Stotfold News Magazine February 2023

Page 10

Stot fold NEWS D e li ve re d F R E E to 4 , 9 0 0 h ome s i n Sto t fo l d & Fai r f i e l d. Ne w s In for mat i on Yo u r l e tt e rs
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Welcome to Februar y.

Firstly, we are thrilled to welcome some new adver tisers to our magazine this month, we hope you will make them feel welcome! If you happen to call upon their ser vices be sure to mention where you found their details as it helps them to see ho w well the magazine is working with helping to promo te their business

We have some really interesting letters this month, alongside a couple o f stories featuring local young people all pushing themselves to achieve some really good things We lo ve hearing abou t these stories so please do keep getting in touch with us to let us kno w if you have something to share

This month’s f ront co ver sho t was sent in to us by local reader Stephen McKenna who would like to ask our readers if they can work ou t where this picture was taken? This go t us thinking...Wouldn’t it be fun if we could use a few o f our for thcoming f ront co vers to keep the fun running? If you kno w where Stephen’s picture was taken then please do get in touch with us using our facebook page and we’ll announce the winner (the f irst person to get in touch with us with the correct answer) in next month’s issue It is o f course just for fun bu t hey, with the gloomy weather and all that is the f irst par t o f the year we’ll take any fun we can get!! We hope you get involved and send us in any pho tographs we can use for this purpose going for ward!

Until next month.. Joanne Editorial: Please email your letters or ar ticles to sto tfold news@yahoo co uk or write to us at: Sto tfold News Magazine, 78 Hitchin Road, Sto tfold, Her tfordshire, SG5 4HT You can also call us on 01462 731986 (Mon - Fri, 9 30am to 5pm) You can also contact us via our facebook page Ad vertising: It’s easy to adver tise in the Sto tfold News You’ll f ind all you need to kno w at: www sto tfoldandarleseynews co uk - Our deadline is always 6th o f ever y month preceding publication Deliveries: We have o ver 100 volunteers that deliver the Sto tfold News Magazine If for any reason you do no t receive your copy o f the magazine please contact us to let us kno w Published by Sto tfold News Ltd Printed in memor y o f Roy West
From the Editor
Local school /n ursery news: Church n ews:
Challenge Page 7 Mum with 3 Page 9 News f rom Sto tfold Mill Page 17 Family Announcements Page 18 News f rom Sto tfold Librar y Page 20 News f rom Sto tfold Foo tball Club Page 21 Monthly Quiz! Page 22 Mental Health Matters Page 23 News f rom Sto tfold Ar t Club Page 30 Februar y Recipe Page 31 News f rom Etonbur y Academy Page 10 News f rom Pix Brook Academy Page 11 News f rom Roecro ft Lo wer School Page 13 News f rom St Mar y’s Academy Page 14 News f rom Fair f ield Lo wer School Page 15 News f rom Pippin Pre -School Page 16 CONTENTS Want to promo te your business in the Arlesey & Sto tfold News Magazines? www justgiving com/gardenhousehospice Announcements: We are happy to accept family announcements by post telephone, email or through our facebook page If you would like to make a donation in return for your announcement then please visit the website above Please mention that the donation has been made on behalf of the Stotfold & Arlesey News Magazine News f rom St Mar y’s Church Page 26 News f rom Kings Baptist Church Page 28 News f rom Sto tfold Methodist Chuch Page 29 T: 01462 731986 sto NEXT IS SUE - MARCH Adver tising deadline 6th Februar y 2023 2023 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 3
Letters Page 4,5,6 Ben’s 10km

Dear Editor,

We wanted to write a shor t letter to express our thanks and gratitude to all those people that have taken the time to congratulate us on winning the recent award inside this magazine, ‘Christmas Hero 2022 ’

As you may recall, bo th my sister and I were nominated for this award as we have been going ou t most mornings to litter pick around Sto tfold. This is something we enjo y doing as it keeps us f it as well as helps to keep Sto tfold tidy

The ver y last thing we expected was to receive any recognition for doing this and were completely astonished when we received the call to say we had won!

Thank you once again to those people that nominated us and have taken the time to congratulate us on winning We bo th really enjo yed the hampers we received as our prize f rom Satchells.

Many thanks

Linda Preston & Sue Dunne


Saturday March 18th St Mar y’s Church Hall Sto tfold 10am - 12 noon For availabilit y o f tables (£5 each) please contact Chris Webster on 01462 834108

Raffle - Ref reshments

All proceeds to St Mar y’s Church

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

I would like to use this page to thank the Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group

Thank you so much for my lo vely Christmas dinner that you delivered. I was so looking for ward to it as I am no t able to do this sor t o f thing myself any more. It was delicious, please make sure to pass my thanks on to Jan, at the Stag Public house who generously pro vided it, it was such a kind and thoughtful thing to do

Anonymous, SGNG Client

The teacher in the latest Memor y Lane pho to (Januar y edition) is Hazel Griff iths. She was our neighbour in London Road Biggleswade f rom 1962/3 to the mid 1970s

Sadly Hazel passed away abou t 5 to 10 years ago. She originally came f rom Guernsey During her childhood she was evacuated to England when Guernsey was occupied by the Germans, and returned to her parents as teenager She married Tom who was a lecturer at Shu ttlewor th. She and Tom died within weeks o f each o ther


Simon Peacock

Hopton Holiday Village



Dear Editor, JUST FOR FUN

Can any o f your readers guess the location o f the pho to taken recently which you have kindly chosen to use as the f ront co ver o f the magazine for this month?

Stephen McKenna (Editor ’s no te: Get in touch with us via our facebook page if you kno w the answer!)


St. Mar y’s Church Hall, Church Road, Sto tfold Saturday 18 Februar y10.00 – 12.00 Wonder ful display o f jigsaws for sale at bargain prices. All boxed and checked as complete. Proceeds to St Mar y’s Church - Charity No: 1131275

4 Your
Luxury 8 Berth Caravan available for holiday let
Various dates available between March - October including school holidays Secure your date NOW. Fully double glazed with central heating on a fully secure park with indoor and outdoor pools, 9 hole golf course and short walk to the beach Call Bernie 07860 462244 or email STILL AT OUR 2022 PRICES!

Dear Editor,

I was evacuated in Sto tfold f rom 1940- 1945 and lived in Vaughan Road The pho tos belo w are o f the Sunbeams, Sto tfold Salvation Army. I am second f rom left f ront ro w. I recognise Hazel Charles in the pho to bo th pho tos bu t I would like to kno w if any o f your readers can name any o ther o f my sunbeem f riends Thankyou

My name then was Audrey Casey Editor ’s no te: If you can supply us with any o f the names o f the sunbeams we would be delighted to publish these and get them to Audrey via email sto tfold news@yahoo co uk



@W ild Co ffee

will be meeting on Wednesday 1st Februar y at 7pm, where the au thor o f this month's read will be coming to chat!

All welcome!

Dear Editor,

Just obser ving and musing o ver the proliferation o f muga, play and ou tdoor gym "facilities" which are being presented to our youngsters for their play.

Young people lo ve to play and climb - o f course they do, and it's great that they can - bu t Oh the jo y o f climbing trees and turning them into imaginar y ships, homes, war time look - ou ts, etc No w they can have these cold , soul less manu factured versions -

Why, I ask myself, do council planners think it's ok to tear do wn trees for their buildings with all the jo y and wildlife habitat that they pro vide, and pu t up MUGAs, which look the same wherever they are??

I recognise that it would take decades for any tree to gro w branches strong enough. Health and safety could be an issue (I have fallen f rom trees many times, with no lasting injur y- Grass is a great landing pad!) - If we really want to leave a legacy for generations to come , couldn't we tr y planting trees - the sor t o f trees that can be climbed ??

Your Letters
Sally Turner

Dear Editor, I just wanted your readers to kno w o f the generosity and Christmas spirit o f Jan the Landlady o f the Stag Public House on Brook Street On the Wednesday after Christmas, Jan and her kitchen elves pro vided a f ree Christmas lunch and a warm welcome to 18 o f us, all local residents o f Sto tfold, and clients o f the Good Neighbour Group. We really enjo yed our lunch and in par ticular the oppor tunity to get ou t and meet somebody new after a rather cold Christmas We had lo vely food and a ver y enjo yable time and would like to say a big thank you to Jan, Les and the staff at the Stag Clients o f Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group.

