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Beef Business

It’s Closing Time

Every memory of a show for me starts with the anticipation before the show and ends with the sadness of leaving a show. And frankly speaking, the end of the 2022-2023 ASA Point Show Season gives me the same feeling.

As we wrap up our show season this month with the last National Show at the Dixie National, consider this a thank you from the entire American Shorthorn Association staff! We each love organizing and attending these shows. You as breeders and exhibitors serve as the cherry on top in our great show endeavors. We look forward to seeing you in the ring at Junior Nationals and all the upcoming 2023-2024 point shows!

One change implemented this year is our show points being trackable via “Show Points” on DigitalBeef. By logging into their DigitalBeef account, members will find “Show Points” on the left-hand menu. Once on this page, choose your region (Northeast, West, National, etc.) and division (Purebred/ShorthornPlus and Bulls/Females).

Animals are sorted by division, and then by DOB. This allows you to see how an animal ranks in their specific division. Should you have questions about these points or awards, let Wade or Cassie know.

Staff will be auditing show points in the coming months and will have the Regional and National Awards published in the May/June issue of Shorthorn Country.

Best of luck at all the upcoming Spring Shows!

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