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ASA Board Meeting Minutes Continued

American Shorthorn Association Virtual Zoom Meeting

May 12, 2022

Present on the call: President Hugh Mooney, Vice-president Joe Bales, Dave President Joe Bales called the meeting to order on May 12, 2022, at 12:00 noon.

Present: President Joe Bales, Vice-President John Sonderman, Dave Greenhorn, Toby Jordan, Mark Gordon, Lee Miller, Jeff Bedwell, and Executive Secretary Montie Soules.

The Board unanimously approved the judge selection for the Cattleman’s Congress Pen Show.

The Board unanimously approved the Show honorees for the 2022-2023 National Shows.

The Board unanimously approved the renewal of the agreement with Digital Beef beginning in Feb. 2023.

Montie gave an update on the investments at Edward Jones.

Montie shared the process of getting ShorthornPlus trademarked. An update on Junior National entries was shared. The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm. =

A very brief financial report was presented since the fiscal year-end is soon.

The Board Members had previously received the names and bios of award nominees from the membership. They also had previous years’ nominations and bios to review before the meeting.

The Board unanimously approved the selection of Doyle Hendrickson as the Heritage Award winner to be presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting Awards Banquet.

The Board unanimously approved the selection of Darryl Rahn as the Merit Award winner to be presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting Awards Banquet.

Jeff Bedwell excused himself from the meeting as he had been nominated for the Builder of the Breed by a member of ASA.

The Board unanimously approved the selection of Cory Bollum as a recipient of the Builder of the Breed Award at the 2022 Annual Meeting.

The Board unanimously approved the selection of Greg Crawford as a recipient of the Builder of the Breed Award at the 2022 Annual Meeting.

The Board unanimously approved the selection of Jeff Bedwell as a recipient of the Builder of the Breed award at the 2022 Annual Meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:40pm.

American Shorthorn Association Board Meeting Minutes

American Shorthorn Association Board Meeting Minutes

June 26 -28, 2022 - Strategic Planning Session

Sheraton Hotel, Kansas City, MO

Present: President Joe Bales, Vice-President John Sonderman, Dave Greenhorn, Toby Jordan, Mark Gordon, Lee Miller, John Russell, Jeff Bedwell, Executive Secretary Montie Soules, and facilitators Dr. Tom Field and Bryce Schumann.

The first session started at 1:00 pm on Sunday, June 26, 2022.

The Facilitators made introductions and outlined the process and started interactions with Board Members and the Executive.

The Board adjourned at 5:30 to dinner as a group with the Facilitators.

The Board reconvened on June 27 at 7:45 with the ASA Staff (Heather Lange, Matt Woolfolk, Shelby Diehm, Cassie Reid, Wade Minihan, and Amy Sampson) joining the group.

The Facilitator challenged the group to find priorities for the ASA and to share concerns and visions of how the association can function in three to five years. The group was broken into 3- and 4-person groups to come up with ideas. After all the items were listed, each person had the opportunity to select the three top priorities they felt should be addressed. The unity of the group was impressive, and the majority was very much on the same page.

The group discussed a new vision and mission statement.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30pm when everyone shared dinner as a group.

The meeting reconvened on June 28 with just the Board and executive. The previous days’ activities were reviewed. The group devised a new mission statement and vision statement to be reviewed at future Board Meetings.

The staff was asked to review all the information and come up with initiatives and timelines to put the agreed-upon priorities in motion. The ASA Board was commissioned by the facilitators to look at this information and make final decisions with the staff to implement these priorities.

The group adjourned at 12 noon on June 28.

American Shorthorn Association Virtual Zoom Meeting

August 23, 2022

President Joe Bales called the meeting to order on May 12, 2022 at 12:00 noon.

Present: President Joe Bales, Vice-President John Sonderman, Dave Greenhorn, Toby Jordan, Mark Gordon, Lee Miller, John Russell, Jeff Bedwell, and Executive Secretary Montie Soules.

September 21 & 22, 2022

ASA Office, Kansas City, Mo.

President Joe Bales called the meeting to order on Sept. 21, 2022, at 8:10 am.

Present: President Joe Bales, Vice-President John Sonderman, Toby Jordan, John Russel, Mark Gordon, Lee Miller, Jeff Bedwell, and Executive Secretary Montie Soules.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for fiscal year end were reviewed and discussed.

The minutes were unanimously approved for the Mar. 9-10, 2022 meeting, the strategic planning session June 26-28, 2022, and the virtual meetings on May 12, 2022, and August 23, 2022.

The Board unanimously approved the financial report for audit for the fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 2022, as presented by Jason Rowland and Montie Soules.

The Board unanimously approved the budgets for the fiscal year Sept. 1, 2022 through Aug. 31, 2022 with a review of the budget after six months, as presented by Jason Rowland and Montie Soules.

Heather Lange was present to answer questions about her Registrations and DNA report previously sent to the Board Members.

Shelby Diehm was present to answer questions regarding the Junior National and Junior Activities report previously sent to the Board Members.

The Board unanimously approved updated locations for the Junior National for the years of 2024 through 2030 with the flexibility to move locations if needed by both the Junior Director and Executive/CEO.

Locations presented below:

2023 – Des Moines, Iowa

2004 – Baltimore, Maryland

2025 – Grand Island, Nebraska (under contract)

2026 – Abilene, Texas (Dates held in TX working on a proposal)

2027 – TBD (Looks Like WI is now an option as planned)

2028 – Louisville, Kentucky (dates held)

2029 – Denver if the new facility is ready

2030 – Kansas City if the new facility is ready

Shelby Deihm answered questions regarding her Marketing and Communications report previously sent to the Board Members.

Joe Bales and Montie Soules reported on the activities for the 150th ASA Anniversary Celebration.

Cassie Reid and Wade Minihan answered questions regarding the show reports and numbers of head exhibited previously sent to the Board Members.

Wade Minihan was present to answer questions regarding membership and delegate election activities report previously sent to the Board Members.

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