Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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what’s inside... AROUND WESTON................ 11 - 18 Letter from Mayor Daniel Stermer....................................................12 Jodi Cohen: Preparing for the Storm…Being Back to School Ready.......13 Honor Flight Network Brings War Veterans Home...................... 14 - 15 CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS DIRECTORY........................................16 PLACES OF WORSHIP DIRECTORY................................................17
EVENTS.................................. 19 - 28
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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EVENTS DIRECTORY............................................................. 20 - 21 BIRTHDAYS & SPECIAL EVENTS DIRECTORY............................. 22 - 23 21 Family Fun Runs............................................................... 24 - 25 Weston Futbol Club.....................................................................28
directory............................. 29 - 52
SPORTS DIRECTORY............................................................. 30 - 34 ACTIVITIES DIRECTORY......................................................... 34 - 43 Broward Sheriff’s Office Explorers Program.......................................44 Tag USA Gymnastics...................................................................45 4-Year Old Golfer Inspires Millions to Swing Past their Disabilities . ......46 Sports With Court Accepting Donations...........................................48 Hurricane Volleyball Teams Bump, Set, Spike to Success.....................49 THANKS COACH......................................................................50 Weston FC U13 Girls Team Scores Big...........................................52
FAMILY HEALTH....................... 53 - 62 HEALTH PROVIDER DIRECTORY.............................................. 60 - 62
SCHOOLS.............................. 63 - 80 2015 - 2016 Broward County School Calendar...............................64 IMACS Brings Fun To the Equation..................................................66 Country Isles Elementary’s Pasta for Pennies Fundraiser.......................68 Huntington Learning Center: Parent’s Guide to Homework...................68 Falcon Cove’s Math Team.............................................................70 Falcon Cove’s Volleyball Team Win County Championship.................70 Cypress Bay’s Tennis Team Wins State Championship........................71 Letter from Superintendent Robert W. Runcie.....................................72 Letters from School Board Members Robin Bartleman & Donna Korn......73 Letter from School Board Commissioner Laurie Rich Levinson................74 Manatee Bay Heads to Historic St. Augustine...................................74 Everglades Elementary Otter Pals Create Special Friendships...............75 2015 – 2016 WESTON SCHOOL INFORMATION................. 76 - 77 ACADEMIC DIRECTORY....................................................... 78 - 79 Manatee Bay Wins at Science Olympiad Competition.......................79 H.O.P.E. Clubs Bringing Hugs to Students in Need............................80
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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Our Team MARGOT LYONS PULERI President / Publisher (954) 806-9714 Direct MargotLS@aol.com
MELISSA HARLESS Managing Director of Publishing (423) 304-8051 Direct MelissaSports1@aol.com Linda Lombardi Territory Representative (305) 989-9380 Direct LindaSports1@aol.com
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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JULIE KASPER Territory Representative (954) 818-1549 Direct JulieSports1@aol.com
KELLY WILSON Territory Representative (305) 332-7325 Direct KellyWSports1@aol.com TINA STRAUSS School Liason (954) 347-3992 TinaSports1@aol.com Nikki Reading Area Publisher Davie/Cooper City/SW Ranches (954) 296-3285 Direct NikkiSports1@aol.com DEBRALEN CULA Area Publisher Ft. Lauderdale (954) 372-5131 Direct DebralenSports1@aol.com KIM KADEL Area Publisher Coral Springs & Parkland (954) 803-2140 KimSports1@aol.com CORRIE HOFFMAN Area Publisher Lakewood Ranch & Suncoast East (941) 685-4466 CorinSports1@aol.com Jennifer Gowens Creative Director raskugroup@aol.com Nicole Christian Corporate Shareholder Special thanks to: Contributing Writers: • Debby Teich • Tina Strauss • Kelly Wilson Contributing Photographers • Tadd Fisher • Linda Lombardi • Sabrina Morell Mittler Top Spin Publishing, Inc. Sports & Activities Directory (866) 499-9204 Office 2114 N. Flamingo Road, #1269 Pembroke Pines, FL 33028 Website: www.sportsandactivities.com
Dear Readers,
In the beginning of 2015, I announced my “Bucket List” of things I was determined to accomplish this year and encouraged you to do the same. I am proud to say one of my items is checked off the list and I have scheduled the second and third items for July. The catalyst for accomplishing the 1st item on my list was when a dear friend reached out to me to see if the Sports & Activities Directory could bring attention to a cause near and dear to her heart, suicide prevention. She had lost her brother to suicide a few years earlier and felt the need to participate in something positive to raise awareness and help prevent other families from experiencing this kind of pain. Happily, I not only wrote an article featured inside this issue about the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention (FISP) and the Hugs for HOPE 5K Run/Walk, but I participated in my first ever 5K to show my support. As promised, here is a photo of me crossing the finish line...17 minutes after the 1st place finisher, but hey, it’s a start! The second and third items on my bucket list are to skydive (yikes!) and to become proficient in driving boats. Both of these things are slated to be complete by the end of July, my birthday month, so look for more photos and perhaps an article documenting the skydiving experience in the next edition! One of the traits I admire in people is persistence. If you truly want something in this life, you have to keep working at it until you get it. Accomplishing a goal for which you had to work at so hard is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself. Once you do that a few times, you truly believe there is nothing you cannot achieve and you have the power to make it happen. These little bucket list items are baby steps, but it is the commitment and persistence to accomplishing the goal that is important to me. As this is our Back to School issue, I encourage you to instill the lesson of persistence into your life and then, by example, into your children’s lives. You’ve heard these things your entire life: The harder you work, the luckier you get; The only easy day was yesterday; If at first you don’t succeed, try try again; Keep your eye on the horizon. I am not sure this next generation will ever truly understand perseverance and patience, but I do think that if we as parents persevere to instill this character trait in our children that, not only will they become better people, but more accomplished in every aspect of their lives. I would also like to make special mention of our Issue Sponsor this quarter, Tag USA Gymnastics. We have never offered the opportunity for front cover exposure before now. We are not only very thankful to Tag USA Gymnastics, but we are happy to announce that we will be donating a portion of their sponsorship back into Weston schools. As always, Sports & Activities Directory is a win-win! Have a great end of your summer and we hope these pages filled with just about everything you need to know regarding your local schools will help you with an easy transition into the new school year. My best to you, Margot NOTE: All information supplied by organizations. Please contact the organization directly for additional information. The Sports & Activities Directory does not endorse the organizations directly. No material published herein may be reproduced in any manner, be it for print or online Web site use, whatsoever without specific prior written authorization from Sports and Activities Directory and Top Spin Publishing, Inc. © Copyright by Top Spin Publishing, Inc. All content is protected under copyright. All Rights Reserved.
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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J ul y - S e p t e m be r 2 015 | I s s u e 50 | Weston Sports & Activities Directory
My name is Gabriella Carozza and I
hospitals and cancer treatment centers
am a seventeen year-old incoming Senior at
right here in South Florida, and although
Archbishop McCarthy High School where
I didn’t raise a huge amount of money, it
I am an Honor Roll student and also a
was enough for a family to fly here from
member of the Italian Club and Archbishop
another state to get medical treatment that
McCarthy Maverick Dance Team. I also
was needed.
recently returned from Palermo, Italy,
My dad taught me many things, but
where I was an Exchange Student for two
the best thing he taught me was to never
weeks with 15 other students from my
give up. I always wanted to be involved
school, wherein I had a chance to live with
in pageantry because it opens many doors,
an Italian family and learn all about their
and it has helped me especially with public
culture while attending a High School that
speaking and my self-confidence. I was
specializes in the sciences.
In my spare
recently crowned Miss Broward County
time, I enjoy going to the beach, hanging
Teen USA 2016. Although my dad was
out with friends, and doing charity work.
not there with me physically, I know he
I am an active member of my team’s Relay
had something to do with my win, and I
for Life and the South Florida Brain Tumor
know he continues to watch over me.
Association, in memory of my father, John
am very excited to represent my hometown
Carozza, who passed away from brain cancer
as Miss Broward County Teen USA and
on February 16th, 2015.
In the future, I
I am especially excited to compete for
hope to attend Florida State University to
Miss Florida Teen USA 2016 this coming
become a Pediatric Occupational Therapist,
October at the Parker Playhouse in Ft.
so that I can continue to help others.
Lauderdale, October 2nd - October 4th.
I was crowned Miss Pembroke Pines
What I would tell other girls my age
2015 last May, 2014, and had a wonderful
who are going through tough times with
experience! I enjoyed traveling around
either a parent who is very ill, or who lost
Pembroke Pines making appearances and
a parent like me, is that they are not alone,
doing fundraisers. The highlight of my
and that there are many support groups
year was working with the Miami Marlins
out there to help you. Also, I would tell
and the Florida Brain Tumor Association.
them that although you may be hurting, to
I helped to sell tickets to the baseball game
continue to be strong and put your efforts
to help raise money for families with loved
into something that will keep you busy,
ones who are battling brain cancer, so that
while doing good for others. This is where
they can travel to South Florida to get the
I find the most joy. . . giving back. It brings
medical help and treatment that they need.
me such joy and I know my father is smiling
We are very blessed to have a lot of great
down on me from heaven.
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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Dear Residents,
Repetition is hopefully the key to success. I will repeat constantly the importance of disaster preparedness. You can find preparedness check lists just about anywhere, including on the City’s website or likely at your local grocery store. It is infinitely easier to grab extra water, batteries and food goods each time you shop NOW, rather than wait until a storm is approaching and stores are packed with people and needed items are out of stock. A suggestion I made at our May Disaster Preparedness Symposium is to stock up with food, water and supplies now; hopefully you won’t need them, and if desired you can donate the food items to the local Harvest Drive in mid-November. It’s a win-win situation. Remember, the first 72 is up to you, meaning you need supplies to be self sufficient for a minimum of 72 hours should power and water be disrupted. Ensure your phone numbers are registered with Weston’s CodeRED Emergency Notification System. Through CodeRED, the City provides emergency notifications to the telephone number(s) you provide. This system is used strictly for emergency notifications and after-emergency information. Your contact information is confidential and protected by state law. Sign up today by clicking on the CodeRED Enrollment link on the City’s homepage at www.westonfl.org or call 954-385-2000 and a City staff member will register you. Summer Safety: If you have the good fortune to travel on vacation, please utilize the BSO HomeWatch Program. BSO will send personnel to drive by your residence and perform regular perimeter checks for signs of break-in or suspicious activity. To register, call BSO Weston at 954-389-2010 or download the application at www.westonfl.org. It is also recommended that you tell a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your home, suspend mail and newspaper delivery, have lights on in the home or on timers, and always lock the door that enters your home from inside the garage. Summertime also means increased activities around water. There are many layers of protection needed to prevent drowning deaths, particularly in children under the age of 4. Be sure to designate a “Water Watcher” to keep an eye on any children in the pool or other water body. It is an unfortunate fact that children have drowned in a pool while a family event is going on right around it. Knowing CPR is another important element. Weston BSO Fire Rescue offers free CPR training all year long. Now is the perfect time to learn to save a life. While there are many projects underway in Weston, one of the most anticipated is the restroom renovation project within our city parks. Heavy use has taken its toll over the years. The restroom building at Gator Run park and two of the buildings at Regional Park will be first to receive a makeover. Unlike popular TV shows, the transformation does not happen overnight. These first buildings will be completed this fall and over the next 10-12 months all other park restroom buildings will receive the same facelift befitting their beautiful park surroundings. I hope that everyone enjoys the remainder of their summer – be safe and have fun! Until next time…
Your Mayor,
Daniel J. Stermer Mayor of Weston
This summer I vow to ease back into the schedule rather than violently being thrashed about. Since my being ready for “Back to School” is usually the same kind of ready I am for hurricane season, and school madness can be likened to preparing for a storm, I’ve decided I am going to take my mother’s approach to hurricane preparations. I will start by getting the lists. Although some lists are not given out till the school open house, just like water, batteries and bleach are always on the hurricane list, I will shop for the items I know are on the school list each year. Pencils? Check. Pencil sharpener? Check. Folders in every color known to man? Check. I will then go shop for the items on the list. Since I am doing this with plenty of time and not last minute I’ll be able to take advantage of sales and not have to face the price gauging that happens before “the storm” or fighting in a state of desperation with some woman over the last purple folder or the last size small of the red collared shirts. Once the shopping is done I’ll sit down to make the “school preparedness plan.” When school begins, where is each child going? School. Football practice. Tutoring. Dance. How are they getting there? Who will take them? What’s the backup plan in case of emergency? I’ll be sure to review the plan with the family and make sure everyone knows what they will have to do. I make a mental note to enjoy this summer with spurts of preparation mixed in. I lean over and take another sip of my drink. I inhale in…exhale out…. ahhhh....At this moment I feel centered, not spread thin, organized and not scattered. I can get use to this. Now if only I could take the same approach to getting my hurricane supplies!
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Around Weston
ounging by the pool sipping on my favorite drink, I am deeply relaxed, listening to the soothing sound of my breath as I take a yoga inhale in and a yoga exhale out. I find myself so taken by the sounds of my breath because it’s not often that I’ve been able to hear it above the noise on the football field, the chatter in the car while shuttling and the shouts of the whereabouts of a lunch box, an assignment, a mouth guard or a jersey. Inhale in, exhale out, inhale in…I start to make lists. My head floods with lists; school supplies, sports equipment, wait, what still fits? Uniforms, shorts, hmmm…what color are the uniforms? Did I sign up for after care? What day does school start? Inhale in, exhale out, inhale in…and without warning I am abruptly snapped out of my Zen like state. Hey! Hold on a minute! Where did my drink go? Each summer I find myself in this same precarious state. Of course I’ve forgotten to share with you that it’s usually mid to late August and in trying to cling on to every last bit of summer, I’ve procrastinated and done nothing yet to prepare for the upcoming school year. So the school year hits me tsunami style, as if I’d had no warning my kids would need school supplies, backpacks, uniforms or new cleats. I have to admit I’m the one at Office Depot and Target at 10 pm the Sunday night before school opens with scrap papers of lists and calling around to find another store still open to find THE purple folder. Not this year though…no, not for me.
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By Jodi Cohen, MSEd; Director of Early Childhood; Temple Dor Dorim
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
Preparing for the Storm… Being Back to School Ready!
Around Weston J ul y - S e p t e m be r 2 015 | I s s u e 50 | Weston Sports & Activities Directory
hen World War II and the Korean War ended, soldiers stationed abroad came home and put away their duffel bags, went back to work, and most never talked about it again. 60 years later, the American public built a $200 Million WWII Memorial, and in 1995 the Korean Memorial was built. By the time these memorials were built, the majority of the veterans that served had passed away and were never able to see the Memorials that were built for them. Less than 3% of those WWII and Korean War veterans, who are still with us, have ever been to see these Memorials. Today, with the perseverance and dedication of local Honor Flight Volunteers, these heroes are able to visit our Nation’s capital in a manner upholding the dignity and grace these soldiers deserve and finally get the “Homecoming” that the majority of theses American heroes never received. Earl Morse, a retired Air Force Captain and Physicians Assistant from Ohio founded Honor Flight in 2005. At the time, Captain Morse personally flew veterans two to three at a time to visit the Memorials that were built in their honor. Honor Flight Network has grown to 138 hubs across the country and has flown over 120,000 troops all at no cost to the veteran. Honor Flight South Florida was co-founded by Director Ryan Paton who, along with his board of 12 other volunteers, works diligently to ensure the integrity of Honor Flight is upheld in the South Florida area. To date, Honor Flight South Florida, which began just over two years ago and covers half of Palm Beach, and all of Broward, Dade and Monroe Counties, has completed six flights in 2 years. Paton explained that due to health concerns, the veterans are unable to fly if it is too cold or too hot, leaving only
a small window to fly in the fall or spring. Honor Flight focuses on WWII veterans as their generation is quickly diminishing at a rate of approximately 640 veterans a day. In a recent South Florida flight, a 99-year-old veteran flew on this “one last mission.” Honor Flight South Florida also accepts Korean War and Vietnam applications but with priority given due to age or terminal illness. Veterans participating in Honor Flight have a long, but exciting day ahead of them. Most flights are in the air before morning traffic even begins. Everything needed is donated by caring individuals and local businesses. Recently, a group from Boca Raton took a bus donated by Corporate Coaches of Ft. Lauderdale to the Miami International Airport. Along the way, their police escort seamlessly changed from Palm Beach to Broward and then to Miami. At 4:30am, they arrived at the airport with patriotic fanfare. By 6:30am, they were in the air, enroute to D.C. During the flight, a volunteer conducts “Mail Call” through the plane’s intercom, in sighting memories of Mail Call in the service. As soldiers’ last names are individually announced, they are given personalized packages with letters hailing from around the country, written by family, friends, students and most recently the employees of Miami International Airport who came through with 2,600 individual letters made out to each veteran. The letters are a poignant moment in the soldiers’ journey. Veteran Frank Oliva, who participated in a flight earlier this year, stated he was so moved by his letters that he wished to be buried with them. After landing in D.C., grateful well-wishers greeted the participants as they deplaned and boarded buses. A D.C. police escort enabled them to attend five different
Around Weston
Airlines. Honor Flight South Florida has also chartered planes from Spirit Airlines. Again, Paton was impressed with the support and respect given to these American heroes. “Eastern and Spirit did such an unbelievable job for us. The staff of Spirit was so good to our veterans. Eastern is now doing the same for us out of Miami.” Honor Flight and their tireless efforts ensure our nation’s heroes are able to fulfil their wish of visiting the WWII memorial in the heart of the nation for which they valiantly served. For more information about how you can nominate a veteran, apply to be an escort or for flight dates to become a part of the Homecoming crowd, please visit www.HonorFlightSouthFlorida.org.
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day of their life” and at no cost to the veteran. Significant support has also come from local airports, TSA and airlines. Paton is pleased to see how the airports support the veterans and Honor Flight. He was taken aback when 25 of the top, highest ranking, airport officials at MIA came to a meeting and wanted to know what they can do to make it better. Paton explains, “The Miami-Dade Aviation Department, BCAD, TSA at both airports, BSO and the Miami Dade Police department have been incredibly accommodating. They allow us to do so much and go way beyond the call of duty for our veterans, we are extremely grateful for the service of the MIA and FLL community.” In May of this year, Honor Flight became the first domestic flight of the new Eastern
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memorials in a short amount of time and fly back that night. Ryan Paton is appreciative of work done by the Honor Flight organization in prior years; “Days in D.C. are already perfectly set up from Honor Flight by those before us.” After returning to MIA, almost 3,000 people welcomed the troops home including bagpipers and 15 honor guards representing different law enforcement agencies. Honor Flight is the product of a community and nation that values those who have fought to protect our citizens. The organization is 100% volunteer and has no paid employees. Every penny of every donated dollar goes to the veterans, ensuring our vets have the best of everything they need for their journey. As Paton expressed, their goal is to “Give them the best
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
By Kelly Wilson
Around Weston
w es t o n
The Arts Council of Greater Weston is an independent, not-for-profit corporation comprised of 15 elected board members. They assist existing arts and cultural organizations in their efforts to bring high quality events and programming to enhance the quality of life for all residents and neighboring cities. The Council supports and facilitates a diverse range of Arts activity. For more information visit www.artscouncilwestonfl.com. (954) 389-4321.
General Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month. Kids In Distress is a local, non-profit agency, providing a full continuum of care, dedicated to the treatment and prevention of child abuse. The Kids In Distress Auxiliary is a warm hearted volunteer group, which supports educational and social events, while raising public awareness through their ongoing fundraising efforts. For further information on meetings and getting involved visit www.kidaux.org or send an email to kidaux@yahoo.com. (954) 252-3365.
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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APB is the Association of Professional Businesswomen in the Weston, Florida area. Founded in the fall of 2000, APB is the primary forum in which local businesswomen meet. APB members are top executives and business owners dedicated to business excellence. Monthly network luncheon meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. They also schedule evening and or weekend social networking events. For more information email: APBweston@gmail.com or call (954) 557-4318.
BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF BROWARD COUNTY, INC. Our mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong, enduring, professionally supported one-to-one mentoring relationships that change their lives for the better, forever. To learn more about becoming a mentor, enrolling your child into our programs or making a donation, please visit bbbsbroward.org or email to info@bbbsbroward.org – 4101 Ravenswood Road, Suite 123, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312. (954) 584-9990.
BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Have fun, make friends, see and learn new things! After they’ve been given the proper guidance, they take their own lead, going places they’ve never gone, seeing things they’ve never seen, and diving into the rugged world of outdoor adventure, relying on teamwork. Requirement: Be a boy who is 11–17 years old. To join a boy scout troop near you or for more information visit www.scouting.org.
BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, CUB SCOUT PACK 183, WESTON Along with their leaders and parents, they will explore places they’ve never gone, seeing things they’ve never seen, and dive into the world of outdoor adventure while learning life skills in the process. Requirement: Be a boy who is moving into 1st grade through 5th grade. To join our cub scout pack visit www.scouting.org or www.pack183.org.
BOYS AND GIRLS CLUBS OF BROWARD COUNTY The Boys & Girls Clubs of America was founded in 1860 to give local boys a positive alternative to the streets. Over the years, that Club turned into a national movement reaching a membership of over four million boys and girls, making it one of the largest youth serving agencies in the United States. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County joined the national organization in 1965. They now have 13 facilities with a membership of over 13,000 youths. For more information visit www.bgcbc.org. 1401 NE 26th Street, Wilton Manors, FL 33305. (954) 537-1010.
BROWARD MEALS ON WHEELS Broward Meals On Wheels is proud to offer quality nutrition services to the seniors of Broward County, Florida. Our seniors enjoy a variety of services matched to their specific needs and situations. It is a private, non-profit organization, providing nutrition services to the seniors, through meal delivery, senior meals at local dining rooms, and a variety of other services to meet individual needs. They provide essential services that improve health, reduce isolation, and promote independent living for seniors in our community. Helping seniors live with dignity and happiness is at the heart of what they do. For more information visit www.BMOW.org or call (954) 731-8770.
GIRL SCOUTS OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA The Girl Scout provides informal educational programs for girls between ages 5–18. A safe and fun place for girls to discover, connect, and take action. Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. For more information visit www.gssef.org. 4701 NW 33rd Avenue, Oakland Park, FL 33309. (954) 739-7660.
HEALTHY MOTHERS, HEALTHY BABIES COALITION OF BROWARD COUNTY, INC. Dedicated to reducing infant deaths by providing resources and education to pregnant women, parents and their families. They have been a community leader in providing services to pregnant women, teens and families for more than 20 years. They provide access to prenatal care, education, advocacy, and public awareness for all families in Broward County, but especially for those who are unable to afford private care. For more information visit www.hmhbbroward.org. (954) 765-0550.
KIWANIS CLUB OF WESTON The Kiwanis Club is actively seeking concerned participants who wish to help make a difference in the Weston Community and throughout the world. If you are interested in giving back just a little, then please contact this group. Meetings are the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month, at the Bonaventure Town Center Club. For more information visit www.westonkiwanis.com and contact Edward Wallach at edwfla@comcast.net. (954) 649-6791.
LOPSTER’S KIDS CLUB Do you love animals? Do you want to learn more about taking care of dogs, cats and other pets? Do you want to help the homeless animals? Then join Lopster’s Kids Club at the Humane Society of Broward County. The Club meets once a month, for an hour and a half, after school. Lopster has two clubs: The Lil Pups, ages 6 to 9 years old, and The Big Dogs, ages 10 to 13 years old. To sign up download a registration form at www.humanebroward.com. (954) 989-3977.
MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION OF SOUTH FLORIDA Each wish experience exceeds even the child’s expectations, transporting them from a world of doctors, and hospitals, to a world where anything is possible. The foundation grants wishes to children between the ages of 2-18 with life-threatening health conditions. 4491 South State Road 7, Suite 201, Davie, FL 33314. www.sfla.wish.org. (954) 967-9474.
Rotary is an organization of business, and professional leaders united worldwide, who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Rotarians develop community service projects that address many of today’s most critical issues, such as children at risk, poverty and hunger, the environment, illiteracy, and violence. They also support programs for youth, educational opportunities and international exchanges for students, teachers, and other professionals, and vocational and career development. Meetings: Every Thursday at 7:30am, Weston Hills County Club. For more information visit www.westonrotaryclub.com.
