently providing 3 unique programs: • ROCK DREAMS: At Rock Dreams, children and young adults with special needs (whom we call Rock Stars) come to sing and dance in groups, moving between activity areas that include keyboards, guitars, percussion, and vocals. Each Rock Star is paired with his or her own student volunteer (whom we call a Roadie). The program is run in a fun and compassionate environment with the goal of each Rock Star enjoying the experience individually and within the group. • FIT FRIENDS: Fit Friends is designed for children and young adults with special needs who want to increase stamina and body tone. The program’s focus is on whole-body fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. Each participant is matched with a trained student volunteer. The programs begin with a light dynamic warm up that includes stretching. Each child then engages in aerobic circuit training and strength circuit training for each session. Exercise routines within the circuits are varied for each of the sessions, which are offered once a week for 8 weeks • ART WORKS: At Art Works, children and young adults with special needs express themselves using a variety of art forms and techniques. Each session allows participants to explore different media including clay, paint, pastels, markers, pencil, etc. Each Artist is paired with their own student volunteer. The program, run in coordination with Art Paper Scissors at their studio in Parkland, is a fun-filled hour set in a compassionate environment that encourages exploration and creativity while improving fine motor skills. Through this creative process, social interaction occurs organically between the artists and the student volunteers. For more information about these programs, please contact Jeb Niewood at Jeb@thefriendshipinitiative.org or by calling Jeb at (954) 464-6078 and visit www.thefriendshipinitiative.org and The Friendship Initiative Facebook page.


We provide a unique travel experience for children ages 5 through 13 (Grades K–8) for Summer Camp, Winter Break Camp and Spring Break Camp. In addition, we offer both adult trip outings and family trip outings throughout the year. Our Summer Camp Program is held out of Country Hills Elementary School in Coral Springs and our Winter and Spring Break Camp is held out of North Community Park in Coral Springs. Our program consists of daily field trips aboard motorcoach buses sponsored by Academy Bus Lines. Our trips are located in the tri-county area and consist of waterparks, arcades, zoos, museums, movies, bowling, fun centers and much more. Our hours are from 7:45am to 5:30pm. We have a 5 to 1 student to staff ratio and our staff are experienced and friendly. The owner of Camp GTA is the previous City of Parkland Summer Camp Director of 22 years that created both Parkland Kids and Teen Camp. We take pride in our program and want to offer you the most valuable experience around. For more information, please contact GerriAnn Pane at (954) 803-2468 or email campsgta@gmail.com. Please like us on Facebook!


Join us for our holiday tennis camp. December 26–30 & January 2–6 from 9:00am – 12:00pm at Tennis Center. The cost is $140 for 5 days or $30 daily. For more information please call (954) 345-2100. Located at 1300 Coral Springs Drive.


You deserve a relaxing night off! Drop your kids off for “Kid’s Art Night,” every 2nd Friday of the month. This includes a night of art, crafts, movie, dinner, snacks, drinks and activities. For children ages 4 and up. Upcoming dates: 11/11, 12/9, 1/13, 2/10. We will also be offering a Holiday camp January 2–6. Space is limited. Check our calendar and register for camp @ www.myartpaperscissors.com.


Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017



C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017


TOURISTS AND THE EAST COAST GREENWAY As a continuous long-distance route, the Greenway is a new tourism venue, enticing domestic and foreign tourists to explore the Eastern Seaboard in a leisurely and intimate manner. The ECG offers muscle-powered users a way to see this most urbanized and historical of American corridors. Our wayfinding tools – ECG signage, maps, and guides – help tourists navigate the route. ECG tourism has an increasingly significant impact on local economies. THE EAST COAST GREENWAY AND LOCAL USE The Greenway also has an important local role, serving as a close-to-home facility for the 45 million people who live within

the ECG’s home counties. For them, the trail functions as a kind of Central Park for the region. For many, just out their back door, the Greenway is a safe place to walk, jog, bicycle, skate, ski, horseback ride, bird watch, fish, push the baby carriage or just stroll with friends. The Greenway can provide an escape, a tranquil place for some quiet time alone. Children can use it to walk to school or get to the park, adults can commute to work, and everyone will find it a well-located spot for an hour of exercise or a weekend outing.

the communities it passes through and to the people who use it. A national recreational resource, the ECG can enhance the local economic value of local trail segments by bringing new users with their wallets to local communities. The East Coast Greenway Alliance joins local trail to local trail, initially through on-road connections and ultimately through the construction of additional off-road trails. The Greenway serves as a spine route, linking with other long distance trails, like the coastto-coast American Discovery Trail, the Hudson River Greenway, and the C&O Canal National Park, helping to create an interlinked national trail system. It connects city to city, city to suburb, and suburb to rural area. The Greenway links together such key sites as state capitals, college campuses, local, state, and national park systems, and outstanding cultural, historical, and natural landmarks offering themed travel possibilities. Almost a third of the Greenway is now in place as an off-road route on traffic-free trail segments (834 miles or 29%). A complete travel route composed of carefully chosen and field-checked on-road linkages is defined and mapped, allowing experienced cyclists to use the entire route today. Maps and cue sheets for the entire route are available, and they are posting trail markers to ease the wayfinding process. Users of all abilities experience the Greenway today on the more than 100 completed trail sections located in each of the 15 states and DC along the Greenway corridor.


There are over 100 trails designated as East Coast Greenway, many of which have been signed with ECG trail markers. View a list of the designated trails and signed trails on the website. The State of the Trail Report lists East Coast Greenway progress in each region.


Informational kiosks such as this one in Brunswick, Maine, display information about the ECG and state Mile Sponsor inscriptions. ECG Kiosks are located in many states listed on our website. Eventually kiosks will provide maps and information in each state along the Greenway. The kiosks display the inscriptions of the state’s Mile Sponsors. Learn more about Mile Sponsor program on the website.


The East Coast Greenway through Florida juxtaposes conquistadors and astronauts, engagement and escape. It threads it way across nearly 600 miles between worldly cities and wildflower byways. Florida boasts the longest portion of Greenway with the most miles of completed trail. North to south, the Greenway enters the state at Fernandina Beach then continues to Key West, the United States’ southernmost mainland point. The Greenway travels largely along the coast, through seaside villages, America’s earliest historic sites, through vast nature preserves, and major cities that include Jacksonville and Miami. The route includes 229 miles of completed traffic-free paths and the most bridges of any ECG state. Much of the Greenway through Florida is on wide sidepath that runs along Highway A1A. It concludes with the Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail, which hops from island to island for 106 miles (about half of which is completed trail). The Alliance plans an additional loop route that will provide access to Florida’s Gulf Coast, the Pinellas Trail, and Lake Okeechobee. As of early-2016, 31% of the Florida route is completed trail, 13% is in development, 38% is in public control and awaiting development, and 18% is considered “gap”where the route location has not yet been found. The ECGA is at work with regional and county planning agencies, trail developers, developments of regional impact, and trail advocates all along the coast to advance the Greenway, and as a result, progress is steady. A Florida ECG State Committee is now forming. a Florida Committee is now forming. For information or to participate, please contact Herb Hiller at herbhiller12@gmail.com, or (386) 547-0496. FIND OUT MORE, RECEIVE A MONTHLY NEWSLETTER ON THE PROGRESS, PLAN A TRIP, & GET INVOLVED: www.GREENWAY.org


A RECREATIONAL ROUTE WITH UNIVERSAL APPEAL People of all ages and abilities enjoy ECG trails, such as the Route 9A Bike/Ped Path in NYC, for recreation, exercise, commuting, running errands, and more. The Greenway is not designed for those seeking a high-speed cycling route. A multitude of on-road routes better serve their needs. But, as a traffic-free, relatively flat route, the Greenway is a safe facility for people of all ages and physical abilities, including children, families, and the elderly. Being almost entirely on public right-of-way, the ECG is accessible to all. It offers a transportation alternative for those whose independence is compromised in our car-dependent culture: children, people with disabilities, the elderly, and people who do not own a car. In addition, the Greenway is easily accessible in many areas via public transportation, and a growing network of trails and bicycle routes along the coast enable easy access for much of the region. Winding from city to city through urban centers, urban neighborhoods, suburban communities, and rural areas, users come from all of these populations. Urban dwellers in particular, distant from traditional back-country trails, value this public open space that provides a convenient place for recreation and a means to get away to the country without car dependence. The Greenway goes directly through many underserved urban neighborhoods, providing sorely needed access and recreational opportunities for people in these communities. To find out which sections of the Greenway are currently appropriate for various types of users, visit the trip planner on the website. The East Coast Greenway is the backbone of an emerging network of trails along the eastern seaboard that can contribute, both actually and symbolically, to priorities, including: • Improving public health by empowering active transportation and safe recreation • Lowering pollution by substituting car trips with bicycling and walking • Providing greenway construction & maintenance jobs • Increasing transportation options • Giving non-drivers, such as children, the elderly, and people without cars, more independence • Reducing roadway congestion • Enhancing local economic development • Connecting people and communities • Helping to create new and inviting public spaces for everyone to enjoy • Raising land and home values within the greenway corridor The ECG provides a way for non-motorized travelers to move safely from town to town, where they would otherwise have to use a car or travel on an unsafe road. Here, cyclists cross the Calhoun Street Bridge from Trenton, NJ to Morrisville,, PA, safely separated from road traffic. Multi-use trail development is moving ahead fulltilt all across the United States where opportunities to restore public access to our rivers and waterfronts, to convert abandoned rail lines to new uses, and to make our communities more bicycle- and pedestrian-friendly have generated strong public involvement. Citizens recognize that trails can become an integral part of local transportation systems, provide recreational outlets for all age groups, and help promote healthier lifestyles. The East Coast Greenway, with the allure of a longdistance route, can help move local trail projects that play into its corridor ahead. Linking these discrete local trails into a continuous route reaching from Maine to Florida is a challenge of major proportions, but with enormous value to

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017


he East Coast Greenway (ECG) is a developing biking trail system, linking many of the major cities of the Eastern Seaboard between Canada and Key West. Over 30 percent of the route is already on traffic-free greenways, creating safe, accessible routes for people of all ages and abilities. The remainder is in progress with hopes of completion by 2020. The ECG fosters healthy lifestyles, empowers sustainable transportation, and promotes tourism. The East Coast Greenway is 2900 miles long, stretching through cities, suburbs, and rural areas from Calais, Maine to Key West, Florida. The goal is for the entire Greenway to be on paths, completely separated from the road. About 30% of the route is currently on local, traffic-free, firm-surfaced trails that are safe for all abilities. The remainder is comprised of interim on-road sections that link completed trails together, and occasional ferries and trains where there is currently no safe on- or off-road option.



