The Spirit of
St. Louis @
October / November 2017
The mission of St. Louis King of France Catholic Church is uniting God’s people in the Sacraments, stewarding His generosity, and evangelizing the community. I’m sure you’ve noticed the recent facility upgrades at St. Louis King of France Catholic Church. There’s air conditioning in the gym. The priests moved off campus to the new rectory. The church offices left the old convent and the original church and moved into the new office building, which was the old rectory. The school offices have relocated to the old parish offices, which was the old convent. Are you keeping up? Recently there was another change. It was subtle and easy to miss but quite possibly more important than all the facility upgrades mentioned above. Last month, the Pastoral Council gathered to review and modify the Parish’s mission statement. The previous mission statement has served the parish well and was the foundation for the new one. The task was two-fold:
We come to him first through our baptism then through confirmation. His grace is poured out through the Eucharist and heals us through Reconciliation. His grace anoints us when we are sick and provides a foretaste of His heavenly banquet through Marriage and Holy Orders. We are a sacramental people.
1. Evaluate the existing mission statement, asking ourselves if it still guides our parish in the way we think it ought. 2. 13 words. We wanted the mission statement to be short enough that it could be committed to memory, making it all the easier to be a guiding principle.
Part 3: Evangelizing the community The Sacramental life is not truly sacramental if it does not bear fruit. With the grace he has poured out upon us through the Sacraments and through the awareness of his immense generosity, we must go forth and shout his mercy and love at the top of our voices. Our faith must lead us to love of neighbor, love of community, and as St. Bernard states, a deep love for his beloved creation: ourselves. The St. Louis community is alive when we participate in the sacramental life, give freely of the gifts we have received, and go forth sharing the love with our brothers and sisters. We pray this new Mission Statement will guide us as we continue forward with the New Evangelization.
Part 1: Uniting God’s people in the Sacraments When all is said and done we are a Catholic community, a universal community bounded by the desire to know and love Jesus Christ. We are a sacramental community because it is through the Sacramental life that we experience His grace. And it is His grace that unites as one…….His bride, His beloved, His joy.
Part 2: Stewarding His generosity His grace compels us to go forth and pour out the gifts we have received—freely and without reservation—for he has been so generous to us. We have all received many gifts born forth from the Sacramental grace poured upon us, material gifts, spiritual gifts, and the gift of our own talents. He calls us to use them and use them often.
100 th Anniversary of Fatima Este año marca los 100 años de la Santísima Virgen Maria que aparece a tres pequeños pastorcitos en la pequeña ciudad de Fátima, Portugal. Nos unimos a una de las 20,000 cruzadas a través de los Estados Unidos a las 12:00 durante este día. Por favor planee estar en el Jardín de Maria (estacionamiento del Sur) el sábado, 14 de octubre a las 11:00 a.m. Vamos a acompañar a Nuestra Señora de Fátima tal como Ella pidió a los tres pequeños que hicieran, a través de oración y penitencia, rezando el Rosario por la conversión de corazones y paz en el mundo. Para mas información, por favor comuníquese al 512-454-0384 ext 216.
Three concerts are featured on the King's Concert Series in October. First up is new choir Austin Cantorum: Alleluia: Eternal Light on Saturday, October 7. Next is the professional Ensemble VIII directed by Dr. James Morrow on Friday, October, 20. Finishing the month is soprano Dr. Nicole Taylor and Nikki Birdsong performing the music of African-American composers on Saturday, October 21. Then finally on December 1, the Drive-a-Senior 25th annual concert will be held in the Main Nave with choirs and special performers from neighboring churches. All concerts are at 7:30 p.m. For more information about programs and tickets, visit the website at If you are interested in becoming a patron of the music program, please contact Scott McNulty at scott. or calling 512-454-0384 x202.
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Blessed Virgin Mary appearing to three little shepherds in the small town of Fatima, Portugal. We will be joining 20,000 rallies across the United States at 12:00 p.m. on this day. Please plan to meet in Mary’s Garden (South Parking Lot) on Saturday, October 14th by 11:00 a.m. Let us accompany Our Lady of Fatima in the way that she asked the three young children to do, through prayer and penance, praying the Rosary for the conversion of hearts and peace in the world. For more information, please call 512-454-0384 ext. 216
THE ST. LOUIS FARM MONTHLY WORK DAYS! Give thanks for cooler weather! November 4th from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Pull on a sweatshirt and get out on December 2nd from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. The Farm grows fresh vegetables for the Food Pantry year round, and we need your help monthly to keep our "growing" ministry going. Each month we come together to weed, plant, and maintain our fields - Come when you can and help as you're able, no experience necessary! We're located at the southeast corner of the church property, near the intersection of St. Joseph and Hardy. Find us on Facebook or send us an email at for more info!
The Spirit of St. Louis
ST. LOUIS ANNUAL FEAST OF GIVING St. Louis Catholic Church will host the 14th Annual “Feast of Giving” from 11:00 a.m.2:00 p.m. on November 23rd. This annual Thanksgiving Day event is sponsored by the St. Louis Social Ministry department and offers our brothers and sisters in need a traditional hot Thanksgiving meal. This gathering gives members at St. Louis Parish an opportunity to share a portion of God’s blessings and also to spend time with our friends in the community on this very special day. If you would like to volunteer for this wonderful ministry, the Social Ministry team could use at least 2 hours of your time. Preparations and decorations are done on Wednesday evening from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. and the cooking begins at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday morning and lasts until 2:00 p.m. or until all the food is gone. Listed below are the areas for which volunteers are needed: Kitchen help: Warming up turkeys, cooking all the side dishes, serving, washing dishes throughout the event. Clean up begins around 1:00pm. Dessert Table: Preparing plates of desserts and serving them. Drink Station: Preparing drinks and maintenance of drink areas throughout event. Serving: Seating families at tables and serving our guests with food, drinks and desserts. Greeters: Greeting guests as they arrive and matching them with family volunteers. Bussers: Bussing tables, assisting with trash collection; refilling drinks as needed; assisting families with young children. Housekeeping: Taking out trash when needed from the dining and kitchen areas throughout the day. Clean-up crew: Washing dishes, taking out trash, boxing up leftover paper goods and canned foods for storage, assisting with take-out meals.