Nonprofit organization dedicated to raising money for and awareness of the Guardian Ad Litem Program, which provides an advocate for abused and neglected children. Children benefit greatly from the advocacy of a Guardian ad Litem, a trained volunteer from the community, who simply wants to make sure the best interests of the children are served. The Guardian ad Litem program recruits, trains, and supervises volunteers who work one on one with these children. To join and support Voices for Children, or to learn more about volunteering as a Guardian Ad Litem, visit their website at www.voicesbroward.org or email info@voicesbroward.org.
The Chamber is committed to promote and serve economic development, whether you’re a startup business or an established company. They take pride in helping each business succeed. 1290 Weston Road, Suite 312, Weston, FL 33326. For more information visit www.westonchamber.com or call (954) 389-0600.
A social organization for Weston residents to build friendships with people of similar interests. WFC hosts numerous activities such as outings, games, parties, and theater trips, throughout the year, for its members. For more information call (954) 384-2722.
Founded in 1997, the Weston Philharmonic Society is a group of volunteers dedicated to enriching the Weston community through music, arts and culture. All of the money raised is used to bring music education programs to Weston schools and diverse musical experiences. Annual membership is $40 for individuals and $65 for families. For more information visit www.westonphilharmonic.com or email roglander@aol.com.
The organization is devoted to women helping women with their businesses, as well as their personal growth and well-being. The network of women encourage and help each other by sharing hopes, dreams, and inspirations with other women in the South Florida area. Through luncheons, and one-on-one meetings with other Chapter members, they build long-lasting relationships, both in the business and personal lives. This member-only organization allows exclusivity in your chosen business segment, and provides a sales force of other women, who promote your products and services. Contact Barbara Theodosiou for more information or visit www.womensbusinessmastermind.com or email barbara@womensbusinessmastermind.com. (954) 309-0992.
Finding your way to the right place can be hard if you are not sure where you need to go. To help you find your place within First Baptist Church at Weston, we invite you to participate in important opportunities to meet others within the church and to be equipped to know foundational information about the church and Christianity. Join us every Sunday at 9:30am and 11:00am for our services. Bring you children to youth groups, Bible study, camp and more. Adult programs, teen programs, and small group programs. Affiliated with Weston Christian Academy. 1420 Indian Trace, Weston, FL 33326 • www.firstbaptistweston.com • (954) 389-4555.
1410 Indian Trace, Weston, 33326 • www.bnaiaviv.org • (954) 384-6605
1570 Sagemont Way, Weston Mailing: PO Box 266346, Weston, FL 33326 • (954) 218-5418
19200 Manatee Isles Drive, Weston, FL 33332
18501 Tequesta Trace Park Lane, Weston, FL 33326 • (954) 349-6565
2129 N Commerce Parkway, Weston, FL 33326 • (954) 888-9808
2501 South Post Road, Weston, FL 33327 • (954) 389-5003
580 Indian Trace, Weston, FL 33326 (954) 384-9096
1960 N. Commerce Parkway, Suite 11-12, Weston, FL 33326 (954) 349-4940
To see your Place of Worship detailed listing here, please call KELLY (305) 332-7325
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Weston’s only premier and vibrant Reform Temple. We are a warm, welcoming, multi-generational Temple family who joyfully celebrate births, graduations, bar/bat mitzvahs, weddings, baby namings, and all the simchas that make life wonderful. We also support each other in times of sadness, stress, and life’s painful moments. Open to all who wish to be part of a temple that welcomes people of all backgrounds to join us. Attend a Shabbat service or any of our exceptional activities or uniquely designed programs. Visit Temple Dor Dorim, meet our new dynamic Rabbi, tour our Early Childhood Center, religious school and sanctuary facilities, and learn about joining our auxiliary groups from youth through empty nesters, that will enhance your temple experience. 2360 Glades Circle, Weston 33327. (954) 389-1232, www.dordorim.org or find us on Facebook at Temple Dor Dorim.
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Around Weston
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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Around Weston
DIERKS BENTLEY: SOUND OF SUMMER TOUR 2015 Coral Sky Amphitheatre. livenation.com.
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7:00AM. Held at the Weston Regional Park, 20200 Saddle Club Road in Weston. Race begins at 7:00am, registration begins at 5:30am. $25 race day registration per person. Awards for top finishers. www.splitsecondtiming.com.
• WESTON’S 4TH OF JULY HOMETOWN PARADE: 10:30AM. Participants including elected leaders, local businesses, civic groups, schools, bands, organizations and residents gather to march in Weston’s biggest and most exciting event. Show off your pride in our country - wear your red, white and blue and come out and cheer on parade participants. The parade begins at the corner of Town Center Blvd. and Three Village Road, and culminates by winding through Weston Town Center to the heart of Main Street where hundreds gather for the fun. Free registration! For more information (954) 389-4321. • PEMBROKE PINES CONCERT & FIREWORKS: 6:00PM – 9:00PM. Pines Recreation Center, 7400 Pines Boulevard. Come celebrate the Fourth of July with the City of Pembroke Pines. The celebration is FREE and will be held on the Pines Recreation Center Festival Grounds. The event features a concert by “Gypsy Lane”, rides, live musical entertainment, food trucks and a phenomenal fireworks display. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs. No coolers, pets or personal fireworks. Gates open at 6:00PM. For more information, please call (954) 435-6525. • PLANTATION’S PARADE AND CONCERT: 9:00AM. PARADE begins at the intersection of Broward Boulevard and NW 46th Avenue, heads west to 69th Avenue, continuing to NW 4th Street, ending at City Hall. 7:00PM. FREE CONCERT featuring Mr. Nice Guy, one of South Florida’s variety bands. Concert is held at the north end of Central Park. Bring along a picnic dinner, lawn chairs or blanket. 9:00PM. FIREWORKS SHOW featuring one of the best pyrotechnic shows in Broward. Parking is limited, so come out early. (954) 452-2510. • FORT LAUDERDALE: 12:30PM - 9:30PM. Gather on the beach for a day of family activities including music, beach games, contests, a kids zone, live entertainment, and a fireworks presentation off of A1A and Las Olas Boulevard. Fireworks begin at 9pm. Free. • SUNRISE AT BB&T CENTER: 5:00PM - 10:00PM. Gather with your neighbors for children’s activities, live music and a fireworks display. Parking and admission are free. www.sunrisefl.gov. • DAVIE: 3:00PM - 10:00PM. Join in the community celebration with a day of family fun featuring arts and crafts for kids, live music, games, bounce houses, inflatables and more. Fireworks at 9pm. Pine Island Park, 3801 Pine Island Road, Davie. Davie-fl.gov.
6:00PM – 9:00PM. The Town of Davie will be hosting its “Concerts in the Park” concert series on the second Thursday of every month. The concerts will be held in the band shell at the Old Davie School Historical Museum. The concerts are FREE. Event begins at 6:00PM and the live music will start at 6:30PM. The events will include food trucks, a bounce house, petting farm, craft vendors and sponsor displays. Bring your blankets and chairs; enjoy dinner and live music the second Thursday of every month during the “Concerts In The Park” concert series!
EAGLES “HISTORY OF THE EAGLES” CONCERT American Airlines Arena. livenation.com
ARIANA GRANDE IN CONCERT BB&T Center. livenation.com
2:00PM - 4:00PM. Sip tea and nibble on treats while spending time with Barbie and her friends. Tickets are limited; reservations required. $20/adult, $15/children 3 and up, Free/kids under 3. Old Davie School Historical Museum 6650 Griffin Rd. Davie, FL 33314. (954) 797-1044. www.olddavieschool.org.
NICKI MINAJ: THE PINKPRINT TOUR Bayfront Park Amphitheatre. livenation.com.
American Airlines Arena. livenation.com.
6:00PM - 10:00PM. Splash Adventure Water Park hosts Games, Movie, Splash Time, Obstacle Course, Bounce House, Superhero Prop Photo Ops, Prizes. $6/per person (ages 12 months and under free). Preregistration required by calling (954) 357-5100. Quiet Waters Park, 401 S. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach 33442.
Coral Sky Amphitheatre. livenation.com.
6:00PM - 10:00PM. Splash Adventure Water Park hosts Games, Movie, Splash Time, Obstacle Course, Bounce House, Superhero Prop Photo Ops, Prizes. $6/per person (ages 12 months and under free). Preregistration required by calling (954) 357-5100. Quiet Waters Park, 401 S. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach 33442.
Pompano Beach Amphitheatre. livenation.com
10:30AM. Helen B. Hoffman Plantation Library, 501 North Fig Tree Lane, Plantation 33317. Free event, all ages welcome. (954) 797-2140.
7:00PM. Weston Philharmonic Society presents Summerfest 2015 at Dor Dorim Temple. This is a favorite concert of many Westonites! The event pairs members of the acclaimed Arpeggione Chamber Orchestra with musicians from the Symphony of the Americas, all under the baton of Maestro James Brook-Bruzzese. The program, which features classical and popular music, is THE summer cultural highlight in our community! If you are in town, down’t miss it!
Get up close and personal with the season 14 finalists at this live performance. Parker Playhouse, 707 NE 8th Street, Ft. Lauderdale. www.browardcenter.org.
KID ROCK PRESENTS: FIRST KISS: CHEAP DATE TOUR Coral Sky Amphitheatre. livenation.com.
7:00PM – 9:30 PM. Volunteer Park, 12050 W. Sunrise Blvd. Hey Dad! Come dance to the 50s tunes, have pizza, punch and fun with your best girl! Dads and their daughters, 6 – 12 years old, are invited to a night of 50’s style fun. Tunes from the 50’s, pizza, punch, a twist contest, hula hoop contest, bubble gum contest and much more will ensure a good time is had by all! $20 per couple (1 Daddy, 1 Daughter); $8 per extra daughter. Includes pizza, punch and FUN! For more information, call (954) 452-2510. Sock Hop tickets available June 29 – 16 at: Plantation Central Park, 9151 N.W. 2nd Street Volunteer Park, 12050 W. Sunrise Boulevard Volunteer Park the evening of the event
10:00AM. Kids see a free family movie every Saturday throughout the summer. No ticket or reservation required. August 1: The Smurfs, August 8: Rio 2, August 15: Planes: Fire & Rescue, August 22: Worms. River of Grass ARtsPark, 17189 Sheridan Street, Pembroke Pines, FL. (954) 986-5027. www.ppines.com.
7:00PM – 9:00PM. Deicke Auditorium, 5701 Cypress Rd. Come join the fun! Mothers and their sons, ages 6 – 10, are invited to put on their jeans and boots, grab a Stetson and join us for two-steppin’ tunes, pizza, and Cowboy games that will ensure a good time for everyone! $20 per couple (1 Mother, 1 Son); $8 per extra son. Hoedown tickets available July 27 – August 6 at: Plantation Central Park, 9151 N.W. 2nd Street; Deicke Auditorium the evening of the event. For more information call (954) 452-2510
6:00PM - 10:00PM. Splash Adventure Water Park hosts Games, Movie, Splash Time, Obstacle Course, Bounce House, Superhero Prop Photo Ops, Prizes. $6/per person (ages 12 months and under free). Preregistration required by calling (954) 357-5100. Quiet Waters Park, 401 S. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach 33442.
7:30PM FRIDAY, 2:00PM & 7:30PM SATURDAY. Monster truck mayhem, including breathtaking stunts and the awesome power of the world’s most popular Monster Jam trucks. BB&T CENTER, 1 Panther Parkway, Sunrise, FL. www.thebbtcenter.com.
6:30PM – 9:00PM. In the spring of 2013, Carlos Aleman made a short trip to Kyoto during cherry blossom week. He returned home to Sunrise, Florida and recorded his impressions of Japan as drawings and paintings. Often working in ‘dark chocolate’ acrylic paints, he integrated cosplay, manga, anime, geisha, maiko and samurai into a whimsical style of pop surrealism, ranging from the finely rendered to the loose and experimental. We cordially invite you to experience these reflections of Japan for yourself. Dress casual, or if adventurous, cosplay or kimono. City of Sunrise Art Gallery – Sunrise Civic Center, Sunrise, FL.
MOTLEY CRUE: THE FINAL TOUR “All Bad Things Must Come To An End” American Airlines Arena. livenation.com.
SHOWTIMES VARY. Watch a mesmerizing feat of athleticism and acrobatics as this Cirque performance presents the story of young Varekai, who falls from the sky landing in a lush, magical forest filled with wonder and fantastical creatures. $40$100. Children’s tickets start at $25 for select performances. www.thebbtcenter.com.
7:00PM. Central Park Gymnasium, 9151 NW 2nd Street. $10 per person (non-refundable). AGE DIVISIONS: 7 & 8 | 9 & 10 | 11 & 12. Register at Central Park. Sign up early, as space is limited. For more information call (954) 452-2510.
7:30AM. The 9th Annual King of the Hill 5K Challenge has established itself as one of the toughest running events in the Southeast United States! The race is officially the FIRST race of the South Florida running season and athletes from all over the country come to see if they have the guts to make it to the top of the hill! Registration is now open! Vista View Park, Davie, FL. Visit www.kingofthehill5kchallenge.com for more information.
9:00AM – 4:00PM. Join us for the party of the year this August in amazing South Florida. Call your girlfriends, boyfriends, children and grandma and put on your favorite Tutu and lets have the most colorful party ever. All regular registrants receive T-shirt, finishers medal plus backpack and more. There will be a live DJ, party and more. Prizes and awards to the biggest teams with the coolest attitude and tutu contest, of course. Kids Ages 6 and under are FREE! Visit www.thetutufunrun.com for more information.
TIM MCGRAW: SHOTGUN RIDER TOUR WITH BILLY Coral Sky Amphitheatre. livenation.com.
8:00AM. The Town of Davie will conduct an absolute public auction for the disposal of all confiscated, unclaimed or abandoned property coming into the possession of the Town, or any property owned by the Town which has become obsolete, or which has outlived its usefulness, or which has become inadequate for the public purposes for which it was intended.
LADY ANTEBELLUM: WHEELS UP 2015 TOUR WITH HUNTER Coral Sky Amphitheatre. livenation.com.
6:00PM – 9:00PM. The Town of Davie will be hosting its “Concerts in the Park” concert series on the second Thursday of every month. The concerts will be held in the band shell at the Old Davie School Historical Museum. The concerts are FREE. Event begins at 6:00PM and the live music will start at 6:30PM. The events will include food trucks, a bounce house, petting farm, craft vendors and sponsor displays. Bring your blankets and chairs; enjoy dinner and live music the second Thursday of every month during the “Concerts In The Park” concert series!
8:30AM. The City of Pembroke Pines Honors all those who faced terrorism on September 11, 2001. This FREE event will be held at our 911 Memorial located at City Center, 10300 Pines Boulevard. For more information, please call (954) 435-6525.
6:00PM. Be amazed as real cowboys and cowgirls from around the world compete for championship titles. The Davie Pro Rodeo was voted as the best rodeo east of the Mississippi and has won numerous rodeo awards in Las Vegas, Nevada. Come watch cowboys and cowgirls challenge 2,000 pound bulls. The kids will love it! Gates open at 6:00PM to purchase tickets and so that you can come in and enjoy the food before the rodeo begins. Advanced tickets are available at the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts office located at 3801 S. Pine Island Road, Davie. Tickets are $18 and $8 (3–12) in advance and $20 and $10 (3–12) at the gate. Located at Bergeron Rodeo Grounds, 4271 Davie Road.
5:30PM – 10:00PM. Fun Glow is the ultimate experience of night glow, electronic dance music and fun like no other. You will encounter 3.1 miles of UV (blacklight) reactive powder, paint, foam and LED light effects. Each glow zone you encounter along the course will leave you glowing in a different way. Fun Glow 5k is a great event for all ages and fitness levels. We are less about the run and more about the fun! Located at Vista View Park, Davie, FL. Visit www.funglow5k.com/davie for more information.
SHOWTIMES VARY. Hosted by two live performers, Sesame Street Live “Let’s Dance!” offers an up-close, interactive experience like you’ve never experienced before! You, the audience, are invited to dance as all of your favorite Sesame Street friends join you on the floor – dancing with fans of all ages! In addition to ongoing dance parties, Elmo uses his imagination to “Do the Robot,” Cookie Monster teaches all ‘feets’ to dance, and Ernie shares the fun of dance with the Sesame Street favorite “Shake Your Head One Time.” Broward Center for the Performing Arts, browardcenter.org.
5:00PM – 7:00PM. FREE! Join the City of Pembroke Pines for a relaxing afternoon at William B. Armstrong Dream Park, 1700 Dykes Road (NW 160 Avenue). Don’t forget a comfortable chair or blanket. For additional information, contact the Special Events Office at (954) 435-6525.
7:30AM. This Run/Walk to help children & adults with developmental disabilities reach their greatest potential! Receive an experience valued at $85 for only $35 - includes tech shirts, iconic race medal, parking, 1 car raffle entry, food & fun! Be part of the signature West Broward 5K that attracts upwards of 1200 runners. Located at Markham Park, Sunrise, FL. For more information, visit www.optime5krun.com.
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The auction will be conducted by Fisher Auctioneers on behalf of the Town. Potential bidders will pay a refundable fee of $100 to register. Upon registration, the bidder will receive a bidder’s number and a catalog of all items in the auction. The registration fee will be refunded if the bidder does not buy any items in the auction or applied toward the bidders’ total purchases. (954) 797-1016.
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
2:00PM – 3:30PM. Join us for an ice cream social for Adult and Children’s Summer Reading Programs. Dress up as your favorite superhero! Located at the North Regional Broward County Library, 154 Multipurpose Room/Library. Contact Leigh McDonald for more information at (954) 201-2610.
Events Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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Private TWO-HOUR parties with a very large spectacular 1000 sq. feet party rooms and glass viewing areas. TAG’s LARGEST Gym has the most equipment, inflatables, rope swing, tumble floors, foam pits and trampolines. No extra charges for bounce houses, slide inflatables, indoor basketball / soccer court. Your choice of Mommy & Me, Trampolines & Gymnastics, or Boys Sports parties with structured stations or open gym style. Visit our facility & Compare at www.TagGymnastics.com... You gotta see it to believe it! 1951 North Commerce Parkway, Weston. Call (954) 384-9393 to reserve your party.
Robotics Birthday Parties are sensational! They are fun, educational, memorable and unique experience that will engage your child and his/her friends. This perfect party activity will bring the excitement of creating something with their hands, the thrill of seeing their imagination come to life and the satisfaction of being successful with their creation. We offer 90 minute, in-home robotics birthday parties supplying all of the material and equipment needed so each child is able to take a hands-on role in building a birthday robot! Call (954) 816-3346 for more information. info@BrightAndSmart.com, www.BrightAndSmart.com, Facebook: www.facebook.com/BrightAndSmart.
KARATE AMERICA Make this birthday a party to remember with fully supervised fun, games, and martial arts activities! Karate America is the place! Parents can count on a safe environment and kids know they’ll get a “kick” out of celebrating their special day at Karate America. WE HAVE 11 LOCATIONS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! www.KarateAmerica.info. Find the location nearest you and call to register!
FLORIDA TRIPLE THREAT ALL-STARS Competitive Cheer and Dance Facility. Come build a Pyramid for your next Birthday Party! A Human Pyramid, that is. Enjoy a 2-hour private party on a Sunday with all your friends. You can tumble on the spring floor and tumble trak, and bounce on the trampoline. Prices are only $15 per child. (954) 514-7250. www.Fla3threat.com
SUPER MABLE TUBE PARTIES Looking for something new? Want to be the coolest parents on earth? Have a super party at CB Smith Park. Ride the Super Mable, flying saucer and banana boat. Peg the fun meter and hear ”that was the best day of my life!” Covered pavilion and large play area for yard games. Ages 3 to 84. Reserve today at (954) 292-3953, for pictures and details go to www.browardski.com.
MONSTER MINI GOLF 18 holes of indoor, monster themed, Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf. Experience cool special effects, great music, an interactive DJ, as well as arcade and redemption games! With two very posh, private party rooms and our Mad Scientist hosts, we are the perfect place for birthday and teen parties, field trips, fundraisers, group outings and corporate events. Monster Mini Golf is frightfully fun for all ages! 14435 Miramar Parkway, Miramar, 33027. ½ mile east of I75 (954) 589-1878. 9533 Westview Drive, Coral Springs 33076 in Regal Cinemas Shopping Center (954) 526-5115.
BARBIE™ THE DREAMHOUSE EXPERIENCE™ Bringing the iconic Barbie™ Dreamhouse® toy to real life for fans of all ages. With interactive and personalized touches, guests have the opportunity to discover different rooms, living area in this larger-thanlife Attraction. Enjoyable for all ages! 2606 Sawgrass Mills Circle, Sunrise, FL 33323. (954) 845-2343, www.barbiedreamhouse.com.
CUSTOM RHINESTONE DESIGNS Designed by Michael. Let your next special event shine with customized apparel. Perfect for Birthdays, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, Bridal Showers, Weddings, Cheer/Dance Groups, Gymnastic Teams, Schools, Sports Teams and even Business Logos. This unique way to express yourself is elegant and affordable. Want to create your own design or need a little help? Michael offers FREE artwork and a FREE sample. We also carry a full line of tops and bottoms ready to embellish with your unique design. www.DesignedbyMichael.com. If Bling is your Thing, contact Michael at (954) 270-7474.
WHAT’S YOUR GAME? INC. Customized Youth Sports Birthday Parties, Special Events and Corporate Picnics. We hold exciting, action packed parties and events that are different, fun and affordable. Any day you choose, anywhere you choose, Coach Len and staff will keep guests fully entertained…Popular party events include: dodge ball, relay races, water balloon fun, flag football, soccer, basketball, messy games, tug-of-war, sac races and more… Try something different this year for your next special event! Call “Games Master’, Coach Len Papproth at (954) 593-5949 to reserve a date!
PETITE DESIGNERS FASHION DESIGN AND SEWING PARTIES Surprise your girl’s friends with a unique birthday party: A fashion show created by them! During the birthday party, girls will design and sew their own creations with the same tools used by real fashion designers, and at the end they will be able to proudly wear them in their own fashion show!! 2 to 5 hour sessions available in our studio or at the comfort of your own home. Call us for details and let us assist you preparing your next party fashion show. Diana Jelkh Design Studio (954) 465-0402; PetiteDesigners@hotmail.com.
SUPERSTAR PRODUCTIONS Providing state and character entertainment for Special Events and Birthday Parties. Hottest shows include “Frozen,” “Game Show Trivia,” “Minute to Win It,” Karaoke, Storybook productions of “The Three Pigs,” “Little Red Riding Hood,” “Hansel & Gretel,” entertaining the Tri-County area. All performers have background checks for entry into public schools. (954) 389-1137. www.Floridasuperstarproductions.com or www.facebook.com/pages/Superstar-Productions/
Events Party like an Animal and have your next birthday party at the Humane Society of Broward County. What better way to celebrate your child’s birthday! Not only will your child have fun, but they will also learn about how they can help the homeless animals. Plus, your birthday fee will go directly to the Humane Society of Broward County to help care for the thousands of homeless animals received each year. (954) 266-6848 or www.humanebroward.com.
Our interactive parties are designed to give your party guests everything they need for a great time. Smarty Fit Party provides age appropriate games and activities that focus on all muscle groups and all fitness levels. Choose a specific party package or a free-for-all trainer’s choice package. Have your party guests put down their electronics and let us entertain them with competitive and challenging games and activities. Let us show you how fill your next birthday, corporate event or team building exercise with FITNESS FUN! SmartyFitParty.com. For more information, call to speak to one of our party specialists at (954) 708-4900.
Movie grade costume characters come to life! Available for your next birthday party, Sweet Sixteen, Quince, Corporate event, etc. Offering characters such as Batman, Batgirl, Darth Vader, Obi wan and even a life size remote control R2D2 robot with lights & sounds. Kids both big and small love R2. It’s more than an appearance, we offer a hero training with a message along with an autograph session with your hero. Working to help “Change the world one child at a time!” Contact us: 4KidsInNeed.Org, (954) 439-1878. Heroes with a mission.
