Post Newspaper 03 December 2013

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Tuesday • december 3 • 2013




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STOP PRESS! Waiuku Town Centre Manager Sharlene Druyven confirmed yesterday that cleaning of the town’s pavers has at last been arranged. At a cost of around $60,000, the pavers will have a special cleaner applied, and will later be resealed. Work started on Monday night and is expected to be completed before the town’s Christmas Parade on December 14. Trial runs with the cleaning programme have shown spectacular results. After seven years of battle, the solution appears to have finally been found.

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VOL 25 • NO.47

Shopping trip turns into nightmare

When Waiuku’s Sally Hull and her daughter Melissa, along with Sally’s husband and a 17-year-old friend of Melissa’s, visited the Pukekohe Farmers Store last week, they expected a pleasant family shopping expedition. Instead, the day ended with the two girls apprehended by security, police being called, and both girls being served with two-year trespass orders and a ‘Civil Recovery Demand’ for $295 each after they were each accused of shoplifting a pair of $12.99 socks. Sally says the drama happened when the parents decided to leave the store to go to the toilets, telling the girls they would be back soon, and suggesting they have a look at a Christmas Display nearby. Earlier, the girls had picked up the socks from the Farmers store, and were holding them while awaiting the parents return. While the girls were at the Christmas Shop, which is around six metres from the Farmers Store, they were approached by security, who said they had shoplifted the socks. Melissa says she went to call her mother but was told not to use her cellphone. Shortly afterward, Sally called Melissa, and the phone was answered by Farmers Security, who said the girls were picked up for shoplifting. Sally and her husband went to the security office and tried to explain the situation, but, she says, no-one would listen and police were called.

After viewing the footage, police gave the girls a warning, but Farmers trespassed the pair, and then issued a bill for $295 each, claiming $25 for ‘misappropriated goods’, $230 for staff costs, and $40 for equipment costs. Both the staff and equipment costs are related to security time, apprehension and security devices. The ‘Notice of Civil Recovery Demand’ advises the girls that they deliberately misappropriated the merchandise, and Sally says they have been told if the bills are not paid in 14 days they will go to a debt collection agency. Sally is adamant that it was a simple mistake, and says she can not understand how, without even a court case, or even charges, that Farmers can issue a bill demanding reimbursement for a product that they still have. The issue of stores imposing Civil Recovery Demands on people they deem as shoplifters is not new - and some Judges who have encountered them during shoplifting cases have queried whether the documents can be upheld in a court of law. The Post spoke with a local lawyer, who did not wish to be named, but said he believed the documents to be ‘highly questionable’, adding that he could see no basis in legislation for the charge and that it seemed likely they would be thrown out of court. The Post contacted Farmers for their view on the matter. Continued on page 3.

New rules surprising homeowners Thousands of Franklin residents now require cultural impact report for projects on private land

Parades get underway Pukekohe and Tuakau held their Christmas Parades on the weekend with some great costumes and floats on show.



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A massive number of property owners in the Auckland area, including thousands in the Franklin region, are discovering their properties are subject to new rules under the proposed Auckland Unitary Plan - even though that plan is still open for submissions. Among the rule changes, which have taken immediate effect, is the creation of over 3000 sites of either ‘Significance’ or ‘Value’ to Mana Whenua. Anyone whose property is either within these areas, or within 50 metres of these areas, is now required to obtain a resource consent from council for certain building work or earthworks and these consents must include

a Cultural Impact Assessment developed in conjunction with iwi groups or representatives appointed by them. Among the activities which will require the Cultural Impact Assessment in these areas - and there are hundreds of them listed throughout Franklin - are taking or using of surface water, removal of mangroves, significant building extensions, or earthworks for swimming pools. Auckland Council says these, and other rules, are brought into effect by the Resource Management Act, which requires many of the rules relating to environmental or heritage protection to apply when a unitary or district plan is notified.

“Property owners and developThe rules also say sites can be ers looking to carry out works are added, removed, or amended at therefore advised to familiarise the discretion of Mana Whenua, themselves with the rules and and that in some cases the reawhether they need a resource sons for the place or site being of consent,” the council said in a value can be kept secret. release. There is no suggestion of the However, the new rules have cost to landowners to apply for been slammed in some quarters, and obtain a Cultural Impact as the definitions are so vague Assessment, and the wording of that almost any site can be dethe Unitary Plan also suggests in fined as ‘of value’, and includes, a number of cases landowners according to the plan, as any site may have to obtain the assesswhich has either ‘tangible or inment from more than one iwi. tangible’ value to Mana Whenua. Council also notes that differThings that can make a site of ent tribes have different views on value can include a battle site, what is considered of value, and, a burial ground, or areas where again, the final decision appears a song was first sung, or which to have been left totally open to have special spiritual signifitribes to determine. cance under Maori culture. Continued on page 5. Enjoy 5 FREE movie rentals on your Samsung Gala

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THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

18 Bowen Street, Waiuku Ph: 09 235 7835 | Fax: 09 235 7834 Email:

Managing Editor Nigel Ward Business Manager Steve Douglas Office Manager Sarah Lamb Graphic Designer Lynn Douglas Accounts Ngaire Deed Outbound Sales Claire Erica Support Staff Kim Grindlay Published at 18 Bowen St, Waiuku by Waiuku Publishing Ltd. Printed by Horton Media Ltd, East Tamaki. Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.

Display Ads Thursday, 2pm Classifieds Monday, 10am 21,200 copies, weekly to Waiuku, Pukekohe, Tuakau, Awhitu Peninsula, Karaka, Clarks Beach, Patumahoe, Kingseat and rural.

The Auckland Council is playing fast and loose with its heritage proposals for the Auckland Region in the Unitary Plan. While it says the addition of sites of significance or value to Mana Whenua is something which it is required to do under the Resource Management Act, the way in which it has imposed these new areas has been less than transparent. This is a major issue for the region, and the requirement for individual property owners to consult with local iwi or their representatives for a raft of projects is something which should have had far wider community discussion. It was something I picked up on by accident while researching another part of the Unitary Plan. The scale of it is enormous. The ramifications, potentially, are even larger not only now, but in the future. I can find no correspondence from Auckland Council detailing this change, or expressed in a general media release, although there have been countless releases about making Auckland a better place, highlighting the Mayor’s attendance at functions, or, of late, a series about a plant flowering for the first time. These changes, and the scope of what they opens up, need to be addressed and discussed more openly by the Mayor and by local representatives. They can be read to mean almost any iwi-based group can identify almost any place as ‘of value’, and charge almost anything to assess someone’s use of that area. And now, even before submissions have closed, these rules apply to every resident of Auckland.

THE POST wants to hear from you! You can email your views to us at: or write to us at P.O Box 374, Waiuku.

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Protest editorial attracts differing views Thank you for your editorial regarding Greenpeace. You put into words my thoughts on the subject. As you stated they all use fossil fuels to achieve their ‘aims’. Surely they would be better employed assisting the Mudlarks and similar endeavours. I am of the opinion that the member imprisoned by the Russians should have been supporting his wife with the birth of their child instead of cruising round the world. MM, By email Well done on your editorial regarding oil drilling. Everyone I seem to talk to is in favour of drilling for oil but I am not surprised that the only media coverage is on demonstrators against it. Especially from the likes of John Campbell who only ever give one side of the argument. Not only will oil (if found) give this country much needed royalties but much needed jobs. The world we now live in can never replace fossil fuels as its major power source unless we go to more nuclear power and we know what consternation that would cause among the army of nay sayers. Greenpeace have lost all my respect and have become just terrorists under the guise of saving the planet. Keep up the good work Chris Moxon By Email The latest protest was not attended by misguided people. They were attended by people were not apathetic and who cared enough to be there. They were there because they were on Greenpeace’s email list and wanted to have a voice however small

against the mighty dollar. Your weak points are addressed below: Point 1: The fact that we drove there - of course! Hello, of we are going to use fossil fuels and the technology available, what other choice is there at this stage, it is what we have all been bought up on. You want us to ride our pony and carts there. Let me know when they find something to replace it. Point 2: The people on the boats sailed there Nigel and what do you want them to cook food and make a cup of tea on? Point 3: We did not protest on the road. We stood on the beach (after we cleaned up the bed base and heap of empty bottles left by the alcholic drinking teenagers that can carry their full bottles down there but cannot carry the empties out. Point 4: I dont know where you get your information from. What we have have been told it that the Government has approved this drilling to take place even thought the oil spill plan from Anadarko has not been supplied. Some people were there because of the lack of information that has been not been given to or withheld from us. Point 5: I dont know where you get your ‘70% chance of accident suggestion’ from. What I do know is that in the Gulf of Mexico there are 19 oil drills of which 1 has exploded and created an eviornmental disaster that will be felt for years to come. This is deep sea drilling - deeper than the Gulf of Mexico where the seas are apparently calmer and less of a factor. Drilling at these depths has not been done before. Debbie By Email (abridged).

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THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

Shopping trip nightmare Continued from page 1: overseas commentators referring to the deFarmers Trading Company National Loss mands as a form of blackmail, and in some Prevention Manager, Nathan Breed, after re- cases, allegations that US stores have said viewing CCTV footage of the incident, said in if people paid the bills then they would not a written response: face criminal charges. ‘The two girls in question removed Farmers In New Zealand, the issue has raised eyestock from the Pukekohe store, brows of judges, A shoplifting having walked past three regcase heard in the Palmerston ‘The Civil Recovery isters, then into the mall and North District Court saw program is designed then into another retail shop Judge Chris Somerville surto recover costs which which is located across the opprised to hear a woman, who posite side of the mall. This is pleaded guilty to shoplifting a Farmers incur in where they were approached by $20 bottle of nail polish from protecting our stores our Security staff. We believe the Broadway Avenue Farmers, from shoplifting.’ demarcation lines are clear. The had paid a $290 civil recovery - Farmers Trading security staff acted in accordfee to the company. ance with company policy and Company National Loss It was enough for him to only acted as a result of Farmdischarge the woman withPrevention Manager, ers stock having been removed out conviction, because he Nathan Breed. from our premises. believed she had already been ‘Where the removal of Farmsignificantly punished. ers stock has taken place, we always refer The Post asked Nathan Breed why the shoplifting incidents onto the Police. In this product listed as having been ‘misappropricase, the Police having seen the CCTV footage ated’ was valued at $12.99 on the Notice of of this incident, agreed with the actions of our Demand, but at $25 on the breakdown of Security Staff and took down the details of charges. the girls in relation to the incident. Whatever He said: ‘The $25 is a flat fee that is apsubsequent decision the Police chose to make, plied to all incidents regardless of whether Farmers had no influence over.’ the product is valued at $12.99 or $1000. The Asked whether the security guards at the Civil Recovery program is designed to recover company are licenced, Mr Breed said: costs which Farmers incur in protecting our ‘The law does not require private Company stores from shoplifting. NZ Retailers suffer Security staff to be licenced. Farmers Security losses of over $760 million dollars each year staff are trained however through a compre- due to theft, Farmers take the prevention of hensive in-house training programme cover- stock loss very seriously.’ ing a wide range of Security processes includMelissa and her parents, plus Melissa’s ing the apprehension of shoplifters.’ friend, are all adamant the issue was a simThe issue of Civil Recovery demands is ple oversight, and one which would have one which has gained traction in the United been easily resolved when the parents reStates, which has specific laws governing turned from the toilets to continue their charges which can be made by stores over shopping. They believe the Farmers treatallegations of shoplifting. ment to have been heavy-handed under the Even so, there have been a number of que- circumstances, and are taking legal advice ries raised over the procedure, with some over their next steps.

Students ready questions for Mayor

The Waiuku College Student Advisory Board (WCSAB) is meeting Mayor Len Brown on December 16 at Waiuku College. The meeting, from 2pm, is open to the public, and there is still an opportunity for local people to add their questions to those being posed by the student body. Anyone who would like to have questions raised at the meeting is asked to supply

them in writing and drop them off at drop boxes located in Waiuku businesses New World, Sunset Surf And Turf and Bakers Shoes. The WCSACB is a group built from Year 10 to 13 College students who have come together to address Waiuku’s issues and make their voices heard. Students say a key issue is the lack of public transport for Waiuku, something

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which is extremely limiting for younger members in the Waiuku who do not have cars or cannot afford to drive to Auckland for work or university on a regular basis. Currently Waiuku has only one bus service, which runs to Papakura in the early morning and evening, something which students say is unfair on people who have busy schedules and cannot make these times.

