2023 January Shorthorn Country

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The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.
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january 2023

issue 1 • volume 50

7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net

Shorthorn Country

The January cover photos were taken by Linde’s Livestock Photos LLC and the American Shorthorn Association.

advertising rates

1x 11x

Full page $680 $610

2/3 page 505 465

1/2 page-island 405 375

1/2 page 380 350

1/3 page 290 275

1/4 page 235 210 1/6 page 165 150

Business card (1 1/2”) 50 400/yr

* Additional cost for pictures & multiple proofs

color rates 4 color $200 1 color $195

* Color only available on half of page or larger

Contract Rates And Discounts:

Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.

Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs

Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.

Don Cagwin, publisher

Amy Sampson, managing editor/creative director 816-599-7777 • amy@shorthorncountry.org

Amanda Cagwin, accountant • amandacagwin@yahoo.com

=Advertising Representatives

Cindy Cagwin-Johnston 217-452-3051 • cagwincattle@casscomm.com

Darryl Rahn 217-473-1124 • drahn@casscomm.com

Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC 913-268-5725 • Jay@carlsonmediagroup.com

=Advisory Council Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co.


US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year US First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300


(ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices.

POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.

Features 2022 ASA Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet 16 NAILE 2022 Show Honoree - The Brown Family ...................... 30 Shorthorn Herdsman of the Year................................................. 52 january 2023 The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed. Departments Update .......................................................................... 6 Association Outlook 8 Since You Asked 10 In the Know ............................................................... 12 Beef Blurb................................................................... 14 Junior Corner ............................................................. 24 Tartan Plaid 26 News & Notes 28 2022-2023 ASA Point Show System ........................... 60 Sales Calendar............................................................. 61 Ad Index ..................................................................... 62 Sale Reports Where Future Generations are Created ....................................... 54 A Maternal Event 55 Show Results NAILE 2022 Super National Open Shorthorn Show 34 NAILE 2022 Super National Open ShorthornPlus Show 40 NAILE 2022 Junior Shorthorn Show ......................................... 44 NAILE 2022 Junior ShorthornPlus Show ................................... 48
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Shorthorn Update

American Shorthorn Association

7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorn.org

Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org

Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs; performance data & commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org

Heather Lange, director of office operations; customer service, registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org

Shelby Diehm, director of youth activities; marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org

Cassie Reid, director of shows & events; customer service specialist cassie@shorthorn.org

Wade Minihan, director of shows & member communications; customer service specialist • wade@shorthorn.org

Accounting • accountmgr@shorthorn.org

ASA Dates of Note


Jan. 1 2023 ASA Membership is Due

Jan. 1-3 ASA Office Closed

Jan. 9 Deadline for early discount for 2023 WHR assessment fees ($18)

Jan. 6 CC Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Heifer Show

Jan. 6 CC Super National ShorthornPlus Bull & Female Show

Jan. 7 Cattlemen’s Congress Pen Show

Jan. 7 “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale

Jan. 8 CC Super National Shorthorn Bull & Female Show

Jan. 9 WHR Assessment Fee Early Discount Deadline ($18)

Jan. 11 NWSS Junior Shorthorn Show

Jan. 12 NWSS Pen Show

Jan. 13 NWSS National Shorthorn Show

ASA Board of Directors

John Sonderman, president 402-641-0936

Toby Jordan, vice president 219-819-4603

Joe Bales, executive director 615-330-2342

Dave Greenhorn, 937-470-6552

Lee Miller, 330-231-6834

John Russell, 832-588-8604

Mark Gordon, 217-737-7905

Jeff Bedwell, 580-822-5590

Rick Osterday, 605-281-1175

Shorthorn Foundation

Bill Rasor, president

American Junior Shorthorn Association

Faye Smith, president

National Shorthorn Lassies Sommer Smith, president

WHR Breeders

WHR Assessments for 2023 were sent in November. If you have not received yours, please contact the ASA office as soon as possible.

1. WHR inventory assessments must be completed and paid in full prior to registering calves born in the current assessment period, (i.e. 2023 assessment on a dam must be completed and paid in order to register her calf born in 2023.)

2. Included with each assessment is the registration of a calf born to the dam in the year she was assessed (if calf is registered prior to one year of age) and a free transfer of said calf (if recorded within 60 days from the date of the sale.) (i.e. cost to register a calf born in 2023 to an assessed 2023 dam will be $0, if calf is registered within 12 months)

2023 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: November 1, 2022 - January 9, 2023 $18 January 10, 2023 - February 28, 2023 $24 March 1, 2023 and after $30

*Calves born in previous year(s) to unassessed dams will incur additional fees.

New Rule - Jan. 1, 2022

The Board of Directors unanimously approved a new rule, which begins January 1, 2022: “All bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) born January 1, 2022 and after will be required to have a genomic profile and parentage markers on file in order to register any progeny with the American Shorthorn Association”.

Jan. 29 Fort Worth Stock ShowNational Shorthorn Show Jan. 30 Shorthorn Episode on the American Rancher on RFD TV February

Feb. 1-3 NCBA Convention & Trade Show, New Orleans, Louisiana Feb. 11 Dixie National Livestock ShowNational Shorthorn Show Feb. 28 WHR Assessment Fee Regular Discount Deadline ($24) Feb. 28 Membership becomes delinquent at 11:59pm CT if not paid March March 1 WHR Assessment Fee Increases to $30/head April April 10 AJSA Junior Board Candidate Application Deadline

2023 ASA Annual Membership

This means that regardless of service type, all bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) used for breeding need to be genomically tested (currently, this is the 100K test but could be subject to change according to Neogen standards in the future). This pertains to AI sires as well as pasture sires/clean up bulls. The rule only affects bulls born after Jan 1, 2022, so this rule won’t really come into play until their progeny are born, late 2023 or 2024. Please be aware that AI sires still require the 3 genetic conditions as well – TH, PHA, and DS.

New DNA Card Fees

Our approved lab for DNA, Neogen, has increased the cost of blood and hair cards to the ASA and as a result, it is necessary to start charging for them to cover this increase, plus the postage it takes to send them.

Blood cards are now $1/card and hair cards are $2/card. Methods for obtaining them have not changed. Please call the office or fill out the card request on shorthorn.org to order. The lab’s preferred methods are TSU samples and blood cards. TSU kits can be purchased directly through Neogen or Allflex.

*Remember, there is an additional fee for testing hair and semen.

**DO NOT test twins via blood samples.

Regular Office Hours

Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm

Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone (ASA Staff Meeting Wednesdays 10:00-11:00 AM)

2023 International Year Code: L

let your membership lapse!
you pay your
membership fee by
and your
you will become a WHR Member when you renew your membership.
Make sure
February 28th. If you are a TOC Member
membership is not
by February 28, 2023,
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Association Outlook

Bringing in the New Year

As we start 2023, I’d like to review some changes that have been enacted during the past year or two at the Association.

I want to clarify for everyone the differences between the Shorthorn Foundation and the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund. So, there is no misunderstanding; both are 501 (c) (3) corporations making them non-profit foundations.

The Shorthorn Foundation has been around for many years, supporting the Shorthorn breed. It is the source of memorials for the Shorthorn breed and is responsible for scholarships that are awarded to junior members at the Junior National. Donations are accepted for these purposes and more. It has and will continue to support research projects for the breed using donations earmarked for this purpose. The Shorthorn Foundation is still functioning as it always has to support the breed through donations for these and any other purposes donors may request. The Foundation supports our youth and donates the cost of the Herdsman of the Year Award and the list goes on as this organization underwrites the needs of our membership. A system is in place to keep donations for specific purposes identified to be used for that purpose. The main goals have been memorials for scholarships or other memorials specifically identified for personal wishes.

The Shorthorn Youth Development Fund (SYDF) is a foundation established with a separate board of directors for the sole purpose of supporting the National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference and Junior Board activities. All funds go to these objectives; the goal of this foundation is to provide sustainability for our junior programs, including the Junior National. The cost of this single activity continues to rise, and the need for more funds to maintain

the current level is a high priority. Donations all go to the general fund for the purpose of the junior programs. The SYDF Board of Directors is responsible for securing the funds needed for the longevity of this great event in the breed. The Shorthorn Junior National & Youth Conference is by far the largest attended event in the breed each year. Last year the SYDF contributed over $127,000 to the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference. The energy of this SYDF Board for support from our breeders and beyond is ultra-important to continue the activities at the Junior National we have all become accustomed to.

It was time to clarify the differences so you can understand how they work and what they do for the breed. Both foundations are important to our future and there are differences in the goals of the two foundations, as neither one is trying to overlap the other. Both need your support to continue meeting their goals for supporting the Shorthorn breed.

A change going into action as of the new year is the process of DNA submission. This will streamline the process, allowing breeders to send samples directly to the lab. For this to work, some very detailed steps need to be followed. First, the animals you are testing must be recorded with a U number in front of the registration number or be registered and have their registration number attached to the documents - a form is in the Digital Beef registry to fill out. The bar codes on the DNA sample cards must be included, and the bar codes must be correct. Once that form is submitted to the ASA office, it will be approved by staff and returned to accompany your sample that you mail directly to the lab. There will be more detailed instructions on this new process on page 10 in this issue. We will also be completing some

how-to videos and step-by-step tutorials that will be accessible on our social media and website. This should help with turnaround time and streamline the DNA testing process. I caution everyone - it is extremely important to doublecheck your information and make sure it is all correct and complete or the samples may be put aside when they reach the lab. ASA Staff will be ready to help you with this process over the phone. There will be limited staff available during January due to covering the Cattlemen’s Congress, Denver and Fort Worth Shows, plus the NCBA Convention starting February 1st and Dixie National later in February.

Many of the fees also changed at the ASA on January 1, so please check the new fee schedule. Be sure to get your WHR assessments done by midnight, January 9 to receive the discount - an even bigger savings than in the past. The need to increase fees is necessary due to the increases in costs to the ASA.

The month of January is maybe our busiest with three national shows in one month. It takes a lot of staff and member’s time and attention to make these events successful. Don’t forget the “Summit National Shorthorn Sale” at the Cattlemen’s Congress on January 7th. This year’s sale may be the strongest offering we have ever seen in this event.

We are starting off the new year with a bang at OKC the first week of January then on to Denver and Fort Worth, followed by the NCBA Convention and Trade Show in New Orleans and Dixie National. 2023 is set be a busy time for Shorthorn breeders as we a continued increase in new memberships and activity. On January 30th Shorthorns will be featured on The American Rancher on RFD TV. Excitement in the breed continues to grow. 2023 has a lot of unknowns, but one sure thing we see is the acceptance and growth of the Shorthorn breed across America!

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Here we are, at the beginning of another year. Many people like to set New Years’ resolutions, and to those people I say, ‘more power to you!’ I like to look at the new year as a clean slate, so with that in mind, I want to share some pointers when it comes to our newest DNA process of sending samples directly to the lab.

Here are some key factors to successfully send DNA directly to the lab:

1. Animals must be registered or recorded so there is a correct International ID attached to the results.

2. The DNA submission form must accompany samples sent to the lab. If you send samples to the lab without a submission form, they are likely going to be making several phone calls to try to figure out who, what, when, where and why these animals are, and rest assured, there will be additional fees incurred if this is the case. Not to mention, they might either return those samples to you,

or even put them into storage without testing.

3. Possibly the most important piece of information though, is the barcode for your samples. A unique barcode is assigned to every sample. If you have a sample type that doesn’t have a barcode – for example, a semen straw – please reach out to the office and we will assign a barcode for that sample. We are finding that while many breeders are being diligent in including this barcode, there is a huge margin for error, since these barcodes are typically 10+ characters long.

My best advice for nailing the barcodes the first time – invest in a barcode scanner! They, like most things these days, come in a vast range of lowto-high end, but as long as it scans your barcode, that is all you really need it to do! You can find them online as well as in-store. I have seen them on Amazon as well as in stores such as Staples or Office Max.

The tissue samples (called Allflex Tags in Digital Beef) have their own barcodes, which come in the form of QR codes. We have not yet purchased a QR code scanner, but I personally have downloaded a QR scanning app for my cell phone to use for these, which helps immensely, especially if you’ve customized your tissue sampling vials. When entering this type of barcode, be sure to include all letters and numbers.

If you have specific questions about sample taking, handling, or shipping, please refer to the guides on shorthorn. org – there should be an answer for just about any sample type you would use. There have been several changes implemented that start this year, which can feel overwhelming. Your ASA staff is here to help!

I hope everyone had a great holiday season; and with that, here’s to a great 2023, Shorthorn!

Heather Lange director of office operations, registrations & DNA
Tips for Sending DNA Samples Directly to the Lab https://shorthorn.org/registration-instructions/ Find Details and Tutorials at = Since You Asked... 2023 WHR ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE If Assessment is Completed & Paid: November 1, 2022 - January 9, 2023 January 10, 2023 - February 28, 2023 March 1, 2023 and after Pay this amount per head $18 $24 $30 10 shorthorn country = january 2023
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In the Know

Jam Packed January

Happy New Year and what a better way to start than with a jam-packed January full of cattle shows. The ASA staff has been working very hard in the office preparing for these shows and as always, are excited to see our breeders bring at the best of their cattle to these shows. Our staff will be attending the following shows: Cattlemen’s Congress, National Western Stock Show (NWSS), Fort Worth Stock Show and the Dixie National Livestock Show.

Cattlemen’s Congress is one of our biggest shows and we look forward to having a great week in OKC. This Super National show is always an exciting event, so double check the schedule and make sure you don’t overlook all the exciting things going on. Especially the Summit sale, this is an event you don’t want to miss.

National Western Stock Show this year follows closely behind Cattlemen’s Congress. We have worked with the

NWSS staff to make it possible for Shorthorn breeders to be able to attend both shows. If you are traveling to Cattlemen’s Congress and NWSS, check out the schedule to make sure you are arriving to the facilities when needed.

Fort Worth Stock Show is the last show we are attending in January. For open show cattle, make sure your open entries are entered the same as the owner on your registration papers. If you are finding yourself in need of a correction or fix, contact one of us and we will help you get it sorted out.

We round out the show season by attending the Dixie National. Although this show is in February, we finally have a schedule for the show and wanted to include it for those breeders who are going. Please find the Dixie National Schedule on page 28 This was a popular show the past couple years and we hope to see many Shorthorn breeders return this year.

We are always excited to attend these shows and look forward to socializing with Shorthorn breeders. Please double check the schedule for each show, page 28 in the News and Notes, so you don’t miss out on all that is to come. If you originally entered for a show, but are not able to make it, please let us know. This helps us better prepare and plan when completing check in at those show. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Cassie (cassie@ shorthorn.org) or myself (wade@ shorthorn.org).

