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ASA Board Meeting Minutes Continued
Cassie Reid and Wade Minihan updated the activity at national shows and the activity of the Show committee voting for Judges for the 2022-2023 show season.
Cassie Reid gave an update on events scheduled and activities for the annual meeting.
Wade Minihan reported on the number of total votes represented by the delegates confirmed to attend the annual meeting and the number of votes they would represent, which was 88% of the total votes available.
Jeff Bedwell and Matt Woolfolk reported on the activity of the Performance Show Committee.
Break for Lunch.
Matt Woolfolk was present for questions regarding his Performance Activities and Commercial Acceptance Reports previously sent to the Board.
Matt Woolfolk gave an update on reviewing the indexes and other areas related to the performance and commercially accepted activities.
The Board unanimously approved Kevin Wendt as a new Board member on the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund Foundation Board.
Montie Soules reported that the IRS had approved the application for the 501 (c) (3) for the SYDF Foundation.
The Board unanimously approved accepting the strategic planning timeline and staff assignments presented to the board.
The Board went into an extensive discussion on the time of the year, dates and locations for future annual meetings and the planning of a major breed symposium resulting from the strategic plan.
The Board instructed Matt Woolfolk to investigate locations and availability at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, Iowa State University, the University of Kentucky, and the University of Tennessee at Knoxville for a possible time in July or early August 2024.
The Board unanimously approved holding the annual meeting for the next two years in conjunction with the American Royal on the Saturday after the show in Kansas City.
The Board went into Executive Session. While in Executive Session, the Board approved a new employment agreement for Montie Soules. They also elected John Sonderman as the new president and Toby Jordan as the new vice president of the ASA for the next year.
Meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm. =

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Don Cagwin
P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, Illinois 62691 office: 217-452-3051 • cell: 217-341-7552
Kerry Johnston cell: 217-370-6033
Dalton Johnston cell: 217-416-9536
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Trey: 618-367-0764
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