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C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017


AROUND DIRECTORY TOWN C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017



his past spring over 900 cheerleading and dance teams from around the world gathered at ESPN’s Wide World of Sports at Walt Disney World Resorts in Orlando, Florida for the 2016 Summit, the prestigious cheerleading and dance championship sponsored by Varsity All Star. Athletes trained with their individual teams for 12 months to hone the skills needed to successfully compete during the weekend of April 29 – May 1, 2016, and while 42 Summit Champions were crowned at the event, only one team from Broward County made it to the top: the Sea Warriors from Cheer Florida. Cheer Florida is a Cheerleading facility out of Coconut Creek. They have been in business for 18 years and are owned and operated by Katya and Robert Goldstein. The gym works with cheerleaders of all skill levels from ages 4 to 20, and currently provides group classes, private lessons and maintains a competitive cheer program. “We work with several high schools in the area including South Plantation, Coral Springs Charter, Coral Springs, Monarch, Spanish River, West Boca and St. Coleman School,” said Katya Goldstein. “Also, we recently added a second location in Wellington (Palm Beach County).” Competing at Summit is an aspiration for many cheerleaders, as it is considered one of the two most prestigious competitions in the sport, the other being the Cheerleading Worlds hosted by the United States All Star Federation (USASF). Teams are required to earn bids to compete at Summit, which they earn by competing at preliminary events where the highest scoring

By Brianna Horland

teams are awarded bids. At Cheer Florida, tryouts are held each May for next year’s team placement. Athletes are evaluated on their tumbling skills, jumps and their ability to work with other athletes in stunt techniques. Once they make a team, the cheerleaders work together for 12 month to polish their all-star routines for competition, with dreams of championship rings tumbling around their minds. Cheer Florida was able to enter seven teams in the both the Summit (gyms with over 125 athletes) and D2 (gyms with under 125 athletes, such as the new Wellington location), thereby ensuring their representation in every division: Sea Warriors (Small Senior Level 4), Titans (Small Junior Level 4), Sirens (Small Junior Level 3), Unicorns (Small Youth Level 2), Thunderbirds (Small Youth Level 3), Serpents (Small Junior Level 3 D2), and Gryphons (Small Junior Level 3 D2.) The athletes participated in routines that were two and a half minutes long, which including stunts, tumbling and jumps. “Technique and execution have become a large part of our industry,” said Goldstein, adding that all of the girls on the mat must “work in unison to make one overall picture” to ensure top scoring by the judges. The 19 athletes of the Sea Warriors team nailed their routine and reached the pinnacle of their sport with their 1st place win at Summit. Considering only 1% of all the teams in the country are invited to attend the event, to take home a win was truly a dream come true for both the athletes and their supporters. “To be a team that won in their division has been an honor for our gym, for our coaches and staff, and of course for our athletes and their families,” said Goldstein. Preliminary competitions are currently underway for 2017 Summit, scheduled to be held back at Walt Disney Resorts May 5–7, 2017, and one can be sure the athletes at Cheer Florida are working hard at earning another chance to compete.

FAMILY HEALTH C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017


C hildho o d Sleep Problems C

an I have a glass of water? I’m afraid of the dark. There’s a monster under my bed. Children can make up many excuses not to go to, or stay in bed. Some childhood sleep problems are caused by poor sleep habits, while others may be hereditary or symptoms of emotional difficulties. Fortunately, children typically outgrow sleep problems so they – and their parents – can get a good night’s rest. The amount of sleep children need gradually decreases as they mature. Newborn babies usually nap about 16 hours through the day and night, while teenagers need about nine hours of sleep per night. For many parents, getting their children to go to bed and stay there can be quite frustrating, but they can help put a stop to bedtime troubles by following these simple steps. • Stick to the same bedtime every night, even on weekends. • Turn off the television, video games and computer at least one hour before going to bed and start winding down with a consistent routine that includes brushing teeth, going to the bathroom and maybe reading a short story. • Make sure the place to sleep is comfortable.

• Keep a low noise level in the house while the child is asleep. Some childhood sleep problems called parasomnias, include night terrors, sleepwalking and sleep talking. Night terrors involve episodes of fear, flailing or screaming that can last a few minutes while the child is asleep. They affect only a small number of children between the ages of three and 12 and usually are outgrown by adolescence. Sleepwalking typically starts between the ages of four and 8. Children who sleepwalk may look like they are awake, but actually they are sleeping and may be at risk for injury by falling down stairs or opening windows. When sleep talking, speech is characteristically mumbled and unintelligible. Parents should not try to wake children up, but instead guide them back to bed or otherwise gently reassure them. Not getting enough sleep for children may lead to difficulties in school, anxiety disorders and behavioral problems. For more information about childhood sleep problems, talk with your doctor or call 866-904-9262 for a free referral to a pediatrician near you. West Boca‘s Pediatric Sleep Diagnostic Center can help address problems your child may be having. To learn more about our sleep center, please visit WestBocaMedCtr.com.


Peaceful Process – Part I By Dr. David Yudell & Eric Rayman, Esq. (Family Law)


ivorce is never easy. Separating your family and finances can be incredibly ugly or remarkably civil. With just about half of marriages now ending in divorce, choosing how you separate will have lasting impact far beyond the final judgment. Especially when children are involved, deciding on compromise over conflict ensures a smoother transition to a new normal. You’ll never regret acting with consideration and may find peace of mind you could not achieve slugging it out in court. Pursuit of a peaceful resolution means doing your homework and developing an action plan. Below are expert tips to help you succeed on this journey. Tip #1: Own your part: There are often strong emotions associated with divorce and a temptation to cast blame. While it may be easy to emphasize your soon to be ex’s shortcomings, there is little to be gained. When a relationship of this significance fails both parties share responsibility. Rather than point fingers, consider your role in the demise of the marriage. Taking time to self-reflect and identify areas in need of improvement is critical to personal growth. Future relationship success depends on accepting responsibility and a commitment to positive changes. Tip #2: Don’t avoid the hard stuff: Letting go of your marriage can seem overwhelming. Feelings of loss and uncertainty are common. Don’t make the mistake of burying these emotions. Instead, allow yourself time to grieve. Embrace a therapeutic approach and recognize there is no one size fits all solution in working through your emotions. This is a time of transition and an important step is finding closure. The sooner you successfully deal with

the past, the sooner you can gain control and can start moving ahead. Tip #3: Trust your kids: Divorce is a disruptive process especially when children are involved. Although tempting to try and insulate your kids from the fallout, it is hard to hide disharmony between parents. Avoiding the subject or ignoring obvious signs of trouble is a recipe for fueling feelings of resentment and distrust. Do not risk losing credibility with your kids at this critical time. Rather, once a decision to separate is made, parents should prioritize sitting down to discuss what’s going on. Although you will not have all the answers, being open and honest will only breed confidence. While each situation presents unique challenges, always reassure your kids that you will continue to love them and to make decisions with their best interest at heart. Tip #4: Settlement is best: For many compelling reasons, family law matters should almost always be resolved. Litigation by its nature is disruptive and costly. If kids are involved, custody, timesharing, and child support must all be addressed. Rather than preparing for battle, your focus should be on promoting stability and preserving precious emotional and financial resources. Although there are a handful of situations where litigation is necessary (i.e.: your spouse wants to move the kids out of the state and you don’t agree, or your spouse has documents that he/she is unwilling to produce), most issues can and should be resolved outside the courtroom. Settlement offers clarity that litigation simply cannot provide and allows the parties to turn their attention to the future. (To be continued….) We invite you to reach out for future article suggestions. Please email us at DrYudell@DrYudell.com or Erayman@gjb-law.com.

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017

A Healthier : e c r o iv D Expert Tips To A More


FAMILY HEALTH C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017


DO YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO IF YOUR SON OR DAUGHTER RECEIVES A CONCUSSION? Would you know if your child had suffered a concussion? The Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention estimates that 1.6 to 3.8 million concussions occur each year, and that 5-10 percent of athletes will experience a concussion during any given sport season. Yet, many parents with active kids do not know the signs and symptoms of a concussion or when a concussion could happen. Kids often become involved in a wide variety of games, including soccer or lacrosse, two of the many contact sports that make them vulnerable to injuries and concussions. Additionally, even when a child is involved in a recreational sport such as bicycle riding, skateboarding or rollerblading, he or she could be at risk for concussions. “If your son or daughter has signs or symptoms of a concussion - including, but not limited to, an injury with a subsequent headache, feeling like he or she is in a fog, dizziness or confusion - the child should immediately be pulled from the sport and evaluated by a healthcare professional,” says Dr. Matthew Fazekas, a pediatric sports medicine specialist and a member of the team of physicians at the new Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Concussion Clinic.

Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Opens the Doors to Its New Concussion Clinic

The new Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Concussion Clinic is led by a world-class team of physicians who are board certified in sports medicine, pediatric neurology, pediatric physical medicine and rehabilitation, and pediatric neuropsychology, as well as a team of certified vestibular therapists. “The concussion clinic is set up as a one-stop shop where patients will go through a full neurological examination. They may undergo neurocognitive testing, and start a process of return-to-learning and return-to-sports, as directed by the physician,” says Dr. Matthew Fazekas, a pediatric sports medicine specialist and a member of the team of physicians at




• Difficulty thinking clearly • Feeling slowed down • Difficulty concentrating • Difficulty remembering new information

• Headache • Fuzzy or blurry vision • Nausea or vomiting (early on) • Dizziness • Sensitivity to noise or light • Balance problems • Feeling tired, having no energy



• Irritability • Sadness • More emotional • Nervousness or anxiety

• Sleeping more than usual • Sleeping less than usual • Trouble falling asleep

Source: CDC: What are the Signs and Symptoms of Concussion? www.cdc.gov/traumaticbraininjury/symptoms.html

the new Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Concussion Clinic. The clinic operates from four locations: Hollywood, Coral Springs, Boca Raton and Weston. It is the multidisciplinary effort of many JDCH specialists who work together. In addition to Dr. Fazekas, these include Dr. Diana Martínez, medical director of the Division of Pediatric Neurology; Dr. Virmarie Quinones-Pagán, a pediatric rehabilitation specialist; and Dr. Christina M. Zafiris, a pediatric neuropsychologist. For more information about the Concussion Clinic, or to make an appointment, please call 954-538-5566.


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Orthodontic Excellence & Service Second to None! Utilizing the best in orthodontic treatment, including the DAMON SYSTEM for shorter treatment time, fewer office visits and less discomfort! Preferred Invisalign Provider for Adults and Teens. Call today to schedule your Complimentary Consultation! Most insurances accepted. English & Spanish. Brian K. Bons., D.D.S., Diplomate, The American Board of Orthodontics. 10 Fairway Drive, Suite 101, Deerfield Beach, FL 33441, (954) 421-6400.


South Florida Dentistry for Children has been specializing in preventive dental care for children in our community for 41 years. We offer pediatric dental care from toddler to young adulthood. Dr. James Bennett, Dr. Melanie Rothberg, and their staffs are committed to providing quality care in a fun and nurturing environment. As a result of this commitment, many of our current patients are the children and/ or grandchildren of former patients. Our goal is to make every child’s visit pleasant and educational. We are in our new state-of-the-art facility. We are now located at 10188 NW 31 Street, Coral Springs 33065. (954) 752-7651.


Come find out why Rozen Orthodontics is the most talked about office in the Coral Springs/Parkland area. Dr. Rozen and his staff take pride in treating patients like family for the past 22 years. We welcome future patients to a complimentary exam and to tour our state of the art office where we utilize the latest orthodontic technology like digital imaging, clear aligners, and the Damon system: a self-ligating bracket system that provides shorter treatment times and fewer office visits. Dr. Rozen is fluent in both English and Spanish. We provide interest free in-house financing and accept most insurance. Located at 9154 Wiles Rd, in the Sports Authority Plaza at University Dr. and Wiles Rd., just south of the Sawgrass Expressway. Come find out for yourself why your new beautiful smile has us smiling, too! (954) 755-8828.


Sage Dental (formerly Gentle Dental) is the leading provider of dental health services in South Florida. Sage Dental provides cosmetic dentistry services, preventive dental treatments, general, reconstructive and specialty dentistry. With the motto, “All Dentistry…One Place,” the Sage Dental team is equipped to serve all of your dental needs – under one roof. Whether you’re looking for a general dentist or a cosmetic dentistry specialist such as an orthodontist, oral surgeon, endodontist, periodontist or a pediatric dentist, we do it all. We have 35 convenient locations in South Florida including Sage Dental of Parkland, 5810 Coral Ridge Dr., Suite 130, 33076 and Gentle Dental of Coral Springs, 987 N. University Dr., Coral Springs 33071. Call (855) 375-1926 to schedule an appointment.


State-of-the art dental “spa” specializing in children, teens and special needs patients. Our offices have aromatherapy, movies, and video games in the reception area. In addition, patients enjoy overhead entertainment while being treated by the friendly, caring staff! Our goal is to provide a positive experience for patients. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children during visits. In office oral sedation and hospital dentistry at Joe DiMaggio and Miami Children’s Hospital offered. Most major insurance plans accepted including PPO, HMO, and Florida Kid Care program. Convenient hours for busy families including Saturdays, evenings, and early mornings are offered during the year. Hablamos espanol. Three convenient locations: Coral Springs – 3353 N. University Drive, Coral Springs, FL 33065; Pembroke Pines – 10021 Pines Blvd., Suite 100, Pembroke Pines 33024; Doral – 7950 NW 53rd St., Suite 200, Doral, FL 33166. www.americanpediatricdental.com, Toll Free: 1-844-30-4KIDS (5437)


YourOrthodontist – Dr. Kenneth Cohen-Sasson, DMD, specializes in Invisalign, Braces, growth guidance & development. With state-of-theart technology, we strive to treat every patient like family. During your COMPLIMENTARY consultation, you’ll receive digital impressions and simulation outcomes, with our iTero scanner. Immediate results show your potential new and beautiful smile. Dr. Cohen-Sasson and his staff encourage patient/parent participation and are always available to answer any questions about treatment. Flexible payment options are available with 0% interest in house financing and ALL Insurances are accepted. Day, Evening and Saturday appointments are available at both of our convenient locations: 7500 NW 5th Street, Suite 107, Plantation, FL 33317 and 8311 N Pine Island Road, Tamarac, FL 33321. Please call or visit our website www.your-orthodontist.com to schedule your FREE consultation today!


Changing Lives, One Smile at a Time through innovation, passion, and excellence! Innovative Braces and Premier Invisalign Provider for Children, Teens and Adults. At Naidu Orthodontics, we provide superior orthodontic treatment and individualized care, in a family like atmosphere, utilizing the latest in technology. Our office combines 3D Dental imaging along with SureSmile® Robotic Technology to achieve customized results and shorter treatment times. Saturday and evening appointments available. Dr. Kistama Naidu and Dr. Jake Mann are Board Certified Orthodontists. We have four convenient locations in Pembroke Pines, Doral, and Coral Springs. Please call (954) 438-1965 to schedule your complimentary consultation today!


Parkland Orthodontics is the premier, state-of-the-art Orthodontic practice in Parkland Florida. We strive to deliver unparalleled results in a warm, friendly modern environment. We are proud to bring the highest quality orthodontic care to patients of all ages in Parkland, Coral Springs, Coconut Creek, and West Boca. At Parkland Orthodontics, you can be confident that you will receive the individual attention that you expect and deserve. We will provide high quality care, designed specifically for you in a modern boutique practice. Dr. Tania Saint Amand and her team of professionals will take the time needed to make sure that you have the best possible experience in our office. As a provider for Invisalign clear aligners, as well as the Damon Braces System, we utilize the latest in orthodontic technology and techniques to deliver unparalleled results. We believe that everyone deserves to be proud of their smile and excited to share it with the world. Call our office today to schedule your complimentary consultation and find out how you can take the first step to your new smile. Our team is waiting to welcome you to the family. How can we make you smile today? 754-529-8995. 7633 N State Rd. 7 Parkland Fl. 33073. www.parklandflorthodontics.com


Our private practice office is available for confidential and professional help. All individual, couples, families and/or groups are welcome. We specialize in children and families, offering educational testing as well as therapeutic services. Services include educational testing such as Gifted Placement, ADD & ADHD, academic problems, learning disabilities and behavioral problems. We also offer help for those dealing with stress, grief & loss, anxiety, sleep disorders, OCD, fears & phobias or depression. Please call our office to discuss your needs. Conveniently located in Coral Springs, Coconut Creek, Davie, Tamarac and Plantation. (954) 288-9393.


Katie Lemieux, LMFT is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who offers a coaching and therapy style to help the people she works with attain the results they desire. She is most passionate about helping people in the areas of communication, connection, and living into their goals and


Train with professionals at the American Top Team Coconut Creek. ATT Fitness is an energetic, high intensity program that can help you get into your best shape. Our new, 40,000 square ft. training facility boasts a state-of-the-art strength and conditioning area, complete with Rogue weights and Lifestyle equipment. No contract required- try a week for only $10! Find out more information by calling (954) 425-0705 or visit us at 5750 N. State Rd. 7, Coconut Creek.


AbsoluteCycle is South Florida’s new, premier indoor cycling studio. Come experience cycling classes like you’ve never seen them before! We offer online bike reservations, complimentary shoes, data tracking and brand-new Schwinn bikes. Join us today under the blacklights for a heart-pumping, beat-blasting, calorie-melting workout! Your first ride is free! Register now at www.absolutespinstudio.com or stop by and see us at 5750 State Rd 7, Suite B, Coconut Creek.


The Parkland Recreation and Enrichment Center offers a variety of fitness classes for all ages. Classes include Silver Sneakers, Boot Camps, Yoga, Zumba, Pilates and more. For class rates and further information call (954) 757-4105 or visit us at www.cityofparkland.org.