We strive to always serve our breeders to the best of our abilities, and we appreciate everyone being patient and understanding as we spend most of the month out of the office traveling to shows. If you see us at a show, and have any questions or need some assistance, please let us know and we’d be happy to help.





Wade Minihan director of shows & member communications; customer service specialist
Congress Open Shows: Jeff Gooden
Congress Junior Shows: Cheramie Viator
Congress Pen Show: Troy Thomas
Upcoming Show Judges:
Western Stock Show Open Shows: Patrick Wall
Junior Shows: Scott Werning NWSS Pen Show: Scott Werning
Worth Stock Show Open Shows: Kyle Conley
Junior Shows: Kody Lucherk 12 shorthorn country = january 2023
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Beef Blurb

Goals Not Resolutions

It is the time of the year for setting New Year’s Resolutions and as I began writing this article I was thinking about the difference between resolutions and goals. So, I did a quick google search and found a Forbes article that discussed the difference. The article suggested setting goals versus resolutions and said why goals are more beneficial and how you can achieve them.

The biggest reason that goals are more beneficial and easier to accomplish is that they are more specific with the best ones being really specific. The more specific you are when you break down the goals you want to achieve, the more likely you will accomplish those goals. You can track those goals and stay focused.

Another suggestion from the article is to keep your goals visible. Write them on sticky notes and put them on your computer screen, hang them on your bathroom mirror or keep them as

a note on your phone you can check off. Whatever way you keep yourself organized, add those goals to that you can see them and see your progress.

You can always turn your resolution into a goal. Take your broad resolution and narrow it down. For example, if your resolution is to save more money then your goal could be to save a certain amount of money each paycheck to reach that certain amount of money saved as your goal.

It is also suggested to choose no more than three goals to work on at a time. If you try to do too much at once, you’ll end up getting overwhelmed which can delay progress. And if you get delayed and lose motivation, you may give up on the goals you have set.

One of my goals this year is for the National Junior Shorthorn Show to be larger than last year with more exhibitors and more head shown.

Another goal is for more money to be raised for the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund. That can’t be done without our generous donors and sponsors. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us so far!

Those are two of the main professional goals I hope to achieve before 2024, alongside a few other smaller ones.

Seth and I have set a personal goal of finishing our cattle working area at our house so by 2024, we can have cattle of our own. We have spent the last few months building a new run off our barn so we can feed some calves for our freezer. This spring, we hope to finish building.

So, take that resolution, make it into a goal and achieve that goal. “If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, not the goal.”

What will your goals be for 2023?


Shelby Diehm director of youth activities, director of marketing & communications
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American Shorthorn Association 2022 Annual Meeting, Forum & Awards Banquet

The American Shorthorn Association 150th Anniversary Celebration officially came to an end during the 2022 ASA Annual Meeting, Forum & Awards Banquet. We kicked it off with a social on November 18th at the Hilton Kansas City Airport. Breeders enjoyed drinks, hors d’oeuvres and conversations with friends in a relaxing atmosphere.

On November 19th, the day began with the review and closing remarks of the 150th Anniversary Celebration. Joe Bales, Toby Jordan and Rick Leone shared the highlights of a great year celebrating the history of the Shorthorn breed. Rick Leone also presented details of the National Western CatchA-Calf with Shorthorn cattle involvement.

It was a great way to wrap up the anniversary and look forward to the future of the breed.

Next up was Bryce Schumann to discuss the ASA 2022 Strategic Plan. He shared the details of the board meeting held in June as the board discussed goals they have for the breed in the next few years. This plan includes four initiatives;

increase revenue to enhance and develop core business opportunities, create a better equipped and motivated breeder, build high brand equity for ASA and Shorthorn, and establish Shorthorns as the preferred breed for commercial crossbreeding programs.

After learning about the strategic plan attendees listened to two different speakers discussing genetics. First was Dr. David Kendall, ST Genetics Director of Genetic Advancement spoke about advancement using genomics via zoom.

Next was Dr. Tamar Crum, a geneticist at Acuity Swine, discussed Genetic Improvement in the Swine Industry relating it back to the cattle industry.

After the speakers and lunch, the Annual Meeting began with Montie Soules, Executive Secretary/CEO of ASA giving the state of the association report. The top five states for registrations are Ohio with 1,587 registrations, Indiana with 1,286 registrations, Iowa with 1,078 registrations, Kansas with 1,011 registrations and Illinois with 929 registrations. He also discussed how our membership continues to grow each year. The nominating committee submitted three candidates for available board positions. John Russell, Texas,

and Lee Miller, Ohio were both up for re-election and Rick Osterday, South Dakota, was a new nominee. They were all selected to serve a three-year term on the ASA board. The board elected new officers for the nine-member board. The new president is John Sonderman of Nebraska, and the vice-president is Toby Jordan of Indiana. The remaining board members are Joe Bales of Tennessee, Dave Greenhorn of Ohio, Mark Gordon of Illinois, Lee Miller of Ohio, John Russell of Texas, Jeff Bedwell of Oklahoma, and Rick Osterday of South Dakota.

Following the Annual Meeting was a social and the awards banquet. Many breeders were recognized for their accomplishments over the past year. Awards were presented for Century Club, Performance Awards and Show Awards. Our Heritage Award went Doyle Hendrickson and was presented to his family. The Merit Award went to Darryl Rahn. The Builders of the Breed were Jeff Bedwell, Cory Bollum, and Greg Crawford.

Make plans to join us in 2023 in conjunction with the American Royal. The Annual Meeting will be October 21st in Kansas City. We look forward to seeing everyone there again!

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Shelby Diehm director of youth activities, director of marketing & communications

Board of Directors

New ASA Board of Directors for the 2022-2023 year.

Front Row Left to Right:

John Russell

John Sonderman, President

Toby Jordan, Vice President

Montie D. Soules, ASA Executive Secretary/CEO

Back Row Left to Right:

Joe Bales, Executive Director Rick Osterday Lee


Retiring Board of Director

Special thanks to retiring Board of Director for his time and commitment to the ASA, Jerrell Crow.

Retiring Presidential Term

Thank you to Joe Bales for your direction and leadership in your role as 2021-2022 President.

Jeff Bedwell Miller Picture: Mark Gordon and Dave Greenhorn
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Century Club Awards

The Century Club Award is given to breeders with 100 registrations or more.

Farm/Name 2021-22

Jungels Shorthorn Farm 429 registered Loving Polled Shorthorns 300 registered Byland 166 registered Waukaru Farms Inc. 156 registered Lazy Bar F Shorthorns 146 registered Paint Valley Farms 144 registered Stangl Shorthorns 133 registered DTR Cattle Company 132 registered Martindell Farms LLC. 132 registered Dale Studer Family 131 registered Bar N Cattle Company 114 registered Hugh W Moore & Sons 114 registered Gilman Shorthorns 110 registered TJ Land & Cattle Company 103 registered Peak View Ranch Inc 103 registered Matthew & Stacy Bigelow 103 registered

Performance Awards

Performance awards are given to animals that meet certain qualifications for each category. This list was published in the November 2022 Shorthorn Country.

Pictured are those who were present to receive their award for the 2021 performance animals.

Peak View Ranch, Inc. Gilman Shorthorns Loving Polled Shorthorns Haumont Shorthorns Nick and Kristin Mizner Hendrickson TST/Nile Valley Farms Dover Ranch, Corp Y Lazy Y Shorthorns Luke Beckler Byland Paint Valley Farms Waukaru Farms, Inc. Kruse Ranch Nathan Studer & Jenny Studer Austin Studer Brock Studer Prairie View Shorthorn Farm Hugh W Moore Jr & Sons Stangl Shorthorns Dale Studer Family The Bollum Family Derek Miller Bert L. Moore J. Phillip Bowman & Family Leveldale Farms
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Century Club Honorees

2021-2022 Region Show Awards

Listed and pictured are those who were present to receive their awards. The full list of these winners were published in the May/June 2022 Shorthorn Country.

Division, Animal Name, Owner

Northeast Region

Shorthorn Female of the Year & Senior Female Champion: DVW Pretty Perfect 230, Megan Keeney

Southeast Region

Shorthorn Female of the Year & Junior Female Champion: RFSS Myrtle Baby 191H, Respite Farm, Inc

Junior Heifer Calf Champion: AST Lovely Rose 121, Jaclyn Thomas.

Senior Bull Calf Champion: Sharben Forward 1172 ET, Sharben Shorthorns

ShorthornPlus Female of the Year & Senior Heifer Calf Champion: Schab’s Drama Queen, Austin Schabbing & Collin Schabbing/Schabbing Shorthorn Farms

North Central Region

Shorthorn Female of the Year & Senior Heifer Calf Champion: MM Amanda Maid HC 126H, Brock David Studer

Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion: DSF Party Gal 57J, Brock David Studer

Junior Heifer Calf Champion: BFS Carmele Pro 113, Emily Bollum

Senior Female Champion: BFS Dazzle Fool RP 006, The Bollum Family

Shorthorn Bull of the Year & Senior Bull Calf Champion: WJM Southern Comfort C14H, 6B Farms & William Milashoski

Early Spring Bull Calf Champion: Studer’s Jaw Dropper 48J, Nathan Studer & Jenny Studer

Junior Bull Champion: Studer’s Hammer Time 43H, Nathan Studer & Jenny Studer

ShorthornPlus Female of the Year & Intermediate Champion: Reever’s Lady 5H ET, Rylee Nicole German ShorthornPlus Senior Female Champion: CMA Advanced Evolution, Abigail Green ShorthornPlus Junior Bull Champion: FJT Red Roan Warning 960H, Jaci Tweeten

South Central Region

Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion: BWS Clair’s Clare 2021-A ET, Bye Well Shorthorns

Junior Heifer Calf Champion: LDB Merci’s Georgia 103 ET, Lane Blankinship

Intermediate Female Champion: CCF Valentina C14H, Crow Creek Farms

Shorthorn Bull of the Year & Junior Bull Calf Champion: LDB Merci’s Pendleton 104, Lane Blankinship

Late Spring Bull Calf Champion: KGH CMoney 1102, Kimberly Holland

Senior Bull Calf Champion: 4S Cassanova’s Reward 2031, Abbi Scott

Junior Bull Champion: FFF Chelada 2012, Filippo Family Farms & Crow Creek Farms

Senior Bull Champion: ASM Maga, J. Armstrong Cattle

ShorthornPlus Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion: CCF Joni C09I, Crow Creek Farms

ShorthornPlus Senior Female Champion: LDB Merci’s Serena 923, Lane Blankinship

ShorthornPlus Bull of the Year & Senior Bull Champion: Baker’s Sparklebutt, Kara Lea Baker

West Region

Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion:

Peakview Goldie 48921, Peak View Ranch Inc.

Shorthorn Cow/Calf Pair Champion: Jazzy Crimson Clover, BAG Farms LLC

Shorthorn Bull of the Year & Early Spring Bull Calf Champion: Peakview Game Plan 48421, Peak View Ranch Inc.

Northeast Region

Southeast Region

North Central Region

South Central Region West Region

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Listed and pictured are those who were present to receive their awards. The full list of these winners were published in the May/June 2022 Shorthorn Country.

2020-2021 National Show Awards Division, Animal Name,


Purebred Females

Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion: Little Cedar EF Margie WW 2124, John M. Allen

Senior Heifer Calf Champion: CF Mona Lisa 0119 TP X ET, Gabriella & Richard Valentino Leone

Intermediate Female Champion: SULL Special Chelsie 0453H ET, Keagan Steck

Junior Female Champion: SS Max Rosa 029 ET, Cash Lehrman & Kane Aegerter

Purebred Bulls

Late Spring Bull Calf Champion: KGH CMoney 1102, Kimberly Holland

Early Spring Bull Calf Champion: Peakview Game Plan, Peak View Ranch Inc

Senior Bull Calf Champion: WJM Southern Comfort C14H, 6B Farms & William Milashoski

Junior Bull Champion: CF Maskerade 070 BW X, Cates Farms & LSA Shorthorns

Senior Bull Champion: ASM Maga, J. Armstrong Cattle

ShorthornPlus Females

Senior Heifer Calf Champion: B/R KRE Dream Lady S 1020 ET, Emma Arnett

Intermediate Female Champion (Tie):

AC RC Cindy’s Fancy Girl, Addison Campbell

Intermediate Female Champion (Tie): Reever’s Lady 5H ET, Rylee Nicole German

ShorthornPlus Bulls

Junior Bull Calf Champion: SMCK Ralphie 01DR ET, Caitlynn Kruyer

Junior Bull Champion: SMCK Jameson, Caitlynn Kruyer

Senior Bull Champion: Baker’s Sparklebutt, Kara Lea Baker

National Shorthorn Show Female of the Year

SULL Special Chelsie 0453H ET, Keagan Steck, Woodstock, Minn.

National Shorthorn Show Bull of the Year

CF Maskerade 070 BW X, Cates Farms, Modoc, Ind. & LSA Shorthorns, Royse City, Texas.

National ShorthornPlus Show Female of the Year

CF Mona Lisa Primo 115 X ET, Houston Ferree, Sullivan, Ind.

National ShorthornPlus Show Bull of the Year

SMCK Jameson, Caitlynn Kruyer, Holly, Mich.

Purebred Females

Purebred Bulls ShorthornPlus Bulls National Overall Winners of the Year ShorthornPlus Females
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Heritage Award 2022

The Shorthorn Heritage Award recognizes Shorthorn members who have shown exceptional leadership for Shorthorn activities in a state or regional area. These honorees are persons that have shown exceptional passion in all areas of the breed. Award recipients have promoted the breed by taking leadership roles within their respective geographical areas. They are individuals that can be given credit to helping with the longterm success of the breed at any level. They have attended functions, been a mainstay, and have shown their passion and love for the breed and the people in the breed. A Heritage Award winner is a true Shorthorn enthusiast who has positively impacted the breed to the benefit of all Shorthorn breeders.

Doyle Hendrickson was born and raised with Shorthorns in Nebraska on January 3, 1933. The farm name, “Nile Valley”, comes from his grandfather, David Hendrickson, of Cairo, NE. In 1903, Doyle’s Great-Great Grandfather H.S. Balcom went to England with the owner of Ravenwood Shorthorns from Missouri and bought cows from the Rose of Sharon cow family. His Grandpa David bought several offspring from those cows at a Balcom dispersal sale. Some of Doyle’s fondest childhood memories are riding with Grandpa David on the Bettendorf wagon seat driven by a team of mules, discussing livestock care and evaluation. He spoke about linear evaluation and the benefits of a uniform, quality herd. Dad was only 6 when his grandpa passed but those lessons and love of farming stayed with him for a lifetime. The metal wagon seat now resides at Nile Valley Farm in Sedalia, MO.

