Good neighbour guidelines

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Published May 2021

Hello Neighbour! Neighbourhoods are the beating hearts of our community. They provide a safe and friendly place to live, learn, work and play, and they help to define Squamish’s vibrant, small-town feel. We each play a role in enhancing our neighbourhoods and contributing to the growth of our town in a helpful and positive way. These Good Neighbour Guidelines support the District’s mission to protect and enhance the quality of life of our residents, promote civic responsibility, and encourage good relationships between residential and business neighbours. The Guidelines provide an overview of key bylaws that are frequently referenced by citizens, focusing on common sense and neighbourly actions. In many cases, a casual conversation between neighbours is the best way to address a neighbourhood concern. When a conversation isn’t possible, please contact the District’s Bylaw Enforcement Services to make an inquiry or file a complaint for investigation.

CONTACT US Bylaw Enforcement: 604.815.5067 | 2

Table of Contents Animal Care and Control


Backyard Campfires


Bees and Hens


Brownfield Properties


Building Permits


Drainage on Your Property


Event Hosting


Filming in Neighbourhoods




Home-based Businesses




Off-Road Vehicles


Outdoor Water Use




Secondary Suites


Security and Safety


Sidewalk Snow Removal


Untidy Properties


Vegetation, Trees and Soils


Waste Disposal & Recycling


Wildlife Attractants


Contact Us



Animal Care and Control The District of Squamish Animal Control regulates pet ownership within its boundaries. The Squamish BCSPCA cares for cats on behalf of the District, and coordinates adoptions.

Dogs in public places •

Dogs must be leashed and in the immediate care and control of a competent person, unless in a designated off leash area.

Dogs cannot be hitched, tied or fastened to a fixed object on public or private property for an extended period of time.

Dogs must not be left unattended in a vehicle without sufficient ventilation and appropriate weather conditions. Dogs overheat easily.

Scoop the poop


No animals, including dogs, cats, horses, or livestock are permitted to defecate on lands or property other than its owner’s.

Whether you are walking your dog or riding your horse, be considerate to others by picking up and properly disposing of your animal’s waste.

FREE doggy bag dispensers are placed throughout the District for your convenience.

Licensing •

All dogs over the age of eight weeks must wear a licence tag at all times. It’s the primary source of identification and often your dog’s ticket home, if found at large.

Dog licence tags are permanent but need to be renewed annually.

Licensing helps manage adoption programs, provide food and shelter for lost, found or surrendered dogs, provide medical care to adoptable dogs and more.

Licences can be purchased or renewed at Municipal Hall, 37955 Second Avenue during regular business hours and renewed at the Animal Control Office, 39903 Government Road.

Be a good neighbour Barking dogs can disturb the peace and quiet of the neighbourhood. Be proactive and ensure your dog does not disturb your neighbours by barking, howling or whimpering.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Animal Control: 604.815.5067 | SPCA (Cat concerns or adoptions): 604.898.9890 After-hours Animal Control emergencies: 9-1-1. 5

Backyard Campfires Backyard fire pits are permitted within District boundaries if a free, Residential Campfire Permit has been obtained by the occupant.

What you need to know •

Campfire permits are free and can be applied for online.

A copy of the permit must be available for viewing upon request by a member of Squamish Fire Rescue, RCMP or a Bylaw Officer.

Campfire permits may be suspended in the event of extreme, hot weather or provincial fire bans, however they don’t expire.

Permits may be revoked by Squamish Fire Rescue for breach of the conditions listed on the permit, or the burning bylaws.

Seasoned, dry firewood is the only fuel permitted to be burned.

Regulations, conditions and permit applications are available online.

Be a good neighbour Excessive campfire smoke can be a nuisance. Keep it to a minimum to avoid disturbing your neighbours or the neighbourhood.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Squamish Fire Rescue: 604.898.9666 | For emergencies call 9-1-1 6

Bees and Hens The District of Squamish supports local food production so long as it does not attract wildlife such as bears, coyotes, cougars and wolves.

What you need to know •

All hens must be registered. Roosters are not permitted.

A maximum of five hens per parcel of land is permitted.

• •

Hens must be at least four months old. All beehives must be registered with and inspected by the Ministry of Agriculture and comply with municipal and federal regulations. The number of allowable hives depends on the size of your property. Hen coops/pens and beehives must be surrounded by electric fencing and situated according to the Zoning Bylaw to prevent wildlife from accessing the food source. A full chicken coop is on display at the Animal Control Dog Pound located at 39903 Government Road.

