St. Louis @
APRIL 2016
: n i r u T f o d u o r h S T he A TIMELESS MYSTERY
Shroud Encounter will be coming to St Louis King of France Catholic Church on Thursday, April 21st and Friday, April 22nd at 7:00 p.m. both days. Admission is free. A life-size replica will be on display. Each night’s program is identical, so come to only one! Shroud Encounter is a production of the Shroud of Turin Education Project, Inc. and will be presented by international expert Russ Breault. The presentation is a fast moving, bigscreen experience using over 200 images covering all aspects of Shroud research. Mr. Breault has been featured in several national documentaries seen on CBS, History Channel, Discovery and EWTN. He was interviewed last year for Good Morning America to discuss the latest research. He has presented at numerous colleges and universities including Duke, West Point, Johns Hopkins, Penn State and many others. See for more info. The Shroud of Turin is the most analyzed artifact in the world yet remains a mystery. The 14-foot long linen cloth that has been in Turin, Italy for over 400 years, bears the faint front and back image of a 5’10” bearded, crucified man with apparent wounds and bloodstains that match the crucifixion account as recorded in the bible. Millions of people over the centuries have believed it to be the actual burial shroud of Jesus. The historical trail tracks back through Italy, France, Asia Minor (Turkey) and may have originated in the Middle East according to botanical evidence. A team of 24 scientists in 1981 concluded it was not the work of an artist. They found no visible trace of paint, pigment, dye or other artistic substances on the cloth. The blood is type AB with human DNA as determined in 1995. (Continued on next page)
A newsletter of st. louis catholic church • 7601 burnet road, austin, tx •
: ’d t n o C n i r u T f T he S hroud o
Skeptics have mounted numerous attempts to show how a medieval artist could have produced the image but all have been inadequate to fully explain how it was formed. If the cloth indeed wrapped a corpse, there are no stains of body decomposition. The Shroud was largely dismissed in 1988 when three carbon dating labs indicated a medieval origin. However chemical research published in a peer reviewed scientific journal in 2005 showed that the single sample cut from the outside corner edge may not have been part of the original Shroud material. In violation of the sampling protocol, only one sample was used for dating and was cut from the most handled area of the cloth, an area that should have been avoided. The sample may have been part of a section that was repaired sometime during the Middle Ages. Many scientists now believe the carbon dating result is inconclusive. Adding more doubt to the carbon dating tests, new chemical and mechanical tests published in 2013 by Italian scientists with Padua University indicate a date range of 280 BC to 220 AD. The mystery continues. National Geographic called it “One of the most perplexing enigmas of modern times.” Shroud Encounter will cover all aspects of the history, science, art and theories of how the image may have been formed. This event is open to the public and is a not-to-be-missed event for all people of faith!
Biography of Russ Breault
Russ Breault has been researching and lecturing on The Shroud of Turin for over 30 years. His highly acclaimed presentation, known as Shroud Encounter, makes use of over 200 superb images and unfolds like a CSI investigation. The audience is intrigued as each clue is revealed and becomes another piece of a grand puzzle as the mystery of the Shroud is explored. Carefully designed to be educational and entertaining, he delivers a dynamic, fast-paced experience.
Russ Breault has presented to hundreds of audiences from New York to Hawaii. College and university presentations include Duke, Johns Hopkins, Penn State, Cal State and many others. He has appeared in several nationally televised documentaries including Mysteries of the Ancient World on CBS. Most recently, he appeared in the highly acclaimed, The Real Face of Jesus? —A two-hour documentary on The History Channel. Mr. Breault was both advisor and a primary
expert for this groundbreaking program. He was interviewed last year for Good Morning America and World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer to discuss the newest research. He hosted and produced 12 episodes of The Shroud Report, a half-hour interview show with the world’s leading experts. He has participated in over ten international research symposiums since 1981 and all three recent public exhibitions in Turin, Italy in 1998, 2000 and 2010.
He is a long-time member of the Shroud Science Group, an international consortium of scientists and scholars dedicated to further research. Mr. Breault is the president and founder of the Shroud of Turin Education Project Inc., the mission of which is to: “Advance the knowledge of the shroud to a new generation.”
The Spirit of St. Louis
not elected
On Pentecost Sunday, May 15, 2016, the process of calling the newest Pastoral Council members from our community will begin. In years past, council members were identified by a small committee and then elected by a parish vote. This method, while sufficient for civil authority, is not adequate for a faith community which calls upon the wisdom of our Father, through discernment, to guide all aspects of our daily life. From its very beginning, the Church has called forth leaders through a discernment rooted in prayer and openness to the Holy Spirit. Thus, although we are unworthy to receive the wisdom of the Father, we rely on his mercy and guidance. What is discernment? Our faith understands discernment as the process of coming to our Heavenly Father and saying “I don’t know the answer.” It is a process that is Spirit-led. It involves prayer and a willingness to be open to the Holy Spirit’s presence and direction in your life and the life of the faith. The discernment process is as old as the Church. The Apostles used discernment to choose a replacement for Judas (Acts 1:23-26) and the Church still uses it to this day to elect each Pope. Discernment is complimentary to stewardship. Through discernment, the council will ask all St. Louis parishioners to examine and acknowledge their gifts from God and ask if they are being called to use those gifts in the service of the parish as parish leaders. How will discernment take place at St. Louis Church? On Pentecost Sunday of each year, the parishioners of St. Louis will be asked to prayerfully discern who they believe God is calling forth as leaders in this faith community. Persons may put forward their own name or the name of someone else. Those whose name’s have been called forth will be invited to two evenings of discernment where they will further reflect on God’s call as a servant to the St. Louis community. Following these evenings of prayer, current members of the Pastoral Council will consider those called to discern and seek the council of the Holy Spirit to select the new members. What can I do to prepare for this discernment? The best way to prepare for the discernment process at St. Louis is to pray. Is God calling you to serve this faith community as a member of the Pastoral Council? If the answer may be yes, then give our Father the opportunity to speak to your heart on the matter. Hearing God’s call is only possible when we take the time to listen. For information please contact Peter Polito at or (415) 994-3301.
