January 10, 2016 Bulletin

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Building the Kingdom

Saint Louis King of France Catholic Church & School

CLERGY Rev. James A. Misko, Pastor Rev. David Trahan, Parochial Vicar Rev. Alberto Carbajal, Parochial Vicar

DEACONS Rev. Dr. Al Cuevas Rev. Mr. Rob Embry Rev. Mr. Alfredo Villa Rev. Mr. Tony Pynes

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 8 a.m. & 5 p.m. Sunday: English: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Spanish: 6 a.m., 1:30 p.m. & 5 p.m. Weekdays: English: 7 a.m. Monday - Friday 12 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday Spanish: 6 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday Nursery: Sunday: 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Masses (Infants to 5 years only; Free)

RECONCILIATION Thursday: 6:30-7:15 p.m. Saturday: 8:30-10 a.m., 3:30-4:30 p.m.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday - Sunday (24 hours) SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.


x220 Adult & Family Ministry Amy Allert, M.Th., Director Business Office Brenda Beltran, Business Administrator x211 x221 Childhood Ministry Beatriz Franceschi, Director x244 Early Childhood Ministry Dona LeBlanc, Interim Director Hispanic Adult & Family Ministry Sumayah Abullarade, Director x216 x213 Liturgy Bea Lamb, Director Music Chris Oelkers, Director x202 Social Ministry Bea Dela Rosa, Director x265 x219 St. Louis Catholic School Tina Juarez-Bailey, Ph.D., Interim Principal x205 Youth Ministry Paul Stadelman, Director 7601 BURNET ROAD, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 | 512 . 454 . 0384 | WWW.ST-LOUIS.ORG |



Forming Our Faith Mass Times, Readings & Intentions

Generous Hearts

Monday January 11 Readings: 1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-13, 14-17, 18-19; Mk 1:14-20 Masses: 7 a.m. Adam/Sharon Gretencord Anniversary 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Maria Saenz Birthday Tuesday January 12 Readings: 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd; Mk 1:21-28 Masses: 7 a.m. Al Thomas+ 6 p.m. Fr. Alberto Carbajal Wednesday January 13 | Saint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Readings: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, and 5, 7-8a, 8b-9, 10; Mk 1:29-39 Masses: 7 a.m. Deacon Alfredo Villa 8 a.m. School Mass – Fr. David Jaeger 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Fred McNair+ Thursday January 14 Readings: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44: 10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mk 1:40-45 Masses: 7 a.m. Lupe Ramirez+ 6 p.m. Tereza Family 6:30 p.m. Confessions Friday January 15 Readings: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-17, 18-19; Mk 2:1-12 Masses: 7 a.m. Annie Svehlak+ 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Hermann Bohmer Saturday January 16 Readings: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19, 10:1a; Ps 21:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; Mk 2:13-17 Masses: 8 a.m. Therese Gretencord 8:30 a.m. Confessions 3:30 p.m. Confessions 5 p.m. Dennis Grobe+ Sunday January 17 | Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Is 62:1-5; Ps 96:1-2, 2-3, 7-8, 9-10; 1 Cor 12:4-11; Jn 2:1-11 Masses: 6 a.m. Pro Populo 7:30 a.m. Gene/Anita Kutach – 57th Anniversary 9:30 a.m. Gregory Hagood+ 11:30 a.m. Charles Muela+ 1:30 p.m. Movimiento Familiar Cristiano 5 p.m. Special Intentions Compline: 9 p.m.

