Post Newspaper 8 April 2014

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Tuesday • APRIL 8 • 2014 PHONE: 09 235 78 35 FAX: 09 235 78 34




Weekdays 9am - 5:30pm Saturday 9am - 1pm 37 Queen Street, Waiuku Phone 235 5180

Rising star gets support A young Waiuku tennis player aiming for a career in the pro ranks has been given a helping hand by a local funding group, as he plays in a national event in Christchurch. PAGE


Research project a first Former local student Gemma Johnson has finished a Waikato Summer Research Scholarship with her first research collaboration.



Big effort by parents

A muscular effort by parents of a local primary school won them funding on Sunday.

Lethal road considered for upgrade

A stretch of road which has seen 214 crashes in 10 years, 31 involving fatalities or serious injuries, is being looked at for a major upgrade. Safety improvements on State Highway 2 between Pokeno to Mangatarata are being investigated by the NZ Transport Agency as part of the Safe System Corridor Project. The Transport Agency says the investigation aims to identify what safety improvements are required along this section of SH2 to reduce the number of serious and fatal crashes caused by head-on and run-off-road impact, and to make the intersections safer. Two sections of SH2 are being investigated - known as the Western and Eastern sections - in the last 10 years there have seen 214 crashes in these two sections. Fifteen of those were fatal, and 16 involved serious injuries. Most of the fatal and serious crashes were caused by vehicles crossing the centre line or running off the road. The 7.4km Western Section is from the SH1 intersection at Pokeno to the Mangatawhiri Stream Bridge. The Eastern Section is 9.5km long and runs from Monument Road to the intersection with SH25. “The project aims to save lives and reduce the severity of injuries by creating a more forgiving environment,’’ says Transport Agency’s acting highways manager Michelle Te Wharau. In December 2011 the speed limit was reduced from 100km/h to 90km/h for much of the Maramarua Highway up to the SH25 turnoff. Average daily traffic counts are around 13,000 and soar to 24,000 at peak holiday times. “The project teams have just begun their work and will seek feedback from stakeholders and the people who live, work and travel along SH2,” says Mrs Te Wharau. “A public Open Day will be held towards the end of May/early June this year.”




VOL 26 • NO.13


Youngsters rule the roost at fun run Otaua School’s Ryan Crawford and Joshua Lowe had a blast at the family fun day following the annual Waiuku Lions Club Sand to Mud Run on Sunday. The event saw some amazing performances by local young athletes as Waipipi School’s Frances Good was not only first junior girl, but also Queen of the Hill and first female home, while Sandspit School’s Luke Rattrie was first junior male, and a phenomenal third overall. More pictures inside this week.

Local young builder wins carpentry scholarship PAGE


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The inaugural Customkit Carpentry Scholarship has been launched with the aim of helping young New Zealand building talent further develop their skill base. The winner for 2014 is Mangatangi/Pukekohe apprentice resident Sam Alderlieste. Developed in conjunction with the Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO), the scholarship launch comes at a time when the country needs new ‘life blood’ in order to cope with a

now at GARY PYES

number of regional building booms. According to Customkit managing director Michael Anselmi the aim of the scholarship is to support highly motivated and aspiring new apprentices in their studies. “Right now qualified carpenters are in demand. “The construction industry is the engine room of the New Zealand economy and carpenters are at the heart of the activity. As part of the country’s building landscape we believe

we have an obligation to help our talent pool grow,” Michael says. “For that reason we’re delighted to put our name on an activity that will help achieve this goal.” For the first year of the scholarship applications were limited to those from the South Auckland region, in order to allow for suitable and effective mentoring to be on offer. Helping out in this process is local builder Shane Fisher, Director of SE Fisher Builders Ltd, who has agreed to take Sam as

43 QUEEN ST, WAIUKU • PH 235 9711 • SAT: 9 - 4 • SUN: 10 - 3

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an apprentice. Anselmi says this local support will prove invaluable. Shane Fisher says his connection with Customkit is made even stronger through his support of the scholarship. “I’m all in favour of skill development and helping young people learn to become builders. I’m delighted that Sam will be working with me with the knowledge that Customkit is contributing to his success as well as my company’s skill base.”



VIEWS & OPINIONS 18 Bowen Street, Waiuku Ph: 09 235 7835 | Fax: 09 235 7834 Email:

Editor Nigel Ward Business Manager Steve Douglas Office Manager Sarah Lamb Graphic Designer Lynn Douglas Accounts Ngaire Deed

Well, that was fun! We had an absolutely amazing response to our April Fools effort last Tuesday regarding the mangroves story, and councils ‘plan’ to spend $2 million replanting them, or to bring in artificial mangroves from Austria. All week we had people coming in to have a laugh with us, to pick up more papers, and occasionally arriving red-faced and steaming mad about the latest council plan. Luckily, almost everyone reacted with hoots of laughter when they found out it was a gag, and we’ve had plenty of letters congratulating us. It’s been five years since we had an April Fools fall on a print date, so we were hoping we could come up with something good - it seems we did, so thanks for the comments. A special thanks to our hard-working mangrove cutting group, the Mudlarks, who (we believe) were behind the plan to deliver a potted mangrove to us, (pictured below).We’ve printed a few of the comments in our letters section. Keep an eye out in a few years for our next one!

Outbound Sales Claire Erica

21,200 copies, weekly to Waiuku, Pukekohe, Tuakau, Awhitu Peninsula, Karaka, Clarks Beach, Patumahoe, Kingseat and rural.

THE POST wants to hear from you! or write to us at P.O Box 374, Waiuku.

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7 6 3 5 3 1 9 7 3 5 9 2 7 5 8 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 12. 13. 15. 17. 18. 20. 21. 23.

Maybe your correspondents Dave and Allison are correct about the quality of local self-employed tradesmen. But the fact is, it’s not just a local issue. As a small business advisor and mentor for 20 years, author, educator and speaker, I can categorically offer some statistics on the subject. By my own records, I discovered that 70% of self-employed tradesmen are not operating a business but an employment opportunity for themselves and an opportunistic grab at any money that goes past. Twenty percent are operating as a reliable business and 10 per cent are crooks and thieves, by no other name. Ironically, several years later, a similar topic was disussed on the Oprah Winfrey Show and the same figures were

Last week’s April Fools’ article had residents scrambling for their keyboards and pens - most getting the joke, but a few being taken in. The professor quoted in the article, Dr Loof Lirpa, was a bit of a giveaway - spell his name backwards and see what you get! Anyway, here’s a few of the comments we received:

Display Ads Thursday, 2pm Classifieds Monday, 10am

1. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 14. 16. 19. 22. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Tradesmen problems more than just a local issue quoted for the USA. Good business people (tradesmen or otherwise), operate in specific ways. They are reliable, predictable, keep their customer well informed and act in a professional manner when there is a problem. They are efficient in their process because all tradesmen have been taught a proven formula by other tradesmen. They start and finish at the same time each day like clockwork, working a minimum of eight hours because that’s how they make their money. Not by sitting at home or fishing. And they have a history that tends to repeat so it can be monitored before you accept their quote or give them a job. Phil A. Long-Taylor Pukekohe

Mangrove mayhem follows April Fools article

Published at 18 Bowen St, Waiuku by Waiuku Publishing Ltd. Printed by Horton Media Ltd, East Tamaki. Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm.

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Quote of the week!

“Live every day as if it were your last, because one of these days, it will be” -Jeremy Schwartz Puzzle answers in Classifieds

I have from time to time taken a drive from Pukekohe to Waiuku to see the wonderful work the Mudlarks have done. Having been on a trip up the Kaipara Harbour and listened to the story about the various waterways, it has been of great interest to me and so very pleasing to think these men made a move which I hope will be repeated where ever there are mangroves. It is incredible to read that the Auckland City Council is spending $2 million dollars distributing mangrove seeds to the citizens of Waiuku, this I think is absolutely criminal and sincerely hope the Waiuku people realise this and destroy the seeds.... This beautiful country has to make a start somewhere and I think Waiuku is taking the lead. The Mudlarks have started something I hope will or should say is beginning to snowball. ‘Tui Bellbird’, Pukekohe Well done with your “$2 million mangrove replanting” article. My wife was fuming as she read out the article to me, “absolutely ridiculous” she said !! How to solve “Look at the date of publication “I replied. Sudoku! You sucked her in beautifully. Bob Godward, Karaka Fill the grid This is so thethat best April fools wind-up I have every row everytime. My immediate reacseen forand a long 3x3tion square contains (Like other readers) was amazement. I, the 1 to 9 become almost immune to likedigits many, have some of the more stupid decisions that have been thrust on the long suffering residents Solution No.1335 of Franklin by Auckland’s sadly out of touch 6 8City 1 9Council. 3 2 7 5So 4 I took a deep breath and 3 4re-examined 5 1 8 7 6 9the 2 article. 8 do this to our Mudlarks! 6 4 could 5 3 1they 9 2 7How 7 6I asked 8 5 1 myself. 9 2 4 3Then the penny dropped, 4 5 3 2 6 8 1 7 9 Auckland doesn’t have a Sister City called 2 1 9 4 7 3 8 6 5 Stromberg if it even exists, and there isn’t to 8 3 4 7 5 6 9 2 1 my knowledge a “Mudflat Heron, so I looked 1 9 6 8 2 4 5 3 7 5 7 2 3 9 1 4 8 6

harder at the article. I loved the “$2 million cost rising to in excess of $11 million”, I bet that really wound some clocks if nothing else. The final moment came when I realised that the Swedish bird expert “ Dr Loof Lirpa” spelt backwards was “April Fool”! You crafty people, what a great April Fools day trick and I bet the telephone rang hot in “Lens” office in downtown Auckland. Trevor Rogers Auckland City Councillor 74 to 89 Member of Parliament (Ret) I am writing to express my utter disgust at the front page article in the Waiuku Post on Tuesday April 1 headed $2 million for mangrove replanting. This is a true case of despicable, false reporting, which lead me to hover over the telephone ready to dial 111 when my husband’s facial features became contorted and red (a very rare colour for someone of his ethnic origins), and I was convinced he was about to suffer a major seizure of some kind. This call, if made, would have wasted the time and resources involved of all the local emergency services, but I discovered just in time that it was all due to my husband’s attempts to contain his laughter at my outpouring of rage upon reading the article. How cruel and thoughtless some people can be. I wish we had received our packet of 50 seeds as I know exactly where ours would be planted! Caddie, Waiuku And finally - from the guys themselves: Just thought you would like to know that the council got right onto it yesterday. When we barged up a load of mangroves to the wharf we were met by the council and Dr Loof Lirpa (who had flown over especially from Sweden to meet us) and we were able to back load large bags of mangrove seeds which we distributed to the residents in the area where we were working. This led to considerable savings in distribution costs. Keep up the good work! A Happy Mudlark. (You made our day) Advertisement

His Word - The Fruit of the Spirit - Goodness

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another,

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envying one another. Goodness; having admirable, pleasing or superior qualities. Moral, virtuous, kindly, generous, talented, obedient, reliable, thorough, appropriate, enjoyable (Dictionary.) Exodus 18:9, Exodus 33:19, 1 Kings 8:66, Psalm 23:1-6, Psalm 25:7, Psalm 33:5, Psalm 107:15, Romans 15:13-15, Ephesians 5:9, 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12. for more info



$25,000 fine after worker killed on Pukekawa farm

Above: RAYD representatives Peter Hamilton and Bruce Thomson with Jordan Petrie, recently selected for an Auckland tennis team to compete in a national tournament.

Funding support for tennis rising star Glenbrook Beach’s Jordan Petrie is hoping his tennis talent can take him to the pro circuit, and later this month takes another step on that journey as he represents Auckland at the National Teams event in Christchurch. Last week Jordan received a cheque for $500 towards his travel costs from Waiukubased funding group RAYD (Rugby and Youth Development), and the talented teen says he is looking forward to reporting back to the group on his experiences. Jordan has been well-known on the local and regional tennis circuit, and is the number one male player ay the Waiuku Tennis Club, where he recently won the senior club championship for the third time running. He has been a Counties age-group champion in both singles and doubles in Under 12s, Under 14s and Under 16s, and has also won team, singles and doubles prizes in Counties Interclub tennis in five different grades, this year winning again in Grade 1.

To get more tennis, Jordan also plays in a combined Counties side, under the Pukekohe Club banner in the Auckland competition, and has four wins and a third place in the past five years. In Auckland age group tournaments he has had a number of finals and semi final positions, and was recently a semi-finalist in the Remuera Classic singles for under-16s. Playing in the combined side provided him with the exposure to the Auckland selectors, winning a spot in the four-player team which takes on the rest of the country in Christchurch from April 24 to 27. Just a couple of weeks ago, Jordan helped his Waiuku Club win the Counties Grade One title, the first time for many years the club has held this honour. Jordan says his goals are to become a college player in the United States, and from there make the step to become a professional on the ATP circuit.