• • •

Be a good neighbour Responsible ownership is the first step to ensuring the health and safety of your hens, bees and neighbourhood. Learn more about keeping hens and bees on our website.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Animal Control: 604.815.6866 | 7

Brownfield Properties Brown·field (noun): A former industrial or commercial site where future use is affected by real or perceived environmental contamination.

How you can help If you own a brownfield property: •

Cleaning up brownfield sites helps improve the quality of the environment in the community and removes real and perceived threats to public safety. Consider active brownfield remediation and redevelopment in keeping with community standards and appearance.

Deteriorating and boarded up buildings have a negative impact on property values and our community’s image. Consider making needed repairs or discussing your redevelopment plans and needs with District staff or members of Council.

Be a good neighbour Brownfield properties need to be kept tidy and free of garbage. Fences must be maintained and vegetation growth managed. Derelict properties may be subject to fines and/or having clean up costs charged to the property owner.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Community Planning: 604.815.5002 | 8

Building Permits When and why you need one. •

If planning to build, renovate, or demolish a residence, accessory building, or commercial property, it is important that you are issued a Building Permit by the District of Squamish.

A Building Permit ensures that all buildings comply with safety, health, building and zoning requirements for both the District and the Province of British Columbia.

Once a Building Permit is issued, District Building Inspectors conduct a series of inspections.

Once occupancy is granted, the District will authorize the issuance of waste totes.

Building Permits are not required for accessory buildings below a maximum size of 10 square metres, retaining walls under 1.2 metres or four feet, landscaping, sidewalks, and fences but may be required for decks. If you are unsure whether or not your project requires a permit please contact the Building Department.

Applications, guides and forms are available online.

Be a good neighbour Consider how your new home, renovation or addition will affect your neighbour’s sightlines and privacy, among other things.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Building Department: 604.815.6872 | 9

Drainage on Your Property Effective drainage of water into the District’s catch basins, storm drains, culverts and ditches is critical to avoid localized flooding and to ensure safe roadways. During heavy rainfall, the District’s roads and drainage crews check catch basins and storm drains, as well as clear any debris that may impede storm water flow.

How you can help •

Ensure your catch basin or culvert is free of leaves and debris.

Prevent water run-off from your property to your neighbour’s.

Direct water away from all structures and towards storm sewers or the ditch line to prevent significant water damage, which you may be responsible for.

Protect our waterways and the environment by preventing harmful runoff from your property from entering catch basins or storm drains.

Be a good neighbour Clear any debris, garbage, or snow from culverts, catch basins and storm drains near your property.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Public Works: 604.815.6868 | After-hours emergencies (24 hours): 604.815.4040 10

Event Hosting Events held in neighbourhoods, even if on your property (i.e. a wedding), may require an Event Permit to ensure the event follows the necessary guidelines to minimize neighbourhood impacts.

What you need to know •

Anyone who wishes to hold an event that will have an impact on traffic or local neighbourhoods is required to submit a Special Events Application to the District.

Hours of events within the District are from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week. If you are planning any event activity outside of these hours, you must apply for a Noise Exemption Permit (approval not guaranteed).

Information and permit applications can be found online.

Contact the District’s Event Office with questions or concerns about an event and/or associated noise in your neighbourhood.

Waste generated from an event must be contained in wildlife resistant enclosures.

Be a good neighbour Planning a large gathering? Notify your neighbours of any additional traffic or noise that could occur as a result of your event.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Film & Events: 604.815.5043 | 11

Filming in Neighbourhoods The District of Squamish is considered to be one of the most filmfriendly municipalities in BC. This success has been achieved because of our residents and businesses who welcome and support low-impact filming to our community.

What you need to know •

Every production is obligated to notify affected residents and businesses of upcoming filming by distributing a District-approved notification letter. The letter contains the location and nature of filming, proposed dates and times, and contact information.

Only essential production work vehicles will be permitted to park on municipal streets. Load-in and load-out activities must comply with the Noise Regulation Bylaw and occur between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.

Registering your property •

If you are a property owner and interested in having your property considered as a filming location, contact Creative BC at Property owners are responsible for negotiating the terms of use for their property directly with the production company.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Film & Events: 604.815.5043 | 12

Fireworks Fireworks are not permitted in Squamish except on special celebratory holidays such as Halloween, Diwali and New Year’s Eve, at the discretion of the Fire Chief.