Living Our Faith

A few weeks ago, we heard John the Baptist refer to Jesus as one whose sandals he was not worthy to carry. And today, we hear John announce that Jesus (the ‘one’) will baptize the people with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Yet in today’s gospel, Jesus asks John to baptize him in the same manner as all the other followers. It’s easy to see things through John’s eyes. He wasn’t worthy to carry out this important task. No one on earth was. Jesus, however, saw things differently. He was acting as a servant leader, much the same as when he washed the feet of the apostles at the last supper, and when he allowed the sinful woman to adorn his head with oils and wash his feet. John’s baptism of Jesus in today’s gospel marks a significant transition in Jesus’ life and ministry. God reveals and announces his son. There are often times when we feel genuinely called by God to do things beyond ourselves… things that we don’t feel like we are worthy to do. It is easy to say, “I’m not holy enough,” and leave the work to others. In this new year, however, why not resolve to follow through on more of God’s requests to do his work? We may not be called, like John, to baptize God’s son, but we can help him to change people’s lives and transform their hearts, nonetheless.

January 10, 2016

12/26-12/27 Month to date Year to date

Actual Collection

$37,951.20 $189,335.09 $1,016,095.37


$29,393.96 $173,290.65 $952,181.03

Variance Over (Under)

$8,557.24 $16,044.44 $63,914.34

Ministry Programs Building Fund Pledges $427.00 Thank you Children's Collection $28.88 for all you do to Christmas $27,540.44 support our parish Christmas Flowers $600.00 and put feet on Farm Ministry $151.00 our faith! Food Pantry $284.00 Holy Family $2,198.00 Mobile Loaves & Fishes $641.00 Our Lady of Guadalupe $20.00 Religious Retirement $734.00 Social Ministries $575.00 School Trust Fund $97.00 St. Vincent DePaul $1,567.00 Online gifts can be made at: st-louis.weshareonline.org “ALL THINGS BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL” in the

Church need your help!! Volunteers are being sought to help keep our brass altar accessories and candlesticks shiny and bright. Norma Sigler will be happy to train you, and then you can work on a schedule that fits yours, whether it be once a week, or once a month (or more or less often). Weekly polishing is normally done each Saturday morning after 8am Mass until 10 or 10:30 a.m. Extra hands are especially appreciated prior to Christmas, Easter, and St. Louis Feast Day (August 25). No experience necessary, just a desire to serve behind the scenes to beautify our altar area for the Glory of God! Email or call Norma to volunteer at nsigler4710@att.net or (512) 339-7643.

Viviendo Nuestra Fe

Hace algunas semanas oímos que San Juan el Bautista dice que no es digno de desatar la correa de las sandalias de Jesús. Ahora, oímos que Juan anuncia que Jesús bautizará a la gente con el Espíritu Santo y con lumbre. Pero en el evangelio de hoy, Jesús le pide a Juan que lo bautice en la misma manera que a los demás. Es fácil ver las cosas de la perspectiva de San Juan. No sentía que era digno de realizar esta tarea. Nadie en el mundo es digno para hacer tal cosa. Pero Jesús ve las cosas de manera diferente. Jesús actuaba como un líder sirviente, así como lo hizo cuando les lavo los pies a los apóstoles o cuando permitió que la mujer pecadora unja su cabeza con aceite y lavara Sus pies. El bautizo de Jesús en el evangelio de hoy marca una transición significante en la vida y el ministerio de Jesús. Dios revela y anuncia Su Hijo. Hay momentos cuando realmente sentimos que somos llamados por Dios para hacer algo que es más grande que nosotros, algo que no nos sentimos dignos de hacer. Es fácil decir, “No soy un santo,” y dejar el trabajo para otros. En este año nuevo, resolvemos cumplir con lo que Dios pide de nosotros. Quizás no seamos llamados a bautizar el Hijo de Dios como lo hizo San Juan, pero aun podemos ayudar a cambiar las vidas de otros y transformar los corazones.