Dear Editor,

I would like to say a public thank you to the Land lady o f the Stag pub. On the Thursday after Christmas I received a lo vely takeaway Christmas lunch f rom the Stag, soup, Turkey and all the trimmings and Christmas pudding The lunches were delivered by Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group direct to me at home Apparently 17 o f us received f ree takeaway lunches It was a lo vely thoughtful idea and I really enjo yed it as I am unable to get ou t much Thank you to the Stag and the Good Neighbour Group, it made my day Happy New year to ever ybody Sto tfold Resident

6 Please mention the Sto tfold News Magazine when responding to adver ts
Your Letters
Upgrade In 202 N o w o f f e r i n g N o w o f f e r i n g St e e l I n t e r i o r St e e l I n t e r i o r D o o r s D o o r s Upgrade your home with our stunning new range Sto tfold-based, o ver 25 years’ experience. We are proud o f our track record o f installing with exper tise and attention to detail. We remo ve and recycle all waste, including your old windo ws and doors. Energy e . Whether you ’ re looking for som ave something for you. www.bshglazingser E:info@bshglazingser Contact us for FREE advice & a no -obligation quo tation. Tel: 07973 851414 FOR SALE Panasonic TV, good working order sensible
to 07496 593 265 after 2pm Many thanks Adrian.

Ben’s Triumphant 1000km Challenge

Sto tfold student Ben Clifford cer tainly had cause for celebration in 2022 as he achieved the challenge o f running 1000 kilometres throughou t the year all for a magnif icent cause Running for the charity Versus Ar thritis, Ben set himself the challenge o f running 20km each week throughou t the year to achieve his goal “I chose to run this challenge to raise funds for this charity as my Mum Emma has been a su fferer o f this disease for sometime ” Ben told the Sto tfold News Magazine

“I broke the runs do wn into smaller, more achieveable amounts to enable me to progress and achieve the o verall challenge o f 1,000 kilometres ”

Samuel Whitbread Engineering student Ben, chose to run around Sto tfold & Arlesey with Mum Emma helping him to f inally cross the f inish line in December! “ I was thrilled to raise £500 for the ar thritis charity, whilst helping myself to stay f it and healthy at the same time ”

Ben is hoping to continue his training and one day aims to complete the London Marathon, recently completing a half marathon in just 1hr 49 mins

Mum Emma told the magazine “ I was so proud o f Ben for choosing to help this wonder ful charity - even though at times I think he found it tough, he was thrilled to be able to raise such a great amount o f money for such a wor thy cause.”

Ben’s fundraising link can be found belo w: www.go -1000km-in-a -year-for-versus -ar thritis

Nor th Her ts Road Runners

The next 1st Sat o f the month 5k at Letchwor th Common will be on 4th Feb at 9am. entr y is f ree and open to all abilities.

We continue our training sessions with qualif ied coaches on Tues. & Thurs evenings at 7pm. these are open to all runners f rom no vice to experienced runners.

Why no t come along for a taster session with no obligation. all our details are on nhrr org uk or Contact Ian on 07506 429 928 or contact nhrr org uk

Please mention our magazine when responding to adver ts

Mum Emma (left) pictured wth Ben Emma joins Ben as he crosses the f inish line o f his 1000k challenge

24hr Marathon Smashed by

Netball and Rugby students f rom Samuel Whitbread Academy, a par t o f the Bedfordshire School Trust (BEST ), have taken on their biggest physical challenge yet.

The students will be travelling to Sou th Af rica in July to compete in an international competition in bo th netball and rugby. To co ver the cost o f equipment, kit and excursions - one being to swim with seals, the group set themselves a target o f fundraising £6,000. To help them reach the students set themselves an epic challenge – running a whole marathon by completing one mile ever y hour for 26 hours straight.

The fundraiser kicked o ff at 3pm on Thursday 8th December with many o f the par ticipating students and staff wrapped up in hats and glo ves, while o thers opted for a fancy-dress approach and wore onesies to keep them warm! The challenge mo ved f rom Clifton to Biggleswade Rugby Club, to carr y on through the night, with the group po wering on despite the sub-zero temperatures as lo w as -5 degrees! On Friday morning the group returned to school to complete the f inal nine miles – reaching the f inish line at 5pm

Donations and sponsorship flooded in, with the students smashing their original target and raising o ver £10,000 to date The students decided to split the proceeds between expenses for the trip and a to wnship they will visit in Cape To wn, whilst on tour

Principal Nick Mar tin said: “Despite the cold conditions, sleep deprivation and uncomfor table beds these students never gave up! Their determination, teamwork and commitment embodies our school values o f empathy, teamwork and determination They are fantastic ambassadors for Samuel Whitbread !”

The GoFundMe page is still open. If you would like to donate visit: https://www.go sou th-africa -2023

8 Email: sto tfold news@yahoo co uk
Samuel Whitbread Academy Students. The netball and rugby teams were joined by staff members to complete the challenge and raise o ver £10,000!

So training was supposed to begin last month and um, ah, it’s still stuck at the ‘beginning’ Admittedly there was Christmas and New Year bu t that is no w just a distant non-excuse for no t having progressed with any signif icant triathlon training yet Unfor tunately the ugly head o f procrastination has been sho wing o ff for the last few weeks and I’m simply no t much fur ther on than I was when I star ted

I’m a great one for talking abou t my training, sitting in group chats, writing plans, jo tting do wn lists and sub-lists, colour coding my calendar and designing extensive schedules Bu t these are only useful if they lead to action and none o f these delaying tactics will get me round a 140mile swim, bike, run combination unless I knuckle do wn and do some actual physical training.

So what’s the best way to star t? Firstly I have to commit to when I train and for me most o f my training sessions must be done in the early hours o f the morning. This is so it’s completed before the day is occupied with children, work, activities, housework, and subsequent fatigue. They say that exercising early in the morning o ffers bo th physical and mental gratif ication, it boosts your energy throughou t the day and generally pu ts you in a better mood – so aside f rom the cold and dark and the o ver whelming tiredness you feel when the alarm goes o ff, what’s no t to like?

Hopefully by next month I’ll be fully immersed in my training and no t just ticking o ff boxes on a wall planner, so I’m setting that early alarm clock and I’ll let you kno w ho w I get on Mumwith3 does Ironman

All types of electrical work under taken. Installation, Fault finding, Heating controls. Test and inspection, EV charge points, NICEIC approved contractor Tel: 07817 545314 E:bk electrical@outlook com

To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 9 Our Monthly update from Mum with 3 Window and door repairs and installations * Misted/broken units * Handles * Mechanisms * Door barrels Supply and fit windows and doors Soffits and fascias Jonny Garside 79 Regent Street, Stotfold 01462 732248 or 07951 473505 PLANNING HOME IMPROVEMENTS OR AN EXTENSION? Pro viding architectural design and planning ser vices for residential building, extension and conversion projects, S & S Coates Surveying & Design Call: 07960215053 or 01525 862457 stevecoates72@gmail com Find us on facebook Don’t talk, just Do…

At the time

have just returned follo wing our Christmas break, and we are absolu tely delighted to see the opening o f our new two classroom building located next to the Junior playground for our Year 5s, Earhar t and Turing children. This new facility is ano ther fantastic addition to the school with new technology, toilets, kitchen facilities and fantastic views o f the orchard. We are in our f ifth successful year o f GCSE examinations, and the f inal stage o f our development to Sixth Form is no w under way and will be completed this Summer We are really proud o f our school which brings a mix o f traditional areas steeped in histor y for so many o f you, as well as modern, bright and spacious teaching spaces We are so for tunate to be based on such a large, open and beau tiful green site that the children and staff can enjo y Our specialist subject teachers are well established and eager to take our students through to Sixth Form, and the students are equally excited having been so involved in this new development for their higher education

We have also had the most fantastic ar twork set up on one o f our main stair ways to our Ar t and Pho tography Depar tment created by our Head Ar t and Pho tography, Miss Stacey Smith The ar twork features ar tists, f ilmmakers and product designers to inspire our students

We have had a visit f rom a Development Chef at Taylor Shaw, Etonbur y contract caterers, to look at our break and lunch menus, consider feedback f rom our student focus group and suppor t the school kitchen team to develop their skills The kitchen team do an excellent job o f listening to our students, understanding their needs and making sure there is always something that the children can eat Mrs Brahmachari-Limb, Head o f Per forming Ar ts, is no w f inalising the team for the Summer Term per formance ‘Culture Festival’ and the children are looking for ward to the trips and events coming up for the rest o f the year. Our Juniors are looking for ward to being par t o f the Young Voices Choir at the 02 and their trip to the Duxford Air Museum. Our Secondar y students are working with the University o f Oxford, involved in a mock cour t trial and watching a theatrical per formance o f a Christmas Carol.

