February 2016 | The Spirit of St. Louis

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Our Lenten Journey 2016

Lent is a time of spiritual preparation, re-focusing our hearts and minds on the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus that enabled us to be co-heirs in his heavenly kingdom. The acts of penance and fasting during Lent unite us with Christ’s suffering. Join us as we begin our forty day journey toward Easter.

Lenten Disciplines ALMSGIVING, FASTING AND PRAYER Jesus taught that giving alms makes others’ needs our own. give witness to our solidarity with those less fortunate. During Lent, instead of focusing on ourselves, we are to Fast and abstinence are an expression of our desire to be focus on others, especially the neediest around us. We converted in our hearts, to be reconciled with God and don’t need to be wealthy to give. We can give of our time, each other. our talents, or our material resources. Jesus teaches that Catholics who are 18 to 59 years old are to fast on Ash when we give, we also receive. Many choose to sacrifice Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting refers to the quantity some of their own luxuries during Lent, setting aside that of food eaten. Traditionally, fasting calls for refraining from money for the poor. eating between meals and consuming only one full meal Ashes to Easter Lenten Boxes: Last year your support per day. Some food is permitted which will not equal of the Lenten “mite” boxes benefitted multiple ministries another full meal. The U.S. Catholic bishops also call for around the world. These ministries, chosen by the Diocese all Catholics 14 years and older to abstain from meat of Austin included missions and missionaries from some of on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and the Fridays of Lent. the poorest nations. Your donations to the Lenten boxes Abstinence forbids the consumption of meat, but not of do make a huge difference! Please look for Lenten boxes eggs, milk products or condiments made of animal fat. in the Church (or make your own) and return them during We are also called to the spiritual self-discipline of prayer. Holy Week. Your generosity to those who need it most is Jesus taught us that prayer is more than words. We are to gratefully appreciated! pray with attention and intention, locking out noise and Fasting is an ancient religious discipline with a two-fold trivial things that lay claim to our hearts. Setting aside a purpose. First, it gives us an awareness of the basic needs daily prayer time during Lent can lead us to a lifetime of of life and demonstrates our mastery over our appetites. communion with God. Scheduling dedicated prayer time Secondly, this sacrifice leads to clarity of thought, which is a in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel is a good way to make powerful tool for prayer. By fasting we signify our oneness prayer a primary focus in your life. with the Lord, acknowledge our need for conversion and A newsletter of st. louis catholic church • 7601 burnet road, austin, tx • www.st-louis.org

Adoration Code Changed The after-hours code to the Adoration Chapel changed at the end of January. Only those adorers who provided an updated information sheets were notified of the new key code. If you would like the key code for after-hours, please fill out an information sheet found on the table in the Adoration Chapel foyer. Completed forms can be placed in the adjacent lockbox or dropped off at the church office during office hours. These measures have been taken to secure the safety of our after-hours adorers and we are grateful for your cooperation! For more information or questions, please contact the Adoration Ministry team at adoration@st-louis.org or leave a message (512) 693-7022. Monday-Friday, the Adoration Chapel can be entered without a key code, using the unlocked glass door from the narthex into the Adoration Chapel foyer. That door is typically unlocked from 9am-5pm on those days.

Welcome Ministry Greets Newcomers Are you a friendly and outgoing individual? Do you greet new people with a smile? Do you love your parish and can’t wait to tell others about it? Then you might consider joining the Welcome Ministry, a ministry that is available at the 9:30/11:30 Masses, and may soon expand to the 5:00pm Saturday Vigil. This group is knowledgeable about the parish and willing to specifically greet and answer questions from newcomers and visitors. They wear the yellow tags, hand out newcomer packets, free gifts and will soon be planning periodic campus tours and newcomer gatherings. Join us in making St. Louis an inviting and welcoming destination! Please contact Richard Brito at 512-466-3417 or rbatx512@gmail.com for information.




- 2016

ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES February 10 All services will have distribution of ashes. 6:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Spanish Mass STATIONS OF THE CROSS & VIA CRUCIS Each week of Lent, Stations of the Cross and its Spanish equivalent, Via Crucis, are offered to the parish as follows: Via Crucis

Thursdays immediately after 6:00 p.m. Spanish Mass February 11, 18, 25, March 3, 10, 17 (Chapel).


Fridays at 2:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. (Chapel) February 12, 19, 26, March 4, 11, 18. LENTEN PENANCE SERVICES

Please join us at these special reconciliation services before Easter. Thursday, March 8 1:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. We encourage you to take advantage of the multiple priests available at both our Penance Services. SUNG OFFICE OF COMPLINE Each Sunday 9:00 p.m. Join us each Sunday night at 9:00 p.m. in the Chapel. Compline is the last office of the day in the Liturgy of the Hours and has its origins in the monastic traditions of religious men and women, who gathered in a candle lit church to pray the final Psalms of the day. Join us weekly in this peaceful service of prayer and spiritual contemplation. During Lent, this would be a wonderful meditative activity to begin your week. February 14 and March 13, Compline will include the Sacrament of Healing with anointing and laying-on of hands.

The Spirit of St. Louis


Acolyte Training Begins in February

St. Louis Bids Farewell to Father Paul On Sunday, December 13, the parish bid an official farewell to Father Paul Kasun, OSB as he left Austin permanently to rejoin his community at Christ the King Priory in Nebraska. For the past 7-1/2 years Father Paul shared his priestly authority as confessor and Mass celebrant with us as he worked to earn a doctor of sociology at the University of Texas. His research focused on two communities in Guatemala. The Women’s Club, KC Ladies and Knights jointly hosted a continental-style breakfast reception after the 7:30 Mass that morning. Cathy Voltaggio and Richard De Luna presented tokens of appreciation from the Women’s Club and Knights of Columbus, respectively. Father Paul expects to be in Nebraska until Easter, after which he currently is scheduled to depart for Columbia where he plans to be in pastoral missionary work near Bogotá, as well as teaching at the University of Bogotá. Father Paul’s address is Benedictine Mission House, P. O. Box 528, Schuyler, Nebraska 68661-0528.

Part-Time Coordinator Needed for Senior Adult Ministry This person will coordinate activities that help our senior parishioners continue to grow spiritually through Bible studies, retreats, and other devotionals. He or she will also coordinate activities for seniors such as trips to museums, historical places in Texas and events in the arts. Other activities may also include coordinating health presentations or serving as a resource to senior citizens for medical supplies, medical equipment repair, home care after hospital stays and elder abuse. The Coordinator of Senior Ministry is also responsible for annual events such as the Lenten Retreat and the Fall Senior Appreciation Luncheon. Please send a cover letter indicating your interest in this part-time position, to Brenda Beltran, Business Administrator at 7601 Burnet Rd. (78757) or email brenda.beltran@st-louis.org.You may also call her for more information at (512) 454-0384 x 211.

A five-session Acolyte training class, led by our parish priests, will begin on Thursday, February 18. Men interested in serving at the altar as acolytes need to already be active Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in our parish. Sacramental documents are also required and include a Baptism certificate, proof of Confirmation and if married, your Church marriage certificate. Please contact Evelyn at evelyn.mcnair@st-louis.org or call her at 512-454-0384 x 209. Please leave your name and phone number. Emailed scans of sacramental records are acceptable.

The Healing Sacrament The Sacrament of Healing which includes the laying on of hands and anointing is offered every second Sunday of each month during the 9:00pm Compline service in the Chapel. Please join us Sunday, February 14, 2016. Compline is the last liturgical office of the day and this meditative service, held each Sunday, includes beautiful Gregorian chants of the Church. This is a wonderful prayerful way to end your weekend and prepare for the new week ahead.

New Officers for Spanish Rosary Group The Spanish Rosary group has selected new officers effective February. Congratulations to Isaias Cajas (President), Juventino Guerra (Vice President), Brunilda Cruz (Secretary) and Ramona Lopez (Communications). For questions or information contact Ramona at (512) 837-2061. Thanks to the previous officers for their service: Amelia Rivera, Isaias Cajas and Rosa Maria Sosa.


