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ASA Board Meeting Minutes Continued

Cassie Reid was present to answer questions regarding the annual meeting and event activities report previously sent to the Board Members

Break for Lunch.

Matt Woolfolk was present for questions regarding his Performance Activities and Commercial Acceptance Reports previously sent to the Board.

The Board heard a combined report from all committees concerning a new Performance Show. After discussion, the Board agreed to appoint a special Performance Show Committee consisting of the Show Committee. Other Committee chairs, a representative from the Pen show exhibitors, and outside ASA members to design a possible new type of performance show that could possibly be launched at the 2024 Cattlemen’s Congress.

Montie Soules presented a staff report.

The Board went into Executive Session.

The Board reviewed the Strategic Plan results and initiatives presented by the entire staff. After discussion, the presented initiatives were tabled until the next day.

The Board reviewed the list of Judges for the 2022-2023 show season and Junior National and unanimously approved removing certain names by motion & second.

The Board unanimously approved the remaining names on the Judges list for the 2022-2023 show season and 2023 Junior National.

Meeting adjourned at 5:45 for the day.

The Board and ASA Staff had dinner together.

The Board reconvened on Sept. 21, 2022, at 8:00 am with the same Board members present.

The Board Continued reviewing the Strategic Planning Initiatives the Staff had selected as a priority.

The Board unanimously approved initiative #1; staff listed priorities to Increase revenue to enhance and develop core business opportunities, as listed below

1. Increase fees

2. Breeder education (as a fundraising opportunity)

3. Hybrid Office and WFH environment

Junior Program Focus

1. Add alumni association

The Board considered increasing the fees listed in Initiative #1 for services such as registrations, transfers, and other activities needed by the membership. The Board unanimously approved the new fee schedule attached as Exhibit A (The final fee schedule was emailed to Board members for approval before being printed in the November Shorthorn Country)

The Board reviewed Initiate # 2, To Enhance a better-equipped and motivated breeder. They added a couple of initiatives to the staff priority list and moved some initiatives from Initiative #4 to Initiative #2.

The Board unanimously approved the priority initiatives from Initiative #2 listed below.

1. Educational videos.

2. Shorthorn App.

3. Educational breakout sessions at the annual meeting.

4. Data Collection on pedigrees/transfers.

5. Recognize breeder excellence.

6. Shorthorn Breed Improvement Forum (board relocated to initiative 2)

7. SH Breeder Education (board relocated to initiative 2)

Junior Program Focus

1. Addition of educational activities at NJSS.

The Board reviewed Initiative # 3, To build high brand equity for ASA and Shorthorn. The Board unanimously approved initiative #3 staff listed priorities below

1. Improve social media presence, including the use of keywords.

The Board unanimously approved initiative #4 priorities listed below

1. Shorthorn Research & Development

2. Develop relationships with Commercial Genetics

The Board unanimously approved the new ASA Mission Statement. The mission of the American Shorthorn Association is to serve and empower the members, protect the integrity of the herdbook and database; enhance and communicate the value of the Shorthorn breed, and expand the use of Shorthorn genetics in the U.S. beef industry.

The Board unanimously approved a new Vision Statement. Be recognized as the preferred British breed that creates profitability and embraces innovation in beef cattle production while honoring the rich history and tradition of the Shorthorn family.

The Board reviewed a letter from Derek Jungels concerning how the pen show bulls and female classes are broken by age vs. average days of age. The Board agreed to have the issue presented to the pen exhibitors at the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City in Jan. 2023 and to let the exhibitors vote on it. The premium books for the pen show have been completed and approved for the 2023 show, so any approved changes would be effective for the 2024 pen show.

Meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm.


American Shorthorn Association Board Meeting Minutes

November 18, 2022

ASA Office, Kansas City, Mo.

Pending ASA Board Approval

President Joe Bales called the meeting to order on Nov. 18, 2022, at 8:10 am.

Present: President Joe Bales, Vice-President John Sonderman, Toby Jordan, John Russel, Lee Miller, Jeff Bedwell, and Executive Secretary Montie Soules. Mark Gordon was present on zoom for the meeting.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and KPIs to be presented at the annual meeting were reviewed.

The minutes were unanimously approved for the Sept. 21 and 22, 2022, meeting with noted corrections.

The Board unanimously approved the financial report presented by Montie Soules, ending October 31, 2022.

The Board unanimously approved a motion from the finance committee to accept the gain or losses on bond investments at the time the bonds mature.

Due to changes in which bond investment gains/losses and maturity valuations are recorded, the Board unanimously approved a motion from the Finance Committee to have the auditor’s report list only the totals for the current fiscal year (2021-2022). The Board reviewed the information and compared to previous years for accuracy. Moving forward, annual totals will be able to provide a year over year comparison.

The Board unanimously approved to accept the final audit from Varney and Associates for the fiscal year Sept. 1, 2021, to Aug. 31, 2022.

Montie Soules and Joe Bales gave a final report on the 150th Celebration showing all the activities and costs for the total celebration.

Heather Lange presented registrations and DNA reports. She explained the new process of doing DNA samples by having breeders fill out the order form in Digital Beef. Then submit the form to the office for approval. After the approval, the office would release the form to the breeder to send the form and sample cards or TSU’s directly to the lab. It was explained that for this to work, the animals needed to have a registration number or be recorded with a U unregistered number.

The Board unanimously approved a motion to require a registration number and or a U (unregistered) recorded number to submit DNA by the breeder directly to the lab.

The Board reviewed Initiative # 4 To Establish Shorthorns as the preferred breed for commercial crossbreeding programs. The Board moved a couple of the initiatives from Initiative #4 to Initiative # 2 as they fit that area better. The Board added an initiative to the priority list for Initiative #4

Shelby Diehm gave a short report on the Junior activities. She shared with the Board the venues that have been secured for future Junior National Shorthorn Shows and Youth Conferences.

Shelby Diehm shared new promotional items that will be handed out and sold at the Annual Meeting, Cattlemen’s Congress and NCBA Convention.

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