It’s time to Re-surface our Parking Lot! The Project 1. Repair all pot holes 2. Two inch overlay of brand new asphalt over entire parking lot 3. Re-striping by a Parking Lot engineer for best traffic flow
The Schedule The last week of June – the 2nd Week of July Working in sections so that parking is free for Sunday
The Cost - $150,000 How can I participate? No contribution is too big or too small! 500 families x $300 = $150k 1000 families x $150 = $150k 2000 families x $75 = $150k Separate from your Sunday Tithe, place your contribution in collection basket indicating on your envelope or check memo line “parking-lot” or Bring your contribution by the Church Office any time
¡Es tiempo para repavimentar el estacionamiento! The Spirit of St. Louis
El Proyecto 1. Rellenar los baches 2. Recubrir el estacionamiento con asfalto nuevo ss
3. Un ingeniero de estacionamientos repintara las líneas para mejorar el flujo vehicular
El Horario Empezará la última semana de junio – la 2º semana de julio El Proyecto se realizará en secciones para que haya estacionamiento durante los domingos
El Costo - $150,000 ¿Cómo puedo ayudar? ¡Cada contribución cuenta! 500 familias x $300 = $150k 1000 familias x $150 = $150k 2000 familias x $75 = $150k Aparte de la contribución de cada domingo, ponga su donación en la cesta de la colecta y escribe en el sobre o en el cheque “estacionamiento” o Traiga su donación a la Oficina de la Iglesia a cualquier momento
The Mercy of God in Forgiving Countless Times By Father Alberto Carbajal
Peter approached Jesus and asked him, “Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus answered, “I say to you, not seven times but seventyseven times…” (Matthew 18, 21-22). This passage of the Gospel of Matthew presents us with something that is key to the development of the Christian life. That is, the absolute need to always forgive. Jesus was (and still is) all about forgiveness. He was forgiving people all the time and even told great stories about forgiveness. Because Jesus was true God and true man, he could forgive people’s sins during his earthly ministry. At the end of his earthly ministry, he shared that responsibility with the Apostles. We can begin from the approach that the Church, through Apostolic succession, has the power to forgive sins through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Reconciliation is one of the seven sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ in his love and mercy. In this Sacrament we meet the love and mercy of Jesus who offers us forgiveness for the offenses committed against God and our neighbor. After experiencing the mercy of God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, each person has a duty to forgive others as well. The Apostle Peter raises an important question of how often forgiveness is to be granted. Jesus answers that it is to be given without limit. This response of Jesus to Peter is vital for understanding and practicing our faith. Two important points are to be remembered. First, at the heart of Jesus’ message is mercy and forgiveness. Jesus came to proclaim the Kingdom of God which implies the love and mercy of God the Father. Second, forgiveness is essential to our relationship with God and also to each other. No relationship can last without forgiveness. Jesus speaks of repeated forgiveness which applies to our relationships with family, friends, co-workers and anyone we meet. Even though God is quick and generous to forgive us, we are to forgive others too. It is important to note that Jesus does not set limits when it comes to forgiveness so that we don’t keep count of the occasions when we offend or someone offends us. This invitation of Jesus to always forgive is the healthiest approach to the Christian moral life. The reason is because when one forgives one begins a process of healing. The seventy-seven times response of Jesus has a historical background. The Jews understood that God forgave three times, and the fourth “punished”. And they did not want to surpass God in this regard. Therefore, they forgave
only three times. Peter claims that Christ forgave twice as much as the Jews, six times and threw in an extra number, which amounted to forgiving seven times. To his surprise this number is not enough. But why would Jesus invite Peter to forgive seventy-seven times? The answer is found in the religious history of the Old Testament where we learn that Cain avenged sevenfold for each offense received. His grandson, Lamech, to surpass his grandfather, multiplied times ten his revenge, that is seventy, vengeance for each offense (Gen. 4:24). However, Jesus takes the number seventy and uses it in a constructive way. He believes in countless “pardons” not revenge. As a result, Jesus encourages Peter to forgive always. By encouraging Peter to forgive always, Jesus, the second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, is showing the mercy of God, the Father. Pope Francis in Misericordiae Voltus, Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, gives the best description of Jesus of Nazareth, “by his words, his actions, and his entire person reveals the mercy of God” (No.1). Furthermore, Pope Francis goes on to explain that in the parables devoted to mercy, (the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the father with two sons), “Jesus reveals the nature of God as that of a Father who never gives up until he has forgiven the wrong and overcome rejection with compassion and mercy” (No. 9). He goes on to say that “mercy is presented as a force that overcomes everything, filling the heart with love and bringing consolation through pardon” (No. 9). The message of Jesus is very clear: God the Father loves us so much and he is merciful. Even if we fail through our sinfulness God forgives our offenses. God never keeps count of our offenses, but rather, is merciful, loving and compassionate. We need to remember that Jesus always pointed to the Father. He came to reveal the glory of God. Jesus was so humble that he always showed the mercy of God the Father. Jesus could have accepted the honors of the people, but he rather pointed to the glory of the Father. This means that God the Father is merciful and always forgives our wrongs. There is a story about a couple who celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Her son asked for the secret of their long and happy marriage. The lady replied: “The day of my wedding I decided to make a list of 10 possible offenses of my husband that I would forgive in order to save our marriage.” And what were those 10 offenses on the list, the son asked. Her response was, “To tell you the truth I never wrote the list. But whenever my husband did something that bothered me I would say, ‘You are lucky because that is not on my list.’” We too, like this husband, are lucky, or rather blessed. We are blessed because God, with or without a list, always forgives us. He loves us so much that He wants us to experience his mercy so that we may share his mercy with others. God continually communicates His mercy to us. In the Person of Jesus Christ, God shares His mercy with us. This mercy is available to all who are willing to always forgive and take up their cross and follow Jesus.