After Serving in the Military, Doyle came home and gave Alice Hinkson a diamond ring. They were wed on August 28, 1955. Soon after they bought a registered Shorthorn cow and bull at a dispersal sale. Doyle would keep his eye on sale bills around the country, including purchase of Page’s Imperial Rose 3rd X and three daughters from Sand Springs, Oklahoma in 1963.

In 1972, Doyle & Alice moved the family and Shorthorn herd from the Hendrickson homestead of Cairo, NE, to the present farm at Sedalia, Mo. The name Nile Valley became a play on words that tied the old location to the new. Once established in the heart of Fescue country where ample grass grows, Doyle transitioned his cows from bunk line fed to exclusively grass grazing.

to detail was usually accompanied by the phrase, “Ya gotta do what ya love and love what ya do.

Nile Valley Shorthorns is home to 28 Performance Awarded cows, offering several cow families that have remained viable contributors through the transition from milking to beef. In June 2020, the Hendrickson’s were acknowledged for their long history and their success with the Shorthorn breed when the Missouri Shorthorn Association (MSA), during a tour of the cow herd at Nile Valley, named Doyle the 2020 Breeder of the year. From 1983 to 1997, he received the top-Quality Milk Award 11 times. In 2000 and 2002, he bred the top gain heifer and in 2002, 2005 and 2006, Nile Valley earned Premier Breeder & Exhibitor honors at the National Dual-Purpose Shows. In 2007, the Hendrickson’s were named Dual Purpose Breeder of the Year; and proclaimed Citizen of the Year in 2008. He was always reading to keep up on the latest trends and data and searching sale catalogs for that perfect cow or bull.

Additionally, the Hendrickson’s have faithfully donated their time to serve and promote the Shorthorn breed in multiple ways, including Doyle serving three terms on the American Milking Shorthorn Society (AMSS) board of directors.

From 4-H leader to church elder to Missouri Cattlemen’s Association Official Beef House dish washer for many years; Doyle, with the help of Alice, dedicated a lifetime of service to his community and to his Shorthorn cattle. A Memorial Contribution was given to the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund.

Merit Award 2022

The Shorthorn Merit Award recognizes individuals who support and promote the cattle industry. This award honors those beef cattle industry leaders who have specifically assisted and had a positive influence on the Shorthorn breed. These individuals have been exceptional supporters and dedicated friends of the Shorthorn breed for many years.

Darryl Rahn

For 42 years, he and Alice milked those cows, then on his 65th birthday in 1998, on a cold January morning, Doyle decided to not retire, but just change course. After the milking stopped, Doyle called his older cousins to try to re-invent their grandpa David’s linear measuring detail of the beef cows. This is one of Nile Valley’s key selection methods for a uniform working cow herd. Complex weights and measures and attention to detail in record keeping has been a family project directed by Doyle’s passion and vision. They have nearly 27 years of herd information recorded and cataloged by Alice and Doyle. Julie now imports data collected at the chute and scales.” This passion and attention

Darryl Rahn was born and raised on a livestock and grain farm in Lanark, Illinois. His parents, Willard and Ruth Rahn, worked the farm that had been in the family since 1868. His love of Shorthorns began with the purchase of a Shorthorn heifer when he was seven years old from the McGinty Family of Mt Carroll, Illinois. During the early years of the herd, Darryl exhibited Shorthorns throughout Illinois and showed at the Chicago International for the first time at the age of 13.

His herd grew to number 30 cows with a herd bull he purchased from Wernacres in Lena, Illinois by the time he entered college. His herd paid 100% of his college education. He graduated from Illinois State University with a degree in Agri-Business and Education. Following graduation, Darryl and his wife Carole married and began their journey in family life. They have two children, Andy and Angela, and four grandchildren. He continued to own Shorthorn cattle. Their son, Andy exhibited the Reserve Champion Steer at a Junior

Doyle had a heart of gold that bled red, white, and roan. He is survived by his wife, Alice, of Sedalia who still presides at the farm. Additionally, survived by two sons, John Hendrickson and spouse, Sue of Centralia, IL., James Hendrickson and spouse, Debbie, of Oxford, MI., and one daughter, Julie Carpenter of Sedalia and her spouse, Mark Carpenter of New London, MO. Also surviving are three grandchildren; Kyle Hendrickson of Hillsborough NC, Jesse Hendrickson of Brooklyn, NY, and Allyson Sampson attending the University of Missouri, majoring in Animal Science. Other survivors include three step granddaughters, Christina, Ruby, and Kim and their six children and six grandchildren.


National in Ohio and two years later raised an All-American Junior heifer calf. Angela was also involved in 4-H and showed cattle locally.

Darryl took a position as cow herd manager at Questing Hills Farm in Illinois with Don Cagwin, who was the farm manager at that time. This began a relationship with Don that has lasted to the present. When Cagwin left the farm to begin Cagwin Cattle Services, he asked Darryl to join him as a partner in the firm. This began an over 20-year run as a firm that managed Shorthorn sales throughout the United States and Canada.

Early in that time, Darryl was contacted by Sherman Berg who was at that time running the Shorthorn Country. Sherman asked Darryl to be an advertising representative for the magazine as he traveled with CCS. This began an association with the Shorthorn Country that continues today.

Darryl’s love of the Shorthorn Breed has never wavered, and he cherishes all the great people he has met and the friendships he has made over the years. Congratulations to Darryl Rahn for being our 2022 Merit Award Winner.

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Doyle Hendrickson

When we think of someone who has relentlessly committed to the foundational future of the Shorthorn breed by investing time in both people and cattle, Greg Crawford of Crawford Family Shorthorns, should be at the top of that list.

Greg’s passion for the Shorthorn breed was ignited as a young 4-H member when he showed a Shorthorn heifer. Yet, the first bricks were really put into place when Greg’s kids were old enough to show, and thus, Crawford Family Shorthorns was born.

The spark was quickly passed through multiple generations of the Crawford Family. His daughters, Bev (Crawford) Pearson and Gwen Crawford, were both encouraged to be active in the breed. Starting with holding roles in the Nebraska Junior Shorthorn Association, promoting the breed as the Nebraska Shorthorn Lassie Queen and being on the National Junior Board. Gwen went on to continue her involvement in the breed after her junior years where she held the position of Director of Junior Activities for the American Shorthorn Association. She is currently a trustee of the Shorthorn Foundation. Proof of the love for the breed has been shared down through even his grandchildren. Two of his grandchildren - Gerrit Pearson and Brooke (Pearson) Gillmore – both served terms on the National Junior Shorthorn Board.

Over the years, Greg has been to 31 National Junior Shorthorn Shows, hauling a trailer to 30 of those! Even when Greg did not have a child or grandchild showing, he would help juniors who had the desire to be involved and take them to state and national shows. He looks forward to getting the opportunity to continue the tradition by taking his now 2-year-old Great Grand Child, Kaden Gillmore once he is old enough to show.

Greg’s exhibition and leadership roles have extended to local, state and national levels. He has served as the Shorthorn breed

Cory Bollum was raised on a diversified crop and livestock farm near Goodhue, Minnesota. He was an active member in 4-H, FFA, and the Junior Shorthorn association. He earned his B.S. degree in Agricultural Business with minors in Animal Science, Economics, Farm Management, and Agricultural Economics from the University of Wisconsin-River Falls. Cory has worked at Hormel Foods for over 31 years in various positions and currently is the Director of Pork Operations and Procurement, based in Austin, Minnesota.

Shorthorns have always been a part of Bollum’s life as he grew up with them as a part of the 5th generation family farm established at the current farm location in Goodhue, Minnesota, homesteaded in 1863. He attributes much of the family’s success to the many lessons learned from those previous generations, especially his Grandpa Walter and even more so from his dad, Curtis. They both instilled insistent hard-core values on treating people honestly and fairly and cull the cowherd excessively hard on dispositions and udders.

Bollum Family Shorthorns ownership today consists of the 3 siblings (Cory, Carl, and LeAnn) and their families. Cory and Mary and their 3 children Connor, Josh, and Emily. Carl and Becca and their 2 children Lane and Faith. Despite being busy in their respective professional lives they are all active in many different livestock activities and all are involved in Agriculture. The Bollum family has exhibited cattle at many regional and national shows across the country. And most proudly have exhibited cattle at the

representative and a consigner at the Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic every year since it started in 1991. He was one of the founders of the Nebraska Junior Beef Expo and has been the Shorthorn breed representative for the last 25 years. His passion for the youth and the breed is also shown by his dedication to the Nebraska Junior Shorthorn Association by serving as their advisor since the 1990’s when his daughters aged out. He has also held the summer field day at his farm multiple years.

A fourth-generation exhibitor at the Lancaster County Fair, Greg continued to extend his service as 4-H Beef Superintendent for the last 25 years. Greg has also attended the Nebraska State Fair for over seven decades, winning numerous banners in both the bull and heifer arena. In addition, he acts as the Shorthorn breed representative for the Nebraska State Fair. This past year he was honored by being chosen as the Grand Marshall of the Nebraska State Fair Parade.

Greg and his family have exhibited at the North American International Livestock Exposition, as well as the National Western Stock Show where he had the honor of having the Reserve Champion Pen of Three Bulls two consecutive years.

Greg was a part of the Highlights of the Heartland Sale from 1996 – 2009, hosting it at his farm on multiple occasions before joining the Durham Nation Production Sale in North Dakota at which he currently sells females. He also sells bulls and heifers at the Nebraska Cattlemen’s Classic and by private treaty. Crawford Family Shorthorns has grown to a 40-cow herd with sought-after genetics.

As you can see, Greg has shown his devotion to the breed through leadership, support of youth programs and by careful genetic selection in his own herd, to name a few. Our hats off to Greg for this welldeserved recognition as a 2022 Builder of the Breed.

Minnesota State Fair for over 80 years. They have had many years of great success and most humbly have been awarded the “Premier Breeder” plaque 14 of the last 16 years of the state fair. Like in previous generations all the children have been very active in 4-H, FFA, and Junior Shorthorn activities among many other sports and activities. This upcoming year marks a very special year for BFS, as it will be Emily’s last year at Junior Nationals and Lane’s first!

The operation today runs over 600 acres, and the cow herd consists of 125 cows, mostly all purebreds and just a few commercial cows used as recips. They have performance tested for the last 30+ years and have ultra-sounded all the heifers and bulls for the last 10+ years. They have marketed their cattle and genetics throughout the United States and Canada. They were one of the major consignors to the Shorthorn Pride sale. They have consigned to The Revival sale for most of its 20+ years of existence and they also have held their own annual online “Red, White, and Roan” production sale for the last 13 years.

One of the things Cory is the proudest of is to be a small part of BFS historic past and to have the ability to pass the operation on to the next generation(s)! Bollum is excited about the future of the Shorthorn breed, by utilizing all the genomic tools and information that are available today in conjunction with all the great people and breeders involved in this breed. He says they have been blessed to have met so many wonderful people that are a special part of our Shorthorn family. Congrats to Cory!

Builder of the Breed 2022 Greg Crawford Cory Bollum
= =

Jeff spent most of his youth growing up west of Okeene, Oklahoma, with his parents and 2 brothers on a diversified wheat and livestock farm that included Shorthorn cattle, Hampshire Sheep, Hampshire and Duroc hogs. Jeff was an active member of the Okeene FFA where he received the State FFA Degree and was a finalist for the State Star in Production Agriculture.

Following High School, Jeff attended and graduated from Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College where he received an Associates degree in Animal Science and Ag Education. He then received a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture Education from Oklahoma State University.

Jeff and Diane were married in 1984 and returned to Okeene to become a part of the Bedwell family farm. For the next 4 years, Bedwell Shorthorns exhibited extensively across the United States with Jeff also taking along custom-fit cattle from customers and Shorthorn friends. That period of Bedwell Shorthorns culminated with a herd reduction and Jeff accepting a position at NEO A&M College as an Agriculture and Biological Science Instructor as well as the Assistant Livestock Judging Coach working alongside Jary Douglas. Jary had been Jeff’s Livestock team coach while attending NEO and played a huge role in Jeff’s judging success while in college. In the time that Jary and Jeff worked as a team, they enjoyed coaching 3 National Champion Teams that included a multitude of National Contest wins.

While teaching and coaching at NEO, Jeff recognized that a different approach to the breeding program was paying off and that his father Jack was needing help with promotion of the herd once again. In 1994 Jeff and his family exhibited the Res. National Champion Female at the Ft Worth Stock Show on a female named JB Teri Star 303ET. She went on to become a mainstay in the Bedwell herd of which at one time over ½ the cow herd would carry the “Teri Star” name.

It became very apparent that a move closer to Okeene was in order. Jeff accepted positions with K 74 Herefords near Edmond and then Pig Improvement Company as Breeding Barn Manager near Okeene and since that time they have remained near Okeene and now Isabella area.

During those years of Jeff and Diane’s Marriage, they were blessed with 3 children. Jared Cody born in 1987, Justin Christopher in 1991, and Jennifer CarolAnne in 1995.

As Jared, Justin and Jennifer became old enough to show, they became members of 4-H and exhibited Shorthorn Cattle but also pigs and market lambs and later Jennifer exhibited market goats. Throughout, their 4-H and FFA careers, the kids exhibited mostly home-raised Shorthorn steers and heifers at all levels from the Local, County to the State and National Shows where they were blessed by many successful show adventures.

In 1998, Jeff became the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Agriculture Educator in Major County and remained there for 9 years before accepting the Ag Educator position in Garfield County where he served a total of 6 years. As an Ag Educator, Jeff was recognized with the Distinguished Service Award by the Oklahoma County Agents Association and the National Association of Agriculture County Agents. During his 15-year career as an OCES Ag Educator, Jeff was also recognized by the Oklahoma Wheat Growers Association with the “Wheat Improvement Award” and the

Oklahoma FFA Association with Honorary State FFA Degree.

The early 2000s were great years for the Bedwell’s. The annual Shorthorn 500 sale was begun with Double J Ranch and continued by the Freed and Crow families at the Brooks Sales facility in Marietta, Oklahoma until 2019. In 2004, the purchase of COR Fear Factor led to the Bedwell’s first National Champion Bull with Fear Factor being Slapped Champion at the North American in 2004. In 2006, the Bedwell’s exhibited RB Speedway also to the Res National Champion spot at the National Western.

In 2016 the Bedwell’s enjoyed even more success when Jennifer’s Heifer “Patsy”, aka CYT Magical Max Rosa ET, was congratulated as the Res. Champion at the National Western and then Champion at the Fort Worth Stock Show.

Since 2016 Jeff has served farmers and ranchers in the region as an Agronomist. First at Land Run Farmers Co-op in Waukomis and currently at Nutrien Ag Solutions in Fairview.