If you would like to donate food on Thanksgiving Day (8:0011:00 a.m. only), we’re accepting purchased desserts (all kinds) and bread or rolls. For additional information on how to sign up to be a volunteer, please contact Bea Dela Rosa via email or phone at or 512-454-0384 x 265.
Parish Giving Trees AN ADVENT TRADITION Parish Social Ministries will again have Giving Trees to assist those ministries who serve the neediest in our parish. This year there will be three trees set up in the church. Trees located in the narthex will have ornament tags in English and Spanish. Families are asked to take as many ornaments as you wish, purchase the designated items and return them to the parish. These parish ministries will benefit from your generosity! • ST. LOUIS MOBILE LOAVES AND FISHES distributes food, clothing and dignity to our brothers and sisters who live off the streets of Austin or to the working poor community. • ST. LOUIS GABRIEL PROJECT Volunteer “Angels” are assigned a pregnant mom in crisis to help assist them throughout their pregnancy, until the baby is 6 months to a year. They give spiritual support along with some material support. Parental classes are encouraged through the Gabriel Project Center. • PARISH ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY - Helps parishioners and those who live within the St. Louis Parish boundaries with their rent, deposit, ID, birth certificate. They are asking for gift cards that you can purchase through the St. Louis School Scrip Card Program. Items are to be placed in the boxes provided, by the trees, or taken to the Church Office or to the Social Ministries’ office. Please return all gifts by December 17, 2017. Please do not gift wrap items, but do attach ornament tags to differentiate which ministry is to receive your gift. The ministries listed above do appreciate anything and everything that is given to them. We thank you in advance and bless each and every one of you for supporting these ministries. Without you, these ministries wouldn’t exist!
CELEBRATING ST. LOUIS STEWARDSHIP! Enclosed in this newsletter, you will find a budget breakdown of revenue and expenditures and a Statement of Financial Position for St. Louis Parish as of June 30, 2017. While these numbers do accurately reflect where your donations have been applied, they cannot adequately illustrate the impact your contributions have on the people and ministries they represent. Certainly, without a doubt, utility bills must be paid, repairs must be made to aging buildings, and expenses like insurance and interest on loans cannot be ignored. But your stewardship to the parish does so much more. It is the “wind beneath our wings” that allows us to reach out to parishioners and the community in countless ways throughout the year. Stewardship in Sacramental Life As a people of worship, St. Louis is continually encouraging and educating couples for marriage, parents for baptism and students of all ages for First Eucharist and Confirmation. In the last 12 months, your parish has brought 176 into the Church through baptism or profession; married 53 couples here and prepared another 22 couples for weddings elsewhere; educated 236 for First Eucharist and 255 for Confirmation; and visited countless ill and homebound with communion and anointing on a weekly basis. In sympathy, our staff and volunteers have walked with the families of 58 members who have been buried from our parish in the last year. Your stewardship allows us to reach out to the community through the Sacraments and the rites of worship that unite us as Catholics. Stewardship in Education Your stewardship, tuition and parish subsidy allow us to offer amazing education opportunities through our outstanding St. Louis School, now in its 61st year. The School has also launched a Montessori option for its youngest students this fall. We have a quality Early Childhood Program that’s enjoying new spaces with the support of an enterprising, fund-raising parent organization. We have religious education programs in both English and Spanish for all ages that continue to enrich the faith of participants and volunteer catechists alike. Education of our RE students always involves catechizing whole families toward more active roles in the parish. Stewardship in Parish Social Ministries Your stewardship of our Parish Social Ministries, whether it be through their monthly collection, tilling the soil in the Parish Farm, or donating food or toiletries, allows us to reach out to the poorest of our community. Countless numbers are touched by your gifts to St. Vincent de Paul Society, the Mobile Loaves and Fishes, the Farm, the Gabriel Project, the Food Pantry, the Bereavement teams, and to those incarcerated in prison or suffering health limitations. We are blessed with dedicated volunteers in these programs who live out their discipleship by serving others in need. Stewardship in Music Your stewardship of music, whether participating in one of our choirs, or attending and donating to our King’s Concert Series, has made St. Louis Church a first-class musical presence in the city. Our music through Masses, special events, Vespers or concerts, would not be possible without the encouragement and support of our parishioners. Parish music reflects the spirituality and commitment of its members to the arts, and to the way music enhances their faith and worship at St. Louis.
The Spirit of St. Louis
Stewardship in Facilities Your stewardship has allowed us to improve parish facilities and grounds, from providing a new Rectory for our clergy to renovating the former Rectory to a more useable space for our Church and Religious Education offices. This move enabled the School to more than double its office space in the former Church offices, yet retain a close proximity to the students’ classrooms. The School Gym was air conditioned this past year and our Early Childhood Program has new facilities, thanks to your generosity. New landscaping for the school, new railings and new directional signs welcome visitors and parishioners alike. Your ongoing contributions will make possible any future renovations in Wozniak Hall, the old School Admin building and the former Parish Education Center (our original church). Stewardship in Administration and Outreach Your stewardship permits St. Louis to pay just wages to the staff who labor in your behalf. We are so fortunate to have hard-working employees whose service to the public is given unselfishly with professionalism and dedication to the parish. Your contributions also allow us to support the Diocese of Austin through the annual Cathedraticum. It’s important that as a parish we reach out, not only to our own parish community, but to the greater diocesan Church as well. Additionally, your stewardship last year through the Catholic Services Appeal also raised $210,241 in pledges to the Diocese which was 122% of our parish goal! Your stewardship has global impact, too. Most recently, your stewardship supported the Community of Oscar A. Romero (COAR) in El Salvador with gifts of $6,322. Your compassion for the victims of Hurricane Harvey prompted you to give over $24,000 in cash donations plus over $8,700 in gift cards that will bring much needed relief. An annual budget report is so much more than numbers on a page. It’s a celebration of what your stewardship together can accomplish during a fiscal year! Thank you, parishioners, for the sacrifices you are making to help us build the Kingdom of God here on Burnet Road! May God bless your gifts of time, talent and treasure, multiplying their benefit by our responsible discipleship of these blessings in the coming year!
