July 22, 2018 Bulletin

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THE SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS a weekly bulletin & newsletter July 22, 2018 • 16 th Sunday in Ordinary Time

PARISH WOMEN! Do you like to talk, bake, read, sew, take pictures, or have some other talent? Do you love St. Louis and want to meet other women in the parish? Do you know that all women in the parish are members of the St. Louis Women’s Club? We want you to join us as we make friends and have fun, and provide ministry for the parish and community. At the Saturday and Sunday Masses on July 21-22, Women’s Club representatives will be in the narthex to answer your questions and share our registration form. Whether or not you choose to participate in any of the Club’s sponsored activities or donate to its treasury, registration will allow us to contact you individually before each meeting with a reminder and program information. The registration form can also be downloaded from www.st-louis.org/womens-club at any time. The Women’s Club is the parish’s official representative to the Austin Deanery and Austin Diocesan Councils of Catholic Women as well as the National Council of 1

Catholic Women. Attending those meetings provides an opportunity to network with women from other parishes; learn about activities that might benefit St. Louis; and grow in spirituality, leadership and service. St. Louis women benefit from the training and resource wealth of these larger organizations. In support of the Deanery service project – Over the Toes and Under the Clothes- we are collecting new underwear and socks for children and adults. The items are given to the local shelter for victims of domestic abuse. Please bring any items you can donate to the weekend registration table or any club meeting. We invite all ladies of the parish to join us for our welcoming meeting on Tuesday, August 14, 2018 in Wozinak Hall at 7:00pm. More details on this meeting will be available in the August bulletins. Jeannie Coale is the current president and will be glad to respond to you questions by phone (512-627-5769) or email (Jeannie.coale@gmail.com. We are excited about our coming year of programs, and many opportunities for fellowship and service. We look forward to seeing you!


St. Louis Catholic Church & School

CLERGY Rev. James A. Misko, Pastor Rev. Douglas Jeffers, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jesse Martinez, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Rob Embry, Deacon Rev. Mr. Alfredo Villa, Deacon Rev. Mr. Javier Maldonado, Deacon

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 6:00 a.m. (Español), 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. (Español), 5:00 p.m. (Español) Choral Vespers: 7 p.m. Weekdays: English: 7:00 a.m. (M, W, F), 12:00 p.m. (T & Th), 8:00 a.m. (Sat) Español: 6:00 p.m. (Jueves) RECONCILIATION Tuesday: 11:15-11:50 a.m. Thursday: 11:15-11:50 a.m., 5:00-5:50 p.m. Saturday: 8:30-10:00 a.m., 3:30-4:30 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday - Sunday (24 hours)

PARISH OFFICE: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (closed noon to 1 p.m.) 7601 Burnet Road, Austin, 78757 512-454-0384 SCHOOL OFFICE: Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 2114 St. Joseph Blvd., Austin, 78757 512-614-6622 www.slcsaustin.org LIFELONG CHRISTIAN FORMATION OFFICE: Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (closed noon to 1 p.m.) EARLY CHILDHOOD OFFICE: Monday - Friday, 7:45 a.m. - 5 p.m. 512-614-6544 www.st-louis.org/ecdc

PASTORAL COUNCIL Congratulations to newly discerned Pastoral Council members Esperanza (Hope) Debo, Joe Ramacciotti and Lauren DePue Ward. Thank you for your willingness to serve three-year terms representing your fellow parishioners on the St. Louis Pastoral Council! We are also grateful for the record number of parishioners who were nominated for discernment, which affirms the volunteer spirit that’s alive and well in our parish!

INVITATION TO SERVE There are many opportunities for you to share your gifts and talents here at St. Louis. We invite you to prayerfully consider joining one of the many ministries that we have on campus. Below are a few ways for you to get involved. You can also email elizabeth.polito@st-louis.org or call the parish office and she can help you discover how you can serve. Music Musicians are invited to join one of 8 choirs (singers, handbells, instrumentalists, cantors) with a variety of styles. Contact rick.gabrillo@stlouis.org for more information. Social Ministries We need help Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. to unload, sort, and stock donations. Contact bea.delarosa@st-louis.org for more information. Brass Polishing Volunteer on your own schedule, polishing the candles, processional torches, bookstand, thurible, incense boat, and Eagle Lecterns. For information and training, contact Norma Sigler at nsigler4710@att.net or (512) 339-7643. Adoration Ministry We have open hours in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel, located on the south end of the narthex. Contact adoration@st-louis.org for more information.

Did you know many people arrive at the shelter for domestic violence with only the clothes on their back? Can you spare a few dollars to purchase new underwear or socks for a child (of any age) or adult in this situation? The St. Louis Women’s Club is collecting these items in support of its affiliation with the Austin Deaneries Council of Catholic Women. Items can be brought to the Club’s registration table in the narthex or to any bi-monthly meeting as announced in the bulletin.

