NOVEMBER 2020 VOL. 51 | NO. 4
Building Generations of Scottish Rite Masons
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November 2020
7 DeMolay Boy From Clifton,
New Jersey Receives Service Pin
8 Supreme Council
Active Members Elected
10 A Different Look for
Inside this issue…
4 Leadership Report
Unrivaled Innovation in Unprecedented Times
6 From the Editor’s Desk
25 A Connection With the Past 26 It Started With a
CULTURE 14 All in the Family 18 Preserving Legacy on Paper:
An 1847 Scottish Rite Meeting Summons
Our Shared Legacy
11 Southern Jurisdiction Scottish Rite Journal
Executive Session 2020
Little Blue Book
Knight of Valor
20 23rd Degree
22 18th Degree
Knight of the Rose Croix of H.R.D.M.
28 A Masonic and Military
30 My Role Model 31 Three Generations
and Counting
On the cover This fall, we celebrate Scottish Rite legacies. Our own Sovereign Grand Commander, Dave Glattly, is a link in a Scottish Rite chain that now spans four generations. Together with his grandfather, Emil Glattly (not shown), his father, Arnold Glattly, and now his son, Matthew Glattly, the Commander is part of the Glattly legacy of Scottish Rite Masons that covers more than 70 years. Whether you are just starting your legacy or carrying on the family’s Masonic tradition, we hope you enjoy the touching stories of legacy found in this issue of The Northern Light.
November 2020
C CHARITIES 32 Faith, Hope, and Charity:
Brothers Come Together to Help Comfort a Lonely Brother in Need 36 Dyslexia Doesn’t Stop Henry Winkler from Pursuing his Dreams
M MEMBERSHIP 38 Around the Jurisdiction 42 Tompkins Recipients Part of
The Greatest Generation 43 Change for the Better
M MASONRY 44 Honoring Our Veteran Brothers:
How Your Valley Can Help 46 FDR Receives Posthumous Honor 46 Congressman John Lewis Laid to Rest
Unrivaled Innovation in Unprecedented Times
by David A. Glattly, 33Ëš, Sovereign Grand Commander
Greetings! I trust this message finds you well. Health concerns are certainly a priority during this current pandemic. It is a time of caution and a time of change. Our travel and meeting schedules have altered drastically. Routine tasks in our daily lives are now more complicated to carry out, adding to our levels of stress and disquiet. This, however, will end. We will get through it.
Attending Zoom and other online meetings has brought us together in different and very positive ways. While attending Masonic meetings via Zoom, I have been able to connect with Brothers from a distance who have been unable to attend Masonic events in person for years. When we return to normal life, it will be wise to continue online outreach to stay in touch with distant and physically challenged Brothers. We are a fraternity first. All of our members are important, and it is clear some Brothers have been overlooked for years.
When the pandemic struck, it took thinking outside the box to find ways to keep in contact with and engage our members.
It is
truly amazing how we have adapted. How many of us heard of Zoom before this year? Zoom was a word we knew from Batman comic books and the 1960s TV show. Now, the communications platform has become our common link to attend meetings and even family gatherings.
When the pandemic struck, it took thinking outside the box to find ways to keep in contact with and engage our members. Our outstanding staff focused on our social media capabilities to find ways to reach out to our membership. Luckily, in our war chest there were fourteen degrees on video. This trove made the extremely popular Thursday Night at the Rite broadcasts possible. The event was so crowd-pleasing that thousands of our members attended and received passport credit for the degrees they watched. One night, we had more than 3,500 members online! That’s almost unbelievable, but it goes to show you how much the members craved the Scottish Rite message.
The Northern Light
I wish that we could have shown all 29 of our degrees, but we were limited by the number of degrees we have on video. During the Thursday night programs, we also took the time to look ahead and plan. We had to face some tough realities and answer one very hard question: What if the pandemic prevented our Valleys from hosting in-person Reunions in the fall as it did in the spring? Our answer: Begin planning “Virtual Reunions” just in case. Virtual Reunions have never been done before. Would the idea work? Well, once again, our staff put together three outstanding presentations in addition to an encore presentation of our second showing. We adapted to the challenges facing our Valleys and made it possible to bring in new members via a virtual reunion. New candidates will have a rich experience, and we are confident these new Scottish Rite Masons will share our sense of pride and belonging.
I hope to not issue any edicts during my term.)
Nothing replaces the experience of an actual Valley Reunion, but when the times prevent it, we have an alternative.
Congratulations to all of our new members joining in this fall’s group of reunions, whether in person or virtual. And whether you are starting your legacy or adding to the generations, we welcome you all! Please stay well! Fraternally,
Our Fall Reunion theme is Masonic Legacy, and what a great theme it is. Personally, I’m a third generation legacy, as my father and grandfather were members of my lodge, my Valley and my Shrine. My son, Matthew, joined my Valley through the Virtual Reunion on October 24, so now I can proudly say our legacy extends to the fourth generation! As Masons, we take pride inour family Masonic legacies. Many of our new members this fall are beginning a Scottish Rite legacy of their own.
Nothing replaces the experience of an actual Valley Reunion, but when the times prevent it, we have an alternative. Each Reunion will present the 4th degree plus three other degrees. This will make all candidates eligible for the 32nd degree at their home Valley. The 32nd degree is available on video, but we chose not to show it. Valleys will manage how and when to plan that special experience in the future. (Please note that Virtual Reunions are an option, not a requirement.
November 2020
Our Shared Legacy
A magazine of 32˚ Scottish Rite Freemasonry
by PJ Roup, 33˚, Editor, Active for Pennsylvania
“What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.”
—Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton
In the musical
Hamilton, the title character, portrayed by Lin-Manuel Miranda, utters this line in the moment leading up to his death during his legendary duel with Aaron Burr. As he faces his death, he is questioning whether he has done enough with his life—whether he has left a mark. As Scottish Rite Masons, it is in our nature to question ourselves. Was that the right choice? Am I being a good man? Should I be content where I am, or can I be more? Am I living my best life? What will be my legacy? How honestly we answer those questions and the actions we take as a result of our answers help to determine our legacy. Throughout this issue are stories of Masonic legacies (p.25)—fathers raising sons, grandfathers inspiring grandsons to become Masons. I joined the Craft because of my maternal grandfather. He was of the generation that never flaunted membership, and I only learned of his affiliation with the lodge in the months preceding his death. His abiding goodness and quiet love of Freemasonry inspired me to join. A few years later, my father, having seen a change in me, asked me about joining. I couldn’t have been happier, and I had the great privilege of conferring all three of his degrees. So, I guess if you count dotted lines and squiggles as you connect my family members, I am a thirdgeneration Mason. You can read about other legacies as well. Our Tompkins Medal recipients (p.42), Brother Vincent Arnone (p.32), the Four Chaplains (p.20), and all of our Masonic veterans (p.44) have left a legacy of freedom and peace for all
November 2020 Vol. 51 No. 4 EXECUTIVE EDITOR Linda Patch
of us to enjoy. We are eternally grateful for their service and sacrifice. We write our legacies daily. The Supreme Council is no exception. During these “unprecedented” times (I’m growing to hate that term, and I yearn for precedented times.), they have planted seeds that will bear fruit long into the future. We have standardized the dues process, taking the burden off the Valleys (p.43). Thursday Night at the Rite (scheduled to reappear on January 7) has brought thousands of members together from all over the jurisdiction to view our degrees. Most importantly, we recognized that there was an opportunity to welcome new members by holding Virtual Reunions. This pivot in thinking allowed us to welcome almost 500 men to the Scottish Rite at the first event alone. It had never been done before, but it was so successful that a fourth event has been added. Visit to see the latest information. We are all part of the shared legacy of this great institution. Daily, whether we realize it or not, we plant seeds in gardens we will never see. How we interact with others, how we treat ourselves, and how well we live into the core values of the Scottish Rite helps to ensure that this venerable society of good men will endure long into the future. Live so that tomorrow’s Masons may enjoy the shade of the trees we plant today.
ERRATUM In the August issue, credit for the article “Provost and Judge, The Diary of Second Master Mason” (p. 20) was mistakenly given to Nicholas Graff. In actuality, the article was written by Mark Roth, 33°, Active for New Hampshire. The irony of misattributing credit for a story about someone stealing the work of another is not lost on me, and I assure you that Brother Graff was not playing a real-life Jeroboam. The mistake was mine and mine alone, and I humbly ask their forgiveness.—PJR
EDITOR PJ Roup, 33° CREATIVE DIRECTOR Rodney E. Boyce, 33° CONTENT MANAGER Joann Williams-Hoxha DESIGN CONTRIBUTOR Matt Blaisdell, 32° COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Thomas R. Labagh, 33°, Chairman Richard V. Travis, 33° Donald R. Heldman, 33° Donald G. Duquette, 33° PJ Roup, 33° J. Brian McNaughton, 33° Linda Patch SUPREME COUNCIL, 33° Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A. SOVEREIGN GRAND COMMANDER David A. Glattly, 33° THE NORTHERN LIGHT (ISSN 1088-4416) is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November by the Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A., as the official publication. Printed in U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, MA, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER Send address changes to The Northern Light PO Box 519, Lexington, MA 02420-0519 MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 519, Lexington, MA 02420-0519 EDITORIAL OFFICE 33 Marrett Road (Route 2A), Lexington, MA 02421 phone: 781-862-4410 email: WEBSITE:
@scottishritenmj @TNLMagazine Copyright ©2020 by Trustees of the Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A.
DeMolay Boy From Clifton, New Jersey Receives Service Pin
an outdoor meeting of Clifton Lodge No. 203, Commander Glattly received his 50-year DeMolay pin. Executive Officer for New Jersey, Paul Mossberg, 32°, awarded the pins to both Commander Glattly and Brother Randy Keuch, 32°, who had served as Deputy State Master Councilor under Commander Glattly. Coincidentally, Commander Glattly was also celebrating the 25th Anniversary of having served as Worshipful Master there.
November 2020
750 New Members 2,079 Brothers Connected 80 Valleys Initiated $17,000+ Raised for Charities
Active Members Elected
by Joann Williams-Hoxha, Content Manager
During an unprecedented Supreme Council Annual Session that took place both in-person for those able to attend and online due to Massachusetts travel restrictions, five new Active Members were elected to the governing board of Supreme Council.
