Building the Kingdom
Saint Louis King of France Catholic Church & School
CLERGY Rev. James A. Misko, Pastor Rev. David Trahan, Parochial Vicar Rev. Alberto Carbajal, Parochial Vicar Rev. Paul Kasun, OSB, In Residence
DEACONS Rev. Dr. Al Cuevas Rev. Mr. Rob Embry Rev. Mr. Alfredo Villa Rev. Mr. Tony Pynes
MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 8 a.m. & 5 p.m. Sunday: English: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Spanish: 6 a.m., 1:30 p.m. & 5 p.m. Weekdays: English: 7 a.m. Monday - Friday 12 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Spanish: 6 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday Nursery: Sunday: 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Masses (Infants to 5 years only; Free)
RECONCILIATION Thursday: 6:30-7:15 p.m. Saturday: 8:30-10 a.m., 3:30-4:30 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday - Sunday (24 hours) SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY, 9 A.M. - NOON. 1 P.M. - 6 P.M. Adult & Family Ministry Amy Allert, M.Th., Director Business Office Brenda Beltran, Business Administrator Childhood Ministry Beatriz Franceschi, Director Christian Education Tina Juarez-Bailey, Ph.D., Director Early Childhood Ministry Mary Beth Skinnell, Director Hispanic Adult & Family Ministry Sumayah Abullarade, Director Liturgy Bea Lamb, Director Music Chris Oelkers, Director Senior Ministry Coral Migoni-Ryan, M.Th., M.Div. Director Social Ministry Bea Dela Rosa, Director St. Louis Catholic School Patricia Romanies, M.Ed., Principal Youth Ministry Paul Stadelman, Director 7601 BURNET ROAD, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 | 512 . 454 . 0384 | WWW.ST-LOUIS.ORG |
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Forming Our Faith Mass Times, Readings & Intentions Monday August 3 Readings: Nm 11:4b-15; Ps 81; Mt 14:13-21 Masses: 7 a.m. Brooke Fuller 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Arturo Mercado+ Tuesday August 4 | Saint John Vianney, Priest Readings: Nm 12:1-13; Ps 51; Mt 14:22-36 or 15:1-2, 10-14 Masses: 7 a.m. Richard Antolini+ 6 p.m. Dr. William G. Lasso+ Wednesday August 5 | The Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major Readings: Nm 13:1-2, 25—14:1, 26-29a, 34-35; Ps 106; Mt 15:21-28 Masses: 7 a.m. Reyes & Elia Mendoza+ 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Darryl Zimmerhanzel+ Thursday August 6 | The Transfiguration of the Lord Readings: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Mk 9:2-10 Masses: 7 a.m. Mack L. Linan 6 p.m. Mack L. Linan 6:30 p.m. Confessions Friday August 7 | Saint Sixtus II, Pope, and Companions, Martyrs; Saint Cajetan, Priest Readings: Dt 4:32-40; Ps 77; Mt 16:24-28 Masses: 7 a.m. Cyril C. Rosipal+ 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Leandro Orona+ Saturday August 8 | Saint Dominic, Priest Readings: Dt 6:4-13; Ps 18; Mt 17:14-20 Masses: 8 a.m. Kathy Blair+ 8:30 a.m. Confessions 3:30 a.m. Confessions 5 p.m. Eileen Rosipal Sunday August 9 | Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: 1 Kgs 19:4-8; Ps 34; Eph 4:30—5:2; Jn 6:41-51 Masses: 6 a.m. Pedro Benavidez 7:30 a.m. Pro Populo 9:30 a.m. Chastidy Vernengo 11:30 a.m. Frank Olsovsky Sr. + 1:30 p.m. Miguel Angel Diaz Chavez+ 5 p.m. Raymond Arriola+ Compline: 9 p.m.
Living Our Faith
Jesus’ message in today’s gospel must have seemed both odd and disappointing to the crowds who followed him after the feeding of the 5,000. They thought they were looking for another sign; something to feed their belief. When Jesus explained that he is the bread from Heaven, he gave them exactly what they were looking for, however they didn’t recognize it. They hadn’t yet made the connection between being filled with physical food and being filled with spiritual food. How do we recognize Jesus in our lives? Do we look and listen for him only in physical ways, or ways in which we are familiar? Or are we willing to risk it a little, to give up a little more control of our hearts and look beyond the obvious? The followers in today’s gospel were looking for a sign like manna when the true bread from heaven was standing before them.
