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American Shorthorn Association Board Meeting Minutes

American Shorthorn Association Board Virtual Conference Call Minutes

January 4, 2022

President Joe Bales called the virtual meeting via Zoom to order at 12:08pm central time.

Present on the call: President, Joe Bales, Vice President, John Sonderman, Toby Jordon, Mark Gordon, Jeff Bedwell and Montie Soules (exec sec). A quorum was present.

The Board unanimously approved to schedule the ASA 2023 Annual Meeting on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, Nov. 19, 2023 in Kansas City, MO at the Hilton Airport Hotel.

The Board unanimously approved the fiscal year 2020-2021 audit as presented by Varney Associates and approved to publish those results in the Feb. 2022 issue of Shorthorn Country.

Meeting adjourned at 12:30pm. =

American Shorthorn Association Board Meeting Minutes

March 9 & 10, 2022

ASA Office, Kansas City, Mo.

President Joe Bales called the meeting to order on March 9, 2022, at 8:00 am.

Present: President Joe Bales, Vice-President John Sonderman, Dave Greenhorn, Toby Jordan, John Russel, Jerrell Crow, Mark Gordon, Lee Miller, Jeff Bedwell, and Executive Secretary Montie Soules.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were reviewed and discussed. The minutes were unanimously approved for Oct. 22, 2021, meeting and the virtual Jan. 4, 2022, virtual meeting.

The Board unanimously approved the financial report through the end of Feb. 2022, presented by Jason Rowland and Montie Soules.

The Board unanimously approved the revised budget for the second half of the fiscal year presented by Jason Rowland and Montie Soules.

Heather Lange was present to answer questions about her Registrations and DNA report previously sent to the Board Members.

The Board unanimously approved updating the rules changes below to read as printed.

Rule III

Section 6

A. A.I. ELIGIBILITY: The following registration requirements shall apply to calves resulting from artificial insemination: i. DNA Genotyping/Genetic Condition Testing: The A.I. sire (Shorthorn/ ShorthornPlus/Durham Red) must have been DNA genotyped for genomics per the standard ASA test used for GE-EPDS (100K test as of 1/1/2022) and parentage markers on file that qualifies to their sire and/or dam (if those profiles are available) on file at ASA. Progeny registration applications will not be processed unless the resulting progeny meets the requirements in Rule III Section 8, A, i. The expense of collection and DNA genotyping will be at the cost of the sire’s owner. In addition to a DNA genotype, each A.I. sire must have the test results for all known breed genetic conditions on file with the ASA and be included on the ASA Genetic Condition Status List (consistent with Rule III, Section 8 of this document).

B. EMBRYO TRANSPLANT ELIGIBILITY: The following registration requirements shall apply to the registration of calves resulting from embryo transplant, whether purchased as embryos (fresh or frozen) or purchased in a pregnant recipient cow: i. DNA Genotyping: The donor dam must have a DNA genotype genomics per standard ASA test used for GE-EPDS (100K test as of 1/1/2022) and parentage markers on file that qualify to their sire and/or dam (if those profiles are available) on file at ASA. Progeny registration applications will not be processed unless the resulting progeny meets the requirements in Rule III Section 8, A, i. In addition to a DNA genotype, each donor dam must have test results for all known breed Genetic Conditions on file with the ASA and be included on the ASA Genetic Conditions Status List (consistent with Rule III, Section 8 of this document).

Rule III

Section 8. DNA GENOTYPING/GENETIC CONDITION TESTINGS i. General: Animals do not have to be DNA genotyped to be registered. However, if an animal becomes an A.I. sire or a donor dam, all required genetic testing must be completed, and a DNA genotype for genomic GE-EPDs will be parent verified, whenever possible, on file with the ASA before registering any progeny. If an A.I. sire or donor dam has died or the resulting progeny do not have the appropriate DNA for all known genetic conditions on file with the ASA, then the resulting calves can only be registered after the same tests for A.I. Sire or Donor Dam qualifications are met for each AI and/or embryo calf.

A. DNA GENOTYPING: DNA genotyping is utilized to produce GE-EPDs and establish parentage verification and may also be used in determining the presence of a genetic condition.

Rule III. (Reference in Rule II K i. DNA requirements for sires used for natural service refer to Rule III Section 8 A ii )

Section 8 A ii

All bulls (Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus) born on January 1, 2022, and after will be required to have a genomic profile per standard ASA test used for GE-EPDs, and parentage markers on file (100K test as of 1/1/2022) that qualify to their sire and/ or dam (if those profiles are available) in order to register any progeny with the American Shorthorn Association.”

Shelby Diehm was present to answer questions regarding the Junior National and Junior activities report previously sent to the Board Members.

The Board approved Shelby Diehm to be recognized in the minutes for being voted the Best Junior Activities Director and the Shorthorn Junior National Show and Youth conference being voted the best Junior National for two consecutive years.

The Board unanimously approved the future Junior National locations.

Shelby Deihm was present to answer questions from her Marketing and Communications report previously sent to the Board Members.

Amy Sampson reported on the activity and plans for the special 150th Herd Book edition in July.

Joe Bales and Montie Soules reported on the activities for the 150th ASA Anniversary Celebration.

Break for Lunch.

Matt Woolfolk was present for questions regarding his Performance Activities and Commercial Acceptance Reports previously sent to the Board.

Matt explained the UGC activity and the relationship and possible differences when looking at scan data taken at the show vs. scan data taken at the farm sent to a lab. There was also a discussion on possible feed efficiency EPDs.

Wade Minihan and Cassie Reid were present to answer questions from the Shows, events, and membership activities report previously sent to the Board Members.

The Board unanimously approved the 2022-2023 Super Regional and Regional Show Locations.

Montie Soules presented a staff report.

The Board went into Executive Session.

Meeting adjourned at 4:30 for the day.

The Board and ASA Staff had dinner together.

The Board reconvened on March 10, 2022, at 7:55 am

Topics and discussions for planning the Strategic Planning Session with Dr. Tom Field and Bryce Schumann in June were discussed.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 due to weather conditions for Board members to get started for home.

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