Ill. Anthony R. Cracco
Ill. Stephen Gardner
Ill. Anthony R. Cracco, of Monee, Illinois, is a Past Thrice Potent Master of the Valley of Chicago. Cracco received his 33° in 2007 in Washington, D.C. He has served as Grand Treasurer for the Grand Lodge of Illinois since his election in October 2017. He is also the Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge of New Zealand. Past offices for the Grand Lodge of Illinois include Grand Master in addition to receiving commissions as a Certified Lodge Instructor and Grand Lecturer. Ill. Brother Cracco is a member of the Medinah Shrine, all York Rite Bodies, St. John’s Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine, and is an honorary member of the International Supreme Council of DeMolay. Cracco will also serve on the following Supreme Council Committees: Membership Services and Ritualistic Matters.
Ill. Stephen Gardner, of Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, is a Past Commander in Chief of the Valley of Allentown. Gardner received his 33° in 2005 in Grand Rapids. He has held the offices of District Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master’s Representative, R.W. Junior Grand Warden, R.W. Senior Grand Warden, R.W. Deputy Grand Master, and R.W. Grand Master for the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. He also served as Chairman of the Pennsylvania Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Homes. Gardner served as Trustee from 20112017 and as a member of his Valley’s Executive Committee since 2011. He will also serve on Supreme Council’s Membership Development and Veterans Committees.
Monee, Illinois
Catasauqua, Pennsylvania
The Northern Light
Ill. Timothey S. Marshbanks
Ill. John Brian McNaughton
Ill. Timothey S. Marshbanks, of Canton, Michigan, is a Past Commander in Chief of the Valley of Detroit and has served as Executive Secretary for his Valley for the last twelve years. He has served the Grand Lodge of Michigan on the Arrangements Committee for several Grand Masters and has numerous accolades and awards of achievement for his commitment to Freemasonry. He is a recipient of the Grand Lodge of Michigan Distinguished Service Award and in May of 2019, was awarded the Sovereign Grand Commander’s Distinguished Service Medal for Scottish Rite. Marshbanks received his 33° in 2009 in Boston. He will serve on Supreme Council’s Membership Development Committee.
Ill. John Brian McNaughton, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, is a member of the Valley of Fort Wayne and currently serves as Web Manager for Supreme Council and Business Manager for the Valley. As an Officer for the Fort Wayne Lodge of Perfection, he served as Thrice Potent Master, Guild Chairman, President of the Green Dragon (Hospitality) Guild, Treasurer, and Executive Director/Secretary for the Valley. JB has been an active cast member in various Scottish Rite degrees and has served as cast director for Mizpah Shrine since 2004. He is currently a member of the Indiana Council of Deliberation Digital/Social team as well as Technical Services. McNaughton received his 33° in 2011 in Chicago. He will serve on Supreme Council’s Communications Committee.
Canton, Michigan
November 2020
Ill. Eric S. Pittman Valparaiso, Indiana
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Ill. Eric S. Pittman, of Valparaiso, Indiana, is a member of the Valley of South Bend where he directs the 15th and 16th degrees. Pittman received his 33° in 2015 in Indianapolis. Eric is currently a member of the Indiana COD Social Media Team and writes the Indiana COD Newsletter. He has held the offices of Worshipful Master of Excelsior Lodge #41, Associate Bethel Guardian of Job’s Daughters Bethel #54, Sovereign Master for Valparaiso Council of AMD, Sovereign Prince of the Zerubbabel Council, and Trustee for his Valley. Pittman will also serve on Supreme Council’s Information Systems & Technology Committee as well as the Masonic Education & Program Development Committee.
A Different Look for Executive Session 2020 The Supreme Council for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America held their 208th Annual Session in Lexington, Massachusetts, on August 24-26, 2020. The original plan was to hold this session in Portland, Maine, but with the pandemic impacting the ability to travel, it made sense to hold it at Supreme Council headquarters instead.
more restrictions due to COVID-19 impacted the number of states considered low risk by the Governor of Massachusetts, many members could not attend our session in person. As a result, Supreme Council Executive Session was held both in person and via Zoom for the 46 Active and Emeritus Members unable to travel. The following business of the Supreme Council was conducted and completed (although all missed the usual opportunity of the in person comradery): • Five new Active Members elected with no retirements of Active Members this year • Active Members unanimously elected Sammy L. Davis, 33°, to receive the Gourgas Medal, the highest honor within our Supreme Council • Active Members balloted on and approved 207 Candidates to receive the 33rd degree in Cleveland in 2021. This number, added to the previously approved 84 candidates, plus 2 holdovers, will culminate in a class of 293 Candidates, one of our largest classes in many years. • All committee reports were received and approved • Annual meetings of the Children’s
Dyslexia Centers, Inc. and the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum and Library, Inc., were also held, with budgets approved and elections of officers completed
• Active Members approved a report by the Fraternal Relations Committee giving approval to seek amity with the following Supreme Councils: Monaco, Mauritius, Andorra, Benin, and Bulgaria • The following Illustrious Brothers were eulogized: - Eric Ginette, 33°, Emeritus Member and Past Deputy of Vermont - John Sharp Wright, 33°, Past Active Member of Ohio - Illustrious Malcolm B. Wernik, 33°, Past Grand Master of New Jersey and an Advisor to the Benevolence Committee Legislation The Supreme Council Active Members approved the following changes to our Constitutions: • Article 332 is changed to allow a Valley Secretary to become an Active Member • Article 902 is added to allow for a new award titled “The Illustrious Harry S. Truman Award for Outstanding Citizenship” which
may be presented to any female or a non-Mason, by the Sovereign Grand Commander or the Supreme Council. This award will be launched at our 2021 Session in Cleveland
• Article 111-2 is changed to lower the required number of new members to nominate an Honorary Member from 50 to 35 candidates • Article 702 changes the per capita fee of $27 to $30, effective June 16, 2021, with the next Supreme Council census • Article 704 changes the fee for a candidate for the 33rd Degree from $900 to $1,000 Additional approved nonConstitutional legislative items • The consolidation or merger of the Corning Lodge of Perfection, Valley of Corning, New York, into Rochester Lodge of Perfection, Valley of Rochester, New York • The change of names of Westchester Chapter of Rose Croix and Westchester Consistory, Valley of the Hudson, New York, to George Clinton Chapter of Rose Croix and Chancellor Robert R. Livingston Consistory, respectively. • The consolidation or merger of each of the several Subordinate Bodies in the Valleys of Bay City, Grand Rapids, Marquette, and Traverse City, Michigan with the corresponding Subordinate Body in the Valley of Detroit, Michigan, with said consolidated bodies to be known as the Valley of Michigan
The Northern Light
SCOTTISH RITE AWARD WINNER SELECTED TO ALL FOUR U.S. SERVICE ACADEMIES learned graduation, he had learned been he selected had for admission to the Navy, been selected forArmy, admission Air Force, andNavy, CoastAir Guard to the Army, Force, academies. Matlock entered the and Coast Guard academies. USAFA on June 25 and was on Matlock entered the USAFA enrolled as awas member of the June 25 and enrolled as a Class of 2024. When he gradumember of the Class of 2024. ates, he’ll be commissioned as When he graduates, he’ll be an Air Force second lieutenant. commissioned as an Air Force “That’s pretty much a dream second shot forlieutenant. applicants to the service “That’s much a dream academiespretty because it’s such a shot for applicants rigorous process justtotothe be service academies because selected for even one, ” said it’s a rigorous process just asuch Walla Walla veteran who learned of his appointments. to be selected for even one,” “To selected by all“To four said be a Walla Walla. be selected by all four academies
n May 4, 2020, the Scottish Rite Foundation of Missouri ( and The LIGHT Foundation (www. launched the Resource Relief Fund to support Missouri families affected by the COVID-19 crisis. One of the Scottish Rite Foundation of Missouri’s charitable pillars is disaster relief. The core focus of the LIGHT Foundation is to create youth opportunities. Together, these two charitable organizations have brought critical financial help to those in need across the state.
November 2020
As of July 15, 2020, the Resource Relief Fund has provided cash aid to twenty-five families, and one at-risk preschool was provided with necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to re-open in June. For information, please contact the Scottish Rite Foundation of Missouri, Paul DeMerath (, or the LIGHT Foundation, Sheri Mistretta (; 314.287.3633). —Sheri Mistretta, Executive Director, The LIGHT Foundation
is an almostis unbelievable academies an almost unbelievable ” achievement.achievement. ” “In the Blue Blue Devil Devil BatBattalion, Scottish Rite talion, thethe Scottish Rite Award has become one Award has become one of of our our most most sought-after sought-after awards,” said current awards,” said current USAF 1st Lt. John Gossett, USAF 1st Lt. John Goswho was a previous sett, who was a previous Scottish Rite Award ScottishasRite Award Army winwinner a WWHS ner as a WWHS Army JROTC. His grandfather JROTC. His grandfather was a Master Mason in a Cadet Matlock receives an award was a Master Mason in a from Lt. Col. Bill Bialozor, who was Walla Walla lodge. Senior Army JROTC Instructor at Walla Walla lodge.“Dutch” —Duane Walla Walla High School when this Meier, “Dutch” KCCH, Valley image was taken. (Brother Bill is a —Duane Meier, 32° Master of the Royal Secret in the Secretary KCCH, Valley Secretary Scottish Rite Valley of Walla Walla.)
Photos Courtesy WWHS JROTC Booster Club
Walla WallaWalla WallaHigh High School School(WWHS) (WWHS) senior seniorwho whowon wonthe the Scottish Rite Junior ROTC Scottish Rite Junior ROTC Award Award aa year year ago agohas hasjust just joined the Air Force Academy joined the Air Force Academy Cadet Wing ... after receiving Cadet Wing ... after receiving appointments to all four service appointments to all four seracademies! vice academies! Cadet Lt. Col. Luke B. Cadet graduated Lt. Col. Luke B. MatMatlock from lock graduated from WWHS WWHS with the class of 2020 withwas the Army class of 2020 and was and JROTC cadet Army JROTC cadet battalion battalion commander. He had applied commander. to all four He had U.S.applied serviceto academies more all four U.S.beginning service academies than a yearmore ago and in athe beginning than year ago months preceding and in the monthsgraduation, preceding
The Masonic Book Club Is Restarted!
he Masonic Book Club (MBC), formed in 1970 by Brothers Alphonse Cerza and Louis Williams, has been restarted fifty years later by the Supreme Council, 33°, SJ USA. After forty years of service to the Craft, the directors in 2010 decided to dissolve the original MBC. In 2017 MW Barry Weer, 33°, the last president of the MBC, transferred the MBC name and assets to the Supreme Council, 33°, SJ USA. The revived Masonic Book Club has the goals of publishing classic Masonic books and of supporting Scottish Rite SJ USA philanthropies.