August 2, 2015
Generous Hearts
7/18-7/19 Month to date Year to date
Actual Collection
$34,627.43 $120,815.43 $120,815.43
Ministry Programs Building Fund Pledges Farm Ministry Food Pantry Mobile Loaves & Fishes School Trust Fund Social Ministries St. Vincent DePaul
$220.00 $91.00 $413.00 $156.00 $252.00 $316.00 $190.29
$30,326.67 $111,197.99 $111,197.99
Variance Over (Under)
$4,300.76 $9,617.44 $9,617.44
Thank you for all you do to support our parish and put feet on our faith!
Online gifts can be made at:
SUNDAY NURSERY will be closed Sunday, August 2, while
the floors are being stripped and waxed. Thank you for your patience and understanding as these maintenance tasks are accomplished in preparation for the new school year ahead.
THE SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS, our monthly parish
newsletter, has a deadline of August 5th for the September issue. Please send your news items to for advertising those September activities in the newsletter, the bulletin or on the website.
Viviendo Nuestra Fe
El mensaje de Jesús en el evangelio de hoy a de ver sido raro y decepcionante para el gentío que lo siguieron después que alimento a los 5000. Ellos buscaban otra señal; algo que alimentara su fe. Cuando Jesús les explico que El era el pan del Cielo, les dio exactamente lo que necesitaban, sin embargo no lo podían reconocer. No habían distinguido todavía entre llenar de la comida física y ser llenados con la comida espiritual. ¿Cómo reconocemos a Jesús en nuestras vidas? ¿Lo buscamos en las cosas físicas solamente o en maneras familiares? ¿O estamos dispuestos a tomar un poco de riesgo y renunciar un poco de control sobre nuestros corazones para ver más allá de lo obvio? Los seguidores del evangelio de hoy buscaban una señal como el maná cuando el verdadero pan del cielo estaba parado delante de ellos.
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
ANNouNcemeNts Mark Your Calendars!
Are you considering becoming a Catholic?
Are you unbaptized or are you a baptized Catholic needing to receive first communion or be confirmed?
Parish Ministry Fair
Have you ever asked your spouse, colleague or friend about exploring the Catholic faith?
August 22-23 | After all Masses in the Narthex
Are you Catholic but think a refresher course in the teachings and traditions would be interesting?
Parish Feast Day
August 29 6:00-9:30pm | Wozniak Hall PARISH MINISTRY FAIR – AUGUST 22-23 | As the fall
approaches with resumed activities in all our parish ministries, now is the time to volunteer and be trained in the ministry work that appeals to you. We invite you to tour the Ministry Fair which will be set-up in the Narthex of the Church on August 22-23. Visit with ministry representatives to find out more about the activities that interest you. Share your time and talents and help us build the Kingdom of God on Burnet Road!
Information meetings about our Adult Initiation process will be held:
Tuesday, August 18 – or – Wednesday, August 19 (choose one to attend) 7:00-9:00 PM in the Parish Education Center, Room 201
THIS IS FOR ADULTS WHO ARE: D Baptized Catholics needing First Communion and/or Confirmation. D Baptized Christians of other denominations. D Unbaptized adults. D Fully initiated Catholics. These evenings will provide information about our Wednesday night and Sunday morning sessions for adults in all stages of their faith journey and from all backgrounds. Questions? Contact Amy Allert at or 512-4540384 ext. 220. THE ALTAR GUILD will hold a special organizational
TASTE OF ALL NATIONS is being offered again as our Feast
Day Celebration. Join us Saturday, August 29th from 6:009:30pm in Wozniak Hall. Our parish family is very culturally diverse and this event brings together the favorite foods from people of all corners of the world. Volunteer families are encouraged to prepare dishes from their particular culture. There are also opportunities to help with decorations, set-up and clean-up. If you can donate food or help, please contact Lupe Barragan at or 512-788-3407 or Alice Kubacak at or 512-452-7727. Tickets will be available after August 1st. THE HEALING SACRAMENT, which includes the laying
on of hands and anointing, will be offered during the Compline service next Sunday, August 9th, at 9:00pm. Compline is the last liturgical office of the day and is celebrated every Sunday night in the chapel, with beautiful Gregorian chants of the Church. Come enjoy this meditative way to end one week and begin another. 3
meeting on Saturday, August 8th, at 10:00 AM in Wozniak Main Hall with Bea Lamb. The meeting is bi-lingual and will cover organization, scheduling, and team formation, as well as activities and Sacristy training. Current volunteers, new volunteers, or anyone interested in learning more about the Altar Guild, are invited to attend. We would especially like to reach out to families and young adults who would be willing to schedule a Saturday to help with cleaning and preparing the church for weekend liturgies. If you have any questions, or cannot attend but would like more information, please contact Cathy Voltaggio (, 512-345-5043) or Angela Oxford (, 512-423-8039). Light refreshments will be provided. JOIN CATHOLIC SCRIPTURE STUDY this fall and
learn about Angels Throughout the Ages, a CSS International series written by Dr. Richard Bulzacchelli. CSS of Austin begins on Wednesday, September 2nd at 9:30am in the St. Louis sanctuary. The weekly two-hour Bible study consists of prayer, small group discussions, guest lecturers and follows the AISD calendar for holidays. It is open to men and women. Register online at or contact Patty Hogan (512) 267-4789.