The Baptism of the Lord



includes the laying on of hands and anointing, will be offered again on Sunday, January 10th during Compline at 9:00 p.m. in the Chapel. Compline is the last liturgical office of the day and is celebrated each Sunday with beautiful Gregorian chants, a meditative way to end one week and begin another. PROJECT ANDREW is an annual vocation event hosted

this year by Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Garcia for Catholic men (ages 15-45) open to learning more about discernment, the priesthood and seminary. It will be held Saturday, February 13th from 10am-2pm at St. Mary Cathedral. The day includes Mass, lunch and presentations by priests/seminarians. If you are interested and would like to talk to a priest about religious vocations, email Fr. David Trahan of our parish at david. trahan@st-louis.org and contact the Vocation Office to register for Project Andrew at vocations@austindiocese.org or (512) 949-2430. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER | Married couples, what

better Christmas gift to give your spouse than the gift of your uninterrupted time? Strengthen, renew, and rekindle your marriage sacrament by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on Feb. 19-21 at the Wingate Hotel in Round Rock or April 15-17 at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. For more information, visit www.austinme. org or contact Steve and Linda Jaramillo at (512) 667-9963 or wwmeaustin@gmail.com. AUSTIN DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN |

With September being one of the top months for live births, January is the perfect time to spiritually adopt a recently conceived baby to protect it from an abortion. You can do this with other women of the Austin Diocesan Council of Catholic Women at their January 16, 2016 meeting at St. Albert the Great Church, 12041 Bittern Hollow. We begin with a Prayer Service at 9:00 a.m., followed by a business meeting and complementary brunch. The program features a nurse practitioner from Seton’s neonatal unit sharing experiences and stories about the fragile life she cares for on a daily basis. For more information contact President Karen Dunlap at 512836-0530 or kdunlap78@hotmail.com.


at the Wednesday, January 20 meeting of the St. Louis Women's Club. January is the traditional Souper Supper where you can sample a variety of wonderful homemade soups. After a brief business meeting, Father James will tell us about his Holy Land trip. The evening begins at 7:00 PM in Wozniak Hall. Contact Vice President Jeannie Coale if you have questions. Jeannie.coale@gmail.com or 512-627-5769. DEACON'S MINI-SERIES | will be held on Thursdays, Jan.

21, Feb. 4 and 11 in Wozniak Hall. A brief survey of the social teaching of the Church from Pope Leo's "Rerum Novarum" through Pope Francis's "Laudato Si", with special emphasis on St. John Paul II's "Centisimus Annus". The discussion will highlight the underlying principles of the Church's teaching showing how they are rooted in the Gospel and the Church's historic concern for the poor and the sanctity of human life. We will also discuss these principles in relation to the USCCB's statement "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship" which is directly relevant to the upcoming elections. WELCOME MINISTRY | Do you love our parish and

can’t wait to tell others about it? Then we want you to become part of the St. Louis Welcome Ministry. Aside from greeting newcomers after the 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses, we are looking to expand our presence to the Saturday Vigil Mass and also provide campus tours, welcome breakfast or gatherings, etc. Plus we welcome new ideas to make St. Louis an inviting and welcoming destination. Please contact Bea Lamb at 512454-0384 ext 213. END-OF-YEAR STATEMENTS | We are grateful for

all donations, large or small, and hope that your generosity will bring you much needed tax relief when filing your 2015 tax returns in 2016. Per IRS regulations, St. Louis Church automatically sends out 2015 tax statements to anyone who has given a single donation of at least $250. Donors who don’t quite meet this threshold may contact the church office at 512454-0384 x 201 to request your statement. We are happy to mail your first statement at no charge, but ask that you pick up replacement statements from the Church Office during regular business hours.