The new MBC will have a different business model from the old. Most significantly, there will be no dues; being a member entitles you to purchase books at a prepublication discount. The books will be selected by an editorial committee (Arturo de Hoyos, S. Brent Morris, and others). The first publication should be announced in mid-2021 with anticipated shipment 3–4 months later. For more details, check out the Masonic Book Club page at
New Faces at Scottish Rite, NMJ
Kiara Veras
Michael Kuniej
Kiara Veras was brought on early this year and replaces former administrative assistant Allie Stein. Kiara addresses member requests and concerns, follows up on member birthdays/anniversary milestones, and ensures an overall positive member experience. Kiara is based in Lexington, Massachusetts at Supreme Council headquarters.
Brother Michael Kuniej, 32°, served as an intern at Scottish Rite, NMJ, over the summer and was brought on full time to fill a vacant position on the marketing team. Michael will work with the marketing and communications team to further elevate the digital marketing efforts already underway at the organization and assist the charities team with several annual initiatives.
Member and Operations Assistant
Marketing Coordinator
by Joann Williams-Hoxha, Content Manager
Henry Eirich
Senior Software and Systems Engineer
Brother Henry Eirich, 32°, is a new addition to the Information Services team effective September 2020. Henry brings a wealth of experience with critical emphasis in the areas of database management, payment collection and accounting practices, cloud computing, and software engineering. Henry will work closely with Brother Jeffrey Rand, 32°, in preparation for Jeff’s retirement in early 2021, allowing ample time for a complete transfer of vast institutional knowledge. Henry will work remotely from his home in North Carolina. He is a Senior DeMolay (Past State Master Councilor of Missouri) and a Scottish Rite Mason from the Valley of St. Louis.
The Northern Light
In an effort to replace several vacant positions at Supreme Council and ensure smooth transitions due to coming retirements, we welcome four new faces to the Scottish Rite, NMJ team.
A Big Shout Out to Our Interns
Matthew Gerrish Director of Finance
Brother Matthew Gerrish, 32°, serves as the new Director of Finance, effective October 5, 2020, replacing Brother Steve D. Cole, 33°, who is retiring next year. Matt has 20 years of industry knowledge, formerly serving as a controller for the consumer goods industry. Matt is a Past Master and current Treasurer of Simon W. Robinson Lodge in Lexington, MA, and a member of the Valley of Boston. He is also a Past State Master Councilor of Massachusetts DeMolay.
A massive thank you goes out to Brothers Chandler Gordon and Michael Kuniej who served as interns at Scottish Rite, NMJ, this summer. While Chandler worked with the Charities team focusing on trademark and copyright law to ensure compliance from a branding perspective, Michael worked with marketing on a research and design project highlighting Masonic Presidents and Vice Presidents. We now welcome Michael Kuniej as a full-time addition to our marketing team. Meanwhile, Chandler is hard at work studying
November 2020
Brother Chandler Gordon and Commander Glattly
Brother Michael Kuniej, 32˚
law at The George Washington University Law School in Washington, D.C. Congrats to both Michael and Chandler on a job well done!
All in the Family
by Ymelda Rivera Laxton, Assistant Curator, Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library
Families pass down traditions, treasured heirlooms, and memories from generation to generation. Sometimes objects and images are foundational in forming a family’s legacy. Some families have preserved mementos and memories that speak to a Masonic tradition. In its collection, the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library holds many items that tell the story of different families’ Masonic traditions—some of them are highlighted here. George and Frank Moxley Captain George William Moxley (1831-1921), a mariner and fisherman born in Groton, Connecticut, joined Union Lodge No. 31, in New London, Connecticut, in 1868. He served as Junior Warden of the lodge in 1884 and as Master of the lodge in 1887. His son Frank G. Moxley (1854 or 1855-1913) followed in his dad’s Masonic footsteps, joining Union Lodge No. 31 in 1905. This endearing 1910 photograph shows father George pinning a jewel to his son Frank’s jacket lapel. At the bottom of the photo is inscribed “P.M. George W. Moxley presenting his son Frank G. Moxley with a P.M. jewel.” On back of the photograph reads a note, “son Frank died in 1913 at the age of 59.” Frank George W. Moxley with son Frank G. Moxley, 1910. Schofield, New London, Connecticut. Museum Purchase, 2000.059.11.
Moxley, who also went by Francis, served as Junior Warden in 1908, Senior Warden in 1909, and Master of the lodge in 1910.
Alexander and Margaret Pollio In 1975, Knight Templar and Junior Grand Warden of New York, Alexander Pollio (1916-1995), and his wife, Margaret Pollio (1922-2003), member of Chenango Chapter No. 135, Order of the Eastern Star, developed an idea for a project to benefit the Knights Templar Eye Foundation. Together with the Ladies of Malta Commandery No. 21 in Binghamton, New York, they worked for three years to create this intricately embroidered quilt. The quilt features emblems from the White Shrine, DeMolay, the Triangles, Amaranth, Royal Arch Masons, and Knights Templar. Margaret Pollio first collected symbols of the various Masonic groups on lapel pins, placemats, and other items. She gave her emblems to artist and fellow Eastern Star member Imogene Bowman (1919-1992) of Chenango Forks, New York, who then transferred each drawing to a muslin block. It was then embroidered by members of the Ladies of Malta Commandery No. 21. The quiltmakers completed the project in November 1977 and exhibited it at several Masonic events in 1978. It was donated to the museum the same year. In a 1978 article in the magazine Knight Templar, Pollio detailed the time and dedication needed to make the quilt, stating, “It required 90 hours to embroider the DeMolay emblem.” This quilt is an example of a unique and creative way in which one Masonic family expressed their commitment to their fraternity.
The Northern Light
Embroidered Masonic Quilt, 1975-1978. Imogene Evans Bowman and Ladies of Malta Commandery No. 21, Binghamton, New York. Gift of Lewis L. Walter, SC 79.24. Photograph by David Bohl.
November 2020
The Rowlands Freemasonry was a tradition for the Rowlands family of New York state. Five generations of Rowlandses participated in Freemasonry, from Richard Rowlands Sr. (1830-1910), a member of Stella Lodge No. 485 in New York to his great-great-grandson Richard V. Travis, former Executive Director of the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library. In the mid-2000s, the museum received a donation from Travis that included scrapbooks, photographs, and ephemera from the Rowlands family documenting the Masonic activities of Richard Allison Rowlands (1890-1955), his wife Gertrude (1890-1973), and their daughter Patricia Rowlands (19232005). One photograph shows the Rowlands family—Richard, Gertrude, and Patricia—at a visitation to the Westchester Putnam District in New York on April 29, 1950.
from friends and family, including this sentiment from her parents: “You have been faithful to your ‘star’ and put your trust in Him. You have been a leader kind & true....”
top right Scrapbook of Patricia Rowlands, ca. 1953. New York. Gift of Richard V. Travis, A2012/64/5. bottom right Rowlands family at Westchester-Putnam District, Photograph Album of Richard A. Rowlands, 1950. New York. Gift of Richard V. Travis, A2012/64/1. below Grand Master of New York Richard A. Rowlands, ca. 1950. Vang, New York, New York. Gift of Richard V. Travis, 2012.044.4.
Richard A. Rowlands, a 33° Scottish Rite Mason, enjoyed a distinguished Masonic career. He served as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York from 1950 to 1952. Gertrude and her three daughters—Eloise Shirley (1913-1970), Virginia (1916-2010), and Patricia (1923-2005)—were all members of the Order of the Eastern Star. One scrapbook that belonged to Patricia Rowlands commemorated her time as Worthy Matron of Corlaer Chapter No. 528 in Oneida, New York in 1952—a post her mother had held in 1950. The album includes cards, illustrations, and heartfelt notes
The Northern Light
Each of these stories helps us to appreciate how Freemasonry has connected generations of families. They also illustrate how Masonic legacies have been created and shared in creative and enduring ways. Do you have objects related to a Masonic legacy or tradition in your family? We want to know about them! Email Ymelda Rivera Laxton at To see more items from our collection, visit our website,, and our Flickr site at
November 2020
Preserving Legacy on Paper: An 1847 Scottish Rite Meeting Summons
ictured here is a recently digitized handwritten summons from the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction’s Sovereign Grand Commander John James Joseph Gourgas (1777-1865) to future Sovereign Grand Commander Edward A. Raymond (1791-1864), dated November 22, 1847. It is among a number of nineteenth-century Scottish Rite documents that we have added to the Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives Digital Collections website. By taking a closer look at the events surrounding the creation of this summons, we can gain insight into the difficult, but ultimately successful, reorganization of the Scottish Rite that took place in the 1840s. In 1847, the Supreme Council, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction membership was small and geographically dispersed. Seven of its nine members had only joined the Supreme Council within the past two years. The Council was still rebuilding itself. The anti-Masonic movement had brought most Masonic activity in the Northeast to a halt in the late 1820s and through the 1830s. The Council’s members were located in two states, with four living in the Boston area and five living in New York State. At the time, J.J.J. Gourgas and his Lieutenant Grand Commander, Giles Fonda Yates (1798-1859) headed the Council. Gourgas, who lived in New York City, and Yates, who lived in Schenectady, had kept the Supreme Council’s records together during the dormant years of the anti-Masonic period. They were responsible for the reorganization of
the Supreme Council in 1844 and 1845, during which time they admitted the seven new members to the Supreme Council.
and Baker provided official excuses for non-attendance which were accepted. Expressing his frustration with members who did not attend Supreme Council meetings, Gourgas mentions that two members—John Christie (1804-1890) and Archibald Bull (1788-1865)—had not made an appearance at any meetings since they had been admitted. In strong language, he declared them “useless members, unless they come forward with admissible excuses...”
John James Joseph Gourgas, 1849-1853. Francis D’Avignon, New York, NY. Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts, GL2004.0475. Photograph by David Bohl.