We are continuing to sho w prospective parents/carers and students (including Sixth Form entr y Sept 23) around our school, and we welcome any o f you f rom our community to get in touch if you wish to see our new facilities We lo ve hearing your stories o f your time here Call us on 01462 730391 to arrange a tour

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News from Etonbur y A cademy
o f writing we

Pix Brook A cademy News

Februar y already! For the f irst time in two years we are no t spending this time o f year pro -occupied with COVID and are instead thinking abou t o ther things for the year ahead.

While one big challenge is hopefully behind us there continue to be o ther pressures that our young people have to face. Undoubtedly the situation globally worries many o f our children as does the continued pressure on household f inances. It is our job to help young people understand the ups and do wns o f life and do our best to keep all things in context. As a school we kno w the value o f discussion and spend time simply talking with the children abou t the world beyond Sto tfold. We kno w that for many o f them their world begins and ends in this par t o f Central Bedfordshire, helping them to consider our place in the world is just one par t o f teaching children and we tr y to do so by giving ever y oppor tunity to have visits and visitors f rom ou tside the school.

We also have a programme to enable pupils to personally develop via our tu tor and citizenship elements o f the curriculum This will include a whole host o f topics including equality, po ver ty, faith, emplo yment and any number o f o ther areas that are so impor tant to young people in their education

As the school continues to gro w fur ther oppor tunities arise as a consequence o f new staff joining the school This year it has been fantastic to have our prospective ar tists enjo ying ar t club, fu ture scientists attending forensics club, Chess club attracting more pupils and the general number o f activities increasing ever y term This will hopefully continue as we look to recruit our next round o f teaching and suppor t staff Over the course o f the next few months ano ther eleven teachers will join the school including music, drama, science, ICT and many o thers As a school that has gro wn f rom under 60 to almost 600 pupils in three years, with a corresponding increase in staff ing, it is great to see the oppor tunities for pupils and staff expand accordingly

The next few months are extremely busy as we begin to prepare our pupils for assessments and the next stage o f their education Working in schools is exciting and fast mo ving withou t any time to pause At PBA we are always thinking abou t the next step, and what needs to be in place to make that successful For tunately we have a body o f pupils who are bo th receptive and excited by what they need to do next and as such the time really does fly by.

11 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
Letchwor th Dog School Dog training & behaviour letchwor thdogschool@gmail com w w w.letchwor Spaces available NOW Call Eleni on 07449 909803 DTC and IMDT trained, member of the Absolute Dogs Training Academy & The International Society of Animal Professionals (ISAP) 1-1 puppy or dog training Reactivity & behaviour modif ication & more
12 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

News from Roecro ft Lo wer School

This month we have an update f rom our leaders in Year 3 and Year 4 Spring is always a busy term o f teaching and learning and as the weather turns to spring we are able to mo ve lo ts o f our learning ou tside Year 3 returned to school in Januar y after the Christmas break full o f enthusiasm and looking for ward to the Spring term We star ted the term by reading some classic my ths and legends, such as Robin Hood, and the children enjo yed writing their o wn stor y based on the key themes found in many my ths

Our Science topic this term has been ‘Forces and Magnets’ We identif ied different forces used in ever yday reactions and spent time studying gravity and air resistance The children created different parachu tes to test air resistance and had great fun dropping them f rom the classroom balcony!

In Ar t, our topic has been based on the work o f ar tist Georgia O’Keeffe. We studied ho w she used shape, tone and shading in her drawings and the children star ted using these skills in their o wn sketches. They then developed their watercolour skills to create their f inal piece o f ar twork.

In Compu ting, the children have been learning to code using compu ter so ftware such as ‘Scratch’ and ‘Tur tle Logo’. Using the basics o f coding, the children were able to program compu ter avatars to mo ve and complete tasks. Creating their mo ving characters was a real highlight for the children!

Year 4 have had an exciting star t to the Spring term as they have star ted swimming lessons; the children are really enjo ying the oppor tunity to swim at Saxon Pool and develop this impor tant life skill alongside their f riends They are also star ting to pu t their spor ting kno wledge into action in PE lessons by applying their skills in netball and basketball games this term

In the classroom, we have star ted a new Histor y topic exploring the Romans’ impact on Britain and especially what changes they bought abou t in our local area We are learning abou t the disco ver y o f Dicket Mead which is no w kno wn as the Welwyn Romans Baths and are even getting to visit soon to see them f irst hand We will then use our newfound kno wledge to write persuasive leaflets and newspapers abou t the Baths in our English lessons

Ano ther highlight o f Spring term is our new Ar t topic; we are exploring the work o f William Morris and designing and making our o wn printing blocks Once made, we will then use them to create repeated pattern wallpaper with multiple layers and colours

W ishing you all a happy and healthy New Year, Mrs Cross and the Roecro ft Family.

An example o f some o f Georgia O’Keeffe’s ar twork

News from St Mar y’s A cademy

Januar y was an eventful star t to the New Year with the f irst o f our monthly Collective Worships in the form o f an Epiphany themed Ser vice in which our children and staff were all involved. The ser vice included a blessing o f the school by Reverend Bill Britt f rom St Mar y’s Church.

Our Parent’s Association, the SMSA also kept the children busy organising the Happy Bags and ever popular ‘Break the Rules’ events All donations raised go to wards the IT fund to purchase more IPADs and laptops for use in school Most o f our Year 4 children also had the ver y exciting and special experience o f par ticipating in the Young Voices Concer t involving o ver 6000 school children within the O2 in London They absolu tely lo ved it!

Our school clubs are all well under way with some new activities available as the children settle back into the new term Februar y brings our ever popular annual Creative Ar ts Week between 6th and 10th; this brilliant event gives the children a chance to be involved in all sor ts o f creative activities for the whole week on a wide range o f topics Previous year ’s sessions have included dance, drama, music, food tech, creative writing, ar t and many crafts so we’re sure there will be an activity for ever yone to enjo y

The SMSA have continued plans too for all years to enjo y a Disco before we break up for the Februar y Half Term

As we write, the f inal tests are being completed prior to the Ground Source Heat Pump installation and commencement o f our Decarbonisation Scheme. There should be a lo t more activity soon! This, combined with the ongoing discussions regarding the mo ve to Primar y po tentially f rom 2025 make for an interesting and exciting time at St Mar y's Our last day o f this half term is Friday 10th Februar y, with school resuming on Monday 20th for six busy weeks to take us up to Easter

Don’t forget World Cancer Day on Saturday 4th, Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 7th, Valentine’s Day on Tuesday 14th, National Lo ve your Pet Day on Monday 20th and Shro ve Tuesday/Pancake Day on Tuesday 21st!

St Mar y's Church o f England Academy, Rook Tree Lane, Sto tfold, Hitchin, Her ts, SG5 4DL

Tel: 01462 730343 Reg No: 07999942

http://www. stmar ysacademysto

Please mention the Sto tfold
Magazine when responding to adver ts
Young Voices at the O2 Rev Bill Britt alongside pupils taking par t in the Epiphany ser vice

have enriched the pupil’s lives in a range o f ways

The term kicked o ff with Science Week, with the theme o f “Journeys” Some children had the oppor tunity to explore space and planets in the planetarium and their feedback was resoundingly positive – one child beamed as they emerged and said “it blew my mind”! Working together collaboratively to build tall to wers and strong bridges saw the children develop their communication and collaboration skills too Children have also had the oppor tunity to discuss online safety at an IT Conference hosted by Samuel Whitbread Academy and subsequently bring this learning back to their year 4 classes Our Reception children have also had the oppor tunity to learn safe balance bike skills too – a super precursor to riding bikes and developing their understanding o f road safety This term’s value is tolerance and gro wing our understanding o f o thers – our Diversity Day which focused on Buddhism gave children the oppor tunity to reflect on stories to learn more abou t the teachings o f Buddhism Children also had the chance to par ticipate in yoga sessions, develop mindfulness and meditation activities

There are lo ts o f o ther highlights to look for ward to this term:

• Redborne PE Events, such as Paralympic Event, Swimming Gala, Kurling, Tag Rugby & Badminton

• Mo ther ’s Day Afternoon Tea

• PTA Mo ther ’s Day Gift Room

• Parents Consultations Tuesday 7th and Thursday 9th Februar y

• Class Pho to’s 15th and 16th March

• Parent Book Drop in 3.20pm, Tuesday 21st March

Value o f the month: Tolerance Please contact the school o ff ice should you require fur ther information on 01462 830000