We are in the Year of Mercy, in the Extraordinary Jubilee promulgated by Pope Francis. This Year of Mercy, has at its center, the mercy of God. The Year of Mercy is a special period for us Catholics because it is a time for the Catholic Church across the world to focus on forgiveness and healing in a special way. But why the year of mercy? The answer can be found in the Misericordiae Vultus (the Face of Mercy) promulgated by Pope Francis when he declares that, “From the heart of the Trinity, from the depths of the mystery of God, the great river of mercy wells up and overflows unceasingly. It is a spring that never runs dry…” These words by Pope Francis are so necessary for us because in the midst of a world that suffers from violence, the Year of Mercy offers us the opportunity now more than ever to experience the mercy of God. At the beginning of every Eucharistic celebration as a community, everyone together recites the penitential rite because we are sinners. So in order to put ourselves in the proper condition for the celebration of the Mass, it is desirable to confess our sins and pray for God’s forgiveness. This Year of Mercy we are called to ask for forgiveness of our sins because our relationship with God and others is constantly affected by sin. As a result, we need to be purified from our sins. Pope Francis reminds us to “not forget that God forgives and God forgives always.” This is important for us to remember that we can always turn back to God who is always ready to forgive our wrongdoing. We begin a process of conversion when we turn to God asking forgiveness each time we sin. Pope Francis also invites us to “never tire of asking for forgiveness.” In this Year of Mercy the following is recommended: FOR ABLE-BODIED CATHOLICS:

Take a pilgrimage. Make a journey to one of the five diocesan pilgrimage churches where “holy doors” have been designated for the Jubilee Year. Traveling to a pilgrimage site and crossing through a holy door is a spiritual journey that signals, as the Holy Father said, “the deep desire for true conversion.” (The designated pilgrimage churches in the Diocese of Austin are: St. Mary’s Cathedral in Austin, Sacred Heart in Waco, Holy Trinity in Corn Hill, St. Joseph in Mason, and St. Mary’s in College Station). Go to confession. Receive the Holy Eucharist while reflecting on God’s mercy. Make a profession of faith (Nicene or Apostles’ Creed are good options). Pray for the Pope and for his intentions. The papal prayer for the Year of Mercy. Perform one of the Spiritual or Corporal Works of Mercy. It is appropriate that the sacramental confession and especially Holy Communion and the prayer for the pope’s intentions take place on the same day of the pilgrimage, but it is not necessary. The sacramental rites and prayers may be carried out within several days (about three weeks) and at a place other than the pilgrimage site. FOR THE ELDERLY, CONFINED AND THE ILL:

For persons physically unable to visit a pilgrimage site, Pope Francis has said that they may obtain the indulgence by “living with faith and joyful hope this moment of trial.” Receiving Communion or attending Holy Mass and community prayer, even through the various available means of communication, will be for them the means of obtaining the Jubilee Indulgence.” These persons may also perform one of the Spiritual or Corporal Works of Mercy as their abilities permit. By having disposition of heart and doing the instructed steps, one is able to receive the mercy of God. Receiving the mercy of God is vital, and Pope Francis has asked us as a Church to experience the mercy of God by reflecting on and practicing the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. So, first we receive mercy, then we practice some spiritual or corporal work of mercy:

The Spirit of St. Louis


The Corporal Works of Mercy are the kind of acts by which we help our neighbors with their material and physical needs. * Feed the hungry


The Spiritual Works of Mercy are acts of compassion, as listed below, by which we help our neighbors with their emotional and spiritual needs. * Counsel the doubtful

* Give drink to the thirsty

* Instruct the ignorant

* Clothe the naked

* Admonish sinners

* Shelter the homeless

* Comfort the afflicted

* Visit the sick

* Forgive offenses

* Visit the imprisoned * Bury the dead


* Bear wrongs patiently * Pray for the living and the dead

In this Jubilee we can also experience God’s mercy by opening our hearts to the love of God to heal and bandage the wounds of those affected by sin. In this way, the works of mercy are the practical ways in which we can live out mercy. The works of mercy are ways to show compassion and loving kindness to those around us, both physically and spiritually. When we do a work of mercy we are reflecting God’s compassion and mercy to our brothers and sisters in need. Thus, Pope Francis claims that we are called to experience the mercy of God and then be a “witness of mercy.” Ultimately, God wants us to be merciful to others as He is always merciful to us.


Goodbye to 15-Year Staff Members BEA LAMB AND CORAL MIGONI-RYAN

2001 must have been an exceptionally good year for St. Louis Parish. That was the year when we were blessed by the hiring of two outstanding employees, Bea Lamb (Director of Liturgy) and Coral Migoni-Ryan (Director of Senior Ministry). Fifteen years later, it’s truthful to say that these two amazing women have made a huge impact on the parish and the ministries they’ve led. With regret, both chose to retire within a month of one another and although it leaves us with “big shoes to fill”, their legacy will never be forgotten.

With the pastor, she helped create, coordinate and implement a series of training programs for each liturgical ministry, merging her leadership skills in education with “hands-on” personal assistance at each and every liturgy during fifteen years of Masses. Bea was also involved in the training of school liturgical ministries, lining up liturgical volunteers for funerals and weddings, and helping to plan and facilitate annual retreats for altar servers, as well as socials/meetings for all those who volunteered in any liturgical capacity.

Bea Lamb actually started at St. Louis just prior to Christmas 2000, as a transplant from Asheville, North Carolina. Since the 1990’s she had been certified as a Coordinator of Religious Education and as a certified Crisis Manager through the Stephen Ministry. She and her husband Ron, before his death, had been wellloved, active parishioners in their Catholic parish in Asheville. She had trained altar servers, coordinated and trained cantors and with her beautiful voice, been a cantor herself. Bea had also been employed as the Administrator at the Cathedral of All Souls Episcopal Church in Asheville. Her experience was invaluable as she began a comprehensive liturgical ministries program at St. Louis, overseen by Fr. Larry Covington.

Along the way she acquired extensive knowledge of the software necessary to schedule monthly the hundreds of liturgical volunteers, from those who serve at Masses (Acolytes, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Hospitality and Welcome Ministers) to those teams of Eucharistic Ministers who serve in the Homebound Ministry, visiting the sick in homes and nursing facilities on a weekly basis. She was a liaison for Altar Guild and Adoration Ministries, and an advisor to every parish ministry that planned liturgical events from Penance Services to Confirmations with the Bishop. She continues as a valued member on the Diocesan Liturgical Commission and the Diocesan Choir, and looks forward in retirement, to remaining an active St. Louis parishioner.

The Spirit of St. Louis


2015 Senior Ministry Mission Retreat Church and to share it with those who had fallen away from their faith. Spiritual growth for seniors was always one of her priorities, coordinating two mini-retreats a year with outstanding speakers who offered insights on timely topics about Church teachings, Church history and living as Christians in a secular world. Her interest in learning and travel helped her arrange some outstanding field trips for the seniors that included museums, historical sites, natural wonders and the Painted Churches of Texas. These trips around Central Texas were always well attended, thanks to Coral’s organizational skills in planning and advertising. Her concern for the elderly was manifested in other programs she scheduled yearly, whether it was the annual update on Medicare changes, health fairs or Coral Migoni-Ryan joined the St. Louis staff in March eldercare resources that she made available to the 2001, taking up the role left by the retirement of her public. Coral encouraged fellowship among seniors predecessor, Eula Rae McCown. A former hospital with monthly potlucks and the Senior Appreciation chaplain, Coral also came with extensive church Luncheon, attended by hundreds annually. background. Certified as a teacher (and former St. Louis School teacher), Coral came with a Masters Both these wonderful employees were devoted to Degree of Religious Studies and a Masters of Divinity. their jobs, giving themselves fully to each and every Fr. Larry used to joke that Coral had as many degrees challenge and offering their time and talents without as any priest, and she brought her love of Scripture and reservation to each pastor. They were true disciples Church to the many education programs she sponsored in their dedication to the people they mentored so for St. Louis seniors over the years. Every semester’s faithfully. Their service and commitment will be hard to activities included Bible studies and discussion groups. duplicate, but Bea and Coral both leave us with excellent In addition she brought the highly acclaimed ALPHA examples of how to journey forward, honoring Christ program to St. Louis, opening the doors to more than a in our service to each other. We give thanks for their 100 parishioners who wanted to learn more about their presence among us and wish them well in retirement!


