The Spirit of
St. Louis @
June / July 2017
PICTORIAL DIRECTORY PLANNED FOR PARISH At the initiative of the St. Louis Pastoral Council, a new pictorial directory is planned for the parish in conjunction with LifeTouch, an experienced company known for its outstanding directories. It has been over 20 years since the last pictorial directory was produced at St. Louis. Each family or household that participates will receive a free 8x10 photograph, a free pictorial directory, and the opportunity to select extra photos that can be given as gifts! Photo sessions will be held as follows in Wozniak Hall: July 11-15 Tuesday-Friday 2pm-9pm; Saturday 10am-5pm July 18-22 Tuesday-Friday 2pm-9pm; Saturday 10am-5pm July 25-29 Tuesday-Friday 2pm-9pm; Saturday 10am-5pm Beginning in June, families will be able to schedule their photo session online at https://booknow-lifetouch. or at weekend Masses from June 3-4 through July 8-9. Scheduling will be open for the first week only until that week is 60% booked. After that, the second week will be open under the same guideline. Scheduling online will only be available Monday-Friday and will be turned off during the weekends when sign-ups are done at Masses. Appointments made on weekends will be added to the online schedule by a registration administrator from our Pastoral Council. Signup early to have the greatest selection of dates and times
for your family portrait. In case you have questions about your scheduled appointment or need to reschedule, contact the Registration Administrators, Ryan Edgerly, via email or phone 512-5677877, and Donna McClung, via email dbmcclung@aol. com for English speaking parishioners. For our Spanish parishioners, please contact Oscar Gonzales, via email or phone 512-626-5302. Parish hosts are needed for each hour of photography in July. Would you consider being a volunteer host for these photo sessions? Maybe your parish ministry would like to host a day of photography with hosts from your individual group? Please volunteer as a host by contacting Melissa Fields at or 512-470-0791. Thank you for volunteering your time for this important parish activity! Parish Ministries are invited to begin submitting color photos of your members in action, serving the parish and socializing together. Submit photos electronically to who will choose the best photos to feature your parish ministry in the directory. Deadline for ministry photos will be July 15th. “Action� photos are preferred over more formal photos of members standing in rows. Submit photos that best express the fun, fellowship or purpose of your ministry! Join us in this St. Louis adventure, capturing memories of our parish families and ministries for 2017! You and your family will benefit from professional photographers and the opportunity to immediately view and select your portraits! Begin talking to your family now about possible photography dates and plan to be a part of this St. Louis summer project!
From the Parish Office Publication Deadlines
Parish Ministry Fair
The next deadline for the parish newsletter, Spirit of St. Louis, is JULY 5 for the August-September edition. Thank you for your cooperation in meeting that deadline. Submit newsletter items to Weekly bulletin deadlines are always 10 days in advance of an intended weekend. Submit items to no later than Wednesdays at noon.
Please mark your calendar for the next Parish Ministry Fair, scheduled the weekend of August 26-27! This is the opportunity for ministries of the parish to advertise what’s happening in each of their groups and to solicit volunteers to participate for the coming school year! Parishioners, this will be your chance to see all the wonderful activities available to you for service and faith enrichment! Watch future publications and website for additional details!
Peter’s Pence Collection This annual collection will be held July 1-2 this year. It enables the Holy Father to respond with emergency financial assistance to requests for aid from the neediest throughout the world, especially as a result of war, oppression and natural disasters. You are asked to use the envelope from your envelope sets, designated for this purpose. Place it in the regular collection that weekend. Thank you for your generosity in supporting our Holy Father’s fund!
VBS Notes Vacation Bible School is not being held at St. Louis this summer. VBS is a wonderful program but requires a large group of volunteers to coordinate, plan and run it. We regret the decision, but coordinators and volunteers are in short supply as vacations and other activities interfere with their participation. We give thanks for our wonderful volunteers who support the religious education programs of this parish from August through May! You and your families deserve a break and we applaud your dedicated support during the school year!
Cleaning Closets This Summer? The St. Vincent de Paul Society truck is coming for its quarterly visit to our parking lot on Saturday, June 24th, from 10am – 2pm, rain or shine. Please donate your gently used clothing, household items, sports equipment, small furniture, books, children’s items, etc. to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Items that you no longer need can give hope to a needy family. Please help us to help others!
Parish Feast Day Plan to attend a special bilingual Mass for our patron, Saint Louis IX, King of France, on Friday, August 25th in the evening. Stay tuned for more information over the summer through publications and website.
Remember the Cry Room! Although we love our infants and toddlers and the “music” they make, please remember that what may be music to one person’s ears, can be distracting to another. If your little tyke begins to “sing” during Mass, please exit quickly and introduce your child to the Cry Room. It’s often difficult to hear in our Church, even when there are no background noises, so be considerate of others and remove your little one as promptly as possible! Due to the Cry Room’s size, just one adult should accompany the child, so there’s room for more future choir members! THANK YOU!!!