Throughout all the opportunities and changes that have occurred during Jeff’s professional career, raising their 3 children with his wife Diane went hand in hand with husbandry of raising Shorthorn Cattle near Okeene and Isabella.

As a Shorthorn Breeder, Jeff has been honored to have been invited and to have evaluated cattle at shows in the United States, Australia, and Canada. He has evaluated National shows not only for the Shorthorn Breed but also National level Junior and Open shows for the Hereford, Mini-Hereford, Simmental, Maine Anjou, Limousin, Brangus and Brahman breeds.

Jeff believes strongly in giving back to the county and community that have meant so much to the Bedwell family. Jeff is currently serving his 3rd term as a member of the Major County Fair board as well as serving Major County as a Trustee of the Public Facilities Authority.

It has been Jeff’s pleasure to serve as the Chairman for the American Shorthorn Association Show Committee Since 2018 and since the annual meeting last fall in 2021, he is very honored to serve as a Senior Board Member of the American Shorthorn Association.

In 2020, the Bedwell’s were approached by the Blankenship Family and the Aegerter Family about having an annual sale together. The result of those discussions is “The Lasting Impressions Sale” of which the most recent and most successful was just held at the Bedwell’s facility west of Isabella in late October.

With the success of the Lasting Impressions Sale and with demand for good Shorthorn genetics growing, Jeff and Diane have chosen to expand and diversify their genetic base by aggressively pursuing and purchasing females, bulls, embryos, and semen from some of the most esteemed shorthorn herds in the US. Since last fall purchases from Studer Shorthorns, Leveldale Shorthorns, Jungels Shorthorns, Byland Shorthorns, Waukaru Shorthorns, Paint Valley Shorthorns and the Bowman Family have begun to have their impact which brings new excitement to the future at the Bedwell’s.

Jeff Bedwell is a fourth-generation Shorthorn Breeder and a Second-generation recipient of the Builder of the Breed recognition proceeded by his father Jack Bedwell in 1985.


Builder of the Breed 2022
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Jeff Bedwell


As the 2022 season has come to an end, we all have the same thought come through our mind, what will our new year’s resolution be? Whether it be a resolution or a goal you have for yourself, it is important to have accountability and success markers along the way. I have asked some of our juniors from across the nation what their 2023 new year’s resolutions were, and they said:

“I would like to be in the top ten in showmanship and win a division at junior nationals this summer.” – Wyatt Smith, Texas

“My new year resolution is to get my livestock judging team to state even though only two of us have livestock and know the basics of livestock, but with helping my other teammates that want to learn and do good. I feel like with extra practice time we will be able to get to the level that we want to reach. And to also make it through the last few months of high school.” – Kylee Dameron, Missouri

“I would say my new year’s resolution would be working really hard to accomplish my goals for junior nationals and make it to showmanship finals.” –Maddie Berg, Iowa

“1. To be nicer to my sisters. 2. Spend more time with my loved ones. 3. Try and get the Shorthorn board to start up a 3-on-3 basketball tournament. 4. Spend more time doing community service in my hometown.” – Kesler Collins, Illinois

“I would like to meet my AR points at school and work harder to be a better showman.” – Kelby Worthington, Oklahoma

“My new year’s resolution is to win my very first belt buckle.” – Sam Parker

“My new year’s resolution is to be successful with my bred and owned heifers in the upcoming show season.” –Jace Parker, Oklahoma

I would like to thank each of these members for taking the time to send me their new year’s resolutions for the upcoming year. As the Public Relations Chair and on behalf of the rest of the AJSA board we would like to wish everyone good luck in the upcoming show season and hope to see everyone at Cattlemen Congress in January. We hope you have had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Words of Advice

Merideth Behrens ajsa public relations
the New Year = 2023 • Des Moines, IA 2024 • Timonium, MD 2025 • Grand Island, NE 2026 • Abilene, TX 2027 • Madison, WI Upcoming Junior Nationals * Tentative Locations. Subject to Change * Junior Board President :: Faye Smith Vice President :: Miller Smith Secretary :: Colton Hulsey Public Relations :: Merideth Behrens Fundraising :: Xavier Ferris Director :: Ryan Lane Director :: Amanda Smee Director :: Brayden DeBorde Director :: Haylee Ferguson “ “ “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” ~ Oprah Winfrey juniorshorthorn.com Junior Corner make plans to join us in des moines visit juniorshorthorn.org for more information JUNE 18-24 Let’s make this Junior National the best yet! 24 shorthorn country = january 2023
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Tartan Plaid

2023 National Shorthorn Lassie Dues

Attention all Shorthorn breeders and enthusiasts!

The National Lassies would like to encourage you to buy a chance to win this sterling silver and rose gold bracelet designed by Kay Knight (pictured below). Just scan the QR code with your phone, fill in the necessary details, and pay with a credit card. There are only 100 chances being sold! The drawing will be held at Jr. Nationals this summer. The money raised will help support the National Lassie Queens. We appreciate your support.

Also, please mail your state’s National Shorthorn Lassie dues. Dues are $10 per member and payable to the National Shorthorn Lassies. Please send them to Pam Dressen at:

Pam Dressen, Treasurer N4787 515th St. Ellsworth, WI 54011

Your dues help fund and sponsor the National and Alternate Shorthorn Lassie Queens. It also gives financial support so that the National Lassies can offer additional youth programs at Junior Nationals such as the Lassie Princess Hour and Lassie 101.

The Lassie Queen in her tartan plaid is a special symbol of the Shorthorn breed. Your financial support is vital. We thank you for your continued support.



Pam Dressen National Shorthorn Lassie Board Treasurer
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News & Notes

Cattlemen’s Congress (CC) 2023Super National Shorthorn Show

Tuesday, Jan. 3

12:00 p.m. Cattle Begin Arrival Wednesday, Jan. 4

1-4:00 p.m. Check-In: Open & Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Females and Bulls (Tie-Cattle)Shorthorn Booth SBSA Thursday, Jan. 5

9:00 a.m. Process and Check-In Pen Cattle - PER Friday, Jan. 6

8:00 a.m. Junior Shorthorn Heifer Show - JN Ring 1 followed by Junior ShorthornPlus Heifer Show - JN Ring 1 followed by Super National ShorthornPlus Bull & Female Show Saturday, Jan. 7

11:00 a.m. Shorthorn Pen Show - PER Arena Presentation of Show Honoree - Richardson Farms

6:00 p.m. “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale - SBSA Sunday, Jan. 8

8:00 a.m. Super National Shorthorn Bull & Female Show - JN Ring 2

Cattle released at conclusion of show.

National Western Stock Show (NWSS) 2023National Shorthorn Show

Sunday, Jan. 8

12 noon Hill cattle may arrive Monday, Jan. 9

8:00 a.m. Yard cattle may arrive Tuesday, Jan. 10

10:00 a.m. Cattle Must be in Place

10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Check-In All Cattle (Hill & Yard) Wednesday, Jan. 11

8:00 a.m. Junior Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus Heifer ShowStadium Arena Thursday, Jan. 12

9:00 a.m. National Shorthorn Pen Show - Witwer Show Arena Friday, Jan. 13

8:00 a.m. National Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus Open ShowStadium Arena

Presentation of Show Honoree - Ed and Jamie Kruse Cattle released at conclusion of show.

Fort Worth Stock Show (FWSS) 2023National Shorthorn Show

Wednesday, Jan. 25

8:00 a.m. Cattle Begin Arrival Thursday, Jan. 26

6:00 p.m. Cattle Must be in Place Friday, Jan. 27

9:00 a.m. Check-In: Open Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus females and bulls Sunday, Jan. 29

2:00 p.m. National Shorthorn Show - W. R. Watt Arena followed by National ShorthornPlus Show - W. R. Watt Arena Show Honoree - Scott Family Shorthorns owned by the late Richard and Linda Scott Sunday, Jan. 29

5:00 p.m. Cattle Released

Friday, Feb. 10

Afternoon-5:00 p.m. Must check-in with ASA Staff. Friday, Feb. 10

5:00 p.m. Cattle Must be in Place Saturday, Feb. 11

3:00 p.m. National Shorthorn Show - Barn 14 (Ring 2) followed by National ShorthornPlus Show - Barn 14 (Ring 2)

Correction - Maryland State Fair Regional Show

The Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, TRNR Panzer 172 was owned by Turner Shorthorns, Somerset, Ohio during the Maryland State Fair. =

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Dixie National Livestock Show 2023National Shorthorn Show

NAILE 2022

Shorthorn Show Honoree

Ashbourne Farms is the agricultural legacy of W.L. Lyons Brown and Sally [Shallenberger] Brown. It began in 1937 when Sally’s grandfather, Ashton Cokayne Shallenberger, the fifteenth governor of Nebraska, gifted the couple several Scotch Shorthorn cattle and a bull for their wedding.

By 1945, Lyons and his brother, George Garvin Brown II, became the country’s premier Shorthorn breeders. Lyons’ post World War II purchases helped Ashbourne Farms’ breeding program flourish. It was then he acquired his herd sire, Prince William 15th, from the 1946 International Congress sale. Following, in 1953, came the purchase of Drummondreach Advocate, supreme champion of the Perth, Scotland show and sale.

The commitment to investing in notable bulls, as well as rounding out the heard with heifers and cows to improve the breed, earned Ashbourne Farms notable respect in the Shorthorn family. For some twenty years, Shorthorn enthusiasts gathered at Ashbourne Farms as “The Browns of Kentucky” hosted their annual sale.

Lyons’ commitment to the breed expanded past the borders of the farm. An extension included the Brown-

Forman Experimental Farm, a partnership between Ashbourne Farms, George Garvin Brown’s farm Sutherland, and the University of Kentucky. The experimental farm was committed to research and development for improvement of the industry and was recognized for its support of 4-H and FFA programs. Lyons and his brother were recognized as “Builders of the Breed” along with Sutherland Farm Manager Jack Ragsdale, for whom the North American Shorthorn Show is permanently dedicated. Lyons also served on the board of directors and as President of the Shorthorn Association in the 1950s.

Following Lyons passing in 1973, his wife, Sally, took over the farm. She retained the 850 acres that she and Lyons had accumulated. In 1996, she placed that original acreage into a land trust to protect the land in perpetuity and preserve its natural beauty. At the time, this was the largest agricultural easement put in place in Kentucky.

Today, the farm is under the watchful stewardship of Lyons and

Sally’s grandson, Austin Musselman, and his wife Janie. As third generation owners, they have expanded Ashbourne Farms to more than 3,500 acres. It is listed on the National Park Services National Register of Historic Places.

Years of thoughtful care have gone in to restoring the property to the picturesque splendor of its heyday. On it stands a restored version of the original farmhouse, built in the late 1800’s. A small herd of Shorthorn cattle still grazes the pastures that surround the farm. The original sale barn has been restored and now serves as a world class event space. Its walls are adorned with photos that showcase the history that gave this farm its life.

From meager beginnings, the Browns built the farm from the ground up, suffusing the property with a deep love of agriculture and nature. This legacy is the foundation upon which the modern-day iteration of Ashbourne Farms flourishes.

The Brown Family of Kentucky - Ashbourne Farms & Sutherland Farms The Brown Family in Louisville, Ky., receiving the Shorthorn Show Honoree award. W.L. Lyons Brown Austin & Janie Musselman
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Browns of Kentucky 1951

Breeding Shorthorn cattle was an integral part of the Garvin Brown family of Sutherland Farms. In the 1950s, Garvin partnered with Jack Ragsdale and began the Sutherland herd. The creation of the best of the breed became the family goal. After Garvin’s death in 1968, his widow Trudi intensified the effort with Jack to develop the herd. Trudi came from many generations of farmers. When she moved to Kentucky, she fell in love with the sleek, kind-eyed Shorthorns. Trudi and Jack went to work with a defined mission: “to improve the breed”.

After Trudi’s death in 1983, her daughter Dace continued with Jack and David Ragsdale with the family mission.

Sutherland Farms retired the Paul W. Teegardin memorial trophy in 1973. This magnificent silver tray was given by Bud Peters in Mr. Teegardin’s memory.

Sutherland Crest was the first polled bull to ever win at the Chicago Show and the first to win the trophy, 1967. Sutherland Prospector won in 1969 and Waseka Nonee Bernard retired the trophy in 1973.

Our family has considered it the greatest honor to have the Sutherland name still recognized as one of America’s best breeders of Polled Shorthorn cattle.

A trophy is presented annually at the International Livestock Show to the Supreme Champion male or female Shorthorn. There is also a new trophy

presented to the Champion Purebred Female at the National Junior Shorthorn Show. It was presented for the first time this year

Congratulations to the well-deserving Ashbourne Farms & the Brown Family of Sutherland Farms on being the 2022 NAILE National Shorthorn Show Honoree! =

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The Paul W. Teegardin Memorial Trophy
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2022 North American International Livestock Exposition

Jack C. Ragsdale Super National Shorthorn Show


Again this year, Shorthorn exhibitors presented some of the best quality cattle we’ve seen from top to bottom. The Super National Shorthorn Show was Monday, November 14th in Freedom Hall on the green shavings. Judge Chris Sankey sorted through a total of 184 head during the show; 145 Purebred Shorthorn Females and 39 Purebred Shorthorn Bulls.

Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull

and Champion Junior Bull honors went to Little Cedar WF Lookout 2160, owned by Enix Farms LLC of Centennial, Colo. and Little Cedar Cattle Co of Beaverton, Mich. At the end of the show, he competed against the Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and was awarded the title of Supreme Champion and received the George Garvin Brown Memorial Trophy. SS Inferno 120 ET was named

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Reserve Champion Junior Bull, owned by Schrag Shorthorn Farms of Marion, S.D. and Cornerstone Farms of Winchester, Ind.

Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Senior Female honors went to SULL Special Rosa 1151J ET, exhibited by Kathy Lehman of Shelby, Ohio.

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Reserve Champion Senior Female was awarded to CF CSF Dream Lady 135 EV X ET, exhibited by Skylar Ward of New Paris, Ohio.

Division Winners:

Open Purebred Bull Show Divisions:

Champion Late Spring Bull Calf –MM Blitz 78K, Hugh Moore Jr & Sons, Jerseyville, Ill.

Champion Early Spring Bull Calf –MFS Dream Weaver 37K, Meyer Family Shorthorns, Greensburg, Ind.

Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – CCS Impel 324K, Don Cagwin, Virginia, Ill.

Champion Junior Bull Calf – Hahn Dominion S17K, William Milashoski, Minonk, Ill.

Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf – TRNR Medallion 92 ET, Aubrey Short, Monkton, Ill.

Champion Senior Bull Calf –Armstrong Ruger 2066, John M. Allen IV, Saxonburg, Pa.

Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf – SUTH Omicron 508J, David Ragsdale, Prospect, Ky.

Champion Intermediate Bull – JA Easy Rider 1J30, Jordan Acres, Sibley, Ill.

Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull – Little Cedar All Star 2105, DAP Cattle Co., Jonesboro, Ill.

Champion Senior Bull – FF Pursuit 6H, Graig Fuller, Rennsselaer, Ind.

Reserve Champion Senior Bull –SUTH Revlon 481H, Norman Tuholski, Trafalgar, Ind.

Open Purebred Female Show Divisions:

Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf –CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET, Makayla Sugg, Darien Center, N.Y.

Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – BERGS Mylie Myrtle Bo, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.

Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – GCC Buckeye Charm72 ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.

Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – Pioneer 261 ET, Braylen Schaeffer, Hagerstown, Ind.

Champion Junior Heifer Calf –

Purebred Bulls & Females - 184 Head - Judge: Chris Sankey, Council Grove, Kansas Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Champion Junior Bull, was Little Cedar WF Lookout 2160, exhibited by Enix Farms LLC, Centennial, Colo. and Little Cedar Cattle Co., Beaverton, Mich. He was also named Supreme Champion.
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Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Senior Female, was SULL Special Rosa 1151J ET, exhibited by Kathy Lehman, Shelby, Ohio.

CF Crystal Lucy 230 RK X ET, Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.

Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – STECK WSCC Chelsie HC 253K ET, Steck Cattle, Woodstock, Minn.

Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 1121 Flash X, Cater Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.

Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF NB Demi 1130 LL X ET, Hailey Jester, Mooreland, Ind.

Champion Intermediate Female –JS Cecilia 1J03, Johnson Shorthorns, Niantic, Ill.

Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – LDB Mirage Premium Everly 112 ET, Lane Blankenship, Orlando, Okla.

Champion Junior Female – SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.

Reserve Champion Junior Female –PEAKVIEW Goldie 48921, Peak View Ranch Inc., Fowler, Colo.

Champion Cow/Calf Pair – Hill Haven Pretty Rose 2G ET, Kaitlyn Broughton, Silver Spring, N.Y.

Reserve Champion Cow/Calf Pair –RFSS Myrtle Baby 191H, Respite Farm, Inc., Paris, Ky.

Class Placings:

Open Purebred Bull Class Placings:

Late Spring Bull Calves – (1 Entry): 1) MM Blitz 78K exhibited by Hugh Moore Jr & Sons.

Early Spring Bull Calves – (6 Entries): 1) MFS Dream Weaver 37K exhibited by Meyer Family Shorthorns; 2) CCS Impel 324K exhibited by Don Cagwin; 3) WSC Dreams to Reality 19K exhibited by Matthew Wallace.

Junior Bull Calves – (5 Entries): 1) Hahn Dominion S17K exhibited by William Milashoski; 2) TRNR Medallion 92 ET exhibited by Aubrey Short; 3) RDS King Diggy 2K exhibited by Megan Keeney.

Winter Bull Calves – (3 Entries):

1) SUTH Omicron 508J exhibited by David Ragsdale; 2) PEAKVIEW Final Plan 2021 ET exhibited by Peak View Ranch Inc; 3) WAYMAR HAPP Concrete exhibited by Alyson Utegg.

Senior Bull Calves – (4 Entries): 1) Armstrong Ruger 2066 exhibited by John M. Allen IV; 2) ZSS Dirty Deeds P36J exhibited by Roger Kerr II; 3) BFC Dutton J258 exhibited by Brandywine Farms Cattle Company.

Late Spring Yearling Bulls – (3 Entries): 1) JA Easy Rider 1J30 exhibited by Jordan Acres; 2) Little Cedar All Star 2105 exhibited by DAP Cattle Co; 3) Little Cedar WF Intrepid 2106 exhibited by Drake Penrod.

Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (6 Entries): 1) Little Cedar WF Lookout 2160 exhibited by Enix Farms LLC and Little Cedar Cattle Co; 2) CF Payweight X ET exhibited by Cates Farms; 3) LDB Braveheart 113 ET exhibited by Lane Blankenship.

Junior Yearling Bulls – (5 Entries): 1) SS Inferno 120 ET exhibited by Schrag Shorthorn Farms and Cornerstone Farms; 2) GCS Guns n Roses exhibited by Green Castle Shorthorns; 3) Force of Meg exhibited by Fanning Family Shorthorns.

Senior Yearling Bulls – (6 Entires): 1) FF Pursuit 6H exhibited by Graig Fuller; 2) SUTH Revlon 481H exhibited by Norman Tuholski; 3) H.H.F Sampson the Charmer exhibited by Samantha Hetson.

Open Purebred Female Class Placings:

Late Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) Creek’s Vanessa exhibited by Emma Helsinger; 2) GCC Magical Margie 221 ET exhibited by Sloan Reedy; 3) RFSS Margie Baby 252K exhibited by Respite Farm, Inc.

Late Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET exhibited by Makayla Sugg; 2) 7G Max Rosa K32 ET exhibited by Laine

McKenna; 3) RFSS Mona Lisa 261K exhibited by Jackson Overbay.

Late Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) BERGS Mylie Myrtle Bo exhibited by Kaitlyn Berg; 2) CF Mona Lisa 2101 Uh X ET exhibited by Miller Smith; 3) SFF CPRU Roses are Red RK 247 ET exhibited by Morgan Brooks.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) Little Cedar Miss Margie WW 2210 ET exhibited by Wyatt Smith; 2) RFSS HH Breathtaker Diva 225K ET exhibited by Respite Farms.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) S/N Chasing Dreams 229 ET exhibited by Mackenlee Evans; 2) CF Max Rosa 286 EV X ET exhibited by Lane Patrick McCall; 3) Little Cedar EF Roses are Red 2208 exhibited by Addison Wall.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) GCC Buckeye Charm72 ET exhibited by Kyia Hendrickson; 2) CF Mona Lisa 281 LL X ET exhibited by Keegan McGrew; 3) Caligo No Foolin exhibited by Kayla Fogg.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 270 SOL ET exhibited by Ryli Bivens; 2) Don Ruby 326 ET exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn; 3) JKF Georgie Spring K1 exhibited by Josie Fitzgerald.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (8 Entries): 1) Pioneer 261 ET exhibited by Braylen Schaeffer; 2) DJS Cherri C218 exhibited by Blayne Dunklau; 3) SFF Mona Lisa Reward AV 215 ET exhibited by Skyler Ward.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) TASC Kori exhibited by Alyssa Carter; 2) S/N SL Hopes Mirage 222 ET exhibited by Callie Turner; 3) MM Cumberland Rose DM 21K owned Joshua Blakeman.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) CF NB Demi 250 RB X ET owned Karaline Schuman; 2) WAT Homecoming Queen 301K exhibited by Karly Goetz; 3) CSF Moma Lisa 2232

L O U I S V I L L E 2022 North American International
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Reserve Champion Junior Bull was SS Inferno 120 ET, owned by Schrag Shorthorn Farms, Marion, S.D. and Cornerstone Farms, Winchester, Ind.
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Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Reserve Champion Senior Female was CF CSF Dream Lady 135 EV X ET, owned by Skylar Ward, New Paris, Ohio.

2022 North American International Livestock Exposition

UH ET exhibited by Weston Ward.

Junior Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) LGF SULL MFS Ruby’s Dream 2292K ET exhibited by Evelyn Hill; 2) CSF Dream Lady UR 2218 exhibited by Keagan Long; 3) RDY Bo’s Traveling 201 ET exhibited by Maddox Reedy.

Junior Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) CF Crystal Lucy 230 RK X ET exhibited by Paige Wickard; 2) S/N Myrtle Bo 218

ET exhibited by Sharben Shorthorns; 3) CSF Mona Lisa 2233 TP ET exhibited by Kayla Fogg.

Junior Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) SULL LGF Ruby’s Dream 2295K ET exhibited by John Gellerman; 2) CSF Margie HC 2227 ET exhibited by Kade Lott; 3) DNCC Sweet Revival 2208 exhibited by Double Nickel Cattle Company.

Junior Heifer Calves – (5Entries): 1) CSF Margie 2220 UH ET exhibited by Cornerstone Farms; 2) BARR Cindy Beauty 2202 exhibited by Brandon Barr; 3) Pearl’s Traveling Blaze 1200 exhibited by Cooper Hetrick.

Junior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) CSF Cumberland LL 2226 ET exhibited by Josie Robinson; 2) RFSS Sierra’s World 260K exhibited by Respite Farm,

Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – MM Blitz 78K, Hugh Moore Jr & Sons, Jerseyville, Ill. Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf – SUTH Omicron 508J, David Ragsdale, Prospect, Ky. Champion Senior Bull – FF Pursuit 6H, Graig Fuller, Rennsselaer, Ind. Champion Intermediate Bull – JA Easy Rider 1J30, Jordan Acres, Sibley, Ill. Reserve Champion Senior Bull – SUTH Revlon 481H, Norman Tuholski, Trafalgar, Ind. Reserve Champion Intermediate Bull – Little Cedar All Star 2105, DAP Cattle Co., Jonesboro, Ill. Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – MFS Dream Weaver 37K, Meyer Family Shorthorns, Greensburg, Ind. Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf – TRNR Medallion 92 ET, Aubrey Short, Monkton, Ill. Champion Senior Bull Calf – Armstrong Ruger 2066, John M. Allen IV, Saxonburg, Pa. Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – CCS Impel 324K, Don Cagwin, Virginia, Ill. Champion Junior Bull Calf – Hahn Dominion S17K, William Milashoski, Minonk, Ill.
36 shorthorn country = january 2023
North American International Livestock Exposition Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET, Makayla Sugg, Darien Center, N.Y. Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf –BERGS Mylie Myrtle Bo, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa. Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF Crystal Lucy 230 RK X ET, Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind. Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf –STECK WSCC Chelsie HC 253K ET, Steck Cattle, Woodstock, Minn. Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – GCC Buckeye Charm72 ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont. Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – Pioneer 261 ET, Braylen Schaeffer, Hagerstown, Ind. Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 1121 Flash X, Cater Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind. Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF NB Demi 1130 LL X ET, Hailey Jester, Mooreland, Ind. Champion Intermediate Female – JS Cecilia 1J03, Johnson Shorthorns, Niantic, Ill. Reserve Champion Intermediate Female –LDB Mirage Premium Everly 112 ET, Lane Blankenship, Orlando, Okla. Champion Cow/Calf Pair – Hill Haven Pretty Rose 2G ET, Kaitlyn Broughton, Silver Spring, N.Y. Reserve Champion Cow/Calf Pair – RFSS Myrtle Baby 191H, Respite Farm, Inc., Paris, Ky. Champion Junior Female – SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
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Reserve Champion Junior Female –PEAKVIEW Goldie 48921, Peak View Ranch Inc., Fowler, Colo.


2022 North American International Livestock Exposition


Junior Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1)

CF CSF Cherri 25 HC X ET exhibited by Amanda Annett; 2) Paradise Proud Fool 2201 exhibited by Caroline Winter; 3) Peakview Max 2201 ET exhibited by Peak View Ranch Inc.

Junior Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) STECK WSCC Chelsie HC 253K ET exhibited by Steck Cattle; 2) CSF Margie 2210 FB exhibited by Jaclyn Thomas; 3) Millbrook Veronica FB 3K exhibited by Alexa Turner.

Winter Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1)

CF NB Demi 1130 LL X ET exhibited by Hailey Jester; 2) PFC Dottie 127J exhibited by Jackson Overbay; 3) Princess’s Traveling Tess 1201 exhibited by Cooper Hetrick.

Winter Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1)

GCC TRN Traveling Ruby 25 exhibited by Nathan Hill; 2) GCC Crystal Lite 76 exhibited by Alexa Turner; 3) MM Lisa Raindrop TW 127J exhibited by Bridget Cover.

Senior Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1)

CF Mona Lisa 1121 Flash X exhibited by Cater Wickard; 2) CF Margie 1119 UR X exhibited by Maddox Reedy; 3) CCF Sofia C61I exhibited by Emma Helsinger.

Senior Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) RIOLA Island Queen Hottie exhibited by Riola Shorthorn Farm; 2) RFSS Hot

Rose Mary 243J exhibited by Ethan Broughton; 3) JA Homecoming Queen ER 1J50 exhibited by Jackson Bunting.

Summer Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) LDB Mirage Premium Everly 112 ET exhibited by Lane Blankenship.

Late Spring Yearling Females – (2 Entries): 1) Riola Propel’s Shanie X21 exhibited by Riola Shorthorn Farms; 2) BARR Velvet 2117 exhibited by Pleasant View Farms.

Late Spring Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) JS Cecilia 1J03 exhibited by Johnson Shorthorns; 2) CF DCDF Dream Lady 1105 X ET exhibited by Ashley Strueh; 3) MFS Knighted Pinky the Roo 2142 ET exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn.

Early Spring Yearling Females –(7 Entries): 1) MM Casino Queen CPD 75H exhibited by Mealia Cover; 2) SULL WHIS Bo’s Solution 1099J ET exhibited by Carter Kornegay; 3) KGWAT Fire World 407 J exhibited by Karly Goetz.

Early Spring Yearling Females – (4 Entries): 1) PEAKVIEW Goldie 48921 exhibited by Peak View Ranch Inc; 2) BS Pearl 196 exhibited by Isabella Bunting; 3) SULL LGF Power of Ruby 1227J ET exhibited by Winston Dryer.

Early Spring Yearling Females –(8 Entries): 1) SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET exhibited by Kyia

Hendrickson; 2) RHS Red Robin’s Queen ET exhibited by James Kendal Cleere; 3) SS Evermore Mirage 137 ET exhibited by Cash Lehrman.

Junior Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) Little Cedar Rose Mary HC 2181 ET exhibited by Wyatt Smith; 2) TMC Margie’s Evolution exhibited by Logan Schroeder; 3) BJSF Majesty Rose 212 exhibited by Karoline Jordan.

Junior Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) CF CSF Dream Lady 135 EV X ET owned Skyler Ward; 2) SS Chasing Dreams Drama 121 ET exhibited by Mackenlee Evans; 3) CF CSF Dream Lady 140 HC X ET exhibited by Miller Smith.

Junior Yearling Females – (4 Entries): 1) SULL Special Rosa 1151J ET exhibited by Kathy Lehman; 2) KNEP Amber Diamond 214 exhibited by Colton Becker; 3) PFC Henrietta 101 exhibited by Jackson Overbay.

Senior Yearling Females – (2 Entires): 1) Rexlaine Beth S6H exhibited by Finley Jones; 2) CLF Augusta Pride 2017 exhibited by Joshua Blakeman.

Two-Year Old Cow/Calf – (1 Entry): 1) RFSS Myrtle Baby 191H exhibited by Respite Farm, Inc.