SANCTUARY CANDLE MEMORIALS The sanctuary candle is traditionally seen in Catholic churches, burning constantly to indicate the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. At St. Louis, in both the main nave and the chapel, the sanctuary candles are burning high above the floor in beautifully ornate fixtures suspended from the ceiling. Parishioners are given the opportunity to memorialize a deceased loved one with a $10 contribution, selecting a specified week in which one or both of the two sanctuary candles will be burned in their honor. Visit the church office with your donation, the name of your loved one, your choice of sanctuary candle and the selected week. Memorials are denoted in the Main Nave (M/N) or Chapel (C). Memorials reserved since the last newsletter deadline include:
July 30 – August 5 Memory of Maria Consuelo Garcia by Silvia Galich (M/N) September 10-16 Memory of Isidro Mora by Jose Mora (M/N) Memory of Ann Wille Byers by John E. Byers Family (C) September 24 – 30 Memory of David Leahy by Martha Leahy (M/N) Memory of Mercedes C. Ramos by Patricia Cantu (C) October 1 – 7 Memory of Maria Ortiz by Guadalupe Grimaldo (M/N) Memory of Raymundo Meza by M/M James Brittnacher (C) October 8 – 14 Memory of Annie Hildebrand by Leonard Friesenhahn (M/N & C) October 15 – 21 Memory of Isabel A. Luna by Harold, Valerie & Ana Alicia (C) Memory of Wilburn Friesenhahn by M/M Leonard Friesenhahn (M/N) (continued on page 11)
Fiscal Year 2016 - 2017 As of JuneAccounts 30, 2017Payables
Liabilities STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION $ Fiscal Year 2016 - 2017 Mobile Loaves & Fishes $ Assets As of June 30, 2017 Deferred Revenue (FY 2017-2018) $
Cash, General Fund Cash, Reserved Capital Improvements STATEMENTMobile OF FINANCIAL POSITION Loaves & Fishes Fiscal Year 2016 - 2017 Investments, Money Mkt Funds AsProperty, of June 30,Buildings 2017 and Equipment
$ 133,991.36 Designated Ministry Funds/Dedicated Purposes Assets Charles Schwaab School Trust $ 141,347.30 Cash, General Fund Note - Rectory $ Improvements 43,386.08 Cash,Payable Reserved Capital Total Loaves Liabilities Mobile & Fishes $
Investments, Net Assets Money$Mkt Funds 10,637,736.45 FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Property, Buildings and Equipment Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets
AS OF JUNE 30, 2017
$ $$ $$ $$ $$ $ $
83,699.50 43,386.08 265,976.38 50,898.39 1,651,802.86 133,991.36 315,871.02 141,347.30 2,411,634.23 43,386.08
75,549.02 8,620,375.98 10,637,736.45 11,032,010.21
Fiscal Year 2016 - 2017 Cash, General Fund $ 133,991.36 Total30, Assets $ 11,032,010.21 Total Assets 11,032,010.21 As of June 2017 RECAP OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES$ Cash, Reserved Capital Improvements $ 141,347.30 Mobile Loaves & Fishes $ 43,386.08 Liabilities Assets Liabilities Revenue Investments, Money 75,549.02 Accounts Payables 83,699.50 Cash, General Fund Mkt Funds Accounts Payables $$ 133,991.36 Sunday & Holy Days $ $$ 2,140,687.55 83,699.50 Property, Buildings and Equipment $$ 10,637,736.45 Mobile Loaves & Fishes $ 43,386.08 Cash, Reserved Capital Improvements 141,347.30 Building Fund $ 39,579.37 Mobile Loaves & Fishes $ 2017-2018) 43,386.08 Deferred Revenue (FY 265,976.38 Mobile Loaves & Fishes $ 43,386.08 Social Ministries $$ 119,039.89 $Funds/Dedicated 265,976.38 Total Assets $$ 2017-2018) 11,032,010.21 Designated Ministry Purposes 50,898.39 Investments, Money Mkt Funds Deferred Revenue (FY 75,549.02 Early Childhood Fundraiser $$ 2,268.01 Charles Schwaab School Trust 1,651,802.86 Designated Ministry Funds/Dedicated Purposes $ 50,898.39 Property, Buildings and Equipment $ 10,637,736.45 Early Childhood Tuition & Registration $$ 442,594.38 Liabilities Note Payable 315,871.02 Income - Rectory $$ 52,897.75 Charles Schwaab School Trust83,699.50 Rental $ 1,651,802.86 Accounts Payables $ Total Liabilities $ 2,411,634.23 Total Assets $ 11,032,010.21 Miscellaneous Donations, Bequests $ 26,926.16 Mobile Loaves & Fishes $ 43,386.08 Note Payable - Rectory $ 315,871.02 Music $$ 12,433.20 Deferred Revenue (FY 2017-2018) Liabilities 265,976.38 NetDonations Assets 8,620,375.98 Total Liabilities $ $ 2,411,634.23 Interest Income $ 1,638.37 Designated Ministry Funds/Dedicated Purposes $ 50,898.39 Accounts Payables $ 83,699.50 Liabilities and Net Assets $ 11,032,010.21 NonTotal Assessable Revenue CharlesLoaves Schwaab School Trust $$ 1,651,802.86 Net Assets $ 8,620,375.98 Mobile & Fishes 43,386.08 Note Payable - Rectory $$ 315,871.02 Deferred Revenue (FY 2017-2018) 265,976.38 Religious Education Fees RECAP OF REVENUE Adult, AND EXPENDITURES Total Liabilities $ Net Assets 2,411,634.23 Total Liabilities and $ (ACTS, 11,032,010.21 Designated Ministry Funds/Dedicated Purposes $ 50,898.39 Child, Hispanic, Youth & Middle) $ 67,454.21 Revenue Charles Schwaab School Trust 1,651,802.86 Candles & Flowers Net Assets $$ 8,620,375.98 $$ 35,109.25 Sunday & Holy Days 2,140,687.55 RECAP OF315,871.02 REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES Note Payable - Rectory $ Clerical Endowments & Mass Intentions $$ 53,324.76 TotalLiabilities Liabilities and Net Assets $$ 11,032,010.21 39,579.37 Total 2,411,634.23 Building Fund SLCS TTLMinistries - Revenue $$ 1,956,846.06 Social 119,039.89 Revenue RECAP OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES Total RevenueFundraiser $$ 4,950,798.96 Net Assets 8,620,375.98 Early Childhood 2,268.01 Sunday & Holy Days $ $ 2,140,687.55 Early Childhood Tuition & Registration $ 442,594.38 Revenue Expenditures Total Liabilities and Net AssetsBuilding $ 11,032,010.21 Fund $ 39,579.37 Rental Income 52,897.75 Sunday & Holy Days $ 2,140,687.55 Salaries, Benefits, Payroll $$ 1,415,041.43 Social Ministries $ Taxes 119,039.89 Miscellaneous Donations, Bequests 26,926.16 RECAP OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES Building Fund $ 39,579.37 Cathedraticum $$ 186,134.92 Early Childhood Fundraiser $ 2,268.01 Music Donations 12,433.20 Social Ministries $ 119,039.89 Contract Labor $$ 143,356.26 Revenue Interest Income 1,638.37 Early Childhood Tuition & Registration $ Contracts 442,594.38 Early Childhood Fundraiser $ 2,268.01 Professional & Service $$ 27,526.74 Sunday & Holy Days $ 2,140,687.55 Non Assessable Revenue Early Childhood Tuition & Registration $ 442,594.38 Liturgical & Altar Expense $ 48,774.62 Rental Income $ 52,897.75 REVENUE Building Fund $ 39,579.37 Rental Income $ 52,897.75 Repairs & Maintenance $ 242,270.24 Miscellaneous Donations, Bequests 26,926.16 FY July 2016 - June 2017 Social Ministries $ 119,039.89 Religious Education$Fees (ACTS, Adult, Miscellaneous Donations, Bequests $ 26,926.16 Utilities $ 192,222.85 Early Childhood 2,268.01 Child, Hispanic, Youth Music Donations $ & Middle) 12,433.20 67,454.21 Music DonationsFundraiser $$ 12,433.20 Office $$ 131,989.40 ClericalExpenses Endowments & Mass Intentions Early Childhood Tuition & Registration $ 442,594.38 Interest Income 1,638.37 CandlesExpenses & Flowers $ 35,109.25 Interest Income $ 1,638.37 Pastoral $$ 158,844.80 Rental Income Revenue $ 52,897.75 Clerical Endowments Candles && Flowers Mass Intentions 53,324.76 Non Assessable Insurance (Property, Auto, Worker's Comp.) $$ 105,097.57 Non Assessable Revenue Miscellaneous Donations, Bequests $ 26,926.16 SLCS TTL - Revenue 1,956,846.06 Outreach (Social Ministries, $$ 61,006.74 Early Childhood Development CenterFood Pantry, Retreats) Music Donations $ 12,433.20 Religious Education Fees (ACTS, Adult, Total Revenue 4,950,798.96 $$ 6,244.39 Religious Education $$Fees (ACTS, Adult, Property Taxes Rental Income Interest Income Youth & Middle) 1,638.37 Child, Hispanic, 67,454.21 Furniture, Equipment & Computer Purchases $ 34,054.39 Expenditures Non Assessable Revenue Child, Hispanic, Youth 67,454.21 Candles & Flowers $ & Middle) 35,109.25 Religious Education $ 39,984.53 Music$Donations Salaries, Benefits, Payroll Taxes $ 1,415,041.43 Clerical Endowments & Mass Intentions 53,324.76 Candles & Flowers $ 35,109.25 Interest Paid on Note$Payable $ 22,044.67 CathedraticumSLCS TLC - Revenue $ 186,134.92 Religious Adult, SLCS TTL -Education Revenue Fees (ACTS,Clerical $ & Mass 1,956,846.06 Subsidy to School $ $ 145,141.06 Endowments Intentions 53,324.76 Contract Labor $ 143,356.26 Child, Hispanic, Youth & Middle) $ 67,454.21 Total Revenue $ 4,950,798.96 Donations & Bequests SLCSMiscellaneous TTL - Expenses $ 1,953,697.00 SLCS TTL - Revenue $ $ Contracts 1,956,846.06 $ 27,526.74 Candles & Flowers 35,109.25 Professional & Service $ 4,913,431.61 Expenditures Education & Religious Altar Expense $ 48,774.62 Total Revenue $ $ Fees 4,950,798.96 Clerical Endowments & Mass Intentions 53,324.76 Liturgical Debt Services Salaries, $$ 1,415,041.43 Repairs &Reduction Maintenance $ 242,270.24 SLCS TTL -Benefits, RevenuePayroll Taxes 1,956,846.06 Principal Social Ministries - Note Payable $ 63,007.87 Cathedraticum $$ 186,134.92 Expenditures Utilities $ 192,222.85 Total Revenue 4,950,798.96 Interest Income Contract Labor $ 143,356.26 Office Expenses $ 131,989.40 Salaries, Benefits, Payroll Taxes $ 1,415,041.43 Total Debt Services $ 63,007.87 Professional & Service ContractsExpenditures $ 27,526.74 Pastoral Expenses Building $ 158,844.80 Fund Cathedraticum $ 186,134.92 Salaries, Payroll Taxes 1,415,041.43 LiturgicalBenefits, & Altar Expense $$ 48,774.62 Total Expenditures $$ 4,976,439.48 Insurance (Property, Auto, Worker's Comp.) 105,097.57 Contract Labor $ 143,356.26 Cathedraticum $ 186,134.92 Sunday & Holy Days Repairs & Maintenance $ 242,270.24 Outreach (SocialLess Ministries, Food Pantry, Retreats) $ 61,006.74 Total Revenue Total Expenditures $ (25,640.52) REVENUE Contract 143,356.26 Property Taxes Utilities Labor $$ Contracts 192,222.85 Professional & Service $ 27,526.74 $0.00 $500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $ $2,000,000.00 $2,500,000.00 6,244.39 FY July 2016 June 2017 Professional & Service ContractsLiturgical & Altar Expense 27,526.74 Furniture, Equipment Office Expenses $$ 131,989.40 Purchases $ 34,054.39 $ & Computer48,774.62 Liturgical & Altar Expense 48,774.62 Religious Education Pastoral Expenses $$ 158,844.80 $ 39,984.53 Repairs & Maintenance $ 242,270.24 Clerical Endowments & Mass Intentions EXPENDITURES Administrative Expenses Repairs & Maintenance 242,270.24 Interest Paid on Note Insurance (Property, Auto, Worker's Comp.) $$ 105,097.57 PayableFY July 2016 - June 2017 $ 22,044.67 Utilities $ 192,222.85 Utilities 192,222.85 Outreach (Social Ministries, $$ 61,006.74 Cathedraticum Candles & Flowers Food Pantry, Retreats) Subsidy to School $ 145,141.06 Office Expenses 131,989.40 Property Taxes $$ 6,244.39 Office Expenses 131,989.40 SLCS TTL - Expenses $ $ & Altar Expenses 1,953,697.00 Liturgical Early Childhood Development Center Furniture, Equipment & Computer Purchases 34,054.39 Pastoral Expenses 158,844.80 Pastoral Expenses $$ $ 158,844.80 $ & Maintenance 4,913,431.61 Repairs Rental Income Religious Education 39,984.53 Insurance (Property, Auto, Worker's Comp.) 105,097.57 Insurance (Property,$$Auto, Worker's Comp.)Debt Services $ 105,097.57 Interest Paid on Note Payable $$ 22,044.67 Outreach (Social Ministries, Food