THE LITTLE LOUNGE Little Lounge is the first full air-conditioned, indoor, private kids place for dancing and celebrations within Broward County. We provide a colorful party setting ready for your little star. Complete packages cater to your party size and include all services, and topped off with a Crazy Hour! Custom Event Decorations, Character Entertainment, Wii & Movie Zone, Kids Climbing Wall, Bounce House, Toddler Area and Playground. Your little one will always remember their professional, fun and amazing party at Little Lounge. For reservations, call (954) 271-7191 or email: info@littleloungeparty.com, visit our website at www.LittleLoungeParty.com. Located at 1960 N. Commerce Parkway Suites 1 & 2, Weston.
YMCA OF WESTON www.ymcabroward.org or (954) 424-9622; 20201 Saddle Club Road, Weston 33327. Inside parties: Contact Christina Vargas at cvargas@ymcabroward.org. • ADVENTURE BIRTHDAY PARTY: Ages 5–13. Children will enjoy playing at the Family Activity Center climbing the rock wall and playing a variety of games and engaging in activities in the gym, outdoors, teen room or MPR that celebrate this amazing day. The party concludes in a room where you may bring cake, pizza and decorations! Cost: Y Members/$250, Non-Members/$325. Includes 20 guests. Additional guests are $5/each. • CREATE YOUR OWN PARTY: Celebrate your big day your own way. Choose from Sports, Dance, Diva, Glee, Princess, etc. Quote available upon request. For more information, contact Wendy Stull-Milordis at wmilordis@ymcabroward.org.
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Have a Kickin’ Birthday party at American Tigers Martial Arts. Children will enjoy fully supervised games and learn new self-defense skills from real martial arts instructors while celebrating the guest of honor. Call Ms. Orchid for more information to find out how to get a KICK out of your birthday at ATMA. 16600 Saddle Club Road, Weston. (954) 529-8619. AmericanTigersMartialArts.com.
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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Events Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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Brought to you by Total Nutrition.
The Goliath Gauntlet is rolling out new obstacles this year, so bring your best game as you compete in our updated, 3.5-mile course. 100% of the proceeds from this event go to support the children’s homes at Sheridan House. Location: 1700 S. Flamingo Road, Davie. Time: Competitive wave begins at 8:30am. Cost: Individual participant: $59 - $89 + $12 insurance (mandatory) | Spectator fee: $10. Website: www.goliathgauntlet.com
The 19th Annual Dunn’s Run benefits The Boys & Girls Clubs of Broward County and is quickly approaching. The Dunn’s Run has earned its reputation as the race that signifies the start of the running season attracting over 2,000 runners, walkers and participants. One of the largest racing fields in the Tri-County. Because you care, our kids have a chance at life. Location: Two Georges At the Cove, 1754 SE 3rd Ct., Deerfield Beach. Time: 7:30am. Cost: Visit our website for fundraising details. Website: www.dunnsrun.com
Pines, Florida on the Sunday before Columbus Day. The swim in in a calm lake with no waves. The bike is super safe, completely separated from all vehicular traffic and crossing no traffic lanes. The run goes along the scenic lake path, making a very spectator friendly 2-loop course. All finishers will receive a custom designed finisher’s medal declaring you as a triathlon finisher! Location: C.B. Smith Park, 900 N. Flamingo Rd., Pembroke Pines. Time: Start time 7:00am. Cost: Individual registration $89 - $109 | Relay registration $139. Website: www.multirace.us/events/28
The Schott Run, Walk & Roll takes place in the beautiful community of Southwest Ranches on a USTF certified course. Entrants can choose to participate in the timed 5K Run or the 1 mile Walk & Roll. Complimentary breakfast is provided for all event participants. Various awards and prizes are handed out. Location: Schott Center, 6591 S. Flamingo Road, Cooper City. Time: Timed 5K Run 7:30am | 1 Mile Walk & Roll 8:15am. Cost: Early registration $25 | Race Day $30. Website: www.schottcommunities.org/index.aspx?NID=133
The Healthy Kids Running Series is a five-week running program in the spring and fall for kids from Pre-K to 8th grade. Each Race Series takes place once a week and offers age appropriate running events including the 50-yard dash, the 1/4-mile, the 1/2-mile and the one-mile run. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you run because all participants receive a medal and gift bag for their achievements courtesy of our sponsors! Location: Lauderhill Sports Park, 7500 West Oakland Park Blvd., Lauderhill. Time: 5:00pm – 6:00pm. Cost: Registration fee $35 (covers the entire series). Website: www.healthykidsrunningseries.org
Twenty years ago, the Susan G. Komen Miami/Ft. Lauderdale Race for the Cure® started with a few hundred participants and a band of warriors who were determined to raise money to find a cure for breast cancer. On October 17th, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Race in Miami/ Ft. Lauderdale. Be a part of something special and register today so we can break last year’s attendance of over 20,000 participants! Location: Bayfront Park, 301 Biscayne Blvd., Miami. Time: Timed 5K Run 8:45am | Non-Timed 5K Walk/ Run 9:00am. Cost: Early registration: Walker $30, Runner $35 | After August 30th: Walker $35, Runner $40. Website: www.komenmiaftl.org/komen-race-for-the-cure/
MultiRace is proud to present the 3rd annual Columbus Day Triathlon, held at beautiful CB Smith Park in Pembroke
Location: TY Park, 3000 N. Park Road, Hollywood. Time: 8:00am. CHECK THE FALL ISSUE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION!
This event is organized by a group of individuals who all have something in common - they have lost a loved one to lung cancer. Their mission is to provide hope and strength to others not to give up. They honor those heroes who have gone before and at the same time celebrate those who are winning their battle. Location: St. Coleman Parish, 2250 SE 12th Street, Pompano Beach. Time: Registration 7:00am | Run/Walk begins 8:00am. Cost: Untimed Adult $25 | Untimed Senior $15 | Untimed Student $15 | Timed Adult $45. Website: www.lungevity.org
All proceeds from the race will provide needed funds for Special Olympics Florida - Broward County. Every runner/walker receives a participant medal and t-shirt. All race participants are invited to stay and enjoy the Carnival of Champions beginning at 9:00am. Celebrity guests, entertainment, food refreshments and fun activities for everyone! Location: Nova Southeastern University, 3301 College Avenue, Davie. Time: Race begins 8:00am. Cost: Adults $30. Website: www.sallarulosraceforchampions.org/register/
The Flanigan’s Rockin’ Rib Run 10K will be an incredibly FUN event presented by Runner’s Depot! This is the BEST value race for your money you will ever see! FREE AWARD WINNING BABY BACK RIBS for participants – compliments of Flanigan’s! Finisher Medals to all Participants. Prize money to Top 3 Overall male & female winners. Location: Tree Tops Park, 3900 SW 100th Ave., Davie. Time: Race time 7:00am. Cost: 10K Run $40 | Kid’s Race $10. Website: www.runnersdepot.com
Enjoy the holiday season with this unique evening race on a USATF-Certified course illuminated by thousands of lights and
The Hippie Glow Run is for the FUN and SOCIAL person who likes to have a great night out with friends. It is the ULTIMATE PARTY run with No Zones! No Mess! NO Boring! Location: TBA, Fort Lauderdale. Time: 4:30pm. Cost: Individual $35 - $45 | Teams of 4+ $25 - $35 | VIP Pricing $45 - $55. Website: www.hippierun.com/#!glow-run-ft-lauderdale/c13c4
MultiRace is proud to present the 3rd Annual Turkey Triathlon, held annually at beautiful Tradewinds Park in Coconut Creek, Florida. Start a new tradition! The swim is in a calm lake with no waves. The bike is super safe, completely inside the park with no vehicular traffic. The run goes along the scenic lake path, making a very spectator friendly 2-loop course. Location: Tradewinds Park, 3600 W Sample Road, Coconut Creek. Time: Race begins 7:00am. Cost: Individual $89 | Relay $139. Website: www.multirace.us
Rally your family and friends for Fun, Music, Cold Beverages and BBQ. Race briefing is at 7:00pm and the race starts at 7:30pm. A headlamp is mandatory. Location: Oleta State Park, 3400 NE 163rd St., North Miami. Time: Race begins 7:30pm. Cost: Individual $40. Website: www.active.com
The North Creek Presbyterian Church presents the North Creek Explorer 5K and City Championship on Saturday, December 5th at 5:00pm. The event will take place at North Creek Presbyterian Church in Coconut Creek. Location: 4601 NW 71st Pl., Coconut Creek. Time: 5:00pm. Cost: Visit our website for registration fees. Website: www.accuchiptiming.com
The course start line will have a pink tape on the ground in front of the Coral Springs Diner on the street. From there, runners will head east .50 miles; make a U-turn and head back on Sample Road. This is a fun friendly atmosphere. Remember to dress in your favorite Holiday attire and stay to watch the Coral Springs Holiday Parade. Location: 10494 W. Sample Road, Coral Springs. Time: 6:15pm. Cost: Early registration $15 | Race day registration $20. Website: www.active.com
It’s not just an event; it’s a positive, active Down2Earth Lifestyle. We promote positive attitude, fun and adventure. You can form your team on race day. Park opens at 6:00am. Registration includes: T-shirt, dog tags and refreshments. Location: Oleta State Park, 3400 NE 163rd St., North Miami. Time: Race starts 7:30am. Cost: Registration $50 - $70. Website: www.active.com
Location: Sawgrass Technology Park, 1601 NW 136th Ave., Sunrise. Time: 8:00am. CHECK THE FALL ISSUE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION!
The Fort Lauderdale Jingle Bell Jog 5K is an annual running event that champions all things associated with the festive winter holidays… Jingle Bells, Santa, Mistletoe, Egg Nog, Reindeer, Elves! Most events give out a shirt with your entry; not this event! All participants will receive a Santa Suit costume! You will also receive a pair of Jingle Bells to tie to your running shoes! The sights and sounds of running Santas will take over downtown Fort Lauderdale! All finishers will be treated with a Candy Cane themed medal! Location: Huizenga Plaza, 1 E. Las Olas Blvd., Fort Lauderdale. Time: 5K 7:30am | Little Elf Dashes 8:30am | RunnerPalooza Expo 9:00am – 2:00pm. Cost: Registration $30 | Late Registration $40 | Elf Dash $15 | Late Elf Dash Registration $20. Website: jinglebelljog.net/event-info/
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20TH LACE ‘EM UP ON THE LEVEE Ever wanted to run the Levee? Now is your chance. Awards will be given for both the 5K and 10K for top 3 overall Male/ Female then top 3 male/female in 5-year increments. Park entrance fee is $1.50 per person. Location: Markham Park, 16001 W. State Road 84, Sunrise. Time: 10K 7:00am | 5K 7:40am. Cost: Individual 10K $30 | Individual 5K $20 | Individual 18 & under $15. Website: www.active.com
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27TH BOCA 5K & 10K This event features both a 5K run/walk and 10K run along A1A starting and finishing in Spanish River Park located on A1A in beautiful Boca Raton, Florida. Location: 3600 North Ocean Blvd., Boca Raton. Time: 10K 7:30am | 5K 7:30am. Cost: Before 9/29: $25 + $2.50 signup fee | After 9/29: $30 + $2.50 signup fee. Website: boca5k10k.com
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larger-than-life animated displays. The 5k course is flat, fast and ideal for setting a personal best! Awards will be given out in 9 categories for both male and female. Location: Tradewinds Park, 3600 W Sample Road, Coconut Creek. Time: Run 6:00pm | Walk 7:00pm. Cost: Information TBA. Website: www.holidaylightsdrivethru.com/html/5kRunWalk.html
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By Debby Teich
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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eston FC is known worldwide as one of the premier youth soccer organizations in the United States and around the world. Formed in 1998, it serves approximately 1,100 players, ages 7 to 18, making it the largest competitive soccer club in Florida. It has developed some of the greatest soccer players, both on and off the field. “The focus of the program is to use soccer as a means to develop good human beings who also love the game,” said Steve Ziegler, founder and current president of Weston FC. “We maximize youth soccer players’ capacities through a comprehensive cognitive, physical, cultural, and familyoriented approach. The coaches serve as role models for the kids by teaching them respect for the game, each other, opposing players, coaches, referees and fans.” The club has players at all levels. Most start in the Developmental Program on the Premier Teams for boys/ girls ages 7-18. The more advanced players are members of the Academies. All of the players participate in the club’s unique Sports Science Program, which includes strength training, conditioning, education and evaluations. “We help the kids maximize their abilities, regardless of their level,” said Ziegler. “All of the players are exposed to the same training methodologies and leave the program with the same style of play.” Weston FC is one of 77 soccer clubs nationwide (out of 18,000) that are certified U.S. Soccer Development Academies. The programs are designed to train players at the highest level in an effort to produce the next generation of National Team players. Weston FC’s USSF Developmental Academy has seven boys’ teams (U12 to U18) and the Girls’ Pre‐Academy has three teams (U13, U14, U15). They play against other Academy teams throughout the Southeast and also travel for tournaments across the country and world. The largest tournament in the Southeastern United States happens right here in Weston. In 2015, the 13th Annual Weston Cup and Showcase drew 624 teams and approximately 20,000 visitors. Many of the Weston FC boys and girls ultimately play soccer at the college level. They have access to the club’s college placement program, which helps to connect them with college scholarships and playing possibilities in top schools. In 2014/15, 27 players received scholarships to University of Pennsylvania, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, University of Florida and many more. When the alumni (U18 to U23) that play at the college level return home to Weston for the summer, they can play on a Weston FC semi-professional team that competes in the National Premier Soccer League. It allows players to continue to develop their skills from May to August, and provides exposure for professional opportunities. Weston FC currently has six players on U.S. National Teams that hope to play professionally. One of Weston FC’s most notable alumni is Alejandro Bedoya, 28, who started playing for Weston FC when he was only eight. Bedoya is a regular starter on the U.S. Men’s National team and played in all four games in the World Cup. He helps coach the kids in the summer. The club’s elite coaching staff is one of the many reasons that players are able to excel to such high levels. Two of its coaches work with the National teams. Marcelo Neveleff, Technical Director, is coach of the U.S. Men’s U14 National Team, was voted by the U.S. Soccer Federation as the #1 Youth Coach in the Country, and is currently the head coach of the Ft. Lauderdale Strikers. Daniel Serravite, Sport Science Director, is a Sports Science professor at FIU, member of the USSF coaching instructional staff, and collaborates as a sport science coach with the Youth National teams. In August 2015, players will be able to enter the club at an even younger age. Weston FC will be launching the Jr. Academy in partnership with Weston Rotary Club. The free program is for kids, ages 4 to 9 that want to receive a high level of training. Weston FC coaches and staff will work closely with participants on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Vista Park, from 3:45pm to 5pm. The Weston FC is committed to activities that support the community and also help its players grow. It donates approximately $100,000 per year to players in need of financial aid. In addition, the club recently began participating in the PASS Back program, which is part of U.S. Soccer’s desire to help inner city youth that want to play youth soccer, but cannot afford it. Weston FC players donate new and slightly used equipment, clothing and cleats to Little Haiti FC. The coaching staff has also been helping Little Haiti FC build an infrastructure and develop a curriculum for training and coaching. For more information, visit www.westonsoccer.net.
SPORTS BASEBALL & T-BALL WESTON AREA LITTLE LEAGUE (WALL) Mailing Address: WALL, PO Box 268687, Weston 33326. Season runs from February to May with all-stars competing through July in regional tournaments. Games and practices held at Vista, Regional, and Tequesta Park. Weston Area Little League Online registration is underway now. Visit www.wallbaseball.org for pricing and additional details. Evaluations are in January. Boys Divisions and girls’ only softball, ages 4–18. We have a Challenger Division for any special need participant aged 4–18.
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Register at www.ymcabroward.org. (954) 424-9622. 20201 Saddle Club Road, Weston 33327. • YOUTH BASEBALL & T-BALL: Ages 4–14. All games played on the baseball fields at Weston Regional Park. Season includes 8 games, uniforms and participation award. Y Members $140, Non-Members $230.
Tequesta Trace Park - Nick Arata (954) 232-0256, westonrattlerspd@gmail.com. westonrattlersbaseball.leagueapps.com. Weston Rattlers Youth Travel Baseball has been a South Florida staple for the last 20 years. Giving kids a year-round opportunity to hone their skills and challenging them to reach the next level. Many ex-professional coaches provide guidance and expertise on the nuances of the game while encouraging sportsmanship and hard work.
Give your child the summer of a lifetime! Girls and boys, ages 5–13. June 8 through August 7. Register for a day, week, or all summer! We help our campers find their sweet spot by teaching the fundamentals of basketball in an incredibly fun and creative environment. We believe there is a ton of potential at the intersection of sports, innovation and instruction. Our Formula: Top Notch Instruction + Creativity & Fun = Experience of a Lifetime! Each uniquely themed, weeklong camp uses a proprietary curriculum to engage and improve muscle memory for each camper while building confidence on and off the court, and teaching the benefits of working as a team. Have peace of mind knowing that your children are learning from the best and having the time of their lives in a safe, kid-friendly environment. Your child will create memories that he/ she will cherish forever. Become a Combiner today and see how we’re building a new kind of sports camp for our community. Contact us today! hello@go-combine.com or call (800) 386-0179 or visit www.go-combine.com.
Register at www.ymcabroward.org. (954) 424-9622. 20201 Saddle Club Road, Weston 33327. • YOUTH RECREATIONAL BASKETBALL: (Ages 4–17) Boys and Girls. 8 game schedule, jersey and participation award included. Y Members $110, Non-Members $200. (early registration) SPRING SEASON: April – May. SUMMER SEASON: July – September. FALL SEASON: Late October – December. • BASKETBALL ACADEMY: Monthly, March – November. Every Monday & Wednesday 6:00pm – 7:30pm. Y Members $85, Non-Members $125. • TINY TOTS T-BALL: Ages 3-5. Monthly ongoing classes through the year, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8 classes / 4 weeks. Parents must remain on-site. Limited space, early registration encouraged. Y Members $65, Non-Members $130.
Come be a part of the back-to-back National Champions in competitive all star cheerleading! Fully air conditioned building featuring two spring floors, tumble trak, rod floor and trampoline. All Ages, All Skill Levels! 2015-2016 TRYOUTS held on May 16, 2015, 10am – 5pm, everyone makes a team! Mention this ad and receive a $5 discount on your first tumbling class. (954) 514-7250. www.Fla3threat.com
Practices and home games take place at Tequesta Trace Park. Ages 6–15 years. Season: July – November with Spring Training in May. Registrations: March – July or until teams are filled. Register EARLY! Fee: $275 includes uniform except shoes (fees may change). For information go to www.westonwarriorsfootball.com or email westonwarriorsfootball@hotmail.com or call (855) 469-1436.
Membership has grown to over 140 cyclists. Membership fee is $35 annually. We are made up of mostly intermediate and advanced riders. Our advanced rides take place on Tue., Thu., Sat. and Sun. and our beginner/intermediate rides are on Mon., Wed. and Fri. We have rides 7 days a week and our routes allow for early cut-offs or longer rides; most of which take place on bike-friendly roads. Join in many charity rides, receive information on all South Florida organized rides and build some long lasting friendships. www.westonflyers.com or INFO@westonflyers.com.
Team Memorial is a bicycle club founded by Memorial Healthcare System, a non-profit healthcare organization based in Hollywood, Florida, and created to serve the community by promoting the many health benefits of bicycling. Team Memorial’s mission is to encourage everyone to participate in bicycling - whether for recreation, transportation, fitness or competition. Team Memorial hosts rides regularly throughout the South Florida area for participants of intermediate and advanced levels. Ride listings can be viewed on our ride schedule. www.teammemorial.com.
An offshoot of Memorial Healthcare System’s road biking group, which was founded 23 years ago and includes hundreds of cyclists that participate in rides throughout West Broward. Mountain biking members join through the road biking group and wear the same Team Memorial outfit. Some are motivated by the competition, while others ride for the fun of it. All levels are welcome. Members meet at one of the many parks in the area that offer mountain biking, such as Oleta River State Park, Markham Park, Quiet Waters Park, Virginia Key Beach Park, and Amelia Earhart Park. Most of the parks have extensive trail systems, ranging from 7 to 17 miles, which offer a challenging experience at any level. www.teammemorial.com or email ppasche@mhs.net.
Dolphins Academy summer camps are returning June 21–26, June 29 – July 3rd and July 6–10 at the Miami Dolphins training facility in Davie. Boys and girls, ages 5–15, can participate in an interactive, week long flag football experience featuring appearances by current and former Miami Dolphins players. The camp focuses on football training as well as the importance of education, physical fitness, and positive choices. For more information please call (305) 943-7272 or visit dolphinsacademy.com and mention the Sports & Activities Directory!
Practices and home games take place at Tequesta Trace Park. Ages 6–15 years. Season: July – November with Spring Training in May. Registrations: March – July or until teams are filled. Register EARLY! Fee: $325, includes all equipment except shoes (fees may change). For information go to www.westonwarriorsfootball.com or email westonwarriorsfootball@hotmail.com or call (855) 469-1436.
Register at www.ymcabroward.org or (954) 424-9622; 20201 Saddle Club Road, Weston 33327. • FLAG FOOTBALL: Ages 4–17. All skill levels are invited and encouraged to play. Season includes city field usage fee, 8 games, uniforms, and participation award. Y Members $110, Non-Members $200.
18 holes of indoor, monster themed, Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf and more! Feel the excitement and adventure of playing mini golf amidst cool monster décor that includes custom artwork and animated props. Our courses are challenging enough for adults to navigate, yet very playable for children. Experience our Weird Radio interactive DJ, who plays music and hosts contests for prizes. Monster Mini Golf is frightfully fun for all ages! 14435 Miramar Parkway, Miramar 33027. ½ mile east of I-75 (954) 589-1878. 9533 Westview Drive, Coral Springs 33076 in Regal Cinemas Shopping Center. (954) 526-5115.
Nationally known “progressive” gymnastics programs for boys and girls. TAG’s difference: Largest facility, most equipment, class lesson plans, Class Managers, full cleaning staff, fingerprinted coaches. Awarded Programs for: Lil Tumblers (age 6 weeks), Preschool (age 3+), Beginners (age 5+) to Advanced Classes with State – Regional – NATIONAL CHAMPION Competitive teams for Girls & Boys gymnastics and Coed Trampoline. Also: Two-Hour BIRTHDAY PARTIES / Popular Saturday Night OPEN GYM / Gym & Sports DAY CAMPS. Schedule a visit & compare prices at www.TagGymnastics.com…You gotta see it to believe it! Monthly discounts for New Members or Transfers. 1951 North Commerce Pkwy, Weston. Call (954) 384-9393.
The Florida Panthers are a member of the Atlantic Division of the Eastern Conference of the National Hockey League (NHL) and play at BB&T Center in Sunrise, Florida. The excitement surrounding the Florida Panthers is growing in South Florida and these are games you won’t want to miss. WWW.PANTHERS.NHL.COM.
Rich Barba, President. (754) 264-2405. Boys & Girls Teams for K - 8th grade @ Tequesta Trace Park. Season: January – April, Registration: October – December. (Limited spots, register early!) Developmental travel team competing at various parks throughout South Florida. Novices as well as experienced players are encouraged to join the Warriors to develop and improve skills, conditioning and competitive play. As one of the fastest growing sports in the south, this is excellent preparation for those interested in making their High School team. Recreational League: westonwarriorslacrosse.com. For Fall & Summer travel program for boys & girls U-13 – HS, go to www.praetorianlacrosse.com.
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Dolphins Academy is a six-week instructive course that features position specific training. Your child will have a tailored plan created by former pros that will help them improve their fundamentals and techniques for the respective positions that he/she will like to learn. Classes are one hour long and will be held every Monday and Wednesday for six weeks. Class times are 6:00pm – 7:00pm, 7:00– 8:00pm and 8:00pm – 9:00pm. The six-week course cost $120, which equates to $20 a session. Register now at Dolphinsacademy.com or call (305) 943-7272 for more information.
