Post Newspaper 15 July 2014

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Tuesday • JuLY 15 • 2014 PHONE: 09 235 78 35 FAX: 09 235 78 34





kitchens & design


VOL 26 • NO.27

Fiona Young, Andy Young and daughter Kayla were among the participants at a Pink Ribbon fund raiser held at Barb’s Bar & Diner in Waiuku on Sunday. More pictures page 20 this week.

A & T Haitsma Ltd,

17 Martyn Street, Waiuku Phone 09 235 7793 E.mail:

Icy challenge taken up It’s a craze which is sweeping through the country - and on Friday afternoon it arrived outside the Kentish Hotel. PAGE


Special anniversary When you are celebrating your anniversary for the 65th time, that’s really something!



Busking her way to fame



Local shoppers were being serenaded last week by a young Franklin songstress who is busking her way to the nation’s biggest country music event next year.


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Meeting announced over Waiuku zoning changes The Franklin Local Board has confirmed it will hold a meeting for those residents affected by proposed zoning changes to what was formerly ‘Large Lot’ sections in Waiuku. The meeting will be held at the Civic Centre, (the library building) at 6.30pm this Thursday evening. Recently, owners of over 500 properties in Colombo Road, Millbrook, James Bright Lane, some parts of Kitchener Roads, and a number of other areas, discovered their properties were the subject of a submission by Auckland Council to change the designation of their land to ‘Single House Zone’ - a designation under which activities such as grazing cattle become a non-complying activity. Local Board chairman Andy Baker moved to quell concerns over residents being asked to pay for resource consent applications or certificates of existing use, saying last week that

now at GARY PYES

he has been told existing use can continue for as long as the residents want. However, landowners still have concerns. One of the reasons stated for the change of designation was to allow for medium density housing, with Single House Zoning meaning sections could be subdivided down to 600 square metres. This has raised a number of issues, not least the fact that many people have bought ‘rural residential’ sections to have a rural lifestyle, not to have their neighbours subdivide into four or five sections right beside them. A further complicating factor is that the Auckland Council has made two submissions on the same zoning change, with residents making submissions only on one point, and uncertainty as to whether they need to submit to further Council comments. Further, residents say, suggestions that the zone

change will allow subdivision is pointless in some areas, as a lack of sewerage services means existing homes have septic systems installed with drip fields, which mean those areas cannot be subdivided. Adding to the issues for local residents has been conflicting information from council offices when people have contacted them to ask about the plan, and what appears to be confusion within the Local Board itself, with some members saying the changes were planned, and others suggesting the announcements were not clear even to the Local Board members. With only a few days following the meeting until submissions close on July 22, it is to be hoped council staff can deliver clear and unequivocal answers to local concerns, as well as providing advice on how to make submissions to the appropriate points.

43 QUEEN ST, WAIUKU • PH 235 9711 • SAT: 9 - 4 • SUN: 10 - 3

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Editor Nigel Ward Business Manager Steve Douglas Feature Sales Julie Quinn Graphic Designer Lynn Douglas Sales Support Kim Grindlay Accounts Ngaire Deed

Published at 18 Bowen St, Waiuku by Waiuku Publishing Ltd. Printed by Horton Media Ltd, East Tamaki. Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.

Display Ads Thursday, 2pm Classifieds Monday, 10am

21,200 copies, weekly to Waiuku, Pukekohe, Tuakau, Awhitu Peninsula, Karaka, Clarks Beach, Patumahoe, Kingseat and rural.

Your platform e your news, views and ideas... shar to

Somewhere along the line, our region, like the rest of the country, has lost its interest in attending meetings and political debate. Old photographs show large crowds in Franklin’s rural communities when district boards, MPs or even Premiers stood on the decks of our hotels or walked the stages of our community halls. Now, most political or council meetings draw a crowd of a few dozen at best, and most of those are the same people that attend each one. However, the tide may be starting to turn. Concerns over the effects of proposed zoning changes in Waiuku has led to the Local Board arranging a meeting in the Civic Centre building this Thursday evening at 6.30pm. Informal chat around the town suggests there may be a fair turnout for it. Other meetings coming up in Tuakau this Thursday, Waiuku the following Thursday, then Port Waikato on the Friday are being held over whitebait fishing in the Waikato. The meetings follow a report by the Waikato Raupatu River Trust and Waikato Regional Council over the fishery, and it is to be hoped people with an interest get along to attend. Both of these issues are potentially serious for the region. Perhaps the average local person feels they are too far removed from the halls of power to make a difference. The problem with this is that left to their own devices, our elected leaders feel they have a mandate to do whatever they want. As a region, we need to make our voice heard, and attending these meetings, stating our case, and demanding honest and clear answers would be a start. As Mayor Len Brown considers what local services he will be slashing to maintain the massive debt levels his council has created, now is not the time to shrug our collective shoulders.

Sound of the siren a huge relief for local In recent years I have had two medical emergencies, and on both, the first response providers of help were the Waiuku Volunteer Fire Brigade. Hearing the fire siren told me that help was

Waiuku Law Office

Thank you for the article regarding rezoning in the Waiuku rural area. As I understand it, Permitted Activities on Rural and Rural/Residential blocks can be undertaken as of right. Anyone has the right to run livestock freely or have horticulture etc. If this is to change by dictate by the council, then I would suggest that the Human Rights Commission may be interested as this has been a basic human right since time began. I think it is fair to say that most people with the Rural

Re: Waiuku Fire Brigade siren: With the Holy Trinity Church closure on the 13th there will be no more tolling of the bell. It was as Waiuku as the siren is. It is good to move on and to grow as a town, at what cost though, do we throw

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Regarding the holes dug at St Brides church, similar activity took place at Alexandra Redoubt, Tuakau a few months ago with at least fourteen divots of turf being lifted. Due to the dryness of conditions it was many weeks before these scars healed over.

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9 6 5 9 4 7 4 5 8 3 4 1 1 1. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. 18. 20. 23. 24. 25.

ACROSS Benevolent (13) Oscillate (5) Ease (7) Beginning (6) Hope (6) Sharp (5) Self-esteem (5) Programme (6) Dish (6) Joint (7) Fish (5) Fire (13)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 13. 15. 16. 17. 19. 21. 22.

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6 7 4 9 2 5 2 1

Puzzle answers in Classifieds Quote of the week brought to you by Tom O’Neil

“80% of success in life is showing up” - Woody Allen

out the old for the new? We have come to a time when we are too flaming ‘PC’. Grow up and accept some old ways are good to hang on to for as along as we can. Fight for your town or you will lose it in no time at all, piece by piece.

Why not throw out all the old, bring in the new and become a suburb of Auckland? Or is to that old country town with its old buildings, siren and all. What is it that people want? C.A. Case Waiuku

It is our hope that in time, a professional archeological survey of the site might take place, in the mean time, such plundering is less than welcome. One presumes the person or persons involved have an interest in these historic sites but if any artifacts were recovered and come

to light, word has a way of getting around. Be assured, those of us with a genuine concern for our local historical sites will be keeping an ear to the ground. J Pates. Chairman. Friends Of Alexandra Redoubt.

Rates boycott proposed over Council overspending How to solve I have to admit that I had a bit of a chuckle when readSudoku!

Contact Mark Davie: 29 Awaroa Stream Drive, Waiuku Ph: 09 238 5188 / 021 343 335 E:


to pay for projects that metropolitan Auckland City can not afford. One change of rule will not fit all properties in respect of increased value dependent on area available for subdivision. There are many rear properties where limited and private access will not allow subdivision, not to mention lack of infrastructure. Each of the properties will have to be assessed individually, as rates should remain the same as previous in a lot of cases. Roger Tindall Waiuku

Plundering of historic sites not welcome



Zoned Lots are happy with the status quo. There is no legitimate reason for any change. If there are people that want to subdivide their land there is already provision for them to do so. The council staff member who said that an increase in rates if this all went through would be an ‘unintentional side effect’ insults our intellect. It is more likely to be the other way around, where the side effect is the intensive housing and the main purpose is a land grab to get more money out of Waiuku

Siren and church closure

Weekly Sudoku with compliments of:


plaint from one resident. Hearing that siren was a huge psychological benefit to me at a time of anxiety and distress. John Mackle Taurangaruru

Zone change should not mean higher rates

THE POST wants to hear from you! or write to us at P.O Box 374, Waiuku.

Weekly crossword with the compliments of

on the way. It was a great relief to myself and people helping me that trained medical assistance was soon to arrive. I do not support any move to discontinue the town’s siren after the com-

ing Tuesdays Post, and the brief about Lost Dog? Long Fill the grid so that trip. again, everyOnce row and everyFranklin is onsquare the receiving 3x3 contains end of yet another Auckland the digits 1idiotic to 9 Council directive. Perhaps they think that we Solutionfolk No.1350 ‘rural’ are a little simple, 9 7 2 their 5 6hence 4 3 1failure 8 to ac4 8knowledge 3 5 6 1 7us2 as 9 citizens of 5 4 The council 8 3 6City. 2 1their 7 9Super 8 9 7 6 1 3

4 2 3 5 9 7

5 1 3 9 2 7 6 1 6 4 7 5 8 3 6 8 5 2 4 9 1 4 2 9 8 1 3 7 2 3 7 6 8 4 5 8 Romans 6 2Romans 4 1 5 95:9,

is quite happy to take our money, but they baulk at listening to our concerns and pleas. I don’t know about the other Franklin residents, but I am angry. It is time to take a stand against this arrogance and stupidity. The vast majority of us never wanted to be a part of this Super City, and now we have to assist in bailing it out because of overspending on items that we

here in Franklin don’t use, or don’t get. I propose that all Franklin residents stop paying our rates until the Auckland Council start to take us seriously – then perhaps they will be forced to acknowledge us. They can ignore one of us, but won’t be able to when we unify as a community. Chris Baber Pukekohe

Justification by Faith – His Word

3:28, Galatians 2:16, Genesis 15:5-6, Philippians 3:9, Romans 4:5, Romans 4:20-22, Romans 4:23-24, Acts 13:3839, Romans 5:19, Romans 3:26, Jeremiah 23:56, Romans 5:1, Ephesians 2:14, Galatians 5:4, Romans 3:20, Galatians 2:21, Romans 9:3132, Romans 3:31, Romans 6:1-2, James 2:20, James 2:18, James 2:22-24, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Romans 12:1, Hebrews 13:15, 1 Peter2:5, Matthew 20:27-28, Luke 22:27, Philippians 2:7-8, Matthew 11:29, Luke 14:33, 1 John 2:6, 1 Corinthians 19-20, Isaiah 6:9.


As penitent sinners, contrite before God, discern Christ’s atonement in their behalf, and accept this atonement as their only hope in this life and the future life, their sins are pardoned. This is justification by faith. Every believing soul is to conform his or her will entirely to God’s will, exercising faith in the atoning merits of the Redeemer, and advancing from strength to strength, from glory to glory. Pardon and justification are one and the same thing. . . . {CTr 150}

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It’s a challenge which has seen Cancer Society donations jump over the past month, safety concerns raised, and a run on ice at stores throughout the Waikato - and on Friday evening it came to Waiuku’s Kentish Hotel. Staff Lani Henare and Kristyn Endt accepted Ice Challenge nominations, in which nominees have iced water poured over them and make a donation to the Cancer Society. Under the challenge, if you are nominated, you have 24 hours to complete it or pay $100 to the charity. If you accept the challenge you only have to donate $10. Reports last week suggested almost $20,000 had been donated in a week, as the challenge has gone viral on social media sites. The 5pm drenching for the Waiuku girls came on an already-chilly evening, and other staff at the historic hotel enjoyed the opportunity to give the duty managers a dunking. They got their own back, however, nominating a string of other people to complete the challenge over the weekend.

Dramatic rescue flight after house fire In the same week as the Westpac Rescue Helicopter’s reality show Code One kicked off on television, the unit displayed its skills yet again as it flew a Waiuku resident to hospital after a house fire on Wednesday night. The dramatic mission, which saw the helicopter land on a cordoned-off Waiuku street, started after a house caught fire at a local property. Local volunteer fire brigade members were in attendance, and despite stormy conditions, emergency services despatched

the rescue chopper. The helicopter took off from Mechanics Bay around 11.45pm and arrived at the scene at midnight, where local brigade members had secured a landing site. The crew of Pilot Dave Walley, Crewman Murray Piper and Paramedic Stefan Gabor transported a male patient in his twenties to Middlemore Hospital. The patient was in a Status 2 (serious) condition, suffering burns. Pilot Dave Walley said the local brigade were fantastic: “Because Waiuku is only 15 minutes

flying time from Mechanics Bay, we were able to get there quickly. It was a pretty stormy night with showers and 60 km winds but we were lucky in that where we landed we had fantastic support from the Fire Service who had set up our landing area. We wouldn’t have landed there, on a suburban street, if the site wasn’t secure. “It’s not that the landing is any more difficult than anywhere else, but the risk consequences are higher in a built up area as opposed to somewhere like a forest with only trees instead of houses.”