Pantry, Retreats) 61,006.74 Principal Reduction - Note Payable Utilities $ 63,007.87 Music Donations Outreach (Social Ministries, Food Pantry, Retreats) $ 61,006.74 Subsidy to School $$ 145,141.06 Property Taxes 6,244.39 Pastoral Expenses SLCS TLC - Revenue Property Taxes $ 6,244.39 SLCS TTL -Equipment Expenses $$ 1,953,697.00 Furniture, & Computer Purchases 34,054.39 Total Debt Services $ 63,007.87 Insurance 4,913,431.61 Religious Education 39,984.53 Furniture, Equipment$$ & Computer Purchases $ 34,054.39 Miscellaneous Donations & Bequests Total Expenditures $ 4,976,439.48 DebtPaid Services Interest on Note Payable Religious Education $ 22,044.67 Property Taxes $ 39,984.53 Religious Education Fees Payable Principal - Note $$ 63,007.87 Subsidy toReduction School 145,141.06 Total Revenue Less Total Expenditures $ Interest Paid on Note Payable $ 22,044.67 Furniture, Equipment(25,640.52) & Computer SLCS TTL - Expenses $ 1,953,697.00 Social Ministries Subsidy to School $$ $ 145,141.06 Total Debt Services 63,007.87 Subsidy to School 4,913,431.61 Interest Income SLCS TTL - Expenses $ $ 1,953,697.00 Debt Total Services Expenditures 4,976,439.48 Outreach (Social Ministries, Food Principal Reduction - Note $ 63,007.87 Building Fund Payable Pantry, Retreats) $ 4,913,431.61 Formation and Religious Total Revenue Less Total Expenditures $ (25,640.52) Sunday & Holy Days
Total Debt Services Total Expenditures
Debt Services $ 63,007.87 Principal Reduction - Note Payable $500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $1,500,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $
Total Revenue Less Total Expenditures Total Debt EXPENDITURES FY July 2016 - June 2017
$ (25,640.52) Services Administrative Expenses
Cathedraticum Expenditures Liturgical & Altar Expenses
Total Revenue Less Total Expenditures Repairs & Maintenance Utilities Pastoral Expenses
Education Interest Paid
The Spirit of St. Louis
STEWARDSHIP FROM THE PEWS As we celebrate Stewardship at St. Louis this fall, we welcome perspectives on stewardship from those in the pews. From Andrew and Becky Wooster: Stewardship as it relates to our faith takes many forms. As Catholic stewards, we are given a responsibility to care for what God has provided us. God has provided us both a church community at St. Louis and a domestic church through our marriage and children. We are stewards of our church community by giving our time to ministries such as ACTS, the marriage preparation ministry, King’s Men, and Mothers of Young Children. Participating in these ministries is our way of making God’s Word become more part of our everyday life. We are stewards of our domestic church by tending to the needs of our children; this includes basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, etc., but more importantly we provide for their need to learn about and know God. We do this by making prayer present in our home, by taking our children to Mass and by surrounding our children with friends who share our faith.
From Jeff Bruns: Stewardship is my choice in how I utilize God’s gifts in my life. I choose how to best use my time, talent and treasure so I can be ready to give a full accounting at the end of my life. Thus far, I have found this to be a very good way to live. First, stewardship helps me to better recognize and appreciate people, things, and special moments as the gifts they are. From the beauty of a lifetime with my loving wife to the fleeting beauty of sunset; recognizing and appreciating these gifts reminds me of how blessed I am. Second, I have grown to see the wisdom of the “waste not, want not” philosophy….stewardship stretching by fully utilizing, recycling or repurposing the resources I have or no longer need to curbing my desire for things I may not really need. Last, I see the challenge in stewardship to appreciate and live fully the opportunities or special moments in my life…recognizing that some of my fondest memories came from fully living a special moment, while missing such an opportunity has led to some of my deepest regrets. Working to be a good steward in my life has helped me to recognize the great blessings of my life, pushed me to do the best that I can, and challenged me to take advantage of opportunities in my life. Working to be a good steward has made me a happier man.
HURRICANE HARVEY RELIEF On September 1, St. Louis Catholic School held a special collection at school Mass for people affected by Hurricane Harvey. $3,795 was raised and used to purchase gift cards for distribution by Catholic Charities of Central Texas. All school Mass collections for the month of September went to the Hurricane Harvey relief. We would like to say thank you to all the parents, families, and parishioners for your generosity in this time of need.
Fun Fest St. Louis Catholic School
Sunday October Hearts
Fun Fest 2017
All are welcome!!! Interested in volunteering? Contact Debbie Cantu ( for more information. Interested in sponsoring? Contact Erika Coffey ( for more information.
Featuring: Game Booths Rock Wall Obstacle Course Petting Zoo Dunking Booth Silent Auction Country Store Raffle Bingo Live Music Food Vendors and much more!!!!
The Spirit of St. Louis
Save the Date! All our events are for the school, parish, and community! Look for updates in the bulletin, our school website, or the school office (512)614-6622. Annual Fund Kick Off October 1 - The St. Louis Catholic School Annual Fund is the primary vehicle for supporting the operating needs of our school. Help to support your parish school and the ministry of Catholic Education!
