Building the Kingdom
St. Louis king of france Catholic Church & School
CLERGY Rev. James A. Misko, Pastor Rev. Alberto Carbajal, Parochial Vicar Rev. Douglas Jeffers, Parochial Vicar
DEACONS Rev. Dr. Al Cuevas Rev. Mr. Rob Embry Rev. Mr. Alfredo Villa Rev. Mr. Javier Maldonado
MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 8 a.m. & 5 p.m. Sunday: English: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Spanish: 6 a.m., 1:30 p.m. & 5 p.m. Weekdays: English: 7 a.m. Monday, Wednesday & Friday 12 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday Spanish: 6 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday
RECONCILIATION Tuesday: 11:15-11:50 a.m. Thursday: 11:15-11:50 a.m., 5:00-5:50 p.m. Saturday: 8:30-10:00 a.m., 3:30-4:30 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday - Sunday (24 hours) SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY, 9 A.M. - NOON. 1 P.M. - 6 P.M. Business Office Childhood Ministry Early Childhood Ministry Hispanic Adult & Family Ministry Ministerial Discipleship Music Principal Organist Senior Ministry Social Ministry St. Louis Catholic School Youth Ministry
Brenda Beltran, Chief Operating Officer x211 Beatriz Franceschi, Director x221 Margaret English-Knipp, Co-Director x266 Angelica Cordova, Co-Director x244 Sumayah Abullarade, Director x216 Elizabeth Polito, Director x213 Rick Gabrillo, Director x202 Scott McNulty x202 Wanda Alexander, Coordinator Call Office Bea Dela Rosa, Director x265 Cindy Gee, M.Ed., Principal x239 Alissa Molina, High School Coordinator x219
7601 BURNET ROAD, AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 | 512 . 454 . 0384 | WWW.ST-LOUIS.ORG |
Forming Our Faith Mass Times, Readings & Intentions Monday July 31 | Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Priest Readings: Ex 32:15-24, 30-34; Ps 106:19-20, 21-22, 23; Mt 13:31-35 Masses: 7 a.m. Colonel Leo Draper+ Tuesday August 1 | Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church Readings: Ex 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28; Ps 103:6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13;Mt 13:36-43 Masses: 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Maria Saenz+ 6 p.m. Nicholas Menford Wednesday August 2 | Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop; Saint Peter Julian Eymard, Priest Readings: Ex 34:29-35; Ps 99:5, 6, 7, 9; Mt 13:44-46 Masses: 7 a.m. Shirley Johnson+ Thursday August 3 Readings: Ex 40:16-21, 34-38; Ps 84:3, 4, 5-6a and 8a, 11; Mt 13:47-53 Masses: 11:15 a.m. Confessions 12 p.m. Brooke Fuller - Birthday 5 p.m. Confessions 6 p.m. Eleazar Garza+ Friday August 4 | Saint John Vianney, Priest Readings: Lv 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37; Ps 81:3-4, 5-6, 10-11ab; Mt 13:54-58 Masses: 7 a.m. Reyes & Ella Mendoza+ Saturday August 5 | The Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major Readings: Lv 25:1, 8-17; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Mt 14:1-12 Masses: 8 a.m. Sylvia Cantu 8:30 a.m. Confessions 3:30 p.m. Confessions 5 p.m. Living/Deceased Members KJZT #93 Sunday August 6 | The Transfiguration of the Lord Readings: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9; 2 Pt 1:16-19; Mt 17:1-9 Masses: 6 a.m. Jose Nicolas Anaya Palomino+ 7:30 a.m. Kimberly Yates Burleson+ 9:30 a.m. Pro Populo 11:30 a.m. Eleazar Garza+ 1:30 p.m. Jose Santos Flores+ 5 p.m. Donald DeCecca+ Compline 9 p.m.