What you need to know A permit is required to discharge consumer fireworks on the above dates. Permits are free and can be obtained online in just a few minutes. Permit applications are available online during the period leading up to the approved dates. •

Fireworks include cannon crackers, fireballs, firecrackers, roman candles and any other explosive device.

A copy of the permit must be available for viewing upon request by a member of Squamish Fire Rescue, RCMP or a Bylaw Officer.

Consumer fireworks are only permitted for use on private property.

Applicants must be 19 years of age or older and obtain written consent of the property owner upon which the fireworks will be discharged, if the permit applicant is not the property owner.

Be a good neighbour

Consider your neighbours and let them know your plans for fireworks so they, or their pets, are not startled by them.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Squamish Fire Rescue: 604.898.9666 | For emergencies call 9-1-1 13

Home-based Businesses What you need to know •

A Business Licence from the District of Squamish is required for all home-based businesses. A home-based Business Licence can be issued if the property is zoned for the business use. A home occupancy permit is also required.

Home-based businesses can have some impact on parking and neighbourhood dynamics. If unsure of your rights and/or restrictions, contact Business Licensing for clarification.

Does your new business require a Sign Permit? Businesses operating in Squamish require a valid signage permit that conforms to the District of Squamish Sign Bylaw. Permit applications are available online at

Be a good neighbour Do you have a home-based business? Asking your clients to park in your driveway will lessen the impact to neighbours by reducing congestion and noise.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Business Licensing: 604.815.5014 | 14

Noise Excessive noise, such as shouting, amplification devices, TVs, radios and musical instruments can disturb your neighbours. Any noise, sound or vibration as a result of construction, excavating, repairing or demolishing is considered construction noise.

What you need to know No person shall make, cause, or permit any noise, sound or vibration which disturbs the quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort or convenience of any person in the neighbourhood or area. •

Between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m., the use or creation of sounds outside that can be heard inside or inside that can be heard outside is considered disruptive.

Construction noise is not permitted before 7 a.m. or after 8 p.m. Monday to Friday, before 8 a.m. or after 7 p.m. Saturday, or before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. Sunday and Statutory Holidays.

For exemptions and other information, please refer to the Noise Bylaw.

Be a good neighbour Consider the noise impact of your activities; noise travels further at night.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Bylaw Enforcement: 604.815.5067 | 15

Off-Road Vehicles An off-road vehicle is defined as “a vehicle propelled by a motor that is designed for off-road travel, and includes vehicles having two, three or four wheels, whether known as dirt bikes, quads, or any other name”.

What you need to know If you own an off-road vehicle please keep the following in mind: •

Generally, off-road vehicles are not permitted on a highway, District roadway, park, municipal utility or trail right of way, municipal dike, trail or footpath.

Exceptions include conventional trucks and cars with off-road capabilities licensed under the Motor Vehicle Act. A further exception includes a trial motorcycle operated in approved areas identified in the Off-Road Vehicle Bylaw.

This does not apply to the operation of vehicles by RCMP, Fire, Ambulance, Search and Rescue or other enforcement body.

Be a good neighbour Refrain from driving your off-road vehicle on neighbourhood streets, trails, dikes or footpaths.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Squamish RCMP non-emergency number: 604.892.6100 Bylaw Enforcement: 604.815.5067 | 16

Outdoor Water Use Water is a precious natural resource that we all rely on and that should not be taken for granted. Think globally and act locally.

Be water wise and do your part •

Stage 1 of the outdoor watering restrictions comes into effect May 1 each year and restricts when you can use a sprinkler on your lawn.

Water use typically doubles in hot summer months, which generally activates Stage 2 restrictions of sprinklering “one day per week”.

Dormant, not dead. Lawns naturally go brown in dry conditions and will always return to green when the wet weather returns.

Vegetable gardens can be watered with a hand-held container or hose with an automatic shut-off device on any day and at any time.

Kids’ sprinklers fall under the same category as lawn watering since they use continuously running water.

The full chart of outdoor water restrictions is available online.

Be a good neighbour Please respect the Outdoor Water Use Bylaw, and your neighbours, by watering your lawn only within designated days and times.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Public Works: 604.815.6868 | 17

Parking All drivers are welcome to park on District roadways as long as they meet local and provincial laws regulating vehicles and parking, and are parked in the direction of traffic.

What you need to know •

Parking is not permitted in laneways, within 1.5 metres of a driveway, five metres of a fire hydrant and six metres of a crosswalk.

