December 11, 2016 Bulletin

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Building the Kingdom

Saint Louis King of France Catholic Church & School

CLERGY Rev. James A. Misko, Pastor Rev. Alberto Carbajal, Parochial Vicar

DEACONS Rev. Dr. Al Cuevas Rev. Mr. Rob Embry Rev. Mr. Alfredo Villa Rev. Mr. Javier Maldonado

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 8 a.m. & 5 p.m. Sunday: English: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Spanish: 6 a.m., 1:30 p.m. & 5 p.m. Weekdays: English: 7 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday Spanish: 6 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday

RECONCILIATION Tuesday: 11:15-11:50 p.m. Thursday: 11:15 a.m.-11:50 a.m., 5:00 p.m.-5:50 p.m. Saturday: 8:30-10 a.m., 3:30-4:30 p.m. SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday - Sunday (24 hours)


Adult & Family Ministry Amy Allert, M.Th., Director x220 Business Office Brenda Beltran, Business Administrator x211 Childhood Ministry Beatriz Franceschi, Director x221 Early Childhood Ministry Dona LeBlanc & Margaret English-Knipp, Co-Directors x244 Hispanic Adult & Family Ministry Sumayah Abullarade, Director x216 Ministerial Discipleship Elizabeth Polito, Director x213 Music Rick Gabrillo, Director x202 Principal Organist Scott McNulty x202 Social Ministry Bea Dela Rosa, Director x265 St. Louis Catholic School Cindy Gee, M.Ed., Principal x239 Youth Ministry Elena Murdock, Director x219 7601 BURNET ROAD, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 | 512 . 454 . 0384 | WWW.ST-LOUIS.ORG |


Forming Our Faith MASS TIMES, READINGS & INTENTIONS Monday December 12 | Our Lady of Guadalupe Readings: Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Jdt 13:18bcde, 19; Lk 1:26-38 or Lk 1:39-47 Masses: 5 a.m. Guadalupana Society 7 a.m. Guadalupe Zavala+ 6 p.m. Parish Intentions Tuesday December 13 | Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr Readings: Is 40:1-11; Ps 96:1-2,3 and 10ac, 11-12, 13; Mt 18:12-14 Masses: 11:15am Confessions 12 p.m. Agnes Straka/Marcelo Ortiz+ 5 p.m. Diocesan Vesper Service for Priests 6 p.m. No Spanish Mass today Wednesday December 14 | Saint John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church Readings: Is 45:6c-8, 18, 21c-25; Ps 85:9ab and 10, 11-12, 13-14; Lk 7:18b-23 Masses: 7 a.m. Margaret Ann Olsovsky 7 p.m. Simbang Gabi Mass Thursday December 15 Readings: Is 54:1-10; Ps 30:2 and 4, 5-6, 11-12a and 13b; Lk 7:24-30 Masses: 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Juanita Medina+ 5 p.m. Confessions 6 p.m. Rudolph Saenz, Sr+ Friday December 16 Readings: Is 56:1-3a, 6-8; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Jn 5:33-36 Masses: 7 a.m. Bernice Vrabel+ 8 a.m. School Mass – Simon Moya Jr+ Saturday December 17 Readings: Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-2, 3-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 Masses: 8 a.m. Jared Orion Ramos+ 8:30 a.m. Confessions 3:30 p.m. Confessions 5 p.m. Ed & Annie Urbanek+ Sunday December 18 | Fourth Sunday of Advent Readings: Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-2, 3-4, 5-6; Rom 1:1-7; Mt 1:18-24 Masses: 6 a.m. Martinez & Cardona Family 7:30 a.m. Jim Dunlap+ 9:30 a.m. Gregory Hagood+ 11:30 a.m. Pro Populo 1:30 p.m. Amparo Del Rio+ 5 p.m. Maureen Williams+ Compline 9 p.m.