K.J.Z.T. SOCIETY NO. 93 WILL NOT have a meeting in August. Instead, we will celebrate Mass and Corporate Communion for the living and deceased members of our society on Saturday, August 5 at St. Louis church 5:00 pm Mass. We have requested reserved seating. After Mass, those wishing to can gather at a local restaurant for dinner and socializing. All members and their families are encouraged to attend. For more information, call Jane 512-452-9748 or Phyllis 512453-4453. July 30, 2017
Generous Hearts 7/15-7/16 Year to date
Actual Collection
Variance Over (Under)
$38,420.12 $120,289.85
$37,575.73 $125,620.07
$844.39 ($5,330.22)
Ministry Programs Farm Ministry Food Pantry Mobile Loaves & Fishes School Trust Fund Social Ministries St. Vincent de Paul
$176.00 $547.00 $412.25 $493.00 $944.00 $389.00
Thank you for all you do to support our parish and put feet on our faith!
We hope you will join us that Friday evening at a 6:30pm Bilingual Mass in the Church, followed by a catered dinner in Wozniak Hall. Tickets will be on sale for reserved seating after Masses the first three weekends in August, or at the Church Office during the week. Tickets are $15 per adult (12 and older), but younger kids eat free. A family with little ones under the age of 12 could all eat for the price of the parents’ tickets (regardless of the family’s size)! Families should purchase the adult tickets and then receive enough tickets to guarantee a seat at the table for each of their children. Each ticket represents a chair. Please bring your family and celebrate with our parish family! WE ARE HIRING FOR A YOUTH MINISTRY COORDINATOR | St. Louis King of France Catholic
Church & School in Austin, Texas seeks a full-time Coordinator of Youth Ministry. This position visions and leads overall youth ministry at the parish, including High School Sunday evening Young Church, middle school YM, retreats, mission trips, national youth convention trips, local service projects, and all other YM activities. For more information, visit or email WOMEN’S CLUB WANTS YOU! If you would like
to join this active group of women in the parish, their registration form is in the current June-July parish newsletter. Look for it in Narthex tract racks. There are a variety of ways to serve in the Women’s Club, including the Altar Guild, sewing committees for Baptism Mementos and Chrismons, Hospitality committee, Book Club and more! In order to be included in their upcoming yearbook for fall, please fill out the registration form and return it to the Church Office before August 18th!
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
feel called to participate more deeply in the liturgy? Consider attending one of our upcoming training sessions to become a Lector or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Lector Training: Saturday, August 5, 9:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. in the Main Church Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion Training: Saturday, September 9, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the Main Church Auditions are required and training will be provided. Come learn, pray, discern, and enrich your spiritual life by serving in these wonderful ministries at St. Louis King of France. If you have any questions, please e-mail liturgy@ or call 512-454-0384 x213
St. Louis Early Childhood Development Center
time to register for Religious Ed Classes. Come by the Office of Religious Education to complete a Registration Form. If your child is registering for the second year of Sacraments Class, please bring a copy of his/her Baptismal Certificate. Classes will start September 10th. We look forward to seeing you there! Registration Schedule: Mon - Thu 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 to 7:00 p.m., until August 24, 2017. First come, first serve to select class days. You can also register online at: registration
Now Accepting Applications for 2017-2018
current openings for 2 & 3 year olds only Call 512-614-6544 or visit
MISSIONARY APPEAL NEXT WEEKEND | This year’s assigned missionary appeal will be held in our parish August 5-6 at all Masses. A speaker from COAR (Community Oscar Arnulfo Romero) of Zaragoza, El Salvador will be telling us about their mission, founded in 1980, during El Salvador’s brutal civil war. COAR is now known as the “Children’s Village” with 800 day students, 100 in foster care, a medical and dental clinic, pharmacy and trade shops. It is administered directly by the Archbishop of San Salvador. However, COAR’s students are impoverished as is much of the country. To protect the more vulnerable requires food, shelter and housemothers. To educate the children requires updated computers, classrooms and good teachers. COAR’s motto is Women and Men for God and Culture, with a curriculum that educates the entire person. One of the first orphans rescued by COAR went on to serve as mayor of Zaragoza from 1998-2002. Your generosity in the second collection next weekend will allow COAR to continue responding to the needs of the most impoverished and to help them build a better future for El Salvador. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS WORKSHOP | Catholic
Charities of Central Texas will host “Know Your Rights” clinics which offer free presentations and immigration consultations for any individual seeking immigration information and legal services. A clinic will be held August 27 th from 3:00-6:00pm at St. William Parish in Round Rock.
