Post Newspaper 4 March 2014

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Tuesday • MARCH 4 • 2014 PHONE: 09 235 78 35 FAX: 09 235 78 34




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VOL 26 • NO.08

Women; inspiring change for 2014

Awhitu educator and now University academic, Tara Remington hit the headlines a few years ago when she took on the Atlantic Ocean in a rowing race. Later this year, she aims to become the first New Zealand woman to row across the Pacific - and raise some funds for a young New Zealander.

Tara takes on another ocean

marleen Ohms

licensed real estate agent (REAA 2008)

Inside this week: PG 14 - 19

11 Bowen Street Waiuku Ph 09 235 7139

Polocrosse stars on way Some of the best polocrosse players in New Zealand descend on Franklin’s Abderry Farm this weekend.



What would you do if in your first attempt to row an ocean your small boat is attacked by a shark, the boat flips and leaves you with a head injury that needs stitches, and you end up getting rescued in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean? When that happened to Tara Remington in her first ocean race she went and rowed the Atlantic again. Now she’s about to take on the Pacific. The 43-year-old University of Auckland academic will row from Los Angeles to Waikiki in Hawaii this May with American Paralympian Angela Madsen. Tara is doing the 4000 Km odyssey to raise money for New Zealand girl Charlotte Cleverley-Bisman. Charlotte lost her arms and legs to meningitis as a baby in 2004. Now a 10-year-old, she needs on-going assistance with prosthetic limbs as she grows. And Tara is more than happy to help. She

Healthy little hearts Youngsters at a local child care facility dressed in red and jumped for health as they chased a Heart Award PAGE


Proud presentation

first got involved with Charlotte’s charity through the Meningitis Trust in the 2007 Atlantic Rowing Race, and now her daughter Jade is Charlotte’s pen-pal. “To use the row as an opportunity to fundraise as well is very important to me.” Tara, who left her native United States for New Zealand 18 years ago, will also use the experience towards her PhD studies in adventure based learning. Despite her first two ocean rows being challenging to say the least, she misses the thrill of being at sea. “Once you row an ocean it’s such a steep learning curve. I want to get better at it and use what I’ve learnt and push myself a little bit further.” “I am a bit like a dog,” Tara jokes. “I need to be exercised regularly.” Her wife Rebecca has been patient about her need to get out on the water. “In the last year she’s been throwing out the off handed line ‘you just need to go and row another ocean’. “She understands it’s a part of me, as much as she wishes it wasn’t. I think she realises I’ve been missing it.” Now her quest to complete the Pacific Ocean with Angela will take place in two stages. The first in May between Los Angeles and Waikiki, then the second between Hawaii and New Zealand in 2017. Their boat,

the Spirit of Orlando is named in honour of Lieutenant Orlando Rogers, a British marine and fellow competitor in the Trans–Atlantic Rowing Race in 2007 who was killed in a Tiger Moth crash in England in May 2011. Tara’s first ocean row was the Trans–Atlantic Rowing Race from the Canary Islands to the West Indies in 2005. Tara and her rowing partner Iain Rudkin suffered immense seasickness. She rowed with a bucket between her legs for the first five days just to keep going. A three-and-a-half metre shark they nicknamed “Abby” for its ‘abnormal’ behaviour battered their boat for 15 long minutes before losing interest and swimming away. The pair kept rowing. They had completed 3518 km of the of the 4800 km race and had spent 47 days at sea before the boat started to take on water and then capsized forcing them to abandon ship and require rescue. Abby’s teeth marks in the rudder showed the amount of damage done. “We kept going until the boat was going down. We just kept finding solutions until the boat sank.” Two years later, Tara returned to the Trans– Atlantic Rowing Race as a team of four women rowers all looking to finish their ‘Unfinished Business’ in a boat of the same name. They finished in 51 days, 16 hours and 31 minutes and became the new world record holders for a women’s four. This record remains unbroken. Tara predicts this latest journey will take between 45 and 55 days of hard work, but she’s not complaining. “I am lucky to be alive to do it again.”

A local league identity gets a ‘player of the day award’ from local youngsters and is named the ‘Best Endless Player’. PAGE


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What makes a community?

Editor Nigel Ward Business Manager Steve Douglas Office Manager Sarah Lamb Graphic Designer Lynn Douglas Accounts Ngaire Deed Outbound Sales Claire Erica Published at 18 Bowen St, Waiuku by Waiuku Publishing Ltd. Printed by Horton Media Ltd, East Tamaki. Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.

Display Ads Thursday, 2pm Classifieds Monday, 10am

21,200 copies, weekly to Waiuku, Pukekohe, Tuakau, Awhitu Peninsula, Karaka, Clarks Beach, Patumahoe, Kingseat and rural.

The other day I had occasion to go to St Heliers, not a part of the world that I generally have a lot to do with, but a seriously nice area for real estate. Picking my way between the Aston Martins and Audis, I met a couple of people going for their morning walk and instinctively said G’day to them. They looked at me as though I were mad, and quickened their powerwalking. I contrasted that with our local Franklin communities, where pretty much everyone says hello to each other, and where if you stop to talk to someone in the middle of the street, often other drivers will just pause and chat to their mates on the sidewalk as well. On Friday, I went to the memorial service for Arthur Foden (see story this page), and reflected on the breadth of the community represented at that event. People from all walks of life turned up to mark Arthur’s life and to support his family. The service was set up by local individuals and churches, the service sheets and photos were prepared for free by local businesses, and local ladies (I’m assuming, somewhat chauvinistically), prepared the sandwiches, asparagus rolls and cookies for a supper after. A half dozen or so people stood up and spoke about their involvement with Arthur, simply, briefly, and from the heart. It was a sad occasion on the one hand, but on the other it was an occasion when a community came together and marked the passing of one of its own. St Heliers is a lovely place, but I reckon Friday’s event wouldn’t happen there.

THE POST wants to hear from you! or write to us at P.O Box 374, Waiuku.

Weekly crossword with the compliments of

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Quote of the week! The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking. —A. A. Milne


Puzzle answers in Classifieds MEDIUM


1 6


7 8 5 4 1 4 6 3 1 8 2 3 8 2 1 8 1 9 1 5 7 2 4

1. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 13. 15. 17. 19. 22. 23. 24. 25.

ACROSS Gas (8) Every (4) Ponder (4) Cut (8) Material (5) Way (6) Gorge (6) Spin (6) Figure (6) Perfect (5) Undying (8) Bird (4) Deer (4) Firearm (8)

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. 21.

DOWN Residence (5) Fatness (7) Bird (4) Swap (8) Follow (5) Game (7) Forefather (8) Try (7) Fundamental (7) Strap (5) Over (5) People from central & eastern Europe (4)





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Your platform re your news, views and ideas... sha to

‘Jokes’ putting people at risk of injury. I wonder if the ‘idiots’ who removed the safety hoardings near the Waiuku St Andrews Centre (Post, February 25), are the same ‘idiots’ who have been amusing themselves behind the opportunity shop. The handle on the back door of the Opportunity Shop has been broken four times in recent months and of course has had to be replaced at an expense. Worse though, was the playing around with drain covers. The first time the sump storm water grate, which is in the car parking area, had been lifted but not put back properly and one of our ladies tripped on the raised edge, badly grazing her chest on the bitumen when she fell. The second time the storm water grate had been removed altogether and could not be found at first. This left a gaping 25cm x 45cm hole, 95cm deep - not only dangerous for a car driver, but more so if a person was not observant or had been carrying goods into the shop.

Goodness only knows what could have happened if somebody had fallen into the hole of these dimensions. The two covers for the outlet pipes from the shop had also been removed. A plumber was called to measure up for replacement covers. Down in the depths of the stormwater, the main grate was noticed and the plumber laid on his stomach struggling to retrieve it, then in the slush on the bottom he could feel the two smaller grates. Fortunately his arm was long enough to reach them. Please, whoever is responsible for these ‘funny’ jokes; stop and think what serious injury or damage can result from your amusement. Perhaps this letter could be discussed within your family, pointing out to any younger member that what is sometimes a joke to them can result in serious damage to persons or equipment. So think first. Name Supplied Waiuku

Township farewells local identity A Waiuku identity who has been known throughout the district for many years as the local window washer passed away at his home on Tuesday February 18. Arthur Foden, (January 22, 1951 - February 18, 2014), was known as one of the local characters, and members of local churches and community organisations banded together last Friday to host a public memorial service to allow people to pay their respects to his stepbrother Mark Thompson and his mother Myrtle. There was approaching 100 people at the service at the Waiuku Civic centre, and a facebook notice regarding the service attracted around 4000 hits and comments in just 18 hours, indicating Arthur’s impact on his community. Neighbours, friends, and local business people spoke of their memories of Arthur, touching on his generosity of spirit, his unfailing good humour, his love of pets, and his support and affection for his mother.

Dangerous fish on Karioitahi Beach

How to solve Last week there were reports that a porcuSudoku!

pine pufferfish had been found washed up on Karioitahi Beach, after two local fisherFillmen the grid so that it. Although relatively rare discovered around West Coast beaches, they do present every row and every real risk to pets and unwary beach visitors 3x3a square contains anddigits should the 1 tonot 9 be handled. Porcupinefish, as they are properly known, are also commonly called blowfish (and, Solution No.1330 sometimes, balloonfish and globefish). They 1 sometimes 8 2are 7 6 9 4 5 3collectively (but erroneously) 7 4called 3 8 2pufferfish. 5 9 1 6 3 1 4 7 2 8 are medium to large sized 9 6 5Porcupinefish 6 3fish, 7 1are 9 2and 8 found 4 5 in shallow temperate and 5 1 4 6 9 8 3 7 2 tropical seas worldwide. A few species are 2 7 8 4 5 3 1 6 9 found much further out from shore, wherein 1 9 7 5 3 6 2 8 4 large schools of thousands of individuals can 3 8 6 1 4 2 5 9 7 2 9 8They 7 6 are 4 5occur. 3 1generally slow.

Porcupinefish have the ability to inflate their body by swallowing water or air, thereby becoming rounder. This increase in size (almost double vertically) reduces the range of potential predators to those with much bigger mouths. A second defence mechanism is provided by the sharp spines, which radiate outwards when the fish is inflated. Some species are poisonous, having a tetrodotoxin in their internal organs, such as the ovaries and liver. This neurotoxin is at least 1200 times more potent than cyanide. The poison is produced by several types of bacteria that are obtained via the fish’s diet. As a result of these three defences, porcupinefish have few predators, although adults are sometimes preyed upon by sharks and orcas. Advertisement

His Word - The Fruit of the Spirit - Love Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

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Love: Paul gives us about the best summation of what real Heavenly Love is all about, stop reading now and get your Bible out and actually read that chapter and think over it, that is 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. Love or Charity is pretty much the very best character trait a human can ever obtain. Once obtained, it can be expanded and grown to breadth and depth that have no end. 1 John 4:16, John 13:34, John 14:15, Joshua 22:5, John 13:34-35, John 15:12. for more info



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View Road School had a visit from the Auckland Transport-sponsored ‘In2it’ Youth Education group last week to learn about cycle and scooter safety in a fun environment. A bouncy castle, games, swingball, around 60 bikes and scooters, and Police Community Liaison staff created a great educational environment as the students learned about helmets, road safety, balance on scoooters and skateboards, and plenty more. The ‘In2It’ group will be at Waiuku’s Tamake Reserve this weekend with all their equipment for a further programme for local youth.

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Pukekohe racers at cutting edge of local Targa event Subaru ace Leigh Hopper of Orewa turned out to be the driver to beat in this year’s Ecolight Targa Rallysprint at Pukekohe on Sunday, but he was pushed all the way by a couple of home-town heroes. Runner-up pair Glenn Inkster and Spencer Winn (Mitsubishi Evo 8) were chasing hard and, in turn, were given

a run for their money by another Pukekohe pairing, tarmac rally rookies Carl Ruiterman and ChanelleWalsh. Ruiterman, a former D1NZ National Drifting Champion, and Walsh were a revelation in the hatchback Subaru WRX Impreza originally built for gymkhana and rallycross events, the pair winning three of the eight stages

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outright and ending up fifth overall despite engine failure - and a maximum time penalty - on the final stage. The eight-stage/70km Ecolight Rallysprint was the first of three events on this year’s 20th anniversary Targa year calendar, attracting over 60 entries across the three main competitive classes - Allcomers 4WD, Modern 2WD and Metalman Classic 2WD -and the Targa Tour which runs alongside it. Hopper and regular co-driver Simon Kirkpatrick got the ball rolling with wins over the Inkster and Winn, and Ruiterman and Walsh, pairings on the first and second stages.Ruiterman and Walsh got their first stage win - albeit by just one second - in the third stage,

however, with Hopper second, fellow Subaru pair Allen Fretwell and codriver Murray Preston third, Inkster and Winn struggling with a centre diff problem fourth and last year’s main event Allcomers 4WD class winners David Roger and Aidan Kelly fifth in their Mitsubishi Evo 10. Hopper was back in front - this time the margin was two seconds - on the fourth stage but Ruiterman and Walsh won the next two. And the pair were enjoying every minute. “We’re loving it,” Ruiterman said at the lunch time service break. “With drifting the excitement is in the battles when you are up really close with somebody but here it is the trees, the drains, the gravel... you just don’t know

what’s around the corner. It’s different every time.” Hopper was using the opportunity afforded by the single-day, multi-stage format of the event to put different people - including his future son-inlaw and his bank manager - in the codriver’s seat. And it was the first time Inkster had driven the latest wide-body version of his new Mitsubishi Evo 8 in anger. But both admitted they were not exactly hanging around. ‘We weren’t leaving much to spare, put it that way,” Hopper confirmed. The final order - overall and in the Allcomers 4WD class - was Hopper and Kirkpatrick first, Inkster and Winn second and Rogers and Kelly third.

Thomas thrills his little fans

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It’s the biggest weekend of the year for the Glenbrook Vintage Railway and idyllic weather meant this year was no exception as hordes of youngsters joined ‘Thomas and Friends’ at the railway. As well as the ionic traction engine, there were other vintage attractions, steam train rides and a host of Thomas memorabilia for the thousands of visitors to enjoy in late summer conditions.