Despite a worker being under the influence of alcohol and acting contrary to instructions, a farm company has been fined over $25,000 after the worker was killed in an accident. Waikato company, Sundale Farms Limited, has been fined $25,400 after the worker was killed by a runaway remote controlled tractor. Gursharan Singh was on his second day on the job harvesting broccoli in March last year when he was pulled under the wheels of a tractor at Sundale Farm’s Pukekawa farm. Mr Singh was attempting to reach the tractor’s controls after it had accelerated unexpectedly from its normal speed of 0.3 kilometres an hour to 6.7 kilometres an hour. He was caught by the left hand rear wheel of the tractor and pulled to the ground and run over. The tractor, which was towing a trailer for the loading of broccoli, was operated via a remote control system so that a driver was not required to sit at the controls. Sundale Farms pleaded guilty to one charge under the Health and Safety in Employment Act of failing to take all practicable steps to ensure Mr Singh’s safety, and was sentenced last week in the Pukekohe Dis-

trict Court. WorkSafe NZ’s chief investigator, Keith Stewart, said Mr Singh was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident and was acting contrary to instructions. But Sundale Farms could have taken a number of simple steps to make its operation safer. “The tractor was checked at the start of each day to see that it was working correctly, but there was no routine maintenance programme. Its systems should have been checked regularly, and preventative maintenance carried out. “An inhibitor switch in the gear selector should also have been installed to ensure that remote operation was only possible in the low gear range. “And an emergency stop system should have been installed on the harvesting trailer so the workers present on the trailer, when it ran away, could have stopped the tractor. Mr Singh was attempting to mount the tractor when he was killed. “Remote control tractor systems are common in harvesting operations around the country. “I hope the lessons learned from this incident will help prevent similar tragedies in future,” said Keith Stewart.


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V8 Weekend Friday 28th and Say 29th March Karaoke - Goin Wild

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Playcentre opens doors to community

Otaua Aka Aka Playcentre is opening its doors for a community open day on Sunday, April 13 for playcentre families and for other locals to find out more about the centre. The open day runs from 10am to 2pm and visitors are asked to bring a plate for a shared lunch, along with togs and a towel for some of the waterplay activities for the young ones. Located beside Otaua School, the playcentre has a rural outlook with a range of activities set up for each session including, playdough, paint, collage, and a large outdoor play area with a sand pit, water play and where the youngsters can run and play freely and safely. A typical Playcentre session will have children from birth to school age playing together with their parents and the other adults, engaged in a wide range of learning experiences. To ensure the quality of sessions there is a common commitment to, learning through play, mixed ages sessions and family involvement All families in the area with children aged 0-6 years are welcome and there will be activities set up for the kids, face painting, morning tea supplied and other parents to talk to about Playcentre. At the moment the centre has four sessions running Monday and Wednesday 8.45am to 11.45am and Monday afternoon from 11.45am to 2.45pm, plus an extended session for three years and over on Thursday mornings. The centre is considering a Friday session and to do this they need some more families to join them, with the open day providing

a chance to discuss that option and find out all about playcentre. To more information, see the website, find the Otaua Aka Aka facebook page, or phone Kristina on (09) 552 0679. Below: Cassius drawing around Tyler with chalk at the Otaua Aka Aka Playcentre.

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The St John Annual Appeal is this week, 7-13 April, with donations used to buy equipment and emergency medical resources. 415,832 patients were treated by St John last year across New Zealand – well over 1,100 patients a day.

St John received 380,785 emergency 111 calls last year over 1,000 calls for help every day, or one call every minute and a half. St John ambulances travel over 18,793,436 kilometres every year. Or to put it another way, that’s the equiva-

lent of driving to Australia and back 4,515 times or to the moon and back 49 times! A new ambulance costs around $160,000 plus another $50,000 to outfit. Each year, St John trains 65,800 people on first aid courses.

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National Party says proper Te Toro Hall to be closed? process followed in Hunua As local National Party members await the final selection process to name the party’s candidate for Hunua, the country’s most popular blog has been accusing local party officials of improper processes in the pre-selection process. The Whale Oil blog, a finalist in the Canon Media Awards, and the blog which broke the Len Brown scandal, has been carrying recent articles alleging some officials have been favouring candidates, suggestions which have been refuted by the party. National Party president Peter Goodfellow said in a statement last week: “The National Party Board takes great pride in the robust and democratic nature of the our selection process. Candidates are selected by local members under directions from the Board and with assistance from the Regional Chair. The Party HQ provides active oversight of all selections and we are always careful to ensure the correct process is followed.” Queries had been raised by some local party members over the way delegates had been chosen for the voting, with some branches told they had to re-elect their delegates after holding meetings to choose them. Peter Goodfellow said this was due to a constitutional issue - “Our constitution requires delegates to be selected only once the selection process has formally begun. If delegates have been selected at a meeting prior to that, their election is not within the rules and must be repeated. This is the correct process.” He felt it was not appropriate to comment on the allegations made by the blog, but said he had confidence in the processes to date. “It is not my place to comment on the agenda of the Whale Oil blog. However, I am completely confident

that the correct processes have been followed in Hunua, and I have seen no reason to question the integrity of any of the local committee through the process. National also has a constitutionally enshrined process for complaints, which is always available for members and nominees.” The final selection of the Hunua candidate will be made, from a shortlist of five, on Thursday April 17. Meanwhile, the Labour Party is yet to confirm their Hunua candidate, but last week announced Christine Greer as the candidate for the Waikato Electorate in the September elections. Christine is not unfamiliar to the Waikato having been raised on a small farm and attending the country schools of Goodwood and Paterangi. She has a business degree from Massey University. Christine and her husband have two school aged children. She is currently a relationship manager in the public service. Her work experience includes Work and Income, Inland Revenue and Accident Compensation Corporation. “The Waikato seat is a challenge but one that I am up to” says Christine. “The Waikato electorate is actually a microcosm of what needs changing in New Zealand right now. “We have high rates of youth wasting away on unemployment benefit in our smaller towns.” “Labour policy is to give our youth something to believe in, our families hope for the future and our elderly people the assurance they will not be neglected. “With nearly 2000 young people between 18 and 24 not enrolled to vote in the Waikato I aim to give young people a reason to enrol, to turn out on 20 September and to give two ticks for Labour”

The Te Toro Hall Committee is seeking public input from members of the community as it faces the prospect that the local hall could be closed forever. A spokesperson said yesterday that for the committee members to understand the local requirements of the hall, local community members are invited to meet with the committee this Sunday at the hall from 1pm – 3pm. Light afternoon tea will be served. “If not able to pop in for a cuppa and a chat, feel free to drop off your positive suggestions into letterbox at 207 Cooper Road, RD 4 Waiuku,” the spokesperson said. “Please come and tell us what you want for the future of the hall as it might close its door forever!”

Fire ban season extended The rainfall experienced in Auckland has done little to decrease the region’s fire risk. The current restricted fire season remains firmly in place. All open fires continue to require a valid fire permit. “We are extending the restricted fire season until further notice due to prolonged dry conditions across the region. We hope to go into an Open Season once we receive significant rain,” says Principal Rural Fire Officer, Bryan Cartelle. “Apart from the storm last month, dry weather prevails in Auckland with only isolated and light patches of rain. Aucklanders are urged to check it’s alright before they light.” Council will be issuing fire permits in parts of the region and the permits are free of charge. To apply for a permit of further information, including any queries regarding fire permits, visit the rural fires page on or call Auckland Council on 09 301 0101 and ask to speak to a rural fire team member. Anyone who sees a fire or suspicious smoke should call the fire service immediately on 111. The website will be updated once the change in fire season has occurred. The Hauraki Gulf Islands remain in a prohibited fire season.

Views on cemeteries sought Auckland Council wants local views on a proposal for a region wide bylaw and code of practice for the management of its cemeteries and crematoria. Submissions are accepted until Monday 5 May. The new bylaw and code will replace eight bylaws inherited from Auckland’s former councils, creating a single approach to managing operational facilities across the region. “Creating regional consistency will ensure no matter which one of our active facilities people end up dealing with, there will be a consistent set of tools in place for staff to advise them,” says Regulatory and Bylaws Committee chairman Calum Penrose. “The new bylaw will retain the ability to apply local variation so that our cemeteries still reflect the communities they serve including how graves can be decorated.” The proposals will put tools in place so that if council decides to introduce a service at a facility, such as eco burials or Wahi Tapu Maori areas, there is already a process in place. “Our cemeteries are more than just a final resting place for our loved ones – they also strengthen and support a sense of community, reflect the history of local pioneers and cultures that founded and influenced our city,” says Cr Penrose. Auckland Council manages 52 cemeteries from Rodney in the north to Franklin in the south.


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Passover/Easter – The Original Gemma teams

This is a quick look at what this actually means in Hebrew and Christian era’s, and the original is recorded in Exodus chapter 12 for further reading.

Ancient: This is the memorial of the actual

Unleavened bread was eaten, because leavening/yeast is symbolic of sin, and sin is symbolic of Egypt and slavery, so the bread Israel was to be eating by faith was the sin free bread of the Promised Land. I guess that there is also a linking between unleavened bread and the manna that Israel was about to eat for the next forty years; forty is also linked to a delay in time, very interesting as their trip to the Promised Land was not by high speed express, straight on through, it was by the slower procession of a community walking together, bonding as families and tribes.

time that opened the door in Egypt for the children of Israel to Exodus from Egypt after 400 years of bondage and slavery to go the Promised Land, or from Sin/this World unto Salvation/ Heavenly Promised Land and the New Jerusalem.

God declared Passover to be a permanent celebration for all eternity (Exodus 12:2,6,13-14). The Spiritual application is that God wants us to understand this: Egypt is a type of this world and this world’s system. Its ruler, Pharaoh, was a type of Satan. The bondage people are in is when they live according to this world’s system of sin (John 8:34).

During Passover, the head of each household was to take a lamb of the first year on the 10th day of the first month known as Nisan and set it aside until the fourteenth day (Ex 12:3-6). In the midst of the evening of the fourteenth day, at exactly 3:00pm, the Lamb was to be killed (Ex 12:6). The blood of the lamb was to be sprinkled on the lintel and two side posts of the household door. The lamb was to be roasted whole with fire on

a vertical pomegranate stake and crowned. The roasted lamb was eaten with bitter herbs, and with unleavened bread, and the entire household was to feast upon the body of the lamb (Ex 12:7-8). Whatever was not eaten or consumed was then to be added back into the fire and consumed away by the fire, that way there was to be absolutely nothing left over at the end of the meal. The bitter herbs were a reminder of the bitter oppression that they had been experiencing under Pharaoh/Satan/Sin.

I guess Pentecost in their future was a very similar experience being of, one heart, one mind, one people together moving forwards. In Rev 5:6 there is a Greek word found here and in only one other place in scripture, and that is John 21:15, which is a wee pet lamb. In Exodus, the children kept the wee Passover lamb on a cord for the whole four days and wherever the children went, the little lamb is sure to follow, so the children got very emotionally attached to that wee Lamb. At exactly 3:00pm, the Lamb was to be killed, and then the roasting and the very simple meal preparations immediately followed. Then after the meal and at midnight on that

fateful evening in Egypt, death passed through the land. Every house that did not have the token of the blood on the doorposts and lintel suffered the judgment of God (Ex 12:12-15) for their failure to be obedient and to comply with his word. The Hebrew word for Passover is Pesach, which means “to pass or hover over.”

up to create new software

When former Waiuku College student Gemma Johnson embarked on a University of Waikato Summer Research Scholarship, she didn’t expect to come out of the experience with her first research collaboration under her belt. Under the supervision of Dr Shaun Barker, Gemma, an Earth Sciences student, worked with Waikato University Computer Science student Anthony Barr-Smith to create software that optimises the manufacture of terrain models created by a 3D printer. Before 3D printing, models were commonly made from wood and were costly and time consuming to build. “My project involved researching how to use the 3D printer to create different methods of displaying Earth sciences related information, such as topography surfaces through contour data, geological fault and fold models, geological maps and so forth, for 3D printing in first-year labs,” says Gemma. Due to the lack of appropriate existing software, Gemma and Anthony collaborated to develop software, later dubbed ‘3DTM’ (3D Terrain Maker) which models elevation data from any

it shows the passing over in judgement from death and sin to real life in Yeshua/Jesus. Second, it tells us about allowing, by faith (emunah), the blood of Yeshua to hover over our lives

Glenbrook Beach

Join in the beach oyster clean-up

and give us divine protection from the evil one (Ha Satan). Question; is the door of your heart covered by the Blood of the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the World? If not then please go to him right now and make your life right with him.

Passover was in Egypt, but the next, or second Passover was exactly 40 years later, and to the very day, and that one was in the Promised Land, freshly over the Jordan River, and safe in the Promised Land. Joshua Chapter 5 is a good place to start to read those details, and to note that the steps and the principles there look back to Egypt and go forward right throughout scripture. Remember that this is a Sacrifice, so the Lamb must be male and perfect; this is also to point our minds forwards to Yeshua/Jesus who is the fulfilment of that wee pet Lamb. Quote’s and concepts from Eddie Chumney’s Book “The Seven Festivals of the Messiah”.

We find strength and truth in His Word, His Word Alone...

Visit - for more info

Help rid Glenbrook Beach of sharp Pacific oyster shells and make it safe for beachgoers.

Equipment to bring: • bucket, gloves and sturdy footwear (jandals not suitable)

The clean-up will involve collecting loose oyster shells off the beach and removing any general rubbish.

• raincoat, warm clothing, hat, sunglasses and sunscreen.


Saturday 12 April 2014



Where: Meet at the end of Beach Road Join us for a barbecue afterwards.


lamb with haste and to be fully dressed and ready to leave Egypt at the midnight hour; this was no leisurely laid back feast or banquet. One was dressed and packed ready to go out the door at a moment’s notice, in modern times it is with tramping boots on feet and back pack hoisted on your shoulders and strapped on well with your walking staff in hand. This would be the fifteenth day of Nisan (Ex 12:10-11).

ence (Research) this year. Gemma says she originally chose to study at the University of Waikato due to the “flexibility of the BSc degree, the beautiful campus and top-notch facilities”. A former Tauranga Boys’ College student, Anthony has a few papers left before he completes a Bachelor of Science (Technology) majoring in Computer Science. Above: Gemma Johnson and Anthony Barr-Smith run tests on the 3D printer which was the focus of their research collaboration earlier this year.