Better broadband for Awhitu and region-wide In response to the recent failure of telecommunication services in Awhitu Peninsular, the National Party Candidate for Hunua, Andrew Bayly, made good on a promise to investigate the state of general access to good broadband service across the Hunua Electorate. Andrew has recently spoken with the network providers and can confirm that a service to the Awhitu District School is just awaiting installation of a microwave link into the Chorus network. This will then enable Chorus to provide an improved cable (DSL) broadband service to the Awhitu and Matakawau areas. Vodafone is in the final stages of erecting a new tower that will provide a wireless broadband service to much of the northern tip of the Peninsula. This service is expected to go live in the near future and will also improve mobile phone coverage in the area.

Help shape Franklin We want to create a better future for Franklin. Our Franklin draft Local Board Plan details plans to improve the lives of our community over the next three years, such as: • planning for growth to ensure it happens at the right place, at the right time • working to prioritise the importance, frequency and accessibility of public transport and ensuring our roads are safe • developing a Greenways Plan to connect parks, forests and waterways with pathways for walking, cycling and horse riding. These are just three of the initiatives we are proposing. Read the full plan online at Hard copies are available from selected libraries and service centres. Call 09 301 0101 for more information.

“Demand is only going to increase as the Hunua Electorate grows and high speed access to the internet is a key enabler of that growth, rather than a luxury”, says Andrew. The key to achieving this is the Government’s $1.65 billion investment that will deliver faster broadband to where 97.8 per cent of all New Zealanders live, work, play, and study by 2025. This programme comprises: • $1.35 billion on the Ultra-Fast Broadband rollout (UFB) that will deliver high speed services to over 830,000 homes and businesses across New Zealand; • $300m on the Rural Broadband Initiative (RBI) that will provide better broadband to 87% of rural New Zealand • $211m on Crown-company Network for Learning’s (N4L) Managed Network to connect schools with high quality internet, filtering,

and security services. “This commitment will make New Zealand one of the most connected countries in the world” says Andrew. “While these combined services will enable a large number of resident and businesses to connect to the internet, the tyrannies of distance, low population, and terrain make it difficult, both technically and financially, to provide broadband to everyone”, says Andrew. The N4L managed network is progressing well. “All but four schools in our electorate are either connected or in the process of being connected. N4L is currently engaging with TKKM o Waiuku, Paparimu School, Wesley College, and Awhitu District School to progress their connection to the network,” Andrew said. For more detail on broadband plans for your locality visit: chorus. and


Chilly challenge

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Police Report The Week Ahead Local knowledge solves property crimes Thurs 10th – Wed 16th july

DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES (M) Daily 2pm (2D), 5.30pm (3D), 8.45pm (2D)

HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 (PG) Daily 10am (2D), 12pm (3D), 4.30pm (2D)

HOUSE OF MAGIC 2D (G) Daily 10.45am, 2.15pm

THE PIRATE FAIRY 2D (G) Daily 10.15am, 4pm

JERSEY BOYS (M) Daily 11.45am, 6pm, 8.30pm

TRANSFORMERS 2D (M) Daily 12.30pm, 8pm

BLENDED (PG) Daily 3.30pm

WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS (R13) Fri, Sat, Tue 7pm

FAULT OF OUR STARS (M) Thu, Sun, Mon, Wed 6.30pm 85 Edinburgh St * Pukekohe *

[ PHONE: 09 237 0216 ]

Hi, I hope the last few weeks have been good for everyone and you have all survived the bad weather. A 30 year old male was arrested for breaking into an address Taurangaruru road. When located by local Police he still had the property on him. This was a great catch, and one that relied on local police knowledge of who is who and where people live. Here at Waiuku station there is a wealth of local knowledge about what is going on around Waiuku, and who is doing what. A number of cases have been solved on this local knowledge alone. It has helped to increase the number of offenders held accountable, and also to decrease Waiuku’s crime rate over the past year. A 20 year old male was arrested for assaulting a 17 year old. This was in response to the 17 year old assaulting the 20 year olds 14 year old brother. It all occurred because the 14 year old was drunk and being abusive to a 15 year old girl that the 17 year old took exception to. Try saying that 10 times when you’re at the pub next!

The 20 year old mentioned above was arrested for breaching his bail the same day he was arrested. The 17 year old male was arrested for assaulting the 14 year old. The 14 year old has been referred to youth aid for threatening the 15 year old. A 54 year old female was processed for drink driving. Her level was 982, the legal limit is 400. She received eight months disqualification and 120 hours community work. A 48 year old male was arrested for assaulting his partner. This resulted in a sentence of nine months supervision and 80 hours community work. A word of advice. If you are going to have a heated argument with your partner, and the neighbours hear then it is likely that Police will turn up. Therefore try and get rid of any bags of cannabis or pipes laying around, as was the case for one 22 year old female. A 40 year old male was arrested for again breaching a protection order by texting and then turning up at his ex-partners address. He is still remanded in custody, which is a great result.

A 23 year old male was arrested for assaulting a female. He is due to appear in court shortly for this. Due to a couple of vehicle accidents it is a timely reminder about keeping all your boundary fences and gates up to a high standard. These accidents were caused by cows out on the road. Especially on dark rural roads, animals are very hard to see, and a 600kg animal can do a lot of damage to a car and people. A couple of 14 year old boys will be spoken to about stealing a disabled mans wheel chair. Like I said, earlier local Police knowledge had a lot to do with locating and returning this wheelchair. A positive result considering the stupidity of the boy’s actions. I must say with the arrests a few weeks ago regarding the drug operation in the Franklin area, it is great that most of those concerned are still in prison. There have been a number of bail hearings, but thankfully we have had some great judges that have held these people in custody. I am still waiting on some further information, and when I re-

by Sergeant Simon Palmer ceive it the Waiuku Police will be going around to as many addresses we can to arrest those that actually wanted to buy drugs in the first place. So if that is you, then you are not forgotten, and the next knock you hear could just be us. Remember if there is an offender present, or has just left, then ring 111. This is the quickest way to get Police attendance. Do not delay, and don’t leave it until the next day to report it, and please do not ring the local station here and leave a message. 111. Remember that the phone number for Crimestoppers is 0800 555 111 or www. That’s all for this week, once again from the team here in Waiuku: Lorraine, Greg, Toby and Rod, thanks for all your help, we rely on your information to make our job easier, and Waiuku a safer place to live, play and work in.

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Have a go at archery

Onewhero volunteers to hold sale The Onewhero Volunteer Rural Fire Force is holding a 50/50 sale at the fire station on Saturday July 26 to raise funds. As a volunteer rural fire

Lost and found Waiuku Police are holding the following items, found in: April; Nikon F50 Camera (Sandspit Reserve), Nikon SLR Camera & Case, (Cnr Beach & Glenbrook Road). May: LG Cellphone, (Riverside Drive), Sum of money, (Bowen Street), Child’s blue bike, (Kitchener Road). June: Aluminium ladder, (Waiuku - Pukekohe Road), Child’s green polar jacket, (Massey Park), Bunch of keys; (Cnr Douglas and Awhitu Roads), Two pairs of glasses in fawn case.


force, the group says they receive no funding from the New Zealand Fire Service and only limited financial support from Waikato District Council. Funds to keep the fire force operating come from fund raising events such as this and public donations. A 50/50 sale is similar in operation to the usual bring and buy table top sales, the idea being that sellers pay no pitch fees but donate 50% of their proceeds to the fire force. People can bring a single item, or many. “We are expecting people to mostly bring small value items, but if someone wishes to bring something to sell which is of a high value, then we would not demand 50 per cent, but ask for a donation,” a spokesperson said. Hot food and drink will be available to purchase on the day, tables will be provided and it’s all under cover. Locals are helping to spread the word about the event, and organisers are hoping people in the region

Why the


sounded The Waiuku Volunteer Fire Brigade had a busy May with callouts including to attend a 105-year-old woman who had fallen, plus car accidents and assisting the Westpac Rescue helicopter. Incidents supplied by Chief Fire Officer Colin Riddle for the month were: May 1st; 02.27am, Queen St, Fire in the Town Hall. 1st;12.21pm, Godwit Pl, Rubbish Bin. 1st; 17.07pm, Constable Rd, Rubbish on fire. 3rd; 01.31 am, Mauku Rd, Assist Patumahoe brigade at timber fire. 4th; 10.44pm, Waiuku Rd, MVA. 4th;15.14pm, Cherry Pl, Kitchen - pot on the stove. 6th, 3.18 pm, Constable Rd, Rubbish Fire. 7th; 14.21pm, King St, Rubbish in side of shed at rugby grounds. 12th; 18.46pm, Glenbrook Rd. Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA). 13th; 23.24 pm, MVA, release occupants from car. 14th; 07.49 am, Awhitu Rd, MVA. 14th; 11.27am, Edgewater Pde, Medical, Ambulance from Pukekohe 15th; 05.59am, Kingseat Rd, MVA 15th; 13.48pm, Queen St, Car and shed fire 16th; 15.10pm, Hyland Pl, Medical, set up landing site. 17th; 11.10am, Kitchener Rd, Rubbish Fire. 18th; 07.41am, Kariotahi Rd, MVA Car leaking petrol. 19th;14.48pm, Queen St, PFA Town Hall 26th; 14.16pm, George St, MVA 27th;12.21pm, Sandspit Rd, Medical, assist 105 yr old who fell.

can get their goods together over the next week or so to ensure the day is a success. Sellers should contact volunteer firefighter Mark Robinson on 09 232 8248 or by emailing to before Wednesday, July 23 to reserve their spot for the sale.

The Franklin County Archers are inviting people who would like to try out archery to attend their next fortnightly meeting on Sunday, July 20. Organisers encourage youngsters and beginners to try their hand at the sport, with beginners’ rounds commencing from 9am at their grounds, Stone Road, Ramarama. Instruction and equipment is available and guests are invited to bring along something for a barbecue lunch. For more details phone Phil, 021 107 1149. The field archery club that was established in 1985, and the club’s main interests are in target, 3D shooting and bow hunting. The course is designed for a realistic bush hunting experience, with the ease of only shooting static animal targets.


Flue ted on selec tro / Me Masport fires. r *Offe

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Noah – Past, Present and Future In this article we will have some fun with our

dear friend Noah; yes I am well aware that there is a Movie out about him but from what I see it is way too much fantasy and so little reality. Here we will talk about the real deal and its duplication in a spiritual and future repeat run as the whole world is to be destroyed once more by a flood, with a same-difference, so let us dive on into this wonderful subject.


6:5-8 “And God saw that the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and [that] every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.” Now if you want to hear a Great song about this then go onto “You Tube”, type in “Statler Brothers Gospel” and you will find their album and it is the first track, (Noah found grace..) fast and funny, and true. Now in the Bible, the bulk of the story is in Genesis Chapters 6,7 & 8, it is so sad that the whole creation is derailed just a couple of chapters after this world was created all perfect and brand new, in just six short days, what a dynamic and powerful God we serve.

In summation, God went for a walk in our world,

looked into heart after heart, and it was only evil continually (repeated again in Sodom and Gomorrah), so sad, no saints, only sinners, well that is until he got round to Noah, and there was righteousness, and an obedient servant. God set him a task to save (who so ever will may come); 1 Timothy 2:4 “Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” Noah set to work immediately building with his three sons and some contractors, Noah built and preached for 120 years, and then it was finished. Time to move inside, so in went the provender and other supplies, God brought young breeding pairs of the unclean and groups of seven of the clean animals, these were all housed nicely, birds roosting in the rafters, pigs, snakes, gators and the likes are happily in the bottom of the boat, heavy animals on lower floors, light animals on upper floors and people on the top floors; (lower, second and third stories Gen 6:16), well all came in except the people.