512 . 454 . 0384
St. Louis Catholic Church & School
Forming Our Faith EARLY CHILDHOOD MINISTRY Ages 6 wks to Pre-k Mary Beth Skinnell, Director 512-614-6551
7 from 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. At this time, please bring your child’s rest mat and extra clothing. Paper work is due as well. Our “Parent Orientation” is on Wednesday, August 19 at 6:30 pm in Wozniak Hall. WE'RE HIRING | St. Louis Early Childhood Development
Center is currently accepting applications for full and parttime employment. Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and have had previous experience in Early Childhood. For more information contact Mary Beth at marybeth.skinnell@
Ages Pre-k to 5th Grade Beatriz Franceschi, Director Ext. 221
LITURGICAL MINISTRY Bea Lamb, Director Ext. 213
We now have thirty (30) altar server observers! This is a record number for Altar Server Ministry! These new observers will be elevated to Apprentice status in October. Training Classes in August Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion | Tuesday, August 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the main church. Homebound Ministry Class | Tuesday, August 25 at 7:00 p.m. in the main church. (New liturgical ministers will be commissioned on Sunday, September 13 at the 9:30 a.m. Mass or the 1:30 p.m. Mass) Important Meetings in August Altar Guild Captains Meeting | Saturday, August 8 at 10:00 a.m. in Wozniak Hall. Hospitality Captains Meeting | Saturday, August 15 at 9:00 a.m. in Wozniak Hall.
Thank you, to all of our Liturgical Ministers who have to register for Religious Ed Classes. Come by the PEC Office responded to the call to assist at the brand new Mass to complete a registration form, or fill one out on our website. time ~ our 12:00 Noon Masses ~ Mondays-WednesdaysIf your child is registering for the second year of Sacraments Fridays! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES | Now is the time
Class, please bring a copy of his/her Baptismal certificate. Classes will start September 13th. We look forward to seeing you there! Registration schedule: Mon- Fri 8:30 to 11:30 AM & 1:00 to 4:30 PM, through August 14th, 2015. First come, first serve to select class days.
el momento de inscribirse para las clases de Educación Religiosa. Venga a la Oficina de PEC para llenar la planilla de inscripción. Si su hijo/a se está registrando para el segundo año de catecismo a fin de recibir los Sacramentos, por favor traiga una copia del certificado de bautismo del niño. Las clases comenzarán en septiembre. ¡Los esperamos en la clase de catecismo! Horario de Inscripciones: Lun- Vie 8:30 a 11:30 AM & 1:00 a 4:30 PM. al 14 de Agosto de 2015. Los primeros en inscribirse tendrán la opción de escoger a qué clase quieren asistir. SENIOR MINISTRY
Ages 50 & Over Coral Migoni-Ryan, M.Th., M.Div., Director Ext. 206
FRIENDSHIP GROUP | will meet on Wednesday, August
5 in Meeting Room 1 of Wozniak Hall from 9:00a.m.-1:00 p.m. for Bingo and pizza. Everyone is invited. For more information, please phone the Senior Ministry office. August 2, 2015
Ages 6th Grade - 12th Grade Paul Stadelman, Director Ext. 205
TACO TUESDAY | Join us Tuesdays as we go to Mass
and eat tacos at the aptly named Taco Tuesday! Meet in the Church Narthex at 11:15 a.m. to get transportation to noon Mass at the UCC or St. Mary's. Bring some money for Tacos after Mass! TBT | TBT is a weekly evening of fellowship, games, and
prayer for all High School students! Join us from 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the PEC upper room! YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY
Ages 20’s - 30’s Amy Allert,, Director, x220
ST. LOUIS YOUNG ADULTS | Join the SLYAs for weekly
brunch after the 9:30 Mass (meet by baptismal font). First Sundays location varies, the rest of the month we go to Kneaded Pleasures, 3573 Far West Blvd. E-mail Lauren to receive the Weekly Update of our activities.