PLANNING MARRIAGE IN THE NEXT FEW ¿PLANEANDO MATRIMONIO EN LOS PRÓXIMOS YEARS? The Sacrament of Marriage involves many steps, AÑOS? El sacramento del matrimonio implica muchos pasos,

but your faith community is here to assist you. While you don’t have to be a member to marry here, it is the support and tithes of our generous parishioners who make our marriage programs and facilities possible. Consequently, fees for the rental of facilities are assessed according to parishioner or non-parishioner status. If you have been a registered member and documented giver (through checks or envelopes) for at least six months before coming in to plan a future wedding, you will be eligible for the discounted parishioner rate at a savings of $600. Call our Church Office for more information on this and all questions related to the marriage preparation process 512-454-0384. 3

pero su comunidad de fe está aquí para ayudarle. Mientras que usted no tiene que ser miembro para casarse aquí, es el apoyo y el diezmo de nuestros feligreses generosos, que hacen que nuestros programas e instalaciones de matrimonio sean posibles En consecuencia, las tarifas para rentar las instalaciones son evaluadas de acuerdo a los feligreses o no feligrés de estado. Si usted ha sido un miembro registrado y documentado dador (a través de cheques o sobres) al menos de seis meses antes de venir a planificar una futura boda , usted será elegible para la tasa feligrés descuento de $600. Llame a nuestra oficina de la iglesia para obtener más información sobre esta y todas las preguntas relacionadas con el proceso de preparación matrimonial 512-454-0384.

512 . 454 . 0384

St. Louis Catholic Church & School

Forming Our Faith ADULT & FAMILY MINISTRY Amy Allert, M.th, Director amy.allert@st-louis.org Ext. 220

THE YEAR OF MERCY began December

8, 2015 and goes through November 20, 2016. EVERYONE is encouraged and invited to join The Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy in praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet every Sunday at 3:00 p.m. in the Chapel. We will have intercessory prayer, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and selected prayers from the Diary of St. Faustina Kowalska. Please join us as we unite ourselves with Pope Francis in celebrating the Year of Mercy.

CENACLE OF DIVINE MERCY What is a ‘Cenacle’? A

Cenacle is a small faith community group of men and women. Cenacle of Divine Mercy is a small group that studies the Diary of St. Faustina, along with the study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Sacred Scripture. We will begin a new Cenacle of Divine Mercy on Tuesday, January 26th from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. If you are interested or need more information, please contact Julie Navarro at 512-422-4606.

WOMEN OF FAITH AM resumes Thursday, Jan 14th with Bishop Robert Barron’s video series, “Seven Deadly

Sins, Seven Lively Virtues”. Women of Faith is a faith enrichment group for adult women that meets in Wozniak Rm 1 on Thursday mornings at 8AM for breakfast, faith-sharing & prayer. For more information contact Kim Barger at kimb@bargers.com


FRIENDSHIP GROUP | will continue to meet on

Wednesdays in Meeting Room 1 of Wozniak Hall from 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. for games and fellowship. Come and meet the people you sit next to at retreats and Mass. Teach us new games, exchange books, bring your knitting and sewing. Anyone is welcome. Bring a neighbor or a friend. We would like to get to know you.

PART-TIME COORDINATOR OF SENIOR ADULT MINISTRY | is being sought by the parish! This person

will coordinate activities that help our senior parishioners continue to grow spiritually through Bible studies, retreats, and other devotionals. He or she will also coordinate activities for seniors such as trips to museums, historical places in Texas and events in the arts. Other activities may also include coordinating health presentations, financial planning or serving as a resource to senior citizens for other needs such as housing, medical supplies, medical equipment repair, home care after hospital stays and elder abuse. The Coordinator of Senior Ministry is also responsible for annual events such as the Lenten Retreat and the Fall Senior Appreciation Luncheon. Please send a cover letter indicating your interest in this part-time position, to Brenda Beltran, Business Administrator at 7601 Burnet Rd. (78757) or email brenda.beltran@st-louis.org. Call her for more information at 512-454-0384 x 211.