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Make a difference on Neighbours Day 29–30 March 2014 Auckland Council is proud to support Neighbours Day and help build stronger, safer and happier communities. Neighbours Day Aotearoa is a nationwide initiative that aims to strengthen communities through acts of neighbourliness. Last year, a number of neighbourhoods sought financial assistance for small scale community activities to support their Neighbours Day celebrations. Auckland Council is happy to offer the same help this year to support street level initiatives that bring neighbours together. For more information phone: Rosetta Reti Simanu – Howick, Pakuranga, Botany, Otara, Papatoetoe, Mangere Otahuhu Mobile 027 241 6179 or email Carol Dickson – Manurewa, Papakura, Franklin Mobile 027 279 2205 or email Find out more: phone 09 301 0101 or visit


Poker Run gathers good support The Waiuku Volunteer Fire Brigade’s Poker Run fundraiser has had great support from the motoring community in recent days, with only around 80 tickets left for the event. The run commences at 10am on March 15, leaving from the brigade headquarters on King Street, Waiuku. Sponsored by DW Homes, the Poker Run this year has a major prize of $2000 worth of travel vouchers donated by Agruline effluent pond liners, Karl Hogan and Pro-Found, Zane Pearce as well as Kiwi Well-Drillers, Greg and Shane

Smith. There’s also a $1000 entertainment package plus a number of spot prizes, two ‘Joker prizes’, and ‘awesome raffle prizes’, as the organisers put it. The afternoon run of around 180km of travel through the district, collecting poker cards on the way, concludes at the Waiuku Fire Station with dinner and live entertainment to cap off the event. Online registrations are available either through http://pokerrunreg. or the facebook page ‘Waiuku Volunteer Fire Brigade’s Annual Poker Run’.

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Polocrosse top guns battle at Abderry this weekend If you are not out riding your pony on the 8th and 9th of March, organisers of a major Polocrosse event this weekend invite you to to Abderry Park, Glenbrook to see the best of the best in New Zealand. Some off the top Polocrosse players around will go up against each other to raise funds for the Polocrosse World Cup in 2015.

The next world cup is being held in Kwazulu Natal, South Africa. Four ladies and four men will travel to the competition in July 2015. The challenge will be riding strange horses in a strange country against the world most experienced and competitive players. The squads’ preparations are well underway with a

number of mini tours and training seminars continuing though the 2014 season and into the 2015 season. This weekend at the Sponsors Classic, mixed teams (of three men and three woman) have been put together for the event, with some of the local Franklin talent making the cut. Tania Jones and Jason White will play for Takanini Feeds while Martin White will play for the Rural Delivery team which is a combination of sponsors within the rural sector - Bennett’s Fertilisers and Owen White Agricultural contractors. Albany Toyota has Kristy Reiche playing for them and Florence Cummings will be doing her best for the ‘Under Construction’ team made up of local contractors Warren Fowler Earthmovers, P & I Pascoe Cartage and earthmoving contractors and Counties Ready Mix. The players meet their sponsors on Friday night at the Meet and Greet with the official opening happening on Saturday morning at 9am. The first game kicks off at 9.30am with the final on Sunday at 1.30pm. All details can be seen at Catering is available at the field with plenty of shady areas for spectators to come out and enjoy the action. Entry is a gold coin donation and all proceeds are for the World Cup Team. To find out more about polocrosse visit Counties Polocrosse Prom/ New Zealand on U-Tube

Theatre group readies new show Fresh from receiving four nominations in the 2013 Auckland Community Theatre Trust competition, Waiuku Theatre Group is ready for its next challenge. The show ‘Secret Bridesmaid’s Business’ was nominated for Best Costume Design, Best Properties Design, Best Set Design, and Best Ensemble. The awards night is this saturday at Crowne Plaza in Auckland. Meanwhile, the group have been busy building sets and rehearsing for ‘Educating Rita’ which starts on March 21. In the new show, Rita crashes into Dr. Frank Bryant’s life wanting an education, although she has no idea what it is that she’s asking. Her brash sincerity earns the respect of the doctor who has previously resigned

himself to a life of empty lectures and booze. Rita’s character is a breath of fresh air for Bryant and he begins to care about someone, or something for that matter, for the first time in many years. As each of the characters begin to wake up to life in their own way, the story comes to a close as an inspiring tale of self discovery and of the power of choice that comes through education. Educating Rita, by Willy Russell, is expected to be another ‘full house’ performance run for the Theatre Group, and patrons are encouraged to book their tickets early. Tickets are still $16 and available on or bookings through contacting Glenda Hagenson on 0211628110.

Everyone Welcome


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Simply Being by Megan Van Lieshout

$900,000 in environmental grants

Innovative projects that • Helensville Railway Sta- fund 34 community groups, the waste stream. champion the environment tion Trust receives $7,130 iwi and Maori groups, edu“Preserving, protecting and help to reduce waste towards maintenance of the cational institutions and and enhancing Auckland’s to landfill are set to receive historic building businesses to seed new ide- natural surroundings and more than $900,000 from • Tawharanui Open Sanc- as and promote projects for valuable cultural heritage Megan Van Lieshout Council grant tuary receives $6,382 to help reducing waste to landfill. for current and future generDo you show signs of being a perfectionist? Auckland Wellness Educator schemes in 2014. establish a new breeding Among the projects: ations to enjoy is an imporPerfectionism...What is it? Environmental Ini- colony of Australasian gan- $22,400 for a new waste tant focus for the council,” at Christmas That burning 'drive' - when's I found this out the hard wayThe tiatives Fund management system at Uni- says Chair of the EnvironIt’s exhausting and rather frustrating..that’s what it is!! 2012, but what I also found, was that I,(EIF) and the nets the right time to take check? Inno• Classic Yacht Charitable versity of Auckland’s Epsom ment, Climate Change and Its okay to set high standards and everything right andaperfect the Waste unlike lot ofallpeople I had Minimisation known, Fund (WMIF) have Trust receives $6,050 to help campus; $14,400 to run a Natural Heritage Committee strive some- for time;the spotless perfect par- vation As to thisachieve is thethem firstbutcolumn hadhouse, the chance at another shot at making jointly approved 166 pro- preserve the 1894 classic feasibility study to look at Councillor Wayne Walker. times we just put enormous pres- enting, excellence at work or sports, Pure Indulgence Soul Nourishment my life healthier. But things would have recycling in Devonport; “These two funds support sure on ourselves to always be the fit body, healthy mind, well behaved jects, with grants ranging yacht, the ‘Waitangi’ to change my health was programme, it seemed the best thing children, $300 to $50,000. • Ecological restoration and $12,250 for a project to all of the work by communibest...we procrastinate bestdramatically boss, awe- iffrom to stayemployee, on top. volunabout decisions thatto let you know how some to begin with was Under EIF, 132 commu- groups in the Whau River expand composting in the ties and individuals to make could be made really teer for community ac- nity projects the idea for such a programme came I stopped, took time out and really will receive catchment receive $15,000 nursery and planned food a positive difference around quite easily. Unrealistic tivities, fabulous loving $619,000 for initiatives such for planting, predator con- forest at Ihumatao Marae, in the Auckland region.” about. I have thought about standards and always goals had a keen interest partner...the listwhat goesI was doing with this Mangere. The EIF runs one funding far-to-busy life of mine. as native planting, pest con- trol and litter clean up health and hence why Pure on! doinnothing morewellbeing than This perfectionism trol and wetland reserve • Hillpark School receives The largest WMIF grant of round per year, the next one setIndulgence us up for failure. We Day Spa Destination thing can truly becomUnique • I looked at my core values – I don’t work, as think well as historical $10,000 for a world class ed- $50,000 has been awarded opening in August (grants then ing debilitating. So stop, wasbeat bornourselves 10 yearsup ago this month. work. ible garden, orchard, bush to Atlas Concrete and is de- up to $15,000). The WMIF is really done before. for not being absolutely takeI’d ever check, and askthatconservation The EIF projects come development and tradition- signed to support their initi- open for two funding rounds perfect! yourself: I, like many other people, have always had • I really got down tofrom whatthroughout my top the region al Maori medicinal garden. ative to remove the dry fines starting in April then in OcSome people even • What will happen if I priorities were I had choices and a strong drive and passion to succeed and include: Meanwhile, WMIF will from concrete slurry from tober (grants up to $50,000). believe that, if it’s keep going on like this? waswant whoour had to make them. in life, not that many not perfect,it’s not of my teachers at Do Iwe children worth pressure..whatfeel the pressures we put on would have thought that to- back • I put a lot ofour-thought into how ever! There is a difference between selves? many moons ago. someone striving for excellence • Is this way Iof nourished thinking andmy livingfamily, my friends, my staff and above all (for once) myself. and the person Maybe that’s with whatperfectiongave meworth suchall this stress and anxiety? ism. The perfectionist believes that Thinking about these things seriFrom there Soul Nourishment evolved. a drive, the drive to prove them ously, wrong. making a mistake means they are can actually make you realise It’s now would whereas imagine someone there arewho many how of you a I failure, miserable being something a perfection-I want to challenge everyone who cares enough about strives for excellence sees a mistake ist really can be for you and those out there that feel the same. Sometimes I am available to meet with constituents asthough something to can learnalmost from. From Try changing your to try. themselves and others 'drive' becomearound a little you. what I understand, Perfectionism thinking: at regular clinics in the electorate office located at there’s onethat thing do you really • know is obsessive...when learned behaviour, quite possibly A realisticIf acceptance mis- I learned, it’s that 'Wellness' wasn’t Suite 7, Level 2, Professional House,12-18 Seddon Street Pukekohe. from a pedantic having takes will made and lessons can a destination – it’s when it’s time parent to stoporand take check – bethat achieved great very early be learnt from those mistakes. a lifestyle choice and one that all of us have. that’s the big success question. Please phone Jeda, Raynor or Barbara on 09-238 5977 to arrange an appointment. in life and expecting that will just • You can still set goals and high One body, one mind and a hell of a lot always be the norm throughout life It really does take a health crisis tostandards make but be easier on yourself strengthfor and courage or in some cases being punished for - have someoftolerance error. Fi- to make a great you stop and think sometimes . . . to stop making mistakes often, so making nally, look for ways to life. change your balanced It’s discipline – that’s what and appreciate your health, your family, a mistake just becomes something emotions around it’s allfailure. about.Failure can you wantfriends to avoidand at any us grow into being a more tolyour to length. really thinkhelp about New figures to rise by $2.7 billion in 2013/14, billion in 2013/14. National set a goal Read on inperson. two weeks about how just released predict The constant expectations andlife. It's erant and understanding what you are doing with your only a rise in primary sectors exports for and a $1.2 billion increase in meat of doubling primary sector exports standards we put on ourselves or Good luck, enjoy a change. Discover discipline changes lives for the better. thenaround that the in that others ushuge - can realisation become notsetsnext month how being prepared this year, to nearly $5 billion higher exports over the same time. Growth by 2025 and this is another big step inspired transformation. youexhausting only havebut onecan life.have real and gettingBethings only in with ordera lifestyle can than originally forecast – that means in these sectors is being helped by towards that.

MP for Hunua

Dr Paul Hutchison

Primary sector exports booming

effects on our health and our relationships. The fear of not having


make such a huge impact on our busy lives.

it’s worth $36.4 billion. economic good 33 West Street, Pukekohe 2120, Auckland | 09 239news, 0404 and shows how the primary industries continue to underpin the | New Zealand economy. | Check us out on Facebook! This is more

The Week Ahead Thurs 6TH - Wed 12th MAR 300 RISE OF AN EMPIRE (M) Daily 3.30pm (2D), 5.30pm (3D), 8.15pm (2D) 12 YEARS A SLAVE (R16) Daily 1pm. Thu, Sat, Tue, Wed 6pm LE WEEK-END (M) Daily 1.15pm, 6.30pm LONE SURVIVOR (R16) Daily 3.15pm, 8pm NON-STOP (M) Daily 4.30pm, 8.30pm MANDELA : LONG WALK TO FREEDOM (M)

Fri 6pm

AMERICAN HUSTLE (M) Sun 6pm WINTER’S TALE (M) Fri, Sun, Wed 2pm SAVING MR BANKS (PG) Thu, Sat, Tue 2pm THE RAILWAY MAN (M) Thu 12pm THE BOOK THIEF (PG) Fri 11.30am PHILOMENA (M) Wed 12pm FROZEN (G) Sun 12pm FILL THE VOID (M) Mon 1.30pm, 6.45pm 85 Edinburgh St * Pukekohe *

[ PHONE: 09 237 0216 ]

The Situation and Outlook for Primary Industries Forecast Update from the Ministry for Primary Industries for January 2014 reveals an upward trend for agriculture, forestry, and fishing exports by $4.9 billion to $36.4 billion for the year to 30 June 2014.It’s great news for the economy to see dairy sector returns forecast

rapidly growing demand in emerging markets, and supply constraints in our major competitors. The report shows that global demand for sheep meat has risen as China is consuming more, and demand is recovering in the United Kingdom. Log prices also increased by 30 percent in the second half of 2013 and forestry firms are expected to take advantage of higher international prices by increasing harvest volumes – leading to an additional growth in returns of $0.8

It will be important to build on this growth through the Primary Growth Partnership, encouraging irrigation and water storage, progressing free trade deals, new roads and RMA reform.All of these policies support our most productive industries and they are opposed by Labour and the Greens. Follow me on twitter at @PaulHutchisonMP or on Facebook at



No more fire permits as dry spell hits No fire permits will be issued for Auckland’s rural areas, and the Waikato, until further notice due to dry conditions causing heightened fire danger. Auckland’s Principal Rural Fire Officer Bryan Cartelle says Auckland now has an elevated fire risk as high temperatures continue into March. “There has been a lack of rain and it is extremely dry out there. It’s all building up and it just takes one small spark to set off a blaze,” he says. “For example, we had a case where a quad bike used during weed spray-

ing backfired from the exhaust. The spark emitted started a fire. This just shows how dry it is out there at the moment and why we’ve made the decision to not issue any fire permits for the foreseeable future.” The restricted fire season in rural areas continues to remain in place and outdoor fires in urban areas in Auckland are not permitted. Meanwhile,until further notice, Waikato District Council will not be issuing fire permits which means fires are not permitted in the open air in rural areas.

