Careers Newsletter April/May 2023

Page 21

Courses, Choices and Career Opportunities

April/May 2023


Business, Psychology, Engineering, Robotics Talk at Heriot Watt Economics Taster Session on 13th June

Electronics, Computer Science, Physics and Engineering-summer courses

Gap year advice Sessions

Girls in ICT with Fujitsu – online event

KPMG Glasgow Event Sign up

Languages, Translation event on 26th April

Law and Finance Summer Internships

Law Event – True Crime – The Oscar Pistorius Case

Law, finance, engineering, media – graduate careers live

Law Lecture: How mental health is protected by law

Lawscot Foundation Applications now live – U6 only

L6 Future UP Event on 14th June with KPMG

Medicine and Dentist Work Experience – look here!!

MEDSOC Resources and Work Experience

Multi-Industry Careers Event for S5, S6 with KPMG Glasgow

New law course at Edinburgh

Opportunities and Apprenticeships – Iconic Car Brands - Broxburn

Pre-med work experience – online and in-person


Psychology, Law, Criminology, Sociology – Real World Lecture Series

Reminder: Springpod Work Experience Options

SAAS Webinars – sort out your funding

Scottish Power – Year in Industry Placements for S5 and S6

Sixth Form Leaders Conference – Economists and Essay Competition

Sociology and Psychology Online Event – 12th June

STEM and Medicine Summer Experiences

3 Alternative Pathways to Medicine

Subject Taster Videos for University

SurgeryLive: Operating Theatre Surgical Work Experience

Summer courses for S5: Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science

The Uni Guide Podcast Series for Students and Families

Try before you Buy … University Spotlight – English literature with the University of Birmingham

Wildlife, Conservation and Climate Change Summer Programmes

Work Experience and Insights Week

Please email Steph Hall, with suggestions, questions or for further information on any of the above. If you’re interested in contributing to any careers’ events or know of useful resources which might benefit others from a whole array of


subject and career areas, I look forward to hearing from you at the above email address

Business, Psychology, Engineering, Robotics Talk at Heriot Watt

If you are interested in Business, Psychology, Engineering, Robotics, you may wish to register for this event at Heriot Watt University on 30 June

Economics Taster Session on 13th June

If you are considering taking Economics or studying the subject at university, you may wish to register for this online event on June 13th at 11:15 - 12:15.


Electronics, Computer Science, Physics and Engineering-summer courses

The UKESF, in collaboration with Apple, has announced its exciting ‘Girls into Electronics’ programme for 2023.

Girls into Electronics gives Year 11’s and sixth formers the unique opportunity to develop their interest in Electronics. At the heart of the programme is a one-day event at a leading UK university. During the day, participants will find out more about Electronics and studying the subject at university level, as well as hearing from female graduate engineers working in the Electronics sector.

Making advances in Electronics and semiconductors is critical to providing technological solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing society, including climate change, improving healthcare and better connectivity and communications.

Girls into Electronics will take place in June and July 2023

Gap year advice Sessions

Africa & Asia Venture (AV) is 30 years old this year! About 6,000 young people aged 17-25 from 30+ countries have travelled with us and experienced our group-based, full-immersion volunteering programs in Africa and Asia.

We now offer one-on-one gap year advise sessions on all/any aspects of the subject. Do please forward this message to any student who might be interested in picking our brains!


In case it helps, here is a link to a video that Jess and Sam made for us about their time in Uganda with us -


Girls in ICT with Fujitsu – online event

If you haven't booked already we still have places available on our ICT insight experience with Springpod and Fujitsu taking place 26th to 28th April.

It is being planned to commemorate International Girls in ICT Day, and students will hear from speakers such as award-winning STEM Ambassador Tim Chapman, Fujitsu Apprentice Maddison Forrester and Fujitsu Graduate Nadiyah Mughal.

Take a look at the stats of last years event here!

This Pre-Event Pack (which you can share around) provides all the information you need. As a reminder you have two ways to access this event. Both options are below.

Option 1: You can log onto the event and show it on a screen.

Option 2: Students can access this event individually. This will involve students working their way through the content and watching webinars independently.

We're keen to break down barriers in education as I'm sure you are too and women in STEM is a massive growth area; especially in the IT sector.

You can find out more about this event and the link to apply below.