The Spirit of St. Louis
THANK YOU! St. Louis Catholic School H.S.A. thanks all those who attended our Annual Green & White Night—Dinner and Auction
The phenomenal support of the Parish and School Community enabled us to raise record funds to help support the school. Thanks to your generosity, we netted a record breaking $93,000 that will be used to help support the school. Included in this amount is over $30,000 that was donated in “Paddles Up” which is a straight donation to fund specific needs of the school. The money raised in prior years helped purchase technology for students and teachers to use at school and to upgrade classroom resources. The Paddles Up donations this year will be used to enhance the school’s playground.
f l
SLCS Round up St. Louis Catholic School welcomed prospective Pre-K and Kindergarten students and their families to the classrooms at the beginning of March. It was a great morning filled with making new friends and meeting teachers. SLCS hope’s to see our new friends back in the fall!
Dr. Seuss’s Birthday On March 2nd we had a great day celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday! Pre-K and Kindergarten learned about some favorite Dr. Seuss books, The Lorax and Green Eggs and Ham. They celebrated with themed lessons for the day and actual Green Eggs and Ham!
Registration Update St. Louis Catholic School is now registering for the 2016-2017 school year! SLCS provides a rigorous curriculum for Pre-K4 through 8th grade that will help students achieve success beyond their time here. For personal tours, call the Registrar, Mrs. Dowling, at 512-614-6622, x245. Forms and additional information are available on the school website at We look forward to making your children part of the St. Louis Catholic School family!
Running and Fitness Club March marked the end of the inaugural season of the Running and Fitness Club. Eighty-eight St. Louis students joined Mrs. Chaffee, Kindergarten teacher, and Mrs. Vernieuw, parent volunteer, once a week for 8 weeks to share a love for running and overall fitness. It was a very happy surprise to see so many students from Kindergarten through 7th grade take part in this great event. The club brought together many teachers, parents and younger siblings out to participate every week.
The Spirit of St. Louis
Join us!
ST. LOUIS HSA PRESENTS: The Annual Cougar Classic Golf Tournament Monday, April 26 Twin Creeks Country Club
LEGO Robotics
For more information, please contact Tamara Luera at
The after school LEGO Robotics Club is in full swing! Learningfun 101 meets with students from Kindergarten through 6th grade once a week to work on programing and construction of robots geared to their age level. The students work in teams and are enjoying creating something and sharing it with their classmates throughout the 6 week program.
PSIA (Private School Interscholastic Association) Competition The first weekend in March, students from 3rd through 7th grade represented St. Louis for the first time at the District PSIA competition. Students were tested on knowledge of various subjects including math, vocabulary, and science. Several students placed in their respective categories and three were able to move on to the State competition. Congratulations to Austin Nguyen, Christina Hinojosa and Anthony Nguyen who will be competing in Science, Ready Writing and Number Sense respectively. St. Louis is proud of all the students for representing the school so well.
First Reconciliation Congratulations to the second grade students for their participation in the sacrament of First Reconciliation on February 23rd. First Eucharist will take place on May 7th. Please keep them in your prayers! Ana-Victoria Crocker-Villegas
Bernadette Korty
Genivieve Olguin
James Vernieuw
Christian Dinh
Caleb Kyburz
Lyla Radl
Zach Wallis
Royal Flanagan
Jordan Messing
Taylor Randleman
Nash Wegner
Paulina Gonzalez
Joaquin Montes
John Rivas
Tristen Wright
Sara Hamlet
Isabelle Muniz
Simon Swenson
Kasi Yonkey
Spring Cleaning
During this time of Lent, wouldn’t it be great to do some spring cleaning? Please consider donating your old and broken, outdated jewelry to our Home and School Association. We are requesting precious metal jewelry items such as Yellow Gold, White Gold, Platinum and Silver. We are also accepting loose precious (Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire) and semi-precious (Amethyst, Topaz, Citrine, Opal, Garnet, Aquamarine, etc.) gemstones in good condition.
This jewelry and stones will be used by Villarreal Fine Jewelers to create a one-of-a-kind piece that will be auctioned off at the 60th anniversary Green & White Night event in 2017. Villarreal Fine Jewelers will design and manufacture the piece at no cost to St. Louis Catholic School.
We will make another request in the fall, but at this time, please submit your donations to the School office in an envelope with your name and phone number no later than April 30th.
We look forward to seeing the final product and we thank you in advance for your generous donations! Rendering of the 2016 Community Project designed by Villarreal Fine Jewelers.
The Spirit of St. Louis
St. Louis Catholic School
Dictionary Skills:
Christina Hinojosa (5)
Austin Nguyen (5): 3rd place
Caitlin Poblete (5)
Penelope Carlin (5): 6th place
John Leary (5) Anthony Nguyen (7): 3rd place
Sophia Campos (7): 5th place
Raymond Hinojosa (3): 3rd place
Arianne Poblete (7)
Clare Taylor (5) Lilly Barger (5)
Number Sense:
George Tisdale (5): 4th place
Austin Nguyen (5)
Theda Wilkens (6): 6th place
Theda Wilkens (5) Anthony Nguyen (7): 3rd place Sophia Campos (7) 15 Contestants // 32 tests // 11 events // 18 ribbons
George Tisdale (5): 4th place
Maps, Graphs, & Charts:
Penelope Carlin (5)
Christina Hinojosa (5) Caitlin Poblete (5) Arianne Poblete (7): 6th place
Social Studies:
John Leary (5): 1st place
Riley Fuller (5): 4th place
Music Memory:
Amy Nguyen (7): 3rd place
On Site Drawing:
Austin Nguyen (6): 2nd place*
Bella Bartol (5): 3rd place
Amy Nguyen (7): 6th place
Riley Fuller (5)
Ready Writing:
Christina Hinojosa (5): 2nd place*
Theda Wilkens (5): 5th place Penelope Carlin (5)
*designates state qualifier: April 30 at TCU in Ft. Worth Number in parenthesis designates what grade level test was taken. (Austin and Amy tested up a grade in Science. Theda tested up a grade in Spelling. Amy tested up a grade in Music Memory.)