July 22, 2018 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time


WELCOME // BIENVENIDO Welcome to St. Louis King of France Catholic Church & School. We are glad you’re here! We invite anyone here for the first time, or new to the parish, to stop by our Welcome Desk as you exit to the left in the narthex. Existing parishioners needing ministry information are asked to stop there too. We hope that you may find warmth and happiness in our parish and we look forward to getting to know you personally. Bienvenido a St. Louis King of France Catholic Church & School. ¡Estamos contentos de que estés aquí! Invitamos a cualquiera que esté aquí por primera vez o nuevo en la parroquia a pasar por nuestro Escritorio de bienvenida al salir a la izquierda en el narthex. Además, a los feligreses existentes que deseen información sobre unirse a ministerios se les pide que pasen por aquí. Oramos para que encuentres calidez y felicidad en nuestra parroquia y esperamos poder llegar a conocerte personalmente.


St. Louis Early Childhood Development Center Accepting applications for 8 months to 3 year olds Call 512-614-6544 or visit www.st-louis.org/ecdc 3

If your child is registering for the second year of Sacraments Class, please bring a copy of his/her Baptismal Certificate. Classes will start September 9. Registration Schedule: Mon - Thu 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. & 1:00 to 7:00 p.m.. From June 4 through August 23. First come, first serve to select class days. You can also register online at: www.st-louis.org/lcf-registration


St. Louis Catholic Church & School

ANNOUNCEMENTS/ANUNCIOS Special Collections - July

Ministerios Hispanos

• Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine on the north side of our Church has been constructed as an Eagle Scout project of parishioner Michael Leary. The cobble stone patio and the beautifully carved cantera stone statue from Saltillo, Mexico, are wonderful additions to our campus and will provide a place of prayer and meditation for all our parishioners. Contributions are welcome on an ongoing basis to cover costs of landscaping, benches and lighting. Please designate your checks/ envelopes and place in any weekend collection.

• Sacramentos de Iniciacion Para Adultos | Se les invita a todas aquellas personas que necesiten recibir algún Sacramento de iniciación (Bautismo, Reconciliación/ Comunión o Confirmación) a inscribirse en el programa de clases de Sacramentos para Adultos. Para inscribirse diríjase a la oficina de los Ministerios Hispanos. ¡No pierda la oportunidad!

K.J.Z.T. Society No. 93 • WILL NOT have a meeting in August. Instead, we will celebrate Mass and Corporate Communion for our living and deceased members on Sat., August 4 at St. Louis Church 5:00 p.m. Mass. After, those wishing to can gather for dinner and socializing. All members and their families are encouraged to attend. For more information call Jane 512-452-9748 or Margie 512659-5146. Catholic Charities & Immigration • Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley’s Humanitarian Respite Center was opened several years ago to help families recently released from the detention centers to get a hot shower, warm meal, clothing and necessities before continuing their journey to be reunited with children and families. The center only has a staff of four and are overwhelmed as an average of 250 individuals per day walk through their doors seeking help. You can help our neighbors in need by doing the following: 1. Pray for our Catholic Charities teams across Texas. 2. Purchase – Collect – Send items to Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, 700 N. Virgen de San Juan Blvd, San Juan, TX 78589. They are desperate for diapers (all sizes) and tennis shoes/socks for women (all sizes). 3. All material donations should be shipped directly to Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley. 4. Share this message with your friends and family so we can join as a community to care for our brothers and sisters in need. Connect with CCCTX on social media to see the latest stories.

• Clases Prematrimoniales “Lo que dios ha unido no lo separa el hombre” (Mateo 19,6) ¿Estas comprometido, casado solo por lo civil, o viviendo en unión libre? ¿Deseas recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio bendiciendo el amor de tu familia? Asiste al programa de preparación matrimonial. Te ayudamos con mucho gusto. • Clases de Educación Religiosa: Ahora es el momento de inscribirse para las clases de Educación Religiosa. Venga a la Oficina de Educación Religiosa para llenar la planilla de inscripción. Si su hijo/a se está registrando para el segundo año de catecismo a fin de recibir los Sacramentos, por favor traiga una copia del certificado de bautismo del niño. Las clases comenzarán el 9 de septiembre. ¡Los esperamos en la clase de catecismo! Horario de Inscripciones: Lun a Je 9:00 a 11:30 a.m. & 1:00 a 7:00 p.m. Desde el 4 de Junio al 23 de Agosto de 2018. Los primeros en inscribirse tendrán la opción de escoger qué día de la semana quieren asistir. También puede registrarse online en: www.st-louis.org/lcf-registration-espanol

Words of Hope Banquet • 11th Annual Caritas of Austin, Words of Hope Banquet, will be Thursday, September 20 at the JW Marriott Austin. Sponsored by Austin Subaru, the featured speaker will be former Dallas Cowboy Emmitt Smith! Tickets are now on sale! Help Caritas of Austin raise a record amount to support their ongoing work to end homelessness in Austin. Contact them for ticket information at communications@caritasofaustin.org