Here's what a student said last time around:

"Thankyouverymuchforyourtime!It'sreallyinspiringhearing whatfemalescanachieveinstillsuchamale-dominatedindustry. It'salsoreallyencouragingtohearthatyouenjoyyourjobsand howrewardingtheycanbe.Ihopeonedaytobeinasimilar positiontoyouandI'dliketothinkI'llremembersomeofthe womenIlookeduptowhoencouragedmetopursuethatpath."-


Languages, Translation event on 26 April

Some of you linguists may be interested in this online event next week (April 26) See full details below:

On 26th April, Dr Sharon Black, Lecturer in Interpreting and Translation, and Dr Carlos De Pablos-Ortega, Associate Professor in Spanish, will consider ways in which participants can use their knowledge of other languages and cultures to translate foreign language films via the creation of subtitles, and to interpret for others.

Through practical examples, Sharon and Carlos will explore the linguistic, intercultural and transferrable skills that subtitlers and interpreters need and some of the main challenges they face, as well as considering the latest technologies that subtitlers and interpreters use.

 April 26 @ 12:45 - 13:45 Modern Languages: Interpreting & Subtitling with UEA (KS5) Find out more » [NEW]

KPMG Glasgow Event Sign up

Law and Finance Summer Internships

We have a range of immersive opportunities in these highly-competitive fields that your students simply cannot get elsewhere!

LAW: argue a case in London's Supreme Court; experience human rights law at Amnesty International; work on a commercial contract with corporate lawyers; cross-examine witnesses in a murder trial

INVESTMENT BANKING: trade the stock market in a London skyscraper; work on an entire M&A deal from start to finish; learn how to value a multi-billion dollar listed company; meet some of London's best financiers.

PDF of this email

Law Event – True Crime – The Oscar Pistorius Case

Those considering law may wish to register for this online event at the end of May. See booking link below and screenshot of details for True Crime: The Oscar Pistorius Case on 24 May 4 - 5:30 pm (virtually).



Law, finance, engineering, media – graduate careers live

I’m not sure if you’ve heard already, but following last year’s special programme on Degree Apprenticeships, we’re producing a new TV programme to introduce Year 12 sixth form students to the graduate job


market and degree apprenticeships.

Graduate Careers Live! is at 2pm next Thursday 27th April and will provide invaluable inspiration, information, and practical guidance about how university – or one of the growing number of degree apprenticeships –can lead to aspirational, rewarding careers in areas like technology, law, banking & finance, and engineering.

If you’ve already registered to watch the programme – thank you – but please do share this information so that as many Year 12 students and their parents are are able to watch too:

The programme features employers, recent graduates, degree apprentices, recruitment experts and special guests – including Robert Halfon, Minister for Skills, Apprenticeships & Higher Education and Zoe Thomas, author of The Times & Sunday Times Good University Guide – plus the very latest research and insight on what it takes to be successful in the graduate job market.

Graduate Careers Live! will be essential viewing for all Year 12 students and their parents, just before they begin considering their post-sixth form options, visiting universities and researching degree apprenticeship opportunities.

The programme is being presented by Levi Jouavel, a BBC Three presenter who began her career as a BBC apprentice and Martin Birchall, Editor of TheTimesTop100GraduateEmployers.

It is being produced by High Fliers Research, in partnership with the Department for Education.

We hope you’ll be able to join us for the programme on Thursday 27th April – live at 2pm – or on catch-up afterwards.


Law Lecture: How mental health is protected by law

Some of you may be interested in listening to this law lecture exploring how mental health is protected by law. The materials are produced by The University of Law.

Lawscot Foundation Applications now live – U6 only

I am writing to you as I am pleased to announce that the application window for the Lawscot Foundation is now live. This opportunity is invaluable to students who are interested in pursuing a career in law who may otherwise not be able to attend without some support. We are committed to supporting talented young people who show drive and determination who have the potential to excel as a Scottish solicitor. We give priority to individuals from less-advantaged backgrounds, so students’ social and economic situation will be taken into consideration.

To be eligible to apply, students must be able to answer yes to the following questions:

 Doyouhaveanoffertostudylaw(knownastheLLB)ata Scottishuniversity*startingin2023?

 Withoutfinancialsupportyouwouldstruggletoaccessand participateinhighereducation(university)

 Areyoucurrentlyatschoolorcollege,orhaveleftschoolor collegewithinthelasttwoyears(butnotcurrentlyattending university)?

*In order to apply, you must have a place to study law (known as the LLB) at one of the ten universities accredited by the Law Society of Scotland. These universities are:


1. University of Aberdeen

2. University of Abertay

3. University of Dundee

4. University of Edinburgh

5. Edinburgh Napier University

6. University of Glasgow

7. Glasgow Caledonian University

8. Robert Gordon University

9. University of Stirling

10. University of Strathclyde

I have attached the application form to this email for ease of reference. This document can also be found on our website here.


L6 Future UP Event on June 14 with KPMG

Some of you may already have signed up for this event in June:


Medicine and Dentist Work Experience – look here!!