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THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

Take a bus to Waiuku’s Music in the Park... really?

PUZZLE CHALLENGE Weekly crossword with the compliments of

Auckland Council has announced the band Prima Swing Riot, supported by Fever Swing, will be performing at Waiuku’s Tamakae Reserve on January 25, from 3pm. This is great news, but we at the Post were intrigued by a button on the Music in Parks website which said ‘Take a Bus’ and to click it. We clicked it, thinking it was great that Auckland Transport had a bus service for Aucklanders to visit Waiuku for the afternoon event. There’s a couple of problems. After much effort and working with the transport website, we discovered Aucklanders travelling from Britomart can use public transport to visit for the concert. Unfortunately, there’s no buses on that weekend, or the Monday, which is Auckland Anniversary Day. But; this is how you can do it: Trip One: Two adults, two children, need to leave Auckland at 4.35pm Friday, travel for two hours and 12 minutes, and arrive in Waiuku on Friday evening, ahead of the concert on Saturday afternoon. The next available

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transport for them is Tuesday morning at 6.25am. To attend the concert solely using Auckland Transport options, it will cost them, $93.00 in bus and train tickets, plus accommodation for four nights. So, we decided to see if there were any other ways to do it... Trip Two: Utilising a combination of historic transport, plus buses and taxis, another option for the family of four is to leave Britomart at noon on Saturday 25th, arriving in Pukekohe at 2.09pm. (Cost $39), then taxi to Glenbrook Vintage Rail (cost $43.90), then Vintage Rail Family pass to Waiuku, at 2.45pm ($48.00), attend the concert, and stay the night in Waiuku. Next morning use the return GVR ticket to get from Waiuku to Glenbrook on the 11.45am train, $43.90 for the taxi to Pukekohe, then leave Pukekohe at 1pm, arriving Britomart at around 3pm, ($39). Total travel cost for a family of four for this variation is $213.80 plus accommodation for one night. Seems like a good trip, but still fairly pricey with the accommodation costs,

so what about a taxi trip.... Trip Three: Another option is to use a taxi company from central Auckland direct to Waiuku, leaving Auckland at 1pm, staying for the concert and leaving Waiuku by taxi again at 7pm. This has an estimated cost of $400.99 via Alert Taxis website for two adults, two children and three bags. Or (and this is cheating a bit because you still have to drive)... Trip Four: Hire a car from Auckland (Budget Rentals website), Ford Falcon $63 overnight, fuel cost expected to be around 17 litres ($42.00), total price $105.00. Pick up 10am Saturday, return 10am Sunday. If use a Toyota Yaris or similar, fuel and hireage is $77.95 in total. Well, there you go, you can do it. Still it seems a little disappointing it’s cheaper to hire a car and pay for the petrol when apparently there is a major focus on public transport options at the moment. We guess that focus appears to be pretty much in central Auckland, rather than in our supposed heritage and tourist areas....

Back to back wins for Waiuku Primary 1. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19. 22. 23. 24. 25.

ACROSS Metal (8) Ponder (4) Couple (4) Nationality (8) Step (5) Soften (6) Copyright (6) Gleam (6) Tremble (6) Strand (5) Tactful (8) Duck (4) Heavenly body (4) Absurdity (8)

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 21.

An invention of a ‘Junk Yard Golf Course’ captured the judges’ eyes at an annual school engineering award, and was enough to see Waiuku Primary School become a joint winner in the competition. Waiuku Primary School is the first school to win two years running after it also won the junior section last year with its bouncy aid project. The Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) runs the annual competition, sponsored by Transpower. Transpower Neighbourhood Engineers Awards Coordinator Kristal Kitto said 42 projects from Whangarei to Dunedin were submitted by schools to the Awards this year. They ranged from an “extendable object retriever” to retrieve balls from trees and guttering by Taranaki’s Normanby School students, to building a fitness track to improve students’ fitness at Newbury School in Manawatu. A total of $16,000 prize money and certificates were awarded to the 26 projects which won or were given merits at school assemblies by IPENZ and Transpower. The winning projects in the 2013 Transpower Neighbourhood Engineer Awards are: Senior winner: Auckland’s Mission Heights Junior College – A

DOWN Minimum (5) Insect (7) Pleasant (4) Baboon (8) Replica (5) Tool (7) Fish (8) Unbeliever (7) Apparition (7) Clergyman (5) Stupid (5) Daze (4)

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THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

Local Board caught by surprise - Councillor says he has concerns Continued from Page 1 Franklin’s representative at Auckland Council, Bill Cashmore, says the Local Board never saw the proposals which mean local landowners need to consult with Mana Whenua or their representatives for development near designated areas. In fact, he says, he was only made aware of the issue last week, and says it is something which many councillors have concerns over. In his personal opinion, he believes it is a legacy issue from the former ARC, but adds he is concerned about the transparency of a system which has meant these sites have been added into the document with no chance for public submissions before to Unitary Plan was handed to the commissioners

Cultural impact assessment: A report which documents Mana Whenua cultural values, interests and associations with an area or a resource, the potential impacts of a proposed activity on these values and offers solutions to address these impacts. A cultural impact assessment should be prepared with the involvement of Mana Whenua recognising that it is the relationship of Mana Whenua with their ancestral lands, water, sites, wahi tapu and taonga that is to be recognised and provided for under section 6(e) of the RMA PART 4 - DEFINITIONS - C

by the council. He says the issues raised go to the heart of personal property rights, and he encourages property owners in the region to go to the Auckland Council website, check whether their properties are affected by the new rules, and make a submission on the plan. He believes, if this plan was to be implemented, that the sites should have been designated in the original document, not brought in at the last minute, and adds the fact that, as a result, property owners are now already subject to the rules as they are deemed heritage provisions and have been enacted immediately, is also an issue of concern. He says he will be raising the issue

through the local board, and says it would seem likely that there would be submissions made on the issue from council and the local board, although he can not pre-empt that process. Again, he encourages anyone who feels their property may be affected by any changes in the unitary plan to go to the council website, seek further information and make a submission. It’s hard to escape the conclusion that this issue has not been highlighted by council, despite it obviously effecting thousands of residents. Not only will it likely cause delays in development, but it may also have an impact on house values in the affected areas.

A Council release recently made note of some of the new rules, but made no mention of the ‘Sites and Places of Significance or Value’ - instead referring only to 3360 Special Ecological Areas which it said was to protect important vegetation and fauna, covering a total of 80,400 hectares. Many households have had SEAs signified on their property. In these areas, a consent is required for vegetation alterations or removal although there is a list of exceptions covering maintenance, biosecurity and proximity to existing buildings. Additionally, rules relating to SEA Marine areas also have immediate effect, as do rules regarding many homes built prior to 1944.

So what does a cultural impact assessment actually mean? If a cultural impact assessment is required, the Auckland Council’s Unitary Plan states it must: a.identify the nature of the actual or potential effects of the proposal on Mana Whenua values, and b.appropriately address the actual or potential effects of the proposal on Mana Whenua values. A cultural impact assessment should be prepared by an iwi authority or a person or entity nominated by the iwi authority with confirmation of this nomination provided in writing by the relevant iwi authority representative (or representatives where there is more than one potentially affected iwi or hapu). A cultural impact assessment is not required if the representative of the iwi authority from the relevant Mana Whenua group (or groups where there is more than one potentially affected iwi or hapu) confirm in writing that a cultural impact assessment is not necessary.

Where a cultural impact assessment is required the following information should be included (in such detail as corresponds with the scale and significance of the effects that the activity may have on Mana Whenua values): a.a description of the proposed activity b.recognition of the Mana Whenua within the area subject to the application and a description of their relationship with the area and cultural landscape c.a statement of the Mana Whenua values associated with any particular resources, sites or places affected by the activity. These values may be identified through: i.reference documents ii.engagement with Mana Whenua iii.recommendations provided by Mana Whenua or a person nominated by Mana Whenua iv.hapu or iwi planning documents v.cultural values assessments prepared by Mana Whenua


vi.Treaty Settlement documents and related legislation vii.Maori Land Court records viii.v historical publications ix.any other relevant information d.a description of how the application: i.the effects of the activity on Mana Whenua values and how the application avoids, remedies or mitigates any adverse effects on Mana Whenua values ii.recognises and provides for the relationship of Mana Whenua and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, wahi tapu, and other taonga iii.has particular regard to kaitiakitanga iv.takes into account the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi e.a description of the consultative processes used in preparing the report f.iwi/hapu recommendations archaeological assessment if the site has archaeological value.

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THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

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THURSDAY 5th Dec – Wednesday 11th Dec th

These session times are from THURSDAY 5


CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2 : REVENGE OF THE LEFT OVERS (G) Daily 4pm (2D), 6pm (3D) + Sat & Sun 11.30am (3D) DELIVERY MAN (M) Daily 2.15pm, 6.30pm & 8.30pm ENDER’S GAME (M) Daily 1.30pm, 4.15pm & 6.15pm HUNGER GAMES : CATCHING FIRE (M) Daily 12.30pm, 3.30pm & 8pm ONE CHANCE (PG) Daily 12.15pm + Thu, Sun, Mon & Wed 8.30pm THE BUTLER (M) CARRIE (R16) Thu & Tue 11am Fri, Sat & Tue 8.30pm GARDENING WITH SOUL Fri, Mon & Wed 11.30pm

Householders are being reminded that the restricted fire season started again on Sunday December 1. Principal Rural Fire Officer Bryan Cartelle is asking Aucklander’s to take a common sense approach and ensure that if they are lighting an open air fire in any rural area, that they have a permit from Auckland Council. Mr Cartelle adds, “At this time of year warm, dry weather is on the rise so the fire danger levels across Auckland grow too.

“We’re advising people to take precautions when lighting fires to ensure they don’t spread, cause damage, become a nuisance to others or contain illegal materials such as tyres, plastics, synthetic materials or treated timber. “It’s important fires are controlled and supervised at all times as the costs involved in putting out all fires may be passed on to the person responsible,’ he says. Mr Cartelle also points out the start of the restricted

Bikes roar at Glen Murray event Normally tranquil rural Glen Murray was filled with the sound of roaring motorbikes on Sunday, November 24, as the local community hosted its annual Big Bike Ride. Around 1100 motorbike riders of all ages turned out for what some called the best ride in the country. Local landowners had opened their gates to dirt bike riders who could choose from a 40 km senior track, or do the family track with the kids. There was a special track for the little kids, (pictured right), which attracted whole families and there were lots of women and girls among the riders. Central hub for the ride was the Glen Murray hall. The locals turned out in force to provide assistance to register riders, serve food

and drinks, marshall riders across the road and so on. The Glen Murray Big Bike Ride is a charity ride and

Mobility Van bookings change during closure Users of the Lions Mobility Van service in Waiuku will from this week have to make their bookings for the van at the Waiuku Business and Development Associations’s offices while the Library is closed. The Waiuku Library, where bookings were previously taken, is to close from the end of the day on December 7, and will re-open on Wednesday, December 18, as it refurbishes its premises. The Library will be increasing its floor space to include the old council chambers

and includes new carpeting. Bookings for the mobility van will be taken by WB&DA staff, who operate from the Information office at the bottom of Queen Street, in Waiuku. New murals unveiled in Pukekohe Saturday turned out to be an enjoyable day for all, as top-class murals by local artists were unveiled in Pukekohe. Nine murals painted by individual artists and community groups from across Franklin were revealed in the Pukekohe town square, in-

LEGEND Available at

Pukekohe including Drive-Thru


Now available 24 hours, 7 days.

provides funds for the running of the local community hall and the maintenance of the buildings and grounds.