School Registration Registration for 2016-2017 is open! We would love to add more students to our St. Louis Catholic School family. We offer a strong academic program for students in Pre-K through 8th grade and our graduates continue to make us proud. Join us for Welcome Tuesdays in the morning without appointment or contact Mrs. Dowling at 512-614-6622, ext. 245 for a specialized tour. Forms and additional information are available on the school website at www.slcsaustin.org. We look forward to hearing from you!




Registro de la Escuela


La matri’cula para el ciclo escolar 2016-2017 esta’ abierta! Nos encantaria an~adir ma’s estudiantes a nuestra familia de la escuela cato’lica Sn. Luis. Ofrecemos un extenso programa acade’mico para estudiantes de Pre-Kinder hasta el 8vo. grado. Nuestros egresados continu’an orgullesiendonos! Acompan~enos los martes de Bienvenida por la man~ana sin cita previa o pongase en contacto con la Sra. Dowling en el 512-614-6622, ext. 245 para agendar una cita. Las solicitudes y otra informacio’n esta’n disponibles en nuestra pagina web, www.slcsaustin.org.


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FIGÚRALO -Youth Exhibit-

Ms. Pilar Castrejon, our Art Teacher, curated a student art exhibit at the Mexican American Cultural Center (MACC) where St. Louis student artwork was prominently displayed.

The Spirit of St. Louis

This semester, St. Louis is starting many new activities including Student Council, Private School Interscholastic Association (PSIA), and the MathCounts. Congratulations to our newly elected Student Council Officers, President Owen Scales, Vice-President Matthew Melvin, Secretary Mia Pileggi, and Treasurer Arianne Poblete.

Lenten Activities Planned Around Our Campus Lent around St. Louis Catholic School is an exciting time of learning for all, as we prepare for Easter. Many of the primary classes will do activities such as prayer journaling, making Lenten crosses of daily scripture, and collecting pennies every day for an almsgiving cross. “Hermie the Butterfly, good deed of the day” comes out each Lent; as each good deed is complete, Hermie gains color! Memorizing scripture, keeping track of what we give up and do extra, written on purple hearts and posted for all to see, dedicating one day per week to special Lenten lessons, planting seeds (Seeds of New Life), making Stations of the Cross booklets, drawing life-sized Stations of the Cross, and making Sacrament of Forgiveness books while learning about and practicing forgiving, are some of the many elementary activities planned. Middle School students will begin each day with special Lenten prayers, do MUGS (Grammar drills) with Lenten themes, learn about the historical and spiritual significance of celebrating Lent, learn the meaning of each of the symbols, colors, and rituals that we participate in during Lent and Holy Week, and use a prayer series based on the Liturgy of the Hours, “Praying Lent this Year” as a reflection and study guide in addition to special Lenten activities in all the Middle School subjects. Faith Families activities and lessons planned by specials teachers include reading and doing an activity based on The Story of the Sand Dollar, and learning and singing Lenten Hymns and chants, in both English and Latin. The hymns they sing will reinforce the scripture passages that will


be read during the school Masses during Lent. The PE Department SMILE MILE run will be replaced with a Rosary Run, where the class runs/jogs around the gym floor and each student takes a turn leading the individual prayers. Running, jogging, and walking alternate during the prayers. Last but not least, we have BINGO! This Bingo game is played with terms and key people related to Lent. Discussing these terms and people daily will reinforce their lessons. We wish you all a prayerful Lent!

RESURRECTION EGG HUNT As part of the School’s Holy Week activities our 8th graders will hide numbered, filled eggs for their kindergarten buddies to find. Once each Kindergarten student has a full carton their buddy prayerfully will help open each egg in number order, then read and discuss each enclosed explanation of the Easter Mystery and examine each symbol. After closing prayer, the 8th graders will make sure the Kinder egg cartons are complete so they can take the resurrection cartons home to share with their families.

LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS Students in grades 2 – 7, faculty, staff, and family members will end Holy Thursday’s school day with a live presentation of the Stations of the Cross, enacted by the school’s 8th grade class. Led by Middle School Religion Teacher, Mr. Willie Gomez, the students have prepared extensively for this presentation.

Jan. 06, 2016


All the news about Fun Fest at St. Louis Catholic School

Fun Fest Leaders – Shining Light for the Good of All A huge thank you to these individuals who said yes to the call of leadership (some for many, many years in a row). Fun Fest would not happen without you! Sheryl Demarest Marguerite St. Germain Hilda Martinez-Velez Vivian Conway Carla Pileggi Kathy-Ann Riley Lucinda Soto Liz Washlesky Tina Ruiz Karen & Randy Ritch Quyen & Giang Nguyen Cristina & Miguel Ceballos Susana Campos Daniel Riley Aaron Lawson Sofia Thomas Phil Tucker Melissa & Doug Bendele Phyllis Lawson Ashley Gonzalez Jane & Beno Hellinger Christy Heimer Alanna Janssens Ann Waterman Kathryn & Harlan Scales Jeanie & Bob Hermansen Chef Felipe Tamara Luera Kristi Messing Charlene Isechal Rachael Felan Viviana Castro Melissa Jacobs Nichole Flanagan Melissa Bendele Kelley Hosek Melissa Jacobs Courtney Newton Adam Richardson Anso Andrew Merlin Stephen Stephen Hughes Leonard Friesenhahn Beth Leary Art Soto Lucinda Soto Liz Washlesky Rebecca Merrill Chase Vernieuw Bill Bartol

Adopt-an-Animal Chair B-ball Free Throw Chair Bean Bag Toss Chair Cake Spin Chair Confetti Eggs Chair Diva & Dudes Chair Facepainting Chair Duck Pond Chair Fish Pond Chair Ping Pong Toss Chair Ring Toss Chair Sand Art Pumpkins Chair Star Seeker Chair Toilet Paper Toss Chair Football Throw Chair Petting Zoo Chair Rock Wall Chair Sling Shot Chair Ticket Booth Chair Bingo Chair Cake/Dessert Rm Chair Country Store Chair First Aid Chair Silent Auction Chair Drink Booth Chair Sweet & Salty Chair Snack Bar Chair Alumni Booth Chair PreK/K Tent-or-Treating PreK/K Tent-or-Treating PreK/K Tent-or-Treating 1st Tent-or-Treating 1st Tent-or-Treating 2nd Tent-or-Treating 3rd Tent-or-Treating 3rd Tent-or-Treating 3rd Tent-or-Treating 4th Tent-or-Treating 4th Tent-or-Treating 5th Tent-or-Treating 5th Tent-or-Treating Sponsorship Marketing Set up/Take down Coord Auction Donations Coord Stage/Entertainment Prize Coordinator T-shirt Coordinator Raffle Coordinator Treasurer Treasurer

Volume 24, No. 8

Congratulations to our Fun Fest Raffle Winners Winners came from both the school and the larger St. Louis community. Our school family winners were: Fitbit – Connie Brown iPad – Susanna Campos $350 Amex gift card – Dawson family $300 Amazon Gift Card (for selling the most tickets) – Messing Family Thanks to all who supported by buying and selling raffle tickets! Volunteer Hours We know you spent many hours supporting Fun Fest. Please don’t forget to account for them on your volunteer form and turn it into the school office. Fun Fest 2015 - A Success! Despite the reschedule due to the weather, there was overwhelming support for Fun Fest 2015. Just look at the funds we raised when we coordinated our efforts and let our lights shine!