New Leadership in Your Ministry? If you have elected new officers or other leadership in your ministry/organization that meets on the St. Louis campus, be sure the new people are certified in the Ethics and Integrity in Ministry policies of the Diocese of Austin. They must have completed an Application for Ministry for a background check and should have attended an EIM workshop. Call Brenda Beltran (512) 454-0384 x 211 or contact her by email to report names of new leaders or to check on EIM status:
The Spirit of St. Louis
Called Forth
– not elected –
through Discernment On Pentecost Sunday, June 4, 2017, the process of calling the newest Pastoral Council members from our community begins. From its very beginning, the Church has called forth leaders through a discernment rooted in prayer and openness to the Holy Spirit. Thus, although we are unworthy to receive the wisdom of the Father, we rely on his mercy and guidance.
HOW WILL DISCERNMENT TAKE PLACE AT ST. LOUIS CHURCH? Persons may put forward their own name or the name of someone else. Those whose names have been called forth will be invited to two evenings of discernment where they will further reflect on God’s call as a servant to the St. Louis community. The evenings this year are June 27 and June 29, 7:00pm, in the Chapel. Following these evenings of prayer, current members of the Pastoral Council will consider those called to discern and seek the council of the Holy Spirit to select the new members.
WHAT CAN I DO TO PREPARE FOR THIS DISCERNMENT? The best way to prepare for the discernment process at St. Louis is to pray. Is God calling you to serve this faith community as a member of the Pastoral Council? If the answer may be yes, then give our Father the opportunity to speak to your heart on the matter. Hearing God’s call is only possible when we take the time to listen. For information please contact Ryan Edgerly at edge0805@gmail. com or 512-567-7877.
St. Louis King of France Catholic Church & School OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 1 p.m. - 6 p.m.
7601 Burnet Road Austin, TX 78757
Volunteers Needed at Vincentian Family Center Love thy neighbor? Then come volunteer at the Vincentian Family Center and Thrift Store, located at 901 W. Braker Lane! The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is seeking dedicated, spirit-driven volunteers to help us serve at the VFC as we provide basic needs assistance and resource referrals to our most vulnerable neighbors. The VFC offers a wide array of volunteer opportunities, including client intake, food pantry assistance, and data entry—and we welcome creative folks to help us bring new VFC programs online! We’re open five days a week from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and 10:00 am – noon on Saturdays, and volunteer hours are flexible. For more information, reach out to our VFC Manager at clarisa@ssvdp. org or (512) 251-6995 ext 107. Sign up today at!
f /stlouisaustin l @stlouisaustin i /stlouisaustin #STLOUISAUSTIN
St. Louis King of France Catholic Church W OMEN ’ S C LUB R EGISTRATION F ORM Please print clearly and return by August 18, 2017 / Por favor escriba con letra clara y regrese para el 18 de agosto, 2017 Mail or return this form to / Envia el formulario al ST. LOUIS WOMEN’S CLUB, 7601 BURNET ROAD, AUSTIN, TX 78757-1204
Name/Nombre _______________________________________________________________________________________ Husband’s Name/Nombre del esposo _____________________________________________________________________ Address/Dirección ____________________________________________________________________________________ City/Ciudad____________________________________________ Zip Code/Código Postal __________________________ Preferred Telephone/Teléfono Preferido __________-_________-_______________ Email ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Remind me of Women’s Club activities by:
Email_______ No Reminder _______
Quiero ser informada sobre las actividades del Grupo de Damas por: Teléfono______ Email ______ No necesito recordatorio______ A donation is not required to register. Any gift that you can make to support our ministries will be greatly appreciated. Please make checks payable to St. Louis Women’s Club. No se requiere una donación para inscribirse. Se agradece cualquiera donación que pueda hacer para apoyar los ministerios de grupo. Por favor escriba el cheque a la orden de St. Louis Women’s Club. $________________________
Check /cheque # ____________________
I would like to serve on the following committee(s) / Deseo servir en los siguientes comités _______ Altar Guild / Gremio de Altar _______ Baptism Mementos / Recuerdos de Bautizo _______ Chrismons / Chrismons _______ Communication / Comunicación _______ St. Michael’s Thrift Shoppe / Tienda de Segunda Mano _______ Hospitality for Women’s Club Meetings (please circle when you can help) Hospitalidad para Reuniones del Grupo de Damas (marque con un círculo cuando puede ayudar) Meetings/Reuniones
2017: 16 Aug/Ago
20 Sep/Sep
15 Nov/Nov
2018: 17 Jan/Ene
21 Mar/Mar
16 May/May
_______I am interested in joining the Book Club. / Club de Lectura (solo en ingles) _______I would like to help with Turkey Bingo
The Spirit of St. Louis