Parking in bike lanes or on sidewalks is not permitted and vehicles are subject to being towed.

Vehicles parked on a roadway must have and display current licence plates and valid insurance.

Trailers parked on a roadway must be insured and attached to a vehicle.

In an area where parking is prohibited, “stopping”, even temporarily, has the same meaning as being parked.

Safety related concerns may require immediate action which could result in fines and/or vehicle impoundment to reduce public risk.

Be a good neighbour Please consider your neighbours when guests park on the street in front of their homes.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Bylaw Enforcement: 604.815.5067 | 18

Secondary Suites A Secondary Suite is defined as a second, self-contained dwelling unit with private access, its own kitchen and bathroom, and located within a single-unit dwelling, within a detached accessory building or as permitted.

What you need to know The Zoning Bylaw permits secondary suites in all new and existing single-unit homes and includes the following requirements: •

Only one suite may be developed per single-unit home.

The secondary suite must form a single real estate entity with the principal dwelling unit. No strata titling is permitted; no townhouses.

One additional off-street parking space must be provided for a secondary suite.

Be a good neighbour Make space for additional vehicles and help prevent parking conflicts by discouraging your tenants from parking in front of your neighbour’s residence.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Building Department: 604.815.6872 | 19

Security and Safety Public safety is a shared responsibility in which we all play an important role. Building safe and healthy communities can be as simple as alerting your neighbours or police to suspicious activity.

How you can help Here are some ways to help keep your neighbourhood safe: •

Get to know your neighbours and area routines.

Leave a set of keys and/or emergency numbers with a neighbour.

Keep up appearances; a clean, well-tended neighbourhood is less attractive to criminals and vandals.

Lock up and secure your property such as homes, cars and bicycles.

Work with the Squamish RCMP as a Block Watch or Citizens’ Crime Watch volunteer. For more information contact the Community Policing Office.

What you need to know


The discharge of a firearm is prohibited within the District unless a permit is issued by the RCMP for: humanely killing livestock, protecting agricultural crops or livestock from wildlife; or movie or television production activities.

A person who is on an approved shooting range, or is otherwise authorized to discharge a firearm in the performance of his or her duties, is exempted.

When to call 9-1-1 Always call 9-1-1 when incidents are more serious in nature, are in progress and require the immediate response of emergency services. Some examples include: •

Screaming, calls for help, loud or violent conversations.

A vehicle or persons appearing to be staking out the neighbourhood.

A stranger looking into residential windows or parked cars.

A possible impaired driver.

Suspected drug activity.

A person drunk in public.

A person in distress.

Suspected gunfire (not on a shooting range).

Be a good neighbour Offer to collect flyers and put garbage/recycling totes out while your neighbour is out of town.

CONTACT US Community Policing Office: 38030 Cleveland Avenue, 604.892.9213 Squamish RCMP non-emergency number: 604.892.6100 Emergencies: 9-1-1 21

Sidewalk Snow Removal How you can help During a snow event where ice and snow has accumulated on a sidewalk or footpath, on or adjacent to your property (whether you are the owner or tenant), the Traffic Bylaw requires you to ensure: •

Any ice on the sidewalk or footpath is promptly removed or treated with sand, rock salt or other material designed to reduce the risk of injury caused by slipping or falling.

Any accumulation of snow is promptly cleared so as to allow the safe and convenient use of the sidewalk or footpath by pedestrians.

Any snow that has been plowed, shoveled or cleared on or from real property must not be deposited on any road or District property.

“Duty to clear ice and snow” is outlined in section 4 of the District of Squamish Frontage and Sidewalk Maintenance bylaw.

Be a good neighbour Help your neighbour by offering to shovel their sidewalk or driveway if needed.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Bylaw Enforcement: 604.815.5067 | 22

Untidy Properties Untidy properties are regulated under the District’s Unsightly Premises Bylaw. •

Property maintenance makes good financial sense. An ignored repair will end up costing far more to repair later when the damage has increased.

A poorly maintained property loses value in the marketplace and reduces the value of surrounding properties.

What you need to know •

Prevent shrubs and trees on your property from growing over sidewalks and trails.

Loose garbage, recyclables, boxes, household furniture, machinery, appliances, etc. cannot be accumulated.

Items that can be stacked should be done in a manner that is neat and orderly.

Dispose of yard waste properly – in your green organics tote, or at the landfill. Disposal on District property or elsewhere is an offence under the bylaw.