Living the Virtues
St. Louis Catholic School believes every person is called to live a virtuous life. Our Virtue Program is a systematic approach to fostering character formation in our students. The purpose of this program is to instill in each student a desire to practice Catholic virtues both at home and at school. The core of the program is the recognition of the many “teachable moments” that arise each day. The goal is to make the practice of Catholic virtues not just another subject but a way of life for every student. Each month we will focus on one of the Theological or Cardinal Virtues to help the students understand how God is not only calling each of us to live our lives in order to attain eternal life, but the expectation that we help others also attain eternal life. We feel that it is important to highlight the way in which virtues are demonstrated in the lives of Saints, ourselves, peers, community, and in the world around us so the students see how the virtue can be applied to real-life situations. During our Monday morning devotionals, Fr. Doug speaks to the students about the virtue of the month and discusses Saints that exhibited that virtue particularly well in their life. He also explains the vices, which are counterproductive behaviors, for each of the virtues. During Faith Families each month, the family discusses the virtue, how they can exhibit it at school and home, and an activity to reinforce the concept. Faith Families are composed of one student in each grade PreK-8 led by a teacher to build community throughout our school.
You can donate through the website or stop by the school or parish offices. www.slcsaustin. org Saturday, October 21 – 3 on 3 Basketball tournament is back! Come and support our Booster club as we work to raise money to replace the gym floor! Sunday, October 29 - St. Louis Fun Fest 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at Wozniak Hall and the fields. Enjoy a day of fellowship, games, food, and fun. Friday, November 10 – Calling all Veterans! Come join us at 8:00 a.m. at our weekly Friday school Mass in honor of YOU! After Mass, please stay for a flag ceremony and light refreshments in Wozniak. To help us plan, please RSVP to Mrs. Darlene Howard at the school office (512)614-6622 or darlene. Sunday January 28 – St. Louis Catholic School Open House. We invite you all to tour your parish school after Mass as we celebrate Catholic Schools Week. Thursday, February 1 – Prospective Family Information Morning and Bring a Friend to School Day Wednesday, March 7 – Future Cougar Round Up for all incoming PreK and K students Saturday, February 10 – Green and White Night Dinner and Auction is our Home and School Association’s largest fundraiser of the year, where the school and parish communities come together to support the students, faculty, and staff of St. Louis Catholic School.
Faith, Hope, and Love (Charity)
Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance
Saturday April 21 – Cougar Chase 5K and Kids K Fun Run. A community building event on our beautiful St. Louis campus. Everyone is welcome!
A Salute to Parish Veterans Just looking around at our Parish Senior Friendship group, you will find several military veterans who served their country proudly and honorably. As Veterans’ Day approaches, we are pleased to spotlight these parishioners and thank them for their service to our nation.
David Thomas Abraham enlisted initially in the US Army Signal Corps in San Antonio at the age of 17. After a year and a half, he joined the Navy and completed his boot camp training at the US Naval Air Station in Corpus Christi. His Signal Corp training in electronics served him well as he passed all of his technical electronics requirements. Seaman 2nd class Abraham began assisting with technical training of fellow enlistees, and with setting-up the communications electronics for the Chinese pilots, who were serving with the Allies during the war. He finished out his four years of service in Corpus and was discharged in April of 1946 at the end of the war.
Walter Donnelly had a 26-year career with the Navy from 1970 – 1996, starting with Electronics Technician training at Great Lakes, DAVID THOMAS ABRAHAM Il, that led to his promotion from Seaman to 3rd Class Petty Officer and then to his first assignment onboard the USS Furse in Athens, Greece. Subsequent assignments over the years included the USS Leary and USS Newport News, the USS Seattle and the USS Lockwood. By 1985, Walter had been promoted to Chief Petty Officer, while serving as a Broadcast Video Systems Technician in San Diego, followed by a 1987 deployment aboard the USS Barbey. In January 1990, he was assigned to the Pacific Fleet Combat Systems Training Command as an instructor to train sailors on techniques in preventive and corrective maintenance on all ships in the Pacific Fleet, and was promoted to Senior Chief Petty Officer. His last few years included working onboard the USS Chancellorsville before retiring in San Diego. He accumulated a chest full of medals (too numerous to list) and over the years traveled the globe many times from Europe to Australia, the Middle East and the Far East.
Leonard Flores had a six year career with the Army, being inducted in 1950 at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio. He was assigned to the 40th National Guard Division and did his basic training at Fort Ord in California. After training he was assigned to the 160th Medical Regiment of the Army’s 40th National Guard Division. In January 1951, Leonard was shipped to Japan on a military transport ship, via Yokahama and Camp McNair, which was located at the foot of Mt. Fuji. Around January 1952, his division was sent to Inchon, Korea, to the front line, and slept in foxholes for nine months while patrolling the 38th Parallel. He returned home to Fort Hood, transferring from the regular Army to the Army Reserve and being honorably discharged in September 1956. For his service in Korea, Leonard was awarded the Korean Service Medal with a Bronze Service Star, the Army Occupation Medal (Japan), the UN Service Medal, and the Combat Medical Badge.
The Spirit of St. Louis
A.J. (Jim) Harvey was in high school in 1948 when a long-time friend, newly discharged from the Navy, talked Jim into joining the Naval Reserve. Jim drilled weekly until completing the University of Texas in 1955. He had been promoted to Radarman 3rd Class while attending drills in San Antonio and Austin, before applying to be a commissioned officer. In May 1958, Jim received his appointment as Ensign, US Naval Supply Corps and went on active duty at the Supply Corps School in Athens, Georgia. After graduation from there, he was assigned for two years as the Assistant Disbursing Officer on the A.J. (JIM) HARVEY aircraft carrier, USS Bon Homme Richard, paying air crews on payday from as few as 50 personnel or as many as 275, depending on the number of new pilots being trained in carrier landings. His next assignment was at North Island Naval Air Station near San Diego as Assistant Supply Officer. His job was managing the aircraft parts issue department and supervising eleven storekeepers working in that area. After working there 23 months, he was released from active duty and returned to the job he had left with United Gas Corporation. He served in the Naval Reserve until 1979 when he retired with 31 years of service. James Horvath was sworn into the US Air Force at Fort Wayne, Detroit, Michigan in September 1960. With 129 other recruits, he traveled to San Antonio for training and thought he was melting in the 105 degree heat! His next assignment was for Thule Greenland, 750 miles north of the Arctic Circle and 970 miles from the North Pole. He spent six months as a boiler operator in one of four power plants, then six months outside on the maintenance crew at the time a freeze came in across the ice cap, plunging temperatures to 76 degrees below zero. James spent almost 12 months there before returning to Bergstrom Air Force JAMES HORVATH Base as a heating specialist. He was honorably discharged in September 1964.