St. Louis well represented in Council of Catholic Women Each April the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women holds an annual convention which attracts approximately 200 women. A highlight of the convention is the annual Clerical Endowment Fund Banquet attended by both bishops and priests from across the Diocese. Priests celebrating landmark anniversaries (those years divisible by 2017 Deaneries Officers from St. Louis: 5) are recognized. How Marilyn Hamilton, Treasurer, far left; Melinda many St. Louis alums do Ferrell, President, far right you remember? Msgr. Lonnie Urban marked 50 years as a priest and Father David Trahan five years. In between are Fathers Kirby Garner and Howard Goertz (40); Scott Mikkelson (35); Ed Karasek and David Leibham (30); and Walter Carr, Pedro Garcia-Rameriz and Celso Yu (25). Our own Father James celebrates 10 years on June 9. Each time the Clerical Endowment fund raises $8,000, a burse is created to honor an individual or group. Past St. Louis parochial vicar and now Bishop David Konderla, received such recognition and was present to receive his plaque. Altogether, this year Bishop Joe received $117,165 from the fund to use toward the education of our 40 seminarians. (Clerical Endowment cards which carry a spiritual bouquet of prayers and Masses are available in the church office.) Of all the parishes in the diocese, St. Louis ranked sixth in the value of CEF cards sold in the past year. Individual St. Louis women assumed leadership roles in April. Karen Dunlap was installed as secretary of the Diocesan Council. In the Austin North, Central & South Deaneries Council, Melinda Ferrell is now president and Marilyn Hamilton is treasurer. All ladies will serve two year terms in their position.
SANCTUARY CANDLE MEMORIALS The sanctuary candle is traditionally seen in Catholic churches, burning constantly to indicate the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. At St. Louis, in both the main nave and the chapel, the sanctuary candles are burning high above the floor in beautifully ornate fixtures suspended from the ceiling. Parishioners are given the opportunity to memorialize a deceased loved one with a $10 contribution, selecting a specified week in which one or both of the two sanctuary candles will be burned in their honor.Visit the church office with your donation, the name of your loved one, your choice of sanctuary candle and the selected week. Memorials are denoted in the Main Nave (M/N) or Chapel (C). Memorials reserved since the last newsletter deadline include: May 28 – June 3 Memory of Bob Perez by Pablo Reyes (M/N & C) June 4 – 10 Memory of Joseph Grona by Martha Grona (M/N & C) June 25 – July 1 Memory of Joseph Grona by Martha Grona (M/N & C) July 9 – 15 Memory of Ruperto & Dominga Reyes by Pablo Reyes (M/N & C) July 16 – 22 Memory of Robert Perez, Jr. by his family (C)
Is Your Information Correct? Do we have your most up-to-date address and phone information? Are you receiving church envelopes monthly or quarterly in the mail? If not, please contact Belinda at the church office to update your records (512) 454-0384 ext 201 or
Sharing Our Story
Through Music
If you were to look, it would be hard to find people more involved in the various ministries of St. Louis Church the last four decades than John and Yolanda Heichelbech. Singing and playing guitar with the Cecilia Singers on a weekly basis at the 11:30 am Mass has given them such joy, but is only a part of the many things they love doing. Born in Oso, Mexico, at nine months old, Yolanda lost her 27 year old father, but is grateful for the singing family that would use music at all times to help them through the day, and to bond with her eight brothers and sisters. Yolanda fondly remembers at age four walking to the bakery to pick up some bread for the family. After singing and dancing for the delighted baker, she was given her own personal slice of freshly baked bread, which she later displayed at home as a grand prize. As an adult, she later moved to Alaska, and began to study guitar, because, as she put it, “There was not much to do.” Unable to find a good teacher in Alaska, she eventually sold the guitar. She later purchased another guitar, and helped to lead prayer meetings at St. Louis Church. It was at one of these meetings that she met John, who had been asked by his parents to drive them to the church, and to bring his guitar. Now the proud mother of two children and two grandchildren, she is enjoying her retirement as a daycare specialist, and she and John now own a total of five guitars for various styles and sounds.
John grew up in the Midwest, Jasper, Indiana, the southern part of the state. He and his brother have a tradition each May to visit the nearby St. Meinrad Monastery and pray. He also says that the sky in Indiana is honest, and that when it looks, smells, and sounds like rain, it will actually rain,” unlike Austin. At 27, John began learning the guitar, and like Yolanda, began playing for church services. His very first time to play in Mass was on Easter Sunday many years ago with 3000 people attending, and he claims that that cured him forever of being nervous in front of crowds.