This word speaks to us about two things. First,

It is interesting to note that the very first

The people were instructed by God to eat the

area around the world and converts it into a 3D model format which can be then printed. “This scholarship experience was hugely beneficial as I learnt so much about the ups and downs of research, which I’m sure will be great preparation for next year when I start the research component of my masters,” says Gemma. Gemma completed a Bachelor of Science (BSc) majoring in Earth Sciences, with supporting papers in Materials and Processing, and began a Master of Sci-

Find out more: contact Stephanie McLeod phone 09 261 8137 or email

Please be sure to: • supervise children around the site and water areas • watch your step on uneven ground.



Create a movie musical - in just one weekend! Local digital artist and film enthusiast Euan Craig was part of a team which last weekend took on a challenge to create a film in just one weekend. “For those that are unfamiliar with the Rialto Channel 48 Hour Film Competition, the basic idea is to make a film in one weekend,” Euan says. “We don’t know our required genre until the competition begins, we then have no more than fortyeight hours to get something produced. “Just in case that is not difficult enough, several random elements must also be included - a character with a specific personality, a line of dialogue, a prop and a special camera move. “This year we drew the dreaded genre ‘Music/ Dance Movie’! - in my opinion one of the most difficult genres to work with, particularly when 99% of your actors and crew aren’t singing or dancing types of people,” Euan added. “Our genre didn’t stop our film being made however, everyone involved gave star performances and we somehow managed to create a fairly comprehensible storyline and get the whole film finished before the 7pm Sunday deadline. Euan says the competition is more than just hard work it’s also a heap of fun. “It was one of the most

hilarious weekends I have encountered and the result was well worth the many, many takes it took for us to remember our lines or to try to get it in tune and in time. “Our team - MITCIT (Manukau Institute of Technology, Computers and Information Technology) was founded by John Calder of MIT and has been in the competition for 10 of 12 years, I have been involved for seven or eight years now (as an ex-student of MIT) and this was the second year we have produced a film in Pollok. “This year John Calder produced and scripted, I directed and edited, and the director of photography (camera man) was Dave Sharp of Badger Films. Joy Halliday and Antonia Craig were musical saviours who composed and performed music on the spot, tuned - as best as possible - our singing, and really gave our film a chance at being a musical,” Euan said. City finalists are announced in 26 days from now and all entries are screened in a cinema in their own districts. Rialto Channel 48 Hours is a national event that garners entries from experienced filmmakers, budding students looking for a platform to start out, to mates who run around for the weekend with a smart phone making a short film.

2014 National Grand Champion – Traces of Nuts said the competition “is like an awesome film school where you only have to turn up once a year. “It’s played a huge hand in us becoming proper filmmakers (which had always seemed like a pretty impossible goal) and has been a

great way for us to build a team and find people we love working with - which we’re now doing on a NZFC Premiere Short.” Below: filming scenes and creating a musical on the spot in the Awhitu Social Hall for the furious filmmaking event that is the Rialto 48 Hours.

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Feral goat operations close tracks in Hunua

A number of tracks, campsites and access ways in the Hunua Ranges Regional Park will be closed between April and June for feral goat control operations by Auckland Council. Feral goats are a significant pest threat in the Hunua Ranges and it is important to keep them under control to reduce damage to the unique biodiversity and allow native flora to mature. All tracks will be open for recreational use on weekends and public holidays. The closures will not affect the park’s most popular walking track around the Hunua Falls. This will remain open and visitors are welcome. Auckland Council Biosecurity Team

Manager Mark Mitchel says: “The ongoing control programme is reaping excellent results in keeping the goat numbers under control. “The council’s commitment to controlling goats has allowed the regrowth of understorey plants, resulting in significantly healthier native bush with many native plant species now flourishing in the forest,” he says. “Goat control operations are contracted to expert professional hunters, who must meet our stringent operational requirements. Hunting zones have been established and mapped out to allow for minimal disruptions to the area,” says Mark.

A number of specified tracks, campsites and roads within the Hunua Ranges Regional Park boundary will be closed from 1 April to 30 June 2014 (inclusive) to allow goat control operations within the park. Signs will be placed at appropriate track entry points, including car parks and arrival areas, to inform visitors about the temporary closure of tracks and campsites, including restrictions on recreational hunting. For further information on pest control operations in Hunua Ranges Regional Park and to view a map of the control area visit: http://regionalparks.

COME RACING Friday, April 11th Alexandra Park - AUCKLAND

Commencing at 6pm

Franklin’s Rugby Club Night featuring the Sulky Sprint The Franklin Trotting Club acknowledge and appreciate the support of the following sponsors:

Balle Family, Franklin Long Roofing, Pukekohe Waiuku Veterinary Centre, Roadex, Pukekohe Growers Supplies Ltd, Jack Daniels FREE GAMIN Further details contact the Secretary G ADMIS L SION OUNGE S on 238 8731

441 Glenbrook-Waiuku Rd, Glenbrook Showroom Hours: By appointment Ph 235 3900/Mob 021 270 9454 E:,

The Week Ahead Thurs 10th - Wed 16TH APRIL DIVERGENT (M) Daily 12pm, 2.45pm (not Sat), 5.45pm (not Sun). Fri & Sat 8.30pm GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL (M) Daily 10am, 2pm, 8.10pm MUPPETS MOST WANTED (G) Daily 3.30pm, 6pm (not Sun). Sat & Sun 10.30am CAPTAIN AMERICA : WINTER SOLDIER (M) Daily 1pm (2D), 8.20pm (2D). Thu, Fri, Tue, Wed 10.30am (3D). Sat & Sun 5.45pm (3D) NT LIVE : WAR HORSE (M) Sat 2.45pm. Wed (16th Apr) 11am NOAH Daily 11.45am (not Wed). Thu, Sun, Tue, Wed 8.30pm MR PEABODY & SHERMAN (G) Daily 4pm (3D), 6.30pm (Not Sat) (2D). Sat & Sun 10am (2D) 3 MILE LIMIT (M) Mon 11am, 8.30pm 85 Edinburgh St * Pukekohe *

[ PHONE: 09 237 0216 ]



Growing concern over children swallowing button batteries The Battery Controlled partnership was “If there is a possibility that a child has launched in New Zealand last week to help swallowed a button battery or inserted it in raise awareness among parents and medical their nose or ear, they should be taken to first responders, such as paramedthe nearest hospital emergency deics, practice nurses, GPs, A&M and partment immediately to prevent Saliva or hospital emergency department severe injury,” Dr. Shepherd added. staff, on a little known issue that Often small children are relucsecretions has serious and even fatal consetant to say if they have swallowed trigger an quences to small children—the a button battery and even when electrical ingestion or insertion of powerful children have X-rays, button batcurrent causbutton batteries or coin-sized lithteries can be mistaken for a coin. “A ing severe ium batteries. high level of suspicion is required When a child swallows or inserts among medical staff to diagnose burns and a button battery in the nose or tissue damage button battery ingestion or inserears, it can get stuck in the throat, tion and arrange for urgent removwithin two nose or ear canal. al.” Dr Shepherd said. hours. Saliva or secretions trigger an The Battery Controlled partelectrical current causing severe nership invites agencies, organiburns and tissue damage within sations, community groups and two hours. This results in serious injury that individuals to help share important safety may require surgery, or even the death of the messages to parents and caregivers: child. • SEARCH your home, and any place your Dr Michael Shepherd, Clinical Director child goes, for gadgets that may contain butof the Children’s Emergency Department at ton batteries. Starship Children’s Hospital and co-author • SECURE button battery-controlled deof the research paper ‘Button battery injury vices out of sight and reach of babies and in children—a primary care issue’ said rapid small children, and keep loose batteries response is needed when a child is suspected locked away. to have ingested or inserted a button battery. • SHARE this life-saving information with “Symptoms of button battery exposure, caregivers, friends, family and whanau. such as coughing, drooling, loss of appetite • GET HELP FAST if you suspect a child has and discomfort, are similar to other com- swallowed or inserted a button battery in the mon illnesses and so this problem can be nose or ear. Take the child to the nearest hosdifficult to detect,” Dr Shepherd said. pital emergency department immediately.

Athletic stars of the future - today Among the winners at the Sand to Mud and Fun Day on Sunday were; above: Olivia Jordan and Krystal Forsman, top right: Frances Good, right; Luke Rattrie, and below, the winning primary school tream, Sandspit’s Luke Rattrie, Keegan Caines, MacKenzie Stratton, Taylor Bell and Paige Bell. Also in the team were Spencer Holmes, Robson Wallace, Mikayla Capes. Alicia Capes and Merearna Asafo.

IN-STORE 9th APR 22 Bowen Street Waiuku

Phone 235 8414

This is the second part of director Peter jackson’s adaptation of the J.R.R. Tolkien’s book The Hobbit. Having survived the beginning of their unexpected journey, Bilbo Baggins and the thirteen Dwarves continue East. After escaping capture by the dangerous Woodland Elves, the Dwarves journey to Lake-town, and finally to the Lonely Mountain itself, where they must face the greatest danger of all the Dragon Smaug.

STARs Happy School days to these children who are all going to turn 5 in April.

Left to right: Alex Thomson, Carter Rogerson - Poto and Brennyn Flavell.

Scarlett Eagel.

82-84 Queen St * Waiuku * Ph 235 7072


Above: Paul Cochrane was ‘blown away’ by the tribute paid to him at the New Zealand Barbarians Rugby Club, Eden Park: With Paul (and the Ranfurly Shield, from right) are BG Williams, president of New Zealand Rugby Union and the New Zealand Barbarians Rugby Club; Henk Habraken, president of CMRFU; and John Mills, past president of the Barbarians Club and organiser of the Paul’s tribute

Passing of rugby historian a great loss

Counties Manukau rugby pal, Alan Jermaine, they were By Rex Warwood fans will be saddened by the responsible for implementnews that, at 5pm last Tuesing cutting-edge and radical day, April 2, the well known author and his- changes in terms of the school’s philosophy, torian, Paul Cochrane, passed away in Mid- administration, organisation, effective studlemore Hospital. dent welfare, management, pastoral care Paul suffered from a long illness and he and teaching and learning and in 2002, Minconfessed to his friends that he had accepted ister of Education, Trevor Mallard publicly he would not recover but he had “one or two acknowledged the work done by referring to thing he wanted to do before the inevitable the school as one of the six best schools in day.” He achieved both, which were attend- New Zealand. ing two evenings in March at the New ZeaPaul’s career culminated in being appointland Barbarians Rugby Club in Eden Park. ed to the Auckland University of Technology The first was a tribute paid to him by over 50 (North Shore Campus). At the start of 2012 former Counties rugby players and adminis- became an Evaluative Lecturer, mentoring, trators for the splendid work he had done for educating, assessing and reporting on the the union over the years; and the other was a progress and development of trainee teachreunion of London New Zealand rugby play- ers. ers who had been coached by well-known “Since 2000 I made a significant contriformer Otago player and Barbarians club bution to the wider education community member, Dean Paddy. Paul was extremely ill through my time-consuming extra work as but was determined to attend the reunion a member of the organising committee of and he did so in a wheel chair, thanks to the the Auckland Primary Principal’s Associagreat support of Hospice. tion senior Leadership Conference. This is Paul was a resident of Pukekohe who, for an appointed and voluntary role and it is a a period of 20 years from 1986 to the end of demanding role in which selected school 2005, was the editor and chief writer of the leaders are approached by the APPA to make match day programmes for the Counties- themselves available for,” he said. Manukau Rugby Union. He enjoyed conHowever, most of Paul Cochrane’s comsiderable fame during that time because of munity recognition has been related to his the lengths he went to in producing quality work away from education, in the area of magazines that proved to be highly popular sports journalism. At a recent dinner held at with Counties fans and many have been re- the New Zealand Barbarians Rugby Club at tained as souvenirs by avid collectors. These Eden Park, he was introduced by the presiprogrammes were a minimum of 30-pages dent, John Mills, as ‘the pre-eminent rugby that always included at least three feature writer in Counties- Manukau.’ stories. Since the early 1980s Paul worked extenSport has always been Paul’s passion, sively in a wide range of journalistic roles for particularly rugby, having grown up among regional and community newspapers, and some of Auckland’s prominent rugby fami- his match programmes were so popular that lies such as the Hedges and Kirwans. commentator Keith Quinn, made a request He enjoyed a long career in education and to the Counties Manukau Rugby Union in said “the most important aspect was to try to the 1980s to have each copy sent to him in a make a real difference in the South Auck- Wellington. land area that I grew up in. Paul also published two books; Enter“I was never considered an outstanding prise and Agony – 50 years of Counties Rugby student at Otahuhu College but I believe I which sold almost 5,000 copies and in 2005, was industrious, made the most of my op- Paul contributed in-depth to Alan English’s portunities, played a lot of sport, usually book published internationally, titled Stand got the best out of myself and left school up and Fight- The Day Munster Beat the All with Higher School Certificate at the end of Blacks. In 2005 this was the second biggest my 7th form year in 1971. Everything that selling book published in Ireland. I achieved in my life I put down to workHis second book, Red and Black – Looking ing thoughtfully, industriously, engaging Back was published in June 2012. It is a compositively with the people I’ve worked with, prehensive history of the Papakura Rugby respecting and learning from my peers, do- Club to chronicle 100 years of the sport in ing serious work away from education, be- the Papakura area. ing prepared to challenge myself and most In March, at the New Zealand Barbarians critically by becoming a lifelong learner pre- Rugby Club at Eden Park, Paul presented the pared take myself out of my comfort zone. “ club with a book, The Jersey by Ron Palenski, Paul started teaching at Papatoetoe in of which he had collected the autographs 1975 and his career included 14 years as over the years, of many All Blacks. Deputy Principal of Papatoetoe Intermedi“I am blown away by the Baa Baas’ gesture ate School, and a stint as Principal of Kaitoke and the number of former Counties players School on Great Barrier Island. and administrators who have turned out toPaul’s long tenure at Papatoetoe Interme- night.,” he said in a speech. diate School is unquestionably the highlight “It is quite amazing that so many of you of his teaching life. In tandem with princi- could make it.. I do appreciate it.”