They thought that it was so funny, as it had never ever rained water from the sky, the seasons cycled as normal, there will be no future changes; for they had no God. Well eight people moved in, God shut the door, and then nothing happened. Absolutely nothing, well except the mocking increased outside. Gen 7:10 says they had to wait seven days, then as we say “All hell broke loose,” torrents of water poured from the sky, the fountains of the deep broke and water roared up

from the earth in jets and torrents, water, water, everywhere and not a drop to drink, as sailors say. Well this continued for 40 days and forty nights, until the world was underwater. Experts tell us that if the world was as smooth as a billiard ball, the land surface would be kilometres deep under water, but as we have some very deep marine trenches to contain it, this protect us from becoming drowned. If you count out the time Noah was in the Ark, you get about one year, so this is no quiet short fishing trip on the pond. Noah came forth to a world familiar to us, totally unfamiliar to him, it was back to life as usual, and unfortunately we have many sinners and few saints, much like we have today. Lot at Sodom & Gomorrah gives us a snap shot of the next flood, a flood of fire, with the saints saved and the sinners receive their bountiful crop (Galatians 6:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.) If we run to the end of the Bible we get down to the last book Revelation 20:9-10 and we have the same concept. Luke 17:26 “And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man,” same plot, different players. Here we have the saints inside, the lost are outside (Revelation 17:15 People = waters) Same concept as Noah, redeemed are safe inside, lost people outside as a flood, but verse 10 tells us that the flood changes concept to a reality of a lake of fire (Sodom & Gomorrah repeat concept) so we have the saints floating (Ark=New Jerusalem) on an ocean of fire. End result is that it quickly consumes, cools, all that is left is ash Malachi 4:3 “And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do [this], saith the LORD of hosts.” This is no long drawn out thing, this is quick destruction, as per Malachi 4:1 “For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.” Now we get to Revelation Chapter 21, new heavens and a new earth. Noah stepped out into a new world, so do the redeemed. The sad thing is this, John 3:16 can be quoted by just about everybody, so there is no need for anybody to be lost, but just like in Noah’s time, they do not get into the safety of the Ark, everything is provided, all is ready, lots of room for everybody, just no individual response, hence God has to accept their choice, and they are lost. Please dear reader; step up to safety which is found Only in Jesus Christ, our Ark of safety, “All Aboard.”

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Tears as church ends its role Tears were shed and there was a sombre atmosphere as a carefully-structured ceremony on Sunday morning marked the end of one of Franklin’s oldest churches as a place of worship. Following a report on the status of the church earlier this year, the Diocese decided to halt services at Waiuku’s Holy Trinity church, and de-consecrate the building, with a view to disposing of the Heritage-listed church in the future. Sunday was announced as the final service, and following a sermon from Bishop James White, members carried up the various church artefacts and assets, including candlesticks, the collection plates, the pastoral role and services register, the processional cross, the lectern bible and the chalice and paten, which were handed to the Bishop and into the safekeeping of the Diocese.

The signs say welcome, but the church is no more after the ceremony of de-consecration on Sunday. The Holy Trinity church, dating back to 1872, marks a time in the region’s history when thousands of people poured into the Waikato. Soldier settlers were given blocks of land in return for part-time military service.

Anglican parishes were established in Te Awamutu (1870), Hamilton (1872) and Cambridge (1878). South of Auckland, new parishes were set up in Waiuku (1872), Bombay (1882) and Papakura (1884).

Urgent funding made Board helps the A number of local groups have benefited after council staff identified unspent budget in the Franklin Local Board programmes, and the Board members urgently found projects the funds could support. Staff found $14,000 in the Local Economic Development Programme, and more in Local Discretionary Community Grants which had not been allocated, a total of $63,026. A number of projects were identified which could be funded from the unallocated budgets, which the Board considered informally at a workshop at the end of May, and as a result an urgent decision was made to allocate the funds to ensure the expenditure could be undertaken prior to the end of the financial year. Funding went to the newly-started Franklin Tourism Group to develop promotional material ($2,500), while the Clevedon District Centre received $5000 for minor projects to complete an upgrade. Three historical organisations also received a boost, with the Waiuku and Karaka Museums, as well as the McNicol Homestead, being given grants of $5000 each. The Awhitu Central Hall was looking for funds to paint the exterior of the hall, and was granted $15,985, while the Pointways Pony Club was granted $7,732 for a water purification system. The lead-in to the Anzac centenary commemmorations next year also saw $10,000 given to renovate the badly-deteriorated Bombay War Memorial Arch, while a project to investigate an arboretum at Roulston Park received $8,809.

Mauku Stream

Franklin Local Board has approved funding of $25,000 to Whakaupoko Landcare Group for a planting initiative that will help improve the water quality of Mauku Stream, an important waterway in the Franklin area. The stream’s original riparian margins (the areas between the land and waterway) of trees and bush were previously removed to allow for more intensive land use. Planted margins reduce sediment run-off and erosion, and provide shade and a habitat for native species. Whakaupoko Landcare Group’s riparian restoration project, supported by Auckland Council’s biodiversity team, will help private property owners establish new riparian plantings in the area. “Riparian planting is proven to be an effective first step in improving water quality,” says Manukau Harbour Forum Chair Jill Naysmith, who is also the Franklin Local Board deputy chair and leads the board’s environment portfolio. “Restoring these stream plantings will enhance the biodiversity of Mauku Stream and also help improve the quality of water flowing into the Manukau Harbour – a key priority for the local board.”

Whitebait meetings start this week The first of a series of local meetings over the future of whitebaiting in the Waikato River is to be held this Thursday in Tuakau, with two more meetings next week in Waiuku and Port Waikato. The three meetings come after the release, earlier this year, of a report on whitebait stands and associated structures in the lower Waikato River between Tuakau and Port Waikato. The report, compiled by Waikato Raupatu River Trust and Waikato Regional Council, identified a range of matters related to whitebait stands and associated baches. The Tuakau meeting is at the Tuakau Memorial Hall from 5:30pm to 7:30pm this Thursday, while the one at Waiuku will be held at the Waiuku Memorial Hall, the following Thursday, (24 July), from 5:30pm 7:30pm. The next day, on Friday, the meeting is at the Port Waikato Community Hall, from 1pm to 3pm. A half-hour presentation will be given, followed by time to ask questions of the vari-

ous agencies. There will also be a chance for community members to share their thoughts on what the next steps should be to manage the issues. The release of the whitebait report was accompanied by a plea for people to ensure that no new stands or buildings are constructed unless they comply with all relevant district and regional council rules. Key issues raised in the report included: • the need to take a look at how a range of whitebait-related issues are managed • ensuring mandated fishing rights are upheld • the need to ensure that sewage is not being discharged into the river • ensuring that rules relating to whitebait stands and baches are followed • making sure there is a healthy river and a good environment for whitebait at Port Waikato. The full report is available online at http://











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65 years of marriage celebrated Public wants siren to stay

It was a special family occasion at the Kentish Hotel on Sunday afternoon as the family of Fred and Pam Grant marked the couple’s 65th wedding anniversary. The actual wedding anniversary date was July 9, and close to 40 relatives and friends, including some who made a surprise trip from Australia, joined the long-wedded duo for a lunch. Pictured above with Fred and Pam are the couple’s children, Martin, Roy, Paul, Barry and Carol.

How power savvy are you? Winter is definitely here which means power bills are typically higher and Auckland residents are being reminded to shop around for a better power deal. New results show that in 2013 households in the region could have saved on average $158 by switching power companies. Last year, more than 118,200 residential connections across the Auckland region switched power companies. Regional savings of $78.9 million were available if all residential consumers switched from their own electricity retailer to the cheapest supplier in the region. The Electricity Authority is encouraging Auckland residents to check again this year using the What’s My Number online tool. “It was great to see so many people exercising their choice to switch electricity suppliers in 2013, realising the cost savings and

other benefits they can get from shopping around,” says Electricity Authority Chief Executive Carl Hansen. “Winter is a good time to check again since everyone tends to use more power over the colder months. Even if you’ve already switched, it’s beneficial to keep checking your options regularly.” Nationwide, the Electricity Authority recorded more than 357,000 residential switches in 2013, compared with 324,000 in 2012. But checking your power deal doesn’t always have to be about how much money you save. “It’s also about looking into different providers that offer different deals or incentives. Some might be a better fit for you because they offer reward points. To find out if you’re getting the best deal for your power, visit

One term, and already winners

The Kickz girls team from Groovit Dance Studio in Pukekohe have achieved great things in just a term, having worked hard to perfect a routine, and recently winning first place in the South Auckland Performing Arts Competition (SAPAC) in their section. They also were awarded the highest marks in the Senior Group, receiving a magnificent trophy for

their efforts. Caitlin Browne (part of the Waiuku College Stage Challenge team which was placed third) is a long standing crew member alongside Latesha Latu from Waiuku who is the newest member of the group. The Kickz are part of the four Elite Crews at Groovit. Auditions are held once a year and only a few places are available for exceptional

dancers. As an organiser said: “We are all very proud at Groovit of all of the members of Kickz and their instructor Cass works very hard to get every performance they do perfect. They will be showing off their routine again at the SAPAC Gala Concert on August 3, at the Pukekohe Town Hall.

The Post has received literally hundreds of comments, phone calls and visitors to our Bowen Street offices over the issue of whether or not the Waiuku fire siren should be discontinued, following complaints from a resident. Very, very few comments suggested the siren should go - overwhelmingly the answer was to retain it. Many commentators suggested halting something which has been a tradition in the town for over half a century was bad enough, but to do so over a complaint from a single resident was ludicrous. Our facebook page, districtpost was full of comments suggesting people need to just get over it, and that the siren is simply a part of the community. The suggestion by the Fire Service Area Commander Larry Cocker that the complainant felt it affected her family’s health was also a hot topic. Examples of recent community comment include: “I made a point of listening to the siren this morning. It is so short I can not see how it affects someone’s health. As for the ones at night they make us aware that if we go out and about we should be mindful of the volunteers heading to the station not to mention a fire or possible accident. I think you will find the numbers wanting it to stay status quo far out way the numbers wanting it to discontinue completely.” Others noted that they had lived near it themselves: “In the 18 years that I lived there I had no problem with the siren. Why should one person expect to change something that doesn’t affect anyone else?” Other comments noted that it was a single

complaint that had triggered the issue: “Why should one person’s family get to impact on a whole community? Maybe we should all club together and pay to relocate them.” And in a similar vein; “It’s a democracy where majority rules... seems to me one person complains and we have a knee jerk reaction that the vast majority don’t want.” Others referred to the things they consider when the siren sounds: “When hearing the siren go - other than hoping it wasn’t my child involved in an accident or such - it ensured to me that our volunteer men were out there helping our community and that we should be thinking of them and the amount of hours they put into protecting our community. I grew up with hearing that siren every morning and it still stands as a reminder to me of what time it is and to get a move on to get to work, lol. “Take the siren away and you take away an icon of Waiuku and we should be proud of that icon. It stays as far as I am concerned and many locals that have grown up with it.” There have been some people in favour of the siren being discontinued, with one factor being noted by a View Road resident that since the trees near the school were cut down, the noise impact is far more significant. Others have pointed out that since the firefighters have pagers, there is less need for the siren. But these viewpoints are very much in the minority. The decision is expected to be made by the end of this month, with the local brigade asked to consider a proposal to discontinue the 7.30am siren, and to have no siren during the hours of darkness. The Post Newspaper will pass on the comments to the brigade.