Yolanda & John Heichelbech For the past 25 years and working in a semi-conductor company that makes computer chips, John says his job is “contamination control” and that he keeps “clean rooms clean.” His familiarity with the sound system in various churches has helped on the rare occasion that he is needed to assist with the 11:30 am sound board. He and Yolanda were also part of the original Spanish choir when it started in the 1980’s. Many thanks to these musical friends, and hopes for many more years of singing and playing!
The Spirit of St. Louis
The move-in date to the new St. Louis Church Offices has been postponed until mid-to-late July. Unexpected construction delays, which seem to plague every project, have delayed this long-awaited move. Exact dates of the move still cannot be estimated at this time, and offices will be closed temporarily when those dates are determined. When known, that information will be disseminated through social media, pulpit announcements and publications if time allows. Staff in the Church and Religious Education Offices are anticipating the move to a single-story building, all under one roof. Likewise, the St. Louis School administrative staff is anxious to move into the current Church Offices, which will give them more office and storage space, still within close proximity to School classrooms. The existing School Administration Building currently houses the School Library, which will remain in that space, with future plans to incorporate the School’s media center with the Library.
Handicapped access to the new Church Office building will continue to be on the east side of that building. Those with mobility issues will park on the east side and proceed under the covered sidewalk to the Church Offices on the west end, where they can access both Church and R.E. offices together. Please keep the staff members of all these offices in your prayers this summer, and pray for a smooth transition. These moves, once accomplished, should help each department to work more efficiently and effectively in serving the public.
St. Louis Catholic School Eighth Grade
Thank you's!
Dear Saint Louis Catholic Church,
Dear Parishioners of St. Louis Catholic Church,
I would like to thank all the members of St. Louis Catholic Church for their support and devotion to SLCS. I have been at St. Louis Catholic School for seven years and have found it very welcoming here. I have made so many memories, both with teachers and friends. The memory that I will always cherish was when we would get plastic feet from Mrs. Venno in 2nd grade for running a mile. Another one is when we, as 8th graders, went to the overnight retreat in New Braunfels, TX. It was so much fun! We got to know each other more, play and just relax. We also came to appreciate how much we are loved by God and our families. I thank all of you for giving me this opportunity to have a loving community around me. I also thank you for praying for my injuries --- I am currently healthy and injury free!
I would like to thank everyone who has ever contributed or supported St. Louis Catholic School. I have been in this school since third grade and the memories I have made can never be replaced. I’ll treasure them now and always. The people who I have met through this school are some of the most honorable. They have shaped who I am today. They have also helped me grow, spiritually. Before attending St. Louis, I barely knew anything about God, but now I can say I have reached the path of faith and reflection. St. Louis shows you the light of leadership and what it means to be a true leader in Christ. I will never forget all that I have learned here. Thank you again for making my education possible.
Maya Johnson
Aimee Carrion Dear St. Louis Parish, I have been a part of St. Louis Parish for a long time. I was baptized here and began attending the Early Childhood Development Center program when I was 18 months old. I moved to St. Louis School starting in kindergarten, and I am completing my eighth grade year now. I have enjoyed all of the time that I have spent here. I have learned many important lessons about my faith, made many lifelong friends, and enjoyed participating in athletics. I have gained a strong academic foundation which I will build on throughout high school and the rest of my life. I appreciate all of the lessons that I have learned and will never forget all the school has taught me. I could not have accomplished all of these things without your generous support. Thank you for all you have done for our school. Sincerely,
Grace Hosek
The Spirit of St. Louis Dear all people of St. Louis Catholic Church and School, First off, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you for being part of my journey and giving me the memories and lifelong, lasting impression I have of St. Louis. Simply put, I have been a member of the St. Louis family for all of my life. I am the bearer of the plethora of vast recollections of my past here. I remember sitting next to people in Kindergarten that I am still sitting next to today, all these years later. I remember playing on the playscape with them, on the playscape I have now outgrown. I remember sharing fears, troubles, growth, and joys with these people. The class makeup is not exactly the same as it was ten years ago, but now is unparalleled in pure exceptionality to its former self. One thing that is a clear facet of St. Louis is that core academics are standing alongside our Catholic faith. I have spent many of my years here as an Altar Server, worshipping God while helping others do likewise. My leadership experiences at St. Louis have been phenomenal. I have had the experience of being on the wonderful St. Louis Catholic School Student Council for the past two years. I was one of the leading Altar Servers in the school. I was the first President of the St. Louis National Junior Honor Society. Yet another wonderful