Email o ff ice@fair f ieldparklo www fair f ieldparklo wer uk

15 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 Model Rail way Exhibition at Stratton School, Biggleswade SG18 8JB on Saturday 18th Februar y f rom 10am- 4.30pm Organised by the East Beds Model Railway Society, full details are available via its website News from Fair f ield Park Lo wer School STOTFOLD FEN CING FOR ALL YOUR FENCING & DECKING NEEDS Call Nath 07490 715009 RAY THE CARPENTER Building Maintenance Kitchens & Bedrooms Windows Internal/External Doors Ski r tings -Architraves -Dados Stai rs -Handles -Balustrades Handle & Lock Replacements Loft Hatches Flat Pack Furniture All aspects of carpentr y No job too small Call 07885 020895 or 01462 732814 Over 25 Years Experience CLAIRE’S CAT SITTING Stotfold based cat sitting service Your
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cats looked after in your own home while you are away, giving you complete peace of mind I am fully insured & can feed your cats once or twice a day. Other small animals can also be catered for Please
Claire 07984
The new year has star ted with bundles o f energy and enthusiasm at Fair f ield Park! Aside f rom the ‘normal curriculum’ that is our o ffer, we

News from Pippin Pre School

To wards the end o f Januar y, we have lo ts o f exciting activities planned to celebrate the Chinese New Year including food tasting, dragon cro wn making and learning Chinese dancing Children will also learn abou t the signif icance o f gifting red envelopes amongst family and f riends during the celebrations and will have the oppor tunity to make their o wn to share good luck with their families for the year ahead As we mo ve into Februar y we will celebrate Valentines Day and Shro ve Tuesday

Holiday club will once again be open for Februar y Half Term (13th to 17th inclusive), please contact the o ff ice via email at info@pippinpreschool co uk regarding availability We charge £40 per day (includes breakfast, mid-morning, and afternoon snack), we are open f rom 7 45am and f inish at 6pm, all requests are on a f irst come, f irst ser ve basis Our Easter holiday club will be available to book f rom 20th Februar y, we will be open f rom Monday 3rd April to Thursday 6th April

Like many charities, our fundraising oppor tunities are still restricted We are a registered charity with AmazonSmile Amazon Smile is a simple and au tomatic way for you to suppor t a charity o f your choice ever y time you shop at no cost to you Please visit smile amazon co uk on your web bro wser and select Pippin Playgroup For each eligible purchase, Amazon will pay us 0 5% o f the net purchase price

We continue to collect donations o f plastic bo ttle tops, unwanted fabric, small yogur t po ts, bu ttons for our gluing station All donations welcome, please drop o ff at the o ff ice

Thank you for your interest in our Pre -School. We look for ward to sharing more o f our news with you again next month.

16 Complete garden design and build service Porcelain and sandstone paving specialists Quality block paving driveways & all types of fencing For a FREE quotation call Robin on (01462) 815968 or 07785 530558

News from Sto tfold Watermill

The Mill is a rather strange, slightly gloomy place in midwinter. With few visitors, o ther than the indomitable Scou ts and o ther groups who brave the chill to learn abou t Sto tfold’s histor y, the building sits quiet, unheated, dozing away the colder months.

Bu t no t for long! By the time you read this, we will have held our f irst Volunteer Recruitment event for 2023, and hopefully some o f you reading this will no w be Mill volunteers! If you’re reading this and aren’t yet a volunteer bu t would like to be…please get in touch. Being a Mill volunteer is a lo t o f fun, and it’s completely up to you ho w much time you give – any thing f rom an hour once in a while to a whole day ever y week. Ever y little counts! We also urgently need new trustees to join our Board to keep the Mill running – please do let us kno w if you can

We’re also planning our opening hours for 2023, making sure we have the right people in the right places to welcome our visitors back again throughou t the

Work has been going on, behind the scenes, as par t o f our preparations: sor ting ou t the storage compound at the back o f the Mill, new fences along the ou tside o f the Mill; and plenty is going on with planning our next Major Event: The Steam Fair!

This popular annual event is taking place on 13th and 14th May – pop it in your diar y! As always, it will be a fun-f illed weekend, with lo ts o f arena enter tainment, as many steam engines as we can f it into the sho wground, the funfair and plenty more to see and do And, o f course, we’ll have Live@TheMill Check our website for details – bu t we can conf irm that DeLorean and Allergy will be joining the line up

So, book ou t your diar y for the 13th and 14th May, and if you’ve go t any spare time, send us an email and sign up as a volunteer.


Email: enquiries@sto

The Steam Fayre, planned for May

Family announcements


Congratulations on the bir th o f gorgeous Edward ( Teddy) We can’t wait to meet him! With lo ve f rom your Gifford Dance Academy family xx


Happy Bir thday to my wonder ful husband, I wish you a happy, healthy and successful year ahead. Stay blessed ❤ Lo ve, Komal xxx


Februar y 9th

Wishing you a ver y Happy Bir thday!

With lo ve f rom your family & f riends xx


5th Februar y Happy Bir thday!

Lo ve f rom your family & f riends x



26th Februar y Happy 15th bir thday

Lo ve f rom us all xxxxxx

18 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986
Open Tuesday to Saturday 9-4pm Tel: 07812 055587 Hall wor th Drive, Sto tfold. @boxofcakesstotfold www boxofcakes co uk Paws & Cla ws Mobile Pet Grooming Level 3 Qualif ied Let us come to you! Tel: 07913005268 Email: Pawsclaws66@aol com Bespoke Wedding cakes and cupakes made to order FULLY INSURED Est 2012
REB & ADAM Huge congratulations on the (early) arrival of our fi rst G randchild TEDDY We are so proud of you all! With love from Mum, Dad, Sam, Lucie, Ben & all your friends & family xx
19 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986

Events at Sto tfold Librar y. (All the follo wing events are FREE and no booking is required )


Ever y Friday 10.30am-12pm Knit and Knatter


Februar y School Holiday Activities Tuesday 14th – Saturday 18th Feb

FREE craft packs will be available to pick up f rom the librar y all week

Friday 17th Feb – 2pm-4pm FREE Face painting

Ever y Tuesday

10 30am Stor y and Rhyme Time (recommended for children aged 0-5)

***NEW***NEW***NEW*** Ever y Thursday *In Par tnership with the Children’s Centre*

9 15am SEND Stor y time, designed specif ically for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) (recommended for children o f all ages)

Ever y Thursday *In par tnership with the Children’s Centre*

10 30am Sing and Sign with British Sign Language (recommended for children aged 0-5)


Ever y 2nd & 4th Monday *In par tnership with the Children’s Centre* (13th & 27th Februar y)

9am-10am Family Suppor t Drop-in (families with children aged 0-12 years)

Ever y Saturday

Lego and Duplo Club 10am-3pm (recommended for ages 0-109)

‘Warms Spaces’ in our librar y. Our librar y can pro vide a f ree warm and safe space As temperatures fall, we are reminding residents that you can f ind a warm space and an even warmer welcome at your local librar y. V isiting a librar y is f ree and we have a team o f f riendly staff ready to help new, existing, and returning customers. Whether you choose to pop in to enjo y some quiet time with a book or magazine, or to meet up with people who enjo y similar interests, there is something for ever yone. In addition, libraries o ffer f ree Wi-Fi and pro vide access to public compu ters making it a good option for people to work or study. To help you stay warm you are welcome to bring your o wn snacks, and drinks into the librar y. To use the librar y ser vices, you will need to register for a librar y card. This is completely f ree, and you can do this in any librar y or online at www.centralbedfordshire.go

Tuesday – 9am-1pm Wednesday – 2pm-6pm Thursday – 9am-1pm Friday – 9am-1pm & 2pm-6pm Saturday – 9am-4pm Sunday – Closed

*Grass fed lamb *Grass fed native beef *Rare breed ou tdoor reared por *Free range eggs & Fresh f ruit & Lo wer Wilbur y Farm, Sto tfold Road, Letchwor th SG6 4JS (Just past Fair f ield ) Tel: 07988 771107 Experience the wonder ful surroundings o f a real working farm Open Thurs - Sat 9am - 4 30pm & Sunday 10am - 1pm 20 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 Lower
& Butchery
Wilbury Farm Shop
News from Sto tfold Librar y

December saw only two matches played predominantly due to the arctic weather conditions The 1st team won their local derby at Shefford To wn and Campton 2-1 in the Christmas f ixture f inishing the year in 2nd place in the league The Development team played an away f ixture at the beginning o f the month going do wn 2-0 at Cranf ield Utd f inishing the year in 10th place in the league

The Women’s team top their league having only played four league games bu t winning them all. Our young U18 team f inished the year in 5th place in the Sou thern Counties Floodlit You th League. There is much for all the teams to play for in the second half o f the season. At the time o f going to print our Development team league f ixtures are un-available bu t these will be posted on the website and on social media.