Average Golfer? Love the game? 100 Plus Golf is for you! 100 Plus Golf is a Recreational Organization for Men and Women who love to play golf for the pure enjoyment of the game and shoot about 100. Beginners and seasoned players welcome. 4-Person Team Scramble format. Play some of the finest golf courses in South Florida. Membership: $99.99 includes Logo Polo Shirt, Logo Golf Hat, Logo Tees and Magnetic Hat Clip. Discount Greens Fees and preferred Tee Times. A portion of our proceeds are donated to one of the fine charities we support. Call (954) 540-4966.
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Your Miami Dolphins are a member of the American Football Conference (AFC) East division in the NFL. They play their home games at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens. The stadium is undergoing a major renovation for the 2015 season to include a state-of-the-art openair canopy to offer dramatically increased shade and protection from the elements, four HD video boards and improved audio, all new seats and new seating experiences, improved food and enhanced concourses in the 100/300 levels, 300 level patio bars with field views beneath all four video boards. Season tickets on sale now. Individual game tickets available. Reserve your spot to be a part of the action! www.miamidolphins.com.
Our traditional martial arts programs help children and adults find a new sense of empowerment that extends past the physical maneuvers. Karate America students develop the confidence and self-esteem it takes to face life head on, seeking new challenges and persevering when times get tough! Free uniform for new student sign-ups! WE HAVE 11 LOCATIONS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! www.KarateAmerica.info. Find the location nearest you and call to register.
98 Indian Trace Rd., Weston 33326. Experienced TaeKwonDo Korean Master Teaches Olympic Style TaeKwonDo and Traditional Martial Arts. Benefits include: Confidence, Respect, Discipline, Focus, Self Defense and Coordination. (954) 217-0626.
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Self-defense is just one of the many personal attributes developed in our students through American Tiger’s classes. Your child will also become physically fit, develop self-confidence, and improve social skills! Parents rave about the positive changes they see in their child’s lifestyle at home and at school. From grades to household chores, our certified martial arts instructors work to cultivate a mindset geared towards order and achievement in all phases of life. 16600 Saddle Club Road, Weston. Call for more information: (954) 529-8619.
We have the most experienced staff and safest program and we were the FIRST in Broward County! Beginner to advanced Parkour, Free Running, Tricking now available at Florida Triple Threat. Ages 8 and up. Friday nights 7:00pm – 9:00pm there is a structured class teaching the skills and the art of Parkour. Newly added obstacles to simulate the outdoors. (954) 514-7250. www.fla3threat.com
Weston Regional Park, 20200 Saddle Club Road, Weston. (954) 389-4321. Open daily 8:00am – 10:00pm. Free for in-line skaters and skateboarders, the skate park is modular steel construction equipment by Skatewave, laid out in a 72 foot by 144-foot rink. No fees. You must bring full protective equipment - helmet, wrist guards, elbow and kneepads. Unsupervised. Children under 17 years of age need to file a waiver.
Do you want to play Rugby? We invite you to come and join us! This is your local Rugby Club, a nonprofit organization created to stimulate, promote and diffuse knowledge of Rugby Sport for recreational, educational and competitive purposes. Weston U-19 RFC for Boys up to 19 years old. Weston Youth Rugby for Boys from 8 to 15 years old. Season runs January – April. Members of USA RUGBY. Head Coach: Ernie Rospierski. westonrugbyrfc@gmail.com. Cell: (954) 610-7192. Working together inspiring Kids to fall in love with Rugby.
No experience necessary. All play is at Mills Pond Park. Call (954) 543-6287 (men’s division) or (201) 787-6503 (women’s division) or visit www.ftlrugby.com.
Season begins in January. Competitive Youth, Middle School and Junior Varsity teams. No experience necessary. Tequesta Trace Park. For more information and for registration go to www.pitchero.com.
Do you want Track Speed? Join the program with 20 years experience in youth speed development with proven results. We are home of District, Regional, National & Junior Olympians. G-Force, the first Track & Field team in Weston, is an “All Inclusive” training program, representing the highest levels of achievement in the sport. Our ELITE SPEED programs offer many training options for youth 4–18: fitness groups / combine prep / competitive team / camps / fun runs / gym strength training / adult private & group instruction. Learn from USATF Level 1 Certified Coaches, “The Real Authority on Strength & Speed.” For more information, please visit www.gforcespeed.com or email us at www.info@gforcespeed.com. Call now to get your first session FREE! (754) 246-3438.
Competitive and Elite Developmental tournament soccer program. Participation in local, state and regional Premier and national Premier Elite tournaments. All level players accepted for progressive development program. Accepting players all year long. Season runs from September to June, each year. • Competitive and Elite Developmental Soccer Club: U11-U23 Boys: www.futsoc.club & www.futsocusa.net. (954) 9076848. Email: director@futsocusa.net & futsocusaenigma@aol.com. Contact: Jose Tamayo - Executive Director / Director of Coaching. Location: Tequesta Trace Park, 600 Indian Trace, Weston 33326. • Bambinos Academy: U5-U10 Boys & Girls www.futsoc.club & www.futsocusa.net. (954) 907-6725. Email: Bambinos@futsocusa.net. Contact: Francisco Tamayo - Bambinos Academy Director. Location:
Tequesta Trace Park, 600 Indian Trace, Weston 33326. • Spring, Summer and Winter Soccer Camp Programs: U5-U16 Boys & Girls www.futsoc.club & www.futsocusa.net. (954) 907-6848. Email: Camps@futsocusa.net. Contact: Jose Tamayo Executive Director / Program Director. Location: Tequesta Trace Park, 600 Indian Trace, Weston 33326.
Introducing Soccer Fever, West Broward’s newest indoor soccer facility featuring High performing INDOOR soccer Turf and Futsal courts. We welcome Birthday parties as well as Summer, Winter and Spring Break Camps. Come by for Pick Up games and Soccer Academy. Enjoy South Florida’s most popular sport in an air-conditioned and comfortable Facility very close to Weston, Davie, Pines and Plantation. 15481 SW 12TH STREET, SUNRISE FLORIDA 33326 (Pass over I-75 from Indian Trace). Call today for field rental availability: (844) 230-3073. www.soccerfeverusa.com, Email: info@soccerfeverusa.com, FB:soccerfeverusa, IG:soccerfever_usa
$150 Registration Fee for the entire year includes team shirt and socks. Sunday afternoon games and Friday evening practices. Seasons: September – December and January – May. Beginners are welcome, individuals only. For more information, call (954) 445-8367, send an email to browardrecsoccer@comcast.net or visit browardrecsoccer.com.
GIRL’S FASTPITCH RECREATIONAL LEAGUE. Girls only Softball ages 4–16. Season runs from January to April. All skill levels are invited to play ball. Played at Weston Regional Park. Please visit www.wallbaseball.org for more information. Evaluations held in December. Girls T-Ball offered for ages 4–6.
YMCA OF WESTON Register at www.ymcabroward.org or (954) 424-9622, 20201 Saddle Club Rd., Weston 33327. • YOUTH GIRLS SOFTBALL LEAGUE: Ages: Girls 4–14 Years Old. Early Registration Period: June – August. Early Registration Fee: $110/Y Members, $160/Non-Members. Fall Season: September – November. Fee includes weekday practices, Saturday Games, full replica MLB uniform and trophies. Season is a minimum of 8 games and includes playoffs for ages 8 and up.
You have given them helmets, cleats, and padded gear, why would you not give them a custom fit mouth guard as well? At Zagarra Orthodontics, it is simple and affordable to have a custom fit mouth guard. A forerunner in the most state of the art technology, Dr. Zagarra uses non-invasive digital scanning technology to prepare your guard, which can be worn over or without braces. Do not risk burns with boiland-bite mouth guards. Protect your child and your investment with a custom mouth guard from Zagarra Orthodontics. 2711 Executive Park Dr. Suite 4, Weston. Call (954) 321-5600 to schedule an appointment. DoctorZag.com.
Provides a variety of aquatic programs including one-on-one learn to swim lessons, water safety & education, small group lessons, semiprivate lessons, stroke improvement & conditioning classes, camp swim lessons and seasonal swim clubs. We focus on positive, caring and progressive teaching methods for babies, toddlers, kids and young adults. A truly developmental learning and student centered approach as opposed to the short-term survival method. We hope to instill a lifelong love & respect for the water. HEATED POOLS! (954) 384-4500. 1570 Sagemont Way, Weston 33326. www.TheSwimAcademy.com, FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK – www.Facebook.com/WestonSwimAcademy.
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Alan Dagen, Commissioner. Weston Regional Park. (954) 816.8537, 1112 Weston Road #225, Weston 33326. www.ayso644.org, AYSO Youth Soccer Leagues: Recreational Soccer for Boys & Girls Ages 4–18 years. Open Registration, Positive Coaching, Balanced Teams, Everyone Plays, Player Development & Good Sportsmanship. All-Star select teams are selected by age groups (for the U10 division on up) to train, develop, and participate in AYSO State Games, AYSO National Games and select soccer tournaments throughout Florida. • FALL SEASON: September – December, Registration is mid-April – July. Cost is $165 per player (early bird discount is $145 per player) (includes uniform). • SPRING SEASON: March – May, Registration is November – January. Cost is $165 per player (early bird discount is $145 per player) (includes uniform) Register online early before spots fill. • AYSO ADULT SOCCER LEAGUE: Men & Women Leagues. Men’s Season runs September – May. Practices are Tuesday/Thursday nights from 9:00pm – 10:30pm and Games are on Sundays. Registration is July. Cost varies, as there are several divisions (includes uniform). Volunteer hours required with league play. Women’s Season begins in September. 14-game season played on Sundays. • AYSO U35 LEAGUE: For young adults, 19–35 who want to continue playing. Season runs September – May, Registration is July – August. Cost is $180 (includes uniform). Practices & games are Monday/ Wednesday from 9:00pm – 10:30pm. • VIP PROGRAM: VIP (Very Important Player) program for emotionally and physically challenged individuals. Each player has a mentor and receives a uniform at NO COST to family. Visit website for details.
Travel Softball Teams in place for girl’s 8U, 10U, 12U and 14U. We are part of the Weston Sports Alliance and play year round out of Weston Regional Park. Our coaches are experienced and dedicated. Practices are a minimum of twice a week, with games on Sundays and tournaments around South Florida. See our website at: www.westonexplosion.com. (954) 258-9427 or westonexplosion@gmail.com.
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4581 Weston Road, #264,Weston 33331, (954) 349-7261, www.westonfc.org. Email: information@westonfc.org. Travel soccer teams that play in area leagues. Ages start at 7 years (U8) -18 years (U19) for boys & girls. Season runs from August – May. Teams are formed by tryouts that normally are held the last week in May/first week in June. To arrange for a tryout now or for more club info, please contact the club through the website. The travel program is structured in 4 major divisions: • Player Development Program (PDP): U8 Boys & U8 and U10 Girls • Premier Division: U10 - U19 Boys & U11 – U19 Girls • U.S. Soccer Development Academy & U.S. Youth Soccer Pre Academy: Elite U14, U16 and U18 Boys
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Register at www.ymcabroward.org or (954) 424-9622, 20201 Saddle Club Rd., Weston 33327. • YMCA GROUP SWIM LESSONS: Ages 6 months – Adult. Swim Lessons objectives: personal safety, personal growth, stroke development, water sports & games, and rescue skills. Each session contains 8 classes. SESSIONS: please call for detailed schedule or visit our website. • SAFE START: Ages 6 months – 4 years. This course is a one-of-akind drowning prevention program where children learn the survival skills of independent swimming and floating both in swimwear and in everyday clothes. This is a 6-week course; children attend lessons 5 days a week for 10 minutes each day. • BARRACUDAS SWIM TEAM: Ages 6–12. The YMCA Swim Team is a competitive team, accommodating all skill levels from beginner/ recreational swimmer to the Olympic athletic. Swimmers will attend meets held by the ‘Florida Gold Coast’ and the YMCA. For YMCA members only. Monthly fees vary with age group, call for details. • MASTERS SWIM TEAM: Ages 18 and up. The Masters Swim Team is designed for health, fitness and overall well-being. Programs are open to all adult swimmers (fitness, triathlete, competitive, noncompetitive). For YMCA members only. • PORPOISE CLUB: A non-competitive swim club for children ages 10 and up. Will learn stroke development, attend volunteer opportunities and go on group outings.
Register at www.ymcabroward.org or (954) 424-9622, 20201 Saddle Club Rd., Weston 33327. • GIRLS VOLLEYBALL: DIVISION I: Ages 7–10. DIVISION II: Ages 11–15. Practices are on Tuesday OR Thursday and games will be Saturdays starting at 11:00am. Each team will have a maximum of one indoor practice each week. Season includes 8 games, uniforms, and participation award. Y Members $140, Non-Members $230.
Register at www.ymcabroward.org or (954) 424-9622, 20201 Saddle Club Rd., Weston 33327. • WATER POLO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASSES: Ages 10 and up. Classes designed to teach participants the game of Water Polo. Classes work on conditioning, skills, techniques, and theory. Fees (may change): YMCA Members Only $50/ month. MONDAY/ TUESDAY/THURSDAYS 6:30pm – 8:00pm.
The Bonaventure Town Center Club offers tennis programs for adults and children of all ages and skill-levels. Programs are open to club’s members and non-members as well. The BTCC is located at 16690 Saddle Club Rd. in Weston. Our experienced coaching staff provides our students with the comprehensive skills necessary to bring their game to the next level. For further details or to register for any program, call Rick at (954) 663-0316.
Waterski & Wakeboard lessons and rides at CB Smith Park. Beautiful, private, fresh water lake, Malibu ski boat with tower & training boom. Slalom, Kneeboard tube rides, birthday parties, camp field trips, surfing, etc. All equipment supplied. Open year round. Call Mike for appt. & information at (954) 292-3953, www.browardski.com.
9042 West State Road 84, Davie 33324 (Same Plaza as Kabooms and RoundUp). Summer Camp at Broadway Kids Studio is unique time of year. Our focus is learning, allowing everyone an equal opportunity to perform, and having fun. Sessions and Weekly options are available for ages 5 to 13 in our Creative Camp. For more experience performers or those wanting to take the next step, our Broadway Performance Camp is available for ages 8 to 18. Visit www.BroadwayKidsStudio.com or call (954) 693-7500 for more information.
At Rising Starz, every student excels. We are the leaders in performance training. Our students have appeared on The X Factor, The Voice, Broadway & Primetime T.V. Rising Starz offers advanced acting coaching from leading Industry professional whose client lists are sure to impress. Covering everything from group classes to private lessons, performance coaching, college, high school and scholarship audition prep, summer camp, and more Rising Starz is where you want to be! For more information call: (954) 370-3308 or info@risingstarzmusic.com.
YMCA OF WESTON Register at www.ymcabroward.org or (954) 424-9622, 20201 Saddle Club Rd., Weston 33327. • Y-GLEE: (7 years old & up) Meet Monday evenings to learn singing techniques, dance choreography, and expectations for performance. The semester will culminate in a performance for friends and family. 4 class sessions – please check the schedule online at www.ymcabroward.org.
• PERFORMING ARTS AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM: Mon – Fri, 2:00pm – 5:45pm. Grades K–8. Every child is a star in this amazing program. Performers will work on every aspect of a final production and enjoy: acting, dance, art, set design, recreational swim, hip-hop, creative illustrated writing and much more! Transportation from local area schools is provided. FEES (may change): Grades K–5 Regular Price $300 / Y Members $240. Grades 6–12 Regular Price $165 / Y Members $95. Registration Fee: $55 per child.
NOW OFFERING AFTER SCHOOL PICKUP FROM MOST SCHOOLS!! CALL FOR DETAILS! Our traditional martial arts programs help children and adults find a new sense of empowerment that extends past the physical maneuvers. Karate America students develop the confidence and self-esteem it takes to face life head on, seeking new challenges and persevering when times get tough! Free uniform for new student sign-ups! WE HAVE 11 LOCATIONS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! www.KarateAmerica.info. Find the location nearest you and call to register!
EVERGLADES ACADEMY Designed for Elementary School students. Includes free transportation from school to academy including early release days, in which students follow an after school curriculum. Snacks are included. Offered services include tutoring by certified teacher. www.eavpk.com, 6941 SW 196th Avenue, #21, Pembroke Pines 33332. (954) 434-8884.
DANCER’S GALLERY/CAST Come Dance With Us After School! Offering one-of-a-kind performing arts after school program. Monday – Friday until 7:00pm. FREE Transportation from most local schools. Homework Help! Tutoring Available. Daily Classes for all levels include: Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Belly Dance, Contemporary, Acro, Acting and more. Performing opportunities in the Winter Show and end of year Recital. Call us for more information and ask about our early registration promotion: (954) 437-9910 or visit us at 12323 SW 55th St. Unit 1010 Cooper City, FL 33330 www.dancersgallery.com.
YMCA OF WESTON Register at www.ymcabroward.org or (954) 424-9622, 20201 Saddle Club Rd., Weston 33327. • FUNDAYS AT THE Y: Ages 5–12. When Broward County Schools are out, the Y is in! Enjoy swimming, sports, activities and arts & crafts. Runs 7:30am – 6:00pm. Pre-registration required. Cost: $35/Y Members, $45/Non-Members. • KIDZ CLUB AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM: Monday – Friday, 2:00pm – 5:45pm. Ages 5–10. This program offers transportation from local area schools, special interest clubs, homework time and assistance. Also, computer, fitness, swimming, arts and crafts and more. Grades K–5 Regular Y Members $195, Non-Member $268. Registration Fee $35.
EDUCANDO A AMÉRICA – SPANISH SCHOOL Our school offers a 100% Spanish Immersion afterschool program for children from 3 to 16 years old. Our focus is the acquisition of the Spanish language in reading, writing as well as speaking. Based on a 3-hour/week program, we offer classes in different locations such as Pembroke Pines Charter Schools, Imagine Charter at Weston, Beachside Montessori Village in Hollywood and West Pines preschool. Monthly tuition begins at $85. Private tutoring is also available, as well as adult and teenager’s classes for advanced students. Visit www.educandoamerica.com or write to ea@educandoamerica.com. Call to find out more about hour different locations, days and time for each program. (954) 261-2432.
Teaching students to express themselves through the arts. Our program offers unique art experiences that promote your child’s confidence and creativity. Drawing. Painting. Cartooning. Printmaking. Ceramics. Group and private workshops. After school programs. Portfolio development for students from 9th and 12th grade. (954) 534-3771. www.chessartkids.com, info@chessartkids.com.
PRIVATE ART LESSONS After school art lessons for kids and teens! Lessons are tailored to kids just starting out learning a variety of mediums to teens building portfolios for specialized art schools. In a Private Lesson we focus on challenging an artist’s existing skills and taking them to a more advanced level, while introducing them to new techniques, materials and styles in fine art. Your little artist will see results, build confidence and have a fun experience, too! Over 15 years of experience helping kids realize their artistic potential! $45 hr. for 1 student or $35 hr. (per student) for small group instruction (2-5 students). Lessons are located in Plantation. (954) 445-7272 Jennifer Brittingham, angelmaker1@bellsouth.net.
YMCA OF WESTON Register at www.ymcabroward.org or (954) 424-9622, 20201 Saddle Club Rd., Weston, 33327. • ART EXPLOSION PROGRAM: Ages 5 – 12. Participants will use their imaginations to create FUN. Study past and current artists while learning skills and creating projects using pencils, clay, paint, nature and much, much more! Please bring a cover-up for your creative genius at work. Regular Price $80 / Y Members $50 / Kids Club Special $45.
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• MIDDLE SCHOOL MANIA: Monday – Friday, 3:30pm – 6:30pm. Grades 6–8. This unique YMCA program offers transportation from Tequesta Trace Middle School. In this program, participants have the perfect opportunities to learn valuable leadership skills, plus have an action-packed itinerary which includes special interest clubs, community service projects, homework helper, team building activities, fun, special events, fitness and more. Regular Price Middle School Grades 6–12 Y Members $95 and Non-Members $195. Registration Fee $35.
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
www.TagGymnastics.com. 1951 N. Commerce Parkway, Weston. Register by phone, (954) 384-9191. • AFTERCARE SCHOOL PICK UP: Pick up from all Weston and Cooper City Public and Charter Schools directly to our gym. Monthly price $245 (4 wks.) with 5 day pickup includes two classes per day and snack. On site homework help with licensed teacher. Drivers are Background checked, Licensed, & Certified. Spots are limited! • DAYS OFF SPORTS CAMP: Action packed camp days for kids! For BOYS: The largest, most popular day off camp for boys includes Indoor Basketball & Soccer, Trampoline, and Flips & Pit. For Girls: Gymnastics, Tumbling, Trampoline & Cheer. Only $45 per day! Half Day Preschool Camp available!
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ATTRACTIONS & THEME PARKS MONSTER MINI GOLF 18 holes of indoor, monster themed, Glow-in-the-Dark Mini Golf and more! Feel the excitement and adventure of playing mini golf amidst cool monster décor that includes custom artwork and animated props. Our courses are challenging enough for adults to navigate, yet very playable for children. Experience our Weird Radio interactive DJ, who plays music and hosts contests for prizes. Monster Mini Golf is frightfully fun for all ages! 14435 Miramar Parkway, Miramar, 33027. ½ mile east of I75 (954) 589-1878. 9533 Westview Drive, Coral Springs 33076 in Regal Cinemas Shopping Center (954) 526-5115.
BARBIE™ THE DREAMHOUSE EXPERIENCE™ Bringing the iconic Barbie™ Dreamhouse® toy to real life for fans of all ages. With interactive and personalized touches, guests have the opportunity to discover different rooms, living area in this larger-thanlife Attraction. Enjoyable for all ages! 2606 Sawgrass Mills Circle, Sunrise, FL 33323. (954) 845-2343, www.barbiedreamhouse.com.
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Paradise Cove is the Broward County Parks and Recreation Division’s largest aquatics facility, offering family fun for everyone. $9.50+ tax/person for all-day admission and $6.50+tax/person after 3 p.m. Children under 1 year of age are admitted free. The park’s regular gate entrance fee of $1.50/person (children 5 and under free) is also in effect on weekends and holidays. Open: 9:30am – 5:20pm everyday through August 23, then weekends only through October. 900 N. Flamingo Road, Pembroke Pines, FL 33028. (954) 357-5161. • Paradise Pipeline features four five-story-tall waterslides, enabling riders to experience corkscrew rides exiting into the four-foot-deep plunge pool. The 32-inch wide-open body slides vary in length from
395–430 feet. The 400 gallons of water per minutes move riders down the slides for an incomparable experience. Riders must be 42 inches tall, weigh less than 250 pounds, and be able to swim. • Sharky’s Lagoon is the water playground for all ages, featuring an 18-inch-deep pool that includes many interactive play elements, as well as three waterslides that vary in length from 83–125 feet. • Parrot’s Point is the water playground for ages 5 and under, featuring a 12-inch-deep pool with two small waterslides and many interactive play elements. • Crazy Creek is the 410-foot-long meandering tube ride with interactive elements along the route.
CASTAWAY ISLAND WATER PARK AT T.Y. PARK Castaway Island offers two interactive water playgrounds: one for smaller children, with climbing features and a small slide, and the other with features more suitable for older children, including buckets that regularly fill with water and then dump it out onto the playground below. In 2007, the water park’s original sand-bottom lagoon was replaced with a zero-entry, hard-bottom Swim Lagoon with a waterfall at one end. The recently renovated aquatics complex also includes a marina that provides boat rentals. $8/person for the entire day; $5/person after 3pm. Children 12 months and under are admitted free. An individual season pass (Find It All card) is available for $64 per person, which includes admission to Tropical Splash, Splash Adventure, and Castaway Island water parks. The park’s regular gate entrance fee of $1.50/ person (children 5 and under free) is also in effect on weekends and holidays. Applicable Florida sales tax will be added to all fees except gate fee. Open: 9:30am – 5:20pm everyday through August 23, then weekends only through October. 3300 N. Park Road, Hollywood, FL 33021. (954) 357-8811.