Purchase a Woodsman Woodburner between 18 Feb and 17 March and pay

Police Report Hi, I hope everyone has been enjoying the weather over the past couple of weeks. It’s been great, but obviously some rain could be good as well. I have the perfect interview technique. No it’s not thumb screws, making a really bad cup of tea, talking for long periods of time or staring at them. It’s playing the greatest hits of Barry Manilow. The record is 12 minutes; this was exceptional, and well done for holding out that long. It really was impressive. The CD on full noise in the interview room generally does it. For some reason Barry tends to speed confessions up! A 27 year old male is currently in custody due to a domestic incident where he assaulted and damaged the property of his former partner. Also, a 35 year old male was arrested for punching his partner. These two incidents in the last few days are unfortunately all too common in the general Franklin area. You are likely to get arrested, and the book thrown at you for doing this. We have very little discretion for these people; if you hit a female then you will end up spending at least one night in the cells. I also like completing an opposition to bail, so you end up staying for weeks. It is best to walk away, and not lose your temper. Try and look at your drivers licences. Sometimes these do expire, and as a result when stopped you will be forbidden to drive until your get a new one. This has happened to some Waiuku

by Sergeant Simon Palmer people over the past few weeks, so go now….right now…. And check the expiry date. A 35 year old was arrested for driving whilst disqualified. His vehicle was impounded, he now has a date for court, will require a day off work, will get a fine and further disqualification and to top it all off there will be costs to get the vehicle out of impoundment. A 53 year old male was stopped for not wearing a seatbelt. This is a $150 fine. A number have been given out over the past few weeks. As I have previously stated seatbelts are an item that can save your life. It should be an automatic response when you get in a vehicle. As they say, make it click. A 35 year old female who was a suspended driver will appear in court shortly for driving into a residential fence and hitting a car parked in the drive way. The vehicle was impounded and she will receive further disqualification in the near future. A couple of people have been processed for drink

driving. This is pretty much now totally unacceptable behaviour irrespective of the excuse. Results of 783 and 803 are right up there, and automatically results in 28 day suspension of licence, then disqualification on top of that. Please ensure you keep your vehicles locked when in your drive way, and see if you can park your car next to a security light if you have one. Do not leave valuables on the back seat and keep the windows up. There have been a few car break-ins, so don’t be complacent, it’s a hassle you can probably do without. Remember if there is an offender present, or has just left, then ring 111. This is the quickest way to get Police attendance. Although appreciation must be given to the fact that there could be other jobs waiting for Police attendance as well. It is vital to let us know as soon as possible. Three days later is just a little bit too late. Police are still concentrating on burglaries and traffic offending. This includes intersections, drink driving, speed, using a cell phone and not wearing your seatbelt. Remember that the phone number for Crimestoppers is 0800 555 111 or www. That’s all for this week, once again from the team here in Waiuku: Lorraine, Aaron, Greg, Toby and Rod, thanks for all your help, we rely on your information to make our job easier, and Waiuku a safer place to live, play and work in.

only $149

Saving of

for a flue kit


441 Glenbrook-Waiuku Rd, Glenbrook Showroom Hours: By appointment Ph 235 3900/Mob 021 270 9454 Email:

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Buckingham Industries Ltd


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  

Phone 235 9192 to book your Physio session with Jennine today Phone: 09 235 9192 • Fax: 09 235 8827




 

Jennine shaw is our senior physiotherapist at Waiuku Physio who treats a wide range of conditions including sports, spinal, and occupational injuries. She spend alot of time in the gym with clients rehabilitating them to get them back to the work force and to full day to day function.




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Waiuku Physiotherapy

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AND t.

By Megan Van Lieshou

: th n o m e th f o p ti h lt a He

40 Queen Street, Waiuku

Teas to Soothe the body,mind and soul....The humble cup of herbal tea is something that has been enjoyed across cultures for many years. In addition to tasting good and encouraging relaxation - herbal tea helps to promote good health... The simple tea leaf carries wide-ranging health benefits. There are many types of herbal teas on the market today... Promoting a wide range of benefits. Start sampling some today ... Find one right for you and add it into your daily life.... Taste and feel the benefits PRODUCTS Bone and Joint Health Pro Vitality+ Tré - Nutritional Essence Independent GNLD Distributor Website: Neo Life Shake Nutritionals E-mail: Herbals Weight Management Skin & Personal Care New Body, Home Care Better Life! Product Index Everything Betaine Digestive Aid you need to Cruciferous Plus get started Garlic Allium Complex GR2 Control Continuation LOOK, FEEL Pack - Vanilla Personal Care AND BE SHARP Green Cleaner - 950ml A complete daily Salmon Oil nutrition pack, for Salmon Oil Plus lifelong health and Super 10 Heavy Duty vitality. Cleaner, etc

Business Hours

Monday to Friday • 8.30am - 5.30pm Sat • 9am - 2pm and Sun • 10am - 2pm

PHONE: 09 235 9307 • FAX: 09 237 0054



Weekly Classes & Weekend Workshops


Pukekohe – Waiuku – Tuakau ALL Ages ALL Abilities Give Tai Chi a try …

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Contact: Tamara on 09 235 8648 or 021 255 1087

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Practice News •

[ beatrice | Diagnosed 2010 ]

mums need mammograms like kids need mums.

CORNERSTONE is an accreditation programme specifically designed by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners for general practices in New Zealand. It is a combined quality im[ beatrice |assurance Diagnosed 2010 ] provement and quality process which allows a practice to measure themselves against a defined set of standards titled Aiming for Excellence – standard for New Zealand General Practice. As part of this process Waiuku Health Centre had its Cornerstone assessment on the 20th of February. We are very proud to have received an outstanding report and met all standards required. The overall impression as quoted in the report was “The assessors are mightily impressed by the calibre of the staff in this practice and the high level of services de-

livered by their own team supplemented by co-located additional services and visiting service providers. They admirably exemplify the model of Integrated Health Care and their forward thinking and enthusiastic vision of service to their community will ensure the community of excellent primary health care.” At the debrief session Dr Juan Toledo thanked all the staff and acknowledged our wonderful patients who have been extremely tolerant with changes in staffing as we manage a fast growing register. He also mentioned how well patients have accepted our teaching practice status with registrars, house surgeons and students training at the practice throughout the year.

mums need mammograms like kids need mums.

March Focus – Breast Screening beUnit breast aware The Breast Screening Mobile will be at Waiuku Health Centre from the 12th – 21st of March. . book your mammogram Breast Screen Aotearoa provides a free screening mammogram to all women aged between 45-69 years. Any follow-up assessment that is required as a result of the Breast Screening mammogram is also free, and covered under the programme. NZBCF_A4Posters_FINAL.indd 2

5/08/12 11:12 PM

NZBCF_A4Posters_FINAL.indd 2

be breast aware book your mammogram

5/08/12 11:12 PM



Change of season coughs

By Diane Breen DipHom NZCH (Intern) At this time of the year there are many environmental changes happening and these can have a dramatic effect on our health. One of these effects is coughs that come on during the changing of seasons. Below are listed some first aid homeopathic remedies that may be used to treat different types of coughs: Cough or asthma comes on during cold or damp weather, coughing worse by lying down, hoarseness, coughing up large amounts of phlegm DULCAMARA. Hard, dry, spasmodic coughs that are painful, the patient is worse for any movement and they want to hold their chest or head while coughing. The cough is worse at night, after eating and drinking and going into warm rooms and they are irritable

and want to be left alone BRYONIA. Cough from any change in temperature, even moving from one room to another. The cough is continuous, barking and is worse after lying down, there is a tickling in the throat pit that can be caused by a breath of cold air so that the patient begins to breathe as shallowly as possible. The times may of coughing may be regular e.g. at 11pm, 2 and 5am RUMEX. A loose rattling cough with a chest full of phlegm where the patient is not strong enough to cough it up and they have shortness of breath, rattling breathing and they need to sit up to breathe or cough. The patient is exhausted, may be pale and is not thirsty. This state usually takes some time so to develop so is not a remedy to be used in the beginnings of a cough and is very useful for babies and the elderly. ANTIMONIUM TART. These are just a couple of remedies, there are many and consulting with a Homeopath to describe your particular cough will get a more specific remedy. However, a cough that has been recurring for the last few years, one that won’t go away or bronchitis and such chronic conditions are best treated in a full consultation to treat the “cause”, especially as they could actually be part of an allergic reaction.

Taking Tea – Therapeutic use of herbalhaveteas space in your garden or even

By Carol Eggleton, N.D., M.H.D., BHSc, Registered Naturopath and Medical Herbalist Many of us have experienced the taste of herbal teas as there are many choices available. We may use herbal tea is to help us relax and sleep at night or to ease digestive upsets e.g. chamomile and peppermint. Green tea is also popular for its antioxidant properties. They may be part of our daily routine and act as preventative medicine - this is a great idea. Often we use over the counter drugs to assist with minor illnesses and do not think of the more natural and easily prepared options that we could find in the cupboard or even in our garden. Great therapeutic properties are found in many of our culinary herbs and spices for ailments such as colds, coughs, sore throats and mild fevers, digestive upsets, nausea, urinary tract problems, sleeping problems, foggy brains, mild depression, emotional upsets or just to act as a bit of a tonic. If you

Joint Factors 4500

a large plant pot then you can begin to grow these friendly herbs for yourself, some even grow themselves and may be more familiar to you as “weeds”. Herbalists value these as much as their more acceptable garden cousins. If you are not a gardener you can buy quality dried herbs and herbal tea blends (such as the Artemis range) from your health food shop. Infusions or teas are a gentle form of herbal medicine and may be helpful for those unable to take stronger herbal extracts. Always check that the specific herbs you are using are safe for that person or situation, as some herbs are contraindicated in pregnancy or with some medications in any form. Some common herbs that would be great to start your herb selection with are: Thyme, Sage, Rosemary, Parsley, Marigold (calendula), Dill, Fennel, Violet, Mint. Many common weeds including dandelion, yarrow, nasturtium, couch grass and cleavers also have therapeutic properties. If you are using fresh herbs always select ones that have not been sprayed or exposed to environmental pollution. It is also important to be sure of the plant you are using - one of the best ways to get to know these is to get an illustrated household herb book that shows you some of the most common herbs, how to identify them and how to use them. The traditional plant is used therapeutically rather than new hybrids. If you need some guidance in selecting plants talk to the folk at your local garden centre or to an herbalist. For help with dried herbs or herbal teas call into your local health shop as they can help you to find appropriate herbs or tea blends call in on Wednesdays to Way of Life for a chat or phone 09 238-7806 to make an appointment for a consultation.

‘OSTEOPATHY PUKEKOHE’ What can we do for you?

By Helen Wright BSc(Hons) Ost(UK);CMIOSH (UK);PGDip (Hlth.Erg)(UK) NZ/ACC/UK Registered Osteopath Human Factors and Ergonomics consultant

A comprehensive examination is undertaken to evaluate your posture, spinal curvature, joint mobility, muscle strength/tone and walking style/gait and might also include an examination of your organs, digestive system, cardiovascular system including blood pressure etc. (as I said, a “comprehensive examination”). From this information we can create a picture of why you have symptoms and what can be done to relieve these symptoms.

HOW DO WE ACHIEVE THIS? During your visit we aim at the very least to ascertain when, where and why you have pain or symptoms.

Your treatment plan at Osteopathy Pukekohe will include treatment of the painful tissues and correction/treatment of any underlying problem or malfunction that might have led to the symptoms in the first place. We can make many of the corrections for you but we might also provide advice for you to follow, advice regarding posture, breathing, muscle strengthening, muscle stretching, exercise routines etc. We might also refer you for more specialist advice or medical imaging (scan, ultrasound, xray).

HOW DO WE ACHIEVE THIS? A thorough history of the symptoms is taken to ascertain when the symptoms started and what aggravates/relieves them. A medical history is taken to ascertain whether there are medical issues that might be contributing to the symptoms.

Your ‘whole body’ is worth looking after. Let us help you do just that. Osteopathy Pukekohe was established in 2006. The clinic is based at the Way of Life Health Shop and is open Monday to Saturday (shop hours).

At Osteopathy Pukekohe we believe in treating the ‘whole’ you. The ultimate aim of our treatment is to provide you with symptom relief and to ensure that your symptoms don’t return. At Osteopathy Pukekohe we want to provide you with long term symptom relief and help you to help yourself.

Start up your joints defence now before the cold weather pain threat. Why use Joint Factors 4500?

This high-strength powder provides a comprehensive blend of beneficial nutrients that work to support healthy joint function and mobility. This formula combines Glucosamine sulfate with Chondroitin to help maintain flexible, healthy joint tissue, plus high-strength, bioavailable Sulfur from MSM to aid joint lubrication. It also contains beneficial antioxidant and nutritional cofactors, helping the body’s inflammatory response. This formula is also ideal for sportspeople who may be at risk from greater wear-and-tear due to intense, prolonged exercise. Recommended for • Maintaining healthy connective tissues, including joint cartilage • Supporting joint flexibility and mobility • Assisting those at risk of greater joint wear-and-tear, including athletes

WAS $65.00

1kg pot RRP $95.90, our fixed low price $65

March deal $58.90 (until stock lasts)

Joint Factors 4500has the highest strength of ingredients: per daily dose of 30 gr: • Glucosamine sulphate potassium chloride complex 2000mg • MSM (Dimethyl sulfone) 2000mg • Chondroitin sulfate 500mg • Vitamin C 300mg • Zinc 12mg • Manganese 3mg • Boron 1.5mg • Copper 1mg Glucosaminesulfate has been shown to be significantly effective for relieving osteoarthritis symptoms and Chondroitin is the “fluid magnet” in your joint cartilage, making the tissue more elastic and optimal for shock absorption.

66 Edinburgh St, Pukekohe, Ph: 09 238 7806 White Mulberry extract as seen We stock a wide range of Hours: Mon - Fri 8:30am - 5:30pm Sat: 9am - 3pm on Dr Oz TV show GLUTENFREE AND DAIRYFREE products Visit the best health advice shop *** Available now Including Breads, Oils and Frozen*** products Visit the best health advice shop south of Auckland south of Auckland



Youngsters jump for healthy hearts

Reminder over licencing for tradesmen Local plumbers, gasfitters and drainlayers are being reminded to ensure they relicense by 1 April 2013, or they will be unable to legally undertake work in New Zealand. Plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying are regulated industries in New Zealand and it is illegal for anyone to do this work unless they are authorised to do so by the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board. In January 2014, the Board continued its awareness campaign warning not to use unlicensed tradespeople for plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying work over the summer break. The Board says homeowners should not risk their family’s health and safety or their

insurance by hiring unauthorised tradespeople. Authorised tradespeople need to carry a current authorisation card. Consumers should always ask for this card before any work commences to be assured that the work is being done by a competent tradesperson. Homeowners can check to see if a person is authorised by searching our online public register at or phone 0800 743 262. If a homeowner believes that work has been done by someone who is not authorised, or has concerns about the competency of tradespeople, they can make a complaint to the Board.