Februar y Fixtures:

U18 Thurs 2 7.45 Home Baldock To wn U18

1st Sat 4 3.00 Away London Colney

Wm’s Sun 5 2.00 Home Bedford Ladies Blues

U18 Thurs 9 7 45 Home Winslo w Utd

1st Sat 11 3 00 Home Ardley Utd

Wm’s Sun 12 2 00 Away Knebwor th Women First

U18 Thurs 16 7 45 Home Ampthill To wn U18

1st Sat 18 3 00 Home St Panteleimon

Wm’s Sun 19 2 00 Home Biggleswade Utd Ladies Reds (Beds Women’s Cup QF)

U18 Thurs 23 7 30 Away Ampthill To wn U18

1st Sat 25 3 00 Away Hoddesdon To wn

Wm’s Sun 26 2 00 Away Oaklands Wolves Ladies First 1st Tue 28 7 45 Home Risborough Rangers

Please keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages for news and up to date information

JSJ Stadium New Roker Park Arlesey Road Sto tfold, Bedfordshire, SG5 4HE T: 01462 539297 www sto tfoldfc co uk Twitter @sto tfoldfc Facebook @sto tfoldfc https://www sfc- theclubhouse co uk enquiries@sfc- theclubhouse co uk COME AND SUPPORT THE EAGLES!

21 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 Creating Something Different Adding Value and Appeal to your Home Bloc k Pa ving Na tu ral St one & Con cre te Sla bs B rickw ork - F en cin g Drivew ays-Pa th s-Court ya rd Pat ios-Rep airs The HERITAGE Paving Co. Call Brian Riley 01 46 2 73 068 2 - 07 97 4 1 70 48 7 (Stotfold) Free Estimates - Free Measuring Full Fitting - Exper t Ad vice Carpets, Laminates, V inyls and Woods Insurance and Contract Work 1 Such Close, Works Road,Letchwor th, Her ts SG6 1JF Tel: 01462 481312 www.letchwor thcarpetcentre co uk Email orders@letchwor thcarpetcentre co uk Letchworth Carpet Centre Number ONE for Price Quality and Ser vice YOUR LOCAL NO.1 Open by apointment only - Please call us on the number below or email orders@letchworthcarpetcentre co uk to arrange a time convenient to you News From Sto tfold Foo tball Club VOLUNTEERS WANTED! Matchday stewards, turnstile operators and kitchen helpers WANTED! Please contact us through our website www sto tfoldfc co uk

Februar y Fun Quiz

For our FEBRUARY FUN QUIZ, compiled and presented by Sto tfold’s ver y o wn Brain o f Britain, David Stedman, our theme is GREEK MYTHOLOGY, with clues contained in each question or in each answer (ANSWERS on page 32)

1 Name the English actress, pictured right, whose most famous f ilm role is playing a character named Hermione Jean Granger?

2 Name the Greek singer with the pop group Aphrodite’s Child who, as a solo ar tist, became famous for high-pitched singing, wearing kaftans and who was cruelly nicknamed ‘ the singing tent’?

3 What was the o verall name o f the American NASA space travel project which, f rom 1968 to 1972, successfully landed astronau ts on the Moon?

4. Hector was a 19th centur y French romantic composer best kno wn for his “Symphonie fantastique” and his opera “The Trojans” What was his surname?

5. The capital o f the US state o f Arizona shares its name with what my thological creature?

6. What is the name o f the device pictured right, a small open wooden cabinet which can display two or three decanters?

7. What is the name o f the ocean liner which, in the 1972 disaster f ilm featuring Gene Hackman and Ernest Borgnine, is capsized by a tsunami while on its last vo yage?

8. What is the four-letter common name o f the ratite bird o f Sou th America which is distantly related to the emu and ostrich and which has two distinct species, the greater (or American) and the lesser (or Dar win’s)?

9. What was the name o f the British pop group who released the 1967 single “King Midas in Reverse”, written by group member Graham Nash?

10. What is the name, which means ‘sea -horse’ in English, o f the structure o f the human brain which lies deep inside the temporal lobe and has a vital purpose in learning and memor y?

11. Name the 20th centur y Anglo -Irish Dame and no velist whose most famous works are “The Sea, The Sea” and “A Severed Head” and who has been played on f ilm by Dame Judi Dench?

12 In “Only Fools and Horses”, what is the f irst name o f the character who is the girlf riend, later the wife, o f Rodney Tro tter?

13 The 12,448 feet high Mount Erebus is the most sou therly active volcano in the world It is situated on what continent?

14 What is the name o f the Paris based company, logo (right,) famous for their expensive luxur y silk scar ves and o ther similar accessories?

15 What is the name o f the top level foo tball team which plays home games at the Johan Cru yff Arena in Amsterdam?

16 Name the Nobel Prize -winning American dramatist who wro te the 1931 play “Mourning Becomes Electra” and the 1941 play “Long Day’s Journey Into Night”?

17. What is the name o f the UK based catalogue retail chain founded by Richard Tompkins during the 1970s and which sprang f rom his Green Shield stamps venture?

18. Give the f irst name and surname o f this “Wacky Races” character

19. The only kno wn immor tal creature is a Medusa with the scientif ic name Turritopsis dohrnii (sic) What general type o f creature is this?

20. What is the name o f the UK retail company which once sold ar t prints and posters f rom their chain o f stores, including the famous 1976 tennis girl poster, bu t which no w trades as an online retailer?

For more fascinating facts and to do wnload and read my no vels, completely free o f charge, please visit my website at or Google David Stedman au thor.

News Magazine
To contact the Sto tfold
please call 01462 731986

Mental Health Matters

Ho w to self soo th..

As a therapist, I have to commit to Continuous Pro fessional Development (CPD) in order to maintain my pro fessional body membership with BACP. This is because there is new research being under taken all the time. As recent times have reminded us, life is full o f personal and collective distress and thus the ability to self soo th is pretty impor tant! Recently, I was fascinated to learn abou t the vagus ner ve which was bought to my attention on a CPD course.

In simple terms, Scientif ic research sho ws that cer tain stimulation o f this vagus ner ve can evoke a sense o f calm This in turn, has various o ther bodily benef its like reducing inflammation and increasing immunity As it is more po wer ful to experience this phenomenon this course played a video sho wing several different clips o f interactions between humans and animals I found it soo thing and uplifting It was a great reminder o f what us animal lo vers already kno w abou t the therapeu tic benef its o f the connection between ourselves and our pets By the same token, I kno w o thers for whom animals, such as dogs, can cause great anxiety As we are all different, self soo thing is no t a one size f its all matter

The good news is that there are many ways in which we can stimulate the vagus ner ve to restore a sense o f calm and ability to think clearly I’ll be writing more abou t that next time

Jo Loach is a Psychodynamic Counsellor & Integrative Super visor You can contact her at


23 Barbering for all ages - NO W OPEN Monday - Saturday 9a Regent Street, Sto tfold - STOTFOLD - SHEFFORD - BIGGLESWADEBook via the Books app or via https://linktr ee/societybarbering
Pleased to welcome our 3rd Barber, Ewan to the Stotfold team OUT OF HOURS EMERGENCY CARE 01462 416416
Jo Loach

Don’t just take our word for it...

Good, regular communication from friendly staff

Vic Dawson

They exceeded expectations, always there to help with every aspect of our sale and purchase. Kevin for his knowledge, guidance and advice, Linda for her support & guidance throughout the whole process - not just our sale but our purchase as well! Maureen & Shaun,

Efficient, friendly and nothing was too much trouble Colin & Jill

From start to finish, Kevin and the staff at Satchells Stotfold were brilliant!

Communication and support was always availablegreat customer service and the team always worked hard in our best interests Kevin was a constant support and went above and beyond to navigate us through the sale and purchase of our properties Kevin was professional, approachable and always available to respond to our queries.