512 . 454 . 0384
St. Louis Catholic Church & School
Forming Our Faith ST. LOUIS CATHOLIC SCHOOL excellence in education pre k4 through 8th grade mrs. Cindy Gee, M.Ed., Principal
Save the Dates!
August 10 – 6:30pm
Elementary Orientation Back-to-School Night for Secondary
August 15 (early release)
First Day of School Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
September 7 – 6:30pm
Secondary Orientation Back-to-School Night for Elementary
Congratulations to Jacobs-Lozada family on winning the $1000 Parker Uniform Tuition Scholarship contest for St. Louis Catholic School!
Did You Know
and continues to provide a quality education for students and community for families. The students follow a rigorous curriculum rooted in Catholic values that will help them achieve success here and beyond. The mission of St. Louis Catholic School is to prepare the leaders of tomorrow with the light of Christ as their guide. To schedule a tour, please contact Mrs. Rosalie Dowling at 512-614- 6622 or visit MONTESSORI PROGRAM, AGE 3-5 – The 2017-2018 school year, St. Louis Catholic School will add a Catholic
Montessori track for early childhood students age 3-5. This program is the first of its kind in the Diocese of Austin and will be in addition to its already existing PreK-8th grade. For more information, call 512-614-6622 or visit EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT CENTER, AGE 8 MONTHS – 3 YEARS (current openings for 2 and 3 years old)
– The mission at St. Louis Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) is to provide a safe, loving, faith-filled environment for young children; to provide the highest quality, research–based care and education for the whole child’s spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical development; to partner with and support families in a loving, faithfilled community; and to connect families with St. Louis King of France Catholic Church and School. Call 512-6146544 or visit for more information. July 30, 2017
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
de Adultos y Familias Sumayah Abullarade, Director Ext. 216
el momento de inscribirse para las clases de Educación Religiosa. Venga a la Oficina de Educación Religiosa para llenar la planilla de inscripción. Si su hijo/a se está registrando para el segundo año de catecismo a fin de recibir los Sacramentos, por favor traiga una copia del certificado de bautismo del niño. Las clases comenzarán el 10 de septiembre. ¡Los esperamos en la clase de catecismo! Horario de Inscripciones: Lun- Jue 9:00 a 11:30 a.m. & 1:00 a 7:00 p.m. Desde el 1 ro de Junio al 24 de Agosto de 2017. Los primeros en inscribirse tendrán la opción de escoger qué día de la semana quieren asistir. También puede registrarse online en: lcf-registration-espanol SACRAMENTOS DE INICIACION PARA ADULTOS | Se les invita a todas aquellas personas que
necesiten recibir algún Sacramento de iniciación (Bautismo, Reconciliación/Comunión o Confirmación) a inscribirse en el programa de clases de Sacramentos para Adultos. Para inscribirse diríjase a la oficina de los Ministerios Hispanos. ¡No pierda la oportunidad! ¡Lo esperamos!