From the Parish Office OUR SACRAMENTS OUR FAITH “The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church123)
DCCW Convention Coming to Austin The 67th annual Austin Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (DCCW) Convention will be held April 11-12 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Austin. Catholic women from across the diocese are invited to come together for fellowship, keynote speakers and service. St. Louis Church will have the honor of hosting the DCCW Convention Mass on Monday, April 11th at 4:30pm with both Bishops present. For more information, visit
FEBRUARY 6 – MARCH 5, 2016
Allie Campbell Jasso Marcus Alberto Nieto Brianna Marie Castillo Santino Marquez Isabelle Emerson Parrish Julie Aileen Solis
Early Childhood Development Center Save the Date! Vacation Bible School - June 27 – July 1
Bryan Mathias Mazas and Allison Breeze Campos Tung Ba Huynh and Deborah Lynn Escobedo Aaron Joseph Greusel and Mary Joy Rolle
RECENTLY DECEASED Henry Hank Bailey Eva Ellen Brandimarte
The Anointing of the Sick The Anointing of the Sick is offered every second Sunday of each month during the 9:00pm Compline service in the Chapel. Please join us Sunday, April 10, 2016. Compline is the last liturgical office of the day and this meditative service, held each Sunday, includes beautiful Gregorian chants of the Church. This is a wonderful prayerful way to end your weekend and prepare for the new week ahead.
Vacation Bible School is seeking volunteers to help on the CORE Team for VBS this summer. The CORE team will meet once a month, planning for the June 27 – July 1 session. This year’s theme is Cave Quest - Following Jesus the Light of the World. For more information please contact Dona at dona.leblanc@ or (512) 454-0384 ext. 244.
We’re Hiring St. Louis Early Childhood Development Center is currently accepting applications for full and part time employment. Full time applicants must have a CDA, preferably a Bachelor’s degree with 12 hours of Early Childhood coursework. Part time applicants must be 18 years of age, have their High School Diploma or GED and have had previous experience in Early Childhood. For more information email or Dona or Margaret at (512) 454-0384 ext. 244.
The Spirit of St. Louis
Effective March 1st, Jacqueline “Jackie” Forsyth joined the St. Louis Staff as the part-time Coordinator of Senior Ministry. Her most recent experience as the Director of Alumni and Parent Relations at the University of Dallas included building relationships, fundraising and event management. She was the editor and chief feature writer for the alumni magazine (the university’s flagship publication) and the alumni/parent e-newsletters. Her bilingual skills in both English and Spanish make Jackie a wonderful asset for the Senior Ministry and the parish at large! Her background includes a B.A. in English from the University of Dallas and an M.Ed in Educational Diagnostics from the University of Texas-Pan American. At the college level, Jackie taught composition, rhetoric, and literature courses. At the elementary and middle school levels, she instructed language arts classes and served as assistant principal at a Catholic school. She has also completed Professional Development in English as a Second Language, Instructor Training for the Literacy Forward Program. Widely traveled, Jackie is a former Peace Corps volunteer in Guatamala and a more recent volunteer with Casa Marianella, teaching ESL classes to immigrants from a variety of countries. She is a member of St. Thomas More Catholic Church and has co-chaired their parish Fun Fest. She serves as a lector and has initiated and leads the Contemplative Prayer Ministry. She is also the Chair of the STM Ministry Support Team that works to provide activities and workshops to encourage ministry leaders. Since moving to Austin, Jackie has also become familiar with several of the local museums and currently volunteers at the Talking Books Program of the Texas State Library where she narrates and reviews books for the blind. Based on her experience and variety of interests, Jackie will be a wonderful resource and organizer for senior adult activities in the parish! We are indeed blessed to welcome this multi-talented lady to the St. Louis community!
Divine Mercy Chaplet During the Year of Mercy, we invite you to join us in praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet and selected prayers from the Diary of St. Faustina every Sunday at 3:00pm in the Chapel. This is a beautiful way to offer up your time and incorporate this devotional as part of your prayer discipline. Bring your rosary and come join your fellow parishioners as we unite ourselves in prayer with our Holy Father. Check your bulletins for information on Divine Mercy Sunday activities, April 3rd.
Publication Deadlines The next monthly parish newsletter will be the issue for May 2016. Thank you for submitting items no later than April 5th to or Weekly bulletin deadlines are always 10 days in advance of an intended weekend. Submit items to bulletin@ no later than Wednesdays at noon.
New Leadership in Your Ministry? If you have elected new officers or other leadership in your ministry/organization that meets on the St. Louis campus, be sure the new people are certified in the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry policies of the Diocese of Austin. They must have completed an Application for Ministry for a background check and should have attended an EIM workshop. Call Brenda Beltran (512) 454-0384 x 211 or contact her by email to report names of new leaders or to check on EIM status: brenda.beltran@
S t. L o u i s Y o u t h M i n i s t
S T. L O U I S Y O U T H M I N I S T R Y FUNDRAISER AND and T-SHIRT SALE Fundraiser T-Shirt Sale
S t.S t.L Lo ouui is s YYoouuttDohhyouM i n s t r y love being a iparishioner? M i n i s t r y Now you
$15 Fundraiser T-Shirt Sale wear St. Louis pride on your sleeve Do you loveyour being a parishioner? Fundraiserand and T-Shirt Sale
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local screen leader, Austin Screen Printing pride on printing yourindustry sleeve!
wear your St. Louis pride on your sleeve!
wear your St. Louis pride on your sleeve! Ink
All T-shirts are printed on a high quality Gildan Heavy Cotton blend by All T-shirts are on printed on a high qualityGildan Gildan Heavy Cotton blend byblend All T-shirts are printed a high quality Heavy Cotton local screen printing industry leader, Austin Screen Printing.
