THE SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS a weekly bulletin & newsletter September 9, 2018 • 23 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
¡Refresca tu alma!
Ladies- Set aside time to join with the women of St. Louis and take time to refresh your soul.
Damas, Únanse a las mujeres de St. Louis y vengan a disfrutar un tiempo juntas para refrescar el alma...
Registration forms available in the narthex
Formas para registrarse disponibles en el narthex
followed by breakfast and a program in Wozniak Hall
Ladies - Take some time from your busy schedule, begin new friendships and reconnect with God. TheBY St. Louis Women’s HOSTED ST. LOUIS WOMEN’S CLUB & THE GUADALUPANAS Club and the Guadalupanas invite the women of St. Louis Church to a morning of fellowship and spiritual renewal. On Saturday, September 15th the morning will begin with the 8:00 am mass. We will continue with breakfast (cooked by the Knights of Columbus) and a bi-lingual program in Wozinak Hall. We will conclude around noon. This event provides an opportunity for all the women of St. Louis Church to come together as a single community to refresh your soul. Registration is only $5.00 and is available in the narthex after Mass. We look forward to seeing you on September 15th!
Continuaremos con un desayuno y un tiempo de reflexión
Damas, Tómense un tiempo libre y acompáñenos: El Club de Damas de St. Louis y Las Guadalupanas las invitan a descubrir ORGANIZADO PR: EL CLUB DE DEAMAS DE ST. LOUIS Y LASyGUADALUPANAS nuevas amistades compartir un tiempo Refrescando nuestra relación con Dios. Vengan y juntas compartamos una mañana de compañerismo y renovación espiritual. El sábado, Septiembre 15, iniciaremos a las 8:00 AM con una Misa. Continuaremos con un desayuno, (proporcionado por los Knights de Colombos) y tendremos un programa bilingüe en el salón Wozniak. Concluiremos al mediodía. Este evento brinda por primera vez la oportunidad a todas las mujeres de nuestra Iglesia de St. Louis de reunirse y disfrutar juntas como una sola comunidad de fe para Refrescar su alma. La inscripción es solamente $5.00 y está disponible en el narthex después de misa. ¡No faltes! ¡Te esperamos! En Septiembre 15!
CLERGY Rev. James A. Misko, Pastor Rev. Douglas Jeffers, Parochial Vicar Rev. Jesse Martinez, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Rob Embry, Deacon Rev. Mr. Alfredo Villa, Deacon Rev. Mr. Javier Maldonado, Deacon
MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 6:00 a.m. (Español), 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. (Español), 5:00 p.m. (Español) Choral Vespers: 7 p.m. Weekdays: English: 7:00 a.m. (M, W, F), 12:00 p.m. (T & Th), 8:00 a.m. (Sat) Español: 6:00 p.m. (Jueves) RECONCILIATION Tuesday: 11:15-11:50 a.m. Thursday: 11:15-11:50 a.m., 5:00-5:50 p.m. Saturday: 8:30-10:00 a.m., 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Join us for an information session on Thursday, September 13 at 7pm, Wozniak Hall. If you’re interested in becoming Catholic or receiving the sacraments of Eucharist or Confirmation, please contact Tom Carani at
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Monday - Sunday (24 hours)
SCHOOL OFFICE: Monday - Friday, 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 2114 St. Joseph Blvd., Austin, 78757 512-614-6622
6:30-8:00 pm. Courtyard
PARISH OFFICE: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (closed noon to 1 p.m.) 7601 Burnet Road, Austin, 78757 512-454-0384
High School Young Church Presents: First Fest
LIFELONG CHRISTIAN FORMATION OFFICE: Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (closed noon to 1 p.m.) EARLY CHILDHOOD OFFICE: Monday - Friday, 7:45 a.m. - 5 p.m. 512-614-6544
Music. Food Booths. Friends. Fair Booths. Open Gym
september 9, 2018 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
WELCOME // BIENVENIDO Welcome to St. Louis King of France Catholic Church & School. We are glad you’re here! We invite anyone here for the first time, or new to the parish, to stop by our Welcome Desk as you exit to the left in the narthex. Existing parishioners needing ministry information are asked to stop there too. We hope that you may find warmth and happiness in our parish and we look forward to getting to know you personally. Bienvenido a St. Louis King of France Catholic Church & School. ¡Estamos contentos de que estés aquí! Invitamos a cualquiera que esté aquí por primera vez o nuevo en la parroquia a pasar por nuestro Escritorio de bienvenida al salir a la izquierda en el narthex. Además, a los feligreses existentes que deseen información sobre unirse a ministerios se les pide que pasen por aquí. Oramos para que encuentres calidez y felicidad en nuestra parroquia y esperamos poder llegar a conocerte personalmente.