This 1847 summons gives us a glimpse into this period of rebirth. Written in Gourgas’ unmistakable handwriting and addressed to Edward A. Raymond in Boston, the summons directs Bostonbased Supreme Council members Raymond, Charles W. Moore (18011873), and Reuel Baker (1792-1848) to attend the “Stated Constitutional Meeting of the Grand and Supreme Council” to be held on December 7, 1847. The record of that meeting, later published in the Supreme Council’s Proceedings, shows how difficult it was for Gourgas to rebuild the Council. Only three people attended the December 7, 1847 gathering: Gourgas, Yates, and Killian H. Van Rensselaer (18011881). In the published Proceedings, Gourgas notes that Raymond, Moore,
Edward Asa Raymond, ca. 1900. Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts, GL2004.4831.
In a letter, dated January 20, 1848, written in response to Gourgas’ wish to hear from Bull and Christie, Bull explains to Gourgas that his absences occurred because of his poor health. (This letter from Bull to Gourgas is also digitized and available on our Digital Collections website.) Both Christie and Bull would go on to attend future Supreme Council meetings along with new Supreme Council members who were admitted in 1851.
The Northern Light
by Jeffrey Croteau, Director of the Van Gorden-Williams Library and Archives
As the events surrounding this summons demonstrate, Gourgas and Yates had to work hard to bring together the robust Supreme Council that eventually emerged from their work. At various times, obstacles such as geography, means of travel, and illness all played roles in making it difficult for Supreme Council members to convene in the 1840s and even into the 1850s. And yet, just two decades after Gourgas issued this summons, when two formerly competing Supreme Councils in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction joined forces in the “Union of 1867,� the Supreme Council had expanded to include 67 members. Along with the growing leadership, membership blossomed in Valleys throughout the jurisdiction.
The Van Gorden-Williams Library & Archives is located in Lexington, Massachusetts, at the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library, and is open to the public.
Are you interested in reading more primary sources related to the history of the Scottish Rite? Be sure to check out the growing collection on our Digital Collections website. View the 1847 summons: View the 1848 Archibald Bull letter: View the Scottish Rite Documents collection: Have a question or need collections/show/7 ? more info? Drop us a line at or give us a call at 781-457-4109.
Handwritten summons from Sovereign Grand Commander John James Joseph Gourgas to Edward A. Raymond, 1847. Gift of the Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, A2019/178/0001.
November 2020
Knight Valor 2 3 R D
The Northern Light
by Matthew R. Stolz , 32°, MSA, HGA Valley of Springfield
Illustrious Brother Kenneth L. Morey, 33°, may have chosen me to
portray Rabbi Goode of blessed memory, because, at the time, I was the only active member of my Valley who was both conversant in Hebrew and familiar with Jewish religious traditions. Brother Ken likes to tell the story of how I walked into my first practice for the 14th degree and pointed out that the stone with the Hebrew characters on it was upside-down. “We’d been doing it that way for years,” Ken often adds with a laugh.
I first prepared for the role of Rabbi Goode, I was struck by the reverence for G-D exhibited by the authors of the 23rd degree. As I have just done by substituting a dash for the letter O, the authors of this degree protected the Holy Names recited in Rabbi Goode’s final prayer, known as the Sh’ma (Deut. 6:4). “AdoShem” in this degree begins one of the Holy Names but ends it with the word “name,” allowing the reader familiar with Hebrew to know which name is intended without the author having to write it out in full and risk its desecration. In the Jewish tradition, books, scrolls, and the like containing Holy Names do not belong in a ritually unclean place, such as a restroom, nor should such names be uttered therein. This process of keeping the Holy Names sacred I have heard described as “building a fence around G-D.” I believe this is not done for G-D’s benefit, as certainly the Almighty is perfectly capable of self-defense. Instead, I think this is done for the benefit of the worshipper, that by this discipline, she or he may grow closer to G-D. In a similar manner to “AdoShem,” “Elokaynu” is close to a Holy Name (with the “our” suffix added), but November 2020
it is not exact. The Holy Name has been changed to protect it. Thus is the reverence for G-D exhibited in this degree. I should add that I believe “AhoShem” in this degree to be a typographical error, and that, according to Tract Sabbath of the Talmud, the final word of the Sh’ma, which translates to “one” or “One” in English (Hebrew having no upper or lower cases) is also a Holy Name of G-D. There are traditional tunes in which the Sh’ma and blessings such as those over bread and wine (as at the Last Supper) are sung, and I sing the traditional Hebrew Sh’ma when I perform this role.
It is easy to see the Core Value of toleration throughout this degree. It is easy to see the Core Value of toleration throughout this degree. The American servicemen, then as now, lay aside their differences to unite themselves into one inseparable band of comrades-in-arms. The chaplains themselves focus on those characteristics that unite good people of any faith rather than any differences between their individual religious practices. This core value of toleration
is very well summed up in the final monologues of Rabbi Goode and Father Washington at the end of the “bull” session. The core values of devotion to country and service to humanity are closely intertwined in this degree. Each chaplain feels compelled to military service—to formal and official devotion to his country—for his own personal reasons, but each is steadfast to the end in this devotion. These men want to be of service to their fellow human beings and do so at every opportunity, even sacrificing their own protective and life-saving equipment to save others. This most touching scene, which makes the tears well up in my eyes as I write about it, is the very embodiment of John 15:13 (KJV): “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” I often ask myself if I would be willing and able in a crisis to perform such a heroic act of self-sacrifice. In my pride, I would like to think that I would. However, if I am honest with myself (as the fourteenth degree has taught me to do), I have to admit that I may not be there yet. I do know, though, that I am trying to be a better person, the kind who would risk life and limb to save a fellow child of G-D.
The Northern Light
by Nicholas Graff, 33˚, MSA, Active for Illinois
As best as I have been able to determine, I am a fourth-generation Master Mason and a thirdgeneration Scottish Rite Mason. I am continually researching my Masonic ancestry but have never been successful getting beyond that point. Many of my ancestors are from states that are part of the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction which adds an additional step to my research. I chose to write about the 18th degree, because that degree is part of my Scottish Rite legacy, and this edition of TNL celebrates the Masonic legacy of our members.
oath as a Past Most Wise Master requires that I publicly proclaim the 18th degree as the best degree in all of Scottish Rite. Perhaps I am a bit sarcastic when I make this statement, because we have some excellent degrees in the Scottish Rite. I am extremely pleased with our new 4th Degree, Builder, and some of our older degrees are also outstanding work. That being said, I always come back to the 18th degree as my favorite. It represents my legacy in the Scottish Rite, because I have participated in this degree in one form or another in every reunion since becoming a member of this fraternity. I started in a non-speaking part on stage, moved to a speaking part on the working floor, and finally, directed my Valley’s production of the degree. The process worked like it is supposed to work with new members slowly working their way into our degrees and ending
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with a leading role. This degree also got me hooked on our fraternity to the point that I live and breathe Scottish Rite Masonry. Enough about me. Let’s talk about the 18th degree, Knight of Rose Croix of Heredom. The term “Heredom” is one of those Masonic words that no one can really agree about. It has been described as the name of a mystical holy mountain and also defined as meaning “New Temple.” This definition would seem to be confirmed by the ritual of the 18th degree. It is also the registered name of a publication of the Scottish Rite Research Society. Before I go any further, the college professor in me demands that I give credit to a resource that I used as research for this article. While there are no direct quotes from this work, I did review his description of the 18th degree before writing this article. The
book I am referring to is entitled The Masonic Pageant, written by Frank Conway, 33°, MSA, a member of the Valley of Southern New Jersey. Brother Conway’s book contains explanations of all 29 degrees of the Scottish Rite and is a must-read for the academic-minded Scottish Rite Brother.
The 18th degree was originally one of the principal degrees of the Scottish Rite. The 18th degree was originally one of the principal degrees of the Scottish Rite. A candidate was required to see one degree from each body before completing the 32nd degree. This meant the 18th degree was shown at just about every reunion. Since we adopted the bookend concept for degrees (4th degree, three core value degrees, and the 32nd degree as the final), the 18th degree is not often exemplified. A video of this degree has not been created, and the live presentation of the degree requires a large troupe and can be difficult for a Valley to cast. This means a number of our members probably have not witnessed the 18th degree. I would encourage anyone who does not have the 18th degree marked in their passport to change this as soon as you are able. The 18th degree is part of the works of the Chapter of Rose Croix and is the sequel to the 17th degree. The 17th
ROSE CROIX continued degree, recently released as a video, has debuted on our Thursday Night at the Rite series. This is the degree where King Herod puts the Roman eagle on the Temple, and the townspeople revolt. The eagle is torn down, the columns of Masonry are destroyed, the Word is lost, and the Book of Life is sealed. The candidate is left wandering on the shores of the Dead Sea. Thus begins the 18th degree. The actual title of the 18th degree is impressive: Knight of the Rose Croix, Perfect Prince Freemason of Heredom, Knight of the Eagle and Pelican. The core value of the degree is Reverence for God. This degree serves as a benchmark in our body of work, because it represents the transition from the Old Testament to the New Testament in our degrees. One could argue this transformation actually takes place during this degree. The Rose Croix Degree teaches that the new Temple is in the heart of man where God is worshiped in spirit and in truth. The degree uses events from the life of Jesus of Nazareth to teach its lessons. The two parts of this degree that always impress me are scenes of the Last Supper and the Sermon on the Mount. These scenes were always done with live actors behind an appropriate scrim, so the scene had the appearance of a photograph or painting. After seeing the degree, it wasn’t unusual for a candidate to ask if the scene was live or a photograph. I can also remember times when we had a scene of Jesus and the two thieves actually on crosses. Often, the actors told stories of almost falling off of the cross during the live presentation of the degree. That scene has since been removed—probably for safety reasons. 24
The degree consists of three scenes called Apartments. The first Apartment is titled the “Dark Chamber.” In this scene, our candidate is found wandering on the shores of the Dead Sea, where he learned of the teachings of the Essenes from the 17th degree. He learns the importance of the sealed Book of Life, the lamb, and the flaming sword. He also completes a symbolic journey of 33 years, where he learns the virtues of Faith, Hope, and Charity. Finally, he is taught the sign of the Good Shepherd and receives an explanation of the eagle and pelican to begin his journey into the next Apartment. (This symbolizes end of the Law of Moses as described in the Old Testament of the Bible.)