11/26-11/27 Month to date Year to date

Actual Collection

$26,751.26 $149,405.76 $818,630.39

Monday, December 12th, begin with Rosary and Las Mananitas at 4 a.m., followed by Mass at 5 a.m. (Spanish), 7 a.m. (English), and 6 p.m. (Spanish). There will be a Shrine for Our Lady of Guadalupe set up in the Main Nave, offering an opportunity for anyone to stop in and pray during the day. Join us as we honor the Patroness of the Americas in prayer, praise and worship! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT | The 6 p.m. Spanish

Mass on Tuesday, December 13th is cancelled for that evening only. The Diocesan priests are having a Vesper Service at 5 p.m. that day followed by a dinner hosted by the Bishop, so no priests will be available for Mass.


anticipation of Christ and to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, please join us a series of nine Masses popular in the Filipino tradition. A schedule of all nine Masses held in Austin, Cedar Park and Pflugerville can be found in the December-January parish newsletter. St. Louis will host one of the nine Masses on Wednesday, December 14 at 7:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend.


outstanding concerts are planned before Christmas and you don’t want to miss them! Ensemble VIII brings "Repeat the Sounding Joy!" on Friday, December 16 at 7:30 p.m. This is a ticketed event in the Chapel, featuring vocal works from the Renaissance and Baroque eras. Visit to purchase tickets. Austin Civic Wind Ensemble returns to St. Louis for their free Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 17 at 7:30 p.m. This 70-piece group is always a crowd pleaser! BULLETIN DEADLINES are altered due to holidays both

Generous Hearts



Variance Over (Under)

$30,029.33 $140,932.03 $826,040.28

($3,278.07) $8,473.73 ($7,409.89)

Ministry Programs

$11.00 All Souls Day Thank you $61.00 Building Fund Pledges for all you do to $323.00 Campaign for Human support our parish $2.95 Children's Collection and put feet on $10.00 Farm Ministry our faith! $1,637.00 Flowers $148.00 Social Ministries $30.00 Food Pantry $41.00 Mobile Loaves & Fishes $180.00 St. Vincent de Paul $223.00 Thanksgiving $5,291.83 School Trust Fund December 11, 2016

here, with Trinity Publications and with the delivery service. Thank you for sending in news items according to these deadlines below. • Wed. Dec. 14: Deadline for the Dec. 24-25 and Dec. 31Jan. 1st bulletins • Wed. Dec. 28: Deadline at Noon for the Jan. 7-8 bulletin ST. LOUIS FARM MINISTRY will not be holding a monthly

work day during December, but we still need your help. As you do your fall yard work, please bring us your bagged leaves! We spread these leaves between rows of vegetables to act as a natural weed barrier and enrich the soil. It’s an easy way to help the Farm and get rid of bags of leaves. If interested, contact to let us know and leave your bags of leaves next to the Farm gate near the corner of St. Joseph and Hardy Street, anytime in the next month.

Third Sunday of Advent


ANNOUNCEMENTS Celebrate Christmas with Us! Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Masses: 4 p.m., 6 p.m. in English; 8 p.m. in Spanish; 12 Midnight with Carols beginning 11:20 p.m. Dec. 25 Christmas Day Masses: 9:30 a.m. in English and 11:30 a.m. in Spanish ( These will be the only Masses this Sunday)

Holy Day of Mary: Dec. 31 5 p.m. Vigil Jan. 1 Regular Sunday schedule: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. in English 6 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 5 p.m. in Spanish


volunteers are needed at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, December 20! Lighted trees will be decorated in the Main Nave, Chapel and Narthex. There will be opportunities for decorating on and off ladders! Help us prepare the Church for Christmas! TRAVELING VOCATIONS CHALICE PROGRAM | To encourage religious

vocations, St. Louis Parish has launched this Chalice Program. Each Sunday an assigned family, couple or individual will come forward at the end of a specified Mass to receive the Vocations Chalice and a special prayer written to accompany it. In taking the chalice in behalf of our parish, the household commits to praying that week for the gift of priests, deacons, sisters and brothers in our Diocese. For more information or to sign up, please contact Catholic Vocations Advocates of Austin at THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, COUNCIL 5967, will start donating part

of their Sunday Breakfast profits to our St. Louis Parish Ministries. For the month of December, the Posadas Ministry will be our featured charity, so come by Wozniak the first 3 Sundays in December after 6.00am, 7.30am, and 9.30am Masses to enjoy delicious breakfast for all parishioners. END OF YEAR CONTRIBUTIONS | In order to receive

2016 credit for your donations, end-of- year contributions must be submitted to the Church Office no later than noon on Thursday, December 29 or postmarked by Saturday, December 31. Per IRS regulations, St. Louis Church automatically sends out 2016 tax statements to anyone who has given a single donation of $250 or more. Donors who don’t quite meet this threshold may contact the Church Office at 512-454- 0384 ext. 201 to request your statements. We are happy to mail your first statement at no charge, but ask that you pick up replacement statements from the Church Office during regular business hours. We are grateful for all donations, large or small! Thank you to all our wonderful parishioners who so faithfully support our ministries! 3

HOLIDAY CLOSURES | All Church offices will close

on Thursday, December 22 at 12 Noon, and will be closed through Monday, December 26. Offices will re-open 9 a.m. Noon only on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, December 27-29. Offices will again be closed for the New Year’s holiday on Friday, December 30, re-opening on Monday, January 2, 2017 for regularly scheduled hours. TAMALE SALES TO PARISHIONERS!