Fun Fest 2015 Total: $13,400 Raffle Total: $7,700 Let’s Not Forget Each year Fun Fest would not be possible without our dedicated SLCS administration and those in the parish office. A special thank you to the following. Dr. Bailey Mrs. Gately Mrs. Howard Ms. Luera Mrs. Dowling Mr. Kemp Chef Felipe Ms. Kim SLCS Teachers SLCS Staff

Fr. James Misko Brenda Beltran Evelyn McNair Brenda Lo Bea Dela Rosa Bea Lamb Tim Dominguez Fr. David Trahan Fr. Alberto Carbajal The Kings Men

The Spirit of St. Louis


From the Parish Office End-of Year Contributions

Publication Deadlines

We are grateful for all donations, large or small, and hope that your generosity will bring you much needed tax relief when filing your 2015 tax returns this year. Per IRS regulations, St. Louis Church automatically sends out 2015 tax statements to anyone who has given a single donation of at least $250. Donors who don’t quite meet this threshold may contact the church office at 512-454-0384 x 201 to request your statement. We are happy to mail your first statement at no charge, but ask that you pick up replacement statements from the Church Office during regular business hours.

The next monthly parish newsletter will be the issue for March 2016. Thank you for submitting items no later than February 5th to evelyn.mcnair@st-louis.org or bulletin@ st-louis.org. Weekly bulletin deadlines are always 10 days in advance of an intended weekend. Submit items to bulletin@st-louis. org no later than Wednesdays at noon.

Daylight Saving Time Planning Marriage in the Future? The Sacrament of Marriage involves many steps, but your faith community is here to assist you. While you don’t have to be a member to marry here, it is the support and tithes of our generous parishioners that make our marriage programs and facilities possible. Consequently, fees for the rental of facilities are assessed according to parishioner or non-parishioner status. If you have been a registered member and documented giver (through checks or envelopes) for at least six months before coming in to plan a future wedding, you will be eligible for the discounted parishioner rate at a savings of $600. Call our Church Office for more information on this and all questions related to the marriage preparation process (512) 454-0384.

Is Your Information Correct? Do we have your most up-to-date address and phone information? Are you receiving church envelopes monthly or quarterly in the mail? If not, please contact Belinda at the church office to update your records (512) 454-0384 ext 201 or Belinda.bryant@st-louis.org

On the second Sunday of March at 2:00am, we will “spring forward” one hour. Mark your calendars for March 13th, change your clocks and enjoy the extra hour of daylight at the end of the day!

Marriage Encounter Dates Planned Married couples hoping to strengthen, renew and rekindle your marriage in 2016 are invited to attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend on Feb. 19-21 at the Wingate Hotel in Round Rock or April 15-17 at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. For details, visit www.austinme. org or contact Steve and Linda Jaramillo at wwwmeaustin@ gmail.com or (512) 667-9963.

Knights of Columbus Fish Fry Dinners

The Knights of Columbus Council #5967 will again be offering their “Famous Fish Fry Dinners” with all the trimmings, every Friday, (Except on Good Friday March 25, 2016), during Lent at Wozniak Hall. The first dinner will be on February 12, 2016. The dinners include Fried Catfish, French Fries, Pinto Beans, Coleslaw, Hushpuppies, and Ice Tea/Coffee. Large Plates will be $12.00; Medium Plates New leadership in your ministry? $11.00; Senior Plates $9.00 (65 years or older) and Child If you have elected new officers or other leadership in Plates $6.00 (Children Age 10 and under). PLEASE NOTE: your ministry/organization that meets on the St. Louis The prices for each of our “plates” are the same as last campus, be sure the new people are certified in the Ethics year! and Integrity in Ministry policies of the Diocese of Austin. They must have completed an Application for Ministry The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary will also offer for a background check and should have attended an EIM delicious cakes, pies, etc., at reasonable prices. Dinners will workshop. Call Brenda Beltran (512) 454-0384 x 211 or be served from 5:30 PM until 7:30 PM. contact her by email to report names of new leaders or to check on EIM status: brenda.beltran@st-louis.org

Around the Diocese and beyond Catholic Services Appeal Update

40 Days for Life

With grateful thanks, the Diocese of Austin issued their first status report on November’s CSA fundraiser. Our St. Louis members certainly rose to the challenge in helping our parish reach their $155,000 goal. Pledges were received by the Diocese totaling $151,690.70 toward that goal and $94,403.39 has already been collected from donors! Parish participation was also up with 406 pledges. Only five other parishes in the diocese had greater parish participation. Thank you, parishioners, for your outstanding support of this annual diocesan appeal!

This 40-day prayer vigil consists of hundreds of Christians from across Central Texas praying for an hour a week (whatever time works for your schedule 7am-7pm), seven days a week. It draws attention to the injustice of abortion through prayer and fasting, community outreach and education and constant peaceful vigil. It is a campaign of the Central Texas Coalition for Life and the spring campaign will run from Ash Wednesday, February 10th through March 20th. This international movement has resulted in over 11,000 women choosing life for children they were going to abort. Here in Central Texas at least and women finally to the changed Morgan their Library & Mand useum in the United 222 have minds chosen life! If you pledged an amount over several months, send Find out how you can participate by going to www. originally had no text, bears inscriptions in Latin, Persian, a your checks directly to the Diocese of Austin CSA, 6225 CentralTexasCoalition.com or calling (5152) 296-2071. Highway 290 East, Austin, 78723-1025. Please do not evidence of its changing ownership throughout the centuri place CSA envelopes in the parish collection basket as his language to lay claim to the book, appropriating its ima your pledge is with the Diocese and only they can give you respective cultures. credit for your donation. Thank you for being Christ’s hands of mercy!


Everyone is invited to this annual benefit on Friday, February 5th, Bell County Expo Center. Social Hour and Bucket Raffle is from 6:00 to 7:00pm. Dinner and program will be 7:15 to 9:00pm. OLAMS provides a temporary shelter to pregnant women and their children. The shelter offers a place where women may receive services with dignity and respect, giving them a respite from homelessness and opportunities to become selfsufficient. Contact http://ladyoftheangels.org or (254) 742-2340 for information and tickets.


Save the date for an unforgettable event in which the mission of Catholic Charities of Central Texas will be shared by those whose lives it has touched. You’ll enjoy a complimentary lunch as you see that it only takes ONE to restore hope in Central Texas. Join them Noon-1:00pm on Thursday, April 14, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency-Austin. For information contact Kristen Erdem at Kristen-erdem@ ccctx.org or (5512) 651-6132.

The mo Tes thro med Cru thir bibl bat con situ Loans from the Metropolitan Museum, including a shirt of Crusader Bible on Exhibit at the will augment visitors’ understanding of the weaponry featu Blanton The Blanton Museum of pArt at The University Alongside the Christian erspective reflected iof n tTexas he Morga at Austin presents “The Crusader Bible: A Gothic Muslim a nd J ewish v iewpoints o n b iblical n arratives, Masterpiece”, an exhibition of more than 40 unboundrevea pages fromoone of thefrom most tcelebrated French illuminated the story f Joseph he Metropolitan’s collection and manuscripts of the Middle Ages. The exhibition will run Ahasuerus from the Jewish Theological Seminary’s Ardashī through April 3rd. The history of the Crusader Bible as a powerful reminder of multiple the common roots of Likely Judaism, C covers seven centuries and continents. the complex intersection etween politics, ulture, created in Paris during the b1240’s forthe King LouiscIX of and France (famous for building the Sainte-Chapelle and leading two crusades), BibleMthen passed to king’s by th The Crusader Bible: Athe Gothic asterpiece is othe rganized younger brother, Charles of Anjou, who took it to Italy. York. The information curator of the at the Morgan is orWilliam For more visitexhibition www.blantonmuseum.org call (512) 471-7324. Department of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, Th Crusader Bible is Morgan Library & Museum MS M.638, pu in 1916. Generous funding for this exhibition is provided by the Stil

The Spirit of St. Louis

St. Louis to Host Diocesan White Mass

Religious Vocations

The Annual Diocesan White Mass will be held at 6:00pm on Wednesday, February 3rd in St. Louis Church. This yearly Mass is sponsored by the Austin Diocese and the Catholic Healthcare Guild and is intended for all Catholics working in health care as well as those who are seriously ill and in need of anointing. Bishop Joe Vasquez will celebrate the Mass which will include the Anointing of the Sick. For more information or to register for anointing visit www.austindiocese.org/whitemass

Considering the Diaconate?