El Movimiento Familiar Cristiano invita a todas las familias que desean ser parte de este ministerio a inscribirse después de las Misas en español. Habrá miembros del ministerio cerca de cada salida de la iglesia llenando aplicaciones y contestando preguntas el domingo 23 y 30 de Julio. Para más información comuníquese con Lorenzo Banda al (512) 569-7101 o con Silvia Banda al (512) 769-1377. MOVIMIENTO
TALLERES DE ORACION Y VIDA | Talleres de Oración
y vida de Padre Ignacio Larrañaga te invitan a la sesión de Apertura en donde se explicará el contenido del Taller: que enseñará a escuchar a Dios meditando su Palabra y a hablar con Dios por medio de diferentes modalidades de oración. ¡Estamos empezando un año y qué mejor regalo para crecer en nuestra propia vida espiritual! Haga el tiempo para asistir y verá cuánto vale el sacrificio. Su Guía del Taller, Mercedes Murillo, los estará esperando el sábado 29 de Julio a las 4:00 pm en el salón 118 para iniciar el Taller. ESTUDIO BÍBLICO | “Acérquense a Dios y Él se
acercará a ustedes” (Santiago 4:8) Cuando te acerques al Señor, con fe, con tus oraciones, con tu corazón; Él se acercará a ti, con Su Protección, con Su Guía, con Su Amor. Escucha Su Palabra, cúbrete con Su Amor, y deja todo en las manos del Señor. Si quieres Participar en el Programa de Estudio presentado por el Obispo Robert E. Barron sobre el Catolicismo: Las Figuras Esenciales (San Francisco de Asís, Santo Tomás de Aquino, Santa Catalina de Siena, John Henry Newman G. K. Chesterton, Miguel Ángel), es la mejor manera de sumergirse plenamente en la vida de estos santos hombres y mujeres, regístrate pronto. Estudiaremos todos los martes de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. En el sótano del PEC empezando el 12 de septiembre, 2017. Para más información, comuníquese con la Sra. Sumayah Abullarade al 512-454- 0384 Ext. 216 CONOZCA SUS DERECHOS | Caridades Católicas
del Centro de Texas se encuentra ofreciendo clinicas “Conozca sus derechos” las cuales ofrecen presentaciones y consultas de inmigración para cualquier individuo buscando informacion relacionada a inmigración y servicios legales. Uns clinca se llevará a cabo el 27 de Agosto a 3:00-6:00 p.m. en la Parroquia de St. William en Round Rock. 5
512 . 454 . 0384
St. Louis Catholic Church & School
the time to begin preparing for the Parish Ministry Fair which will be in the narthex after all Masses on August 26-27. This is the opportunity for all parish groups to showcase your activities and to solicit volunteers for the coming school year! Design those posters and brochures now during the “lazy days of summer” so you’ll be ready to kick-off your fall meetings. Watch future publications for additional details. Parishioners, this will be your chance to see all the wonderful opportunities available at St. Louis for your service and faith enrichment! SECOND DIOCESAN WOMEN’S CONFERENCE IS COMING! The Office of Evangelization, Catechesis
and Family Life is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2017 second annual Diocesan Women’s Conference to be held on September 23rd at Santa Cruz Parish in Buda. The day’s theme, “Healing the Body of Christ”, will include Mass with Bishop Daniel Garcia, surprise guest testimonials, confession, Eucharistic Adoration, intercessory prayer teams, great women’s fellowship and shopping for a wide variety of Catholic books and gifts. To register, visit: - Register early, as this conference was a sell-out last year! THE SENIOR FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE will meet
August 2 for Bingo and Pizza in Wozniak Hall, Room 1, 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Come visit, meet new people, have great conversations with other parishioners. Please bring a salad or dessert to share. If you would like more information on any Senior activities, email
fall trip to tour Holy Trinity Catholic Church of Corn Hill and Sts.Cyril and Methodius in Granger Texas on September 7th. More information soon! Contact Wanda Alexander, or Alice Kubacak at 512452-7727. July 30, 2017
Tuna, Mac 'n Cheese, soup (of any flavor), rolled/instant oats, canned meat (tuna salmon, spam and chicken), white rice, brown rice, corn, peanut butter and dry pinto beans. We could also use EMPTY & CLEAN laundry bottles. Please drop off at the Social Ministries building off of St Joseph’s Blvd. between 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday. LIFE, DIGNITY & JUSTICE MINISTRY Are you interested in human
trafficking, immigration, ending the death penalty? Please contact to see how we can work together. WE ARE IN NEED OF Toothbrushes, travel