A pediatric and adult center providing fast, convenient care for minor injuries and illnesses • Earaches • Flu-like Symptoms • Upper Respiratory Infections • Orthopedic & Skin Injuries • Physicals • Occupational Health • Immunizations & more. Broward Health Urgent Care is located in the Magnolia Shoppes, 9663 Westview Drive, Coral Springs. (954) 320-3323.


A 200-bed hospital offering Children Services • Colorectal Program • Community Education Center • Orthopedic Care • Outpatient Pain Management • Sleep Disorders Center • Women/Maternity • Women’s Center • Center for Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine. www.BrowardHealth.org/BHCS. Located at 3000 Coral Hills Drive, Coral Springs. (954) 344-3000.


The health of your child is at the heart of your family. At PEDIATRICS @ West Boca, we have more than 80 pediatric specialists dedicated to caring for your child. Healthcare for your kids, all in one comfortable, convenient neighborhood location. Our pediatric services include: 24/7 Pediatric ER, Fellowship-trained Pediatric Subspecialists, Pediatric Hospitalists for in-patient Stays, Same Day Surgery Center, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit with in-house Pediatric Intensivist, Kid-friendly Diagnostic Imaging Center. To find a pediatric physician, call (866) 904-9262, or visit WestBocaMedCtr.com/PEDIATRICS.


Pregnant? You deserve a doula! My name is Lisa Raynor; I am a childbirth and postpartum doula in the Coral Springs/Parkland area. A doula is a woman experienced in childbirth who provides advice, emotional support, and physical comfort to a mother before, during, and just after childbirth. Studies have shown that the presence of a doula can improve birth in the following ways: reduction in unplanned cesarean deliveries, shorter labor, decrease in the requests for epidurals or other pain medications, decrease in the need for synthetic oxytocin (Pitocin), fewer complications for mother and baby, improved immediate breastfeeding success, and a lower rate of postpartum depression in mothers. Contact me for a free consultation at (954) 914-3933. Learn more about how a doula can help you at www.coralspringsdoula.com.


Meeting the needs of the pediatric & adolescent population with orthopaedic injuries ranging from scoliosis and spinal deformities, bone tumors, fractures, limb lengthening & deformities, hip injuries & hip disorders, concussions, sports & dance injuries and much more, your child will be cared for by fellowship-trained pediatric orthopaedic surgeons: Dr. Michael Jofe, Dr. Randolph Cohen, Dr. Neal McNerney, Dr. Stephen Storer, Dr. Jeremy Frank, Dr. Eric Eisner & Dr. Matthew Fazekas who combined have over 75 years experience. Diagnostic imaging by pediatric radiologists and technologists. Anesthesia care by board-certified pediatric anesthesiologists. Rehabilitation by licensed and doctorate level physical therapists. We provide a full spectrum of care. Weston, Hollywood, Miramar, Boca Raton and Coral Springs. (954) 538-5500, U18sportsmedicine.com, kidbones.net.





Our goal is to provide safe, convenient, expert imaging in a relaxed, family friendly environment. The new state-of-the-art center now offers the following procedures: High-field (1.5 Tesla), wide-bore MRI with caring suite * Digital X-ray * Low-dose radiation CT Scan * SensorySuite Mammography * Tomosynthesis (3-D Mammography) * Ultrasound * Automated Breast Ultrasound Screening * Bone Density (DEXA). We provide same-day appointments, on-site Board Certified Radiologist and STAT reports within four hours. 3111 University Drive, Suite 115, Coral Springs 33065 * (954) 688-7256 * www.palmsmri.com.

SPEECH, PHYSICAL & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY JOE DIMAGGIO CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL’S [U18] SPORTS MEDICINE SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY SERVICES The [U18] Sports Medicine rehabilitation program was developed to help meet the unique sports injury prevention and treatment needs of children and adolescents. Every patient treated at [U18] receives one-on-one individualized physical therapy care provided by highly experienced orthopaedic physical therapists. Our patients have our undivided attention, which can help improve outcomes. Our facilities are tailored specifically for the young athlete. Locations in Miramar and Coral Springs. (954) 538-5500, U18sportsmedicine.com, Memorialrehab.com


Serving the needs of pediatric and adolescent patients – Our therapists specialize in the treatment of infants and children with a variety of diagnoses, including neurological deficits, sensory and auditory processing disorders, and developmental delay. Our services include Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Feeding Therapy. Locations: Coral Springs (954) 575-8962, Hollywood (954) 265-5880, Miramar (954) 538-4760, Pembroke Pines (954) 844-7180 – memorialrehab.com


Therapies 4 Kids (T4K) & Bright Steps Forward provides PT/OT/SLP/ ABA to children with developmental disabilities. Services include direct treatment, patient education, and specialized programs to meet the growing health needs of the community. Therapies 4 Kids has become the leader in Pediatric and Adult programs for neurological disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Autism, & Stroke. Diagnostic testing for Autism & ADHD. Medicaid & Most Insurances accepted. OPEN SATURDAYS. 4 Locations; 10261 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines 33025, (954) 651-9285. 2233 N. Commerce Parkway #1, Weston 33326, (954) 651-9302. 1750 N. University Drive, Suite 105, Coral Springs 33071, (954) 703-4223 & 218 Almeria Avenue, Coral Gables 33134, (954) 356-2878. www.therapies4kids.com. Private Learning Center K-12 now taking applications: www.brightstepsforward.org. NO WAITING LIST.


Whether it’s a sports-related or non-sports-related concussion, count on us to deliver quality, coordinated care. We help navigate and expedite appointments with the right pediatric specialists to meet your child’s needs: Pediatric Sports Medicine • Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation • Pediatric Neurology • Pediatric Neuropsychology • Pediatric Vestibular Rehabilitation • Pediatric Neurosurgery. Call (954) 538-5566 or visit JDCH.com

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017

dreams. She provides teen, family, couples and individual counseling. She has offices both in Coral Springs and Fort Lauderdale and has convenient evening hours. If you are ready to make an investment in yourself, relationship or family visit her website www.FamilyAndCouplesCounseling.com or call (954) 401-9011 for more information.


FAMILY HEALTH C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017



ack to School time = Head Lice. It is an unfortunate fact. No one wants to send a letter home from school alerting them to cases of head lice in the classroom. Today, parents must be more aware than ever about what is going on in their child’s hair. “Super Lice” has been reported in 48 states. Research published in the Journal of Medical Entomology shows that head lice in 48 states (including Florida) have developed a resistance to the Over the Counter treatments and prescriptions medications, often recommended by doctors and pharmacists. Michele Barrack, founder of Lice Lifters Franchising and owner of Lice Lifters of Coral Springs, says that parents should not worry about the pesky bugs. “Super Lice are nothing new. For 7+ years, I have known that lice have become resistant to the OTC treatments. I started Lice Lifters after spending many dollars and hours trying unsuccessfully to treat my own family’s infestation. I knew there had to be a better way to treat head lice, so I developed the Lice Lifters Treatment & Products. Many of my clients come into my Center after trying to get rid of lice on their own for weeks and sometimes months. My clients were not successful so they needed our help to end their infestation.” So what can parents do to keep their children lice free this school year? Barrack suggests the following:

1) Invest in a good lice comb and check your child’s hair weekly on wet, conditioned hair. Most combs out in the marketplace do not work, so be sure to purchase a top rated comb. If you find something that looks like lice eggs (nits), call a lice professional or look for a natural product, such as Lice Lifters Lice Solution to treat infestation. 2) For long hair, keep the hair up in a braid, ponytail or bun. Over 90% of infestations are contracted by head to head contact. 3) Tell your children to limit selfies and head to head (hair to hair) contact. 4) Children should not share hairbrushes, hair accessories or hats. 5) Use a preventative spray with the scent peppermint or citronella. Lice Lifters Mint Detangler Spray is great deterrent. If you have any questions, or concerns about head lice, feel free to contact Lice Lifters of Coral Springs at: (954) 933-5356 or www. LiceLiftersFlorida.com. Lice Lifters is your partner in lice prevention and detection.

FAMILY HEALTH C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017



he Friendship Initiative, a Parkland based 501(c)(3) charitable organization and the City of Parkland, after years of planning and design, will be implementing the first phase of construction of the redesign of Terramar Park (to be renamed Friendship Park) in Parkland. The global landscape architecture firm, EDSA, is the design consultant. According to Parkland City Commissioner Christine Hunschofsky, an early supporter and voice for Friendship Park, “I am absolutely thrilled that the City of Parkland will break ground on Phase 1 of Friendship Park. From day one I have been a huge advocate of The Friendship Initiative’s vision to build the first ever all-inclusive park right here in our City. This is a tremendous milestone for The Friendship Initiative and more importantly, for our diverse and growing community.” Jeb Niewood, a Parkland resident and the founder and president of The Friendship Initiative, states, “We have a great relationship with the City of Parkland and this is the culmination of a four-year dialogue and partnership with the city. With the planned construction of Phase 1, it is the end of the beginning of our shared journey. We believe that Friendship Park will be the model for all future community parks throughout the nation.” The first phase of construction, with a ground breaking scheduled for late 2016, is the installation of multi-use fields with a landscaped perimeter including a single point of entry and exit to insure the safety of all children. The city’s 5-year plan also includes the construction of Phase 2, which is the installation of basketball courts including the innovative Bankshot Basketball. Bankshot Basketball is an inclusive activity where players do not play against one another but along-side one another. Bankshot Sports are non-exclusionary, accommodating wheelchair players, the physically and cognitively challenged, grandparents, children and all people.