On Wednesday February 26, the Tuis Room at Lollipops Educare Waiuku held a Jump-a-Thon as completion of their Jump Rope 4 Heart challenge. They have been working towards this as part of the centre achieving the Healthy Heart Award. The children and their teachers dressed in red and brought along their skipping ropes to show their skills of skipping and jumping. A gold coin donation was given to support the Heart Foundation. The children raised $55.00.

More funds for southern transport

Two keys projects linked to the upgrade of bus and rail services in Auckland south have received $1.6m in funding from the NZ Transport Agency. The Transport Agency will fund $780,000 for the design of a bus station at the Manukau transport interchange, and $831,000 for the design of the bus/rail interchange at Otahuhu. The funding represents a 50% share of the design costs for both projects, which are

being led by Auckland Transport as part of its comprehensive programme to improve public transport services across the city. Auckland Transport’s Chief Development Officer, Claire Stewart, welcomes the funding: “These two interchanges are an integral part of Auckland Transport’s on-going upgrade of transport infrastructure in the south. We want to provide facilities which will improve the experience for our customers,” she says.

END OF SUMMER EVENT! March 21st - 23rd

Patumahoe Community Church Grounds - Family Fun Day - Talent Quest - BBQ - Games -

- Bouncy Castle - Guest Speakers - Rides - And More! -

TALENT ENTRIES NEEDED! “PATUMAHOE’S GOT TALENT” 5-12 years & 13-18 years Cash prizes 1st, 2nd and 3rd

Deadline for entry 7th of March Don’t delay! Contact Setita Millar on MOB: 021 733 189 or 239 2511 for an entry form. Including Judges from Groovit Hip Hop Dance School & NZ idol winner Ben Lummis.


All Welcome - see YOU there! Organised by the Patumahoe Community Church

Contacts: Ross Wilcox - Ph 236 3755 or Gordon Clark - Ph 0274 205 287




Buying off the plans? Understand the risks Martin Dunn from City Sales believes a ‘property cycle’ has made buying off the plans a timely investment option. Complex risks associated with buying property ‘off the plans’ are periodically outweighed by benefits unearthed by the ‘property cycle’. Martin Dunn from City Sales believes now is a time when property investors can prosper from buying ‘off the plans’ and gives advice on what to look for and what to avoid. “Of the ten or so new apartment projects being currently marketed off the plans in the Auckland CBD, City Sales is involved with one of them”, says Martin. “For us to be involved in a new development, we need to be certain that it ticks all of the boxes for us, and right now The Sugartree on Union Street does just that.” Dunn places a great deal of importance on these boxes to tick, and compares getting it wrong to the Blue Chip debacle. “Here we are, four years on from Blue Chip and we’re still trying to extricate terribly damaged families from a financial Armageddon.” But Dunn believes that the time has come in the ‘property cycle’ when buying off the plans can be extremely rewarding. “I believe the Auckland residential market is in a long term growth phase that will be slightly tempered in the coming two years by interest rate rises and political intrigue. “But the growth will continue relentlessly and the technical manpower to build for this growth is hopelessly inadequate. We don’t possess the trade skills and personnel to cope with the

Christchurch rebuild let alone provide posit or is it protected in a lawyer’s/ for Auckland’s growth. agent’s audited trust account until set“I predict a steady continued growth tlement? in Auckland residential real estate and • Does the developer know how to gearing into this market with as little as develop an apartment building? a 10% deposit in a rising market might • Does the successful tenderer conput you in very good stead struction company have come settlement time.” experience in building Dunn adds that a buyer apartments? must understand the risks • Does the developer When you sign that completely before making own the land? contract to buy such a commitment. • Are you buying “When you sign that through a ‘spruiker’ (unsomething that does contract to buy something licenced sales organisanot exist, you are that does not exist, you are tion) cribbing the law or effectively contracteffectively contracting to a Licenced Real Estate ing to the developer’s Agent with all the protecthe developer’s bank that on completion you will pay bank that on comple- tions that offers? the $485,000 or whatever • Is the size of your tion you will pay the you’ve agreed to – and you apartment clearly spelled $485,000 or whatcan’t change your mind. out and do you underever you’ve agreed You can get your lawyer to stand the significance of OK the documents by buywhat this means? to – and you can’t ing conditionally for say • On what basis is the change your mind. five days, which we generprice demanded e.g. is ally suggest is prudent, but this sale price justifiable then you’re locked in. with other new builds or “No matter how friendly is it out of kilter in comor approachable the developer is, don’t parison with what City Sales terms ‘the be lulled into a false sense of comfort. secondary market’ i.e. existing apart“Your agreement will be immediately ments. On this count, brand new suites passed out of his hands to his bankers built to more demanding construction and if your personal situation goes pear codes are likely to be dearer than existshaped for whatever reason in the 12 to ing stock but… by how much and are 18 months it takes to build your new you dealing with a broker who can jussuite, it is the bank you will be speaking tify this to you with day to day market to, not your friendly developer.” facts? City Sales has outlined further risks • If the developer/agent is touting to be aware of when buying off the potential rentals achievable and Body plans in a checklist below: Corp charges can he/she demonstrate • Is the development to actually go examples as to why those figures are ahead? What happens to your deposit justifiable? if it doesn’t? • Is the location pioneering or estab• Does the developer hold your de- lished?

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

BEST VALUE BRICK & TILE $419,000 Open Home: Sun 1.00 - 1.30pm 17B Valley Rd


Modern 4 bedroom brick & tile in a quiet, private setting. Good indoor/outdoor flow from the living areas and a short walk from a local primary school and kindergarten. Call Julie Q to view. View online: ID osbh735

Julie Quilty Mobile 0272 292 243 A/h 09 235 9324

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku

Ph 235 7139

Naturally Wood launches new paint service for builders or renovators Waiuku’s Naturally Wood is known throughout New Zealand for innovative wooden design and furniture, but has now expanded its services to include preparation and repainting of wooden doors with the introduction of a specialised spray booth. Darren Engelbrecht says the launch of the booth was a natural extension of the business, which caters for not only his own products but also for tradesmen, contractors and home renovators looking to revitalise doors, or in fact, most wooden furniture. Indoor or outdoor doors, new or old, Naturally Wood can sand and prepare the doors if required, and work with either colour or clear finishes, with either single

or two-pack coatings. The business stocks and recommends Wattyl products, a company at the forefront of surface coating technology. Wattyl is an established, iconic brand, known for superior protection on interior, exterior, metal and woodcare surfaces. Darren says Naturally Wood offers a full pickup and drop off service, and is equipped to handle orders from a single one-off spray job for a home handyman to a full 100-door service for contractors or builders. “We’re happy to have a chat with you about whatever your requirements may be, so feel free to give our team a call, or pop into our Martyn Street factory, and discuss your needs,” Darren says.

Factory and Showroom 16 Martyn St Waiuku Ph: (09) 235 2980 • Mobile: (027) 200 2810 Email: • Web:

OCUS F Y T R E PROP District Franklin

Our team Waiuku and surrounding districts

Leonie Gillott 0274 985 722

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku

Julie Quilty 0272 292 243

DEADLINE SALE: Closes 3.00pm 21st March 2014 (unless sold prior)

Marleen Ohms 0274 483 528

Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075


Stunning vacationer views from lounge/dining and 3 of the 4 bedrooms in this practical, workable family home with two bathrooms & wir. Nestled in a quiet cul de sac on the waters edge its just awaiting finishing touches. Don't dream it, do it! View online: ID: osbh765 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

Ray Lever 021 951 082

DEADLINE SALE: Offers by 3.00pm 26th March 2014 (unless sold prior).


Open Home: Sun 2.00 – 2.30pm 10 Heron Place

Ph 235 7139

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)



An excellent purchase. Private, 4 brm home with open plan living and secluded patio. Master bedroom has Ensuite and walk in robe. Double garaging with internal access and fully fenced. Call now to view. View online: ID: osbh766 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075 Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 17B Valley Rd, Waiuku

DEADLINE SALE.Offers by 3.00pm 21st March 2014 (unless sold prior) Open Home: Sun 3.00 – 3.30pm 17B Churchill Terrace


1st home buyers or Rental investment. Spacious open plan living. 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, bathroom, separate toilet. Single internal garaging & fully fenced.


View online: ID: osbh762 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075



Modern 4 bedroom brick & tile in a quiet, private setting. Good indoor/outdoor flow from the living areas and a short walk from a local primary school and kindergarten. Call Julie Q to view.

View online: ID: osbs549 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

View online: ID: osbh735 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243


With the growing demand for Auckland properties, Waiuku is becoming a more desirable place to get value for money. Buy and build now while it's still affordable. Your choice of residential sections with services ready to go, or bare blocks for the larger dream, ready for your builders spade.

3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Open plan living with French doors opening onto decking. Just recently renovated on 539m2 corner site.


$230,000 $350,000 $245,000

osbs429 osbs434 osbs548

From $295,000 $230,000 $230,000

osbs518 osbf642 osbf641


Ph Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

View online: ID: osbh749 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722



Various sites from 0.5Ha 0.5Ha site 0.5Ha site2


618m2 fully fenced section down right of way in a good location. Build your dream home. Won't last long, be quick!


Various sites from 500m2 1339m2 Various sites from 2500m2


Tucked down a tree lined drive is this 4 bedroom well maintained home. Double separate garaging plus barn. Private and secluded set on 9870m2. Plenty of room for the kids and the animals.


View online: ID: osbf675 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

S Y FOCU T R E P O PR District in l k n a Fr

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

Ph 235 7139

Open Home: Sun 2.00 – 2.30pm 47 Kingseat Road NEW LISTING!





Fabulous indoor/outdoor flow with a rural outlook, all the work's been done. Modern kitchen with granite bench top, gas hob & hot water. Single carport & double garage, set on a fully fenced 997m2 section. Loads of fruit trees, plenty of room for kids & pets to play. Close to Patumahoe Township.

Dwelling: Spacious 3 double bedrooms with views over Waiuku. Downstairs: business opportunity or workshop - rumpus -office x2. Shop/ workshop: Currently leased (verbal), with own kitchen and toilet. Zoned light commercial

View online: ID: osbh769 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

View online: ID: osbb018 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


WAIUKU SELDOM SEEN - $699,000 incl GST

View online: ID: osbf696 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

View online: ID: osbf704 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

10 acres of gentle contour land set in a quiet rural location. 3 brms, open plan with 4 bay shedding 5 mins from Waiuku. Phone Marleen to view.

Desirable, gently rolling 24 acre block with bore water. This bareland is directly opposite the Waiuku Pony Club located approx 4km from Waiuku. The land lends itself to horses, with the West Coast not far away, and the Waiuku forrest within an easy drive. Bare blocks this close to Waiuku are seldom seen.

Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 11 Collingwood Road




Over 1/4 acre section, 4 double brms, open plan lounge/dining with sep kitchen. Fully fenced, kid & pet friendly. May have potential to subdivide. Why delay when you can act today. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. View online: ID: osbh764 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528




Two storey home with 3 double bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms, huge rumpus room with bar, open plan living + study. Handy to Golf Course & Squash Club. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. View online: ID: osbh751 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Open Home: Sun 11.00 – 11.30am 3 Annieston Place






Excellent street appeal, beautiful indoor/outdoor flow, brick beauty built by Golden Homes. This home has 4 bedrooms, ensuite, spacious walk in wardrobe, open plan living with family room. Plus rumpus, double internal garage, fully fenced, private bbq & spa area also fruit trees & an abundance of vegetables. Room to park the motorhome or boat and plenty of extras. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.

View online: ID: osbf703 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

View online: ID: osbh759 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Beautiful country views of the land out to Manukau Harbour. This property has beautiful gardens around the home & loads of shedding. Sleepout has own bathroom & kitchenette. Home has 3 double bedrooms, open plan living with a sun drenched deck set on 2.72 Ha. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.


This is an extensive 1980s style home of significant proportions suitable for many requirements and functions. Situated within the new coastal set back plan and with a magnificent view of the Waitangi Falls and the inner harbour you may launch a kayak from the edge of the property. The native planting attracts all manner of native birds and there is never a shortage of peaceful activity to observe.


View online: ID: osbh756 Contact: Julie Rodgers a/h 09 235 6075, 0275 516 075 Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 2.00pm 74 Misa Road




View online: ID: osbf702 & osbh757 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

View online: ID: osbf705 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

Former Riding School, this 8.39ha property approx 4km from Waiuku. This property with its 38 x 40m arena has hosted Horsemanship Clinics, Corporate Events and a Riding School. The tack room& 3 bay shed have a high stud and are North facing. To the rear of the shed are 4 calf pens. A short drive to the Pony Club and a little further to the Coast, this wil be a sought-after property. To view, phone Ray.

52 Acre desirable block with 2 bedroom home that has been owned by the same family for many years. The flats are divided up into paddocks running off a central race. The flats lead to gently sloping land that faces the East. Located approx. 5km from Waiuku this land has 2 road frontages. The home is in good condition & currently rented. Contact agent for details.



In te rna tio n a l W omen’s Day 8th mar ch 201 4 | The m e : I NSP I R I N G CHAN GE

Women; inspiring change for 2014 Bobbie-Jo Butler

I am a licensed Conveyancing Practitioner, with over 10 years experience in property law. I am now the proud owner and operator of Central Conveyancing Waiuku since opening in October 2012. Many people are not sure about the word “Conveyancer” and I have been asked on a number of occasions what Conveyancing actually is. In a nutshell, conveyancing is the legal process of transferring rights and interests in property. In most cases this will be between a buyer and seller of real estate, but our work also incorporates subdivisions, refinancing, Trusts, Wills and Estates. In the past this work could only be completed by a solicitor, however recent legislative changes has opened this profession to people like me, who have gained the appropriate qualification to practice in this field. What I enjoy most about this business is the variety of people I meet each day, meeting their needs and seeing things through to a successful outcome for them.