Free training offered as literacy group seeks volunteer tutors A group offering adults one-on-one and small group reading, writing, spelling and maths lessons is on the hunt for more tutors as demand for its services grows. “We’re seeing a big increase in people asking for help. Our learners often have lots of great skills but aren’t confident to put them into practice.” says Adult Literacy Franklin Coordinator, Diane Hargraves. “We design programmes to meet each learner’s individual needs and we can help learners get a qualification. All of our courses are offered at no cost to the learner.” Now the group needs to find more volunteer tutors willing to work with learners in Waiuku and Pukekohe. Budding tutors don’t have to come from a teaching back-

ground, they just need to be passionate about learning and helping people, Diane says. “We’re looking for tutors of all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds – just like the learners we work with.” New volunteer tutors are trained and supported to obtain the Literacy Aotearoa Certificate of Adult Tutoring L5 (NZQA Local Course Approval). “The course costs us $1300 per attendee, so we can only afford to run it once a year. Our next course starts on May 26 and will run over two full weeks. It’s a fairly intensive course, but lots of fun. “People get very good at hiding the fact they struggle to read or write but often something happens that makes them do something about it,” Diane says. Local man, Daveron Bea-

zley has been working with Adult Literacy Franklin for six months. “I never read to my kids. Now, I’ve joined the library and choose books to read to my grandkids when they get home from school. I recommend anyone to just give it a go,” says Daveron. “I’ve learnt heaps, and I’ve just enrolled to do an Open Wananga course as well”. “One of the ways to motivate students is to really key into what motivates them,” Diane says, “there’s no such thing as a typical student or a typical lesson, so tutors need to be very flexible!” For information phone (09) 239-0316 or email Below: Co-ordinator Diane Hargraves works with Daveron Beazley at Adult Literacy Franklin.

Free Courses

for Adult Learners

Adult Literacy Franklin Inc Choice Change Freedom

STEP UP TO SUCCESS: Develop confidence, motivation and find direction

through personal goal setting.

WORK/LIFE SKILLS: Goal setting for young mums, work skills, life skills,

support into further education.


SOL: Is English your second language? Improve your written and spoken English in a small friendly learning group.


AMILY LEARNING: Enrolling now to be held at Pukekohe Hill School Tuesday 9am – 12 noon until end of Term 2. Do you want to do more to help your children with their schoolwork? Are there questions you want to ask your child’s teacher but unsure how to phrase it? Do you think you may have some gaps in your own learning or want to prepare to do a qualification?

READING WRITING STARS: Special educational need, literacy and numeracy support and life skills.

WORKPLACE SUPPORT: Up skill for your work to make you a more pro-

ductive and skilled employee. Support with preparation for joining the Police, Fire Service, Armed Forces

CV JOBSTART: Create or update your CV and job application letters. Improve your interview skills.


Enrol Now for Classes by phoning Adult Literacy Franklin on 09 239 0316



Beach clean-ups get funds Sylvia farewelled in style at childcare centre

The Franklin Local Board has approved the allocation of $17,500 of the operational budget ‘mangrove and non-cultivated oyster removal’ for the preparation of a restoration and development plan at Glenbrook Beach, at its most recent Local Board meeting. The board also approved the volunteer beach clean-ups at Sergeants Beach and Glenbrook Beach with the remaining $2,127 of the ‘mangrove and non-cultivated oyster removal’ budget.

80% increase in house sales

March was a busy month for residential sales across Auckland. The month traditionally yields the highest sales figures for a calendar year, and this month continued the trend with 1392 residential sales, an 80 percent increase from February sales and the second busiest March since 2007. Auckland residential property prices saw a seven percent increase during March, compared to February’s prices, with average house prices reaching $725,708. The median sales price for the month was $652,000. Barfoot & Thompson Chief Executive Officer, Wendy Alexander, said March activity has been consistent with seasonal property trends. “March is traditionally the busiest month in the property calendar, so it is no surprise that we saw a significant increase in residential sales when compared to the previous month. Demand for property across the wider Auckland region remains strong, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. “New listings for the month were the highest in any March for six years, and there is a wide range of properties coming through on our listings. While there remains a large number of buyers coming into the market, there was also more choice. Properties are selling quickly because they are priced sensibly to meet the market.” Sales of homes over $1 million continued to grow with homes in this price bracket accounting for 35 percent of total residential sales for March. This represents the largest number of premium properties sold during a single month since 2008. At the other end of the spectrum, 19 percent of homes sold in March were under $500,000. Ms Alexander said the activity at both ends of the housing market demonstrated the diversity and wide-range of properties on offer throughout the Auckland region.

Solid growth in Franklin values Property growth in the Super City region continues to rise with values increasing year on year by 14% and 1.5% in the three months to February this year. North West Manukau saw the highest year on year increase for February with values up 17.2% and 3.7% and others South Auckland suburbs also saw the largest increases in the past three months including Papakura,

up 4.5%, Franklin up 4.4% and Manukau Central up 4.1%. Residential property values in Rodney North also climbed 3.9% in the past three months while prices in the old Auckland City remained steady with a 0.2% increase. Waitakere City is still a top performer up 17% year on year but growth has flattened off with values 0.2% lower in February than in January.

Parents, children and staff at the Waiuku Childcare Centre held a party last week to formally farewell former centre manager Sylvia Galbraith. Sylvia has decided to retire after 21 years with the centre, and her role has been taken over by new centre manager Erin Fraser. Sylvia began at the organisation as a reliever, and after a year or two, she decided to embark on the four-year course to become a qualified teacher. Over time, she worked her way up through the organisation, becoming head teacher, and then about five years ago, becoming the centre manager. Her two-decades-plus of service was recognised with the party and a special celebratory cake. Incoming manager ErinFraser thanked Sylvia for her efforts, and said they hope to continue the great work she has done in the past. Erin has been with the centre for the past five years, after a background in special education with the New Zealand Correspondence School, and has had a lead-

ership role within the centre in recent times. Very much a local, she says she hails from five generations in the Waiuku area, and her children were among the very first to attend the Waiuku Childcare Centre when it started almost 30 years ago. Erin says her new role is very much not a ‘9-5’ job, and says you need the passion to make working with the centre part of your life. “There’s a fabulous sense of belonging and a community spirit,” she says of the not-for-profit centre. Currently the centre is pretty much at capacity with 33 children attending sessions between Monday and Friday. The centre has enjoyed excellent support rom the community over the years, and is hoping that support will continue as they seek business sponsorship to complete maintenance and repair work inside and outside the centre. Anyone able to help with materials or equipment is asked to contact the childcare centre staff or board members for further details.

Above: Sylvia Galbraith and Erin Fraser at the farewell function last week. Below: The special cake for the occasion.

Kingfisher family enjoying local garden We have a power 26 days. When a new By Ngaire Deed wire running above nest site is chosen, our front lawn and it often in a clay bank, is a favourite perch for kingfishers. As I the birds sit on a branch a few metres sit typing this there is one perched on it from the site and then flies straight at it, looking for a tasty worm or skink for its neck out stretched, and strikes it with its lunch. The colours of its back are gleam- bill tip. ing in the sun. It is a vibrant blue/green This is repeated until the hole is deep on wings and back and a creamy white on enough, 10 – 23cm and sloping upwards. the breast. The kotare is a beautiful bird. A chamber about 20cm in diameter is There it goes, plummeting down to the formed at the end in which the unlined lawn for a worm and back up to the wire nest is formed. to swallow it. They are so quick and often Kingfishers are cousins to the Australian don’t even land but pick the worm up as it kookaburra and although the basic shape swoops down. is the same, they are much smaller and We have an old puriri tree at the edge more slender. The call of the kingfisher is of the bush and it is hollow. I haven’t been a distinctive ‘kek-kek-kek-kek’ and can be able to fully prove it, but I am sure king- heard all year round. fishers nest in its hollow trunk. They lay Our family of kingfishers are a joy to four to five white eggs and incubate them watch but they will be heading off shortly for about 19 days. The young are fed by as they prefer to stay close to the coast, both parents, it is unusual for all chicks harbour and lakes during the winter as to survive and only two or three fledge at food is easier to obtain there.


The Post will be hosting a very special Mix & Mingle evening for all business owners & staff within the greater Waiuku business area. This is a special opportunity not only to Mix & Mingle with other businesses and meet new people but also listen to and meet international author and inspirational speaker Tom O’Neil.

Join us and be in to win one of 3 Prizes - Full Page Advert, Half page or Quarter page

join us, please email or phone to confirm the WIN!!! If you can number of people who can attend. No Charge - the more the merrier.


Property Law Specialists Rural, Residential and Commercial Property Matters Financing and Refinancing Friendly and Affordable Service Plain Language Explanations FOR A FIXED PRICE QUOTE ON YOUR NEXT PROPERTY TRANSACTION OR FOR FUTHER INFORMATION

Phone Bobbie-jo on 09) 236 5016 or 0220 503403

Central Conveyancing, 20 Queen Street, PO Box 231, Waiuku 2341

Email: Tel: 09 235 7835

When & Where

TUESDAY, 15 APRIL 6pm - Waiuku Golf Club

All Welcome - Chips & Dips on offer plus Cash Bar Available


Special Guest Speaker Tom O’Neil Inspirational speaker and international author



Stunning day out for 2014 fun run Almost 650 runners took part in this year’s Waiuku Lions Club Sand to Mud fun run, in very hot conditions, but it was the efforts of a couple of primary school students that got the crowd’s attention. Waipipi School’s Frances Good won her own section, plus was named Queen of the Hill and was first female home, while Sandspit Road School’s Luke Rattrie won the primary school section and was third runner home overall. The event was won by Paul Rabbitte, in a time slightly slower than the record time set last year by Micheal Whitehead. King of the Hill was wellknown local axeman and contractor Jesse Whitehead. First secondary school boy was Justin Ruygrok, while the first secondary school girl was Emma Menzies. The first team home was also a Waiuku College entry, Team Nice Dynamite, with the Waiuku Over 35s Football team finishing as second team. The first primary school team was Sandspit Road School. More pictures of the winners and the fun at Waiuku’s Massey Park on our junior pages this week.

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

HOLIDAY FEELING AT HOME - Offers over $600,000 Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 10 Heron Place

WAIUKU Above left: Paul Rabbitte, winner of the 2014 Wauku Lions Club Sand to Mud run. Above; Jesse Whitehead was the first runner to the top of the Karioitahi Hill. Below: Ecstatic Waiuku Primary School parents celebrate winning the adults tug of war competition, following the efforts of their children who just a few minutes before had won the junior section.

Stunning vacationer views from lounge/dining and 3 of the 4 bedrooms in this practical, workable family home with two bathrooms & wir. Nestled in a quiet cul de sac on the waters edge its just awaiting finishing touches. Don't dream it, do it! View online: ID: osbh765 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

Leonie is born and bred in Waiuku and has been with the Professionals Waiuku for 20 Years. She is proud to be associated with the company and holds numerous corporate awards. Leonie has extensive experience in all matters relating to Real Estate and looks forward to helping you with your next property. Call today for your FREE Market appraisal.

Leonie Gillott

Mobile 0274 985 722 A/h 09 235 9961 11 Bowen Street, Waiuku

Ph 235 7139



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FOCUS Y RT E P PRO t Distric in l k n Fra

Our team Waiuku and surrounding districts

Leonie Gillott 0274 985 722

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku

Julie Quilty 0272 292 243

Marleen Ohms 0274 483 528

Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075

Ray Lever 021 951 082


5479m2 gently north sloping block next to 31 hectares of covenanted bush. Build your dream home! Close to school, harbour beaches and within 80mins of Auckland. Call Julie Q to view.


View online: ID: osbf681 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 22a George Street

FIRST HOME OR IDEAL INVESTMENT $319,000 3 bedroom brick and tile on a low maintenance section close to local primary school. On a shared driveway and an easy walk to town. Don't delay, not many in this price range.



View online: ID: osbh770 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

Daryl Walker 027 235 7016 RURAL RESIDENTIAL


price reduced

Ph 235 7139

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

Nestled in a quiet peaceful valley on edge of township are these 5 prime building sites ranging from 1/2 acre to 3/4 acre. All sites fully serviced. Well priced. View online: ID: osbS458


Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 8A Warriston Ave


Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

Open Home: Sun 2.00 – 2.30pm 17B Churchill Terrace



3 bedroom brick and tile on a low maintenance section close to local primary school. On a shared driveway and an easy walk to town. Don't delay, not many in this price range.

1st home buyers or Rental investment. Spacious open plan living. 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, bathroom, separate toilet. Single internal garaging & fully fenced.

View online: ID: osbh771 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075

View online: ID: osbh762 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075


EASY LIVING - $369,000

A contemporary double glazed Latitude home consisting of large open plan living opening on to a sunny deck with elevated ceiling space. Three double bedrooms (master with ensuite). Double basement garage on a compact easy care site. May qualify for Welcome Home Loan - Contact agent for details.

4.09ha with a fabulous building site, breath-taking views over bush to harbour. Good water, stockyards and fenced in to two paddocks. Only 30 minutes’ drive from Waiuku on the picturesque Awhitu Peninsular, submerge your selves in this lovely close knit community or enjoy the privacy that this attractive block offers.