Three-Four-Year-Old Cow/Calf – (1 Entry): 1) Hill Haven Pretty Rose 2G ET exhibited by Kaitlyn Broughton. =

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2022 North American International Livestock Exposition

Jack C. Ragsdale Super National ShorthornPlus Show

Shorthorn exhibitors from 14 states exhibited 65 ShorthornPlus cattle during the Jack C. Ragsdale Super National ShorthornPlus Show at the 49th Annual North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky on Sunday, November 14th. Scott Schaake of Westmoreland, Kansas evaluated 58 ShorthornPlus Females and 7 ShorthornPlus Bulls.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus

Bull and Champion Senior Bull honors went to TSSC BT Limit Up 1099J ET owned by Schaeffer Show Cattle, Hagerstown, Ind.

CNC Elvis’s New Game owned by Sara Britton of Custar, Ohio was selected as Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull and Reserve Champion Senior Bull.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Senior Female

honors went to CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET, owned by Samantha VanVorhis of Bowling Green, Ohio.

Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Reserve Champion Senior Female award went to MFS CPRU Blue Diva The Roo 2108 ET, owned by Kyia Hendrickson of Charlo, Mont.

Division Winners: Open ShorthornPlus Bull Show Divisions:

Champion Early Spring Bull Calf –SMCK Maverick W23, McKay FarmsMorgan McKay, Holly, Mich.

Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – SMCK Goose W27 ET, McKay Farms-Morgan McKay, Holly Mich.

Champion Junior Bull Calf –VVCC Bojangles, Valley Vista Farms, Scottsburg, Ind.

Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf – RDS Jack Frost 1K, Megan Keeney, Rocky Ridge, Md.

Open ShorthornPlus Female Show Divisions:

Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – SULL Primo’s Lady 25K, Karly Goetz, Oak Harbor, Ohio.

Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – T2 Dream Believer, Toby Behrends, Sheffield, Ill.

Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – MS Silky Bo 0422, Emma McLaughlin, Woodsfield, Ohio.

Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – S/N Lucky Charm 220 ET, Madeline Berg, Osage, Iowa.

Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF KLS Dream On 221 NL X ET, Houston Ferree, Sullivan, Ind.

Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – MFS Blair’s Bonnie 6K ET, Reid Utterback, Elwood, Ind.

Champion Senior Heifer Calf – /F Rosemary 19001, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.

Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – AC RC Cindy’s Crickett, Addison Campbell, Eaton, Ohio.

Champion Intermediate Female –SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET, Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.

Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – CF Mona Lisa 197 Primo X ET, Jozie Beiser, Camden, Ohio.

Champion Junior Female – SFF Augusta Pride 127 F, Tyler Dahse, Thurman, Ohio.

Reserve Champion Junior Female – TSSC My Girl Pam 1017J, Bailey Tomson, Westport, Ind.

Open ShorthornPlus Bulls & Females - 105 Head - Judge: Scott Schaake, Westmoreland, Kansas Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Chapion Junior Bull, was TSSC BT Limit Up 1099J ET, exhibited by Schaeffer Show Cattle, Hagerstown, Ind.
40 shorthorn country = january 2023
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Senior Female, was CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET, exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio.

Champion Cow/Calf Pair – SULL S/T CULL Sweet Dreams 0510H ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont. Reserve Champion Cow/Calf Pair – T2 Maybelle Starr, Toby Behrends, Sheffield, Ill.

Class Placings:

Open ShorthornPlus Bull Class Placings:

Late Spring Bull Calves – (3 Entries): 1) SMCK Maverick W23 owned by McKay Farms-Morgan McKay; 2) SMCK Goose W27 ET owned by McKay Farms-Morgan McKay; 3) Steve Harvey owned by Clay Owen.

Early Spring Bull Calves – (2 Entries): 1) VVCC Bojangles owned by Valley Vista Farms; 2) RDS Jack Frost 1K owned by Megan Keeney.

Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (2 Entries): 1) TSSC BT Limit Up 1099J ET owned by Schaeffer Show Cattle; 2) CNC Elvis’s New Game owned by Sara Britton.

Open ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings:

Late Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) SULL Primo’s Lady 25K owned by Karly Goetz; 2) T2 Dream Believer owned by Toby Behrends; 3) S/N Max Rosa 235 owned by Drake Penrod.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1) MS Silky Bo 0422 owned by Emma McLaughlin; 2) CF CSF Mona Lisa 282 Primo X ET owned by Ryan Wickard; 3) STECK WSCC Katie Babe 231K ET owned by Brextyn Grabiel.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) CCS Charming Lady 315K owned by Ella James; 2) R-C TFG Cinderella 237 ET owned by Piper Campbell.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (7

Entries): 1) S/N Lucky Charm 220 ET owned by Madeline Berg; 2) CF Mona Lisa 255 OP X ET owned by Mark Inskeep; 3) Armstrong Sinful Kate 2208 ET owned by Armstrong Farms.

Junior Heifer Calves – (8 Entries): 1) CF KLS Dream On 221 NL X ET owned by Houston Ferree; 2) GCR Dream On Primo ET 205 ET ET ET owned by Audrey Robertson; 3) S/N Demi 217 ET owned by Stetson Reedy.

Junior Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) MFS Blair’s Bonnie 6K ET owned by Reid Utterback; 2) CF NB Demi 21 Primo X ET owned by Grady McGrew; 3) B/R KRE Dream Lady P204 ET owned by Garrett Reusch.

Winter Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) /F Rosemary 19001 owned by Kaitlyn Berg; 2) AC RC Cindy’s Crickett; 3) CF Mona Lisa 1131 OP X ET owned by Lindsey Jester.

Senior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) SCHAB’s Lady Lucy 1221 ET owned by Ty Wright; 2) DL Fancy owned by Kylee Dameron.

Late Spring Yearling Females – (3 Entries): 1) SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET owned by Carter Kornegay; 2) CF Mona Lisa 197 Primo X ET owned by Jozie Beiser; 3) BK Peaches and Cream owned by Bailey Klise.

Early Spring Yearling Females –(5 Entries): 1) SFF Augusta Pride 127 F owned by Tyler Dahse; 2) TSSC My Girl Pam 1017J ET owned by Bailey Tomson; 3) MFS TSSC Crystal’s Limit 2123 ET owned by Ryan Wickard.

Junior Yearling Females – (7 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET owned by Samantha VanVorhis; 2) MFS CPRU Blue Diva The Roo 2108 ET owned by Kyia Hendrickson; 3) ABEN Blackberry 112J ET owned by

Lydia Recker.

Senior Yearling Females – (2 Entries): 1) FF Quantum Queen 4H owned by Craig Fuller; 2) Hank’s Roan Caroline 074 owned by Foster Wingler. Two-Year Old Cow/Calf – (2 Entries): 1) SULL S/T CULL Sweet Dreams 0510H ET owned by Kyia Hendrickson; 2) T2 Maybelle Starr owned by Toby Behrends.

North American International Livestock Exposition

Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Reserve Champion Junior Bull, was CNC Elvis’s New Game, exhibited by Sara Britton, Custar, Ohio
shorthorn country = january 2023 41
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Reserve Champion Senior Female, was MFS CPRU Blue Diva The Roo 2108 ET, exhibited by Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.

2022 North American International Livestock Exposition

Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf –SMCK Goose W27 ET, McKay Farms-Morgan McKay, Holly Mich. Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – S/N Lucky Charm 220 ET, Madeline Berg, Osage, Iowa. Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf – RDS Jack Frost 1K, Megan Keeney, Rocky Ridge, Md. Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF KLS Dream On 221 NL X ET, Houston Ferree, Sullivan, Ind. Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf –MS Silky Bo 0422, Emma McLaughlin, Woodsfield, Ohio. Champion Senior Heifer Calf – /F Rosemary 19001, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa. Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf –T2 Dream Believer, Toby Behrends, Sheffield, Ill. Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – SULL Primo’s Lady 25K, Karly Goetz, Oak Harbor, Ohio. Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – MFS Blair’s Bonnie 6K ET, Reid Utterback, Elwood, Ind. Champion Junior Bull Calf – VVCC Bojangles, Valley Vista Farms, Scottsburg, Ind. Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – SMCK Maverick W23, McKay Farms-Morgan McKay, Holly, Mich. Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – AC RC Cindy’s Crickett, Addison Campbell, Eaton, Ohio. Champion Intermediate Female – SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET, Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla. Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – CF Mona Lisa 197 Primo X ET, Jozie Beiser, Camden, Ohio.
Champion Junior Female – SFF Augusta Pride 127 F, Tyler Dahse, Thurman, Ohio.
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North American International Livestock Exposition Picture Not Available Reserve Champion Junior Female – TSSC My Girl Pam 1017J, Bailey Tomson, Westport, Ind. Champion Cow/Calf Pair – SULL S/T CULL Sweet Dreams 0510H ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
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Reserve Champion Cow/Calf Pair – T2 Maybelle Starr, Toby Behrends, Sheffield, Ill.


2022 North American International Livestock Exposition

NAILE Junior Shorthorn Show

Junior Shorthorn exhibitors brought 134 Purebred Females to the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky on November 13, 2022, where they were evaluated by Shane Bedwell of Holt, Missouri.

Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Senior Female honors went to SULL Special Rosa 1151J ET, exhibited by Kathy Lehman of Shelby,


Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Reserve Champion Senior Female was awarded to CF CSF Dream Lady 140 HC X ET owned by Miller Smith of Pendleton, Ind.

DON Ruby 326 ET, exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn of Bellbrook, Ohio, claimed the title of B&O Grand Champion Shorthorn Female.

Junior Shorthorn Female Show

Division Winners:

Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 2101 UH X ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.

Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET, Makayla Sugg, Darien Center, N.Y.

Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – CF NB Demi 250 RB X ET, Karaline Schuman, Kimmell, Ind.

Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 281 LL X ET, Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.

Champion Junior Heifer Calf –CF Crystal Lucy 230 RK X ET, Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.

Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 222 LL X ET, Michael Frisbie, Buckingham, Iowa.

Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Margie 1119 UR X, Maddox Reedy, Tuscola, Ill.

Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF NB Demi 1130 LL X ET, Hailey Jester, Mooreland, Ind.

Champion Intermediate Female –MFS Knighted Pinky the Roo 2142 ET, Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.

Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – CF CSF Mona Lisa 196 HC X ET, Weston Ward, Greens Fork, Ind.

Champion Junior Female – SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.

Reserve Champion Junior Female –MM Casino Queen CPD 75H, Mealia Cover, Bowling Green, Mo.

Junior Shorthorn Female Show Class Placings:

Late Spring Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) Creek’s Vanessa owned by Emma Helsinger; 2) GCC Magical Margie 221 ET owned by Sloan Reedy.

Late Spring Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET owned by Makayla Sugg; 2) 7G Max Rosa K32 ET owned by Laine McKenna; 3) DKSN Cumberland 5102 HS owned by Brextyn Grabiel.

Late Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 2101 UH X ET owned by Miller Smith; 2) BERGS Mylie Myrtle Bo owned by Kaitlyn Berg; 3) SFF CPRU Roses are Red RK 247 ET owned by Morgan Brooks.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) LGF SULL MFS Ruby Knight 2297K ET owned Raygan Harrison; 2) Little Cedar Miss Margie WW 2210 ET owned by Wyatt Smith; 3) JAMS Margie Vivan owned by Bell Brautigam.

134 head - Judge: Shane Bedwell, Holt, Mo. Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Senior Female, was SULL Special Rosa 1151J ET, owned by Kathy Lehman. Shelby, Ohio.
44 shorthorn country = january 2023
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Reserve Champion Senior Female, was CF CSF Dream Lady 140 HC X ET, owned by Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 281 LL X ET owned by Keegan McGrew; 2) Little Cedar EF Roses are Red 2208 owned by Addison Wall; 3) GCC Buckeye Charm72 ET owned by Kyia Hendrickson.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 270 SOL ET owned by Ryli Bivens; 2) DON Ruby 326 ET owned by Kolten Greenhorn; 3) Pioneer 261 ET owned by Braylen Schaeffer.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) SFF Mona Lisa Reward AV 215 ET owned by Skylar Ward; 2) CSF Pistol Annie UR 2217 owned by Carson Barnard; 3) BWS Stormin’ Ally 2022 ET owned by Logan Schroeder.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) MM Cumberland Rose DM 21K owned by Joshua Blakeman; 2) DFM Lucky Charm 205 ET owned by Lane Patrick McCall; 3) TASC Kori owned by Alyssa Carter.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1) CF NB Demi 250 RB X ET owned by Karaline Schuman; 2) STECK Chelsie SOL 241K ET owned by Kase Knepp; 3) CSF Moma Lisa 2232 UH ET owned by Weston Ward.

Junior Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) LGF SULL MFS Ruby’s Dream 2292K

ET owned by Evelyn Hill; 2) CSF Dream Lady UR 2218 owned by Keagan Long; 3) CF Max Rosa 245 RK X ET owned by Carter Meyer.

Junior Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) CF Crystal Lucy 230 RK X ET owned by Paige Wickard; 2) CF Mona Lisa 222 LL X ET owned by Michael Frisbie; 3) CSF Margie HC 2227 ET owned by Kade Lott.

Junior Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) Pearl’s Traveling Blaze 1200 owned by Cooper Hetrick; 2) BARR Cindy Beauty 2202 owned by Brandon Barr; 3) Shadybrook PL Summerstorm 25K ET owned by Cameron Burkard.

Junior Heifer Calves – (8 Entries): 1) CSF Lady Crystal EV 2223 ET owned by Alyssa Carter; 2) CSF Margie 2210 FB owned by Jaclyn Thomas; 3) CSF Max Rosa EV 2215 ET owned by Andi Dillon.

Winter Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) CF NB Demi 1130 LL X ET owned by Hailey Jester; 2) PFC Dottie owned by Jackson Overbay; 3) WAS Elizabeth C1J owned by Laken Martin.

Winter Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) GCC TRN Traveling Ruby TW 25 owned by Nathan Hill; 2) GCC Crystal Little 76 owned by Alexa Turner; 3) Force Honey Smack owned by Clay Owen.

Senior Heifer Calves – (6 Entries):

1) CF Margie 1119 UR X owned by Maddox Reedy; 2) CF Mona Lisa 1121 Flash X owned by Carter Wickard; 3) MFSF Ruby’s Red Maple owned by Lauren Mohr.

Senior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) JA Homecoming Queen ER 1J50 owned by Jackson Bunting; 2) Waymar Myrtle Beau 915 owned by Mollie Thomson.

Summer Yearling Females – (1 Entries): 1) LDB Mirage Premium Everly 112 ET owned by Lane Blankenship.