Local news in brief



fire season is a timely reminder to check your insurance policy. “You need to consider insurance of property for loss and replacement from fire, Public Liability Insurance, Forest & Rural Fires Act fire suppression insurance (particularly if you are in the bush or camping a lot).” For more information on the different levels of fire restrictions or other fire related queries visit ‘rural fire’ or call 09 301 0101.”

stalled as part of a beautification effort led by the Franklin Youth Advisory Board and the Pukekohe Business Association. “We know the public will be very excited to see the murals in situ,” says youth advisory board chairperson Sarah Summerscales. “They will be appreciated by locals and visitors alike, and add vibrancy and character to our town centre.” The murals will be blessed, before a range of live performances and activities. Entry was free, and there was a sausage sizzle and light refreshments available on the day.


THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

Murphy claims championship in Pukekohe Greg Murphy has won the 2013 BNT V8 SuperTourer championship after a hugely stressful final race when the advantage swung back and forth at Pukekohe on the weekend. “It was tense today,” Murphy said after taking the title by 28 points from Hamilton driver Ant Pedersen at this final round of the Hankook Super Series. “We were out of it and then they were out of it. “Anything was possible and it went from one extreme to the other. I was watching Ant in my mirrors.” Going into the final race

of the Mike Pero Pukekohe 500 meeting Murphy and his co-driver Jack Perkins knew they probably had to bring their Holden home at least two places ahead of the Ford driven by Pedersen and Chaz Mostert. After the leading teams had completed their compulsory two pit stops Murphy led, just one place ahead of Pedersen and with 2012 champion Scott McLaughlin not far back in third. McLaughlin closed on Pedersen and passed him, putting Murphy the necessary two places ahead of his title rival. His chances

improved further when Pedersen lost time with a fast trip across the grass off turn one and lost a place to the Holden driven by Australian Tim Slade and Aucklander Richard Moore. But then McLaughlin caught Murphy and put him under tremendous pressure, finally getting through to the lead with a clean move inside at the hairpin with 12 of the 70 laps to go. Pedersen was now clearly struggling with his car and he fell back to fifth. He and Mostert did have the consolation of winning the endurance section of the champi-

Local artist features with gift set Franklin resident and mouth painting artist Grant Sharman’s artworks have appeared on a wide range of Christmas merchandise over the years, but never before on bone china. This year his beautiful art appears on a Mouth and Foot Painting Artists (MFPA) gift set containing two bone china mugs – a perfect present for that hard-to-buy relative. The mugs feature Grant’s original work; stunning images of pink roses in full bloom, along with a small delicate purple flower, and are presented in a beautiful

display box. The gift set retails for $45.00. Grant began painting after an injury in a school rugby match at 15 left him a tetraplegic in 1977, becoming a full member of the MFPA in 1988. Grant’s membership of

the Association has given him financial independence and a greater quality of life. As a member of the MFPA Grant has travelled to many parts of the world and met some wonderful people and formed life long friendships. The bone china mug gift set featuring Grant’s art, along with a wide range of Christmas merchandise are available to purchase online from MFPA – For further information on the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists or to place an order, contact MFPA on (09) 827 6746.

onship; Murphy had earlier won the sprint series. “We just didn’t have the car to fight with, it’s very simple really,” a disappointed Pedersen said. “We were struggling with the tyres late in the race. The final drama came as McLaughlin’s car started streaming heavy smoke over the last two laps. “I said [over the team radio] I’m not stopping!” McLaughlin, who also won the round overall, said. “It was the hub but the car was not too bad, it never really dropped off. “It was good to get the first round win this season for the team; it’s been an up and down season. To race with Murph at Pukekohe is pretty cool.” Shane Van Gisbergen had been in strong contention for the title after a big win in the previous day’s shorter race, but early in today’s first race the Ford’s motor stopped and he was out of the meeting. He still took third in the championship. Australian Lee Holdsworth blitzed away to a big lead over the first half of that race before handing over to Aucklander Tim Edgell, who piloted the Ford on to his second victory of the season. McLaughlin and Moffat were second with Pedersen and Moffat third, which put Pedersen into the series lead as Murphy and Perkins were fifth, unhappy with the balance of their car.

Merry Christmas Robyn & Denise would like to thank all their clients for their support throughtout the year.

CHIRSTMAS WEEK HOURS: Mon: 9:00am - 8:00pm Tues: 9:00 - 3:00pm Christmas closing 3:00pm 24th Dec Reopening 9:00am 3rd Jan 2014


We stock Morocco Shampoo, Conditioner & Oil. Good Quality Shampoo’s & Conditioners at affordable prices. Now Availiable in Christmas Packs & Travel packs.

EFTPOS AVAILABLE FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Tel: 09 235 2173 | 146 Craig Road | Waiuku


THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

Hot weather and hot cars Warnings over bag snatching and fake bank notes

Members of the Iron Sands Rod and Custom club of Waiuku celebrated their Christmas event on the weekend with a barbecue and a drive to Grahams Beach. Above is ‘Jeanette’ of the group with her custom vehicle as the group gathered at the Kentish Hotel carpark.

Counties Manukau Police are warning the public over a spate of bag snatching and also the circulation of counterfeit bank notes in the local area. Police say the fake notes are often of poor quality and not even made of the same material - they feel like paper. Knowingly passing on a counterfeit bank note is a crime so make sure you call Police if you have any information about fake money or have received some. Meanwhile, Counties Manukau Police District Commander Superintendent John Tims says don’t let your valuables become a target for thieves. “Christmas is only five weeks away and everyone is starting to think about Christmas shopping for their loved ones. “You can have a positive experience while out and about in the lead up to Christmas. “We are working really hard to lower the number of car break-ins and the

amount of valuable items that are stolen from cars and we need help from the community to do this. “If you’re parking your car in a carpark or on the side of the road, do not leave things like laptops, cameras, wallets, iPods or satellite navigation systems in plain view. “Either take these items with your or keep them well hidden in the boot. Try to park your car in a well populated and well lit area. “Investigations into a number of recent handbag snatching incidents are underway and there are some positive lines of enquiry. “We advise you to try to use Eftpos and credit cards when you do your shopping to avoid holding large amounts of cash. “Additionally, hold your bag close to you and stick to well lit public areas when walking. Don’t leave your handbag unattended, especially in the supermarket. You should also take partic-

ular care when loading groceries into the car. Place your handbag inside the car, re-lock it, and then put the shopping bags in the boot. “Never leave your handbag unattended in a car and remember parking in busy areas reduces the opportunities for theft. “With the Police and the community working together, we can ensure Counties Manukau becomes a safer place for everyone to live, work and visit. “Make sure you call Police if you experience anything that concerns you in your neighbourhood. “Remember if you don’t feel comfortable talking to Police you can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 with any crime information. “You should call Police or Crimestoppers with any information you have on crime, such as a suspicious person in your neighbourhood or someone you know who is in possession of stolen property.”

Good crowd for Pukekohe fair

For all your special corsetry requirements

St Andrew’s Anglican Church in Pukekohe held its annual fair on Saturday 23 November. A large plant stall and a book sale complemented the second hand goods sold from the church hall and these turned out to be very popular. Hundreds came and milled around the tables to find things they could use. For the children there was a bouncy castle on the vicarage lawn and they could get their faces painted.

• Prostheses • Bras & Pantie Girdles • Corsets & Back Supports

Call Maree Kay

Qualified Corsetiere & Certified Mastectomy Fitter for an appointment ~ 09 298 0999

Maree Louise Underfashions 113 Great South Road, Papakura


The stage is nearly set for the 2013 Waiuku Christmas parade and we are hoping this will be the best parade ever. Together with the social, business and school floats we will be advertising the upcoming “Movies in the Park” evening on the 7th February and Waiuku Steel ‘n’ Wheels Festival on May 11th. Miss South Auckland, Sarah Brodrick will also be making an appearance. Bowen Street will be alive from 11.30am with a great range of stalls and The Waiuku Country Music Band will play host on stage, accompanied by “Aksamba” an amazing drumming act that recently performed at the International Fast Five netball tournament. Red Hot Cheer will be showing off some of the amazing moves that gained their teams 1st equal and 3rd in the Asia Pacific Grand Internationals. We ask the public to please be sure to have their vehicles out of the Queen Street parade route by 1.00pm. Every year we have an issue with parked cars left in the street during the parade. This not only takes away from valuable viewing space for the public but the vehicles can also get damaged from the amount of public. We will also once again have the blue line reinstated so the public keep a safe distance away from the floats. Due to the ever growing crowd at the parade a lot of families with push chairs and small children are unable to properly see the parade. For that reason we have decided that all participants, i.e BMX bikes, pipe band, clowns and marching girls, will start at the rugby grounds. This allows the crowd to utilise the area on King Street as well as Queen Street so everyone has a good view of the parade. If you have forgotten to return your float forms or you have decided last minute to put a float in parade please contact Sharlene Druyven (021) 0827 5763 urgently.

en St/Queen St. w o B – e tr en C n Waiuku Tow wen St Main Stage on Bo at t en m n ai rt te En 9.00 am 11.30 am 12.00 pm 12.10pm 12.30pm 12.40pm 1.20pm 1.30pm 2.00pm 3.00pm

owen Street Road Closes in B try and Waiuku Coun en p o ls al St t ke ar M rms Music Band perfo tion aders demonstra Red Hot Cheerle es Music Band resum Waiuku Country er band Aksamba Drumm and Country Music B er band Aksamba Drumm Music Band Waiuku Country Parade starts Parade Finishes


THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

Auditions called for new play Papakura Theatre Company’s next production will be Whistle Down the Wind, a play based on the novel by Mary Hayley Bell, and the subsequent 1961 Richard Attenborough-produced film which starred Hayley Mills. Terri de’Ath will once more

will be the director while Paul G Radden will be musical director of the show. The production features Andrew Lloyd Webber’s emotive musical score that combines hauntingly beautiful love songs and explosive rock music with lyrics by ac-

Waipipi water fun!

Waipipi School recently held a water slide day celebrating the arrival of summer. Showing how much fun was had by the children, this image features Amber Humberstone, a Year 4 student at the school.

claimed rock’n’roll songwriter Jim Steinman. Auditions are planned for Wednesday December 11th and Thursday, December 12th, both between 4.00 pm and 8.00pm; and Thursday December 19th and Friday, December 20th, also between 4.00pm and 8.00pm. Anyone who is interested in being involved in the show are invited to phone Barbara Hieatt for an appointment. Her number is 09 296 8265. Her email is: auditions@ptc. “We realise this is a busy time of the year so if there are those who are unable to make any of the above dates but are interested in auditioning, they are welcome to contact me,” says Barb. “If they can let us know of their interest we may be able to arrange an alternative time for them to audition.” As well as two female principals and eight male principals that will be required, there is also a chorus of townspeople needed (including a few children). “We need people of all ages,” says Barbara, “of all sizes, all everything – but they must of course be able to sing. “We will also be forming two children’s casts and we envisage needing at least 10 children, including chorus.”


Waiuku Family Support needs new toys so we can play Father Christmas again this year. All toys donated will go to Waiuku families. Through working with families during the year we know the families where Christmas is going to be pretty bleak. Please donate new toys to our centre at 56 Queen Street and we will make sure they go to a local family where the children need them.