Volunteers needed to join Liturgical Ministries! There will be training September 22 for Hospitality, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Lectors. 1:00-2:00pm Hospitality Training. This is a great ministry to serve together as a family! 2:30-3:30pm Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion & Lectors. ¡Necesitamos nuevos voluntarios para la Misa del domingo! Les invitamos a una entrenamiento para los ministerios litúrgicos. Si quiere ayudarnos con el ministerio de la hospitalidad, únanse a nosotros el viernes, 21 de septiembre a las 6:00 de la tarde. Si quiere estar un ministro extraordinario de la santa comunión o un lector, tenemos entrenamiento el viernes, 28 de septiembre a las 6:00 de la tarde. ¿Preguntas? entrar en contacto Elizabeth Polito |
St. Louis Catholic Church & School
October 20: 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament AT the Fun Fest! December 1: Cougar Chase 5K - Christmas Edition January 19: Celebrating Catholic Schools Gala (Diocese of Austin) February 16: Green and WHite Night Dinner and Auction
MR. WILLIAM MAYER Where are you from? Long Island, New York What subjects are you teaching? I teach 5th-8th grade Spanish, Logic and Persuasive Speech for 7th-8th, as well as Culinary Arts for 7th-8th. Where did you study for your undergraduate degree? I graduated from Siena College, a Franciscan university in Albany, New York, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish and Political Science, with a focus on Latin America and the Caribbean. During my undergraduate experience, I had the opportunity to spend extensive time abroad in many parts of Latin America, including Chile, Bolivia, and Guatemala.
On August 13 we welcomed back our St. Louis Catholic School Students! This is a special year for one of our outstanding teachers, Mrs. Vivian Conway! This is the start of her 30th year teaching at St. Louis (40 years total of teaching!). Congratulations!
Tell us about the ACE program? ACE stands for Alliance for Catholic Education and is a graduate program where recent graduates take summer courses at Notre Dame about education for two summers. During the year, we teach full-time in Catholic schools in 35 cities throughout the United States. After two years, we receive our master’s degree in education. In Austin, there are 4 ACE teachers, including myself, who teach at 4 different schools in the diocese; St. Louis, Cathedral School of St. Mary, St. Dominic Savio, and Santa Cruz. Hobbies: In my free time I love to cook and travel. Fun facts: I traveled to every country in South America last year, minus two! WELCOME, MR. MAYER!
ANNUAL FUND Annual Fund for St. Louis Catholic School going on NOW! Please help support the mission of Catholic education in our parish. Please donate on-line at or in the school or parish office. Contact our Director of Advancement and Development, Jessica Chaffee, with any questions., 512-614-6622, x296 september 9, 2018 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ministerios Hispanos
Baby Banks are coming!
• Sacramentos de Iniciacion Para Adultos Se les invita a todas aquellas personas que necesiten recibir algún Sacramento de iniciación (Bautismo, Reconciliación/Comunión o Confirmación) a inscribirse en el programa de clases de Sacramentos para Adultos. Para inscribirse diríjase a la oficina de los Ministerios Hispanos. ¡No pierda la oportunidad!