January 10, 2016

Are you considering becoming Catholic? Are you a baptized Catholic needing to be confirmed? Have you ever wanted to take a refresher course in the faith or asked your spouse, friend or co-worker about exploring the Catholic faith? If you answered YES to any of the above then please join us! INQUIRY & ORIENTATION EVENINGS Information meetings about our Adult Initiation process will be held: Tuesday, January 19 – or – Wednesday, January 20 (choose one to attend) 7:00-9:00 PM in the Parish Education Center, Room 201 THIS IS FOR ADULTS WHO ARE: • Baptized Catholics needing Confirmation • Baptized Christians of other denominations • All Catholics wanting to refresh their understanding of the Catholic faith These evenings will provide information about our Wednesday night sessions for adults in all stages of their faith journey and from all backgrounds. To signup contact, Adult & Family Ministry at 454-0384 ext. 220 or amy.allert@st-louis.org

The Baptism of the Lord


Forming Our Faith ST. LOUIS CATHOLIC SCHOOL excellence in education pre k4 through 8th grade mrs. Tina Juarez-Bailey, P.hd., Interim Principal

Connections START HERE


f St. Louis Catholic School H.S.A. l The St. Louis Catholic School community wishes you and your loved ones Invites the Parishioners of St. Louis to our Annual /SLCSAUSTIN


a very Happy New Year!

Green & White Night—Dinner and Auc�on

St. Louis Catholic School H.S.A. February 6, 2016 St. Louis Catholic School H.S.A. Invites the Parishioners of St. Louis to our Annual Doubletree Hotel Green & White Night—Dinner and Auc�on

Invites the Parishioners of St. Louis to our Annual 6505 IH‐35 North Aus�n, TX 78752 February 6, 2016 Green & White Night—Dinner and Auc�on Doubletree Hotel

6505 IH‐35 North Pacese�er Preview Hour 6:00 pm: Aus�n, TX 78752 7:00 pm: Doors Open 7:30 pm: Pacese�er Preview Hour 6:00 pm: Dinner and Live Auc�on St. Louis Catholic School H.S.A. 7:00 pm: Doors Open 9:00 pm: Casino opens Doubletree Hotel 7:30 pm: Dinner and Live Auc�on 11:00 pm: 9:00 pm: Event closes Casino opens

If you shop Amazon, be sure to designate St. Louis Catholic Church Austin Texas as your charitable organization through AmazonSmile! Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to St. Louis Catholic School. Visit https://smile.amazon.com/ch/74-1397371 today!

February 6, 2016

Invites the Parishioners of St. Louis to our Annual 6505 IH‐35 North 11:00 pm: Aus�n, TX 78752 Green & White Night—Dinner and Auc�on For addi�onal informa�on, please visit our website. For addi�onal informa�on, please visit our website.

Event closes


www.slcsaus�n.org/advancement/annualschoolauc�on/ 6:00 pm: Pacese�er Preview Hour February 6, 2016 7:00 pm: Doors Open 7:30 pm: Dinner and Live Auc�on Doubletree Hotel 9:00 pm: Casino opens 6505 IH‐35 North 11:00 pm: Event closes Aus�n, TX 78752

6:00 pm: Pacese�er Preview Hour For addi�onal informa�on, please visit our website. 7:00 pm: Doors Open 7:30 pm: Dinner and Live Auc�on www.slcsaus�n.org/advancement/annualschoolauc�on/ 9:00 pm: Casino opens 11:00 pm: Event closes



Ages 20’s - 30’s Amy Allert, M.th, Director, x220 LaurenJoyDePue@gmail.com facebook.com/SLYAAustin

ST. LOUIS YOUNG ADULTS | Are you new to the parish

or been coming for years and you are in your 20s and 30s? Are you looking to meet new young Catholic friends at St. Louis? If so join us for Brunch or Lunch after the 9:30am and 11:30am masses on Sunday. Ask for us at the Welcome Desk they will get you connected to our group. We are active members of the parish and would love to get you plugged in at St. Louis! If you want to get on our email list please send us a message at youngadults@st-louis.org or Like Us on Facebook: facebook.com/SLYAAustin 5