Christmas DAY LUNCH


THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

Special fundraiser in Pukekohe for Carol The Pukekohe Cosmopolitan Club is holding a special fundraising night next Tuesday from 4pm onward to help local woman Carol Knott raise money for the drug Sorafenib to slow down an aggressive thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs. As Carol doesn’t meet the criteria to receive this free, she has to find $10,000 a month to go on the programme, and slow down the cancer. That amount is scary for anyone, yet with help like this from the Pukekohe Cosmopolitan Club,

Earlier this year, Carol Knott won the Top Salesperson awards at the OPD Group’s annual conference

Carol moves closer to finding the money she needs to stay alive. As the club says: “Please come along and join in on what will be a fantastic night. There will be tenpin bowling (of course), as well as raffles, prizes and most importantly, an opportunity to give to someone who has spent her life helping others. If you would like to know more, or would like to donate to Carol directly, please go to cause/medication. “ A few years ago, Carol was still performing in the Pukekohe Pipe Band, carrying a rather large drum and entertaining others as part of the group. Then came the news she had thyroid cancer. Like the trouper she is, Carol has been fighting this, with everything she has, while still working full time with the support of her family, and her work. The fight has been to stick around as long as possible, because this cancer is terminal, and for a while, it was looking good. Family and friends got together and decided that they would give Carol her dream holiday and a reason to keep fighting - a trip to Gallipoli in ANZAC 2015 to celebrate the 100 year anniversary. This is important to Carol because she comes from a military family, and that means something to her. Her grandfather fired the first shot in the Battle of the Somme, his rifle is in the Military Museum in Manchester. Her father was in the military, as was Carol, and her husband. Carol has spent her whole life supporting the military in whatever way she can. Unfortunately, the cancer then moved to her lungs, and the trip was brought forward to August 2014, meaning she will miss the major anniversary but can still attend the site. Now, as she says, the cancer has decided to move up a gear, and the growth has been aggressive. So aggressive that the only way to slow it down is to use the trial drug Sorafenib. Carol is cashing in her Kiwisaver, so that’s the first three months covered, but now Carol is finally asking for help from anyone who is willing to. As a friend of the family says: “She needs money to live, its as simple and as frustrating as that. $10,000 a month, yes, its a lot, however, what is the price you put on a life, or on a dream? “If you can help in any way, either by donating directly to the site, or attending the upcoming fundraising events, we would really appreciate it. The great thing is that it takes a lot of people helping a little to make a huge difference. “Carol is asking for just a bit more time, we can help give her that.”

Church growing St Bride’s Mauku, Local Shared Ministry Unit celebrated in style on Sunday when Sally Matheson was ordained a Priest. Sally’s previous role as Deacon during the past two years has prepared her for this next step of her ministry within the Church of St Bride’s. Sally joins David McSorley and Judith Hull, sharing jointly the role of Sacremental Priests, leading Eucharist [communion] services and celebrating all events of Christian life; Worship, Baptism, Marriage, and Funeral services are available at St Bride’s. The occasion was presided upon by the Right Rev. Jim White, Assistant Bishop of Auckland and the service was well attended by friends, family and congregational members sharing this joyful event. Above: Ross and Sally Matheson with Reverend Jacqui Sewell and Bishop Jim White on Sunday.







Friday 6th Dec at 8pm

$50 Show and Dinner Dinner 6pm onwards Book at Club

$50 Show and Dinner Dinner 6pm onwards Book at Club

Children’s Christmas Party Sunday 8th December 1pm

Tenpin Area


(Presents for the Children from Santa can be handed in at the Office)

members’ lucky number draw



For Carol Knott

This fundraising night is to help Carol Knott raise funds for the drug Sorafenib to slow down an agressive thyroid cancer that has spread to her lungs. Please come along and join in on what will be a fantastic night. There will be tenpin bowling (of course), as well as raffles, prizes and most importantly, an opportunity to give to someone who has spent her life helping others. If you would like to know more, or donate to Carol directly, please go to medication

Members Children and Grandchildren are invited to come and meet Santa!! There will be food and drinks for the children and lots of fun !

Bouncy Castle, Train Rides, Face Painting, Fun Jeeps and of course Mr Whippy!!!

Tenpin Games PRIZES

New Tenpin Bowling League This is a doubles league playing three games Handicap system - so all players are equal. Come along and meet new people. If you are interested phone Tenpin Staff on 238 8404 and register your name.

78 Nelson Street, Pukekohe • Email: • Phone: (09) 238 8404 • Fax: (09) 238 9909 CLUB COURTESY BUS : AVAIL THURS - SAT FROM 4pm • CALL 027 473 0675

All funds raised go to Carol for her treatment


THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

End of an era Timeless tales come to life for television New Zealand’s last remaining analogue TV signals were closed down in the early hours over the weekend, ushering Kiwi viewers into a new era of digital-only television. “The shut-down of analogue TV services across the Upper North Island, ends a three-year campaign to migrate viewers to digital TV services,” Going Digital National Manager Greg Harford said. “Going digital offers viewers more channels, better pictures and new services, but also frees up radio spectrum for next-generation mobile phone and mobile broadband services, which are expected to be faster and cheaper in the long-run. “Going Digital has run a comprehensive community outreach and marketing campaign over three years to alert viewers to changes in the way TV is broadcast,” said Mr Harford. “The nation has gone digital in four stages over the past 15 months, and from today Upper North Island viewers will only be able to watch TV if they have Freeview, Sky or Igloo. While not all viewers have made the transition, experience from other parts of the country suggests that those who have not gone digital ahead of the deadline will do so over the coming days.” Mr Harford invited viewers to check in with family members and friends that they were still able to watch TV this morning. “Viewers can go digital at any time by getting Freeview, Sky or Igloo and our team is available on 0800 838 800 to assist people who need information about going digital.

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)


GLENBROOK Substantial 217m2 home of generous proportions in a delightful secluded location. Situated in a superb street in rural surroundings, harbour side overlooking breath-taking Waitangi Falls this 2 storey 4 bedroom home has many options, from family home, Home stay or work from home. To view this stunning property please contact an agent to arrange a private inspection. View online: ID osbf697 On Wednesday evening the children of Sandspit Road School will be performing their show “Timeless Tales” The performance brings to life the songs and stories of many favourite tales ranging from “The Wizard of Oz” through to “The Lord of the Rings”. Principal of Sandspit Road School Graeme Newall said “In this year’s show we wanted every child in the school to have the opportunity to be on stage, and our show directors Sarah Brady and Trish Devine have

managed to do that.” Graeme went on to say that “at Sandspit Road School we value the arts and feel it is an important part of our school curriculum”. There will be two shows on Wednesday 4th December, the first at 11am and the second at 6pm. The performance will be on the school field so the audience has been invited to bring a picnic blanket and chairs to enjoy the performance under the stars.

Julie Rodgers a/h 09 235 6075, 0275 516 075

For a free no obligation appraisal from an agent that gets results:

Julie Rodgers Mobile 0275 516 075 A/h 09 235 6075 11 Bowen Street, Waiuku

Ph 235 7139

S Y FOCU RT E P O PR trict is D in l Frank

Our team Waiuku and surrounding districts

Leonie Gillott 0274 985 722

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

Julie Quilty 0272 292 243

Marleen Ohms 0274 483 528

Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075


Why wait to build when you can move into a house that is only 3 years young Double glazed, woodburner. Sun drenched deck, garden shed, 4 brms, master has ensuite & wir. Open plan living with sep family room set on 841m2. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.


View online: ID: osbh743 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Ray Lever 021 951 082 Open Home: Sun 3.00 – 3.30pm 197 Kitchener Road



Ph 235 7139

Over an acre of mature plantings, natural spring with gentle flow. 3 bedrooms, open plan with 2 bedroom sleepout. Lovely outdoor decking to enjoy sunsets & bbqs. View online: ID: osbf699 & osbh724


Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528




ON THE BEACH - $530,000

View online: ID: osbf676 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075

View online: ID: osbf6701 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

View online: ID: osbf675 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

View online: ID: osbh538 & osbf664 Contact: Julie Rodgers a/h 09 235 6075, 0275 516 075 Julie Quilty ph a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

Yes! Calling all men. A 180m2 shed incl 72m2 of living consisting of 2 bedrooms & open plan living & kitchen opening onto a sunny patio with a great rural outlook. Set on 1.26 ha only 3 km from the popular Karioitahi Beach. So come on guys, live the dream and give me a call to view your piece of paradise.

Boutique 1Ha property. The country style home is well sheltered with a nice sunny aspect with ample shedding. The property lends itself well to calf raising. All this only approx 5.5kms from town and near Otaua Primary School.

Tucked down a tree lined drive is this 4 bedroom well maintained home.Double separate garaging plus barn.Private and secluded set on 9870m2.Plenty of room for the kids and the animals.


Awhitu Peninsula beach front property with 180 degree Manukau Harbour views. Two storey, 3 bedroom modern bach with North facing decks for entertaining. Quiet and relaxing location.

PARK LIKE SETTING $630,000 Mature plantings, tree lined driveway & fully fenced. Suitable for car enthusiasts as this home has a double garage with internal entry & a 10 x 7 Total span garage + off street parking. 4 double bedrooms, master has ensuite, open plan living with family room. Set on 2952m2 down private row.


Stunning water view on an acre of land with this 5 bedroom golden home. Extra shedding with large rumpus/game room. Lovely indoor/outdoor flow with pizza oven & open fire place. 10-12 minutes from Waiuku. Ph Marleen to arrange a viewing. View online: ID: osbf698 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

View online: ID: osbh731


Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


This 16.2 hectares of desirable north facing property is located 6.5km from Waiuku main centre. This property has road frontage on two sides. Allowing access to a number of building sites. To view please phone Ray. View online: ID: osbf680 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082


An extensive family home of 5 bedrooms, 3 living areas and 3 bathrooms. A designer kitchen and open plan family area lead on to an extensive portico and swimming pool complex, the large separate media room also has access to this area. The 2510m2 grounds have been professionally landscaped and there is coded gate access. This is one of the top properties in Waiuku and it awaits your inspection now.

Main house consisting of 3 double bedrooms - one with ensuite. In addition there is also an attached sep 1 bedroom unit with its own bathroom & kitchenette. Set on elevated 1512m2 site with triple car garaging. Desirable Bay View Drive.

View online: ID: osbh661 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075

View online: ID: osbh392 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722



View online: ID: osbf682 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082


Substantial 217m2 home of generous proportions in a delightful secluded location. Situated in a superb street in rural surroundings, harbour side overlooking breath-taking Waitangi Falls this 2 storey 4 bedroom home has many options, from family home, Home stay or work from home. To view this stunning property please contact an agent to arrange a private inspection.


Attractive 56.91 Ha approx on the tip of the Awhitu Peninsula just 30 mins from Waiuku. Proposed subdivision scheme commissioned for 25 lots under Rural Plan change 14. Vendor would potentially consider swap for dairy unit in upper Waikato.

Open Home: Sun: 1.00 – 1.30pm 8 Bayview Drive


View online: ID: osbf697 Contact: Julie Rodgers a/h 09 235 6075, 0275 516 075 Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722


Excellent location, private 5 double bedrooms + study. 3 Bathrooms + ensuite, rumpus room, extra shedding. In ground swimming pool, solar power, 2 ovens & butlers pantry. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.


View online: ID: osbh720 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


11 Bowen Street, Waiuku



A superior residential subdivision, great building sites, close to township.Phone Leonie for further information.

View online: ID: osbs458




Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

View online: ID: osbh709 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Elevated with a northeast aspect at the end of a quiet country lane.Lovely rural views with a good access road. Relocate or build on the 7056m2 site in a prime location. View online: ID: osbh709

This lovely two bedroom home has open plan living with modern bathroom. Heat pump and wood burner. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.




View online: ID: osbh733 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

View online: ID: osbh744 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Glenbrook Beach and a great boat ramp just minutes away. this 2 bedroom immaculate home is a short walk from the beach. The 1186m2 section is well kept and fully fenced. Come home to this hidden gem. Phone Ray to view.

SECURE AN AFFORDABLE SECTION TODAY $245,000 Nestled in a quiet peaceful valley on edge of townswhip are WAIUKU these 5 prime building sites ranging from 1/2 acre to 3/4 CONVENIENCE FOR YOU - $245,000 Convenient for your tenant. Only a short walk to Waiuku Township. This very tidy two bedroom unit fit the needs acre. All sites fully serviced. Well priced. of many. Large lounge/dining, sep kitchen, combined bathroom & toilet. Both bedrooms are double and there is


View online: ID: osbs429 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722


Fantastic first home or investment property. Zoned for Sandspit Road School. Freshly painted on the outside gives this home a lift of life. This home was relocated about 4 years ago. 4 Bedrooms, plenty of room for kids to run and play. Close to Sandspit Beach & Waiuku town centre. View online: ID: osbh718 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


This lovely bungalow is beautiful inside and out. Fully insulated as well as a heat pump & wood burner. Combined kitchen / dining with sep lounge. Deck for summer entertaining with a view over the garden. Handy to Waiuku town centre. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.


Cute 3 bedroom renovated 1950's home on a generous 836m2 section. Fully fenced private section with a huge double garage, safe for the family and pets. Move in and enjoy.