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local screen printing industry leader, Austin Austin Screen Printing. screen printing industry leader, Screen Printing.
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for: Austin • SummerWhat Missionwe tripare withfundraising Rebuilding Together What are fundraising for: andAustin • -Summer Scholarships to we helptrip defray cost of retreats trips Mission withthe Rebuilding Together • Youth Ministry media advancement
What we are fundraising for:
-Summer Mission trip with Austin -Scholarships to help defrayRebuilding the cost of Together retreats and trips
-Summer Mission trip with Rebuilding Together Austin
T– Shirt -Scholarships Sales after-Youth ALL MASSES April 16-17th to help defraymedia the cost of retreatsand andApril trips 23-24th Ministry advancement
-Scholarships to help defray the cost of retreats and trips -Youth ALLMinistry MASSESmedia Apriladvancement 16-17th and April 23-24th T– Shirt Sale: after -Youth Ministry media advancement Questions? Contact Paul MASSES Stadelman @ (512) 614-6515— after ALL April 16-17th and April 23-24th T– Shirt Sale: Questions? Contact Paul Stadelman @ (512) 614-6515 -
The Spirit of St. Louis
Año de la Misericordia SANCTUARY CANDLE MEMORIALS EL Hermano Mauricio Torres de Totus Tuus hará una presentación sobre San Juan Pablo ll y Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Al terminar la presentación, y en privado va a bendecir a las parejas, o los individuos con un manto que tocó la Tilma de San Juan Diego, y con un Crucifijo que tiene la sangre de San Juan Pablo ll ¡Ven para que conozca el amor del Sagrado Corazón Y del Inmaculado Corazón de María!
The sanctuary candle is traditionally seen in Catholic churches, burning constantly to indicate the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. At St. Louis, in both the main nave and the chapel, the sanctuary candles are burning high above the floor in beautifully ornate fixtures suspended from the ceiling. Parishioners are given the opportunity to memorialize a deceased loved one with a $10 contribution, selecting a specified week in which one or both of the two sanctuary candles will be burned in their honor.Visit the church office with your donation, the name of your loved one, your choice of sanctuary candle and the selected week. Memorials are denoted in the Main Nave (M/N) or Chapel (C). Memorials reserved since the last newsletter deadline include: March 27 - April 2
¡Ven a participar de la misericordia de Dios! Tendremos oración de Sanación. Tendremos la visita de la Reliquia de Primer grado de San Juan Pablo ll y Manto Sacramental de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Por favor anote este gran evento en su calendario, el día lunes 18 de abril, de 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. en la Iglesia Principal de nuestra parroquia. La entrada es gratis, pero se aceptan donaciones para la misión.
¡Te esperamos! ¡No faltes al llamado que Dios te hace para darte Su bendición!
In Memory of Jose & Ruben Reyes by Pablo Reyes (M/N) In Memory of Louis Reyes by Pablo Reyes (C) April 3 – 9 To Honor Erik Corona by Jose & Flaviana Corona (C) To Honor Angelina Corona by Jose & Flaviana Corona (M/N) April 10 – 16 In Memory of Martha Lozano by Maritza Langrford (M/N) In Memory of Joseph Harris by Gaynell Wilson (C) April 17 – 23 In Memory of David A. Ramirez by Debbie M. Ramirez (C & M/N) April 24 – 30 In Memory of George Harris by Gaynell Wilson (C & M/N)
THOUGHT HAD MY FAITH FIGURED “The“Ibody, in Ifact, and only the OUT body, BUT NOW I SEE THERE’S SO MUCH MORE...” is capable of making visible what “ HASspiritual IMPACTED MYand MARRIAGE is invisible: the the IN SUCH INCREDIBLE WAYS.” divine.” - Saint John Paul II,Theology of the Body
What Is The and you Purpose ofbe? My Life? Are Meaning you the person want to Are you happy and fulfilled? How Do I Find Happiness and Fulfillment? Discover the Theology of the Body!
Introduction to the Introduction toBody the Theology of the Theology of the by Christopher West Body by Christopher West
If you’re wondering if there’s more to to life than “getting by” and are ready by” to focus on If you’re wondering if there’s more lifejustthan just “getting really matters, then discover the extraordinary Catholic teaching known as the Theology and are readywhat to focus on what really matters, then discover the of the Body. It will give you a revolutionary and fulfilling vision for life, as it offers you a new extraordinarywayCatholic teaching as the Theology the to authentically see yourself,known your faith, your relationships and your of world. Dates, Times, Location Body. It will Given give toyou a revolutionary and fulfilling vision for life, us by Pope John Paul II, the Theology of the Body is renewing marriages, as it offers aawakening new way to healing authentically yourself, faith, vocations, deep personalsee wounds, and settingyour people free to live the life of greatness to which are all called. your relationships, and yourweworld. Wednesdays, beginning May 11 - June 29 In An Introduction to the Theology of the Body, an adult faith formation program, best-selling 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Given to us by Pope Saint John PaulWest II, unfolds the Theology the Body as he author and theologian Christopher God’s amazingof plan for humanity addresses the mostwounds, fundamentalrenewing and universal questions, including: is healing deep personal marriages, awakening Wozniak Hall Cost/Registration vocations, and setting people free to live the life of greatness to • What is my life’s purpose? More information and registration coming soon! What does it mean to be “made in the image and likeness of God?” which we are all• called. • What is the real meaning of my sexuality? • How can I find happiness and fulfillment? If you desire to discover and live out the fullest meaning and purpose of your life, then this study is for you!