Epic row down to final six days Rogue waves, massive seas, but 4000km row almost over. Tara Remington’s row across the Pacific Ocean is down to its last week. The Waiuku local and University of Auckland academic is rowing across the Pacific Ocean from Long Beach Los Angeles to Waikiki in Hawaii with American Paralympian Angela Madsen in their vessel the Spirit of Orlando. They are now just 430 miles or about six days till they reach Hawaii. “It’s a pretty good feeling, that’s for sure,” Tara says. The 4000 Km odyssey is to raise money for New Zealand girl Charlotte CleverleyBisman. Charlotte lost her arms and legs to meningitis as a baby in 2004. Now a tenyear-old, she needs on-going assistance with prosthetic limbs as she grows. Tara’s row will also help raise enough money for Charlotte to attend Camp No Limits, a special camp for amputees and their families held in the United States each year. Angela, a former US marine, is also using the row to raise money for wounded American war veterans. You can donate to the cause at www. Despite their good progress Tara was devastated to hear of Trans-Tasman kayaker Scott Donaldson’s rescue off the coast of Taranaki last week. “I feel for him, I really do. My heart just breaks for him; I absolutely know what it’s like.” In Tara’s first ocean row, the Trans–Atlantic Rowing Race from the Canary Islands to the West Indies in 2005, she and rowing partner Iain Rudkin completed 3518 km of the of the 4800 km race and had spent 47 days at sea before the boat started to take on water and then capsized forcing them to abandon ship and require rescue. “To be so close and have it taken away from you, I know exactly how he’s feeling. I just hope he keeps his head held high and is proud of what he’s done.” In the past two weeks Tara and Angela have had their own share of problems at sea. “We’ve had massive seas and some rogue waves.” One wave hit just as the pair was swapping shifts and Tara was settling in to take

her turn at rowing. “It threw me all the way into the bow and almost overboard. I thought my God, with ten days to go we’re going to capsize.” Luckily they were able to bail themselves out of trouble and continue the row. Other recent dramas include Tara being hit in the chest by a baby squid in the middle of a rowing shift and hundreds of flying fish leaping out of the waves at them as they row. But the girls have also been inspired by the recent rowing success of the Kiwi rowing team at the World Cup regatta in Lucerne. The Kiwi teams picked up six gold, a silver and a bronze at their most successful regatta ever. Both Tara and Angela are very excited about seeing their families. Tara’s wife Rebecca and children Jade and Seb left Auckland during the weekend and headed to Hawaii to meet her. Tara has missed Jade’s twelfth birthday during the row so recorded a video message for her to watch while she was at sea. Tara, a Waiuku resident and lecturer at the Faculty of Education, first got involved with Charlotte’s charity through the Meningitis Trust in the 2007 Atlantic Rowing Race, and now her daughter Jade is Charlotte’s pen-pal. Visit for more information on Tara and her Pacific Row 2014.



New choice in local real estate “We live it, we love it, we sell it.” Waiuku …we’ve now got more to offer at a lesser price with a brand that’s painting the town red. Maybe we can help you?” Julie Rodgers & Daryl Walker

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Increasing population and the growing economy as well as ‘an opportunity too good to turn down’ has seen well-known real estate and mortgage brand Mike Pero open an office in Waiuku - the first in the Franklin area. Julie Rodgers and Daryl Walker are the fac- ing she offers a quiet confidence, honesty es behind the distinctive new business, situ- and reliability to all her clients in her assured ated in Waiuku’s Queen Street, and Julie says unflappable manner. she is excited about the prospects ahead and Joining Julie at the new Mike Pero store is is proud to be able to bring the benefits of Daryl Walker, who says he has been attracted Mike Pero’s innovative commission struc- to real estate from a strong sales background tures to the local region. and brings with him experiBorn in Auckland in the late ence in building business re“I fully 1950s and spending her childlationships and negotiation hood in the Panmure area has skills. understand the given Julie the ability to attune “What attracted me to Real magnitude of my Estate was the prospect of to people from all walks of life. She married Raymond in role in achieving helping people find homes that 1976 and they have raised three they will absolutely love, buythe best possible girls and have two granddaughing or selling property is an exconclusion of the tremely personal process and ters. They moved to the Waiuku township in the early 1990s and sale of your most one I hope to be fortunate to are very passionate about the share with people.” valued area that they have embraced Daryl says he is excited by possession.” as ‘their home town’. his newly chosen career path Having always worked in as one of the team at Mike - Julie Rodgers sales roles from car parts for Pero Real Estate. He is looking European marques, to home forward to providing buyers appliances and engineering supplies, Julie and sellers alike with outstanding customer made her move into real estate eight years service and a professional results-driven apago and found her niche in life enjoying the proach. Daryl has lived in Waiuku for the interaction with buyers and sellers. past 10 years enjoying the rural lifestyle with She says she focussed on achieving a fair his wife Jodi and children Jamie and Laura. result for both parties, something which He has been fortunate to meet a lot of peowas challenging during a tough time for real ple in the area through his work as well as estate following the global financial crash various sporting and school based activities leading up to 2012. However, she says she that his children participate in. enjoyed the workload and experienced a In his spare time Daryl enjoys an active successful career with a local real estate role in his kid’s sports as a basketball team firm, but still felt she was able to achieve manager as well as a passionate spectator, more. some locals may also remember Daryl as a Now, she says, when the opportunity of a coach and committee member for Waiuku Mike Pero franchise was offered to her it was Junior Athletics Club. too hard to turn down. What little time is left is spent either reno“Being able to offer a great value and a top vating or maintaining the family home and class service to both property owners and occasionally (when it’s running!) taking his purchasers is truly exciting,” she says, add- 1969 Mark 2 Cortina for a spin.

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Country lifestyle


105 Smith Road, Waiuku These two lifestyle blocks situated up a ROW on a quiet country road only 3 minutes from the bustling Waiuku Village will provide you and your family a way of life that you will welcome. Lot 1 – 9298 m2. Lot 2 - 1.09 ha. Both lots have conservation native bush plantings and have a delightful rural outlook. There are covenants to protect your investment. Call now to secure a wonderful future for your family.


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Mike Pero Real Estate Ltd. Licensed REAA (2008)



Ideas wanted on how to spend $50,000 The Franklin Local Board has allocated around $50,000 in funding to create a new playground at Hamilton Estate, in Waiuku, and youngsters from the area have been asked to submit ideas on a theme or on specific activities they would like to have included. One of the supporters of the playground initiative, Grace van den Brink, (pictured left with local youngsters and their designs), says children should draw their ideas, include their name, age and contact information, and drop their thoughts into either the Waiuku Library or the Information Centre before the end of the school holidays.

Curtain controversy New campaign to curb The Taxpayers’ Union is slamming Auckland Council’s decision to spend $100,000 of ratepayer money on a silk certain for Devonport’s new library. The discovery comes at a time when Len Brown needs to find savings of $860 per ratepayer to keep his promise of a 2.5 percent rates cap. Further riling commentators were reports that the curtain is to be hidden during the day to reduce sun damage, but would be visible from outside the building at night. Executive Director of the Taxpayers’ Union, Jordan Williams, says: “This is an inexcusable waste of ratepayer money. Does Auckland Council have no respect for those who pay its bills?” “The culture of big spending in Auckland Council needs to stop. Auckland already has eye watering debt, the highest in New Zealand on a per ratepayer basis, even before the big infrastructure projects have started.”

domestic violence

Council defends Auckland Council chief executive Stephen Town has taken issue with a media comment that described Council as an ‘under-working morass of inefficiency’. ‘What exactly is he referring to?,’ Stephen asked in a media release; ‘Could it be the $1.7bn in cost and efficiency savings under the new Council, is it the vastly improved consenting times or a better relationship with central government? Perhaps it’s our AA credit rating, historic investment in public transport, or the most stable and low rates rises in decades? We know we can do better, but we’re also proud of what our staff and Councillors have achieved in three and a half short years - to improve services, keep costs low for Aucklanders and invest for the future. Over the next 12 months the Council will take the next big step a 10 year budget aligned to Auckland’s priorities.”

Organic trial success Halfway through an Auckland Council organics trial, 92 per cent of those surveyed are saying the trial is a good idea. Participants separate food scraps and other organic matter such as paper towels, tea bags and indoor cut flowers from their usual rubbish collection so it can be collected weekly and turned into compost. Auckland Council Solid Waste Operations Manager Warwick Jaine, says the council is pleased with results so far, but it is also aware that some people have concerns, about everything from the durability, size and fit of the kitchen caddy liners to odour issues from fortnightly council rubbish collection. “We’re listening to all feedback and investigating solutions, such as maintaining weekly council rubbish pick up for a few years, to help ease the transition when an organics collection is introduced throughout urban Auckland,” said Mr Jaine. The organics collection trial has been running since May, across nearly 2000 households. In eight weeks, the trial has diverted 31 tonnes of food waste from landfill to be processed into compost. A new rates-funded urban organics collection service was one of a suite of projects promised in the council’s Waste Management and Minimisation Plan of 2012.

The National Council of Women New Zealand says there has never been a better time to draw on the legacy of Kate Sheppard; a call supported by Pukekohe’s Dianne Glenn. Dianne is president of the NCW Papakura/Franklin branch, and is pictured above (at right) with the chief executive of the NZ Collective of Women’s Refuges, Heather Henare, during the launch of the campaign earlier this month. National President Barbara Arnold said the council urged New Zealanders to support Women’s Refuge’s Bring Back Kate campaign. The just-launched campaign aims to raise money and get the Government, community and individuals to take more action to reduce family violence. “New Zealand can be incredibly proud of Kate Sheppard’s determination and skill in making sure our country was the first in the world to grant women the vote in 1893. However, from being first in achieving this major breakthrough, our country should now be ashamed at our family violence statistics. “In 2013, there were 11,700 prosecutions for domestic violence-related offences.” Kate Sheppard was widely acknowledged as the leader of the women’s suffrage movement and was a founding member and first President of the National Council of Women New Zealand (NCWNZ) when it established in 1896. “During Women’s Refuge’s Awareness Month and Annual Appeal Campaign, we call on all New Zealanders to act however they can to reduce the number of women who are victims of violence. It may be that you can donate money, or support the refuge’s call for Government to have an independent inquiry into relevant services and systems. “You might be able to help by donating time to Women’s Refuge or another group like the National Council of Women New Zealand that supports women. Your way to make a difference might be becoming more vigilant so you can identify someone with a violent partner that needs help. And if you’re a man and you hurt women, stop and seek help.”



Building & owning your dream home...

Auckland asking price for houses now $242,000 over national average Auckland home sellers want more for their homes than ever before, according to, the website with New Zealand’s largest number of homes for sale. In June, the average asking price for homes in Auckland reached an all-time record of $732,240. This represents a significant increase from the previous record of $685,426 set in April. The record asking price in Auckland drove the national average asking price up to an all time record of $490,550. All but four of the country’s 19 regions recorded higher average asking prices compared to the same month last year. “The high asking prices in Auckland in particular suggest that home sellers are confident they will get their price,” says Paul McKenzie, Marketing Manager at “A factor in this may be the low overall supply of homes on the market.” The number of homes newly listed for sale was the lowest on record for June of any year. The total of 8,524 new listings is 20% less than the month before, and 6.1% less than June 2013. Only Canterbury, Wellington, Northland, and Coromandel experienced an increase in listings from the same time last year, while four regions recorded their lowest number of monthly new listings on record: Bay of Plenty, Central North Island, Gisborne, and Central Lakes. “The low number of new listings brought the overall number of homes on the New Zealand market down to just 38,693, one of the six lowest monthly totals we’ve seen,” says Paul McKenzie.


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Busking her way to Yacht club celebrates a Golden Guitar

Win with our new look!

The Waiuku Yacht Club is ready to celebrate a number of successes this Sunday July 20, as it marks the achievements of its members and it’s recent renovation. Thanks to support from funding groups and a lot of work by members and local businesses, the club has a new floor, a new paint job and has been re-carpeted. To mark the occasion, the club’s annual prizegiving will kick off at 4.30pm on Sunday with a pot luck mean, followed by refreshments, and certificates will be awarded to the many talented youngsters who have enjoyed the learn to sail programme.


Trees damaging lines

We’ve had a name change, and we are proud to announce that Professionals Waiuku is now Osborne’s. We are fully independent, Franklin-owned, and at your service!

Despite a battering overnight on Wednesday, high winds had relatively little impact on the Counties Power’s network, with tree-related network damage accounting for all outages still outstanding on Thursday. Our first priority is the safety of the public and our repair crews so we encourage anyone without power to report the fault and to remember to always treat all lines as live,” a Counties Power spokesperson said. “Most of the faults we’ve encountered are owing to tree damage and could have been prevented if land owners kept trees near power lines well- trimmed – it makes a huge difference to the resilience of the power network in the Counties area,” a spokesperson said.

Win a $150 Agave voucher!

Rain, slips, close park Look out Lorde! Busking around Waiuku over the school holidays is 14-year-old local college student and musician Jennifer Smith, who is fund raising to go to the Golden Guitar Awards in Gore next year. Singing a mixture of covers and some of her own songs, she was getting some great support from the community last week outside the Unichem Pharmacy on Queen Street. Every year for the last four decades Gore has hosted the New Zealand Gold Guitar Awards. This event attracts artists from around the world and continues to grow in stature and popularity. Audience levels reach over 5,000 and the entries in all sections and events total 700 competitors.

To celebrate our launch, we are giving away a $150 Agave voucher, to be drawn 5pm on Friday, July 18, 2014. To enter, simply write your name, phone number & email below and drop it in at Osborne’s, 11 Bowen Street Waiuku, for your chance to win!