Remember October is Respect Life Month and a great time to save your spare change for pro-life efforts in our parish and throughout the diocese. The Gabriel Project, Project Rachel, Sidewalk Ministry, Pro-Life Help Line and more will receive funds from this campaign. Baby Banks will be distributed the last weekend of September after Masses.
• Clases de Educación Religiosa: Ahora es el momento de inscribirse para las clases de Educación Religiosa. Venga a la Oficina de Educación Religiosa para llenar la planilla de inscripción. Si su hijo/a se está registrando para el segundo año de catecismo a fin de recibir los Sacramentos, por favor traiga una copia del certificado de bautismo del niño. Las clases comenzarán el 9 de septiembre. ¡Los esperamos en la clase de catecismo! Horario de Inscripciones: Lun a Je 9:00 a 11:30 a.m. & 1:00 a 7:00 p.m. Los primeros en inscribirse tendrán la opción de escoger qué día de la semana quieren asistir. También puede registrarse online en:
• Clases Prematrimoniales “Lo que dios ha unido no lo separa el hombre” (Mateo 19,6) ¿Estas comprometido, casado solo por lo civil, o viviendo en unión libre? ¿Deseas recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio bendiciendo el amor de tu familia? Asiste al programa de preparación matrimonial. Te ayudamos con mucho gusto. ESTUDIO BÍBLICO “Acérquense a Dios y Él se acercara a ustedes” (Santiago 4:8) Cuando te acerques al Señor, con fe, con tus oraciones, con tu corazón; Él se acercara a ti, con Su protección, con Su guía, con Su amor. Escucha Su palabra, cúbrete con Su amor, y deja todo en las manos del Señor. Los invitamos a unirse al grupo de Estudio Teológico de la Biblia Estudiaremos el programa “La Misa” es un programa de estudio presentado por el Obispo Robert E. Barron. Nos reunimos todos los martes de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. En el Wozniak hall Salón St. Ambrose of Milan, empezando el 11 de septiembre, 2018. Para más información, comuníquese con la Sra. Sumayah Abullarade al 512-454-0384 Ext. 216 5
llevara a cabo el 27 de Octubre de las 9am-2pm en Cedarbrake Retreat Center en Belton, TX. Padre Jairo Sandoval, pastor de la iglesia San Jose en Austin compartira su reflexion, hasia la Exhortacion Apostolica de el Papa Francisco por mismo nombre Regocijate y se Alegre. El costo que incluye comida y refresco sera $35 por persona. Para registrar llame a Cedarbrake at 254-780-2436 or visite nuestra pagina
Need to re-charge your marriage? Try one of the Marriage Encounter weekends, either Sept. 21-23 at the Wingate Hotel in Round Rock or Nov. 2-4 at Cedarbrake Renewal Center in Belton. To apply online visit: or contact Michael and Shani Cowart at 5 12-677-9963 or email wwmeaustin@gmail. com. Call early to ensure a space. Para informacion en espanol llamar at 512-635-1036.
ANNUAL OKTOBERFEST BENEFITTING DRIVE A SENIOR – NORTH CENTRAL AUSTIN Enjoy a fun, music-filled evening of German food, band,
cold refreshments, and incredible raffle. On Saturday, September 22, from 4 to 7 PM. Location: 200 W. Anderson Ln (Activity Center of Gethsemane Lutheran Church). Have fun & help seniors live independently! General Admission tickets are available anytime through Eventbrite http://oktoberfest2018tickets. or at our office (901 W. Braker Ln) Mon through Fri from 9 am – noon. General admission of $20 includes food, beverages, and music. Raffle tickets ($10) sold separately and are available for purchase in advance (at our office) or the evening of the event. Need not be present to win the raffle. Lots of great raffle prizes: $500 gift certificate, emerald and diamond jewelry set, numerous gift cards ($50 to $250) and more. Questions? Call 512-453-2273.
St. Louis Catholic Church & School
The King's Theology Institute returns on September 20th with a five-week study on the credibility of the Catholic faith. We'll examine topics like God's existence, atheism, the problem of evil, the role of science, and the historical evidence for miracles. Visit our webpage for more information. All are welcome. Thursdays, 7-9 pm in Wozniak Hall.