Project Andrew is an annual vocation event hosted this year by Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Garcia for Catholic men (ages 15-45) open to learning more about discernment, the priesthood and seminary. It will be held Saturday, February 13 at St. Mary Cathedral in Austin, beginning at 10am. The day will include prayer, testimonials by priests and seminarians, Mass and lunch with Bishop Garcia. For more information contact the diocesan Vocation Office at www.vocations@austindiocese.org or (512) 949-2430. PROJECT MIRIAM

Project Miriam will be held Saturday, February 20, 10am, at St. Mary Cathedral in Austin. Single, Catholic women Are you a Catholic man between the ages of 30 and 57? between the ages of 16 and 45 are invited to learn more Have you recently become aware of a desire to deepen about Mary’s joyful “yes” to God and how that is lived out your faith life, but not sure why? in religious life. The day will include prayer, testimonials Have you felt a greater need to know Christ more by religious sisters, Mass and lunch with Bishop Joe Vasquez. For details, contact the Vocation Office at www. intimately or to follow Him more fully? vocations@austindiocese.org or (512) 949-2430. Has your awareness increased about the needs of the materially and spiritually poor? MEN’S DISCERNMENT DINNERS Do you have a desire to respond to those needs in a Men’s Discernment Dinners are for single Catholic men meaning ful way? (high school – adult) with openness to discerning a priestly Do you live a mature faith, love the Church and follow vocation. The evenings include dinner and evening prayer with discussions about the priesthood, seminary and Church teaching, but want to do more? If you answered yes to some of these questions, the Holy discernment. Dinners are on separate Wednesdays from Spirit might be calling you to explore the permanent 7:00-8:30pm. The high-school men’s group meets on diaconate. Talk to your pastor and, with his permission, first Wednesdays of the month in the Religious Education consider attending a final Inquiry session (in Spanish Building of St. William Parish in Round Rock. The group and English) at the Pastoral Center, 6225 Highway for men 18 and older meets on second Wednesdays of the 290 East, Austin on April 10. The diaconal formation month at the St. Charles Borromeo House of Discernment, class of 2022 will begin forming in January 2017. For 905B Duncan Lane in Austin. For more information visit additional information, call 512-949-2459 or email www.austinvocations.com diaconateformation@austindiocese.org


Congratulations to Father Everado Cazares who was ordained to the priesthood on January 16th by Bishop Joe Vasquez. The ordination took place at St. John Vianney Parish in Round Rock. Please continue to pray for all our religious vocations!

Theology From the Back of a Fire Engine BY DEACON ROB EMBRY

The alarm klaxon screams. The lights rend the darkness. The voice of the dispatcher is insistent:

Serving is a calling, not just a job.

Most of the firefighters I know could be something else. Many have advanced degrees, some in more than one field. Others, in their off time between shifts, run successful The voice is lost to you as you jump into your shoes and businesses. Many do double duty as trainers both for the race for the truck bay. A quick glance at your watch shows fire department and other safety related business. They 3:13AM. You jump in the back of the rescue truck and are volunteer in their kids’ schools, their churches, and their neighborhood sports teams. But none, not a one, of the off in a roar of lights and sirens. many I have talked to would consider for a minute not For nearly two years now I have served as a volunteer being a firefighter. The desire to help people is too strong. chaplain with the Austin Fire Department. In stations in all parts of the city I have talked with firefighters, joked St. Paul describes his own vocation: “If I preach the gospel, with firefighters, prayed with firefighters, spent the night this is no reason for me to boast, for an obligation has been with firefighters, and ridden with firefighters. The initial imposed on me, and woe to me if I do not preach it!” (1 awe and respect I felt for these men and women has only Cor 9:16). I am by calling and ordination a deacon, one deepened as I have spent time with them. But that is not all. who serves Christ and His Church. I can do no other, for As I have watched them work and listened to their stories, I the call is ever present and insistent. Each of us who are have had my eyes opened not only to the work they do but baptized and confirmed has received our own calling, the how it sheds light on what I do as a deacon, an ordained task which God sets before us as the path of discipleship we minister of the Church, and on what the Church as a whole are to walk, a task no one else can fulfill. Find your calling, does as it engages with the lost, the poor, the hopeless, the and begin to walk in it! marginalized, and the ornery. The fire service is above all People in trouble need help and deserve respect, even SERVICE, and we who serve Him “who came not to be when it is their own fault. served but to serve” can learn from their experience. Firefighters serve their fellow citizens. Sometimes these “Engine 14, Rescue 14. Injury accident. Pinned occupant in Firebox 1401 at …..”

The Spirit of St. Louis


citizens are in life threatening danger. Sometimes they are when someone forgets that and strikes out alone, that is in compromising and embarrassing situations. From an when something bad happens. older man undergoing cardiac arrest to a drunk sleeping If a foot should say, “Because I am not a hand I do not peacefully in a planter on Sixth Street, the firefighters I have belong to the body,” it does not for this reason belong ridden with have been unfailingly courteous, respectful, any less to the body. Or if an ear should say, “Because gentle, and sensitive in approaching anyone who needs help. I am not an eye I do not belong to the body,” it does Jesus said “Those who are well do not need a physician, not for this reason belong any less to the body. If the but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous but whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If sinners.” (Mk 2:17) Jesus did not stop to ask if those He the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of came to save deserved His effort, for, in fact, none of us did. smell be?” (1 Cor 12:15-17) When we go to the jail, or the hospital, or ride with Mobile Loaves and Fishes or do a St. Vincent de Paul visit, each Ministry in the Church is always collaborative. No one person we minister to is a child of God made in His image of us has all the gifts necessary to bring God’s kingdom in and deserving of the same dignity and respect we want for power, even to our own little corner. We require the gifts, ourselves and our own family, no matter how the person the talents, the discernment, the wisdom of those linked to us in the One Body of Christ so that it may build itself up came to be in that situation. in love. (Eph 4:16) Making this work requires creativity and flexibility.

“We require the gifts, the talents, the discernment, the wisdom of those linked to us in the One Body of Christ so that it may build itself up in love.” (Eph 4:16)

I am continually amazed at the creativity and sheer invention firefighter’s display in approaching the challenges they face. I have watched them experiment with over the counter tools to find a more effective way to free a pinky trapped in a piece of equipment. I have listened to them replay the specifics of a fire or accident to figure out how they need to change procedures to make it better the next time. Some have even invented their own “from scratch” tools that earned a spot in the arsenal of fire-fighting.

Sometimes it costs you your life.

Jesus said “the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mt 20:28) The ultimate act of His service was to die on the cross for our salvation. Every firefighter knows that there is the possibility that going into a burning house to search for victims could be the last thing he or she does. But they still do it because it is sometimes the only way to accomplish the mission.

Just so with each of us. Any parent knows that taking care St. Paul admonishes us, “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not of a family means sacrifice and putting aside for a time our despise prophetic utterances. Test everything; retain what is own personal needs and wants. Taking care of those who good.” (1 Th 5:19-21) The life breath of the Church is the come to the Church hurting, in need, and in trouble also Holy Spirit who moves us and guides us and inspires us and requires that same willingness to lose one’s life for Christ’s challenges us to find new ways, new means to proclaim the sake and that of the Gospel to save it. (Mk 8:35) St. Maximilian Kolbe and Bl. Teresa of Calcutta are just two Gospel in word and action. examples that spring to mind of putting our own lives on Service requires teamwork. the line to minister to those in need. As you watch the firefighters work, as you listen to them train, you realize there are no individual superheroes in the I am awed and humbled to be allowed to ride with these fire service. Teamwork, teamwork, and more teamwork men and women. They would make far better deacons is what makes them effective. Everyone has a specific job than I could ever hope to be. May God’s blessing be upon and responsibility. And each firefighter is responsible for them and may His holy angels ride with them as they put covering his or her buddy’s back. More often than not, themselves daily at risk for those they are called to serve.