Significant slips caused by heavy rainfall have prompted Auckland Council to close Waitawa Regional Park (ClevedonKawakawa Bay Road) until further notice. The park received 192mm of rain over 13 hours on Saturday 12 July, with 145mm of that in just seven hours. The slips affect the hillside and road leading down to Mataitai Bay, the park’s main beach, picnic area and wharf. A geotechnical assessment will be carried out this week and earthmoving contractors will begin removing slip debris. Due to the heavy machinery required to carry out this work, the park must remain closed. When the park reopens, there may still be some access restrictions in place. Council advised signs notifying of the changes were to be erected yesterday.

Name:..................................................Ph.................................. Email........................................................................................... Osborne Realty Ltd Licenced REAA 2008



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For Sale Our team Waiuku and surrounding districts


Leonie Gillott 0274 985 722

Julie Quilty 0272 292 243

Marleen Ohms 0274 483 528

Considering building the dream?

Ray Lever 021 951 082 Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 32 Kathleen Reece Place

With the growing demand for Auckland properties, Waiuku is becoming a more desirable place to get value for money. Buy & build now while it’s still affordable. Your choice of residential sections with services ready to go, or bare blocks for the larger dream, ready for your builder’s spade. BARE BLOCKS


R.O.W section 618m2 $185,000 Sites from 500m2 $230,000 Sites from 2500m2 $245,000

osbs549 osbs429 osbs548

Sites from 0.5Ha from $295,000 0.5Ha site $230,000

osbs518 osbf642

Leonie: a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

First home or investment




Sunset spectacular $437,000

3 Bedroom low maintenance home and section. Located down ROW on cross lease section. Off street parking and single internal access garaging. ID: osbs782

4 bedroom + ensuite brick & tile home in an elevated position to reward the owners with spectacular views. Lovingly landscaped gardens with raised garden boxes for the keen gardener. Set in a popular street. Call Julie Q to view. ID: osbh786

Julie Quilty: a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

Julie Quilty: a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 21 Totara Street

Vendors on deadline



3 bedroom low maintenance unit. Open plan living, single internal access garaging. Currently rented for $340 per week. Don’t delay, ring now! ID: osbh796

3 Double bedrooms. Separate lounge and dining. Kitchen combines with indoor/ outdoor flow. This home has recently been renovated. Situated on a fully fenced elevated 673m2 section. Phone now to view. ID: osbh798

Leonie: a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722



Leonie: a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722



Mediterranean style - $349,000

Country Living $334,000

Country living without the hassle of farming. 2 Rural lots with unimpeded views to the west over the Waiuku River and Manukau harbour. 4836m2 and 5113m2. On the Glenbrook side of Waiuku. Hurry to view, before your friends do. ID: osbf596 and osbs534 Ray: a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

Loads of character in this 3 bedroom plastered brick home with views to Karioitahi hills. Loads of outdoor entertaining areas and sunny decks. 3 kinds of heating options for a cosy winter. Be quick for this one. ID: osbh784 Leonie: a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722 Julie Quilty: a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

Easy living

A real charmer $385,000


Check out this 3 bedroom home with a 3 bay shed all sitting on 1012m2 section. A great fenced yard for the kids. Handy to town and located in the Sandspit Road school zone. Look at it before your friends do. ID: osbh797

A contemporary double glazed Latitude home consisting of large open plan living with elevated ceiling space. 3 double bedrooms (master with ensuite). Double basement garage on a compact easy care site. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. ID: osbh703 WAIUKU


Bargain in town $277,000

Marleen: a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


Osborne Realty Ltd Licenced REAA 2008


Ray: a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

09 235 7139

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku

For Sale


Beautiful bungalow $415,000 Over Âź acre section lovely 4 brms, open plan lounge/dining with sep kitchen. Fully fenced, kid & pet friendly. May have potential to subdivide. Why delay when you can act today. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. ID: osbh764 WAIUKU

Marleen: a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Lifestyle starter $449,000


Family fun $439,000

1.8Ha. A great starter, well priced. 3 Bedroom Initial Home, 2 bay shed and fantastic views. Currently running sheep and horses. This private property is located approx 10 mins drive from Waiuku. To view please phone Ray ID: osbf680 TE TORO

Check out this 3 bedroom home. An open plan kitchen / dining area with a hall leading to a separate sunny lounge. The morning sun streams in the kitchen and dining, then through the bedrooms and into the lounge. The 24hr boat ramp is nearby and with a secluded sandy beach at the rear of the property, this property is priced right and is extremely desirable. ID: osbh753

Ray: a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

Ray: a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

Lifestyle in town

$505,000 Tucked down a tree lined drive is this 4 bedroom well maintained home. Double separate garaging plus barn. Private and secluded set on 9870m2. Plenty of room for the kids and the animals. ID: osbh794 WAIUKU

Leonie: a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

Gardeners delight


Spacious modern home $490,000


Low maintenance 3 bedroom + ensuite home on a generous 881m2 section. There is a double internal garage plus extra parking. Good location within easy walking distance to town. ID: osbh794

Beautiful country views of the land out to Manukau Harbour. This property has beautiful gardens around the home & loads of shedding. Sleepout has own bathroom & kitchenette. Home has 3 double bedrooms, open plan living with a sun drenched deck set on 2.72 Ha. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. ID: osbf703

Marleen: a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528 Julie Quilty: a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243


Marleen: a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Building for sale $600,000 + GST 1 Building which currently has 3 tenants. Situated right in the heart of Waiuku Town Centre and close to the Manukau Inlet. Motivated vendors would like to move on to other ventures. Phone Marleen to discuss further. ID: osbb010 COMMERCIAL



Marleen: a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Runoff or lifestyle $650,000 + GST, if any

Living the country life - $685,000

This 16.2 hectares of desirable north facing property is located 6.5km from Waiuku main centre. This property has road frontage on two sides, allowing access to a number of building sites. To view please phone Ray. ID: osbf680

Set on 2 acres, this property is ideal for sheep, chickens or even calf club. Heated saltwater swimming pool for the warmer days. Lovely indoor-outdoor flow, open plan living with family room, 3 double bedrooms, master has ensuite. Double garage + office space & extra workshop. Ph Marleen to arrange a viewing. ID: osbf713

Ray: a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

Marleen: a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


Osborne Realty Ltd Licenced REAA 2008

09 235 7139

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku




s e m i T n e Te G

STICKS & STONES By Megan Van Lieshout

Leadership has been about pop never u l a r i t y .. .

the e t a g i nav u o y daily g e n c i a p f l He EN Y G d l e i minef

yo e B

el s r u

f Tr us t in yo urs elf





DERS ’s w o r r o m o T ng i p p e t s s r leade y. up toda


Pure Indulgence & Lakewood Lodge put together a fabulous day for a group of confident leaders on Monday 14th July .... With a group of active girls between the ages of 11-13years...the fun and experienced outdoor instructors and coach Megan Vanlieshout provided an outdoor experience at Lakewood Lodge that the girls won’t forget.

TEEN FACIALS $50 Learn to look after your skin..

It's all about beautiful healthy skin not lots of make up! The skin professionals Lakewood Lodge is just 30 minutes south of Pukekohe. Here you can build your confidence with horse trekking, kayaking, climbing wall, archery, flying foxes and other adventure activities with experienced instructors. Team building activities develop your leadership skills in a safe, caring environment. Lakewood Lodge helps you learn while you have fun! • For more information Call 07-8263344 •

Life as a teenager can be tough but you are not all alone if you need to talk .....

at Pure Indulgence want to encourage all you teenage girls to value your skin ... Book now for your cleansing, educational TEEN FACIAL ...and receive a pure Fiji gift for mum too! (August voucher redemptions with this promotion) 33 West St, Pukekohe | 239 0404 | |



All creatures Great and small

New pet shop for Pukekohe

Ask th e Vet Send your question to:

Your one stop shop for all your horse blanket cleaning needs.

‘Vet’s Voice’

c/o- The Post Newspaper, PO Box 374 Waiuku or email to:


235 8888

Dental Health for Cats and Dogs Dental care is very important for cats and dogs as, just like in people, poor oral health can have a detrimental effect on the overall health of an animal. Studies indicate that up to 80% of domestic cats and dogs over the age of 3 years have some degree of dental disease. The more common signs of dental disease in dogs and cats include, bad breath, inflamed gums, teeth that are loose, discoloured or covered in dental plaque, drooling, sometimes blood tinged, saliva from the mouth, dropping food and weight loss. Dental disease in cats and dogs is, most commonly, the result of dental plaque, which consists of a mixture of bacteria and food particles that becomes cemented to and builds up on the animal’s teeth. Cats and dogs with dental disease will generally require a general anaesthetic in order for their teeth to be cleaned, scaled and polished and any teeth suffering from decay, removed. Preventing dental disease in cats and dogs includes taking your cat or dog to your veterinary clinic for regular (annual) health checks and daily home dental care which should include feeding an appropriate diet, having access to abrasive substances e.g. bones and dental sticks to chew and where possible daily tooth brushing to prevent dental plaque buildup. If you suspect your cat or dog has dental disease or should you require further advice regarding your cat or dogs dental health please do not hesitate to call us. Dr John Swney B.V.Sc.

Proudly brought to you by:


17 KITCHENER RD, WAIUKU • PH: 235 9217 11 Edinburgh St, Pukekohe • Ph: 238 6897


Veterinary Recommended

The wait is nearly over for Pukekohe pet lovers who have been looking forward to the new Animates shop. Pukekohe local Paul Avent, (pictured at right), has been working as the store manager of Auckland’s Lunn Avenue, Animates store and is extremely exciting to transfer to the Pukekohe store, in his local community. Paul says “I am looking forward to bringing the great Animates customer experience, advice and best range of products to my local pets and pet parents.” The store is opening next week at 8 Massey Avenue, and is offering a raft of special deals and discounts. Local pet owners and their leashed furry friends are invited to join in the celebrations at the grand opening of the store, and what’s more, Animates will have loads of super deals on products to celebrate. There will be plenty of activities across the weekend for the whole family, including DIY dog washes for man’s best friend, face painting,

petting zoo, and much more! Animates say they understand the unbreakable bond between the owner and pet, add that they stock the best quality products and definitely know a thing or two about caring for your pet. So, they suggest, “as we move well into winter, why not talk to your local Animates team about tips and tricks to care for your pet? “ The people behind the store say the new store will benefit both Pukekohe pets and Animates’ long-standing relationship with the SPCA. Animates and the SPCA have worked together since 2011 to find rescued pets their forever homes as part of the Animates’ SPCA Saving Lives Programme. The pioneering relationship, which has helped find more than 7,300 pets a home, was launched in 2010. The Massey Ave store will be open seven days a week.

• For a stress free holiday • Individual care for all cat types Luxury Boarding Cattery — Waiuku Ph 09 235 7024 Mob 027 511 3579



Available in four different colours : (Red, Black, Pink and Blue)

$14.50 4 sizes available :

XS - 30cm long x 1.5cm wide SMALL - 37cm long x 1.5cm wide MEDIUM - 42cm long x 2cm wide LARGE - 51cm long x 2.5cm wide Email the size, colour & name you require to

Cataway Waiuku

Full grooming service for all breeds - Experienced vet nurse

 

Adele van der Star 46 Victoria Avenue, Waiuku | Ph: 09 235 7754 Mob: 021 272 4015

Feel the love...

10 Jenny Lane Waiuku Mobile: 021 492 280 Toll Free 0800 492 280

Cataway Waiuku Boutique Cattery is Veterinary recommended




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Design, Build, Install Project Manage Melamine to lacquer Laminate to Granite / Engineered stone and timber

The heart and soul of a home!

A kitchen should always inspire friendliness, creativity and a good appetite! Leave the more classic styles for the dining room and express your personality in the kitchen.

Your environmental choice in kitchen surfaces; environmentally friendly panel products - good for the environment, great for your health. High moisture resistance HMR

Stockists of quality Blum products

122 kitchener road, waiuku

09 235 0252

Are you thinking about renovating your kitchen? Renovating or remodelling a kitchen is all about putting more life into it, transforming the décor, and designing new storage space. It is also a good investment that could increase the value of your home and facilitate its resale. In the past, kitchens were often neglected when home owners were deciding on their priorities. These days, however, we want to be proud of our kitchens and show them off. That means kitchens should be as welcoming and functional as possible. Begin the process of designing your kitchen early. Depending on your specifications it can take anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks to manufacture and complete the installation of your new kitchen. This is AFTER you have finalised your design plan. Over these two pages, we have compiled some suppliers who can assist you in either renovating or building from scratch - YOUR DREAM KITCHEN!