King's Men begins Friday, September 14th at 6:00am in Wozniak Hall. All men of the parish are welcome to attend. Visit for the full schedule. Senior Friendship Circle Senior Friendship Circle will meet Sept. 12th for cards, dominoes, Chicken Foot, Kings in Corner and more games. This group is for all parishioners 50 and over who are looking to meet new people and share conversation. All seniors are invited to join us in Wozniak Hall from 9:30-11:30am. Bring a morning snack to share. Remember your donation of school supplies or wipes for ECDC. For more information, email
Come join our exciting mission to form the next generation of Catholics! Regina Caeli Academy provides a classical, hybrid education in the Catholic tradition. Pre K3- 12th grade students attend Socratic, hands-on classes taught by trained tutors two days a week and homeschool on the remaining days. Lesson plans for home days are included and optimized for in-home education. For enrollment information, or to schedule a tour, please contact Mrs. Kathryn Haygood at or 512-524-6764 or
The King's Theology Institute comenzará el 18 de septiembre con un estudio de cinco semanas sobre los motivos de credibilidad de la fe católica. Examinaremos temas como la existencia de Dios, el ateísmo, el problema del mal, la ciencia y la evidencia histórica de los milagros. Todos son bienvenidos. Martes, 7-9 pm en Wozniak Hall. INDIA CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL TEXAS (ICA) ICA cordially invites you to “TASTE OF INDIA” on Saturday, September 22nd from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Saint Thomas More Parish Activity Center, 10205 FM 620 N. Proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit Mobile Loaves and Fishes in Austin, construction of a multi-purpose hall for school children at Mary’s School, Rahargora (India), and a social justice project for bluecollar migrant workers in the Diocese of Belgaum (India). Join us for a fun-filled evening of delicious Indian food, cultural performances, and music. Tickets are $30 and may be purchased online at
40 DAYS FOR LIFE CAMPAIGN will be signing
up volunteers for the sidewalk ministry September 22-23. Look for them in the Narthex and consider joining other parishioners on November 4th, praying outside an abortion clinic on Ben White Blvd. Hours are between 7am-2pm; even one hour is appreciated!
offered at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in Belton September 28-30. For more than 2000 years these challenges have confronted the followers of Christ. (How to forgive, how to resist temptation, how to live an authentic Eucharistic life of self-giving, how to surrender and how to die to ego.) Fr. Albert Haase, OFM, a popular preacher and spiritual director, will present this retreat. The cost is $225 for a private room, $180 for a shared room and $100 for commuters. To register go to or contact them at or 254-780-2436.
september 9, 2018 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Actual Collection
7 a.m.
September 11
Gabriel I. Reyna
1 Cor 6:1-11; Ps 149:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6a & 9b; Lk 6:12-19
11:15 a.m. Confessions
12 p.m.
September 12 | The Most Holy Name of Mary
1 Cor 7:25-31; Ps 45:11-12, 14-15, 16-17; Lk 6:20-26
7 a.m.
September 13 | John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church 1 Cor 8:1b-7, 11-13; Ps 139:1b-3, 13-14, 23-24; Lk 6:27-38
11:15 a.m.
12 p.m.
Fred McNair+
5 p.m.
6 p.m.
Fernando Cantu+
September 14 | The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Nm 21:4b-9; Ps 78:1bc-2, 34-35, 36-37, 38;
Phil 2:6-11; Jn 3:13-17
7 a.m.
Gianna Gretencord Birthday
8 a.m.
School Mass – John Carillo+
September 15 | Our Lady of Sorrows
1 Cor 10:14-22; Ps 116:12-13, 17-18; Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35 Women of St. Louis Parish Confessions
Food Pantry Special Collection: St. Louis Feast Day St. Louis Feast Day Food Pantry
Hortence Svehlak+
September 16 | 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 50:5-9a; Ps 114:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9; Jas 2:14-18; Mk 8:27-35 Alexander Vernengo
9:30 a.m.