The Knights of Columbus, Council #5967 are again selling tamales after the 6 a.m., 7:30 a.m. and the 9:30 a.m. Masses, during the first three Sundays of each month, at Wozniak Hall only. Cost for a dozen will be $7. If you are unable to pick up your tamales at the above times, please call Mr. Kirby Krause at (512) 419-9530 and he will make arrangements to ensure you can purchase your tamales.

Knowledge. Faith. Understanding. A Journey into Full Communion. Adult Sacrament Information Meetings

Tues, January 17 – or – Wed, January 18 7 – 8:30 pm in the Parish Education Center, rm 201

What does it mean to be Catholic? Do I understand my faith? • If you are you considering becoming Catholic (or know someone who is); • if you are an adult Catholic needing Confirmation • or if you are a fully initiated Catholic but think you could benefit from a refresher course Contact the Adult & Family ministry office for more info

512-454-0384 x220 or email

512 . 454 . 0384

St. Louis Catholic Church & School

Forming Our Faith ST. LOUIS CATHOLIC SCHOOL excellence in education pre k4 through 8th grade mrs. Cindy Gee, M.Ed., Principal

Connections START HERE WWW.SLCSAUSTIN.ORG 512-614-6622

St. Louis is excited to be offering the first Catholic Montessori program in the Diocese of Austin for the upcoming 2017-2018 school year! This program will be available to children ages 3, 4, and 5. Please be on the look out in upcoming bulletins for more information. Make plans to join us for Open House at the start of Catholic Schools week on January 29, 2017!



COMMEMORATIVE MASS AND DINNER RECEPTION Spring 2017– Stay tuned for date! 60TH ANNIVERSARY CLOSING CELEBRATION May 19- Time capsule burial and ice cream social


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Extended Day Program Monitor. This part-time position runs from approximately 2:45 - 6:00 pm. Please contact Elena Castillo at Resume and credentials required.

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CLERICAL ENDOWMENT FUND ENROLLMENTS can now be made with beautiful

Christmas cards! These Christmas cards are available in the Church Office (English/Spanish) and will be available Dec. 10-11 after all Masses in the Narthex. Enrollments are $2.00 each and are a great way to remember loved ones during the Christmas season, giving them the gift of prayer for the coming year! If you have questions about the CEF cards that are sponsored by the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, please call Patsy Alvarez at 512-835-6256. Your donations benefit the education of our diocesan seminarians! December 11, 2016

Third Sunday of Advent



de Adultos y Familias Sumayah Abullarade, Director Ext. 216

ESTUDIO BÍBLICO | “Acérquense a

Dios y Él se acercara a ustedes” (Santiago 4:8). Cuando te acerques al Señor, con fe, con tus oraciones, con tu corazón; Él se acercara a ti, con Su protección, con Su guía, con Su amor. Escucha Su palabra, cúbrete con Su amor, y deja todo en las manos del Señor. Si quiere saber “Quien es Dios, y por qué importa” Si quiere tener un mejor conocimiento de toda la Biblia, y tener un camino espiritual más profundo con los textos bíblicos acompáñanos a estudiar el programa. “El Misterio de Dios” un programa de estudio presentado por el Obispo Robert E. Barron. Estudiaremos todos los martes de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. En el sótano del PEC. Para más información, comuníquese con la Sra. Sumayah Abullarade. ¡UN PROGRAMA DE CÁLIZ VOCACIONAL AMBULANTE SERÁ INICIADO! Para alentar vocaciones

religiosas, la parroquia de St. Louis ha iniciado este programa del Cáliz Vocacional. Cada domingo una familia asignada, pareja o individuo vendrá al frente, al final de una misa específica para recibir el Cáliz Vocacional y una oración especial escrita acompañándolo. Llevando el cáliz en representación de nuestra parroquia a su hogar la persona se compromete a rezar esa semana por el regalo de sacerdotes, diáconos, hermanas y hermanos en nuestra diócesis. Para más información o para inscribirse, por favor llame a la oficina al (512) 454-0384. Se gusta, tambien puded enviar un mansaje electronico al Gracias por su apoyo.