$2,000 $2,000 GET UP TO










135 Manukau Rd, Pukekohe

Ph: 09 238 2970


e valued at over $4,000 for $500 in gift cards, gift cards and can consist of cabinets, cabinet oncept Range kitchens not included. Kitchen s the kitchen purchase, and have a 3 month chen per customer. Offer may not be used in



FCB M10 7974

Offer valid Wednesday 16th July to Sunday 17th August 2014. The Nouveau Impressions kitchen must be valued at over $4,000 for $500 in gift cards, over $8,000 for $1,000 in gift cards, over $12,000 for $1,500 in gift cards and over $16,000 for $2,000 in gift cards and can consist of cabinets, cabinet doors and drawers, fronts and benchtops (excludes appliances, plumbing, accessories and installation). Concept 30/04/14 11:30 AMRange kitchens not included. Kitchen must be paid in full by Tuesday 19th August 2014. Gift cards cannot be used in the same transaction as the kitchen purchase, and have a 3 month validity. Set value gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash. Offer limited to one Nouveau Impressions kitchen per customer. Offer may not be used in conjunction with any other promotion. Offer does not apply to trade or account purchases.

Waiuku Mitre10

M10 7974 Nouveau kitchen strutted Card v3.indd 1

25 Bowen Street • Ph: 235 9072


SPEND OVER $16,000 AND GET $2,000 IN GIFT CARDS 30/04/14 11:30 AM

FCB M10 7974

OPEN 7 DAYS: Mon-Fri 8-5 • Sat 8-4 • Sun 9-4 TIMBER YARD HOURS: Mon-Fri Sat 8-4Impressions kitchen must be valued at over $4,000 for $500 in gift cards, Offer valid Wednesday 16th July to Sunday 17th August7-5 2014. • The Nouveau over $8,000 for $1,000 in gift cards, over for $1,500 in gift cards and over $16,000 for $2,000 in gift cards and can consist of cabinets, cabinet • $12,000 Sun 9-4 doors and drawers, fronts and benchtops (excludes appliances, plumbing, accessories and installation). Concept Range kitchens not included. Kitchen must be paid in full by Tuesday 19th August 2014. Gift cards cannot be used in the same transaction as the kitchen purchase, and have a 3 month validity. Set value gift cards cannot be redeemed for cash. Offer limited to one Nouveau Impressions kitchen per customer. Offer may not be used in conjunction with any other promotion. Offer does not apply to trade or account purchases.

M10 7974 Nouveau kitchen strutted Card v3.indd 1

30/04/14 11:30 AM



Present this coupon before 31/7/14 and receive 10% OFF ALL ELECTRICAL ITEMS and 20% OFF everything else storewide. *Discount excludes sale items & vouchers. Coupon can only be used once.

For the best quality cookware, bakeware & kitchen accessories



Tips to follow for a n.... functional kitche am­bitious project


Remodelling a kitchen — now, there’s an smal lest of that has to be carefully plan­n ed down to the anytime again this do to deta ils. Af­ter all, you’re not going project, ing excit this on work to set soon! So, before you n that kitche ional funct a ing creat for tips quick here are seven . will meet all your needs for years to come Do you prefer of pantry lots or ry sculle in walk A ards? cupbo or drawers space? 2. Decide on a realistic budget and share it with. your designer. They need to know your financial limits e would 3. Think about how you will use your new kitchen. Wher bottle out pull a ple, you like things to be situated? For exam to asher Dishw s? sauce and storage beside the hob for oils or ng tandi frees h, rbenc Unde sink? the the left or right of wall oven? 4. Consider what you like and dislike about your current or previous kitchen in 5. Keep the golden triangle of sink/bench, fridge and hob mind. Try to make sure it’s not too big. ble to you 6.Think about the different benchtop options availa ges of vanta disad and ts benefi and ask about the features, each . en. Try 7. Consider the flow of traffic in and around the kitch nce entra the near to put items of high use such as a fridge to the kitchen


to installation

1. Consider how much storage space you need.

the Get a professional designer’s input from will s anie comp beginning. Most quality kitchen you with work will who have their own designers bud your in with en kitch m drea to create your nical get. Your ideas, combined with their tech e in renc diffe ial expertise, will often be the cruc ing, look good a is lt ensuring the end resu functional, working kitchen!

Ergonomic drawer dishwasher. (Photo The era of washing machines with hand-cranked wringers is long gone. These days, household appliances are totally amazing, especially those dedicated to culinary tasks. Some look like works of art and others can carry out every imaginable function. Ergonomic drawer dishwashers are user-friendly house hold appliances which can greatly facilitate our lives. These compact appliances make it even easier to load dishes and they can easily accommodate oversize plat ters and fragile long-stemmed glasses. Many different types of materials are popular these days, so there is freedom to choose what meets your needs, budget, and tastes. Will they match or complement the other colours & styles you have chosen? Where possible take material samples home or take tiles, furnishings or drapes into the kitchen showroom to get an idea of what looks good together.

your dream come true


• • • •

Whether you are designing your dream home, a builder looking for a great company to provide kitchens to your clients, or renovating your current kitchen we are here to help. Make an appointment for your one-on-one consultation in our extensive showroom, or make an appointment to have one of our great designers come visit you at home.

Kitchens Benchtops Renovations Bathrooms Made in NEW ZEALAND By NZ Craftsmen

10 Year

0800 148 800

10 Year Guarantee

kitchens & design


On all Joinery

09 235 7793 17 Martyn Street, Waiuku Email:




• Your showhome tour guide •

Perfection from every angle!


Property Law Specialists Rural, Residential and Commercial Property Matters Financing and Refinancing Friendly and Affordable Service Plain Language Explanations FOR A FIXED PRICE QUOTE ON YOUR NEXT PROPERTY TRANSACTION OR FOR FUTHER INFORMATION

LOT 89 635m2





#11 SOLD LOT 88 621m

LOT 91 538m2


LOT 90 576m2

PHONE: 0508 639496

Central Conveyancing, 20 Queen Street, PO Box 231, Waiuku 2341

#8 LOT 87 553m2

LOT 92 552m2

#19 LOT 93 497m2


LOT 94 599m2


LOT 96 475m2


LOT 95 545m2


Call Jitske Harris on 027 703 7248 email

Phone Bobbie-jo on 09) 236 5016 or 0220 503403

LOT 111 SOLD 700m

LOT 110 450m2


LOT 109 407m2


LOT 108 457m2


LOT 107 500m2


LOT 106 500m2


LOT 105 510m2




#22 UNDER LOT 104 CONTRACT 501m2

#24 LOT 103 SOLD 587m


LOT 102 SOLD 730m



#28 SOLD LOT 101 641m

UNDER #30 LOT 100 CONTRACT 620m2






f or m


8 Fletcher Lane, Patumahoe







m ah



Ph 09 238 7777 • Email:


340 Harbourside Drive, Karaka: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm Sat & Sun 11am-4pm Ph 09 296 0177 • Email: 67 Ina Ville Drive, Pukekohe: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm Sat & Sun 11am-4pm



On Show


KARAKA SHOWHOME: 272 Harbourside Drive Phone: (09) 296 1695

We make your new home building experience a pleasure GJ Gardner Franklin/Papakura franchise is independently owned and actively operated by Mike O’Meeghan and Jeff & Bob de Leeuw, Directors of MJB Construction Ltd. The G.J. Franklin / Papakura team understand that you are an individual and you have unique requirements when building a home. By working together with you they can design and build a home that suits you, your lifestyle and your needs. Their partnership has a wealth of building experience and knowledge to offer you. Combining this with “New Zealand’s Number One Home Builder,” they have built a reputation that ensures that all customers will receive excellent service, quality workmanship and quality product. It is the commitment to our customers that has made G.J.

Gardner Homes the success it is today.

Papakura are just some of the areas they build in.

We can take care of everything including permits, resource consents, planning issues, engineering, drainage and geotechnical reports. We can even help you find a section and sort out finance and payment terms to make it as simple as possible. We project manage everything every step of the way and give you written assurances regarding costs, workmanship, material guarantees, completion dates and other key issues. Our thoroughness is one reason why more people build with G.J. Gardner Homes than any other builder.

As the country’s largest residential building group, we have excellent relationships with New Zealand’s most respected building material suppliers. We are able to purchase materials and fittings at a better rate based on the buying power of a large national group, passing the savings on to you.

Call in for a coffee and informal chat. Our G.J. Franklin/Papakura team would love the opportunity to build your dream home for you too! Hunua, Karaka, Pukekohe, Tuakau, Waiuku and

“I pride my business and personal reputation on providing a high quality product with exceptional service. I am confident that you will enjoy building your special home with my dedicated team” Mike O’Meeghan.


of the


At a glance...

G.J. Gardner Homes provides •

Over 100 great plans to choose from or we can design something just for you Quality, service and backup from a local builder with national purchasing power Fixed contract price, a pre-agreed build time and full project management Quality fixtures and fittings, plus much much more, just ask us

For more information on GJ Gardner or to see what plans are available, visit:

Thinking of Building? Build with G.J. Gardner Homes you will receive: > A fixed price contract (no hidden costs) > A pre-agreed build time > A 10 Year Independent Certified Builders Guarantee To find out more call in and have a chat with us today.

Papakura: Broadway Pa Pakura 56 56 Broadway Phone: 2961695 1695 Phone: (09) (09) 296 Pukekohe: 8 Massey Avenue Pukekohe 41 Seddon Lane Phone: (09) 237 1213 Phone: (09) 237 1213 KARAKA SHOWHOME: OPEN272 MonHarbourside to Fri 8.30am-5.00pm Drive Open everyday 12pm to 4pm Showhome POKENO SHOWHOME: 272 Harbourside Karaka 2 CanmoreDrive, Street Open Everyday 11am 12pm -- 4.00pm Open Everyday 3pm daily 0800 42 45 46


n a pe 4pm arak o k e om 12pm Dr, h e id ow y Sh ryda ours e ev h arb 2 27


Visit our

Mur ray & Debbie Garl and | Owners Signature Homes Pap akura/Franklin

Office/Showroom: 13 Massey Ave, Pukekohe Open Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm

0800 828 822 POKENO SHOWHOME: 4 Mark Ball Drive, Pokeno Open Daily 11am - 4pm

KARAKA SHOWHOME: 23 Capriana Dr, Harbourside Estate, Karaka Open Daily 11am - 4pm



Through the lens - the Pink Ribbon fund raiser on Sunday



ACCOUNTING & Taxation Services - Call Rise Accountants - chartered accountants. Ph: 09 235 7455.

OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Upstairs from $110 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

Accounting Payroll GST with End of Month and End of Year Taxation Financial Services. Call PME Accounting Payroll Solutions 2350461 / 027 439 2737. E: petemarg.

BOATING REPAIRS - Dinghy or trailerboats; fibreglass or wooden. All jobs considered. Ph Tony on: 235 3545 or 021 598 662.

CARAVANS LONG TERM - Free local delivery from $60 per week plus bond. Ph: 09 232 1814.

CLEANING Vacant houses, windows, offices, carpet shampooing & exterior waterblasting. Plus maintenance. FREE quotes. Ph Allan or Lynette: 09 235 9333 or 027 272 6249.


Pretty in pink

Waiuku Lions Club - 2m3 - $160. Local Delivery. No charge. Ph. 235 9439 evenings.


Saturday 0 August 3 en Doors op 7pm


Featuring three top Kiwi comedians in one amazing show!

MIKE KING Possibly New Zealand’s best known standup comedian with numerous live and TV credits to his name including host of PULP COMEDY - The TV Show, and regular panelist on A GAME OF TWO HALVES. Quite simply, Mike King is a must-see performer!

0 0 0 0

0 0 0


A fund raising night at the



Waiuku Cosmopolitan Club $35 single, $60 double, tickets available from


2 Kitchener Road, Waiuku • Ph 235 0300 Proceeds going to fund raising for a local World Challenge student and to The Key to Life Charitable Trust

The Award Winning Comedian Magician Jarred Fell isn’t just a normal magician. He combines fast-paced razor sharp with and tornado-like approach to magic, gore and comedy. In 2010 Jarred was nominated for The Billy T Award and in 2011 Jarred was invited to open for Steve O from Jackass in The International Comedy Festival. “ Jarred Fell is one of my favourite acts to work with , I wish I could take him on tour with me everywhere “ Steve O ( Jackass).