SANCTUARY CANDLE MEMORIALS CONT'D The sanctuary candle is traditionally seen in Catholic churches, burning constantly to indicate the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. At St. Louis, in both the main nave and the chapel, the sanctuary candles are burning high above the floor in beautifully ornate fixtures suspended from the ceiling. Parishioners are given the opportunity to memorialize a deceased loved one with a $10 contribution, selecting a specified week in which one or both of the two sanctuary candles will be burned in their honor. Visit the church office with your donation, the name of your loved one, your choice of sanctuary candle and the selected week. Memorials are denoted in the Main Nave (M/N) or Chapel (C). Memorials reserved since the last newsletter deadline include:
October 22 – 28 Memory of Ruperto Reyes, Sr. by Pablo Reyes (M/N & C) October 29 – November 4 Memory of Mary Ann Brokowski (C) Memory of Raymundo Meza by M/M James Brittnacher (M/N) November 5 – 11 Memory of Raymundo Meza by M/M James Brittnacher (M/N) Memory of Aloysius Roling by Janice Roling (C) November 12 – 18 Memory of Gilbert C. Velasquez by Martina Velasquez (M/N) November 19 – 25 Memory of Mark Garza by Dora & Alex Garza (M/N) November 26 – December 2 Memory of Robert Perez Jr. by his family (M/N)
Kirby Krause enlisted in September 1944 and went to boot camp in San Diego before reporting to the USS Nevada in San Francisco. Aboard ship, he was involved in battles in the Philippines, Iwo Jima and Okinawa before being discharged as a Seaman First Class in June 1946.
Around the Diocese and beyond NOVEMBER
CATHOLIC SERVICES APPEAL The first weekend of November will be the second collection for Catholic Services Appeal. This annual appeal helps fund the administrative costs and ministries of the Diocese of Austin. St. Louis Parish had a goal of $172,000 last year and surpassed that goal with $210,241 in pledges, a record 122% of goal. We also surpassed our Challenge Goal of $186,823! Thank you parishioners for this outstanding response! Watch for more information in October on this annual campaign to be held November 4-5th. Your support is important to the Church of Central Texas!
Another November Collection Catholic Campaign for Human Development will be held the weekend of November 18-19. This annual collection helps address the root causes of poverty in America through promotion and support of community-controlled, selfhelp organizations and transformative education. Thank you for contributions, using your special CCHD envelope from your envelope packets, that third weekend of November.
Permanent Diaconate Discernment English and Spanish speaking men wishing to explore the permanent diaconate are invited to Project Stephen, a monthly gathering for men and their wives to pray, listen, and discern in community. Project Stephen meets year-round, on the third Thursday of each month from 7:00-9:00pm at the diocesan Pastoral Center in Austin. Men must first discuss their interest in the diaconate with their pastors and receive his consent to attend. When a new formation class begins (every three years), men will be invited to apply. For more information, email formation
RESPECT LIFE AND WORLD MISSION MONTH During October, the diocesan Offices of Mission and Pro-Life Activities are working collaboratively to promote the dignity of every human life from conception to natural death, while cultivating awareness and support for the mission territories of the Catholic Church that provide a spiritual home for the poorest and most vulnerable. In conjunction with that, St. Louis has been promoting the use of Baby Banks during October, benefiting Pro-Life projects in the parish and diocese. (Please return your Baby Banks by October 28-29.) We also have parishioners participating in the 40 Days for Life, a prayer campaign at a local abortion clinic to raise awareness and education on the value of human life. Other ways to be active in Pro Life include writing your congressmen when important legislative bills come before the Texas House or Senate. Request “Write for Life” newsletters from Texas Alliance for Life and receive the latest updates on pending legislation and who to write. Contact them at the above website or phone number. “The pen is mightier than the sword!” Last year, thanks to you support, the Texas Legislature voted four more pro-life bills into law! World Mission Sunday is October 22nd and this annual collection for the Propagation of the Faith will be taken up at all Masses that weekend. This collection provides much needed funds to mission churches in 1,150 mission dioceses throughout the world. Please use your Propagation of Faith envelope, and thank you for your generosity. Week of Prayer and Action for Migrants and Refugees is designated by the Holy Father October 7 through 14. This is part of “Share the Journey” a two-year program sponsored by Caritas Internationalis. Pope Francis says this campaign in the US will focus on those who have come to our country to build a better life, while the universal Church will be focusing on how we as Christians respond to refugees, reduce poverty and improve opportunities so immigrants can remain in the countries where they live. The USCCB is launching a website of resources for the Week of Prayer and over the next two years, watch for more ways we can all participate in prayer and support of the 65 million people around the world who have been compelled to flee their homes. Visit for more information and follow the St. Louis Facebook and Twitter page to join the conversation!
The Spirit of St. Louis
REDISCOVER YOUR MARRIAGE Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) simply means “rediscovery”. The program offers couples the chance to rediscover themselves, their spouse, and a loving relationship in their marriage. Many couples headed for divorce have successfully saved their marriages by attending this retreat. Retrouvaille is not a spiritual retreat, not a sensitivity group, not a seminar, not a social gathering. For confidential information about the next program visit the website at or call 800-470-2230.
Women and Health Diabetes Sisters, a support group for women with diabetes meets at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church (9500 Neenah Ave) on the second Saturday of each month from 10:00 a.m. to Noon. Newcomers are welcome. For information about this organization, go to https:// or contact Estela Maria Diaz at
Marriage Encounter Weekend Married couples are invited to strengthen, renew and rekindle their marriage sacrament by attending an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Nov. 3-5 at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton. For more information, visit or email or call (512) 667-9963.
Catholic Scripture Study CSS has resumed its sessions on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 a.m. in our Church. The current classes are mid-way through a study of Mary, but a new study on the Gospel of Luke begins November 15th, continuing until May 9th. CSS follows the AISD schedule with breaks for appropriate holidays and holy days. Men and women from around the Diocese are invited to participate. CSS lesson materials expose members not only to Sacred Scripture, but to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, to early Church Fathers, the saints and papal writings. For more information, please go to or contact the class administrator at
St. Louis Women's Club It’s been a busy time for the St. Louis Women’s Club. The program for the August 16 meeting was get acquainted bingo where the ladies filled in blank bingo cards with the names of attendees. Names were pulled from a basket and spots on the cards covered. This has always been a good way to meet new members, (L-R) Hispanic Ministries Representatives Tina Bernal and Angela Oxford; both through the bingo game and the Treasurer Terri Strubble, Vice President Karen Dunlap, President Jeannie Coale, traditional August ice cream social. Secretary Sharon Gross, Father Doug.