Andrew & Joy

Whether you are looking to buy or sell your property or just get an up to date valuation, at Satchells we always put our clients at the heart of what we do. Call in at 47b High Street, Stotfold SG5 4LD or Call 01462 733730


Sim ply call in to the Stotfold Town Council of fice to grab yourself a copy

If you are orde ring two or more the n call Stotfold Town Council on 01462 730064 to purchas e your c alendars over the phone. Delivery can be a rra nged if you a re unable to ge t up t o the Counc il offices to colle ct your copy

2023 Sto tfold Calendar! 25 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 THERE’S STILL TIME TO GRAB YOUR COPY! ! There’s still chance to grab yourself a 2023 Stotfold calendar
News Magazine in association with
packed full of stunning pictures taken within our town
entitled ‘Stotfold in Pictures’ from the Stotfold Town Council offices. Produced by
Stotfold Town Council,
calendar makes a wonder ful keepsake or gift
The calendar, priced at just £6 is available from the Stotfold Town Council front office all proceeds from the calendar will go towards the Stotfold Christmas Lights fund for 2023
FREE Pr escription deliver y ser vice to ALL Ar lesey and Stotfold r esidents FREE Repeat pr escription "dr op-of f" and collection ser vice fr om Ar lesey Medical Centr e and Lar ksfield (Stotfold) Sur ger y. Mon to Fri 8.45am - 1pm & 2.00pm - 6.15pm Satur day & Sunday - Closed Tel. 01462 731200 leseyphar ARLESEY PHARMAC Y 31 High Street, Arlesey, Beds SG15 6RA

Would you like to meet new people? Anyone can come to our social events These include: Community Co ffee Mornings in Church on the f irst Wednesday o f the month at 10 30am Warm Wednesdays - come along for a tea and co ffee, chat and games 10 30am-12 30 in Church Hymns for Fun, second Wednesday o f the month at 2 00pm Whist Group on the second and four th Tuesday o f each month at 2 00pm in the Church Hall The Friendship Lunch, a fello wship lunch on the last Wednesday o f the month at The Stag on Brook Street (If you would like to come along please book with Carolyn Bleach on 07759 914891) St Mar y's Women's Fello wship, the third Wednesday o f each month in St Mar y's Church Hall 3 00-5 00pm There are a variety o f interesting speakers Men’s Big Breakfast, meets on the last Saturday o f the month at 9 00am at the Box o f Cakes Please phone Roger for details on 730103

Upcoming events: Februar y 18, Saturday, Jigsaw Sale 10 00am-12 noon Februar y 19, Sto tfold Civic Ser vice, 3 00pm, Februar y 22, Ash Wednesday Ser vice

Your Parish Church is open ever y day f rom 9 00am-4 30pm for anyone who wants a time o f quiet personal prayer or refection or to light a candle There is also a Prayer Box in which you can place a prayer The vicar will later pray your prayer at our daily ser vices Worship Ser vices: Ever y Sunday in Church: 9 00am Sunday Morning Prayer 10 00am Parish Communion and Sunday School for children First Sunday o f the Month: 8 00am Said Communion 9 00am Sunday Morning Prayer 10.00am. Parish Communion and Sunday School for children. 4.00pm. Tea Time Praise for young families.

Wednesday Ser vice in Church 9.45am.Parish Communion: a 40 minu te ser vice. Monday-Saturday in Church 9.00am. Morning Prayer Ser vice. A small group gathers in church for 20 minu tes. Christenings/Baptisms Will be held at 2.30pm and 3.30pm on the 4th Sunday o f the month. Please contact Sara Clark: or 01462 625270. Funerals The Parish Church is available for any local person’s funeral. For more information speak to your funeral director or contact Revd. Bill on 01462 730218 or .

The Church o f England Parish Church for Sto tfold & Fair f ield, Church Road SG5 4NE

26 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 News
NOW OPEN in Stotfold 20 Regent Street, Stotfold, Herts SG5 4EA Telephone: 07584 979361 Open Tuesday - Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm Saturday 8.30am - 4.00pm Sunday 10.00am-2.00pm Fresh produce Great value Traditional English Butchers Offering Quality Free Range Meat, Game & Fresh Eggs.
from St Mar y’s Church


The Greenacre Centre

Valerian Way, Sto tfold

Hitchin, Her ts, SG5 4HG

Telephone number: 01462 730064

Email address: enquiries@sto tfoldto wncouncil.go Website: www.sto tfoldto wncouncil.go

Opening hours: 10am to 4pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri – CLOSED WEDNESDAYS


This year ’s Annual To wn Meeting will be held on Thursday 9th March 2023 in the Memorial Hall, Hallwor th Drive, Sto tfold, star ting at 7 30pm This is a meeting o f the electorate and gives you an oppor tunity to bring matters o f concern to the Council A representative o f the RevIvel Association https://www revivel org/abou t- us/ will join us to talk abou t the worr yingly lo w water levels o f the River Ivel, which runs through Sto tfold Councillor Smith will be presenting the results o f our f irst Annual Resident’s Sur vey, and the evening will also include presentation o f this year ’s Citizens Awards


This ar ticle is a chance for residents to learn more abou t the people who represent you at the local level, your To wn Councillors This month, we hear f rom Councillor Jon Smith: Sto tfold has been my home since 2013 and development continues apace in the to wn. I am privileged to have been accepted on to the To wn Council in April 2022 in order that I can play a small par t in ho w we look after our to wn in the months and years to come. Sto tfold remains a fantastic place to live and I lo ve to make use o f the many walks available as well as the countr yside being close by. I have seen f irst-hand the hard work it has taken by the Council to deliver the Arlesey Road recreation ground project; this is a fantastic addition to the to wn. I'm looking for ward to playing my par t in ho w we impro ve Riverside, which is high on the Council's agenda.

I used to run my o wn IT business and am acu tely aware o f ho w impor tant physical and digital inf rastructure is to the success o f a To wn and the businesses that operate within. Par t o f my role on the council is Highways representative; I talk regularly with the maintenance teams at Central Beds Council to prioritise repairs to the to wn's roads and related inf rastructure. We have to work together to pro tect and build on our local amenities and ser vices which are under great strain I delivered the f irst annual resident’s sur vey, and I would like to thank ever yone that has taken par t All responses help us to plan for the fu ture My email address for any highway issues, or any o ther Council matters is: cllrjonsmith@sto tfoldto wncouncil go v uk



Sto tfold To wn Council, in collaboration with Central Bedfordshire Council, are inviting Sto tfold residents to get involved in our FREE TREE GIVEAWAY! The small saplings (whips) available are Hawthorn, Bird Cherr y, Silver Birch, Crab Apple, Ro wan and Field Maple These are to be planted in gardens or on land with lando wners’ permission You will be required to complete a shor t ‘Adoption Care Contract’ which you can do online, by scanning the QR code belo w, or in-person f rom our o ff ice at the Greenacre Centre, Valerian Way, Sto tfold, SG5 4HG Applications must be received by Monday 13th Februar y 2023 and trees should be collected between 20th – 24th Februar y 2023 Please no te that trees should be planted no later than the end o f March 2023 and will be o ffered on a f irst come f irst ser ved basis Full details and our terms and conditions can be found on our website www sto tfoldto wncouncil go v uk


Thank you to those who submitted suggested locations for the three Jubilee benches These have been conf irmed as The Green, Millennium Green and ou tside the Greenacre Centre Unfor tunately, due to the poor winter weather before the end o f last year, we were unable to get these installed as we would have liked to Ho wever, they should be in place early this year, if no t already done by the time you read this!

The three Jubilee trees, purchased by the To wn Council, have been planted – two on The Green (Lime) and one at Prince Charles Avenue (Oak). These have been mapped on the Queen’s Green Canopy website We also asked you to suggest locations for trees being supplied under Central Bedfordshire Council’s Tree Planting Grant Scheme. Your suggestions were for warded to Central Bedfordshire Council, who are assessing each site for underground u tilities, o wnership and suitability, and we hope to hear back f rom them soon as to agreed locations.


Under the new Grounds Maintenance & Grass Cu tting Contract (2023-2026), we have included new areas within the contract to help increase biodiversity We are looking at creating new areas around the Greenacre development to attract pollinators and wildlife, together with a quiet contemplation area at the Cemeter y, creating a wildflo wer area with seating

To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986


It has been said, “To err is human, to forgive divine.” This recognises that making a mess o f things is common to us all. It also recognises that sometimes it requires a superhuman or supernatural strength in order to forgive. Bu t it wasn’t God who said, “To err is human, to forgive divine.” You won’t f ind that in the Bible it was written by Alexander Pope, in An essay on criticism.) What you will f ind in the pages o f the Bible ho wever are two things: A promise and a challenge.

• The promise is that o f God’s forgiveness, f reely o ffered to each one o f us.