For addi�onal informa�on, please visit our website. Ages 6th Grade - 12th Grade www.slcsaus�n.org/advancement/annualschoolauc�on/

Paul Stadelman, Director Paul.stadelman@st-louis.org Ext. 205

YOUNG CHURCH | All High School Students are invited

to Young Church, the youth group at St. Louis. Young Church takes place in Wozniak Hall from 6:00 pm- 7:30 pm. January Young Church Dates: 1/10, and 1/17 DCYC | This year St. Louis is going to the Diocesan Catholic

Youth Conference in Waco, January 29th-31st. This is an amazing experience for all High School students to encounter Christ! Sign ups are OPEN. Contact Paul for more details.

512 . 454 . 0384

St. Louis Catholic Church & School


Bea Dela Rosa, Director bea.delarosa@st-louis.org ext. 265

SVDP | Every day in our city someone worries

because the rent is overdue and the children are hungry. Christ has sent us to love the poor and needy. Come pray with us. You can be Christ's love to someone. Join us in the Social Ministries Building this Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. or email fymox@yahoo.com for information. FOOD PANTRY | PICK UP ONE BEFORE

YOU’RE DONE… White rice, tuna, Mac 'n Cheese dinners, soup (of any flavor), tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce (no jars), rolled/instant oats, canned meat (other than tuna), 1-2 lb dry pinto beans, cooking oil, flour and sugar. We could also use EMPTY & CLEAN laundry bottles. Please drop off at Social Ministries building off of St Joseph’s Blvd. ST. LOUIS GABRIEL PROJECT | We need

more Angels. Volunteers are needed for Gabriel Project training who have it in their heart to help a pregnant mom with spiritual and emotional support. We also give them items they might need for their baby. Next training will be at St. Paul’s Catholic Church January 9, 2016. Call Mary Helen at 512-949-2486 ML&F | We are in need of toothbrushes,

travel size toothpaste, travel size deodorant, socks, travel size shaving cream, and travel size mouthwash.

LIFE, DIGNITY & JUSTICE MINISTRY | Are you interested in human

trafficking, immigration, ending the death penalty? Please contact social ministries to see how we can work together.

SO MANY WAYS TO SAY THANK YOU to the Knights of Columbus

#5967, KJZT, Women’s Club, KC Ladies Auxiliary, Boy & Girl Scouts, Guadalupanas, ECDC and St. Louis School and, of course, the parishioners of St Louis Church. We appreciate the continued support with monetary donations, diapers and canned food for the Food Pantry, Mobile Loaves and Fishes and Gabriel Project. A huge thank you to the volunteers at Social Ministries that make things happen, from picking up donations to sorting, distributing food and spending time with those who need a friend. You all are truly appreciated. TEXAS CATHOLIC PRO-LIFE DAY IS JANUARY 23RD | Rosary begins at 9:15am at St. Vincent de Paul

Parish followed by Mass at 10am with Bishop Joe Vasquez. Everyone will proceed to the March for Life at 18th and Congress, which begins at 1:00pm, ending at the Rally for Life at 2:00pm on the Capitol steps. Limited buses will transport people from downtown to St. Vincent de Paul and return in time for the march. Order a T-shirt and bus ticket at www.centraltexasprolife.org For information, contact (512) 949-2486 or Yvonne-saldana@austindiocese.org


de Adultos y Familias Sumayah Abullarade, Director SUMAYAH.ABULLARADE@ST-LOUIS.ORG EXT. 216

GRUPO DE ORACION “Estén siempre contentos. Oren

en todo momento. Den gracias a Dios por todo, porque esto es lo que él quiere de ustedes como creyentes en Cristo Jesús.” “1Tesalonisenses 5: 16-18’’ Todos están invitados a orar y alabar a Dios, en comunidad, presentándole al Señor nuestras peticiones, en un ambiente de alegría y gozo, y aprendiendo de las enseñanzas de la Iglesia con charlas impartidas por nuestros miembros de los diversos ministerios de la Iglesia St. Louis King of France, ven a gozarte en el Señor! cada Martes en el Salón parroquial Wozniak desde las 7:00 a las 9:00 p.m. MINISTERIO DE VÍA CRUCIS | El Ministerio de Vía