View online: ID: osbh703 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075

View online: ID: osbf710 Contact: Julie Rodgers a/h 09 235 6075, 0275 516 075



Over 1/4 acre section with four double bedrooms, open plan lounge/dining with sep kitchen. Fully fenced, kid & pet friendly. May have potential to subdivide. Why delay when you can act today. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.


View online: ID: osbh764 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Open Home: Sat 1.00 – 1.30pm 75 Kitchener Road


QUICK SALE NEEDED $419,000 3 Bedrooms plus extra games room plus conservatory allows plenty of room for the family. Large double garage, large carport & swimming pool all on 1/4 acre section. Phone now to view.

Modern 4 bedroom brick & tile in a quiet, private setting. Good indoor/outdoor flow from the living areas and a short walk from a local primary school and kindergarten. Call Julie Q to view.

View online: ID: osbh773 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

View online: ID: osbh735 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243





Massive price reduction. Vendor wants property sold! Two storey home with 3 double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, rumpus room with bar. Open plan living + study. Handy to Golf Course & Squash Club. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing.


View online: ID: osbh751 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

View online: ID: osbh753 Contact: Julie Rodgers 0275 516 075, 09 235 6075


Modern open plan kitchen dining & family, sep formal lounge with 3 double brms make this a great place for holidaying or simply retiring to the beach. Deck & small office. Wood burner fireplace & 2 heat pumps. 10m lockable boat storage & fish processing & only a couple of minutes to the boat ramp. Access in the street to a small private beach.


1.8Ha. A great starter well priced. 3 Bedroom Initial Home, 2 bay shed and fantastic views. Currently running sheep and horses. This private property is located approx 10 mins drive from Waiuku. To view please phone Ray. View online: ID: osbf680 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082


S Y FOCU T R E P O PR District Franklin VIEWS NORTH

11 Bowen Street, Waiuku

AGENT ON SITE: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 92 Whiriwhiri Rd

NEAT AS A PIN $479,000

HANDY FOR HORSES $479,000 A 'must see' 10 Acres (approx) just 4.5km from town. Great views. Handy to the Pony Club. Excellent hay country. 2 road frontages.


WAIUKU new listing


View online: ID: osbf708 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082


Be the first in! New carpet, curtains & paint. 3 Bedrooms + office or 4th bedroom. Large section with not much to mow set on the outskirts of town. Move in and enjoy.

new listing


Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 47 Kingseat Road

View online: ID: osbh774 Contact: Julie Quilty a/h 09 235 9324, 0272 292 243

View online: ID: osbh769 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Stunning vacationer views from lounge/dining & 3 of the 4 bedrooms in this practical, workable family home with 2 bathrooms &wir. Nestled in a quiet cul de sac on the waters edge it's just awaiting finishing touches. Don't dream it, do it!!! View online: ID: osbh765 Contact: Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

WAIUKU new listing


Dwelling: Spacious 3 double bedrooms with views over Waiuku. Downstairs: business opportunity or workshop - rumpus -office x2. Shop/ workshop: Currently leased (verbal), with own kitchen and toilet. Zoned light commercial. View online: ID: osbb018 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528



5.3 ha block fenced into 8 paddocks with an acre of bush and a stream. Four bedroom family home with north facing deck with views over most of the land.Spacious lounge with wood burner & country kitchen/dining room.Master bedroom has Ensuite. Four bay implement shed and a 3 car size garage (double door and workshop). Call now for an appointment to view.



Excellent street appeal, beautiful indoor/outdoor flow. 4 bedrooms, ensuite, spacious walk in wardrobe, open plan living with family room. Plus rumpus, double internal garage, fully fenced, private bbq & spa area also fruit trees & an abundance of vegetables. Room to park the motorhome or boat and plenty of extras. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. View online: ID: osbh759 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528


Extensive 1980s home of significant proportions. Situated within the new coastal set back plan with a magnificent view of Waitangi Falls and the inner harbour. Native planting attracts all manner of native birds and there is never a shortage of peaceful activity to observe. price reduced


Set down a private ROW is this delightful Golden Home. Open plan living with family room. 3 Double bedrooms + study. Master has ensuite & walk in robe. Set on 2772m2 private section. Double internal garage plus extra shed 10 x 7m with a 3.2 stud. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. View online: ID: osbh772 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Open Home: Sun 2.00 – 2.30pm 3 Annieston Plc

price reduced


View online: ID: osbf707 Contact: Julie Rodgers a/h 09 235 6075, 0275 516 075



Beautiful country views of the land out to Manukau Harbour. This property has beautiful gardens around the home & loads of shedding. Sleepout has own bathroom & kitchenette. Home has 3 double bedrooms, open plan living with a sun drenched deck set on 2.72 Ha. Phone Marleen to arrange a viewing. View online: ID: osbf703 Contact: Marleen a/h 09 235 0070, 0274 483 528

Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 112B Colombo Road



Open Home: Sun 3.00 -3.30pm 17 Westhead Road

IMMACULATE IN PATUMAHOE 525,000 Fabulous indoor/outdoor flow with a rural outlook, all the works been done. Modern kitchen with granite bench top, gas hob & hot water. Single carport & double garage, set on a fully fenced 997m2 section.Loads of fruit trees, plenty of room for kids & pets to play. Close to Patumahoe Township.

HOLIDAY FEELING AT HOME Offers over $600,000


View online: ID: osbh776 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082

4 bedroom brick and tile with open plan living with separate lounge an attractive setting lined with fruit trees and palms. Extra parking for boat or caravan.

Open Home: Sun 1.00 – 1.30pm 10 Heron Place


Ph 235 7139

Osborne Realty Ltd - licensed real estate agent (REAA2008)

View online: ID: osbh756 Contact: Julie Rodgers a/h 09 235 6075, 0275 516 075 Leonie a/h 09 235 9961, 0274 985 722

price reduced


28.9Ha of land in fabulous ocean side location with spectacular views of the Tasman Sea and easy access to Kariotahi Beach. The land also has access to a fresh water lake stocked with trout and is a refreshing place for a summer dip. The west coast is an awesome playground for fishermen, equestrians and is world renowned by kite surfers. View online: ID: osbf655 Contact: Julie Rodgers a/h 09 235 6075, 0275 516 075

FERTILE OTAUA LAND $1,200,000 incl GST 52 Acre desirable block with 2 bedroom home that has been owned by the same family for many years. The flats are divided up into paddocks running off a central race. The flats lead to gently sloping land that faces the East. Located approx. 5km from Waiuku this land has 2 road frontages. The home is in good condition & currently rented. Contact agent for details.


View online: ID: osbf705 Contact: Ray a/h 09 235 8599, 021 951 082


Fuel prices fall, but not far enough Fuel prices fell during March, but the AA says retailers should be cutting prices further. The price of petrol fell by around two cents to $2.16 per litre for 91 octane at most brands during the month, the lowest price since November. Diesel fell four cents per litre to $1.48 per litre at most service stations, the lowest price for diesel since May 2013. “The New Zealand exchange rate is at its highest level for two-and-a-half years and, since retail prices last fell a fortnight ago, commodity prices have dropped slightly,” said AA PetrolWatch spokesperson Mark Stockdale. “The last time fuel com-

pany margins – the difference between retail prices and landed costs – were this high, fuel companies cut pump prices and the AA says it is overdue for retail prices to fall again. Margins on petrol are at their highest level in six months, so fuel companies should be passing on their cost savings to motorists. “The AA estimates there is scope for fuel companies to cut petrol prices by about 3 cents per litre, and although diesel prices fell more during March, there is also room for another reduction in diesel prices,” Mr Stockdale added. •For more information, go to: petrolwatch


Rattrie Panelbeaters

Post Motoring


Your fortnightly motoring guide..

Exotic Lotus models make Speedshow debut

Exotic Lotus models make CRC Speedshow debut Fresh from making its official debut in New Zealand with its first-ever dedicated dealership in Auckland, legendary British sports car and motor sport brand Lotus will also make its CRC Speedshow debut this July. Lotus Auckland opened late in 2013 following the distribution of Lotus in Australia and New Zealand becoming the responsibility of leading New Zealand business and sportsman, Neville Crichton, the executive chairman of Australasia’s largest independent car importer group of companies which includes Lotus, European Automotive Imports and the Ateco Group. With the dealership now fully operational selling and maintaining the Lotus range of sports and supercars to Lotus enthusiasts New Zealand-wide, Lotus Auckland general manager James Berry says the manufacturer’s strong ties with motorsport make creating a Lotus display at CRC Speedshow a ‘no-brainer’. Berry says: “There could be few brands better suited to be at CRC Speedshow than Lotus with its unique record in motorsport and its range of road cars that can trace both their lineage and their performance directly back to

motorsport.” “CRC Speedshow will enable Lotus to present its latest models to New Zealand enthusiasts and remind them that the legendary British car maker is the only manufacturer to have won both Formula One and World Rally Championship manufacturers titles,” says Berry. “For 60 years Lotus has produced benchmark performance and sports cars alongside launching a wide range of technology firsts. CRC Speedshow will also enable us, as the team from Lotus Auckland, to demonstrate our commitment

to Lotus, our expertise and knowledge of this iconic marque and our aim to offer perfect customer service for Lotus owners.” Berry says CRC Speedshow fans can look forward to seeing three Lotus models at the show. “Few cars can rival the tactile mid-engined, rear-wheel drive agility of the Lotus Elise which is tuned to deliver phenomenal feedback with surefooted handling. “The Lotus Exige S Roadster combines the mesmerising power and handling of its coupé twin; its 345 hp (350 PS) supercharged V6

engine blends with an open air experience that makes the driver feel all the more at one with the road. “And we’re delighted to present the track-ready Lotus 2Eleven sports car. Powered by a 1.8-litre supercharged engine which pumps out 188kW, the Lotus 2Eleven weighs just 670 kg and delivers a 0-to-100 km/h time of just 3.8 seconds!” CRC Speedshow director Ross Prevette is buzzing about seeing the Lotus models at this year’s CRC Speedshow, which runs 19 and 20 July at Auckland’s ASB Showgrounds.

Tyre Awareness Week held for the first time

Safe and precise panel repairs with Waiuku’s most advanced salvage and repair specialists 4 Court Street, Waiuku

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Getting more New Zealanders to check their tyres is the focus of New Zealand’s first ever Tyre Awareness Week from April 7-13. Tyres are the only source of contact between your car and the road. They’re vitally important to a car’s safety and fuel economy, but many drivers check them rarely – if at all. This is why a range of government agencies, motoring industry businesses and the AA have joined together for Tyre Awareness Week. The focus of the week will be encouraging drivers to regularly: • Check the depth of tread and condition of their tyres • Make sure their tyres are

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AUTOLEC LTD 33 Kitchener Road, Waiuku

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at the correct air pressure “It only takes a few minutes once a month to check your tread depth and air pressure,” says AA Motoring Advice Manager Andrew Bayliss. Tyres without much tread left or that are underinflated will have less grip on the road and take longer to stop in wet conditions. Transport Agency Road Safety Director Ernst Zollner says the agency is supporting tyre awareness week as part of a long-term effort to encourage drivers to make sure their vehicles are safe

for every journey. “Properly inflated tyres with good tread depth are a ‘must have’ for your vehicle to be safe. No driver is perfect, and safe tyres can help prevent small mistakes from resulting in serious crashes. We all need to step up and take a more active role in keeping our vehicles safe,” says Mr Zollner. Keeping your tyres at the correct tyre pressure is also vital for safety - and it extends the life of your tyres and improves fuel economy, too.

“Under-inflation increases rolling resistance, meaning that more fuel is needed to turn your wheels”, says Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority Transport Manager Joern Scherzer. “A monthly top-up of air could mean savings of 4% - that’s like saving 8c a litre at current petrol prices. If everyone in New Zealand kept their tyres correctly pumped, New Zealand would save enough fuel to fill 1,500 petrol tankers – and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by almost 70,000 tonnes.”

$182,000 in compensation from finance company Mt Maunganui finance company MAC Warranties Ltd (MAC) has been fined $42,250 in the Auckland District Court for 17 breaches of the Fair Trading Act (FTA). MAC’s director and shareholder Alan Spiers has been fined $22,750 for a further 11 breaches. MAC has also agreed to provide $182,000 compensation to affected customers. The charges, brought by the Commerce Commission, related to misleading claims made between 2008 and 2011 when MAC repossessed and sold 79 vehicles used as security for its loans. Under repossession laws, MAC was required to make all reasonable efforts to obtain the best price when it sold the vehicles. However MAC sold the car to its sister

company Mount Autos Limited (of which Mr Spiers was also a director), implying to its customers that it had taken reasonable steps to get the best price, when it had not. MAC also sold 29 of these vehicles to Mount Autos before it had the right to do so. Under repossession laws, MAC could not sell those vehicles until at least 15 days after debtors had been served with a post-possession notice. This 15 day period gives debtors the chance to catch up on outstanding payments and get the vehicle back. MAC also told two of its customers that their repossessed vehicles were “wrecks,” or had been sold to the wreckers, when they were not. They had instead been sold to Mount Autos which reconditioned the vehicles and onsold them.



Post Motoring

Your fortnightly motoring guide..