For more information
Christopher West Christopher West is recognized around the world for his work teaching and promoting John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. He is the best-selling author of several books, a syndicated columnist, and one of the most sought-after speakers in the Church today.
In An Introduction to the Theology of the Body: Discovering the Master Plan For Your Life, renowned author and theologian, Christopher West, unfolds God’s extraordinary plan for all of humanity. If you desire to live out the fullest meaning and purpose of your life, then join us for this amazing discovery!
The Spirit of St. Louis
Embrace A Better Choice!
Join us for BLOSSOM, a program of St. John Paul II Life Center that provides tools to mothers so they can help their daughters to embrace their blossoming womanhood! The program is designed for mothers who have daughters ages 10-14.
Upcoming Program Dates/Times: • Saturday, April 30 @ St. Louis King of France (10:30 am-1pm) in the Parish Education Center (upstairs) Cost: $10 (includes lunch) To register, go to the events tab of our Website (
Discussing with your daughter the physical changes of puberty and the physiology of fertility. Teaching your daughter about observing and charting the signs of her fertility. Sharing with your daughter the beauty and dignity of womanhood. Learning when your daughter should see a gynecologist for the first time. Resources to help you both on this journey.
Heather Kalamarides, CFCP, is a certified practitioner of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System and provides women and couples with quality educational instruction in learning to chart their cycles of fertility and infertility. Heather is a trained math and science teacher for grades 7-12, she serves on the board of St. John Paul II Life Center and is affiliated with the Austin Fertility Care Center. She is the wife of Dr. Jeremy Kalamarides, medical director of The Vitae Clinic, and mother of two daughters and two sons.
Nancy Carrano, is a former elementary school teacher and serves on the board of the St. John Paul II Life Center. Nancy is the mother of three sons and one daughter.
April is an active month in the Library community.* Most activities center on children’s literacy. To help spotlight good books for children the Association for Library Services to Children, a division of the American Library Association gives awards for excellent contributions to children’s literature. Most people are familiar with the Newbery and Caldecott awards, but may not be aware that the Catholic Library Association (CLA) awards authors and illustrators in this area as well. There are two awards in the area of children’s literature:
articles on Catholic topics. Popular titles are Books of Saints/Books of Heroes and The How-To Book of the Mass. Acclaim for her Prove It series (God, Jesus, Prayer, and Church) is that she meets teens on their level and then invites them to a higher level of understanding. Amy has taught high school and was a Parish Director of Religious Education. (CLA Website)
The Parish Library will feature the books we have by these authors in April. We could always use donations of books by these and other award winning authors. Come visit the The Regina Medal Award, established in 1959 and library this month, sample these books, take a look at our sponsored by the Catholic Library Association, is wish bowl, and consider helping us offer our children the administered by the Children’s Library Services Section gift of reading good books. through the Regina Medal Committee at the will of the One of the greatest gifts adults can give—to their offspring Catholic Library Association Executive Board. The only and to their society—is to read to children. —Carl Sagan criterion for the award is that of excellence. The Regina Medal is awarded annually to a living exemplar of the words “There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s of the English poet, Walter de la Mare “only the rarest kind world. Love of books is the best of all.” - Jacqueline of best in anything can be good enough for the young,” Kennedy for continued, distinguished contribution to children’s literature without regard to the nature of the contribution. “You may have tangible wealth untold; caskets of (CLA Website) jewels and coffers of gold. The St. Katharine Drexel Award was established in 1966 Richer than I you can never be. under the title Certificate of Merit and renamed in 2002. I had a mother who read to me.” - Strickland Gillian Presented by the High School and Young Adult Library Services Section through the St. Katharine Drexel Award Committee, the St. Katharine Drexel Award recognizes Side by Side: Poems to Read Together an outstanding contribution to the growth of high school by Lee Bennett Hopkins. Here’s a librarianship. (CLA Website) collection of poems sure to become as classic. Included are favorites by such The award winners for 2016 are: well-loved writers as Edward Lear, 2016 Regina Medal Award Winner - Lee Bennett Hopkins Lewis Carroll, Robert Louis Stevenson, The Catholic Library Association is excited to announce Kate Greenaway and Robert Frost, plus Lee Bennett Hopkins as the recipient of the 2016 Regina the work of more contemporary poets. Medal Award. Lee Bennett Hopkins has written and All are enchantingly illustrated by Hilary Knight’s luminous edited numerous award-winning books for children and watercolor paintings. Full-color illustrations. (Amazon) young adults, as well as professional texts and curriculum All God’s Children: A Book materials. He is a past winner of the Christopher Award, of Prayers by Lee Bennett SCBWI Golden Kite Honor Book Award, NCTE Award Hopkins. Twenty-two prayers for Excellence in Poetry for Children and was recognized -some traditional, some brand-newby Guinness World Records as the world’s most prolific are compiled in one lovely volume anthologist of poetry for children. (CLA Website) by the renowned anthologist. Prayers 2016 St. Katharine Drexel Award Winner - Amy Welborn to grace a meal, offer in thanks, and Amy Welborn is the author of nineteen books and many to say at bedtime are colorfully illustrated to celebrate the
The Spirit of St. Louis
loving relationship between God and all His children. A thoughtful gift from a parent, grandparent, or godparent, All God’s Children is a book to be treasured and handed down from one generation to the next. (Amazon)