Gene Syrinek+
11:30 a.m.
Gloria Garza Birthday
1:30 p.m.
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
5 p.m.
Jerry Tobolka+
7 p.m.
Sung Vespers
Social Ministries Social Ministries Building Fund Pledges Building Fund Pledges
St. Vincent DePaul
St. Vincent DePaul St. Vincent DePaul Mobile Loaves & Fishes
$625.44 $77.00 $314.57
How can I give?
o m O NLINE AT 512-454-0384
Building Fund Pledges Building Fund St. Vincent DePaul
School Trust Fund School Trust Fund Social Ministries Social Ministries
Mobile Loaves & Fishes Mobile Loaves & Fishes Mobile Loaves & Fishes
Food Pantry Food Pantry School Trust Fund School Trust Fund
Pro Populo
Special Collection: St. Louis Feast Day Special Collection:
3:30 p.m.
6 a.m.
Sales Additional Contributions to
Sales Ministries for 8/25– 8/26: Sales Special Collection: St. Louis Feast Day
5 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
512-454-0384 Ext. 216
Estudiaremos ela programa “La de Misa” es aun9:00 programa estudio Nos reunimos todos los martes 7:00 p.m. de Ende ellaWozniak hall Los invitamos unirse al grupo de Estudio Teológico Biblia porelelof Obispo Robert E. Barron. Estudiaremos programa “La Misa” es un de estudio 2018 Salónpresentado St. Ambrose Milan, empezando el programa 11 de septiembre, presentado por el Obispo Robert E. Barron. to h a 9:00 p.m. En el Wozniak 26 todos los martes dent7:00 Nos reunimos hall 8/más información, ar Abullarade Para comuníquese la Sra. Sumayah al o ate con eWozniak 5reunimos Salón St. Ambrose oflos Milan, empezando el 11 de septiembre, 2018hall M Y Nos todos martes de 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. En el e 2 t D 512-454-0384 Ext. 216 / a 8Salón to D 2018 St. Ambrose of Milan, empezando el 11 de septiembre, Para más información, comuníquese con la Sra. Sumayah Abullarade al 512-454-0384 Ext. Para más información, comuníquese con la 216 Sra. Sumayah Abullarade al
Los invitamos a unirse al grupo de Estudio Teológico de la Biblia
8 a.m.
“Acérquense a Dios y Él se acercara a ustedes” (Santiago 4:8)
8:30 a.m.
Cuando te acerques al Señor, con fe, tus oraciones, con tu de corazón; Él Los invitamos a unirse al grupo decon Estudio Teológico la Biblia se acercara a ti, con Su protección, con Sutus con Su amor. Cuando te acerques al Señor, fe, con oraciones, con de tu Escucha corazón; Él Estudiaremos el programa “Lacon Misa” es guía, un programa estudioSu palabra, cúbrete con Su amor, y deja todo en las manos del Señor. se acercara a ti, con Su protección, con Su guía, con Su amor. Escucha Su presentado por el Obispo Robert E. Barron. palabra, cúbrete con Su amor, y deja todo en las manos del Señor.
Jennifer L. Bryant Birthday
Estudio Bíblico Cuando te acerques al Señor, con fe, con tus oraciones, con tu corazón; Él Estudio se acercara a ti,Bíblico con Su protección, con Su guía, con Su amor. Escucha Su palabra, cúbrete con Suy amor, y deja todo en las (Santiago manos 4:8) del Señor. “Acérquense a Dios Él se acercara a ustedes”
Dora Azucena+
“Acérquense a Dios y Él se acercara a ustedes” (Santiago 4:8)
1 Cor 5:1-8; Ps 5:5-6, 7, 12; Lk 6:6-11
Estudio Bíblico STEWARDSHIP
September 10
E NVELOPE cash/check
St. Louis Catholic Church & School
St. Louis Catholic Church & School