Oh no, Valentine’s Day during Lent! – GET HELP AT ST. LOUIS PARISH LIBRARY

Here we are, about to begin our Lenten sacrifice, and ‘chocolate day’ interferes. Perhaps this only matters to those who sacrifice candy, but even others will spend Valentine’s Day as an escape from the dreariness of Lent. When seen together these two events do have a common denominator – love. On Valentine’s Day, we celebrate the love we share in those special relationships with family and friends. Ash Wednesday and Lent point us to the greatest act of love, when Jesus gave up His life on the cross that we might be forgiven and live. Like the candy and flowers on February 14, and the empty tomb on Easter, both Valentine’s Day and Lent mark our time and our lives with love. And that’s the heart of the matter, for both occasions. The Parish Library has many relevant books, including these:

Choosing Joy for Lent,

by Marilyn Norquist Gustin – The Church asks us to make a personal sacrifice during Lent. This author shows how joy can be found when making Lent a time for lasting change. Each chapter offers scripture passages to help us live Lent as a time of spiritual growth.

Theology of the Love of God, by George

Newlands - The author meditates on the truth that God is Love. Love shown in the self-giving of God to mankind by events surrounding the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. From a profound theology of the love of God, Mr. Newlands concludes that a renewal of faith and hope will follow.

The Love of Jesus and the Love of Neighbor, by Karl Rahner - Father Rahner attempts to explain a Christian’s relationship to Jesus. “What does it mean to love Jesus” and “Who is my neighbor?” He expounds on this twofold obligation of the Greatest Commandment.

Love Bears All Things: A Child Learns to Love, by Pat Kirk and Alice

Way of Love: Following Christ Through Lent and Easter, by Brother

Ramon – This 48-day journey invites readers to follow in Christ’s footsteps through the Gospels to the events of the first Easter and to discover in their own experience the road that leads through suffering and death to new life.

Lent with the Saints, by Fr. Greg Friedman

- In this collection we find spiritual companions for each day of our Lenten journey. Through insightful reflections, Fr. Greg draws on his love of the saints to connect us to the scriptural readings of Lent, offering daily inspiration during the season of repentance, forgiveness, and hope.

Saints for the Journey: Lent and Easter, by Ethel Marbach – This is from the series “Saints of the Seasons for Children.” These stories of men and women from the Old and New Testament times are intertwined with the story of Jesus passion, death and resurrection. Saint Valentine, by Robert Sabuda – How

did Valentine’s Day begin? This children’s book presents one of the valentine tales. In Brown – This is one in the series “Bear Hugs ancient Rome a kindly physician named Books,” which takes an important principle Valentine took an interest in a young blind from the Bible and illustrates it for children girl. What we now call Valentine’s Day in everyday settings. This particular book began when he sent the little girl a secret presents I Corinthians 13 in a manner that message. On each page, author and illustrator Robert teaches young children how love acts and behaves. Sabuda has created beautiful mosaics to suggest early Christian art. For a detailed explanation of various Saint Valentines legends see www.catholiceducation.org/en/culture/catholic-contributions/history-of-st-valentine.html

The Spirit of St. Louis

Hospitality Ministry Needs You! Hospitality Ministers assist in all parts of the sacred liturgy and you are invited to join one of our Hospitality teams! These teams welcome and greet our church members and visitors as they arrive to worship at weekend Masses. They help keep order during the proclamation of God’s Word and recruit families to assist with the Procession of the Gifts at Offertory. They assist with the flow of parishioners during the Communion Rite and are available should a church member need assistance during Mass. They pass out collection baskets, hand out bulletins and help tidy up after Mass in preparation for the next Mass. This is a “working” ministry and they provide on-site training! Contact Philip Tucker at Ptucker001@att.net to volunteer.

God’s Incredible Plan for Your Marriage 2016 MARRIAGE RETREAT

If you could learn something that would make your marriage better than ever, wouldn’t you take the time? Come learn God’s incredible plan for marriage during Valentine’s Weekend for a day retreat, led by Fr. Kenneth LeBlanc, LC. Retreat will be held from 1pm to 5pm on Saturday February 13th at St Vincent de Paul Parish Activity Center, 9500 Neenah Dr, Austin, TX 78717. Retreat will conclude with a renewal of wedding vows. Cost is $25 per couple. For registration, please go to http://www.rcaustin.org or contact Fatima Maciazek (fatima@svdpparish.org or (512) 255-1389) or Brian Almon (brian@almonfamily.com or 512-431-3243.

Catholic Women’s Lenten Conference San Jose Church in South Austin is holding its 11th Annual Catholic Women’s Lenten Conference on Saturday, February 13. Rev. Barry Cuba, Chairman of the Diocesan Committee on the Year of Mercy, is a featured speaker. There is a Mass at 8:00 AM in the main church; registration, exhibits and refreshments begin in the church hall at 9:30 AM. Lunch is included in the $25 registration fee if paid before February 5. To register and for more information contact Rosie Castillo at castillorosie168@yahoo.com or 512-441-2748. Many St. Louis women can attest to the value of this annual conference.


“All Things Bright and Beautiful” Volunteers are being sought to help keep our brass altar accessories and candlesticks shiny and bright. Norma Sigler will be happy to train you and then you can work on a schedule that fits yours, whether it be once a week, or once a month (or more or less often). Weekly polishing is normally done each Saturday morning after 8am Mass until 10 or 10:30am Extra hands are especially appreciated prior to Easter, St. Louis Feast Day (August 25) and Christmas. No experience necessary, just a desire to serve behind the scenes to beautify our altar area for the Glory of God! Email or call Norma to volunteer at nsigler4710@att.net or (512) 339-7643.

St. Louis Bereavement Ministry This dedicated ministry provides food and comfort to registered parishioner’s families and friends grieving the loss of their loved one. There are several Bereavement teams and each team serves in rotation. Team leaders will call members for food donations to be delivered to a central location. If Wozniak Hall is available and needed, a group leader may also ask for help to set-out food and serve. Those in this ministry are usually called to donate food about two times a year. There are no meetings to attend. Food donations do not have to be homemade. The group leader will have an idea of what food the family needs when calling team members. Funerals are during the day, so there is no night driving. Men and women interested in serving in this ministry can contact Jane Hellinger 512-452-9748 or Frances Krause 512453-4823 or leave your name and number at the Church Office for more information

Rites of Sending, Election and Scrutinies OUR SACRAMENTS OUR FAITH “The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church123)


Aldo Antonio De La Cruz-Casiano Vivianna Rose Hernandez Ariel Manuel Sanchez-Mendieta Scarlett Elena Barrera Lenox Paige Chen Evelyn Coanne Robertson Eliana Yaelis Trimble Stefanie Angela Garcia Antonio Garcia-Maciel Ashley Sofia Ramirez-Gonzalez Michelle Samantha Sinachi Nwaka Jack Robert Rhodes Levi Joseph Wooster Sebastian Zepeda-Zambrano Mia Sanchez-Carrizales Valeria Sanchez-Saucedo Oscar Thomas Wilkens


Jesse Benavidez


Kenneth William Hess Kenneth Eugene Horton Michael Andrew Miller Madeline Garnett Turner