Late Spring Yearling Females –(6 Entries): 1) MFS Knighted Pinky the Roo 2142 ET owned by Kolten Greenhorn; 2) CF CSF Mona Lisa 196 HC X ET owned by Weston Ward; 3) CF CDF Dream Lady 1105 X ET owned by Ashley Strueh.

Early Spring Yearling Females – (7 Entries): 1) MM Casino Queen CPD 75H owned by Mealia Cover; 2) SULL WHIS Bo’s Solution 1099J ET owned by Carter Kornegay; 3) MM Tina LS 67H owned by Stetson Klise.

Early Spring Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) Grand Rosemary’s Reward ET owned by Colten Anderson; 2) SULL LGF Power of Ruby 1227J ET owned by Winston Dryer; 3) SULL PCC Makin’ Cherri 1066J ET owned by Johnna Osborn.

Early Spring Yearling Females – (6 Entries): 1) SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET owned by Kyia Hendrickson; 2) PRES Bentley 109J ET owned by Belle Bennett; 3) SS Evermore Mirage 137 ET owned by Cash Lehrman.

Junior Yearling Females – (6 Entries): 1) SHOUF Fool Dancer UH 2118 owned by Kase Knepp; 2) Little Cedar Rose Mary HC 2181 ET owned by Wyatt Smith; 3) BJSF Majesty Rose 212 owned by Karoline Jordan.

Junior Yearling Females – (4 Entries): 1) CF CSF Dream Lady 140 HC X ET owned by Miller Smith; 2) CF CSF Dream Lady 135 EV X ET owned by Skylar Ward; 3) SS Chasing Dreams Drama 121 ET owned by Mackenlee Evans.

Junior Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) SULL Special Rosa 1151J ET owned by Kathy Lehman; 2) LDB Merci’s Georgia 103 ET owned by Lane Blankenship; 3) PFC Henrietta 101 owned by Jackson Overbay.

Junior Yearling Females – (5 Entries): 1) WHR HC Mona Lisa Perfection 1104 ET owned by Caitlyn Rasor; Armstrong Lady Crystal 2104 ET owned by Henry J Allen; 3) SS Max Rosa Roar 111 ET owned Laine Mckenna.

Senior Yearling Females – (3 Entry): 1) MM Dream Lady RB 120H owned by Rylea Suddreth; 2) Rexlaine Beth S6H owned by Finley Jones; 3) CLF Augusta Pride 2017 owned by Joshua Blakeman.


L O U I S V I L L E 2022 North American International
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B&O Grand Champion Shorthorn Female was DON Ruby 326 ET, exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.

North American International Livestock Exposition

Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 2101 UH X ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind. Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Margie 1119 UR X, Maddox Reedy, Tuscola, Ill. Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – CF CSF Mona Lisa 196 HC X ET, Weston Ward, Greens Fork, Ind. Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET, Makayla Sugg, Darien Center, N.Y. Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF NB Demi 1130 LL X ET, Hailey Jester, Mooreland, Ind. Champion Junior Female – SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont. Reserve Champion Junior Female – MM Casino Queen CPD 75H, Mealia Cover, Bowling Green, Mo. Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF Crystal Lucy 230 RK X ET, Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind. Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 222 LL X ET, Michael Frisbie, Buckingham, Iowa. Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf –CF NB Demi 250 RB X ET, Karaline Schuman, Kimmell, Ind. Champion Intermediate Female – MFS Knighted Pinky the Roo 2142 ET, Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.
46 shorthorn country = january 2023
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf –CF Mona Lisa 281 LL X ET, Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.
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2022 North American International Livestock Exposition

NAILE Junior ShorthornPlus Show

71 Head - Judge:

Junior Shorthorn exhibitors from 16 states exhibited 71 ShorthornPlus females during the Junior ShorthornPlus Show at the 49th Annual North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky on Saturday, November 12th. Zach Butler of Milton, Tennessee evaluated the tremendous set of cattle on the infamous “green chips”.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus


& Champion Junior Heifer

Calf honors went to CF KLS Dream On 221 NL X ET, owned by Houston Ferree of Sullivan, Ind.

Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Senior Female award went to CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET, owned by Samantha VanVorhis of Bowling Green, Ohio.

Bred & Owned Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female was awarded to

the Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion, MS Silky Bo 0422, owned by Emma McLaughlin of Woodsfield, Ohio.

Junior ShorthornPlus Female Division Winners:

Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – SULL Primo’s Lady 25K, Karly Goetz, Oak Harbor, Ohio.

Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – T2 Dream Believer, Toby Behrends, Sheffield, Ill.

Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – TSCC AGRF She’s a Dream 2506K ET, Eli Walther, Centerville, Ind.

Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF NB Demi 21 Primo X ET, Grady McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.

Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Jolene 1223 OP X ET, Piper Cates, Modoc, Ind.

Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 1131 OP X ET, Lindsey Jester, Mooreland, Ind.

Champion Intermediate Female –SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET, Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.

Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – TSSC BT Dream On Darlin ET, Vivian Lou Thompson, Troy, Ala.

Champion Junior Female – TSSC My Girl Pam 1017J ET, Bailey Tomson, Westport, Ind.

Reserve Champion Junior Female –SFF Augusta Pride 127 F, Tyler Dahse, Thurman, Ohio.

Reserve Champion Senior Female – ABEN Blackberry 112J ET, Lydia Recker, Hopkinton, Iowa.

Junior ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings:

Late Spring Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) SULL Primo’s Lady 25K owned by Karly Goetz; 2) T2 Dream Believer owned by Toby Behrends; 3) TSSC Crystals Summer 2063K ET owned by Lily Miles.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) TSSC Keep Dreamin 2129K ET owned by Alaina Lucey; 2) HHCC Sweet Dreams Reward 210K owned by Kyia Hendrickson; 3) TKA Dahlia 06K owned by Piper Campbell.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) MS Silky Bo 0422 owned by Emma McLaughlin; 2) CF SCF Mona Lisa 282 Primo X ET owned by Ryan Wickard; 3) ZSF Grand Rose Mary’s Primo owned by Colten Anderson.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) CCS Charming Lady 315K owned by Ella James; 2) BAIN Cherri Commodity 223 owned by Ashton Bain;

Zach Butler, Milton, Tennessee Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Junior Heifer Calf, was CF KLS Dream On 221 NL X ET, exhibited by Houston Ferree, Sullivan, Ind.
48 shorthorn country = january 2023
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Senior Female, was CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET, exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio.

3) MFS Fiona 17K owned by Alexa Lowe.

Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) TSSC AGRF She’s a Dream 2506K ET owned by Eli Walther; 2) MFS Oreo’s Cookie 14K ET owned by Grady Harrison; 3) CF Mona Lisa 255 OP X ET owned by Mark Inskeep.

Junior Heifer Calves – (4 Entries): 1) MFS Myrtle Bo Mia 06K ET owned by Tyler Dahse; 2) Atheena’s Cash On Dixie 1202 owned by Cooper Hetrick; 3) LB Crystal Chip 139K owned by Kolten Oglesby.

Junior Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) CF KLS Dream On 221 NL X ET owned by Houston Ferree; 2) GCR Dream On Primo ET 205 ET ET ET owned by Audrey Robertson; 3) Shadybrook Primonica 50K ET owned by Haylie Mayer.

Junior Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1) CF NB Demi 21 Primo X ET owned by

Grady McGrew; 2) MFS Blair’s Bonnie 6K ET owned by Reid Utterback; 3) B/R KRE Dream Lady P204 ET owned by Garrett Reusch.

Winter Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) CF Jolene 1223 OP X ET owned by Piper Cates; 2) CF Mona Lisa 1131 OP X ET owned by Lindsey Jester; 3) /F Rosemary 19001 owned by Kaitlyn Berg.

Senior Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): DL Fancy owned by Kylee Dameron; 2) Schab’s Lady Lucy 1221 ET owned by Ty Wright.

Late Spring Yearling Females – (3 Entries): 1) SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET owned by Carter Kornegay; 2) TSSC BT Dream On Darlin ET owned by Vivian Lou Thompson; 3) CF Mona Lisa 197 Primo X ET owned by Jozie Beiser.

Early Spring Yearling Females – (6 Entries): 1) SFF Augusta Pride 127 F owned by Tyler Dahse; 2) LWFS Judy’s

Revolution 2130 owned by Maeleigh Riedel; 3) SS SL Main Attraction 148 owned by Reagan Easton.

Early Spring Yearling Females – (3 Entries): 1) TSSC My Girl Pam 1017J ET owned by Bailey Tomson; 2) MFS TSSC Crystal’s Limit 2123 ET owned by Ryan Wickard; 3) HPW Daisy Petals owned by Hadley Wilson.

Junior Yearling Females – (6 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET owned by Samantha VanVorhis; 2) ABEN Blackberry 112J ET owned by Lydia Recker; 3) MFS CPRU Blue Diva the Roo 2108 ET owned by Kyia Hendrickson.

Junior Yearling Females – (2 Entries): 1) B/R Dream Lady P 102J owned by Garret Reusch; 2) LWFS Mona Lisa OP 2101 ET owned by Amanda Annett.

Senior Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) Hank’s Roan Caroline 074 owned by Foster Wingler. =

Livestock Exposition

E 2022
North American International
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Bred & Owned Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf was MS Silky Bo 0422, exhibited by Emma McLaughlin, Woodsfield, Ohio.

2022 North American International Livestock Exposition

Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 1131 OP X ET, Lindsey Jester, Mooreland, Ind. Champion Junior Female – TSSC My Girl Pam 1017J ET, Bailey Tomson, Westport, Ind. Reserve Champion Senior Female – ABEN Blackberry 112J ET, Lydia Recker, Hopkinton, Iowa. Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – SULL Primo’s Lady 25K, Karly Goetz, Oak Harbor, Ohio. Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Jolene 1223 OP X ET, Piper Cates, Modoc, Ind. Reserve Champion Intermediate Female –TSSC BT Dream On Darlin ET, Vivian Lou Thompson, Troy, Ala. Reserve Champion Junior Female – SFF Augusta Pride 127 F, Tyler Dahse, Thurman, Ohio. Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf –TSCC AGRF She’s a Dream 2506K ET, Eli Walther, Centerville, Ind. Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF NB Demi 21 Primo X ET, Grady McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa. Champion Intermediate Female – SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET, Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.
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Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf –T2 Dream Believer, Toby Behrends, Sheffield, Ill.
L O U I S V I L L E 2022
North American International Livestock
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The American Shorthorn Association presented the NAILE with an artist proof of the 150th Painting “America’s First - Shorthorns Across America” by CJ Brown & the 150th Book “Shorthorn and the American Cattle Industry”. shorthorn country =

Lawrence Grathwohl Shorthorn Herdsman of the Year - Mitchell Smith

The Lawrence Grathwohl Herdsman of the Year is voted on by Shorthorn exhibitors that are at the North American International Livestock Expo Super National Shorthorn Show. This year the herdsman is Mitchell Smith from Pendleton, Indiana. Mitchell graduated from Purdue University in 2016 and was a member of the 2016 Purdue Livestock Judging Team. He was on the American Junior Shorthorn board of directors from 2014 to 2017 and served as the AJSA President from 2016 to 2017.

The Smith family began raising Shorthorn cattle in 2001 when Mitchell decided he wanted to exhibit beef cattle. They were already friends with the Trennepohl family who recommended they start with Shorthorn cattle. Mitchell owns and operates Smith Family Farms with his family, his wife, Courtney, and their new daughter, Wesley. They look forward to raising her in the family breed that helped Mitchell become who he is today!

“I think that since Mitchell has been back at the farm his dedication to forwarding their program alongside his work ethic and customer service has

been able to take their program to a new level in a very short amount of time,” said Tyler Cates.

Mitchell’s advice to anyone looking to get involved in the Shorthorn breed or cattle industry is to find people who offer the type of cattle you want to raise and will also offer help to teach you and help you grow. Getting involved early with good people is important. Mitchell said they owe a large thank you to the Trennepohl and Cates families for helping them get started and learn to get to where they are now.

The lessons and experiences gained in the AJSA have transitioned into raising exceptional cattle while giving back to the breed. Mitchell and his wife serve as advisors for the Indiana Junior Shorthorn Association. They help organize their large number of junior members into contest teams, stalling cattle, and more.

“It is such an honor to be recognized by a group of my peers and friends for being successful in this breed and industry,” Mitchell said.

The 2022 Lawrence Grathwohl Herdsman of the Year is Sponsored by the Shorthorn Foundation. Congratulations

Mitchell Smith receiving the Lawrence Grathwohl Shorthorn Herdsman of the Year Award at the 2022 NAILE.
52 shorthorn country = january 2023
to Mitchell Smith on being selected by his peers for this special award. It is well deserved! =

Sale Reports

Where Future Generations are Created

Sale Summary

1 Bull $ 28,250 $ 28,250

1 Donor $ 52,000 $ 52,000

5 Pregnancies $ 38,000 $ 7,600

62 Embryo Pkgs $ 247,800 $ 3,997

43 Semen Pkgs $ 41,740 $ 971

Sale Gross: $407,790

Sunday, November 13, 2022 Louisville, Kentucky

Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. by: Darryl Rahn

This was a record setting night for this leading sale of elite genetics. Two outstanding live lots followed by an unequaled group of frozen genetics. Bidding was strong from the room as well as on the internet. At the end, it was a record high for this leading sale. Congratulations to Dave and Josh and all the consignors for offering a really great set of genetics to the buying public.

$52,000 - Lot 60 - Donor FemaleSULL Max Rosa 310-3 ET. A red, polled 2012 daughter of WHR Sonny 8114 and out of Homedale Max Rosa. This was an unequaled opportunity to purchase one of the leading donor females in the breed today. She is the dam of many great ones. She is the dam of the Champion Female in the Junior and Open shows

at the 2022 NAILE. Proven greatness in this one. Offered by Sullivan Farms and purchased by the Max Rosa Group of Waynesville, Ohio.

$28,250 - Lot 1 - Bull - CSF EL Diablo 2212 WW ET. A RWM, polled February 24, 2022 son of Little Cedar World Wide 1979 ET and out of CF Margie 119 SOL X ET. This is a great young sire that has a great future. Sired by the popular World Wide and out of Margie 119, one of the top donor females in the breed today. This one will write a great future as a leading sire in the breed. Offered by Cornerstone Farms, possession was purchased by AST Shorthorns of Pikeville, Tennessee and semen packages were purchased by 8 progressive Shorthorn firms.

$16,400 - Lot 2A - Embryos - Package of 4 Sexed Heifer embryos sired by SULL Dream Maker 9141G ET and out of SULL Wild Cherri 3269 ET. What a great mating here. The very popular Dream Maker and a top Cherri female. This will certainly produce females that will compete and then be in the donor pen. Offered by Sullivan Farms and purchased by Halley Becking of Watertown, South Dakota.