20 Queen St | Waiuku |P. 09 2365016 | M. 022 050 3403 | E. “Today retail is very challenging and you have to work really hard to just maintain your business. Whilst retail in Waiuku has reduced significantly in the 21 years I have been in business- like all small rural towns it is hard to compete with the malls and huge discount chains - we are a destination shop. Newcomers will remark “a real shoe shop!” and are amazed by the variety of the stock”. Along with a wide range of high quality ladies and mens dress and fashion shoes, Fiona also stocks a great selection of handbags to accessorise perfectly for any occasion. Despite the rapid changes in the local business environment, Fiona believes clients still prefer the personal service and friendly, knowledgeable advice provided by Bakers Shoes & More. And as well as old fashioned values, the store has kept up with the times, recently launching an online presence for clients from further afield. Check out our website for the latest:

Fiona Baker


nternational Women’s Day, (originally called International Working Women’s Day), is marked on March 8 every year. Started as a Socialist political event, the holiday blended in the culture of many countries, primarily Eastern Europe, Russia, and the former Soviet bloc. The earliest Women’s Day observances were held on many different dates: May 3, 1908, in Chicago; February 28th, 1909, in New York; and February 27, 1910, in New York. In August 1910, an International Women’s Conference was organised, and the following year, on March 19, 1911, International Womens Day was marked for the first time, by over a million people in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. In 1914 International Women’s Day was held on March 8, possibly because that day was a Sunday, and now it is always held on March 8 in all countries. The 1914 observance of the Day in Germany was dedicated to women’s right to vote, which German women did not win until 1918. In the West, International Women’s Day was first observed as a popular event after 1977 when the United Nations General Assembly invited member states to proclaim March 8 as the UN Day for women’s rights and world peace.

I started my career as a Real Estate salesperson in 1998. After a successful nine years I took on a management position in the Waiuku branch in 2008 and now lead a dynamic team of 11 salespeople, rental department and support staff covering West Franklin, Waiuku and the Awhitu Peninsula. I love Real Estate and believe that achieving success in the industry is about delivering on realistic expectations. I am also the immediate past President of the Franklin Business and Professional Women’s Club (member since 2000) and Vice President of the WB&DA. With my knowledge of both the property market and local area, I believe I am a resource for the community and a great advocate for Waiuku. I am a very family orientated person and enjoy living in Waiuku. It’s my passion to help you conclude your real estate transactions smoothly.

8 Kitchener Road Waiuku • Ph 235 8507 Casey Van Liefde

I own and run a small boutique studio in Karaka where I specialise in Fine Art Makeover Portraits. I have been operating my business for a little of 5 years. This isn’t my job, its my passion! My shoots are personal and intimate, they are about an experience towards discovering how truly unique and beautiful you are. I’ve aways followed my heart in everything I’ve done and that’s exactly what lead me to starting my very own photography studio where I specialise in Contemporary Glamour Portraits. I call it contemporary as people all too often freak out when they hear the term “Glamour”. I think we’ve all seen some of those gorgeous glamour shots from back in the 80’s. Well the idea is still the same, but what’s more important to me is really capturing the REAL you, in the simplest most beautiful way possible. I have a range of packages to suit any requirements that will result in stunning images that you and your family will treasure forever!

Contact Casey for more info:

021 185 0627

100 years ago, this was the poster for International Womens Day 1914 in Germany.

Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008

Robyn & Denise

Deborah Andrew

16 - 18 Queen St Waiuku Ph: 09 235 0880

Robyn and Denise have started up a boutique Hair Salon on the Peninsula, specialising in creative colouring and cutting - a place where you can come and relax away from shopping centres. We offer a relaxing and professional experience for you and your hair. A place with easy parking, good coffee, and your locks tended to by experienced stylists who will listen and work with you to create your new look.

EFTPOS AVAILABLE FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Ph: 235 2173 | 146 Craig Rd | Waiuku



In te rna tio na l W omen’s Day 8th mar ch 201 4 | Th e m e : I NSP I R I N G CHAN GE

Inspiring Change: New Zealand Women Katherine Wilson Sheppard, also known as Kate, (10 March 1847 – 13 July 1934) was the most prominent member of New Zealand’s women’s suffrage (the movement to allow women to vote in New Zealand), and is the country’s most famous suffragette. She also appears on the NZ ten-dollar note. Because New Zealand was the first country to introduce universal suffrage, Sheppard’s work had a considerable impact on women’s suffrage movements in other countries. Kate Sheppard was born Catherine Wilson Malcolm in Liverpool, England to Scottish parents. For a time she lived with her uncle, a minister of the Free Church

of Scotland at Nairn. In 1869, several years after her father’s death, Sheppard and her siblings immigrated with their mother to Christchurch, New Zealand. In 1885, Kate Sheppard became involved in establishing the New Zealand Women’s Christian Temperance Union. The Union presented a petition in favour of women’s suffrage to Parliament in 1891. Sheppard played a considerable part in organising the petition. A second petition, larger than the first, was presented the following year, and a third, still larger, was presented in 1893. That year, a women’s suffrage bill was successfully passed, granting women full voting rights.

Linda owns and manages Magazine Clothing and has always had a passion for good design and an interest in the transformative power of fashion. As owner of Magazine Clothing she is absolutely in her element, helping women look and feel good about themselves. Leading up to her involvement with Magazine Clothing, Linda had various roles in the fashion industry, including clothing design and retail management, experience that has proved invaluable in making Magazine the success story it is today, with eight stores throughout New Zealand. At Magazine all staff members possess extraordinary styling ability and masses of creativity and fashion flair and are there to help you look and feel your best, by offering you friendly, exceptional service and styling guidance. They will help you choose clothing that suits your individual body shape and lifestyle, helping you create your own unique look. Magazine offers their own exclusive label as well as many other fabulous NZ made labels, with beautiful new pieces arriving daily. They specialize in dressing the curvy figure, sizes 10 -26, from casual lifestyle and daywear through to beautiful exclusive Mother of the Bride & Groom & Guests. Magazine also offers an exquisite selection of New Zealand and European accessories designed to complete the look for any occasion.

Linda Savage

74 King St, Pukekohe Ph: (09) 239-2696

Georgia Read

“Georgia is a lawyer with the ‘DOG’ (Daniel Overton and Goulding), who successfully opened their Pukekohe office in October 2013. Georgia was born and bred in Franklin, and considers herself fortunate to be able to live and work in this community. Georgia has previously been a lawyer in Auckland and London, and is well equipped to offer sound, practical advice in all areas of property, commercial and trust law. Her clients describe Georgia as down to earth and easy to deal with, and they appreciate her regular updates and ability to explain legal matters in plain language. The DOG have a tradition of building long standing relationships with their clients, and they’re looking forward to serving the Franklin community for many years to come.” You can contact Georgia directly at DANIEL OVERTON & GOULDING: or 021 314 533.

Julie Glennon opened Feline Farmstay in April of 2004, and this year will celebrate her 10th anniversary with the business. Julie says she saw an opportunity in the market as there wasn’t a cattery in the local area, and with a lifetime of working with small animals, the business was perfect for her. A veterinary nurse, she opened Feline Farmstay while still working at the vets, but it quickly became so popular it became her full time occupation. “I just love my job so much, it’s a challenge because every cat is different, but I really like giving each one the personal attention they deserve,” she says. The business, one of the few to be veterinary-recommended, can cater for 34 cats and provides top quality Royal Canin food, as well as special diets if vet-prescribed. “We love fishing too, so every now and then the cats get a special treat of fish straight from the water - they love it!” Julie laughs.

Julie Glennon

Luxury Boarding Cattery feline Ph: 09 235 7024 FARMSTAY Mob: 027 511 3579 Diana Chan-Liang is one of the faces behind Kitchener Veges, which opened their retail outlet in Waiuku’s Kitchener Road earlier this year. “We have been open for over eight weeks now,” says Diana, adding that the company Waiuku Veges started up two and a half years ago with wholesaling, before branching out into their retail, outlet. “We grow our produce locally in Waiuku, and people already knew of our products as before we opened Kitchener Veges we were already selling fresh produce to some of the local Waiuku takeaways, vege shops and bakeries,” Diana adds. “We still continue to sell produce at Pukekohe Farmers Market, Glen Innes Markets and to local restaurants and takeaways as well as to bakeries in eastern Auckland. Our aim is to sell quality fresh produce at reasonable and affordable prices. Feel free to come in and have a chat if you are ever stuck on cooking ideas!”

Kitchener veges

Lynn Dawbin, owner operator of Colquitt Hair Design has owned the salon for the past five years. “I love what I do, as a stylist you really have to have a passion for doing great hair. There is nothing more satisfying than changing a colour and restyling for a client,” she says. “We have a passionate team, and I believe in education, keeping up with new trends and fashions. Being a Redken-only salon, we get great support from the team at Redken and through this year we will be working closely with Redken, getting handson education as well as watching amazing top stylists do their thing. We are very excited to be a part of that.” Lynn has three children, Adam (27) a journalist who recently moved to Melbourne, Sian, (18), who has just moved to Wellington for University and Simon, (13),who has just started at Waiuku College. Lynn has been a keen member of Waiuku Theatre Group for the past three years,recently directing two of the group’s productions, and is currently rehearsing with the group for the opening night of the play ‘Educating Rita’ on March 21.


Diana Chan - Liang

6 Kitchener Rd • Waiuku Contact: Diana Chan-Liang

021 258 5274

Locally Grown produce

Lynn Dawbin

68 Queen Street Waiuku Ph: 09 235 8068



In te rna tio na l W omen’s Day 8th mar ch 201 4 | Th e m e : I NSP I R I N G CHAN GE

“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” — Diane Mariechild Marleen Ohms started her career in real estate in 2008, with almost immediate success, as she was named runner-up rookie of the year in her first year in the industry. That was just the start of a series of awards as she has regularly been amongst the top echelon of Professionals Realty salespeople throughout the country. In 2012/2013 she was runner up No 1 Salesperson in the Auckland/Northland region, and has since been named in the top 2% club of salespeople for Professionals nationally. Marleen puts her success down to her total commitment to her clients: “I listen to my client’s needs and wants and go and find what they require. I live locally, with local knowledge of the area and have been in the region for the past 21 years. “I am an achiever - I don’t sit around waiting for the business to come, and I am motivated and try to excel at everything I do.

Inspiring Change: New Zealand Women

Marleen Ohms 11 Bowen Street, Waiuku Office Phone: 235 7139 Mobile: 0274 483 528

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

Rachel and Georgie have owned Groovit since October 2012. The business has been operating for 8 years now and started out with a few children at the Valley School Hall it has now grown to a roll of approximately 250 students. Georgie is Rachel’s daughter and has been with her mum quite a while!!! She actually started instructing at Groovit a year prior to Rachel buying the business. “Georgie and I love Groovit because Dance is a passion for us and we love being able to share this with others. Our philosophy is to encourage anyone with the same enthusiasm regardless of age or ability to dance like no one is watching. We spend a lot of time with each other every day doing our pre-school programme in the community were we love seeing all the kids smiley faces every week (especially Charlie!!). As well as working on routines, organising events and running the studio together. We still go home at the end of the day and text each about the day’s events or what we are having for dinner. We never tire of dancing, our groovit family or each other. It’s a busy life with no two days the same but Georgie and I would not like to be doing anything else, we have been dancing for a long time now and we will continue to EAT SLEEP DANCE for as long as we can!”

Georgie & Rachel Rachel: 027 206 9897 Email:

contact the team or check our website for details: WWW.GROOVIT.CO.NZ

Ginny McArthur Ginny McArthur’s

Ginny is a nutritionist and trainer whose passion is putting food and exercise plans together to help people reach their goals. To this end she runs Outlook for Life in Pukekohe. She is a regular on Newstalk ZB and writes for Good Health magazine. She also runs wellness seminars for corporate clients. She has run 7 marathons and loves to motivate and inspire others to reach their goals. Ginny hails from England but has been in New Zealand for 22 years. Most of her time in New Zealand has been spent in the Franklin area. Her background was working with horses and instructing but following surgery on her spine 15 years ago, she saw a nutritionist and personal trainer for her rehabilitation. This was such an eye opener that it motivated her to retrain and set up Outlook for Life, Nutrition and Training. Outlook has been in Pukekohe for 13 years and works with adults, older adults and children. The business also works with sports people and Doctor’s referrals. The heart of the business is teaching people to use food and exercise to improve the quality of their lives, in a safe and non-threatening environment.

OUTLOOKFORLIFE Ginny McArthur Nutritionist, Trainer, Lifestyle Coach. Phone: 09 2392390 7, Heights Road, Paerata

Jean Gardner Batten CBE OSC (15 September 1909 – 22 November 1982) was a New Zealand aviator. Born in Rotorua, she became the best-known New Zealander of the 1930s, internationally, by taking a number of record-breaking solo flights across the world. It was she who in 1936 made the first-ever solo flight from England to New Zealand. In 1924 she was enrolled into a girls’ boarding college in Remuera in Auckland where she studied ballet and piano. Though she was a gifted pianist, at the age of 18 she wanted to become a pilot, inspired by the Australian Charles Kingsford Smith, who took her for a flight in his Southern Cross. In 1929 she moved to England with her mother to join the London Aeroplane Club. She took her first solo flight in

1930 and gained private and commercial licences by 1932. In May 1934, Batten successfully flew solo from England to Australia in the Gipsy Moth. Her trip of 14 days and 22 hours beat the existing England-to-Australia record of English aviator Amy Johnson by over four days. In later life Batten became a recluse and lived in several places around the world with her mother until her mother’s death in 1965. In 1982 she was bitten by a dog on the island of Majorca. She refused treatment and the wound became infected. She died alone in a hotel on Majorca, from complications from the dog bite, and was buried on 22nd January 1983 in an anonymous grave.