• The challenge is for us to forgive one ano ther, as God has forgiven us. You see, forgiveness is at the hear t o f the Christian faith “Father, forgive them,” Jesus prayed f rom the cross In Ephesians we read, “Forgive one ano ther as God in Christ has forgiven you ” The ancient creeds aff irm, “I believe in the forgiveness o f sins ”

Forgiveness is abou t deep healing, the thorough repair o f broken relationships, the remo val o f the poison that destro ys lo ve and harmony, the restoration o f wholeness and trust Forgiveness is abou t making what is tragically broken right again Forgiveness is neither an armistice nor an amnesty It is saying with complete tru thfulness, “The wrong is no w righted, and I no longer count this against you ”

True forgiveness is uncommon in our human experience no t because it is hard to do, bu t because it is impossible to do Ask a person to be civil, to be kind, or to no t repay harm with harm, and it might be done Bu t do no t ask them to forgive True forgiveness is no t humanly possible Then who could tell anyone that they must forgive? Who bu t God alone?

God is calling us to do what we canno t do God does no t simply ask us to do the diff icult he asks us to do the impossible The only way it can be possible is because God invites us to share his forgiveness with o thers It is only when we have experienced for ourselves the liberating po wer o f forgiveness that we understand its po wer to transform o thers These promises f rom God are no t dependent on our per formance: they have already been given to us, and are a guaranteed par t o f our eternal inheritance in Jesus.

May you kno w the comfor ting presence and the life -changing po wer o f God and the jo y o f forgiveness received and given in your life.


Would you like to join a f riendly local group for a weekly local walk? Walks star t at 10.45am Meeting points for Februar y: 2nd, 9th & 16thArlesey Station 23rd Etonbur y Wood (entrance by the school ) For details contact Beth Over f ield 01462 815672

28 Find us on facebook: The Sto tfold News Magazine
from King’s Baptist Church

ting the planet

To me, that last challenge is getting nearer to what’s impor tant abou t faith It sho ws that there’s more than a random reason for our world’s existence We don’t have to deny science and histor y to believe that our planet is lo ved by God, and that it’s impor tant to look after it and the people and life that inhabit it In fact bo th science and histor y testify that some radical repentance is in order I’m unsure what I will do differently for those six weeks f rom Ash Wednesday to Holy Week, bu t hopefully I’ll understand something more abou t this place we all share, and o f my place in it


Co ffee morning, Saturday 4th Februar y, 10am to 12pm. Monday Club is 2pm to 3:30pm. Sunday worship at 10am will be do wnstairs in the lounge:

5th : Jackie Hall

12th : no ser vice.

19th : Revd Graham Claydon-Knights (Holy Communion) 26th : Local congregation

Revd Graham 07340 857386 Graham Claydon-Knights@methodist org uk

Charit y Garage Sale

At 20 White Cro fts, Sto tfold, SG5 4EB Sundays Februar y 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th, 2023 Time 10am to 4pm All proceeds to Alzheimers (f ight against Dementia) Contact Bridget on 01462 639279.

29 Email us at sto tfold news@yahoo co uk A L F I E ’ S Walk-ins & appointments available! Gents Cut Hair Designs Skin Fades All over grades Under 10’s Sides & back Beard Trims OAP Concessions Mon-Fri Mon 9am-5 30pm Tues 9am-6pm Wed 9am-7 30pm Thus 9am-6pm Fri 9am-6pm Sat 7 30am-5pm 01462 658449 15 Hitchin Road, Stotfold SG5 4HP James’s Carpentry & General Handyman Service T: (01462) 234292 or 07887 871212 Exterior & Interior Property Maintenance * Decorating * Furniture Building * Painting * Carpentry & more * Carpet Cleaning FREE QUOTATIONS News from Sto tfold Methodist Church Lo ved and impor tant 22nd Februar y is Ash Wednesday It marks a the beginning o f the Christian obser vation o f Lent, a time o f fasting for some, o f repentance for o thers, and for the taking on o f challenges
people will abstain
rom chocolate, or social media or something
they think might be distracting them f rom
will be challenging themselves by committing to be creative ever
day, or read something ou t o f
campaigns will challenge people to live withou
their car or plastic or ano ther
else that
follo wing Jesus Others
their comfor t zone Some
thing that’s
30 C AR SALESMEC HANIC ALBOD YWO RKQuality used cars & vans supplied Excellent after sales care, our warrantees cover both parts & labour Motor vehicle servicing and general repair work undertaken, any make or model Accident repair and insurance work specialists 2 Arlesey Road, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts SG5 4HA Formerly Cramps Garage Sales (01462) 732400 Services and Bodywork (01462) 731500 BAL & CO. MOTOR CARE Established 2010 Fully insured & DBS checked Loving care guaranteed! Call Liz: 07894 561765 News from Sto tfold Ar t Group Many thanks to ever yone who braved a ver y cold weekend to visit our exhibition in the Roecro ft Centre The sales o f paintings, cards and crafts were ver y good The Ar t Group also enjo yed creating paintings on a pantomime theme for our tree in St Mar y's festival To brighten the new year we have two ver y different flo wer paintings Jenny Musselwhite's traditional watercolour o f Honesty and Hellebores is set o ff by an o val mount Sue Farmer uses acylics in a special pouring technique to create a vivid flo wer picture, which she calls Floral Breakthrough Bo th were sho wn at our recent exhibition If 2023 is the year you are looking to join a new group or hobby then Sto tfold Ar t Group may just be for you! Call Sto tfold Ar t Group on 07734 304590 for more details Abo ve, Sue’s acr ylic ar t and right, Jenny’s watercolour


Stir the so y sauce into the beef mixture, toss well and stir-f r y for 2 minu tes or until piping ho t Ser ve with noodles or rice

This dish could be make meat-f ree by swapping the beef for sliced mushrooms - including a few exo tic ones if possible to add a real depth o f flavour

31 To contact the Sto tfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 Februar y Recipe Sal vation Army Ladies Fello wship Februar y 20th HO W TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN A DEAD -END JOB Malcolm Jones Ladies fello wship meetings and events 01462 730739. Established 197 1 ajb fencing * fencing * decking * pergolas * summer houses For a FREE quotation call Andy on 07837 791365 or (01462) 628388 Public Liability Insured Established 18 years
Ser ves 4 - FREE & ready in 15 minu tes
Brought to us from Slimming World, Sto tfold. CHILLI BEEF STIR -FRY
Lo w calorie cooking spray 1 red chilli, deseeded and f inely chopped 4 spring onions, f inely sliced
3cm piece f resh roo t ginger, peeled and grated 4 garlic clo ves, crushed 500g lean beef
(5% fat or less) 400g mixed stir-f r y vegetables 4 tbsp so y sauce Spray a non- stick wok or large f r ying pan with lo w-calorie cooking spray and pu t it o ver a high heat Add the chilli, spring onions, ginger, garlic, beef and vegetables and stir-f r y for 6-7 minu tes, stirring o ften, until the beef is cooked through and the vegetables are just tender Drain o ff any fat
ANSWERS to JANUARY FUN QUIZ on page 22 1 Emma Watson (in Harr y Po tter f ilms); 2 Demis Roussos; 3 APOLLO; 4 Berlioz; 5 PHOENIX; 6 TANTALUS; 7 “The POSEIDON Ad venture”; 8 RHEA; 9 The Hollies; 10 HIPPOCAMPUS; 11 IRIS Murdoch; 12 CASSANDR A (Gwyneth Strong); 13 Antarctica; 14 HERMES; 15 A JAX; 16 Eugene O’Neill; 17 ARGOS; 18 PENELOPE Pitstop; 19 Jellyf ish; 20 ATHENA STO TFOLD GARDEN CLUB Meetings and Trips Meetings are held on the second Wednesday o f the month at St Mar y’s Church Hall, Church Road Wednesday 8th Februar y 2023 Talk by Andrew Babic z – ‘Container Gardening’ Tea and Co ffee ser ved – meeting star ts at approximately 10:15am Raffle For more information, contact Peter on: (01462) 834854 or 07758649721 sto The Coronation o f His Majesty The King will take place on Saturday 6th May, 2023 In recognition o f this, we thought we would share this extra special pho tograph kindly loaned to the Sto tfold & Arlesey News by Chris Webster The pho to sho ws Mr Webb (Chris’s Dad ) driving his lorr y though Arlesey High Street, loaded up with local youngsters as par t o f the parade held to mark the Coronation o f Queen Elizabeth II on 2nd June 1953 We kno w there are a few faces on here no w living in Sto tfold and there are sure to be o thers that some readers will recognise! We hope you enjo y tr ying to see who you kno w - as always, if you have any names we always enjo y including them in fu ture issues Thank you Chris for lending this to us! If you have any you are willing to lend us please do get in touch.

