expertsdish You asked – we have answers. Nothing beats tips from people that plan parties for a living. Mothers and friends may offer hand holding and input – although, do they really know if serving fish to a crowd of 200 is the best idea (especially on a hot summer night in an enclosed venue)? From room design and layout to photo souvenirs – we asked local experts for their guidance. Here’s what they had to share:
Candy Table 101: Choose a dozen different colorful candies. Mix it up - sour, chocolate and sweet. Personalize it by creating a custom container for the candy. Don’t worry if you have too much - the leftovers are yours! Andrea Solomon, Event Planner
When hiring a photographer, look for the 5 E’s : Equipment, Energy, Expertise, Enthusiasm and above all… Experience! Brian Masserman, Masserman Photography
Never force a theme - if it is meant to be it will come naturally. Every piece of décor at your event should be about you! Debbie LeClaire, Designs by Debbie LeClaire
If you’re considering a step-and-repeat, you can achieve the same effect digitally on a green screen without the glare! Brian Fishman, Star Trax Events
11 plan it! magazine : fall 2016