July 22, 2018 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time


KIDS CAUGHT READING! We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and keeping up on their reading! St. Louis Catholic School students get the opportunity to participate in the Honors Readers program and earn certificates, parties, and awards throughout the year. Students can also earn additional awards by participating in these award lists: Gallery Award - The Gallery Award books are a set of 10 books for 1st-3rd graders, chosen for their content and Christian-friendly story. Website: www.triplecrownawards.org Bluebonnet Award - The Texas Library Association Bluebonnet Award program is a set of 20 books selected from recommendations state wide for 3rd-6th graders. Website: www.txla.org/tba Lectio Award - The Lectio Award books are a set of 20 books for 4th-8th graders, chosen by a selection committee of librarians from the Diocese of Austin. Website: lectiobookaward.org Keep Reading! For more information, contact our school librarian, Mr. Brian Kemp, brian.kemp@slcsaustin.org

School starts Monday, August 13! There’s still time to enroll for the 2018-2019 school year! 8 months - 8th grade! Contact Rosalie Dowling at 512-614-6622 or rosalie.dowling@slcsaustin.org to schedule a tour!



St. Louis Catholic Church & School



Talk Radio for Catholic Life Now available on Alexa! Prayer Line: 888-577-5443 • Studio Line: 888-914-9149 Donor/Listener Line: 877-291-0123


If you are out shopping for your summer needs, come and visit the SVDP Thrift Store to get some great bargains! The store is located at 901 W. Braker, just off Lamar. It’s open Monday-Saturday from 10am-7pm. Lots of parking available. Come visit!

Subscribe on iTunes or Google Music Visit us at www.st-louis.org/media Or text Media to 84576 (Standard text messaging rates may apply)

Are you a parishioner interested in writing for our blog? We’re seeking dedicated bloggers to write about Catholic life, spirituality, and culture. Contact media@st-louis.org for more information!

July 22, 2018 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time



July 23 | Saint Bridget, Religious


Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17, 21 & 23;

STEWARDSHIP Actual Collection






12 p.m.

Edward P. Alvarez+


July 25 | Saint James, Apostle


2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6; Mt 20:20-28


7 a.m.


July 26 | Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Ps 36:6-7ab, 8-9, 10-11;



Susan Shaw - Birthday



0 /3

th on e M Dat to


11:15 a.m.

to ar Ye te Da


Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 85:2-4, 5-6, 7, 8: Mt 12:46-50





Ron Kress+


July 24 | Saint Sharbel Makhlúf, Priest


7 a.m.





Mt 12:38-42

July 27


Jer 3:14-17; Jer 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13; Mt 13:18-23


7 a.m.


July 28


Jer 7:1-11; Ps 84:3, 4, 5-6a & 8a, 11; Mt 13:24-30


8 a.m.

Lauren Perez-Birthday

8:30 a.m.


3:30 p.m.


5 p.m.

Hortense Svehlak+


July 29 | Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


2 Kgs 4:42-44; Ps 145:10-11, 15-16, 17-18; Eph 4:1-6;


6 a.m.

7:30 a.m.

Augusto Angel+

9:30 a.m.

Judy Horton

11:30 a.m.

Broniarczyk Family

1:30 p.m.

Maria C. Garcia+

5 p.m.

Pro Populo

7 p.m.





Augusto Angel+

Jn 6:1-15 Nicolasa Velasquez+


7 7-

Guadalupue Garden Mobile Loaves & Fishes Peter’s Pence School Trust Fund Social Ministries St. Vincent de Paul

to ar e Y te Da

th on e M Dat to

Building Fund$611.54 Farm Ministry $131.50 Food Pantry######## Additional Contributions Friend’s of King’s $10.00 Music to Ministries for 6/30-7/1: Mobile Loaves $738.75 & Fishes Missions Cameroon ######## $1,372.53 Fund Peter’s Pence$Building 402.00 $453.00 Food Pantry School Trust $377.00 Fund Social Ministries ######## $100.00 Friend’s of King’s Music St. Vincent de ######## Paul $95.93

$218.00 $1,747.00 $889.00 $428.00 $304.00


Jerry Ballard+



6 p.m.




5 p.m.


Rudolph & Maria Saenz+



12 p.m.


11:15 a.m.




Mt 13:10-17

Additional Contributions to Ministries for 7/7-7/8: Building Fund Building


Farm Ministry Farm Ministry Food Pantry Food Pantry

Friend’s of King’s Friend’s ofMusic King’s

Music & Fishes Missions Cameroon Missions Cameroon Peter’s PencePence Peter’s School Trust Fund School Trust Fund Social Ministries Social Ministries St. de Paul de Paul St.Vincent Vincent Mobile Loaves & Fishes Mobile Loaves

$611.54 $131.50 $1,111.50 $10.00 $738.75 $9,663.29 $402.00 $377.00 $3,527.50 $1,634.00


St. Louis Catholic Church & School


St. Louis Catholic Church & School

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