Check out this solid as a rock, yester-year home located so close to town on a 1012m2 section. Short walk to Super Value, shorter walk to the Cossie Club. Phone now for an appointment to view.


View online: ID: osbh734 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243



Open Home: Sun 2.00 – 2.30pm 2 Kathleen Reece Place





Country living without the hassle of farming. 2 Rural lots with unimpeded views to the west over the Waiuku River and Manukau harbour. 4836m2 and 5113m2.On the Glenbrook side of Waiuku. Hurry to view, before your friends do.Titles pending. View online: ID: osbf596 & osbs534 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082


STOP, LOOK, BUY!! $369,000 View online: ID: osbh741 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722 Open Home: Sun 2.00 – 2.30pm 5a Collingwood Road


A contemporary double glazed Latitude home consisting of large open plan living opening on to a sunny deck with elevated ceiling space. Three double bedrooms (master with ensuite). Double basement garage on a compact easy care site.May qualify for Welcome home Loan - Contact agent for details. View online: ID: osbh703 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075

Modern 4 bedroom brick & tile in a quiet, private setting. Good indoor/outdoor flow from the living areas and a short walk from a local primary school and kindergarten. Call Julie Q to view.


View online: ID: osbh735 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

ARCHITECTURALLY DESIGNED $479,000 This is a truly beautiful home with loads of features. Master has ensuite & walk in robe, craft room, spa room & if you enjoy room in the garage you will love this. Zoned for Sandspit Road School. Phone Marleen to View.

Property is moving in Waiuku. Don't take too long, phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. This home has 4 bedrooms, ensuite, open plan living. Fully fenced with landscaped gardens & double garage with internal entry.

View online: ID: osbh721 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

View online: ID: osbh701 Contact: Julie Rodgers a/h 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075


Private 4 bedroom plus study nook home on a generous 950m2 section in Sandspit School zone. Down a r.o.w and safe for all the family.

View online: ID: osbh729 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

ranch slider access to patio from one. Internal access to single garage and laundry from kitchen.

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lovely polished floors. This 1940s brick and tile home has been renovated. Easycare section in good location. Sandspit School Zoned


View online: ID: osbh737 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

Ph 235 7139

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

View online: ID: osbh739


Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

OPEN 30 & 31st DEC, NORMAL HOURS FROM 6 JAN 2014 Email:

Thank you to all our clients. Tamara, Fluer & Toni wish you and your family a special holiday season and a happy New Year Tamara’s back in Dec so it’s a good time to make your appointments..

PropertyPages Your Guide to finding the perfect home 

Open Homes List Sat 7th & Sun 8th December AGENCY




Barfoot & Thompson


60 Kauri Rd, Awhitu

Patricia 021 836 242

Barfoot & Thompson


9A Howden St

Mary 0272 412 750

Barfoot & Thompson


19A France St




Sat 1-1.45pm Negotiation Sat


Auction 7th Dec

Patricia 021 836 Sun 242



Osborne Realty osbh748 Ltd

48 Edgewater Parade

Barfoot & Thompson


253 Waiuku-Otaua Rd

Bronwyn 0274 452 12Sun $479,000.00 382 12.30pm

Barfoot & Thompson


4 Jenny Lane

Patricia 021 836 12Sun $480,000.00 242 12.45pm

Barfoot & Thompson


416 Matakawau Rd, Awhitu

Jeanette 0274 334 12$245,000.00 Sun 12.45pm 190

Barfoot & Thompson


5D Brights Rd

George 021 267 7143

Sun 1-1.30pm $599,000.00

Osborne Realty osbh720 Ltd

8 Bay View Drive

Marleen Ohms 0274 483 528


Barfoot & Thompson


19 Springvale Rd

Patricia 021 836 Sun 1-1.45pm $749,000.00 242

Barfoot & Thompson


11a Sergeants Rd, Awhitu

Jeanette 0274 334 Sun 1-1.45pm $369,000.00 190

Barfoot & Thompson


10 Howden St

George 021 267 7143

Sun 2-2.30pm $359,000.00

Osborne Realty osbh721 Ltd

2 Kathleen Reece Place

Marleen Ohms 0274 483 528


2.00 2.30pm


Osborne Realty osbh746 Ltd

3A Magnolia Drive

Leonie Gillott Sun 0274 985 722

2.00 2.30pm


Osborne Realty osbh703 Ltd

5a Collingwood Road

Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075

2.00 2.30pm


Barfoot & Thompson


6 Seaview Tce, Awhitu

Barfoot & Thompson


20 Mellsop Ave

George 021 267 7143

Sun 3-3.30pm $329,000.00

197 Kitchener Road

Marleen Ohms 0274 483 528


Osborne Realty osbh724 & Ltd osbf699

Marleen Ohms 0274 483 528



12.00 $499,000.00 12.30pm

1.00 1.30pm


Headline dance acts for Pukekohe hip hop show

Two of the top dance acts from the country will be performing at a Mega Hip Hop Dance Show in Pukekohe on Saturday December 14. The show features New Zealand’s Got Talent finalists Mayo and IDentity Dance Crew, the group which were part of a wildcard entry into the finals after the three judges could not agree on Sunday night’s final show. Instead of two of the previous week’s semifinalists entering the final, three were put through by judge Rachel Hunter as she, Jason Kerrison and Cris Judd, reached a judging stale-mate. After The Black Trio were revealed as the week’s most-voted-for act, judges had to choose either IDentity Dance Crew or Sam Francks to join them. Cris chose champion hip hop crew IDentity, while Jason selected eccentric 12-year-old opera singer Sam. Rachel was the deciding judge, but faced with two such different - yet equally talented - contestants, she couldn’t put one above the other and asked the audience to back her in adding them both to the Grand Final line-up. Sam and IDentity were stunned but delighted to hear that they both had the chance to perform again, and immediately joined The Black Trio and the other ten finalists backstage to prepare for the night’s show. This Sunday, the winner will be revealed after performances from the top three, plus a selection of special guests. Groovit is hosting two performances on Saturday December 14, an afternoon show at 1.30pm and an evening show at 6.30pm. Mayo will perform in both shows while IDentity Dance Crew will perform in the evening show. Tickets are $8 a child and $12 per adult and are available from either the Pukekohe Library or through Groovit Dance Studio at

6a Crosbie Road, Pukekohe. Mayo is the stage name of 21-year-old hip hop dancer Seantum Rapana from Pukekohe. Mayo has mastered the art of ‘liquid’ dance, and has wowed audiences with his skilled solo performances – particularly as he had never competed in any dance competitions prior to entering NZGT. Mayo’s dream is to dance, teach and choreograph all over the world. IDentity Dance Crew have had a whirlwind year taking out the National Hip Hop Championships and bringing home the silver medal from the World Hip Hop Championships in Las Vegas where they represented NZ on the world stage against 67 teams from 40 countries missing out on first place by a 1 /100th of a point. They have also just featured in the Tempo Festival “Out of The Box 3” hip hop showcase, and have been travelling to dance studios across the country as guest choreographers. IDentity has also toured the country with the Primal Youth ‘Undefeated’ teen suicide prevention campaign. The boys performed in over 17 high schools, across five cities, reaching over 8,000 young people with an inspirational hip hop showcase and positive message of hope encouraging youth to reach out for help. “It’s been a full on year! We are stoked to be part of NZGT competition and we are amping to go back and take out the gold next year at the World Hip Hop Championships. We want to continue to push the boundaries of hip hop and do NZ proud! “We also want to continue giving back to the community and seeing the next generation in NZ be inspired to not hold back but to work hard at going after their dreams,” says crew leader Josh Cesan.

Jeanette 0274 334 Sun 2-2.45pm $415,000.00 190

3.00 3.30pm



bruce etc

Featuring New Zealand’s Got Talent Finalist Mayo (performing both shows) & special guests Identity Dance Crew (performing at the evening show)

1.30PM AFTERNOON SHOW 6.30PM EVENING SHOW $8 CHILD / $12 ADULT Tickets are on sale at the Pukekohe Library or Groovit Dance Studio 6A Crosbie Rd, Pukekohe

sponsored by N O R W E S T






THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

Christmas Parade season is underway in Franklin, with Tuakau holding its parade on Saturday and Pukekohe following suit on Sunday. The Waiuku Parade, long known as the biggest in Franklin, is this year set down for Saturday December 14, with markets and all the fun of the fair before the 2pm commencement of the parade itself. Images of Tuakau supplied by Janine Baalbergen.

Christ mas Parades Tuakau & Pukekohe


Thank you!

A huge thanks to all those individuals & businesses who supported the Sandspit Road School Gala this year! ACE Exterior Plasterers Alan Wilson Plumbing ASB Bank Bakers Shoes and More Bakers Delight Barfoot and Thompson Barry and Co Beaurepairs Beds Plus Blade Runners Mowing Ltd B’s Kitchen Brett Austin Cadbury Confectionery Café Alba Chris Dear Panelbeaters Cocky’s Corner Timber Counties Cleaning Supplies Limited Counties Fitness Counties Ready Mix Ltd Deed Printing and Office Products Depot First Impressions Franklin County News Franklin Law Franklin Veterinary Services G J Contractors Gary Hunter Plumbing Gary Pyes 100% Glenbrook Vintage Railway Gubb Pump and Well Services Holmes Flooring Hornell Industries Images Beauty Industrial First Aid Supplies Interlude Day Spa Invites Plus King Street Dairy Kentish Hotel Knight and Dickey Love To Learn Maxwells Golf Retreat Malcolm Freeman McDonalds Pukekohe

Mechanical Design & Development Menzies Car Painters Ltd Mondelez International Murray Kemp Autos New Zealand Steel Optik Eyecare Paul Harcombe Pukekohe Cosmopolitan Club Pumpkin Patch Rainbows End Theme Park Rattrie Panelbeaters RD1 Waiuku Rise Accountants Salon 63 Sharp Corporation Spookers Steven Judd Subway Waiuku Sunset Cycles Sunset Surf and Turf The Beauty Spot The Mad Butcher The Tractor Centre The Wolf and Beaver Thirsty Liquor Tom Kane Electrical United Video VTNZ Waiuku and Districts Post Waiuku Auto Electrical Waiuku Cosmopolitan Club Waiuku Dental Centre Waiuku Health and Fitness Waiuku ITM Waiuku Mitre 10 Waiuku Motor Court Waiuku New World Supermarket Waiuku Paper Plus Waiuku Radiator and Muffler Services Waiuku Super Value (W R) Callander Concrete

THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

Strathallan student named Young Designer of Year Shirin Chen, a Year 13 ACG Strathallan student, is delighted with her win at the 2013 Young Designer Awards for her Photography entry in the visual arts section. She now holds the enviable title of New Zealand’s Young Designer of the Year. Ten ACG Strathallan students were recognised amongst thousands of entries in The Young Designer Awards, New Zealand’s premier design competition for intermediate and secondary school students. The Art and Design Departments at ACG Strathallan are over the moon with the results of Shirin and other students, who spent many hours preparing their entries for the awards. ACG Strathallan students Sarah Summerscales and Abby You Kyung Lee received

honourable mentions, which places them in the top four young designers in New Zealand. Their work stood out to judges who then did not award second or third places in their category, as the other entrants did not come close to their standard. Shirin’s work is about Consumerism today, she says, “I’m exploring the negative impact of Consumerism. In our society we are accustomed to excessive spending because of the powerful influence of advertising. We seem to be living in a culture of constantly buying products. Essentially we are fooled by marketing. I will be creating a sense of ‘mockery’ towards the consumers who are fooled.” Gaelene Manuel of the Art Department says, “Shirin

Steelers face early challenges The current Ranfurly Shield holders, the Counties Manukau Steelers will start their 2014 pre-season programme with two Ranfurly Shield matches against Thames Valley and Mid Canterbury. Coach Tana Umaga said “Obviously this is new territory for us, starting our season with the Ranfurly Shield, and with our Super Rugby players unavailable it will give some of our new players an exciting opportunity to

take part in the iconic history of the Ranfurly Shield.” Both fixtures will be played at ECOLight Stadium in Pukekohe with kick off times to be confirmed. On Wednesday July 2, the team takes on Thames Valley, while on Wednesday July 9 they face Mid Canterbury. Tickets to the matches will be included in Counties Manukau season passes which will go on sale this week, or they can be purchased from the gate on game day.

became deeply involved in her controversial topic and developed and generated many ideas surrounding the issues. She looked into various psychology theories to help her reach an understanding of why we are hooked into society’s portrayal of what is deemed acceptable.” Robin Kirkham, Principal of ACG Strathallan says, “I am so proud of our students achievements. To enter into these awards takes considerable effort over and above

their Cambridge International Examination work. Our students want a chance to compete against the best in New Zealand in a pure design based competition. They deserve the highest accolade.” For Shirin, Sarah, Abby and the other students who gained places at the YDA, they can finally relax and enjoy a hard earned rest. Between the YDA and their Cambridge International Examinations it has been a whirlwind of a term.