siempre contentos. Oren en todo momento. Den gracias a Dios por todo, porque esto es lo que él quiere de ustedes como creyentes en Cristo Jesús. (1Tesalonisenses 5:16-18). Todos están invitados a orar y alabar a Dios, en comunidad, presentándole al Señor nuestras peticiones, en un ambiente de alegría y gozo! Ven a escuchar al Javier González, quien va hablar sobre el tema “La Resurrección de Jesús: Nuestro Rescate” El día martes 13 de diciembre. ¡Ven a gozarte en el Señor! cada Martes en el Salón parroquial Wozniak desde las 7:00 a las 9:00 p.m. LOS CABALLEROS DE COLÓN, CONSEJO 5967, comenzarán a donar parte

de las ganancias de sus desayunos del Domingo a los diferentes grupos de nuestra Parroquia San Luis Rey de Francia. El Grupo de Posadas será el ministerio para el mes de Diciembre, así que acompáñennos los primeros 3 domingos del mes de Diciembre a comer un delicioso desayuno y apoyar a nuestra Parroquia después de las Misas de 6.00am, 7.30am y 9.30am. MINISTERIO DE VÍA CRUCIS | El Ministerio de Vía

Crucis Invita cordialmente a toda la comunidad a participar en la representación en vivo de la Pasión de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Interesados en este gran evento, favor de presentarse el día sábado 7 de enero del 2017 a las 5:00 p.m. en la cancha de futbol de la Iglesia. Para más información comunicarse con: Maribel Houghton 512-586- 6521, Evelia Albarrán 512-7843325, Sergio Garcia 512-919- 0934 ¡Que Dios les bendiga! ¡Los esperamos! !No falten!


Louis Women’s Club December 15 daytime outing is expanding beyond a visit to 10,000 Villages as previously announced. Following this first stop, the group moves on to Blue Genie Art Bazaar where more than 200 regional artists, makers and artisans display their creations. Both places offer an opportunity to purchase unique gifts for Christmas or other memorable occasions. Afterwards there will be a group lunch at Casa Chapala. All three venues have websites. Anyone wanting to carpool should meet on the north side of the church by the covered entrance. We leave promptly at 10:15. For those who want to drive themselves, 10,000 Villages is located at 4803 Burnet Road, a few doors north of The Pit BBQ (plenty of parking in the back), and Blue Genie is at 6100 Airport Blvd., in a warehouse right across the street from ACC’s Highland Campus. Casa Chapala is in the old Black Eyed Pea location at 9041 Research Blvd. Barbara Matocha is the planner for this event and can be reached at 512-516- 5897 for questions. 5


-January 2. After 30 years in Wozniak Hall, ECDC is moving to our new location on the St. Joseph Street side of the St. Louis School campus. We will be holding an Open House on Tuesday, Jan. 3, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. for our families to visit. The Early Childhood Development Center will re-open on Jan. 4 in our new space! SUNDAY NURSERY WILL BE CLOSED FROM Dececember 16 – January 2 during the move. Sunday Nursery will re-open in the new space on the weekend of Jan. 7-8.

512 . 454 . 0384

St. Louis Catholic Church & School


Bea Dela Rosa, Director ext. 265

MORE “ANGELS” NEEDED | We give pregnant

moms in crisis emotional and spiritual support. We also give them items they might need for their baby. To become an Angel call Mary Helen at 512949-2486 or email her at MaryHelen-Russell@ LIFE, DIGNITY & JUSTICE MINISTRY

Are you interested in human trafficking; immigration; ending the death penalty? Please contact Social Ministries to see how we can work together.


Tuna, Mac 'n Cheese, soup (of any flavor), rolled/ instant oats, canned meat (tuna salmon, spam and chicken), white rice, brown rice, corn, peanut butter and dry pinto beans. We could also use EMPTY & CLEAN laundry bottles. Please drop items off at the Social Ministries building on St Joseph’s Blvd. between 9:00 – 6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. WE ARE IN NEED OF Toothbrushes, travel size

toothpaste, travel size deodorant, socks, travel size shaving cream, and travel size mouthwash.