SPLASH ADVENTURE WATER PARK AT QUIET WATERS PARK This interactive children’s water playground features slides, tunnels, turn valves, wheels and levers, water curtains, crawl tunnels, and a huge bucket that fills and empties onto the playground below at regular intervals. The depth of the pool ranges from zero at its edges to 12 inches at its deepest. Lifeguards are on duty whenever the water park is open. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years of age. $5/person per session when sessions are in effect, $5/person per day when sessions are not in effect. Children under 1 year of age are admitted free. The park’s regular gate entrance fee of $1.50/person (children 5 and under free) is also in effect on weekends and holidays. Applicable Florida sales tax will be added to all fees except gate fee. Open: 9:30am – 5:20pm everyday through August 23, then weekends only through October. SESSION TIMES: Session I – 9:30am – 1:20pm. Session II - 1:30pm – 5:20pm. 401 S. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442. (954) 357-5100.
Learning to think outside the box. Chess is a useful educational tool. Chess is a tool that improves your child’s confidence, imagination, concentration and intuition. Chess also develops critical and logical thinking. Chess improves schoolwork and grades. Ages 4 and up. Chess is fun! After School Programs: Montessori schools, Imagine Charter. Group Lessons: Weston Community Center, Davie Pine Island Park Multipurpose Center, Pembroke Isles, The Ridges. Private lessons, tournaments. www.chessartkids.com. info@chessartkids.com. (954) 650-2562 or (954) 534-3771.
Register at www.ymcabroward.org or (954) 424-9622; 20201 Saddle Club Rd. , Weston 33327. • LITTLE EXPLORERS CLUB: Ages 3–5. Drop off your child for a morning of fun! This program incorporates YMCA core values, arts & crafts, story time, educational games and fun activities! Your children will have fun and meet new friends, while you get some “grown-up” time! Runs Tue., Wed., or Thu. during the school year from 9:00am – 12:00pm. Y Members $25/day, Non Members $35.
• TINY TOTS: Fun and instructional sports every Tuesday and Thursday. 8 Classes/4 Weeks. Monthly sessions starting at the beginning of each month. Classes: Flag Football/Soccer on Soccer Field #5 and Basketball on Outside Court #1. Each child receives a medal! Parents must remain on-site. Limited space early registration encouraged. Y Members $55/Non Members $75. SOCCER (Ages 2–5) 10:30am – 11:00am or 4:00pm – 4:45pm. FLAG FOOTBALL (Ages 3–5) 3:00pm – 3:45pm, BASKETBALL (Ages 3–5) 5:00pm – 5:45pm. Classes are monthly ongoing through the year. • TINY TUMBLING: Ages 2–4. Wednesdays 10:30am – 11:15am or 3:30pm – 4:15pm, monthly sessions. Y Members $40/Non Members $55. • MOM 2 MOM: Group for moms of young children. 2nd Tuesday of the month. 10:00am – 11:00am. FREE to Y Members. • YOU & ME ART IN MOTION: Ages 18 mo.–5 years. Bring your child for art, creativity and fun. Coming soon. Y Members $40/Non Members $55. • EDIBLE ART CREATIONS: Ages 2–5. Tuesdays 10:30am – 11:15am. 4 class sessions. Socialization, coordination and fun. Y Members $40/Non Members $55.
Dance Classes for Ages 2 - Adult. Mommy and Me Transition, Preschool Tutus and Tap Shoes, Pee Wee Hip Hop/Ballet Combo, Ballet/Tap Combo, Ballet/Jazz-Hip Hop Combo, Tap, Jazz/HipHop, Classical Ballet, Lyrical. Personalized Attention, Quality Instruction, Raised Oak Floor. NO COMPETITIONS. Non-threatening, positive, fun environment, ORGANIZED fun recital. Promoting self-confidence and building self-esteem, while fostering a love for dance & the arts! Offering 3 different summer camps, call for information (954) 217-9778. 1306 SW 160th Ave., Sunrise/Weston 33326. (In the Weston 8 Cinema Plaza). www.pureenergydance.net.
9042 West State Road 84, Davie 33324 (Same Plaza as Kabooms and RoundUp). BKS offers group and private lessons in Acting, Singing, Dancing, & Musical Instruments (Piano, Drums, & Guitar). Additionally, we have an After-School Program, Camps, and performance opportunities. Look out for opportunities to audition for one of our many productions, dance competition team or Star Performers. Contact us at (954) 693-7500 or www.BroadwayKidsStudio.com.
Little Lounge facility offers a fun and exciting indoor atmosphere that is safe and fully air-conditioned. We will help your child develop social skills, rhythm, hand and eye coordination and stimulate their senses in an energetic, challenging environment while furthering their dance abilities with high-energy music. Professional instruction for children of all skill levels from ages 3–13 in a variety of dance styles such as; Zumba, Flamenco, Jazz, Ballet, Hip Hop and more. For more information, call (954) 271-7191 or email: info@littleloungeparty.com. www.LittleLoungeParty.com. 1960 N. Commerce Parkway Suites 1 & 2, Weston.
Come Dance With Us! A variety of classes available for ages 2 ½ to adult including: Baby Combo, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Belly Dance, Flamenco, Aerial Silks, Contemporary, Acting, Voice, Piano and more. Ask about CAST: Career in the Arts School of Talent; our full-time school program for 5th–12th grade. This program is great for those seeking alternative schooling with emphasis in performing arts. Call us for more information and ask us about our current promotion: 954-437-9910 or visit us at 12323 SW 55th St. Unit 1010 Cooper City, FL 33330, www.dancersgallery.com.
Register at www.ymcabroward.org or (954) 424-9622; 20201 Saddle Club Rd., Weston 33327. • HIP HOP: This program includes daily dance lessons with a choreographed performance at the end of session. Call for schedule. 4-week sessions. Y Members $40, Non Members $55. Kids Club Special $35. • BALLET: Ages 3–6. Proper etiquette and execution are stressed while children learn to use dance steps and have a ton of fun. Leotard, tights and ballet shoes are required. CALL FOR SESSION DETAILS.
FAMILY PROGRAMS YMCA OF WESTON 20201 Saddle Club Road, Weston 33327. (954) 424-9622. For more information, contact Wendy Stull-Milordis at wmilordis@ymca.org. • Y ADVENTURE GUIDES: BOYS & GIRLS AGES 5–14. The Adventure Guides and Princess Program is designed to help strengthen the relationship between children and parents. As an Adventure Guide, you and your child will join a unique “Circle” with whom you’ll participate in games, camping trips and ceremonies • Y PRINCESSES: GIRLS AGES 5–13. Y-Indian Princess programs are for dads who want quality, planned, one-on-one time with the daughters. Father and daughter share in games, crafts, outings and campouts. Y members $25, Non Members $50. Visit www.iprincess.org for more information. REGISTER NOW! • FAMILY CAMP NIGHT: Campers and Parents Welcome! Join us for an evening of camp fun. Meet the counselors and the campers your child can’t stop talking about. We will have a blast singing, eating and laughing! 6:00pm – 7:30pm. • PARENTS NIGHT OUT: Ages 3–12. Enjoy a night on the town while your child enjoys a night at the Y. Keep the camp fun rolling with instructional activities, fun and much more! 6:00pm – 9:00pm. FREE to Y Members.
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At Rising Starz, every student excels. We are the leaders in performance training. Beginners to career seekers. Our students have appeared on The X Factor, The Voice, Broadway & Primetime T.V. Rising Starz offers group classes, private lessons, performance coaching, toddler music, dance classes, art classes, musicals, songwriting, music production classes, college, high school and scholarship audition prep, summer camp, live performance opportunities, Birthday Parties and more! For More information call: (954) 370-3308 or info@risingstarzmusic.com.
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Weston Sports & Activities Directory
Introduce healthy recipes and food preparation kids will be excited about with SFP Kitchen! SFP Kitchen can be paired with a personal training package to enhance the experience. After a heart-pumping workout, Smarty Fit Party will accompany your child into the kitchen to discuss healthy eating habits and prepare a fresh, nutrient-rich meal providing all of the important vitamins and minerals they need. SmartyFitParty.com. For more information, call to speak to one of our party specialists at (954) 708-4900.
Boating without owning…It’s about time! The South Florida Carefree Boat Club members enjoy the fun and the lifestyle of boating without the hassles of owning. A boat owner maintains, cleans, repairs, and invests hours of time into up-keeping his or her boat. Club members have access to a variety of boats, unlimited use, and a concierge service to go along with it. Own the water, not the boat. This company created a model that makes it stress-free to get out on the water, and membership is a fraction of the cost of owning just one boat. With convenient locations in Ft. Lauderdale, Pompano Beach, Miami and 22 other locations, Carefree Boat club members enjoy the best availability and the best variety of boats, at a fraction of the cost of boat ownership. Visit their website at www.carefreeboats.com.
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Want to learn how to fish? Looking for a great way to reconnect with the kids? Then join The Kids Fishing Club! Our club is family oriented and noncompetitive. Both parents and kids will have a great time and learn. All ages and skill levels are welcome. Bring the whole family, parents can fish, too. We teach kids how to cast, tie fishing knots and all about fishing in South Florida. Thanks to Fish Florida, all kids receive a FREE FISHING ROD to keep. Rods, bait, tackle; drinks and snacks are included at every event. The majority of our events are shore based and in the freshwater lakes of West Broward. Special events include the everglades, kayak fishing, pier fishing and deep-sea fishing. Student volunteers are needed, no experience required. Events are once a month, late afternoon on Saturday or Sunday. For more information or to join visit www.kidsfishing.org.
9042 West State Road 84, Davie 33324 (Same Plaza as Kabooms and RoundUp). BKS offers group and private lessons in Acting, Singing, Dancing, & Musical Instruments (Piano, Drums, & Guitar). Additionally, we have an After-School Program, Camps, and performance opportunities. Look out for opportunities to audition for one of our many productions, dance competition team or Star Performers. Contact us at (954) 693-7500 or www.BroadwayKidsStudio.com.
At Rising Starz, every student excels. We are the leaders in performance training. Beginners to career seekers. Our students have appeared on The X Factor, The Voice, Broadway & Primetime T.V. Rising Starz offers group classes, private lessons, performance coaching, toddler music, dance classes, art classes, musicals, songwriting, music production classes, college, high school and scholarship audition prep, summer camp, live performance opportunities, Birthday Parties and more! For More information call: (954) 370-3308 or info@risingstarzmusic.com.
Professional Pianist Roger Lander offers private instruction for children and adults. Beginner through advanced levels. Roger will have you playing fun music for your friends in 4 lessons! (954) 849-8374.
401 SW Second Street, Fort Lauderdale 33312. (954) 467-6637 or (954) 463-IMAX (4629), www.imax.com/movies. SHOWS DAILY. • TERMINATOR: GENISYS: AN IMAX® 3D EXPERIENCE. June 30, 2015 – July 16, 2015. The year is 2029. John Connor, leader of the resistance continues the war against the machines. At the Los Angeles offensive, John’s fears of the unknown future begin to emerge when TECOM spies reveal a new plot by SkyNet that will attack him from both fronts; past and future, and will ultimately change warfare forever. After finding himself in a new time-line, Kyle Reese teams up with John Connor’s mother Sarah and an aging terminator to try and stop the one thing that the future fears, “Judgement Day”.
Markham Skeet & Trap Club sponsors a Youth Program offering free trapshooting instruction and gun safety training every Monday night from 6:00pm – 9:00pm at the Markham Park Gun Range (Markham Park is located at the intersection of Weston Road and State Road 84). Ages 10–17 are welcome to join at no cost. The program provides shotguns to those who do not have them. This six-year-old program is the largest in the state of Florida with over 500 youth shooters having passed through the program. We start with the basics of gun safety and how to shoot all the way up to competing on a state and national level. All of our instructors are certified NRA Safety Officers and many are also certified at higher levels by the ATA, NSSA, and NSCA. For more information contact: Steve Norris at (754) 264-9584.
Taekwondo has been a great sport for our students with autism. Through the assistance of a licensed Physical and Occupational Therapist, Instructor Jose has developed an effective curriculum for students with Autism. We are aware that Autism is a spectrum disorder and taking that into mind, we work with our students to make their classes interesting, and fun. Students have benefited greatly from our curriculum and we would look forward to helping more. For information about our Special Population classes, please call (954) 529-8619. 16600 Saddle Club Road, Weston. AmericanTigersMartialArts.com.
CHALLENGER DIVISION for mentally/physically-disabled children, ages 4–16. Season runs March – May. Home games played at Weston Regional Park. Away games in Broward County. The league is designed to provide all physically and mentally challenged children an opportunity to play baseball in an organized, fun, and safe environment. No fee to participants. Volunteer Buddies assist players on field. Please visit www.wallbaseball.org for more information.
Open to any disabled child, ages 5–15, with a desire to play baseball. Season runs November – January. Practices and games held on Sundays from 4:00pm – 5:00pm. Cost: FREE. Held at Rose Price Park, 901 NW 208th Avenue, Pembroke Pines. Volunteers are welcome, ages 13 – Adult. Players and Volunteers can register by contacting Linda Jurko at (954) 478-9694, lindajurko@yahoo.com.
Teaches youth ages 11 through 15 skills for preparation to care for infants and children. Class includes CPR demonstration and hands on practice. Creating and managing a babysitting business is discussed. Parent must sign a permission form for the youth to participate and an adult must bring child to class. Class leads to certification as a certified babysitter. Fee: $20 per student. To register for a class parents can email Child’s Name, Child’s Date of Birth, Address, Phone Number & Parent’s Name to family@mhs.net or call (954) 265-4484 to register. Class location: Esther Grossman Women Center: 4320 Sheridan St., Hollywood, FL 33021. Next class dates: July 27th from 1:30pm to 4:30pm; October 25th from 10:00am to 1:00pm; December 21st from 5:00pm to 8:00pm.
Come to the Award winning “Best Weston Camp” in our 38,000 sq. foot sports facility. Spring / Summer / Winter / School Days Off Camps from 8:30am – 4:30pm. The most gymnastics, trampoline power tumble equipment for boys & girls ages 3 to 14 years old. Camp also includes indoor basketball, soccer, dodgeball, and indoor games. All action, all day! All coaches are background checked and safety certified. Game room freeplay open before 9:00am. Extended care from 7:00am to 6:00pm available. Visit our facility and Compare at www.TagGymnastics.com. 1951 North Commerce Pkwy, Weston. Call (954) 384-9393 to register.
CAMP TDD & TDD TRAVEL CAMP Registering for Summer 2015. 2360 Glades Circle, Weston, Florida, 33327. (954) 389-1232. www.dordorim.org. 8 week, 4 week and weekly sessions available. June 8 – Aug. 7 • CAMP TDD: 3 months (Infant Program) – 3 years old. Coached sports, arts and crafts, water park, bounce houses, hip hop, weekly talent shows and in house events. Reading, Science & Math Labs, Hip Hop, in-house field trips and more! Lunch included. • CAMP TDD NON-TRAVEL CAMP: Ages 4-5, Pre-K and K. All the fun without the travel. • CAMP TDD TRAVEL CAMP: Ages 4-10, Pre-K - Grade 4. Two fun field trips weekly, swim instruction twice a week, water park, Rock Climbing, Horseback Riding, Airboat Rides, Gymnastics and much more!
9042 West State Road 84, Davie 33324 (Same Plaza as Kabooms and RoundUp). Summer Camp at Broadway Kids Studio is unique time of year. Our focus is learning, allowing everyone an equal opportunity to perform, and having fun. Sessions and Weekly options are available for ages 5 to 13 in our Creative Camp. For more experience performers or those wanting to take the next step, our Broadway Performance Camp is available for ages 8 to 18. Visit www.BroadwayKidsStudio.com or call (954) 693-7500 for more information.
Sing, Act, Dance and Perform the summer away with our Musical Theater Summer Camp. Our popular Princess Camps are back and new this summer, Pop Star Diva Camp! (954) 217-9778. 1306 SW 160th Ave., Sunrise/Weston 33326. www.pureenergydance.net. • Ages 6–14: Performing Arts Camp: Wizard of Oz. June 22 – July 3. Monday – Friday 9:00am – 1:00pm. • Ages 3–5: Fairy Tale Magic Summer Dance Camp: Let your princess have a magical summer! Weekly camps available: July 20 – August 7, Monday – Friday, 9:00am –11:30am. • Ages 6–9: Pop Star Diva Camp: Make your child feel like a star while learning dance moves, choreography and costume design for end of week performances.
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PK3-10th grade. Summer Camp June 8th – August 7th. Full Camp Program: Camp Hours: 9:00am – 3:30pm. Early Camp: 7:30am – 9:00am. After Camp: 3:30pm – 6:00pm. Traditional camp activities include: swimming, arts & crafts, computers, cooking, science, field trips, sports, special events, and more! In addition to many specialty camps such as, sports, travel adventure, art, science camps, and leaders in training. Two snacks provided daily & Pizza, Friday lunch. $325-$425 per week, additional fees for extended camp. 1570 Sagemont Way, Weston 33326. (954) 384-1894, camp@sagemont.com, www.campsagemont.com. Visit us at www.Facebook.com/CampSagemont.
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Weston Sports & Activities Directory
We are Weston Warriors first cheer squad for kids with special needs, ages 5–21. Warriors Cheer Buddies will be working alongside our other cheer squads and working with our Coaches learning the fundamentals of cheerleading. Season runs July – November. Practice on Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:00pm – 7:00pm. Home Games on Saturdays. Registration fee: $125 includes practice uniform/game uniform/city fees & insurance. Additional costs: shoes & bloomers. Contact Jill Alter at warriorcheer@bellsouth.net.
(Summer Camps Cont.) EVERGLADES ACADEMY Everglades Academy offers daily field trips along with correlated planned activities for students older than 5 years old. For VPK and students younger than 5 years old, the academy will offer an “In House” curriculum. Preschool curriculum will be operated regularly. www.eavpk.com 6941 SW 196th Avenue, #21, Pembroke Pines 33332. (954) 434-8884.
COMBINE ATHLETICS: BASKETBALL EDITION® CAMP Give your child the summer of a lifetime! Girls and boys, ages 5–13. June 8 through August 7. Register for a day, week, or all summer! We help our campers find their sweet spot by teaching the fundamentals of basketball in an incredibly fun and creative environment. We believe there is a ton of potential at the intersection of sports, innovation and instruction. Our Formula: Top Notch Instruction + Creativity & Fun = Experience of a Lifetime! Each uniquely themed, weeklong camp uses a proprietary curriculum to engage and improve muscle memory for each camper while building confidence on and off the court, and teaching the benefits of working as a team. Have peace of mind knowing that your children are learning from the best and having the time of their lives in a safe, kid-friendly environment. Your child will create memories that he/ she will cherish forever. Become a Combiner today and see how we’re building a new kind of sports camp for our community. Contact us today! hello@go-combine.com or call (800) 386-0179 or visit www.go-combine.com.
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At the IMACS Hi-Tech Summer Camp, students are immersed in fun-filled academic pursuits: Computer Programming, Virtual Robotics, Electronics, and Logic Puzzles. In just one week, children substantially explore and expand their intellectual world. Full Day & Partial-Day programs. Centers in Plantation, Weston, and Boca Raton. Call (954) 791-2333 or (561) 470-1178 or visit www.imacs.org/sa.
MIAMI DOLPHINS FLAG FOOTBALL AND CHEER CAMP Dolphins Academy summer camps are returning June 21–26, June 29 – July 3rd and July 6–10 at the Miami Dolphins training facility in Davie. Boys and girls, ages 5-15, can participate in an interactive, week long flag football experience featuring appearances by current and former Miami Dolphins players. The camp focuses on football training as well as the importance of education, physical fitness, and positive choices. For more information please call (305) 943-7272 or visit dolphinsacademy.com and mention the Sports & Activities Directory!
CAMP SUMMIT-QUESTA New Gymnasium, pools and extended care available. Elementary Sports/Art Camp (ages 6–10) – basketball, swimming, soccer, karate, volleyball, flag football, wiffle ball, field trips, arts & crafts. Early Childhood Camp (PK3–5) – Montessori enrichment lessons, water play, gardening, arts & crafts and sports. (VPK accepted.) SPECIALTY CAMPS/CLASSES Available as followings: Sports Training Camp (ages 10–13); Academic Enrichment Program (Grades 1 to 4); and Swim Lessons (all ages). 5451 SW 64th Avenue, Davie 33314. (954) 584-3466, www.summitquesta.com, info@summitquesta.com.
DIVE INTO SPANISH – IMMERSION CAMP The 100% Spanish Immersion program offered by Educando a América during the summer. It provides a variety of fun activities along with learning of the Spanish language through special projects and outdoor activities. Our program’s goal is the acquisition of Spanish written and oral skills, as well as listening and reading comprehension. Offered for native and non-native students. 8 week program, from June 8th to July 31st, 2015. Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 3:00pm. Aftercare until 6:00pm. Cost: $199/week. Also offering half-day summer camp and twice a week Spanish Classes. Imagine Charter School, 2500 Glades Circle, Weston 33327. (954) 261-2432.
INSIDE OUT SUMMER THEATRE PROGRAMS Held at Sagemont Upper School, 2585 Glades Circle, in Weston. Serving South Florida since 1998, Inside Out Theatre is one of Broward County’s premiere arts organizations and proud to offer its summer programs in Weston. Summer Conservatory, June 8–June 26; Ages 9–14. Professional instruction in acting, voice, dance, stage combat, physical comedy, mime and more! Students create and perform a show at the end of the session. Summer Intensive, July 13 – July 31; Ages 13–18. Students rehearse and perform a full-scale Broadway musical, TBA. www.insideouttheatre.org; (954) 285-3060.
CHESSART SUMMER CAMP Two great enrichment programs get together to give your child a fun and unique summer camp. ART and CHESS are experiences your child must try! Both ART and CHESS build your child’s self-confidence, imagination, concentration, and a love of learning and openness to new ideas. We raise confident and creative children. Chess tournaments. Board Games. Sports. Team Competitions inside and outside. Mural Paintings. Cartooning. Ceramics. Water day. Ages 4 and up. (954) 534-3771 or (954) 650-2562. www.chessartkids.com. info@chessartkids.com.
DANCER’S GALLERY/CAST Dance Through Summer With Us! A variety of performing arts classes for all levels every day including Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop, Belly Dance, Aerial Silks and More! Theatre performance fat the end of each session. Last camp session July 13 – August 14. FREE Before and After-Care. We have a unique Summer Intensive Program for Intermediate and Advanced dancers. Transportation Available for camp and Intensive! Discounts for Full Sessions up to a $200 savings! Call us for more information: (954) 437-9910 or visit us at 12323 SW 55th St. Unit 1010 Cooper City, FL 33330 www.dancersgallery.com.
CAMP SPARTAN www.campspartan.com. Do you like SPORTS, ART, and ANIMALS? Then Camp Spartan is the place to be! Each week campers will enjoy high energy indoor/outdoor activities including: Weekly themes, handson animal encounters, sports, incredible art activities and weekly field trips to local attractions! (954) 593-5949. Ages: 5–12. Monday – Friday 9:00am – 3:00pm, Before/After Care available 8:00am – 6:00pm. Prices start at $175 week...Great sibling discounts! Come see what all the FUN is about! Two locations: Weston & Plantation.
KARATE AMERICA Get fit and stay sharp with martial arts! Karate America camps are a great way to learn structure and discipline while having fun. You can save money and guarantee availability by enrolling early! WE HAVE 11 LOCATIONS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! www.karateamerica.info. Find the location nearest you and call to register!
AMERICAN TIGERS MARTIAL ARTS This summer, give your child the advantage! ATMA’s summer camp program integrates martial arts with a scholastic setting. Don’t sacrifice academic enrichment for a fun filled summer. Have both at ATMA! Certified educators hold daily sessions to keep your child on pace for the new school year. Help your child return to school refreshed and ready to learn. 16600 Saddle Club Road, Weston. Call for more information: (954) 529-8619. AmericanTigersMartialArts.com.
Do you want Track Speed? Join the program with 20 years experience in youth speed development with proven results. We are home of District, Regional, National & Junior Olympians. G-Force, the first Track & Field team in Weston, is an “All Inclusive” training program, representing the highest levels of achievement in the sport. Our ELITE SPEED programs offer many training options for youth 4–18: fitness groups / combine prep / competitive team / camps / fun runs / gym strength training / adult private & group instruction. Learn from USATF Level 1 Certified Coaches, “The Real Authority on Strength & Speed.” For more information, please visit www.gforcespeed.com or email us at www.info@gforcespeed.com. Call now to get your first session FREE! (754) 246-3438.