Motorist frustration set to continue in Waiuku

A new set of driver diversions are expected to test the patience of local motorists from this week as an update from Auckland Transport late yesterday reveals. A program engineer from the Auckland South Maintenance section of Auckland Transport says there will be a further temporary road closure, and a new road layout in the area of the new roundabouts. The King Street Bypass will become one-way only from Queen Street to Kitchener Road, and there will be no access from lower Queen Street to King Street towards Awhitu. The current stage of construction is expected to be completed this Thursday, although this is weather dependent. From Thursday, at around midday, the construction activities will be moved on

to the Tamakae Reserve side of King Street. The old pavement will be excavated and a new one constructed. “We expect to have asphalt laid over the whole site by the 9th of May and have the footpath works near the Kentish Hotel constructed,” the engineer says. In terms of traffic management the changes will be major as detailed below • one way traffic will be implemented on King Street from King-Constable Road intersection all the way to the end of King St (King St/Kitchener Rd intersection). The new Queen Street roundabout (currently in use) will be reverted back to a T-junction (with one way traffic through King Street). The newly built roundabout at Constable Road will not be put in use until Stage 3 is completed

“For the year to date (YTD), overall vehicle sales of 61,610 units are already ahead of 2013 by an impressive 11,711 units (23 percent). The rate of sales growth seems to be picking up even further, with the overall segment still at the head of the pack in terms of economic performance.” New vehicle registrations of 11,235 units were

Tyres that save you money Choosing tyres which grip well but are also fuel efficient can save you money and also reduce carbon emissions, says Consumer NZ. Consumer has recently started testing for “rolling resistance” of tyres. Lower rolling resistance means less fuel is used. A Honda Jazz car with low rolling resistance tyres used 5 percent less fuel than the same car fitted with higher rolling resistance tyres, Consumer NZ said. Consumer NZ supports an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) campaign launched today to increase consumer awareness of the benefits of using fuel efficient tyres. Currently they only make up six percent of sales and the Authority would like to get that up to 12 percent within two years. Earlier this year Consumer NZ published its findings on rolling resistance tyres. For the Honda Jazz car savings amounted to about $90 a year and a reduction in carbon emissions of about 90kg. The Authority says over the lifetime of four tyres (average three years), vehicle owners will save $150 in fuel (over and above the initial cost of the tyres). These tyres are also safe. More information on the Consumer NZ website.



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• traffic going towards Awhitu will be diverted through town using the existing detour route (Kitchener Rd-Queen St-Court St-Martyn St-Leonard St-Constable Rd). We suggest the locals try and use other alternative routes (through Harvey Rd, Park Rd and Taurangaruru Rd) when planning to travel towards Awhitu. • appropriate signage and traffic controllers on site

will assist road users with the new traffic setup when needed especially in the early stages of the new setup Detailed plans of the construction are to be held at the Waiuku Information Centre “We apologise for any inconvenience the construction activities and associated temporary traffic management measures may cause to local residents and business,” the engineer said.

New vehicle market improves markedly on last year The vehicle sales market ended the first quarter impressively, with total sales of new and used imported vehicles maintaining their strong performance. Sales of 22,099 units in March were up 4,548 (26 percent) over the same month last year. MTA spokesperson Ian Stronach said the impressive results only seemed to be ramping up.



up 1,730 units (18 percent) over March 2013. YTD, new vehicle sales are 4,157 units (15 percent) ahead of 2013. Toyota Corolla was again the most popular new car model with sales of 408 units, well clear of Suzuki Swift on 281 units and Holden Commodore on 245 units. Ford Ranger headed off the race for most popular new commercial model on 550 units, ahead of Toyota Hilux on 505 units and Nissan Navara on 270 units. Shading the sales of new vehicles was the used import sector, where total sales of 10,864 units were 2,818 units (35 percent) ahead of March 2013 and are heading back towards the levels last seen in the early part of the 2000s. Used import passenger vehicle sales of 10,247 units were 2,666 units (35 percent) ahead of March 2013, making it the best month for used import passenger vehicle sales since August 2007. Used import commercial sales of 617 units were 152 units (33 percent) of the same month last year. In terms of the leading used import passenger model, Nissan Tiida regained top

spot with sales of 557 units, ahead of Suzuki Swift on 521 units, which just pipped Mazda Demio on 520 units. “Coming at what is still the end of the financial year for many businesses, March was always likely to be a good month for sales. It is usually only bettered by June, so if sales growth is maintained at this level, it looks like another very good year of growth, not just for the vehicle sales industry, but for the economy in general,” Stronach says. Motorcycle sales also remained firm in March, up 4 percent on the year prior, and 13 percent YTD. On the back of strong sales of over60cc machines, on-road motorcycle sales of 425 units were a solid 52 units (14 percent) ahead of March 2013. YTD sales are ahead by 243 units (21 percent). Suzuki again led with overall sales of 123 units, ahead of Honda on 70 units, with Aprilia and Yamaha equal third.


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Waiuku Netball welcomed 70 teams to the 2014 season at the Waiuku Netball Centre on Saturday for the March Past and awarding of bestdressed team prizes. The centre has had a lot of activity around the courts over the past few months, with Courts Three and Four having been re-surfaced with Plexipave, a new surface that the centre is trialling. The centre notes this surface is not as forgiving as tarseal so will need to be looked after, meaning they have introduced new roles, which they will be enforcing rigidly; that there will be no black-soled shoes, no skateboards, scooters or bikes, and no gum allowed on those courts. “This surface will mark if any of the above are used on this surface so we

ask all Clubs not to allow any of the above during practices or any time spent at the courts. Do not be surprised if someone tells your child off if they do go onto the courts with any of the above,” the centre says. Another project was putting in new lights on Courts Three and Four, and the gardens in front of the pavilion have also been removed. The club has put in a wall and steps up to courts five and six, and there is now wheelchair access at the road end of court six. The practice area has also been resealed and new removable goals are being used in this area on a Saturday. Above: The teams assemble. Right: President Tracey Phillips speaks to the teams. Below: Committee and office bearers gather.

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NETBALL OPENS Style on court

Style, on and off the court, was the order of the day at the Waiuku Netball Centre on Saturday as the players and clubs celebrated opening day. Winner of the Junior Best Dressed team were Waiuku Primary, in their new uniforms. Nesia Grant of the school team said she would like to mention Leigh Waddell for the hard work done for school netball club in securing sponsorship and organising the new uniforms for the team. “She has spent many hours of her personal time to do this for our club. Both the players and parents alike would like to express our huge gratitude and thanks to her and acknowledge her efforts in winning us the uniform cup at march past this year,” she said. Winners of the senior club were Waiuku Maori Sports Club, pictured left. Also in action on the day were the Awhitu School Team (bottom left), while there was close action in the match between Brian James Contracting and WMSC, (centre below). Bottom right; Latesha Latu of Sandspit Gold, tries to shoot past Lily Andrew of SwampyView Allstars.

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Proud supporters of Waiuku Netball

You bring the Team We Fix the Fitness! The Jym, 18B Constable Rd, Waiuku Ph 235 6460


Proudly supporting Waiuku Netball For all your Fertiliser Supplies and General Cartage Waiuku Depot - Collingwood Rd • Ph: 235 9189 Awhitu Depot - Hatton Rd • Ph: 235 1024

For all your musle and pain relief needs

40 Queen St, Waiuku | Ph: 235 9307 |Fax: 237 0054



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 


Waiuku Netball Supporter of the Week 10 Jenny Lane, Waiuku | 021 492 280 | 0800 492 280

McConnell Stafford-Bus us sh

Are you & Associate s As heAlthy As you cAn be?

Proudly Supporting Waiuku Netball

Each week this season a photo will be taken at the games and will appear in The Post. If you are the supporter of the week you could win a prize.

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Above; Eyes on the ball on the new playing surface at the Waiuku Netball Centre in the match between Swampy View Chicks and Sandspit Red. The centre has had a huge amount of renovations,and the committee thanked contractors for their efforts to get it ready for Opening Day. The contractors were Plexipave NZ, Tom Kane Electrical, GJ Contracting, Colin Riddle Bricklayers, Firth New Zealand, Gary Hunter Plumbing, Pukekohe HIAB, Farmers Construction, Hec Fleming Fencing Contractors and Roger Burns Builders. Below: Natalie Campbell and Porsha Paora of Waiuku Primary School on attack against defender, Pukeoware’s Olivia Parkinson- Lunn.


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Proudly supporting Waiuku Netball


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8.00am - Sandspit Blue v Glenbrook Despicable, WPS Wild Ones v Swampy View All Stars, Pukeoware Magic v Waipipi Vixens, Sandspit Purple v Waiau Pa Shockwaves, Glenbrook Blue Flames v Sandpsit Green. 8.37am - Sandspit Orange v Awhitu Aces, Sandpsit Red v Pukeoware Daredevils, Swampy View Chicks v Pukeoware Tornadoes, Swampy View Dazzlers v Sandspit Yellow, WPS Dreambabies v Waiau Pa Quickfires. 9.14am - WPS Razias Minions v Waipipi Vixens, Glenbrook Steve’s Team v Waipipi Stars, Swampy View Comets v Sandspit Green, Pukeoware Crushers v Awhitu Strikers, *WPS Primary Mighty Ferns v Sandspit White. 9.51pm - Sandspit Blue v Pukeoware Magic , WPS Wild Ones v Glenbrook Despicables, Swampy View All Stars v Waiau Pa Shockwaves, WPS Dreambabies v Sandspit Orange. 10.28am - Pukeoware Daredevils v Glenbrook Blue Flames, Sandspit Red v Awhitu Aces, Sandspit Purple v Pukeoware Tornadoes, Glenbrook Steve’s Team v Swampy View Dazzlers, Waipipi Stars v Awhitu Strikers. 11.05am - Pukeoware Future Ferns v Awhitu Wolves, WPS Mighty Ferns v Swampy View Rockets, Swampy View Comets v Waiau Pa Quickfires, WPS Razia’s Minions v Swampy View Chicks, Glenbrook Blues v Waipipi Waves. 11.42am - Pukeoware Crushers v Sandspit Yellow. 12.19pm - Brian James GB’s v Waiau Pa Remix, College Silver v Mooi Hair, College Bronze v WMSC Colts, College Navy v College Jade, College Platinum v College Brass. 12.56pm - WMSC Snr A v Fusion, Skin For Life v Glenbrook Makaira, WMSC Senior 1 v Young Wives, College Red v Awhitu Bays, College Embers v Coast. 1.33pm - Loyal v Salients 1, Cossie v Rag Renos Ltd, College Ivory v Waiau Pa Rockit, College Lime v WMSC Senior 2, The Wolf Pack v WMSC Collegiate. 2.10pm - College Gold v Brian James Elite, College Navy v College Black, College Purple v Waiau Pa Collegiate, College Yellow v College Blue.

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Perfect start for Waiuku Soccer Rugby’s Reserves win well Waiuku AFC hosted Albany on Saturday at Massey Park, and the three-nil win ensured the team has opened their Northern League season with two wins from two games, a first for the club. A decent crowd turned up to watch the boys in blue after their impressive win in Whangarei last week. Albany were a bit of a hoodoo team for Waiuku as they had failed to beat them prior to this game. Waiuku made one change to the team that travelled to Whangarei with Niki Te Miha coming in for Sam van Pomeron. With a strong wind behind their backs, Waiuku started like they meant business and within the first ten minutes could have been leading 2-0. Both chances fell to Paul Duffy who narrowly missed converting. Derek Sinclair was leading the line and nearly put the home team ahead but saw his effort come back off the post. Last week’s hatrick hero Luke Chapman forced a great save from Michael McMurtrie, the Albany keeper, with a great shot from a direct freekick. Another Ralph effort cannoned back off the crossbar and was cleared by the Albany defence. Albany did have a couple of chances in the first half and the best of them fell to Peter Shaw

whose effort was pushed round the post by keeper Justin Baldwin. At the change of the half, Albany pushed arguably their best player Jake Martens from centre back to striker and Waiuku took advantage. After a couple of close chances, Waiuku took the lead on the hour mark. Darren Woolnough and Chapman combined down the left and found Sinclair in space. Sinclair played in Duffy who beat the keeper at his far post and sparked the home teams celebrations. After the goal, it became a matter of how many Waiuku would score. Chapman did the honours next time when he converted a Sinclair cross from six yards out. Matt Bruin marked his home debut with a fine goal when good hold up play from substitute Callum Benson put Bruin in space and he fired home from 20 yards out. Final score was 3-0 to Waiuku. Jim Evans said after the game, “Our defending certainly stepped up from last week’s game and I thought the team really put the effort in and played some great football. All goals came from the midfield today as well so we have showed we have game winners right across our team. Man of the match today was Matt Bruin for a fine display.”

Paul Duffy’s first goal for four years for Waiuku opened the floodgates against Albany.

Records broken in Counties Rugby

It was an interesting round of Counties Power Club Rugby results with a few tight matches that delivered some close results and broke some long serving records. Weymouth have recorded their second win in a row after beating Envirowaste Te Kauwhata 59-15. Weymouth went into the match with confidence after their first win last week and it showed. It was a busy day for Weymouth’s Tolovae Ape who crossed the line three times and slotted three conversions. His team mate Onni Mesake picked up a brace of tries and Jade Tuua, Michael Tuiloma, Tony Lilo, and Vau Aroni all dotted down for five points with Jereme Letalatla converting four of the tries. For the hosts Te Kauwhata their points came from tries by Reo Faumuina and Jo-

seph Heta. Heta also successfully kicked a penalty and a conversion. Rumour has it Onewhero’s 28-23 win over Pukekohe is the first time the boys in blue and black have beaten their town brothers in over a decade. After a fast start by the hosts, the match evened out and the lead swapped several times but Onewhero hung on for the deserved win and have moved up to third on the table. Onewhero started the scoring with two tries in quick succession in the first ten minutes to Elijah Koaneti and lock Courtney Roberts who came through off a ruck. Pukekohe’s first try came from Kodi Newson who scored under the posts after several phases of play in one of Pukekohe’s few attacking episodes of the first half, which was converted by

Waiuku Golf Club results Waiuku Golf results: Tuesday Haggle 1st John Munro 37, 2nd Dennis Baker 35, 3rdPeter Winchester 35. Wednesday Ladies: Nancy McCormack Foursomes: 1st Pat Maitland & Margaret James, 2nd Joy James 7 Coral Harman Haggle Div One !st Louisa Lowe 37, 2nd Delia Fleming 34. Div Two 1st Eunice Clark 44, 2nd Yvonne Hunter 40 Twos: Eunice Clark 9 Hole Ladies Best Gross On Threes Div One: 1st Fae Douglas 7, 2nd Carol Craig 8, 3rd Jeanette Hargraves 9c/b

Div Two All Equal; Noeline Ramsey , Bev Shuker, Marjan Slappendel, Mona Francis. Thursday Haggle Div One, 1st Colin Sutherland 41, 2nd Cam Fleming 38, 3rd Frank McGrath 38. Div Two; 1st Amando Pereira 41, 2nd Ken James 41, 3rd Sid Thornton 40. Twos: Terry Yorke. Saturday Haggle, Dawson Cup Ambrose Pairs 1st Chris Peet & Fred Watts 53 Nett, 2nd Murray Armstrong & Alan Dawson 56.3 Nett, 3rd Noel Robbie & Leon Robbie 57.7, 4th Hector Rei & Rory Kimber 58.3, 5th Colin Thomson & Graham Thomson 58.7, Winner Dawson Cup Ambrose Pairs: Chris Peet & Fred Watts.