$14,400 - Lot 2 - Embryos - Package of 4 Sexed Heifer embryos sired by SULL Dream Maker 9141G ET and out

of SULL Wild Cherri 3269 ET. Full sib embryos to the Lot 2A eggs and were just as popular. Again, the potential of the progeny of this mating have a great future. Offered by Sullivan Farms and purchased by Cornerstone Farms of Winchester, Indiana.

$10,000 - Lot 10A - EmbryosPackage of 4 Sexed Heifer embryos sired by SULL Dream Maker 9141G ET and out of SULL Traveling Ruby ET. Another set of top shelf sexed embryos. The Traveling Ruby female is well known as a top donor female. Her dam, HD Ruby 903 is well known throughout the breed. The progeny here will also be leading females in any program. Offered by Greenhorn Cattle Co and purchased by Ryan Beach of Palmyra, Nebraska.

$9,000 - Lot 10D - Heifer Pregnancy due January 15, 2023 sired by TRN Omaha 79 and out of SULL Traveling Ruby ET. This was an exciting offering. A heifer calf from the mating of the popular Omaha and the Traveling Ruby female. This will undoubted be a great female to add to any program. She will have the built in performance that will make her a leader. Offered by Greenhorn Cattle Co and purchased by Tim Noll of Cross Plains, Wisconsin. =

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The Maternal Event

Sale Summary

69 Bred Heifers $ 334,400 $ 4,846

12 Bred Cows $ 48,650 $ 4,054

81 Live Lots $ 383,050 $ 4,729

5 Embryo Pkgs $ 10,200 $ 2,040

38 Semen Pkgs $ 15,875 $ 440

Sale Gross: $410,125

Saturday December 10, 2022 Paint Valley Sale Facility Millersburg, Ohio

This sale exceeded all expectations. The sale had all it took to make it a great one. A super even set of cattle offered, a great crowd, super active bidding and smiles all around at the conclusion. It was the epitome of the term STEADY. From start to finish, this stayed at a level that did not change. Congratulations to Paint Valley Farm, Byland Polled Shorthorns and Beckler Shorthorns for the presentation of a great set of cattle that resulted in a great event.

$17,000 - Lot 1 - Bred Heifer - PVF Beauty Queen 92J ET. A roan, polled March 2021 daughter of Byland Flash 9U106 and out of PVF Beauty Queen 56Z selling bred to JSF Palermo 172H ET for an April 2023 calf. This was a great opportunity. A real solid young female that is a full sister to the $50,000 bull 1872. The future for this female is

exciting. She will surely be a top of the line donor in her future. Offered by Paint Valley and purchase by Merideth Land and Cattle of Fayette, Missouri.

$13,500 - Lot 8 - Bred Heifer - PVF Meredeth 147J ET. A roan, polled June 2021 daughter of Leveldale Ringo 337A and out of JSF/RB Meredeth 7W selling bred to JSF Palermo 172H ET for a February 2023 calf. This top young female was a favorite of many at the sale. She is super in her overall structure and design. She has the desired muscle shape to go with the look of a great brood cow. Offered by Paint Valley and purchased by Sweetgrass Ranches, Linda Fisher of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada.

$11,750 - Lot 47 - Byland Cheerful 1GL47. A roan, polled March 2021 daughter of Byland Global 5M10 and out of Byland Cheerful 8WS117 selling bred to JSF Palermo 172H for a February 2023 calf. This one is really special. Long sided, big boned, super correct in her structure, the right muscle pattern and the look of a big time future donor. Offered by Byland Polled Shorthorns and purchased by Hornhead Valley Farm, Robert Cowden of Hickory, Pennsylvania.

$8,250 - Lot 6 - Bred Heifer - PVF Cloud Nine Nita 4J. A RWM, polled January 2021 daughter of PVF Remnant 43E and out of PVF Cloud Nine Nita 69G selling bred to JSF Palermo 172H ET for a March 2023 calf. This is a big,

stout female that has a great EPD profile to go with the body structure that make her a certain leader in her new herd. She has all the markers for being a great cow. Offered by Paint Valley and purchased by Mac Magee of Harrisonville, Pennsylvania.

$8,000 - Lot 15 - Bred Heifer - PVF Favorite 117J. A roan, polled April 2021 daughter of JSF McCoy 39Z and out of PVF Favorite 85D selling bred to JSF Palermo 172H ET for an April 2023 calf. This was another crowd favorite at the sale. She has great balance form any angle and has the maternal look that all want to see. She comes from a leading female line at PVF. She will be a great addition to her new herd. Offered by Paint Valley and purchased by Mac Mcgee of Harrisonville, Pennsylvania.

$7,500 - Lot 45 - Bred Heifer - Byland Ellen 1TO123. A red, polled April 2021 daughter of JSF Tonto 8G and out of Byland Ellen 8RX84 selling bred to JSF McCoy 39Z for an April 2023 calf. This is another top young female that comes from one of the most time honored female lines at Byland. Her dam is a daughter of Leveldale Rolex. The Rolex daughters never fail to produce the good ones. This one is no exception. Offered by Byland Polled Shorthorns and purchased by Zachery Ruth of Mt Gilead, Ohio. =

Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. by:
Bailey Abney South Wayne, WI What is your must have item at a cattle show? My go to item is my custom leather number harness because it has our family farm logo on it and my sister got it for me as an early birthday gift. What is your favorite show product? My favorite show product would have to be Powderful because it helps builds up the legs. My sister & I fit front legs while we let dad do the back. Favorite activity outside of NJSS? I am very involved in choir. Participating in Solo and Ensemble for over five years and have made it to state twice. What do you want to be when you grow up/future career plans? I will be attending Northeast Tech for photography and I plan on going into Livestock photography with my sister. Watch the Next Shorthorn Episode on The American Rancher on RFD TV on January 30th! shorthorn country = january 2023 55
60 shorthorn country = january 2023

Sales Calendar

Jan. 7 - “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale” at the Cattleman’s Congress, Oklahoma City, Okla.

Jan. 28 - Jungels Shorthorn Farms “Durhams in the Dakotas” Bull Sale, Kathryn, N.D.

Feb. 9 - Watertown Winter Farm Show and Sale, Watertown, S.D.

Feb. 16 - Bowman Superior Genetics “Frozen Form to Function” Online Sale, Greens Fork, Ind., amsonlinesales.com

Feb. 18 - Baylor Cowden Show Cattle and Hornhead Valley Farm Online Sale, Hickory, Pa., sconlinesales.com

Feb. 25 - Studer Shorthorns and Gilman Shorthorns “Don’t You Think It’s Time” Bull Sale, WCC’s Cow Palace, Anita, Iowa.

Mar. 2 - Bratcher Farms, Heifer and Genetic Sale, Elizabeth, Ind., amsonlinesales.com

Mar. 4 - Loving Farms “Predictable Genetics Proven Performance” Sale, Pawnee Rock, Kan.

Mar. 4 - Kentucky National Shorthorn Sale, Kentucky Beef Expo, Louisville, Ky.

Mar. 5-7 - “On Target” Online Bull Sale, Radville, Sask., Canada, DLMSonlinesales.com

Mar. 7 - Sun Country Shorthorn Sale, Johstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK, Can.

Mar. 8-9 - Cates Farms “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, Ind., amsonlinesales.com

Mar. 8-9 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, Neb., amsonlinesales.com

Mar. 11 - Tennessee Beef Agribition Show and Sale, Lebanon, Tenn.

Mar. 11-12 - Stangl Shorthorn Open House and Online Bull and Heifer Sale, Java, S.D., amsonlinesales.com

Mar. 16 - Iowa Shorthorn Association “Iowa Royal” Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com

Mar. 18 - Ohio Beef Expo Shorthorn Show and Sale, Columbus, Ohio.

Mar. 18 - Waukaru Farms “The Gathering” Bull Sale, Rensselaer, Ind.

Mar. 21 - Schrag|Nikkel “Spring Forward Online Sale”, Marion, S.D., sconlinesales.com

Mar. 22 - Moore Shorthorns “Fall Born Heifer Online Sale”, Jerseyville, Ill., wlivestock.com

Mar. 26 - WHR Shorthorns “Lone Star Edition XXIX”, Van Alstyne, Texas

Mar. 28 - Missouri Shorthorn Association Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com

April 1 - Paint Valley and Byland Polled Shorthorns “The Bull Sale” Millersburg, Ohio

April 4 - Annual “Roan For The Roses Spring Edition” Online Sale, Paris, Ky., dponlinesales.com

April 10 - Bollum Family Shorthorns “Red, White and Roan-Spring Fling Sale”, Goodhue, Minn, amsonlinesales.com

April 15 - Springtime Revival, Belle Point Ranch, Lavaca, Ark.

April 22 - Lazy Bar F and Double G Shorthorns “Red Dirt Treasures” Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, Okla.

April 29 - SharBen Shorthorns and Martindell Shorthorns “Return of the Southern Stars” Sale, Campbellsburg, Ky.

* To have your sale listed in the sales calendar, you must be an advertiser with the Shorthorn Country. Online

Jan. 7 - The Summit National Shorthorn Sale, Oklahoma City, OK

Jan. 28 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durhams in the Dakotas” Bull Sale, Kathryn, ND

Feb. 13 - Moore Shorthorns “Herd Bull Prospect Sale”, Jerseyville, IL, amsonlinesales.com

Feb. 14 - Double M Cattle Maids of the Midwest Bred Heifer & Two Year Old Bull Sale, Rewey, WI, amsonlinesales.com

Feb. 16 - Bowman Superior Genetics “Frozen Form to Function” Online Sale, Greens Fork, IN, amsonlinesales.com

Mar. 8-9 - Cates Farms “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, IN, amsonlinesales.com

Mar. 8-9 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, NE, amsonlinesales.com

Mar. 11-12- Stangl Shorthorns Open House Bull & Heifer Sale, Java, SD, amsonlinesales.com

Mar. 13 - Greenhorn Cattle Company Spring Edition “Where Great Females Make a Difference” Online Sale, Waynesville, amsonlinesales.com

Mar. 16 - Iowa Shorthorn Association “Iowa Royal” Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com

Mar. 18 - Ohio Beef Expo Show and Sale, Columbus, OH

Mar. 26 - WHR Shorthorns “Lone Star Edition XXIX” Sale, Van Alstyne, TX

Mar. 28 - Missouri Shorthorn Association Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com

April 1 - Paint Valley Farm and Byland Polled Shorthorns “A New Brand” Bull Sale, Millersburg, OH.

April 4 - Hansen Shorthorns Open Heifer and Bred Cow Sale, Lisbon, ND, amsonlinesales.com

April 10 - Bollum Family Shorthorns Red, White, and Roan-Spring Fling Sale, Goodhue, MN, amsonlinesales.com

April 15 - Little Cedar Cattle Company Springtime Revival, Fort Smith, AR

April 22 - Lazy Bar F and Double G Shorthorns “Red Dirt Treasures” Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, OK.

April 25 - 5Dick Cattle Company Online Show Heifer and Show Steer Sale, Nowata, OK, amsonlinesales.com

April 29 - SharBen Shorthorns and Martindell Shorthorns Return of the Southern Stars Sale, Campbellsburg, KY.

with a personal
touch. Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. Jeff K. & Darla Aegerter 402.641.4696 jeff.aegerter@gmail.com www.aegertermarketing.com
Sale Management • Online Sales
Advertising Rates 1X 11X 1 page $680 $610 2/3 page $505 $465 1/2 page-island $405 $375 1/2 page $380 $350 1/3 page $290 $275 1/4 page $235 $210 1/6 page $165 $150 Business Card (1 1/2”) $50 $400/year 2023 Advertising Rates 4 Color Ad + $200 shorthorn country = january 2023 61
• Private Treaty Sales

Ad Index

AAA Shorthorns ............................ 56

Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. 61

AST Shorthorns 25

Bennett Land & Cattle 56

Berg Shorthorns ............................ 56

Bigelow Farms ............................... 56

Bowman Superior Genetics 7, 56

Brooks, Bruce 59

Bye Well Shorthorns ...................... 56

Byland Polled Shorthorns .............. 56

Cagwin Cattle Services LLC 59

Cagwin Farms 27

Cairns Shorthorns 56

Cates Farms ................................... 56

Cattle Visions .......................... 29, 59

Cornerstone Farms 56

Crawfdown Farms 56

Dedmon Shorthorns 56

DJS Shorthorns ............................. 56

Double C Shorthorns .................... 56

Dreamy 280 Cattle Company 56

DTR Cattle Co 56

Duis Farms .................................... 56

Fickbohm Farms ........................... 56

Fieser Family Shorthorns ............... 57

First Class Cattle Marketing Ltd 59

Greenhorn Cattle Company 57

GSKI Shorthorns .......................... 57

Haumont Shorthorns .................... 57

Homeplace Farms 57

Hub Ranch Shorthorns 57

Humble Stock Farm 57

Inness Shorthorns .......................... 57

James F Bessler LLC ...................... 59

Jester Farms 57

Jungels Shorthorn Farm IFC

Kevin Wendt ................................. 59

Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm............ 57

Keystone Shorthorns 57

KSS Keystone Shorthorns 57 KW Cattle Co 57

Laban’s Roanoke Farm ................... 57

Legacy Ranch ................................ 57

Leveldale Farms 57

Little Cedar Cattle Co. 32-33, 57

Loving Farms 11

McCall Show Cattle ...................... 57

McKay Farms ................................ 58

McKee Family Shorthorns 58

Meyer Family Shorthorns 13, 58

Meyer Farms ................................. 58 MFK Shorthorns ........................... 58

Nile Valley Farm/Hendrickson TST . 58

Norman Farms 58

Oler Farm 58

Paint Valley Farms ........................ BC

Prairie View Shorthorn Farm ......... 58

Respite Farm 25

Revival Sale IBC

Richardson Farms Shorthorns 58

Robjoy Shorthorns ........................ 58

Rockin’ G Land & Cattle .............. 58

Rocky Branch Shorthorns 58

Schaeffer Show Cattle 15 Schrag 605 .................................... 59

Schrag|Nikkel Cattle ....................... 3

Sears Marketing Services, LLC 59 Shadeland Farm 58 Shadybrook Farm 5

SharBen Shorthorns ...................... 58

Smith Family Farms ...................... 58

Smoky Mountain Farm 58 Stangl Shorthorns 59

Stone Springs Shorthorns 59

Sullivan Supply.............................. 59

Sutherland Shorthorns .................. 59

Turner Family Shorthorns 59

Utterback Show Cattle 59

Warner Ranch ............................... 59 Waukaru Shorthorns ..................... 59 WHR Shorthorns ............................ 9 Wilson Livestock Agency 59

62 shorthorn country = january 2023

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