Be a good neighbour The outward appearance of your property affects your neighbourhood. Please treat it with respect.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Bylaw Enforcement: 604.815.5067 | 23

Vegetation, Trees and Soils Tree removal and soil displacement are regulated by bylaw. The objective of such regulations is to protect the integrity of our green infrastructure and sensitive ecosystems, and prevent their degradation. • If you are removing trees, or depositing or removing soil, you may require a permit. Invasive Species are plants and animals that are not native to our region, tend to favor disturbance, grow rapidly and are hard to get rid of, while out-competing native species. They have a negative impact ecologically, socially and economically. • It is a landowner’s responsibility to manage invasive species on their lands. Poor removal practices can result in further spread. Riparian Areas are the lands adjacent to watercourses. • Riparian areas are measured by qualified environmental professionals from the top of bank of a watercourse. •

Any land disturbance within a 30 metre-wide riparian area may not be permitted, or may require a permit.

Be a good neighbour The vegetation, trees and soils work you conduct on your property affects your neighbors; please be responsible. Collectively, our individual stewardship efforts can help protect Squamish’s natural areas. Please consider your footprint when in sensitive habitats, and keep dogs on leash.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Engineering: 604.815.5012 | 24

Waste Disposal & Recycling The District of Squamish is moving towards being a zero waste community. Being a community-minded citizen and good neighbour means actively participating in the District’s waste diversion program to reduce the average 634 kg of garbage per person that ends up in our landfill each year.

How you can help •

Use your organics and recycling totes. Collecting recyclable and organic material separately from garbage helps to extend the life of the landfill. Organics collection also limits greenhouse gas production from the landfill and produces a valuable soil product.

Recycle whenever possible. Go beyond paper, plastic and metal. Recycle light bulbs, smoke alarms, small appliances, bike tires and much more.

Reuse everything you can. Reuse glass jars to store bulk food or small items like nails. Take used construction materials to Squamish ReBuild.

Be a good neighbour Place your tote near the end of your driveway or property and not on the sidewalk or in a bike lane in the way of pedestrians and cyclists. The arms of the collection truck can extend up to 12 feet to reach your tote.

CONTACT + MORE INFO Carney’s Waste Systems: 604.892.5604 | 25

Wildlife Attractants You are living in wildlife country. Squamish is home to bears, coyotes, cougars, and wolves. Having wildlife attractants on your property is an offence under the Wildlife Attractant Bylaw, and can result in unnecessary danger to yourself and your neighbours.

How you can help •

Keep waste and collection totes locked at all times except when curbside (between 5 a.m. and 7 p.m.) on pickup day.

Keep barbecues clean and free of grease.

Pick fruit as it ripens and pick up fruit that has fallen from your tree.

Feed pets indoors. Do not leave food dishes or pet food outdoors.

Keep grease, antifreeze, paint or petroleum products in a manner that is not accessible to wildlife.

Keep bird feeders out of reach of wildlife and clean up any accumulation of bird feed from the ground.

Keep outdoor refrigerators, freezers or food storage containers containing attractants in a manner that is not accessible to wildlife.

Report wildlife sightings to the BC Conservation Officer Service 24-hour hotline 1.877.952.7277 so officers can track behaviour and patterns.

CONTACT + MORE INFO WildSafeBC: 604.815.5066 | Bylaw Enforcement: 604.815.5067 | 26

Contact Us After hours emergency 604.815.4040

24-hour answer service

Animal Control


Building Department


Bylaw Enforcement




Community Planning






Film and Events


Financial Services


Fire Rescue


Legislative Services






Conservation Officer Service

1.877.952.7277 24-hour hotline

Referenced bylaws (This guide is current as of May 2021)

Animal Control Bylaw, No. 2124, 2009 Building Bylaw No. 1822, 2004 Business Licence Bylaw No. 2455, 2016 Frontage and Sidewalk Maintenance Bylaw No. 2669, 2019 Firearms Bylaw No. 1946, 2006 Fire Service Bylaw No. 2314, 2014 Noise Regulation Bylaw No 2312, 2014

Off Road Vehicle Bylaw No. 1716, 2002 Outdoor Water Use Bylaw No. 2254, 2013 Solid Waste Bylaw No. 2547, 2017 Traffic Bylaw No. 2220, 2012 Unsightly Premises Bylaw No. 1868, 2005 Wildlife Attractant Bylaw No. 2781, 2020 Zoning Bylaw No. 2200, 2011


District of Squamish 37955 Second Avenue | Squamish, BC | | @squamishtown


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