aspect of St. Louis is that in many of my classes, I am fully prepared to enter the rigorous and challenging environment of the Liberal Arts and Sciences Academy, Austin’s magnet high school and one of the best schools in the state. I would like to thank all of my teachers that have educated me in my journey here, especially Mrs. Koons, Mrs. Jenschke, Mrs. Selby, Mrs. Pilar, Mrs. Foley, and Mrs. Conway. I would like to thank the administration, priests, especially Fr. Larry and Fr. James, and support staff of St. Louis as well. I would like to thank all the parents who have helped the Class of 2017 get closer to attaining perfection. Finally, I would like to give a special thanks to all members of the Class of 2017, especially the current class of 31. It’s not a matter of cracking the shell, destroying what lies within, but a matter of looking into the shell, preserving one’s humanity. Only then will one look beyond the shell. Love,
Carl A. Friesenhahn
Dear St. Louis Catholic Church Parishioners, I have been blessed to be part of St. Louis parish. Everyone in the parish has been so supportive and helpful to all the students here. Even though I have only been at St. Louis Catholic School for three years, I have made some of my closest friends here and have been given the chance to grow spiritually. The community at this school is incredible and constantly seeking to aid the school in many ways such as Fun Fest booths and helping fund our school’s gym air conditioning system. I want to thank everyone in the parish for helping make this year’s 60th anniversary of St. Louis Catholic School a very memorable year. I have learned a lot about my faith such as the church history and the liturgy of the Mass. I will never forget all the fond memories that I have made with my friends and classmates here. The small environment helped me to get to know everyone, even the people I never expected to talk to. The students here are helpful and encouraging to one another in sports, school and working as a team. I would like to thank everyone who has made St. Louis the wonderful parish community that it has been and will continue to be. Sincerely,
Sofia Campos Dear St. Louis Parish, I have been a student here for as long as I remember. You, along with my parents, have taught me important moral lessons. I have learned these lessons through classes or simply dealing with it in real life. The amount I have grown in my faith in the 10+ years I have been here is astonishing, to say the very least. You have truly fulfilled your promise in helping me become a better leader than I was before. Although I am happy that I will be moving on to high school, I still do consider this a I’m so grateful to the St. Louis very good launch pad for high school and beyond. I shall never forget the Parish community for all it has done for me over the past ten years. times I had here at St. Louis. This school has made me feel at -Chris Bruns home and I’m so glad that I went here. The school and church have always been very supportive of me. I’m going to miss St. Louis Catholic School so much when I graduate.
- Elijah Ritch
Lawrence Children’s Choir The renowned Lawrence Children’s Choir, under the direction of Carol Welch, will be singing at St. Louis Church on Saturday, June 10th, at the 5 pm mass. At 7:30 pm the 70-voice choir will be joined in concert in the Main Nave with the St. Louis Children’s Choir, Rick Gabrillo, director, and the Austin Girls’ Choir, Sara Burden-McClure, director. A free-will offering will be taken to help defray the costs of the trip. “Founded in 1991 by sisters Janeal Crabb Krehbiel and Marilyn Crabb Epp, the Lawrence Children’s Choir has grown from one 40-voice choir to an organization comprised of six choirs serving approximately 250 singers from Northeast Kansas.” The Tour Choir (5th-10th grade) has performed around the world, including Carnegie Hall, New York City, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, and toured in Canada, Germany, Latvia, and been featured on radio and television, with seven professional CD’s to their credit.
Join the Summer Women’s Choir Back by popular demand, the Magnificat Singers will return for a short engagement this summer in worship. The female-only ensemble will rehearse three consecutive Saturdays in July, July 8, 15, and 22, beginning at 4 p.m. in the Main Nave, then sing at the 5 pm Vigil. No audition is necessary, and women and girls of any age are welcome to sing one or all three weeks. The music will include one classical piece, gospel, and contemporary Christian. For more information, contact Scott McNulty (scott.mcnulty@, or 512-454-0384 x202).
Rosary Concert The St. Louis King’s Choir will present a concert on Saturday, June 24, 7:30 pm in the Chapel, reflecting on the nature of the Rosary. Suggested donation is $15 general admission, and $10 for seniors and students; all proceeds will benefit the Music Department. Director of Music Rick Gabrillo, Organist Scott McNulty, and the talented singers of the 9:30 am choir will present a meditative evening in song, similar to the beautiful O Antiphons concert last December. In addition, the first 150 guests will receive a rosary blessed by Pope Francis in January during the choir tour to St. Peter’s Church, Rome. Our thanks to Lisa Fisch and her team for making these special gifts!
¡Viva Musica! A night of fun and entertainment will be held June 11th, beginning with dinner at 6 pm in Wozniak Hall and followed by a musical cabaret at 7 pm. Fajitas and mango chamoy mocktails will be catered by Casa Chapala, and the Coro Nueva Alianza, Ambrose Ringers, Cecilia Singers and Orchestra, Scott (Fingers) McNulty, and other talented musicians will lead in song. Tickets are $20 for adults and $10 for children 10 or under. Face painting and magic tricks will be available. Thank you for your support: this event is a fundraiser for the music department.