As Hairkraft approaches 25 years in business, the team have welcomed the arrival of their new beauty therapist Jenna, who will be working in the recently-extended and developed beauty room. Her introduction also means an extension to the services available at the popular Waiuku salon. Jenna will be on site Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9am and 9pm, and Saturdays from 9am to 1pm, although may be available by appointment at other times. Jenna’s arrival means clients can enjoy a new facial experience. The salon offering a glycolic peel which is beneficial for fine lines and wrinkles, can reduce the appearance of mild scarring and certain types of acne, helps with pigmentation issues and improves skin tone and texture. For more information on the services in our beauty therapy rooms, or to book with one of our team, call either Kath, Cassidy, Bex and Jenna on 09 235 7514.

Jenna at Hairkraft

Hairkraft & Beauty 2A AWHITU RD, WAIUKU PHONE 235 7514 FOR BOOKINGS

Kelly joined Franklin Law in 2007 and became a director in 2009. Kelly specialises in complex residential and commercial property transactions including leases, trust and asset planning and relationship property. Kelly enjoys working with families in business, both in the commercial and rural sectors, with a desire to add value to and help protect their personal and business assets. Due to Kelly’s rural upbringing and time served as an officer in the NZ Territorial Army she has sound attention to detail and a commitment to provide practical advice and result-driven solutions to clients. Kelly is always involved in various community events particularly as a member of the Pukekohe Business Professional Women’s Club. With Kelly’s success as a lawyer and being a working mother, she has naturally taken on the role of mentor to many young business women establishing or needing guidance in their careers. For professional, quality legal advice that will add value to your personal and business affairs contact Kelly.

Kelly Jones

Kelly Jones LLB • Ph DDI: 09 237 0294 • Email:



In te rna tio na l W omen’s Day 8th mar ch 201 4 | Th e m e : I NSP I R I N G CHAN GE

“I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint – and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.” — Oprah Winfrey Barfoot & Thompson Pukekohe welcomes

Sue McCardle

Sue McCardle

to the Lifestyle/Rural Team

Waiuku-based beauty therapist Shelley McDonagh has been making local ladies look and feel terrific for the past five years, and recently opened her own company. “I have a passion for beauty therapy and enjoy making people look and feel great,” she says, adding that she opened her private clinic Seclusion Beauty two years ago at her rural property. Shelley is constantly at the cutting edge of her industry, with post grad training to increase her knowledge and keep up to date with the current trends in beauty treatments.

Communication and service are very important to me, I like picking up the phone and keeping in touch with people. “Today, leading edge technology plays a huge part in successful marking plans with real estate, however we should always be mindful that it does not replace the human touch.

“I specialise in doing facials, waxing, massage, Hot Stone massage, spray tanning, eyelash extensions, eye enhancements and more. Call me to make a booking and see what we offer.”

For advice on the current market value of your lifestyle/ rural block. Please give me a call on 027 527 0094 or 09 238 0457

Shelley McDonagh 75 Hull Road, Waiuku

• • Ph: 09 2357107 How lucky am I? Helping people create their outdoor spaces, whether its a snazzy vegetable area, a calm formal room or a tropical spa space...and the flipside of this coin is matching an artists sculptural piece to complement that space. YardArt really is a one stop shop. When we first set YardArt up almost ten years ago we found the railway line a huge barrier as people kept ‘meaning to come in’ but now, almost ten years later, we have bus groups coming from far and wide. Many people come in every couple of months just to meander amongst the Artworks and enjoy. Its a very peaceful spot. We try to develop a new area to launch each Spring and we have something amazing planned for this November too all going well. Why am I so lucky? Aside from all that, we have some fabulous art and gardens in Franklin and I get to see many of them as we connect you with all the bits you need.

Tricia Joe Crown Road, Paerata Phone: 09 238 9039

OPEN 7 DAYS | Weekdays 9am 5pm | Weekends 10am - 3pm

Sugaring is the ancient Arabic Art of removing unwanted hair from the face & body. The hair is removed from the root and re-growth is softer, sparser and lighter in colour, diminishing with each treatment until hair growth finally ceases. A sugar paste, made completely from natural products is applied to the area to be treated, which is prepared and finished with a bacterical lotion to ensure that the highest possible standards of hygiene are maintained. Hairs must be about 0.5cm in lenght before treatment (ie. 2 weeks after shaving). Creams and oils should not be used on the skin 24hrs before treatment. Sugar Paste Hair Removal is suitable for all skin types including this with eczema and Psoriasis. Contact Moka for more information.

Moka Atamu

Dr Parmjeet Parmar, PhD, is operations manager of Kiwi Empire Confectionery, a company which has been one of New Zealand’s best loved confectioners since 1935. Dr Parmjeet joined the company from an academic and research background at Auckland University, where she completed a post-graduate degree. With a degree in biological sciences, Parmjeet’s experience in the health field has seen her keen to develop a new range of naturally-based confectionery to go with the traditional range of lollies, sweets, chocolates, rocks and bars. There are many older residents of the region who well recall having the ‘Empire’ lollies for special treats and who, even today, say the taste of the traditionally-made sweets takes them back to their childhood. Parmjeet says the company now employs around 15 fulltime and casual staff and is maintaining its traditional ‘old English’ manufacturing recipes while expanding the product range.

Kiwi Empire Confectionery Ltd Ph: 09 5820711 | Fax: 09 5803089 | Email: Born and bred in Waiuku Leonie has been in real estate with the Professionals Waiuku for 20 years. She is proud to be associated with the company, and holds numerous corporate awards. She has an outstanding regard and knowledge of the selling of spec homes, house and land packages. From initial design through build stages, her experience is invaluable. Having been brought up in Te Toro on a farm she is also familiar with the requirements for rural and lifestyle blocks. When it comes to residential property Leonie’s wealth of experience helps make the process as smooth as possible. Leonie has seen the in and outs of all stages and types of property deals and is looking forward to helping your transition into your next property whatever that type may be.

Leonie Gillott

Give her a call for professional and caring service.

N AT U R A L T R E AT M E N T Moka Atamu - Watkinson Ph: 235 0464 • Mob: 021 166 9674

Parmjeet Parmar

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku Office Phone: 235 7139 Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

Mobile: 0274 985 722



In te rna tio na l W omen’s Day 8th mar ch 201 4 | Th e m e : I NSP I R I N G CHAN GE

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” — Mae West

Inspiring Change: New Zealand Women

Becky Shires of Alleyway New and Used Furniture, in Waiuku’s Bowen Street, says the family-owned business enjoys the daily interaction with their many regular customers. The business has been established in Waiuku for the past 15 years, originally situated down an alley beside the local pharmacy - hence its name! Now the shop has relocated to another alleyway - on the driveway beside the Mitre 10 building. New and used furniture is its speciality products, but Alleyway has plenty more in stock, including beds, fridges and freezers, mats, lounge suites, tables, chairs, and other household items. Their range of old pictures is popular with artists and photographers looking to recycle the frames, and Alleyway also provides WINZ quotes for furniture and whiteware. They have a Waiuku delivery charge of just $10, and are open six days a week, 9.30 to 4.30 weekdays and 9.30 to 1pm on a Saturday.

Becky Shires 31/3 Bowen St • Waiuku (Down the alley by Mitre10) Ph: 09 235 7715

Sarah Lochead-MacMillan has more than a decade of experience in business mentoring, growth and networking and specialises in turning ailing and aimless enterprises into shining beacons of growth and profitability. If you want to develop your networking confidence, improve your business’ financial position or plan for sustainable growth and profitably, Sarah can help. Get personalised coaching to uplift your business profits and grow, learn new skills and methods and gain more personal free time. Specialities: • Networking for personal and business development • Business mentoring • Bank mediation • Debt structure for business • Finance applications for business

munity activities, impressing politician Sir Apirana Ngata who invited her to a national hui in 1932. She moved to Auckland in 1949 and her political activity changed from local to national. In September 1951 she was elected first president of the new Maori Women’s Welfare League. The league was successful and she became well known throughout New Zealand. During the 1960s she worked on a local level around Auckland, but in 1975 a coalition of Maori groups asked her to lead them in a protest against the loss of Maori land. She agreed, proposing a hikoi (a symbolic march) from the northern tip of the North Island to Parliament During September and October 1975, the nearly 80-year-old Cooper again became nationally recognised, walking at the head of the Maori land march from Te Hapua to Wellington.

Patricia Fenton

Turning Lifestyle Dreams into Reality

Sarah Lochead-MacMillan Pure Indulgence Unique Day Spa Destination is full of ‘Women in Business’..both as Clients and as Staff members As far as we are concerned at Pure Indulgence.. every women is busy with business...Kids, Work, After School Activities, A Home to Run, Husbands to Nurture...We get what all “Women in Business are about” if you need some TLC thats our Business here at Pure Indulgence...Pop and see for yourself what we can do to help make life and yourself full great! With our family friendly team of professionals, who share warmth, enthusiasm and a great sense of fun, we invite you to experience the “Difference”. It is a place to be inspired, a place to have fun and to be pampered. It has encased an ambiance of “Pure Indulgence”.

Dame Whina Cooper ONZ DBE (9 December 1895 – 26 March 1994) was a respected kuia (Maori leader), who worked for many years for the rights of her people, and particularly to improve the lot of Maori women. Her wide influence and nationally-recognised activity led her to be acknowledged with awards in both the British (Imperial) and New Zealand Royal Honours Systems, and by her own people, who bestowed the title Te Whaea o te Motu (“Mother of the Nation”) upon her. Dame Whina was born Hohepine Te Wake, daughter of Heremia Te Wake of the Te Rarawa iwi, at Te Karaka, Hokianga. From an early age she showed an interest in her father’s role, as well as in history and genealogy. She worked as a teacher for a brief time, but stirred on by a local land dispute, developed a taste for a form of home-spun politics, including passive resistance. She played a leading role in com-

For information, training and business coaching Ph: 09 27 234 5011 or email:

Anne & Terese

33 West ST Pukekohe 09 239 0404 |

Patricia was Waiuku’s Top Branch Salesperson of the Year in 2007/08, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12 and again in 2012/2013. Patricia supports the people in her community and sponsors various schools and sporting tournaments. It is this connection that has given her the ability to move seamlessly across residential, lifestyle, rural and commercial properties and produces great results for her clients. Having lived locally for the past 20 years, Patricia has an in-depth knowledge of not only the local real estate market, but also our community. Patricia is a keen traveller, enjoying the opportunity to meet people from different cultures and indulge in her enjoyment of photography, before returning home to her own Waiuku lifestyle property.

Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008

After many years of careful planning “Cataway Waiuku” opened the doors in July 2010. I have turned my attention to a great love of mine cats. I have owned quite a few over the years. They are amazing creatures. I offer them what they need - love, admiration, good food and an appropriate room, just designed for them, and see that my feline guests graciously relax and enjoy themselves. I love cats, and I take so much pleasure in being able to offer them cat boarding facilities that carefully provide for their absolute comfort, safety and entertainment. Not only do I have the pleasure of caring for cats, I also have the satisfaction of watching my unique and innovative “Cataway” cattery set a new standard of care for cat boarding. I do not ever mix cats from different households together, each room I provide is only for one family’s kitty or kitties. No two rooms are alike, and they are carefully designed for feline comfort and fun

Cataway Waiuku  

16 - 18 Queen St • Waiuku DDI: 09 235 9530 Mobile: 021 836 242

Sabine Ognitzki Moka Atamu

10 Jenny Lane • Waiuku 021 492 280 Toll Free 0800 492 280



In te rna tio na l W omen’s Day 8th mar ch 201 4 | Th e m e : I NSP I R I N G CHAN GE

Inspiring Change: New Zealand Women Dame Kiri Janette Te Kanawa ONZ DBE AC, born 6 March 1944 is a New Zealand soprano who has had a highly successful international opera career since 1968. Acclaimed as one of the most beloved sopranos in both the United States and Britain, she possesses a warm full lyric soprano voice, singing a wide array of works in multiple languages from the 17th to the 20th centuries. She is particularly associated with the works of Mozart, Strauss, Verdi, Handel and Puccini. The sheer beauty of Te Kanawa’s voice made her one of the leading operatic sopranos internationally of the 1970s and 1980s. She found particular success in portraying princesses, noble countesses and other similar characters on stage, as her naturally dignified stage presence and physical beauty complemented these roles well. She still frequently

performs in concert and recital, while giving masterclasses and supporting young opera singers in launching their careers. She was adopted as an infant and educated at Saint Mary’s College Auckland. Her recording of the ‘Nuns’ Chorus’ from the Strauss operetta Casanova was New Zealand’s first gold record. In her teens and early 20s, Te Kanawa was a pop star and popular entertainer and in 1965 she won the Mobil Song Quest. In 1966, she then won the prestigious Australian Melbourne Sun-Aria contest. Her performance as the Countess in The Marriage of Figaro,in 1971 left the audience dazzled and at Covent Garden, her reprise of the role created an international sensation. She was seen and heard around the world in 1981 by an estimated 600 million people when she sang Handel’s “Let the Bright Seraphim” at the wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Lady Diana Spencer.

My tai chi and qigong journey started in 1999 when I was 36, stressed, tired, emotional and facing a life threatening heart problem. My husband and I were juggling raising our two young boys, the farm and working 60+ hours a week in our floriculture business …. I was literally falling apart and my toolbox was empty. I needed more help than the specialists were able to offer and I needed to make some serious “Life” changes. I discovered the wonderful gems, qigong and then tai chi. Tai chi and qigong are a way of life; integrating mind and body, giving me tools to help manage everyday life, keeping my emotions in a healthy balance, eating healthy and a smiling glow within. Tai chi and qigong is not a pill you can take … but with practice and an open mind and heart; you can feel more relaxed, breathe better, gain flexibility and strength, manage your health and feel more balanced, happy and healthy within.


2 Kitchener Road, Waiuku

Ph 235 0300

Megan Van Lieshout is the Owner, Spa Manager and Senior Spa Therapist at Pure Indulgence.

Tamara Bennett

Contact: Tamara on: 09 235 8648 or 021 255 1087 I graduated from the University of Auckland in 1997 with a Bachelor of Optometry Degree. I have previously worked in Newmarket and Papakura. My first business was in Papakura which I had from 1999 to 2007. I originally came to Waiuku to work part time for Mark Jenkins. Due to poor health he decided to sell and gave me the opportunity to purchase the practise in late 2007 as I loved working in a small town with friendly patients. Originally the practice was on Queen Street. On 7th Dec 2009 we moved the practice to its current location on Bowen street. Since the move we have gone from strength to strength, employed more staff and increased our practise hours. I enjoy being an optometrist and have a keen interest in children. Nothing gives me more joy then to be able to see the expression on a young childs face when the “see” for the first time through their glasses.