Are you struggling to find good quality medical work experience?

Looking for a full package of application support, to help you through the whole process?

Then check out the Medic Mind Medicine Work Experience!

This full week of application help will include targeted exam support, hands-on experience in a hospital setting and interview help, led by a team of real doctors and application experts.

You will get:

 real insights into a medicine career, with thought-provoking prompts.

 a motivating, supportive group learning environment.

 learn from real doctors, and learn real life skills ahead of your course.


 help with your UCAT, BMAT and interviews.

 stay in central London and meet other medical applicants!

Learn more about the Medicine Work Experience!

Our intensive summer camp is a great option for students looking for a boost of help. Students can pick a full week option with all accommodation and food included, or choose to come for just the days that they need most support on.

Keen for more information, or interested in registering a school group? Contact us today and our Partnerships Manager, Daniela, will be happy to help you out!

Words from happy students...

"I found the course super helpful... it was a great chance to ask questions." - Shreya

"A really enjoyable experience- I'm convinced of my decision to study Medicine!" - Hetty

"I would have never been able to organise something this hands-on myself." - Ahmad

"Thank you for your help... I got 3 offers for medicine!"Sara


Register your interest here!

MEDSOC Resources and Work Experience

These might be useful for any MEDSOC meetings coming up soon.

Article 1 - Medical School Options for Year 12s

Article 2 - Medical Work Experience Week - April & Summer

Article 3 - NHS Strikes - What do we know?

Please feel free to share these with your students. If there is anything we can do to support your medics, just let me know.

Kind regards,



P: +44(0)191 704 2064

Award-winningresources,supportandcoursesforaspiring medics


Multi-Industry Careers Event for S5, S6 with KPMG Glasgow

Happy Scottish Apprenticeship from all of us at Uptree! We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know about out upcoming multi-industry careers event for senior phase students.

FuturesUP is an interactive careers event which allows students to meet with a range of employers from across industries, get inspired, and learn about the range of career pathways available to them post-school.

This year FuturesUp is taking place on 14 June at KPMG's offices in Glasgow.

Who should apply: S5, S6 or college students who want to explore careers and develop their skills.

What will attendees do?

 Take part in Q&As with apprentices at leading companies.

 Meet employers and find out about opportunities in a range of industries.

 Work on group industry taks.

 Speed network with professionals and like-minded students.

 Build confidence in professional settings.


Students can apply to FuturesUP here.

New law course at Edinburgh

Those interested in a career in law may wish to find out more about the new course Edinburgh University will be offering from 2024:

LLB Global Law | The University of Edinburgh


Opportunities and Apprenticeships – Iconic Car Brands - Broxburn


Pre-med work experience – online and in-person

We have 2 very unique work experience courses coming up soon, an online course that can be enjoyed at home and an in person course in London.

Our online course takes place on Saturday 13th May 2023 and is a day of Surgery work experience. This interactive day is delivered by practising surgeons & current medical students and is designed to give students a meaningful insight into careers in medicine and surgery. The doctors will guide you through how they would conduct a surgical consultation and how surgery is performed. Students can find out more and register by visiting

The in person course is something very special indeed. It takes place at Kings in London on Sunday 21st May 2023 where students aged 14-18 are allowed to enter the dissection room. It is not a simulated course but rather a real dissection room with NHS doctors leading the day examining real medically donated specimens. When we ran this one in December we had students from all over the UK and Europe who travelled to attend and it was very warmly received. Students can find out more and register by visiting

Psychology, Law, Criminology, Sociology – Real World Lecture Series


Reminder: Springpod Work Experience Options

SAAS Webinars – sort out your funding

Some of you (and parents and/or families) may wish to register for one of the SAAS funding webinars.

See link and screenshots below.

Scottish Power – Year in Industry Placements for S5 and S6

We have a number of vacancies with Scottish Power in Glasgow and the Central Belt in electrical/mechanical engineering, physics, finance/data analytics and business and it would be great if you could let your S5/S6 pupils know that they are available.

They will be holding interviews between the 15th and 18th May at their Glasgow HQ and the salary is £20,013.


The placements will start the beginning of September 2023 for 1 full year.

The vacancies and how to apply can be found here and here

Sixth Form Leaders Conference – Economists and Essay Competition

If you are thinking of studying Economics, this summer conference might be just for you:

You may also be interested in the essay competition too:

Sociology and Psychology Online Event – 12th June

If considering studying sociology and/or psychology, you may wish to register to attend this event on June 12 from 2 - 2:50. Please let me know if you have registered so that I can find a venue for you to participate.