YOUR ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY made 7 home visits during the week ending on 25 October. We

helped 1 family with their utility bill, 4 families with their rent, and 2 families with thrift store vouchers. One case was that of a woman who had recently been released from prison after 26 years, and was still wearing an ankle monitor. She is attempting to start her life over again. Because of multiple health problems, she is receiving disability payments and food stamps. She has just moved into an apartment in our parish. She was able to pay the rent and get the utilities turned on, but she needs some furniture, such as a bed and a table. Because of your support, we were able to give her a voucher to the SVdP Family Center for furniture, household goods and clothing. We also gave her bus passes and told her about our food pantry and others. Our volunteers concluded their visit by praying with her. YOUTH MINISTRY

PARISH GIVING TREES are available in the Narthex and

Elena Murdock, Youth Minister Ext. 219

Bell Tower. Families are asked to take as many of the paper ornaments as you wish, purchase the designated items and return them to the parish (unwrapped) by December 18th. The gifts this year will benefit our parish ministries of Gabriel Project, St. Vincent de Paul Society, and the St. Louis Mobile Loaves and Fishes. Please don’t wrap the gifts but do attach the tag! Thank you for your generosity as we help the neediest of our parish area! THE ST. LOUIS PARISH LIBRARY WILL BE CLOSED

on Christmas Day and the Monday after, December 26. The library will be open on Wednesday, December 28 from 9:00 a.m. until noon. However, we will love seeing our patrons again on Monday, January 2, with our new extended hours for the New Year: Sundays: 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.; Mondays: 3:00 - 8:00 p.m.; Wednesdays: (new extended hours) 9:00 a.m. - noon and 1:00 - 8:00 p.m.; Start the New Year of 2017 with a resolution to learn more about your faith through the many resources of your parish library. Come check us out! HEART OF JESUS: MEN’S DISCERNMENT RETREAT

December 16-18, Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center – Belton. This weekend is for Catholic men (ages 17 to 40) with an openness to a priestly vocation and at varying stages of discernment. The retreat will include silence, prayer, meals and talks by priests and seminarians. This is a great opportunity to spend time with other young men who are seeking God’s will for their life and to discover the key to our identity as men and our vocation in the Heart of Jesus. For more information, contact the Vocation Office at (512) 949-2430. Register online: Cost is $35, deadline to register is December 12th. December 11, 2016

Third Sunday of Advent




Rick Gabrillo, Director Ext. 202


13th, as part of the King’s Concert Series, with guest organist Chris Oelkers performing on the magnificent pipe organ. Beginning at 11:30 a.m. in the main nave, the short recital will feature music by Johann Sebastian Bach, followed by the 12 noon Mass in the Chapel. Come be fed spiritually with music and Mass during the Advent season!


Antiphons and Magnificats

Monday, December 19, 2016 | 7:30 pm

Liz Heuertz Pete Garcia Adrian Hernandez Marian Donato Eric Turner Dale Hall Maria Duran Chloe Sanders Bud Murdock Roy Alexander Virgie Seiler Mark Griffith Teresa Jones Peggy Stout Rene Maldonado Ron Coy Bill Farnan Jose L. Bravo Alberta Morrow

• Roberto “Bob” Perez •


Do you enjoy the music at St. Louis Parish each week? Have a favorite singing choir, English or Spanish, play handbells, attend Compline, or are interested in The King’s Concert Series, our new music outreach to Central Texas? Then help support Friends of the King’s Music with a tax-exempt gift. Contact Scott McNulty at (512) 454-0384, ext. 202, or email for more information.

Featuring the St. Louis King’s Choir Rick Gabrillo, Director of Music Scott McNulty, Organist

A free-will offering will benefit the music program


Geraldine Rowe Pedro Castillo Patricia Faucheaux Loraine Reese Alice McCluskey Martha Tschoerner Oscar Wilkens Kiara Sandoval Eloisa Harkrider Erin Hanna Maria C. Romero Linda Iannerelli Clifton Dukes Tamara Jones Joan Mills Albertin Aviles Jorge Galvan Reyna Galvan

Please also pray for the recently deceased

A quiet service of meditation and reflection on the ancient songs of the Church.


Minnie Miles Merle Miles Maggie Gonzalez Maria Vazquez Josie Hernandez Ellie Foley Irma Lobato Walter Grona Mary Lou Tierney Melva Flores Cecilia Harris Robert Rivera Alicia Castro Dolores Castello Eugene Soliz III Jean Collins Pat Long Rose Marie Linan Mack Linan

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St. Louis Catholic Church & School

St. Louis Catholic Church & School

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