Lesley Burgess

Vanilla’s doors opened in April of 2007. Our store’s goodies change often and we are always on the look out for that something different. We don’t buy in container loads of stock, we buy in ones and twos so that whet you purchase is original. Vanilla is an experience of wonderful aromas, candles, soaps and diffusers. You will find amazing jewellery and handbags along with womens clothing made right here in Waiuku to suit teens through to adults. Our gifts and homewares are unique and ever changing. Vanilla is not just a place to shop its an experience and wonderful place to come and catch with everyone you know or visit and make a new friend. Become our friend on Facebook (Vanilla Homewares ) and be the first to see our goodies as they arrive or shop on line on our website

Megan created ‘Pure Indulgence’ 10 years ago and still loves her business with a passion , a business that has grown from strength to strength. Megan is in charge of the everyday running of the business and is also the marketing and promotions manager. Massage and Aromatherapy is a special gift she loves to share with others. Each new year sees lots of new concepts evolving within the growing Pure Indulgence business. Megan is also the Chairperson of the Franklin Silver Lining Trust, which gives Franklin families facing adversity the chance for ‘Special Breaks’

Megan Van Lieshout

Van Lieshout The Ultimate Health & Wellness Workshops in Association withMegan Pure IndulWellness Educator gence Day Spa..“Our Unique Day Spa Destination is changing lives through our That burning 'drive' - when's I found this out the hard way at Christmas 2012, but what I also found, was that I, very own Soul Nourishment Programme” the right time to take check? unlike a lot of people I had known, Our team of exceptional therapists are well trained professionals. They are As this is the first column for the had the chance at another shot at making dedicated to assisting in selecting best treatment options for you. my life healthier. But things would‘Pure have Pure Indulgence Soul the Nourishment to change dramatically if my health was programme, it seemed thepersonal best thingservice Indulgence’ provides a high level of which ensures our clients to begin with was to let you know how to stay on top. that they are getting the utmost attention. the idea for such a programme came I stopped, took time out and really

about. I have always had a keen interest

Deepa Kumar

Waiuku Eye Care 7 Bowen St, Waiuku • Ph 09 235 8510 Email:

thought about what I was doing with this

far-to-busy life of mine. in health and wellbeing hence why Pure *Confident Tweens/Teens..Every School Holidays *Simply Being for Busy Indulgence Unique Day Spa Destination • I looked at my core values – I don’t think Bees..Monthly Column & E Book Online *Wellness Retreats @ Lakewood Lodge was born 10 years ago this month. I’d ever really done that before. for Busy Women.. August 30/31st 2014 *Corporate Wellness Workshop for DyI, like many other people, have always had • I really got down to what my top namic Teams...By Bookings Onlypassion *What is Wellness...A One priorities wereDay - I Seminar...June had choices and a strong drive and to succeed I was who had to make them. in life, not that many of my teachers at 8th 2014 school would have thought that - back many moons ago.

• I put a lot of thought into how I nourished my family, my friends, 33 West ST my staff and above all Pukekohe (for once) myself.

Maybe that’s what gave me such a drive, the drive to prove them wrong. From there Soul Nourishment 09 239 evolved. 0404 I would imagine there are many of you It’s now something I want to challenge | out there that feel the same. Sometimes everyone who cares enough about though 'drive' can almost become a little themselves and others to try. obsessive...when do you really know If there’s one thing I learned, it’s that when it’s time to stop and take check – that 'Wellness' wasn’t a destination – it’s a lifestyle choice and one that all of us have. that’s the big question. It really does take a health crisis to make you stop and think sometimes . . . to stop

One body, one mind and a hell of a lot of strength and courage to make a great




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Olympic hopefuls train for sevens With sevens now an Olympic event, interest has rapidly increased in the sport. To cater for the growing interest, Counties Manukau held a Secondary School Girls 7s Skills Day on Monday at ECOLight Stadium. The day attended by James Cook High School, Rosehill College, Tuakau College, Waiuku College and Wesley College was to develop players and get them ready for their upcoming 7s tournament. The public are welcome to come to the sevens tournament that will be held on Thursday 6 March at Bruce Pulman Park in Papakura between 10.00am - 2.00pm. Players were coached by former New Zealand Women 7’s and 15’s coach and current New Zealand Coach Development Manager Darryl Suasua, New Zealand Women De-

College athletic champions named A great spectacle of track and field events were on display for the annual Waiuku College Athletic Sports. True house spirit was in fine form as all four houses dressed in a spectacular of colour and supported all their fellow house mates in their chosen events. The following students have been named as the College’s Athletic Champsions for 2014. Junior girl: Emily Kitson of Kauri House.

Junior boy: Kade Duncan of Totara House Intermediate girl : Savarna Asofa-Tavita of Kauri House. Intermediate boy: Trent Thornton of Rimu House Senior girl: Annielle Ryland Higgins of Totara house Senior boy: Marchant Pepler of Matai House. The overall winning house for the day based on all 11 disciplines of track and field were Rimu House and the Spirit Shield went to Kauri

42, 2nd John Munro 42, 3rd Neville Keys 41. Div Two: 1st Danny Lynch 42, 2nd Brian Hull 41, 3rd Ross Tindle 40. Twos: Graham Hira (2), Greg Lowe (2), Frank McGrath, John Munro, Roy Wright. 1-3-14 Saturday Haggle Div One: 1st Fred Watts 42, 2nd Andrew Fennell 41, 3rd Kerry Martin 41, 4th Todd Selwyn 40, 5th Paul King 38. Div Two: 1st Walter Ormsby 42, 2nd Mike Derecourt 41, 3rd Alan Stichbury 39, 4th Danny Lynch 39, 5th Paul Wells. Best Gross: Div One: Fred Watts 67. Div Two: Walter Ormsby 82. Twos; Paul King (2), Courtney Maddern (2, John Ferregel, Kerry Mar-

House. Judith Coe, Waiuku College Sports Co-ord would like to thank all the staff for helping run the day espicially the House Leaders Doug Johnson, James McAuslam, Jason Hammersley and Jessica Norton who brought all their students together to put on such a fine spectacle. Above: Abishai Dohare, Ash Rees, Brooke Kurth and Hollie Newson exemplify the spirit and colour of the College Athletics Day.

Auckland and Franklin rugby league legens Roy Roff receive some special guests last week from tin, Jonathon Morley, Walter Waiuku Junior League. Roy is currently in Franklin Memorial HospiOrmsby, Fred Watts. Pukekohe Cosmopolitan tal, and the local little leaguers wanted to cheer Bowling Club him up with an award for being the ‘Best EndTournament held on the February 24. 1st - Peter Sinclair, Sam Compton, Joy Sinclair-of Waiuku. 2nd - Glyn Tunley, Adrienne Tilyard, John Auckram of Pukekohe. 3rd - Yvonne Urwin,Pauline Hayward, Bruce Hudson, of Pukekohe. 4th - Doug Alexander, Mary Whitelaw, Kevin Osbourne of Pukekohe.

Waiuku Bowling Club Results of the Tournament played on February 14: Winners were Pukekohe; L Corney, second were Grahams Beach, third were Waipipi.

Funding added to extend cycling network The NZ Transport Agency has approved $3.2m in funding to extend Auckland’s cycling network. The money will be used to construct cycle routes on less busy suburban streets that run parallel and adjacent to Dominion Road. The Transport Agency’s funding is a 53 percent share of a $6.1m project led by Auckland Transport to provide 5-anda-half-kilometres of cycleway on the parallel routes either side of Dominion Road. The Regional Manager for the Transport Agency’s Planning and Investment Group, Peter

The players were treated to special appearances from former world player of the year and Black Fern Renee Wickliffe who is a current CMRFU 7s and 15s player and 2013 school girl Hanna Brough who made the CMRFU 7s team with only one year of rugby under her belt. Wickliffe and Brough showed the secondary school girls that there is a clear pathway for them if they want to succeed at the highest level.

Special moment for local league legend

Local sports results in brief Waiuku Golf Results 25-2-14 Tuesday Haggle 1st Ross Tindle 39, 2nd Alan Stichbury38, 3rd Mike Keys 38. 26-2-14 Ladies Haggle Div One: 1st Louisa Lowe 69, 2nd Marie Lynch 72, 3rd Lorraine Craig 74. Div Two 1st Yvonne Whittaker 6o, 2nd Maria Hodgson 63, 3rd Gaylene Bethell. Nearest the Pin: Pat Maitland. Nine Hole Ladies: Most Bogies: Div One , 1st Fae Douglas 4, 2nd Marjan Slappendel 3, 3rd Bev Laurent 3, 4th Carol Craig 3. Div Two: 1st Judith Fulton 3, 2nd Noeline Letcher 2, 3rd Mona Francis 2, Noeline Ramsey 2. 27-2-14 Thursday Haggle Div One: 1st Graham Hira

velopment Manager and former Black Fern Vania Wolfgramm, New Zealand Secondary Schools Development Officer Paul Wheeler, CMRFU U18’s coach Saua Leaupepetele and CMRFU Rugby Development Officers Dameon Chaney and Jeremy Wara.

Casey, says key considerations behind the Agency’s decision to provide funding include the benefits the project will deliver in terms of safety and travel choices for people. “The Transport Agency is committed to reducing traffic congestion by providing options so that people don’t have to rely on using cars. The new routes will be available for less confident cyclists as an alternative to the more challenging Dominion Road, and by the large number of children living in the area.”

less Player’ for the club. Toy was presented with a 100 years centennial book to remind him of his younger days and he still today a strong Warriors supporter. Waiuku Rugby League is ready for the new season and taking registrations. See advertisement in public notices this week.

Buckland Bowls celebrate success On Saturday March 1 Buckland Bowling Club hosted the Zone 2 winners of the Men’s and Ladies Inter Club teams. Teams competing were Mt. Maunganui, Thames, Frankton and Manurewa in the men, while the Ladies section saw teams from Taupo, Papakura, Thames Coast and Te Awamutu. These teams were the winners of their respective Clubs in the Zone 2 area, with the finalists going forward to represent Zone 2 in the finals which will be held in Palmerston North on 22nd – 23rd March, where they will compete against the 5 other Zone winners from around New Zealand. Entered will be teams from the 4 zones from North Island and 2 zones from the South Island. Despite a chilly start, the weather warmed for all to enjoy the competitive and excellent bowling that was displayed from all teams. Winning team from the men’s section; Manurewa, who will go forward to repre-

sent Counties Manukau. From the Ladies section Thames Coast, who will represent Thames. The Buckland Bowling Club Champ Triples were held on Sat 22nd and Sunday 23rd February. Despite very windy conditions Club players braved the weather to complete the Championships. Winners in both sections will go forward to compete in the Centre Champ of Champs on Sunday 16th March 2014. Winners in the men’s section – Ray Walsh (sk), Errol Short (2nd) Tam Lowen (Lead) Runners up: Mike Stone (sk), Maurice Bellhouse (2nd), Bob Main (Lead). Winners in the Ladies section: Jean Scott (sk), Bernice Maloney (2nd), Diane Main (Lead). Runners Up: Helen Aarts (sk), Joan Petrie (2nd), Sue Walsham (Lead). Inset picture: the winners of the Ladies section of the Buckland Bowling Club’s Champ Triples.





TO Lease

ACCOUNTING & Taxation Services - Call Rise Accountants - chartered accountants. Ph: 09 235 7455.

FIREWOOD - Bargain. Mac/pine. 4 Metres: $300 Delivered. 2 Metres $170. Ph/txt: 021 744 970 or 235 0065.

OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Upstairs from $110 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

ACCOUNTING Payroll GST Solutions - EOM/ EOY Financial Reports. Spanner Planner & Xero To t a l Wo r k s h o p Integration. Call Petemarg Enterprises Ltd. Ph: 09 235 0461 or E: petemarg. for a free consultation, www.

COCKY’S CORNER - For fencing & roofing iron, timber, hardware, plywood, pavers, gates, garden sheds & more. 123 Queen St, Waiuku. Ph: 235 9880 or 235 2386.

Open 7 days. Drop off service and self service. Detergents incl. Sports clothing, commercial, wash, dry and fold. Laundry 4 U. Between Video Ezy & Pizza Hut, across parking lot from Ed St. Rest. Ph: 09 239 2964.



ADULT ACCESSORIES Adult toys, massage oil, lubes, Women’s Health & Sexuality Books & lots more available online:

REMOVAL - Any old scrap metal incl. old batteries, expired gas bottles, old cars, lawn mowers, etc. Ph Martin: 021 128 5953 or 238 3005.


Free drop off depot for all your unwanted computers, whiteware, etc. Recycle All Your Stuff Ltd. Unit 1 Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Road, Waiuku. Free pick up in Waiuku. Ph: 235 5769.


REPAIRS - Dinghy or trailerboats; fibreglass or wooden. All jobs considered. Ph Tony on: 235 3545 or 021 598 662.

CARAVANS LONG TERM - Free local delivery from $60 per week plus bond. Ph: 09 232 1814.

CHIMNEY SWEEPING WINTER is coming - get it cleaned now. Inspection report - insurance receipt. Phone or txt 235 9212 or 021 147 0158. All calls returned.

CLEANING Vacant houses, windows, offices, carpet shampooing & exterior waterblasting. Plus maintenance. FREE quotes. Ph Allan or Lynette: 09 235 9333 or 027 272 6249.


your pc guy Virus Removal, Repairs, Internet, Broadband, PC Sales, Data backup, Tuition

Great ‘In Your Home’ service . . .

Jon 235 5300

Mob 021 111 4122 FOR HIRE FIREWOOD splitter. Phone: 235 7733 or 021 305 111. Bouncy Castle Elephant, Tiger for kids. Sumo, Boxing, Jousting for Adults. Ph: 09 235 5297 or 0274 260 040.

Concrete Pipes for sale. Various sizes. Phone Brian on 0274942170 for pricing, located 10 Domain Street, Waiuku.

Recycling. Computer, printers, copiers. 18a Constable Road, Waiuku. Ph: 235 6367.

Garage Sale Saturday 8th March 8am start. Clothes, china, bric a brac. 39 Breaker Grove, Waiuku.