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If your child enjoys nature, critters, conducting experiments, building stuff, and taking things apart to see how they work, we have an adventure for them! Science Eye Safari Camp & In-school Safaris are engaging, hands-on, inquiry-based programs that enable them to explore the world around them, gain new insights and make them aware that science is an exciting part of everything they do. Our goal is to have fun while instilling self-confidence, develop critical thinking skills and to create a positive relationship with the environment. We don’t just do S.T.E.M., Science Eye goes full S.T.E.E.M. ahead! (Science Technology Engineering Environment & Math) Ages 7–12. WWW.SCIENCEEYE.COM, enviroedu@scienceeye.com, (954) 680-7977.
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Weston Sports & Activities Directory
Use your summer break to elevate your game! Come to MVP Academy at Cypress Bay High School and learn from High School Volleyball Coach, Corey Marks. Volleyball summer camp for boys and girls ages 8 and up who are interested in gaining experience and developing their skills. Skills include serving, passing, setting, blocking, attacking and defense. Multiple sessions to choose from. For more information, contact Corey Marks at Marks_Corey@ymail.com.
By Debby Teich
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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he Broward Sheriff’s Office Police Explorer program in Weston provides teens and young adults with an opportunity to learn and experience lawful citizenship, as they participate alongside law enforcement deputies and civilian personnel in ongoing training and community service projects. It is a great first step for kids who are interested in pursuing a career as a police officer or any area of law enforcement. “We are building tomorrow’s leaders today,” said Deputy Sheriff Kevin Maccagli, head advisor of Weston Explorer Post 44’s program. “The Explorers are exposed to positive role models. They participate in programs and activities that promote growth and development, and instill responsibility, leadership, teamwork and self-reliance. All I ask of my kids is to have fun, learn something new, and make new friends.” There are 30 teens and young adults in the program, which meets weekly at Tequesta Middle School, on Thursdays, at 7pm. To qualify for membership, candidates must be age 14 to 20; achieve and maintain satisfactory school grades; and make a conscientious effort to stay out of trouble. They are required to attend weekly meetings, and wear their uniforms for inspection and training seminars. Candidates under 18-years-old must have the approval and cooperation of a parent or guardian. Explorers interact with law enforcement and other community advisors in a serious, regimented atmosphere that allows them to demonstrate their personal initiative. They participate in a wide variety of basic and advanced Law Enforcement Explorer Academy training programs in areas such as: self-defense, patrol procedures, traffic stops, report writing, domestic violence, Florida law, arrest procedures and more. They work with dispatch to listen in on calls, and can also assist in various law enforcement details. Explorers, who are 16-years old or older and meet eligibility requirements, are allowed to ride with BSO patrol deputies during their normal shifts. The Weston Explorers also compete against other posts and have earned numerous awards. Three times a year, the Explorers travel throughout Florida to participate in delegate trainings to help them prepare for these competitions. They have an
opportunity to interact with their peers at other posts, as they learn about first aid, officer down and other areas in a non-pressured environment. After the training sessions, they are critiqued on their efforts. The Weston Explorers recently participated in the 8th Annual Learning for Life South Regional Explorer Competition. They competed against 22 posts in the following six areas: search and seizure, crime scene, traffic, in progress, domestic, crisis intervention, and officer down. The team won second place overall, as well as 1st place - Crisis Intervention, 3rd place – In Progress, and 3rd place - Domestic. They also won in several individual categories. In July, the Weston post will participate in the Florida Sheriff’s Explorer Association State Competition. Explorers also participate in a variety of community policing projects, including child fingerprinting, school safety seminars and crime prevention programs. They recently helped manage over 8,000 people at the Slide the City event to benefit Special Olympics. They have volunteered at Weston’s 5K runs, parades, high school football games, and many other local events. Maccagli estimates that approximately half of the participants in the Explorers program are interested in a career in the area of law enforcement and many have no idea what they want to pursue. The Broward Sheriff’s Office has hired several deputy sheriffs from the program. “The Explorers program gives the students an opportunity to experience first-hand what law enforcement does on a daily basis,” said Maccagli. “It helps them decide whether it is a career that interests them.” Since many younger students have expressed an interest in joining the program, Maccagli started the Explorer Cadet Program last year. It is open to all students in middle school. It is held at Falcon Cove Middle School once a week and mirrors the Explorers Program for older participants. For information, visit www.sheriff.org/about_bso/dle/explorers.
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Four-year-old Golfer Inspires Millions to Swing Past Their Disabilities
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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By Debby Teich
our-year-old Tommy Morrissey was born without most of his right arm, but that has not stopped him from excelling at the game he loves. He got his first set of golf clubs when he was only 18 months old and never put them down. Using only his left hand, he is able to chip and putt the ball, as well as drive it over 70 yards off the tee. He has been an inspiration to millions around the world. “Tommy has a passion for golf,” said Joe Morrissey, his father. “Passion is something you cannot teach.” Tommy’s right arm was limb deficient below his elbow when he was born. His parents vowed to ensure that he would have all of the physical and mental skills necessary to compete in a two-handed world. “We frequently remind Tommy that his ability to achieve is limitless,” said Marcia Morrissey, his mother. “He has already proven that he understands that is the case.” When Tommy was only 10 months old, he began to display advanced hand-eye coordination. He could already grab a ball and throw it back. At 11 months, he could catch a ball, and by age two he was able to kick one over a 12-foot hedge. It was around this time that Tommy began to develop an interest in golf. He watched it on television on Sundays with his parents and started emulating the pros. If they tried to change the channel, he would get upset. By age 2 ½, Tommy was able to swing a golf club with all of the fundamentals of a golf swing. When Bridgestone Golf measured his “smash factor,” it was as close to perfect as possible. As Tommy’s swing continued to improve, many around him started to take notice of his extraordinary abilities and inspirational story, including Ellen DeGeneres. In September 2014, Ellen invited Tommy to appear on her show. She set up a driving range on the Warner Brothers’ lot and they hit golf balls together. At the end of the show, Ellen presented Tommy with a Nemo-themed golf cart. This was special for Tommy, since he nicknamed his right arm “Nemo” after the character in the Disney animated film that has a short fin. “Tommy’s appearance on the show highlighted his capabilities,” said Joe Morrissey. “So many people around the world were inspired
by his story and his ability to conquer his physical challenges. If telling his story helps even one person complete a challenge considered insurmountable, then we have paid it forward.” After the show, Tommy became an instant celebrity. His story appeared on Today Show, Good Morning America, Golf Channel, Fox Sports, ESPN, and more. Newspaper and television reporters from Africa, China, France and many other countries around the world also captured his story. Google currently contains more than 24 pages of stories and videos about him, and more than seven million people have viewed his videos. The golf community also took notice. He was a featured guest at the ParaLong Drive Worlds and hit the ceremonial first tee shot. He had an opportunity to meet and play with some of the greatest golfers in the world, including Bubba Watson (Tommy’s favorite player), Arnold Palmer, Lee Westwood and Tiger Woods. He now considers them his “friends.” “We were extremely honored and thrilled to meet these great golfers and to watch Tommy interact with them,” said Joe Morrissey. “Tommy’s baseline for normal has certainly become skewed. He is still too young to understand the gravity of meeting these golfers.” Tommy recently returned from the Indonesian Masters Tournament. Pros and spectators, including many children, came from all over Indonesia to meet the “kid from the Internet” and watch him swing. He has been working with the PGA of America to help grow the game of golf for individuals with physical disabilities. His story will be highlighted in the LPGA, as well as the PGA Championship in Whistling Straits. He will be attending the British Open in July and the list goes on. Tommy currently has an 18 handicap. His father, who is an amateur golfer, admits that he has been taking lessons to delay the day that Tommy will beat him. “If Tommy continues to play at this level, he will beat me by the time he is twelve,” said Joe Morrissey. “Without a doubt, it will be the best loss I ever have in my life.”
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Serving Up Help and Setting Goals to Help the Less Fortunate
lease help & donate to underprivileged children and teens by donating gently used or new soccer cleats, athletic sneakers and socks of all children and adult sizes. The donations will be given to Sunland Academy (kindergarten - 12th grade) and local orphanages in the Bahamas to provide an active atmosphere with sports that are a part of the everyday lives of our children in the United States. Courtney Carlton, a Cypress Bay High School senior of 2016, started a community service program this year called Sports With Court. She partnered with Sunland Academy and local orphanages in the Bahamas to collect items they needed but could not afford in order to play their most commonly played sports of soccer and volleyball. Courtney is asking for our community’s support to help these underprivileged children and teens by donating gently used or new soccer cleats, athletic sneakers and socks of all children and adult sizes. So far, Courtney has collaborated with Indian Trace Elementary, Cypress Bay High School, Cypress Bay High School’s National Honor Society (NHS), Weston AYSO, St. Bonaventure Women’s Organization and others for the collection of gently used or new soccer cleats, athletic shoes, and socks in both children and adult sizes. Courtney will be flying to the Bahamas on August 28, 2015 to distribute all of the donated items. To learn more, visit her facebook page at facebook.com/sportswithcourt. To offer monetary support that will help to defray her freight and distribution costs to get the items to the children, she has set up an account @gofundme.com/sportswithcourt. Donations may be dropped off at 1875 N. Corporate Lakes Blvd, Suite 100 in Weston or you may call 954-560-7348 to arrange for pick up.
Hurricane Volleyball at the Y
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The 13U Adidas team is coached by Kevin Wu. They completed the travel season ranked 18th in the Florida Region of USAV. They medaled in two tournaments this year. Most of the players on the team have played for the past three seasons. They often find themselves playing against the elite teams in the gold bracket of tournaments. Coach Wu played volleyball in college in California. He has been coaching with the club for three seasons. The 15U National team is coached by Kim Carraha and Chris Zimmerman. They completed the travel season ranked 102nd in the Florida Region of USAV. This was the first season for this team. Heading into next season, the players are eager to continue to develop their skills. Coach Kim was a member and captain of the Jamaican National team. In high school at Bishop Verot in Fort Myers, she earned Volleyball Player of the Year honors while leading them to a State Championship. She has been with the club since its’ inception. The 16U National team is coached by Lisa and Patrick Moreau. They completed the travel season ranked 126th in the toughest age division in the Florida Region of USAV. They medaled in two tournaments this season. They traveled to Boston, where they finished in second place. Coach Lisa is the former head coach of the women’s team at Fitchburg State College and men’s club team at UMass-Amherst. Coach Patrick was an All-State high school player in Massachusetts. He played on his college’s club team. Both of them have been with the club since its’ inception. The club will have tryouts for the 2015-16 season in September and October. The coaches are always looking to add athletes with great attitudes to the teams. If your child is interested in trying out, visit the team website at www.hurricanevb.com for the exact dates and times of the tryouts. You can always contact the Club Director, Chris Zimmerman, at (954) 552-8729 for more information.
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
he Hurricane Volleyball Club just completed their 4th travel season. This past travel season, the club was comprised of five teams: 11U; two 13U; 15U and 16U. The teams played in tournaments in the Tri-County area as well as Kansas City, Boston and Orlando. The club is based out of the Weston YMCA. Each team practices twice a week during the season as well as conditioning practices. The goal of the club is to provide a welcoming, supportive, fun atmosphere for young girls to improve their volleyball skills while building self-confidence, discipline and sportsmanship. The Director of the club is Chris Zimmerman. Chris has been actively playing and coaching volleyball for over thirty years. Coach Chris played indoor and beach volleyball in high school, college and the US Air Force. He continued to play high-level beach volleyball through the late 1990’s. He formed the Hurricane Volleyball Club to provide an affordable juniors program in the Weston area. He also works with the recreational volleyball leagues at the Weston YMCA to provide instruction to the volunteer coaches. The 11U Regional team is coached by the Club Director, Chris Zimmerman and Andrea Bardenheuer. The team played many of their tournaments at the 12U level. Regardless, they found a lot of success medaling in four of their tournaments. For most of the players, this was their first experience playing in travel level competition. They finished ranked 12th in the Florida Region of USAV. Due to their performance this season, there are high hopes heading into next season. Coach Andrea is in her first season with the club. The 13U Regional team is coached by Alan Strauss. They completed the travel season ranked 61st in the Florida Region of USAV. They medaled in four tournaments this season. Many of the players on this team just finished their second season in travel competition. Coach Alan is a former high school volleyball coach in Broward County. He has been with the club for the past two seasons.
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By: Tina Strauss
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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Directory J ul y - S e p t e m be r 2 015 | I s s u e 50 | Weston Sports & Activities Directory
eston FC U13 Girls Black team has proven that they have what it takes to compete. They are the runners up in the Florida State Cup, which is one of the most challenging events for any team. “This is the first time that Weston FC has had a team go to the State Championships,” said Judah Cooks, Weston FC U13 Girls Black team coach and Weston FC Director of Coaching for U13-U17. “This is a big accomplishment for the team, as well as the club.” The girls, who are on the best team in their Weston FC age group, started working their way to the top in March. They won first place in the initial round against teams throughout South Florida. They won first place again in the second round, when they competed against teams from across the state. In April, the team played in the Sweet 16 in Naples. They made it to the Final Four, where they beat the Florida Flames in a difficult match, 2-1. The next day, they played for the state championship against Creeks Soccer and lost, 5-0. “The girls played hard, but lacked energy after their semi-final win,” said Cooks. “After playing in the championship game and losing to Creeks Soccer, the girls now have a better understanding of what it takes to be number one at states.” Cooks said they would continue to work on improving athletically, sharpening their soccer skills, and developing their teamwork. “The girls are very excited for the future,” said Cooks. “They are motivated to play
By Debby Teich
again in the state championship next year and win this time.” Sydney J. Hackmeyer, who hopes to play soccer in high school and college, says she will never forget the experience. “Making it to the State Cup Finals, then the top two, and playing for the championship was the most excited and proud I’ve ever been,” said Sydney. “I know the hard work we all put in and I was so proud to be there with all our families and soccer sisters.” There are 18 girls on the Black team and most of them started together in the Weston FC program in U6. Most of them live in Weston and are juggling much more than soccer. They are members of National Jr. Honor Society, play multiple sports, participate in community services, and more. Although the girls are still young, competing at this level requires a large commitment from both the players and their families. The girls train three to four times a week for ten months. They travel to tournaments both in and out of the state. Most of the girls on the team aspire to play in high school, college and beyond. “This is one of the more talented groups I have seen,” said Cooks. “It is our job to continue to develop the players, so they will have every opportunity to play at the next level.” Since the girls finished second in the state, they qualify to play in the Region III League next year. They will be competing against the best teams in the Southern states.
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
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Family Health
Family Health
Q1: What percentage of the human body is water? a) 50% b) 66% c) 75% d) 80% Q2: A human’s thumb is as long as his or her nose. a) true b) false
Q6: The smallest bone in the human body is about the size of: a) the head of a pin b) a grain of rice c) an eyelash d) grain of sand Q7: The smallest bones in the human body are found where? a) feet b) ears c) fingers d) knees Q8: We humans get an entirely new skeleton every 12 years. a) true b) false Q9: The word “pain” is rooted in a Latin word that means punishment. a) true b) false Q10: Calcium crystals are a normal part of what body region? a) gouty joints b) the ears c) the nasal cavity d) the spine Q11: In a single day, one of your feet can sweat the equivalent of half a glass of water. a) true b) false Q12: How many taste buds are on your tongue? a) nine thousand b) nine million Q13: What is the largest organ of the human body? a) the brain b) the liver c) the spine d) the skin
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Q5: Cells related to ___________ divide remarkably faster than other cells in the body. a) eyesight b) hair
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
Q4: A sneeze occurs at about 100 miles an hour. a) true b) false
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Q3: There are about how many humans in the United States right now? a) 100 million b) 300 million c) 700 million d) 1 billion
ANSWERS: 1-b, 2-a, 3-b, 4-a, 5-b, 6-b, 7-b, 8-a, 9-a, 10-b, 11-a, 12-a, 13-d For explanations visit Medicinenet.com/human_body_quiz/
Family Health
Brian K. Bons, D.D.S - Diplomate, The American Board of Orthodontics. Now using the State-of-the-Art DAMON SYSTEM for shorter treatment time, fewer office visits and less discomfort! Our office is designed with you in mind. Whether you’re an adult, a teenager or younger, we know that you are busy. We strive to maintain a “no waiting policy.” Certified Invisalign Provider. Fluent in English and Spanish. Most dental insurances accepted. 1637 N Hiatus Rd., Pembroke Pines 33026. (954) 437-9477.
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BRACES and INVISALIGN treatment for children, teens and adults. We are moms ourselves, and we emphasize making each patient’s experience a pleasant one. We pride ourselves in treating each patient as if they were our own children. We offer COMPETITIVE PRICING and FLEXIBLE PAYMENT PLANS. More importantly, we are very DETAILORIENTED. Our EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE and beautiful state-of-the-art facility sets us apart from other offices. INTEREST-FREE in-house FINANCING available. Most INSURANCES accepted. Evening appointments available. Visit us at www.SawgrassOrtho.com. Call now for your FREE CONSULTATION with mention of this ad. (954) 514-2111. Located in front of IKEA at 175 NW 136th Ave, Sunrise 33325. Se habla Espanol.
State-of-the art dental “spa” specializing in children, teens and special needs patients. We offer orthodontic treatment compliments of Naidu Orthodontics. Our offices have aromatherapy, movies, and video games in the reception area. In addition, patients enjoy overhead entertainment while being treated by the friendly, caring staff! Our goal is to provide a positive experience for patients. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children during visits. In office oral sedation and hospital dentistry at Joe DiMaggio offered. Most major insurance plans accepted including the Florida Kid Care program. Convenient hours for busy families including Saturdays, evenings, and early mornings are offered during the year. Hablamos espanol. Two convenient locations: Pembroke Pines – 10021 Pines Blvd., Suite 100, Pembroke Pines 33024; Doral – 7950 NW 53rd St., Suite 200, Doral, FL 33166. Coral Springs location opening fall 2015! Call us Toll Free: 1-844-30-4KIDS.
With over 25 years of experience in orthodontic treatment of children, teens and adults, our office offers the most state of the art technology to make the process as quick and painless as possible. We pride ourselves on outstanding customer service in a family friendly environment. The office is one of only a few locally offering accelerated orthodontic treatment and digital impressions. All children should be seen for an evaluation by the age of 7. Come to Dr. Zagarra to learn how simple the process can be. 2711 Executive Park Dr. Suite 4, Weston. Call (954) 321-5600 to schedule an appointment. DoctorZag.com
Dr. Yazji and her team are dedicated to creating fabulous smiles for children, teens and adults! They do so while providing an exceptional patient experience and using the latest, advanced technology to make the process as smooth and efficient as possible. Dr. Yazji specializes in conventional braces, hidden braces and Invisalign® – all customized for each individual to meet their orthodontic needs. Dr. Yazji is an Invisalign® Super Elite Provider, placing her in the top 1% of Invisalign® practitioners in North America. Whether your child is coming in for early treatment or you’re an adult desiring a confident smile, you will be in great hands. Most major insurance plans are accepted and they offer flexible payment plans. Please call (954) 217-3737 to schedule your complimentary consultation. Llamelos para una consulta sin cargo y logre una nueva sonrisa! 2751 Executive Park Dr. Suite 101, Weston, FL 33331.
Our dedicated Certified Personal Trainers work in either one-on-one or partner sessions with clients to give them the personalized attention they need. Each client is assessed and given direction to reach their goals. We pride ourselves on positive reinforcement and motivation, to bring each client ultimate success. Single session, 6-pack and 12-pack sessions are available. For more information, call Erika at (954) 708-4900.
Join us at Little Lounge every Monday at 7:30pm for REBOLAXE. “Rebola” means movement and “Axe” means positive energy. Come enjoy this new Brazilian dance workout with us! Get ready to burn calorie and have a great time doing it with Omar Gonzalez. For more information, call (954) 271-7191 or email info@littleloungeparty.com. www.LittleLoungeParty.com, 1960 N. Commerce Parkway Suites 1 & 2, Weston.
Register at www.ymcabroward.org or (954) 424-9622; 20201 Saddle Club Road, Weston 33327. Contact Joshua Nguyen at Jnguyen@ymcabroward.org or Geoffrey Baron at Gbaron@ymcabroward.org • GROUP ADULT FITNESS CLASSES: Bosu Cardio Blast, Circuit Interval, Extreme Body Works, Kettlebell Power, Boot Camp, Cardio Box, Core Strength, Express (30 min classes), Roc-It Circuit training, SPIN, Pilates, Zumba, Pump It Up, Fat Burn Fusion, Total Body Definition, and multiple types of Yoga. These classes are FREE for Y Members. Visit ymcabroward.org or download our mobile app for complete schedules. • ACTIVE OLDER ADULT CLASSES: Silver Sneakers, EnhanceFitness, Spin Gold, Gentle Chair Yoga, and Zumba Gold. All classes are designed for the active older adult and are free with a Y membership. • YOUTH FITNESS CLASSES: Ages range from 4-17 years old. Give your kids the gift of health that will last a lifetime. Classes include Bootcamp*, Kids Spin*, Kids Yoga*, Kids Speed & Agility*, ZumbAtomic*, Teen & Kid Spin, Teen Boys Learn to Train and Teen Girls Learn to Train. Fee based classes*
HEALTH & SAFETY EDUCATION & CERTIFICATION TRAINING & CLASSES YMCA OF WESTON Register at www.ymcabroward.org or (954) 424-9622; 20201 Saddle Club Road, Weston 33327. • AMERICAN RED CROSS LIFEGUARD CLASSES: American Red Cross Lifeguarding is a national certification that may be used anywhere and even includes waterfront lifeguarding skills. Our class includes American Red Cross CPR, First Aid, and AED Training. Y Members $250, Non-Members $300. • AMERICAN RED CROSS CPR/AED TRAINING: This course prepares participants to perform rescue breathing, choking procedures, recognize cardiac emergencies and perform CPR. In addition, this course requires participants to safely use an AED during cardiac arrest in adult, children and infants. Y Members $65, Non-Members $85. • AMERICAN RED CROSS BASIC FIRST AID: This three-hour course is designed for the layperson with basic first aid principles. It includes general principles, medical emergencies, injury emergencies, and environmental emergencies. Y Members $65, Non-Members $85.
The Children’s Center at Plantation General Hospital offers specialized hospital care for children of all ages. Within minutes of the Florida Turnpike, I-595 and I-95, the Hospital is staffed by pediatricians who provide emergency and intensive care for newborns, children and teenagers. Visit www.plantationgeneral.com/pediatrics or call 1-888-256-7724 for more information.
Because injuries don’t happen by appointment! OrthoNOW is a network of specialized urgent care centers focused on treating the full range of orthopaedic and sports medicine injuries on a walk-in basis including anything related to pain, sprains, strains, fractures, foot, ankle, knee, hand and wrist, spine, and shoulder and we also offer baseline concussion testing. Equipped with industry leading imaging equipment and offering the latest techniques in surgical and non-surgical treatments by a staff of board certified physicians and physician’s assistants. Don’t wait at the Emergency Room or general Urgent Care Center! We Will Take Care of You IN LESS THAN 90 MINUTES without an appointment! 4825 SW 148th Ave. Davie, FL 33330 www.orthonowcare.com.
The Valve Institute at Westside Regional Medical Center offers patients with valve disease a team of cardiologists, radiologists and surgeons, that will evaluate patients and work in tandem with JFK Medical on the new procedure called transcatheter aortic valve repair (TAVR). 8201 W. Broward Blvd., Plantation. Call 1-800-618-2631.
STROKE & NEUROLOGICAL CARE AT WESTSIDE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Our Comprehensive Stroke Center provides stroke patients with 24/7 emergency care, providing a stroke care program that can significantly improve outcomes for stroke patients. The center is located at 8201 W. Broward Blvd., Plantation. Call 1-800-618-2631.