Latest ITM winners announced Waiuku ITM have named the latest winners in its successful magnet promotion which it has been running for the past few months. The goodie box prize for the lucky invoice was won by Bruce Willet, while the cash prize for the lucky registration went to Emma Churchill. The two are still eligible for the major travel prize draw which will take place at the end of the competition.

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! ! IN


Colour in this picture and be in to win great prizes in three age groups! So go on, get out your markers, crayons, felt tips, pencils or whatever you have and show us how creative you can be...





Under 5 5 - 8 years

9 - 12 YEARS Portable DVD player 5 - 8 YEARS Stirling Sports Voucher Valued at $100 UNDER 5 Farmers Voucher Valued at $80 Entries Close: Friday 13th December 5pm 2013 Winners will be notified: Via email or phone Monday 16th December 2013

Phone: 238 7355

9 -12 years ADDRESS:


All entries must be dropped off to either:

GREEN DOOR REAL ESTATE 65 Edinburgh Street - Pukekohe OR THE POST NEWSPAPER 18 Bowen Street, Waiuku


THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year

By Carol Eggleton, N.D., M.H.D., BHSc, Registered Naturopath and Medical Herbalist Christmas is upon us again, with busy times for many of us and opportunities for over-indulgence in food, drink, play and lots of sun! It is also a stressful time for those coping with tired, wound-up children, ill-health, loneliness or the loss of someone close to them. Here are some easily available natural options for dealing with some of the situations that are bound to occur over the holiday break. Rescue Remedy is great for all emergencies, and for all age groups - it can also help with sleep and anxiety. It can be taken internally or applied locally. Lavender essential oil is uplifting and relaxing so it helps with sleep problems, mild depression or just .feeling a bit down, it can also ease mild headaches. Use it in the bath, in an oil burner or pour a few drops on a tissue. It will also take the sting out of sunburn, bites and stings and is a good antiseptic- use about 10

drops of oil in a bowl of water. Chamomile tea is a safe and effective remedy for children with digestive or nervous upsets and adults are allowed to use it too! For children – make a weak pot of the tea, allow to cool and give infants 1 teaspoonful, older children up to ¼ cup 3 times a day if needed. Slippery elm powder is soothing and healing to the digestive tract and is ideal for children who have had gastric upsets. Ginger is the traveller’s friend, make it into a tea (1/4 to 1 tsp of powdered ginger to a cup of water) and drink before travelling – or get a motion sickness product from your health food store. Culinary herbs and spices are natural digestive aids so include plenty of parsley, sage rosemary, thyme, mint and so on in your Christmas cooking. Summer barbies may lead to BBQ belly –- if food poisoning is suspected it is important to drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration - avoid alcohol, tea and coffee as they can increase this. Try a teaspoon of cinnamon on grated apple that has been allowed to go brown. Also eat bland foods including bananas, rice stewed apple, toast until the symptoms improve. Keep an eye on children or elderly folk with diarrhoea as they can dehydrate easily, if symptoms do not improve within 2448 hours consult a health professional. If you feeling overfed choose fresh fruit instead of Christmas pudding or trifle! Refresh and invigorate the whole family with some fresh air and exercise to prepare you for the next round of visitors or festivities. If you have some spare time over the holidays remember those who may be lonely or unwell and take some time to spend with them. Many services are closed over January so this can be a lonely time for some people. I wish you all a Happy Christmas and a healthy New Year. If you want to discuss your health concerns call in on Wednesday to Way of Life for a chat or phone 09 238-7806 to make an appointment for a consultation.

Sneezing your way through Spring??? Hay fever and Allergic Rhinitis

By Diane Breen DipHom NZCH (Intern) Both are caused by allergies to airborne irritants, but where hay fever is mainly a summer ailment, allergic rhinitis can occur all year round. In both conditions there is usually a family history of asthma or eczema. Grass, tree, flower pollens and mould spores can be the culprits in hay fever; in allergic rhinitis the range of irritants is much wider - hair, skin, fur, feathers, house dust, house dust mites, cigarette smoke, etc. The body over-reacts to these, producing histamine which draws fluid to the site of the ‘attack’, causing redness, warmth, swelling, itching, and tickling. The homeopathic view is that they are deep-seated conditions requiring determination of the “trigger” and reversing the sensitivity. Nosodes, or remedies of pollens and other allergens can also be given as preventa-

GLUTEN INTOLERANCE OR SENSITIVE? Common symptoms of gluten intolerance:

Obviously, there are gastrointestinal (GI), stomach, and digestive problems. These can include one or some of the following: Gas, bloating, queasiness, abdominal cramping, constipation, diarrhoea, or an alternating combination of both - IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Headaches and/ or migraines, Fibromyalgia, which means: Fibro= Connective Tissue; Myo= Muscle; Algia= Pain, Emotional issues involving chronic irritability and sudden, irrational mood shifts, Neurological issues, Fatigue, whether chronic or almost after every meal. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is, like fibromyalgia, a syndrome, not a disease, Inflammation, swelling, pain in joints such as fingers, knees or hips. Hormone imbalances such as PMS or unexplained infertility. WE STOCK A HUGE RANGE OF GLUTEN FREE PRODUCTS FROM FLOURS, GRAINS, CEREALS TO PASTA’S, BAKING-, COOKING MIXES, FRESH AND FROZEN BREAD AND DELICIOUS FROZEN PIES, PIZZA BASES AND COCO-LUSCIOUS ICECREAMS (the last also dairy free)

Christmas Deal



on “Revive Cafe” cook books and $1 off Pies and $2.50 off Ice creams. (Just to give you an easy introduction to how delicious gluten free can be)

We stock a wide range of GLUTENFREE AND DAIRYFREE products Including Breads, Oils and Frozen products

tives. Specific remedies for acute episodes: Temperature higher than normal, person utterly worn out but feels better for warmth, sniffing warm water up nose gives some relief from sneezing, light hurts eyes, wheezing and tightness in lungs, burning throat, restlessness, worry Arsenicum; Early in hay fever season, tickly nose and sneezing but no discharge, roof of mouth and ears very itchy Arundo; Non-stop sneezing, eyes heavy, puffy, and watering, person apathetic, listless, feels dizzy and shaky Gelsemium; Burning discharge from nose, bland discharge from eyes, symptoms worse indoors, light hurts eyes, larynx feels as if there are hooks sticking into it, made worse by warm food or drinks Allium; Thick, burning discharge from eyes, which are very swollen, bland discharge from nose, symptoms worse indoors Euphrasia; Bland, yellow discharge from nose and eyes, better in open air, especially if person is of a tearful disposition Pulsatilla; Stuffed up nose, especially on waking in morning, sinuses feel tender, general chilliness Silica; Constant sneezing, stuffy or streaming nose, eyes swollen and watering, all made worse by being out of doors or in damp atmosphere, smelling new-mown hay, or becoming chilled after exertion Dulcamara; Chronic rhinitis with nasal membranes dry and congested, nasal polyps are better treated as a chronic condition by a qualified Homeopath to find the underlying cause and triggers.

OSTEOPATHY Come out feet, all is forgiven! through out feet and subsequently how we stand, walk or run. In other words we can’t ignore the feet.

By Helen Wright BSc(Hons) Ost(UK); CMIOSH (UK); PGDip (Hlth. Erg) (UK) NZ/ACC/UK Registered Osteopath Human Factors and Ergonomics consultant The summers coming and the feet are coming out of hibernation. Out of the boots and shoes and into the jandals and sandals. So what does this mean for our body? Often when the feet are in boots or shoes they are sufficiently supported (or at least we hope they are). They are also hidden from view so any lumps and bumps and pain is often ignored. In summer the feet are more dependent on their own internal supportive structure for support and normal functioning. They are also on full view! Why would the osteopath be interested in your feet? The feet are an important factor in the presentation of pain whether knee pain, hip pain, back pain etc. and vice versa. The feet affect how we walk and this can have a significant affect on other parts of the body and likewise other areas of the body can affect how we weight bear

When the body is standing, our body weight is transmitted through the foot, ideally each foot bearing 50% of the body weight. This weight is distributed evenly throughout the plantar surface (undersurface) of the foot. For this to be the case each of the four anatomical arches (outside of the foot, across the ball of the foot, inside of the foot and across the top of the forefoot) need to be functioning normally. Such arches are maintained by the soft tissues surrounding them (tendons, ligaments, muscles etc) and are significantly influenced by the structures above the feet and the soft tissues surrounding them (ankle, knee, hip, pelvis etc.). So you see, a foot problem is often never just a foot problem. Osteopaths treat the body as a whole i.e they look at the whole picture from head to toe. Have a look at your feet, ‘listen to’ your feet. Next time when you’re on your feet, think about whether you experience pain that you don’t experience necessarily when you’re sitting down. Next time you look at your feet, look to see whether there are callouses that might indicate increased weight bearing on one part of the foot. Look at the soles of your shoes too. If you think you might have a problem with your feet let the osteopath identify what and either correct it or help you to correct or manage the problem. For more information or an appointment contact the Way of Life Health Shop. There is currently an osteopath practicing from the shop Monday to Saturday (shop hours).

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THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013



Health tip of the week: by Megan Van Lieshout


• • •

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something... Share the load. Smile and have fun. It’s the season to spend time with family and friends... Be nice to one another... The world looks brighter behind a smile.


Weekly Classes & Weekend Workshops

Pukekohe – Waiuku – Tuakau



ALL Ages ALL Abilities Give Tai Chi a try …


1 Class

Contact: Tamara 09 235 8648 or 021 255 1087

Great people are those who can make others feel they too can become great... Never miss an opportunity to give encouragement. Remember there are plenty of wonderful things that cost nothing... Enjoy the richness of nature this summer. Plan ahead these holidays so you are organised and prepared... It saves alot of unwanted stress... Remember to actually stop and BREATHE... Breathing is one of the best HEALTH TIPS there are.


*New Students M-F 1 Hour Class

Healing Hands & Herbs Natural Health Clinic

Your Local Wellness Practice

Waiuku Health Plus, Ground Floor, 30 Constable Road ~ Ph 09 235 8412

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Ph 09 235 7098, 021 133 8981

Health Promotion Focus

Be SunSmart! ERT





See or scan here for today’s times



e, reappl Seek shad

Example of a daily alert

Sunburn can lead to melanoma and other skin cancers – whatever your age or skin type.

Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap

Waiuku Health Centre We’re here to help

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Open : Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm Saturday 9.00am - 2.00pm Sunday 10.00am - 2.00pm

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40 Queen Street, Waiuku

Phone 09 235 9307 Fax 09 237 0054

HOURS: Mon - Thurs 9am - 5pm Friday 9am - 3pm


The Sun Protection Alert gives the exact time period each day from September to April you need sun protection.

Amcal Waiuku Pharmacy

December/January Health Promotion Focus Be Safe in the Sun!!

Never let your child get sunburnt.

Being SunSmart in New Zealand is crucial. The unique environment makes the population particularly vulnerable to damaging ultraviolet rays; there are clear skies and closeness to the sun. Add to these the outdoor lifestyle of Kiwi’s, and some very fair skins, and you have the following facts: • • • •

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in this country. New Zealand has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. There are nearly 50,000 new skin cancers a year, including 1800 new cases of melanoma. There are over 300 deaths from skin cancer annually.