The most impressive portion of this degree is contained within the Chamber of the Mystic Rose. The most impressive portion of this degree is contained within the Chamber of the Mystic Rose. Here the candidate learns the Story of the Cross, and the symbolism of the Mystic Rose and Cubic Stone is explained. The candidate then completes his journey by moving into the third Apartment of the degree, The Chamber of Light. In this Apartment, the candidate is asked a series of questions only to learn that he always had the knowledge of the Lost Word. With this knowledge, the
candidate is able to open the Book of Life, and the Lost Word is revealed. The degree ends with our Brother being created a Knight of Rose Croix and learning of the New Law. Admittedly, this degree seems to be based upon the Christian religion because of the references to Jesus Christ in the degree. Article 613 of our Constitution states “A candidate for membership must take his obligation upon that Book which to him is the Volume of the Sacred Law.” While this degree is about the life of Christ, the lessons it teaches are about the new law. The Prologist specifically says, “Man must have a new Temple in his heart, and the Kingdom lives in the heart of men.” The lessons of the 18th degree really apply to all men who believe in a Supreme Being. Wait, what did we declare upon our first admission into a lodge of Masons when we were asked in whom we placed our trust? I also seem to recall the words of Constans as he departs the Sanctuary to help defend his city. The Prologist of the 18th has ritual that I will never forget. When I directed this degree, I insisted that he hit this line hard and recite it word for word. It is a question that I think every Mason and particularly every Scottish Rite Mason should have an answer to. It’s not an answer that should be proclaimed for all to hear; it should exist in your heart. We must each answer in our own way and in accordance with our own religious convictions. The ritual goes like this, “What think ye of Jesus?”
The Northern Light
A Connection With the Past
by Craig Froelich, 33°, MSA, Valley of Madison
a third-generation Scottish Rite Mason. I had the privilege of joining the Valley of Madison in the class honoring my grandfather, Ill. Robert A. Nadler 33°, MSA, in 1998. He was there a year or so later as I stumbled through my first speaking role in the 16th degree, and the last meeting he ever attended was when I was installed as Sovereign Prince. Shortly after he passed in 2006, I was asked to join the Rose Croix line where my grandfather was a Past Most Wise Master. I still do the part of the Story of the Cross in the 18th degree, which he had done for years. Craig’s grandpa, Ill. Robert A. Nadler, 33°, receives his 50-year certificate from Past Grand Master Dean Massey in 1992.
of the things I cherish about the Scottish Rite is that there are men who were friends with my grandpa who became my friends and Brothers as well. Men I admire and respect found in him a mentor whom they admired and respected. I remember sitting at dinner with a Brother who talked for 10 minutes about what a great ritualist my grandpa was and how much he had learned from Grandpa. I never got to see him do any ritual. He wasn’t able by the time I got active, so it was great hearing those stories. To feel that
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connection through the generations is one of those things that makes the Scottish Rite so special to me.
My grandfather was a kind and generous man who lived his life according to our tenets. I couldn’t have hoped for a better example.
We were a Masonic family, and it’s what everyone did. All of the ladies were in Eastern Star, and all the men were Masons. Even as a kid, Grandpa told me stories of what Masonry meant to him. I had no idea what I was really getting into when, more than 22 years ago, he handed me a petition for Blue Lodge and simply said, “It’s time.” That first step set me on a path that has affected my life more than anything else. I’ve met some of the greatest men in the world and made friendships that are worth more than gold. I’ve learned—more in Masonry than anywhere else—about friendship, brotherhood, leadership, compassion, and, most importantly, about myself. I never needed to be sold on Masonry. My grandfather was a kind and generous man who lived his life according to our tenets. I couldn’t have hoped for a better example.
There was never any doubt in my mind that I would become a Mason.
It Started With a Little Blue Book
a little boy, I can remember my dad talking to himself. As he was getting ready for work in the morning, I’d see him standing there, whispering silently to himself. On long family road trips, I’d sometimes get to sit in the front seat with him, and, again, I’d glance over and see him silently speaking. What was he saying? What was he doing? I was always intrigued that when he was having these silent conversations, nearby sat a little blue book. I recall picking it up once and the ensuing grin that crossed his face as my own contorted in confusion. What was this gibberish? It was page after page of nothing but letters. I can still clearly hear his belly laughter as I would haughtily pretend to “read” from this little blue book. My dad explained what it was in a way that I could understand, along with a simple word: Someday.
was my first memory of Freemasonry.
Years went by, and I began to understand a bit more about this fraternity. I remember going to Maumee Lodge #725 to see my dad installed as an officer. I didn’t fully understand many of the things that were said, but I clearly recall all of the men and their ladies that I got to meet. Many of them were long-time family friends. It struck me deeply that between my parents and my grandparents, nearly ALL of our family friends had one thing in common: They were ALL Freemasons. From an early age, I knew in my heart that I wanted to be a part of this organization, and knew that I had to wait until I was 21. More time passed. I went to college and became a member of Delta Tau Delta. I later learned that three of the founding members were also Freemasons. When
A petition waits for the fourth generation of the McNaughton family.
My dad explained what it was in a way that I could understand, along with a simple word: Someday. I turned 21, I asked my dad what it took to join. I can still clearly recall the exact place where we stood and the look on his face. It should come as no surprise that he had a petition ready. I went through the application process and made preparations to attend a special one-day event to obtain my Entered Apprentice and Fellow Craft degrees in Michigan City, Indiana. We would all be there: my dad, my grandfather, and me. The next week, I returned to Maumee for my Master Mason degree. One of the greatest moments and memories of my life was entering the lodge for the second section and seeing my father sitting there in the East. Twelve months later, I graduated from college and returned
The Northern Light
by John Brian McNaughton, 33°, Active for Indiana
I was tremendously humbled and honored to receive a call letting me know I had been elected to receive the thirtythird degree. It is not often that I am struck speechless. This was one of those times. Three generations of McNaughtons: (left to right) John Willard, John William, and John Brian in 2004.
home wanting to get involved. December of that year, I took the next step and was installed as Senior Steward. Eight months later, I was at a wedding and sat at a table with some friends from high school. A very nice young woman that had graduated a year after us joined us. I hadn’t known her well, but the conversation was friendly. At one point, her eyes went wide in shock as she looked at my hand and noticed my Scottish Rite ring. She exclaimed, “My dad has one just like that!” We celebrate our 20th anniversary this November. A few years after our wedding, I became a third-generation Past Master of Maumee Lodge and the youngest Master (28) in its history. I served again as Master in 2006. My wife, parents, and grandparents gently and lovingly supported me every step of the way.
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Serving the Blue Lodge was an extremely fulfilling and rewarding experience, and I genuinely loved every second of it I also got to see first-hand how much the Scottish Rite meant to my dad and my grandfather. There was reason for this, and I was determined to find the answers for myself. Later in the same year I first served as Master, I also became Captain of the Guard in the Fort Wayne Lodge of Perfection. In 2009, I presided as Thrice Potent Master at the age of 33 and became a thirdgeneration Thrice Potent Master of the Fort Wayne Lodge of Perfection. Later that summer, I was tremendously humbled and honored to receive a call letting me know I had been elected to receive the thirty-third degree. It is not often that I am struck speechless. This was one of those times. My father was Sovereign Grand Commander at the time, and I recall finding out that I was going to be the class exemplar in Chicago in 2011.
No pressure. Standing there face to face just as we had the day he raised me nearly 15 years prior, my dad presented me with my 33° ring. With that, I became a third-generation 33° for the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. The Grand Architect of the Universe blessed my wife, Macy, and me with two wonderful boys. As our family grew, so too grew the hope of expanding our family’s Masonic legacy. Within moments of their birth, each of our sons had their tiny inked footprints stamped onto Blue Lodge and Scottish Rite petitions in the hope that they will carry on this legacy into the fourth generation and beyond. These are safely locked away for Someday. This is our legacy.
A Masonic and Military Legacy
fourth child of William E. and Alice H. Crosby, I was born on November 14, 1931, in Meridian, Mississippi, and grew up in the small town of Bonita wanting to be both a Mason and a veteran—a Mason, because dad, two brothers, and a brother-in-law were Masons, and a veteran, because both brothers and brother-in-law were veterans of World War II and Korea.
the summer of 1952, I was assigned to the 581st Maintenance Squadron of the 13th Air Force and stationed at Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines. A few weeks before my 21st birthday, I wrote home saying, “Dad, I don’t know what I’m supposed to ask but do you think it’s possible for me to be a Mason?”
“Dad, I don’t know what I’m supposed to ask but do you think it’s possible for me to be a Mason?” Since I was 2,000 miles from home, I wasn’t even sure it could happen. Several months later, a man named Alfred Adrian, Senior Warden of Leonard Wood Lodge #105, came by
The lodge was one of the most beautiful buildings on base. the shop to let me know that there was a lodge on base and that the officers of that storied lodge would be happy to confer the three degrees of Masonry as a courtesy to King Solomon #333 in Meridian, Mississippi. The lodge was one of the most beautiful buildings on base as was the work done by the officers. My
Four generations of Masons: (left to right) William E. Crosby, Lucius O. Crosby, John E. Crosby, and Tyler E. Crosby
The Northern Light
by Lucius O. Crosby, 32˚, Valley of Cincinnati
initiation, passing, and raising occurred in due form in the spring of 1953. There were no uniforms worn in the lodge, and having been advised of the base rules and regulations, I wondered if we were Brothers outside the lodge. Several days later, I got my answer when I saluted a major who returned my salute, followed by, “Good morning, Brother.” The major was WM Richard N. Thompson. There are four Brothers of Leonard Wood Lodge #105 who I will always remember: WM Richard N. Thompson; SW Alfred Adrian; my mentor JW Dallas Tandy; and a giant of a man whom we all affectionately called Sgt. Bromley. These four Brothers kept this two-striper busy and out of trouble with ritual practice,
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filling the chairs, and outside activities. In the summer of 1954 when several of us were to return stateside, WM Adrian held a banquet in our honor inviting all Masons, their wives, family, and guests.