The Spirit of St. Louis
Upcoming Music Concerts Saturday, August 19, 7:30 pm Meredith Ruduski, soprano Johann Sebastian Bach “Jauchzet Gott in Allen” BWV 51—-$15/10 suggested donation Saturday, September 23, 7:30 Dr. Robert Cannon, brass ensemble with organist Scott McNulty—-$15/10 suggested donation Saturday, October 21, 7:30 pm Dr. Nicole Taylor, soprano; celebrating the music of Black Composers—-$15/10 suggested donation Friday, December 1, 2017, 7:30 pm Drive-a-Senior Concert---Free-Will Offering Monday, December 18, 2017, 7:30 pm
July Concert Features the Chapel Piano Saturday, July 1st, at 7:30 pm, pianist Dr. Joyce Wu and violinist James Zabawa-Martinez will play a concert in the Chapel featuring the lush tones of our special piano. On loan thanks to the generosity of David Arscott, the piano is a 7’4” Bosendorfer, model 225 built in Vienna, Austria, in 1985. This particular model has four extra lower keys that are not on most pianos today, an expensive upgrade. A native of Taipei, Taiwan, Dr. Wu is an active performer and teacher in the Austin area. She received both of her Master of Music and Doctorate of Musical Arts degrees in Piano Performance at The University of Texas at Austin, and was a piano instructor for the Piano Project and the Informal Classes at UTA before joining the Orpheus Academy of Music (OAM) full-time. Austin native Zabawa-Martinez began violin studies at age 11 with his middle school orchestra, and is currently pursuing a Master’s in Violin Performance at the UTA. He is the Director of Strings and Performance at OAM. The suggested donation for the concert is $15 for general admission, and $10 for seniors and students; proceeds will benefit the Orpheus Music Academy.
O Antiphons – St. Louis King’s Choir—-$15/10 suggested donation
High School Handbell Choir All high school students are invited to join the summer handbell choir. Rehearsals will be Wednesdays, July 12, 19, and 26, 6-7 pm, and the group will perform on Sunday, July 30, at the 11:30 am English Mass and 1:30 pm Spanish Mass. This is a free event, but group size is limited to 15 students, and each player must attend all three rehearsals and two Masses. Music reading is helpful. For more information, contact Scott McNulty (, or 512-454-0384 x202).
OUR SACRAMENTS OUR FAITH “The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church123) BAPTISMS MARCH 6 – MAY 5, 2017 Hector Victoriano Hinojosa
Daniel Rico-Alvarez
Amir Antonio Burgos-Guerrero
Santiago Tierrablanca-Luna
Camila Deanne Dubon
Elizabeth Sue Brannen
Sofia Nicole Dubon
Elijah Wyatt Kotara
Ayden Salvador Hernandez-Martinez
Colton Reid Wood
Alexandra Grace Padilla
Jose Luis Garcia
David Lewis Duke
Juliette Nicole Gaytan Torres
Nicolas Grayson Benavidez
Kimberly Leyva Dorantes
Mathew Jose Benavidez
Jayden Daniel Torres De La Cruz
Sarah Margaret Luckett
Ariana Sujeil Vargas Lopez
Julia Nicole Roggen
Nathan Daniel Nguyen
Esperanza Marisol Lopez-Ramirez
Nicholas Scott Nguyen
Gonzalo Ortiz-Peralta
FIRST EUCHARIST MARCH 26, 2017 Edith Cornejo
Carlos Vicente Ramirez-Lopez
Santiago Rudy Lopez-Lopez
Margarita Elizabeth Triana Constantino Lopez
CONFIRMATIONS APRIL 1, 2017 Miriam Ivette Aguilar-Lopez
Julian Ernesto Henrriquez-Sorto
Laura Alvarez
Mary Jaquely Hernandez-Banegas
Maria Elena Alvarez
Santiago Rudy Lopez-Lopez
Maria Blanca Sonia Arce
Fernando Perez-Espinoza
Edith Cornejo
Ana Cristina Ramirez-Gutierrez
Jorge Cruz Jaramillo, Jr.