Look after your skin this summer and remember:

30 Constable Rd • Waiuku 2341 Ph: 09 235 9192 • F: 09 235 8827 As a community, let’s work together to win!

a. b. c. d.

Slip in to a shirt or shade. Slop on plenty of sunscreen at least 15 minutes before going outside and don’t forget to reapply after swimming. Slap on a hat with a wide rim or a cap with flaps. Wrap on a pair of wrap-around sunglasses.

A child’s sunburn now could lead to melanoma skin cancer later in life. Be SunSmart Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap

THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013



TAXIS UNITED 0800 66 00 44

Junior Rugby World Cup coming to Pukekohe

Sports results in brief Clarks Beach Bowls These are the results of our ACT tournament, held on Thursday November 28. Again, due to inclement weather this was held indoors at the Pukekohe Cossie Club. Our sponsor was Gary Pye 100% Electric Store at Waiuku. Winners were Don Kirkbride, Tom Boyd and Lyn Beanland. from Clarks Beach.BC. Second were: Trevor Bowden, Val Bowden and Ken McKenzie from Pukekohe BC. Third were: Graham Anderson, Martin Peel and Alan Ferguson from Grahams Beach BC. Waiuku Golf Results of the Thursday Haggle held on November 21. Div One 1st Graham Hira, 39, 2nd Darren Whyte 39, 3rd John Bancroft 38, 4th Greg Lowe 38 Div Two !st Lex Wilcox 41, 2nd Graeme Miller 41, 3rd Sid Thornton 40, 4th Mike Derecourt 39 Twos: John Bancroft, Mike Derecourt, Darren Whyte 23-11-13 Saturday Haggle Div One 1st Todd Selwyn 46, 2nd Ivan Van Niekerk 46, 3rd Dave Yandall 45, 4th Lomas Tangihaere 45, 5th Don Paterson 42, 6th Paul Loosemore 42, 7th Mark Mackey 42 Best Gross Div One Mark Mackey 70, Div Two Cam Fleming 78 Twos Todd Geayley (2), Craig Chambers, Rory Kimber, Courtney Maddern, Lalakai Matu, Frank McGrath, Don Paterson, Caine Robbie, Ivan Van Niekerk, Dave Yandall.


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The future stars of world rugby - 336 players in 12 teams - will be vying for the right to be called the best Under 20 team in the world when the seventh IRB Junior World Championship (JWC2014) kicks off in New Zealand on 2 June 2014, and Pukekohe will be hosting a number of matches including a semi final. Fans are being encouraged to support the teams and tickets have been priced as low as $5 for children. A family of four can attend all three pool matches at one venue on each match day from as little as $30. Venues, team pools and the


match schedule were unveiled at the official launch at St Peter’s College. The College was chosen to launch JWC2014 because of its strong connection to Under 20s rugby, with recent ex-pupils Francis Saili (a new All Black in 2013) and Blues players Bryn Hall and Patrick Tuipulotu having played for the school 1st XV in recent years. Eden Park will host three matches including the final on Friday 20 June 2014 at 7.35pm with all other matches including semifinals to be played at North Harbour Stadium and ECOLight Stadium, Pukekohe. Matches will be played on 2, 6, 10, 15 and 20 June. “We are incredibly proud to once again play host to the rugby world,” said New Zealand Rugby Chief Executive Steve Tew. “This is the biggest fifteens tournament in the world outside Rugby World Cup and to be given the chance to stage such an important rugby event for the first time is a great honour. “Two years ago we delivered a very successful Rugby World Cup. I am confident we can once again stage a very special event that will make our country proud while also providing an excellent platform for the best young players in world rug-

by to perform to their potential.” Hosting JWC2014 in New Zealand has been made possible through the significant support provided by the Government (through the Major Events Development Fund) and Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development, who have each invested $1.45m in the Tournament. The 12 participating teams will play in three pools. Defending champions England, who won JWC2013 in France this year, take on Argentina, Australia and Italy in Pool A. Four teams who have yet to win the JWC, make up Pool B - France, Wales, Ireland and Fiji. Four times winner New Zealand have been drawn in Pool C and will face South Africa who beat them in the 2012 final, as well as Samoa and Scotland. The opening day of the tournament takes place on Queens Birthday Monday, 2 June, consisting of 6 great matches, starting with Argentina taking on Australia at ECOLight Stadium and concluding with New Zealand playing Samoa at North Harbour Stadium. “We really want fans to make the most of this opportunity to see such great young players from around the world up close so we

WAIUKU BUILDING SUPPLIES 20 Constable Road Waiuku •Ph: 235 7289

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have tried to keep ticket prices as low as possible,” said Steve Tew. Ticket prices start at $5 for children and $10 for adults. A family of four can watch all three matches on one day at ECOLight Stadium, for $30 and North Harbour Stadium for $40. A family of four can also purchase venue packs for all matches at ECOLight Stadium plus the finals at Eden Park for $110 and for North Harbour, the price is just $150. “It’s going to be a hugely exciting spectacle for fans. In this year’s championship in France an average of six tries were scored in each match so I am sure we are in for an action packed 19 day tournament.” Tickets go on sale next year. The IRB JWC is a proven stepping stone to the Test arena with around 250 players from past championships going on to represent their country. 17 members of the current All Blacks squad have risen through the Under 20 ranks.

New quad bike developed Unitec has unveiled plans to develop a safer and lighter electric quad bike for use on farms. The first of its kind in New Zealand, it has a self-levelling suspension to reduce the rates of accidents and is fuelled by hydrogen. “The UniQuad electric quad bike is not only highly innovative, it has the potential to save lives,” says Jonathan Leaver, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Unitec. “Essentially we are taking the quad bike from the stone age to the space age.” Every year there are around 850 quad bike injuries in New Zealand, five of which are fatal. It is estimated that there are somewhere between 70,000 and 90,000 quad bikes in use across the country, mostly in the agricultural sector. “The electric quad bike has been specifically designed to dramatically reduce injuries and fatalities,” says Assoc. Professor Leaver. “It has a self-levelling suspension which keeps the centre of gravity over the centre of the axle, even along slopes. Unitec is committed to advanced and green technologies, and the UniQuad is an example of how farm equipment can be fuelled with renewable energy.

Prescott Builders For all your building requirements Contact Gary Prescott Ph/Fax 09 235 8790 Mobile 0274 723 539


THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

Smelly monster a first for New Zealand Plants’ but never thought they might see one in Auckland. “We are very proud to be joining places like the Royal Botanic Gardens of Kew and Melbourne in producing one of these flowers,” he says. The titan arum is also known as the corpse flower, due to the powerful rotting flesh like stench it produces when it begins to flower and attract pollinators. The corm, or bulb, produces a single leaf the size of a tree each year. For seven to 10 years it goes through a lifecycle of leaf, dieback and dormancy. Then a bloom may appear. Once the flower, known as ‘inflorescence’, starts to emerge it can grow at a rate of 10cm per day. The flower can grow to more than three metres tall. Both male and female flowers are produced in the same inflorescence, the female flowers open first and the male a day or two later. The Amorphophallus titanum is in the Wintergarden’s tropical glasshouse, which maintains an average temperature of 28 degrees Celsius. The Wintergarden, situated in Auckland Domain, is owned by Auckland Council and managed on a day-to-day basis by City Parks Services. City Parks Services gardeners care for the gardens in the Auckland Domain and Wintergarden.

ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING & Taxation Services - Call Rise Accountants - chartered accountants. Ph: 09 235 7455. ACCOUNTING & Payroll Services - EOM Accounts, GST & PAYE. Call PME Enterprises Ltd. Ph: 09 235 0461 or E-mail: petemarg. for a free consultation.

BOATS BOAT REPAIRS - Dinghy or trailerboats; fibreglass or wooden. All jobs considered. Ph Tony on: 235 3545 or 021 598 662.

CARAVANS LONG TERM - Free local delivery from $60 per week plus bond. Ph: 09 232 1814.

Have you placed your


Christmas Greetings and hours yet?

Petrol up again

Contact The Team at The


to get your message out. Ph: 09 238 7835 or email:

After seven weeks without any change in prices, petrol and diesel rose 3 cents per litre at the end of November. The price of 91 octane petrol rose to $2.15 per litre in the main centres, with diesel climbing to $1.53 per litre at most service stations. “It was the first increase in fuel prices for three months. Before then it had been the longest time without a price change since May 2012,” says AA PetrolWatch spokesperson Mark Stockdale. “It’s good for motorists to have such stable prices, but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been some small changes in commodity prices or exchange rates in that time. Since the last price cut on 4 October, the AA’s monitoring shows the imported cost of fuel has risen by about 3 cents per litre. “A strong exchange rate and good international supply levels have kept retail prices stable, but it’s not uncommon for prices to rise at this time of year as countries stockpile fuel supplies for the Northern Hemisphere winter,” Mr Stockdale added. AA PetrolWatch notes that not all service stations are charging as much as $2.15 per litre for petrol, or $1.53 per litre for diesel. Data supplied by Gull for the last six months shows that their retail prices are 6.4 cents per litre lower than average, compared to competitor brands in areas where Gull do not operate. Competing service stations in areas where Gull have outlets tend to match Gull’s lower prices. “That means all motorists in the area benefit from Gull’s lower operating costs and pricing – the ‘Gull effect.’”


V antag E furniture wholesalers

Merry Christmas & H a p p y N e w Ye a r


CLEANING - Vacant houses, windows, offices, carpet shampooing & exterior waterblasting. Plus maintenance. FREE quotes. Ph Allan or Lynette: 09 235 9333 or 027 272 6249.

FOR HIRE FIREWOOD splitter. Phone: 235 7733 or 021 305 111. Bouncy Castle hire. Elephant, Tiger for kids. Sumo, Boxing Jousting for Adults. Ph: 09 235 5297 or 0274 260 040

FOR RENT Rural 3 bedroom house. Tidy, heat pump, HRV, modern bathroom, double garage, 6mins to Waiuku, $340pw, available from 15th December Ph: 021 245 5581. References required.

Long term tenants need apply. 1 x 3brm, carport $330. 1 x 3brm, single garage - $330. 1 x 3brm, double garage - $350, Waiuku. Refs req. Contact Zedatera Investments 027 907 7709.


A rare giant of the plant world has flowered for the first time in New Zealand, at the Auckland Domain. The strange, unpredictable and beautiful Amorphophallus titanum, (pictured right), which originates from the rainforests of Sumatra in Indonesia, has been growing at council-owned nursery and Wintergarden for around seven years. The plant began opening at approximately 2pm on Saturday and the bloom was expected to last only for a day. Auckland Domain manager David Millward, of City Parks Services, says this is the first time the plant has produced a bloom, creating a good deal of excitement amongst his team and visitors to the garden. “The titan arum, as it’s commonly known, can produce a single leaf the size of a small tree every year for seven to ten years before showing any signs of producing a flower. “We have been watching this one very closely and were delighted to finally confirm that a flower was on the way – it felt a bit like being expectant parents!” he says Auckland Council’s Manager of Parks Sports and Recreation Ian Maxwell says this is a momentous occasion for the Wintergarden and in New Zealand botanical terms. “Many New Zealanders will have seen this plant on David Attenborough’s ‘Kingdom of


FIREWOOD Bargain - 4 Metres Mac/pine $300 Delivered. 2 Metres $170. Ph/txt: 021 744 970 or 235 0065. COCKY’S CORNER - For fencing & roofing iron, timber, hardware, plywood, pavers, gates, garden sheds & more. 123 Queen St, Waiuku. Ph: 235 9880 or 235 2386. ADULT ACCESSORIES Adult toys, massage oil, lubes, Women’s Health & Sexuality Books & lots more available online: Firewood, mac $70, hotmix $60, pine $50, poplar $40 per cubic metre, phone or txt 0274 326 964.

Toyota Estima one seat, car seat/wheelchair. Made year 2000. $13,500 ono. Ph: Edwinda 235 3619

THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

Classifieds MEDIUM



Chest Freezer - F & P, medium sized, tidy order, runs well. $100 ono. Ph: 235 0206.

Waiuku Village Butchery

OAK extendable dining room suite - Solid. Seats 6 and has an additional glass top for protection. $600 ono. Ph: 235 2362.