Sione Fifita. Visiting hooker Mark Price scored on the right hand side of the post from several picks and go phases which closed the gap. Both sides slotted a penalty taking the score to 17-15. In the second half, Pukekohe scored first when George Crichton, who was a stand out for his side, got a try from good forward work and Pukekohe took the lead for the first time in the match. Onewhero bounced back straight away with a try to Filipe Pau and took the lead back with a 22-20 score line. Pukekohe took the lead back by one point with a penalty kick by Fifita. Onewhero slotted two penalties to take the lead for the last time . Bombay had a solid 39-17 win over Drury making that there third win this season. For the hosts their points came thanks to three tries by Taniela Tuvai, Etuate Katoa and Suliasi Kufusi with Manase Lelenoa kicking one conversion. For Bombay their six tries came from Sam Aiono, Sepuloni Taufi, Ben Masoe, Henry Povey and Saufa Sumuletu who scored two. Samoan International Ki Anufe kicked three conversions and a penalty. Ardmore Marist picked up their second win of the season with a 27-19 victory over Manurewa. It has been reported that it is the first time in nine years that Ardmore Marist have won at Manurewa. The boot of Ardmore Marist’s Ray Laulala proved to be the difference between the sides that score three tries each. With the results this week-

end it will be an exciting match up between Ardmore Marist and Patumahoe next weekend. Karaka are the Counties Power Cup holders and top of the table after they held out Patumahoe Hotel Patumahoe 14-8 in a tight match. It was a Super Saturday with a clean sweep for the club winning all their games and their No1 halfback and Steeler Augustine Pulu playing well when he starting for the Chiefs scoring two tries to cap off a top weekend for the men in red and white. The scoring opened with Karaka’s Kieron Rollinson slotting a penalty. About half an hour later their second five-eighth Antonio Lavemai wrestled his way over for a try. Rollinson added another three points with a penalty. Patumahoe’s Jonny Wiklinson slotted a penalty for the hosts to get them on the board and head into the sheds with 11-3 on the score board. Patumahoe did manage to score a try with a few minutes to go when Fotu Loktui crashed over the line with his forward pack. Karaka had the final say with a penalty on full time to seal the match at 14-8. It was a one sided affair when Waiuku beat Papakura 74-3. The try fest from Waiuku saw Bryce Vaireka score four tries, Willy Heperi dot down for three and Army Sanders, Joe Kata, Jamie Baker, and Luke Graham all cross the line for one a piece. Graham also added the extra’s with eight conversions and a penalty. For Papakura it was up to a Bradley Wade penalty to get them on the score board.

The Waiuku Rugby Premier Reserves headed to Papakura this week for their Round 4 clash with many of their front line players unavailable, but they still fielded a strong team due to their increasing squad depth. After a lacklustre warm-up Waiuku fired up from the first whistle getting into a good field position on the back of strong runs by Angus Thomas and Luke TeRangi forcing Papakura to infringe at ruck time and Dylan Neil calmly slotted the awarded penalty. Moments later, after a great attack from the Waiuku backline they ended up just short of the Papakura goal line where flanker Jeffrey Kerr swooped on the loose ball and crashed over for Waiuku’s first (unconverted)try. Waiuku then had to defend bravely asPapakura launched attack after attack of ‘pick and gos’ through their big forwards but they could only manage a penalty goal for their efforts. Just before halftime another well worked backline move saw centre Luke Holwerda score in the corner, also unconverted, for Waiuku to take a 13-3 lead into halftime. Great passion was shown by the Waiuku forwards managing to shake their usual slow start after halftime and got their team onto the front foot. After several phases of attack Kerr latched onto an overlap pass to sprint away for his second try. Waiuku’s forwards started to get onto a roll, led by captain Reihania Taupo, inspirational prop Kayne Timmo and Number 8 Kowhai Nepia. This resulted in fine tries to Timmo and Nepia both being converted by first five Neil. Papakura emptied their bench and lifted their tempo and after sustained pressure Waiuku’s defence finally cracked, letting in a good try out wide. Halfback Sam Walter capped off a good game by scooting 30m to score, which was unconverted, giving Waiuku a 37-8 win. In the backs Anthony Nepia and Barry Twidle had strong games, but the Wolf’ n Beaver Player of the Day was Jeffrey (Mullett) Kerr.

21s still need work

The Waiuku U21s still have a lot to work on after the game against Pukekohe on Saturday. They started well with a try to Hayden Falkner, Jack Hardie missing the conversion. Pukekohe came back with three tries making the score 17-5 at the break. Pukekohe were able to score twice due to poor ball security before Karl Brown scored for Waiuku from a penalty, this time Jack successful with the conversion. Unfortunately for Waiuku, Pukekohe scored three more times, bringing the final score to 48-12. -Toihau Moutere and Ashton Hastings had good games but it was Waka Clencie who was player of the day,and Sam Newlyn picked for RAYD person of the week. Things can only improve but everyone needs to work on their fitness and turn up to both trainings. Waiuku travel to Ardmore Marist next Saturday.

Clarks Beach Bowls results Clarks Beach Bowls last open tournament of the season was held Thursday. Winners were : Richard Bentley, John Clark and Sharon Perry from Papatoetoe / Hunters Corner BC. Second were: Geoff Morris, Glenn Newton and Gary Walker from Papakura BC. Third were: John Deverell Peter Sinclair and Sam Compston from Waiuku BC. Top Clarks Beach Team were: Keith Muirson, Carol Flavell and Julie Starnes.



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2014 Sand to Mud fun in pictures

am Abbo’ on Sunday, as of family and friends for ‘Te to running There was a great turnout d, who was looking forward nar Len er Pet for d Mu to d they ran the San he had to miss the race. the event until illness meant






TO LEase

ACCOUNTING & Taxation Services - Call Rise Accountants - chartered accountants. Ph: 09 235 7455.

FIREWOOD - Bargain. Mac/pine. 4 Metres: $300 Delivered. 2 Metres $170. Ph/txt: 021 744 970 or 235 0065.

OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Upstairs from $110 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

GST Payroll Accounting EOM & EOY Financial services. Can we assist? Call Petemarg Enterprises Ltd. 09 2350461 or E-mail: for a free consultation.

Green Party Fundraiser. Dry split pine. $190 for 2.5m. Free local delivery. Ph: 235 5136.

Open 7 days. Drop off service and self service. Detergents incl. Sports clothing, commercial, wash, dry and fold. Laundry 4 U. Between Video Ezy & Pizza Hut, across parking lot from ED St Rest. Ph: 09 239 2964.

ADULTS ADULT ACCESSORIES Adult toys, massage oil, lubes, Women’s Health & Sexuality Books & lots more available online:

Bedsit wanted Semi-retired, fit, non smoker. Seeking room and board. Ph: Mike 021 2772113.

BOATING The team from Crank-It Fitness in Pukekohe gave it their all in the Sand to Mud and also put a huge effor t into their costumes. man’s Vanessa New rge e la th pt ke vocals ned in ai rt te en d crow at the he .

REPAIRS - Dinghy or trailerboats; fibreglass or wooden. All jobs considered. Ph Tony on: 235 3545 or 021 598 662.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Need a few key people to help me open a new division in the health & nutrition business. Changing people’s lives. Part time $500-$1000. Full time $1000 - $10, 000. Ph: Marguerite 021 136 5344.

CARAVANS LONG TERM - Free local delivery from $60 per week plus bond. Ph: 09 232 1814.

was the Justin Ruygrok school y ar first second e big race, boy home in th around d which attracte s. 650 runner

CHIMNEY SWEEPING WINTER is coming - get it cleaned now. Inspection report - insurance receipt. Phone or txt 235 9212 or 021 147 0158. All calls returned.

CLEANING Vacant houses, windows, offices, carpet shampooing & exterior waterblasting. Plus maintenance. FREE quotes. Ph Allan or Lynette: 09 235 9333 or 027 272 6249.


yo u r p c g u y Virus Removal, Repairs, Internet, Broadband, PC Sales, Data backup, Tuition

Great ‘In Your Home’ service . . .

Jon 235 5300

Mob 021 111 4122 w w w. y o u r p c g u y. c o . n z

Principal Graeme Newall and his Sandspit Road School team still look fit and refreshed after the race!

FIREWOOD for sale. Dry Mac & Gum mix. $80/ metre with free local delivery. Ph 235 9668 or 021 412 452.

FOR HIRE FIREWOOD splitter. Phone: 235 7733 or 021 305 111. Bouncy Castle Elephant, Tiger for kids. Sumo, Boxing, Jousting for Adults. Ph: 09 235 5297 or 0274 260 040.

FOR RENT Waiuku, rural. Old farm house close to town. 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. Possible horse paddock. Rent negotiable. For interest, please email your information to

FOR SALE FIREWOOD - Bargain. Mac/pine. 4 Metres: $300 Delivered. 2 Metres $170. Ph/txt: 021 744 970 or 235 0065. COCKY’S CORNER - For fencing & roofing iron, timber, hardware, plywood, pavers, gates, garden sheds & more. 123 Queen St, Waiuku. Ph: 235 9880 or 235 2386.

FREE REMOVAL - Any old scrap metal incl. Old batteries, expired gas bottles, old cars, lawn mowers, etc. Ph Martin: 021 128 5953 or 238 3005.

LAWNMOWING TOPCUT LAWNMOWING - reliable, clean, tidy job experienced operator. Ph Fred 09 235 5280, 021 902 552. GREEN ACRES - Clarks Beach. Covering Franklin area. Lawn mowing, gardening, garden clearance, hedges. Clean, tidy and reliable. Call Brett 021 0211 7777 or 09 232 1276.

Massage Massage and sugar paste hair removal - brow shape/lash & brow tint. Ph: Moka (Natural Treatment) 235 0464 or 021 166 9674. F luff y Ducks Pampering. Relaxation Massage, Reflexology, Reiki (Registered Practitioner) Sue Vlug. Ph: 09 235 2256. Email: A r o m ath e r ap y Massage with essential oils plus Reflexology and Reiki. Ph: Janene Cert & Dip (09) 2381928 or 027 3155 025.

PETS POOCHIE PARK – Holiday home for dogs. Inspection welcome by arrangement. Phone: 09 235 0052 (Evenings) or 021 856 555. Email: for further information.


Free drop off depot for all your unwanted TV’s, computers, whiteware, etc. Recycle All Your Stuff Ltd. Unit 1 Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Road, Waiuku. Free pick up in Waiuku. Ph: 235 5769.

The Framing Shed. Quality custom picture framing. 31 Victoria Ave, Waiuku. Tues - Fri 9 - 5 or by appt. Ph Allie: 235 0939 or 027 253 4577.


FREEVIEW - Digital Set Up UHF & Satellite. Ph Dave 236 3519 or Ph/Txt: 021 2777006. Patumahoe.

Sat 12th April. 33 Hatton Road, RD4 Waiuku. 9am start.

Grazing Grazing available. Suitable for horses. Waiuku town area. Easy access. Phone 235 9385.

HAIR DRESSING THE Cutting Room Hair Salon. 33 Breaker Grove, Waiuku. Ladies cuts from $30, Mens cuts from $25, Colours from $70. Hours: Tues 11-3pm, Wed 9-5pm, Fri 9-til late, Mon & Sat by pre-arranged appts only. Phone Steff: 235 7149.


Confidential counselling for personal stress or work related anxiety. Consultation in your home. Ph: Heather BA psysh 022 1620 334. Deceased Estate house clearances and cleaning. Ph. 027 277 5026 for free quote. Waiuku Magpies 2nd Hand Dealers.

TO LEASE OFFICE SPACE - Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Downstairs from $90 + gst p/wk. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

WAREHOUSE SPACE Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Small, Med & Lge. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960. WORKSHOP SPACE Waiuku Business Park, 23 Kitchener Rd. Easy access. Ph Sam: 021 671 960.

TUITION Gregg’s Drumming Tuition. Beginners to advanced. No drums required. Bookings ess. Theory & practical. Teacher of the winner of Waiuku’s X Factor 2013. Check us out on Facebook. Ph. 021 265 2780 or 238 7980. Drumming Lessons Full set up in Waiuku, no need to have a kit. Beginners to intermediate, theory, rhythm and grooves. Ph: Paul on 021 145 4478.

WANTED TREES WANTED - Gum & Macrocarpa. Also tree felling & shelter belt removal. Ph/txt Chris: 027 212 4590 or 235 0065. LEASE LAND for dairy support. Anything considered, references available. Ph: Andrew 021 271 2345.