Carlos Vicente Ramirez-Lopez
Maynor Enrique Dubon
Margarita Elizabeth Triana
Karime Gonzalez-Munoz
Maria del Carmen Villanueva-Vazquez
MARRIAGES & CONVALIDATIONS MARCH 6 – MAY 5, 2017 Jeffery Joseph Gauthier, II and Meredith Eileen Gray
David Patrick Kowal and Natalie Cristina Flores
Mario Edgar Mejia-Robledo and Juana Soto Velazquez
Christopher K. Isibor and Sandra Basel
Gregory Alan Pharr and Rosalia Guadalupe Amaroux
Andrew Thomas Roberts and Amanda Leigh Klein
Randy Fred McCollough and Paula Lybarger
The Spirit of St. Louis
Camila Hueyotenco-Tlalacalco
Belinda Cuevas
Marina Hueyotenco Tlalacalco
Julie Marie Flowers
Eva Jaimes-Rodriguez
Jennifer Renae Freudenberg
Sarahi Juarez-Ramirez
Rose Anna Hernandez
Eliasib Leon III
Catherine Lee Ann McKee
Alicia Janeth Lopez-Pena
Alex Monreal II
Mario Alberto Lopez-Espino
Taylor Krystale Moore
Mario Jardiel Lopez-Espino
Miranda Marie Ochoa
Mario Edgar Mejia-Soto
Alfonso De Jesus Pinacho
Stephanie Mora
Greer Roman Rivera
Taire Yurem Mora-Hernandez
Paulin Ariel Arellano
Clara Elena Olivares
Daniel Campos-Hortelano
Bianca Reyna Rodriguez-Martinez
Miguel Angel Correas
Bianca Lisette Romero
Eliana Delgado
Roxanne Romero
Luis Enrique Espino-Mancillas
Jason Jeovany Serrano-Pineda
Roberto Espino-Mancillas
William Joel Serrano-Pineda
Alberto Juan Garcia-Pirul
Jael Ali Varela
Loreni Brisa Garcia-Pirul
Kevin Vazquez-Nario
Felix Daniel Gonzalez-Gongora
Isabella Rose Villarreal
Warren Bickham Sandefur
James Alan Fowler
Twyla Yvette Weaver
RECENTLY DECEASED L. E. Clarke Peggy Buckner Alice B. Garza Patricia Marie Orona John Trevino Jr. Ryland Mazur William J. Burgess, Jr. Filiberto Moncada Irene Sanchez Wanda Neathery William Psencik Fernando Cantu Martha Lopez Roy Arellano Mary Toth
FIRST EUCHARIST MAY 6, 2017 Aiden James Adams
Teresa Chibuye Kalale
Elizabeth Bevlyn Bartol
Cabo Alejandro Lopez
Kolbe Daniel Berend
Christopher Thomas Lozada
Nina Maribel Carlin
Jaselle Chrystalynn Manning
Joe Eugenio Castro, Jr.
Emmy Lee Nguyen
Henrik Seth Dawson
Luella Grace Smith
Shane McNamara Donahue
Paul Quang Huu Tran
Hazen Joseph Edgerly
Audrey Amiree Urteaga
Eloisa Aurora Espetia
Reid James Wegner
Katherine Marie Hyzak
FIRST EUCHARIST MAY 7, 2017 Willy Joe Aparicio
Dayami Ramos
Jack Stephenson Barker
Stephanie Saldana
Eric Patrick Bencken
Melanie Salgado
Jon Alvarez Castillo
Kevin Arias
Lillian Gabrillo
Lizbet Benitez-Garduno
Rodolfo Junior Garcia-Gonzalez
Evelyn Brito
Xavier Immanuel Gaudin
Angelina Corona
Konnor Joseph Gocong
Jessica Diaz
Cecilia Rose Gretencord
Elizabeth Karina Gonzales
Robert Joseph Grona
Jose Luis Martinez
Maliyah Abigail Guerrero
Juan Diego Mejia
Zachary Peter Haunsperger
Fidel Mondragon
Isaiah Jerome Hawkins
Angel Alfonso Montejano
Sean Anthony Makowski
Pricilla Naomi Monteon
August James Martin
Moises Ramirez
Luis Alonso Mejia, Jr.
Romina Guadalupe Ramos
Miguel Angel Mendoza
Maria delos Angeles Soto
Santiago Monroy
Dakota Vargas
Isabel Natalia Perez
Saira Elizabeth Villatoro
Olivia Chacon Posey
Eden Jason Zetina
Estamos planeando un Directorio Ilustrado de la parroquia Empezando en junio las familias de la parroquia tendrán una oportunidad para programar una sesión fotográfica con la compañía LifeTouch, la cual producirá el directorio. Las sesiones de fotografía se realizaran a través de tres semanas, del 11 al 29 de julio, en Wozniak Hall. ¡Sea retratado profesionalmente! Inmediatamente después de la sesión podrá ver sus fotografías y podrá comprar las que guste para regalar a otros. Cada familia que participará recibirá una fotografía de 8 x 10 gratis así también como un directorio. ¡Sea parte de nuestro nuevo directorio de familias! Se necesitan voluntarios para cada hora de las sesiones de fotografía en julio. Las sesiones se realizaran de martes a viernes de 2 p.m. a 9 p.m. y sábado de 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Los voluntarios de la parroquia necesitan estar presente, recibiendo a las familias que vienen a ser retratados. Por favor considere ser un voluntario para estas sesiones de fotografías. Por favor comuníquese con Oscar Gonzales a para inscribirse como voluntario.