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Forming Our Faith ST. LOUIS CATHOLIC SCHOOL excellence in education pre k4 through 8th grade mrs. patricia romanies, M.Ed., Principal
Connections START HERE
Back to School Orientation
AUGUST 13TH | 6:00 P.M.
Please know that children are welcome to attend this meeting. This information session is aimed at parents, but we understand that making arrangements for your children to remain at home is not always possible.
First Day of School (Half-Day) AUGUST 17TH
Monday only we will have early release at 12:00 Noon. Students will not have hot lunches and Extended Day coverage will not be available on our first day of school. The remainder of the week will be school as usual!
Back to School Night
f l
Please support St. Louis Catholic School. Buy SCRIP/Gift cards after weekend English Masses.
SEPTEMBER 10TH | 6:00 P.M.
ADULT & FAMILY MINISTRY Amy Allert,, Director Ext. 220
MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN (MOYC) serves to give mothers and their
All mothers with children preschool aged and younger are invited to come together for fellowship, support and spiritual nourishment.
children the opportunity to engage in fellowship and spiritual growth through prayer, book reflection, and play dates. We 1ststudy, & 3rd Fridayscriptural Spiritual Formation meet in PEC 202 on the first and third Fridays 2nd & 4th Friday Park Playtime of the month at 9:45 and on the second and �other� OF YOUNG CHILDREN fourth Fridays at parks around town. We will begin our fall book study of Pope Benedict XVI's Jesus of Nazareth in August. Please contact Shanna Steinbach ( for additional information. The first meeting will be April 11th at 10:30am in the Parish Education Center (upstairs).
Questions? Email Shanna Steinbach at
512 . 454 . 0384
St. Louis Catholic Church & School
feet on Our Faith
Bea Dela Rosa, Director ext. 265
PLEASE HELP - ST. LOUIS GABRIEL PROJECT is in need of baby toiletries: shampoo,
SVDP | Please find it in your hearts to volunteer
FOOD PANTRY | We are in need of: corn,
lotion, destine, baby wipes, Q-tips and baby powder. Also we need baby clothes, boys and girls – newborn to 18 months. Drop off at the Social Ministries Building.
for this wonderful, self-gratifying service. You can make a difference! Training and spiritual support provided by the group. Please contact Linda We meet on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. at the Social Ministries Building. Come by to see what we do.
need help with picking up donations in the mornings from 9:30-11:30 A.M. on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. There are three retail stores that donate to the Food Pantry.
peanut butter, both brown and white rice, dry pinto beans, oat meal, cooking oil, flour and sugar. Please drop off at Social Ministries Building on St Joseph’s Blvd.
ML&F | We are in dire need of gently used (no stains) t-shirts, all sizes for both men and women. (No pants
please). Toiletry items are needed as well.