WANTED TO BUY Antiques, collectables, old silver and gold jewellery, die cast toys, silver coins, Crown Lynn pottery old tin signs, retro, anything old & interesting. Ph: 235 8223 a/h. Good quality used furniture, collectibles, bric a brac, also house lots. Ph: 027 277 5026 for free quote. Waiuku Magpies 2nd Hand Dealers.

Window Cleaning Residential and commercial. Professional Service. Competitive prices, free quotes. Ph: Colin 027 965 2094.

SITUATIONS VACANT Newspaper is looking to employ experienced sales staff to work in both Waiuku and in Pukekohe. We are looking for people with a strong customer care background & sales e x p e r i e n c e . Media experience an advantage but not necessary as training will be provided. If you are interested please send a short CV - max 3 pages & a cover letter to


Join Us Post Newspaper - Mix and Mingle & WIN Tuesday, 15 April, 6pm - Waiuku Golf Club Special Guest Tom O’Neil - Inspirational speaker and international author


Classifieds MEDIUM



Annual General Meeting Tuesday 15th April at 7.00 pm School Meetings Room All families welcome to attend Janine Black – 2357574 Secretary Waiuku Country Music Club AGM To be held at the Waiuku Cosmpolitan Club Monday 28th April 2014, 7pm. All welcome.


St Anthony's Catholic Church Cnr Domain and Kent St Waiuku

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is held every Wednesday evening until Easter from 7-8pm Rite No 1 Reconciliation is available also during this time. Everyone is welcome to all or any of our Easter Liturgies



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2/31 Bowen Street, Waiuku Phone 235 0643 or 021 998897

How to solve Sudoku!


5 1 7 8 9 5 2 7 6 3FOR SALE 4 1 2 4 ALLEY WAY6 7 AWHITU SCHOOL AUCTION 8 6accepting furniture 4 5 Easter Saturday donations NOW. Ph: 235 1005. Morgan Italian Cream leather 3 piece 7 suite $1300. 5 8 lounge Solid pine table & 6 chairs $595. Double bed excellent order $280. 3 8 Lots more in store. 31/3 BOWEN ST, WAIUKU NEXT DOOR 67715 2 1 TO MITRE 10, Ph: 235 PUBLIC NOTICES Te Toro Hall Committee needs


For the committee members to understand the local requirements of the hall, you are kindly invited to meet with the committee at Te Toro Hall on: SUNDAY, 13 April, 1pm – 3pm. Light afternoon tea will be served. If not able to pop in for a cuppa and a chat, feel free to drop off your positive suggestions into letterbox at 207 Cooper Road, RD 4 Waiuku. Please come and tell us what you want for the future of the hall as it might close its door forever!!!

Easter Holy Week Services

Palm Sunday - 13th April: 9am - Holy Mass Tuesday 15th April: 9am - Holy Mass Holy Thursday 17th April: 7pm Mass of the Lords Supper Good Friday 18th April: 3pm - Good Friday Liturgy Easter Saturday 19th April: 7pm - Vigil Mass Easter Sunday 20th April: 9am - Holy Mass



Fill the grid so that every row and every 3x3 square contains the digits 1 to 9


7 5 9 3 6 1 4 8 2

Solution No.1336 2 6 3 4 8 1 9 3 4 1 9 6 2 7 8 1 7 2 5 6 4 4 8 2 1 9 5 6 9 2 8 5 7 3 1 7 5 4 6 3 9 8 1 3 9 7 2 8 5 5 9 6 3 4 7 2 6 7 5 8 1 4 3

5 8 3 7 4 2 6 1 9

? Answers!

QUICK PUZZLE NO. 7346 - SOLUTIONS Across - 1, Same. 7, Policeman. 8, Erin. 9, Vent. 10, Rate. 11, Peel. 14, Enterprise. 16, Hospitable. 19, Luck. 22, Snap. 24, Earn. 25, Pier. 26, Vermilion. 27, Levy. Down - 1, Steep. 2, Maize. 3, Potent. 4, Winter. 5, Dear. 6, Fantastic. 12, Encounter. 13, Leap. 15, Reel. 17, Treble. 18, Borzoi. 20, Unite. 21, Kerry. 23, Puma.


@ 51 Queen St Waiuku


CUTS $15

Waiuku Primary, Monday, April 14, 10.30am;

Waipipi, Tuesday, April 15, 11.00am; Otaua, Wednesday, April 16, 10.00am; View Rd, Wednesday, April 16, 1.30pm; Aka Aka, Thursday, April 17, 9.00am; Pukeoware, Thursday, April 17, 1.30pm.


MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10:30am - 5:30pm

40 Queen Street, Waiuku

Open Monday to Friday • 8.30am - 5.30pm Sat • 9am - 2pm and Sun • 10am - 2pm Phone : 09 235 9307 Fax : 09 237 0054 Email :

Situations Vacant


Saturday, 19th APRIL 2014 School Grounds

Come and join us for our major fundraiser of the year. Huge selection of goods on offer - household, rural, furniture, electrical, boxed lots etc. Unique selection of artwork from local artists. Café, Registration and Viewing from 8am White Elephant, Toy Shop, Electrical Tent, Furniture Store & Bookshop open 8.30am Auction starts 9.00am, Artwork 12 Noon EFTPOS available for your purchases.


Waiuku College Vocal Tutor Waiuku College has a vacancy for a part-time Vocal Tutor as part of our Itinerant Music Programme. Applicants must meet the Limited Authority to Teach criteria. This positon starts at the beginning of Term Two, week commencing 5th May 14. Application by CV and covering letter to: The Principal’s Secretary, Anne Ansell: by April 11th, 2014.

Fixed term teaching position for terms 2, 3 and 4 (start date negotiable in Term 2). We seek an exceptional teacher for a Year 1 and 2 class. Waipipi School is a beautiful, well-resourced rural school five minutes out of Waiuku. Our children are friendly and eager to learn. The successful applicant will relate well to children, parents and staff and have skills in: inquiry learning, collaborative and co-constructed learning, e-learning and AFL. Extra curriculum strengths in music, maths and literacy would be advantageous. Please send a covering letter and Curriculum Vitae (with three referees) to: Michelle Brown, Waipipi School, 100 Creamery Road, RD3, Waiuku 2683 or Applications are due by Tuesday 15th April. Interviews Thursday 17th April from 3pm.

Waiuku Theatre Group is auditioning for the annual pantomime Wednesday April 16th, 6:30pm – 8:30pm Backstage Theatre, Victoria Ave, Waiuku To book an audition time, email Ages 10+

Situations Vacant

Waipipi School



Members and friends are advised of the following dates and venues for our local schools ANZAC services. Your attendance is cordially invited. Glenbrook, Monday, April 14, 10.00am;



Part time Chef/cook • to work in a European style restaurant. • Must be able to work flexible hours. Please email your CV to or Ph: Debs or Anthea on 09 235 2502

Driver Required Knight & Dickey Ltd are seeking a Class 2 or Class 4 Licenced Driver for curtainsider or 6 Wheeler work fork lift and dangerous goods. Endorsements would be an advantage but not a requirement. Please reply in writing to: Graham Dickey P.O. Box 49, Waiuku

R&E Electrical is looking for a registered electrician to join the team

Please email CV to: Thank you

Thank you

to the many people who celebrated my birthday with me. All the cards, calls, visits and presents.

Thank you one and all from Joyce Goodare Tuition

Learn Thai Cooking Cook & Learn then Enjoy LIMITED SPACE Call Fon or Jon 235 5300





Rural Specialists Your guide to rural and agricultural services



HEDGE CUTTING Agricultural Hedge Cutting Specialists Pasture Aeration Servicing the Franklin District for over 25 years

0800 TO SURVEY (0800 86 7878)

Ph Graham 09 238 6405 or 027 285 0045 Pukekohe 238 9991

Waiuku 235 0650


EARTHMOVING & DRAINAGE Truck, Digger Excavations - drains - drives - sand - metal - slag FREE QUOTES

Phone - SHERIDAN 235 8857 Mobile 0274 933 743

Call: Greg 027 493 4037 • Jaz 027 564 5394 a/h 09 537 1231 • Hanger 09 296 5337 FREEPHONE (0508 HELIAG)

Craig Nicholson Earthmoving & General Cartage

600 Buckland Rd, RD 2, Pukekohe

Ph/Fax 09 238 4047 Mob: 021 987 402

House Sites, landscaping, farm races & farm drainage Top Soil - Clay Fill - Silage Hydraulic Post Hole Borer Truck & Bulldozer for Hire

S & J Liefting Contractors


Experienced Operator with 28 years exp.


• 580L Twin Hoppers • 29 run, 4 inch spacing

Ph Ian 0274 957 819 or 09 235 9434

For your pet and stock feed requirements Karaka Retail Store State Highway 22 next to Caltex, Karaka Hours: Mon-Fri 8.45 - 5.45 Sat 8.30 - 2

• 20 Tonne Diggers • Low Loader • Tip Trucks & Trailers • Grader • Bulldozers & Scoop • Roading • 5.5 tonne Digger • Drainage • Tree Removal • Dams • Stopbanks • Horse • Excavations Arenas • Demolition • Building Sites • General Cartage Metal / Sand / Slag Supplied




C JLtd Ltd

09 235 0494 Telephone : 09 294 7831

Helping grow the country Freephone 0800 10 22 76


027 494 2170

At PGG Wrightson we do our part each day in helping grow the country. We work with customers across New Zealand to source the right products and services. Our focus is on leading thinking to enable customers to concentrate on growing their business on a profitable and sustainable basis.

Contact your local store: 153 Manukau Road, Pukekohe Phone 09 237 2020

• Pond Clearing • Farm Race Maintenance

15 m Long Reach

Livestock Services Rural Supplies Horticultural Supplies Real Estate Finance Insurance Seed and Grain Wool Animal Nutrition Training

Helping grow the country


Take My Card


Your A-Z of Trades & Services




Whitehead Ag

027 332 1231

Hedges, Tree Work, Rubbish Removal, Rotary Slashing, Schools, Industrial sites & section clean ups RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL * Free Quotes * WINZ Quotes


JOHNO BUILDERS •  General Maintenance •  Renovations •  Building Reports •  Bathroom & Kitchens

Ph 09 235 8693 • 0274 912 016 CARAVANS

Counties Caravan Rentals Caravan Hire

• Accommodation needs • Portable ensuites • Ideal extra bedroom

Phone Lynette & Jeff Millen

Diggers * Truck/Trailer Hire * Metal/slag supplied Grass/Maize silage transport * Household water cartage David Grimmond - Ph: 027 629 0114 / 235 2740 E:

Kris Butcher M: 027 247 0084 • A/H: 235 0666



FLOOR SANDING SERVICES New & Old Floors Phone Roger 0274 986 798

09 235 8364



•Gutter clearing •Pruning/trimming •Weeding/spraying •Rubbish removal •All property maintenance•Fully Insured, Owner/Operator

238 7701 GLASS

235 3500 Mobile 021 533 585 Ceilings ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪



ALAN DEY 027 534 0035


Home & Office Cleaning • FREE QUOTES • •Regular & One off cleans •Spring cleans •Windows & Ceilings •Commercial & Domestic•Fully Insured, Owner/Operator

238 7701


No job is too small!

Full liability insurance Satisfaction guaranteed Free no-obligation quote

0800 248 229



Len Gore

Hosking Place, Waiuku

Painter Decorator Residential & Commercial


Madsen Lawrie Consultants

Value for money guaranteed For a free quote, call Len 021 - 682 028

LAND SURVEYORS 14 Hall Street, Pukekohe Ph 09 Fax 09 238 2448


6 COURT STREET WAIUKU (Opposite Police Station)

Wa i u k u


Authorised Panasonic Service

Mobile free 0800 226 884

• TVs & Antennas• Video and Hi Fi Stereo • Registered & Licensed Servicemen

235 2572


Phone 235 7059 TAI CHI

auto glass Windscreen Repairs & Replacement

(Right next to Bunnings Warehouse)

PH 238 5055 0800 10 35 35


238 6369

Email For free consultation contact David Lawrie or Dan Madsen

Your local company for all glass repairs and supplies

* Mobile Service, Franklin wide * 103 Manukau Road, Pukekohe

021 293 6250

All Sizes


all about


For all your water requirements call and see Kevin & Jo Gubb ph 09 235 8268 14 Constable Road, Waiuku

mind & body connection

Tamara 235 8648 or 021 255 1087 Water


Textured Ceilings - SPECIALISED COATINGS Hard wearing coatings for most surfaces. Terraces, Garage floors, Block walls etc. Epoxy coatings - Airless Spraying, Roofs Painted

Phone Bruce Cameron 0274 988 412

ACTUAL CONCRETE For all your concrete requirements Phone John 021 501 438

From maintenance to makeovers




Decks • Fences • Painting • Landscaping • Retaining walls • Paths & paving Locks & latches • Roof repair • Pergolas & sheds • Interior renovations And much much more.

Give Tai Chi a try …

• Conventional hay bailing • Contract mowing • Deep ripping • Hay conditioning • Pasture topping • Hay sales


ALL Ages ALL Abilities


Contact us: 09 235 7835



Supply and Installation of Woodburners

REPAIRS: Kent, Yunca, Metro, Natures Flame, Osburn, Masport, Firenzo, Logaire - plus other brands. SUPPLIERS OF: Fire Bricks, Fire parts, Pellets Hearths, Flues.

Buckingham Industries | Ph: 235 3900 441 Glenbrook - Waiuku Rd, Glenbrook


235 8206



027 476 1306

Anywhere in Franklin

Registered Plumbers

236 3408 or 0274 937 889


Ph: Ricky Holmes







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