The Spirit of St. Louis
St. Louis Men’s ACTS Retreat Registration June 22-25, 2017 Do not be afraid… Matt. 10:26 Please print clearly Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (As you would like it on your nametag)
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (Street, city, state & zip code)
Home Phone: ________________________ Work Phone: _____________________ Cell Phone: ____________________ E-Mail address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Parish or Church you attend: ___________________________________________________________________________ (or religion if not affiliated with a parish or church)
Name two family members or close friends you would like praying for you during this retreat. Name: ___________________ Relationship: _____________ Cell: (____)___________ E-mail: _____________________ Name: ___________________ Relationship: _____________ Cell: (____)___________ E-mail: _____________________ I have included my: ____ $50 deposit or ____ $175 retreat fee. Make checks payable to St. Louis ACTS
Indemnity and Waiver I release and agree to and hold St. Louis Catholic Church of Austin, Texas, the Catholic Diocese of Austin, and their clergy, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers (Released Parties) harmless from any and all liability, claims, losses, or damages arising from or in connection with the St. Louis ACTS retreat. I assume all risk of injury or loss to my person and my property. I agree to indemnify the Released Parties from any liability, claim, demand, or damage caused by me or caused by my participation in the retreat. Signature ______________________________________ Date
Medical Information Please read and list all conditions which apply. All information will be kept confidential. • Please list any special dietary needs or restrictions: _________________________________________________________________ • Do you have difficulty climbing stairs, walking a unpaved or uneven surfaces, orther mobility problems (e.g. use cane, walker, wheelchair)? [ ] No [ ] Yes (please list) ______________________ (Mobility challenges should NOT deter you from attending.) • Please list any medical conditions: ______________________________________________________________________________ • I take the following medications: _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • I will bring to the retreat all necessary medications and directions, including dosage(s) and frequency of consumption. • In case of emergency, persons at or associated with the retreat may transport me to a hospital for medical or surgical treatment. • In an emergency, please contact: ****MUST LIST AT LEAST ONE EMERGENCY CONTACT****
Name: ___________________________________________________ Relashionship: ________________________ Cell Phone: (_________)__________________________Home Phone: (_________)_________________________ Family Doctor: ______________________________ Insurance Plan: ______________________________ Policy Number:______________________________ Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______/________/_______________
For Office Use Only Application Received: ______/______/______ Amount Received: $ __________________ [ ] Cash [ ] Check # _________ [ ] Paid Online ___________________ Received by: ___________________________
St. Louis Men’s ACTS Retreat Registration
Do not be afraid… Matt. 10:26
June 22 – 25, 2017 Down Home Ranch 20250 FM 619, Elgin, Texas
ACTS is a Catholic retreat movement presented by parishioners for parishioners with the guidance of religious leaders. The goal of each retreat is to facilitate a deepening of our relationship with Jesus Christ, to renew ourselves spiritually, to give new meaning to our prayer life, and to build lasting friendships with members of our parish communities. The ACTS retreat will begin on Thursday evening, June 22, and continue through the weekend, ending with an 11:30 Mass on Sunday, June 25 at St. Louis Catholic Church at 7601 Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78757. The retreat cost is $175, payable to “St. Louis ACTS.” Registration is open for St. Louis, St. Theresa, and St. Albert the Great. Out of parish registrations will begin Monday, May 15 for any remaining openings. To reserve your place, please return this registration form and include a $50 deposit payment. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis, with a waiting list thereafter. Forms are date and time stamped upon receipt. The $125 balance will be due upon check-in Thursday evening at St. Louis Catholic Church or any time prior to that date. **Please note that financial hardship should not prevent anyone from attending the retreat. If you are unable to pay the entire fee, contact the director or co-director as a limited number of partial scholarships are available.
Deliver or mail registration form to:
Register online at:
St. Louis Catholic Church Office 7601 Burnet Road Austin, TX 78757
It is the policy of ACTS Missions and St. Louis Catholic Church that alcohol will not be a part of the retreat. The retreat center does not permit alcohol. Smoking is allowed only in designated areas. Platonic behavior only. For further information regarding the retreat weekend, please contact director Damien Gray at or (512) 795-9210, co-director Shannon Swenson at or (512) 789-3912, or co-director Pete Reitmeyer at or (512) 468-7383. A letter will be sent to registered retreatants 7-10 days prior to the retreat providing you with further details, directions, and suggestions on what to bring for the weekend. Please fill out and return registration form on reverse side