FIREWOOD - Bargain. Mac/pine. 4 Metres: $300 Delivered. 2 Metres $170. Ph/txt: 021 744 970 or 235 0065.


FIREWOOD splitter. Ph: 235 7733 or 021 305 111.

For Rent

Country Bach, 1 bedroom, $190 per week, includes power and water. Ph: 235 9588

House for Rent

0 0 0

3 bedrooms. Sandspit road school zone. Contact Andrew:

021 022 10965

1 bedroom bedsit, close to town in Waiuku $190 including power and water. Ph: 021 2314 5321 .


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

In only six months, Andre went from ‘unknown’ to headlining the biggest clubs in the UK. After a couple of years he was sharing the stage with the likes of Jimmy Carr, Lee Evans and Bill Bailley. “King’s comedy sparks & tickles with an enigmatic cheek…” Nic Smythe - Theatreview “King was hilarious! Had the audience in the palm of his hand…” Kelly Badman - South Waikato Times NZ “One of New Zealands finest comedy exports… irresistibly funny!” Mark Ritchie - The Stage UK

Firewood - Split, shed stored. Pine $200 2.5 cubic meters. Ph Arran: 09 236 4554 or 027458 7933.







0 0 0 0 0 0 0




Waiuku’s Barb’s Bar and Diner hosted a festive fund raiser on Sunday afternoon, as the downstairs function facility turned pink for a Pink Ribbon fund raiser. With an afternoon of humour, fun prizes and a few glasses of bubbly, the event raised around $1600 in just a couple of hours. There was a decorated hat competition, prizes for the best dressed and a prize for a decorated bra, which people were asked to display for the crowd - a bit tricky when one lady was actually wearing hers! Local businesses sponsored spot prizes throughout the afternoon, while auctions added to the fun and fund raising. The highlight of the auctions saw quick bidding for the services of Barb’s Bar & Diner chef ‘Geordie’ who would turn up at the winners house with all ingredients for a meal for six people including wine matching. The great auction prize saw bidding open at $200, quickly climb to over $500, and, a few minutes later, one local couple made the winning bid of $730 - all to a good cause. Cherie Meerlo provided face painting for a donation to the cause, and was kept busy with a steady stream of customers, and a fashion parade featuring local models added to the show. The general consensus was it was a great way to spend an afternoon and plans are now in hand to make it an annual event.

Shed stored. Guaranteed dry. Pine: $75 per meter. Minimum 2 meters. Free delivery. Ph: 235 8847 or 021 362 687.


0 0 0

OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Downstairs from $90 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

WAREHOUSE SPACE Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Small, Med & Lge. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960. WORKSHOP SPACE Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

FOR SALE Cobblestones, roughly 2,000, from Steel Mill. $300 lot. Call: 027 636 6083 COCKY’S CORNER - For fencing & roofing iron, timber, hardware, plywood, pavers, gates, garden sheds & more. 123 Queen St, Waiuku. Ph: 235 9880 or 235 2386. ADULT ACCESSORIES Adult toys, massage oil, lubes, Women’s Health & Sexuality Books & lots more available online:

FREE REMOVAL - Any old scrap metal incl. old batteries, expired gas bottles, old cars, lawn mowers, etc. Ph Martin: 021 128 5953 or 238 3005. Free drop off depot for all your unwanted computers, whiteware, etc. Recycle All Your Stuff Ltd. Unit 1 Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Free pick up in Waiuku. Ph: 235 5769.

Garage Sale MONSTER GARAGE SALE. Sat 19th July, 8am to 12pm. 1 Thornlea Ave, Waiuku. White Elephant & bric-a-brac. Big Clearout.

GARDENING ROSEMARY & Bay leaf- I will prune your Rosemary Bush or Bay Tree for you, in return for the produce. Ph. Jeanette 09 235 2884.

HAIR DRESSING THE Cutting Room Hair Salon. 33 Breaker Grove, Waiuku. Ladies cuts from $30, Mens cuts from $25, Colours from $70. Hours: Tues 11-3pm, Wed 9-5pm, Fri 9-til late, Mon & Sat by pre-arranged appts only. Phone Steff: 235 7149.

LAWNMOWING TOPCUT LAWNMOWING - reliable, clean, tidy job experienced operator. Ph Fred 09 235 5280, 021 902 552. GREEN ACRES - Clarks Beach. Covering Franklin area. Lawn mowing, gardening, garden clearance, hedges. clean, tidy and reliable. Call Brett 021 0211 7777/ 09 232 1276. LAWNMOWING/ Garden maintenance. Jim’s mowing for quality work from reliable, fully insured and police checked operators call 0800 4 546 546 for a free quote.






Missing from Waipipi area

FREEVIEW - Digital Set Up UHF & Satellite. Ph Dave 236 3519 or Ph/Txt: 021 2777006. Patumahoe.

on Thursday. 1 year old Rednose Pitbull with a white patch on her chest. Would love to have her home with our family again. If you have heard of her or seen her anywhere, please don't hesitate to contact Marie or Dave:


Deceased Estate House clearances and cleaning. Ph.027 277 5026 for free quote. Waiuku Magpies 2nd Hand Dealers.

SitUATIONS VacANT Part-time Farm hand. Milking & Gen farm work. Must have own transport. Starting August. Ph Dave: 027 227 4704.



Waiuku Athletics Club AGM HowTuesday to solve July 22nd Flowers & Gifts HARD No.1352 Sudoku! From 7.30pm Beautiful Flowers 4 8 1 Sandspit Road School lovingly made to Fill the grid so that 6 7 9your personal every row All and every Welcome. requirements. 3x3 square contains 6 5 2 the digits 1 to 9 see us! & in Ca9ll 6 5 puZZLE results 2/31 Bowen St, Waiuku No.1351 3 1 3 5Solution 2 5235 0643 or 021 998897 Phone 2 6 4 1 7 8 9 9 8 6 5 3 7 2 1 4 3 SALE 9 8 FOR 4 7 1 9 2 8 5 3 6 6 4 5 7 8 3 9 2 1 3 7 8 1 3 7 2 9 6 4 5 8 8 2 9 4 1 5 6 7 3 4 7 3 563174892 7 9 8 3 6 2 1 4 5 All new mats ‘n’ rugs, great selection, Answers! 5 1 2 great prices. Carpet 2 1 4 8 5 9 3 6 7 your rooms to keep warm, all modern colours.



Massage Massage and sugar paste hair removal - brow shape/lash & brow tint. Ph: Moka (Natural Treatment) 235 0464 or 021 166 9674.

PAINTING CARLOS Magic Jobs prep work, paint, paper, waterblasting, roof repairs, painting and property maintenance. Professional job done. Free Quotes. Ph: 027 237 3821 a/h 09 235 2665.


Advertise your situations vacant in The Post. Contact us on

09 235 7835

or Email:

TUITION Drumming Lessons Full set up in Waiuku, no need to have a kit. Beginners to intermediate, theory, rhythm and grooves. Ph: Paul on 021 145 4478.



POOCHIE PARK – Holiday home for dogs. Inspection welcome by arrangement. Phone: 09 235 0052 (Evenings) or 021 856 555. Email: for further information.

TREES WANTED - Gum & Macrocarpa. Also tree felling & shelter belt removal. Ph/txt Chris: 027 212 4590 or 235 0065.

Hi, my name is Digit and I’m a cute 12 week old male looking for a good home. I have been de-flea’d, de-wormed, de-sexed and have had my 1st vaccination. $60 donation requested to assist in covering costs.

Ph: 235 2662

if you want to take me home. Waiuku Colony Cat Rescue have kittens looking for loving forever homes. Desexed, deflead, dewormed, first vaccinations. We ask for a $60 donation.

PICTURE FRAMING The Framing Shed. Quality custom picture framing. 31 Victoria Ave, Waiuku. Tues - Fri 9 - 5 or by appointment. Ph Allie: 235 0939 / 027 253 4577.

Waiuku Family Support needs your help. With winter now in full swing, the demand for blankets, bedding and children’s clothing has increased. It would be with great appreciation if we could receive any good, clean blankets, bedding and clothing so we can pass these on to families that have a need for them. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity. If you could please donate these to our office on 56 Queen Street, Waiuku.

WANTED TO BUY Good quality used furniture, collectibles, bric a brac, also house lots. Ph.027 277 5026 for free quote. Waiuku Magpies 2nd Hand Dealers.

Window Cleaning Residential and commercial. Professional Service. Competitive prices, free quotes. Ph: Colin 027 965 2094.

New beds & drawers * Queen Size bed mattress & base only $595 * Tables and chairs – 5 to choose from * Queen size bed $350 very good condition * Fridge/Freezers both F&P models, Stainless Steel $595 White $395 * Elba Machine $195 5kg * Wardrobe $90 has keys * Mahogany large china cabinet $450 * Queen bed frame $120 / Single bed $75 * King Size mattress $80 / $120 * Oak mansrobe & dressing table $250



QUICK PUZZLE NO. 7360 - SOLUTIONS Across - 1, Philanthropic. 8, Swing. 9, Relieve. 10, Outset. 11, Expect. 12, Acute. 14, Pride. 18, Agenda. 20, Scampi. 23, Sirloin. 24, Trout. 25, Conflagration. Down - 1, Pistol. 2, Idiot. 3, Augment. 4, Turf. 5, Relax. 6, Pretend. 7, Create. 13, Chevron. 15, Ricotta. 16, Barsac. 17, Mitten. 19, Drool. 21, Maori. 22, Snag.



•WAIUKU MAGPIES• 3/10 Martyn St, Waiuku, Ph: 09 235 5509

Furniture, Whiteware, Mowers, Antiques, Collectibles TUES–FRI:10-4pm * SAT:10 –3pm

Turn Clutter

Cash into

Advertise all your unwanted goods with us from as little as: $17.25 for one insertion, $28.75 for two insertions or $46 for three insertions

Ph: 238 7835

Looking for




Winners of the raffle are as follows:

1st Prize - Trina Campbell ticket number 1024 2nd Prize - Martin Browne ticket number 0403 3rd Prize - Brent Stevens ticket number 1518 4th Prize - Carolyn Massey ticket number 1230 5th Prize - Isabel Hodgson ticket number 2325 6th Prize - Michael Klaja ticket number 0341 7th Prize - Kevin Snow ticket number 0453 8th Prize - H Leonard ticket number 2044 9th Prize - Andrea Cochrane ticket number 1005 10th Prize - Jo Scobie ticket number 1686

Congratulations to our winners & Thanks to the community for supporting our raffle.


Waiuku Estuary Restoration Trust Inc


The Waiuku Information Centre is now accepting subscriptions to join this trust - $10 per family. Support the Mudlarks Active & non-active members welcome. For more information:

40 Queen Street, Waiuku

Ph: 235 2246

Open Monday to Friday • 8.30am - 5.30pm Sat • 9am - 2pm and Sun • 10am - 2pm

Ngati Te Ata Hui-ā-iwi

Phone : 09 235 9307 Fax : 09 237 0054 Email :

Teuwira Tahuna Pā Marae, Tahuna Pā Rd, Waiuku

Sunday 27th July 2014 at 12.00pm

Update: Ngati Te Ata Recent Court Proceedings regarding Maioro by Judge Fogerty Update: Ngati Te Ata Treaty of Waitangi Claims Te Ara Rangatū o Te Iwi o Ngati Te Ata Waiohua

Josie Peita:

021 208 5606


Mooi Hair A rare part time position is now available in our friendly professional salon, with a view to full time for the right person. You will need at least 5 years experience and a positive can do attitude, with a strong focus on customer service and cut and colour work. We are a happy team in a modern salon environment, with lovely clients and high end product ranges. We offer ongoing training and the ability to write your own pay check without the hassle of owning a salon. To enquire or apply, email: before 28/7/2014.

An opportunity of employment as a roofer/labourer has arisen in a well established local company to work alongside other roofers. Training will be provided. You must have a full drivers licence, be unafraid of heights, and it goes without saying that you will have an excellent work history, and be a team player, honest & reliable. Email:

nils.mcgee roofing SEAMSTRESS

Experience essential for this part time position which involves interesting and varied work in a Pukekohe clothing alterations business. Excellent working conditions in a bright and friendly environment. Good personal presentation and being able to communicate clearly are paramount.