At full construction, Friendship Park will include:

Double wide walkways and pathways allowing for wheelchairs, walkers and adaptive bicycles; a sensory garden that engages each of the senses within a larger green landscaped area with a specific theme and with wide boardwalks running through it; large fully adaptive state of the art playground; a great lawn for events and productions; sculptured art in the park area; convenient parking provided for each element of the park Started in 2011, the mission of The Friendship Initiative (TFI) is to develop and grow programs that enable children with special needs and typical children to learn from each other and connect as friends and to build the nation’s first, totally inclusive community park. TFI is committed to raising the funds necessary to support this mission. For more information about The Friendship Initiative and Friendship Park please contact Jeb Niewood at Jeb@thefriendshipinitiative.org or by calling Jeb at (954) 464-6078 and visit its web page at: www.thefriendshipinitiative.org as well as The Friendship Initiative Facebook page.



CALENDAR Broward County Public School Calendar*

C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017

Changes may be made. Visit www.browardschools.com for updates.

2016 - 2017 SCHOOL CALENDAR SECOND QUARTER Monday, October 31...........................Start 2nd Quarter Tuesday, November 8..........................Employee Planning Friday, November 11..........................Holiday - No School Thursday, November 17......................Report Cards Issued Wednesday, November 23..................Day Off Thursday, November 24......................Holiday - No School Friday, November 25..........................Day Off Thursday, December 1........................Interim Reports Issued December 26 - January 6...................Winter Break - No School Thursday, January 12.........................Early Release Friday, January 13.............................Employee Planning - No School

THIRD QUARTER Monday, January 16...........................Day Off Tuesday, January 17...........................Start 3rd Quarter Thursday, February 2..........................Report Cards Issued Thursday, February 16........................Interim Reports Issued Monday, February 20.........................Holiday - No School Thursday, February 23........................Early Release Thursday, March 23............................Early Release Friday, March 24................................Employee Planning - No School

FOURTH QUARTER Monday, March 27..............................Start 4th Quarter Monday - Friday, April 10 - 14............Spring Break - No School Thursday, April 20..............................Report Cards Issued Thursday, May 4.................................Interim Reports Issued Monday, May 29................................Holiday - No School Thursday, June 8................................Early Release & Last Day of School Friday, June 9....................................Employee Planning - No School Wednesday, June 28...........................Report Cards Issued for Fourth Quarter * Year-Round Schools Follow Different Calendars.



This year the Stoneman Douglas DECA (a high school

C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017

business, marketing, and finance club) is buzzing with excitement about a new project that they are undertaking this year. Everyone wants to be part of the one of the most highly anticipated projects called DECA in the Middle.


The main goal of DECA in the Middle is for the Douglas DECA program to work with Westglades Middle School students and educate them about DECA and have them involved in the club at the middle school level. The leaders of DECA in the Middle intend to generate interest within the Westglades Middle School by creating the DECA in the Middle business club that will educate them about all of the numerous benefits of DECA. These skills range from dressing professionally, writing a proper resume, acting appropriate

in a professional setting, establishing networking connections, marketing products and services, and more. In the long term, DECA in the Middle hopes to establish an official DECA chapter at Westglades Middle School. As for Stoneman Douglas DECA, members are all looking forward to helping this chapter project with everything they have planned for the middle school students. Everyone simply cannot wait to see what the future has in store for DECA in the Middle at Westglades Middle School!

BCPS’s Career, Technical, Adult, & Community Education (CTACE) Department: Engineering a Bright Future E

ach issue, the CTACE Department of Broward County Public Schools will be highlighting one of our Career Pathway programs. Each Career Pathway program is strategically designed to teach students College Readiness and Employability Skills. In addition, students in a Career Pathway prepare to pass the industry-level certifications necessary to earn high-skill, high-wage positions directly after high school or college graduation. Our first Pathway focus is Engineering. One of the most consistently growing fields in the workforce, jobs in Engineering nationwide are expected to grow 10% in the next decade; in Broward County, careers in engineering and related fields are expected to grow by nearly 20%. According to statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor beginning engineers earn, on average, $62,000 directly out of college, and the average salary for engineers nationwide is $95,000. For our students, these numbers are too staggering to ignore. The sooner we can begin to identify students who may be interested in a career in engineering and guide them on that path, the better! Across Broward County Public Schools, the CTACE Department oversees engineering programs at nineteen high schools, serving over 4,000 students in courses such as architectural engineering, civil engineering, aerospace engineering, computer drafting, robotics, and many more. Students earned over four-hundred industry-level certifications in MasterCam, SolidWorks, and AutoCad, just to name a few, and we are expanding to

include certification opportunities in RECF Robotics. In particular, Marjory Stoneman Douglas, J.P. Taravella, Coral Glades, and Coral Springs High Schools all offer courses in computer integrated manufacturing and engineering design & development. Students are also able to engage in competitions involving solar cars, robotics, and even simulated urban search and rescue missions with student-designed and student-created robots. Through organizations like SkillsUSA, FIRST Robotics, and MIASF, Broward students are able to leverage their skills to compete locally and nationally, earning prizes and scholarships for their efforts and the efforts of their master teachers. One of our goals is to continue to connect more of our teachers and students with partners in industry. Recently, students from four high schools toured a variety of local manufacturing facilities. There, they were able to witness how the skills they learn in the classroom are being put to use in our community by highly successful businesses like Stimpson, Hoerbiger, and Sunbelt. With increased exposure comes increased opportunities for paid internships and apprenticeships for students, both of which are goals for the CTACE Department. For more information on Engineering programs in Broward Schools, please contact James Payne, CTACE Curriculum Supervisor, at james.payne@browardschools.com. For more information specifically on Coral Springs’s engineering program, visit their website: https://sites.google.com/site/coltseng/

SCHOOLS C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017



he year is moving along and the “hopefully” cooler temperatures are a perfect complement to our high-quality academic delivery. We are very excited for our HUGE PTA event to celebrate the season. We started with a Harry Potter themed evening on October 28th. Pictures to follow! We are looking forward to Walk to School Day on November 9th. Also, we have scheduled School Tours for any potential incoming Park Trails students for the 2017–2018 school year. Call our office at (754) 322-7800 to reserve your spot.

Lastly, we are transforming our learning environments and creating comfortable rooms where students can explore their passions and be creative. We are always accepting donations for comfortable and different seating that could be utilized in our classrooms. We always encourage you to visit our webpage www.parktrails.browardschools.com. Also, follow us @ ParkTrailsES on Instagram and Twitter. We are constantly updating and trending all of the great things happening at our school.

Good Things are Happening

at Ramblewood Elementary this Fall Season W

e are happy to say that we’ve had a positive beginning to the 2016–2017 school year and are now off and running with many great things planned for our students, parents and community. Our Kindergarten participated in their annual Garden Days where they got “down in the dirt” helping to make our school’s garden area more beautiful than ever. Parents also participated in this event coordinated by our “green thumb expert” Ms. Walsh. The students planted flowers, herbs and vegetables, and will help maintain the garden while watching the plants grow. Student Council, made up of representatives from grades three through five, helped out with the Harvest Drive during the month of October. They spread the word throughout the school about items that people can donate to help feed less fortunate families in our surrounding community on Thanksgiving. We were astounded with the number of boxes that were filled at Ramblewood.

Our students and parents gave so generously for this event and we thank them for that. Jump Rope for Heart, an annual District-wide fundraiser sponsored by the American Heart Association and the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE), also kicked off in the month of October. Students collected monies for this worthy cause and also learned about heart-healthy habits in Coach Picado’s P.E. Class. They also got the opportunity to jump rope during P.E. class. Each year PTO’s Fall Social is always a well-attended event. Families come dressed in their favorite Halloween attire for an evening of dancing, food and treats. Students love our Trick-or-Treat Trail where they get to visit faculty and staff who are also dressed in costume and choose a treat from each as they pass by. The night concluded with a costume contest, with the winner from each grade level receiving a prize.

SCHOOLS School. The focus for learning is centered around our theme, “Open Minds = Endless Possibilities.” Besides all of our teachers using interactive whiteboards in their classrooms, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students have been assigned their own laptops to gain access to digital resources, online instructional materials and other tools to maximize their learning and engagement. Our K, 1st, and 2nd grade classrooms are also using digital devices in the form of tablets and laptops.

Book Fair and “Muffins with Mom” breakfast. The turnout was amazing and a good time was had by all. Parental involvement remains very important for us. Please keep in touch with all of the school’s events by using the information below:

Website: www.broward.k12.fl.us/westchestelem/ Twitter: @Newschester Instagram: Westchesterelementary

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017

Open Minds = Endless Possibilities at Westchester Elementary The Wildcats are in full swing at Westchester Elementary One of the family events we held in October was our annual


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MAKING SAFETY A PRIORITY AT COUNTRY HILLS ELEMENTARY The students and parents participated in a Walk to School Event on October 14th. Students and parents met police officers at two separate intersections to walk to school. Several law enforcement officers were on campus to provide information and handouts to parents. The main message to parents was safety as a priority when

walking or biking to school. Several students riding bikes without helmets were identified and given helmets. Students were given a ticket for a raffle and given a huge backpack of goodies. This event has brought attention to students and parents the importance of safety when walking or biking to school.