size toothpaste, travel size deodorant, socks, travel size shaving cream, travel size mouthwash. PRAYER AND LIFE WORKSHOPS | The Prayer and
Life Workshops are a series of classes that will deepen your prayer life, strengthen your faith, and give you inner peace in your everyday life. You will learn a variety of prayer methods and the discipline and structure to practice them daily. The Workshops will be held this semester on Wednesday evenings 7-9 pm at St. Vincent de Paul, beginning with an informational session on August 2nd. To sign up, and for information on the Workshops in Spanish (Talleres de Oración y Vida), please contact Evan Westwood at (512) 294-3939 or evan.westwood@
We give pregnant moms in crisis emotional and spiritual support. They are given needed items for baby. To become an Angel call Mary Helen at 512-949-2486 or email her at
English and Spanish speaking men wishing to explore the permanent diaconate are invited to Project Stephen, a monthly gathering for men and their wives to pray, listen and discern in community. Project Stephen meets yearround, on the third Thursday of each month from 7:009:00pm at the diocesan Pastoral Center in Austin. Men must first discuss their interest in the diaconate with their pastors and receive his consent to attend. When a new formation class begins (every three years), men will be invited to apply. For more information, email formation
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
HEALING PATH of STARTING ANEW August 3, Forgiveness is FORGIVENESS: a commitment to a process JULY 21-23 TO NEW LIFE, AUGUST 3 change. It can be difficultForgiveness and itis acan take time. Everyone commitment to a process of change. It his retreat is for those who have gone through a can be difficult and it can take time. Everyone moves toa little differently. The desire vorce andmoves know what ittoward is like to haveforgiveness the dream of ward forgiveness a little differently. The desire to forgive lifetime of marriage shattered. We will about ishow it how can change life youby more about it can change your your life by bringing knowledgeto the forgive pain, but also is look more to build new peace, emotional and spiritual healing. Forgiveness is eams and restore hope. bringing you more peace, more emotional and spiritual healing. not about excusing or condoning the pain inflicted on you. Brian Egan, and Shelley Metcalf will facilitate this It is about letting go of that pain so that you can heal. notroomabout excusing or condoning the pain retreat. Forgiveness The cost is $170 for ais shared and This day is designed to bring you to a deeper understand$210 for a private room. ing of forgiveness and experience healing power. so inflicted on you. It is about letting go ofGod’s that pain Beverly Collin. Assistant Director will facilitate this that you can heal. This day is designed tois $40 bring youlunch. to a retreat. The cost and includes deeper understanding of forgiveness and experience God's 254-780-2436 healing power. Cost is $40 and includes lunch. If you're interested in a retreat, call (254) 780-2436 or email for more information.
PARISH LIBRARY NEWS | The library is closed
throughout the month of July. Patrons who are returning books when the library is closed may do so by bringing them to the Parish Education Center during regular working hours Monday through Friday. Watch the bulletin for updates on library hours beginning in August. FIND US ONLINE AT /StLouisAustin @stlouisaustin @stlouisaustin
f l i
Andy Hines Rick Pastor Blas Calderon Raymond Sanchez Rene Maldonado Israel Lopez-Hernandez Ricardo Munoz Joseph Villarreal Jr. James Bauer Salustio Osorio Rosa Estrada Emery Gay Melinda Becker Ron Coy Ernestine Garcia Zackery Furr Esther Prado Irene Marion Cynthia London Audrey London Eduardo Lyon Vickie Enos
Mike Kam Reyna Galvan Jorge Galvan Michelle Pechacek Martha Pechacek Margaret Lara Liz Heuertz Pete Garcia Marian Donato Eric Turner Chloe Sanders Virgie Seiler Mark Griffith Teresa Jones Peggy Stout Bill Farnan Jose L. Bravo Minnie Miles Merle Miles Maggie Gonzalez Maria Vazquez Ellie Foley
Irma Lobato Walter Grona Mary Lou Tierney Melva Flores Cecilia Harris Robert Rivera Alicia Castro Dolores Castello Eugene Soliz III Jean Collins Pat Long Rose Marie Linan Mack Linan Geraldine Rowe Pedro Castillo Patricia Faucheaux Loraine Reese Martha Tschoerner Oscar Wilkens Kiara Sandoval
Please also pray for the recently deceased
• Dolores Parish •
512 . 454 . 0384
512 . 454 . 0384
St. Louis Catholic Church & School
St. Louis Catholic Church & School