I am proud to be a Mason. My dad passed away in 1960 without us ever sitting in lodge together. I made a promise that this would not happen were I to have a son interested in becoming a Mason. In May 1997, WM Mike Gigandet of Queen City Lodge #761, Clarksville, Tennessee, graciously permitted me to raise my son John. Now he and his son Tyler are members of Edenton (Ohio) Lodge #332. Today at 88, a
Blue Lodge Mason for 67 years and a Scottish Rite Mason for 58 years, I can honestly say that I am proud to be a Mason. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and feel honored to have been associated with Brothers I like, trust, and respect. Most are veterans. All believe in God, love their families, are patriotic, recite the Pledge of Allegiance with feeling, help others, read their Bibles, live by The Golden Rule, and believe we are all brothers and sisters made in the image of the Supreme Architect. Most importantly, we know that whatever our position in life, we are Brothers all. I pray that I have been deserving of the honor of being a Mason and worthy of the confidence my Brothers have reposed in me.
My Role Model
by Joseph Flowers, 32°, Valley of Cambridge
became a Freemason, and now a Brother of the Scottish Rite, NMJ, mainly because of my grandfather, Aaron Lowery. The impact he had on me as a child and young man was so profound that I wanted to emulate his character in every facet of life. One way I knew I could do this was to become a Mason, and in March 2008, I did just that.
was proud of me for joining, and because of that, I knew I was on the right path. About a year later, I enlisted into the United States Marine Corps—another common bond that my grandfather and I shared. He retired as a Master Sergeant in the Army Reserves, but he never made mention of the Army. All he would ever say about his time as a Marine was, “Five years, ten months,
Joe’s promotion ceremony. Standing with Joe are (left to right) his mother, Diane Offenberger; his wife Alina; and his grandfather Aaron Lowery.
and twenty-two days.” He was very proud of his service which included fighting in the Korean War.
Although he cannot witness and experience this moment with me, I know he’s proud. At my promotion to Corporal, I
right Joseph and Aaron shovel dirt out of grandad’s old pickup truck.
was honored that he pinned me, commemorating our shared passion of service. He has since passed, but I continue to reflect on the decisions he made in his life and how I can make similar decisions in mine: I was married with the same wedding band, I drive his old Ford pickup, sit at his old desk, and one of these days, I’ll be able to rightfully wear his 32nd degree Masonic ring. I find his dedication to his wife, children, family, country, and God to be unmatched by anyone I’ve met. As another step towards mirroring his life choices, I am now a Brother of the Scottish Rite, having joined in the first Virtual Reunion. Although he cannot witness and experience this moment with me, I know he’s proud. I’ve already registered for the other two Virtual Reunions to continue my journey, and I am anxiously awaiting an opportunity to become a 32nd degree Mason—the same as my granddad. I’m what most consider traditional, and I enjoy sentimental things. For example, memories of my grandfather and me sharing a moment on the tailgate of an old Ford pickup, tipping
The Northern Light
Three Generations and Counting
by Tom Ewald, 32°, Valley of Milwaukee
father, Emil Ewald 33°, became a Scottish Rite Mason in the Spring, 1964 Class in the Valley of Milwaukee. In 1998, my three brothers and I all became Master Masons together. (It was first time in Wisconsin that four sons became Master Masons at the same time.) My brother Craig and I joined Scottish Rite in 2000, and today I am a Past Commander in Chief (2016) and a 33°- elect.
back a couple IBC root beers after working on the farm, are priceless. I do often ponder what he would do if he were in my shoes today. In doing so, I’ve become a better man of God, husband, father, and Brother. The lessons he’s taught me are lessons I fully intend to pass on to my son, who we named Aaron after my grandfather. Remembering the past and looking toward the future is the essence of a strong, resilient, and enduring legacy.
2002, my other two brothers, Brian and Dan, became Scottish Rite Masons. In 2017, my stepson Ryan and all four of my nephews (Eric, Jay, Kevin, and Brett) became Master Masons through Wisconsin’s Day of Light program. If not for this contemporary approach they all would not have been able to join, much less together like their
fathers had. In 2018, my Father was the class honoree for the Valley of Milwaukee spring reunion. That day, my stepson Ryan, and nephews, Eric and Brett, became Scottish Rite Masons in their Grandpa’s class. Masonry is well rooted into our family’s third generation and is a proud part of our family’s legacy.
Flowers’ Christmas 2013
Three generations of the Ewald family gather at the Masonic altar.
November 2020
Brothers Come Together to Help Comfort a Lonely Brother in Need 32
The Northern Light
CHARITIES Brother Michael Zildjian, Chaplain of Simon W. Robinson Lodge, dropped by to bring Vinnie a cup of coffee and take him for a walk to enjoy some sunshine and fresh air.
by Joann Williams-Hoxha, Content Manager
GRAND ALMONER, Ill. Peter Samiec, 33°, had a simple question: “Brother Patch, can you help a lonely Brother in need?” That’s all it took for a kindness train of Brotherly Love and caring to surround Brother Vincent Arnone, 32°, a devoted Mason for more than 40 years in the throes of late-stage brain cancer. That simple request started a cascade of caring that spanned hundreds of miles through Massachusetts and New Hampshire, involving dozens of Masons ranging from men in the craft for decades to a newly-raised Master Mason.
Marine Corps and Army Special Forces veteran Vincent “Vinnie” Arnone’s cancer had progressed to the stage that he had no choice but to move into hospice care an hour away from his home lodge, Plymouth Lodge, in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Detached from his community and lonely, he reached out to Scottish Rite, NMJ. Through Grand Almoner Samiec, Brother Arnone was connected to a network of local brethren willing and able to live up to their Masonic obligation to help Brothers in need. “I reached out to Brother Keith Patch, who I know is an active and caring local Mason, to see if he could check in on Vinnie once or twice,” said Grand Almoner Samiec. “What happened next is one of the most impressive and meaningful stories of Masons living their obligation that I’ve been part of in quite some time.” Brother Patch, 32°, is a member of Simon W. Robinson Masonic Lodge (Lexington, Mass.) and the Valley of Boston. “I know the kind of Brothers I have in my lodge, and I had no doubt
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we would help. What I didn’t anticipate was the ripple effect of caring that went way beyond our small group. It was incredible.”
WHAT THE MASONS DID JUST CHANGED EVERYTHING FOR VINNIE. Marshaling his personal Masonic network and the power of social media, Brother Patch helped activate the combined manpower of the Massachusetts 14th Masonic District, Major General Henry Knox Lodge (Military Veterans Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts), and other area Masons for support.
Master Mason from Tahattawan Lodge, dropped by to see Vinnie just days after learning about the lonely brother in need. “I was just raised, and our Masonic obligation was large in my heart. I hoped it helped Vinnie, but the time I spent visiting meant a great deal to me.” Brother Michael Zildjian, 32°, Chaplain of Simon W. Robinson Lodge, visited frequently, often with his mother Janet’s famous meatballs in tow made especially for Vinnie to enjoy. Armen Zildjian, Worshipful Master of Simon W. Robinson Masonic Lodge, asked his mother-in-law and social worker, Terri Simmons, if she could help by deploying her skill set. That led to Mrs. Simmons visiting Vinnie over a number of weeks to make sure he was receiving all of the care and support services he needed and deserved. “What the Masons did just changed everything for Vinnie,” said his brother Bob Arnone. “When he knew the cancer was bad, he was so down. These men strengthened his faith in people and confirmed his belief in the Masons.”
For months, more than a dozen newfound Brothers and friends visited Vinnie at his nursing home, providing him with the comfort and company he desperately needed. Brother Matt Bordenca, a newly raised
Brother Keith D. Patch, 32°, helped launch the kindess train in support of Brother Arnone in his last days.
C FAITH, HOPE, AND CHARITY continued Bob said the manpower of the Masons was a blessing to him as well. With a full-time job and living two hours away from Vinnie, he realized, “it was very hard to keep up with his grocery shopping, picking up his medications, and taking him to his appointments.” In addition to helping with errands and providing some financial relief for food and clothing, Bob said the Masonic family helped keep Vinnie’s spirits up throughout the autumn months.
JUST TO SEE VINNIE SO BLESSED BY THE COMRADERY AND ATTENTION W A S R E A L LY INCREDIBLE “One guy read to him, one guy came in and sang Christmas carols to him. Just to see Vinnie so blessed by the comradery and attention was really incredible,” Bob said. On a winter evening, with Masons from several lodges in attendance including Grand Almoner Samiec and Director of Membership, George T. Taylor, 32°, Brother Don McCarthy, 32°, of Joseph Warren-Soley Lodge, presented Vinnie with the Scottish Rite’s Sammy Lee Davis Peace & Freedom Service Award. The Scottish Rite recognition is for veteran Brothers who have honorably served in the U.S. military. “When I was young, Vinnie was the big brother hero that went off to war,” relayed Bob Arnone. “Service had been his whole life.” From 1979-1992, Brother Arnone 34
Presenting the Sammy Lee David Peace and Freedom Recognition. front row: Vinnie and Brother George Taylor, 32°, Director of Membership, Scottish Rite, NMJ. middle row: Wor. Armen Zildjian, WM of Simon W. Robinson Masonic Lodge; Scottish Rite, NMJ Grand Almoner Pete Samiec, 33°; and R.W. Paul Rolston, 33°. back row: Wor. Paul Fraser, SWR and Bro. Don McCarthy, Joseph Warren-Soley Lodge
served in the U.S. Army Special Forces, running classified missions in Laos and Vietnam and also serving in Afghanistan. In his civilian life, in addition to being a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Special Forces, he worked more than 30 years in the consulting field internationally, specializing in counterterrorism and SWAT tactics. Bob said Vinnie was never your typical “nine-to-five kinda guy.” From working as a private detective to serving as editor of a newspaper, he said his brother did a little bit of everything. Sadly, Vinnie lost his final battle to cancer. He was called to the Celestial Lodge on December 4, 2019. In addition to the many Masonic brethren who were touched by Vinnie’s life
and legacy, he is survived by his five brothers: Paul, Joseph, Harry, John, and Robert. He had recently celebrated his 43rd anniversary as a Mason and was proud of his long commitment to many other organizations, including Shriners International, DeMolay, American Legion, and the Boy Scouts. Brother Keith Patch, 32°, of Simon W. Robinson Lodge, helped coordinate Vinnie’s final wishes. “Brother Arnone had requested to be buried with his Scottish Rite NMJ Sammy Lee Davis Veteran’s Recognition pin and his Scottish Rite Veteran’s Jewel and to have taps played. It was the least we could do for this Green Beret who served our country so honorably and touched the lives of so many,” Brother Patch said. The Northern Light
A note from Bob Arnone, the brother of Vincent “Vinnie” Arnone
Lodge in Malden, Mass., who grew up with Vinnie and learned of his plight through social media outreach, also attended with a friend.