Friendship with Jesus by Amy Welborn. To receive Jesus in Holy Communion is to enter into a lifelong friendship with him. In this beautifully illustrated book, Amy Welborn, well-known author and blogger, introduces Pope Benedict’s profound yet simple answers to various questions put to him by children in Mary’s Song by Lee Bennett Hopkins. Rome who had recently made their First Holy Communion. On that first Christmas night, the Pope Benedict’s answers, and the children’s wonderful earth bursts with praise at the Savior’s questions concerning this very important spiritual occasion birth. Donkeys bray, sheep bleat, in their young lives, provide inspiring text for this beautiful horses neigh, and shepherds come gift book for First Communion. (Amazon) from nearby fields -- but Mary simply wants to be alone with her sweet babe. Adventures in Assisi: On the Path With When quiet finally falls, Mary cradles her son and sings her St. Francis by Amy Welborn. Two cousins, mother-song, leaving readers dreaming of that silent night Gianna and Lorenzo, are left in the care so long ago. Mary’s Song, with its melodic language and of their great uncle, Brother Antonio, a rich illustrations, is a lovely reminder of the meaning of Franciscan friar living in Assisi, for the day Christmas and a welcome pause in the midst of a bustling while their parents visit a winery. Neither world. (Amazon) cousin wants to be with the other, and the day threatens to turn into a fiasco until Brother Antonio comes up with a game for them to play: Prove It! You by Amy Welborn. God took all They will discover the places where St. Francis lived and the trouble to make the very specific person worked. Children will learn about both St. Francis and called you, so there must be a reason, right? Assisi in this lovely tale for children ages 5-8, illustrated Your parents may see you one way, and your with the warmth and colors of the Italian countryside. As friends may see you a different way, but who Gianna and Lorenzo lose themselves in the game, they come are you really? Prove It! You focuses on one of to better understand the qualities that marked St. Francis: God’s greatest works of art, you! Best-selling humility, gentleness, kindness, simplicity, and love. In turn, author Amy Welborn, known for her ability the cousin’s relationship is mended as they come to see the to translate theology into practical, real life terms looks at good in each other. (Amazon) all the important issues of your life: Friends, Faith, Family, and Your Future (Amazon)
April Literary Events
Prove It! Church by Amy Welborn. Straightforward answers to questions teens have about the Church, including what it means to be saved. The book doesn’t talk down to teens, but it does give clear answers in a way anyone can understand. It’s especially good for teens who don’t know what to say to their fundamentalist friends. (Good Reads)
All Month - National Poetry Month & School Library Month April 2nd - International Children’s Book Day April 12th - National Drop Everything and Read (Dear) Day April 10th -16th National Library Week April 30th - Dia (Diversity in Action) Children’s Day/Book Day
SPRING IS COMING SOON! THAT MEANS IT IS TIME FOR THE ANNUAL DRIVE A SENIOR NORTH CENTRAL AUSTIN GARAGE SALE SATURDAY APRIL 9, 2016 First Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Fellowship Hall 6800 Woodrow Avenue Austin, 78757 8:00 am until 2:00 pm CLEAN OUT THOSE CLOSETS REORGANIZE THAT GARAGE WE NEED YOUR GENTLY USED ITEMS Please donate your unwanted household items, furniture, books, clothing, children’s toys, tools, electronics, craft supplies and other items to help us raise money to help seniors in North Central Austin. Items can be dropped off at First Cumberland Presbyterian Church Wednesday (April 6th) through Friday (April 8th) from 9 am until 2 pm. If you have large items — furniture, appliances etc. — and need help getting them to the church, please call our office at:
for assistance. Drive a Senior - North Central is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible. (Donation Letter provided at time of donation upon request)
The Spirit of St. Louis
Jewelry & Rosary ____________________ Presents A Uniquely Catholic Jewelry & Rosary Fundraiser Sale
____________________ Presents A Uniquely Catholic Jewelry & Rosary Fundraiser Sale
We have a wonderful variety of quality jewelry including; Catholic medals, crucifix necklaces, bracelets, rings, rosary bracelets, rosaries, and much more for you to choose from. Everything is priced reasonably for you while supporting our youth group! These beautiful religious articles will enhance your faith journey and/or the faith of those you purchase gifts for.
We have a wonderful variety of quality jewelry including; Catholic medals, crucifix necklaces, bracelets, rings, rosary bracelets, rosaries, and much more for you to choose from. Everything is priced reasonably for you while supporting Mothers of Young Children! These beautiful religious willjewelry enhanceincluding; your faith Catholic journey and the faith of those who We have a wonderful varietyarticles of quality receive them asmedals, gifts. crucifix necklaces, bracelets, rings, rosary bracelets, rosaries, and much to choose Everything is priced reasonably for you while Pictured more above for andyou below are just from. some of the best-selling items we are offering at reasonable prices! supporting our youth group! These religious (We may not beautiful have all items on thisarticles flyer) will enhance your faith journey and/or the faith of those you purchase gifts for.
Our group earns a profit on every item sold, you get sacramentals to enhance your own spiritual life or to purchase as gifts to enhance the spiritual life of your loved ones! Pictured above are just some of the best-selling items we are offering at reasonable prices! (We may not have all items on this flyer)
We Appreciate Your Support!
Our group earns a profit on every item sold, you get sacramentals to enhance your own spiritual life or to purchase as gifts to enhance the spiritual life of your loved ones!
We Appreciate Your Support!
Pictured above are just some of the best-selling items we are offering at reasonable prices!
Nuestra mission es fortalecer a las familias y servir a la comunidad.
Como podemos ayudarle?
Estas embarazada por primera vez? O necesitas refrescar tus conocimientos en los temas sobre embarazos o educacion para padres? Si has estado embarazada antes ó no, nuestro Centro de Vida del Proyecto Gabriel te enseñara todo lo que necesitas saber acerca del desarrollo, segurida y salud de tu bebé. Asiste a las clases gratuítas en los temas para madres y padres sobre embarazo y como ser mejores.