August also marked the installation of the officers for the 2017-2018 year. Father Doug presided. The Club enthusiastically provided a door prize for the Feast Day dinner. The ladies put together a gift basket for a child which included among other items a jig saw puzzle of the U.S., several Texas-focused books, and a gift card to Amy’s Ice Cream attached to a box of ice cream cones. The Women’s Club is also supporting North Central Caregivers Octoberfest Gala with a donated prayer blanket and a women’s daily devotional. Watch the bulletin for news about the October 19 Thursday social. A complete list of Women’s club meeting dates can be found on the parish website under Ministries. All ladies of the parish are “members” of the St. Louis Women’s Club and are invited to all events. President Jeannie Coale welcomes questions and comments. Contact her at or 512-627-5769.
2017 Christmas
25th Anniversary Celebration
Choral Benefit for
Drive a Senior – North Central Austin When:
December 1, 2017 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
St. Louis Catholic Church 7601 Burnet Road, Austin
Proceeds go to Drive a Senior – North Central Austin Mission: provide transportation and related services to keep seniors independent.
A memorable evening of beautiful Christmas music! ~ A free will offering will be taken ~
In honor of the 25th Anniversary our special emcee is
Jim Spencer
Emmy Award winning weathercaster
Drive a Senior – North Central Austin 901 W. Braker Lane, Austin, TX 78758 P.O. Box 660058, Austin TX 78766 Phone: 512-453-2273 We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit. EIN 74-2548829
The Spirit of St. Louis
What would you do if you could no longer drive? How would you get to your doctor or dentist? How would you get to the grocery store or post office? For seniors in our area who are over the age of 65, the answer is Drive a Senior – North Central Austin. We provide free transportation services to anyone over the age of 65 who can no longer drive for whatever reason, who lives within our geographic boundaries, and who lives in their own home or with family members. And we’ve been doing this since 1989! We serve seniors who live in north central Austin from 45th Street north to the SH 45 toll road; west of IH-35; and east of Burnet Road and MoPac. This includes Crestview, Brentwood, North Loop, Georgian Acres, Gracy Woods, Walnut Creek, Quail Creek, Lamplight Village, Wells Branch, Scofield Farms, and several other neighborhoods. Clients are enrolled following a visit by one of our intake specialists. All transportation is offered to our enrolled clients AT NO COST – all the drives are done by our wonderful volunteers. Our 25th anniversary Christmas choral concert is coming! St. Louis Church has been proud to host this benefit concert since the very beginning, and this December we will celebrate our 25th annual concert. In 2002, long-time St. Louis parishioner (and one of the founders of North Central Caregivers) Eva Church discussed fund-raising for NCC with our then-pastor, Father Larry Covington. Father Larry immediately suggested a Christmas concert in early December, with the choirs of our supporting churches providing the music. The concert has been a tradition here at St. Louis ever since. Come join us and celebrate our 25th concert with us, on Friday December 1 at 7:30pm in the St. Louis Sanctuary! How did Drive a Senior get started? In the mid-1980s, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation started a national program called Faith in Action in order to meet the transportation needs of a growing number of senior adults living on their own. The first local group was established in West Austin in 1985, and in 1989, North Central Caregivers was founded. We have since been renamed as Drive a Senior – North Central Austin because our new name better communicates our mission. We are supported by 15 churches within our area, including St. Louis Church, as well as by private grants, individual and corporate donations, and fund-raisers throughout the year. Most of our board members are members of the supporting churches; we have at-large board members as well. Want to get involved? Our volunteers are helping neighborhood seniors who want to continue to live independent lives in their own homes. This need continues to grow as Austin’s population continues to expand so rapidly. Our volunteers come from churches, civic organizations, early retirees who are paying it forward, parents who are teaching their children to respect elderly folks, and anyone who has a bit of time to help a senior neighbor. All volunteers attend an orientation and training session. Volunteers really enjoy meeting our senior clients, and they can assign themselves to take drives when it fits into their own schedules. Interested in becoming a volunteer driver? Give our DAS-NC office a call at 512-453-2273. Thank you, St. Louis Church parishioners, for your continued support in helping Drive a Senior – North Central Austin enable our older neighbors to remain in their homes.
OUR SACRAMENTS OUR FAITH “The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify men, to build up the Body of Christ and, finally, to give worship to God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church123) BAPTISMS JULY 6 – SEPTEMBER 5, 2017 Claire Victoria Rodriguez-Gonzalez
Alexander Contreras
Victor Omar Romero
Sophia Estrada-Vasquez
Leslie Ximena Ruiz-Garcia
Sebastian Gonzalez-Barraza
Josue-Angel Urquiza-Mondragon
Yazmine Marie Salinas-Sandoval
Noelle Olivia Benigno
Ignatius Charles Polito
Camilla Belle Marchan
Noah Jiovan Granados-Benitez
John Michael Porto
Mireilly Edaleiza Mendez-Camarillo
Lex Emilio Cavazos
Victoria Zavala-Correa
Jesus Manuel Tellez-Reyna
Zoe Rae Arnold
Kellen Yaritzy Tellez-Reyna
Ivan Eoghan Michalak
Justin Jovanny Varela-Chavez
Nora Grace Quirk
Sofia Estela Puente
Jocelyn Pamintuan Roesler
FIRST EUCHARIST JULY 7, 2017 Milton Guillermo Pena William Edwin McKinley
MARRIAGES & CONVALIDATIONS JULY 6 – SEPTEMBER 5, 2017 Milton Guillermo Pena and Marleny Granados Martinez William Edwin McKinley and Everley Anne Hafernik Jaime Serapio Gutierrez and Rosa Ana Peralta Lopez Raul Solis Benitez and Bertha Arellano Rodriguez Timothy Jan Roggen and Gloria Macrina Garcia
Mary Jane Winslow
Raymundo Meza
May Paulissen
Dolores Paris
Brittany Jordan Gaona
Frank Joe Olsovsky
Judith Vrazel
Alice Freytag
Brian de Graffenreid