By Mr. Lozano, Principal

W e want to wish everyone a great

Thanksgiving and Winter Holiday Season! We have so much to be thankful for as a school and are thrilled to be able to serve the Coral Springs community. As Hunt Owls, we work on SOARing and showing our best self each and every day. Showing gratitude and giving thanks is an important part of being a great citizen! One of our goals as a school is to teach your children to be lifelong learners. For all of us, learning never ends. This year, I was selected to be an Intern Director within the District through a grant from the Wallace Foundation. The Internship will provide me an experience and opportunity to work with the District Principals, Supervisors and District Departments. I am honored the District selected me to be a part of this cutting-edge program. This role will require me to be out of the building for this school year. I will return as principal in May. We are excited to welcome Ms. Angine Tyghter, a Wallace Intern Principal, to James S. Hunt

Elementary. She will be filling in for me during my Wallace Internship until I return in May. She is an outstanding educator and has a passion for helping students reach their full potential. She is a great addition to our Hunt family this year. This year we are using the Standards Mastery program from IReady to monitor our students’ progress in reading and math. This program aligns our grade level assessments to the format and rigor of the Florida Standards Assessments and provides our students practice with the technology-based questions. We also use Reflex Math to build fluency in math computation. It is a great asset for us as a school to have technology-based programs for our students in order to provide personalized learning and prepare them for the twenty-first century! At James S. Hunt, we are so proud of the accomplishments of our students and the high-quality instruction provided by our teachers and staff. As we wrap up 2016, we wish everyone a successful and blessed 2017!



oral Springs K–8 jumped into the 2016–2017 school year with tremendous energy and enthusiasm! We were so excited to see our returning families and to welcome all of our new families! Our numbers continue to grow and truly reflect our commitment to our students and families. Our philosophy: Mission Possible! Let’s Do It!!!! Perfectly encapsulates our belief that EVERY child has the ability to learn and grow and will do so with the expert guidance of our Faculty and Administration. We have had a number of well-attended First Quarter events. We started the school year by inviting the parents of Middle School, Intermediate and Primary students to attend an informative Open House. We greatly appreciated their presence and attention as we work together to support our students. A fun and well-attended McTeacher night at McDonald’s helped support our


school and highly valued partner. The second annual Fall Parent University was held on October 18. The evening featured Intermediate and Primary English Language Arts and Math presentations in a fun, hands-on environment as well as FSA Savvy and Internet Resources. These fun activities can be easily replicated at home and help our parents as they work with their children in these critical subjects. Our highly anticipated 3rd Annual Fall Festival 2016 was held on October 27! This fun evening of games, creativity and competition focused on children and families as well as our school community. Tickets were flying out the door and fantastic booths were set up for the evening. As we close out a successful 1st Quarter filled with learning and fun, we look forward to Quarter 2 with even greater energy and enthusiasm!

aby, it’s cold outside…Okay, so maybe that’s

plastic bin and add one large bag of baking soda and

not the case here in South Florida, but we can

two cans of shaving cream. As you slowly mix in the

pretend! Here is a SUPER easy snow recipe for you

shaving cream, you will discover a moldable snow.

that children of all ages can enjoy. This is so easy

The snow is soft, smooth and naturally cold. After

and it only takes two household ingredients – baking

mixing the two, feel free to add some glitter. Your

soda and shaving cream. (Glitter can be added for

finished product will last for several weeks if stored

extra effect but not necessary.) First, take a flat

in an airtight container. Enjoy!

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017



SCHOOLS C oral Spr ing s & Par k la nd S por ts & Act iv it ie s D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove m b e r 2016 - J anuar y 2017


By Helene Foster


he new school year at Imagine School at Broward is off to a terrific start. We saw the addition of some new classes, enhanced enrichments and traditions at our school. Open houses welcomed parents as they learned about what their children would be exploring throughout the school year. Goodies with Grandparents was a tremendous success in its first year. Elementary students had the opportunity to spend time with their grandparents in their classrooms and share special activities with them. The Fall Catalog Fundraiser is one of the largest PTO fundraising events. Thank you to everyone for working so hard to promote and collect your “emoji” charms! The classes that have full participation are treated to ice cream parties as a reward.

Imagine School at Broward’s National Junior Honor Society is collecting old broken crayons as part of The Crayon Initiative. The crayons are recycled into new ones and donated to children in schools, children’s hospitals, art programs and other organizations. Donations of crayons are welcome. Middle School sports are in full swing and the boys’ and girls’ soccer teams are doing a great job in representing our school against other local teams. Student Government has elected its officers and is busy preparing for the big fall dance at the end of October. For more information about Imagine School at Broward, please call (954) 255-0020 or visit www.imaginebroward.org.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas Students Build Foundation Of New School Garden A

s part of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School’s commitment to the environment, students have started working on a school-wide project, called “Marjory’s Garden,” with the goal of demonstrating the capacity to grow food sustainably and expand science, business, engineering, art, and culinary curricula. Currently, students are working in the third sector allocated for the garden, where a shade house will be constructed to grow a variety of plants. The shade house will be managed by Stoneman Douglas DECA as part of their chapter project, Start Fresh. The planning process for Marjory’s Garden began at the end of the 2015–2016 school year as Kyle Jeter, the Broward County Teacher of the Year, envisioned a new space that could put classroom lessons into practice across many different fields from biology to business ownership. With the hard work of students, teachers and administrators, the project was able to obtain a large amount of land near the school’s tennis courts and secure funding in order to begin construction early in the 2016–2017 school year. Students from Stoneman Douglas DECA, who attended the first meetings, subsequently decided to start the chapter project Start Fresh as a way of promoting the themes of environmental sustainability to the school, the local community and beyond. To help promote this theme, students will be growing various types of produce in the shade house to distribute to the local community. Stoneman Douglas DECA’s chapter project Start Fresh aims to promote environmental awareness and sustainability in the local community. In addition to building and managing the garden, they are hosting several events to promote this theme. They will be presenting this theme to elementary schools and explaining the importance of being eco-friendly to local businesses. Marjory Stoneman Douglas DECA is the largest club at MSD and is the sixth largest chapter in the world with over 600 members. All students in Hospitality, Marketing and Academy of Finance classes have the opportunity to become members of DECA, a worldwide student organization.

DECA is a career and technical student organization composed of more than 200,000 students who are interested in careers in marketing, entrepreneurship, finance, hospitality or management. DECA enhances the preparation for college and careers by providing co-curricular programs that integrate into classroom instruction, apply learning, connect to business and promote competition. DECA student members leverage their DECA experience to become academically prepared, community oriented, professionally responsible, and experienced leaders. For more information visit http://www.msddeca.org, or follow on Facebook: Start Fresh and Twitter/Instagram: @MSDStartFresh.


Atlantis Academy was established in 1976 for students, from Kindergarten

through grade 12 and beyond, of diverse abilities who are struggling in their current school environment. Atlantis Academy emphasizes the importance of close parent/ teacher/student relationships for the benefit of each child. A low student to-teacher ratio and experienced, caring and nurturing staff help foster students’ self-confidence and self-esteem. At Atlantis Academy, the student as an individual is our primary concern. Personalization in curriculum, academic expectations and age-appropriate socialization is the foundation of our program. Atlantis Academy offers a program that allows students to discover their strengths, their own unique learning styles and the methods and technologies that work for them. We believe that small class sizes and a close-knit campus allow for personal attention and help develop the leadership skills and confidence of each student. Atlantis Academy serves students on the Autism Spectrum, ADHD, and other Learning Differences.

Happy fall! The school year is passing by very quickly; it is hard

to believe we are already into the 2nd quarter of school. Parkside has just begun our Extended Learning Opportunity clubs. We are offering cheerleading, art, computer coding, a running and cooking club. These have been a huge success and the students are having a great time learning. The first session will end the beginning of December. Please be on the lookout in January/February for another opportunity to get your kids involved. We are looking forward to our School-Wide Thanksgiving Luncheon that will take place on November 17th. All families are invited to join us for this special day for lunch with your child. This is a great time to show our thanks to you and all that you do for our school. A BIG thank you to our PTA for all of the wonderful activities that took place during the month of October. The book fair, ice cream social, and

L.I.F.E. Day Program, Atlantis Academy’s Living Independently with Fundamental Experiences (LIFE) Day Program teaches young adults, over the age of 18, with varying abilities the skills to live more independently at home and in the workplace. This comprehensive program is conducted in a safe and nurturing environment where staff focus is on teaching basic skills like selfadvocacy and determination, general housekeeping, finances, meal prep and planning and proper hygiene in order help students learn to be independent. LIFE students receive the support they need in order to create meaningful friendships, peer relationships and a social network. Students also gain work experience through a transition to work program with job and volunteer experiences within our community. Our New location in Coral Springs is now open. We are currently enrolling for the 2016–17 Academic School Year. Call for a personalized tour of our campus.

the Spooktacular Dance were all a huge success. We truly appreciate all that they do to make Parkside a phenomenal school. If you are interested in volunteering in any way with our PTA, please email them at ParksidePTAVol@gmail.com. This is an easy and fun way to help while meeting some other families at the school. We are looking for any parents, grandparents or retired teachers who may be interested in being a mentor. These individuals work with students throughout the year playing board games, cards and much more. If this is something you may be interested in, please contact our school counselor so she can provide you with the information needed to get you started. Please continue to check out our website at parkside.browardschools.com for up to date information.

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017

ATLANTIS ACADEMY: New Location, New Programs!