STEM and Medicine Summer Experiences

Do your students want to experience life in the fast-lane of a STEM or Medicine-related career next summer? We have partnered with worldclass professionals across 10 STEM industries to create the most immersive and exclusive work experience activities that your students can find this summer.

The ultimate internship: experience emergency medicine in theatre; explore a Boeing 747 jet with aerospace engineers; work with psychologists in a clinic; analyse fingerprints and blood splatter on a crime scene. And much much more!

Our Summer Experiences are already over 75% full so students should register as soon as possible.

We kindly ask you to share this email with relevant students and parents so they can consider these opportunities.


View All: Ages 15-18

View All: Ages 12-14

Architecture: complete design projects in a real studio

Dentistry: drill teeth on phantom heads

Engineering: take apart a supercar engine with F1 engineers

Forensic Science: explore a simulated crime scene

Investment Banking: trade the markets live in a London skyscraper

Medicine: shadow doctors in a London teaching hospital

Psychology: carry out patient consultations in a simulated clinic

Software Engineering: create your own app from start to finish

Veterinary Medicine: examine and diagnose real animals

Video Game Design: design a game and pitch to industry leaders

Watch The Experiences In Action

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3 Alternative Pathways to Medicine

Medic Monday `

Medic Monday is a weekly update from The Medic Portal.

Every Monday, we share top tips to help aspiring medics get ahead!

This week we're exploring alternative pathways to Medicine for any applicants with no Med School offers this year. We've got guides to Graduate Entry, Transferring and Studying Abroad.

Guide: Graduate Entry Medicine

Learn more about this pathway to Medicineincluding where you can study GEM, the entry requirements and the number of places.

View The Guide

Guide: Transfer To Medicine

Find out which universities typically have transfer to Medicine schemes - and get an insight into how competitive this pathway can be.

Find Out `

Guide: Study Medicine Abroad

Discover what it's like to study Medicine abroad with our guides to medical degrees in Europe, the Caribbean, Australia and more.

See The Options

Upcoming Free Webinars

Want free tips and advice for your Medicine application and the UCAT test? Join our webinars!

Learn More

Subject Taster Videos for University

See the wealth of videos to help you when making decisions about whether to study and what to study at university:


SurgeryLive: Operating Theatre Surgical Work Experience

My name is Veronica, and I am emailing from DoctorsLive to tell you about our upcoming flagship course SurgeryLive virtual operating theatre surgical work experience. `

In this exciting full-day course, students will gain insight into the world of Surgery and learn what it's like to be a surgeon. The online interactive course combines real-life surgical cases with real-time surgical theatre simulations and guest doctors from varied specialities to share an insight into their lives. And lastly, the most popular session with students is the live suturing demonstration. Students will be sent a full medical suturing kit through the post to learn to suture under the guidance of practising NHS surgeons.

The next SurgeryLive virtual course will be held on Saturday, June 24th. 2023. We have received excellent feedback from previous courses and are thrilled to be able to offer this opportunity to more students. The cost of the full-day course, including a full medical suture kit, access to recordings and course certificate, is £87.

More information and enrolment can be found on our website at:

I would be grateful if you could share our information with any of your students who you think would benefit from our course. Places are usually oversubscribed and are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions.


ummer courses for S5: Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science

Some of you may be interested in summer taster courses in Biomedical Engineering and Electronics and Computer Science with the University of Southampton - 31 July - 4 August.

For more details, go to There are also scholarships (Zepler Scholarships) available.


The Uni Guide Podcast Series for Students and Families


to these podcasts to make sure you are up-to-date with your university research:
y before you Buy … University Spotlight – English literature with the University of Birmingham English Literature with Professor John Holmes - Trailer - Subject Spotlights | Springpod `

Wildlife, Conservation and Climate Change Summer Programmes


Click on the registration links below to register. If for any reason you can't attend but are interested in finding out more then please email

Tuesday 25th April - 6pm (GMT) (  Register here!)

Tuesday 23rd May - 6pm (GMT) (  Register here!)

Check out this great photo submitted in our photo competition by Eleanor Lewis, taken at Knepp last summer!
Reserve your place: Check out our overview video here to learn more about our field `


We’re here to help! Please don’t hesitate to get in touch over the next few days, weeks or months with any further questions you might have. +44 1790763194 or email

Work Experience and Insights Week

Work Experience and Insights Week commences on 12th June and there is an exciting programme of events planned.

Please email Steph Hall, with suggestions, questions or for further information on any of the above. If you’re interested in contributing to any careers’ events or know of useful resources which might benefit others from a whole array of subject and career areas, I look forward to hearing from you at the above email address.


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