The finest pediatric care in Broward County is available to your children through Nicklaus Children’s expanding network of outpatient and walkin urgent care centers. With a typically lower co-pay than an emergency room, the Urgent Care Center at Nicklaus Children’s Miramar Outpatient Center offers personalized and prompt care for babies, children and adolescents up to 21 years of age. Diagnostics including x-ray and on-site lab services are also available. For more information, please call (954) 442-0809 or visit nicklauschildren.org/Miramar
Our group of physicians treats patients as individuals. Every patient is impacted by her medical problem in a unique way. To treat our patients correctly, we have to understand not only the medical condition, but also her perspective on the problem, her obligations and concerns about her family and work, and her goals for life. Only at this time are we ready to offer her the options that best suit her. Communicating all this and helping the patient make the best decision is the true art of medicine. Locations in Miramar (954) 538-1300 & Hollywood (954) 518-4100. www.obgdoctor.com.
MATERNITY TOURS. At Plantation General Hospital, we understand that for a newborn baby, first impressions are everything. That’s why we are dedicated to providing the most caring and comfortable childbirth experience possible. Take a free tour and see for yourself. Call (888) 256-7724 or visit www.plantationgeneral.com/maternity to register or for more information.
Family Health
Meeting the needs of the pediatric & adolescent population with orthopaedic injuries ranging from scoliosis and spinal deformities, bone tumors, fractures, limb lengthening & deformities, hip injuries & hip disorders, sports injuries and much more, your child will be cared for by fellowship-trained pediatric orthopaedic surgeons: Dr. Michael Jofe, Dr. Randolph Cohen, Dr. Neal McNerney, Dr. Stephen Storer, Dr. Jeremy Frank & Dr. Eric Eisner who combine have over 75 years experience. Diagnostic imaging by pediatric radiologists and technologists. Anesthesia care by board-certified pediatric anesthesiologists. Rehabilitation by licensed and doctorate level physical therapists. We provide a full spectrum of care. (954) 538-5500, U18sportsmedicine.com, kidbones.net.
Treatment of Pediatric Adolescent and Adult Sports Medicine. Our highly trained board certified physicians, physician assistants, and physical therapists use a comprehensive team approach in treating sports injuries by integrating Orthopaedics, Podiatry, and Physical Rehabilitative Medicine. “Our Goal Is To Return Every Athlete Back To Their Highest Level Of Sports.” Dr. Al DeSimone, Dr. Tony Moya, Dr. Alexander Bertot, Dr. Mark Fishman & Dr. David Shenassa. 1600 Town Center Blvd., Suite C. Weston, FL 33326 (954) 389-5900 17842 N.W. 2nd St., Pembroke Pines, FL 33029 (954) 430-9901 220 S.W. 84TH Avenue, Suite 102, Plantation, FL 33324 (954) 720-1530
Because injuries don’t happen by appointment! OrthoNOW is a network of specialized urgent care centers focused on treating the full range of orthopaedic and sports medicine injuries on a walk-in basis including anything related to pain, sprains, strains, fractures, foot, ankle, knee, hand and wrist, spine, and shoulder and we also offer baseline concussion testing. Equipped with industry leading imaging equipment and offering the latest techniques in surgical and non-surgical treatments by a staff of board certified physicians and physician’s assistants. Don’t wait at the Emergency Room or general Urgent Care Center! We Will Take Care of You IN LESS THAN 90 MINUTES without an appointment! 4825 SW 148th Ave. Davie, FL 33330. www.orthonowcare.com.
ORTHOPEDIC & SPINE INSTITUTE AT WESTSIDE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER For patients seeking advance treatment for orthopedic and spine issues. Our team uses the latest in technology to guide patients through every aspect from surgery to discharge and follow-up care. Located at 8201 W. Broward Blvd., Plantation. 1-800-618-2631.
The Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Orthopedic Surgery Program is a regional leader in treating pediatric musculoskeletal conditions. As the most comprehensive pediatric orthopedic practice in Florida, the department skillfully provides state-of-the-art and compassionate care for your child’s orthopedic concerns. Specialized treatment is provided for a variety of conditions such as scoliosis and spinal disorders, sports injuries, fracture and trauma care, hip disorders, limb deformities and more. Nicklaus Children’s Miramar Outpatient Center, Miramar Square 12246 Miramar Parkway, email orthokids@mch.com or call (305) 662-8366.
Plantation General Hospital and Consult-A-Nurse® are here for you and your child. Just a phone call away, our registered nurses provide free information and prompt answers to your health-related questions any time of day. Our nurses provide health information and can refer you to the most appropriate physician. Call 1-888-256-7724 any time you have a health question or are looking for a doctor.
The U18 Sports Medicine rehabilitation program was developed to help meet the unique sports injury prevention and treatment needs of children and adolescents. Every patient treated at U18 receives one–on–one individualized physical therapy care provided by highly experienced orthopaedic physical therapists. Our patients have our undivided attention, which can help improve outcomes. Our facilities are tailored specifically for the young athlete. Locations in Miramar and Coral Springs. (954) 538-5500. u18sportsmedicine.com.
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Weston Sports & Activities Directory
• SCUBA DIVING CERTIFICATION COURSE: Ages 10 & Up. Become a certified Scuba Diver. Course includes: PADI e-Learning online academic training, PADI OW enhancement crew pack, use of Scuba and snorkel equipment for all dives, 2 trips on Sea Experience II (4 Ocean Dives) and PADI certification fee including picture ID. For more information, go to seaexperience.com. • SAFE START: This is a one-of-a-kind drowning prevention program where children learn the survival skills of independent swimming and floating both in swimwear and in everyday clothes. This is a six-week course and children attend lessons five days a week for ten minutes each day. Cost: $500. For more information, contact Nicole Leno at Nleno@ymcabroward.org.
Family Health
Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy. Serving the needs of pediatric and adolescent patients – Our therapists specialize in the treatment of infants and children with a variety of diagnoses, including neurological deficits, sensory and auditory processing disorders, and developmental delay. Our services include Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Feeding Therapy. Locations: Coral Springs (954) 575-8962, Hollywood (954) 265-5880, Miramar (954) 538-4760, Pembroke Pines (954) 844-7180, memorialrehab.com
ORTHONOW WESTON ORTHOPEDIC URGENT CARE CENTER OrthoNOW features a ARP-WAVE Neuro-Therapy. With a 95% success rate over the past 10 years ARP WAVE, a type of Neuro-Therapy, works on the original site of pain. All other therapy or treatments deal with the physiology of the condition not the neurology. ARP WAVE is used by the most elite athletes in the world to treat muscle pain, spasms and stiffness. OrthoNOW is the ONLY urgent care center to bring ARP WAVE to the community. 4825 SW 148th Ave., Davie, FL 33330 www.orthonowcare.com
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Nicklaus Children’s Hospital offers a full range of bilingual diagnostic and therapeutic rehabilitation services in Broward County with locations in Weston and Miramar. Our team of rehabilitation specialists includes occupational and physical therapists, speech language pathologists, as well as therapeutic experts in sport orthopedics, hand mobility, feeding and swallowing, and aquatic therapies. To schedule an appointment, please call (305) 663-8413 or toll free: 877-624-8413 or visit nicklauschildren.org/Scheduling
Join our Diabetes Support Group, facilitated by a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator. Group meets the first Tuesday of the month at Plantation General Hospital. Call 888-256-7724 to enroll.
Camp Erin is a weekend bereavement camp for children who have experienced the death of a loved one. The Camp is free of charge and provides children a safe place to tell their story, express their feelings and learn healthy coping strategies for their grief journey. Camp Erin provides a safe setting to assist children dealing with their grief through activities such as music therapy, pet therapy, art therapy, sports and memorial service including a bonfire and s’mores. All activities are designed and facilitated by a staff of professional clinicians. For more information, contact Ann Mclemore at (305) 351-7026 or email Amclemore@catholichospice.org.
FISP’s vision is to HELP STOP SUICIDE by offering help to all those who suffer or are contemplating suicide and to all those who are affected by the suicide of a loved one, by providing the alternatives of hope, support, and resources to all. FISP hosts support groups for those who have lost a loved one to suicide and they work with local schools to help form HOPE clubs. Their headquarters is located at 2645 Executive Park Dr., Weston FL 33331. * Please call first for an appointment. Phone: (954) 384-0344. EMail: fisp@fisponline.org. Website: www.fisponline.org.
“The Gentle Practice You Can Rely On.” Dr. Miguel E. Cordova and his staff are committed to caring for your precious pets. The practice is located at 2701 Executive Park Drive, Suite 1, Weston Florida 33331. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit them online at www.animalhealthcenteratweston.com or contact Animal Health Center @ Weston at (954) 385-8389.
Calendar 2015–2016 Broward County Public School Calendar* Changes may be made. Visit www.browardschools.com for updates.
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FIRST QUARTER Monday, August 24.............................First Day of School Monday, September 7.........................Holiday - No School Monday, September 14.......................Holiday - No School Wednesday, September 23..................Holiday - No School Thursday, September 24.....................Interim Reports Issued Thursday, October 22..........................Early Release Day Friday, October 23..............................Employee Planning - No School
SECOND QUARTER Monday, October 26...........................Start 2nd Quarter Wednesday, November 11..................Holiday - No School Thursday, November 12......................Report Cards Issued Thursday, November 19......................Interim Reports Issued November 25 - 27..............................Thanksgiving Break - No School December 21 - January 1...................Winter Break - No School Thursday, January 7...........................Early Release Day Friday, January 8...............................Employee Planning - No School
THIRD QUARTER Monday, January 11...........................Start of 3rd Quarter Monday, January 18...........................Holiday - No School Thursday, January 28.........................Report Cards Issued Thursday, February 11........................Interim Reports Issued Monday, February 15.........................Holiday - No School Thursday, February 25........................Early Release Day Thursday, March 17............................Early Release Day Friday, March 18................................Employee Planning - No School Monday - Friday, March 21 - 25..........Spring Break - No School
FOURTH QUARTER Monday, March 28..............................Start of 4th Quarter Thursday, April 14..............................Report Cards Issued Thursday, April 28..............................Interim Reports Issued Friday, May 27...................................Employee Planning - No School Monday, May 30................................Holiday - No School Thursday, June 9................................Early Release & Last Day of School Hurricane make-up days in order of preference: 10/22/15, 1/07/16, 2/25/16, 3/17/16, 6/9/16. * Year-Round Schools Follow Different Calendars.
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SCHOOLS J ul y - S e p t e m be r 2 015 | I s s u e 50 | Weston Sports & Activities Directory
magine your child in an environment where he learns how to break down a complex problem and solve it effortlessly. Imagine your child being the first to raise her hand when she figures out the answer. Imagine that your elementary age child showed you how he writes computer code and program robots. Is that possible? Absolutely! Let’s be honest, children typically learn math through the “Drill It & Kill It” method. They may learn it for a test through repetition and perhaps memorization, but never really learn how to solve problems or apply the lessons to other subjects. IMACS brings a proven, fun curriculum to mathematics and computer sciences. Whatever you feel your child’s strengths or weaknesses are in school, you’ve got to see it to believe it! If your child is not planning on pursuing a so-called S.T.E.M. career (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), does she really need to be good at math? Yes, but not just for the often-stated reason that people encounter math regularly throughout their lives. Being able to handle everyday math is certainly important. For example: When comparing various financial aid packages by different universities, which one makes the most sense for your family? When deciding between leasing or buying a car, which is the best deal in the long run? While no one doubts that being better at money arithmetic would benefit individuals and society as a whole, such specific situations require a narrow skill set. The benefits of being good at math, however, go beyond correctly computing the tip at dinner to a wide array of circumstances that call for abilities prized in virtually every field of employment. For example, people who have learned to think mathematically are better at understanding the structure required to complete a given task. The first step in solving any math problem is sizing up the situation. What do you already know? What information is missing? Can you break the larger problem into more manageable pieces? Having both the skills and confidence to dissect complex problems, including ones that look nothing like what you’ve seen before, is one of the main benefits of becoming good at math. People who have learned to think mathematically are also better at assimilating new ideas. Once you’ve assessed the situation, broken down the problem, and gathered the necessary pieces, how do you put it all together to get from where you are to where you want to be? When faced with a novel situation, can you devise an approach where there
By Natasha Chen
wasn’t one before? If your child has studied mathematics in a way that pushes him to think both logically and creatively, then he will be much better prepared to handle an ever-changing variety of circumstances that call for these skills, no matter what career he chooses. How can you as a parent help your child become good at math? If you have very young children, work on building their numeracy skills. Get down on the floor with some blocks to show them what “more” and “less” and different numbers actually mean. Make patterns out of age-safe household items such as colored socks or whole fruits and vegetables. When children are around five or six years old, adding and exchanging coins is another fun activity. As your kids get older, make sure they are exposed to mathematics in an environment that is both challenging and engaging, especially if they are coasting through school math. When they find themselves outperforming their peers in college, you will be happy that you encouraged them to become genuinely good at math from an early age. Give your child the gift of confidence that comes with knowledge, understanding and accomplishment in problem solving. IMACS’ youngest students learn to solve college level math problems and perform advanced computer programming before they reach middle school. IMACS’ older students are accepted to many of the best technology institutes and universities in the country. It’s a gift that will last a lifetime and translates to every subject and every career. To attend a FREE class with your child, call 954.791.2333 or visit imacs.org. Natasha Chen is Communications Director for the Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science (IMACS), a South Florida-based educational institution offering after-school, weekend, summer and homeschool enrichment classes.
By Stephanie Gomez, Teacher
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asta for Pennies was a huge success once again! The Country Isles Elementary School families generously donated coins to help children with Leukemia and Lymphoma. In total, they raised over $2,800. TD Bank in Weston was kind enough to loan the Student Council their coin counting machine to count all of the coins. The Student Council kept track of the money that each class collected. Mrs. Cohen’s fifth grade class raised the most money with over $300. This lucky class won an Olive Garden lunch at school! They got to enjoy salad, breadsticks, and pasta! Thanks to all of the students that participated in this fantastic event. About Pasta for Pennies: More than 14.4million students and 10 million educators in almost 29,000 schools across the country are participating in The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) School & Youth Programs, Pennies for Patients, Olive Garden’s Pasta for Pennies, and High School Program.
For the past 17 years students have shown how much of an impact they can have by raising more than $261 million to fund breakthrough therapies and patient services; and more than $28 million in 2013-2014 alone! By participating, kids learn not only about the differences they can make, but they learn about leadership, teamwork, and what “doing good” for others can mean. LLS exists to find cures and ensure access to treatments for blood cancer patients and leads the way in blood cancer research that has brought us to where we are today; saving thousands of patient’s lives every day. For more information on Pasta for Pennies Program, visit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society website at www.schoolandyouth.org. Country Isles Elementary is located at 2300 Country Isles Road in Weston. For school information, call (754) 323-5250.
Parents’ Guide for Middle School and High School Homework By Dr. Raymond J. Huntington
s your child progresses from middle school into high school and nears college, the expectations will become much greater. It can be challenging for parents to know exactly how to continue to support their child outside of the classroom. While the level of parental homework help in elementary school is much more tangible, your involvement as your child grows and matures into an independent student should evolve accordingly. For many parents, questions about how to assist older students during homework time abound. Huntington Learning Center addresses these questions and others: How much homework is typical for middle school students? High school students? Ask your child’s teachers what to expect when it comes to the amount of time that homework takes. A good ballpark is an hour of homework in sixth grade, 70 minutes in seventh grade, and 80 minutes in eighth grade. High school homework may vary widely from teacher to teacher, school to school. A recent survey by the University of Phoenix College of Education showed that teachers of high school students assign an average of 3.2 hours of homework per week (which equates 17.5 hours of homework per week for students with five teachers in different subjects). What should your role be in middle school homework? Being on hand for support and facilitating good homework practices are important, but too much parental help with homework in middle school can actually be detrimental. The best way that you can help your middle school student during homework time is by monitoring his or her study habits and productivity and helping nurture effective habits.
If your child struggles on a regular basis, reach out to the teacher to develop a plan of action and they may also need tutoring help. What should your role be in high school homework? In high school, it is critical that students learn to become their own advocates and recognize when they need help—and seek help out when needed. Although you should intervene if you see your teen struggling with homework, in high school, completing homework is your teen’s responsibility. You can offer suggestions for breaking down bigger projects into manageable steps. You can serve as a sounding board as your teen identifies homework where he or she needs clarification with the teacher. And you can help your teen learn strategies for maintaining an organized planner. Under no circumstances should you take the lead on homework or help your child with its completion. How about Advanced Placement homework? If your high school student is taking any Advanced Placement classes, the amount of class work and homework may differ from your teen’s other classes. Advanced placement courses are on the college level and students can receive college credits for the courses at certain colleges if they receive good grades. Expect more homework in Advanced Placement classes. Why is homework so important? Homework offers many benefits as students move toward greater independence in school. It helps teachers reinforce what they teach in the classroom, extends student learning, builds students’ problem solving and time management skills as well as their sense of responsibility, and much more. If you’re feeling uncertain about the best way to provide guidance without overstepping your bounds, contact his or her teachers. They can help you understand your role at homework time and the most appropriate ways to support your child’s learning without being directly involved in homework completion. Together, you can help your child become a self-sufficient, independent and successful student.
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By Jessica Bogart, Student
Falcon Cove’s math team, made up of students from
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grades six through eight, had an outstanding year. They meet every Wednesday after school and they are a dedicated, hardworking, and passionate team. The math team leader, Mrs. Kami McLaughlin, says that every single child who participates is motivated and that they all challenge each other to help one another improve.
This year, Falcon Cove’s math team received the top school award in the Math Olympiad competition! Furthermore, the kids and Mrs. McLaughlin brought home several victories at Math Counts. The team dominated at the county, winning first place in cyphering, first place overall team, and three students placed individually in the top ten. Mrs. McLaughlin received the top coach award! For the first time in Falcon Cove history, one of the students, Viraj Maddur, placed fourth in the state,
qualifying for Nationals. Additionally, the four individuals representing our state are all from Broward County. Evidently, the Falcon Cove math team has had numerous successes and accomplishments this year, and hopefully, for years to come! Falcon Cove Middle is located at 4251 Bonaventure Boulevard in Weston. For school information, call (754) 323-3200.
Falcon Cove Middle School Volleyball Team Become County Champs By Jessica Bogart, Student
t has been five years since Falcon Cove Middle School had a volleyball team, but they definitely came back with excellence. The Broward County Public Schools decided to bring volleyball back and Coaches Evie Hoopes and Jairo Vargas were all for it. The two teams, boys and girls, practiced every day in the morning before school. The boys’ team had eight players and the girls’ team had fourteen. The practices certainly paid off, for both teams brought home a championship trophy! Coach Hoopes said that her team had a family feel to it and the girls all motivated each other to succeed. She also said that the key to success in being champions is playing
with confidence and without fear. Coach Hoopes had some valuable words for someone who is new to the game, “It’s extremely important to practice. Repetition is crucial to perfecting the basic skills of the game. It is not always fun, but it will help you be successful.” Overall, the Falcons had two amazing championship games this year, and hopefully, next year’s season will be just as great. Watch out Falcon opponents - they’re the predator, you’re the prey! Falcon Cove Middle is located at 4251 Bonaventure Boulevard in Weston. For school information, call (754) 323-3200.
Seniors Michael Plutt, Scott Plutt, Christopher Morin and Moreno and freshmen Robert Slutsky all won on the boy’s side. Juniors Michelle Eisenberg, Samara Eisenberg, Laura Herrera, Disbergen, and Can won for the girls. Combined, the boys and girls team came home with nine individual and team state titles in hand. Coach Grossi said that when you are the state champions you have a bull’s-eye on your back and people want to take you down. It’s important to keep focused, because if you let up, people will recognize it and take advantage of it. Can understood that feeling, as well. “There was more pressure, and it got into my head a little,” she said. “When the time came, I knew how to handle my nerves to win the state championship.” This year the boys will be losing the five seniors to graduation, but Coach Grossi said that through preparation and hard work, the current underclassmen would step up and be hungry to win more championships in the future. Cypress Bay HS is located at 18600 Vista Park Boulevard in Weston. For school information, call (754) 323-0350.
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Schools fter winning the championship in 2012 and 2013 and coming in second in 2014, the Cypress Bay boys team achieved its ultimate goal this year by going all the way again and bringing home a state title. At the same time, the Lightning girls brought home their second title in two years at the Class 4A state championship in Altamonte Springs in April. “The finish in second last year was tough,” boys coach Vincent Grossi said. “It meant a lot to the five seniors this year to get back so they could redeem themselves.” “We won states back to back freshman and sophomore year and after finishing second place junior year it was great to bring the trophy back home senior year. It feels amazing that we did such an accomplishment that will probably be remembered for a very long time,” senior Carlos Moreno said. On the girl’s side, junior Shené Disbergen said that it is a great feeling to be able to call yourself a state champion. She said it takes a ton of training and dedication to be able to get to this level. Junior Sibel Can agreed. “It’s a great feeling especially since we are back-to-back state champions,” Can said. “It’s a great accomplishment, and I’m really proud of my team for winning it two years in a row.”
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By Jake Lender and Jeremy Jackson, Student Newspaper Writers
Weston Sports & Activities Directory
Cypress Bay HS Boys’ & Girls’ Tennis State Champs
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Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members:
As Superintendent of Broward County Public Schools (BCPS), I am excited about the upcoming start of the 2015/16 school year. We are looking forward to welcoming all of our students back to class on Monday, August 24, 2015. Across our District, there are incredible learning opportunities in place for BCPS students. From our rigorous academic courses and nationally recognized magnet programs – to our fine arts programs, athletics, and extracurricular clubs and activities – there is truly something for everyone. Schools are focal points in the community – bringing families, neighbors, businesses and civic organizations together for the common goal of ensuring our students have the resources necessary to be successful, not only in their education, but as productive citizens of our county, state, nation and world. As the sixth largest school district in the country and the second largest in Florida, we are working hard every day to achieve our vision of “Educating Today’s Students to Succeed in Tomorrow’s World.” Our core mission is to provide quality instruction, utilize research-based strategies and best practices, and provide supportive learning environments to help all students reach their highest potential. As the first in my family to graduate from high school and college, I know firsthand how education changes lives. It is our responsibility to afford students - from the youngest learners to our adult learners - with the skills they need to make their dreams a reality. At every grade level, we strive to energize our students and develop eager learners, who are ready to take on academic challenges. BCPS is a leader in the nation for innovative educational initiatives, such as: • Providing scholastic chess to all second and third grade students in the District. Scholastic chess helps improve students’ critical thinking, problem-solving and social skills. • Becoming the first Florida school district to offer computer science courses at every BCPS high school. Computer science is a foundational field that can prepare students for the 21st century workforce. The basic skills can be applied and utilized in many different career paths. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts one in every two Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) jobs in the country will be in computing occupations, with more than 150,000 job openings annually. This makes it one of the fastest growing occupations in the United States. • Expanding Career and Technical Education programs for middle and high school students. These programs provide students with the opportunity to earn industry
certifications in high-demand career fields. These are the same certifications used by working professionals. • Implementing debate programs at all of the District’s high schools. Through speech and debate classes, students learn research, logic, organization of ideas, and language skills, as well as social benefits such as increased self-esteem. • Expanding Personalized Learning Environments and Digital Infusion initiatives. Among these programs is the District’s award winning Digital 5 program, which utilizes laptops, digital resources, online instructional materials and other learning tools to maximize student learning. The District now offers Personalized Learning and Digital Infusion programs in multiple grade levels. • BCPS also offers Montessori, Cambridge-AICE, Dual Language programs and the largest JROTC cadet program in the nation. Education opens doors to the future. Ensuring our students are college and career ready is at the heart of everything that we do across BCPS. In 2015, The Washington Post ranked 29 BCPS high schools among “America’s Most Challenging High Schools,” based on the schools’ commitment to providing all students with access to advanced coursework. In addition, U.S. News and World Report recognized 14 BCPS high schools for being among the Best High Schools in the country. The 2015/16 school year marks a tremendous milestone for BCPS. It is our 100th anniversary of serving the students of Broward County. A variety of events and activities are taking place throughout the school year in honor of the many achievements of our students and schools over the last century and to celebrate the future of our school system. The District is also moving forward with the important work necessary to meet the most critical needs facing our schools, as well as make investments in music, arts and athletics. Over the summer, the initial phase of scheduled projects began as part of the SMART initiative. You can learn more about SMART by visiting our District’s website, browardschools.com. The list of accomplishments of the District, schools and students continues to grow throughout the year. I encourage you to learn more about what is going on at BCPS and all of the educational opportunities available at our schools by visiting the District’s website. Families, as well as the greater Broward County community, are vital partners in the achievements of our students. I am confident that by working together, the 2015/16 school year will be a successful one.
cross Broward County, students, families and schools are busy gearing up for another memorable year of learning. This year, we are looking forward to a yearlong Centennial Celebration of Broward County Public Schools (BCPS), commemorating the District’s 100th anniversary. A variety of special events and activities will honor the many achievements of our schools throughout the past 100 years and set the stage for future educational success. Learn more about the Centennial and other District events at browardschools.com. Our District proudly serves more than 260,000 students at 238 schools, centers and technical colleges. BCPS is the sixth largest public school system in the United States and is recognized as Florida’s first fully accredited K-12 school system, a distinction the District has held since 1962. As the current Chair of the School Board of Broward County, and as a Countywide School Board member, I am proud to represent all of the students and families across our community and welcome you back to the 2015-2016 school year. Our mission is to educate all students to reach their highest potential. We are proud to be home to many of the best high schools in the nation and state.