Ph. 238 4796 / 021 1110 789 thank you


We would like to thank all of our sponsors below. Please support these businesses

• AC Solutions • Enchanted Florist • Gary Pye 100% • Marsh & Irwin Ltd • NZ Home Builders • Action OPD Waiuku • Hunter Marine Surveying • Deed Printing • United Video Waiuku • Hira Bhana & Co • Waiuku Auto Electrical Ltd • RD 1 Waiuku • Super Liquor Waiuku • Castaways Resort • Peter Van Breugel • Audrey McBain • The Post Newspaper And a BIG thanks to our quiz master Cam Hughes, The Slack family for the use of their PA system


Waiuku Colony Cat Rescue

A registered FDANZ Practice

In desperate need of donations of catfood - tins &

Why not plan and record your funeral wishes The My Life, My Funeral Kit will make it easy for you. Phone for your copy now 235 8380 Anytime

Thank you for your support

biscuits wanted. Please drop @ Franklin Vets Any Enquiries ph: 235 2662




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Windscreen Repairs & Replacement



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TAXIS UNITED 0800 66 00 44

Teams found for rugby semi finals After the weekend’s results the play-off teams have been found and they all get to keep their championship hopes alive for another week. Waiuku have secured a play off spot after their 30-7 win over Manurewa. They are a team full of confidence and will not be intimated by their semi-final match next week against table toppers Karaka, at Karaka. Waiuku’s Joe Dawson dotted down twice and Jamie Baker, Ethan James and new Steeler Dan Hyatt also

crossed the line. That made it four tries for the week for Hyatt after he crossed the line three times in the Steelers 46-10 win over Mid Canterbury in the Ranfurly Shield match. Luke Graham added one conversion and a penalty to the tally. For Manurewa Lachlan Collier scored their only try which Ahsee Tuala converted. To use one of the oldest rugby clichés - it really was a game of two halves when Ardmore Marist beat Pukekohe Mitre 10 Mega 17-16.



Men - Women - Children - All Ages Excellent Self Defence, Fitness, Discipline Opportunity for international training & competition (Traditional Okinawan Weapons, Sai Bo, Tonfa)

Phone Ray Irving: 021 115 9380 or Denise Walker: 021 354 208 for more information Pukekohe Dojo: 09 239 0272 Dojos in: Pukekohe - Waiuku - Hokitika - Westport New Dojos in: Drury - Maraetai Beach - Whakatane - Rotorua - Sri Lanka and Germany

AWARD In today’s times where time is money and business is business it is so refreshing to find someone who will always take time to not only speak to his customers, but also take a genuine interest in assisting them whenever and wherever possible. I would like to nominate Kevin from Unichem Pharmacy, Queen Street for being such a person. Kevin, although he is a very busy man, is never too busy to attend to the needs of people in the pharmacy. With his gentle manner and without being too obtrusive, he has guided me and so many folk when needing medication or even just advice. I would like to nominate Kevin for this week’s “ WOW” for his genuine interest in us ordinary people.

To the winner of this week’s WOW Award proudly sponsored by NEW WORLD Waiuku Please call in at the Post Newspaper to collect your $20 Bouquet Voucher


Ph: 236 5050. Open 7 Days, 7am to 9pm

In the second half, Pukekohe staged a come back in a bid to make the play-offs with Fifita scoring two tries and slotting a penalty which saw them fall disappointingly short by just one point. Fifita’s points tally for the match saw him join Kieron Rollinson from Patumahoe as top point’s scorer on the PGG Wrightson Leaderboard with 230 points for the season. Karaka will be relieved to notch up their 29-16 win over Onewhero after trailing 16-14 till the last stanza of the match. Onewhero went down to 14 men in the last five minutes which Karaka made the most of and scored two valuable tries and added the extras with the boot to seal the match. Now Karaka have to face the team who have been the only side to beat them this year in the semi-final - Waiuku and it will be a great match to watch. Bombay beat Patumahoe 21-14 and the match will be replayed again this weekend in the semi final but the location will change with Bombay hosting Patumahoe. Bombay finish the season with some silver in the cabinet as they now hold the Counties Power Cup. Patumahoe will want to turn it round after making some silly errors and not looking after the pill against a determined Bombay side. There are the same four teams in the Premier Reserve semi finals this weekend as the Premier semi finals, just with different opposition. Ardmore Marist beat Pukekohe 17-8, Karaka defeated Onewhero 54-8, Bombay Pokeno Bacon beat Pa-

tumahoe 23-14 and Waiuku were victorious with their 19-8 score over Manurewa. Now Karaka will host Patumahoe in one semi-final and Waiuku will host Bombay in the other. For Waiuku supporters, they will be hoping there’s time to watch the Premier Reserves at home before racing across to Karaka for the Premier clash. In the Sid Marshall Shield Premier grade Drury beat Papakura 12-6 and Te Kauwhata EnviroWaste beat Weymouth 14-5. Next week in the semi finals Drury will host Weymouth and Papakura will host Te Kauwhata. In the Premier Reserve Bill Marsh Cup Drury nudged out Papakura 13-10 and Weymouth beat Te Kauwhata 32-5 which will now see Drury Stevenson play Te Kauwhata in one semi final and Papakura host Weymouth in the other. After their 41-10 win over Pukekohe, Patumahoe will play each other again in the U21 semi finals. Ardmore Marist beat Karaka 24-10 and will also get to play them again in the semi’s. In the other U21 fixture Bombay Hydraulink beat Manurewa 16-0. In the U19 grade Pukekohe beat Karaka 24-15 with both sides now in the semi’s and Hauraki North beat Onewhero 35-12 to earn a place in the semi’s along with Patumahoe. In the Under 85kg Hamilton Marist beat Onewhero 44-7 and in the Women’s grade Ardmore Marist racked up 34 unanswered points against Hamilton Marist. While in first grade Manurewa beat Waiheke 4222.

Top clash sees Waiuku lose Waiuku AFC’s Premiers lost to table-topping Tauranga City on Saturday, going down 3-0 after a Jerahl Hughes hat trick on a slippery Massey Park. The match also saw injury to the legendary Derek Sinclair for Waiuku, meaning youngster Jake McCoy, (above in blue), not yet 16, had the chance to come on at the start of the second half. He wasn’t overawed by the occasion however, and as he adjusts to the pace of Northern League football he looks like an asset for the town for the future. Waiuku’s loss still sees them third on the table, and in contention for promotion.

New faces in Steelers squad for ITM Cup Following their two Ranfurly Shield matches in the past few days, Steelers coaches Tana Umaga, Grant Henson and Glen Rowe have named their 2014 ITM Cup Squad. The squad is a mixture of established Steelers who were part of the team who won the Ranfurly Shield in 2013 for the first time in the Union’s history, some seasoned campaigners and young talent coming through the Counties Manukau system. All the players in the squad with the exception of Chiefs prop Pauliasi Manu and South African Mike Lawrenson have either played age group rugby for Counties Manukau teams previously or currently play club rugby in the Counties Manukau. Steelers Head Coach Tana Umaga said “We are really please with the squad we have got. We know this is an extremely tough competition and we have picked players we believe have the drive and motivation to do well. “The last few months have provided a great opportunity to see the talent we have in our region through our Cava-

liers programme and we are committed to continually developing that. We have nine players who have their first contract with us and the majority of them have earned that largely due to their form during club rugby and the Cavaliers.” Highly impressed by the support the region showed the Steelers last year Umaga hopes they turn out again for his side. “It is a big year for us and we have had tremendous support from our region, especially from our sponsors and fans. We had great crowds at our ITM Cup Ranfurly Shield matches last year so we hope that continues this season.” Season Memberships are on sale now from $50 for a South Auckland Motors Embankment membership or $100 for a Grandstand Membership Cup. Memberships are available from CMRFU office and Individual tickets to the match are available from CMRFU office, the gate on game day or 2014 Steelers ITM Cup Squad Bundee Aki (Midfield) Karaka;

Sione Anga’aelangi (Hooker) Karaka *; Onasai’i Auva’a (Loose Forward) Ardmore Marist *; Sean Bagshaw (Prop) Onewhero *; Adam Cathcart (Loose Forward) Onewhero; Jarrod Firth (Prop) Ardmore Marist; Frank Halai (Winger) Pukekohe; Kane Hancy (Halfback) Patumahoe; Dan Hyatt (Loose Forward) Waiuku* ; Baden Kerr (First Five) Karaka; Mike Lawrenson (Lock) * Kutztown University; Rey Lee-lo (Midfield) Karaka; Sikeli Nabou (Lock) Ardmore Marist; Tim Nanai-Williams (Fullback) Manurewa; Pauliasi Manu (Prop) Chiefs *; Jared Page (Fullback) Pukekohe *; Augustine Pulu (Halfback) Karaka; Toni Pulu (Winger) Bombay; Ronald Raaymakers (Lock/6) Waiuku; Sherwin Stowers (Winger) Ardmore Marist; Jordan Taufua (Loose Forward) Crusaders *; Suliasi Taufalele (Hooker) Ardmore Marist; Ahsee Tuala (First Five) Manurewa; Jimmy Tupou (Lock/ Loose Forward) Patumahoe; John Tu’ungafasi (Prop) Pukekohe *; Maama Vaipulu (Loose Forward) Pukekohe; Sam Vaka (Centre) Bombay; (* New Steelers).


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Your A-Z of Trades & Services




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Preparing Your Business For Sale - A Lawyer’s Notes Over the coming months News@7 will be expanding on the ideas in the previous month’s article. The focus is the process of selling your business; the preparation of the business for sale; the contracting and sale stage; and the settlement process. At each stage we will put forward the perspective of a lawyer, an accountant and an employment relations consultant.

Get your ducks in a row; get these contracts in writing and put them together before you market the business. Make sure all the information a purchaser is going to be looking for is readily available to them.

Lease of premises

Do you have a valid lease in place? How important is the location of the business You will get a better price if your business is presented ready for sale and is to the value of the business? The duration of the lease and rights of renewal are sparkling clean and tidy - right from the outside signage to the interior, office and very important. Some financiers will not consider advancing funds to purchaser storage areas and in particular your paperwork! a business unless the lease has a suitable length term to run on. If there is no lease in place this can affect the value of your business. Check out the situation Write down your systems concerning your lease. Should you be extending it, or should you be leaving the Show the prospective purchaser how easy it will be to take over. List your lease for a prospective purchaser to negotiate? Remember when you transfer the suppliers and major customers, the jobs to be done, the hours of operation, lease to the purchaser you may remain liable under the lease until the term of the service providers and what records must be kept. This is after all what you are lease is expired. It is for this reason that you need to be careful about selecting selling. a purchaser for your business and careful about considering the remaining term and renewal of your lease.

Name of business

Consider the name of your business. Do you want to sell the name of the business? Intellectual property And if not, why not? Does the name form an integral part of the business? Is there Do you have the ability to sell the intellectual property associated with your value in the name? Should you sell it or should you keep it? business? Do you need to take any steps to ensure that you can? Have your logo’s and business procedures been protected so that you can sell them? Check Contracts in place this out before you start to sell the business. There is nothing worse than selling Do you have any contracts for the ongoing supply of goods or services? Are these something that you don’t own or have no right to sell! contracts current? Have the terms been altered by a handshake and do those changes need to be recorded in writing? Do you have a series of good contracts Warning – we have only attempted to highlight some of the factors to take that have simply been done on a handshake? Can you get those contracts in into consideration when selling a business. It is essential for you to involve writing? When selling your business, if you have ongoing contracts to supply, a professional advisors at the earliest opportunity and most importantly not to sign good portion of the sale price of your business will be contained in the contracts an agreement before you have obtained professional advice. you have in place. If you don’t have written contracts that a purchaser can readily take over it is very hard, nearly impossible, to put any value on those contracts. At Arnet Law we are experts in commercial transactions, selling businesses in particular. Call us to discuss the proposed sale of your business. 09 23 88 136

next month / Chatfield & Co - Preparing Your Business for Sale - An Accountant’s Perspective

HR SERVICES WE OFFER HR SERVICES TO SMALL AND MEDIUM SIZED BUSINESSES: Individual employment contracts tailored to your business and your employee Advice and assistance with disciplinary processes Advice and assistance with training and performance management Assistance with restructuring and dealing with possible redundancies Advice on payroll and other issues Legal representation in personal grievances, mediation, ERA, Employment Court

Phone us for a no obligation chat to see how we might help...Employment Law Specialists

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