Who are those people and what are they doing on the altar? This month we will celebrate several rituals for many children, teens and adults who are in the RCIA process. Through RCIA (Rite if Christian Initiation of Adults) and adapted Rites for children and teens, persons encounter Jesus by hearing the sacred scriptures proclaimed, by immersing themselves in the Tradition of the Catholic Christian community, and by discovering the Risen Jesus present concretely in the seven sacraments. From very early times, the Church has been offering the RCIA process to help men, women and children respond to the impulse of God’s Spirit in their lives. RCIA helps bring people into community and fellowship in Jesus, to know personal holiness, and to engage in loving service to God and to others. We are called to be one in Christ. The Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) incorporate us into Christ’s body (The Church) and forms us into God’s people. There are formal rituals or ‘Rites’ that help mark steps or growth in each person’s journey towards the waters of baptism and full initiation into the Catholic Church. The Rite of Sending includes both the consent of the candidates along with the whole parish community, in offering our support of the candidates as we ‘send’ them to the celebration of election, assuring them of our prayers. The Rite of Election, which coincides with the opening of Lent, marks the beginning of the final approach for the candidates as they enter a more intense preparation for the sacraments of initiation. “This step is called election because the acceptance made by the Church is founded on the election by God, in whose name the Church acts. The step is also called the enrollment of names because as a pledge of fidelity the candidates inscribe their names in the book that lists those who have been chosen for initiation.” [RCIA 119] The candidates are sent to the Bishop who recognizes each of them and welcomes them as ‘elect’. He accepts, on behalf of the universal ‘catholic’ church, their intentions of entering, as full members, into the Holy Catholic Church at Easter. We will celebrate these Rites on Sunday, Feb. 14. The Scrutinies, which are solemnly celebrated on the 3rd, 4th, & 5th Sundays in Lent, are rites for self-searching and repentance. “The scrutinies are meant to uncover, then heal all that is weak, defective, or sinful in the hearts of the elect; to bring out, then strengthen all that is upright, strong, and good. For the scrutinies are celebrated in order to deliver the elect from the power of sin and Satan, to protect them against temptation, and to give them strength in Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life.” [RCIA 141] Let us all, as one catholic family, pray for our candidates as they continue their preparations for Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion this coming Easter.

Lent is Coming …

The Spirit of St. Louis


Are You Ready?

Prayer is one of the most important portals we have for communicating with God.


Are you unsure of how to pray? Would you like to learn different ways to pray? Could your existing prayer life use a boost? The Prayer and Life Workshops (PLW) is a series that can deepen your prayer life, strengthen your faith, and give you a new-found peace in your everyday life. You will learn about a variety of prayer methods and a structure to practice them daily. Those who have taken the Workshops have found them to be unique and extremely rewarding. They will be given at St. Louis in School Room 112 on Tuesday evenings from 7-9 pm. An informational session will be held on Tuesday, February 2nd at 7 pm, and the regular sessions will begin the following week. For more information, please contact Josefina Westwood at 512-791-3454, pina.westwood@gmail.com. Here is how some other parishioners have described their experiences: “Upon completion of the P&LW you realize that you are setting aside daily time for Jesus and He is transforming your life. I look forward to my daily time with Him and feel His peace, patience and humility guiding my every decision. I would highly recommend this workshop to anyone wishing to make positive changes in their life and grow in their relationship with Jesus!” ~ MB.T. “While the Prayer and Life Workshop was similar to experiences I have had in the past, I found the Workshop pulled things together for me in a way that hasn’t happened before. Because of the ongoing nature of the sessions, it helped me create habits and allowed me time to process new information and practices. Because the workshop uses a variety of tools to teach us (scripture, Encounter Book, songs, practice of different types of prayer methods, daily practices, sharing of our experiences, journaling), there is something that appeals to many different types of personalities and learning styles. The facilitation is very tight and keeps the focus on the learning. I very much appreciated how well the sessions were facilitated. It was clear to me that our facilitator, (Evan Westwood) had been very well trained, has a spiritual practice, and is a normal person that is on this journey like the rest of us. I have been praying to make Jesus the center of my life for many years now. The workshop showed me the way to make that happen and opened the door to that space.” ~L.H.

James Bentley Weiss and Alejandra Simona Villarreal Seyed Amir Housian Emamian, Jr. and Priscilla Sanchez Kenneth Eugene Horton and Marjorie Ann Kosarek Rene Valdez Sanchez and Yasmin Casas Suarez Tyler Garrett Kramr and Samantha Nicole Locke Jonathan Daniel Seale and Jennifer Margarita Roncallo Brandon Wade Minton and Stephanie Nicole Martinez Terrill Wayne Giere, Jr. and Maria Maegan P. Navarro Quejada

RECENTLY DECEASED Mary Rose DeLeon Emily Overbey Jose Eduardo Castillo Benedetto “Ben” Nardone Bernice Vrabel Marina Mann

St. Vincent de Paul Truck Coming Time to spring clean those closets and cabinets and bring your gently used household items on Saturday, March 5 between 10am and 2pm to the Church parking lot. The St. Vincent de Paul Society truck will be present to accept your clothes, shoes, small appliances, dishes, books, and more.

Landmark Anniversaries

The Spirit of St. Louis




For the last 37 years St. Louis Parish has recognized special landmark wedding anniversaries. We were able to continue this tradition, honoring those couples who notified us of their landmark anniversary in 2015. Certificates signed by the Bishop were given to the couples on the weekend of Holy Family after Christmas. Congratulations to all these couples for being living examples of the Sacrament of Marriage to our faith family! 20 Years Michael and Rosalinda Flores Trey and Courtney Newton 25 Years Patrick and Rebecca Medina 30 Years Mike and Wynn Hutter Jerry and Patricia Peterson Michael and Luz Probus 40 Years Brian and Virginia Almon Kerry Joe and Colleen Brockman Marion and Dona Medlock Oscar and Melva Ramirez Dan and Betsy Sansom 45 Years Victor and Mary Nell de la Garza Chad and Erin Hanna Bobby and Janie Vernengo Steve and Jacqueline Watkins

50 Years Joel and Selma Navarro 55 Years Leroy and Alice Kubacak Benino and Mary Robledo 60 Years Oscar and Shirley Ray 61 Years James and Frances Bauer Harold and Anna Hans Norberto and Margarita Hernandez 64 Years Kirby and Frances Krause 66 Years Hank and Joan Bogdanski

The sanctuary candle is traditionally seen in Catholic churches, burning constantly to indicate the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. At St. Louis, in both the main nave and the chapel, the sanctuary candles are burning high above the floor in beautifully ornate fixtures suspended from the ceiling. Parishioners are given the opportunity to memorialize a deceased loved one with a $10 contribution, selecting a specified week in which one or both of the two sanctuary candles will be burned in their honor.Visit the church office with your donation, the name of your loved one, your choice of sanctuary candle and the selected week. Memorials are denoted in the Main Nave (M/N) or Chapel (C). Memorials reserved since the last newsletter deadline include: January 3 – 9, 2016 In Memory of Tillie Castro by Patsy Alvarez & Alicia Castro (M/N) January 10 – 16 To Honor Harold & Anna Hans’ Wedding Anniversary (M/N and C) January 17 – 23 In Memory of Olivia Maldonado by Debbie M. Ramirez (M/N) January 24 – 30 To Honor Jose A. Corona by Flaviana Corona (M/N) February 7 – 13 To Honor Clare Taylor by Shannon Taylor (C) In Memory of “Charles & Bertha” by Elaine Olsovsky (M/N) February 14 – 20 In Memory of Gilda Lozano by Maritza Langford (M/N) February 21 – 27 In Memory of George Maldonado by Debbie M. Ramirez (M/N)

Anthony’s Relic Visit St.St. Anthony’s Relic Visit Archdiocese Galveston - Houston Archdiocese of of Galveston - Houston February 19-28, 2016 February 19-28, 2016

The Franciscan Friars you invite joininthem in welcomThe Franciscan Friars invite to you join to them welcoming Anthony Saint Anthony of Padua. St. Anthony be visiting Saint of Padua. St. Anthony will bewill visitus form in theofform of a precious relichis from his Basilica in ing us ing in the a precious relic from Basilica in Italy. The relic be accompanied by from a friar from Padua,Padua, Italy. The relic will be will accompanied by a friar the Messenger of St. Anthony in Padua. the Messenger of St. Anthony in Padua.