FREE REMOVAL - Any old scrap metal incl. old batteries, expired gas bottles, old cars, lawn mowers, etc. Ph Martin: 021 128 5953 or 238 3005. Free drop off depot for all your unwanted TV’s, computers, whiteware, etc. Recycle All Your Stuff Ltd. Unit 1 Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Road, Waiuku. Free pick up in Waiuku. Ph: 235 5769.

FREEVIEW Digital Set Up UHF & Satellite. Ph Dave 236 3519 /Ph/Txt: 021 777006. Freeview antennas, installations and set up. Ph: Mike & Mike 235 7059 mornings. Registered Servicemen.

Garage Sale HouseHold items, 19B Victoria Ave, Starts 8am 12pm. Sun 8th Dec.

GARDENING ROSEMARY - I will prune your rosemary bush for you in return for the produce. Upright as opposed to trailing varieties sought. Call Martine: 027 475 9580. This is the season for the weeds to be popping up everywhere. We will make your gardens look their best, give us a go and I’m sure you will be blessed. Garden clean ups. Ex council gardener. Ph: 235 71 76 or 022 659 6126.

Grazing 57 Hectares available Manukau Peninsula, ex dairy farm would also consider leasing arrangement Ph: 027 6267672 or 027 279 4151.

HAIR DRESSING THE Cutting Room Hair Salon. 33 Breaker Grove, Waiuku. Ladies cuts from $30, Mens cuts from $25, Colours from $70. Hours: Tues 11-3pm, Wed 9-5pm, Fri 9-til late, Mon & Sat by pre-arranged appts only. Phone Steff: 235 7149.

HEALTH TAI-CHI QIGONG healthy leisure activity, Church Hall, 43 Queen St, Puke. Thursdays, 1.15pm - $5; 5.30pm - $8, 7pm - $8. Practice, theory, green tea, no booking required, just turn up.

BEEF, SHEEP PIGS, Bacon etc NZFSA Registered

Ph 09 235 8369 LAUNDROMAT LAUNDROMAT - Open 7 days. Drop off service and self service. Detergents included. Sports clothing, commercial, wash, dry and fold. Laundry 4 U. Between Video Ezy and Pizza Hut, across parking lot from ED Street Restaurant. Ph: 09 239 2964.

LAWNMOWING TOPCUT LAWNMOWING reliable, clean, tidy job Experienced operator. Ph Fred 09 235 5280, 021 902 552. GREEN ACRES - Clarks Beach Covering Franklin Area Lawnmowing, Gardening, Garden clearance, Hedges. Clean, tidy and reliable. Call Brett 021 0211 7777 or 09 232 1276.

Make Up Come to life with permanent makeup. Eyeliner, brows, lips free consult. Also longhair specialist for balls and weddings. Call Tania at Patumahoe. 09 236 3735 or 0277 222 778.



Water blasting - Decks, driveways and washing houses. Free Quote. Ring Brian 235 2601.

Drumming Lesson, full set up in Waiuku, no need to have a kit, beginners to intermediate, theory, rhythm and grooves. Paul on 021 145 4478.

Situations Vacant PUKEKOHE: Pack House Manager required for immediate start. Must be able to work long hours with early starts of 4am approx. We are looking for the following skills: good customer service, overseeing staff, communication & organisational skills, exp in sales & English speaking. Full training will be given. Must have own transport.

Apply with CV to: loretta@ Delivers wanted for phamplets, Sandspit Road area. Ph Mike 236 0995.

OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd, Waiuku. Upstairs from $110 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960. WAREHOUSE SPACE Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd, Waiuku. Small, Med & Lge. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

Massage and sugar paste hair removal - brow shape/lash & brow tint. Ph: Moka (natural treatment) 235 0464 or 021 166 9674.

PRIVATE Music Tuition Ph: 0274 772 030 / 09 296 1693.

DOGGY COMFORT CLIPS. Got a hot uncomfortable dog in these hot summer days? How about a comfort clip? Ph: 021 538 852, 09 235 7130.

PICTURE FRAMING THE FRAMING SHED Quality Custom Picture Framing. 31 Victoria Ave, Waiuku. Tues - Fri 9 - 5 or by appointment. Ph Allie: 235 0939 or 027 253 4577.

Like us on facebook. districtpost

To buy good quality house hold furniture, tools, antiques etc. Free quotes. Ph: 027 277 5026. Lani. Secure grazing wanted for cattle, area approximately 20 to 40 Acres with accommodation. Phone: 021 140 1393. Responsible shooters looking for rifle sight in range 100m. Fee paid. Contact 0210 254 0895.

OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd, Waiuku. Downstairs from $90 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.


POOCHIE PARK – Holiday home for dogs. Inspection welcome by arrangement. Phone: 09 235 0052 (Evenings) or 021 856 555. Email: for further information.

WANTED TREES WANTED - Gum & Macrocarpa. Also tree felling & shelter belt removal. Ph/txt Chris: 027 212 4590 or 235 0065.


WORKSHOP SPACE Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd, Waiuku. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.


Drum lessons in Waiuku. Beginners to advanced. No drums required. Contact Dan 021 042 8339.


LEARN to draw and paint. The fundamentals of drawing and painting techniques. Ph. 021 155 8714. Gregg’s Drumming Tuition. Beginners to advanced. No drums required. Bookings essential. Theory & practical. Teacher of the winner of Waiuku’s X Factor 2013. Check us out on Facebook. 021 265 2780 or 238 7980.









5 1

2 6


6 2




Cut Flowers, 3 Sympathy, Condolences Wedding 5Flowers, 4Table Arrangements, Water Features, Bromeliads & Palms Alley Way off Bowen St, Waiuku

Phone 235 0643

Death Notice

Hyland, Gwenda Norma

2/5/21 - 28/11/13. Loved wife of the late Cliff, dearly loved mother of Stewart, Ross & Marilyn. Nana of Deborah, Peter & Gavin. Great Nana of Aba & Indy. Sister of Maureen. Very brave lady at rest. Many thanks to the Franklin Memoriam Staff for their wonderful care over the last two years. Thank you to everyone for the flowers, cards and kind thoughts xxx.

4 8 5 7

Fill the grid so that every row and every 3x3 square contains the digits 1 to 9


2 8 7 6 9 5 1 4 3

Solution No.1319 9 5 4 6 1 7 8 6 3 7 9 5 4 1 1 4 2 8 3 6 9 7 8 9 5 2 3 4 3 2 6 1 4 5 7 4 1 3 7 8 2 6 8 6 5 2 7 9 3 2 9 8 3 6 1 5 5 7 1 4 9 8 2

3 2 5 1 8 9 4 7 6

? Answers!

QUICK PUZZLE NO. 7329 - SOLUTIONS Across - 1, Platinum. 6, Muse. 8, Pair. 9, Canadian. 10, Stair. 11, Relent. 13, Patent. 15, Lustre. 17, Shiver. 19, Beach. 22, Discreet. 23, Teal. 24, Star. 25, Nonsense. Down - 2, Least. 3, Termite. 4, Nice. 5, Mandrill. 6, Model. 7, Spanner. 12, Sturgeon. 14, Atheist. 16, Spectre. 18, Vicar. 20, Crass. 21, Stun.




Multi skilled specialist wanted ideally we are looking for

in memoriam

Furniture Maker/Cabinet Maker/Painter For Solid Wood Furniture Company

Travel bags from $40, oak table & 6 chairs $395, bookcase $45, Westinghouse bar fridge 140L $120, patterned arm chair $50, grey cabinet $60, big coffee table $125, 3 x 2 lounge suite $90, Teak bedside $195, dressing table $195.

Te Rangi, Andrew Peterson.

Advertise all your unwanted goods with us from as little as: $15 for one insertion, $25 for two insertions or $40 for three insertions. and get some extra cash for Christmas.

How to solve Sudoku!


It will be 2 years today that you have been gone from us and our hearts are still heavy with your absence. Thoughts of you continue, memories still linger, your council we still yearn for and your voice we will always miss (funny that aye). Arohanui my love. Gina and Kids.


Amcal Waiuku Pharmacy Phone : 09 235 9307 Fax : 09 237 0054 Email : 40 Queen Street, Waiuku

Able to do high end and process wooden furniture, self-motivated, team player with good commination skills. Able to do high end and process furniture, trade experienced, NZ Residency and drivers licence. Able to do all aspects of prep and spray all tyes of paint, staining and decorative finishes would be advantages’.

This role could be split into two roles: Furniture Maker – Cabinet Maker For Solid Wood Furniture Company Able to do high end and process furniture. Self-motivated team player with good communication skills. Able to do high end and process wooden furniture, trade experienced, NZ Residency and drivers licence.

Painter - Furniture Painter For Solid Wood Furniture Company

Able to do high end and process furniture, self-motivated, team player with good commination skills, trade experienced, NZ Residency and drivers licence. Able to do all aspects of prep and spray all types of paint, staining and decorative finishes would be advantages’. Able to manage a spray shop, painting furniture, contract spraying of house doors and other work, ordering of materials, colour matching, painters from non-furniture backgrounds would be considered. If you are interested in any of the above roles

A registered FDANZ Practice

Please email CV’s to:

Open Monday to Friday • 8.30am - 5.30pm Saturday • 9am - 2pm Sunday • 10am - 2pm

Why not plan and record your funeral wishes The My Life, My Funeral Kit will make it easy for you. Phone for your copy now 235 8380 Anytime

Glenbrook Rest Home Looking for Rest Home care? Glenbrook Rest Home has brand new spacious rooms available with toilet and TV. Ring Sharon or Peter: on 235 3897 for more information or to make an appt. to view. Our address is: 131 Wymer Rd, Glenbrook.

thank you

PRESCOTT, Maureen Joy 30/12/1925 - 09/09/2013.

The Prescott Family would like to thank everyone who supported us at the time of Maureen's passing. Your beautiful cards, flowers, kind thoughts, and expressions of sympathy were very much appreciated.


THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

Counties Power If you qualify for the o be in to win a Discount you can als b” 3, 7 inch Android “Samsung Galaxy Ta e with Counties Tablet - perfect for us outages app. Power new customer For full details see the mailer that came in your letterbox, visit .com www.countiespower ok. or see us on Facebo


Take My Card

THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013

Your A-Z of Trades & Services




Whitehead Ag

027 332 1231

• Conventional hay bailing • Deep ripping • Hay conditioning • Pasture topping • Hay sales • Standing hay wanted

Diggers * Truck/Trailer Hire * Metal/slag supplied Grass/Maize silage transport * Household water cartage David Grimmond - Ph: 027 629 0114 / 235 2740 E:

Need a good builder?


GREG BRADLEY BUILDERS • Over 25 years experience • Quality craftsmanship guaranteed LICENSED BUILDERS

Ph 027 451 3605

We are a full retail dive store


Counties Caravan Rentals Caravan Hire • Accommodation needs • Portable ensuites • Ideal extra bedroom • Phone Lynette & Jeff Millen 235 3500 Mobile 021 533 585



Carpet Cleaning

FRANKLIN CARPET CLEANING LTD Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Contact Doug Webb Email: Mobile: 021 886 475 CLEANING

Home & Office Cleaning • FREE QUOTES • •Regular & One off cleans •Spring cleans •Windows & Ceilings •Commercial & Domestic•Fully Insured, Owner/Operator

238 7701


09 235 8364

Resprayed or removed

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ACTUAL CONCRETE For all your concrete requirements Phone John 021 501 438

Property Maintenace Man | Concreting | Fencing | Lawns |Tree removal | General Property Maintenance.


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238 7701

235 8206

027 476 1306



Joe - 021 228 7565 PAINTER DECORATOR

Len Gore

Painter Decorator Residential & Commercial

Value for money guaranteed For a free quote, call Len 021 - 682 028 PLASTERING


SIDNEY STOPPING LTD. Charles Sidney Work: 021 0236 1628 Home: 09 552 0702



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HOUSEHOLD WATER We’re #1 in the No.2 Business

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For all your water requirements call and see Kevin & Jo Gubb ph 09 235 8268 14 Constable Road, Waiuku


business with us from just

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THE POST NEWSPAPER, december 3, 2013





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