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e have been off to a great start this year with great support from our Riverglades families – so let’s keep building our future! No Brainer FUNdraiser was back! Riverglades DIRECT DONATION CAMPAIGN FUNDRAISER was in full swing in October. As parents and PTA supporters, we raised funds for our school and will provide the students with the tools to learn and expand their education. Our fundraising goal was to continue to support our school with additional technology, teacher wish lists, music instruments, educational programs, family events, and so much more…last year we were able to provide computers, water filtration systems, music instruments, author visits, playground and physical education equipment, family programs, and so much more. In and around our classrooms we have been busy. Our Kindergarten classes enjoyed interactive story time with Miss Rita. First grade students investigated force and motion and built their own model rockets with Rockin Rockets, an on-campus field trip. Using their LifeSkill of caring, our second grade students visited the Sawgrass Nature Center, bringing donations of supplies to help the animals living there as they are being nursed back to health. Our third grade


orest Glen is so proud of our Innovative Programs and the challenging and engaging classes offered to our students. We have a tremendous science department that really relates the learning to the world we live in. We offer Biology Honors and Marine Science Honors (both high school courses) that provide the students with plenty of hands on activities both in and out of school. There are in class labs, field trips with Nova Southeastern University, where students are involved in Shark tagging, hydroponic and traditional gardens, remote controlled underwater vehicles that we use in our indoor swimming pool, drones flying around capturing aerial pictures and data, and so much more. Our goal is to teach the students to see science through the opportunities to support and protect their environment, as well as, careers they can pursue in the future.

classes discovered how our local government worked by visiting Parkland’s Government Center. Getting an up-close experience with the Florida Everglades, our fourth graders slogged through the swamp to view the flora and fauna of South Florida. In preparation for life beyond school, our fifth graders applied for and worked at a variety of jobs while at Biz Town. We ended the month with something spooktackular – the Riverglades Halloween Parade, an annual tradition entertained the community. Many joined in the fun on October 27th as our students, staff and even some parents dressed for the occasion at our annual Halloween Parade. No need to be frightened; it was a howling good time! For all the latest information, check out Riverglades website: www.myvlink. org/rivergladeselementarypta/. If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up, check out all the happenings, and opt in for emails to receive school updates. Here’s your chance to get school news digitally, join PTA, become a Partner in Education, Shop and Donate, and so much more. Thanks for all your support!

For example, Emory Riddle provides college degrees related to flying drones for the government and private companies in their aeronautical department. We are planting the seeds for future opportunities. Our premise is to educate them academically, socially and emotionally. We want global citizens that will protect our environment and business people that enhance our environment. We have a number of partnerships that allow students unique opportunities to participate in experiments here and with universities and government organizations as well. They get to see how what they do is making a difference outside of Coral Springs and Broward County. Our students are well prepared for high school and beyond. Please contact Lauren Barbato at (754) 322-3400 to schedule a tour and find out how to enroll your child in one of our Innovative Programs.



debaters a great sense of poise and confidence. For many, debate tournaments are a rare opportunity to connect intellectually with their peers and to have their ideas about important issues considered seriously by adults. Through the debating process, students will be pushed to think critically about issues presented to them, using research and evidence to support their arguments. The skills learned in debate can assist them in many future situations, including simple conflict resolution in the home, through to analysis and understanding of problems at a community. SSMS is proud to support this important debate initiative, which encourages our students to develop critical thinking, public speaking and research skills, plus build the confidence of students to creatively structure persuasive arguments on any topic. These are really important skills for life that help us to create an atmosphere of tolerance for other people’s views and opinions in society.

Fantastic Fall at Park Springs Elementary!

t has been a fantastic fall at Park Springs Elementary! Please extend congratulates to our Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Capon, and our School-Related Employee of the Year, Mr. Nolan! We had a blast at our annual Pasta Night and enjoyed seeing so many families come together for our dinner and movie night. Our teacher, parent, and alumni volunteers in addition to the PTO made the event a huge success! Our first book fair of the year got the students excited about reading and we had so much fun at the Book Fair family night & Ice Cream Social! Clifford the Dog even made an appearance! We want to thank the Park Springs families who purchased from our Fall Fundraiser catalog. This is our major fundraiser for the year and the proceeds will be applied to our ongoing technology upgrades and enhancements to give our students more learning opportunities. Walk to School day was so much fun and we love having the support of the CSPD at our school! Our families enjoyed Halloween Bingo at Coral Springs High. Congratulations to all our bingo winners and thank you to the volunteer students from Forest Glen Middle and Coral Springs High who helped our evening run smoothly. We invite you to enjoy dinner and snacks at our McDonald’s McTeacher Night on Thursday, November 10th from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Just before Thanksgiving, on Tuesday, November 22nd come see our very own version of the Macy’s Day Parade when our students parade in costume to celebrate our school theme “Around the World in 180 Days.” Finally, we will celebrate the season with our Winterfest celebration on December 7th beginning at 6:00 pm. Come to Park Springs to see our talented chorus, see

our creative artists on display, enjoy snacks, and create family friendly art projects. The PTO planning meetings are the first Wednesday of each month at 9:30 am. Please join us on November 2nd and December 7th (both at 9:30 am) to help share ideas and lend a hand! Our PTO board members are always working behind the scenes and we look forward to meeting you! Parents and volunteers are always welcome at PSE! Follow us on Twitter @PSEpanther and @parkspringsPTO. More information for Park Springs is available at parksprings.browardschools.com or parksprings.my-pto. org. Have a wonderful holiday season!

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017


awgrass Springs Middle School is pleased to announce the second year of their Debate Team. Last year, the debate students won a plethora of medals and made it all the way to the National Debating Competition, which took place in Salt Lake City, Utah. This year’s debate team is really excited and recently participated in their first event at Attucks Middle School. There were over 450 middle school students at the tournament. Congratulations go out to the following: Tia Thompson who won first place for Declamation and Andrew Portell who won first place for Original Oratory. Debate appeals to these students as a fun, competitive, and student-centered way to encounter academic subjects. At the very least, debate helps learners to see the power of deploying rational, reasoned arguments and compelling evidence in action. It enables them to elucidate their standpoint through utilizing rhetorical eloquence. It instills in



By Carol Smith

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he whirlwind political season is coming to a close. If you are reading this before November 8, be sure you have voted. Otherwise, now is the time for the next step: Holding the newly elected representatives accountable! They are your representatives—elected by you, to represent you. Therefore it is your job to choose those issues that are most important to you and talk to those officials. Voting is only part of the process of a citizen. Pick your issue and then be vocal. Write letters, attend meetings. There are issues at every level of government. Locally there are parks, youth activities, senior activities, and roads. Statewide concerns include pure water, clean rivers and springs, education and energy. And nationally there are voting rights, immigration, trade, climate change and many more.

It does require a little work but it is well worth it. Of course, you first need to know the players—the elected officials and those department heads who impact your issue. For instance, you may need to lobby your city commission for adequate field time for your sports team. Or you may need to work with your city commission and Parks and Recreation Department to keep the fields in good shape. So know your commissioners, attend meetings, and study the budget so you know where the taxpayer dollars go. Many times you need to join with other like-minded residents to work on specific issues. At every level, the process is the same. Citizen involvement is vital. The election may be over, but your job is just beginning. For more information, please call the League of Women Voters at (954) 735-1311 or visit www.lwvbcfl.org.

Fall Happenings H

at Heron Heights Elementary

eron Heights had a great start to the school year! HHE students celebrated Peace Day by making a Blue Pinkie Promise to promote kindness. Students put a blue Band-Aid on their pinkie to remind them to be kind every day. They also created a wall of kindness to spread messages of peace and kindness to each other. We ended the first month of school with our annual PTO BINGO night! The students enjoyed spending time with their family and winning fantastic prizes. We are excited to announce that our school will be participating in the Apex Fun Run this year as our major PTO fundraiser! The Apex program will run from October 31st to November 10th, teaching leadership and fitness as we raise pledges to help our school. Be on the lookout for your pledge booklet! Heron Heights will be participating in the Annual Harvest Drive from October 21 – November 10th. We are focusing on collecting juice, cookies, shampoo/conditioner, dish soap,

and laundry detergent. Please help provide non-perishables and supplies to local families. Join us Monday, November 21st for our SAC meeting at 2:30pm. Make sure you check our website often for the latest updates at www.heronheightselementary.com.

SCHOOLS Donuts for Dad event focused on bringing families into the school, specifically to increase the parental involvement of fathers. At our Donuts for Dad event, parents got an opportunity to share a donut with their child and meet other parents in the school community. One of our major initiatives this year is to rejuvenate our garden. Thanks to the help of our volunteers, the edible garden is ready for planting. We want every child to have the opportunity to get their hands in the soil and experience all the benefits

and joy that youth gardening can bring. Additionally, our students are recycling and creating compost bins. We are going “Green” at Forest Hills Elementary School. We are deeply committed to community pride and unity. We are working with the community to teach organic methods, preservation of open spaces and native habitats for biodiversity in an effort to encourage sustainable living techniques and recycling. All gardeners are welcome! If you are interested in donating or participating in our edible garden don’t hesitate to contact our office at (754) 322-6400. For additional information about our upcoming events please visit our school website at: www.foresthills.browardschools.com or on Twitter @FHErangerbears.

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Forest Hills is off to a great start for the 2016–2017 school year. Our first major PTO event, “Donuts for Dad,” took place on September 27, 2017. The


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Now offering On-Site Field Trips for Schools, Camp and After-School Program Providers! Our unique and comprehensive programs are tailored exclusively to meet the latest STEAM curriculum and Common Core objectives. Our programs give children the opportunity to learn hands-on robot assembly, coding, and more. Children in all our programs are immersed in a unique, fun-filled experience that fosters teamwork, builds problem solving skills, and nurtures critical and creative thinking. We also offer an array of other Engineering and Robotics programs that include After-School & Saturday Programs as well as Spring, Winter, and Summer Camps! All girls and boys, 7–14 years old, are eligible to attend at various locations. Register for an Introductory Trial Class today! Get in contact: (954) 816-3346, Info@BrightAndSmart.com Visit our website: www.BrightAndSmart.com Stay connected: www.facebook.com/BrightAndSmart, www.twitter.com/Bright_n_Smart, www.instagram.com/brightandsmart

IMACS – MATH, COMPUTER PROGRAMMING & LOGICAL REASONING ENRICHMENT Take your child’s logical reasoning skills to the next level! IMACS gives students a competitive edge by teaching them how to think critically in a fun environment. Call (954) 791-2333 or visit www.imacs.org to schedule a FREE Placement Class. Weekly After-School/Saturday classes. Grades 1–12. Weston, Plantation, Boca, Fort Lauderdale, and Delray.