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FEBRUARY 19 FEBRUARY 19 CO-CATHEDRAL THE SACRED CO-CATHEDRAL OF THEOF SACRED HEARTHEART 12:10 PM and PM. Veneration all afternoon. Masses atMasses 12:10atPM and 7:30 PM.7:30 Veneration all afternoon. St. Parkway Joseph Parkway San Jacinto) 1111 St.1111 Joseph (@ San (@ Jacinto) Houston, TX -77002 Phone: 713.659.1561 Houston, TX 77002 Phone:-713.659.1561 FEBRUARY 20 FEBRUARY 20 CO-CATHEDRAL THE SACRED CO-CATHEDRAL OF THEOF SACRED HEARTHEART MassAM. at 6:30 AM. Veneration follow untilVeneration 2 PM. Veneration will Mass at 6:30 Veneration to follow to until 2 PM. will 4 PM by followed by Mass with veneration PM and the continue continue at 4 PM at followed Mass with veneration at 5 PM at and5 the Vietnamese with veneration Vietnamese Mass withMass veneration at 7 PM. at 7 PM. FEBRUARY 21 FEBRUARY 21 CO-CATHEDRAL THE SACRED CO-CATHEDRAL OF THEOF SACRED HEARTHEART Masses by followed by veneration AM,119 AM, 11 AM, Masses followed veneration at 7 AM,at97AM, PM in Vietnamese, PMSpanish and theMass Spanish MassPM at 7:30 PM 1 PM in 1Vietnamese, 5:30 PM5:30 and the at 7:30 FEBRUARY 22 FEBRUARY 22 THE INCARNATE CHRISTCHRIST THE INCARNATE WORDWORD Masses with veneration day at12:15 7 AM,PM 12:15 PM and Masses with veneration all day atall 7 AM, and 7:30 PM7:30 PM 8503 S Kirkwood Rd - Houston, TX-77099 Phone: 281.495.8133 8503 S Kirkwood Rd - Houston, TX 77099 Phone:-281.495.8133 FEBRUARY 23 FEBRUARY 23 THE SHRINE THECROSS TRUE CROSS THE SHRINE OF THEOF TRUE Veneration at Mass 5 PM.atMass 7 PM followed by veneration Veneration starts atstarts 5 PM. 7 PMat followed by veneration Rd E. Dickinson, TX -77539 Phone: 281.337.4112 300 FM300 517FM Rd 517 E. Dickinson, TX 77539 Phone:-281.337.4112 FEBRUARY 25 FEBRUARY 25 CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC CENTER CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC CENTER Veneration at 12 untilMass 9 PM. MassPM at 7:30 PM Veneration begins at begins 12 noon untilnoon 9 PM. at 7:30 1949Blvd. CullenHouston, Blvd. Houston, TX -77023 Phone: 713.236.9977 1949 Cullen TX 77023 Phone:-713.236.9977 FEBRUARY 26 FEBRUARY 26 ANNUNCIATION CHURCH ANNUNCIATION CHURCH Masses with veneration all day AM,PM 12:10 Masses with veneration all day 6:30 AM,6:30 12:10 and 7PM PMand 7 PM 1618Ave. Texas (@ Crawford) - Houston, TX 77003 1618 Texas (@Ave. Crawford) - Houston, TX 77003 Phone: 713.222.2289 Phone: 713.222.2289 FEBRUARY 27 FEBRUARY 27 OUROF LADY THE CEDARS MARONITE CATHOLIC CHURCH OUR LADY THEOF CEDARS MARONITE CATHOLIC CHURCH Veneration 9 AM until- 10 PMat- 6:30 MassPM at 6:30 PM Veneration begins at begins 9 AM at until 10 PM Mass 11935 Bellfort Village Dr. - Houston, TX 77031 11935 Bellfort Village Dr. - Houston, TX 77031 Phone: 281.568.6800 Phone: 281.568.6800 FEBRUARY 28 FEBRUARY 28 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA CHURCH Masses with veneration AM,119 AM, 111PM AM, Masses with veneration at 7 AM,at97AM, and1 6PM PMand 6 PM 7801 Bay Branch DriveWoodlands, - The Woodlands, TX 77382 7801 Bay Branch Drive - The TX 77382 281.419.8700 Phone: Phone: 281.419.8700


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The Spirit of St. Louis


St. Louis Men’s ACTS Retreat Registration “Know That I Am”  Ex 3:14 

February 25-28, 2016 Down Home Ranch 20250 FM 619, Elgin, Texas

ACTS is a Catholic retreat movement presented by parishioners for parishioners with the guidance of religious leaders. The goal of each retreat is to facilitate a deepening of our relationship with Jesus Christ, to renew ourselves spiritually, to give new meaning to our prayer life, and to build lasting friendships with members of our parish communities. This ACTS retreat will begin on Thursday evening, Feb. 25 and continue through the weekend ending with an 11:30 Mass on Sunday, Feb. 28 at St. Louis Catholic Church at 7601 Burnet Rd, Austin, TX 78757. The retreat cost is $160, payable to “St. Louis ACTS”. Registration is now open for St. Louis, St. Theresa and St. Albert the Great. Out of parish registrations will begin Monday, Feb. 8 for any remaining openings. To reserve your place, please return this registration form and include a $50 deposit payment. Registration is on a firstcome, first-served basis, with a waiting list thereafter. Forms are date and time stamped upon receipt. The $110 balance will be due upon check-in Thursday evening at St. Louis Catholic Church or any time prior to that date. **Please note that financial hardship should not prevent anyone from attending the retreat. If you are unable to pay the entire fee, contact the director or co-director as a limited number of scholarships are available. Deliver or mail registration form to: St. Louis Catholic Church Office 7601 Burnet Road Austin, TX 78757

Register online at: www.st-louis.org/acts http://www.st-louis.org/groups

It is the policy of ACTS Missions and St. Louis Catholic Church that alcohol will not be a part of the retreat. The retreat center does not permit alcohol. Smoking is allowed only in designated areas. Platonic behavior only. For further information regarding the retreat weekend, please contact the director Matt DiTeresa at 512-5866770, Co-director Bob Hermansen at 512-924-9064, or Co-director Glenn Martinez at 512-470-3800 A letter will be sent to registered retreatants 7-10 days prior to the retreat providing you with further details, directions, and suggestions on what to bring for the weekend.

Please fill out and return registration form on reverse side

St. Louis Men’s ACTS Retreat Registration  Feb. 25-28, 2016 “Know That I Am”  Ex 3:14  Please print clearly Name:

(As you would like it on your nametag)


(Street, city, state & zip code)

Home Phone:

Work Phone:

Cell Phone:

Email address: Parish or Church you attend:

(or religion if not affiliated with a parish or church)

Name two family members or close friends you would like praying for you during this retreat. Name:


Cell Ph:(





Cell Ph:(



I have included my: [ ] $50 deposit or [ ] $160 retreat fee. Checks can be made payable to St. Louis ACTS Indemnity and Waiver

I release and agree to and hold St. Louis Catholic Church of Austin, Texas, the Catholic Diocese of Austin, and their clergy, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers (Released Parties) harmless from any and all liability, claims, losses, or damages arising from or in connection with the St. Louis ACTS retreat. I assume all risk of injury or loss to my person and my property. I agree to indemnify the Released Parties from any liability, claim, demand, or damage caused by me or caused by my participation in the retreat. Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______ /______ /______

Medical Information

Please read and list all conditions which apply. All information will be kept confidential.       

Please list any special dietary needs or restrictions: _____________________________________________________________ Do you have difficulty climbing stairs, walking on unpaved or uneven surfaces, other mobility considerations (e.g. use cane, walker, wheelchair)? [ ] No [ ] Yes (please list) _____________ (Mobility challenges should NOT deter you from attending.) Please list any medical conditions: ____________________________________________________________________________ I take the following medications: I will bring to the retreat all necessary medications and directions, including dosage(s) and frequency of consumption. In case of an emergency, persons at or associated with the retreat may transport me to a hospital for medical or surgical treatment. In an emergency, please contact: ****MUST LIST AT LEAST ONE EMERGENCY CONTACT**** Name: Cell Phone: (

Family Doctor: Insurance Plan: Policy Number:


Relationship: _______________________________ Home Phone: (____)______________________

For Office Use Only

Application Received: Amount Received:  Cash  Paid Online Received by:

/ $  Check #


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