Crucis Invita cordialmente a toda la comunidad a participar en la representación en vivo de la Pasión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Interesados en este gran evento, favor de presentarse el día sábado 2 de enero del 2016 a las 5:00p.m. en la cancha de futbol de la Iglesia. Para más información comunicarse con: Maribel Houghton 512-586-6521, Evelia Albarrán 512-784-3325, Estela Núñez 512-803-1982 ¡Que Dios les bendiga! ¡Los esperamos! !No falten! January 10, 2016


Larrañaga es un método práctico para aprender a orar en una manera ordenada y progresiva, basándose en la biblia y teniendo a Cristo como el centro. El taller es una fuente de vocaciones apostólicas con un carácter totalmente práctico y experimental. Es un taller liberador y sanador a través del conocimiento de Dios y de uno mismo. Para más información, comunicase con Mercedes Murillo al 512-939-0301. ESTUDIO BÍBLICO | “Ama la Biblia y la sabiduría te

amará; ámala y ella te protegerá; hónrala y ella te abrazará; estas son las joyas que deberás usar en tu pecho y en tus oídos” (San Jerónimo, Carta a Demetrias) Si quiere tener un mejor conocimiento de toda la Biblia, y tener un camino espiritual más profundo con los textos bíblicos acompáñanos a estudiar el programa Estudio de Biblia En Español sencillo. Estudiaremos todos los martes de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. En el sótano del PEC.

The Baptism of the Lord



will be held at St. John Neumann Church, 5455 Bee Cave Rd. on Friday, January 22 from 7:00-10:00pm. Acclaimed author Matthew Kelly is the keynote speaker with special musical guest Eliot Morris. Ticket price is $39 and includes all retreat materials. For more information or to purchase your ticket, visit www.DynamicCatholic.com/Austin or call 859-980-7900. PILGRIMAGE TO ITALY!

Look for brochures in the narthex tract racks! The trip takes place between December 27, 2016 to January 5, 2017. This 10-day choir pilgrimage will include Florence, Siena, Assisi, Rome and Vatican City. Our choir will be participating at a Papal Mass with His Holiness, Pope France, for the January 1st Feast Day of Mary in the Basilica of St. Ignatius. You don't have to be a choir member to attend! Special tours of the Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica ,and more are included. This all-inclusive package will include airfare from Austin and is coordinated by Peter's Way Tours. For more information, contact Chris Oelkers at chris.oelkers@st-louis.org


Please pray for the spiritual, physical & emotional needs of: Irma Lobato Walter Grona Blake Skinnell Dona Medlock Raymundo Meza Edward Lets Dale Hall Elizabeth Knapp Tish Burnham Newt LeBlanc Ed Crisp Angel Ontiveros Bunny Newby Mary Lou Tierney Timothy Williams Melva Flores Gabby Lara Basil Philippy

Pam Polley Shirley LeBlanc Elissa Fox Cecilia Harris Robert Rivera Frank Hipolito John Trevino Pat Long Dora Ann Castilleja Jenifer Medina Rose Marie Linan Mack Linan Jeannie Comeaux Kiara Sandavol Ronald Collins Amelia Barron Max Segrets

Louise Lange Geraldine Rowe Pedro Castillo Victor Chapa Isabel Luna Roy Alexander Tommie Gauntt Izaiah Dela Rosa Dorothy Tierney Madeline Withoff Patricia Faucheaux Alvera Peschka Loraine Reese Alice McCluskey Martha Tschoerner Janice Pharr Rachel Lopez


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St. Louis Catholic Church & School


512 . 454 . 0384

St. Louis Catholic Church & School

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