ART PAPER SCISSORS ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS We specialize in the ART of learning. We offer after school, enrichment programs, field trips, workshops and camps in our studio or on site for schools, preschools, neighborhoods, nursing homes, clubs, places of worship and events. We’re not your average art school. Our activities are catered and created just for YOU. Your needs and interests are our priority. We will work with your theme, needs and budget to provide the best program designed for you. We work with every age group and find the best-suited art program to suit your audience.

Psychologist Dr. David Yudell. Private Practice, Licensed Clinical Psychologist. We can help your child with educational testing including Gifted Placement, Attention Deficits or Hyperactivity (ADD / ADHD), Memory Problems or Learning Disorders. Offices located in Coral Springs, Coconut Creek, Davie, Plantation and Tamarac. Call our office to discuss your child: (954) 288-9393.

DUAL ENROLLMENT BROWARD COLLEGE The Dual Enrollment Program at Broward College is an accelerated program that allows eligible public/charter, private high school and homeschool education students to earn high school and college credits at the same time, saving both time and money! For more information, visit www.broward.edu/dual.

EARLY LEARNING BROWARD COLLEGE Children, families and society benefit from high quality early education programs that encourage advancement of intellectual, physical, emotional and social development. The Early Childhood Demonstration Laboratory School at Broward College North Campus provides a high quality, safe, affordable learning environment that ensures a hands-on, developmentally appropriate curriculum for children one to five years of age. As an approved Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) site, as well as participant with Early Learning Coalition of Broward County and the Children’s Services Council, our curriculum, The Creative Curriculum®, is aligned with research-based standards and expectations of the national Head Start Program and the Broward County Public School system. For more information on your child becoming a Seahawk Scholar, call (954) 201-2440.


Working in conjunction with the Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance, the CTACE Department of Broward County Public schools will be rolling out a TechGateway APP Challenge. Throughout October and November, participating schools will be working on the challenge, and select schools and students will be presenting at the District APP Showcase on December 6th at KC Wright, which is open to the public. For more information, please contact Brian King, CTACE Curriculum Supervisor, at brian.king@browardschools.com.

Nature Explorers is a weekly preschool program at the Sawgrass Nature Center & Wildlife Hospital. Come and enjoy a hand-on adventure exploring our natural environment and the creatures that inhabit it through books, crafts and animal visits. The Sawgrass Nature Center welcomes Nature Explorers 3–5 years of age on Wednesdays from 1pm – 2pm. Cost: $8 ($5 for SNC members) per class. Please contact the Center for more information and to register. The Sawgrass Nature Center & Wildlife hospital is located at 3000 Sportsplex Drive, Coral Springs, FL 33065. (954) 752-WILD (9453) Pre-registration is required. The SNC is a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to educate the public about South Florida’s environment and the many species it contains, to provide excellent care for sick, injured or orphaned wildlife, and to promote healthy living and outdoor activity.






Herff Jones of Broward County / Chuck Puleri & Associates, (954) 693-0006. 8230 West State Road 84, Davie 33324. High School Rings, Championship Rings, Caps, Gowns, Tassels, Cords, Graduation Announcements, Graduate Name Cards, Thank You Notes, Class Year Merchandise, and more. Conveniently located in the heart of Broward County on State Road 84 between Pines Island Rd. & University Dr. Online shopping available via our website www.HJBroward.com.

Nationally recognized by the Aspen Institute as a “Top 10 College,” Broward College (BC) offers the most affordable higher education in South Florida to help you achieve your academic and career goals. A respected trailblazer, BC was the first and remains the largest institution of higher education in Broward County. For more information, call (954) 201-2240 or email north-admissions@broward.edu.




Rated an “A” school, Imagine offers families a choice in their child’s education. Offering grades Pre-K–8th, your child will be given the opportunity to not only be taught by amazing teachers, but also make friends to last a lifetime. Before and After Care Available. Enrichment programs available afterschool to broaden your child’s knowledge and skills. 9001 Westview Drive, Coral Springs 33067. (954) 255-0020. Call today for a tour!

ATLANTIS ACADEMY Established in 1976 for students who have learning difficulties and are struggling in their current school environment. Atlantis Academy emphasizes the importance of close parent/teacher/student relationships for the benefit of each child. Our low student-to-teacher ratio and experienced, caring and nurturing staff help foster students’ selfconfidence and self-esteem. Atlantis Academy is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI), an accrediting division of AdvancED. 11411 NW 56th Drive, Coral Springs, FL 33076, www.AtlantisAcadamy.com. (954) 752-7571.

ABI’S PLACE Abi’s Place is a private, nonprofit school offering services to children with Autism and varying disabilities, ages 3–17. We have low student to teacher ratios that incorporate individualized goal-driven programs utilizing ABA techniques and specialize in behavior modification. Pediatric occupational, speech and physical therapies are available to our students as well to the community. We serve children from birth to 22 years. Our T.A.S.K.S. (Therapeutic After School Kids Specials) Program is open to the community for children with special needs and operates daily from 3:00pm – 5:00pm and includes art and music therapy, sensory integration, yoga and sports. Contact Juli Zeno at (954) 753-4441 or julizeno@abisplace.com to schedule a tour or appointment today! 1710 N. University Dr. Coral Springs 33071. www.abisplace.org.

BRIGHT STEPS FORWARD Bright Steps Forward is a private learning center (k-12) for special needs children focusing on Spectrum Disorders & children with Cerebral Palsy. We are enrolling students for the 2016/2017 year & accepting McKay and Step Up Scholarships. Our program focuses on developing motivation and an ability to share experiences with others, Flexible creative thinking, problem solving, communicating feelings and meaning. Instructional and related services are provided based upon goals and objectives written in IEPs. In addition to regular progress reports, our staff logs progress daily, and weekly to record goal progress, demeanor, behavior, and social interactions. 10261 Pines Boulevard, Pembroke Pines 33025, (954) 651-9285. 2233 N. Commerce Parkway #1, Weston 33326, (954) 651-9302. 1750 N. University Drive, Suite 105, Coral Springs 33071, (954) 703-4223 & 218 Almeria Avenue, Coral Gables 33134. (954) 356-2878.

Mondays, 3:30pm to 4:30pm. Would your child benefit from a Reading Buddy? When younger students read with older students, literacy skills are picked up in an enjoyable manner. The Parkland Juniorettes, high school girls dedicated to making a difference, have partnered with the Parkland Library to help younger students with reading. Building partnerships between our high-achieving high school students and elementary-age children is an excellent way to reinforce lifelong reading success. (Note: On the Mondays that school is closed Reading Buddies will not meet.) Registration is not required; just meet at the desk in the center of the library. For more information visit www.cityofparkland.org/library or call (954) 757-4207.


Please visit www.cityofparkland.org/library for storytime class schedules and registration dates. Your Parkland Library card is required in order to register. Registration is limited to one class per child. • BOOKS AND BABIES: (9–23 months with adult). This is an early literacy class that creates sound and print awareness and their relationship through the use of toys, puzzles and books. • TODDLER TALES STORYTIME: (24 months–3 1/2yrs. with adult). This early literacy class establishes the relationship between letters and sounds, sign identification, and provides early phonemic awareness. This is accomplished through stories, music, rhymes, and games. • PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: (3–5 year olds unaccompanied by adult). In this class, preschool age children will enhance phonemics, direction, verbal and written cues, motor skills and literacy links through stories, songs, finger plays, flannel boards and crafts. New themes are presented each week. • ROOKIE READERS: (Kindergarten–2nd Grade). This class combines stories, poems and crafts to make a fun library experience. It encourages entertaining, independent reading.

NORTHWEST REGIONAL LIBRARY 3151 University Drive, Coral Springs. (954) 357-7990. Monday–Wednesday 10:00am – 8:00pm; Thursday-Sunday 10:00am – 6:00pm. Call for children reading programs and activities. STORY TIME: For ages 3–5 years – Every Wednesday 10:30am – 11:15am. For ages 12–24 months – Every Tuesday 11:30am – 12:30pm. For ages 3–11 months – Every Tuesday 10:30am – 11:15am.

TUTORING SERVICES KUMON LEARNING CENTER The Kumon Method empowers children to become self-learners. At Kumon, we personalize our math and reading program to fit the skill level of each child. That way, children of all levels can grasp any concept on their own and take full ownership of their success. Kumon puts children on the path to becoming the confident, independent, self-reliant people all parents hope their children can be. Kumon center is dedicated in “helping students reach high math and reading ability and building a solid foundation for success in school, college and career.” Call and schedule a free placement test today. Kumon of Coral Springs-South: 1317 N University Dr. Coral Springs, FL 33071. kumon.com/coral-springs-south, (954) 603-9050. Kumon of Parkland: 5850 Coral Ridge Dr. #102 Coral Springs, FL 33076. (954) 828-2584. Kumon.com/parkland.

Coral S pr ing s & Pa r kl and Spo rts & Act ivi ti es D i r e ct o r y | I ssu e 15 | N ove mb e r 2016 - Januar y 2017



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