Guests who have a great experience come back to Altar’d State. A Sales Champion empowers guests to shop by following up with them!
C ontinueto the next part of your Sales Champion training by going to building block 31!
Think about it
Think of a time when an associate followed up with you about something you really cared about. How did you feel? Did you buy from that company again?
Head back to building block 32 and test your skills!
Tell us about it
Nowthat you’ve checked out the building block training, head over to the Sales Champion WindowSurveyto answer the following questions.
What are three things you can do to really connect with guests?
Explain how you will do those things.
Time to find your leader. We can ’ t wait for youto Try It Out! Use the Try it Out Cards and practice what you learned
How’d it go?
How did you do on your challenge?
What did you learn?
Time to Grab a partner, discuss your learnings, and show them whatyou learned!
C ompletethe 2nd part of the Try it Out Card.
I’m sure you rocked it!
Whatwas theirfeed backto you?
Discuss with your Leader!
You did it!
Time to move onto your next touchpoint!
in the pursuit of what sets your soul