Brother Arnone was laid to rest at Hillcrest Cemetery in Plympton, Massachusetts, on a rainy December afternoon. Still, the inclement weather did little to hold back attendance at his graveside Masonic Memorial Service.
Bob said he was overcome with emotion when he saw how many Masons showed up for Vinnie’s service. He said his brother seemed to acknowledge the large turnout that day as well. “A huge gust of wind came up during the service, and I thought it was going to take us all away and I said, ‘Yep, Vin’s here,’” recalled Bob.
Seven members of Simon W. Robinson Lodge, five members of Plymouth Lodge - A.F. & A.M., and four other Masons attended his moving ceremony. A Masonic Brother from Converse
Vinnie’s brother John, who is also a Mason, attended the service. John and Vinnie followed the legacy of their late father, Brother Paul Arnone, 32°, who loved being a part of Freemasonry.
November 2020
While Bob is not a Mason, after seeing the ways in which the fraternity loved and cared for his brother, he said he is interested in becoming one. This outpouring of support all started with a simple phone call for help. Brother Zildjian said it best when he wrote in a social media post: “You don’t need to be a Mason to serve humanity in this way. Find someone who needs help and do what you can to help them. Period. It is a priceless feeling to share love with a person who really needs it. And we all need it.” So mote it be. Brothers from across Massachusetts and New Hampshire gathered for Brother Vincent Arnone’s Masonic Memorial Service on December 9.
Dyslexia Doesn’t Stop Henry Winkler From Pursuing His Dreams “I want to read, I really do. But my eyes never seem to make friends with the words on the page. All those letters swim around like fish in a pond.”
is how character Hank Zipzer describes his dyslexia in the book Everybody is Somebody #12 (Here’s Hank), a series written by Lin Oliver and Henry Winkler. We recently spoke with Henry Winkler to discuss the challenges he faced as someone with dyslexia, and how he became a household name despite those challenges. Henry relayed that his parents could not understand why he struggled so much in school, calling him dummer Hund or “dumb dog” in German. His parents assumed he just wasn’t concentrating enough or was just plain lazy, he said. “I couldn’t watch TV. When my parents went out on the weekend, I had to study. And at that time, our television was a box with tubes, so if I didn’t turn it off in time, they could touch the top of the television and feel whether it was warm or not,” Henry recalls. Winkler was several years into his role on Happy Days as Arthur “The Fonz” Fonzarelli before he discovered that
The Northern Light
by Joann Williams-Hoxha, Content Manager
his learning disability had a name. His stepson, Jed, received a diagnosis for dyslexia and Henry, aged 31, realized that he had the same thing. While Jed ended up receiving services, Henry said he did not. “I was angry first because it was just relentless from home and from the teachers, and of course from the students in my private school,” he said. “So when I found out that I had something with a name, I was just beside myself that all that humiliation, all that yelling, all that grounding, was for no reason.” Jed and his other two children, Zoe and Max, also struggled with dyslexia in school, so Henry understands the difficulties from the perspectives of both a student and the parent of a child with dyslexia. Henry gave five key pieces of advice for a parent who has a child with dyslexia (see sidebar). From Henry’s perspective, encouragement for a child truly makes all the difference. Now the author of 35 novels and counting, he said it took a lot to convince him that he was even capable of writing a children’s book. Those stinging words, “dumb dog,” still lived in the back of his mind, and, he said, “It takes a jackhammer to pry that thought loose from your brain.” Fast forward to 2003, when Hank Zipzer: The World’s Greatest
November 2020
Underachiever book series is released and is met with critical acclaim. Cindy Allen-Fuss, who serves as Associate Clinical Director for the Children’s Dyslexia Centers, said Winkler’s books are hugely popular with young readers, including her son who has dyslexia and could easily relate to the characters in the Hank Zipzer series. Hank Zipzer is really Henry Winkler as a child. “Hank is short for Henry. And Zipzer was a woman who lived on the 4th floor of my apartment building when I was growing up, and I thought it was a zippy name,” Henry explained. He even used his own school teachers as inspiration for the series (for better or worse): Ms. Adolf, his fourth-grade teacher, and Mr. Rock, a high school teacher who told him that if he ever did graduate, he was going to be great.
Five key pieces of advice for a parent who has a child with dyslexia: “First of all, there is no shame. Second of all, it’s hereditary, you passed it on, so calm down. Third, just see and hear your child. Four: Your child is not trying to be disruptive . . . they are wired differently. And the last thing I would say is to remind your child . . . every day they are brilliant, their thoughts are wonderful, and just because they can’t spell, it means nothing.”
Other stories by Winkler and Lin Oliver include the Ghost Buddy series, where Henry says the ghost sounds like The Fonz when you read him, and Alien Superstar series, telling the story of Buddy the alien, who crashlands in Hollywood and becomes an actor. Henry’s second book for Alien Superstar, Lights, Camera, Danger!, was just released on October 6.
it is embarrassing, or scary, or not inclusive. That’s why I love Hank’s friends, because they’re not dyslexic and they don’t judge him. They just love him,” said Henry.
“Every novel we write is about a kid on the outside looking in, wanting to be on the inside. Just off a beat, just different enough where
The world has given us Henry Winkler: actor, producer, director, author, and perhaps most importantly, an inspiration.
“Every one of you has greatness inside of you. And your job is to figure out what that is . . . and dig it out and give it to the world.”
Around the Jurisdiction The Valley of Rockville Centre’s first class held in the Temple featured the 4th degree, along with the 15th, 17th and 24th degrees. Seated in front: Michael LaRocco 32° MSA; 2nd row: Incoming Commander-in-Chief Louis Saavedra, with new candidates Scott Parry, Sandy Cox, Marc Bodner, and Kevin Loomis; 3rd row: Scott Bisogni, 32°, MSA, Javier Ramirez, Julio Chea, James Calkins, and Stuart Smith.
Robert Bateman, Deputy for Pennsylvania welcomes RWGM Thomas Gamon IV, 33˚, to the Pennsylvania Council of Deliberation.
PA Larry Bilotto of the Valley of Altoona receives a membership award from Active member George Nakonetschny at Pennsylvania Council of Deliberation.
PA OH The Valley of George Rogers Clark recently held their stated meeting, welcoming five new members who took their first steps on their Scottish Rite journey.
NJ New Jersey Shriners and the Valley of Northern New Jersey collected 300 pounds of food to be delivered to a local food bank.
NJ Michael Czech holds up his Hauts Grades Academy completion certificate at the Valley of Northern New Jersey’s Awards Night. Also pictured: Commander Glattly (left) and (right) Brothers Doug Policastro, 33°, Deputy for New Jersey, and HGA founder Mohamad Yatim, 33°. Congratulations Brother Czech!
NH On September 25, 2020, Staff members Mason Sellars, Darien Koons, Brennan Parken, and Mary Ann Bichajian play in New Hampshire’s 17th Annual Seacoast Learning Center Golf Tournament. All proceeds went to benefit the Seacoast Children’s Dyslexia Center.
The Northern Light
Check Presentation. Pictured from L to R: Ill. J. Franklin Gaskill - Deputy’s Rep., Anna Jaremko - Volunteer Services Coordinator, and Albert J. Luss - 1st Lt. Commander, Valley of Buffalo
Prior to the pandemic, Scotty and Friends visited Oshie Children’s Hospital in Buffalo NY. Accompanying them were Members from the Valley of Buffalo. Pictured from L to R: Ill. J. Franklin Gaskill - Deputy’s Rep., Mary Sue Mirabella - Entertainment/Donation Coordinator, Anna Jaremko - Volunteer Services Coordinator, and Albert J. Luss - 1st Lt. Commander, Valley of Buffalo.
The Valley of Toledo held an annual meeting on September 8, with seating adequately spaced 6 feet apart.
NH Active Jake Hayrynen presents Gene Smith, age 95, with ?the Scottish Rite Masonic Medal for Service for his exemplary service and commitment to the Fraternity. Brother Smith is active in every Masonic Body that he belongs to.
On August 22, 2020, the Valley of Northern New Jersey hosted an outdoor “Rite on the Road” event, where 48 new candidates witnessed the 16th degree live and videos of new 4th, 15th, and 29th degrees. Everyone received embroidered Scottish Rite face masks and candidate packets.
November 2020
PA Sixteen candidates received the 4th degree at the valley of Harrisburg’s summer pig roast.
Around the Jurisdiction To share some social time during the pandemic, Illustrious Brothers Elwood Doran, Jim Witham, and Deputy Jim Simonton enjoyed a beautiful September day golfing at Mt. Kineo Golf Course in Maine.
The Annual Dyslexia Awareness Walk and Fundraiser in Waterbury, Connecticut was held on October 4, 2020.
VT The Valleys of Vermont gathered for their fall Reunion, where they welcomed in nine new 32° Scottish Rite Masons! Pictured above are the nine new members with the leaders of the Valleys and Ill. William Karstens IV, 33°, Active Member.
NH The winning team from the 17th Annual Seacoast Learning Center golf tournament proudly display their trophy.
VT Ill. William Karstens IV, 33°, Active Member, with Supreme Council Staff members Brennan J. Parken (Asst. Director of Membership) and Darien Koons (Development Coordinator) at the Valleys of Vermont fall Reunion
The Northern Light
Brother Robert J. Landry, 33°, recently reached his 50 year milestone in Scottish Rite. At a special meeting in Oakland, Grand Master and Illustrious Thomas Pulkkinen, membership chairman, was on hand to present him with his 50-year Scottish Rite Certificate.
The Valley of Hudson got clever and presented the 11th degree as a radio show. Brothers who complete the degrees receive tokens to mark their progress.
Scottish Rite Masons held their annual Dyslexia Awareness Walk and Fundraiser in Waterbury, Connecticut on October 4, 2020 to raise awareness for children struggling to read and write.
Even though they could not hold a traditional reunion, the Valley of Grand Rapids welcomed 12 new members in their Fall Initiation.
Sovereign Grand Commander Glattly and Brother Len Vander Horn, 33°, don their festive masks at the Valley of Northern New Jersey.