Useful Telephone Numbers

General Helplines:

Citizen’s Advice Bureau 01525 402742

Trading Standards Advice Line 0300 300 8136 Samaritans 01462 455333

Bir ths, Deaths & Marriages 0300 300 8089

Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group 07599 925587


Hope Chapel 01462 686803

King’s Baptist Church 01462 730521

Methodist Church 01462 731167

Salvation Army Hall 01462 731072

Ladies Fello wship 01462 730739

St Mar y’s Church 01462 730218

St Mar y's Church Hall 07727 688877

Friends o f St Mar y’s 01462 834108

Fair f ield Community Church 07376 740410 Local Council

Sto tfold To wn Council 01462 730064

Email:enquiries@sto tfoldto wncouncil go v uk

Central Bedfordshire Council 0300 300 8000

Email:customer.ser vices@centralbedfordshire.go

www centralbedfordshire go v uk


Larksf ield Surger y Appointments 01462 732244 Enquiries 01462 732200

Ou t o f Hours Ser vice: Call 111

Arlesey Medical Centre 01462 732144

Household Emergencies

Electricity Emergencies 0800 783 8838 Gas Emergencies 0800 111999 Housing

First Garden City Homes 01462 683307

Grand Union Housing - all enquiries 0300 123 5544

Health/Social Helplines

Childline 0800 1111

National Menengitis Trust 0845 6000800 Samaritans 08457 909090

NSPCC 0800 800 5000 Hospitals

Bedford Hospital 01234 355122 Lister Hospital 01438 314333 NHS Direct 0845 46 47 Librar y Sto tfold Librar y 0300 300 8068

Arlesey Resource Centre & Librar y 01462 731469. Police

Beds Police (Crime repor ting) 01234 841212 Crimestoppers 0800 555111 Pubs

Coach & Horses 01462 734135

Fox & Duck 01462 732434

The Cro wn 01462 731061

The Stag Tavern 01462 731098 Cafe

Box o f Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop 07812 055587 Transpor t Trains (National Enquiries) 08457 484950

Whitbread Wanderbus 0300 123 3023 Schools

Etonbur y Academy 01462 730391

Pix Brook Academy 01462 416243

Fair f ield Park Lo wer School 01462 830000

Roecro ft Lo wer School 01462 730336

St Mar y’s Academy 01462 730343

Samuel Whitbread Academy 01462 629900 Nurseries

Pippin Pre -School 01462 834897

Poppies Nurser y 07833 927906

Poppyf ields Nurser y 01462 830008 Busy Bees 01462 734306 Taxi Ser vice Greenacre Transfers Airpor ts & Chau ffeur Ser vices 07555 70 78 48 www greenacretransfers co uk


Local Director y

Accountancy & Tax -

Sue Matejtschuk (SCM Accountancy)

01462 624926

AD Garden Rooms 01438 313765

A JB Fencing 07837 791365

A J Day Builders 01767 314445

Alf ie’s Barbers 01462 658449

Andy Leonard Painter & Decorator 07889 903283

Arlesey Walking Group 01462 638286

Arlesey Pharmacy 01462 731200

Arlesey Social Club 01462 731361

Aquarius Garden Design 01462 731292

Ashwell So ftware / Sigma Off ice 01462 742783

Barn Hair Studio 01462 835611

Bal & Co Mo tor Care 01462 731500

Bews Electrical 01462 834488

Big Minibus Hire 07817 766997

BK Electrical / Brian Kelly 07817545314

Box Of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop 07812 055587

Britannia Coaches 01462 436125

Broadband Communications 01462 732628

BSH Glazing ( Windo ws & Doors) 01462 730884

Bugs ‘n’ Things Pest Control 0800 026 8823

Builders - SJ Brock 01462 231257

Carpet Cleaning - ACCS Ltd 01462 629302

Carpets & Flooring - Letchwor th Carpet Centre 01462 481312

Carpets & Flooring - Paul Faulkner 01462 731674

Catsitter - Claire 07984 344997

Centroheat Domestic Boiler & Heating Ser vices 07885 415363

Compu ter Repairs - NIck Saunders 07521 279960

The Cooker Buddy Oven Cleaning 01462 810065

Chris Webster, Sto tfold 01462 834108 (Correspondent for The Comet )

Darren Peters Proper ty Maintenance 01462 733322

Dennison’s - House & Garden Clearance 07522 354141

Dog walking & cat sitting - Smiley Pets 07894 561765

EH Crouch Funeral Directors 01462 834040

Electrician - Terr y C Seymour 01462 236559

Fair f ield Bo wls Club 07811 738599

Fencing (A JB) 07837 791365

Finesse Interiors 01462 896046

First Step Estate Agents 01462 659730

Foo t Health Pro fessional - V icki Eagles 07812 399659

Foo t Pro Podiatr y 07377 536685

The Garden Robin Limited 01462 815968

Gifford Dance Academy 07585 221513

Graham Smith Brickwork & Paving 01462 731829

Greenacre Transfers Airpor ts & Chau ffeur Ser vices

www greenacretransfers co uk 07555 707848

Guides - Sto tfold Guide Association 01462 235273

Henlo w Vets 01462 416416

Heritage Paving 01462 730682

Hypno therapy - Pathway Hypno therapy Rooms 07497157531

James’s Carpentr y & Handyman Ser vice 01462 234292

Jar vis Foo tcare 07816 329363

Kumari Chiropractic 07479 945995

Locksmith Ser vices 01462 290226

Lo ved Gardens 07981 275663

Lo wer Wilbur y Farm 07988 771107

Maintenance Ser vices - SHMS 01462 887366

Mo w & Weedit Garden Ser vices 07765 495200

New Kitchens 01462 812826

Nick Sayer Plumbing & Heating 07456 559756

Nicky’s Nails 07747 042239

Nor th Her ts Road Runners 01462 639215

Oven Clean & Repair Ser vices 07878 444559

Painter/Decorator - Paul A Robinson 07761 751634 01462 232642

Paul Adler Opticians 01462 732393

Paul Eley Tiling 07818 000508

Paul Thomas Landscaping 07889 811065

Paul Williams Home Repairs & Maintenance 07881 289161

Piano Lessons - Christine Walker 01462 731357

Pilates - Zanna Newton 07719 862371

Pet Grooming - Paws & Claws 07913 005268

Plumbing - ALM Plumbing 07950 311963

Plumbing - C Plumb 01462 700862

Plumbing & Heating - GSP Heating & Plumbing 01462 615922

Plumbing - J D Heating & Plumbing Ser vices LTD 07474 444288

Plum-tek 01462 618058

RH Gardens 01462 612033

Roecro ft Centre - Maureen Winters 07727 688877

Regency Flo wers 01462 732616

Remo vals - AG Jenkins 01462 730562

Sto tfold & Arlesey Ro yal British Legion 01462 734133

Satchells Estate Agents 01462 733730

Saunders Garage 01462 730222

Sheldon Electricals 01767 448188

Shel's Shabby Chic, V intage painted furniture & workshops 01462 234228

Slimming World 07515 557803

Solicitors - HR J Foreman Laws 01462 458711

St Mar y's Church Hall 07727 688877

Sto tfold Ar t Group 07734 304590

Sto tfold Bo wls Club 01462 628204

Sto tfold Conser vative Club 01462 730534

Sto tfold Foo tball Club 01462 539297

Sto tfold Gardening Club 01462 834854

Sto tfold Good Neighbour Group 07599 925587

Sto tfold Junior Foo tball Club 07706 951263

Sto tfold Judo Club 07872 594499

Sto tfold Twirlers 07732 505614

Sto tfold Mill 01462 734541

Sto tfold News Magazine 01462 731986

Sto tfold Pharmacy 01462 730249

Sto tfold Shor t Mat Bo wls Club 01462 730841

Tailoring Ser vice 07575 417217

Warrens Windo ws 01462 261401

Windo ws - Repairs & Installations (J Garside) 07951 473505

Windo w Cleaning - ACCS Ltd 01462 629302

Windo w Cleaning (Jacks) 07950 510589

Yoga - Freda Dodswor th 01767 627611

35 Our experienced team of specialists in family and matrimonial law will help you focus on finding the most amicable resolution for your situation. • Relationship breakdown • Divorce • Dissolving a Civil Partnership • Separation • Matrimonial finances • Children • Pre-nup/Post-nup Agreements • Cohabitee disputes • Living together Agreements • Domestic violence HAVE YOU MADE THE DIFFICULT DECISION TO DIVORCE? Divorce • Family dispute • Relationship breakdown COMPANY & COMMERCIAL • COMMERCIAL PROPERTY CONVEYANCING • FAMILY • LITIGATION • WILLS, TRUSTS & PROBATE The only legal advice you will ever need. Since 1591. Or visit us at: 25 Bancroft, Hitchin, SG5 1JW to make an appointment. Contact us: t: 01462 458711 e:

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