Te sientes estancada, necesitas con quien hablar? Nuestro programa de Servicios de Consejeria te puede asistir en alcanzar la vida que tu deseas.. Un consejero(a) preparado trabará contigo en los asuntos pertinentes como divorcio o ansiedad, la recuperacion de la depresión o a fortacer tu relación. Para nuestros Servicios de Consejeria, contacte nuestra oficina en Austin.
Preguntas acerca de su estado migratorio? Te preguntas que tipo de ayuda puede haber disponible? Nosotros ofrecemos consultas, representación y otros tipos de asistencia y ayudarte con tus necesidades migratorias. Ponte en contacto con nosotros, o nuestro Servicio Legal de Inmigración, abogados y asistentes legales pueden llevarte a traves de tus opciones.
Llama hoy para hacer una cita
Oficina de Austin • (512) 651-6100
o visita para conocer mas acerca de nuestros servicios.
Oficina de Brazos Valley • (979) 822-9340
1625 Rutherford Lane, Austin, TX 78754 1410 Cavitt Avenue, Bryan, TX 77801
The Spirit of St. Louis
For Whom The Bell s Toll Please remember to keep in prayer the souls of those inmates who have been executed and those who may be executed. Pray also for the victims of crime, the executioner and all of their families.
APRIL 2015
6 TX Pablo Vasquez 20 OH Gregory Lott - REPRIEVE GRANTED 27 TX Robert Pruett
Gabriel Project Training APRIL 30, 2016
Please register at this site: Then we ask that you join us every 4th Saturday at McAllister’s Restaurant between 11:30-12:30 for a Dutch treat meeting. Come and hear how we are able to give pregnant moms in crisis, the emotional and spiritual support they need.
Life, Dignity and Justice Ministry We will be concentrating not only on pro-life issues but on social justice as well. I feel these two ministries go hand-in-hand. Our faith promotes and upholds the dignity of every human person and their basic human rights. Our tradition always ties rights with corresponding responsibilities. The Gospel of Jesus and the teaching of our Church call us to a way of living and thinking that is different from the consumerism and individualism prevalent to our American culture. Our faith calls us to bring these values to our public and political debate. Our faith invites us to embrace both our rights and responsibilities in ways that foster the common good, not just an individual good. We can bring the vision of the common good to our public discussion so that our state can be strengthened by the wisdom of our faith. By working together with the Austin Diocese, the Texas Catholic Conference and USCCB, we can promote issues like Gabriel Project, pro-life, death penalty, immigration, disabilities’ ministries, criminal justice and Catholic social teachings. If you are interested in volunteering in the new Life, Dignity and Justice Ministry, please contact Bea Dela Rosa, 512-454-0384 ext. 265 or
Next Marriage Encounter Planned Married couples hoping to strengthen, renew and rekindle your marriage in 2016 are invited to attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on April 15-17 at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. For details, visit or contact Steve and Linda Jaramillo at wwwmeaustin@ or (512) 667-9963.
Planning Marriage in the Future? The Sacrament of Marriage involves many steps, but your faith community is here to assist you. While you don’t have to be a member to marry here, it is the support and tithes of our generous parishioners that make our marriage programs and facilities possible. Consequently, fees for the rental of facilities are assessed according to parishioner or nonparishioner status. If you have been a registered member and documented giver (through checks or envelopes) for at least six months before coming in to plan a future wedding, you will be eligible for the discounted parishioner rate at a savings of $600. Call our Church Office for more information on this and all questions related to the marriage preparation process (512) 454-0384.
Is Your Information Correct? Do we have your most up-to-date address and phone information? Are you receiving church envelopes monthly or quarterly in the mail? If not, please contact Belinda at the church office to update your records (512) 454-0384 ext 201 or Belinda.
Around the Diocese and beyond Special Collection in April
Cedarbrake Retreat Center
Diocesan special collection for Seminarians will be taken up the weekend of April 2-3, 2016. This annual fund supports the education and formation of our diocesan seminarians and is a major source of revenue for their journey to priesthood. Thank you for your generosity. Please use the special envelope for this purpose, found in your envelope packs, and place it in the regular collection that weekend.
Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton has a new webpage: Use this new site to find out about upcoming events, register for a retreat or to contact them for information!
Save the date for an unforgettable event in which the mission of Catholic Charities of Central Texas will be shared by those whose lives it has touched. You’ll enjoy a complimentary lunch as you see that it only takes ONE to restore hope in Central Texas. Join them Noon-1:00pm on Thursday, April 14, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency-Austin. For information contact Kristen Erdem at Kristen-erdem@ or (512) 651-6132.
April 22 – 24 Weekend Retreat Encountering Christ with Fr. Albert Haase, OFM You are invited to this special retreat to listen to what Jesus has to say to you. The retreat will be led by Fr. Albert Haase, OFM who will give talks centered around the transformation we encounter with Jesus, a “process of being conformed by the Spirit of God into the image of Christ for the sake of others.” Fr. Albert is a popular preacher, teacher, spiritual director and a guest on Relevant Radio. He was a missionary in China for 11 years, the author of nine books on spirituality and the presenter on four best-selling DVD’s by Paraclete Press. The cost for the retreat is $210 for a single room, $170 for a shared room and $95 for commuters; all meals included. Register using the new Cedarbrake webpage mentioned above.
Our Lady’s Annual Field of Flowers Day Sunday, April 10th from 1 to 4pm
Experience the legendary meadows of bluebonnets and wildflowers, walk the nature trails and enjoy the beautiful art and monuments. A professional photographer will be available for complimentary photos. Light refreshments served from 1 to 4pm.
330 Berry Lane, Georgetown, Texas 78626 • (512) 863-8411