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Making Their Mark in 2023

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Sales Calendar

Sales Calendar

There have been some changes in ASA policies since the beginning of 2023. To avoid any confusion, I will address the changes this month.

First, I want to clarify that there are no in-office fees for processing checks sent into the office for payment of work done online. The only time there will be an in-office fee is when the staff processes registrations, transfers, DNA, or other activities that could have been done online which cuts into staff’s regular duties. If you complete your work online and choose to mail a check instead of using a credit card online, there is no extra fee for processing that payment.

The other big change in 2023 is how DNA samples are processed. The order form is now built into the registry (Digital Beef) and you can complete it with fewer errors. Go to the pull-down menu and click on “DNA” then select the animal you want to be tested - it will automatically fill in the sire/dam registration numbers, sex, and tattoo for you. (This is why animals being tested must be registered or recorded with a U number preceding the registration number, so Digital Beef can find the animal in your inventory to fill in the needed information.) With this new online tool, there are fewer possibilities of misinformation being submitted. You must still select from the pull down menu, the type of sample you are sending to the lab, then select the proper box(es) for the test or tests you wish to be run. The cost of the test will automatically be generated on the form and will include any additional special fees. (Hair, Semen, etc.) An essential part is to include the barcode number from the sample card or TSU in the barcode field on the submission form. It is essential to double-check that these numbers are accurate. (The barcode is the ID number attached to that sample at the lab and for the ASA office to find your results.) After filling in the form in the registry, you will select “Submit to Staff.” The office staff will then review the form and approve it. After approval from staff, the submission form is emailed back to you to print and mail with your samples directly to the lab. (This process requires the breeder to have sample cards or TSU’s on hand before they can submit DNA). This new change should save some faster turnaround time in getting results. If you get started and have a question, please call the office and for assistance. New processes take a little time to figure out and get used to. We can understand some confusion at the beginning. The DNA form is still on the website, so you can still send your samples to the office to be processed, but a fee will be added for that compared to using the form in the registry and sending your samples and paper work directly to the lab. The staff has worked diligently to streamline this DNA submission process, hoping it helps the timeline and service for Shorthorn breeders.

There is another major project regarding sponsorship of the Junior National. The Shorthorn Youth Development Fund Board has authorized a 50/50 drawing that started at the Annual Meeting in November. The 50/50 tickets will continue to be sold through the Junior National in Des Moines in June. SDYF will have 50/50 tickets for sale at all the events between the Annual Meeting and the closing of the Junior National. We expect and hope this to become a significant pot to share 50/50. You may call the office and buy tickets, and charge the cost to your Digital Beef account, which goes directly into SYDF. This could be a chance for a $20 donation to win a half-pot of possibly $5,000 - $10,000 or more, depending on how big the pot gets. This is a fun and great way to support our youth. (Maybe the winner will even share some of that success with the SYDF for the Juniors.)

I had the privilege of writing this article after the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City. All the other reports are in, and the deadline for the magazine has passed, but I feel moved to share some of the excitement right now from this Super National Show. Shorthorns made their mark on this event in 2023 in a big way. The Summit Sale was the best and biggest we have ever had. The gross sale receipts was the highest of any breed association sale held at Cattlemen’s Congress. It quickly became the talk of the show. The live animals averaged $13,282, and 6 bulls averaged $42,675 and top bull brought over $105,000. A bull from the Champion Pen of Three sold for $85,000. The next bull in line brought over $50,000. Pick of the Champion Pen of Heifers brought over $10,000 for 2 picks. What a way to start the new year! Thank you to all the consignors and buyers for making this a great success. This would not have happened without the help and guidance from Jeff Aegerter at AMS. Watch for the full sale report in the March Shorthorn Country.

The Shorthorn Pen Show was another spectacular event. We had a big crowd on hand watching this show again. The OKC Pen Show has become a mainstay for our breed. Look for the full report from Cattlemen’s Congress in next month’s issue! Shorthorns are achieving new levels of acceptance in 2023!

Scan the QR code to listen to more about Shorthorns at the 2023 Cattlemen’s Congress.

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