According to U.S. News and World Report, 14 of our high schools rank among the Best High Schools in the nation. In addition, a majority of our high schools, 29 in all, earned placement on America’s Most Challenging High Schools 2015 list by The Washington Post. BCPS has a large and growing portfolio of opportunities throughout the District, including Montessori, Cambridge and STEM magnet programs; Kindergarten – 8th Grade Campuses; Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment; the largest JROTC cadet program in the nation with more than 7,500 students; innovative programs; the arts; technology and chess clubs; athletics; largest participating District in code. org; and mentoring groups, just to name a few. We also have the largest scholastic Debate initiative in the country, with Debate programs in every high school and expanding to include all middle schools. BCPS is committed to providing the very best educational experience possible to all of our students. As we begin this school year, I wish the greatest success for all of our students. I encourage students and parents to take advantage of all of the incredible educational opportunities available at our schools.
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meet each student’s individual needs and engaging them with programs that foster academic growth, while also instilling a sense of community and civic responsibility. Incredible examples of these efforts are the District’s annual Choose Peace activities and the District’s annual Above the Influence March and Rally. Both of these events bring students, parents and the community together in support of standing up to negative behaviors and pressures, and making positive choices. Providing strong mentorship to students, particularly our most at-risk students, is also a primary focus. BCPS Coordinators of Peer Counseling Programs are now the first in Florida to receive a National Peer Program Professionals Certification. Peer counseling programs provide students with prevention-based education and skills on topics such as mental health and wellness, violence prevention, substance abuse prevention and anti-bullying. These are just some of the many accomplishments and initiatives across our District. As a parent or guardian, your support and involvement in your child’s education plays a key role in his or her success. By working together, we are creating a strong foundation for a successful 2015/16 school year.
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his time of year is always exciting, as students, parents and guardians prepare for the start of the new school year. As a Countywide At-Large School Board member, I am honored to represent families across Broward County and am always inspired by the dedication and commitment of our parents, teachers, administrators and staff to the success of our students. There are many educational initiatives, high-quality programs and achievements by our students and schools, for which our community can be proud. From Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) high schools ranking among the best in the nation by U.S. News and World Report, and the prestigious awards earned by our outstanding magnet and innovative programs – to being national models for 21st century learning through our Personalized Learning (Digital 5) and Digital Infusion programs and our efforts to eliminate the schoolhouse to jailhouse pipeline (PROMISE program). Our schools offer a wide variety of academic and enrichment opportunities for students, including but not limited to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) programs, Turnaround Arts, Music and Sports. I am also proud of our commitment to educating all students to reach their highest potential. This includes ensuring schools have the resources and support necessary to
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t is with great pleasure that I welcome families for the 2015/16 school year. From planning open houses and orientations – to finalizing class schedules and registering new students, this is a busy and exciting time at all of our schools. As your School Board member representing District 6, I am proud of the dedication and commitment of our schools to providing students with a high-quality education. A key component to student success is parent involvement. Parents are a child’s first and most important teacher. When parents are engaged, students reach higher levels of academic achievement, show increased motivation and self-esteem, and experience fewer disciplinary issues. There are many ways for parents to get involved - such as volunteering at school, communicating with teachers, participating in school events, and talking to your child about his/her school day. By making school a priority, parents are sending a strong message about the value of education in their child’s future. The District’s Parent/Community Involvement Task Force and Office of Parent Engagement recently presented The 411 on Parent Engagement Conference in order to share information and strategies for parent involvement. It also included a non-profit resource fair to connect parents and schools with community resources to support their important work.
Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) is committed to ensuring students are college and career ready. The District’s high schools are consistently recognized as being among the best in the nation. In fact, 14 BCPS high schools earned gold, silver or bronze medals in U.S. News and World Report’s 2015 listing of Best High Schools, including Cooper City, Cypress Bay, William T. McFatter, Nova, and Western. Every BCPS high school has honors debate classes and a competition team, as well as computer science and coding classes, which provide students with life and career skills. The District’s nationally recognized magnet and Career & Technical Education programs also present middle and high school students with real-world experiences. Additionally, all of the District’s second and third grade students are learning scholastic chess, which increases students’ critical thinking skills, and the District is expanding its popular Dual Language programs, such as those currently available at Eagle Point, Indian Trace, Manatee Bay and Sawgrass elementary schools. We are proud of the plethora of educational opportunities for students in Broward County Public Schools. By working together, we can achieve our vision of educating all students to reach their highest potential!
ourth graders at Manatee Bay Elementary take an annual two-day journey to the oldest continuously occupied European-established settlement in the continental US. Do you know where that is? That’s right…St. Augustine, Florida!
While on this trip, the students are able to see their social studies curriculum come to life as they walk the same ground where Pedro Menendez’s ships first sighted land in 1565 and named his colony’s settlement San Agustin. From the hands-on villages of Fort Menendez to the Fountain of Youth, the young explorers got a feel of what it was like in the days of Ponce de Leon and other explorers of several years ago. Undoubtedly, the highlight of the trip is when the students cross the drawbridge and enter the Castillo de San Marcos. The students travelled up to the gun deck to see the cannons and view the Matanzas River below, then over to the site where a group of several hundred shipwrecked French Huguenots, led by Jean Ribault, were killed by Menendez and his men. The city is full of history and the students had a blast! Manatee Bay Elementary is located at 19200 Manatee Isles Drive in Weston. For school information, call (754) 323-6450.
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Villegas says that the benefits of such a peer buddy system are exponential for the autistic students. “Children with autism struggle with initiating and maintaining peer relationships,” said Villegas. “The Otter Pals program helps them understand how to have relationships, interact in a social way that may not come naturally, and much more. Just by making connections and friendships, their social awareness increases.” She says that there are also tremendous benefits for the typical students. “The Otter Pals become leaders among their peers,” said Villegas. “They are able to educate their friends and family members about autism, which can decrease potential bullying situations or discrimination in the school. The program also gives them the ability to generalize acceptance of others out in the community.” Sasha Kaiser, 10, has been an Otter Pal for two years. “I like to help the kids with special needs learn new things,” said Sasha. “I like seeing their faces smile when they accomplish something new. I like hearing them say my name and having them recognize me in the hallways at school. They are always so happy to see me, and that makes me feel good. I like being their friend.” Ellie Schwartz, 10, has also been in the program for two years. “I wanted to participate to help children feel special,” said Ellie. “We play all different types of games. I love when I come into the classroom and they are so excited to see me, and I can make the kids smile. Being in the Otter Pal program made me realize that I can make a difference in a child’s life.” Villegas has tried to create awareness among all of the families at the school. In April, during Autism Awareness month, the school participates in the Dan Marino Walk About Autism. She also encourages the Otter Pals to go outside in the community to generalize what they have learned in the program to any individual that might be “differently-abled.” Many of the Otter Pals have expressed an interest in becoming a teacher of special needs children someday.
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ach week, special needs students at Everglades Elementary look forward to spending time with their Otter Pals. As they create special bonds together, they are raising awareness about autism, as well as promoting friendship and acceptance. Since Everglades started the program three years ago, it has been a win-win for all of the students involved. “Otter Pals teaches our students that all kids benefit from interaction with peers,” said Eliot Tillinger, principal. “The program has resulted in greater empathy and respect among all members of our school community.” During the 2014/15 school year, Everglades had approximately 70 special needs students in grades Pre-k to 5th. Through the Otter Pals Program, typical kids in grades 3rd, 4th and 5th grade have the opportunity to volunteer to spend time with them. Teachers select 50 students to become Otter Pals, based on their leadership and commitment to help others. Before they spend time in the classroom, the Otter Pals participate in a training program to teach them about autism, a developmental disability that can significantly impact communication, social skills and behavior. They talk about their differences and similarities, as well as how they can be most effective. “They learn about different challenges that face all special needs students and how they are “differently-abled,” said Pilar Villegas, autism coach at Everglades. “They gain valuable knowledge and an awareness that all children can learn and be successful, just in different ways. We focus on what a child CAN do, not on what children CAN’T do.” The Otter Pals are paired with a special needs classroom. They visit the classroom once or twice a week to work and play with the students, as well as to model social skills for them. They join the class for whatever activities are occurring during their 50-minute visit. This might involve reading a book, playing a game, helping with homework or participating in activities at specials or recess. It might also include standing in line with them at lunch, and keeping them company while they eat. There are always teachers available to coach the students.
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By Debby Teich
2015 -2016
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Information Information current as of 6/15/15. Visit www.browardschools.com for updates.
PRINCIPAL: Mindy Morgan WEBSITE: www.countryisles.net 2300 Country Isles Road, Weston 33326 PH: 754-323-5250 FAX: 754-323-5290 HOURS: 8:00am - 2:00pm SCHOOL GRADE 2014: A
PRINCIPAL: Christine De Zayas WEBSITE: eaglepoint.browardschools.com 100 Indian Trace, Weston 33326 PH: 754-323-5500 FAX: 754-323-5540 HOURS: 8:00am - 2:00pm SCHOOL GRADE 2014: A
EVERGLADES ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL: Eliot Tillinger WEBSITE: everglades.browardschools.com 2900 Bonaventure Blvd., Weston 33331 PH: 754-323-5600 FAX: 754-323-5640 HOURS: 8:00am - 2:00pm SCHOOL GRADE 2014: A
PRINCIPAL: Keith Peters WEBSITE: gatorrun.browardschools.com 1101 Glades Parkway, Weston 33327 PH: 754-323-5850 FAX: 754-323-5890 HOURS: 8:00am - 2:00pm SCHOOL GRADE 2014: A
MANATEE BAY ELEMENTARY PRINCIPAL: Heather Hedman-Devaughn WEBSITE: www.manateebayelementary.net 19200 Manatee Isles Drive, Weston 33332 PH: 754-323-6450 FAX: 754-323-6490 HOURS: 8:00am - 2:00pm SCHOOL GRADE 2014: A
MIDDLE FALCON COVE MIDDLE PRINCIPAL: Dr. Mark J. Kaplan WEBSITE: www.falconcove.net 4251 Bonaventure Blvd., Weston 33332 PH: 754-323-3200 FAX: 754-323-3285 HOURS: 9:35am - 4:05pm SCHOOL GRADE 2014: A
TEQUESTA TRACE MIDDLE PRINCIPAL: Paul Micensky WEBSITE: tequestatrace.browardschools.com 1800 Indian Trace, Weston 33326 PH: 754-323-4400 FAX: 754-323-4485 HOURS: 9:10am - 3:40pm SCHOOL GRADE 2014: A
HIGH CYPRESS BAY HIGH PRINCIPAL: Charles Neely WEBSITE: cypressbayhigh.com 18600 Vista Park Blvd., Weston 33332 PH: 754-323-0350, FAX: 754-323-0363 HOURS: 7:30am - 3:00pm SCHOOL GRADE 2014: A *PRIVATE SCHOOL INFORMATION LOCATED IN ACADEMIC DIRECTORY IN SCHOOL SECTION
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PRINCIPAL: Amy Winder WEBSITE: indiantrace.browardschools.com 400 Indian Trace, Weston 33326 PH: 754-323-6300 FAX: 754-323-6340 HOURS: 7:50am - 1:50pm SCHOOL GRADE 2014: A
PRINCIPAL: Nadine Latham WEBSITE: www.imagineweston.org 2500 Glades Circle, Weston 33327 PH: 954-659-3600 FAX: 954-659-3620 HOURS: 8:00am - 2:30pm SCHOOL GRADE 2014: A
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PRINCIPAL: Nadine Latham WEBSITE: www.imagineweston.org 2500 Glades Circle, Weston 33327 PH: 954-659-3600 FAX: 954-659-3620 HOURS: 8:00am - 2:30pm SCHOOL GRADE 2014: A
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NOW OFFERING ON-SITE FIELD TRIPS TO SCHOOLS, AFTERSCHOOL & CAMP PROVIDERS! Tailored to meet the STEM curriculum and Common Core objectives, children will learn hands-on robot assembly and coding in a fun-filled experience that fosters teamwork, critical and creative thinking and problem solving skills. Robotics Afterschool & Saturday Programs and Spring/Winter/Summer Camps also offered for girls and boys, 7–14 years old, at various locations. Afterschool Programs are held in 8-week sessions. Tuition includes 90 minutes per week of instruction, materials and lab fees. Register for an Introductory Trial Class today! (954) 816-3346, Info@BrightAndSmart.com, www.BrightAndSmart.com, or visit our page at www.facebook.com/ BrightAndSmart.
IMACS – MATH, COMPUTER PROGRAMMING & LOGICAL REASONING ENRICHMENT Take your child’s logical reasoning skills to the next level! IMACS gives students a competitive edge by teaching them how to think critically in a fun environment. Call (954) 791-2333 or visit www.imacs.org to schedule a FREE Placement Class throughout July & August. Weekly after-school/Saturday classes. Grades 1–12. Weston, Plantation, Boca, Fort Lauderdale, Pembroke Pines, Delray and Aventura.
CHARTER SCHOOLS IMAGINE CHARTER SCHOOL AT WESTON & IMAGINE MIDDLE SCHOOL WEST Tuition free, public charter schools currently servicing students Kindergarten - 5th grade and 6th - 8th grade with a private PreK and VPK program. 2500 Glades Circle, Weston, FL. (954) 659-3613. www.imagineweston.org.
REMSBERG PREPARATORY CHARTER SCHOOL A tuition free public charter school in the heart of Ft. Lauderdale. Now accepting applications for the 2015 - 2016 school year for grades 6–12. Three programs of Study: New Media, Biotechnology & the Humanities. S.T.E.A.M. Curriculum Emphasizing Reading & Literacy Across All Disciplines. Low Student / Teacher Ratio. Top Quality Instructors. No Zero Grading Policy. Mastery Based Assessment & Advancement. College Preparatory Teaching Approach. Core and Elective Content Courses Taught at Honors Level. Project-Based Learning. Athletic Programs, Clubs and Extracurricular Programs. For more information or to submit an application visit www.RemsbergPrep.org or call (954) 292-9016. Located at 1650 SE 17th Street, Studio 300, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316.
(954) 693-0006. 8230 West State Road 84, Davie 33324. High School Rings, Championship Rings, Caps, Gowns, Tassels, Cords, Graduation Announcements, Graduate Name Cards, Thank You Notes, Class Year Merchandise and more. Conveniently located in the heart of Broward County on State Road 84 between Pines Island Rd. & University Dr. Online shopping available via our website: www.HJBroward.com.
LANGUAGE SCHOOLS EDUCANDO A AMÉRICA – SPANISH SCHOOL Our school offers 100% Spanish Immersion program for children from ages 3 years old and up, teens and adults. Our focus is the acquisition of the Spanish language in reading, writing as well as speaking. Based on a 3-hour/week program, we offer classes in different locations such as Pembroke Pines Charter Schools, Imagine Charter at Weston, Beachside Montessori Village in Hollywood and West Pines preschool. Monthly tuition begins at $85. Private tutoring is also available, as well as adult and teenager’s classes for advanced students. Visit www.educandoamerica.com or write to ea@educandoamerica.com. Call to find out more about hour different locations, days and time for each program. (954) 261-2432.
WESTON BRANCH LIBRARY English Cafe and Spanish Cafe for adults. Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced literacy programs. 4205 Bonaventure Blvd., Weston. (954) 357-5420.
PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND PRESCHOOLS THE SAGEMONT SCHOOL The Sagemont School promotes academic excellence from preschool through 12th grade. Our college prep curriculum includes quality opportunities in athletics, the arts, extra-curricular activities and community service. Middle and High School students receive valuable individualized college entrance guidance. Accredited by SACS, AISF & NCPSA. Lower School Campus (PreK3–Grade 5): Call (954) 384-5454 Ext. 2502, located at 1570 Sagemont Way, Weston 33326. Upper School Campus (Grades 6–12): Call (954) 389-2454 Ext. 366, located at 2585 Glades Circle, Weston 33327. We give campus tours daily. www.sagemont.com.
ST. BONAVENTURE CATHOLIC CHURCH AND SCHOOL 1301 SW 136th Avenue, Davie 33325. School: (954) 476-5200. Parish Office: (954) 236-7981. www.stbonaventurechurch.com. Celebrating 14 Years of Education Excellence. Guided by God’s Hands. Join our family-focused and fully accredited school offering classes from Pre-K3 through 8th Grade. Please call for openings in our PreK enrollment for next year.
Beginning Your Child’s Journey Through Excellence in Education. A NATIONAL AWARD WINNING EARLY CHILDHOOD Center and VPK program provider with scores among the highest in the state. Ages 3 months–5 years. Now offering full time infant care. Mommy & Me and Transition Classes Available. Before & Aftercare and Enrichment classes to age 8. Summer Camp, travel and nontravel camp program for 3 months through 4th grade. Complimentary Temple Membership for ECC Families. Discounts for new families! Hablamos Espanol. Open to the Community. 2360 Glades Circle, Weston 33327. (954) 389-1232, www.dordorim.org.
Everglades Academy offers preschool learning and childcare services in the Pembroke Pines, South Florida area. Our center offers infant care, preschool care; free VPK for 4+ years old and extracurricular activities including gymnastics. We offer a safe (indoor and outdoor video surveillance), loving and attentive infant care and a structured age appropriate curriculum. www.eavpk.com, 6941 SW 196th Avenue, #21, Pembroke Pines 33332. (954) 434-8884.
5451 SW 64 Avenue, Davie 33314. (954) 584-3466, www.summit-questa.com, info@summitquesta.com. Judy Dempsey – Head of School. Nationally Certified Montessori Teachers, Preschool – Grade 8. Beautiful 10-acre Campus, Butterfly and Organic Gardens, Gymnasium and Pools, Strong Leadership Program. American Montessori Society Full Member; Accredited Montessori Teacher Training Center; Accredited by AISF, Advanced/SACS, MSA, Ai, NCPSA and Recipient of Gold Seal Award of Excellence.
K–12th Grade. Now Enrolling for the 2015 – 2016 School Year. Offering academic excellence for over 20 years, Westlake Prep has relocated to a 10 acre campus in the heart of Cooper City. Highly qualified, certified teachers and administrators welcome all students seeking smaller class sizes, individualized instruction, college preparatory curriculum and a selection of three distinct academic pathways. Serving high achievers, average students and special needs. Full athletic program. Chapel and religious studies available. No bullying zone policy. Accredited by SACS & FCIS. Members of the FHSAA. Title 1 approved. MCKAY and SUFS accepted. Speech and OT therapy are offered on campus. Call us today to schedule a tour. See for yourself if Westlake is the right school for your student. 8950 Stirling Road, Cooper City. (954) 236-2300.
STORYTIME: Baby Storytime (3 months–11 months): Thursdays 10:30am – 11:00am. Toddler Story Time (12 months–35 months): Thursdays 11:30am. Preschool Story Time (3 years–5 years): 12:30pm. 4205 Bonaventure Blvd., Weston. (954) 357-5420.
Grades K–12. Huntington will pinpoint your child’s academic strengths and weaknesses and tailor a program just for your child. Reading, Math, Writing, Phonics, Study Skills, Florida Statewide Assessment, HS Entrance Exam Prep, Tutoring in any subject. College SAT/ACT Prep. Locations: Pembroke Pines East (954) 436-3330; Pembroke Pines West (954) 431-4443; Plantation (954) 474-4144.
Manatee Bay Elementary
Wins First Place in Science Olympiad M
By Tina Strauss, School Liaison
anatee Bay Elementary School is proud to announce that one of their four teams competing at this year’s National Elementary Science Olympiad Competition held at Florida Atlantic University on May 2nd, 2015 came in 1st place overall with a second team placing 4th. Each team was comprised of twelve 5th grade students who competed in twelve different STEM challenges. The tasks were Water Bottle Rockets, Chopper Challenge, Straw Egg Drop, and Crime Busters, just to name a few. In total, the teams earned 14 awards placing in the top 3 for each of the events. The students had a blast bringing learning to life through the handson application of STEM. The STEM coaches: Lisa Leider, Shairin Brown, Lisa Weingartner and Samuel Allison are extremely proud of the performance of all of the students. Manatee Bay Elementary is located at 19200 Manatee Isles Drive in Weston. For school information, call (754) 323-6450.
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Established in 1995 and fully accredited by SACS and ACSI, we serve students of Christian families from PreK3–8th grade. We are Bible based, academically challenging and focus on developing the whole child through a classical trained education. We offer low studentteacher ratio, a college prep curriculum and new technology in all the classrooms. We also offer quality opportunities in fine arts and athletics. Brand new elementary Science lab, middle school Science lab, new playgrounds, new preschool rooms, new computer lab and new learnpads for students in K5 to 8th grade! 1420 Indian Trace, Weston 33326. (954) 349-9224. www.westonchristianacademy.org.
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By Margot Puleri
here aren’t any words to ease the pain of losing a loved one to suicide. Survivors have expressed being left with such a profound range of emotions from helplessness to denial and from guilt to rage. Survivors seek answers that they may never get, therefore coming to terms with living with this grief requires much time and support. There is never closure, just acceptance. The Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention (FISP), located in Weston, is not only providing support for survivors, but they are finding ways to spread the word that there is HOPE for those who may be experiencing feelings of hopelessness. The FISP is reaching out to students, teachers and parents to help reduce the increasing number of suicides and attempted suicides in our youth population through H.O.P.E. Clubs (Helping Overcome Problems Effectively) in our schools. Currently FISP has nine high school and two middle school HOPE Clubs meeting weekly in Broward County. The HOPE Club helps teens plan programs in their school to “foster empathy, self-worth, feelings of belonging and good citizenship skills.” One of the programs held in the schools is called Hugs For HOPE. This organized event brings awareness to the destructiveness of bullying and illustrates the warning signs of those at risk. Hugs candies are distributed to let their student body know that others care and HOPE will be there for them. In May, the FISP and HOPE Clubs hosted the Hugs for Hope 5K Run/Walk at Markham Park in Sunrise. Hundreds came out to support the cause and raise needed funds to make an impact in their schools. As your middle School, high school or college age children are looking for a way to get involved in their schools, what better way that joining or starting a HOPE Club? HERE ARE A FEW ALARMING STATISTICS: According to FISP, suicide is now the 9th leading cause of
death in Florida and suicide takes the lives of more than 41,000 Americans each year! There is an attempted suicide every 32 seconds in the United States. If every HOPE Club could help just one person in their school, imagine the impact.For those whose loved one could not find their way past the hopelessness soon enough, FISP has over six Healing Support Groups that meet twice monthly in the tri-county area. The meetings are free, however they ask that you call prior to attending. In the words of a dear friend who lost her brother to suicide, “I just want something good to come from my brother’s death, that’s why we put a team together in his name and participated in the Hugs for Hope Walk.” While most words cannot bring comfort to survivors, the act of spreading words of HOPE and doing something to honor his life brings great comfort to her and her family. For more information on the Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention call (954) 384-0344 or visit their website at fisponline.org. To learn more about the HOPE Clubs, visit fisphope.org. NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE 1-800-273-TALK (8255).