de Adultos y Familias Sumayah Abullarade, Director SUMAYAH.ABULLARADE@ST-LOUIS.ORG EXT. 216
Se les invita a todas aquellas personas que necesiten recibir algún Sacramento de iniciación (Bautismo, Reconciliación/ comunión o Confirmación) a inscribirse en el programa de clases de Sacramentos para Adultos. Para inscribirse diríjase a las oficinas del PEC, o a la oficina de los Ministerios Hispanos También se les invita a participar en la orientación donde responderemos a todas sus preguntas, y se podrán inscribir para las clases de Sacramentos para Adultos. Primera Junta
Segunda Junta
Fecha: Martes 25 de Agosto de 2015
Fecha: Jueves 27 de Agosto de 2015
Hora: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Hora: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Lugar: Sótano del PEC
Lugar: Sótano del PEC
Solo tiene que asistir a una de las dos juntas. ¡No pierda la oportunidad! ¡Lo esperamos! CLASES PREMATRIMONIALES “Unidos En El Amor
De Dios” “LO QUE DIOS HA UNIDO NO LO SEPARA EL HOMBRE” (Mateo 19,6) ¿Estas comprometido, casado solo por lo civil, o viviendo en unión libre? ¿Deseas recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio bendiciendo el amor de tu familia? Asiste al programa de preparación matrimonial. Te ayudamos con mucho gusto. Para más información, comuníquese con la Sra. Sumayah Abullarade al 512-4540384 Ext. 216, o Sumayah.abullarade@ ¡No faltes al llamado que Dios te hace para darte Su bendición. August 2, 2015
“Estén siempre contentos. Oren en todo momento. Den gracias a Dios por todo, porque esto es lo que él quiere de ustedes como creyentes en Cristo Jesús.” (1Tesalonisenses 5: 16-18). Todos están invitados a orar y alabar a Dios, en comunidad, presentándole al Señor nuestras peticiones, en un ambiente de alegría y gozo, y aprendiendo de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia con charlas impartidas por nuestros miembros de los diversos ministerios de la Iglesia St. Louis King of France, ven a gozarte en el Señor! cada Martes en el Salón parroquial Wozniak desde las 7:00 a las 9:00 p.m. Renovamos nuestras reuniones el martes 4 de agosto, 2015. ESTUDIO BÍBLICO “Ama la Biblia y la sabiduría te amará;
ámala y ella te protegerá; hónrala y ella te abrazará; estas son las joyas que deberás usar en tu pecho y en tus oídos” (San Jerónimo, Carta a Demetrias). Si quiere tener un mejor conocimiento de toda la Biblia, y tener un camino espiritual más profundo con los textos bíblicos acompáñanos a estudiar el programa Estudio de Biblia En Español sencillo. Estudiaremos todos los martes de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. En el sótano del PEC empezando del 8 de septiembre 2015. Para más información, comuníquese con la Sra. Sumayah Abullarade al 512-454-0384 Ext. 216 TALLERES DE ORACION Y VIDA del Padre Ignacio
Larrañaga es un método práctico para aprender a orar en una manera ordenada y progresiva, basándose en la biblia y teniendo a Cristo como el centro. El taller es una fuente de vocaciones apostólicas con un carácter totalmente práctico y experimental. Es un taller liberador y sanador a través del conocimiento de Dios y de uno mismo. Comensaremos el 8 de Agosto, para más información, comunicase con Mercedes Murillo al 512-939-0301.
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
feet on Our Faith Please pray for the spiritual, physical & emotional needs of: MUSIC MINISTRY ANNOUNCES CHOIR TOUR TO ITALY! Look
for brochures in the narthex tract racks! This trip is not until December 27, 2016 – January 5, 2017, but the $350 deposit per person is due October 15, 2015. This 10-day Choir pilgrimage will include Florence, Siena, Assisi, Rome and Vatican City. Our Choir will be participating at a Papal Mass with His Holiness, Pope Francis, for the January 1st Feast Day of Mary in the Basilica of St. Ignatius. You don’t have to be a choir member to attend! Special tours of the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica and more are included. This all-inclusive package will include airfare from Austin and is coordinated by Peter’s Way Tours. For more information, contact Chris Oelkers at
Bunny Newby Mary Lou Tierney Timothy Williams Melva Flores Gabby Lara Basil Philippy Lee Mills Pam Polley Brigett Kelly Shirley LeBlanc Elissa Fox Cecilia Harris Robert Rivera Frank Hipolito John Trevino Mary Moczygemba
Pat Long Dora Ann Castilleja Jenifer Medina Rose Marie Linan Mack Linan Jeannie Comeaux Bernice Vrabel Kiara Sandavol Ronald Collins Amelia Barron Max Segrets Louise Lange Geraldine Rowe Pedro Castillo Victor Chapa Isabel Luna
Roy Alexander Tommie Gauntt Izaiah Dela Rosa Dorothy Tierney Madeline Withoff Patricia Faucheaux Alvera Peschka Loraine Reese Ann Pease Dorothy Mason Alice McCluskey Martha Tschoerner Janice Pharr Rachel Lopez Stephanie Merenda
f /stlouisaustin t @stlouisaustin i /stlouisaustin
512 . 454 . 0384
St. Louis Catholic Church & School
512 . 454 . 0384
St. Louis Catholic Church & School