HAIR DRESSING THE Cutting Room Hair Salon. 33 Breaker Grove, Waiuku. Ladies cuts from $30, Men’s cuts from $25, Colours from $70. Hours: Tues 11-3pm, Wed 9-5pm, Fri 9-til late, Mon & Sat by pre-arranged appts only. Phone Steff: 235 7149.

HEALTH TAI-CHI QIGONG for well being. Church Hall, 43 Queen Street, Pukekohe. Thursdays, 1.15pm - $5; 5.30pm - $8, 7pm - $8. Teaching, practice, green tea. No booking required, just turn up.

HOMEKILL Specialising in Lamb $55 each. Hogget $70 each & Beef $1.30 per kg all prices inclusive. Ph: Mike 0800 843 863.

HORSES Expressions of interest sought from horse owners seeking good grazing within Waiuku. Will be available in approx 3 weeks. Separate paddocks available for up to five horses and a loose box may also be available. Please phone 0274 837 952 and leave message or write Horses C/- PO Box 374 Waiuku.

LAWNMOWING TOPCUT LAWNMOWING - reliable, clean, tidy job experienced operator. Ph Fred 09 235 5280, 021 902 552. GREEN ACRES - Clarks Beach. Covering Franklin area. Lawn mowing, gardening, garden clearance, hedges. Clean, tidy and reliable. Call Brett 021 0211 7777 or 09 232 1276.

Lost 2 year old Jersey bull. Butchers Bridge and Smith Road area. Ph: 235 8046 or 021 1440074.

Massage Massage and sugar paste hair removal - brow shape/lash & brow tint. Ph: Moka (Natural Treatment) 235 0464 or 021 166 9674.

PETS POOCHIE PARK – Holiday home for dogs. Inspection welcome by arrangement. Phone: 09 235 0052 (Evenings) or 021 856 555. Email: for further information. FOR SALE - Drake, Pekin Cross (10mths) $5. Ph: 235 9352.

SERVICES FRAMING - The Framing Shed. Quality custom picture framing. 31 Victoria Ave, Waiuku. Tues - Fri 9 - 5 or by appointment. Ph Allie: 235 0939 or 027 253 4577. READINGS - Clairvoyant. Ph: Eunice Attwood on 235 0022. Freeview - Antennas, installations and set up. Phone Mike & Mike: 235 7059 morni ngs. Registered Servicemen.

WAREHOUSE SPACE Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Small, Med & Lge. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

Come and support our club. Any enquiries: Phone Melissa 021 216 0030.

Wednesday 12th March at 4pm

Gregg’s Drumming Tuition. Beginners to advanced. No drums required. Bookings ess. Theory & practical. Teacher of the winner of Waiuku’s X Factor 2013. Check us out on Facebook. Ph. 021 265 2780 or 238 7980. Drumming Lessons Full set up in Waiuku, no need to have a kit. Beginners to intermediate, theory, rhythm and grooves. Ph: Paul on 021 145 4478. PRIVATE Music Tuition Ph: 0274 772 030 or 09 296 1693. READING & WRITING 1-1 Tuition. Waiuku and Tuakau. 4½ years upwards. Excellent tutors. Contact Jill at ‘The Frog Pond’. Ph 238 2110. E: LEARN to draw and paint. The fundamentals of drawing and painting techniques. Ph. 021 155 8714.

WANTED TREES WANTED - Gum & Macrocarpa. Also tree felling & shelter belt removal. Ph/txt Chris: 027 212 4590 or 235 0065.

Waiuku Cosmopolitan Club

To be held in the Dining Room of the Club All members, new and current, welcome!

Waiuku District Amateur Swimming Club AGM, 17th March 2014 5.30pm at Swim Club Rooms Whiteside pools, Kitchener Road, Waiuku All welcome. Enquiries to Nicky 235 8535.

2-3 Bed house required by 19th March. Open plan, fireplace preferred, pet friendly. Quiet, non-smoking, honest & reliable tenant. Ph: 235 7323 or 021 053 7177 anytime.

Window Cleaning

Mumz & Bubz Market. Secondhand stallholders required. Preloved baby/ toddler stuff. 15th March 10am - 2pm. St Andrews Church. Enquiries email

General Home Maintenance services. Gardening, external house cleaning services. Txt 021 504 961 anytime.


New To You Boutique

Patumahoe HUGE HALF PRICE SALE off all New Stock Shoes & Clothing. From $10.00. Open: Mon - Fri 10.30am-5pm & Sat 10.30am-3pm


Black leather two seater couch $295, Queen bed mattress, base, legs $195. Bookcases 80W, 120H, 31D, two fixed shelves x 10 available $30 each. Black & white lounge suite 3x1x1 $350. Single bed mattress base & legs $195. PS2 games $10 each. PSP slim with exercises $165. Lounge suite 3x1x1 and footstool $195.



FLOWERS & GIFTS Cut Flowers, Sympathy Condolences Wedding Flowers Table Arrangements Water Features Bromeliads & Palms

AKA AKA SCHOOL PTA AGM Monday 17th March, 7pm School Staffroom All Welcome

Glenbrook School PTA Notice of AGM

Wednesday 19th March, 7.00pm, School Staff Room


Lyn & John Mann



OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Downstairs from $90 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

NEW committee members needed. All parents welcome.


Stall Holders

S/C bedsit, open plan in Waiuku. Suit quiet single, prefer employed person. $140pw + power. Ph: Leigh-Anne 0274 733 455.

Monday 10th March 2014, 7pm, at the Clubrooms, Massey Park, Waiuku.

Outdoor Bowls Section AGM

Residential and commercial. Professional Service. Competitive prices, free quotes. Ph: Colin 027 965 2094


Waiuku Junior Soccer - AGM

WORKSHOP SPACE Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

For all your Handy Man needs. No Job too small. Call David 235 2850 or 021 107 6684.




Married 7th March 1964 at the Weymouth Methodist Church.

Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary.

Love from Tony, Julie, Wendy, Matt, Britt, Shyla & Phoenix

FOR RENT 75 Kitchener Rd Waiuku Large family home offering 3 generous double bedrooms, office, 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen, & spacious open plan living, plus game room or 4th bedroom, swimming pool & BBQ area. Internal double garage plus workshop, 2 car carport plus off street parking. $400PW short term contract unless sold prior. Contact Dion Cassidy 0212214838

Advertise all your unwanted goods with us from as little as: $15 for one insertion, $25 for two insertions or $40 for three insertions and get some extra cash.

Alley Way off Bowen Street, Waiuku

Phone 235 0643


Notice for all clubs and hobbyists There is a public meeting to be held at the Waiuku Cosmopolitan Club at 7pm on Wednesday, March 12 to discuss holding a Hobbies, Activity and Pastimes Expo to be held at the Waiuku Town Hall in June of this year, The purpose is to show the range of activities available in the Waiuku area and give a chance for clubs and individuals to provide details on their activities and grow their membership. For further information, please contact: Brian Meekins 0274 953 202 or 235 9566 a/h W.R.L.F.C is taking 2014 Registrations NOW This Tuesday and Thursday 4-6pm. Grades mini mod, juniors, seniors and prems. Contact Administrator 027 2557316

Services THE @ 51 Queen St Waiuku

OPENING HOURS MONDAY & TUESDAY: 8:30 - 4:00 WEDNESDAY: 8:30 - 3:00 THURSDAY: 10:00 - 6:00 CUTS FRIDAY: 8:30 - 4:00




How to solve Sudoku!



9 4 3 1


Fill the grid so that every row and every 3x3 square contains the digits 1 to 9


3 4 2 9 1 7 8 6 5

Solution No.1331 5 9 1 6 7 4 2 7 8 5 2 9 3 6 6 1 8 4 3 7 9 4 6 2 8 1 5 3 3 2 7 5 6 8 4 8 5 3 9 4 2 1 2 4 6 1 5 9 7 9 7 4 3 8 1 5 1 3 9 7 2 6 8

8 1 5 7 9 6 3 2 4

Experienced Part Time Florist Waiuku 40 Queen Street, Waiuku Open Monday to Friday • 8.30am - 5.30pm Sat • 9am - 2pm and Sun • 10am - 2pm Phone : 09 235 9307 Fax : 09 237 0054 Email :

Situations Vacant


1, Chlorine. 6, Each. 8, Muse. 9, Incision. 10, Denim. 11, Avenue. 13, Canyon. 15, Gyrate. 17, Statue.19, Ideal. 22, Immortal. 23, Crow. 24, Stag. 25, Revolver.

Down -

2, House. 3, Obesity. 4, Ibis. 5, Exchange. 6, Ensue. 7, Croquet. 12, Ancestor. 14, Attempt. 16, Radical. 18, Thong. 20, Above. 21, Slav.


A registered FDANZ Practice

Why not plan and record your funeral wishes The My Life, My Funeral Kit will make it easy for you. Phone for your copy now

235 8380 Anytime Waiuku Village Butchery



Accountant Required

Rise Accountants are looking for an accountant who is technically strong and enjoys working in a change environment. Rise Accountants is a Chartered Accounting firm located in Waiuku, which seeks to provide an awesome level of service to its current and future clients. You will have a dedicated group of clients for whom you will provide accounting services. This will include annual accounts, taxation and GST. In addition, you will be able to add value to other members of the firm through your knowledge of tax, and your interest in new technology. The accounting systems that we use include iFirm, AO (legacy), Xero, Banklink and MYOB. While we envisage this role to be full-time, we are open to variations. If you see yourself as a part of this great little business, please email your C.V and a covering note by 10 March 2014, to

Waiuku College is seeking volunteers from the community to assist some of our students with reading and writing during assessments. This support would be mainly during the last three weeks of each term and on a one to one basis. Training on how to be a reader/ writer for assessments will be given. If you are interested please contact Clive Caine, SENCO ph: 235 8139 ext 207.

BEEF, SHEEP PIGS, Bacon etc NZFSA Registered

Ph 09 235 8369 Servicing, Repairs & Sales of most woodburner


Buckingham Industries Ph: 235 3900 Mob: 021 270 9454

Situations Vacant


Waiuku Mitre 10 requires a timberyard person for weekend WoRK. May suit semi-retired person. Some heavy lifting involved. Forklift and HT licence an advantage but not necessary. Please send CV to: or drop it into the store.

Floral Fusion is seeking a creative and innovative Florist who is looking to be part of a talented team. This position will be required to work up to 15 hours per week (5 days). The position will be based in a leading Waiuku supermarket. Duties & Responsibilities will include: - Work independently - Retail Floristry - Customer Service To apply please email your CV to: Lotta Arthur: or Ph: 021 063 5970

ARE LOOKING FOR: a Joiner/Cabinet Maker with experience in manufacturing solid wood furniture. We need someone who is self-motivated, can work independently and as a team with good communication skills. This person will be expected to lead from the front with knowledge of high end & process furniture. Trade experienced, NZ residency and NZ drivers licence.

If you are interested in the above role

Please email CV’s to:

PART TIME DRIVER WANTED CLASS 4 and 5 Licence CONTACT 027 629 0114

Manager – Early Childhood

We have an exciting opportunity for a dynamic and competent full time educator to lead our established community owned childcare centre. You will be instrumental in delivering quality education and have a passion for leading initiatives that realise the potential of the children entrusted in our care. You will demonstrate the ability to lead and motivate a team and have an enthusiastic ‘people’ personality that will impact staff, children and their families, essential for building strong links with the community.

The Essentials:

Minimum qualification Dip Tch (ECE) and full registration. Proven Leadership skills. Knowledge & understanding of ECE legislation and regulations.

Facility Supervisor Full Time Accounts Assistant Part Time Our client, Envirofert Ltd is a New Zealand-owned resource recovery business based at Tuakau in North Waikato. This growing company has two key lines of business - converting green waste and food waste into high quality composts, De-packaging products for beneficial reuse; and safely disposing of and recycling a range of inert wastes in our modern lined cleanfill. Envirofert’s aim is to create a waste disposal, recycling and reuse operation that operates best practise in harmony with the rural farming environment.

Facility Supervisor We are currently searching for an experienced Facility Supervisor for Envirofert’s De-Packaging Plant. Reporting to the Operations Manager the main responsibilities of the role include managing the day-to-day running of the Recycle Lab; daily, weekly and monthly planning; managing and overseeing staff, daily operations and cleaning, overseeing and conducting the dayto-day maintenance and the future development of the plant; liaising with key customers and suppliers; liaising and working with the compost facility staff, and ensuring the facility and staff are meeting all company H&S policies and requirements. We’re looking for a skilled supervisor who has proven staff management experience and understands how to expertly maintain a processing plant. You will also need to be well organised, practical, mechanically minded and have excellent planning skills. In addition, you need to be fit and healthy to manage the manual aspects of the role, and be self-motivated in order to have a positive impact on the day-to-day running of the De-Packaging Plant. If you have a background in the dairy manufacturing sector (or similar) and live in the North Waikato catchment, then you may be very well suited to this role.

Accounts Assistant We are also looking for an experienced Accounts Assistant to support the financial team to accurately complete the weekly, monthly and annual accounting functions. The key responsibilities of the role will include debtor and creditor invoicing and reconciliations; credit control and debtor collection; compiling weekly payroll information to send to external payroll agency; month end reconciliations; and recharging of services. The position reports to the CEO and has indirect relationships with the Financial Controller, Office Manager and Operations Manager. It is anticipated that the role will be approximately 15 hours per week with some flexibility at peak times. The role is based in the office at Tuakau so if you live nearby these part time hours could well suit you. Potentially some of the duties may be able to be completed online at home. The successful person will be well versed in debtor and creditor management along with excellent knowledge of Excel, payroll and accounting software (MYOB preferably). A team approach to getting the job done is a must along with strong attention to detail and good planning skills. If you feel you have the experience, energy, motivation and passion to help Envirofert grow, then please apply online at today. Applications for both vacancies close 10 March 2014.

We offer:

Excellent remuneration 5 weeks annual leave Professional development opportunities So, if you have a passion for early childhood education, enjoy a challenge and want to work in a well-resourced centre where the development and implementation of new initiatives are encouraged,send your CV and covering letter to: The Governance Committee, Waiuku Childcare Centre, P.O.Box 418 Waiuku 2341 or email

If you wish to be considered for this vacancy, please apply online WWW.EVERESTGROUP.CO.NZ/JOBS For strictly confidential enquiries please phone 0800 EVEREST. M953





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