! November 2020
If you would like to have your Valley featured in Around the Jurisdiction, be sure to submit photographs and descriptions to
Tompkins Recipients Part of The Greatest Generation Two Brothers from The Greatest Generation joined the ranks of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32°, D-Day hero Leonard “Bud” Lomell, 32°, and Vietnam hero Sammy Lee Davis, 33°, as recipients of The Daniel Tompkins Medal for their outstanding and exemplary service to their country and Masonic fraternity at large.
cottish Rite congratulates and salutes Brother William D. Haller, Jr., 32°, from Ocean Lodge #89 F&AM, and Brother Robert N. Stutz, 32°, of Mercer Lodge #50 F&AM Grand Lodge New Jersey for their service to both our country and our fraternity. The Tompkins Medal is conferred by the Scottish Rite to honor distinguished contributions not often witnessed by the general membership. The Tompkins Medal is named for Daniel D. Tompkins, first Sovereign Grand Commander of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction. Brother Tompkins also served the nation as vice president, under President James Monroe. On August 22, following the Rite on the Road degrees held at Ocean Lodge #89, Scottish Rite Active Member and Grand Secretary General Douglas Policastro, 33°, presented Brother William “Bill” Haller Jr. with the Tompkins Medal. His immediate family was present. Brother Haller served his country as a tail gunner during World War II and served as Master of Ocean Lodge #89 twice and Grand Chaplain for the Grand Lodge of New Jersey in 1998. He has been a member of Scottish Rite since 1970. “It wasn’t until just the past few years that Bill would talk about what it was like being a gunner in an airplane
during World War II and the part that he played. Being a humble man, he still downplays his role in the war, but we know he played an important one,” said Ill. Brother Policastro.
by Joann Williams-Hoxha, Content Manager
of Mercer Lodge #50 and became Secretary to the Grand Master in 1996, and has been a member of Scottish Rite since 1979. “Bob has the rare distinction of being at the battle of Iwo Jima during World War II. In talking with Bob, you get the opportunity to see for yourself what it was like for a teenaged boy to view the war from his perspective. His memory of the war is as vivid today as it was almost 80 years ago,” Brother Policastro said.
September 26, after the installation of Officers for the Valley of Central Jersey, Ill. Brother Policastro presented Brother Robert N. Stutz, 32°, with the Tompkins Medal as his friends and Masonic family looked on. Brother Stutz was a Seabee from the 95th Battalion at Pearl Harbor. He was then transferred to the 90th Battalion which was a part of the occupation of Japan under General Douglas MacArthur. Brother Stutz was Master
Grand Secretary General Douglas Policastro, 33°, presents Brother Robert N. Stutz, 32°, with the Tompkins Medal.
Grand Secretary General Douglas Policastro, 33°, with Commander Glattly, presents Brother William “Bill” Haller Jr., with the Tompkins Medal.
The Northern Light
Change for the Better In
an effort to create a more streamlined dues process for all members of the Scottish Rite, NMJ, the Administrative Council adopted a new Standardization of Dues policy. Little changes under this new system—the Supreme Council continues be responsible for all dues notifications on behalf of our Valleys. The change affects only a small number of Valleys and creates one date of distribution for all 101 Valley dues notices throughout the Jurisdiction, August 1 of each year. What This Means for Valleys
Executive Director Michael C. Russell, CAE, said, “Creating one standardized distribution of dues for all Valleys will improve efficiencies, provide benchmarks and real-time information to Valleys,
November 2020
and hopefully, through the collaborative efforts of the Supreme Council Membership & Valley Relations team, decrease NPDs for members. Valleys will still be responsible for reaching out to members, working through payment of dues, and more, but we believe this will put less burden on the Valley Secretary and, in turn, foster more Brotherhood among members. Lastly, this new standardization process will allow Valleys to reallocate financial resources to do more for our members while saving money at the same time. Supreme Council is now picking up the tab to send notices to all members!”
Dues Notices
Going forward, dues bills will be distributed electronically on July 1 (it occurred on August 1 for this transition year 2020), and paper notices will be mailed by August 1. Dues for all Scottish Rite bodies will be combined into one invoice, eliminating multiple bills to those members who belong to more than one Valley. All members are able to pay dues electronically through the Member Center at
The Member Experience
Commander Glattly went on to say, “With this new process, it is our hope that by the 2021 dues statements, members will be able to opt into e-statements and pay dues monthly or quarterly through automatic payments.” Commander Glattly concluded, “This is an exciting development for our fraternity. It is our hope the new process will streamline the dues for all Valleys of the Jurisdiction, ultimately providing a smoother and more pleasant member experience.”
57,000+ Members have paid their dues online
$230,000+ Valley Fund donations
$60,000+ Grand Almoner’s Fund contributions *All figures are current as of press time.
How Your Valley Can Help As Scottish Rite Freemasons, we care about and recognize the service and sacrifices the members of our armed services make. It is with heartfelt gratitude that we acknowledge and support these brave men and women. “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but live by them.”—John F. Kennedy ! Supreme Council Veterans Committee
Robert J. Bateman, 33°, Chairman Russell W. Baker, 33° Philip R. Elliott, Jr., 33° Randall R. Milone, 33° James O. Dill, 33°
it is for this reason the Supreme Council Veterans Committee is asking every Valley in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction to form a Veterans Committee within your Valley if you do not already have one. We encourage you to appoint several veterans to serve on the committee. Following are just a few examples of ways in which our Valleys are honoring veterans to ensure they receive the recognition they so greatly deserve: The Valley of Youngstown has a Veterans Program where they gather on the Monday closest to Veterans Day and have dinner with several distinguished guests
portraying presidents Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, William McKinley, and others. The Valley also has a couple of their veteran members speak at the event to honor the occasion. In 2019, Sovereign Grand Commander Dave Glattly also presented Veterans Awards to approximately 30 Brothers. The Valley of Philadelphia’s Kilwinning Chapter of Rose Croix started a clothing drive in the spring of 2020, asking members to donate gently used business clothing in order to provide proper attire for veterans going on job interviews. The Most Wise Master’s garage became the collection site for eighteen suits, seven sports coats, 30 pairs of dress slacks, 36 dress shirts, and 40 neckties, which were donated to the Military Order of the Purple Heart. Also, the Valley of Philadelphia gave a $1,000 donation to the Veterans’ Member Center to support their job training and placement programs.
The Northern Light
As you begin to form your own Veterans Committees, here are some additional ideas for recognizing those who served:
Consider paying the dues of your members on active duty—a great gesture to show support while the member is away from home.
Dedicate your dining hall or meeting room in honor of one of your veterans. Another suggestion would be to simply name the room “Veterans Hall” or “Veterans Room.” Decorate the area with symbols of all military branches and utilize personal photos of your veterans to add nostalgia. Photos could be changed periodically to keep interest.
November 2020
“Rummy at the Rite”—Organize an area where veterans and non-veterans alike could meet to play card games. Pick a day of the week to invite members to come to the Valley for coffee and doughnuts and spend the morning playing cards.
Host a lunch program with a representative from The Honor Flight Network to discuss their nonprofit. Their mission is to transport America’s veterans at no charge to Washington, D.C. to visit the memorials dedicated to honoring those who have served. Additionally, a member that has experienced the flight could speak about his experience with Honor Flight.
Organize a lunch or dinner where the veterans could simply get together to share their stories and experiences. Many veterans are often reluctant to talk about the past but are more comfortable and open when among others who understand what they endured while serving their country.
The month of May is Military Appreciation Month—chosen because it includes events such as Armed Forces Day, Victory in Europe Day, Memorial Day, and other commemorative celebrations. In addition to November, May would be an opportune time for the Valleys to honor their veterans.
FDR Receives Posthumous Honor
Congressman John Lewis Laid to Rest
the Supreme Council Session on August 25, Brother and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt was awarded the 33rd Degree. Brother Roosevelt was made a Mason in Holland Lodge No. 8, New York City, on October 11, 1911. He joined the Albany Consistory in 1929. Despite being a somewhat active Mason (given his position), he was never elected to receive the 33rd Degree. In 2013, Brother Roosevelt was the first recipient of the Daniel Tompkins Award for Distinguished Service.
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith. —Franklin D. Roosevelt
“It is truly a shame that such a great man and Mason had never received proper recognition for all that he did for his country. I am glad we were able to remedy that this year,” Commander Glattly said.
Honorable John Lewis, 33°, passed to the Celestial Lodge on July 10, 2020 after a long fight with pancreatic cancer. Brother Lewis was a member of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia since having been made a Mason at Sight in 1999. He was Coroneted a Sovereign Grand Inspector General at the 2011 session of the United Supreme Council in Atlanta. Brother Lewis was the youngest speaker at the 1963 March on Washington (where Dr.
Martin Luther King gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech). Illustrious Brother Lewis leaves behind a legacy of fighting for equality and justice for all.
If you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have a moral obligation to do something about it. —John Lewis
He was laid to rest with Masonic honors on July 29th in the rotunda of the Georgia State Capitol.
The Northern Light
Brothers Wanted!
First Responders/Front Line Heroes Speakers Bureau The Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite is looking for qualified Brothers that currently work or have worked in the First Responder, Medical Front Line community for Supreme Council’s 2021 recognition program.
This is an exciting program that will focus on the tremendous deeds our own brethren in these various fields do every day. If you have been in, or currently work in Law Enforcement, Fire/ Rescue, or the medical fields, and would be interested in being a part of the “AASR Speakers Bureau” to deliver public talks to Valleys in the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, we can use your help! The purpose of this Speakers Bureau is to establish a pool of qualified speakers on a variety of subjects concerning First
Responders. If a Valley cannot furnish a speaker of their own, they can contact Supreme Council, and we can assign a speaker to assist a Valley with this need. The qualified Brother should then be able to deliver a 10 to 15-minute speech on their profession, their experiences, and where they see the future of their profession going. As this is the first Speakers Bureau of its kind, we are excited to put this together as a service to the Valleys.
! To register, please visit:
The Northern Light P.O. Box 519 Lexington, MA 02420-0519
Back by popular demand, Scottish Rite Charities will once again be hitting the airwaves with our 3rd annual Giving Tuesday Telethon. Because of you, our Charities have made an incredible difference in the lives of others. Join us at on December 1st, 2020 at 7PM as we share that story of impact, and be a part of this amazing work!