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Check the Facts
Cassie Reid
director of shows & events; customer service specialist
2022-2023 ASA Point Show System Announced
Ask the majority of people their favorite season and you are likely to hear one of the standard four seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall. You may even hear the occasional ‘football’ or ‘baseball’ season. But ask a showman, and you’ll hear something very different: Show Season! ASA staff couldn’t agree more and has secured show locations for the 2022-2023 Point Show System. It is our goal with selecting each show to promote Shorthorn cattle and exhibitors at an array of locations across every region.
On page 34, you will find our shows outlined with their designated point level. This year’s Super National Shows were selected as they historically have become our largest shows, allowing us to highlight our breed in the highest capability. Points earned at a Super National Show will count toward an animal’s National Awards point total.
Super National Shows for the 20222023 Show System are the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, Kentucky and Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. In addition, Cattlemen’s Congress will host our National Summit Sale.
Many factors have been considered when selecting our 2022-2023 participating shows including entry history and show schedules. Each show will be evaluated on a yearly basis for their participation. The selected shows present solid numbers with the anticipation for continued growth at many.
We look forward to our membership’s participation in the selected shows and cannot wait to see you there!
Region Assignments :: Map
No changes have been made to a state’s regional assignment.
National Awards
National Awards will be calculated from the seven total National Shows: five National Shows and two Super National Shows. An animal MUST exhibit at two shows on the National level to be considered for National Awards. National Awards consist of National Show Female, National Show Bull and divisional awards.
Regional Awards
Each Region consists of four total shows: two Regional shows, one Super Regional Show and one National Show. Regional Awards will be calculated from points earned at each show by an individual animal. To be considered for awards, an animal MUST exhibit at two shows within a region. Regional Awards will consist of overall awards & divisional awards.
Point Distribution
Points will be distributed based on the provided point scale, with Super National Shows receiving the most points and Regional Shows receiving the fewest points as indicated. An animal’s earned points will be recorded with the ASA and used to calculate Regional and National Awards.
Please feel free to reach out to either us if you have any questions regarding the show system.
Cassie Reid, cassie@shorthorn.org Wade Minihan, wade@shorthorn.org =